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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">The Tor Network (Project)</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">What is Tor?
The Tor Network (Tor), also known as the Tor Project or The Onion Routing project, is a free and open-source software designed to enable anonymous communication. By...</p>
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">CoopSearch</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">CoopSearch
This isn't anything new but, I wanted to re-share my project, CoopSearch, a self-hosted search engine built on the SearXNG platform. I moved it from a subdomain of</p>
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">Good day with good news</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">Today was a great day with great news. My long-awaited promotion and raise was approved. That's it. Carry on and have a great evening. :)This post is the 6th of...</p>
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        10 days ago
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">Beard Care</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">As someone who takes pride in his beard, I'm often asked about proper beard care and maintenence. Despite the misconceptions, most guys can't wake up and just run a comb...</p>
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        14 days ago
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">Linktrees</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">If I've not made it clear, I'm not a typical social media fan or user. While I have sock puppet accounts on each of the main platforms, I don't actually...</p>
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        16 days ago
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">Windows, Linux, and MacOS?</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">Which one do I use?
Well, the answer is...all of them.

As many do and have done, I started on Windows. For years, I was an "Only Windows" kind of...</p>
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        17 days ago
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">512KB Club</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">I've applied for membership in the 512KB Club, as I've done with my prior site. 

What does that even mean and why is it important?
While I appreciate websites that...</p>
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        19 days ago
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            <h3 class="mt-0 mb-4 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold">Back to blogging...</h3>
            <p class="my-0 break-words leading-snug sm:leading-relaxed">A new start
I decided to give blogging another go. Previously, I did my best to follow a theme or format with my blog but, that limited my drive to...</p>
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        20 days ago
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