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        <h1 class="name">
          <span id="strike">hello</span><span class="typed-cursor typed-cursor--blink">|</span>
      <span class="subtitle">please don't say just hello in chat</span>
      <h2 class="lead">
        Imagine calling someone on the phone, going <em>hello!</em> then putting them on hold... 🤦‍♀️

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      <h2 class="section-title">❌ Don't do this</h2>
      <div class="list-card example one">
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/MxF06xdCHJ-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Keith's Slack avatar" src="/img/MxF06xdCHJ-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Keith</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:15 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">hi</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Tim's Slack avatar" src="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Tim</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:19 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">...?</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/MxF06xdCHJ-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Keith's Slack avatar" src="/img/MxF06xdCHJ-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Keith</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:20 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">what time was taht thing again?</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Tim's Slack avatar" src="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Tim</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:20 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">oh - 3:30 mate</span>
    <div class="sections sectionright">
      <div class="list-card">
          <p>Note that Keith could have got his answer minutes sooner, and needn't have kept Tim waiting. In fact, Tim could have started thinking about the question right away!</p>
<p>People who do this are generally trying to be polite by not jumping right into the request, like one would in person or on the phone - and that's great! But it's 2022 and chat is neither of those things. For most people, typing is much slower than talking. So despite best intentions, <strong>you're actually just making the other person wait</strong> for you to phrase your question, which is lost productivity (and kinda annoying).</p>
<p>The same goes for:</p>
<li>"Hello, are you around?"</li>
<li>"hi sophie - quick question."</li>
<li>"You got a sec?"</li>
<p><strong>Just ask the question!</strong> 😫</p>

  <div class="container yepyep">
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      <h2 class="section-title yepyep">✅ Instead try this</h2>
      <div class="list-card example two">
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/4gebfK1xtc-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Dawn's Slack avatar" src="/img/4gebfK1xtc-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Dawn</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:15 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">Hiya! What time was that thing?</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Tim's Slack avatar" src="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Tim</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:15 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">hey, 3:30</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/4gebfK1xtc-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Dawn's Slack avatar" src="/img/4gebfK1xtc-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Dawn</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:15 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">Ta - seeya then!</span>
        <div class="slack">
          <picture><source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.webp 128w"><img alt="Tim's Slack avatar" src="/img/CGi-z9VgRi-128.jpeg" width="128" height="128"></picture>
          <span class="slackname">Tim</span>
          <span class="slacktime">2:16 PM</span><br>
          <span class="slackmessage">👌 np</span>
    <div class="sections sectionright">
      <div class="list-card">
          <p>If you feel it's a bit brusque to simply say "Hi" and ask the question, <strong>you can still preface your message with as many pleasantries as you see fit.</strong></p>
<p>For example:</p>
<li>"hey man, what's up? also, any idea when that thing's due?"</li>
<li>"Hi there! Hope you're well. I'm after the latest deck, when you get a sec :)"</li>
<li>"hey, if you're not busy, could you update those NFRs?"</li>
<p>It may seem trivial, but asking your question before getting that initial salutatory reply also allows for <strong>asynchronous communication</strong>. If the other party is away, and you leave before they come back, they can still answer your question, instead of just staring at a "Hello" and wondering what they missed.</p>
<p>When done right - everyone's happy! 🎉</p>

      This is kinda only half serious (kinda 👀) so please don't get <a href="">mad</a> at the person who sent you here.
      That said, if you see this sites URL as someone's status/bio, be prepared to be ignored if you only say "Hello!"
      Based on the wonderful <a href=""></a>. Avatars taken from <em><a href="">The Office</a></em>. Open-source on <a href="">GitHub</a>.

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