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Tecnologie · 11 identificate

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Tecnologie trovate nell'URL scansionato, utilizzando le definizioni open source fornite da Wappalyzer

Pubblicità · 1 identificati

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Logo Google AdSenseGoogle AdSenseGoogle AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers serve advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience.https://www.google.com/adsense/start/

Analytics · 1 identificati

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Logo Google AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.https://google.com/analytics

CDN · 3 identificati

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Logo jsDelivrjsDelivrJSDelivr is a free public CDN for open-source projects. It can serve web files directly from the npm registry and GitHub repositories without any configuration.https://www.jsdelivr.com/
Logo cdnjscdnjscdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.https://cdnjs.com
Logo CloudflareCloudflareCloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.https://www.cloudflare.com

Librerie JavaScript · 2 identificati

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Logo SwiperSwiperSwiper is a JavaScript library that creates modern touch sliders with hardware-accelerated transitions.https://swiperjs.com
Logo jQueryjQueryjQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.https://jquery.com

Varie · 1 identificati

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Logo HTTP/3HTTP/3HTTP/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.https://httpwg.org/

Sicurezza · 1 identificati

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Logo reCAPTCHAreCAPTCHAreCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse.https://www.google.com/recaptcha/

Framework IU · 1 identificati

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Logo BootstrapBootstrapBootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.https://getbootstrap.com

Widget · 1 identificati

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Logo ShareThisShareThisShareThis provides free engagement and growth tools (e.g., share buttons, follow buttons, and reaction buttons) for site owners.https://sharethis.com