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                    /* translation function */
function t(key){ 
l = {
"home":"home", "manage_short_urls":"manage short urls", "banned_words_urls":"banned words / urls", "admin_users":"admin users", "banned_ips":"banned ips", "site_settings":"site settings", "languages":"languages", "logout":"logout", "language_details":"Language Details", "are_you_sure_you_want_to_remove_this_ip_ban":"Are you sure you want to remove this IP ban?", "are_you_sure_update_user_status":"Are you sure you want to update the status of this user?", "view":"view", "disable":"disable", "enable":"enable", "are_you_sure_remove_banned_word":"Are you sure you want to remove this banned word?", "ip_address_invalid_try_again":"IP address appears to be invalid, please try again.", "ip_address_already_blocked":"IP address is already in the blocked list.", "error_problem_record":"There was a problem inserting/updating the record, please try again later.", "banned_word_already_in_list":"Banned word is already in the list.", "language_already_in_system":"Language already in the system.", "username_length_invalid":"Username must be between 6-16 characters long.", "password_length_invalid":"Password must be between 6-16 characters long.", "enter_first_name":"Please enter the firstname.", "enter_last_name":"Please enter the lastname.", "enter_email_address":"Please enter the email address.", "entered_email_address_invalid":"The email address you entered appears to be invalid.", "copyright":"Copyright", "support":"Support", "admin_panel":"Admin Panel", "logged_in_as":"Logged in as", "banned_ips_intro":"To ban an IP Address <a href=\"#\" onClick=\"displayBannedIpPopup(); return false;\">click here</a> or delete any existing ones below", "banned_ips_add_banned_ip":"Add banned IP address", "remove":"remove", "ip_address":"IP Address", "ban_from":"Ban From", "notes":"Notes", "add_banned_ip":"Add Banned IP", "error_submitting_form":"There was an error submitting the form, please try again later.", "enter_ip_address_details":"Enter IP Address details", "banned_terms_intro":"To ban an word within the original url <a href=\"#\" onClick=\"displayBannedWordsPopup(); return false;\">click here</a> or delete any existing ones below", "add_banned_term":"Add banned word", "banned_term":"Banned Word", "date_banned":"Date Banned", "ban_notes":"Ban Notes", "action":"Action", "enter_banned_term_details":"Enter Banned Word details", "dashboard_intro":"Use the main navigation above to manage this site. A quick overview of the site can be seen below", "dashboard_graph_last_14_days_title":"New Short Urls (last 14 days)", "dashboard_graph_last_12_months_title":"New Short Urls (last 12 months)", "urls":"Urls", "active":"active", "disabled":"disabled", "spam":"spam", "expired":"expired", "dashboard_total_active_urls":"Total active urls", "dashboard_total_disabled_urls":"Total disabled urls", "dashboard_total_visits_to_all_urls":"Total visits to all short urls", "item_name":"Item Name", "value":"Value", "manage_languages_intro_2":"Manage the available content for the selected language. Click on any of the \'Translated Content\' cells to edit the value.", "manage_languages_intro_1":"Select a language to manage or <a href=\'#\' onClick=\'displayAddLanguagePopup(); return false;\'>add a new one here</a>. NOTE Once translated, to set the site default language go to the <a href=\'settings.php\'>site settings</a> area.", "language_key":"Language Key", "default_content":"Default Content", "translated_content":"Translated Content", "no_changes_in_demo_mode":"Error Changes to this section can not be made within demo mode.", "manage_other_languages":"Manage other languages", "no_available_content":"There is no available content.", "select_language":"select language", "add_language":"Add Language", "language_name":"Language Name", "settings_intro":"Click on any of the items within the \"Config Value\" column below to edit", "group":"Group", "config_description":"Config Description", "config_value":"Config Value", "shorturls_filter_results":"Filter results", "user_management_intro":"Double click on any of the users below to edit the account information or <a href=\"#\" onClick=\"displayUserPopup(); return false;\">click here to add a new user</a>", "add_new_user":"Add new user", "username":"Username", "email_address":"Email Address", "account_type":"Account Type", "last_login":"Last Login", "account_status":"Account Status", "password":"Password", "title":"Title", "firstname":"Firstname", "lastname":"Lastname", "enter_user_details":"Enter user details", "create_short_url":"Create Short Url", "term_and_conditions":"Terms &amp; Conditions", "report_abuse":"Report Abuse", "created_by":"Created By", "please_agree_terms_and_conditions":"Please agree the terms and conditions.", "not_permitted_to_create_urls_on_site":"You are not permitted to create a short url on this site.", "error_with_url":"There was an error with the url you supplied, please check and try again.", "can_not_create_url_on_this_site":"You can not create a shorturl on this site.", "date_entered_is_incorrect":"The date you entered is incorrect.", "custom_short_url_already_exits":"That custom short url already exists, please try another.", "problem_creating_short_url":"There was a problem creating the short url, please try again later.", "access_restricted_enter_password":"This url is access restricted, please enter the password below", "access_restricted_page_name":"Access Restricted", "access_restricted_meta_description":"Please enter the password to access the url.", "access_restricted_meta_keywords":"password, short, url, smal, link, access, restricted,", "delayed_redirect_page_name":"Redirecting to url, please wait...", "delayed_redirect_meta_description":"Redirecting to url, please wait...", "delayed_redirect_meta_keywords":"redirecting, short, url, delayed, redirect,", "redirecting_to":"Redirecting to", "please_wait":"please wait", "general_site_error":"There was a general site error, please try again later.", "error":"Error", "error_page_name":"Error", "error_meta_description":"An error occurred", "error_meta_keywords":"error, tiny, url, script, occurred,", "framed_redirect_meta_description":"Go to short url", "framed_redirect_meta_keywords":"short, url, link, href, redirect, tinyurl, forwarder,", "browser_no_frame_support":"Your browser does not support frames and can not view this short url.", "index_page_name":"Create short url", "index_meta_description":"Create short urls from your longer website urls. No registration required. Completely free to use.", "index_meta_keywords":"shorturl, short, url, tiny, href, link, path, twitter, post, facebook, longurl,", "agree_terms":"Agree terms", "enter_your_long_url":"Enter your long url", "custom_url":"Custom Url", "set_a_custom_url":"set a custom short url", "index_password":"Password", "set_the_password_to_access_link":"set a password to access the link", "expiry_date":"Expiry Date", "set_an_expiry_date_for_url":"set an expiry date for the url", "url_total_uses":"Total uses", "total_uses_before_url_expires":"choose total short url click-throughs before expiring", "unlimited":"Unlimited", "add_to_bookmarks":"Add To Bookmarks", "twitter_quicklink_alert":"Drag this link to your browsers bookmark toolbar so you can instantly create a short url and post it to your twitter account. If your browser does not allow you to drag bookmarks to the toolbar, try right-clicking the icon and selecting |Add To Favorites...|", "toolbar_quicklink_alert":"Drag this link to your browsers bookmark toolbar so you can instantly create a short url for any site. If your browser does not allow you to drag bookmarks to the toolbar, try right-clicking the icon and selecting |Add To Favorites...|", "post_on_twitter":"Post On Twitter", "report_url_page_name":"Report short url", "report_url_meta_description":"Use this page to report any urls in breach of our terms and conditions", "report_url_meta_keywords":"report, short, urls, breach, terms, conditions,", "report_abuse_intro":"Please use the form below to report any urls which breach our terms and conditions", "problem_url":"Problem Url", "submit_report":"submit report", "error_short_url_no_longer_active":"This short url is no longer active", "short_url_reached_usage_limit":"This short url has reached it\'s usage limit.", "short_url_expired":"This short url has expired.", "password_incorrect":"Your password is incorrect, please try again.", "no_valid_url_found":"No valid url found, please try again later.", "api":"API", "index_url_stats":"Url Stats", "index_url_stats_intro":"For short url statistics, add an exclamation onto the end of the url", "stats_page_name":"Short Url Stats", "stats_meta_description":"Statistics for short url", "stats_meta_keywords":"statistics, stats, short, url, tiny, link, href", "visits_":"visits", "created_":"created", "visitors":"Visitors", "countries":"Countries", "top_referrers":"Top Referrers", "browsers":"Browsers", "operating_systems":"Operating Systems", "last_24_hours":"last 24 hours", "last_7_days":"last 7 days", "last_30_days":"last 30 days", "last_12_months":"last 12 months", "hour":"Hour", "visits":"Visits", "date":"Date", "total_visits":"Total visits", "percentage":"Percentage", "day":"Day", "month":"Month", "country":"Country", "site":"Site", "browser":"Browser", "operating_system":"Operating System", "ad":"Andorra", "ae":"United Arab Emirates", "af":"Afghanistan", "ag":"Antigua And Barbuda", "ai":"Anguilla", "al":"Albania", "am":"Armenia", "an":"Netherlands Antilles", "ao":"Angola", "aq":"Antarctica", "ar":"Argentina", "as":"American Samoa", "at":"Austria", "au":"Australia", "aw":"Aruba", "az":"Azerbaijan", "ba":"Bosnia And Herzegovina", "bb":"Barbados", "bd":"Bangladesh", "be":"Belgium", "bf":"Burkina Faso", "bg":"Bulgaria", "bh":"Bahrain", "bi":"Burundi", "bj":"Benin", "bm":"Bermuda", "bn":"Brunei Darussalam", "bo":"Bolivia", "br":"Brazil", "bs":"Bahamas", "bt":"Bhutan", "bw":"Botswana", "by":"Belarus", "bz":"Belize", "ca":"Canada", "cd":"The Democratic Republic Of The Congo", "cf":"Central African Republic", "cg":"Congo", "ch":"Switzerland", "ci":"Cote Divoire", "ck":"Cook Islands", "cl":"Chile", "cm":"Cameroon", "cn":"China", "co":"Colombia", "cr":"Costa Rica", "cs":"Serbia And Montenegro", "cu":"Cuba", "cv":"Cape Verde", "cy":"Cyprus", "cz":"Czech Republic", "de":"Germany", "dj":"Djibouti", "dk":"Denmark", "dm":"Dominica", "do":"Dominican Republic", "dz":"Algeria", "ec":"Ecuador", "ee":"Estonia", "eg":"Egypt", "er":"Eritrea", "es":"Spain", "et":"Ethiopia", "eu":"European Union", "fi":"Finland", "fj":"Fiji", "fk":"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "fm":"Federated States Of Micronesia", "fo":"Faroe Islands", "fr":"France", "ga":"Gabon", "gb":"United Kingdom", "gd":"Grenada", "ge":"Georgia", "gf":"French Guiana", "gh":"Ghana", "gi":"Gibraltar", "gl":"Greenland", "gm":"Gambia", "gn":"Guinea", "gp":"Guadeloupe", "gq":"Equatorial Guinea", "gr":"Greece", "gs":"South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands", "gt":"Guatemala", "gu":"Guam", "gw":"Guinea-Bissau", "gy":"Guyana", "hk":"Hong Kong", "hn":"Honduras", "hr":"Croatia", "ht":"Haiti", "hu":"Hungary", "id":"Indonesia", "ie":"Ireland", "il":"Israel", "in":"India", "io":"British Indian Ocean Territory", "iq":"Iraq", "ir":"Islamic Republic Of Iran", "is":"Iceland", "it":"Italy", "jm":"Jamaica", "jo":"Jordan", "jp":"Japan", "ke":"Kenya", "kg":"Kyrgyzstan", "kh":"Cambodia", "ki":"Kiribati", "km":"Comoros", "kn":"Saint Kitts And Nevis", "kr":"Republic Of Korea", "kw":"Kuwait", "ky":"Cayman Islands", "kz":"Kazakhstan", "la":"Lao Peoples Democratic Republic", "lb":"Lebanon", "lc":"Saint Lucia", "li":"Liechtenstein", "lk":"Sri Lanka", "lr":"Liberia", "ls":"Lesotho", "lt":"Lithuania", "lu":"Luxembourg", "lv":"Latvia", "ly":"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "ma":"Morocco", "mc":"Monaco", "md":"Republic Of Moldova", "mg":"Madagascar", "mh":"Marshall Islands", "mk":"The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia", "ml":"Mali", "mm":"Myanmar", "mn":"Mongolia", "mo":"Macao", "mp":"Northern Mariana Islands", "mq":"Martinique", "mr":"Mauritania", "mt":"Malta", "mu":"Mauritius", "mv":"Maldives", "mw":"Malawi", "mx":"Mexico", "my":"Malaysia", "mz":"Mozambique", "na":"Namibia", "nc":"New Caledonia", "ne":"Niger", "nf":"Norfolk Island", "ng":"Nigeria", "ni":"Nicaragua", "nl":"Netherlands", "no":"Norway", "np":"Nepal", "nr":"Nauru", "nu":"Niue", "nz":"New Zealand", "om":"Oman", "pa":"Panama", "pe":"Peru", "pf":"French Polynesia", "pg":"Papua New Guinea", "ph":"Philippines", "pk":"Pakistan", "pl":"Poland", "pr":"Puerto Rico", "ps":"Palestinian Territory", "pt":"Portugal", "pw":"Palau", "py":"Paraguay", "qa":"Qatar", "re":"Reunion", "ro":"Romania", "ru":"Russian Federation", "rw":"Rwanda", "sa":"Saudi Arabia", "sb":"Solomon Islands", "sc":"Seychelles", "sd":"Sudan", "se":"Sweden", "sg":"Singapore", "si":"Slovenia", "sk":"Slovakia (Slovak Republic)", "sl":"Sierra Leone", "sm":"San Marino", "sn":"Senegal", "so":"Somalia", "sr":"Suriname", "st":"Sao Tome And Principe", "sv":"El Salvador", "sy":"Syrian Arab Republic", "sz":"Swaziland", "td":"Chad", "tf":"French Southern Territories", "tg":"Togo", "th":"Thailand", "tj":"Tajikistan", "tk":"Tokelau", "tl":"Timor-Leste", "tm":"Turkmenistan", "tn":"Tunisia", "to":"Tonga", "tr":"Turkey", "tt":"Trinidad And Tobago", "tv":"Tuvalu", "tw":"Taiwan Province Of China", "tz":"United Republic Of Tanzania", "ua":"Ukraine", "ug":"Uganda", "us":"United States", "uy":"Uruguay", "uz":"Uzbekistan", "va":"Holy See (Vatican City State)", "vc":"Saint Vincent And The Grenadines", "ve":"Venezuela", "vg":"Virgin Islands", "vi":"Virgin Islands", "vn":"Viet Nam", "vu":"Vanuatu", "ws":"Samoa", "ye":"Yemen", "yt":"Mayotte", "yu":"Serbia And Montenegro (Formally Yugoslavia)", "za":"South Africa", "zm":"Zambia", "zw":"Zimbabwe", "zz":"Unknown", "export_urls_as_csv":"Export All To CSV", "shorturl_filter_disabled":"Show disabled", "register":"register", "top_urls":"Top Urls", "latest_urls":"Latest Urls", "login":"Login", "account_home":"Account Home", "register_complete_page_name":"Registration completed", "register_complete_meta_description":"Your registration has been completed.", "register_complete_meta_keywords":"registration, completed, short, url, site", "register_complete_sub_title":"Thank you for registering!", "register_complete_main_text":"We\'ve sent an email to your registered email address with your access password. Please check your spam filters to ensure emails from this site get through. ", "register_complete_email_from":"Emails from this site are sent from ", "login_page_name":"Login", "login_meta_description":"Login to your account", "login_meta_keywords":"login, register, short url", "username_and_password_is_invalid":"Your username and password are invalid", "account_login":"Account Login", "login_intro_text":"Please enter your username and password below to login.", "username_requirements":"Your account username. 6 characters or more and alpha numeric.", "password_requirements":"Your account password. Min 6 characters, alpha numeric, no spaces.", "your_urls":"your urls", "api_page_name":"API", "api_meta_description":"Our Free API", "api_meta_keywords":"api, application, programming, interface, short, url, site", "please_enter_your_username":"Please enter your username", "account_home_page_name":"Account Home", "account_home_meta_description":"Your Account Home", "account_home_meta_keywords":"account, home, shorturl, your, interface, short, url, site", "your_short_urls":"Your Short Urls", "faq":"faq", "faq_page_name":"FAQ", "faq_meta_description":"Frequently Asked Questions", "faq_meta_keywords":"faq, frequently, asked, questions, short, url, site", "please_enter_your_password":"Please enter your password", "report_url":"Report Url", "problem_url_requirements":"Enter the short url you wish to report.", "report_url_error_no_url":"Please enter the problem url.", "register_account":"Register Account", "your_recent_urls":"Your Urls", "recent_url_intro":"Recent urls created on this site", "email_confirm":"email confirm", "stats":"stats", "info":"info", "email_address_confirm":"Email Confirm", "short_original_url":"Short/Original Url", "created_last_visited":"Created/Last Visited", "status":"Status", "options":"Options", "site_main_title":"<strong class=\"colored\">[[[SITE_NAME]]]:</strong> paste your <span class=\"colored\">long url</span> below to shorten.", "create_url":"create url", "tools":"tools", "recent_urls":"recent urls", "enter_your_long_urls_below":"Enter one or more long urls below", "contact_link":"Contact", "short_url_domain":"Short Url Domain", "agree_with_our_terms":"Agree with our <a href=\"terms.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\" target=\"_blank\">terms</a>.", "additional_options":"additional options", "url_type":"Url Type", "public_listing_on_site":"public (listed on site)", "private_not_listed_on_site":"private (not listed on site)", "header_shorten_urls":"SHORTEN URLS!", "eaily_create_trackable_short_urls_to_use_anywhere":"Easily create trackable short urls to use anywhere on the web, email or Twitter.", "homepage_intro_text":"Copy and paste your long url into the box on the left or signup for a <a href=\"[[[WEB_ROOT]]]/register.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">free account</a> and manage all your short urls in one place.", "we_use_the_most_up_to_date_sources_malware_phishing":"We use the most up to date sources available on the internet to block links being created for sites which may contain viruses, spam or malware.", "phishtank":"PhishTank", "google_safe_browsing":"Google Safe Browsing", "site_statistics":"Site Statistics", "total_short_urls":"Total Short Urls", "total_url_visits":"Total Url Visits", "bookmarklet_page_name":"Bookmarklet", "bookmarklet_meta_description":"Bookmarklet", "bookmarklet_meta_keywords":"bookmarklet, tools, short, url, bookmarklet, api, application, programming, interface, short, url, site", "account_tools":"Account Tools", "browser_bookmarklet":"Browser Bookmarklet", "batch_convert_links_in_html":"Batch Convert Links In HTML", "short_url_api":"Short Url API", "export_url_data":"export url data", "api_usage":"API Usage", "create":"Create", "create_additional_options":"Create (Additional Options)", "activate":"Activate", "list":"List", "browser_bookmarklet_intro1":"Shorten any website url you\'ve visiting straight from your browser toolbar. Add our clever bookmarklet widget by dragging the following link to your browsers bookmark or links toolbar. Simple!", "browser_bookmarklet_intro2":"Then the next time you want to create a shortened link, just visit the web page and click the \'Create Short Url\' button.", "browser_twitter_bookmarklet":"Browser Twitter Bookmarklet", "browser_bookmarklet_intro3":"You can also post short urls straight from your browser toolbar to Twitter.", "contact_page_name":"Contact", "contact_meta_description":"Contact the site admin", "contact_meta_keywords":"contact, account, short, url, user", "contact_intro_text":"Please fill out the following contact form to contact us.", "your_name":"Your Name", "your_message":"Your Message", "submit":"submit", "you_have_not_created_any_recent_urls":"You have not created any recent urls. <a href=\"[[[WEB_ROOT]]]/index.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">Click here</a> to create one now.", "terms_page_name":"Terms", "terms_meta_description":"Terms", "terms_meta_keywords":"terms", "terms_page_content":"<ol><li>Users of this website (Users) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, which are subject to change at the sole discretion of the site. Your use of and access to this site indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.</li><li>This site was created as a free service to make posting long URLs easier. This service is provided without warranty of any kind. Short URLs used in spam (including email and forum spam) will be disabled.</li><li>This site may include third party content which is subject to that third party\'s terms and conditions of use.</li><li>This site may include links to third party sites which are not related to this site and in relation to which we have no control or interest. The appearance of those links on this site does not indicate any relationship between this site and that third party or any endorsement by this site of that third party, its site or the products or services which it is advertising on this site.</li><li>We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a>.</li><li>This site will have no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss or damage which you incur, including damage to your software or hardware, arising from your use of or access to this site.</li><li>Users will not use this site for any purpose or in any way which is unlawful.</li></ol>", "contact_email_content":"There has been a contact form submission from [[[SITE_NAME]]] with the following details:<br/><br/>***************************************<br/>Full Name: [[[FULL_NAME]]]<br/>Email Address: [[[EMAIL_ADDRESS]]]<br/><br/>[[[QUERY]]]<br/>***************************************<br/>Submitted IP: [[[USERS_IP]]]<br/>***************************************<br/><br/>", "overview":"Overview", "api_overview_intro":"Our API allows you to provide short url functionality to any of your existing websites. When you register for an account, you\'re generated a unique API key which should be used in the API calls listed below.", "api_overview_intro_2":"The examples below generate responses in json but you can also use xml by replacing the end of the url call with .xml.", "api_create_a_new_short_url_providing_a_base64_encoded_version_of_the_original_url":"Create a new short url providing a base64 encoded version of the original long url.", "parameters":"Parameters", "name":"name", "type":"type", "description":"description", "string":"string", "your_api_access_key":"Your API access key.", "login_to_view":"Login to view.", "base64_encoded_version_of_your_long_url":"Base64 encoded version of your long url. <code>base64_encode()</code> in PHP.", "return_values":"Return Values", "integer":"integer", "unique_url_id":"Unique url id.", "short_url_including_domain_name":"Short url including domain name.", "short_url_part_excluding_domain_name":"Short url part. (excluding domain name)", "the_original_decoded_long_url":"The original decoded long url.", "date_and_time_of_the_api_call_in_the_format":"Date and time of the API call. In the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.", "example_request":"Example Request", "api_address":"API Address", "example_response":"Example Response", "create_a_new_short_url_including_some_additional_settings":"Create a new short url including some additional settings such as a custom short url, password to access and an expiry date.", "optional":"optional", "custom_short_url":"Custom short url part.", "password_to_access_url":"Password to access url.", "expiry_date_in_the_format":"Date to expire the url. In the format yyyy-mm-dd.", "base_domain_url":"Url to use for the short url. Must already exist on the site. No http or trailing forward slash. i.e.", "disable_an_active_short_url_within_your account":"Disable an active short url within your account.", "base64_encoded_version_of_your_short_url":"Base64 encoded version of your short url. <code>base64_encode()</code> in PHP.", "short_url_status":"Short url status.", "activate_a_disabled_short_url_within_your_account":"Activate a disabled short url within your account.", "get_detailed_information_for_any_short_url_within_your_account":"Get detailed information for any short url within your account.", "datetime_url_was_create":"The date/time the short url was create.", "datetime_url_was_last_accessed":"The date/time the short url was last accessed.", "bool":"bool", "whether_the_url_needs_a_password":"Whether the url needs a password to access.", "datetime_url_will_expire":"The date/time the short url will expire.", "list_all_active_urls_within_your_account":"List all active urls within your account.", "array":"array", "list_of_short_urls_in_account":"List of short urls within the account.", "export_urls_page_name":"Export Urls", "export_urls_meta_description":"Export Urls", "export_urls_meta_keywords":"export, urls, tools, short, url, bookmarklet, api, application, programming, interface, short, url, site", "export_urls":"Export Urls", "export_urls_intro1":"Export all your short urls as a CSV file to manage in Excel or other software. We\'ll provide the short url, original url, total visits, created date, last accessed date and more.", "export_urls_intro2":"To export everything in your account just click on the button below.", "forgot_password_page_name":"Forgot Password", "forgot_password_meta_description":"Forgot account password", "forgot_password_meta_keywords":"forgot, password, account, short, url, user", "forgot_password":"forgot password", "forgot_password_intro_text":"Enter your email address below to receive further instructions on how to reset your account password.", "request_reset":"request reset", "recent_urls_page_name":"Recent Urls", "recent_urls_meta_description":"Recent Urls", "recent_urls_meta_keywords":"recent, urls, home, shorturl, your, interface, short, url, site", "recent_urls_intro_text":"Listed below are all the recent active urls created as public on our site. <a href=\"index.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">Click here</a> to create a new short url.", "created":"Created:", "short_url":"Short Url:", "faq_page_content":"<div>            <h4>How can my site benefit from using shortened urls?</h4>            Shorten long urls such as:<br/><br/>            <pre><br/>&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=google+maps+big+ben&hnear=google+maps+big+ben&cid=0,0,7629721680134612<br/>123&ei=AukATpvoBpDA8QPaq4mzDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCAQnwIwAA</pre>            <br/>            Into a shorter version such as:<br/><br/>            <pre><a href=\"http://[[[_CONFIG_SITE_FULL_URL]]]\">http://[[[_CONFIG_SITE_FULL_URL]]]/a</a></pre>            <br/>            Then post to Twitter, Facebook, send via email, use on your existing website, advertising, affiliate links, the uses are endless.            <hr>        </div>        <div>            <h4>How can I view how many visitors have clicked on my short url?</h4>            You can see details stats including unique visitors, visiting countries, browsers and more by adding <code>~s</code> onto the end of your short url.            <hr>        </div>        <div>            <h4>Can I automatically expire my urls after x clicks?</h4>            Yes. When you create the url, you can specify a \'total uses\' value which only allows the short url to be used this amount of times. The url will be expired after the total visits reaches this value.            <hr>        </div>        <div>            <h4>Can I protect my short with a password?</h4>            Yes. When creating the url, specify a password within the \'password\' input. The visitor will be prompted to enter the password when the visit the url.            <hr>        </div>        <div>            <h4>How many urls can I create?</h4>            There are no limits on the amount of urls you can create.            <hr>        </div>        <div>            <h4>What are the benefits of registering an account?</h4>            View and manage all your short urls in one place. Easily view your url statistics and share your urls through social media.            <hr>        </div>", "register_page_name":"Register", "register_meta_description":"Register for an account", "register_meta_keywords":"register, account, short, url, user", "register_intro_text":"Please enter your information below to register for an account. Your new account password will be sent to your email address.", "title_mr":"Mr", "title_mrs":"Mrs", "title_miss":"Miss", "title_dr":"Dr", "title_pro":"Pro", "by_clicking_register_you_agree_to_our_terms":"By clicking \'register\', you agree to our <a href=\"terms.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\" target=\"_blank\">terms</a>.", "admin_login":"admin login", "login_to_the_admin_area_below":"Login to the admin area below:", "admin_area":"admin area", "short_urls":"short urls", "users":"users", "manage_users":"manage users", "add_user":"add user", "received_payments":"received payments", "url_domains":"url domains", "banned_words":"banned words/urls", "translations":"translations", "system_tools":"system tools", "system_logs":"system logs", "database_browser":"database browser", "server_info":"server info", "support_info":"support info", "manage_plugins":"manage plugins", "add_plugin":"add plugin", "get_plugin":"get plugins", "quick_overview":"Quick Overview", "url_status":"Url Status", "top_10_urls":"Top 10 Urls", "dashboard_graph_user_registrations_title":"New Users (last 14 days)", "free_user":"free user", "paid_user":"paid user", "plugin_title":"plugin title", "directory_name":"directory name", "installed":"installed?", "pay per view (ppv)":"Pay Per View (PPV)", "detailed views":"Detailed Views", "aggregated earnings":"Aggregated Earnings", "payment requests":"Payment Requests", "actions":"Actions", "earn_money":"EARN MONEY", "earn_money_page_title":"Earn Money", "earn_money_meta_description":"Earn Money", "earn_money_meta_keywords":"earn, money, ppv, rewards, cash, sales, affiliate, file, hosting, site", "pay_per_view_rates":"Pay Per View (PPV) Rates", "create_short_urls_and_youll_be_paid_for_every":"Create short urls and you\'ll be paid for every visited url on your account.", "the_payment_rates_by_country":"The payment rates are per 1000 unique visits, by country.", "how_can_i_claim_my_rewards":"How can I claim my rewards?", "how_can_i_claim_my_rewards_long_description":"Any PPV rewards will take a day to clear within your account. Once your cleared rewards are over [[[CURRENCY_SYMBOL]]][[[THRESHOLD]]] you can request a payment via your account. Payments are made on the [[[PAYMENT_DATE]]] of every month via PayPal.", "how_do_i_get_started":"How do I get started?", "signup_for_an_account":"Signup for an account on our <a href=\"[[[SITEURL]]]/register.[[[PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">registration page</a>.", "once_youve_completed_your_registration":"Once you\'ve completed your registration just start creating short urls and sharing the links with your family and friends.<br/><br/>You\'ll be paid for any views outside of your account. Note: We only count downloads from unique IP addresses.", "plugin_sociallogin_social_login":"Social Login", "plugin_sociallogin_social_login_intro_text":"Use your existing social network account to login securely below.", "copy_to_clipboard":"Copy to clipboard", "qr_code":"QR Code", "url_statistics":"Url Statistics", "owner":"Owner", "last_access":"Last Access", "delete_selected_urls":"Delete Selected url\'s", "edit":"edit", "premium":"premium", "upgrade":"upgrade", "account":"account", "upgrade_meta_description":"Your Account", "upgrade_meta_keywords":", account, paid, membership, upload, download, site", "upgrade_title_page_description_left":"See below for the various account and payment options.", "upgrade_title_page_description_right":"", "days":"days", "upgrade_boxes_per_day":"per day", "secure_payment":"secure payment", "safe_and_anonymous":"100% Safe & Anonymous", "select_payment_method":"Select Payment Method:", "account_benefits":"account benefits", "direct_urls_no_waiting":"Direct urls. No waiting.", "no_advertising":"No advertising.", "no_account_restrictions":"No account restrictions.", "no_limitations_on_daily_url_volume":"No limitations on daily url creation.", "priority_support":"Priority support.", "unlimited_urls":"Unlimited urls.", "no_limits_on_the_amount_of_users":"No limits on the amount of users.", "low_price_per_day":"Low price per day.", "no_subscriptions":"No subscriptions.", "ppv_earnings":"PPV EARNINGS", "plugin_sociallogin_logged_in_as":"Logged in as", "plugin_sociallogin_via":"via", "settings":"settings", "paging_first":"First", "paging_last":"Last", "paging_next":"Next", "paging_previous":"Previous", "datatable_empty":"No data found.", "datatable_data_info":"Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", "datatable_per_page":"Show _MENU_ entries", "you_have_no_urls_within_your_account":"You have no urls within your account. <a href=\"index.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">Click here</a> to create a new short url.", "manage_folders":"manage folders", "add_folder":"add folder", "filter_results":"Filter Results", "by_status":"By Status", "all":"all", "by_folder":"By Folder", "account_type_free_user":"Free User", "pay_per_view_title":"Pay Per View (PPV) Earnings", "pay_per_view_meta_description":"Earn Money", "pay_per_view_meta_keywords":"earn, money, ppv, rewards, cash, sales, affiliate, file, hosting, site", "rewards_error_please_enter_all_the_details":"Error: Please enter all the outpayment details.", "rewards_there_was_a_problem_requesting_the_withdraw":"There was a problem requesting the withdrawal, please try again later.", "total_unpaid_earnings":"total unpaid earnings", "today_ppv_earnings":"PPV earnings today", "ppv_recent_earnings_are_added_to_your_unpaid_earnings_each_ night":" PPV recent earnings are added to your unpaid earnings each night. ", "earnings_can_be_withdrawn_when_your_balance_is_over":" Earnings can be withdrawn when your balance is over [[[CURRENCY_SYMBOL]]][[[THRESHOLD]]].", "payments_are_made_on_the":"Payments are made on the [[[PAYMENT_DATE]]] of every month.", "view_ppv_rates":"view ppv rates", "rewards_please_confirm_your_withdrawal":"Please confirm your withdrawal of [[[SITE_CONFIG_COST_CURRENCY_SYMBOL]]][[[AVAILABLE_FOR_WITHDRAWAL]]]:", "rewards_select_payment_method":"Payment Method:", "rewards_field_label_paypal_email":"Paypal Email:", "rewards_field_label_your_account_name":"Your Account Name:", "rewards_field_label_international_iban_number":"International Iban Number:", "rewards_field_label_swift_number":"Swift Number:", "rewards_field_label_your_postal_address":"Your Postal Address:", "index_save_to_folder":"Save To Folder", "none":"none", "redirection_method":"Redirection Method", "interstitial_ads":"Interstitial Ads (highest $)", "top_frame_ads":"Top Banner Advert", "no_adverts":"No Adverts", "skip_advert":"skip advert", "you_have_x_urls_within_your_account":"You have [[[TOTAL_URLS]]] url[[[URL_S]]] within your account. Use the table below to navigate or search for short urls you\'ve previously created. <a href=\"index.[[[SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION]]]\">Click here</a> to create a new short url.", "short_url_stats":"short url stats", "share":"share", "edit_shorl_url":"edit shorl url", "are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_this_url":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this short url?", "delete_shorl_url":"delete shorl url", "contact_success":"Thanks for submitting the contact form on our site. We\'ll review the query as soon as possible and get back to your within the next 48 hours.", "visit_date":"Visit Date", "reward_user":"Reward User", "shorturl":"Short Url", "amount":"Amount", "domain":"Domain", "total_urls":"Total Urls", "access_type":"Access Type", "time":"time", "":"", "chrome":"chrome", "windows":"windows", "visit":"visit", "select_report":"select report", "from_x_items_across_ppv_countries":"(from [[[ITEMS]]] items across all countries)", "ppv_recent_views":"ppv recent views", "table_view_date":"View Date", "table_url":"Url", "table_country":"Country", "table_status":"Status", "admin":"Admin", "delete_selected_users":"Delete Selected Users"
return l[key.toLowerCase()];
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    var cal_obj2 = null;
    var format = '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i';

    // user defined onchange handler
    function cal2_on_change(cal, object_code)
        if (object_code == 'day')
            document.getElementById("shortUrlExpiryDate").value = cal.get_formatted_date(format);
            cal_obj2 = null;

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                        <h5 style="font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase !important;">
                            Enter one or more long urls below                        </h5>

                            <textarea name="longUrl" id="longUrl" placeholder="https://..." title="Enter your long url" style="outline: none; height: 60px; overflow: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; resize: horizontal;"></textarea>
                        <div class="clear"><!-- --></div>

                            <label for="shortUrlDomain">Short Url Domain:</label>
                            <select id="shortUrlDomain" name="shortUrlDomain" style="width: 100%;">
                                <option value="1">                            </option></select>

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                                <label for="customUrl">
                                    Custom Url:
                                <input type="text" name="customUrl" id="customUrl" title="set a custom short url" value="" autocomplete="off">

                            <div class="fiftyPercentLast">
                                <label for="shortUrlPassword">Password:</label>
                                <input type="text" name="shortUrlPassword" id="shortUrlPassword" title="set a password to access the link" value="" autocomplete="off">

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                                <input type="text" class="uiStyle hasDatepicker" name="shortUrlExpiryDate" id="shortUrlExpiryDate" title="set an expiry date for the url" value="">

                            <div class="third">
                                <label for="shortUrlUses">Total uses:</label>
                                <select id="shortUrlUses" name="shortUrlUses" title="choose total short url click-throughs before expiring">
                                    <option value="0">Unlimited</option><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="10">10</option><option value="20">20</option><option value="50">50</option><option value="100">100</option><option value="500">500</option><option value="1000">1000</option>                                </select>

                            <div class="thirdLast">
                                <label for="shortUrlType">Url Type:</label>
                                <select id="shortUrlType" name="shortUrlType">
                                    <option value="0" selected="">public (listed on site)</option><option value="1">private (not listed on site)</option>                                </select>

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                        <h1 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; margin-bottom: 3px !important;"><b>SHORTEN URLS!</b></h1>
                        <h5 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Easily create trackable short urls to use anywhere on the web, email or Twitter.</h5>

                        Copy and paste your long url into the box on the left or signup for a <a href="">free account</a> and manage all your short urls in one place.                    </p>

We use the most up to date sources available on the internet to block links being created for sites which may contain viruses, spam or malware.                    </p>
                        <li><a href="" target="_blank">PhishTank</a></li>
                        <li><a href="" target="_blank">Google Safe Browsing</a></li>

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5                            </p>
                            <h4>Total Short Urls</h4>
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2                            </p>
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