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<center><h2>A site for sharing packet capture (pcap) files and malware samples.</h2></center>

<center>I started this blog in 2013 to share pcaps and malware samples.&nbsp; Due to issues with Google, I've had to take most all blog posts down from 2013 through 2017, and I've been slowly restoring these pages using a new pattern for the password-portected zip archives.</center>

<h2>Traffic Analysis Exercises:</h2>

<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="training-exercises.html" class="list_header">Click here</a> -- for training exercises to analyze pcap files of network traffic. &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="tutorials.html" class="list_header">Click here</a> -- for some tutorials and workshop material that will help for these exercises.</p>

<h2>My Blog Posts:</h2>

<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;[<a href="2013/index.html" class="list_header">2013</a>] - [<a href="2014/index.html" class="list_header">2014</a>] - [<a href="2015/index.html" class="list_header">2015</a>] - [<a href="2016/index.html" class="list_header">2016</a>] - [<a href="2017/index.html" class="list_header">2017</a>] - [<a href="2018/index.html" class="list_header">2018</a>] - [<a href="2019/index.html" class="list_header">2019</a>] - [<a href="2020/index.html" class="list_header">2020</a>] - [<a href="2021/index.html" class="list_header">2021</a>] - [<a href="2022/index.html" class="list_header">2022</a>] - [<a href="2023/index.html" class="list_header">2023</a>] - [<a href="2024/index.html" class="list_header">2024</a>]</p>

<h2>Guest Blog Posts:</h2>

<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="guest-blog-entries.html" class="list_header">Click here</a> -- for the few guest blog entries I've worked with others to post on this site.</p>



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