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<meta name="description" content=". LINKS: . . . LINKS: LINKS: LINKS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ================================================ Ngannou vs. Ferreira Live Stream: How to Watch PFL 'Battle of the Giants' on October 19, 2024. On October 19, 2024, fight fans around the world will witness a monumental clash in the Professional Fighters League (PFL) as two of the heaviest hitters in mixed martial arts, Francis Ngannou and Renan Ferreira, square off in a highly anticipated bout dubbed the &quot;Battle of the Giants.&quot; This event, taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, marks another historic night for the PFL, which continues to push the boundaries of combat sports by bringing together global superstars and emerging talent for unforgettable matchups. Here's everything you need to know about how to watch this epic showdown. The headline fight of this PFL event is the clash between Francis Ngannou, the former UFC Heavyweight Champion and one of the most feared strikers in MMA history, and Renan Ferreira, a Brazilian heavyweight with a reputation for finishing fights in devastating fashion. This matchup has all the makings of an instant classic, as both men bring extraordinary power, knockout ability, and a desire to prove themselves as the top heavyweight in the PFL. Francis Ngannou: A Legend Looking to Cement His Legacy Ngannou (17-3) is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous fighters in MMA history, known for his brutal knockouts and his incredible comeback story from adversity. After leaving the UFC, Ngannou signed with the PFL earlier in 2023, where he has continued his quest to dominate the heavyweight division. With his legendary knockout power, Ngannou's ability to end a fight in seconds has made him a fan favorite around the world. Nicknamed &quot;The Predator,&quot; Ngannou has a fearsome resume that includes victories over some of the greatest heavyweights in UFC history, including Stipe Miocic, Cain Velasquez, Junior dos Santos, and Alistair Overeem. His ability to land devastating punches with pinpoint accuracy has struck fear into the hearts of opponents and captivated fans. In this bout, Ngannou is determined to prove that he is still the king of the heavyweight division, despite moving to a new promotion. A victory over Ferreira would solidify his status as the most dominant heavyweight in the sport and potentially open the door for more blockbuster fights in the future. Renan Ferreira: The Brazilian Behemoth Standing at 6'10&quot;, Renan &quot;Problema&quot; Ferreira (10-4) is one of the most imposing figures in the PFL heavyweight division. Known for his towering frame and exceptional reach, Ferreira has made a name for himself with a series of stunning knockouts and submissions. His nickname, &quot;Problema,&quot; which translates to &quot;problem,&quot; is fitting, as he presents a unique challenge for anyone who steps into the cage with him. Ferreira's fighting style is characterized by a dangerous combination of striking power and grappling ability, making him a versatile and unpredictable opponent. He has finished the majority of his fights inside the distance, including knockout victories over heavyweight contenders such as Jamelle Jones and Fabricio Werdum. This fight represents the biggest opportunity of Ferreira's career, as a victory over Ngannou would catapult him into superstardom and potentially position him as one of the faces of the PFL's heavyweight division. Ferreira knows that he must rise to the occasion to defeat a fighter of Ngannou's caliber, and fans can expect him to leave everything in the cage on fight night. How to Watch Ngannou vs. Ferreira: Live Stream Information For fans eager to watch this heavyweight showdown, there are several options to catch the action live, whether you're in the United States, the United Kingdom, or elsewhere around the world. Here's a detailed guide on how to watch PFL: Battle of the Giants on October 19, 2024. United States: ESPN and ESPN+ In the United States, the PFL has an exclusive broadcasting deal with ESPN, meaning that American fans can watch Ngannou vs. Ferreira live through ESPN's platforms. TV Broadcast: The main card, including the Ngannou vs. Ferreira main event, will air live on ESPN. Check your local listings for the exact channel number. Live Stream: For those who prefer streaming, the event will be available live on ESPN+, ESPN's subscription-based streaming service. To access the fight, you'll need to subscribe to ESPN+, which costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 annually. ESPN+ is available on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and computers. United Kingdom: DAZN For fight fans in the United Kingdom, the PFL event will be broadcast live on DAZN. DAZN has become a major player in combat sports broadcasting, offering a range of boxing and MMA events for subscribers. Live Stream: You can stream the entire PFL event, including Ngannou vs. Ferreira, through DAZN. DAZN offers a subscription service, with prices starting at £9.99 per month. The platform is accessible on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Canada: TSN In Canada, fans can catch the action live on TSN, which will broadcast the main card, including the Ngannou vs. Ferreira main event. Live Stream: TSN also offers a streaming service, TSN Direct, which allows viewers to stream the event live on their preferred devices. A subscription to TSN Direct starts at $19.99 per month. Rest of the World: PFL Website and App For fans in other regions, the PFL offers direct streaming through its official website and the PFL app. This service is available globally, allowing viewers from various countries to watch the event live. Live Stream: To access the PFL live stream, visit the PFL’s official website or download the PFL app from your device's app store. The app is available on both iOS and Android platforms. PFL's streaming service typically requires a subscription, and prices may vary depending on your location. What Time Does Ngannou vs. Ferreira Start? The timing of the event varies depending on your location, but here’s a breakdown of when you can expect the action to begin: Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024 Event Start Time (Main Card): 7:00 p.m. ET (United States) / 12:00 a.m. BST (UK) Ngannou vs. Ferreira Main Event (Approximate Time): 10:00 p.m. ET (United States) / 3:00 a.m. BST (UK) Keep in mind that these times are approximate and may shift depending on how long the undercard fights last. Undercard Action: A Full Night of MMA Excitement While the main event between Ngannou and Ferreira is the primary attraction, the undercard for PFL: Battle of the Giants is packed with compelling matchups featuring rising stars and established veterans in the PFL roster. The co-main event will see a lightweight clash between AJ McKee Jr. and Paul Hughes, two fighters looking to make a statement in the lightweight division. Other exciting matchups include a middleweight bout between Mateo Tapia and Endry Saavedra, as well as a featherweight contest featuring Carlos Jackson against Ryan Lee Allen. Final Thoughts: A Historic Night Awaits With two of the most dangerous heavyweights in the world set to collide, PFL: Battle of the Giants is shaping up to be an unforgettable night for fight fans. Whether you're a die-hard Francis Ngannou supporter or excited to see if Renan Ferreira can pull off the upset, this is a fight that no MMA fan will want to miss. Be sure to tune in on October 19 to witness this epic heavyweight showdown live.">
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Ngannou vs. Ferreira Live Stream: How to Watch PFL 'Battle of the Giants' on October 19, 2024. On October 19, 2024, fight fans around the world will witness a monumental clash in the Professional Fighters League (PFL) as two of the heaviest hitters in mixed martial arts, Francis Ngannou and Renan Ferreira, square off in a highly anticipated bout dubbed the "Battle of the Giants." This event, taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, marks another historic night for the PFL, which continues to push the boundaries of combat sports by bringing together global superstars and emerging talent for unforgettable matchups. Here's everything you need to know about how to watch this epic showdown.

The headline fight of this PFL event is the clash between Francis Ngannou, the former UFC Heavyweight Champion and one of the most feared strikers in MMA history, and Renan Ferreira, a Brazilian heavyweight with a reputation for finishing fights in devastating fashion. This matchup has all the makings of an instant classic, as both men bring extraordinary power, knockout ability, and a desire to prove themselves as the top heavyweight in the PFL.

Francis Ngannou: A Legend Looking to Cement His Legacy

Ngannou (17-3) is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous fighters in MMA history, known for his brutal knockouts and his incredible comeback story from adversity. After leaving the UFC, Ngannou signed with the PFL earlier in 2023, where he has continued his quest to dominate the heavyweight division. With his legendary knockout power, Ngannou's ability to end a fight in seconds has made him a fan favorite around the world.

Nicknamed "The Predator," Ngannou has a fearsome resume that includes victories over some of the greatest heavyweights in UFC history, including Stipe Miocic, Cain Velasquez, Junior dos Santos, and Alistair Overeem. His ability to land devastating punches with pinpoint accuracy has struck fear into the hearts of opponents and captivated fans.

In this bout, Ngannou is determined to prove that he is still the king of the heavyweight division, despite moving to a new promotion. A victory over Ferreira would solidify his status as the most dominant heavyweight in the sport and potentially open the door for more blockbuster fights in the future.

Renan Ferreira: The Brazilian Behemoth

Standing at 6'10", Renan "Problema" Ferreira (10-4) is one of the most imposing figures in the PFL heavyweight division. Known for his towering frame and exceptional reach, Ferreira has made a name for himself with a series of stunning knockouts and submissions. His nickname, "Problema," which translates to "problem," is fitting, as he presents a unique challenge for anyone who steps into the cage with him.

Ferreira's fighting style is characterized by a dangerous combination of striking power and grappling ability, making him a versatile and unpredictable opponent. He has finished the majority of his fights inside the distance, including knockout victories over heavyweight contenders such as Jamelle Jones and Fabricio Werdum.

This fight represents the biggest opportunity of Ferreira's career, as a victory over Ngannou would catapult him into superstardom and potentially position him as one of the faces of the PFL's heavyweight division. Ferreira knows that he must rise to the occasion to defeat a fighter of Ngannou's caliber, and fans can expect him to leave everything in the cage on fight night.

How to Watch Ngannou vs. Ferreira: Live Stream Information

For fans eager to watch this heavyweight showdown, there are several options to catch the action live, whether you're in the United States, the United Kingdom, or elsewhere around the world. Here's a detailed guide on how to watch PFL: Battle of the Giants on October 19, 2024.

United States: ESPN and ESPN+

In the United States, the PFL has an exclusive broadcasting deal with ESPN, meaning that American fans can watch Ngannou vs. Ferreira live through ESPN's platforms.

TV Broadcast: The main card, including the Ngannou vs. Ferreira main event, will air live on ESPN. Check your local listings for the exact channel number.
Live Stream: For those who prefer streaming, the event will be available live on ESPN+, ESPN's subscription-based streaming service. To access the fight, you'll need to subscribe to ESPN+, which costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 annually. ESPN+ is available on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and computers.
United Kingdom: DAZN

For fight fans in the United Kingdom, the PFL event will be broadcast live on DAZN. DAZN has become a major player in combat sports broadcasting, offering a range of boxing and MMA events for subscribers.

Live Stream: You can stream the entire PFL event, including Ngannou vs. Ferreira, through DAZN. DAZN offers a subscription service, with prices starting at £9.99 per month. The platform is accessible on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.
Canada: TSN

In Canada, fans can catch the action live on TSN, which will broadcast the main card, including the Ngannou vs. Ferreira main event.

Live Stream: TSN also offers a streaming service, TSN Direct, which allows viewers to stream the event live on their preferred devices. A subscription to TSN Direct starts at $19.99 per month.
Rest of the World: PFL Website and App

For fans in other regions, the PFL offers direct streaming through its official website and the PFL app. This service is available globally, allowing viewers from various countries to watch the event live.

Live Stream: To access the PFL live stream, visit the PFL’s official website or download the PFL app from your device's app store. The app is available on both iOS and Android platforms. PFL's streaming service typically requires a subscription, and prices may vary depending on your location.
What Time Does Ngannou vs. Ferreira Start?

The timing of the event varies depending on your location, but here’s a breakdown of when you can expect the action to begin:

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Event Start Time (Main Card): 7:00 p.m. ET (United States) / 12:00 a.m. BST (UK)
Ngannou vs. Ferreira Main Event (Approximate Time): 10:00 p.m. ET (United States) / 3:00 a.m. BST (UK)

Keep in mind that these times are approximate and may shift depending on how long the undercard fights last.

Undercard Action: A Full Night of MMA Excitement

While the main event between Ngannou and Ferreira is the primary attraction, the undercard for PFL: Battle of the Giants is packed with compelling matchups featuring rising stars and established veterans in the PFL roster. The co-main event will see a lightweight clash between AJ McKee Jr. and Paul Hughes, two fighters looking to make a statement in the lightweight division.

Other exciting matchups include a middleweight bout between Mateo Tapia and Endry Saavedra, as well as a featherweight contest featuring Carlos Jackson against Ryan Lee Allen.

Final Thoughts: A Historic Night Awaits

With two of the most dangerous heavyweights in the world set to collide, PFL: Battle of the Giants is shaping up to be an unforgettable night for fight fans. Whether you're a die-hard Francis Ngannou supporter or excited to see if Renan Ferreira can pull off the upset, this is a fight that no MMA fan will want to miss. Be sure to tune in on October 19 to witness this epic heavyweight showdown live.


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