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transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><span class="text-color-alternate">Un sistema de identificación </span>para clientes, colaboradores, proveedores y más.</h2></div><div class="features-_content-right"><p data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f77" class="text-size-medium" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;">Reune todos los datos de identidad de personas y empresas en un lugar.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-layout-grid features-_list"><div id="w-node-_3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f92-24d76f69" data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f92" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">Identidad digital para personas y empresas</h3></div><p>Engloba datos e identificaciones validados en una identidad digital.</p></div><div data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f7a" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">Incrementa la velocidad</h3></div><p>Automatización y pre-llenado AI para hacer la validación lo más rápido posible. Reduce costos y fricción. </p></div><div id="w-node-_3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f82-24d76f69" data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f82" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="132" height="132" viewBox="0 0 53 53">
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21.208496 5.2021484 21.757813 5.6772461 22.359375 5.5898438 C 25.068848 5.1933594 27.934082 5.1933594 30.644531 5.5898438 C 31.250769 5.6816978 31.794922 5.2176199 31.794922 4.6015625 C 31.794922 4.0932617 31.409668 3.6728515 30.917969 3.609375 C 29.476318 3.3989258 27.996216 3.2937012 26.515625 3.2929688 z M 26.501953 6.875 C 21.907715 6.875 17.392578 8.0219726 13.441406 10.189453 C 12.842712 10.520495 12.739338 11.30711 13.208984 11.777344 C 13.539489 12.107018 14.043333 12.153676 14.425781 11.929688 C 18.077637 9.9316406 22.251953 8.875 26.501953 8.875 C 30.760254 8.875 34.938965 9.9335938 38.583984 11.933594 C 39.066895 12.199707 39.675293 12.020996 39.941406 11.537109 C 40.20752 11.053223 40.029297 10.445313 39.544922 10.179688 C 35.605957 8.0180664 31.095703 6.875 26.501953 6.875 z M 26.505859 10.464844 C 20.164062 10.464844 14.138184 12.95459 9.9863281 17.28125 L 9.8710938 17.402344 C 9.7938232 17.468689 9.7415771 17.557617 9.6875 17.644531 L 5.8261719 17.644531 C 5.2739258 17.644531 4.8261719 18.092285 4.8261719 18.644531 C 4.8261719 19.196777 5.2739258 19.644531 5.8261719 19.644531 L 12.697266 19.644531 C 12.651306 19.691406 12.599915 19.73584 12.554688 19.783203 C 11.378906 21.004395 10.121582 22.132813 8.8164062 23.136719 C 8.3789062 23.473145 8.2978515 24.101074 8.6347656 24.539062 C 8.9703769 24.975441 9.5982418 25.058384 10.037109 24.720703 C 11.42041 23.656738 12.751465 22.462891 13.998047 21.167969 C 14.516052 20.626282 15.09082 20.119202 15.707031 19.644531 L 18.611328 19.644531 C 17.324768 20.352844 16.14917 21.22998 15.144531 22.273438 C 13.206055 24.291992 11.084473 26.069336 8.8378906 27.554688 C 8.3769531 27.858887 8.25 28.479004 8.5546875 28.939453 C 8.8589926 29.400944 9.4822435 29.527 9.9414062 29.222656 C 12.311523 27.65625 14.546387 25.78418 16.585938 23.660156 C 19.042969 21.108887 22.660156 19.644531 26.507812 19.644531 C 29.527832 19.644531 32.453613 20.556641 34.748047 22.212891 C 35.197754 22.535645 35.821289 22.434582 36.144531 21.986328 C 36.467773 21.538574 36.368164 20.915039 35.919922 20.591797 C 35.437927 20.243896 34.924316 19.934021 34.398438 19.644531 L 37.273438 19.644531 C 37.886414 20.117065 38.477051 20.617554 39.011719 21.173828 C 40.256836 22.45752 41.583984 23.645996 42.957031 24.708984 C 43.396103 25.049175 44.023636 24.965294 44.359375 24.53125 C 44.697754 24.094727 44.618164 23.466797 44.181641 23.128906 C 42.883301 22.123047 41.626953 20.995606 40.451172 19.783203 C 40.404053 19.734192 40.348511 19.692993 40.300781 19.644531 L 46.173828 19.644531 C 46.726074 19.644531 47.173828 19.196777 47.173828 18.644531 C 47.173828 18.092285 46.726074 17.644531 46.173828 17.644531 L 43.304688 17.644531 C 42.880798 16.834475 39.381725 13.655855 34.876953 11.980469 C 34.362305 11.788086 33.78418 12.049805 33.591797 12.568359 C 33.398926 13.085937 33.662109 13.661133 34.179688 13.853516 C 36.511291 14.720947 38.661682 16.015381 40.503906 17.644531 L 37.935547 17.644531 C 34.711121 15.352417 30.703369 14.064453 26.507812 14.064453 C 24.412598 14.064453 22.35498 14.37793 20.394531 14.998047 C 19.868164 15.165039 19.575684 15.727051 19.742188 16.253906 C 19.909668 16.780762 20.471191 17.07373 20.998047 16.90625 C 22.763184 16.347656 24.617676 16.064453 26.507812 16.064453 C 29.123291 16.064453 31.64856 16.627075 33.919922 17.644531 L 17.732422 17.644531 C 17.721252 17.492554 17.685791 17.340515 17.601562 17.201172 C 17.31543 16.728516 16.700684 16.578125 16.228516 16.863281 C 15.820251 17.110107 15.428284 17.373291 15.046875 17.644531 L 12.523438 17.644531 C 16.240051 14.346313 21.241882 12.464844 26.505859 12.464844 C 27.842773 12.464844 29.150879 12.582031 30.392578 12.816406 C 30.937012 12.919922 31.458496 12.562988 31.560547 12.019531 C 31.662598 11.477051 31.306641 10.954102 30.763672 10.851562 C 29.400391 10.594727 27.966797 10.464844 26.505859 10.464844 z M 26.507812 21.234375 C 23.078125 21.234375 19.87793 22.520996 17.724609 24.765625 C 17.365723 25.14209 16.998047 25.509766 16.630859 25.859375 C 16.230469 26.240234 16.213379 26.871582 16.59375 27.271484 C 16.974394 27.671963 17.608055 27.689171 18.007812 27.308594 C 18.398926 26.936523 18.791016 26.544434 19.169922 26.146484 C 20.945312 24.295898 23.618164 23.234375 26.505859 23.234375 C 27.333984 23.234375 28.142578 23.319824 28.910156 23.488281 C 29.449707 23.609863 29.983398 23.266601 30.101562 22.726562 C 30.220215 22.1875 29.879394 21.65332 29.339844 21.535156 C 28.432129 21.335449 27.47998 21.234375 26.507812 21.234375 z M 32.896484 23.222656 C 32.644714 23.268921 32.410645 23.409912 32.253906 23.636719 C 31.94043 24.091309 32.053223 24.71582 32.507812 25.029297 C 32.987305 25.359863 33.431152 25.736328 33.828125 26.150391 C 36.513184 28.930664 39.449219 31.285645 42.554688 33.150391 C 43.027935 33.434338 43.64175 33.280025 43.925781 32.806641 C 44.209961 32.333496 44.057617 31.720203 43.583984 31.435547 C 40.628906 29.660633 37.831543 27.414062 35.269531 24.761719 C 34.781738 24.25293 34.234375 23.789551 33.644531 23.382812 C 33.417236 23.226318 33.148254 23.176392 32.896484 23.222656 z M 38.673828 23.511719 C 38.418213 23.521057 38.166504 23.627686 37.978516 23.830078 C 37.602539 24.234863 37.626465 24.866699 38.03125 25.242188 C 39.589355 26.689941 41.27832 28.024414 43.050781 29.208984 C 43.514271 29.517536 44.132919 29.389307 44.4375 28.933594 C 44.744141 28.474121 44.621094 27.854004 44.162109 27.546875 C 42.477539 26.421387 40.873047 25.152344 39.392578 23.777344 C 39.189941 23.589355 38.929443 23.50238 38.673828 23.511719 z M 26.488281 24.833984 C 24.033203 24.833984 21.780273 25.714844 20.308594 27.25 C 17.296875 30.379883 13.96875 32.992187 10.419922 35.013672 C 9.9399414 35.287109 9.7739257 35.896973 10.046875 36.376953 C 10.32195 36.859425 10.934383 37.024036 11.410156 36.751953 C 15.125488 34.635742 18.605957 31.904297 21.751953 28.634766 C 22.849609 27.489746 24.575195 26.833984 26.488281 26.833984 C 28.402832 26.833984 30.141113 27.492188 31.257812 28.640625 C 32.024902 29.428711 32.678223 30.062988 33.3125 30.636719 C 33.72168 31.007813 34.354004 30.976074 34.724609 30.566406 C 35.095215 30.157227 35.063965 29.524902 34.654297 29.154297 C 34.052246 28.608887 33.427734 28.00293 32.691406 27.246094 C 31.200684 25.712891 28.939941 24.833984 26.488281 24.833984 z M 26.505859 28.416016 C 25.502441 28.416016 24.570801 28.637695 23.810547 29.058594 C 23.327637 29.326172 23.152344 29.93457 23.419922 30.417969 C 23.6875 30.901367 24.297363 31.077637 24.779297 30.808594 C 25.858887 30.210449 27.937012 30.37793 28.662109 31.125 C 32.09668 34.700684 35.960449 37.708984 40.144531 40.066406 C 40.62571 40.337257 41.234978 40.166794 41.505859 39.685547 C 41.776855 39.20459 41.608399 38.595215 41.126953 38.324219 C 37.113281 36.0625 33.404297 33.174316 30.101562 29.736328 C 29.29834 28.908691 27.954101 28.416016 26.505859 28.416016 z M 13.498047 28.980469 C 13.244751 28.944519 12.979004 29.006103 12.757812 29.171875 C 11.611816 30.03418 10.516602 30.774414 9.4121094 31.435547 C 8.9379883 31.71875 8.784668 32.333008 9.0683594 32.806641 C 9.3526411 33.283165 9.9690417 33.432064 10.439453 33.150391 C 11.605469 32.452637 12.755859 31.674316 13.958984 30.769531 C 14.400391 30.4375 14.490234 29.810547 14.158203 29.369141 C 13.992187 29.148926 13.751343 29.016418 13.498047 28.980469 z M 26.525391 32.132812 C 25.97644 32.127869 25.421875 32.330078 24.984375 32.742188 C 23.532404 34.121876 17.297051 39.274925 13.765625 41.359375 C 13.290039 41.640625 13.131348 42.25293 13.412109 42.728516 C 13.691054 43.199738 14.302219 43.364445 14.783203 43.082031 C 18.381825 40.95705 24.877226 35.603848 26.359375 34.195312 C 26.430664 34.128906 26.539063 34.099609 26.626953 34.1875 C 27.455566 35.007324 28.380371 35.862305 29.375 36.728516 C 29.791504 37.09082 30.421875 37.046875 30.785156 36.630859 C 31.147949 36.214355 31.105957 35.583008 30.689453 35.220703 C 29.726563 34.381836 28.832031 33.555664 28.037109 32.769531 C 27.618164 32.350342 27.074341 32.137756 26.525391 32.132812 z M 37.785156 32.183594 C 37.532166 32.221924 37.292969 32.356445 37.128906 32.578125 C 36.80127 33.022461 36.895508 33.648438 37.339844 33.976562 C 38.735352 35.006348 40.162109 35.94043 41.582031 36.751953 C 42.059296 37.024887 42.672485 36.860138 42.947266 36.378906 C 43.221191 35.899414 43.053711 35.289551 42.574219 35.015625 C 41.22168 34.242188 39.860352 33.351074 38.527344 32.367188 C 38.304932 32.203125 38.038147 32.145264 37.785156 32.183594 z M 20.412109 32.535156 C 20.156799 32.518005 19.893799 32.5979 19.685547 32.779297 C 17.257324 34.902344 14.628418 36.768066 11.869141 38.324219 C 11.388184 38.595703 11.217285 39.206543 11.488281 39.6875 C 11.758826 40.167431 12.367518 40.337772 12.849609 40.066406 C 15.728027 38.442871 18.471191 36.498047 21.001953 34.285156 C 21.417969 33.921387 21.460937 33.290527 21.097656 32.875 C 20.916016 32.66748 20.667419 32.552307 20.412109 32.535156 z M 26.505859 36.898438 C 26.115967 36.899292 25.725586 37.037109 25.412109 37.314453 C 24.947754 37.73291 24.473145 38.152344 24 38.552734 C 23.578125 38.909668 23.525879 39.539551 23.882812 39.960938 C 24.240234 40.383301 24.873047 40.435547 25.292969 40.078125 C 25.700684 39.733398 26.108398 39.375977 26.505859 39.019531 C 29.362793 41.589355 32.472656 43.864746 35.753906 45.785156 C 36.229351 46.063713 36.841675 45.905163 37.121094 45.427734 C 37.400391 44.950684 37.240234 44.337402 36.763672 44.058594 C 33.507324 42.152344 30.427734 39.885742 27.595703 37.308594 C 27.285156 37.03418 26.895752 36.897583 26.505859 36.898438 z M 33.830078 38.142578 C 33.577271 38.181763 33.338623 38.316406 33.175781 38.539062 C 32.849121 38.984863 32.947266 39.611328 33.392578 39.9375 C 35.022461 41.130859 36.648926 42.190918 38.226562 43.089844 C 38.707519 43.363388 39.317123 43.193184 39.589844 42.714844 C 39.862793 42.234863 39.696289 41.625 39.216797 41.351562 C 37.705078 40.490723 36.142578 39.472168 34.574219 38.324219 C 34.35083 38.160645 34.082886 38.103394 33.830078 38.142578 z M 20.861328 41.392578 C 20.608765 41.350159 20.3396 41.402344 20.115234 41.5625 C 18.885254 42.438477 17.582519 43.281738 16.240234 44.068359 C 15.763672 44.347656 15.603516 44.960937 15.882812 45.4375 C 16.163385 45.916905 16.7778 46.07243 17.25 45.794922 C 18.643066 44.978516 19.999023 44.102051 21.277344 43.191406 C 21.727051 42.871094 21.832031 42.246582 21.511719 41.796875 C 21.351807 41.572022 21.113892 41.434998 20.861328 41.392578 z M 26.505859 41.564453 C 26.189697 41.564941 25.872803 41.671143 25.613281 41.882812 C 23.596191 43.544922 21.504883 45.04834 19.398438 46.353516 C 18.929199 46.644531 18.785156 47.260742 19.076172 47.730469 C 19.366699 48.199219 19.98291 48.345215 20.453125 48.054688 C 22.504883 46.783203 24.540039 45.329102 26.505859 43.734375 C 28.458984 45.324707 30.492188 46.777832 32.552734 48.054688 C 33.021294 48.344746 33.637802 48.200645 33.929688 47.730469 C 34.220703 47.260742 34.074707 46.644531 33.605469 46.353516 C 31.488281 45.041992 29.400879 43.537598 27.394531 41.876953 C 27.136475 41.668213 26.822021 41.563965 26.505859 41.564453 z M 5.8261719 41.964844 C 5.2739258 41.964844 4.8261719 42.412598 4.8261719 42.964844 L 4.8261719 49.498047 C 4.8261719 50.050293 5.2739258 50.498047 5.8261719 50.498047 L 12.357422 50.498047 C 12.909668 50.498047 13.357422 50.050293 13.357422 49.498047 C 13.357422 48.945801 12.909668 48.498047 12.357422 48.498047 L 6.8261719 48.498047 L 6.8261719 42.964844 C 6.8261719 42.412598 6.378418 41.964844 5.8261719 41.964844 z M 47.173828 41.964844 C 46.621582 41.964844 46.173828 42.412598 46.173828 42.964844 L 46.173828 48.498047 L 40.642578 48.498047 C 40.090332 48.498047 39.642578 48.945801 39.642578 49.498047 C 39.642578 50.050293 40.090332 50.498047 40.642578 50.498047 L 47.173828 50.498047 C 47.726074 50.498047 48.173828 50.050293 48.173828 49.498047 L 48.173828 42.964844 C 48.173828 42.412598 47.726074 41.964844 47.173828 41.964844 z M 26.515625 46.365234 C 26.026611 46.362305 25.5354 46.511963 25.115234 46.816406 C 24.609863 47.18457 24.113281 47.534668 23.607422 47.875 C 23.148926 48.183106 23.027344 48.805664 23.335938 49.263672 C 23.643555 49.722168 24.266602 49.843262 24.724609 49.535156 C 25.250977 49.181152 25.768555 48.817383 26.292969 48.435547 C 26.418945 48.343262 26.585938 48.345703 26.714844 48.441406 C 27.223633 48.815918 27.743652 49.180176 28.271484 49.535156 C 28.728807 49.842644 29.349655 49.72298 29.658203 49.263672 C 29.966797 48.805664 29.845215 48.183106 29.386719 47.875 C 28.882324 47.535644 28.387695 47.188477 27.90625 46.833984 C 27.491943 46.525146 27.004639 46.368164 26.515625 46.365234 z"></path>
</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">Biométricos</h3></div><p>Validación, consentimiento y autorización con biométricos.</p></div><div id="w-node-_3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f8a-24d76f69" data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f8a" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M 12 2 C 9.2447116 2 7 4.2447116 7 7 L 7 9 L 5.5 9 C 4.1250151 9 3 10.125015 3 11.5 L 3 19.5 C 3 20.874985 4.1250151 22 5.5 22 L 18.5 22 C 19.874985 22 21 20.874985 21 19.5 L 21 11.5 C 21 10.125015 19.874985 9 18.5 9 L 17 9 L 17 7 C 17 4.2447116 14.755288 2 12 2 z M 12 3 C 14.214712 3 16 4.7852884 16 7 L 16 9 L 8 9 L 8 7 C 8 4.7852884 9.7852884 3 12 3 z M 5.5 10 L 7.4199219 10 A 0.50005 0.50005 0 0 0 7.5820312 10 L 16.419922 10 A 0.50005 0.50005 0 0 0 16.582031 10 L 18.5 10 C 19.335015 10 20 10.664985 20 11.5 L 20 19.5 C 20 20.335015 19.335015 21 18.5 21 L 5.5 21 C 4.6649849 21 4 20.335015 4 19.5 L 4 11.5 C 4 10.664985 4.6649849 10 5.5 10 z M 8 15 A 1 1 0 0 0 8 17 A 1 1 0 0 0 8 15 z M 12 15 A 1 1 0 0 0 12 17 A 1 1 0 0 0 12 15 z M 16 15 A 1 1 0 0 0 16 17 A 1 1 0 0 0 16 15 z"></path>
</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">Encripta la información</h3></div><p>Encriptación de datos a nivel bancario. Cada persona y empresa tiene total control de quién tiene acceso, bajo su propia llave. </p></div><div id="w-node-_3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f9a-24d76f69" data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76f9a" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">Automatiza la revisión</h3></div><p>Automatiza la revisión de datos y documentos con AI, administra perfiles homologados. Evita fraude.</p></div><div id="w-node-_3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76fa2-24d76f69" data-w-id="3b896691-e860-89d2-73f2-2b0b24d76fa2" class="features-_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">LGDPPP y ARCO</h3></div><p>Cumplimiento y un paso más allá en el cuidado de los datos personales.</p></div></div></div><div class="margin-top margin-xlarge"><div class="button-group is-center"><a data-w-id="3f6b7748-bb8e-77ed-dc7b-76c101c1881f" href="/demo" class="button-block w-inline-block"><div class="button-text">Demo</div><div class="button-bg-wrap" style="width: 0px;"></div></a><a data-w-id="e3572934-2f7f-55b7-f007-0528d3ac66e1" href="/contacto" class="button-secondary w-inline-block"><div class="button-secondary-text">Contáctanos</div><div class="button-secondary-bg" style="width: 0px;"></div></a></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="blurr-intersection"></section><section class="section_home-solutions"><div class="padding-global"><div class="container-large"><div class="w-layout-grid home-solutions_component"><div id="w-node-_7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244540-f4321c78" class="home-solutions_content-wrapper"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244541" class="home-solutions_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244543" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-weight-medium">Soluciones Modulares</div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2 data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244546" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-color-white">Expedientes a la medida</h2></div><p data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244548" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-size-medium">Cada empresa tiene un proceso de alta diferente con requisitos, pasos, y datos a recopilar y validar. Elige los expedientes a solicitar a la medida para tu giro y proceso. </p><div class="margin-top margin-medium"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624454b" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="button-group"><a data-w-id="e3572934-2f7f-55b7-f007-0528d3ac66e1" href="/validaciones" class="button-secondary w-inline-block"><div class="button-secondary-text">Saber más</div><div class="button-secondary-bg" style="width: 0px;"></div></a></div></div><div class="home-solutions_mobile-image-wrapper"><div data-w-id="bf4da72a-297e-a21d-1e7b-dce4857c9b6f" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-solutions_image is-image1 is-content home-solutions_mobile-image w-container"><div class="feature-tag">Verificación de Identidad</div><div class="feature-tag">ID&nbsp;suvi</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de RFC</div><div class="feature-tag">Historial IMSS</div><div class="feature-tag">Comparación Rostro con Identificación</div><div class="feature-tag">Revisión en la RENAPO</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de Domicilio</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación sin Documentos</div><div class="feature-tag">Revisón en Listas Negras</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de CSF </div><div class="feature-tag"> Celular y Correo </div><div class="feature-tag">Representantes Legales</div><div class="feature-tag">SIGER</div></div></div><div style="opacity: 0;" class="background-holder"><div class="background-layer background-color-1"></div></div></div><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244556" class="home-solutions_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244558" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-weight-medium">Integraciones Modulares</div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2 data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624455b" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-color-white">Plataforma y API</h2></div><p data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624455d" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-size-medium">Visualiza los expedientes en la plataforma o integra SUVI&nbsp;a tu plataforma o proceso digital con nuestra APIs. Transforma procesos manuales por automáticos, evita errores y tiempos. </p><div class="margin-top margin-medium"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244560" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="button-group"><a data-w-id="e3572934-2f7f-55b7-f007-0528d3ac66e1" href="/contacto" class="button-secondary w-inline-block"><div class="button-secondary-text">Saber más</div><div class="button-secondary-bg" style="width: 0px;"></div></a></div></div><div class="home-solutions_mobile-image-wrapper"><div data-w-id="8b2eae59-88fa-2a43-afa5-7118eee314d2" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-solutions_image is-image2 is-content-2 w-container"><div data-current="api" data-easing="ease" data-duration-in="300" data-duration-out="100" class="tabs w-tabs"><div class="tabs-menu w-tab-menu" role="tablist"><a data-w-tab="liga o qr" class="feature-tag tag-button w-inline-block w-tab-link" tabindex="-1" id="w-tabs-0-data-w-tab-0" href="#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-0" role="tab" aria-controls="w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-0" aria-selected="false"><div>Liga o QR</div></a><a data-w-tab="api" class="feature-tag tag-button w-inline-block w-tab-link w--current" id="w-tabs-0-data-w-tab-1" href="#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-1" role="tab" aria-controls="w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-1" aria-selected="true"><div class="text-block">API</div></a></div><div class="tabs-content w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="liga o qr" class="tab-pane-tab-1-2 w-tab-pane" id="w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-0" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="w-tabs-0-data-w-tab-0"><img width="500" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 89vw, (max-width: 991px) 250px, 100vw" alt="" src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w" class="image-selected small"></div><div data-w-tab="api" class="tab-pane-tab-2 w-tab-pane w--tab-active" id="w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-1" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="w-tabs-0-data-w-tab-1"><img width="Auto" loading="lazy" alt="" src="" class="image-selected"></div></div></div></div></div><div style="opacity: 0;" class="background-holder"><div class="background-layer background-color-2"></div></div></div><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624456b" class="home-solutions_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624456d" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-weight-medium">Aplicaciones Modulares</div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2 data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244570" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-color-white">WhatsApp, SMS, Correo, QR</h2></div><p data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244572" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="text-size-medium">Invita a quien le solicitas la información a compartir sus datos via mensajes automáticos por WhatsApp y SMS, correos electrónicos o QRs de alta. <br><br>Invitación personal, invitación masiva o invitación abierta. </p><div class="margin-top margin-medium"><div data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244575" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" class="button-group"><a data-w-id="e3572934-2f7f-55b7-f007-0528d3ac66e1" href="/contacto" class="button-secondary w-inline-block"><div class="button-secondary-text">Saber mas</div><div class="button-secondary-bg" style="width: 0px;"></div></a></div></div><div class="home-solutions_mobile-image-wrapper"><img class="home-solutions_mobile-image" src="" height="Auto" alt="" style="opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d;" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 100vw" data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe7624457d" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1200w"></div><div style="opacity: 0;" class="background-holder"><div class="background-layer background-color-3"></div></div></div></div><div class="home-solutions_desktop-image-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-solutions_image is-image1 is-content w-container" style="opacity: 0;"><div class="feature-tag">Verificación de Identidad</div><div class="feature-tag">ID&nbsp;suvi</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de RFC</div><div class="feature-tag">Historial IMSS</div><div class="feature-tag">Comparación Rostro con Identificación</div><div class="feature-tag">Revisión en la RENAPO</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de Domicilio</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación sin Documentos</div><div class="feature-tag">Revisón en Listas Negras</div><div class="feature-tag">Validación de CSF </div><div class="feature-tag"> Celular y Correo </div><div class="feature-tag">Representantes Legales</div><div class="feature-tag">SIGER</div></div><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-solutions_image is-image2 is-content-2 w-container" style="opacity: 0;"><div data-current="api" data-easing="ease" data-duration-in="300" data-duration-out="100" class="tabs w-tabs"><div class="tabs-menu w-tab-menu" role="tablist"><a data-w-tab="liga o qr" class="feature-tag tag-button w-inline-block w-tab-link" tabindex="-1" id="w-tabs-1-data-w-tab-0" href="#w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-0" role="tab" aria-controls="w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-0" aria-selected="false"><div>Liga o QR</div></a><a data-w-tab="api" class="feature-tag tag-button w-inline-block w-tab-link w--current" id="w-tabs-1-data-w-tab-1" href="#w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-1" role="tab" aria-controls="w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-1" aria-selected="true"><div class="text-block">API</div></a></div><div class="tabs-content w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="liga o qr" class="tab-pane-tab-1-2 w-tab-pane" id="w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-0" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="w-tabs-1-data-w-tab-0"><img width="500" sizes="(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 250px" alt="" src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w" class="image-selected small"></div><div data-w-tab="api" class="tab-pane-tab-2 w-tab-pane w--tab-active" id="w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-1" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="w-tabs-1-data-w-tab-1"><img width="Auto" loading="lazy" alt="" src="" class="image-selected"></div></div></div></div><img class="home-solutions_image is-image3" src="" width="600" height="Auto" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 42vw" data-w-id="7010e5ed-285e-6b7b-1290-7afe76244598" loading="eager" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1200w" style="opacity: 0;"></div></div></div></div></section><section class="blurr-intersection"></section><section class="section_faq"><div class="padding-global"><div class="container-large"><div class="padding-section-large"><div class="faq-v1_component"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xxlarge"><div class="text-align-center"><div class="max-width-large"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div class="text-weight-medium">FAQ</div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2>Preguntas Frecuentes</h2></div><p class="text-size-medium">Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes.</p></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_list-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid faq-v1_list"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a18d" class="faq-v1_accordion" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a18e" class="faq-v1_question"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">¿Cómo se valida la identidad?</h3><div class="faq-v1_icon-wrappper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img">
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</svg></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_answer" style="width: 100%; height: 0px;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><p>En SUVI&nbsp;validamos la identidad de las personas usando la identidad nacional INE vigente y registrada, adicionalmente se hace una validación en le RENAPO y con datos biométricos entre otros procesos. </p></div></div></div><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a197" class="faq-v1_accordion" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a198" class="faq-v1_question"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">¿Para que puedo usar mi pase SUVI?</h3><div class="faq-v1_icon-wrappper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img">
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</svg></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_answer" style="width: 100%; height: 0px;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><p>Para tomar control. Para decidir quién ve tus datos, así como decides quién entra a tu casa. Para almacenar tu información de manera segura y encriptada. Para validar tu documentación y mantenerte al día de alertas. Para monitorear quién tiene tu información, para qué se usa, y hasta cuando. </p></div></div></div><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1a1" class="faq-v1_accordion" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1a2" class="faq-v1_question"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">¿Una vez que me doy de alta, puedo volver a usar mi cuenta?</h3><div class="faq-v1_icon-wrappper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img">
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</svg></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_answer" style="width: 100%; height: 0px;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><p>Sí, solo tu, el titular de tu información tiene la capacidad de decidir qué hacer con la información. Puedes volver a usar tu perfil compartiendo tu información a otras empresas que usen SUVI.</p></div></div></div><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1ab" class="faq-v1_accordion" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1ac" class="faq-v1_question"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">¿Qué nacionalidades soportan?</h3><div class="faq-v1_icon-wrappper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img">
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</svg></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_answer" style="width: 100%; height: 0px;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><p>Nacionalidad mexicana. Estamos trabajando para tener capacidades para otras nacionalidades.</p></div></div></div><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1b5" class="faq-v1_accordion" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1b6" class="faq-v1_question"><h3 class="heading-style-h6">¿Quién tiene acceso a mi información?</h3><div class="faq-v1_icon-wrappper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img">
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</svg></div></div></div><div class="faq-v1_answer" style="width: 100%; height: 0px;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><p>Tu (el titular) y quién decidas compartir tu información (debes aceptar compartir tu información a cada nueva entidad), y los sistemas &nbsp;anónimos encriptados qué validan tu identidad. Más en el <a href="/politicas/aviso-de-privacidad" class="link">Aviso de Privacidad</a>. </p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="margin-top margin-xxlarge"><div class="text-align-center"><div class="faq-v1_bottom-wrapper"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1c2" class="text-size-large text-weight-bold" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;">¿Te quieres unir a la comunidad del nuevo hoy?</div><div class="margin-top margin-medium"><div data-w-id="5590f14c-2e5f-db4c-bee9-885ef248a1c5" class="button-group is-center" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><a data-w-id="3f6b7748-bb8e-77ed-dc7b-76c101c1881f" href="/contacto" class="button-block w-inline-block"><div class="button-text">Entrar</div><div class="button-bg-wrap" style="width: 0px;"></div></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section_web3"><div class="padding-global"><div class="container-large"><div class="padding-section-large"><div class="w-layout-grid web3_component"><div class="web3_image-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="616" data-w-id="f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f9571" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1330w" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 42vw" class="web3_image" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"></div><div id="w-node-f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f9572-ad0f956b" class="web3_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2 data-w-id="f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f9574" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;">Unete a la <span class="text-color-alternate">evolución</span> de la identidad</h2></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-medium"><p data-w-id="f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f957a" class="text-size-medium" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;">No más filas, no mas gastos innecesarios, no más tiempo perdido. </p></div><div class="w-layout-grid web3_item-list"><div data-w-id="f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f957d" class="web3_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div class="icon-embed-medium w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="120" height="120" viewBox="0 0 30 30">
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</svg></div></div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><h3 class="heading-style-h5">Validación de individuos</h3></div><p>En 5 minutos, valida la identidad y reúne la información necesaria para el proceso que necesites.</p></div><div data-w-id="f39dccc5-a0fc-4c59-07be-521ead0f9585" class="web3_item" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 1) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) skew(6deg, 0deg); transform-style: preserve-3d; opacity: 0;"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"><div class="icon-embed-medium text-color-blue w-embed"><svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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