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      <h1>Simon Vreeman</h1>
    <main role="main">
      <p>I am a Growth Advisor at Curamando and Conversionista, part of Eidra, in the Netherlands.</p>
      <p>At Eidra, we help brands turn brand awareness into incremental profit by optimizing their websites based on insights and data for conversions, users, and search engines. My main focus is Growth &amp; Technical Marketing, at the intersection of <abbr title="Conversion Rate Optimization">CRO</abbr>, <abbr title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</abbr>, and Web Analytics.</p>
      <p>To make this less abstract. Together with you, I want to make your website better. Here are a few concrete examples of things I enjoy working on. I help businesses with their online marketing strategy, Google Tag Manager (Server-side) implementations, Google Analytics 4 implementations, <abbr title="Consent Management Platform">CMP</abbr> and advertising platforms implementations, domain migrations, technical <abbr title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</abbr>, <abbr title="Conversion Rate Optimization">CRO</abbr>, and Cookie and Privacy website audits.</p>
      <p>I have worked with multiple clients including OpenUp, TreeHouse ( &amp;, Investment Officer, Moneybird, The Social Hub formerly The Student Hotel, TEDxAmsterdam, VST Fire Solutions, and others.</p>
      <!-- multi-disciplined approach, holistic, contextual view is what drives growth -->
      <p>Before I started my freelance business I was a Growth Marketing Manager at VanMoof for 3 years. I optimized the websites based on insights and data for the user and VanMoof. To achieve the company’s ultimate goal of getting the next billion on bikes.</p>
      <p>Previously I worked as a Senior <abbr title="Conversion Rate Optimization">CRO</abbr> Analyst at, a Conversion Specialist and Web Analyst at The Next Web (TNW), an Online Marketeer (focus on <abbr title="Conversion Rate Optimization">CRO</abbr> &amp; <abbr title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</abbr>) at Van der Valk Exclusief, and I was an Online Business Developer at Budeco.</p>
      <p>In 2017 I graduated <a href="" title="Master of Online Persuasion #7 afgerond" rel="noopener" target="_blank">cum laude</a><sup>[<a href="" title="I missed the graduation party because I was in Japan, but thanks to technology I was still there." rel="noopener" target="_blank">1</a>]</sup> with the <a href="" title="Master of Online Persuasion by Online Dialogue" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Master of Online Persuasion</a> by Online Dialogue. In this course, I learned how the consumer's brain works, how rational and irrational we humans are, and how to influence the decisions and experiences of a consumer's brain. In an ethical manner of course.</p>
      <h2 id="tools">Tools</h2>
        <dt>OpenAI Chat GPT's for Marketing and Stoicism</dt>
          <p><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Marketing Insights Guru</a> - Expert on Google's marketing papers, providing actionable insights. It contains the UX playbooks, Google Search Quality Guidelines, and papers about the Messy Middle that Google published.</p>
          <p><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Stoic Sage</a> - A stoic philosopher teacher, guiding with wisdom from Stoicism. It has knowledge from Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, Ryan Holiday, Pierre Hadot and James Stockdale.</p>
        <dt id="ga">Two Google Analytics tools</dt>
          <p>To quickly add <abbr title="Urchin Tracking Module">UTM</abbr> tags to an URL, I've created a <a href="" title="Google Analytics 4 URL Builder by Simon Vreeman"><strong>Google Analytics 4 UTM Campaign URL Builder</strong></a>. By filling in the <abbr title="Urchin Tracking Module">UTM</abbr> Medium, <abbr title="Urchin Tracking Module">UTM</abbr> Source and <abbr title="Urchin Tracking Module">UTM</abbr> Campaign you automatically get the URL with the tags appended. Besides that, you can check the URL with multiple tools, such as Google Pagespeed Insights or Google Structured Data Testing Tool.</p>
          <p>The <a href="" title="Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Hit Builder by Simon Vreeman"><strong>Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Hit Builder</strong></a> is a Proof of Concept to show how easy it is to send hits to a Google Analytics property. This can really help you figure out how to send transactions for your back-end e-commerce systems to Google Analytics without relying on client-side JavaScript.</p>
        <dt id="hypothesis"><a href="" title="Experiment Hypothesis Builder">Create a hypothesis for an experiment</a></dt>
        <dd>With this tool, it is even easier to create a good and solid hypothesis for your next experiment. Which can help in creating better experiments, easier analysis and having better learnings. It is based on the Hypothesis Kit by Craig Sullivan.</dd>
        <summary>More tools.</summary>
          <dt id="cro"><a href="" title="A/B/n and Multivariate Testing with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics" rel="noopener" target="_blank">A/B/n and <abbr title="Multivariate">MVT</abbr> Testing with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics</a></dt>
            <p>The costs of using an A/B testing tool, such as Google Optimize 360, Optimizely or <abbr title="Visual Website Optimizer">VWO</abbr>, were rising without providing extra value. That is why I started developing this script at Valk Exclusief with Online Dialogue. At <abbr title="The Next Web">TNW</abbr> I continued optimizing the script with Martijn Scheijbeler to make even leaner and more flexible.</p>
            <p>In this article, I explain how and why I used it at <abbr title="The Next Web">TNW</abbr>: <a href="" title="Marketing the TNW Way #9: A/B Testing with Google Tag Manager" rel="noopener" target="_blank">A/B Testing with Google Tag Manager</a>.</p>
          <dt id="cf"><a href="#" title="A/B/n and Multivariate Testing with Cloudflare" rel="noopener" target="_blank">A/B/n and <abbr title="Multivariate">MVT</abbr> Testing with Cloudflare</a></dt>
            <p><em>Work in Progress</em></p>
          <dt id="gtm"><a href="" title="Web and AMP example containers for Google Tag Manager" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Example Containers for Google Tag Manager</a></dt>
            <p>We also shared our web and <abbr title="Accelerated Mobile Pages Project">AMP</abbr> example containers for Google Tag Manager. It includes our A/B testing script, but also outbound link tracking, JavaScript error tracking, engagement, scroll, and YouTube tracking. You can find it <a href="" title="Google Tag Manager example container by The Next Web" rel="noopener" target="_blank">on Github</a> and add it to your own <abbr title="Google Tag Manager">GTM</abbr> container.</p>
            <p>If you have any ideas to make the script better or <abbr title="Google Tag Manager">GTM</abbr> containers, please let me know or contribute on Github.</p>
      <h2 id="speaking">Speaking</h2>
        <li><a href="">Search 'n Stuff Antalya Conference 2024</a></li>
        <li>Conversion Hotel Unconference 2021, 2022</li>
        <li>Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA)</li>
        <li><a href="" title="Video of Simon Vreeman speaking at Emerce Digital Marketing Live" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Emerce Digital Marketing Live 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Video of Simon Vreeman speaking at Search Y Paris" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Search Y Paris 2020 in Paris, France</a></li>
        <li>MIE 2020 in Utrecht, the Netherlands</li>
        <li>Friends of Search 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands</li>
        <li>Webwinkel Vakdagen 2020 in Utrecht, the Netherlands</li>
        <li>Emerce Performance 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands</li>
        <li>MeasureCamp Bucharest 2019</li>
        <li>MeasureCamp Amsterdam 2019, 2018, 2016</li>
        <li>e-Commerce Conference 2019 in Athens, Greece</li>
        <li>MeasureCamp London 2019, 2018 &amp; 2017</li>
      <h2 id="articles">Articles &amp; Podcasts</h2>
        <li><a href="" title="Technical SEO + CRO = ❤️ (ft. Simon Vreeman) ~ TechSEO Podcast" target="_blank">TechSEO Podcast with Dan Taylor: Technical SEO + CRO = ❤️</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Freelancing, (Big) Agencies, Cloudflare Magic &amp; AI Tips with Simon Vreeman - The Data to Value Show with Rick Dronkers" target="_blank">The Data to Value Show with Rick Dronkers - Freelancing, (Big) Agencies, Cloudflare Magic &amp; AI Tips</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Data-gedreven Marketing: BigQuery, GA4 en Server-Side Tracking - Casual Catch-up met Simon Vreeman en Roy Huiskes" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Casual Catch-up met Roy Huiskes over SEO, CRO &amp; Analytics</a></li><!-- -->
        <li><a href="" title="Inbound4Cast met Jerrel Arkes en Jeroen Stikkelorum over SEO en AI bij BrightonSEO 2024" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Inbound4Cast @ BrightonSEO - Met Jerrel Arkes en Jeroen Stikkelorum over SEO en AI</a></li><!-- -->
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        <li><a href="" title="Life after GDPR Podcast: Google Analytics in the EU with Steen Rasmussen, Petri Mertanen, Rick Dronkers, &amp; Simon Vreeman" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Life after GDPR Podcast: Google Analytics in the EU with Steen Rasmussen, Petri Mertanen, and Rick Dronkers</a></li>
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