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	<p class="text-xl">meow :3</p>

	<p class="text-3xl leading-loose">hiiiiiiii!!</p>

	<p>i am the cutest little kitty puppy girl thing ever :3</p>

	<p>i like little letters (lowercase) and purple and uh cats and programming and splatoon 3.</p>

	<p>i also develop a kinda neat service called <a href="" class="underline">splashcat</a>, a service for recording splatoon 3 statistics :3</p>

	<p class="text-xl leading-loose font-normal">mrowwwwwww</p>

	<p>i'm 19, so that's cool i guess. am also 🏳️‍⚧️trans.</p>

	<p>💜 in love with <a href="" rel="sweetheart date" class="underline">nea</a> &lt;333</p>

	<p class="text-2xl leading-10">recent notes and stuff</p>

	<p class="text-base leading-7 font-normal">
		little things i've wrote :3

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							replied to <span href="" class="u-in-reply-to underline"></span>
<p>it did yay </p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729374113">2024-10-19 21:41:53</time>
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<p>hihi will this post to bluesky without a link back pls? </p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729374079">2024-10-19 21:41:19</time>
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<p>webcage is so good,,,,</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729360811">2024-10-19 18:00:11</time>
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<p>just realized my girlfriend can post to my bluesky account now lol</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729359518">2024-10-19 17:38:38</time>
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							reposted <span href="" class="u-repost-of underline"></span>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729358675">2024-10-19 17:24:35</time>
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<p>i miss my girlfriend,,,,,,</p>

<p>i have her plushie though hehe</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729357893">2024-10-19 17:11:33</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
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<p>it's so weird having just a reverse chronological timeline to browse tbh. idk... </p>

<p>also weird having to come back to my website to post anything but that is the indieweb spirit or something (i could do pesos but takes effort, bleh)</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729323505">2024-10-19 07:38:25</time>
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<p>just realized i didn't have the heat on and so i've just been freezing to death</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729321622">2024-10-19 07:07:02</time>
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<p>ugh ok maybe this weekend i will redo how my website works so not every post syndicated to bluesky includes a url</p>

<p>but i am so eepy rn</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729320710">2024-10-19 06:51:50</time>
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 17: circuit</h2>
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													circuits!!!!!!											</div>
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						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729318692">2024-10-19 06:18:12</time>
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 16: log</h2>
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													these prompts are so hard pls make them stop :(											</div>
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						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729318588">2024-10-19 06:16:28</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 15: simply connected</h2>
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													what does that even mean...											</div>
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						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729318217">2024-10-19 06:10:17</time>
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<p>god my girlfriend has such good music tastes... or at least what she sends me/makes me listen to is really good</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729318121">2024-10-19 06:08:41</time>
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 14: homologous</h2>
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													log... but the same?? i guess? idk...											</div>
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						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729318098">2024-10-19 06:08:18</time>
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 13: cyclic hexagon</h2>
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													hexagons are the bestagons (or something)											</div>
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						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729317558">2024-10-19 05:59:18</time>
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						<h2 class="p-name text-lg font-medium">mathober day 12: hypergeometric</h2>
						<div class="prose prose-invert prose-sm md:prose-base line-clamp-3 p-summary">
													i didnt know what to draw lol											</div>
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									<span class="p-category">
						#mathober					</span>
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						#mathober2024					</span>
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729317483">2024-10-19 05:58:03</time>
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<p>huh i am like a week behind on mathober posting huh... oops</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729316612">2024-10-19 05:43:32</time>
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							reposted <span href="" class="u-repost-of underline"></span>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729316121">2024-10-19 05:35:21</time>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729316118">2024-10-19 05:35:18</time>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729316032">2024-10-19 05:33:52</time>
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<p>hi posting this on my website to check if it'll get syndicated to bluesky through bridgy (pls pls pls work)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729315678">2024-10-19 05:27:58</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
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<p>she stole my jacket from me (i stole it from her first and was wearing it cause it made me feel comfy and safe)</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729239249">2024-10-18 08:14:09</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/628/" data-id="628">
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<p>i miss hugging her jacket tbh</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729221922">2024-10-18 03:25:22</time>
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<p>have this stuck in my head now <span class="underline"></span></p>

<p>not complaining though :3</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729175932">2024-10-17 14:38:52</time>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729138965">2024-10-17 04:22:45</time>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729137415">2024-10-17 03:56:55</time>
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<p>just like. idk. this night is like. idk. can’t find the words rn</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729134479">2024-10-17 03:07:59</time>
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<p>feel kinda terrible rn tbh but i shouldn’t :deadAnya:</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729134406">2024-10-17 03:06:46</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/622/" data-id="622">
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<p>gay (i am bored)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729133683">2024-10-17 02:54:43</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/621/" data-id="621">
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<p>her jacket smells nice.......</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729115407">2024-10-16 21:50:07</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/620/" data-id="620">
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<p>omg i get to hug her jacket because she forgot it.....</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729114514">2024-10-16 21:35:14</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/619/" data-id="619">
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<p>this stupid armrest should stop existing (it is in my way and makes it uncomfy)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729107561">2024-10-16 19:39:21</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/618/" data-id="618">
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<p>blushing so much rn hehe</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729106585">2024-10-16 19:23:05</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/617/" data-id="617">
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						<div class="prose prose-invert prose-sm md:prose-base line-clamp-3 p-summary">
<p>blehhhhhh i dont wannya learn about java rn i wannya listen to the funny song that is stuck in my head for some reason (specifically the same like 10 seconds because it's sampling a song i rlly like...... or i could listen to the actual song thats being sampled....... idk i just wannya listen to music rn tbh)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729106175">2024-10-16 19:16:15</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/616/" data-id="616">
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<p>discord users will literally pay for nitro just to make their profile completely unreadable (i love white text on white background)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729057754">2024-10-16 05:49:14</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/615/" data-id="615">
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<p>painting my nails fucking sucks (it gives me too much time to think)</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729038844">2024-10-16 00:34:04</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/614/" data-id="614">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>god i had been doing so fucking good for a while and then today i have just been the most emotional mess ever lol</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729038783">2024-10-16 00:33:03</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/613/" data-id="613">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>my brain is very good at setting myself up for the maximum amount of pain if worst case scenarios happen huh</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729036626">2024-10-15 23:57:06</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/612/" data-id="612">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>somehow forgot my apartment complex is doing fucking radon testing because of course</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729035891">2024-10-15 23:44:51</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/611/" data-id="611">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>tbh it kinda makes me sad a bit to think about like, i have her in my discord bio and stuff. but i'm not in hers. but idk, it's whatever... probably shouldn't be sad about that but i kinda am &gt;.&lt;</p>

<p>hhhhhh god i am such a mess</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729023388">2024-10-15 20:16:28</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/610/" data-id="610">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>well now i just want to cry</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729019826">2024-10-15 19:17:06</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/609/" data-id="609">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>mmmmm she is just the cutest girl ever and i don’t understand how…………………</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729004048">2024-10-15 14:54:08</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/608/" data-id="608">
		<article class="bg-purple-700 shadow rounded p-2">
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<p>i am so gay……</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729003897">2024-10-15 14:51:37</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/607/" data-id="607">
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<p>cincinnati children’s is trying to make my life terrible rn huh</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1729001281">2024-10-15 14:08:01</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/606/" data-id="606">
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<p>i love fucking with internal apis and proxying them through my own server to fix my annoyances with this app (it showed the room incorrectly because the api data was wrong)</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728966050">2024-10-15 04:20:50</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/605/" data-id="605">
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<p>aaa i love her so fucking much.......</p>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728961527">2024-10-15 03:05:27</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/604/" data-id="604">
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<p>i love being her puppy………..</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728948281">2024-10-14 23:24:41</time>
</div><div class="h-entry hover:[view-transition-name:activity]">
	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/603/" data-id="603">
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<p>the tower dining experience is there not being a single clean fork in the entire place </p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728927545">2024-10-14 17:39:05</time>
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	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/602/" data-id="602">
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<p>wait what did she mean i’m relatively normal??</p>
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			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728857004">2024-10-13 22:03:24</time>
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	<a class="u-url" href="/activity/601/" data-id="601">
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							reposted <span href="" class="u-repost-of underline"></span>
			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap line-clamp-2 gap-2 text-sm">
			<time class="dt-published" datetime="1728852835">2024-10-13 20:53:55</time>
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