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<p><img src="" alt="Juice Shop Logo"></p>

<p><a href="/projects/#div-flagships"><img src="" alt="OWASP Flagship"></a><!-- @IGNORE PREVIOUS: link -->
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<a href=""><img src=";style=flat" alt="GitHub stars"></a>
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<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="OpenSSF Best Practices"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Contributor Covenant"></a></p>

<p>OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure
web application! It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos,
CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses
vulnerabilities from the entire
<a href="/www-project-top-ten">OWASP Top Ten</a><!-- @IGNORE PREVIOUS: link --> along with many other security
flaws found in real-world applications!</p>

<p><img src="" alt="Slideshow"></p>

<h2 id="description">Description</h2>

<p>Juice Shop is written in Node.js, Express and Angular. It was the first
application written entirely in JavaScript listed in the
<a href="/www-project-vulnerable-web-applications-directory">OWASP VWA Directory</a><!-- @IGNORE PREVIOUS: link -->.</p>

<p>The application contains a vast number of hacking challenges of varying
difficulty where the user is supposed to exploit the underlying
vulnerabilities. The hacking progress is tracked on a score board.
Finding this score board is actually one of the (easy) challenges!</p>

<p>Apart from the hacker and awareness training use case, pentesting
proxies or security scanners can use Juice Shop as a “guinea
pig”-application to check how well their tools cope with
JavaScript-heavy application frontends and REST APIs.</p>

<p><em>Translating “dump” or “useless outfit” into German yields “Saftladen”
which can be reverse-translated word by word into “juice shop”. Hence
the project name. That the initials “JS” match with those of
“JavaScript” was purely coincidental!</em></p>

<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>

  <p><a href="">The most trustworthy online shop out there.</a>
<a href="">@dschadow</a>) —
<a href="">The best juice shop on the whole internet!</a>
<a href="">@shehackspurple</a>) —
<a href="">Actually the most bug-free vulnerable application in existence!</a>
<a href="">@vanderaj</a>) —
<a href="">First you 😂😂then you 😢</a>
<a href="">@kramse</a>) —
<a href="">But this doesn’t have anything to do with juice.</a>
<a href="">@coderPatros’ wife</a>)</p>

<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub contributors"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Crowdin"></a></p>

<p>The OWASP Juice Shop has been created by
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Björn Kimminich</a> and is developed,
maintained and translated by a
<a href="">team of volunteers</a>.
<a href="">live update of the project contributors</a>
is found here.</p>

<h2 id="licensing">Licensing</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="license"></a></p>

<p>This program is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the
<a href="">MIT License</a>.
OWASP Juice Shop and any contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern
Kimminich &amp; the OWASP Juice Shop contributors 2014-2023.</p>


          <section id="sec-overview" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="main-selling-points">Main Selling Points</h2>

  <li><strong>Free and Open source</strong>: Licensed under the
<a href="">MIT license</a>
with no hidden costs or caveats</li>
  <li><strong>Easy-to-install</strong>: Choose between
<a href="">node.js</a>,
<a href="">Docker</a> and
<a href="">Vagrant</a> to run on
Windows/Mac/Linux as well as all major cloud providers</li>
  <li><strong>Self-contained</strong>: Additional dependencies are
<a href="">pre-packaged</a>
or will be resolved and downloaded automatically</li>
<a href="">Hacking Instructor</a>
scripts with optional
<a href="">tutorial mode</a>
guide newcomers through several challenges while explaining the
underlying vulnerabilities</li>
  <li><strong>Gamification</strong>: The application
<a href="">notifies you on solved challenges</a>
and keeps track of successfully exploited vulnerabilities on a
<a href="">Score
<a href="">Wiped clean and
repopulated from scratch</a>
on every server startup while
<a href="">automatically persisting progress in your browser</a>
or via
<a href="">manual local backup</a></li>
<a href="">Fully customizable</a>
in business context and look &amp; feel to your own corporate or customer
  <li><strong>CTF-support</strong>: Challenge notifications optionally contain a flag
code for your own
<a href="">Capture-The-Flag events</a></li>
  <li><strong>Coding Challenges</strong>: Over 20 hacking challenges come with an additional <a href="">Coding Challenge</a> where finding and fixing the responsible code flaw can be trained</li>
  <li><strong>Interoperability</strong>: Integrate with your own training systems via
<a href="">WebHook</a>,
monitor the
<a href="">extensive metrics</a>
or consume challenge information directly via
<a href="">API</a>
<a href="">file import</a></li>

<h2 id="screenshots">Screenshots</h2>

<p><img src="" alt="Screenshot 1">
<img src="" alt="Screenshot 2">
<img src="" alt="Screenshot 3">
<img src="" alt="Screenshot 4">
<img src="" alt="Screenshot 5"></p>

<h2 id="application-architecture">Application Architecture</h2>

<p><img src="" alt="Architecture diagram"></p>

          <section id="sec-news" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="latest-releases">Latest Releases</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub release"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub release"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="SourceForge"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="SourceForge"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Docker Pulls"></a></p>

<!-- next:juice-shop -->
  <li>2024-09-09T16:06:22Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v17.1.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-08-05T15:07:20Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v17.1.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-05-24T21:08:54Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v17.0.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-04-22T13:36:03Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v16.0.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-12-19T15:35:41Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v16.0.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-11-03T20:11:03Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v15.3.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-10-03T21:17:58Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v15.2.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-09-22T16:37:04Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v15.2.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-09-08T13:03:29Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v15.1.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-05-19T23:00:51Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v15.0.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-02-14T14:08:37Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v14.5.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-02-07T15:08:44Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v14.5.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-01-04T05:43:07Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v14.4.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-11-12T10:07:13Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v14.3.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-09-24T13:49:03Z: juice-shop <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v14.3.0</code></a></li>

<h3 id="ctf-extension">CTF Extension</h3>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub release"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Docker Pulls"></a></p>

<!-- next:juice-shop-ctf -->
  <li>2023-10-11T22:23:15Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v10.0.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-09-01T10:31:42Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v10.0.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-08-23T16:13:55Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v9.1.2</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-08-03T04:31:18Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v9.1.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-07-31T20:52:39Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v9.1.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2022-01-16T20:18:28Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v9.0.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2021-09-26T18:28:42Z: juice-shop-ctf <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v8.2.3</code></a></li>

<h3 id="multijuicer">MultiJuicer</h3>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub release"></a></p>

<!-- next:multi-juicer -->
  <li>2024-10-06T00:25:23Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.3.2</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-09-19T13:26:34Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.3.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-09-10T09:40:37Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.3.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2024-04-19T17:48:27Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.2.2</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-12-21T11:11:28Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.2.1</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-12-21T11:05:26Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.2.1-rc.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-12-20T11:17:36Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.2.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-11-08T18:33:41Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.1.0</code></a></li>
  <li>2023-10-18T18:04:26Z: multi-juicer <a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">v7.0.1</code></a></li>

<h2 id="roadmap">Roadmap</h2>

<p><img src="" alt="GitHub issues by-label">
<img src="" alt="GitHub issues by-label"></p>

    <p>Auction off up to ten <a href="" target="_blank">unique anniversary NFT artworks</a> to true Juice Shop fans</p>
    <p>Complete the <a href="" target="_blank">Angular 17 migration</a> of the frontend</p>
    <p>Pay back other accumulated technical debt and harmonize codebase overall</p>
    <p>Bring <a href="" target="_blank">overall test coverage</a> back over 90%+</p>

          <section id="sec-challenges" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="challenge-categories">Challenge Categories</h2>

<p>The vulnerabilities found in the OWASP Juice Shop are categorized into
several different classes. Most of them cover different risk or
vulnerability types from well-known lists or documents, such as
<a href="">OWASP Top 10</a>,
<a href="">OWASP ASVS</a>,
<a href="">OWASP Automated Threat Handbook</a>
<a href="">OWASP API Security Top 10</a>
or MITRE’s
<a href="">Common Weakness Enumeration</a>.</p>

    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Access Control</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">11</td>
    <td><small>Admin Section, CSRF, Easter Egg, Five-Star Feedback, Forged Feedback, Forged Review, Manipulate Basket, Product Tampering, SSRF, View Basket, Web3 Sandbox</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Anti Automation</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">4</td>
    <td><small>CAPTCHA Bypass, Extra Language, Multiple Likes, Reset Morty's Password</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Authentication</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">9</td>
    <td><small>Bjoern's Favorite Pet, Change Bender's Password, GDPR Data Erasure, Login Bjoern, Password Strength, Reset Bender's Password, Reset Bjoern's Password, Reset Jim's Password, Two Factor Authentication</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Cryptographic Issues</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">5</td>
    <td><small>Forged Coupon, Imaginary Challenge, Nested Easter Egg, Premium Paywall, Weird Crypto</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Improper Input Validation</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">12</td>
    <td><small>Admin Registration, Deluxe Fraud, Empty User Registration, Expired Coupon, Mint the Honey Pot, Missing Encoding, Payback Time, Poison Null Byte, Repetitive Registration, Upload Size, Upload Type, Zero Stars</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Injection</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">11</td>
    <td><small>Christmas Special, Database Schema, Ephemeral Accountant, Login Admin, Login Bender, Login Jim, NoSQL DoS, NoSQL Exfiltration, NoSQL Manipulation, SSTi, User Credentials</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Insecure Deserialization</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">2</td>
    <td><small>Blocked RCE DoS, Successful RCE DoS</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Miscellaneous</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">7</td>
    <td><small>Bully Chatbot, Mass Dispel, Privacy Policy, Score Board, Security Advisory, Security Policy, Wallet Depletion</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Security Misconfiguration</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">4</td>
    <td><small>Cross-Site Imaging, Deprecated Interface, Error Handling, Login Support Team</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Security through Obscurity</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">3</td>
    <td><small>Blockchain Hype, Privacy Policy Inspection, Steganography</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Sensitive Data Exposure</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">17</td>
    <td><small>Access Log, Confidential Document, Email Leak, Exposed Metrics, Forgotten Developer Backup, Forgotten Sales Backup, GDPR Data Theft, Leaked Access Logs, Leaked Unsafe Product, Login Amy, Login MC SafeSearch, Meta Geo Stalking, Misplaced Signature File, NFT Takeover, Reset Uvogin's Password, Retrieve Blueprint, Visual Geo Stalking</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Unvalidated Redirects</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">2</td>
    <td><small>Allowlist Bypass, Outdated Allowlist</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Vulnerable Components</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">9</td>
    <td><small>Arbitrary File Write, Forged Signed JWT, Frontend Typosquatting, Kill Chatbot, Legacy Typosquatting, Local File Read, Supply Chain Attack, Unsigned JWT, Vulnerable Library</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XSS</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">9</td>
    <td><small>API-only XSS, Bonus Payload, CSP Bypass, Client-side XSS Protection, DOM XSS, HTTP-Header XSS, Reflected XSS, Server-side XSS Protection, Video XSS</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XXE</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">2</td>
    <td><small>XXE Data Access, XXE DoS</small></td>
    <td><strong>Total Σ</strong></td>
    <td colspan="2">107</td>

<h2 id="challenge-tags">Challenge Tags</h2>

<p>Tags do not represent vulnerability categories but serve as additional
meta information for challenges. They mark certain commonalities or
special types of challenges - like those lacking seriousness or ones
that probably need some scripting/automation etc.</p>

    <td style="min-width: 190px">Brute Force</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Bully Chatbot, CAPTCHA Bypass, Extra Language, Login Support Team, Password Strength, Reset Morty's Password
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Code Analysis</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Blockchain Hype, Forged Coupon, Imaginary Challenge, Kill Chatbot, Login Bjoern, Login Support Team, Outdated Allowlist, SSRF, SSTi, Score Board
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Contraption</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Blockchain Hype, Cross-Site Imaging, Deprecated Interface, Easter Egg, Forgotten Developer Backup, Forgotten Sales Backup, Misplaced Signature File, NFT Takeover, SSTi
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Danger Zone</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      API-only XSS, Arbitrary File Write, Blocked RCE DoS, CSP Bypass, Client-side XSS Protection, HTTP-Header XSS, Local File Read, NoSQL DoS, NoSQL Exfiltration, Reflected XSS, SSTi, Server-side XSS Protection, Successful RCE DoS, Video XSS, XXE Data Access, XXE DoS
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Good Practice</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Exposed Metrics, Misplaced Signature File, Privacy Policy, Security Policy
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Good for Demos</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Admin Section, Confidential Document, DOM XSS, Easter Egg, Forged Coupon, Forgotten Developer Backup, Login Admin, NFT Takeover, Nested Easter Egg, Privacy Policy, Privacy Policy Inspection, Reflected XSS, View Basket
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Internet Traffic</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Mint the Honey Pot, Wallet Depletion
    <td style="min-width: 190px">OSINT</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Bjoern's Favorite Pet, Leaked Access Logs, Leaked Unsafe Product, Local File Read, Login Amy, Login MC SafeSearch, Meta Geo Stalking, Reset Bender's Password, Reset Bjoern's Password, Reset Jim's Password, Reset Morty's Password, Reset Uvogin's Password, Supply Chain Attack, Visual Geo Stalking, Vulnerable Library
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Prerequisite</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Allowlist Bypass, Arbitrary File Write, Deprecated Interface, Error Handling, Forgotten Developer Backup, Poison Null Byte
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Shenanigans</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Bonus Payload, Bully Chatbot, Easter Egg, Imaginary Challenge, Leaked Unsafe Product, Login MC SafeSearch, Missing Encoding, Nested Easter Egg, Premium Paywall, Privacy Policy Inspection, Steganography
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Tutorial</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Bonus Payload, DOM XSS, Forged Feedback, Login Admin, Login Bender, Login Jim, Password Strength, Privacy Policy, Reflected XSS, Score Board, View Basket
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Web3</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">
      Blockchain Hype, Mint the Honey Pot, NFT Takeover, Wallet Depletion, Web3 Sandbox

          <section id="sec-learning" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="hacking-instructor-tutorials">Hacking Instructor Tutorials</h2>

<p><img src="" alt="Juicy Bot"></p>

<p>Click on a link in the table below to launch a
<a href="">step-by-step tutorial</a>
for that particular challenge on our public
<a href=""></a> instance. If you are entirely new to the
Juice Shop, we recommend doing them in the listed order. With the
<a href="">Tutorial Mode</a>
you can even enforce that the 12 tutorial challenges
have to be performed gradually in order to unlock the other 95 challenges.</p>

    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Board" target="_blank">Score Board</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Miscellaneous</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" XSS" target="_blank">DOM XSS</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XSS</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Payload" target="_blank">Bonus Payload</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XSS</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Miscellaneous</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" XSS" target="_blank">Reflected XSS</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XSS</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Admin" target="_blank">Login Admin</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Injection</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Section" target="_blank">Admin Section</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Access Control</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Strength" target="_blank">Password Strength</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Authentication</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Basket" target="_blank">View Basket</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Access Control</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Feedback" target="_blank">Forged Feedback</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Access Control</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Jim" target="_blank">Login Jim</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Injection</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href=" Bender" target="_blank">Login Bender</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Injection</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">
    <td style="min-width: 190px"><a href="" target="_blank">Coding Challenges</a></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">n/a</td>
    <td style="min-width: 100px">n/a</td>

<h2 id="coding-challenges">Coding Challenges</h2>

<p>For 27 challenges an additional <a href="">coding challenge</a> is available. In their “Find It” phase they teach
spotting vulnerabilities in the actual codebase of the Juice Shop. In the “Fix It” phase the user then chooses the most appropriate
fix from a list. Solve any of the hacking challenges below to enable a button on the Score Board that launches the corresponding
coding challenge:

    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Access Control</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">3</td>
    <td><small>Admin Section, Forged Review, Product Tampering</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Anti Automation</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">1</td>
    <td><small>Reset Morty's Password</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Broken Authentication</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">5</td>
    <td><small>Bjoern's Favorite Pet, Password Strength, Reset Bender's Password, Reset Bjoern's Password, Reset Jim's Password</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Improper Input Validation</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">1</td>
    <td><small>Admin Registration</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Injection</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">6</td>
    <td><small>Database Schema, Login Admin, Login Bender, Login Jim, NoSQL Manipulation, User Credentials</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Miscellaneous</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">1</td>
    <td><small>Score Board</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Security through Obscurity</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">1</td>
    <td><small>Blockchain Hype</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Sensitive Data Exposure</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">4</td>
    <td><small>Access Log, Confidential Document, Exposed Metrics, Reset Uvogin's Password</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">Unvalidated Redirects</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">2</td>
    <td><small>Allowlist Bypass, Outdated Allowlist</small></td>
    <td style="min-width: 190px">XSS</td>
    <td style="min-width: 60px">3</td>
    <td><small>API-only XSS, Bonus Payload, DOM XSS</small></td>
    <td><strong>Total Σ</strong></td>
    <td colspan="2">27</td>

<h2 id="mitigation-links">Mitigation Links</h2>

<p>For many solved challenges links to mitigation techniques are presented on the Score Board by offering a link
to a corresponding <a href="">OWASP Cheat Sheet</a> explaining how to avoid that kind of vulnerability in the first place. The
following cheat sheets are referred to by OWASP Juice Shop as mitigation links:</p>

      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Authentication Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Authorization Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Choosing and Using Security Questions Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Credential Stuffing Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Cross Site Scripting Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Cryptographic Storage Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">DOM based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Denial of Service Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Error Handling Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">File Upload Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Forgot Password Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Input Validation Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">JSON Web Token for Java Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Key Management Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Logging Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Mass Assignment Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Multifactor Authentication Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">REST Security Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Server Side Request Forgery Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">User Privacy Protection Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Vulnerability Disclosure Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Vulnerable Dependency Management Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">Web Service Security Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">XML External Entity Prevention Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>
      <li><small><a href="" target="_blank">XS Leaks Cheat Sheet</a></small></li>

          <section id="sec-ctf" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="ctf-extension">CTF Extension</h2>

<p><img src="" alt="Juice Shop CTF Logo"></p>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub release"></a>
<a href=""><img src=";style=flat" alt="GitHub stars"></a></p>

<p>The Node package
<a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">juice-shop-ctf-cli</code></a>
helps you to prepare
<a href="">Capture the Flag</a>
events with the OWASP Juice Shop challenges for different popular CTF
frameworks. This interactive utility allows you to populate a CTF game
server in a matter of minutes.</p>

<p><img src="" alt="Juice Shop CLI in Powershell"></p>

<h3 id="supported-ctf-frameworks">Supported CTF Frameworks</h3>

<p>The following open source CTF frameworks are supported by
<code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">juice-shop-ctf-cli</code>:</p>

  <li><a href="">CTFd</a></li>
  <li><a href="">FBCTF</a></li>
  <li><a href="">RootTheBox</a></li>

          <section id="sec-ecosystem" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="official-companion-guide">Official Companion Guide</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Write Goodreads Review"></a></p>

<p><a href="">Pwning OWASP Juice Shop</a> is the
official companion guide for this project. It will give you a complete
overview of the vulnerabilities found in the application including hints
how to spot and exploit them. In the appendix you will even find
complete step-by-step solutions to every challenge.</p>

<p><a href=""><img alt="Pwning OWASP Juice Shop cover" src="" width="250"></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Pwning OWASP Juice Shop back cover" src="" width="250"></a></p>

<p>The ebook is published under
<a href="">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>
and is online-readable <strong>for free</strong> at
<a href=""></a>. The latest officially released
edition is also available <strong>for free</strong> at
<a href=""></a> in PDF, Kindle and ePub format.</p>

<h2 id="official-multi-user-platform">Official Multi User Platform</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="MultiJuicer Logo"></a></p>

<p>Multi User Juice Shop Platform to run separate Juice Shop instances for training or CTF participants on a central Kubernetes cluster. <a href="">MultiJuicer</a> comes with a built-in leader board and its own dedicated Juice Balancer for instance isolation.</p>

<h2 id="official-jingle">Official Jingle</h2>

<a href="">OWASP Juice Shop Jingle</a>
written and performed by
<a href="">Brian Johnson</a></p>

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=";color=%23ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;show_teaser=true"></iframe>

<h2 id="endorsed-open-source-projects">Endorsed Open Source Projects</h2>

      <th style="text-align: left">Project</th>
      <th style="text-align: left">Description</th>
      <td style="text-align: left"><a href=""></a></td>
      <td style="text-align: left">Demo to show the dangers of XSS holes combined with bad Content Security Policy using Harlem Shake and a Keylogger against the Juice Shop (<a href="">📺YouTube</a>)</td>

<p><em>The tools listed above are provided by third parties outside the
OWASP Juice Shop project scope. For support or feature requests please
use the support channels or issue trackers mentioned by these projects.</em></p>

          <section id="sec-supporters" class="page-body tab-hidden">

<h2 id="project-supporters">Project Supporters</h2>

  <p>You can attribute your donation to the OWASP Juice Shop project by
<a href="/donate?reponame=www-project-juice-shop&amp;title=OWASP+Juice+Shop">this link</a><!-- @IGNORE PREVIOUS: link -->
or the green “Donate”-button while on any tab of the Juice Shop
project page!</p>

<h3 id="top-supporters">Top Supporters</h3>

<p><a href=""><img src="assets/images/yourlogo_logo.png" alt="Your company name"></a> <!-- logo expiration: 31.12.2099 --></p>

<p><small><small><em>In order to be recognized as a “Top Supporter” a company
must have donated $1000 or more a) to OWASP while attributing it to
Juice Shop or b) as a restricted gift to OWASP Juice Shop in the last 12

<h4 id="all-corporate-supporters">All Corporate Supporters</h4>

  <li><a href="">secuvera</a><sup>(2018/2019/2023)</sup> <!-- >=1000€ @ 01.06.2023 --></li>
  <li><a href="">mindsetters OG</a><sup>(2023)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">Heyhack</a><sup>(2022)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">Schutzwerk</a><sup>(2022)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">New Work SE</a><sup>(2019/2021)</sup>
<!-- >=1000€ @ 19.12.2019 & 10.12.2021 --></li>
  <li><a href="">RandoriSec</a><sup>(2021)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">Wild West Hackin’ Fest</a><sup>(2020)</sup>
<!-- >=1000€ @ 03.08.2020 --></li>
  <li><a href="">Denim Group</a><sup>(2018-2019)</sup> <!--
\>=1000€ @ 26.08.2018 & 20.09.2019 --></li>
  <li><a href="">PlexTrac</a><sup>(2019)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">Silpion</a><sup>(2019)</sup></li>
  <li><a href="">iteratec</a><sup>(2017)</sup> <!-- >=1000€ @
30.11.2017 --></li>
  <li><a href="">eSailors</a><sup>(2016)</sup> <!-- >=1000€ @
31.07.2017 --></li>
  <li><a href="">XING</a><sup>(2016)</sup> <!-- >=1000€ @ 26.09.2016 --></li>

<h4 id="all-individual-supporters">All Individual Supporters</h4>

    <p>Björn Kimminich</p>
    <p>Jeroen Willemsen</p>
    <p>Soron Foster</p>
    <p>Bendik Mjaaland</p>
    <p>Timo Pagel</p>
    <p>Benjamin Pfänder</p>
    <p>Kevin Chung</p>
    <p>Brian Johnson</p>
    <p>Omar Santos</p>
    <p>Merlyn Albery</p>
    <p>Alper Basaran</p>
    <p>Jediah Logiodice</p>
    <p>Kenyo Kaneda</p>
    <p>Ian Sexton</p>
    <p><em>You want to appear on this list?</em>
<a href="/donate?reponame=www-project-juice-shop&amp;title=OWASP+Juice+Shop">Donate to OWASP here! 🤲</a><!-- @IGNORE PREVIOUS: link --></p>

<h4 id="all-corporate-sponsored-code-contributions">All Corporate-sponsored Code Contributions</h4>

  <li><a href="">#1221</a>,
<a href="">#1356</a>:
<a href=";custval12=ite&amp;lang=EN&amp;custval11=PBSEU_GER">Panasonic Information Systems Company Europe</a><sup>(2019-2020)</sup></li>

<p><small><small><em>In order to be recognized as a “Corporate-sponsored Code
Contribution” an official written confirmation of waiving all IP to the
contributed code must be formally submitted to the OWASP

<h4 id="leanpub-royalties">LeanPub Royalties</h4>

<p><a href=""><img alt="Pwning OWASP Juice Shop" src="" width="250"></a></p>

<p>$1,251.68 of royalties from
<a href="">Björn Kimminich</a>’s eBook have been donated to the
project between 09/2017 and 07/2019.</p>

<h4 id="multijuicer-maintenance">MultiJuicer Maintenance</h4>

<p>MultiJuicer was originally developed (and is still maintained primarily) by <a href="">iteratec</a>. It became an official part of the OWASP Juice Shop project 05/2023.</p>

<p><img src="assets/images/iteratec-logo.png" alt="iteratec"></p>


<p><em>The OWASP Foundation is very grateful for the support by the
individuals and organizations listed. However, please note, the OWASP
Foundation is strictly vendor neutral and does not endorse any of its

       <div class="repo"><a href=""><div class="reset-3c756112--menuItemIcon-206eb252" style="float: left;"><svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 438.549 438.549" stroke="none" class="icon-7f6730be--text-3f89f380"><g><path d="M409.132 114.573c-19.608-33.596-46.205-60.194-79.798-79.8-33.598-19.607-70.277-29.408-110.063-29.408-39.781 0-76.472 9.804-110.063 29.408-33.596 19.605-60.192 46.204-79.8 79.8C9.803 148.168 0 184.854 0 224.63c0 47.78 13.94 90.745 41.827 128.906 27.884 38.164 63.906 64.572 108.063 79.227 5.14.954 8.945.283 11.419-1.996 2.475-2.282 3.711-5.14 3.711-8.562 0-.571-.049-5.708-.144-15.417a2549.81 2549.81 0 0 1-.144-25.406l-6.567 1.136c-4.187.767-9.469 1.092-15.846 1-6.374-.089-12.991-.757-19.842-1.999-6.854-1.231-13.229-4.086-19.13-8.559-5.898-4.473-10.085-10.328-12.56-17.556l-2.855-6.57c-1.903-4.374-4.899-9.233-8.992-14.559-4.093-5.331-8.232-8.945-12.419-10.848l-1.999-1.431c-1.332-.951-2.568-2.098-3.711-3.429-1.142-1.331-1.997-2.663-2.568-3.997-.572-1.335-.098-2.43 1.427-3.289 1.525-.859 4.281-1.276 8.28-1.276l5.708.853c3.807.763 8.516 3.042 14.133 6.851 5.614 3.806 10.229 8.754 13.846 14.842 4.38 7.806 9.657 13.754 15.846 17.847 6.184 4.093 12.419 6.136 18.699 6.136 6.28 0 11.704-.476 16.274-1.423 4.565-.952 8.848-2.383 12.847-4.285 1.713-12.758 6.377-22.559 13.988-29.41-10.848-1.14-20.601-2.857-29.264-5.14-8.658-2.286-17.605-5.996-26.835-11.14-9.235-5.137-16.896-11.516-22.985-19.126-6.09-7.614-11.088-17.61-14.987-29.979-3.901-12.374-5.852-26.648-5.852-42.826 0-23.035 7.52-42.637 22.557-58.817-7.044-17.318-6.379-36.732 1.997-58.24 5.52-1.715 13.706-.428 24.554 3.853 10.85 4.283 18.794 7.952 23.84 10.994 5.046 3.041 9.089 5.618 12.135 7.708 17.705-4.947 35.976-7.421 54.818-7.421s37.117 2.474 54.823 7.421l10.849-6.849c7.419-4.57 16.18-8.758 26.262-12.565 10.088-3.805 17.802-4.853 23.134-3.138 8.562 21.509 9.325 40.922 2.279 58.24 15.036 16.18 22.559 35.787 22.559 58.817 0 16.178-1.958 30.497-5.853 42.966-3.9 12.471-8.941 22.457-15.125 29.979-6.191 7.521-13.901 13.85-23.131 18.986-9.232 5.14-18.182 8.85-26.84 11.136-8.662 2.286-18.415 4.004-29.263 5.146 9.894 8.562 14.842 22.077 14.842 40.539v60.237c0 3.422 1.19 6.279 3.572 8.562 2.379 2.279 6.136 2.95 11.276 1.995 44.163-14.653 80.185-41.062 108.068-79.226 27.88-38.161 41.825-81.126 41.825-128.906-.01-39.771-9.818-76.454-29.414-110.049z"></path></g></svg><span style="padding-left:8px;">Edit on GitHub</span></div></a></div>

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  <div class="owasp-sidebar-top">
    <strong>The OWASP<sup>®</sup> Foundation</strong> works to improve the security of software through its community-led open source software projects, 
     hundreds of chapters worldwide, tens of thousands of members, and by hosting local and global conferences.

  <!--<p style="border: 2px solid #E64A19; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 0.7em; padding: 2px;">
Join the first ever Juice Shop-themed <b>Virtual Escape Room</b> event by OWASP on Apr 9th 2021! <a href="" target="_blank"><i class='fas fa-door-open'></i> Click here for more information and registration!</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="assets/images/escape-room.png"></a>

<h3 id="project-information">Project Information</h3>

  <li><i class="fas fa-flag" style="font-size: 1.3em; color:#38a047;"></i>
<span style="font-size: 1.3em;">Flagship Project</span></li>

<h4 id="classification">Classification</h4>

  <li><i class="fas fa-tools" style="color:#233e81;"></i> Tool</li>

<h4 id="audience">Audience</h4>

  <li><i class="fas fa-toolbox" style="color:#233e81;"></i> Builder</li>
  <li><i class="fas fa-hammer" style="color:#233e81;"></i> Breaker</li>
  <li><i class="fas fa-shield-alt" style="color:#233e81;"></i> Defender</li>

<h3 id="installation">Installation</h3>

  <li><a href="">From Source</a></li>
(<a href="">GitHub</a>/<a href="">SourceForge</a>)</li>
  <li><a href="">Docker Image</a></li>

<h3 id="sources">Sources</h3>

  <li><a href="">GitHub</a></li>
  <li><a href="">CTF Extension (GitHub)</a></li>
  <li><a href="">MultiJuicer (GitHub)</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Crowdin I18N</a></li>

<h3 id="documentation">Documentation</h3>

  <li><a href="">Online Demo</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Introduction Slides</a></li>
  <li>Companion Guide
(<a href="">LeanPub</a>/<a href="">Online</a>)</li>

<h3 id="community">Community</h3>

  <li>Chat (<a href="">Gitter</a>/<a href="">Matrix</a>)</li>
  <li><a href="">Subreddit</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Slack Channel</a> (<a href="">Self-registration</a>)</li>
  <li><a href="!forum/juice-shop-project">Google Group</a></li>

<h3 id="statistics">Statistics</h3>

  <li><a href="">Daily Project Stats</a></li>

<h3 id="social-media">Social Media</h3>

  <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
  <li><a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Facebook</a></li>
  <li><a href="">YouTube</a></li>

<h3 id="merchandise">Merchandise</h3>

  <li><a href="">OpenSea</a></li>
  <li><a href="">StickerYou</a></li>
(<a href="">US</a>/<a href="">DE</a>)</li>

  <h3 id="leaders">Leaders</h3>

  <li><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Bjoern Kimminich</a></li>

<p><img src=";show_icons=true" alt="Bjoern's GitHub stats"></p>

<!--<p style="border: 2px solid #E64A19; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 0.7em; padding: 2px;">
Please help us make the Juice Shop even better for you by answering our <a href="~" target="_blank"><i class='fas fa-poll-h'></i> annual user questionnaire for 2021</a>!


  <div class="owasp-sidebar-bottom">
   <h3>Upcoming OWASP Global Events</h3>
   <div id="global-event-div"><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank rel=" noopener"="">OWASP Global AppSec Washington DC 2025</a><ul><li style="list-style-type: circle;margin-top: 0px;padding:0px;margin-left:16px;">November 3-7, 2025</li></ul></li><li><a href="" target="_blank rel=" noopener"="">OWASP Global AppSec San Francisco 2026</a><ul><li style="list-style-type: circle;margin-top: 0px;padding:0px;margin-left:16px;">November 2-6, 2026</li></ul></li></ul></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
   var events = [];
   $(function () {
      eventsyml = YAML.load('');

      $.each(eventsyml, function (index) {
         if (this.category == 'Global') {
            for (e in {

      if (events.length > 0) {
         var htmlstring = "<ul>";
         for (evnt in events) {
            if (events[evnt].url)
               htmlstring += '<li><a href="' + events[evnt].url
               htmlstring += '<li><a href="'

            htmlstring += '" target="_blank rel="noopener">' + events[evnt].name + '</a>';

            if (typeof events[evnt].dates === 'undefined') {
               events[evnt].dates = 'TBA';

            htmlstring += "<ul><li style='list-style-type: circle;margin-top: 0px;padding:0px;margin-left:16px;'>" + events[evnt].dates + "</li></ul></li>";
         htmlstring += "</ul>";


    <h3>OWASP News & Opinions</h3>

  <section class="member">
      <!-- <script type="text/javascript">
        var members = [];
        $(function() {
          corp_members = YAML.load('');
          $.each(corp_members, function (index) {
            var randomIndexUsed = [];
            var counter = 0;
            var numberOfImages = 10;
            if(members.length > 0)
              var htmlstring = "";
              while (counter < numberOfImages)
                  var randomIndex;
                  var img;
                  randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * members.length);
                  if (randomIndexUsed.indexOf(randomIndex) == "-1")
                      htmlstring += '<a href="'+ members[randomIndex]["url"] + '" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="' + members[randomIndex]["image"] + '" alt="image"/></a>';
      </script> -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var members = [];
      var plat_indices = [];
      var gold_indices = [];
      var other_indices = [];
      function get_next_member(members, indexUsed){
        // random 6
        // 0 to 2 = Platinum (.2 > Other)
        // 3 to 4 = Gold (.1 > Other)
        // 5 = Other  
        member = null;
        chosenIndex = -1;
        var pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);      
        var randomIndex = -1;
        if(pick < 44){
          // pick a platinum member
          randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * plat_indices.length);
          pIndex = plat_indices[randomIndex];            
          cycleIndex = randomIndex
          while(chosenIndex == -1)
            if(indexUsed.indexOf(pIndex)== -1){
              chosenIndex = pIndex;
            }else if(randomIndex >= plat_indices.length){
              randomIndex = 0;
            if (randomIndex == cycleIndex){ // we could not find a plat member not already in the list....            
        if (chosenIndex == -1 && pick < 77) {
          // pick a gold member
          randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * gold_indices.length);
          pIndex = gold_indices[randomIndex];            
          cycleIndex = randomIndex
          while(chosenIndex == -1)
            if(indexUsed.indexOf(pIndex)== -1){
              chosenIndex = pIndex;
            }else if(randomIndex >= gold_indices.length){
              randomIndex = 0;
            if (randomIndex == cycleIndex){ // we could not find a plat member not already in the list....            
        if (chosenIndex == -1){
          // pick an other member
          randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * other_indices.length);
          pIndex = other_indices[randomIndex];            
          cycleIndex = randomIndex
          while(chosenIndex == -1)
            if(indexUsed.indexOf(pIndex)== -1){
              chosenIndex = pIndex;
            }else if(randomIndex >= other_indices.length){
              randomIndex = 0;
            if (randomIndex == cycleIndex){ // we could not find a plat member not already in the list....            
        if(chosenIndex >= 0){          
          member = members[chosenIndex];
          var membertype = 'not a member';
          if(member.member && (member.membertype == 1 || !member.membertype))
            membertype = 'silver member';
          else if(member.member && member.membertype == 2)
            membertype = 'platinum member';
          else if(member.member && member.membertype == 3)
            membertype = 'gold member';
          else if(member.member && member.membertype)
            membertype = member.membertype;        
        return member;      
      $(function() {  
        var corp_members = YAML.load('');
        $.each(corp_members, function (index) {
            index = members.push(this) - 1;  
            if(this.member && this.membertype == 3)
            else if (this.member && this.membertype == 2)
          var indexUsed = [];
          var counter = 0;
          var numberOfImages = 9;
          var member = get_next_member(members, indexUsed);
          if(members.length > 0)
            var htmlstring = "";
            while (counter < numberOfImages)
              member = get_next_member(members, indexUsed)
              if (member)
                  htmlstring += '<a href="'+ member["url"] + '" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="' + member["image"] + '" alt="image"/></a>';                      
      <div class="alt-member-wrapper">
        <section class="member-list">
          <h2>Corporate Supporters</h2>
          <div id="corp_member_div"><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href=";utm_source=owasp-sponsorship&amp;utm_medium=banner&amp;utm_content=homepage" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a><a href="" class="alt-member-logo" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="handleOutboundLinkClicks(event);"><img src="" alt="image"></a></div>
          <div class="member-cta">
            <a class="callout-link" href="/supporters">Become a corporate supporter</a>
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