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<section class="hero-container">
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<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/logo-white.png" alt="BB-REG-NET" class="logo">
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<div class="hero-content ">
<h1>Shaping the future of sustainable chemicals and materials in the UK</h1>
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/plant-light-green.png" alt="Plant icon" class="hero-plant">
<section class="description">
<div class="description-content container">
<p><strong style="color: var(--light-green);">BB-REG-NET</strong> is a pioneering network of experts
from academia, industry, policy, regulatory and NGOs. Our mission is to develop new tools, standards
and approaches to evaluate the quality, performance and environmental and economic impact of
bio-based, biodegradable and compostable chemicals and materials.</p>
<a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bio-based-materials-regulatory-science-and-innovation-network-launch-tickets-1075741835789" class="cta-button" target="_blank">Come to our online launch event</a>
<section class="vision" id="vision">
<div class="vision-content container">
<h2>Our vision</h2>
<p>Our vision is for a more sustainable future, where the UK is a global leader in developing,
manufacturing, using and exporting bio-based and biodegradable solutions, initiating the ability to
generate upward of £204 billion annual revenue for UK plc, whilst significantly helping the UK reach
its Net Zero goals, and ambitions for green growth.</p>
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<strong>Sign up to our news letter to learn more</strong>
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<section class="what-we-do">
<h2 class="container">What we do</h2>
<div class="container">
<div class="what-we-do-intro container">
The BB-Materials sector is nascent, meaning large databases of scientific evidence are not always
available. However, evidence-informed policymaking should not be at odds with innovation. For
BB-Materials, where evidence is limited, it is essential to assess current efforts, explore novel ways
to realise the benefits, and pilot new policies – in turn generating evidence for future policy
Evidence provided from BB-REG-NET will allow policymakers/regulators to assess the environmental and
economic impacts of creating new policies, regulations and standards, and making alterations to existing
<div class="services-grid container">
<div class="service-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/evidence.png" alt="Evidence">
<p>Generate evidence using regulatory science tools, such as standards, metrics, peer-reviewed research,
to inform policy and assist regulators with complex decision</p>
<div class="service-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/partnerships.png" alt="Partnerships">
<p>Develop stronger partnerships across the regulatory innovation ecosystem, bringing together different
<div class="service-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/knowledge-share.png" alt="Knowledge share">
<h3>Knowledge share</h3>
<p>Share knowledge to inform evidence-based policymaking, allowing the sound assessment of risks and
benefits of BB-materials</p>
<div class="service-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/business-growth.png" alt="Business growth">
<h3>Business growth</h3>
<p>Provide business-growth opportunities by removing barriers to the commercialisation of BB-materials,
which are essential to a UK circular bioeconomy and sustainable economic growth</p>
<section class="research">
<div class="research-content container">
<div class="research-header">
<h2>Our research</h2>
<p style="font-size: 18px;">
BB-REG-NET consists of four key research areas
<div class="research-grid">
<div class="research-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/circular-bio-economy.png" alt="Circular Bioeconomy" class="research-image">
<h3>Circular Bioeconomy</h3>
<p>Generating evidence across the full BB-Materials supply chain that enables a truly circular
<div class="research-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/environmental-impact.png" alt="Environmental Impact" class="research-image">
<h3>Environmental Impact</h3>
<p>Developing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and reviewing BB-Materials standards</p>
<div class="research-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/economic-impact.png" alt="Economic Impact" class="research-image">
<h3>Economic Impact</h3>
<p>Generating economic evidence that supports decision-making across key policy areas</p>
<div class="research-card">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2024/11/market-acceptance-and-consumer-understanding.png" alt="Market Acceptance" class="research-image">
<h3>Market Acceptance and Consumer Understanding</h3>
Assessment of terminology for BB-Materials to influence product labelling and communications, to
generate to increase consumer understanding and reduce green washing
<section class="join">
<div class="join-content container">
<h2>Join BB-REG-NET now</h2>
<h3>Membership is free</h3>
<p>Get involved in BB-REG-NET research and help shape the future of the bio-based, biodegradable and
compostable chemicals and materials sector.</p>
<p>Ensure our work is balanced and is well calibrated with all relevant stakeholders in the UK.</p>
<a href="https://forms.gle/et8ihF6KNbrpNbps8" class="join-button" target="_blank">Join
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© 2024 BB-REG-NET | All Rights Reserved
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<p>Project supported by Innovate UK (Project No: 10139472)*</p>
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<div class="footer-form-label">Sign up to our news letter</div>
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