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class="digit count2" style="font-size: 62.7px;"><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">0</span><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">0</span></span><span class="label"><span class="full">Days</span><span class="abbreviated" style="display: none;">Days</span><span class="initialed" style="display: none;">D</span></span></div></li><li class="delimiter"><span class="symbol" style="font-size: 31.35px; line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">:</span></li><li class="number hours"><div class="item"><span class="digit count2" style="font-size: 62.7px;"><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">2</span><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">0</span></span><span class="label"><span class="full">Hours</span><span class="abbreviated" style="display: none;">Hrs</span><span class="initialed" style="display: none;">H</span></span></div></li><li class="delimiter"><span class="symbol" style="font-size: 31.35px; line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">:</span></li><li class="number minutes"><div class="item"><span class="digit count2" style="font-size: 62.7px;"><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">3</span><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">5</span></span><span class="label"><span class="full">Minutes</span><span class="abbreviated" style="display: none;">Mins</span><span class="initialed" style="display: none;">M</span></span></div></li><li class="delimiter"><span class="symbol" style="font-size: 31.35px; line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">:</span></li><li class="number seconds"><div class="item"><span class="digit count2" style="font-size: 62.7px;"><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">2</span><span class="component" style="line-height: 63px; height: 63px;">9</span></span><span class="label"><span class="full">Seconds</span><span class="abbreviated" style="display: none;">Secs</span><span class="initialed" style="display: none;">S</span></span></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div><script>(function() {var on = addEventListener,off = removeEventListener,$ = function(q) { return document.querySelector(q) },$$ = function(q) { return document.querySelectorAll(q) },$body = document.body,$inner = $('.inner'),client = (function() {var o = {browser: 'other',browserVersion: 0,os: 'other',osVersion: 0,mobile: false,canUse: null,flags: {lsdUnits: false,},},ua = navigator.userAgent,a, i;a = [['firefox',/Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/],['edge',/Edge\/([0-9\.]+)/],['safari',/Version\/([0-9\.]+).+Safari/],['chrome',/Chrome\/([0-9\.]+)/],['chrome',/CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)/],['ie',/Trident\/.+rv:([0-9]+)/]];for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) {if (ua.match(a[i][1])) {o.browser = a[i][0];o.browserVersion = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);break;}}a = [['ios',/([0-9_]+) like Mac OS X/,function(v) { return v.replace('_', '.').replace('_', ''); }],['ios',/CPU like Mac OS X/,function(v) { return 0 }],['ios',/iPad; CPU/,function(v) { return 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(children ? function() {children.forEach(function(e) {leave.apply(e, [children]);});} : leave) : null),});});},expandTextNodes: function(e) {var s, i, w, x;for (i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; i++) {x = e.childNodes[i];if (x.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE)continue;s = x.nodeValue;s = s.replace(this.regex,function(x, a) {return '<text-node>' + escapeHtml(a) + '</text-node>';});w = document.createElement('text-node');w.innerHTML = s;x.replaceWith(w);while (w.childNodes.length > 0) {w.parentNode.insertBefore(w.childNodes[0],w);}w.parentNode.removeChild(w);}},};function timer(id, options) {var _this = this,f; = id;this.timestamp = options.timestamp;this.duration = options.duration;this.unit = options.unit;this.mode = options.mode;this.length = options.length;this.completeUrl = options.completeUrl;this.completion = options.completion;this.defer = options.defer;this.persistent = options.persistent;this.labelStyle = options.labelStyle;this.completed = false;this.status = null;this.$timer = document.getElementById(;this.$parent = document.querySelector('#' + _this.$ + ' ul');this.weeks = {$li: null,$digit: null,$components: null};this.days = {$li: null,$digit: null,$components: null};this.hours = {$li: null,$digit: null,$components: null};this.minutes = {$li: null,$digit: null,$components: null};this.seconds = {$li: null,$digit: null,$components: null};if (this.defer)this.$timer.addEventListener('loadelements', () => {this.init();}); else this.init();};timer.prototype.init = function() {var _this = this,kt, kd;kt = + '-timestamp';kd = + '-duration';switch (this.mode) {case 'duration':this.timestamp = parseInt( / 1000) + this.duration;if (this.persistent) {if (registry.get(kd) != this.duration)registry.unset(kt);registry.set(kd, this.duration);if (registry.exists(kt))this.timestamp = parseInt(registry.get(kt)); else registry.set(kt, this.timestamp);} else {if (registry.exists(kt))registry.unset(kt);if (registry.exists(kd))registry.unset(kd);}break;default:break;}window.setInterval(function() {_this.updateDigits();_this.updateSize();}, 250);this.updateDigits();on('resize', function() {_this.updateSize();});this.updateSize();};timer.prototype.updateSize = function() {var $items, $item, $digit, $components, $component, $label, $sublabel, $symbols,w, iw, h, f, i, j, found;$items = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' ul li .item');$symbols = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' .symbol');$components = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' .component');h = 0;f = 0;for (j = 0; j < $components.length; j++) {$components[j].style.lineHeight = '';$components[j].style.height = '';}for (j = 0; j < $symbols.length; j++) {$symbols[j].style.fontSize = '';$symbols[j].style.lineHeight = '';$symbols[j].style.height = '';}for (i = 0; i < $items.length; i++) {$item = $items[i];$component = $item.children[0].children[0];w = $component.offsetWidth;iw = $item.offsetWidth;$digit = $item.children[0];$ = '';$ = (w * 1.65) + 'px';h = Math.max(h, $digit.offsetHeight);f = Math.max(f, (w * 1.65));if ($item.children.length > 1) {$label = $item.children[1];found = false;for (j = 0; j < $label.children.length; j++) {$sublabel = $label.children[j];$ = '';if (!found && $sublabel.offsetWidth < iw) {found = true;$ = '';} else $ = 'none';}}}if ($items.length == 1) {var x = $items[0].children[0],xs = getComputedStyle(x),xsa = getComputedStyle(x, ':after');if (xsa.content != 'none')h = parseInt(xsa.height) - parseInt(xs.marginTop) - parseInt(xs.marginBottom) + 24;}for (j = 0; j < $components.length; j++) {$components[j].style.lineHeight = h + 'px';$components[j].style.height = h + 'px';}for (j = 0; j < $symbols.length; j++) {$symbols[j].style.fontSize = (f * 0.5) + 'px';$symbols[j].style.lineHeight = h + 'px';$symbols[j].style.height = h + 'px';}this.$ = '';this.$ = this.$parent.offsetHeight + 'px';};timer.prototype.updateDigits = function() {var _this = this,x = [{class: 'weeks',digit: 0,divisor: 604800,label: {full: 'Weeks',abbreviated: 'Wks',initialed: 'W'}},{class: 'days',digit: 0,divisor: 86400,label: {full: 'Days',abbreviated: 'Days',initialed: 'D'}},{class: 'hours',digit: 0,divisor: 3600,label: {full: 'Hours',abbreviated: 'Hrs',initialed: 'H'}},{class: 'minutes',digit: 0,divisor: 60,label: {full: 'Minutes',abbreviated: 'Mins',initialed: 'M'}},{class: 'seconds',digit: 0,divisor: 1,label: {full: 'Seconds',abbreviated: 'Secs',initialed: 'S'}},],now, diff,zeros, status, i, j, x, z, t, s;now = parseInt( / 1000);switch (this.mode) {case 'countdown':case 'duration':if (this.timestamp >= now)diff = this.timestamp - now; else {diff = 0;if (!this.completed) {this.completed = true;if (this.completion)(this.completion)();if (this.completeUrl)window.setTimeout(function() {window.location.href = _this.completeUrl;}, 1000);}}break;case 'countup':diff = Math.max(0, now - this.timestamp);break;default:case 'default':if (this.timestamp >= now)diff = this.timestamp - now; else diff = now - this.timestamp;break;}switch (this.unit) {case 'weeks':break;case 'days':x = x.slice(1);break;case 'hours':x = x.slice(2);break;default:break;}for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {x[i].digit = Math.floor(diff / x[i].divisor);diff -= x[i].digit * x[i].divisor;}zeros = 0;for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++)if (x[i].digit == 0)zeros++; else break;while (zeros > 0 && x.length > this.length) {x.shift();zeros--;}z = [];for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++)z.push(x[i].class);status = z.join('-');if (status == this.status) {var $digit, $components;for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {$digit = document.querySelector('#' + + ' .' + x[i].class + ' .digit');$components = document.querySelectorAll('#' + + ' .' + x[i].class + ' .digit .component');if (!$digit)continue;z = [];t = String(x[i].digit);if (x[i].digit < 10) {z.push('0');z.push(t);} else for (j = 0; j < t.length; j++)z.push(t.substr(j, 1));$digit.classList.remove('count1', 'count2', 'count3', 'count4', 'count5');$digit.classList.add('count' + z.length);if ($components.length == z.length) {for (j = 0; j < $components.length && j < z.length; j++)$components[j].innerHTML = z[j];} else {s = '';for (j = 0; j < $components.length && j < z.length; j++)s += '<span class="component x' + Math.random() + '">' + z[j] + '</span>';$digit.innerHTML = s;}}} else {s = '';for (i = 0; i < x.length && i < this.length; i++) {z = [];t = String(x[i].digit);if (x[i].digit < 10) {z.push('0');z.push(t);} else for (j = 0; j < t.length; j++)z.push(t.substr(j, 1));if (i > 0)s += '<li class="delimiter">' +'<span class="symbol">:</span>' +'</li>';s += '<li class="number ' + x[i].class + '">' +'<div class="item">';s += '<span class="digit count' + t.length + '">';for (j = 0; j < z.length; j++)s += '<span class="component">' + z[j] + '</span>';s += '</span>';switch (this.labelStyle) {default:case 'full':s += '<span class="label">' +'<span class="full">' + x[i].label.full + '</span>' +'<span class="abbreviated">' + x[i].label.abbreviated + '</span>' +'<span class="initialed">' + x[i].label.initialed + '</span>' +'</span>';break;case 'abbreviated':s += '<span class="label">' +'<span class="abbreviated">' + x[i].label.abbreviated + '</span>' +'<span class="initialed">' + x[i].label.initialed + '</span>' +'</span>';break;case 'initialed':s += '<span class="label">' +'<span class="initialed">' + x[i].label.initialed + '</span>' +'</span>';break;case 'none':break;}s += '</div>' +'</li>';}_this.$parent.innerHTML = s;this.status = status;}};new timer('timer01',{mode: 'countdown',length: 4,unit: 'days',completeUrl: '',timestamp: 1730210400,labelStyle: 'full'});onvisible.add('#timer01', { style: 'blur-in', speed: 1000, intensity: 5, threshold: 3, delay: 0, replay: false });;})();</script></body></html>