- スキャンID:
- 978c95f5-e06a-4ea0-8760-207b3da47140終了
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- https://napkin.com/
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リンク · 6件検出
リンク | テキスト |
https://www.symbolics.com/ | Symbolics.com |
https://symbolics.com/museum/ | Internet Museum |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/aronmeystedt/ | |
https://www.validatorai.com/ | ValidatorAI.com |
https://www.instagram.com/aronmeystedt | |
https://www.instagram.com/aronmeystedt/ |
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<img src="/images/Logo white_2_.png" title="Napkin.com company logo" alt="Logo of Napkin.com"><br><br>
<p class="text-light mb-4">We are a group in Orange County, CA that invests in alt assets, startups, collectibles and more.
<br>You likely landed here via one of our online properties.
We are the owners of the very first .com ever registered on the Internet: <strong> <a href="https://www.symbolics.com/" target="_blank">Symbolics.com</a><br>
Symbolics.com is a piece of Internet history, with a registration date of March 15, 1985.<br> </strong>
<h3 class="text-white fw-400 mb-4">Symbolics.com <span class="badge bg-success text-7 fw-600 ms-2">1985</span></h3>
<p class="text-light mb-4">
<p class="text-light mb-4">
The site currently features a popular AI tool that will score your domain name based on dozens of criteria.
Symbolics.com also hosts an <strong> <a href="https://symbolics.com/museum/" target="_blank">Internet Museum</a> </strong> which is visted by tens of thousands of curious web surfers annually.
Symbolics.com is often covered in major media, featured in: <strong>CNN, NY Times, WSJ, Forbes, Venture Beat, Tech Crunch, Mashable, PC World, CNET </strong> and many more.
As a result, the link profile and search engine ranking for the name is outstanding.
Symbolics.com is the very first registered domain name out of the approximately 350 million registered domains today.<br><br> </p>
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<br><h3 class="mb-3 fw-600">Contact Us Here.</h3>
<p class="text-black-50 mb-4">Send us a brief message and we will reply as soon as possible.
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<div class="modal-body p-4"><img src="2022-home/images/aronheadshot.png" class="aron-pic" style="float: left;padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"><p>🙋♂️ Hi, I’m Aron Meystedt, an investor and startup founder. I acquire high-end and hard-to-locate domain names for startups, investors and entrepreneurs.
I am also working on a few startup concepts.<br><br>
👉 Check out <a href="https://www.validatorai.com/" target="_blank">ValidatorAI.com</a> (250,000 registered users). <br>
We're using AI to help people pursue their startup dreams. I'm really passionate about helping new entrepreneurs prove out their ideas and move forward. <br><br>
😊 During my entrepreneurial journey, I became the owner of the very first .com registered on the Internet: <a href="https://www.symbolics.com/" target="_blank">Symbolics.com</a>. Symbolics.com is a piece of Internet history, having been registered back in 1985.
👍 I also am an angel investor and collector of numerous things: Japanese cars, sports cards, vintage video games and sneakers. Check out my <a href="https://www.instagram.com/aronmeystedt" target="_blank">Instagram</a> for more of that stuff.<br><br>
📩 I can be reached via the form here on Napkin.com.
👬 Connect with me on social media below! 👇 👇 <br>
</p><center><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/aronmeystedt/" target="_blank" style="color: #525353;font-size: 19pt;"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>
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