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  <title>ar5iv – Articles from as responsive HTML5 web documents</title>
  <meta name="description" content="ar5iv offers a modern web view for arXiv's preprints. An open community resource, on a quest to a full collection of high-quality documents.">
  <meta property="og:description" content="ar5iv offers a modern web view for arXiv's preprints. An open community resource, on a quest to a full collection of high-quality documents.">
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          <img alt="ar5iv logo" src="/assets/ar5iv.png" height="64"><br>
          Articles from <a class="ltx_ref" href=""></a> as
          responsive HTML<span style="color:#e44d26">5</span> web pages.

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            <ul class="ar5iv-homepage-main-list">
              <li style="margin-bottom: 2rem;"><span style="color:#e44d26">NEW:</span> ar5iv-04.2024 dataset is now 
                <a class="ltx_ref" href="">available for download</a>.
              <li style="margin-bottom: 2rem;">Converted from TeX with <a class="ltx_ref" href="">LaTeXML</a>.
              <li style="margin-bottom: 2rem;">Sources upto the end of September 2024.
                <span class="ltx_font_bold">Not</span> a live preview service.
              <li style="margin-bottom: 2rem;">For articles with multiple revisions,
                only a <span class="ltx_font_bold">single</span> version is made
                available.<br> When in doubt, always use the main article page.</li>
              <li style="margin-bottom: 5rem;"><span class="ltx_font_bold">Goal:</span> incremental improvement until
                worthy of native arXiv
              <li style="list-style-type: none;">
                <p class="ltx_p"><span>Sample: <a class="ltx_ref" href="/html/1910.06709">A Simple Proof of the
                <p class="ltx_p">View any ar<span class="ltx_font_bold">X</span>iv article URL by changing the <span class="ltx_font_bold">X</span>
                  to a <span style="color:#e44d26">5</span></p>
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                  <li><a class="ltx_ref" style="border:none;" href="">https://ar<span class="ltx_font_bold">x</span></a></li>
                  <li><a class="ltx_ref" style="border:none;" href="">https://ar<span style="color:#e44d26">5</span></a></li>

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            <title id="github-logo-title">GitHub octocat logo</title>
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            <title id="kwarc-logo-title">Logo of the KWARC Research group</title>
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