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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">
  <title>llia's site</title>
  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">

  <div class="navcontainer">
      <!-- i'll be honest with myself this is redundant but only bitches care -->
      <h1 id="wordmark"><a href="index.html">llia's site</a> <i id="blurb">...after all!</i></h1>
        <a href="">guestbook</a>
        <a href="system.html">sys</a>
        <a href="index.html">home</a>
        <a href="about.html">about</a>
  <div class="motherfuckingMainContainer">
      <div class="anotherFuckingDiv">
        <h1 id="notice">
          <mono>audio/opus</mono> :: dec1/24
          <a href="gjering.opus">this can be considered music</a> but i don't wanna
        <h1 id="notice">
          <mono>audio/opus</mono> :: nov27/24
          okay, because i like it too much, <a href="supine.opus">here it is for the site</a>.
          title is "my supine position bitch". practically unfinished, no rights reserved, originally uploaded on
          oct26/24. kthxbai
        <h1 id="notice">
          <mono>1st</mono>notice :: nov19/24
          new site layout. made it in 1 day because the old one
          was a genuine fucking nightmare to work with.
          i'm not going to restore any of the old notices i've made
          on here, due to the fact that whenever i looked at them i
          want to just delete the entire fucking site. bleh
          an archive of the previous layout may be put up, but that's
          currently up in the air.
      <img src="boid.png" alt="boid" id="boid">
        <p> 2024-12-09 ... ADDED BIRD</p>
        <p> 2024-11-28 ... made PMD sprite on about page change on hover and click, added credit for sprites</p>
        <p> 2024-11-21 ... made navbar use a clamp'd width, added a <a href="favicon.png">favicon</a> </p>
      <mrrp id="mrrplinks">
        <a href=""><img alt="Tumblr" title="Tumblr" src="icons/tumblr.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="Twitter" title="Twitter" src="icons/twitter.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="ActivityPub/Mastodon (" title="ActivityPub/Mastodon (" src="icons/activitypub.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="" title="" src="icons/lastfm.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="Bandcamp" title="Bandcamp" src="icons/bandcamp.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="SoundCloud" title="SoundCloud" src="icons/soundcloud.png"></a>
        <a href=""><img alt="bluesky (DON'T WASTE YOUR FUCKING TIME), 18+" title="bluesky (DON'T WASTE YOUR FUCKING TIME), 18+" src="icons/dogshit.png"></a>
      <img alt="A black-and-white Mineut cat lying on its side, cuddling a plush toy shaped like a cartoon cat. Overlaid text in a speech bubble reads: 'LEGAL SHIT: ALL CONTENT ON THIS PAGE IS LICENSED CC0, UNLESS WHERE IT IS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. THIS EXCLUDES THIS CAT PICTURE. I'M UNI :3 FOR ANY INQUIRIES: PLZ DON'T BOTHER.'" title="LEGAL SHIT: ALL CONTENT ON THIS PAGE IS LICENSED CC0, UNLESS WHERE IT IS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. THIS EXCLUDES THIS CAT PICTURE. I'M UNI :3 FOR ANY INQUIRIES: PLZ DON'T BOTHER. (intellectual property is an oxymoron. eat shit)" src="legal.png">
      <small id="credit">edited from <a href="">unicouniuni3</a></small>
