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Posts in English, Thai, Spanish (learning), maybe Japanese (learning), and possibly a conl...">

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Posts in English, Thai, Spanish (learning), maybe Japanese (learning), and possibly a conl...">
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Posts in English, Thai, Spanish (learning), maybe Japanese (learning), and possibly a conl...",
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      "@type": "Paper Frogs",
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Posts in English, Thai, Spanish (learning), maybe Japanese (learning), and possibly a conl..."
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        Paper Frogs
      <p><a href="/">Home</a> <a href="/blog/">Posts</a> <a href="/things-i-like/">Things I Like</a></p>


<p>Welcome to Paper Frogs, my own pond in a corner of the internet.<br>
Posts in English, Thai, Spanish (learning), maybe Japanese (learning), and possibly a conlang.</p>
❤️ rana/rana's<br>
👍 she/her; ella/la/-a</p>
<p>You can contact me through email at <code>limrana ☀️ pm 🌊 me</code>, replacing the ☀️ and 🌊 with the at sign and dot, respectively.</p>
<p>All foreground-background colour combinations meet APCA accessible colour contrast ≥75 L<sub>c</sub> (Lightness Contrast).<br>
* Note: The blog's theme adapts to match your browser's preferences!</p>
<h3 id="cool-bogs-from-other-frogs">Cool bogs from other frogs</h3><p><a href="" target="_blank">Colorless pink ideas sleep furiously</a> - My girlfriend's blog! She writes a lot about conlangs, worldbuilding, and linguistics!</p>
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