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data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Statistics </strong></label><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Marketing </strong></label><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div></div></div></fieldset></form></div></div></div></div></div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyEdgeMoreDetails"><a id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyEdgeMoreDetailsLink" href="#" class="">Show details</a></div></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotScrollContainer CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogTabContentDetails" class="CybotCookiebotDialogTabPanel CybotCookiebotDialogHide CybotCookiebotScrollArea" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogNavDetails" lang="en"><div class="CybotCookiebotFader" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));"></div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBody"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContent"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentTextOverview" lang="en"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainer"><ul id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerTypes" style="list-style-type: none;"><li class="CookieCard"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerNecessaryCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerHeader"><button id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerNecessary" class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerButton CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" lang="en" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsNecessary" aria-label="Necessary  (19)" aria-controls="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsNecessary" aria-expanded="false"><label for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessaryInline">Necessary  </label> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">19</span></button><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapperDisabled"><form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessaryInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDisabled" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeIntro">Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.</div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsNecessary" class="CollapseCard CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerNecessaryCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeTableContainer"><ul class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabContent" style="list-style-type: none;"><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">CNN<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="CNN's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">geoData</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Determines whether the user is located within the EU and therefore is subject to EU's data privacy regulations. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Google<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Google's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><p class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProviderDescription">Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.</p><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">test_cookie</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">LinkedIn<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">4</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="LinkedIn's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">bcookie</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">li_gc</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 180 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">bscookie</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie is used to identify the visitor through an application. This allows the visitor to login to a website through their LinkedIn application for example.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">JSESSIONID</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Preserves users states across page requests.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Usercentrics GmbH<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Usercentrics GmbH's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">1.gif</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for optimizing CMP product delivery. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div><br><br></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">5</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">CookieConsent&nbsp;[x5]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div><br><br><br></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">3</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">persist:root&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie stores visitor credentials in an encrypted cookie in order to allow the visitor to stay logged in on reentry, if the visitor has accepted the 'stay logged in'-button.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">wpEmojiSettingsSupports</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie is part of a bundle of cookies which serve the purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep the correct state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other website settings.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__smVID</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Necessary for the sign-up function on the website. This function is provided by</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 30 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div><br><br></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">2</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__cf_bm&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></li><li class="CookieCard"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerPreferenceCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerHeader"><button id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerPreference" class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerButton CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" lang="en" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsPreference" aria-label="Preferences  (24)" aria-controls="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsPreference" aria-expanded="false"><label for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline">Preferences  </label> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">24</span></button><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeIntro">Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in.</div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsPreference" class="CollapseCard CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerPreferenceCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeTableContainer"><ul class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabContent" style="list-style-type: none;"><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">CNN<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">2</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="CNN's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">countryCode</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie is used to determine the preferred country setting selected by the visitor.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">stateCode</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the selected store location. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">CloudApp<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">2</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="CloudApp's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">ca_anonymous_id</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">first_visit</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Cookiebot<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Cookiebot's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">CookieConsentBulkSetting-#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Enables cookie consent across multiple websites</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">LinkedIn<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">4</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="LinkedIn's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">lang</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Necessary for maintaining language-settings across subpages on the website.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">lidc</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.  </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">li_alerts</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to determine when and where certain pop-ups on the website should be presented for the user and remember whether the user has closed these, to keep them from showing multiple times.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">sequenceNumber#sequenceNumber</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: IndexedDB</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">pum-2561</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 30 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">14</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_at--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_rt--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_uuid--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio-#-#-#-#-#-isClosed</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_at--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_rt--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio_uuid--027e5aa4-7949-4be7-63d5-515e44e16add</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">chatlio-isQuestionGroupChat</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></li><li class="CookieCard"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerStatisticsCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerHeader"><button id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerStatistics" class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerButton CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" lang="en" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsStatistics" aria-label="Statistics  (6)" aria-controls="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsStatistics" aria-expanded="false"><label for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline">Statistics  </label> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">6</span></button><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeIntro">Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.</div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsStatistics" class="CollapseCard CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerStatisticsCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeTableContainer"><ul class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabContent" style="list-style-type: none;"><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Google<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">2</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Google's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><p class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProviderDescription">Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.</p><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_dc_gtm_UA-#&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a Google Analytics script tag.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Linkedin<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Linkedin's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">browser_id</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to recognise the visitor's browser upon reentry on the website.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 5 years</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Twitter Inc.<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Twitter Inc.'s privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">personalization_id</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">This cookie is set by Twitter - The cookie allows the visitor to share content from the website onto their Twitter profile. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 400 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">xmst</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">number(#)</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></li><li class="CookieCard"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerAdvertisingCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerHeader"><button id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerAdvertising" class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerButton CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" lang="en" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsAdvertising" aria-label="Marketing  (96)" aria-controls="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsAdvertising" aria-expanded="false"><label for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline">Marketing  </label> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">96</span></button><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><form><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeIntro">Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.</div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsAdvertising" class="CollapseCard CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerAdvertisingCard"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeTableContainer"><ul class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabContent" style="list-style-type: none;"><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"> Meta Platforms, Inc.<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">5</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title=" Meta Platforms, Inc.'s privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">lastExternalReferrer</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">lastExternalReferrerTime</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_fbp&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 3 months</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">CNN<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">21</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="CNN's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">19</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">SelectedEdition</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">1</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used in context with the language setting on the website. Facilitates the translation into the preferred language of the visitor.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">10</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">11</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">12</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">13</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">14</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">15</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">16</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">17</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">18</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">2</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">3</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">4</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">5</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">6</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">7</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">8</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">9</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">FastAB</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Google<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">20</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Google's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><p class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProviderDescription">Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.</p><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">IDE</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 400 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">pagead/landing&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_ga&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 25 months</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_ga_#&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 25 months</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_gat&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_gcl_au&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.  </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 3 months</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_gid&nbsp;[x3]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">NID</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 6 months</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">pagead/1p-user-list/#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">collect</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Microsoft<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">7</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Microsoft's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetsid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetsid_exp</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Contains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetvid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetvid_exp</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Contains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">MUID</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used widely by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising the ID across many Microsoft domains.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetsid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">_uetvid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">TikTok<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">3</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="TikTok's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">ttwid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 year</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tt_embed__mounting</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Registers data on the performance of the website’s embedded video-content. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tt_embed__storage_test</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Registers data on the performance of the website’s embedded video-content. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Twitter Inc.<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">4</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Twitter Inc.'s privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">i/adsct&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">The cookie is used by in order to determine the number of visitors accessing the website through Twitter advertisement content. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">muc_ads</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 400 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">i/jot/embeds</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: Pixel Tracker</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">Woopra<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="Woopra's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">wooTracker</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 2 years</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#">YouTube<div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">21</div></a><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" aria-label="Learn more about this provider - opens in a new window" href="" title="YouTube's privacy policy">Learn more about this provider<img class="CybotExternalLinkArrow" src="" alt=""></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">#-#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">iU5q-!O9@$</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStore</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: IndexedDB</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">nextId</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">remote_sid</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.  </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">requests</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLog</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.  </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: IndexedDB</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">TESTCOOKIESENABLED</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 180 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">YSC</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt.innertube::nextId</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">YtIdbMeta#databases</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: IndexedDB</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-cast-available</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-cast-installed</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-connected-devices</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-device-id</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-fast-check-period</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-session-app</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">yt-remote-session-name</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__smUser</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">10</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tea_cache_first_#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tea_cache_tokens_#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tea_sdk_ab_version_#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. </span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__tea_session_id_#</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">HYBRID_SLARDAR_WEBtiktok_pns_web_runtime</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">msToken</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Session</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">PUMBAA_FREQ</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">SLARDARtiktok_web_embed</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">SLARDARwebmssdk</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">xmsi</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: Persistent</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTML Local Storage</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">1</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">__smSessionId</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Pending</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 1 day</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li><li class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieGroup"><a class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieProvider CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" role="button" aria-expanded="false" href="#"><div><br><br></div><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoCount CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">2</div></a><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfo"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoTitle">msToken&nbsp;[x2]</strong><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoDescription">Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.</span><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooter"><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Maximum Storage Duration</b>: 10 days</span><span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieInfoFooterContent"><b>Type</b>: HTTP Cookie</span></div></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></li><li class="CookieCard"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerUnclassifiedCard"><button id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerUnclassified" class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerButton CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" lang="en" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsUnclassified" aria-label="Unclassified  (0)" aria-controls="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsUnclassified" aria-expanded="false">Unclassified   <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">0</span></button><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeIntro">Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies.</div></div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabsUnclassified" class="CollapseCard CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieContainerUnclassifiedCard" aria-expanded="false"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTypeTableContainer"><ul class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentCookieTabContent" style="list-style-type: none;"><p class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyEmptyCategoryMessage">We do not use cookies of this type.</p></ul></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsent" lang="en"><a id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentLink" href="#" class="CybotExpandLink CybotCookiebotDialogCollapsed" data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentListWrapper">Cross-domain consent<span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentCount">5</span></a> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentDescription">Your consent applies to the following domains:</span><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentListWrapper" class="CybotCookiebotDialogHide" aria-expanded="false"><span>List of domains your consent applies to:</span> <dl id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBulkConsentList"><dt><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"></a></dt><dt><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"></a></dt><dt><a target="_blank" href="" 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CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogDetailBodyContentTextAbout" class="CybotCookiebotDialogTabPanel CybotCookiebotDialogHide CybotCookiebotScrollArea" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="CybotCookiebotDialogNavAbout" lang="en"><div class="CybotCookiebotFader" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));"></div>Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient.<br><br>The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.<br><br>This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages.<br><br>You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website.<br><br>Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.<br><br> Please state your consent ID and date when you contact us regarding your consent.<br><br></div><div class="CybotCookiebotScrollbarContainer"></div></div></div><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogFooter"><div id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyButtons"><div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogBodyContentControlsWrapper CybotCookiebotDialogHide"><form class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyContentCheckboxPersonalInformation" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" 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Navigating international regulations such as the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), Responsible Person, and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) ensures that your products meet safety standards and legal requirements in different markets. Compliance not only prevents legal issues but also builds consumer trust. Appointing a Responsible Person within the EU is vital for managing product compliance and ensuring acc...</p></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss177"><button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root MuiButton-text" tabindex="0" type="button"><span class="MuiButton-label"><span class="MuiButton-startIcon MuiButton-iconSizeMedium"><svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M12 5.83L15.17 9l1.41-1.41L12 3 7.41 7.59 8.83 9 12 5.83zm0 12.34L8.83 15l-1.41 1.41L12 21l4.59-4.59L15.17 15 12 18.17z"></path></svg></span>more</span><span class="MuiTouchRipple-root"></span></button></div></div></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss179"><h5 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h5">Andrew Cooper</h5><p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 MuiTypography-gutterBottom MuiTypography-displayBlock"> @ <!-- -->Expandly</p></div></div><hr class="MuiDivider-root"><div style="margin-top:20px"><a class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root MuiButton-text 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You can cast your vote in a different category!","vote_error":"Your Linkedin session has expired. Please reconnect.","soldout":"Sold out ","click_to_select":"SHOW STAGE AGENDA","click_to_reset":"BACK TO FULL AGENDA","error":"Important!","less":"LESS","next":"NEXT","venuelayout":"Floor plan","votes_remaining":"Remaining votes %{votes}"},"event":{"gallery":"Expo from the inside","opengraph":{"name":"E-commerce Berlin Expo | Berlin | February, 2025","description":"Entire e-commerce world in one place"},"date":"Event date","location":"Location","hours":"Duration","organizer":{"name":"Organizer","address":"Address","registration":"TIN"},"support":{"hello":"Support","description":"Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!"},"sales":{"support":"Do you need support?","booths":{"sold":"Sold out","hold":"Reserved. Waiting for payment","available":"Available","free":"This exhibition space is available","owner":"This exhibition space belongs to:","blocked":"This booth is currently unavailable","lock":"Somebody else is booking this exhibition space at the moment. Please try to book a different spot."},"pool":{"start":"Start of sales","name":"Name of the sales pool","price":"Price in this sales pool","end":"This sales pool ends in","info":"Exhibition space is sold in pools. Each subsequent pool with higher prices is activated automatically after the limit of the previous pool is reached. Reserve now to get an optimal location and a lower price. After adding an item to the cart please proceed with booking in max 3 minutes.","legend":"You can choose from the following exhibition space categories - Standard, Hot, Super Hot, Ultra, Grand, Premium Grand. See the current prices by clicking on the stands in the map below (the darker the color, the better the location and the higher the price)."},"steps":{"choose_booth":"Choose exhibition space (click on the map)","confirm":"Confirm order","pay":"Payment","access":"Access exhibitor's account"}},"claim":"Join over 11,000 participants","description":"2-day B2B Expo \u0026 Conference for e-commerce","parties":"E-commerce Berlin Expo is free to attend for retailers and brands. We deliberately restrict the attendee count to enable truly impactful networking opportunities."},"exhibitors":{"map":{"title":"Book a stand for the 2-day show","opensales":"Join the top industry players and connect with targeted customers","title2":"Become an Exhibitor","title3":"LAYOUT OF THE EXPO HALL","closedsales":"If you check the website before 10 AM, we ask you to refresh the booking page to see the current status of exhibition spaces (ctrl+r/cmd+r)","title_alt":"Book a stand for the 2-day show","title_cfp":"Would you like to exhibit at the Expo? See the map of the stands below and choose the best place for you.","exhibitor_location":"Booth location","top30_title":"Exhibitor Contest TOP30 sales pool","top30_description":"This sales pool is available for booking only on March 14th from 11 AM until EOD."},"list_featured":"Featured Exhibitors","booth_location":"Booth %{loc} |||| Booth %{loc}","booth_location_full":"Location %{cname2}: %{loc} |||| Location %{cname2}: %{loc}","list_full":"They trusted us","premium":{"title":"Premium offer","presentation":"Presentation slot in the prime time and on the selected stage","networking":{"name":"Networking Zone Partnership","area":"150sq m in the central part of the hall, at the intersection of the most important communication routes","arrangement":"Arrangement by a professional external company that cares about the smallest detail","attractions":"Attractions for Fair participants: DJ (chill-out, down-tempo, 80's music), coffee point","branding":"Full-color branding of the central element, branding of seat cubes (30 pieces)","fullservice":"Full Service - we coordinate ALL activities"},"contact":{"title":"Booking, more information","description":"I will gladly provide you with additional information and present a price offer. Feel free to contact me."}},"faq":{"before_event":{"name":"Before the Fair","representatives":{"q":"What is the maximum number of company representatives on the stand?","a":"The number of tickets for representatives in each exhibitor package for 9 and 18 m2 is 4. Number of catering vouchers included is the same as the number of representatives. If you need more catering vouchers or representative badges please contact your designated Account Manager to learn more."},"additional_paid_services":{"q":"Are there any upgrade options or additional services one can order?","a":"There are numerous additional services you can order from us such as:\n* a comprehensive arrangement of the exhibition space including a fully printed back wall and a counter,\n* carpeting,\n* renting equipment (e.g. 50’’ TV, rack holder),\n* additional catering vouchers,\n* increasing electric power (up to 3kW). \n\nThese and other services are available through your exhibitor’s profile."},"shipping_of_materials":{"q":"Can I send materials to the Fair location?","a":"Yes. Please refer to the Logistics section of your Exhibitor's Profile for shipping terms and details."},"standard_offering":{"q":"What is the size of my stand and what is included in the package?","a":"Except for the Grand stands (6m x 3m), all stand sizes are 3m x 3m. If you have not ordered any additional services, the package includes 2 stools, 1 table, 4 lunch vouchers, access to WiFi, and an electricity connection (500W)."},"how_to_promote":{"q":"How to plan participation in the Fair to get as many new customers as possible?","a":"* Remember to promote your presence at the Exhibition amongst your prospects so they know you are participating and can find you easily. There is no better way to secure your leads than to meet in person!\n* To achieve this we have provided the promotional materials for your company to help you do so. You can access them through your Exhibitor’s Profile.\n* There is an option to schedule 1 to 1 meetings with the visitors via Meeting Scheduler tool. The tool is available through your Exhibitor's profile."},"promo_benefits":{"q":"What are the benefits of promoting my participation?","a":"The key to your company’s successful experience at the Expo is securing the right number of deals. To achieve this goal it is important to make appointments for 1 to 1 meetings with other attendees (see Booth Meeting Invitation section of your Exhibitor’s Profile). One easy way of drawing the attention of our attendees is using the promotional materials provided by us.\n\nIn addition to the obvious advantages like establishing business relationships and closing new deals, you have the chance to win valuable prizes. "},"public_profile":{"q":"How to benefit from a public Exhibitor’s Profile?","a":"Our website is visited by **over 400k people annually**, so aggregating traffic to your company’s profile is a great opportunity to gain new clients and business partners. \n\nEach exhibitor is represented on our website with their Public Exhibitor’s Profile. Public Exhibitor’s Profile is a dedicated web page and a showcase of your company, thanks to which you can stand out among the competition. \n\nVisitors browse the profile before deciding to meet during the Expo, which is why it is so important to fill out all the information. Make your profile comprehensive and stand out from the crowd and make it easy for your leads to find you at the Expo."}},"event":{"name":"During the Fair","hours":{"q":"What time will the event take place?","a":"The Fair will be held from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM"},"welcoming":{"q":"Where do I go after entering the hall?","a":"When you get there, go to the Exhibitor Information desk located near the registration. You will get all the necessary instructions on how to proceed. Our staff will take you straight to your stand."},"after_party":{"q":"Will there be a networking party?","a":"Yes, there is a networking party. The exhibitors are invited to the E-commerce Germany Awards Gala and Networking Party taking place between 7PM - 11PM on the night before the expo. During the networking party you will be able to connect with other exhibitors personally and establish new contacts. \n\nPease note: If you are already an exhibitor and would like to attend the gala, tickets can be purchased on the exhibitor platform. "},"assembly_caution":{"q":"When can I set up my stand?","a":"The stand can be set up on the assembly day, that is, the day before the event from 10:00 AM to 23:59 PM. The Expo opens for visitors at 09:00 AM so make sure you are ready to receive the first guests interested in your products or services by that time."},"catering":{"q":"Where can I collect lunch vouchers?","a":"You will find the catering vouchers in the welcome pack, which will be waiting for you at the Exhibitor Information desk on the assembly day and on the day of the event."},"badges":{"q":"Do I have to print the badges?","a":"There is no need for that. The badges of your company’s representatives will be printed by us and waiting for you in the welcome pack at the Exhibitor Information desk (Stands A, B and M in Hall 3, Stands C, D, E and F in Hall 7)"},"parking_setupday":{"q":"Will it be possible to enter the parking lot on the day of the expo?","a":"No, only on the eve of the event (assemby day) gates will be open for exhibitors and subcontractors. "},"parking_eventday":{"q":"Where can I park my car during the expo?","a":"There is no dedicated parking area at the venue during the expo day.\nWe recommend that you use a nearby car park, \"PARKHAUS GLEISDREIECK\".\n\nEntering Parkhaus Gleisdreieck: You can drive into the garage via Schöneberger Ufer, Luckenwalder Strasse or Köthener Brücke. Hours of operation: Open daily from 6 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.\nFees for short-term parking: Hourly: EUR 2.00/hour Daily Pass: EUR 20.00\n*Attention:* We do not guarantee the availability of the parking spaces at the car park.\n"},"problems_equipment":{"q":"Who should I report to in case of problems with the equipment of the stand?","a":"All problems with stand equipment such as: chairs, tables, electricity and the Internet connection should be reported to the exhibitor information desk located next to the registration and at the end of the second hall.\n"},"problems_services":{"q":"What to do in case of any other problems?","a":"In urgent cases you can call the support number provided in your welcome pack. Our staff will help you with your problem ASAP."},"badge_scanner":{"q":"How do I get access to the visitor badge scanner?","a":"You can easily collect the leads during the Expo by scanning the visitors' badges. Collected data will be stored in your Exhibitor's profile and can be exported after the Expo. You can find detailed information in your Exhibitor's profile."}},"after_event":{"name":"After the Fair","scans":{"q":"What should you do with the scanned badges?","a":"Contact details of scanned visitors will be available to all representatives of your company. You can easily export them to .xls or .csv files. Next, prepare a summary message of the meeting during the event and finish the negotiations with new contracts."},"next_booth_sales":{"q":"When will I be able to book a stand for the next edition?","a":"Sales for the next edition will start not later than one month after the date of current expo. Stay tuned or subscribe to our newsletter not to miss out on our Early Bird prices for the next year’s edition!\n\nIn addition, on the day of the event we will have our stand in Hall 3, right next to the press room. If you would like to discuss taking part as an exhibitor in the next edition, this is a great time to come by!"}},"name":"Frequently asked (and answered) questions","become":{"name":"Ordering an exhibition space","included_services":{"a":"Our stand package includes:\n* Basic furniture (1 high table and 2 high chairs - after ordering in the exhibitor panel)\n* Catering vouchers and badges for up to 4 representatives\n* WiFi\n* Electricity connection 500W\n* Logo placement on event registration page: company name \u0026 link\n* Dedicated exhibitor's online profile\n* Company name in the printed materials","q":"What is included in the exhibition space?"},"payment":{"a":"In general, companies are asked to pay for a reservation within 7 working days. ","q":"When should I pay for an exhibition space?"},"onboarding":{"a":"After paying for the exhibition space, you will get access to your Exhibitor Profile and we will also contact you regularly on logistical topics and the promotion of your participation.","q":"What is the next step after payment?"},"resignation":{"a":"If you cannot exhibit and would like to withdraw your participation at the expo, please make sure to check our [Terms and Conditions]( regarding cancellations first.","q":"Force majeure - what if we cannot exhibit"},"promo_benefits":{"q":"How will we benefit from the trade fair BEFORE it happens?","a":"Having an access to the Exhibitors account, a company should immediately fill in data displayed in public profile. We will use company profile in our promotional activities. Exhibitors are encouraged to use our marketing tools to inform their clients about participation in our Event and also can browse registered visitors and try to schedule a meetup."}}},"list_by_keyword":"Exhibitors by industry","list":{"filter_title":"Filter exhibitors by industry"},"standard":{"info":"This package includes:"},"benefits":{"title":"Why exhibit?","outreach":{"title":"High-Quality Audience","description":"The E-commerce Berlin Expo attracts over 10,000 industry professionals. Exhibiting provides direct access to a high-quality audience, ensuring meaningful interactions and valuable leads."},"all_inclusive":{"title":"Lead Generation","description":"With thousands of attendees actively seeking new solutions and partners, your exhibit can attract a steady stream of qualified leads, ultimately driving business growth and increasing ROI."},"feedback":{"title":"Networking Opportunities","description":"Exhibitors gain exclusive opportunities to network with key players in the industry. The expo fosters a collaborative environment, making it easy to establish partnerships and grow your professional network."},"meet_clients":{"title":"Proven Track Record with a Verified Formula","description":"With 8 successful editions, the E-commerce Berlin Expo has cemented its reputation as a premier industry event. This success is built on a tried-and-tested formula that expertly combines engaging content, top-tier exhibitors, and networking opportunities. "},"organizer":{"title":"Brand Visibility","description":"By exhibiting at the E-commerce Berlin Expo, your brand will be exposed to a vast and diverse audience, both online and offline. The event is heavily promoted through various channels, ensuring that your participation garners maximum visibility and enhances brand recognition."},"inspiration":{"title":"Showcase Innovation","description":"The event is an ideal platform to showcase your latest products, services, and innovations to a receptive audience. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate your solutions in real-time, allowing attendees to experience firsthand the value your company offers."}},"offers":{"offer":"Offer","list":{"promoted":"Selected offers ","other":"Other expo offers"},"title":"Exhibitors' expo offers"},"agreement":{"title":"Rules for Exhibitors"},"profile_archived":"Archive - Exhibitor list","recent":"Recent bookings","meetup":{"invitation":"Schedule a meeting with the Exhibitor and meet each other at their booth.","create":"Request a meeting","lets-start":"Let's start!","statuses":{"exists":"Your request for a meeting already exists","assigned":"Your invitation has been sent!","register":"We could not find the given e-mail address in the database of visitors. Please register to proceed."}},"list_current":"Current Exhibitors"},"benefits":{"electricity":"Electricity 230V - max 500W","catering":"Catering for representatives","space":"Exhibition space of 9 sqm (3m x 3m) in open-space formula (without walls)","profile":"Company Profile","ids":"Badges for representatives","furniture":"Basic furniture (2 high stools, 1 table)","space_premium":"36 sqm Grand Stand (6m x 6m) in open-space formula (without walls)","electricity_premium":"Electricity 230V - max 1kW","party":"1x ticket for the E-commerce Germany Awards Gala included","furniture_premium":"Basic furniture (4 high stools, 2 table)","reps":"Up to 4 company representatives","reps_premium":"Up to 6 company representatives","socialmedia":"1x Tweet/social media blast before the event","socialmedia_premium":"2x Tweets / Social-media blast before the event","co-exhibitor":"Opportunity to bring co-exhibitor. Additional cost +1000 EUR net","shared":"Access to a matchmaking tool in order to contact registered attendees | Access to the press list | Marketing pack\n","party_premium":"1x ticket for the E-commerce Germany Awards Gala included","spacenetworking":"Exhibition space of over 200 m²","logocubes":"Custom-branded furniture","onsitebranding":"Company logo included on the onsite branding","printedmap":"Inclusion in the venue map in the printed brochure","mailingpromo":"Co-branded email send-out to the attendees","logowebsite":"Company logo featured on the event website","speakingslot":"Speaking slot at the event","screenbranding":"Company logo shown on the stage screen","keynoteroom":"Company promotion inside the keynote room","printedmapstage":"Inclusion in the venue map in the printed brochure","logowebsitestage":"Company logo featured on the event website","blogpost":"Article on","space_grand":"18 sqm Grand Stand (6m x 3m) in open-space formula (without walls)","electricity_grand":"Electricity 230V - max 1kW"},"api":{"errors":{"registration":{"not_enough_data":"error","bad_ticket_ids":"You had three minutes to complete the booking process and fill out the form. Please, go back and try again."}}},"services":{"chatlio":{"hello":"Hello! :)"}},"speakers":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} during E-commerce Berlin Expo","description":"%{about}"},"callforpapers":{"legend":"Complete the form to enter the contest - you can update your information later. Please fill it out in the language of your presentation (English or German). By submitting your entry, you agree to the terms and conditions."},"cfpcategories":{"title":"Contest Categories"},"video":{"title":"Watch last year's Conference","button":"YouTube Playlist"}},"companies":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} invites you to a meeting at the E-commerce Berlin Expo","description":"%{about}"},"profile":{"about":"About","products":"Key products","contact":"Contact","expo":"Expo offer","facebook":"Facebook profile","twitter":"Twitter profile","linkedin":"LinkedIn profile","website":"Exhibitor's website"}},"presenters":{"list_featured":"Featured Speakers","list_full":"Speakers","schedule":"Stage Agenda ","opengraph":{"title":"%{name} on February in Berlin. Free entry!","description":"%{name} (%{cname2}) will hold a presentation on: %{presentation_title}"},"tba":"Speakers list and schedule are to be announced soon","list_description":" ","form":{"title":"SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL\n","intro":"Please provide the details about the presenter and their presentation in the form below.","submit":"SEND PROPOSAL","success":"Thank you for submitting your presentation proposal."},"fields":{"presenter":"Speaker(s)' full name(s)","presentation_title":"Presentation title","presentation_description":"Presentation description (focus \u0026 value)","cname2":"Speaker(s)' company/companies","email":"E-mail address of the contact person ","fname":"First name of the contact person ","lname":"Last name of the contact person ","phone":"Phone number of the contact person (with prefix, e.g., +49)","presentation_category":"Contest category","presentation_category_options":{"conversion":"Analytics and conversion","marketing":"Marketing","logistics":"Supply Chain \u0026 Logistics","payments":"FinTech","it":"Shop Systems \u0026 Software ","trends":"FutureTech","fintech":"FinTech","crossborder":"Crossborder \u0026 International Expansion","customerjourney":"Customer Journey","ai":"AI in E-commerce","futuretech":"FutureTech","shopsystems":"Shop Systems \u0026 Software \n","leadership":"Leadership \u0026 Strategic Management"},"position":"Speaker(s)' position(s)","logotype":"Speaker(s)' company logo(s) (publicly accessible link)","avatar":"Speaker(s)' photograph (publicly accessible link)","bio":"Speaker(s)' bio","profile_linkedin":"Speaker(s)' LinkedIn profile(s)"},"steps":{"title":"SUBMITTED? WHAT'S NEXT?","assessment":{"title":"Assessment","description":"We evaluate your proposal in terms of how it suits our conference and how focused it is on the practical side of online sales. We strongly encourage the Service Providers to submit with a representative of an Online Store together - case study formula."},"contest":{"title":"Contest \u0026 Support","description":"We strive to support you throughout the entire voting process. You will receive a dedicated member of the support team who will monitor your progress in the contest and advise to maximize the satisfaction of both parties."},"speaker":{"title":"Winners!","description":"You will have 20 minutes for your presentation and an additional 10 minutes for Q\u0026A session."}},"contest-rules":{"title":"","description":"# Key points for the Call for Speakers contest:\n\n* **Participation**: Free of charge, including presenting on stage for winners.\n* **Submission deadline**: September 27, 2024.\n* **Guidelines**: Review contest categories and FAQs for technical questions, evaluation criteria, and submission tips.\n\n**Contest stages:**\n\n* Submissions: All entries are collected in 9 categories.\n* Public voting: The public votes on proposals to identify the best topics.\n* Top proposals: The top 5 in each category advance to the Advisory Board review.\n* Final decision: The Advisory Board selects one winner in each category based on votes and additional criteria.\n* NEW: **Wildcard Selection**: Separately, the Advisory Board selects up to 20 standout proposals, regardless of the number of public votes, to present on stage.\n\n**Selection criteria:**\n\n* non-promotional content - keep self-promotion to a minimum,\n* relevancy - the proposal should align with the main theme of the conference - focus on differentiation and innovation in challenging times,\n* case studies - include practical, real-life examples to demonstrate the application of your insights,\n* evidence and data - use data and research to support your points,\n* innovation and originality - the proposals should offer fresh perspectives that stand out from conventional content,\n* clarity and structure - ensure your proposal is well-organized,\n* speaker credentials - the expertise and background of the speaker(s) should align with the topic; ideally, presentations should be delivered by C-level executives to enhance depth and authority.\n\nRead more in FAQs.\n\n**Data privacy:**\n* learn how we manage participants' data [here](,\n* see details on voters' and visitors' data [here](,\n* access full terms and conditions [here]("},"list_all":"Speakers","list_archive":"Past Winners","update":{"title":"Speaker(s)' Profile"}},"visitors":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} is going to the E-commerce Berlin Expo | %{location}, %{date}","description":"%{description}"},"invite":{"title":"%{name} from %{cname} is going to the E-commerce Berlin Expo","will_you_join":"Do you want a free ticket?","description":"Join us, too! Register for free and gain access to exclusive insights, partnership opportunities, and networking with industry leaders. Don't miss out on the chance to take your e-commerce game to the next level!"},"form":{"register":"Register","success":"Success! Check your e-mail box. We've just sent an email confirmation.\n\n","submit":"REGISTER","intro":"You will receive a digital ticket as a ready-to-print .pdf file a few days before the event.\nYour registration means acceptance of the Terms \u0026 Conditions."},"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","cname2":"Company name","position":"Position in the company","phone":"Phone number","email":"E-mail address (professional domains only)","referral":"VIP Code","accept":"By submitting this you agree to our privacy policy and consent to receiving communications. You may opt out anytime.","participant_type":"Type of participation - Please select one of the following","company_role":"Job level - Please select one of the following","profile_linkedin":"Your Linkedin profile URL","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"I work for a retailer/merchant/wholesaler/marketplace","brand_manufacturer":"I work for a brand/manufacturer","service_provider":"I work for an agency or service provider (vendor)","consultant":"I am a consultant","developer":"I am a webmaster/developer","media":"I am press/media/blogger","student":"I am a student/teacher/academic"},"company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Entry Level (0-2 years)","manager":"Manager (2-5 years)","professional":"Professional (over 5 years)","head_of_department":"Head of Department","director":"Director","c_level":"C-level","board_member":"Board Member","other":"Other"},"location":"Are you from Berlin area?","location_options":{"yes":"Yes","no":"No"}},"register":"Register for free","register_alt":"Get a free ticket","register_alt2":"Get a free ticket","more_info":"more info","attendees":"See who will be there","thankyou":"%{name}! It will be great to meet you in person!","tickets":{"download":"YES! I want to download my ticket","resignation":"I cannot attend. Don't remind me anymore"},"benefits":{"networking":{"title":"Successful networking among people with similar challenges","description":"During the Fair, you can meet not only people representing companies at the stands but you also have the chance to get involved during the Questions and Answers session after each presentation as well as getting to know people in the networking space. These relationships can pay off in the future."},"title":"Why is it worth to visit the Fair","free_entry":{"title":"Free entry (Expo \u0026 Presentations)","description":"Registration is free and gives you an access to the expo area and presentation stages. Please be aware that the access to the stages can be limited due to safety reasons."},"special_offers":{"title":"Savings ahead - special offers from exhibitors","description":"Each exhibitor is motivated to offer an exclusive offer for their product and/or service. Depending on the product or service, you can gain some additional trial period or discount."},"insight":{"title":"Get to know the creators of the product or service","description":"The fair is practically the only opportunity to meet people standing behind the service and product and ask them about what cannot be read on the website and what your customer support will not tell them. Take advantage of this and eliminate your doubts."},"future":{"title":"Find out how to succeed on highly competitive markets","description":"The number one topic of the Fair is always to increase conversions and sales. We strive to include, alongside business optimization issues, some inspiration and knowledge about highly competitive markets."},"case_studies":{"title":"FAQ","description":"Although participation in the presentations is free, we try to ensure that the agenda competes with conferences, for which you usually have to pay dearly. The invited speakers are dominated by practitioners and experienced consultants. After many years of experience, we decided to present a wider spectrum of knowledge in form of shorter presentations. Such a formula makes the presentations an impulse for behind-the-scenes conversations and an exciting Q\u0026A sessions."}},"are_you_visitor":"Not a provider? Register for free and become a visitor.","agreement":{"title":"Rules for visitors"},"list_featured":"Past participants of the E-commerce Berlin Expo","data-agreement":{"title":"Personal Data Processing"},"cfp-data-agreement":{"title":"INFORMATION FOR THE CALL FOR SPEAKERS PARTICIPANTS REGARDING PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING "},"register_question":"Do you plan to visit Ecommerce Berlin Expo in February 2025 as a visitor? Register now!","promorequest":{"title":"invite your colleagues! Select where to share. ","description":"Share the image and help spread the word! "},"privacy-policy":{"title":"Datenschutzerklärung"}},"visitor":{"register":{"legend":"Find your online ticket in your inbox a few days before the event."},"update":{"title":"Update your data","form":{"intro":"We noticed that some fields in your participant registration form were not completed. Please provide the missing information so that your registration can be further verified.","submit":"SUBMIT","success":"Thank you for providing the missing information. Your registration form for the E-commerce Berlin Expo on February 22, 2024 is now complete and you’ll be notified once your registration is verified.\n\nFollow this [link]( to enjoy your thank you video for successfully registering!\n\nIn the meantime, we encourage you to explore our [podcast playlist](, a valuable resource for e-commerce insights and strategies.\n\n\nShould you have any further queries or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]."},"fields":{"profile_linkedin":"Linkedin URL","participant_type":"Type of participation - Please select one of the following","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"I work for a retailer/merchant/wholesaler/marketplace","brand_manufacturer":"I work for a brand/manufacturer","service_provider":"I work for an agency or service provider (vendor)","consultant":"I am a consultant","developer":"I am a webmaster/developer","media":"I am press/media/blogger","student":"I am a student/teacher/academic"},"company_role":"Job level - Please select one of the following","company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Entry Level (0-2 years)","manager":"Manager (2-5 years)","professional":"Professional (over 5 years)","head_of_department":"Head of Department","director":"Director","c_level":"C-level","board_member":"Board Member","other":"Other"},"location":"Are you from Berlin area?","location_options":{"yes":"Yes","no":"No"}}}},"schedule":{"break_5":"5-minute break","break_10":"10-minute break","break_15":"15-minute break","break_20":"20-minute break","break_25":"25-minute break","break_30":"30-minute break","break_35":"35-minute break","break_40":"40-minute break","break_45":"45-minute break","break_50":"50-minute break"},"partners":{"community":{"title":"Community Partners"},"media":{"title":"Media Partners"},"communication":{"title":"Communication Partner"},"networking":{"title":"Headline Sponsor"},"association":{"title":"ASSOCIATION PARTNERS\n"},"sponsors":{"title":"SPONSORS 2024"},"sponsor":{"title":"SPONSORS"},"registration":{"title":"Registration Sponsor"}},"resources":{"companydata":{"customfields":{"pr_manager":{"name":"PR Manager"},"sales_manager":{"name":"Contact person for visitors"},"xing":{"name":"Company profile on Xing\n"}}},"upgrades":{"misc":{"networking":{"text":"# The invite-only event includes the prestigious E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and the Networking Party, where participants can connect in a festive atmosphere, making it the perfect opportunity to bond with some of the most important companies from the e-commerce sector.\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Onsite Branding Benefits\n\n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* Logotype presentation on the impressive wall of 36 screens in the main point of the venue for at least 120 min*\n* Branded stage decorations\n* Co-branded photo wall to provide an ideal backdrop for pictures\n* Two roll-ups placed at the entrance \n* Co-branded wristband distributed to all party participants at the entrance\n\n### Hospitality Benefits \n\n* Introduction and multiple announcements of the Sponsor’s company from the stage\n* 5 minutes of stage time for a Sponsor representative to introduce the company to the guests\n* 30 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests, with reserved seating\n\n### Benefits regarding the E-commerce Berlin Expo \n\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement with the Headline Sponsor title on the\n* Special mentions in the emails sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala and as well as after the event\n* Two social media blasts before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n* A possibility to publish an article on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Company logo featured in the E-commerce Germany Awards video recap\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\n*Logotypes of both Headline Sponsor and Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor will be shown in a loop: 30 seconds for the Headline Sponsor logo followed by 15 seconds for Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor logo\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n ","name":"Headline Sponsorship","description":"Sponsor the exclusive networking event and establish your position as a leading industry player "},"ecobags":{"name":"Branded Ecobags Sponsorship","description":"Highlight your commitment to sustainability by distributing bags to the event participants","text":"# Introducing the perfect way to showcase your commitment to sustainability while giving the attendees a useful and environmentally friendly takeaway \n\n# Specifications:\n\n* 1,000 eco bags to be delivered for distribution during the event\n* Equal depiction of your company's logo and the E-commerce Berlin Expo logo on the bag\n* Layout of logo placement to be approved by the organizer\n* Production and delivery costs to be borne by the sponsor\n* Availability: limited to one sponsor, guaranteeing exclusive exposure\n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n"},"badges":{"name":"Visitor Badge Sponsoring","description":"Placement of company logo on visitors' badges"},"lanyards":{"name":"Branded Lanyards Sponsorship","description":"Provide giveaways for event attendees and elevate your brand's visibility","text":"# Make a lasting impression by sponsoring branded lanyards and providing giveaways to all event attendees at the entrance \n\n# Specifications:\n\n* 12,000 branded lanyards to be delivered for distribution during the event\n* Production and delivery costs to be borne by the sponsor\n* Availability: limited to one sponsor, guaranteeing exclusive exposure \n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n  \n"},"networking-zone":{"name":"Headline Sponsorship","description":"Seize the opportunity to spotlight your company by sponsoring our exclusive networking event — impress the industry!","text":"# Maximize your brand's visibility and exposure by showcasing it in a prominent location. The 360° space allows attendees to engage with your brand from all angles, creating an inviting environment that builds lasting relationships with potential customers.\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding \u0026 Promotional Benefits\n\n* Exclusive branded exhibition space of over 200 m² in the center of the main hall (stand construction included)\n* Inclusion in the venue map in the printed brochure\n* Company logo included on the onsite branding\n* Custom-branded furniture (20 cube seats)\n* Four tickets for the exclusive E-commerce Germany Awards Gala \u0026 Networking Event, held one day before the Expo\n* Great opportunity to increase your brand awareness during networking\n\n### Benefits Before the Event\n\n* Co-branded email send-out to the attendees two weeks before the event\n* Access to the list of attendees ahead of the E-commerce Berlin Expo, in accordance with the GDPR guidelines\n* Access to the press list a week prior to the event\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Two social media blasts before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* E-commerce Berlin Expo marketing pack\n* A possibility to publish two articles throughout the year on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Both articles featured in the E-commerce Germany News newsletter (with 33,000 Newsletter subscribers)\n\n "},"badgesponsor":{"text":"# Put your brand in the spotlight with the exclusive Visitor Badge Sponsorship. Display your logo on all visitor badges and ensure high-level branding with excellent exposure for your company\n\n# Specifications:\n\n* Exclusive branded visitor badges sent via email to all attendees prior to the event\n* High-level branding and excellent exposure for your company\n* Your logo prominently displayed on the badges, visible to all visitors before and during the event\n* Availability: limited to one sponsor, guaranteeing exclusive exposure\n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n[Video](","description":"Put your brand in the spotlight with your logo on all visitor badges","name":"Visitor Badge Sponsorship"},"coffee":{"name":"Coffee Points Sponsorship","description":"Energize the day and create the lasting impression on attendees\n","text":"# Gain the opportunity to support attendees with a much-needed caffeine boost while increasing your visibility to a highly targeted audience\n\n# Specifications:\n\n* Your branding on the coffee cups used by participants purchasing coffee\n* Your branding on the napkins used during the event\n* One roll-up placement per coffee point (with a total of five placements available)\n* Availability: limited to one sponsor, guaranteeing exclusive exposure\n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n "},"leaflets":{"0":"","name":"Distribution of flyers and goodies by a hostess ","description":"Distribution of flyers and goodies","text":"# Benefits:\n\n* Distribution of flyers at the venue by a hostess (not only on the booth)\n\n\u003e *Costs of production and delivery are borne by the sponsor"},"stagepatron":{"name":"Stage Patronage","description":"Secure a presentation slot and showcase your brand ","text":"# Make a lasting impact with the Stage Sponsorship, which provides an exclusive speaking slot and onsite branding opportunities that are sure to capture the attention of the highly-targeted audience\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Onsite Branding \u0026 Promotion\n\n* A speaking slot at the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025 (please note that sales pitches are not allowed in presentations)\n* Inclusion in the venue map in the printed brochure\n* Logo placement at the entrance to the keynote room\n* Company promotion inside the keynote room\n* Company logo continuously shown on the stage screen throughout the day\n* Company logo included in the conference agenda materials\n* Distribution of flyers on the 250 available seats \n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Speakers' photo on the agenda section on the E-commerce Berlin Expo website \n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A possibility to publish one article throughout the year on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* The article featured in the E-commerce Germany News newsletter (with 33,000 Newsletter subscribers)\n\n# Alternative stages:\n\nWe offer three additional stages you can book at lower prices. If you're interested in booking any of these stages, please get in touch with us:\n* Stage A - 14000 Euro\n* Stage B - 15000 Euro\n* Stage C - 15000 Euro\n\n\n"},"beer":{"name":"Branded Beer Sponsorship","description":"Impress attendees in a refreshing way with 2,000 branded beers featuring your logo","text":"# Looking for a refreshing way to increase brand awareness? Impress attendees with a branded beer!\n\n# Specifications:\n\n* The official title of the E-commerce Berlin Expo Beer Sponsor\n* Logotype placement on 2,000 beer bottle covers \n* Beer: lager or pilsner, 330 ml bottle, paper label with 4c printing\n* Distribution of free beers to the event attendees\n* Additional costs may occur for editing the logo\n* Availability: limited to one sponsor, guaranteeing exclusive exposure\n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n \n"},"foodcourt":{"name":"Visitors Food Court Advertising","text":"# Showcase your brand on roll-up banners as well as stand-up adverts displayed on every table in the catering zone, where attendees will gather to recharge throughout the day\n\n# Specifications\n\n* Your branded adverts displayed on each table in the Visitor Food Court\n* Two branded roll-ups placed in the Visitor Food Court\n* Production and delivery costs to be borne by the sponsor\n* Increased visibility and brand recognition among event attendees\n* Opportunity to promote products or services to a varied audience\n\n# Additional benefits\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n","description":"Maximize your brand's exposure in the Visitor Food Court"},"vipzone":{"text":"# Experience exceptional brand awareness at the exclusive VIP Zone. With 800 m² of space, the area provides a sophisticated environment for impressing top decision-makers in the industry!\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding \u0026 Promotional Benefits\n\n* Exclusive branded space of over 800 m²  \n* Inclusion in the venue map in the printed brochure\n* Company logo included on the onsite branding\n* A speaking slot at the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025 (please note that sales pitches are not allowed in presentations)\n* The possibility to exclusively choose a specific time slot and a stage for the presentation\n* Opportunity to network with top decision-makers in the industry \n* A possibility to distribute up to 100 VIP invitations to the event\n* Four tickets for the exclusive E-commerce Germany Awards Gala \u0026 Networking Event, held one day before the Expo\n* Two meeting spots in the VIP Zone exclusively for the sponsor's use\n\n\n### Benefits Before the Event\n\n* Co-branded email send-out to the attendees two weeks before the event\n* Access to the list of attendees ahead of the E-commerce Berlin Expo, in accordance with the GDPR guidelines\n* Access to the press list a week prior to the event\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Two social media blasts before the event (21,000+ reach)\n* E-commerce Berlin Expo marketing pack\n* A possibility to publish two articles throughout the year on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Both articles featured in the E-commerce Germany News newsletter (with 33,000 Newsletter subscribers)\n\n# Optional Branding Upgrade:\n\n* Logotype placement on walls and stairs by the entrance of the VIP Zone (available for an additional fee of 3000 Euro; please contact us for more details)\n\n","description":"Become one of the main event partners and claim your 800 m² of space to showcase your brand ","name":"VIP Zone Sponsorship"},"water":{"name":"Branded Water Sponsorship","description":"Boost your brand's recognition with 8,000 water bottles featuring your logo","text":"# Ensure that attendees stay refreshed and keep your brand top of mind with the branded water offerings\n\n# Specifications:\n\n* Your branding displayed on 8,000 water bottles (250 ml)\n* Distribution of free water bottles to the event attendees\n* The production cost taken over by the organizer\n* Additional costs may occur for editing the label\n\n# Additional benefits:\n\n* Company logo featured on the event website\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n\n"},"bar":{"name":"Networking Event Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship","description":"Make a toast to your brand ","text":"# Get ready to make a lasting impression at the exclusive Networking Event by sponsoring the bar and beer selection. Keep the party going all night long with your brand in the spotlight. Cheers!\n\nThe exclusive warm-up party for the highly anticipated E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025 includes the prestigious E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and the Networking Party, where participants can connect in a festive atmosphere, making it the perfect opportunity to bond with some of the most important companies from the e-commerce sector.\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\n\n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* Logotype presentation on the impressive wall of 36 screens in the main point of the venue for at least 60 min*\n* Co-branded photo wall to provide an ideal backdrop for pictures\n* Two roll-ups placed in the venue\n* Co-branded beers (for an extra fee, they may also be distributed during the E-commerce Berlin Expo the following day, the details available upon request)\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure of the E-commerce Berlin Expo\n\n### Hospitality Benefits \n\n* Introduction and multiple announcements of the Sponsor’s company from the stage\n* 6 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement on the\n* Special mentions in the emails sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala and as well as after the event\n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n* A possibility to publish an article on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Company logo featured in the E-commerce Germany Awards video recap\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\n*Logotypes of both Headline Sponsor and Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor will be shown in a loop: 30 seconds for the Headline Sponsor logo followed by 15 seconds for Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor logo\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n "},"podcast":{"text":"# Get your voice and expertise heard in the e-commerce world by appearing as a guest on the E-commerce Germany News Podcast\n\n# Specifications:\n\n* One videocast/podcast episode recorded in Berlin featuring the sponsor as a guest\u2028\n* Collaborative discussion of the episode topic and recording date \n* Sponsor's logo featured in the episode's cover art\n* Sponsor's company mentioned in the podcast's introduction and closing remarks\n* Episode published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts platforms\n* Episode shared in social media channels (with 21,000+ reach)\n* Episode featured in the newsletter (with 33,000 Newsletter subscribers)\n* Episode featured in the article on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n\n# Benefits:\n\n* Exclusive opportunity to share your knowledge with e-commerce enthusiasts\n* A chance to gain credibility and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry\n* A possibility to reach a wider audience through various platforms (YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, social media, news portal, newsletter)\n\nThe podcast appearance sponsorship offer may be subject to availability and scheduling. Please contact us for more information and to discuss the details. \n\n","name":"Podcast Appearance Sponsorship","description":"Join the conversation and position yourself as a thought leader"},"banners":{"description":"Make a grand entrance and capture attention right from the start","name":"Advertising Spaces","text":"# Looking to increase your brand's visibility at the event? Choose two out of our four available Outdoor Advertising Spaces to showcase your brand to attendees!\n\n# Specifications:\n\n### Option 1: Widespread Blow-up Banner\n* Located in the inner yard, positioned along the entryway\n* 25m2 size (4.10 x 6.40 m)\n\n### Option 2: Billboard\n* Located in the inner yard, right above the main entrance\n* 15m2 size (9.00 x 1.60 m)\n\n### Option 3: Advertising Space on Glass Facade\n* Located on the glass facade of Hall 3\n* Up to 25m2 size\n\n### Option 4: Eye-level Advertising Banner\n* Located in the inner yard, close to the main event entrance\n* 9m2 size (3.56 x 2.52 m)\n\n\n\n# Benefits:\n* A prominent and eye-catching displays\n* Perfect for maximum exposure to attendees as they arrive\n* Price includes production, delivery, and installation costs\n\n "},"egnoffer":{"name":"Maximum Visibility Bundle","text":"# Get your brand in front of thousands of potential customers with our comprehensive advertising bundle!\n\n# Benefits\n\n### Online benefits:\n\n* Five articles published on throughout the year (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* All articles featured in the E-commerce Germany News newsletter (with 33,000 Newsletter subscribers)\n* Social media promotion of all articles (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A dedicated email sent to a highly-targeted audience (exclusive offer)\n* Banner ad on for 2 months of your choice\n\n### Offline benefits:\n\n* Ten VIP tickets for the E-commerce Berlin Expo\n* Ten tickets for the exclusive, invite-only E-commerce Germany Awards Gala \u0026 Networking Event one night prior to the event\n* Promotion of your handouts in the media and speaker corner at the E-commerce Berlin Expo\n* Advertisement in the printed visitor guide available to E-commerce Berlin Expo attendees ( ¼ A4, 9k copies)\n* Opportunity to meet-up with three of the Expo's keynote speakers of your choice\n\n### Special benefits:\n\n* A recorded interview or podcast episode with you in Berlin, later published on E-commerce Berlin Expo platforms, newsletter, and social media channels\n* 15% discount on all exhibition spaces at the Expo\n\nThe offer may be subject to availability and scheduling. Please contact us for more information and to discuss the details. ","description":"Get your brand in front of thousands of potential customers \n"},"registration":{"name":"Registration sponsor","text":"Make a lasting impact as the Registration Sponsor, reaching thousands of attendees with online and offline branding\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\n* Advertisement billboard located next to the main event entrance\n* Co-branded staff clothing\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure\n* Company logo included in the onsite branding\n* The opportunity to distribute promotional goodies to visitors at the entrance\n\n### Online Benefits\n* Logo placement on the registration page for visitors (with est. 22,000 unique registrations)\n* A special mention in the post-registration email sent to all registered visitors\n* 1 Social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A possibility to publish an article throughout the year on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Article feature in the E-commerce Germany News newsletter (with 33,000 subscribers)\n* E-commerce Berlin Expo marketing pack","description":"Exclusive opportunity to sponsor the registration form and registration area"},"viaduct":{"name":"Billdboard Banner","description":"Huge billboard next to the entrace","text":"Have your own billboard on the wall right at the main entrance visible from both the courtyard and inside.\n\n# Benefits:\n* A prominent and eye-catching displays\n* Perfect for maximum exposure to attendees as they arrive\n* Price includes production, delivery, and installation costs\n\nThere are two similar banners available at 9 sqm each\n\nA single banner costs *€ 3,000*\n\n "},"blowup":{"name":"Widespread Blow Up Banner","description":"Showcase your brand right at the entrance to the EXPO","text":"Your huge logo will hang under the viaduct and will be perfectly visible to passing participants right from the entrance\n\n# Benefits:\n* A prominent and eye-catching displays\n* Perfect for maximum exposure to attendees as they arrive\n* Price includes production, delivery, and installation costs\n\n# Option 1# \n25 sqm banner for *€5,000*\n\n# Option 2#\n30 sqm banner for *€6,000*\n\n "},"glassbanner":{"name":"Front Glass Banner","text":"Draw the attention by having your banner mounted on the big glass facade of the venue directly opposite incoming attendees.\n\n# Benefits:\n* A prominent and eye-catching display\n* Perfect for maximum exposure to attendees as they arrive\n* Price includes production, delivery, and installation costs\n\nPrice depending on the size of your choice: *200 € / m²*\n\nThe minimum rental size is *25 m²*\n\n ","description":"Your logo on the wide glass doors of Hall 3"},"outsidebanner":{"name":"Billboard Entrance Way","text":"Perfect eye-catcher for trade show attendees right at the main gate. Grab your attendees' attention first and let your brand be hanging there.\n\nBanner dimensions: *9 sqm*","description":"Billboard advertising at the main gate for attendees"}},"premium":{"title":"ADDITIONAL PREMIUM SERVICES"}},"awards":{"premium":{"headline":{"name":"Headline Sponsorship","description":"Seize the opportunity to spotlight your company by sponsoring our exclusive networking event — impress the industry!","text":"# The invite-only event includes the prestigious E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and the Networking Party, where participants can connect in a festive atmosphere, making it the perfect opportunity to bond with some of the most important companies from the e-commerce sector.\n\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### INCLUDED\n\n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* Logotype presentation on the impressive wall of 36 screens in the main point of the venue\n* Branded stage decorations\n* Co-branded photo wall to provide an ideal backdrop for pictures\n* Two roll-ups placed at the entrance \n* Co-branded wristband distributed to all party participants at the entrance\n* VIP Lounge Sponsorship\n* [Finger Food Advertising](\n* Introduction and multiple announcements of the Sponsor’s company from the stage\n* 5 minutes of stage time for a Sponsor representative to introduce the company to the guests\n* 50 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests, with reserved seating\n* Logo placement with the Headline Sponsor title on the [](\n* Special mentions in the emails sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala and as well as after the event\n* Two social media blasts before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n* A possibility to publish an article on []( (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Company logo featured in the E-commerce Germany Awards video recap\n\n### EXPO-RELATED BENEFITS\n\n* Exhibition space at the [E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025](\n* A speaking slot at the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025 \n* Company logo featured in the official Expo brochure\n\n### OPTIONAL PACKAGE UPGRADES\n\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship]( - **additional €6,000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsorship]( - **additional €3,000.00 net**\n\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n[See how we did last year!]("},"bar":{"name":"Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship","description":"Satisfy guests' thirst with a wide selection of beverages and maximize your exposure","text":"# Get ready to make a lasting impression at the exclusive Networking Event by sponsoring the bar and beer selection. Keep the party going all night long with your brand in the spotlight. Cheers!\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\n\n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* Logotype presentation on the impressive wall of 36 screens in the main point of the venue for at least 60 min*\n* Co-branded photo wall to provide an ideal backdrop for pictures\n* Two roll-ups placed in the venue\n* Co-branded beers (for an extra fee, they may also be distributed during the E-commerce Berlin Expo the following day, the details available upon request)\n* Company logo featured in the official event brochure of the E-commerce Berlin Expo\n\n### Hospitality Benefits \n\n* Introduction and multiple announcements of the Sponsor’s company from the stage\n* 6 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement on the\n* Special mentions in the emails sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala and as well as after the event\n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n* A possibility to publish an article on (with 30,000 unique visitors per month)\n* Company logo featured in the E-commerce Germany Awards video recap\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\n*Logotypes of both Headline Sponsor and Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor will be shown in a loop: 30 seconds for the Headline Sponsor logo followed by 15 seconds for Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor logo\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n "},"food":{"name":"Finger Food Sponsorship","description":"Make a delicious impression on partygoers and make your brand the talk of the evening","text":"# Get ready to make a delicious impact and leave a lasting impression at the exclusive Networking Event by becoming the official Finger Food Sponsor. Bon appétit!\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\u2028\n* Keynote introduction at the start of the event \n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* One roll-up placed in the venue\n* Decorations with logos on snacks\n* 4 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement on the\n* Special mention in the email sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala \n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas, including a roll-up placement \u0026 decorations, must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue.\n\n \n\n\n"},"dj":{"name":"DJ Sponsorship","description":"Keep the party going all night long with your brand in the spotlight","text":"# Get ready to set the perfect vibe and create an unforgettable experience at the exclusive Party as the official DJ Sponsor. Keep the energy high and the attendees grooving all night long\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\u2028\n* Keynote introduction at the start of the event \n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* One roll-up placed in the venue\n* Branded DJ booth decorations\n* 4 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement on the\n* Special mention in the email sent to the party attendees and contest nominees one week prior to the gala \n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n* A mention in the official press release about the event\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas, including a roll-up placement \u0026 decorations, must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue.\n\n"},"supporting":{"name":"Supporting Sponsorship","description":"Enhance the networking event experience and make a meaningful impact","text":"# Join us as a Supporting Sponsor and be part of the magic! Help create an extraordinary atmosphere and be recognized for your dedication to making the evening exceptional\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### Branding Benefits\u2028\n* Keynote introduction at the start of the event \n* Logotype display on the stage screen\n* One roll-up placed in the venue\n* 2 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests\n\n### Online Benefits\n\n* Logo placement on the\n* One social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin \n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas, including a roll-up placement, must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue."},"title":"Sponsorship opportunities","platinum":{"name":"Platinum package","text":"# Join us at this prestigious invitation-only event, showcasing the renowned E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony alongside an exciting Networking Party. This is your chance to build valuable relationships with industry leaders in an engaging and celebratory setting.\n\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### INCLUDED\n\n* Co-branded wristbands distributed to all party participants at the entrance  ✔\n* One roll-up placed at the venue  ✔\n* Logo display along our walkway  ✔\n* Logotype display on the stage screen  ✔\n* Social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)  ✔\n* Logo placement on  ✔\n* 20 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests  ✔\n\n### OPTIONAL PACKAGE UPGRADES\n\n* VIP Lounge Sponsorship - **additional €5,000.00 net**\n* [Finger Food Advertising]( - **additional €6,000.00 net**\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship]( - **additional €6,000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsorship]( - **additional €3,000.00 net**\n* Logotype presentation on our grand wall of 36 screens at the main point of the venue - **additional €4,000.00 net**\n\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n[See how we did last year!](","description":"Secure your spot as the ultimate industry leader by sponsoring our exclusive networking event — steal the spotlight and show everyone who’s boss!"},"gold":{"name":"Gold package","description":"Level up your presence and stand out as a key industry player by sponsoring our exclusive networking event — be the talk of the town!","text":"# This exclusive invitation-only event features the esteemed E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and a Networking Party, providing a lively atmosphere for participants to engage and connect with key players in the e-commerce industry.\n\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### INCLUDED\n\n* One roll-up placed at the venue  ✔\n* Social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach)  ✔\n* Logo placement on  ✔\n* 10 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests  ✔\n\n### NOT INCLUDED\n\n* Logotype presentation on our grand wall of 36 screens at the main point of the venue  ✘\n* [Finger food Advertising](  ✘\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship](  ✘\n\n### OPTIONAL PACKAGE UPGRADES\n\n* Logo display along our walkway - **additional €1.200.00 net**\n* Logotype display on the stage screen - **additional €2.000.00 net**\n* Co-branded wristband distributed to all party participants - **additional €3.000.00 net**\n* VIP Lounge Sponsorship - **additional €5.000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsorship]( - **additional €3.000.00 net**\n\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n[See how we did last year!]("},"silver":{"name":"Silver package","description":"Join the fun and boost your brand by sponsoring our exclusive networking event — get ready to shine like a rising star!\n\n","text":"# Experience our exclusive invitation-only event, which includes the highly regarded E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and a Networking Party. This festive occasion is the ideal setting to forge connections with influential companies in the e-commerce sector.\n\n\n# Benefits:\n\n### INCLUDED\n\n* One roll-up placed at the venue  ✔\n* Logo placement on  ✔\n* 5 party tickets for Sponsor representatives and guests  ✔\n\n### NOT INCLUDED\n\n* Logotype presentation on our grand wall of 36 screens at the main point of the venue  ✘\n* Logo display along our walkway  ✘\n* Logotype display on the stage screen  ✘\n* Co-branded wristband distributed to all party participants at the entrance   ✘\n* VIP Lounge Sponsorship  ✘\n* [Finger food Advertising](  ✘\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsorship](  ✘\n* [DJ Sponsorship](  ✘\n\n### OPTIONAL PACKAGE UPGRADES\n\n* Social media blast before the event (with 21,000+ reach) - **additional €500.00 net**\n\n\n# Event details:\n\n* Date: February 19th, 2025\n* Attendees: Exhibitors representatives, E-commerce Berlin Awards contest members, Jury members, Speakers, Media Partners, E-commerce branch association representatives\n* Location: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Expected guests: 600+\n\nAll decoration and branding ideas must be discussed with both the Organizer and the Venue\n\n[See how we did last year!]("}}}},"lanyards":{"name":"Branded Lanyards Sponsorship"},"networking":{"name":"Headline Sponsorship"},"cfp":{"hello":{"submit":"Every year, we seek groundbreaking topics and insights to enrich our conference. Could yours be the one?","title":"Become a speaker - inspire and educate","needs":"","details":"# Share your expertise\n\nImagine standing on one of our five conference stages, sharing your expertise with an engaged audience of e-commerce professionals.\n\n* Do you run **a successful online store** and have a story to tell? \n* Or are you a service provider with **a compelling client case** filled with data and insights? \n* Have you achieved **something extraordinary** in your field? \n* Know some **market hacks** that help people succeed?\n\nIf yes, **we want to hear from you**! Join our free Call for Speakers contest, and get a chance to share your insights at our event.\n\n# Conference focus: Differentiation and innovation\n\nIn an **era of rapid change and economic uncertainty**, businesses face rising costs, shifting consumer behaviors, and fierce competition. But **within these challenges lie opportunities for those who are willing to innovate and differentiate themselves**. \n**Our February 2025 conference will tackle these issues** and explore how to thrive in turbulent times. The core focus will be on equipping our audience with the insights, strategies, and tools necessary to not only survive but **excel in a competitive market.**\n\n# New selection process\n\nIn past years, we've been overwhelmed by the number of outstanding submissions. Limiting our selections to just a few winners often meant that many exceptional topics didn't get the spotlight they deserved. To make sure we capture the best insights and stories, **this time we are committed to covering up to 40% of our conference agenda with submissions from the contest**. Learn about the new rules for winners' selection below.\n"},"faq":{"exhibitor-status":{"q":"Do I have to be an EBE exhibitor to take part in the Call for Papers Contest?","a":"No! We’re open for anyone who would like to share their insights on one of the E-commerce Berlin Expo’s stages."},"fee":{"a":"There is no fee and no hidden costs - participation is completely free of charge. Winners also incur no costs.","q":"Is there a fee to participate in the contest?"},"submission-limits":{"a":"You may submit up to two proposals, but only one proposal per category will be considered. Please note that votes for separate proposals will not be combined.\n","q":"How many proposals can I submit?"},"co-presenter":{"a":"We even encourage you to do so ;)\nThere’s nothing more convincing than a satisfied client/business partner on the stage with you, trust us!\n","q":"Can I bring my client to present on stage with me?"},"ranking":{"a":"You will find a ranking on the Call for Papers website, available from the middle of the Public Voting phase till the end of the Contest. It will be updated every 24 hours, so you can check your current votes count and position in the Contest.","q":"How will I know how my proposal is doing in the contest?"},"fair-play":{"a":"For us fair play is a value, not a buzzword.\nOur IT department will be closely monitoring the voting process. All the suspicious activities suggesting use of illegal tactics, tools, bots or simply buying votes will be investigated. In case of finding any cheating evidence all the votes acquired using illegal methods will be cancelled. The submission may also be terminated without any possibility to appeal.","q":"What happens if suspicious voting activities will be noticed?"},"stage":{"a":"Each presentation slot is 30 minutes long in total. That time is divided into 20 minutes for presentation, and 10 minutes for Q\u0026A.","q":"Let’s assume that I win. How much time do I get for presenting on the stage?"},"name":"FAQ","description":"You may want to know a bit more about the Contest, so here comes the list of frequently asked questions:","after-win":{"q":"What happens if my proposal wins?","a":"If your proposal wins, here’s what to expect:\n\n* we’ll reach out to finalize the details and sign an agreement,\n* later on, our team will assist you in refining your topic and slides to ensure a compelling presentation,\n* before the conference, we’ll have a catch-up call to review everything and answer any questions,\n* as the event approaches, we’ll assign you a time slot, so please keep February 19-20, 2025, available,\n* on the event days, you’ll have the support of our team and stage host to ensure everything runs smoothly. \n\nWe’re excited to support you in delivering a standout presentation!\n"},"language":{"q":"In which languages can I submit my proposal and present on stage?","a":"Proposals and presentations can be submitted in either English or German, as our event is bilingual.\n"},"recordings":{"q":"Will the presentations be available online?\n","a":"Yes. Presentations are recorded and shared on YouTube. This content appears on the Net some time after the Conference and is free for everyone."},"slot-duration":{"q":"What does it look like on stage? How long is the speaking slot?\n","a":"The speakers have 30 minutes on stage equipped with a big screen, live preview, set of microphones, slide control and such."},"non-winners":{"q":"Is winning the Call for Papers the only way to get on stage?","a":"Apparently, no! We have plenty of partnership options. Moreover, the organiser can and will take a closer look at all of the CfP submissions and may reach out to some of the participants regardless of the results."},"masterclasses":{"q":"I have also seen \"Masterclasses\" on your website. What do they consist of?","a":"Masterclasses are practice-oriented sessions for a smaller, better targeted audience. They can only be booked and held by participating exhibitors of the EBE."},"goal":{"q":"What is the goal of the Call for Speakers contest?","a":"The goal is to discover and showcase innovative and relevant topics that address current challenges in the e-commerce industry and resonate with our audience, who are at the heart of our event. We aim to hear their voices and focus on what truly matters. We seek content that offers fresh perspectives, actionable insights, and practical solutions for our community."},"eligibility":{"q":"Who can participate in the contest?","a":"Anyone can participate. We welcome all individuals with valuable insights to share. There are no requirements for previous or current involvement with the event. "},"criteria":{"q":"What makes a strong conference proposal? What are the selection criteria?","a":"A strong proposal should be relevant, up-to-date, and problem-solving, presenting a well-thought-out concept with a clear stance and offering actionable insights. We value content that addresses industry challenges, provides fresh perspectives, and inspires our audience. Remember, we want insightful content – not promotional pitches.\n\nGuidelines for an impactful submission and selection criteria:\n\n* non-promotional content - keep self-promotion to a minimum; focus on delivering value to the audience,\n* relevance to the conference theme - the proposal should align with the main theme of the conference and contribute meaningfully to its goals; this year, we are focusing on differentiation and innovation in challenging times,\n* innovation and originality - the proposals should present new and unique ideas or approaches, offering fresh perspectives that stand out from conventional content,\n* real-life examples - include practical, real-life examples to demonstrate the application of your insights; if you represent an online shop, share your experiences; service providers are encouraged to invite clients to enhance credibility,\n* evidence and data - use data, research, or case studies to support your points; proposals should be well-supported by credible evidence,\n* clarity and structure - ensure your proposal is well-organized and clearly communicates the topic, objectives, and key takeaways; a structured presentation plan can be a plus,\n* speaker expertise and credentials - the expertise and background of the speaker(s) should align with the topic; ideally, presentations should be delivered by C-level executives or industry leaders to enhance depth and authority.\n"},"case-study":{"q":"Can I present with a client? \n","a":"Yes, we highly encourage presenting with a client, especially for service providers, as it adds valuable social proof and enhances credibility. This is an important factor for proposals from entities other than online shops. \n\nIf your session includes multiple participants, please ensure that all contributors are highlighted in your proposal and confirm their availability to join you on stage."},"selection":{"q":"How will finalists and winners be chosen?\n","a":"Here’s how we determine the finalists and winners:\n\n* proposal submission: we collect all entries submitted by participants,\n* audience voting: the public votes on the proposals, helping us identify the most popular and relevant topics,\n* top proposal selection: the top 5 proposals in each category, based on audience votes, advance to the final round for review by our Advisory Board, composed of industry experts,\n* final decision: the Advisory Board selects one winner in each category, considering both public votes and additional criteria,\n* wildcard selection: separately, the Advisory Board reviews all submissions and may handpick up to 20 standout proposals that, while not receiving the highest votes, demonstrate exceptional quality and relevance.\n"},"benefits":{"q":"What are the benefits of being selected as a winner?\n","a":"Our speakers enjoy multiple benefits, including:\n\n* shining on stage: share your insights and achievements during a 30-minute presentation on one of our prestigious conference stages.\n* reaching a global audience: showcase your ideas to a diverse group of event attendees and a vast online audience,\n* boosting your brand: highlight your expertise and elevate your personal and company brand by participating in one of Europe’s leading e-commerce events,\n* networking with industry leaders: connect with top professionals, potential clients, and collaborators in the e-commerce industry, unlocking new opportunities,\n* exclusive invitations: gain access to the E-commerce Germany Awards Gala and exclusive community events throughout the year, solidifying your status as a thought leader in the industry.\n"},"self-promotion":{"q":"I have a product or service that is relevant to the E-commerce Berlin Expo audience. Can I submit a proposal to promote it?\n","a":"The Call for Speakers seeks quality content rather than obvious advertising or promotional pitches. For product or service promotions, please contact [email protected] to explore partnership opportunities.\n"},"speaking-opportunities":{"q":"Are there other ways to actively participate in the event? \n","a":"Yes, we offer additional speaking opportunities such as Masterclasses for exhibitors and guaranteed speaking slots with premium sponsorship packages. For more details, visit our dedicated websites or contact [email protected].\n"}},"featured_presenters":"Past Winners","jury":{"title":"Advisory Board","description":" "},"timeline":{"submissions":{"title":"Submissions Open","description":"Submit your topic proposal by September 27, 2024. Please review the categories and FAQs with tips and hints on what we value."},"public-voting":{"title":"Public Voting kick-off","description":"Each internet user can cast one vote in each category using their LinkedIn account for verification. Voting ends on October 18, 2024, at 16:59 CET."},"qualification":{"title":"Nominees Announced, Advisory Board Voting Begins","description":"The announcement of the list of finalists will take place. Then, the Advisory Board will start a debate and support determining the final results."},"jury-voting":{"title":"Advisory Board voting","description":"Determining the results of the Contest - selection of winners in each category"},"results":{"title":"Winners Announcement","description":"Meet the contest winners!"}},"gallery":{"title":"Conference highlights"},"categories":{"fintech":{"title":"FinTech","description":"Technological innovations and services in the financial sector, with online payments being a crucial component.\n\nMain areas: payment gateways, mobile payments, payment optimization, seamless checkout experiences, buy now pay later (BNPL), subscription payment models, cryptocurrency payments, compliance with payment regulations, payment analytics, payment security, fraud prevention, strategies for optimizing transactions, leveraging payment analytics to enhance financial operations and customer experiences"},"marketing":{"title":"Marketing","description":"The latest trends and techniques in marketing to drive traffic and convert customers through various promotional efforts.\n\nMain areas: SEO best practices, content marketing, influencer marketing, social media advertising, email marketing, video marketing, conversational commerce, entertainment marketing, community commerce, social commerce, live streaming, affiliate marketing, PPC advertising, digital marketing analytics, viral content creation, integrating marketing channels, marketing ROI measurement, social media management tools, future of digital marketing, navigating the cookieless world, retail media, digital strategy, creative strategies"},"conversion":{"title":"Analytics and conversion","description":"Data is the new gold. This category covers business intelligence, analytics of all kinds, conversion rate optimization and more.  \n\nMain topics: data analysis in every shape, BI, conversion, retention, etc."},"crossborder":{"title":"Cross-border \u0026 International Expansion","description":"Effective strategies for expanding e-commerce businesses into international markets and thriving abroad.\n\nMain areas: market entry strategies, localization, translation services, cross-border payments, global payment solutions, localized payment solutions, compliance and regulation, cross-border marketplaces, international customer service, navigating internationalization strategies, international shipping, worldwide transportation solutions, cross-border logistics, scaling in global markets, advanced global growth strategies, sustaining success in international markets, international e-commerce success stories"},"logistics":{"title":"Supply Chain \u0026 Logistics","description":"The holistic optimization of supply chain and logistics processes for efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. The category covers strategies that streamline every stage of the process, from shipping and transportation to warehousing, fulfillment, and post-purchase support.\n\nMain areas: shipping and transportation, courier services, logistics aggregators and brokers, parcel lockers, customs clearance, warehousing, warehouse automation, order management systems, fulfillment and optimization, supply chain resilience, supply chain planning software, returns solutions, returns management, packaging solutions, automation in logistics, real-time tracking, visibility solutions, last-mile delivery innovations, sustainable logistics, robotics in logistics, risk management, reverse logistics, post-purchase fulfillment, peer-to-peer shipment, optimized warehouse logistics, multi-carrier strategies"},"shopsystems":{"title":"Shop Systems \u0026 E-commerce Software","description":"The latest advancements and the future trajectory of e-commerce systems, shop architecture, and shop software. The category encompasses both established e-commerce platforms as well as modern and flexible approaches like headless commerce and API-driven solutions. It covers practical insights into how businesses can leverage the innovations to stay competitive and optimize their existing systems.\n\nMain areas: e-commerce platforms, e-commerce tools, platform integrations, headless commerce, API-driven solutions, composable commerce, product information management (PIM), platform optimization, future directions, digital storefront solutions, plugin integrations, content management systems (CMS), payment gateways, inventory management, order management systems (OMS), customer experience tools, marketing automation, sales tracking, platform extensions, e-commerce infrastructure, digital commerce solutions, online store management, enterprise commerce software, B2B e-commerce solutions, marketplace integrations, software for retailers, e-commerce technology, website builders, shopping cart solutions"},"futuretech":{"title":"FutureTech","description":"Emerging technologies, such as AR/VR, Web3, IoT, blockchain, quantum computing, and their future potential impacts on e-commerce.\n\nMain areas: augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), Web3 in e-commerce, NFTs, Blockchain, internet of things (IoT), 5G technology, cloud computing, big data analytics, robotics in retail, quantum computing, voice commerce, smart assistants, smart stores, connected retail, technology startups, software development, cloud transformation, digital transformation in retail"},"ai":{"title":"AI in E-commerce","description":"Practical applications of AI in the current e-commerce landscape, such as automation in personalizing experiences, predictive analytics, customer service, dynamic pricing, marketing automation, and more.\n\nMain areas: AI-driven personalization, AI-powered search, product recommendations, AI in payment processing, AI in customer service, AI-driven advertising, AI content creation, impact of generative AI on creativity, AI for dynamic pricing, predictive analytics, chatbots, virtual assistants, marketing automation, machine learning for fraud detection"},"customerjourney":{"title":"Customer Journey","description":"The art of mastering the customer journey. The importance of customer centricity, maintaining satisfaction and ensuring that customers have a positive experience throughout their relationship with your brand. Key topics include omnichannel strategies, UX design, loyalty and retention, post-purchase care, brand experience.\n\nMain areas: customer centricity, personalized recommendations, targeted marketing, tailored shopping experiences, omnichannel strategies, loyalty programs, retention strategies, post-purchase care, user interface design, mobile-first design, UX best practices, emotional design, CRM, conversion rate optimization, brand experience, brand consistency across channels, emotional branding, customer perception and brand loyalty, accessibility, sustainability and ethical practices, brand development, brand strategy, brand differentiation, brand identity, brand storytelling, brand positioning, brand reputation management, brandformance, rebranding, brand partnerships, offline brand experiences, community building"},"leadership":{"title":"Leadership \u0026 Strategic Management","description":"Leading teams through disruption, strategic planning for growth, and managing organizational change to adapt to new market conditions. Optimizing business processes for peak performance, efficiency, and growth.\n\nMain areas: strategic planning, growth strategies, change management, organizational transformation, managing disruption, innovation leadership, leadership development, agile leadership, business resilience, decision-making, team building, managing remote teams, crisis management, future-proofing businesses, operational excellence, business process optimization, peak performance strategies"}}},"callforpapers":{"voting":{"general-rules":{"title":"Rules of Voting in Call for Papers contest","description":"* Entries are collected in 9 categories. \n* Public votes are gathered to identify the best topics. \n* Each Internet user can cast one vote per category (only one vote is allowed per IP address). \n* The top 5 in each category advance to the Advisory Board for review. \n* The Advisory Board selects one winner in each category. \n* NEW: Wildcard Selection - The Advisory Board can separately select up to 20 standout proposals, regardless of public vote count, to present on stage.\n"},"rules":{"description":"You need a LinkedIn account to vote. For information regarding processing voters' personal data read here:"}},"list":{"title":"Who would you like to see live on the E-commerce Berlin Expo stage?","description":"Voting ends on October 18, 2024, at 16:59 Berlin time"},"opengraph":{"title":"Vote for the presentation %{presentation_title} #ecommberlin","description":"Vote now! %{name} from %{cname2} may present on February, 19-20 in Berlin. Free tickets available!"},"categories":{"title":"Vote to identify the best conference topics "}}," callforpapers":{"voting":{"rules":{"description":"* The Voting opens on the 1st of October at 1 pm sharp!\n* Each user having a Linkedin account can cast up to 6 votes, one vote per presentation.\n* Once the voting has been closed, 6 presentations with the highest number of votes will be included in the agenda of the E-commerce Berlin Expo.\n* Attention! If more than one presentation submitted by the same company wins in more than one category, we will have to choose only one presentation. In this event, in the other category, another company with the second-highest number of votes becomes the winner.\n* The Voting ends on the 17th of October at 11:59 pm sharp!\n","title":"Voting rules"}}},"awards":{"hero":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2025","description":"Networking Party \u0026 Awards Ceremony"},"contestants":{"voting-rules":{"description":"* There are 12 categories - 10 companies from each category will be promoted to the next round (10 companies with the highest number of votes)\n* Online voters will determine the results of the 1st round of the E-commerce Germany Awards contest - each voter has 12 votes, one for each category. \n* In order to be able to vote a LinkedIn account is necessary\n* The voting period: January 8th, 2024  - January 24th, 2024, 15:59 CET (3:59 PM)"},"categories":{"title":"Choose the category below to see the participants from each e-commerce sector!"},"list":{"description":"Online voting is over. Highlighted companies proceed to the next round. ","title":"E-commerce Germany Awards Participants"}},"timeline":{"title":"Important Dates","submissions":{"title":"Submissions Open","description":"Time for the companies' submissions. One company may enter a maximum of 2 categories.\nFor the initial submission, only basic info is needed. The rest information will be required at the next step "},"public-voting":{"title":"Round 1: Public Voting","description":"Voting takes place on the Contest Website. Each Internet User with a valid LinkedIn account can cast one vote in each category.\\n"},"qualification":{"title":"Nominees Announcement","description":"The announcement of the TOP 10 participating companies that go to the next round. The announcement appears on the Contest Website at 3 PM CET.\n"},"jury-voting":{"title":"Round 2: Jury Voting","description":"Determining the results of the Contest - selection of winners in each category by a team of e-commerce professionals"},"results":{"title":"Winners Announcement","description":"The announcement of the winners and the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony take place in Berlin"},"verification":{"title":"Completing Submissions and Verification","description":"After initial submission, participants receive a link with access to their profile. Now it's time to fill out the form and answer the questions (check T\u0026C highlights). The Organizer will verify the submissions."}},"winners":{"archive":{"title":"Winners of E-commerce Germany Awards %{name}","description":""},"details":"Details","list":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2024","description":"The list of the winners"}},"contestant":{"details":"Details"},"voting":{"rules":{"description":"You need a LinkedIn account to vote. For information regarding processing voters' personal data read here: "},"cta":"EGA contest categories"},"contest":{"agreement":{"title":"Rules for participants"},"legal-data":{"title":"Data processing"},"opengraph":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2024 // February 21, 2024","description":" %{project_name} by %{cname2} is nominated for the E-commerce Germany Awards. We are looking forward to your vote!"}},"fields":{"project_description":"Please describe your product or service. What is the problem your product or service is solving?","difference":"Please describe the benefits of your product/ service. What is unique about it? How does your product or service set itself apart from the competitors?","innovations":"Please describe your latest product or service innovations (within the last 12 months).","company_description":"Product / Service Description","company_website":"Website","email":"E-mail address","fname":"First name\n","lname":"Last name\n","cname2":"Brand name","project_name":"Name of the product or service","awards_category":"Choose a category (scroll down for categories' descriptions)\n","phone":"Phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)","website":"Your website’s URL. Pls use the following format for the clickable display: [full URL address](full URL address)","awards_category_options":{"sales":"Best Sales \u0026 Growth Solution","communication":"Best Communication \u0026 Engagement Solution","expansion":"Best Global Expansion Solution","logistics":"Best Logistics and Shipments Solution","platform":"Best Platform \u0026 ERP","payment":"Best Payment Solution","analytics":"Best Analytics \u0026 BI Solution","agency":"Best Agency Showcase","security_it":"Best Security \u0026 IT Solution","innovation":"Best Tech Evolution \u0026 Innovation","omnichannel":"Best Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution","customers_experience":"Best Customers Experience Solution","fulfillment_optimization":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution"},"accept":"I confirm that I have read and I accept the Terms \u0026 Conditions","logotype":"Add the company's logo with a direct .png or .jpg link. Use the public cloud service, not Google Drive.\n","testimonials":"Please give evidence of positive test results or reception for your company or services. Share testimonials or user feedback (if applicable).","case_study":"Please share a case study of the client's use of your product or service. Share the testimonials or user feedback\n","confidential":"You may provide any non-public additional information about your product or service (confidential and seen for Jury only)","video":"Share a short (up to 1 min) video of your product (not the company!). Youtube/Vimeo is preferable.","company_address":"Company's address","nip":"Company's TAX ID number"},"remaining":{"votes":"Remaining votes"},"jury":{"title":"Jury Members","description":"Experienced experts in the field of e-commerce and representatives from various sizes of stores and brands gathered for a neutral and objective evaluation"},"hello":{"title":"Celebrate your success in e-commerce","submit":"Terms \u0026 Conditions Highlights","needs":"","details":"WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: \n* Only entrepreneurs who are service providers in the e-commerce industry and whose services are already available in the German market are eligible to participate in the Contest as Participants.\n* Any company may participate in a maximum of 2 categories. There are 12 +1 categories all in all (you will find the description below on the website).\n \nINFORMATION REQUIRED\n* The initial application requests only the product or service name, company details, and the submitting person's contact info. The rest of the information is filled out in the next steps.\n* To gather votes participants should fill out the profile of their solution or product. The following information will be requested: a succinct description of their product or service, including its problem-solving aspect; insights into the product's benefits, uniqueness, and recent innovations. Additionally, contestants are asked to share case studies with testimonials and/or feedback from their clients. They may also submit a brief video showcasing the product. \n* A participant is also asked to provide a public URL address of the company's logo.\n\n\nSTAGES OF THE CONTEST: \n* **Submissions:** Contestants submit their applications at the contest's website. After a while, they receive a link to their profile with a request to fill out the needed information about their product or service.\n* **Round 1:** Public voting of Internet users (LinkedIn account required) to determine TOP 10 submissions in each category. The companies with the highest number of votes in a given category will be qualified for the next round (max 10 companies from each category). \n* **Round 2:** Final voting of the Jury to select one winner in each of the twelve categories\n* **Winners Announcement:** The awards are given to companies with the highest total number of points from the public voting and the Jury voting combined during the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party which takes place on **21.02.2024 in Berlin.**\n\nFEES: \n* Each entrepreneur applying to the Contest consents to pay a participation fee in case it receives enough votes to be selected as one of \n   the Nominees (TOP10 companies) in its category, thereby advancing to Stages III and IV of the Contest.\n* The Participant is only obliged to pay the participation fee if selected as the Nominee (one of the TOP 10 companies). Companies that \n   don't proceed to the next stages don't pay.\n* The Participant can't refuse to enter the next steps of the Contest and pay a fee after the online voting is over and the Nominees are \n   announced. \n* The fee is **400 EUR** for the submission in the first category, and (if applicable) 200 EUR in the second category. \n* All participants of the second round receive **1 ticket** for the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party.\n\nEXHIBITORS:\n* Exhibitors of the E-commerce Berlin Expo are participating in both rounds for **free.**\n* In order to be present at the E-commerce Germany Awards and Networking party Exhibitors are obliged to order the tickets at their \n   exhibitor's panel.\n\nTERMS: \n* Submissions are accepted from **November 20th, 2023** till **December 15th, 2023** on the contest's website.\n* Submissions can only be edited till January 7th, 2024, 11:59 PM CET before the online voting starts.\n* Online voting starts on **January 08t, 2024** and finishes on **January 24th, 2024** (3:59 pm) CET\n* TOP 10 companies are announced on **January 25th, 2024** at 3pm CET\n* Jury voting starts on January 29th, 2024\n* The winners are announced on **February 21st, 2024** in Berlin during the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party. \n\nThe Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any submission in the Contest or entitlement to a prize, if, in the sole discretion of the Organiser, it determines or suspects that the entrant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or other fraudulent, deceptive, or unfair playing practices.\n\nMore info regarding the Data processing of participants' data can be found [here](\n\nThe full text of Terms \u0026 Conditions may be found [here]("},"register":{"title":"SUBMIT YOUR COMPANY!"},"form":{"intro":"Please, fill in the details of your company or services in the form below","submit":"Submit form","success":"Thank you for submitting your entry"},"rules-summary":{"title":"Terms \u0026 Conditions Highlights","body":"WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: \n* Only entrepreneurs who are service providers in the e-commerce industry and whose services are already available in the German market are eligible to participate in the Contest as Participants.\n* Any company may participate in a maximum of 2 categories. There are 12 +1 categories all in all (you will find the description below on the website).\n \nINFORMATION REQUIRED\n* The initial application requests only the product or service name, company details, and the submitting person's contact info. The rest of the information is filled out in the next steps.\n* To gather votes participants should fill out the profile of their solution or product. The following information will be requested: a succinct description of their product or service, including its problem-solving aspect; insights into the product's benefits, uniqueness, and recent innovations. Additionally, contestants are asked to share case studies with testimonials and/or feedback from their clients. They may also submit a brief video showcasing the product. \n* A participant is also asked to provide a public URL address of the company's logo.\n\n\nSTAGES OF THE CONTEST: \n* **Submissions:** Contestants submit their applications at the contest's website. After a while, they receive a link to their profile with a request to fill out the needed information about their product or service.\n* **Round 1:** Public voting of Internet users (LinkedIn account required) to determine TOP 10 submissions in each category. The companies with the highest number of votes in a given category will be qualified for the next round (max 10 companies from each category). \n* **Round 2:** Final voting of the Jury to select one winner in each of the twelve categories\n* **Winners Announcement:** The awards are given to companies with the highest total number of points from the public voting and the Jury voting combined during the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party which takes place on **21.02.2024 in Berlin.**\n\nFEES: \n* Each entrepreneur applying to the Contest consents to pay a participation fee in case it receives enough votes to be selected as one of \n   the Nominees (TOP10 companies) in its category, thereby advancing to Stages III and IV of the Contest.\n* The Participant is only obliged to pay the participation fee if selected as the Nominee (one of the TOP 10 companies). Companies that \n   don't proceed to the next stages don't pay.\n* The Participant can't refuse to enter the next steps of the Contest and pay a fee after the online voting is over and the Nominees are \n   announced. \n* The fee is **400 EUR** for the submission in the first category, and (if applicable) 200 EUR in the second category. \n* All participants of the second round receive **1 ticket** for the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party.\n\nEXHIBITORS:\n* Exhibitors of the E-commerce Berlin Expo are participating in both rounds for **free.**\n* In order to be present at the E-commerce Germany Awards and Networking party Exhibitors are obliged to order the tickets at their \n   exhibitor's panel.\n\nTERMS: \n* Submissions are accepted from **November 20th, 2023** till **December 15th, 2023** on the contest's website.\n* Submissions can only be edited till January 7th, 2024, 11:59 PM CET before the online voting starts.\n* Online voting starts on **January 08t, 2024** and finishes on **January 24th, 2024** (3:59 pm) CET\n* TOP 10 companies are announced on **January 25th, 2024** at 3pm CET\n* Jury voting starts on January 29th, 2024\n* The winners are announced on **February 21st, 2024** in Berlin during the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party. \n\nThe Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any submission in the Contest or entitlement to a prize, if, in the sole discretion of the Organiser, it determines or suspects that the entrant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or other fraudulent, deceptive, or unfair playing practices.\n\nMore info regarding the Data processing of participants' data can be found [here](\n\nThe full text of Terms \u0026 Conditions may be found [here](\n"},"categories":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2024 categories","description":"The Awards will reward the best in the following categories","sales":{"title":"Best Sales \u0026 Growth Solution","description":"Recognizing top tools driving sales and business growth, this category celebrates a wide spectrum of solutions. From Marketing Automation to SEO, we honor tools that boost revenue, enhance customer engagement, and optimize sales funnels. Criteria for selection include innovation, impact on revenue generation, user experience, and adaptability to evolving market dynamics.\n\n* Marketing Automation Providers \n* SEA-Tool Providers \n* A/B Testing Tools\n* Customer Journey Tracking Providers\n* Repricing Tool Providers \n* CRM Sales Accelerators\n* Advertising systems\n* Affiliate software and systems\n* Price comparison sites\n* Social media sales enhancement tools\n* Lead acquisition solutions\n* Retargeting tools\n* Sales funnels solutions\n* Lead scoring software\n* SEO tools\n* Tools \u0026 Plugins\n"},"communication":{"title":"Best Communication \u0026 Engagement Solution","description":"In the \"Best Communication and Engagement\" category, we celebrate the innovative solutions that empower e-commerce businesses to connect with their customers in meaningful ways. These tools are the driving force behind personalized experiences, efficient customer support, and impactful communication strategies. From AI-driven algorithms that segment and target audiences to real-time chat software for immediate assistance, these tools are instrumental in fostering customer engagement and satisfaction. We evaluate them based on their ability to enhance customer interactions, optimize marketing efforts, gather valuable feedback, and ultimately create a strong and lasting bond between businesses and their clientele.\n\n* AI-driven algorithms for segmenting and targeting\n* Personalization engines\n* Live chat software for real-time customer support and assistance\n* Communication platforms enabling direct messaging \n* Email marketing platforms and marketing automation tools \n* Customer support ticketing systems for managing and tracking customer inquiries\n* Customer feedback and survey tools\n* Review management platforms\n* CRM software for managing customer interactions, tracking customer data, and improving engagement\n* Social media management platforms\n* Social listening tools\n* Subscription Box tools"},"expansion":{"title":"Best Global Expansion Solution","description":"In the category of \"International Expansion and Globalization,\" we commend solutions that empower e-commerce businesses to expand their horizons beyond borders. These solutions encompass cross-border payments infrastructure, accounting services, international logistics services, VAT and tax solutions, as well as legal and compliance consulting tailored for the global stage. Additionally, they may encompass pricing and currency control solutions, translation services, and the expertise of law firms specialized in e-commerce. Our evaluation criteria revolve around their ability to facilitate seamless international operations, ensure legal and regulatory compliance, minimize cross-border transaction complexities, and enhance overall global market penetration for e-commerce enterprises.\n\n* Cross-border payments infrastructure\n* Accounting services\n* International logistics services\n* VAT and tax solutions\n* Legal and compliance consulting\n* Pricing and currency control solutions\n* Translation services\n* Consultation of law firms specialized in e-commerce\n* VAT services for Cross-Border Sellers"},"logistics":{"title":"Best Logistics and Shipments Solution","description":"In the \"Logistics and Shipments Solution\" category, we honor innovative solutions that revolve around the complex world of logistics and shipments. From ensuring timely deliveries to optimizing cross-border transactions, these solutions play a crucial role in streamlining supply chains and enhancing customer experiences. We evaluate these solutions based on their reliability, scalability, and their impact on improving the efficiency of logistics processes.\n\n* Shipping and Transportation\n* International Shipping, \n* Container Shipping\n* Parcel Shipping\n* Courier Services\n* Logistics Aggregators and Brokers\n* Parcel Lockers\n* Pickup Stations and Worldwide Transportation Solutions\n* Customs clearance"},"platform":{"title":"Best Platform \u0026 ERP","description":"In the \"Best Platform \u0026 ERP\" category, we recognize the industry's leading solutions powering businesses with transformative e-commerce platforms, efficient ERP systems, and scalable tools. Criteria for selection encompass business impact, user-friendliness, customization, seamless integration, industry adaptability, security, cost-efficiency, and sustainability, ensuring we honor comprehensive solutions that redefine operational excellence\n\n* Delivering front-end, description; \n* Headless commerce\n* ERP-Systems with E-Com-related functions\n* SaaS solutions/online shop platforms\n* Components, accessories, innovative shopfitting, design\n* E-commerce website plugins\n* Customer-facing solutions\n* Back-end organization software\n* Marketplace management"},"payment":{"title":"Best Payment Solution","description":"In the realm of Best Payment Solutions, we celebrate cutting-edge offerings that redefine the way businesses process transactions. From secure payment gateways to innovative anti-fraud solutions and forward-thinking blockchain initiatives, this category recognizes the pivotal role played by Payment Solution Providers. Evaluation criteria encompass innovation, security measures, adaptability to alternative payment methods, impact on transaction efficiency, and the ability to provide merchant financing and collection tools.\n\n* Payment gateways\n* Mobile payment solutions\n* Anti-fraud and security innovations\n* Buy now, pay later solutions\n* Blockchain or cryptocurrency initiatives\n* Payment Solution Providers, \n* Alternative Payment Methods Providers \n* POS payments\n* Merchant financing\n* Collection Tool Providers"},"analytics":{"title":"Best Analytics \u0026 BI Solution","description":"In the realm of the Best Analytics/ BI Solutions category, we commend exceptional solutions that empower businesses with actionable intelligence. This category celebrates tools that offer deep insights, facilitate data-driven decision-making, and drive tangible results. Evaluation criteria encompass the depth of insights provided, data integration capabilities, impact on strategic decision-making, user-friendliness, adaptability to evolving data sources, and measurable contributions to business growth.\n\n* Conversion rate optimization\n* Eye-tracking\n* Price monitoring solutions\n* Real-time analytics\n* Voice \u0026 video analytics\n* AI \u0026 predictive modeling\n* Data Analytics Platforms\n* Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions\n* Data Visualization Software\n* Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics Tools\n* Big Data Analytics Platforms\n* Customer Analytics Solutions\n* Marketing Analytics Tools\n* Web Analytics Services\n* Data Integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tools\n* Advanced Reporting and Dashboarding Software\n"},"agency":{"title":"Best Agency Showcase","description":"In the 'Best Agency Showcase' category, we celebrate agencies that have achieved excellence through their transformative contributions to the e-commerce landscape. This category is dedicated to recognizing outstanding agency accomplishments in the realm of e-commerce strategy and execution. We invite agencies to submit compelling case studies that showcase their innovative solutions and measurable impacts, such as the successful launch of new e-commerce initiatives, the creation of immersive shopping experiences, the development of exclusive marketing campaigns that elevate consumer engagement, and design innovations that drive increased sales, expand customer bases, enhance visibility, elevate SEO performance, and deliver impactful social media campaigns. We prioritize measurable, real-world impacts and recognize agencies for their pivotal role in delivering exceptional results that shape the future of e-commerce.\n\n* successful launch of new e-commerce initiatives\n* creation of immersive shopping experiences\n* exclusive marketing campaigns that elevate consumer engagement\n* design innovations that drive increased sales, \n* solutions for expanding customer bases\n* impactful social media campaigns\n* website development\n* content creation and optimization\n* social media management\n* SEO and SEM\n* affiliate marketing"},"security_it":{"title":"Best Security \u0026 IT Solution","description":"In the 'Best Security \u0026 IT' category, we celebrate exceptional solutions that build a secure and seamless IT infrastructure for e-commerce operations. This category covers various offerings, including cloud infrastructure and hosting services, API management solutions, cybersecurity innovations, software development advancements, and other essential components. We also commend excellence in fraud detection, credit rating services, and address verification solutions. Entrants are evaluated based on their ability to deliver reliable, safe, and innovative e-commerce infrastructure solutions that ensure a secure environment for digital businesses.\n\n* Cloud infrastructure \u0026 hosting\n* API management\n* Security solutions\n* Software development\n* Other IT solutions\n* Fraud Detection Providers \n* Credit Rating Providers\n* Address Verification Providers\n* Hosting Providers\n* Cookie Management Solutions\n* Legal Texts Providers\n* Accounting Middleware\n* Accounting Software"},"innovation":{"title":"Best Tech Evolution \u0026 Innovation","description":"In the 'Evolution \u0026 Innovation' category, we celebrate visionary tech solutions that not only redefine the digital commerce landscape but also demonstrate remarkable adaptability to the new reality. This category encompasses a spectrum of forward-looking technologies, including future retail innovations, artificial intelligence breakthroughs, headless commerce strategies, machine learning advancements, voice commerce implementations, and sustainability solutions. We invite tech solution providers that showcase impactful contributions to e-commerce, driving growth, elevating customer experiences, and championing sustainability. Evaluation criteria include the innovativeness of tech solutions, their potential to reshape e-commerce, measurable improvements in business processes, and the creation of an eco-conscious digital economy."},"omnichannel":{"title":"Best Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution","description":"In the \"Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution\" category, we celebrate the e-commerce solutions that seamlessly connect the dots between online and offline shopping experiences. From omnichannel strategies that provide a unified customer journey to multichannel tools optimizing individual sales platforms, this category recognizes the evolving landscape of modern commerce. These solutions help businesses see what's in stock better, offer convenient click-and-collect services, and build loyalty programs that enhance customer satisfaction. Our evaluation criteria encompass the seamless integration of these strategies, their impact on enhancing customer journeys, adaptability to evolving demands, and the concrete enhancements in sales.\n\n* Inventory Management Systems\n* Order Fulfillment Software\n* Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)\n* Content Management Systems (CMS)\n* Unified Commerce Platforms\n* Cross-Channel Analytics Tools\n* Retail POS Systems\n* Marketplace Integration Software\n* Inventory Optimization Solutions\n* Marketing Automation Platforms\n* Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems\n* Omnichannel Retail Software\n* Unified Customer Profiles\n* Inventory Visibility Tools\n* Click-and-Collect Services\n* Mobile Commerce Apps\n* Loyalty Programs and Personalization Engines\n* In-Store Kiosks and Digital Signage"},"customers_experience":{"0":"Best Customers Experience Solution","title":"Best Customers Experience Solution","description":"In the 'Best Customers Experience' category, we celebrate solutions that collectively elevate the e-commerce shopping journey. These tools combine design, functionality, and accessibility to provide customers with a seamless and delightful experience. They ensure that websites are user-friendly, accessible, and filled with clear and engaging product information. Through automation and chatbots, they enhance efficiency and assistance, while CRM solutions foster customer-centric interactions. Visual and interactive features, along with language translation and creative packaging, culminate in a shopping experience that is not just convenient but memorable, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.\n\n* Website Design and Usability\n* Localization and Accessibility\n* Information Accessibility and Clarity\n* Automation for Ease of Use\n* Order Fulfillment and Efficiency\n* Inventory management systems for efficient order processing and stock management\n* Product information management (PIM)\n* photos \u0026 photos 360, 3D modeling, videos\n* AR/VR\n* Translation\n* Creative packaging\n* Interactive product catalogs\n* Website design platforms and services\n* User experience (UX) optimization tools \n* Automatic form-fill and checkout features"},"fulfillment_optimization":{"0":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution","title":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution","description":"The \"Fulfillment and Optimization\" category celebrates solutions that empower e-commerce businesses to deliver exceptional service. Covering a wide spectrum of tools and services, this category focuses on enhancing order processing, inventory management, and customer satisfaction. These solutions streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive growth.We assess them based on their ability to improve specific business processes related to fulfillment and optimization, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of e-commerce logistics\n\n* Warehousing and Fulfillment\n* Order Management Systems, Fulfillment, and Optimization\n* Returns Solutions\n* Hardware, BI, Consulting\n* Packaging Solutions\n* Optimization for Packaging\n* Product Sourcing Agencies\n* Fulfillment Services\n* Supply Chain Planning Software\n* AI-Supported Comparison and Shipping Portal"}},"gallery":{"title":"Join us for the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony"},"faq":{"categories":{"q":"Where can I find the description of each category?","a":"You can find the detailed descriptions [here](\nPlease make sure to read them before the submission, as our Jury Members will choose the winner according to the category criteria.\n"},"timeline":{"q":"What is the contest’ timeline?","a":"Here are the most important dates in the contest:\n1. Entry into the contest and submissions: November 20th, 2023 - December 15th, 2023\n2. Applications verification: December 18th, 2023 - January 7th,2024\n3. Internet Users’ public voting: January 8th, 2024 - January 24th, 2024\n4. Public Voting Nominees’ announcement: January 25th, 2024 at 3 pm\n5. Jury voting \u0026 The selection of winners: January 29th, 2024 - February 8th, 2024\n6. The winners’ announcement during the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony: February 21st, 2024"},"fee":{"q":"Is there any participation fee?","a":"Participation in the E-commerce Germany Awards Contest is free of charge for the E-commerce Berlin Expo exhibitors. Other participants will be required to pay a participation fee, but only in case they are chosen as one of the top10 companies in the category and get through to the second round of the E-commerce Germany Awards contest (i.e. jury voting); the fee is 400 EUR for the submission in the first category, and (if applicable) 200 EUR in the second category."},"limits":{"q":"Can I enter the contest in more than one category?","a":"Yes, you can enter two submissions. However, each of them needs to be in a different category. Please note the votes don’t add up."},"status":{"q":"How will I know how my submission is doing in the contest?","a":"You will find the ranking on the E-commerce Germany Awards website. It will be updated every 24 hours, so you can check your current votes count and position in the Contest.\nPlease note that the number of votes will not be visible for the first week of the online voting."},"abuse":{"q":"What happens if suspicious voting activities will be noticed?","a":"For us fair play is a value, not a buzzword.\nOur IT department will be closely monitoring the voting process. All the suspicious activities suggesting use of illegal tactics, tools, bots or simply buying votes will be investigated. In case of finding any cheating evidence all the votes acquired using illegal methods will be cancelled. The submission may also be terminated without any possibility to appeal."},"sponsorship":{"q":"Can I become a sponsor of the Ceremony?","a":"We will be more than happy for you to join the event as a sponsor! You can take a look at the available sponsorship packages [here]( If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Event Manager, Aleksandra Dalemba, at [[email protected]]([email protected])."},"title":"FAQ","name":"About the Awards"},"become_a_juror":{"legend":"Please, fill in your personal details in the form below"},"about":{"title":"The E-commerce Germany Awards 2025","stats":"The Awards in numbers","body":"E-commerce Germany Awards (EGA) is a unique platform to recognize the excellence, creativity, and achievements of the companies providing services in the German e-commerce market. Our objective is to honor the most promising and innovative solutions addressing real-life challenges encountered by e-merchants, retailers, and brands, offered by service providers and software companies. The Awards consist of two parts: a contest topped with a Prize-Giving Ceremony and a pure Networking party.\n\nThis is an amazing opportunity both for established companies in the German market to showcase their achievements, as well as a chance for emerging players in the German e-commerce industry to gain recognition, and attract a wider customer base."},"benefits":{"title":"Why participate?","description":"Here are some great benefits! ","celebrate":{"title":"Celebrate your success!","description":"Show that you’re the best at what you do to both business partners and competitors! Promote your brand across the e-commerce industry. Join the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony for an unforgettable night of networking and fun."},"networking":{"title":"Opportunity to network","description":"The Awards ceremony presents a unique opportunity to connect with over 500 e-commerce professionals. Paired with the Expo, it opens doors to broaden your network, boost your business, and, on top of that, do so in a delightful and laid-back atmosphere that fosters meaningful connections.\n"},"confidence":{"title":"Verified formula and organizer","description":"In 2025 the E-commerce Germany Awards will take place for the eighth time. Over 2000 companies have trusted us and participated in the contest since we launched the first edition back in 2018, and over 3500 guests had a chance to celebrate with us during the Awards Ceremonies."}},"opengraph":{"name":"E-commerce Germany Awards | Berlin | February 19, 2025","description":""},"update":{"title":"Participant's Profile","description":"Please fill in the required additional information to support your submission.\nKeep in mind that the textboxes must contain between 100 and 2000 characters."},"profile":{"project_description":"Product or service description","difference":"Distinction from the competition","case_study":"Customer case study ","innovations":"Product or service innovations","company_website":"Website","confidential":"Additional information","testimonials":"Positive feedback \u0026 testimonials","video":"Video"},"ceremony":{"title":"2024: Watch the Ceremony Recap"},"sponsor":{"year":"Sponsor %{data}","headline":"Headline Sponsor %{data}","drinkables":"Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor %{data}","supporting":"Supporting Sponsor %{data}","dj":"DJ Sponsor","drinkables_dj_food":"Bar \u0026 Beer, Finger Food and DJ Sponsor"},"sponsors":{"list":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards Sponsors"},"archive":{"title":"Previous Sponsors"}},"ebereg":{"description":"Register now and get your complimentary ticket for E-commerce Berlin Expo! Explore 5 stages of presentations and meet 250+ exhibitors!","title":"Passionate about e-commerce? Join us on 22.02.2024!"}},"vips":{"register":{"title":"VIP TICKET - Registration form","description":"COLLECT YOUR VIP TICKET"},"benefits":{"title":"What VIP TICKET gives you?","fastentry":{"title":"Effortless Entry","description":"Skip the queues and enjoy fast-track entry, a separate cloakroom, and exclusive registration desks with dedicated event personnel to assist you."},"seats":{"title":"Premium Seating","description":"Enjoy a reserved front-row seat at each presentation stage and witness keynotes and panel discussions from the best angle!"},"vipzone":{"title":"VIP Zone","description":"Delight in an 800m2 dedicated lounge area exclusively for VIPs. Indulge in complimentary food, refreshments, and more."},"badge":{"title":"VIP Badge","description":"Receive a VIP badge, symbolizing your esteemed status and granting access to all exclusive benefits and areas."},"video":{"title":"Conference recordings","description":"A VIP visitor has priority access to all recordings from the conference. As a part of our closed community, you get them the moment they become available."},"networking":{"title":"Top Networking","description":"Engage with highly-profiled guests, top e-commerce shops, and retailers, invited either by exhibitors or an organizer, and those eligible through online inquiries."},"passes":{"title":"Limited Passes","description":"Embrace exclusivity with our limited VIP passes, designed for a meaningful networking within the industry's finest."}},"programme":{"title":"MAXIMIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE: THE VIP PROGRAMME","description":"# Attending the E-commerce Berlin Expo with thousands of attendees from online shops, retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers presents a valuable chance for business growth. To ensure you connect with the right partners and prospects, we proudly introduce the VIP Programme."},"apply":{"title":"Do you represent online shop, retailer, or brand, and would like to get a VIP pass?\n"},"rules":{"title":"Do you represent online shop, retailer, or brand, and would like to get a VIP pass?","description":"The VIP passes are **offered free of charge to representatives of online shops, retailers, and brands.** To qualify for a free VIP ticket, you must meet the following criteria:\n\n1. Represent an online shop, retailer, or brand.\n2. Hold a prominent position such as C-Level, Director, Department Head, VP, or equivalent within your organization.\n3. Have at least 5 years of professional experience in the e-commerce industry.\n4. Be employed by a company with an annual turnover of 20 million euros or more.\n\nIf you meet these requirements, **we invite you to register your interest for a free VIP pass.** Once you complete the registration, we will confirm your VIP eligibility. If you have any doubts about meeting the criteria, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].\n\nFor those who do not meet the eligibility criteria, the VIP ticket to the E-commerce Berlin Expo is priced at **599 euros**. To apply for the VIP ticket, kindly complete the application form. Upon receipt of your application, we will process your request and contact you to finalize the order."},"form":{"intro":"If you represent online shop, retailer, or brand, please, fill in your personal details in the form below","submit":"Submit","success":"Your submission has been received."},"gallery":{"title":"Join the exclusive network"},"faq":{"name":"Find all the answers you need here","howtobecome":{"q":"How can I become a VIP at the E-commerce Berlin Expo?","a":"There are three pathways to becoming a VIP: \n1. Invitation from an Exhibitor: Exhibitors have access to a special pool of VIP tickets, which they distribute to important prospects they wish to welcome at the event. If you have a business partnership with any of our Exhibitors, we encourage you to reach out to them and inquire about the possibility of receiving a VIP ticket. \n2. Invitation from the Organizer: We carefully curate VIP invitations to individuals from top e-commerce shops, retailers, and companies in Germany, aiming to create a dynamic networking environment that connects important attendees with industry leaders.\n3. Online inquiry: Fill out the application form, and we will confirm your VIP eligibility after registration."},"benefits":{"q":"What exclusive benefits do VIP ticket holders receive during the event?","a":"VIP ticket holders at the E-commerce Berlin Expo enjoy exclusive benefits, including effortless entry, a VIP badge for access to all exclusive areas, a dedicated VIP Zone with complimentary food and refreshments, premium front-row seating at presentations, and top-tier networking opportunities with industry leaders."},"applying":{"q":"Who is eligible for a VIP pass, and how can I apply for it?","a":"The VIP passes are offered free of charge to representatives of online shops, retailers, and brands. To qualify for a free VIP ticket, you must meet the following criteria:\n\n1. Represent an online shop, retailer, or brand.\n2. Hold a prominent position such as C-Level, Director, Department Head, VP, or equivalent within your organization.\n3. Have at least 5 years of professional experience in the e-commerce industry.\n4. Be employed by a company with an annual turnover of 20 million euros or more.\n\nIf you meet these requirements, we invite you to register your interest for a free VIP pass. Once you complete the registration, we will confirm your VIP eligibility. "},"deadline":{"q":"Is there a deadline to apply for a VIP pass?","a":"We have deliberately restricted the number of VIP tickets to enhance your individual experience and facilitate genuinely meaningful networking. As VIP passes are limited, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible to secure your spot and take advantage of this exclusive opportunity."}},"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","email":"E-mail address (professional domains only)","cname2":"Company name","company_website":"Company website","company_address":"Company address","nip":"Tax ID number","position":"Position","phone":"Mobile phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)","profile_linkedin":"Linkedin profile URL","participant_type":"Type of participation - Please select one of the following","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"I work for a retailer/merchant/wholesaler/marketplace","brand_manufacturer":"I work for a brand/manufacturer","service_provider":"I work for an agency or service provider (vendor)","consultant":"I am a consultant","developer":"I am a webmaster/developer","media":"I am press/media/blogger","student":"I am a student/teacher/academic"},"company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Entry Level (0-2 years)","manager":"Manager (2-5 years)","professional":"Professional (over 5 years)","head_of_department":"Head of Department","director":"Director","c_level":"C-level","board_member":"Board Member","other":"Other"},"location":"Are you from Berlin area?","location_options":{"no":"No","yes":"Yes"},"accept":"By submitting this you agree to our privacy policy and consent to receiving communications. You may opt out anytime.","company_role":"Job level - Please select one of the following"},"invite":{"title":"Curious about VIP access?","subtitle":"See if you qualify and learn how to join today","button":"DISCOVER MORE"}},"juror":{"form":{"title":"Become a Jury Member","submit":"Submit form","success":"Thank you for your submission","intro":"Please, fill in your personal details in the form below"},"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","cname2":"Company name","email":"E-mail address","position":"Position","phone":"Phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)","company_website":"Linkedin / Xing profile","participant_type_options":{"ega_participant":"EGA participant","ebe_exhibitor":"E-commerce Berlin Expo exhibitor","ega_sponsor":"EGA sponsor","jury_ambassador":"Jury member/ Ambassador","speaker":"EBE Speaker","media":"Media","association":"Association","other":"Other"},"participant_type":"How are you related to E-commerce Germany Awards?"},"register":{"title":"What is one thing you should know about our E-commerce Germany Awards? \n\nIt has always been our tradition to have prominent members on the Jury, and this year is no different. Over the course of the E-commerce Germany Awards, over 100 e-commerce experts have agreed to become members of our jury and review all submissions. \n\nYou can now join this prestigious circle and become a Jury member. ","description":"How to join our Jury?\n\nTo proceed with your application, we would like to learn more about you first.\n\nIt is usually our goal to find jurors who:\n* Have worked in the e-commerce industry for many years and are recognized as specialists in the field\n* Work as a senior staff member at the management or chief executive level\n* Know German e-commerce like no one else\n\nWe encourage you to complete the form if you think you would be a good addition to the Jury. Your submission will be evaluated and we will contact you as soon as possible."}},"contestant":{"register":{"legend":"Please, fill in your company details in the form below"}},"party":{"form":{"title":"Would you like to participate in the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony?","intro":"Please, fill in your personal details in the form below"},"register":{"title":"Join us for the 7th edition of the E-commerce Germany Awards in Berlin! Come together to celebrate e-commerce accomplishments with industry leaders, innovators, and emerging stars. Connect with top decision-makers from eCommerce giants and stay in the know about market trends.","description":"How to join the party?  \n\n* Fill in your contact information in the form\n* We will send you more details about the Networking Party and the E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony soon"}},"reset":"Go back","ecommerce":{"cart":{"item_remove":"Remove this item","blocking":"You have 3 minutes to finish your transaction after adding an item to the cart.","add":"ADD TO CART","button":"CART","purge_question":"Clear cart","dialog":"Order summary","empty":"Cart is empty!"},"finalize":"GO TO THE NEXT STEP","regform":{"title":"COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION PROCESS"}},"exhibitor":{"regform":{"legend":"After submitting the form, we’ll start processing your order. Our Account Managers will reach out to you shortly with a contract and a proforma invoice."},"fields":{"email":"E-mail","fname":"First Name","lname":"Enter your last name","phone":"Mobile phone number","cname":"Company’s legal name","nip":"TAX ID or VAT number","accept":"I have read and accept the terms and conditions","company_address":"Company's address"},"form":{"submit":"Submit","success":"Thank you for your purchase for the E-commerce Berlin Expo. \nOne of our Account Managers will get back to you shortly with further information and instructions."},"offer":{"title":"EXHIBITOR \u0026 SPONSOR ENQUIRY"}},"masterclasses":{"form":{"intro":"Fill in the form to express your interest in booking a Masterclass, and our team will get back to you shortly.","submit":"Submit application","success":"Thank you for your application. We will be in touch with you soon."},"fields":{"presenter":"Presenter","presentation_title":"Masterclass title","email":"E-mail address","fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","cname2":"Company name","phone":"Mobile phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)","presentation_description":"Description of the presentation","position":"Position in the company","logotype":"Company logo (URL)","bio":"Biogram","avatar":"Presenter's photo (URL)"},"hello":{"details":"# As an exhibitor, hosting a Masterclass provides a unique platform to share your expertise with a targeted audience.\n\n***\n\n# Why host a Masterclass?\n\n* # Selectivity: \n\nEvent visitors can apply for each Masterclass, and you will typically receive hundreds of applications - usually 200 or more. You can then review these applications to select up to 30 individuals who best match your ideal client profile, and these selected participants will be approved for your session.\n\n* # Attendee Data: \n\nAccess full contact information of your registered attendees for follow-up and building lasting connections.\n\n* # Extended Reach: \n\nEngage with non-selected applicants by sending personalized messages and resources, such as e-books.\n\n* # Lead Generation: \n\nDirectly connect with attendees, fostering relationships that can turn into valuable business opportunities.","title":"Host Your Masterclass as an Exhibitor","submit":"Looking to boost your visibility and connect with potential clients?"},"faq":{"name":"Find out more about the Masterclass format, pricing, and booking process","format":{"q":"What is the format and duration of a Masterclass session?","a":"Each 35-minute session includes a 30-minute presentation and a 5-minute Q\u0026A. Sessions are conducted in a dedicated area for up to 30 attendees, featuring:\n\n* a large TV screen with HDMI connection,\n* comfortable seating,\n* microphone for the host,\n* headphones for participants.\n\nSessions can be conducted in German or English."},"booking":{"q":"How can I book a Masterclass?","a":"You can reserve a Masterclass:\n\n* during the exhibition space booking process by asking a sales representative,\n* at any time throughout the year by contacting your account manager,\n* by filling out the contact form on this website.\n\nPlease note, Masterclass slots are highly sought-after and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to exhibitors throughout the year."},"cost":{"q":"What is the cost of hosting a Masterclass, and what happens after I book it?","a":"Prices range from 2400 to 3000 EUR, depending on the chosen time slot. Upon booking, you will receive:\n\n* a short contract,\n* an invoice,\n* a brief form to complete within 2 weeks, sharing your proposed topic and a short description."},"attendees":{"q":"Who will attend my Masterclass?","a":"You will be able to choose exactly who attends your Masterclass by selecting from the pool of applicants, ensuring you have the most relevant participants for your session.\n\nHere’s the detailed process for selecting attendees:\n\n* The event organizer informs all registered attendees about the Masterclass application opening and promotes the format.\n* Individuals interested in your Masterclass will apply to join. You will typically receive hundreds of applications - usually 200 or more.\n* You will review the applications and select up to 30 participants who best match your ideal client profile, ensuring a tailored audience.\n* After selection, you will receive the full contact information of the accepted attendees.\n* For those not selected, you can still contact them by sending a personalized message and resources."}},"gallery":{"title":"Explore highlights from last year's Masterclasses"},"update":{"title":"Masterclass proposal"},"apply":{"title":"Masterclass application","description":"# Elevate your industry expertise and connect with top professionals by securing a seat at the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025 Masterclasses. Our sessions offer an exclusive opportunity to gain advanced insights and practical skills from leading professionals.\n\n# Applications will open in February 2025. \n\n***\n\nWhy join a Masterclass?\n* Exclusive access: \nEngage with industry leaders and gain in-depth knowledge.\n* Tailored content: \nSessions designed to address current trends and emerging issues.\n* Networking opportunities: \nConnect with like-minded professionals and expand your network.\n* Practical takeaways: \nLearn actionable strategies and skills to apply in your field."},"participants":{"faq":{"name":"FAQ","format":{"q":"Where will the Masterclasses be held and what is the format?","a":"The Masterclasses will take place at the E-commerce Berlin Expo venue, in a designated space near the Visitor Lounge, behind Stage A. Each 35-minute session includes a 30-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q\u0026A. "},"application":{"q":"How can I apply for a Masterclass?","a":"Applications will open in February 2025. Applying for a Masterclass is free of charge. Once applications are open, you can submit your preferences for the classes you wish to attend through this website. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee a seat, as the Masterclass host will select participants based on relevance due to limited capacity. If you are selected, you will receive a confirmation email with additional details."},"selection":{"q":"How will I know if I have been selected to attend a Masterclass?","a":"If you are selected, you will receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details about the masterclass. Make sure to check your email regularly for updates. If you are not selected, you will receive a notification and, if applicable, a personalized message from the host. You are welcome to apply for other Masterclasses."},"hosting":{"q":"I’m an exhibitor and want to host a Masterclass. What should I do?","a":"Contact your dedicated account manager or visit for detailed information and assistance in booking your Masterclass."}}},"schedule":{"title":"Masterclass agenda","description":"Masterclass registrations have closed, but you're welcomed to explore our presentation stages (schedule below)!"},"public_registration":{"title":"Masterclass submissions are now closed, you can still register as a regular visitors"},"public_schedule":{"title":"Besides the Masterclasses, check out the conference schedule!"}},"ar_vr_3d":"Best Product Content Creation Tool","vipcodes":{"invitation":"%{cname} invites you to the VIP Zone, where you can meet the speakers, exhibitors and VIP Guests. Sign up to get the access to the VIP Zone. ","lets-start":"Let's start here! ","code-is-expired":"VIP link is expired","status-register":"Your address is not in the database of event participants. Please register and we will assign you VIP status.","status-assigned":"You have been upgraded to VIP "},"workshops":{"apply":{"button":"Apply for masterclass","remaining":"Remaining seats: %{remaining}","awaiting":"Awaiting: %{pipeline}","hello":"Registration for %{title} in %{venue} at %{time}","details":"You can sign up for a maximum of 8 masterclasses - one in each hourly time slot. To submit your application, select a workshop and use the 'Apply For Masterclass' button. Each **application is considered individually** by the speaker. After the first 3 acceptances, your remaining applications will be canceled.","lets-start":"Start here: ","statuses":{"register":"Ooops! We cannot find this email among registered visitors. Please register as a visitor below to proceed","assigned":"You have applied to participate! Please wait for an email with a confirmation.","over_limit":"You have reached your application limit! What does it mean? Your application is not confirmed yet or you are already a participant of the masterclass.","error":"Error. Check if the provided email address is valid. Or maybe you have applied before?\n","exists":"You have already applied for this masterclass"},"closed":"No seats available","disabled":"Submissions are closed","sustained":"Applications temporarily paused"}},"tickets":{"networking_zone":{"resources":{"upgrades":{"misc":{"networking-zone":"Networking Zone Partnership"}}}}},"ambassador":{"title":"Event Ambassador Programme","description":"# At the E-commerce Berlin Expo, we understand the power of community and the vital role passionate individuals play in our success. That's why we're thrilled to introduce the Ambassador Program, designed exclusively for those who embody the spirit of our event. It is our way of honoring your commitment and dedication. \n\n# As a valued Ambassador, you will enjoy a range of benefits:","benefits":{"networking":{"title":"Networking and Exclusive Experiences","description":"Connect with industry leaders through special events and unique experiences. The upcoming ambassador gathering is scheduled for November 28, and you can find more information at"},"promotion":{"title":"Enhanced Promotion and Visibility","description":"Gain valuable exposure to our target audience, expanding your reach and influence within the e-commerce ecosystem"},"involvement":{"title":"Active Involvement","description":"Play a pivotal role in diverse EBE projects, where your expertise and insights are deeply valued, making a meaningful impact on the industry"}},"form":{"intro":"Please fill out the following information if you are interested in becoming an Event Ambassador for E-commerce Berlin Expo:","submit":"Submit","success":"Your submission has been received."},"apply":{"title":"Event Ambassador Application"},"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","email":"Business e-mail address","cname2":"Company name","company_website":"Company website","position":"Position","phone":"Mobile phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)","company_address":"Company address","profile_linkedin":"Linkedin URL"},"rules":{"title":"Are you interested in becoming a part of our dynamic Ambassador Programme? ","description":"Become an essential part of E-commerce Berlin Expo while enjoying exclusive benefits. Join our thriving Ambassador Programme and actively contribute to the success of our event."},"gallery":{"title":"THE AMBASSADORS' EXPERIENCES"}},"ambassadors":{"list_all":"Meet the event Ambassadors","list_description":"These individuals are the driving force behind growth in the e-commerce world. Get to know them and their invaluable contributions to our event."}," visitors":{"fields":{"company_role":"Job level - Please select one of the following"}}," planner":{"workshops":{"empty":"No confirmed applications"}},"planner":{"workshops":{"title":"Participation in Masterclasses"},"meetups":{"title":"Scheduled meetings with Exhibitors","empty":"You currently do not have any scheduled meetings. To schedule a meeting, please follow these steps:\n1. Review the list of Exhibitors (scroll down the page).\n2. Visit the Exhibitor's profile.\n3. Select 'Request a Meeting.'\n4. Await the Exhibitor's response"}},"recap":{"video":{"title":"ENJOY THE EVENT AFTERMOVIE","button":"WATCH HERE"}},"exhibitor_offer":{"form":{"intro":"Curious about how our event can elevate your brand and connect you with thousands of potential clients? Fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch with all the details you need","submit":"Submit","success":"Thank you! Our team will contact you shortly."},"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","email":"E-mail address (professional domains only)","cname2":"Company name","phone":"Mobile phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)"}},"FRONT GLASS BANNER":{"name":"FRONT GLASS BANNER","text":"FRONT GLASS BANNER","description":"FRONT GLASS BANNER"},"about":{"description":"# Step into the world of E-commerce Berlin Expo, where the numbers speak for themselves. Discover the scale of our event with insights into the thousands of visitors and hundreds of exhibitors who make it the premier gathering for e-commerce professionals. ","title":"About the event"},"raport_request":{"form":{"intro":"Curious about how our event can elevate your brand and connect you with thousands of potential clients? Fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch with all the details you need"}},"report_request":{"fields":{"fname":"First name","lname":"Last name","email":"E-mail address (professional domains only)","cname2":"Company name","phone":"Mobile phone number including prefix (e.g. +49)"},"form":{"submit":"Submit","success":"Thank you! Our team will contact you shortly.","intro":"Fill out the form below to receive our detailed post-show report, packed with exclusive statistics, key takeaways, and in-depth analysis of visitor demographics, exhibitor performance, and more. Submit your details, and you will receive the report directly to your email shortly."}},"report":{"request":{"title":"Get the Full Post-Show Report"}}," resources":{"awards":{"premium":{"wristbands":{"text":"","description":"","name":""}}}}},"de":{"common":{"price":"Preis","booths":"Stände","confirm":"Bestätigung","from":"z","chat":"Online chat","currencies":{"eur":"EUR","pln":"PLN"},"prices":{"net":"Netto","gross":"Brutto"},"faq":{"share":{"description":"URL mit ausgewählten Fragen generieren","link":"Generieren"}},"tags":{"logistics":"Lieferketten \u0026 Logistik","payment":"Payments","platform":"Platform \u0026 ERP ","sales_generation":"Sales Generation","software":"Software","communication":"Communication \u0026 Engagement ","customer_support":"Kundenservice","analytics":"Analytics \u0026 BI","international_sales":"International sales","omnichannel":"Omnichannel \u0026 Integration","stages":{"a":"Bühne A","b":"Bühne B","c":"Bühne C","d":"Bühne D"},"security_it":"Security \u0026 IT","trends":"Zukunftstechnologien und Innovationen","marketing":"Marketing","conversion":"Analytik und Konversion","payments":"Payments","it":"Security \u0026 IT","expansion":"Global Expansion","payment_provider":"Best Payment Solution","platform_shop":"Best Platform \u0026 ERP","analytics_solution":"Analytics \u0026 BI","innovation":"Tech Evolution \u0026 Innovation","sales":"Sales \u0026 Growth","agency":"Agency Showcase","logistics_solution":"Logistics and Shipments","internationalization":"Global Expansion","best_product_content_creation_tool":"Customers Experience","customers_experience":"Customers Experience","product_content":"Content Creation","crossborder":"Grenzüberschreitende \u0026 Internationale Expansion","fintech":"FinTech","fulfillment_optimization":"Fulfillment and Optimization ","infrastructure":"Best Infrastructure \u0026 IT","futuretech":"FutureTech","leadership":"Leadership \u0026 Strategisches Management","ai":"KI im E-Commerce","shopsystems":"Shopsysteme \u0026 E-Commerce-Software","customerjourney":"Customer Journey"},"more":"mehr","errors":{"http404":"Seite nicht gefunden","http500":"Etwas ist schief gelaufen"},"map":"Ausstellungskarte","share":{"facebook":"Auf Facebook teilen","twitter":"Auf Twitter teilen","linkedin":"Auf LinkedIn teilen"},"menu":{"visitors":{"title":"Teilnehmer / Besucher","visit":"Kostenlose Registrierung","registered":"Schau wer dabei ist","agenda":"Speaker und Themen","schedule":"Präsentationsthemen","presenters":"Liste der Speaker","exhibitors":"Gesamte Liste der Aussteller","specials":"Sonderangebote","location":"Veranstaltungsort","offers":"Aussteller Angebot","vote":"CFP - Deine Stimme zählt!","vip":"VIP-Programm","ambassador":"Die Event-Botschafter","speakers":"Liste der Speaker","masterclasses":"Masterclasses Bewerbung"},"exhibitors":{"title":"Aussteller","exhibitors":"Ausstellerliste","exhibit":"Buche Ausstellungsfläche","faq":"Praktische Information","location":"Veranstaltungsort","sample-visitors":"Besuchersample","premium-services":"Zusätzliche Brandingoptionen","speaking":"Werde ein Speaker","masterclasses-organizer":"Hoste Deine Masterclass"},"general":{"title":"Allgemein","home":"Home","about":"Über die Messe","vote":"Cast your Vote!","cfp":"Werde ein Speaker","winners":"Vorherige Gewinner"},"partners":{"title":"Sponsoren","premium":"Sponsoringmöglichkeiten","sponsors":"Sponsoren"},"awards":{"title":"Teilnehmer","about":"Über die Awards / Statistiken","jurors":"JURYMITGLIEDER","party":"Zeremonie","categories":"Categories","vote":"Abstimmen","register":"Anmeldung"}},"locales":{"en":"english","de":"deutsch","pl":"Polnisch","switch_to_en":"Zu Englisch","switch_to_de":"Deutsch"},"close":"Schließen","language":{"change":"Sprache ändern"},"pcs":"Stück","remaining":"übrig","buy":"Kaufe jetzt","days":"Tagen","visitor":"Besucher","exhibitor":"Aussteller","coming_soon":"Demnächst","details":"Details ","booth_location":"Exhibitor profile","hours":"Std","minutes":"Min","stage-patrons":"Bühnen Patronaten\n","stage":"Bühne","pages":{"imprint":"Impressum","cookies":"Wie wir cookies nutzen"},"request_more_info":"Fragen?","vote_details":"Details / Voten","vote_with_linkedin":"Vote with Linkedin","vote_now":"Stimmen Sie ab!","vote_disabled":"Vote disabled","vote_voted":"Voted","votes_used":"Votes used","place1":"Winner","edit_profile":"Profil bearbeiten","preview":"Vorschau","votes":"Die Stimmen: %{votes}","vote_voted_dialog":"Vielen Dank für deine Stimme! Du kannst deine Stimme noch in einer anderen Kategorie abgeben!","vote_error":"Deine Linkedin-Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte erneut verbinden.","soldout":"Ausverkauft","click_to_select":"SEHE DIE BÜHNENAGENDA","click_to_reset":"ZURÜCK ZUR VOLLSTÄNDIGEN AGENDA","error":"Wichtig!","less":"WENIGER","next":"NEXT","venuelayout":"Floor plan","votes_remaining":"Verbleibende Stimmen: %{votes}"},"event":{"gallery":"Expo von innen","opengraph":{"name":"E-commerce Berlin Expo | Berlin | Februar, 2025","description":"Ganze E-Commerce-Welt an einem Ort"},"date":"Event date","location":"Ort","hours":"Dauer","organizer":{"name":"Veranstalter","address":"Firmenanschrift","registration":"USt-IdNr."},"support":{"hello":"Support","description":"Wenn ihr Fragen habt, meldet euch bei uns!"},"sales":{"support":"Brauchst Du Hilfe?","booths":{"sold":"Ausverkauft","hold":"Gebucht. Wartet auf Bezahlung","available":"Verfügbar","free":"Diese Ausstellungsfläche ist verfügbar","owner":"Diese Ausstellungsfläche gehört zu:","blocked":"Dieser Stand ist derzeit nicht verfügbar","lock":"Jemand anderes bucht gerade diese Ausstellungsfläche. Bitte versuche einen anderen Platz zu buchen."},"pool":{"start":"Verkaufsbeginn","name":"Name des Verkaufspools","price":"Preis in diesem Verkaufspool","end":"Dieser Verkaufspool endet in","info":"Ausstellungsfläche wird in Tranchen verkauft. Jeder nachfolgende Pool zu einem höheren Preis wird automatisch aktiviert, nachdem das Limit des vorherigen Pools erreicht wurde. Buche jetzt, um einen optimalen Standort und einen niedrigeren Preis zu erhalten. Nachdem du den Artikel in den Warenkorb gelegt haben, fahre bitte in maximal 3 Minuten mit der Buchung fort.","legend":"Du kannst eine der folgenden Standkategorien wählen - Standard, Hot, Super Hot, Ultra, Grand, Premium Grand. Die aktuellen Preise findest du, indem du auf die Stände in der Karte klickst (je dunkler die Farbe, desto besser die Lage und höher der Preis deines Standes)."},"steps":{"choose_booth":"Wähle eine Ausstellungsfläche (klicke auf die Karte)","confirm":"Bestellung bestätigen","pay":"Stand bezahlen","access":"Zugang zum Ausstellerprofil"}},"claim":"Über 11,000 Teilnehmer treffen","description":"2-tägige B2B-Expo \u0026 Konferenz für E-Commerce","parties":"Die Teilnahme an der E-commerce Berlin Expo ist für Einzelhändler und Marken kostenlos. \nWir begrenzen absichtlich die Teilnehmerzahl, um wirklich effektive Networking-Möglichkeiten zu schaffen."},"exhibitors":{"map":{"title":"Buche einen Stand für die 2-tägige Messe","opensales":"Schließ dich mit den Top-Playern der Branche an und trete mit gezielten Kunden in Kontakt.","title2":"Aussteller werden","title3":"LAYOUT OF THE EXPO HALL","closedsales":"Wenn du vor 10 Uhr auf die Seite gegangen bist, dann aktualisiere diese, um den aktuellen Stand zu sehen.","title_alt":"Buche einen Stand für die 2-tägige Messe","title_cfp":"Would you like to exhibit at the Expo? See the map of the stands below and choose the best place for you.","exhibitor_location":"Auf dem Lageplan Anzeigen","top30_title":"Ausstellerwettbewerb TOP 30 Sales Pool","top30_description":"Dieser Sales-Pool ist nur am 14.03 ab 11 Uhr bis 23:59 Uhr verfügbar."},"list_featured":"Triff unsere Aussteller","booth_location":"Stand %{loc} |||| Stand %{loc}","booth_location_full":"Location %{cname2}: %{loc} |||| Location %{cname2}: %{loc}","list_full":"Sie vertrauten uns","premium":{"title":"Premium-Angebot","presentation":"Präsentationen in der Primetime und auf der ausgewählten Bühne","networking":{"name":"Partner der Networking-Zone","area":"150m2 im zentralen Teil der Halle, an der Kreuzung der wichtigsten Kommunikationswege","arrangement":"Arrangement von einem professionellen, externen Unternehmen, das sich um die kleinsten Details kümmert","attractions":"Highligts für Messeteilnehmer: DJ (Chill-Out, Down-Tempo, 80er-Jahre-Musik), Kaffeepunkt","branding":"Vollfarb-Branding des zentralen Elements, Branding der Sitzwürfel (30 Stück)","fullservice":"Full Service - wir koordinieren ALLE Aktivitäten"},"contact":{"title":"Buchung, weitere Informationen","description":"Ich liefere dir gerne zusätzliche Informationen und stelle ein Preisangebot vor. Bei Fragen stehe ich zur Verfügung."}},"faq":{"before_event":{"name":"Vor der Expo","representatives":{"q":"Wie viele Firmenvertreter dürfen am Stand sein?","a":"Die Anzahl der Tickets für Firmenvertreter in jedem Ausstellerpaket für 9 und 18 m2 beträgt 4. Die Anzahl der enthaltenen Catering-Bons ist die gleiche wie die Anzahl der Vertreter. Bei Bedarf an weiteren Bons bzw. Badges, wende dich bitte an deinen Ansprechpartner, um mehr zu erfahren."},"additional_paid_services":{"q":"Gibt es Upgrade-Optionen oder zusätzliche Services, die man bestellen kann?","a":"Zu den zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen gehören die Erhöhung der Stärke des Stromanschlusses (bis zu 3kW), eine größere Anzahl von Willkommenspaketen für die Ausstellervertreter, Bodenteppich, mehr Möbel oder eine Bebauung der Ausstellungsfläche inklusive vollflächiger Rückwand und Theke."},"shipping_of_materials":{"q":"Kann ich Materialien zum Messegelände schicken?","a":"Ja. Weitere Informationen findest Du auf der Ausstellerplattform"},"standard_offering":{"q":"Wie groß ist mein Stand und was ist im Paket enthalten?","a":"Neben den Grand-Ständen (6x3m) sind alle Standard-Stände  3x3m. Wenn du keine zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen bestellt hast, beinhaltet das Paket 2 Stühle, 1 Tisch, 4 Catering-Gutscheine, Zugang zu Strom (500W) und Wifi."},"how_to_promote":{"q":"Was solltest Du für die Teilnahme an der Messe planen, um möglichst viele neue Kunden zu erreichen?","a":"Informiere so viele Kunden wie möglich, dass Du bei der Expo anwesend wirst. Lade Deine Partner und Personen, die mit Deinem Unternehmen zu tun haben, zur Messe ein. Nutze Werbematerialien, die Du in Ihrem Ausstellerprofil finden. Vergesse nicht, Dein Profil in den sozialen Medien zu teilen und lade die Teilnehmer zu einem Treffen während der Veranstaltung."},"promo_benefits":{"q":"Was sind die Vorteile der Bewerbung meiner Teilnahme?","a":"Der entscheidende Faktor für einen erfolgreichen Messeauftritt ist die richtige Anzahl von abgeshlossenen Geschäften. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist es wichtig, Termine für 1:1-Gespräche mit anderen Teilnehmern zu vereinbaren (siehe Abschnitt \"Einladung zum Standgespräch\" in deinem Ausstellerprofil). Eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Aufmerksamkeit der Teilnehmer auf sich zu lenken, ist die Verwendung der von uns bereitgestellten Werbematerialien.\n\nZusätzlich zu den offensichtlichen Vorteilen wie dem Aufbau von Geschäftsbeziehungen und dem Abschluss neuer Geschäfte besteht auch die Chance, wertvolle Preise zu gewinnen. "},"public_profile":{"q":"Wie kann ich vom öffentlichen Ausstellerprofil profitieren?","a":"Unsere Website wird jährlich von **mehr als 400.000 Besuchern** besucht. Durch die Ansammlung von Besuchern auf dem Firmenprofil erhöht sich die Chance, neue Kunden und Geschäftspartner zu gewinnen.\n\nJeder Aussteller erhält auf unserer Website ein öffentliches Ausstellerprofil. Das öffentliche Ausstellerprofil ist eine wie eigene Seite und ein Schaufenster für dein Unternehmen, mit dem du Dich von Deinen Mitbewerbern abheben kannst.\n\nDie Besucher sehen sich das Profil an, bevor sie sich für ein Treffen auf der Expo entscheiden, deshalb ist es so wichtig, alle Informationen auszufüllen. Gestalte dein Profil so umfassend, dass es sich von der Masse abhebt und es deinen Interessenten leicht macht, dich auf der Expo zu finden."}},"event":{"name":"Während der Messe","hours":{"q":"Wann wird die Expo stattfinden?","a":"Die Messe findet von 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr statt."},"welcoming":{"q":"Wohin soll ich gehen, nachdem ich die Halle betreten habe?","a":"Wenn Du dort ankommst, gehe zum Info-Punkt für Aussteller in der Nähe der Registrierung. Du erhältst alle notwendigen Anweisungen zum weiteren Vorgehen. Unsere Mitarbeiter bringen Dich direkt zu Deinem Stand."},"after_party":{"q":"Wird es eine Networking Party geben?","a":"Ja, es gibt eine Networking-Party. Die Aussteller sind zur E-commerce Germany Awards Gala und Networking Party eingeladen, die am Vorabend der Messe zwischen 19:00 und 23:00 Uhr stattfindet. Während der Networking-Party hat man die Möglichkeit, sich persönlich mit anderen Ausstellern auszutauschen und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. \n\nWenn du bereits Aussteller bist und an der Gala teilnehmen möchtest, kannst du Tickets auf der Ausstellerplattform erwerben. "},"assembly_caution":{"q":"Wann kann ich meinen Stand aufbauen?","a":"Der Stand kann am Montagetag, dh am Tag vor der Veranstaltung zwischen 10:00 und 23:59 Uhr aufgebaut werden. Die Messe beginnt um 09:00 Uhr - bereite Dich auf die ersten Gäste vor, die sich für die Dienstleistungen Deines Unternehmens interessieren."},"catering":{"q":"Wo erhalte ich Essensgutscheine?","a":"Die Essensgutscheine bekommt man mit dem Willkommenspaket, das am Aufbautag und am Tag der EXPO an der Ausstellerinformation abgeholt werden kann."},"badges":{"q":"Muss ich die Badges ausdrucken?","a":"Das ist nicht nötig. The badges of your company’s representatives will be waiting for you in the welcome pack at the reception desk ( Stands A, B and M in Hall 3, Stands C, D, E and F in Hall 7)"},"parking_setupday":{"q":"Wird es möglich sein, am Tag der Expo den Parkplatz zu nutzen?","a":"Nein, nur am Vortag der Veranstaltung (Aufbautag) sind die Einfahrtstore für Aussteller und ihre Lieferanten geöffnet. "},"parking_eventday":{"q":"Wo kann ich mein Auto währen der Expo parken?","a":"Während des Messetages gibt es am Messegelände keine geeigneten Parkmöglichkeiten. Wir empfehlen die Nutzung des nahegelegenen Parkplatzes \"PARKHAUS GLEISDREIECK\".\n\nEinfahrt Parkhaus Gleisdreieck: Die Einfahrt in das Parkhaus ist über das Schöneberger Ufer, die Luckenwalder Straße oder die Köthener Brücke möglich. Öffnungszeiten: Täglich von 6 bis 22 Uhr geöffnet. Gebühren für Kurzzeitparken: Stündlich: EUR 2,00/Stunde Tageskarte: EUR 20,00 Achtung! Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Verfügbarkeit der Parkplätze im Parkhaus."},"problems_equipment":{"q":"An wen sollte ich mich bei Problemen mit der Ausstattung des Standes wenden?","a":"Alle Probleme mit der Standausstattung: Stühle, Tische, Stromanschluss und Internet sind an die Infostelle für Aussteller, die sich neben der Anmeldung befindet, zu melden."},"problems_services":{"q":"Was soll ich bei anderen Problemen tun?","a":"Im Starterpaket an Deinem Stand findest Du eine Liste der wichtigsten Kontaktnummern. Unsere Mitarbeiter helfen Dir gerne bei der Lösung Deines Problems."},"badge_scanner":{"q":"Wie kann ich auf den Besucherbadges-Scanner zugreifen?","a":"Du kannst die Leads ganz einfach während der Expo sammeln, indem du die Besucherausweise scannst. Die gesammelten Daten werden in deinem Ausstellerprofil gespeichert und können nach der Messe exportiert werden. Detaillierte Informationen zu dem Scanning findest du in deinem Ausstellerprofil."}},"after_event":{"name":"Nach der Expo","scans":{"q":"Was soll ich mit den gescannten Badges tun?","a":"Die Kontaktdaten gescannter Besucher stehen allen Vertretern Deines Unternehmens zur Verfügung. Du kannst sie problemlos in XLS- oder CSV-Dateien exportieren. Bereite als Nächstes eine Zusammenfassung der Besprechung vor und beende deine Verhandlungen mit neuen Kunden."},"next_booth_sales":{"q":"Wann kann ich einen Stand für die nächste Ausgabe buchen?","a":"Der Verkauf für die nächste Ausgabe beginnt spätestens einen Monat nach dem Ende der aktuellen Ausgabe.\n\nAußerdem werden wir am Tag der Messe in Halle 3, direkt neben dem Pressesaal, mit einem Stand vertreten sein. Wenn du an einer Teilnahme als Aussteller bei der nächsten Ausgabe interessiert bist, dann ist das eine gute Gelegenheit, um vorbeizukommen!"}},"name":"Häufig gestellte (und beantwortete) Fragen","become":{"name":"Bestellung der Ausstellungsfläche","included_services":{"a":"Unser Standardpaket beinhaltet:\n* Einfache Möbel (1 Stehtisch und 2 Hochstühle - nach Bestellung im Ausstellerpanel)\n* Catering-Gutscheine und Badges für bis zu 4 Firmen-Repräsentanten\n* Online Ausstellerprofil\n* Parkkarte\n* Stromanschluss (230V, max 500W)\n*Wifi\n*Logo auf der Registrierungsseite (Firmenname und Link)\n*Firmenname im gedruckten Werbematerial","q":"Was ist im Standardpaket enthalten?"},"payment":{"a":"In der Regel werden Unternehmen aufgefordert, innerhalb von 7 Arbeitstagen für eine Bestellung zu bezahlen.","q":"Wann sollte ich für eine Ausstellungsfläche bezahlen?"},"onboarding":{"a":"Nach dem Bezahlen der Ausstellungsfläche erhaltst Du Zugang zu Deinem Ausstellerprofil und wir werden Dich auch regelmäßig zu logistischen Themen und zur Vermarktung Deiner Teilnahme kontaktieren.","q":"Was ist der nächste Schritt nach der Bezahlung?"},"resignation":{"a":"Wenn ihr nicht ausstellen könnt und eure Teilnahme an der Messe zurückziehen möchtet, liest bitte zuerst unsere [Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Stornierungen](","q":"Höhere Gewalt - was, wenn wir nicht ausstellen können?"},"promo_benefits":{"q":"Wie können wir von der Messe profitieren, BEVOR sie stattfindet?","a":"Wenn Du bereits den Zugang zum Ausstellerprofils bekommen hast, solltest Du so schnell wie möglich die Daten ausfüllen. Wir werden das Firmenprofil in unseren Werbeaktivitäten verwenden und es ist öffentlich sichtbar. Aussteller werden ermutigt, unsere Marketing-Tools zu nutzen, um ihre Kunden über die Teilnahme an unserem Event zu informieren, den registrierten Besucher die Möglichket geben, sich über Euch zu informieren und ein Treffen zu vereinbaren."}}},"list_by_keyword":"Aussteller nach Branche","list":{"filter_title":"Aussteller nach Branche filtern"},"standard":{"info":"Standard-Ausstellungsfläche umfasst"},"benefits":{"title":"Warum ausstellen?","outreach":{"title":"Hochkarätiges Publikum","description":"Die E-Commerce Berlin Expo zieht über 10.000 Fachleute der Branche an. Als Aussteller hast du direkten Zugang zu einem hochkarätigen Publikum, das dir sinnvolle Interaktionen und wertvolle Kontakte garantiert."},"all_inclusive":{"title":"Lead-Generierung","description":"Mit Tausenden von Besuchern, die aktiv nach neuen Lösungen und Partnern suchen, kann deine Ausstellung einen stetigen Strom qualifizierter Leads anziehen, die letztendlich das Geschäftswachstum fördern und den ROI erhöhen."},"feedback":{"title":"Gelegenheiten zum Networking","description":"Aussteller erhalten exklusive Gelegenheiten, sich mit Hauptakteuren der Branche zu vernetzen. Die Messe fördert ein kollaboratives Umfeld, das den Aufbau von Partnerschaften und die Erweiterung deines beruflichen Netzwerks erleichtert."},"meet_clients":{"title":"Bewährte Erfolgsbilanz, mit einer bewiesenen Formel","description":"Mit 8 erfolgreichen Ausgaben hat die E-Commerce Berlin Expo ihren Ruf als führendes Branchenevent gefestigt. Dieser Erfolg beruht auf einem bewährten Konzept, das interessante Inhalte, hochkarätige Aussteller und Networking-Möglichkeiten gekonnt miteinander verbindet. "},"organizer":{"title":"Markensichtbarkeit","description":"Wenn du auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo ausstellst, wird deine Marke einem großen und vielfältigen Publikum vorgestellt, sowohl online als auch offline. Die Veranstaltung wird über verschiedene Kanäle intensiv beworben, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Teilnahme maximale Sichtbarkeit und einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert für dein Unternehmen bietet."},"inspiration":{"title":"Präsentiere Innovationen","description":"Die Veranstaltung ist eine ideale Plattform, um deine neuesten Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen einem aufgeschlossenen Publikum vorzustellen. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit, deine Lösungen in Echtzeit zu demonstrieren, sodass die Teilnehmer aus erster Hand erfahren können, welchen Wert dein Unternehmen bietet."}},"offers":{"offer":"Offer","list":{"promoted":"Selected offers","other":"Other expo offers"},"title":"Exhibitors' expo offers"},"agreement":{"title":"Regeln für Aussteller"},"profile_archived":"Archive - Exhibitor list","recent":"Letzte Buchungen","meetup":{"invitation":"Vereinbare ein Treffen mit dem Aussteller und trefft euch am Stand.","create":"Buche ein Meeting","lets-start":"Los geht's!","statuses":{"exists":"Your request for a meeting already exists","assigned":"Deine Einladung wurde versendet!","register":"Wir konnten die E-Mail nicht in der Besucherdatenbank finden. Bitte registriere dich hier."}},"list_current":"Aktuelle Aussteller"},"benefits":{"electricity":"Strom 230V - max 500W","catering":"Catering für Vertreter Deines Unternehmens","space":"Ausstellungsfläche von 9m2 (3x3m) im Open-Space-Format (ohne Rückwand)","profile":"Firmenprofil","ids":"Badges für Vertreter Deines Unternehmens","furniture":"Grundausstattung (2 Barhocker, 1 Tisch)","space_premium":"36m2 Grand Fläche (6m x 6m) im Open-Space-Format (ohne Rückwand)","electricity_premium":"Strom 230V - max 1kW","party":"1x Ticket für die E-commerce Germany Awards Gala enthalten","furniture_premium":"Grundausstattung (4 Barhocker, 2 Tische)","reps":"Bis zu 4 Firmenvertreter","reps_premium":"Bis zu 6 Firmenvertreter","socialmedia":"1x Tweet/Soziale-Medien Post vor dem Event","socialmedia_premium":"2x Tweets/Social Media Posts vor dem Event","co-exhibitor":"Möglichkeit der Mitnahme eines Mitausstellers. Zusätzlicher Kostenpunkt: 1000€","shared":"Zugang zu den Besuchern der Expo um Meetings zu vereinbaren | Zugang zu der Presseliste | Marketing pack","party_premium":"2x Tickets für die E-commerce Germany Awards Gala enthalten","spacenetworking":"Ausstellungsfläche von über 200 m²","logocubes":"Möbel mit individuellem Design","onsitebranding":"Firmenlogo beim Onsite-Branding","printedmap":"Aufnahme in den Lageplan in der gedruckten Broschüre","mailingpromo":"E-Mail-Versand an die Teilnehmer mit dem Firmenlogo des Ausstellers","logowebsite":"Firmenlogo auf der Website des Events","speakingslot":"Vortragszeit auf dem Event","screenbranding":"Firmenlogo auf dem Bühnenbildschirm","keynoteroom":"Firmenwerbung im Keynote-Raum","printedmapstage":"Aufnahme in den Lageplan in der gedruckten Broschüre","logowebsitestage":"Firmenlogo auf der Website des Events","blogpost":"Artikel auf","space_grand":"18m2 Grand Fläche (6m x 3m) im Open-Space-Format (ohne Rückwand)","electricity_grand":"Strom 230V - max 1kW"},"api":{"errors":{"registration":{"not_enough_data":"Fehler","bad_ticket_ids":"Sie hatten drei Minuten Zeit, um Ihre Buchung abzuschließen und das Formular auszufüllen. Bitte gehen Sie zurück und versuchen Sie es erneut."}}},"services":{"chatlio":{"hello":"Hallo! :)"}},"speakers":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} während der E-commerce Berlin Expo","description":"%{about}"},"callforpapers":{"legend":"Fülle dieses Formular aus, um an unserem Wettbewerb teilzunehmen - deine Daten kannst du später jederzeit aktualisieren. Bitte fülle das Formular in der Sprache deiner Präsentation aus (Englisch oder Deutsch). Durch die Einsendung deines Beitrags stimmst du einer Veröffentlichung zu."},"cfpcategories":{"title":"WETTBEWERBSKATEGORIEN"},"video":{"title":"","button":""}},"companies":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} möchte Dich zu der E-commerce Berlin Expo einladen","description":"%{about}"},"profile":{"about":"Über uns","products":"Schlüsselprodukte","contact":"Kontakt","expo":"Angebot der Expo","facebook":"Facebook-Profil","twitter":"Twitter-Profil","linkedin":"LinkedIn-Profil","website":"Aussteller Webseite"}},"presenters":{"list_featured":"Speaker","list_full":"Referenten","schedule":"Bühnen-Agenda","opengraph":{"title":"%{name} im Februar in Berlin. Freier Eintritt!","description":"%{name} (%{cname2}) hält eine Präsentation auf: %{presentation_title}"},"tba":"Rednerliste und Zeitplan werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben","list_description":" ","form":{"title":"REICHE DEINEN BEITRAG EIN","intro":"Bitte fülle das unten stehende Formular mit den Angaben zum Vortragenden und seinem Vortrag aus.","submit":"BEITRAG ABSCHICKEN","success":"Vielen Dank für deinen Beitrag!"},"fields":{"presenter":"Vor- und Nachname des Speakers/der Speaker","presentation_title":"Titel der Präsentation","presentation_description":"Beschreibung der Präsentation (Schwerpunkt und Werte)","cname2":"Unternehmen des Speakers/der Speaker","email":"E-Mail-Adresse des/der Verantwortlichen","fname":"Vorname des/der Verantwortlichen","lname":"Nachname des/der Verantwortlichen","phone":"Telefonnummer des/der Verantwortlichen (mit Vorwahl, z.B. +49)","presentation_category":"Kategorie","presentation_category_options":{"conversion":"Analytik und Konversion","marketing":"Marketing","logistics":"Lieferketten \u0026 Logistik","payments":"FinTech","it":"Shop Systems \u0026 Software ","trends":"FutureTech","fintech":"FinTech","crossborder":"Grenzüberschreitende und Internationale Expansion","customerjourney":"Customer Journey","ai":"KI im E-Commerce","futuretech":"FutureTech","shopsystems":"Shopsysteme \u0026 Software\n","leadership":"Leadership \u0026 Strategisches Management"},"position":"Berufstitel des Speakers/der Speaker","logotype":"Unternehmenslogo (öffentlich zugänglicher Link)","avatar":"Foto des Speakers/der Speaker (öffentlich zugänglicher Link)","bio":"Lebenslauf","profile_linkedin":"LinkedIn/Profil des Speakers/der Speaker"},"steps":{"title":"EINGEREICHT? Die nächsten Schritte","assessment":{"title":"Bewertung","description":"Wir bewerten Ihre Bewerbung anhand dessen, ob sie dem praktischen Erfordernis des Onlinehandels entspricht. Wir empfehlen herzlichst, ein Thema zusammen mit einem Onlineshopvertreter einzureichen."},"contest":{"title":"Wettbewerb und Support","description":"Wir werden Sie bis zum Ende des Onlinevotings versuchen, bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Sie werden eine Ansprechperson bekommen, die Ihren Fortschritt überwachen und bewerten wird, so dass die Zufriedenheit beider Parteien gewährleistet wird."},"speaker":{"title":"Gewinner!","description":"Sie bekommen eine 20-minütige Präsentation + 10 Minuten Q\u0026A während der E-commerce Berlin Expo 2020."}},"contest-rules":{"title":"","description":"# Wichtige Infos zum \"Call for Speakers\"-Wettbewerb\n\n* Die **Teilnahme** inkl. Präsentation auf der Bühne ist kostenlos.\n* **Einsendeschluss** ist der 27. September 2024.\n* **Richtlinien** Die Wettbewerbskategorien und FAQs werden hinsichtlich technischer Fragen, Bewertungskriterien und Einreichungstipps geprüft.\n\n**Etappen des Wettbewerbs**\n\n* Beiträge: Beiträge werden auf neun Kategorien verteilt. \n* Öffentliche Abstimmung: Internetuser:innen stimmen über die besten Beiträge ab.\n* Top-Beiträge: Die fünf besten Beiträge in jeder Kategorie werden dem Advisory Board vorgestellt.\n* Endgültige Entscheidung: Das Advisory Board wählt anhand der eingereichten Stimmen und weiterer Kriterien in jeder Kategorie eine:n Gewinner:in aus.\n* NEU: **Wildcard Selection**: Unabhängig von der Anzahl der Stimmen wählt das Advisory Board zusätzlich bis zu 20 Beiträge aus, die später auf einer der Bühnen präsentiert werden.\n\n**Auswahlkriterien**\n\n* Keine werblichen Inhalte: Eigenwerbung auf ein Minimum beschränken.\n* Relevanz: Dein Beitrag muss zum Thema des Events passen, konzentriere dich auf Differenzierung und Innovation in schwierigen Zeiten.\n* Case Studies: Nutze Beispiele aus der Praxis, um die Alltagstauglichkeit deiner Erkenntnisse unter Beweis zu stellen.\n* Daten und evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse: Nutze Fakten und Forschungsergebnisse, um deine Ansichten zu untermauern.\n* Innovation und Originalität: Deine Vorschläge sollten originelle Perspektiven bieten, die sich von herkömmlichen Inhalten abheben.\n* Klarheit und Organisation: Achte darauf, dass dein Beitrag gut strukturiert ist.\n* Fachbereich: Die Kompetenzen der Speakerin bzw. des Speakers müssen mit dem gewählten Thema übereinstimmen. Idealerweise werden Vorträge von C-Level-Führungskräften gehalten, um die Bedeutung und Authority des jeweiligen Beitrags zu steigern. \n\nMehr Informationen gibt es in den FAQs.\n\n**Datenschutz**\n* [Hier]( erfährst du, wie wir deine Daten verwalten, \n* Details zu Wähler- und Besucherdaten [hier]( einsehen,\n* Vollständige AGB [hier]( einsehen."},"list_all":"Alle Speaker","list_archive":"Vorherige Gewinner","update":{"title":"Speakerprofil"}},"visitors":{"opengraph":{"title":"%{name} nimmt an der E-commerce Berlin Expo teil | %{location}, %{date}","description":"%{description}"},"invite":{"title":"%{name} aus %{cname} nimmt an der E-commerce Berlin Expo teil","will_you_join":"Willst Du ein kostenloses Ticket?","description":"Sei auch dabei! Melde dich kostenlos an und erhalte Zugang zu exklusiven Einblicken, Partnerschaftsmöglichkeiten und Networking mit Branchenführern. Verpasse nicht die Chance, dein E-Commerce-Spiel auf die nächste Stufe zu heben!"},"form":{"register":"Anmeldung","success":"Erfolg! Überprüfe deinen Posteingang, wir haben gerade die E-Mail-Bestätigung gesendet.","submit":"Anmeldung","intro":"Einige Tage vor dem Event bekommst Du dein digitales Ticket als druckfertige .pdf-Datei.\nDie Anmeldung zum Event bedeutet die Zustimmung zu den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen."},"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Dein Nachname","cname2":"Name der Firma","position":"Position in der Firma","phone":"Telefonnummer","email":"E-Mail Adresse (nur professionelle Domänen)","referral":"VIP Code","accept":"Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmst du unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie zu und erklärst dich damit einverstanden, Kommunikation von uns zu erhalten. Du kannst dich jederzeit abmelden.","participant_type":"Art der Teilnahme - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen","company_role":"Joblevel - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen","profile_linkedin":"Dein Linkedin Profil URL","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"Ich bin Retailer / Händler /Großhändler / Ich agiere auf einem Marktplatz","brand_manufacturer":"Ich arbeite für eine Brand / einen Hersteller","service_provider":"Ich arbeite für eine Agentur oder Dienstleister","consultant":"Ich bin Berater","developer":"Ich bin Webmaster / Entwickler","media":"Ich bin aus der Presse / der Medien / Blogger","student":"Ich bin Student / Lehrer / Akademiker"},"company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Einsteiger (0-2 Jahre)","manager":"Manager (2-5 Jahre)","professional":"Professionell (über 5 Jahre)","head_of_department":"Abteilungsleiter","director":"Direktor","c_level":"C-Level","board_member":"Aufsichtsratsmitglied","other":"Andere"},"location":"Kommst du aus dem Berliner Raum?","location_options":{"yes":"Ja","no":"Nein"}},"register":"Kostenlos registrieren","register_alt":"Bekomme dein kostenloses Ticket","register_alt2":"Bekomme dein kostenloses Ticket","more_info":"mehr Informationen","attendees":"Sieh wer noch kommt","thankyou":"%{name}! Es wäre toll, Dich persönlich zu treffen!","tickets":{"download":"Ich komme! Ich möchte ein Ticket herunterladen.","resignation":"Ich werde nicht kommen. Bitte nicht mehr daran erinnern!"},"benefits":{"networking":{"title":"Erfolgreiches Networking bei Menschen mit ähnlichen Herausforderungen","description":"Während der Messe kannst du nicht nur Vertreter von Unternehmen an den Ständen treffen, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, sich nach jeder Präsentation während der Fragen- und Antworten-Runde zu beteiligen und Menschen im Networkingzone kennenzulernen. Diese Beziehungen können sich in Zukunft auszahlen."},"title":"Warum lohnt es sich, die Messe zu besuchen?","free_entry":{"title":"Freier Eintritt (Expo \u0026 Präsentationen)","description":"Die Registrierung ist kostenlos und ermöglicht Dir den Zugang zum Expo-Bereich und zur Präsentation. Bitte beachte, dass der Zugang zu den Bühnen aus Sicherheitsgründen eingeschränkt werden kann."},"special_offers":{"title":"Einsparungen - spezielle Angebote von Ausstellern","description":"Jeder Aussteller ist motiviert, ein exklusives Angebot für sein Produkt und / oder seine Dienstleistung anzubieten. Je nach Produkt oder Service kannst Du als Besuchern eine längere Testphase oder einen Rabatt erhalten."},"insight":{"title":"Lerne die Schöpfer des Produkts oder der Dienstleistung kennen","description":"Die Messe ist praktisch die beste Möglichkeit, Menchen zu treffen, die hinter den Dienstleistungen und dem Produkt stehen, und sie direkt zu fragen, was auf der Website nicht gelesen werden kann und was die Kundenbetreuung ihnen nicht sagen wird. Nutze dies und beseitige Deine Zweifel."},"future":{"title":"Lerne wie man Erfolg in hart umkämpften Märkten erzielt","description":"Das Hauptthema der Messe ist immer die Steigerung von CRO und Umsatz. Wir sind bestrebt, neben Fragen der Unternehmensoptimierung auch Inspiration und Wissen über wettbewerbsintensive Märkte einzubeziehen."},"case_studies":{"title":"FAQ","description":"Obwohl die Teilnahme an den Präsentationen kostenlos ist, bemühen wir uns sicherzustellen, dass die Agenda mit Konferenzen konkurriert, für die Sie normalerweise teuer bezahlen müssen. Die eingeladenen Referenten setzen sich von Praktikern und erfahrenen Beratern zusammen. Nach langjähriger Erfahrung haben wir uns entschieden, ein breiteres Spektrum an Wissen in Form von kürzeren Präsentationen zu präsentieren. Eine solche Formel macht die Präsentationen zu einem Impuls für Gespräche hinter den Kulissen und spannende Fragen und Antworten Runden."}},"are_you_visitor":"Kein Dienstleister? Registriere Dich kostenlos und werde Besucher.","agreement":{"title":"Regeln für Besucher"},"list_featured":"Sie waren bei der E-commerce Berlin Expo in den letzten Jahren","data-agreement":{"title":"INFORMATION FOR THE GUESTS OF ECOMMERCE BERLIN AND VOTERS IN CALL FOR PAPERS CONTEST REGARDING PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING"},"cfp-data-agreement":{"title":"INFORMATION FOR THE CALL FOR SPEAKERS PARTICIPANTS REGARDING PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING"},"register_question":"Planst Du, die Ecommerce Berlin Expo im Februar 2025 zu besuchen? Melde Dich jetzt an.","promorequest":{"title":"lade deine Kollegen ein! Wähle aus, wo du das teilen möchtest.","description":"Teile das Bild und hilf mit, das Wort zu verbreiten!"},"privacy-policy":{"title":"Datenschutzerklärung"}},"visitor":{"register":{"legend":"Finde dein Online-Ticket einige Tage vor der Veranstaltung in deinem Posteingang."},"update":{"title":"Aktualisiere deine Daten","form":{"intro":"Wir haben bemerkt, dass einige Felder in deinem Anmeldeformular noch nicht ausgefüllt wurden.\nBitte vervollständige die fehlenden Angaben, damit wir deine Anmeldung weiter bearbeiten können.","submit":"ABSENDEN","success":"Vielen Dank, dass du die fehlenden Informationen ergänzt hast. Dein Anmeldeformular für die E-commerce Berlin Expo am 22. Februar 2024 ist nun vollständig und wir informieren dich, sobald deine Anmeldung überprüft wurde.\n\nKlicke auf den [folgenden Link](, um dein Dankeschön-Video für die erfolgreiche Anmeldung anzusehen!\n\nIn der Zwischenzeit lade ich dich ein, unsere [Podcast-Playlist]( zu erkunden – eine wertvolle Quelle für Einblicke und Strategien im E-Commerce.\n\nWenn du weitere Fragen hast oder Hilfe benötigst, zögere nicht, uns unter [email protected] zu kontaktieren."},"fields":{"profile_linkedin":"Linkedin URL","participant_type":"Art der Teilnahme - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"Ich bin Retailer / Händler /Großhändler / Ich agiere auf einem Marktplatz","brand_manufacturer":"Ich arbeite für eine Marke/Hersteller","service_provider":"Ich arbeite für eine Agentur oder Dienstleister","consultant":"Ich bin Berater","developer":"Ich bin Webmaster / Entwickler","media":"Ich bin aus der Presse / der Medien / Blogger","student":"Ich bin Student / Lehrer / Akademiker"},"company_role":"Joblevel - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen","company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Einsteiger (0-2 Jahre)","manager":"Manager (2-5 Jahre)","professional":"Professionell (über 5 Jahre)","head_of_department":"Abteilungsleiter","director":"Direktor","c_level":"C-Level","board_member":"Aufsichtsratsmitglied","other":"Andere"},"location":"Kommst du aus dem Berliner Raum?","location_options":{"yes":"Ja","no":"Nein"}}}},"schedule":{"break_5":"5-minütige Pause","break_10":"10-minütige Pause","break_15":"15-minütige Pause","break_20":"20-minütige Pause","break_25":"25-minütige Pause","break_30":"30-minütige Pause","break_35":"35-minütige Pause","break_40":"40-minütige Pause","break_45":"45-minütige Pause","break_50":"50-minütige Pause"},"partners":{"community":{"title":"Community Partner"},"media":{"title":"MEDIAPARTNER"},"communication":{"title":"Communication Partner"},"networking":{"title":"Headline Sponsor"},"association":{"title":"ASSOCIATION PARTNERS"},"sponsors":{"title":"SPONSORS 2024"},"sponsor":{"title":"SPONSOREN"},"registration":{"title":"Registration-Sponsor"}},"resources":{"companydata":{"customfields":{"pr_manager":{"name":"PR Manager"},"sales_manager":{"name":"Kontaktperson für Besucher"},"xing":{"name":"Xing Firmenprofil\n"}}},"upgrades":{"misc":{"networking":{"text":"# Werde Headline-Sponsor der exklusiven Warm-up-Party für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025 und erlebe einen unvergesslichen Abend!\n\nDie exklusive Veranstaltung umfasst die prestigeträchtige E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und die Networking Party, bei der die Teilnehmer in einer festlichen Atmosphäre Kontakte knüpfen können - eine perfekte Gelegenheit, um mit einigen der wichtigsten Unternehmen der E-Commerce-Branche in Kontakt zu treten.\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Onside Benefits Vorteile\n\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm\n* Präsentation des Logos auf der großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes für mindestens 120 Minuten*\n* Gebrandete Bühnendekoration\n* Co-gebrandete Fotowand als ideale Fotokulisse\n* Aufstellung von zwei Roll-Ups am Eingang\n* Co-gebrandetes Armband, das an alle Partyteilnehmer am Eingang verteilt wird\n\n### Hospitality-Vorteile\n\n* Vorstellung und mehrmalige Ankündigung des Sponsorunternehmens auf der Bühne\n* 5 Minuten Bühnenzeit für einen Sponsorenvertreter zur Vorstellung des Unternehmens vor den Gästen\n* 30 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste, mit reservierten Sitzplätzen\n\n### Vorteile in Bezug auf die E-commerce Berlin Expo\n\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung mit dem Headline Sponsor Titel auf\n* Besondere Erwähnung in den E-Mails, die eine Woche vor und auch nach der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs verschickt werden\n* Zwei Social Media Blasts vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Party\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung eines Artikels auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Firmenlogo in der Video-Recap des E-Commerce Germany Awards\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\n*Die Logos des Headline Sponsors und des Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsors werden in einer Wiederholungsschleife gezeigt: 30 Sekunden für das Logo des Hauptsponsors, danach 15 Sekunden für das Logo des Bar- und Biersponsors\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden.\n\n ","name":"Hauptsponsor","description":"Sponsere die exklusive Networking-Veranstaltung und baue eure Position als führender Player der Branche aus"},"ecobags":{"name":"Sponsoring der Besuchertaschen","description":"Unterstreiche euer Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit, und verteile Taschen an die Event-Teilnehmer","text":"# Die perfekte Möglichkeit, euer Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit zu zeigen und gleichzeitig den Teilnehmern ein nützliches und umweltfreundliches Mitbringsel zu geben\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* 1.000 Ökotaschen, die während der Veranstaltung zu verteilen sind\n* Darstellung des Logos eures Unternehmens und des Logos der E-Commerce Berlin Expo auf der Tasche\n* Das Layout der Logoplatzierung muss vom Veranstalter akzeptiert werden\n* Die Produktions- und Lieferkosten gehen zu Lasten des Sponsors\n* Verfügbarkeit: begrenzt auf einen Sponsor, der eine exklusive Präsenz garantiert\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Seite\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Event-Broschüre\n\n"},"badges":{"name":"Sponsoring der Besucherbadges","description":"Euer Logo auf den Badges der Besucher"},"lanyards":{"name":"Marken-Lanyards Sponsoring","description":"Biete Give-aways für Eventteilnehmer und erhöhe die Sichtbarkeit eurer Marke bei dem Zielpublikum","text":"# Hinterlasse einen unvergesslichen Eindruck und stelle allen Eventteilnehmern am Eingang Lanyards mit eurem Logo zur Verfügung\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* 12.000 gebrandete Lanyards, die während der Expo verteilt werden\n* Produktions- und Lieferkosten gehen zu Lasten des Sponsors\n* Verfügbarkeit: Begrenzt auf einen Sponsor, der eine exklusive Präsenz garantiert\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n  \n"},"networking-zone":{"name":"Hauptsponsor","description":"Nutze die Gelegenheit, dein Unternehmen ins Rampenlicht zu rücken, indem du unser exklusives Networking-Event sponserst — beeindrucke die Branche!","text":"# Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit eurer Marke und stelle sie an einem prominenten Ort aus. Der 360°-Raum ermöglicht den Besuchern, eure Marke aus allen Blickwinkeln kennenzulernen und schafft eine einladende Umgebung, die dauerhafte Beziehungen zu potenziellen Kunden aufbaut.\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding \u0026 Werbevorteile\n\n* Exklusive gebrandete Fläche von über 200 m² in der Mitte der Haupthalle (einschließlich Standbau)\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n* Firmenlogo auf dem Onsite-Branding\n* Möbel mit individuellem Design (20 Cube-Sitze)\n* Vier Tickets für das exklusive E-commerce Germany Awards Gala \u0026 Networking Event, die einen Tag vor der Expo stattfinden\n* Großartige Gelegenheit, euren Markenbewusstsein beim Networking zu steigern\n\n### Vorteile vor der Veranstaltung\n\n* Co-branded E-Mail-Versand an die Teilnehmer zwei Wochen vor der Expo\n* Zugang zur Teilnehmerliste vor der E-Commerce Berlin Expo, in Übereinstimmung mit den GDPR-Richtlinien\n* Zugriff auf die Presseliste eine Woche vor der Expo\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Zwei Social Media Blasts vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Marketing-Paket für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung zwei Artikeln auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Veröffentlichung der beiden Artikeln im Newsletter E-commerce Germany News (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten)\n\n "},"badgesponsor":{"text":"# Stelle eure Marke mit dem exklusiven Sponsoring der Besucherbadges ins Rampenlicht. Zeige euer Logo auf allen Besucherpässen und sorge für ein hochwertiges Branding mit ausgezeichneter Sichtbarkeit für euer Unternehmen\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* Exklusive Besucherbadges mit eurem Logo, die vor der Expo per E-Mail an alle Teilnehmer verschickt werden\n* Branding auf hohem Niveau und ausgezeichnete Sichtbarkeit für euer Unternehmen\n* Euer Logo wird prominent auf den Badges angezeigt und wird für alle Besucher vor und während des Events sichtbar sein\n* Verfügbarkeit: begrenzt auf einen Sponsor, der eine exklusive Präsenz garantiert\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n","description":"Stelle eure Marke ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit mit eurem Logo auf allen Besucherbadges","name":"Sponsoring der Besucherbadges"},"coffee":{"name":"Sponsoring von Kaffeepunkten","description":"Versorge die Teilnehmer mit Energie während des ganzen Tages und hinterlassen einen bleibenden Eindruck\n","text":"# Gebe den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, einen dringenden Kaffee-Kick zu erhalten, und erhöhe gleichzeitig euren Bekanntheitsgrad bei einem gezielten Publikum\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* Euer Branding auf den Kaffeebechern\n* Euer Branding auf den Servietten, die während der Expo verwendet werden\n* Ein Roll-up-platzierung pro Kaffeepunkt (insgesamt fünf Platzierungen möglich)\n* Verfügbarkeit: Begrenzt auf einen Sponsor, der eine exklusive Platzierung garantiert\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n "},"leaflets":{"0":"","name":"Verteilen von Flyern durch Hostessen","description":"Verteilen von Flyern und Goodies","text":"# Vorteile:\n\n* Das Verteilen von Flyern nicht nur am Stand\n\n\u003e *Die Produktion der Flyer und das Engagieren einer Hostesse/ eines Hostessen und die damit verbundenen Kosten obliegen dem Sponsor"},"stagepatron":{"name":"Bühnenpatronat","description":"Sichere euch einen Präsentationsplatz und stelle eure Marke einem vielfältigen Publikum vor ","text":"# Hinterlasse einen unvergesslichen Eindruck mit dem Bühnensponsoring, das euch einen exklusiven Speaking Slot bietet und die Möglichkeit gibt, vor Ort zu werben, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Zielpublikums auf sich zu ziehen\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Onsite Branding \u0026 Werbung \n\n* Ein Speaking Slot auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025 (bitte beachte, dass Verkaufsgespräche in Präsentationen nicht erlaubt sind)\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n* Logoplatzierung am Eingang zum Keynote-Raum\n* Firmenpromotion innerhalb des Keynote-Raums\n* Ununterbrochene Darstellung des Firmenlogos auf dem Bühnenbildschirm während des ganzen Tages\n* Firmenlogo in den Materialien der Konferenzagenda\n* Flyerverteilung auf den 250 verfügbaren Sitzplätzen\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Foto der Speaker in der Agenda auf der E-commerce Berlin Expo Website\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung zwei Artikeln auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Veröffentlichung der beiden Artikeln im Newsletter E-commerce Germany News (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten)\n\n# Alternative Bühnen:\n\nWir bieten drei zusätzliche Bühnen an, die ihr zu niedrigeren Preisen buchen könnt. Wenn ihr daran interessiert seid, eine dieser Bühnen zu buchen, setze euch bitte mit uns in Verbindung:\n* Bühne A - 14000 Euro\n* Bühne B - 15000 Euro\n* Bühne C - 15000 Euro\n\n"},"beer":{"name":"Biersponsoring","description":"Beeindrucke die Teilnehmer auf erfrischende Weise mit 2.000 gebrandeten Bieren mit eurem Logo","text":"# Sucht ihr nach einer erfrischenden Möglichkeit, eure Marke bekannter zu machen? Beeindrucke die Teilnehmer mit einem gebrandeten Bier!\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* Der offizielle Titel des E-commerce Berlin Expo Biersponsors\n* Logoplatzierung auf 2.000 Bierflaschen\n* Bier: Lagerbier oder Pilsener, 330 ml Flasche, Papieretikett mit 4c-Druck\n* Kostenfreie Verteilung von 2000 Bierflaschen an die Besucher der Expo\n* Zusätzliche Kosten für die Bearbeitung des Logos können anfallen\n* Verfügbarkeit: Begrenzt auf einen Sponsor, der eine exklusive Präsenz garantiert\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n "},"foodcourt":{"name":"Werbug im Food Court für Besucher","text":"# Präsentiere eure Marke auf Roll-up-Bannern und auf Stand-up-Werbung, die an jedem Tisch in der Catering-Zone platziert wird\n\n# Vorteile\n\n* Mit eurem Logo gebrandete Werbung auf jedem Tisch im Visitor Food Court\n* Zwei gebrandete Roll-Ups im Visitor Food Court \n* Produktions- und Lieferkosten gehen zu Lasten des Sponsors\n* Erhöhte Sichtbarkeit und Markenbekanntheit bei den Eventteilnehmern\n* Möglichkeit, die Produkte oder Dienstleistungen bei einem breiten Publikum zu bewerben\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n","description":"Maximiere die Sichtbarkeit eurer Marke im Visitor Food Court"},"vipzone":{"text":"# Erlebe außergewöhnliche Markenbekanntheit in der exklusiven VIP-Zone. Auf 800 m² bietet der VIP-Raum ein anspruchsvolles Umfeld für die Top-Entscheider der Branche!\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding \u0026 Werbevorteile\n\n* Exklusive gebrandete Fläche von über 800 m²\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n* Firmenlogo auf dem Onsite-Branding\n* Ein Speaking Slot auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025 (bitte beachte, dass Verkaufsgespräche in Präsentationen nicht erlaubt sind)\n* Möglichkeit zur exklusiven Wahl eines bestimmten Timeslots und einer Bühne für die Präsentation\n* Gelegenheit zum Networking mit Top-Entscheidern der Branche\n* Die Möglichkeit, bis zu 100 VIP-Einladungen zur Veranstaltung zu verteilen\n* Vier Tickets für das exklusive E-commerce Germany Awards Gala \u0026 Networking Event, die einen Tag vor der Expo stattfinden\n* Zwei Meeting-Spots in der VIP-Zone, die exklusiv für den Sponsor zur Verfügung stehen\n\n\n### Vorteile vor der Expo\n\n* Co-branded E-Mail-Versand an die Teilnehmer zwei Wochen vor der Expo\n* Zugang zur Teilnehmerliste vor der E-Commerce Berlin Expo, in Übereinstimmung mit den GDPR-Richtlinien\n* Zugriff auf die Presseliste eine Woche vor der Expo\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Zwei Social Media Blasts vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Marketing-Paket für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung zwei Artikeln auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Veröffentlichung der beiden Artikeln im Newsletter E-commerce Germany News (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten)\n\n# Optionales Branding-Upgrade:\n\n* Logoplatzierung an Wänden und Treppen am Eingang zur VIP-Zone ( zu einem Zusatzpreis von 3000 Euro erhältlich; bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Details)\n\n","description":"Werde einer der Hauptpartner der Expo und sichere euch eine 800 m² große Fläche, um eure Marke zu präsentieren","name":"VIP-Zone Sponsoring"},"water":{"name":"Gebrandete Wasserflaschen","description":"Steigere den Bekanntheitsgrad eurer Marke mit 8.000 Wasserflaschen mit eurem Logo","text":"# Sorge dafür, dass die Teilnehmer erfrischt bleiben und eure Marke im Gedächtnis bleibt - mit den gebrandeten Wasserflaschen\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* Euer Branding auf 8.000 Wasserflaschen (250 ml)\n* Kostenlose Verteilung von Wasserflaschen an die Veranstaltungsteilnehmer\n* Die Produktionskosten werden vom Organisator übernommen\n* Zusätzliche Kosten können für die Bearbeitung des Etiketts anfallen\n\n# Zusätzliche Vorteile:\n\n* Firmenlogo auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo Website \n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n"},"bar":{"name":"Networking Event Bar \u0026 Bier Sponsorship","description":"Stoße auf eure Marke an","text":"# Bereite euch darauf vor, bei dem exklusiven Networking-Event einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen und sponsere ihr die Bar und die Bierauswahl. Sorge dafür, dass die Party die ganze Nacht lang weitergeht und eure Marke im Rampenlicht steht. Prost!\n\nDie exklusive Warm-up-Party für die mit Spannung erwartete E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025 umfasst die prestigeträchtige E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und die Networking Party, bei der die Teilnehmer in einer festlichen Atmosphäre Kontakte knüpfen können und so die perfekte Gelegenheit haben, sich mit einigen der wichtigsten Unternehmen der E-Commerce-Branche in Verbindung zu setzen.\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding Vorteile\n\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm\n* Präsentation des Logos auf der großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes für mindestens 60 Minuten*\n* Co-gebrandete Fotowand als ideale Fotokulisse\n* Aufstellung von zwei Roll-Ups am Eingang\n* Co-branded Biere (gegen eine zusätzliche Gebühr können sie auch während der E-Commerce Berlin Expo am folgenden Tag verteilt werden, bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Details)\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n### Hospitality-Vorteile\n\n* Vorstellung und mehrmalige Ankündigung des Sponsorunternehmens auf der Bühne\n* 6 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste\n\n### Online-Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung auf\n* Besondere Erwähnung in den E-Mails, die eine Woche vor und auch nach der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs verschickt werden\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Party\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung eines Artikels auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Firmenlogo in der Video-Recap des E-Commerce Germany Awards\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\n*Die Logos des Headline Sponsors und des Bar \u0026 Bier Sponsors werden in einer Wiederholungsschleife gezeigt: 30 Sekunden für das Logo des Hauptsponsors, danach 15 Sekunden für das Logo des Bar- und Biersponsors\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n "},"podcast":{"text":"# Lass deine Stimme und dein Fachwissen in der E-Commerce-Welt hören, indem du als Gast in dem E-Commerce Germany News Podcast auftrittst\n\n# Angaben:\n\n* Eine in Berlin aufgezeichnete Videocast/Podcast Folge mit dem Sponsor als Gast\n* Gemeinsame Diskussion des Themas der Episode und des Aufnahmetermins\n* Logo des Sponsors auf dem Titelbild der Episode\n* Erwähnung des Unternehmens des Sponsors in der Einleitung und im Schlusswort des Podcasts\n* Veröffentlichung der Episode auf Youtube, Spotify und Apple Podcasts\n* Weitergabe der Episode in den sozialen Medien (21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Erwähnung der Episode im Newsletter (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten\n* Erwähnung der Episode in einem Artikel auf (mit 30.000 Besuchern pro Monat)\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n* Exklusive Gelegenheiten, dein Wissen mit E-Commerce-Enthusiasten zu teilen\n* Eine Chance, Glaubwürdigkeit zu gewinnen und sich als Branchenexperte zu etablieren\n* Möglichkeit, über verschiedene Plattformen (YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, soziale Medien, Newsportal, Newsletter) ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen\n\nDas Sponsoringangebot für Podcast-Auftritte kann von der Verfügbarkeit und der Terminplanung abhängen. Bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Informationen und um die Details zu besprechen.\n\n","name":"Sponsored Podcast-Auftritt","description":"Mach mit und positioniere dich als innovativer Vordenker"},"banners":{"description":"Mache einen großen Auftritt und ziehe die Aufmerksamkeit von Anfang an auf eure Marke","name":"Werbeflächen","text":"# Möchtet ihr die Sichtbarkeit eurer Marke auf der Veranstaltung erhöhen? Wähle zwei aus unseren vier verfügbaren Außenwerbeflächen, um eure Marke den Teilnehmern zu präsentieren!\n\n# Angaben:\n\n### Option 1: Großflächiges Blow-up Banner\n* Platzierung im Innenhof, entlang des Eingangsbereichs\n* 25m2 Größe (4,10 x 6,40 m)\n\n### Option 2: Billboard\n* Platzierung im Innenhof, direkt über dem Haupteingang\n* 15m2 Größe (9,00 x 1,60 m)\n\n### Option 3: Werbefläche auf der Glasfassade\n* Platzierung an der Glasfassade der Halle 3\n* Bis zu 25m2 Größe\n\n### Option 4: Werbebanner auf Augenhöhe\n* Platziert im Innenhof, in der Nähe des Haupteingangs \n* 9m2 Größe (3,56 x 2,52 m)\n\n# Vorteile:\n* Auffällige und ins Auge fallende Displays\n* Perfekt für maximale Sichtbarkeit bei der Ankunft der Teilnehmer\n* Der Preis enthält die Kosten für Produktion, Lieferung und Installation\n\n "},"egnoffer":{"name":"Maximal Sichtbarkeit-Paket","text":"# Bringe eure Marke vor Tausenden von potenziellen Kunden mit unserem umfassenden Werbepaket ins Gespräch!\n\n# Voteile\n\n### Online Vorteile:\n\n* Fünf Artikel, die im Laufe des Jahres auf veröffentlicht werden (mit 30.000 einzigartigen Besuchern pro Monat)\n* Alle Artikel werden im Newsletter von E-commerce Germany News veröffentlicht (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten)\n* Social Media Promotion aller Artikel (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Eine spezielle E-Mail an eine hoch targetierte Zielgruppe (exklusives Angebot)\n* Bannerwerbung auf für 2 Monate eurer Wahl\n\n### Offline Vorteile:\n\n* Zehn VIP-Tickets für die E-commerce Berlin Expo\n* Zehn Tickets für die exklusive E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie \u0026 Networking Event einen Abend vor der Expo\n* Promotion eurer Handouts in der Medien- und Speaker-Corner auf der E-commerce Berlin Expo\n* Anzeige im gedruckten Besucherguide der E-commerce Berlin Expo (¼ A4, 9k Exemplare)\n* Gelegenheit zu einem Meeting mit drei Expo Keynote-Speakern eure Wahl auf der Expo\n\n### Spezielle Vorteile:\n\n* Ein Interview oder eine Podcast-Episode mit euch in Berlin, die später auf den Plattformen der E-Commerce Berlin Expo, im Newsletter und in den Social Media Kanälen veröffentlicht wird\n* 15 % Rabatt auf alle Ausstellungsflächen auf der Expo\n\nDas Angebot kann von der Verfügbarkeit und der Terminplanung abhängig sein. Bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Informationen und um die Details zu besprechen.","description":"Präsentiere eure Marke vor Tausenden von potenziellen Kunden"},"registration":{"name":"Registration sponsor","text":"Hinterlasse einen starken Eindruck als Registration-Sponsor und erreiche Tausende von Teilnehmern mit Online- und Offline-Branding\n\n# Nutzen:\n\n### Werbevorteile\n* Werbeplakat in der Nähe des Haupteingangs des Events\n* Mitarbeiterkleidung mit eigenem Branding\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Event-Broschüre\n* Firmenlogo beim Branding vor Ort\n* Möglichkeit zur Verteilung von Goodies an die Besucher am Eingang\n\n### Online Vorteile\n* Logoplatzierung auf der Registrierungsseite für Besucher (mit geschätzten 22.000 einzigartigen Registrierungen)\n* Eine besondere Erwähnung in der E-Mail, die nach der Registrierung an alle registrierten Besucher geschickt wird\n* 1 Social-Media-Blast vor der Veranstaltung (mit einer Reichweite von über 21.000)\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung des Artikels auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Veröffentlichung des Artikels im Newsletter E-commerce Germany News (mit 33.000 Newsletter-Abonnenten)\n* E-Commerce Berlin Expo Marketing Paket","description":"Exklusive Möglichkeit, das Anmeldeformular und die Anmeldepunkte vor Ort zu sponsern"},"viaduct":{"name":"Plakatwand-Werbung","description":"Riesige Plakatwand neben dem Eingang","text":"Hab ein eigenes Plakat an der Wand direkt am Haupteingang, das sowohl vom Innenhof als auch von innen sichtbar ist.\n\n# Vorteile:\n* Ein auffälliges und ins Auge fallendes Display\n* Perfekt für maximale Aufmerksamkeit bei der Ankunft der Teilnehmer\n* Der Preis beinhaltet die Kosten für Produktion, Lieferung und Installation.\n\nEs sind zwei ähnliche Banner von jeweils 9 m² verfügbar\n\nEin einzelnes Banner kostet *€ 3000*.\n\n "},"blowup":{"name":"Widespread Blow Up Banner","description":"Präsentiere deine Marke direkt am Eingang der EXPO","text":"Dein Logo wird unter dem Viadukt aufgehängt und ist für die vorbeikommenden Teilnehmer direkt vom Eingang aus gut sichtbar.\n\n# Vorteile:\n* Eine auffällige und ins Auge fallende Anzeige\n* Perfekt für maximale Aufmerksamkeit bei der Ankunft der Teilnehmer\n* Im Preis enthalten sind die Kosten für Produktion, Lieferung und Installation.\n\n# Option 1# \n25 m² Banner für *5.000€*\n\n# Option 2#\n30 m² Banner für *€6.000*\n\n "},"glassbanner":{"name":"Frontglas-Banner","text":"Ziehe die Blicke auf deine Marke und lass dein Banner an der großen Glasfassade der Halle direkt gegenüber den ankommenden Besuchern hängen.\n\n# Vorteile:\n* Ein auffälliges und ins Auge fallendes Display\n* Perfekt für maximale Aufmerksamkeit bei der Ankunft der Teilnehmer\n* Im Preis enthalten sind die Kosten für Produktion, Lieferung und Installation.\n\nPreis abhängig von der Größe: *200 € / m²*\n\nDie Mindestmietgröße beträgt *25 m²*.\n\n ","description":"Dein Logo auf den großen Glastüren der Halle 3"},"outsidebanner":{"name":"Plakat Messezugang","text":"Perfekter Blickfang für Messebesucher direkt am Haupteingang. Ziehe die Aufmerksamkeit der Messebesucher auf dich und lass deine Marke dort erscheinen.\n\nBanner Maße: *9 m²*.","description":"Plakatwerbung am Haupteingang für die Messebesucher"}},"premium":{"title":"Zusätzliche Brandingoptionen"}},"awards":{"premium":{"headline":{"name":"Hauptsponsor","description":"Nutze die Gelegenheit, dein Unternehmen ins Rampenlicht zu rücken, indem du unser exklusives Networking-Event sponserst — beeindrucke die Branche!","text":"# Die exklusive Veranstaltung umfasst die prestigeträchtige E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und die Networking Party, bei der die Teilnehmer in einer festlichen Atmosphäre Kontakte knüpfen können - eine perfekte Gelegenheit, um mit einigen der wichtigsten Unternehmen der E-Commerce-Branche in Kontakt zu treten.\n\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### ENTHALTEN\n\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm\n* Präsentation des Logos auf der großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes\n* Gebrandete Bühnendekoration\n* Co-gebrandete Fotowand als ideale Fotokulisse\n* Aufstellung von zwei Roll-Ups am Eingang\n* Co-gebrandetes Armband, das an alle Partyteilnehmer verteilt wird\n* VIP Lounge Sponsoring\n* [Finger Food Advertising](\n* Vorstellung und mehrmalige Ankündigung des Sponsorunternehmens auf der Bühne\n* 5 Minuten Bühnenzeit für einen Sponsorenvertreter zur Vorstellung des Unternehmens vor den Gästen\n* 50 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste, mit reservierten Sitzplätzen\n* Logoplatzierung mit dem Headline Sponsor Titel auf [](\n* Besondere Erwähnung in den E-Mails, die eine Woche vor und auch nach der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs verschickt werden\n* Zwei Social Media Blasts vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Party\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung eines Artikels auf []( (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Firmenlogo in der Video-Recap des E-Commerce Germany Awards\n\n### EXPOBEZOGENE VORTEILE\n\n* Ausstellungsfläche auf der [E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025](\n* Redezeit auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n### OPTIONALE PAKET-UPGRADES\n\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsoring]( - **zusätzliche €6,000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsorship]( - **zusätzliche €3,000.00 net**\n\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Datum: Februar 19, 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n[Siehe, wie wir letztes Jahr abgeschnitten haben!]("},"bar":{"name":"Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsoring","description":"Stille den Durst der Gäste mit einer großen Auswahl an Getränken und maximiere eure Bekanntheit","text":"# Bereite euch darauf vor, bei dem exklusiven Networking-Event einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen und sponsere ihr die Bar und die Bierauswahl. Sorge dafür, dass die Party die ganze Nacht lang weitergeht und eure Marke im Rampenlicht steht. Prost!\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding Vorteile\n\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm\n* Präsentation des Logos auf der großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes für mindestens 60 Minuten*\n* Co-gebrandete Fotowand als ideale Fotokulisse\n* Aufstellung von zwei Roll-Ups am Eingang\n* Co-branded Biere (gegen eine zusätzliche Gebühr können sie auch während der E-Commerce Berlin Expo am folgenden Tag verteilt werden, bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Details)\n* Firmenlogo in der offiziellen, gedruckten Veranstaltungsbroschüre\n\n### Hospitality-Vorteile\n\n* Vorstellung und mehrmalige Ankündigung des Sponsorunternehmens auf der Bühne\n* 6 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste\n\n### Online-Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung auf\n* Besondere Erwähnung in den E-Mails, die eine Woche vor und auch nach der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs verschickt werden\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n* Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Party\n* Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung eines Artikels auf (mit 30.000 Unique Visitors pro Monat)\n* Firmenlogo in der Video-Recap des E-Commerce Germany Awards\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Datum: Februar 19, 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\n*Die Logos des Headline Sponsors und des Bar \u0026 Bier Sponsors werden in einer Wiederholungsschleife gezeigt: 30 Sekunden für das Logo des Hauptsponsors, danach 15 Sekunden für das Logo des Bar- und Biersponsors\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n "},"food":{"name":"Fingerfood Sponsoring","description":"Hinterlasse einen köstlichen Eindruck bei den Partygästen und mache eure Marke zum Gesprächsthema des Abends","text":"# Mache euch bereit für einen köstlichen Auftritt und hinterlasse einen bleibenden Eindruck auf dem exklusiven Networking-Event, indem ihr offizieller Fingerfood-Sponsor werdet. Guten Appetit!\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding Vorteile\n* Keynote-Einführung am Anfang der Veranstaltung  \n* Anzeige des Logos auf der Bühnenleinwand\n* Ein Roll-up am Veranstaltungsort\n* Dekorationen mit Logos auf Snacks\n* 4 Partytickets für Vertreter des Sponsors und Gäste\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung auf der Website\n* Besondere Erwähnung in der E-Mail, die eine Woche vor der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs geschickt wird \n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Veranstaltung (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n*  Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Veranstaltung\n\n\n# Details der Veranstaltung:\n\n* Datum: 19. Februar 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Mitglieder des Wettbewerbs um den E-Commerce Berlin Award, Jury-Mitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen, einschließlich einer Roll-up-Platzierung und Dekorationen, müssen mit dem Veranstalter und dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden.\n\n \n"},"dj":{"name":"DJ Sponsoring","description":"Lasse die Party die ganze Nacht lang laufen und stelle eure Marke ins Rampenlicht\n","text":"# Mache euch bereit, als offizieller DJ-Sponsor für die perfekte Stimmung zu sorgen und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis auf der exklusiven Party zu schaffen. Halte die Energie hoch und sorge dafür, dass die Teilnehmer die ganze Nacht lang feiern.\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding Vorteile\n* Keynote-Einführung am Anfang der Veranstaltung  \n* Anzeige des Logos auf der Bühnenleinwand\n* Ein Roll-up am Veranstaltungsort\n* Dekoration der DJ-Booth mit Branding\n* 4 Partytickets für Vertreter des Sponsors und Gäste\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung auf der Website\n* Besondere Erwähnung in der E-Mail, die eine Woche vor der Gala an die Teilnehmer der Party und die Nominierten des Wettbewerbs geschickt wird \n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Veranstaltung (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n*  Eine Erwähnung in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung über die Veranstaltung\n\n# Details der Veranstaltung:\n\n* Datum: 19. Februar 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Mitglieder des Wettbewerbs um den E-Commerce Berlin Award, Jury-Mitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin \n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen, einschließlich einer Roll-up-Platzierung und Dekorationen, müssen mit dem Veranstalter und dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden.\n\n"},"supporting":{"name":"Supporting Sponsoring","description":"Verbessere das Erlebnis einer Networking-Veranstaltung und erziele einen bedeutenden Effekt","text":"# Schließe euch uns als unterstützender Sponsor an und werde Teil der Magie! Helfe mit, eine außergewöhnliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen und werde für euer Engagement für einen außergewöhnlichen Abend anerkannt.\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### Branding Vorteile\n* Keynote-Einführung am Anfang der Veranstaltung  \n* Anzeige des Logos auf der Bühnenleinwand\n* Ein Roll-up am Veranstaltungsort\n* 2 Partytickets für Vertreter des Sponsors und Gäste\n\n### Online Vorteile\n\n* Logoplatzierung auf der Website\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Veranstaltung (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)\n\n\n# Details der Veranstaltung:\n\n* Datum: 19. Februar 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Mitglieder des Wettbewerbs um den E-Commerce Berlin Award, Jury-Mitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin \n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen, einschließlich einer Roll-up-Platzierung und Dekorationen, müssen mit dem Veranstalter und dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden."},"title":"Sponsoringmöglichkeiten","platinum":{"name":"Platinum package","text":"# Nimm an dieser prestigeträchtigen Veranstaltung teil, zu der nur geladene Gäste Zutritt haben und bei der die renommierte Preisverleihung der E-Commerce Germany Awards mit einer spannenden Networking-Party einhergeht. Dies ist deine Chance, wertvolle Beziehungen zu Branchenführern in einem anregenden und feierlichen Rahmen aufzubauen.\n\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### ENTHALTEN\n\n* Co-gebrandete Armbände, die an alle Partyteilnehmer am Eingang verteilt werden  ✔\n* Aufstellung von einem Roll-Up am Eingang  ✔\n* Logodarstellung entlang unseres Gehwegs  ✔\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm  ✔\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)  ✔\n* Logoplatzierung auf  ✔\n* 20 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste  ✔\n\n### OPTIONALE PAKET-UPGRADES\n\n* VIP Lounge Sponsoring - **zusätzliche €5,000.00 net**\n* [Fingerfood-Werbung]( - **zusätzliche €6,000.00 net**\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsoring]( - **zusätzliche €6,000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsoring]( - **zusätzliche €3,000.00 net**\n* Präsentation des Logos auf unserer großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes - **zusätzliche €4,000.00 net**\n\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Datum: Februar 19, 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n[Siehe, wie wir letztes Jahr abgeschnitten haben!](","description":"Sichere dir deinen Platz als ultimativer Branchenführer, indem du unser exklusives Networking-Event sponserst — stiehl die Show und zeige allen, wer das Sagen hat!"},"gold":{"name":"Gold package","description":"Hebe deine Präsenz auf ein neues Level und hebe dich als wichtigen Akteur in der Branche hervor, indem du unser exklusives Networking-Event sponserst — sei das Gesprächsthema der Stadt!","text":"# Diese exklusive Veranstaltung, zu der nur geladene Gäste Zutritt haben, bietet mit der Verleihung des „E-Commerce Germany Awards“ und einer Networking-Party eine lebendige Atmosphäre, in der sich die Teilnehmer mit den wichtigsten Akteuren der E-Commerce-Branche austauschen können.\n\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### ENTHALTEN\n\n* Aufstellung von einem Roll-Up am Eingang  ✔\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite)  ✔\n* Logoplatzierung auf  ✔\n* 10 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste  ✔\n\n### NICHT ENTHALTEN\n\n* Präsentation des Logos auf unserer großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes  ✘\n* [Fingerfood-Werbung](  ✘\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsoring](  ✘\n\n### OPTIONALE PAKET-UPGRADES\n\n* Logodarstellung entlang unseres Gehwegs - **zusätzliche €1,200.00 net**\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm - **zusätzliche €2,000.00 net**\n* Co-gebrandete Armbände, die an alle Partyteilnehmer verteilt werden  - **zusätzliche €3,000.00 net**\n* VIP Lounge Sponsoring - **zusätzliche €5,000.00 net**\n* [DJ Sponsoring]( - **zusätzliche €3,000.00 net**\n\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Datum: Februar 19, 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n[Siehe, wie wir letztes Jahr abgeschnitten haben!]("},"silver":{"name":"Silver package","description":"Mach mit und stärke deine Marke, indem du unser exklusives Networking-Event sponserst — mach dich bereit, wie ein aufstrebender Stern zu strahlen!","text":"# Erlebe unsere exklusive Veranstaltung mit der Verleihung der renommierten E-Commerce Germany Awards und einer Networking-Party, zu der nur geladene Gäste Zutritt haben. Dieser festliche Anlass ist der ideale Rahmen, um Kontakte zu einflussreichen Unternehmen der E-Commerce-Branche zu knüpfen.\n\n\n# Vorteile:\n\n### ENTHALTEN\n\n* Aufstellung von einem Roll-Up am Eingang  ✔\n* Logoplatzierung auf  ✔\n* 5 Partytickets für Sponsorenvertreter und Gäste  ✔\n\n### NICHT ENTHALTEN\n\n* Präsentation des Logos auf der großen Wand mit 36 Bildschirmen im Hauptbereich des Veranstaltungsortes  ✘\n* Logodarstellung entlang unseres Gehwegs  ✘\n* Logodarstellung auf dem Bühnenbildschirm  ✘\n* Co-gebrandete Armbände, die an alle Partyteilnehmer am Eingang verteilt werden  ✘\n* VIP Lounge Sponsoring  ✘\n* [Fingerfood-Werbung](  ✘\n* [Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsoring](  ✘\n* [DJ Sponsoring](  ✘\n\n### OPTIONALE PAKET-UPGRADES\n\n* Ein Social Media Blast vor der Event (mit 21.000+ Reichweite) - **zusätzliche €500.00 net**\n\n\n# Veranstaltungsdetails:\n\n* Datum: Februar 19, 2025\n* Teilnehmer: Ausstellervertreter, Wettbewerbsmitglieder des E-Commerce Berlin Awards, Jurymitglieder, Speakers, Medienpartner, Vertreter der E-Commerce-Branchenverbände\n* Ort: Spindler \u0026 Klatt, Berlin\n* Erwartete Gäste: 600+\n\nAlle Dekorations- und Branding-Ideen müssen sowohl mit dem Organisator als auch mit dem Veranstaltungsort besprochen werden\n\n[Siehe, wie wir letztes Jahr abgeschnitten haben!]("}}}},"lanyards":{"name":"Exklusives Sponsoring der Schlüsselanhänger"},"networking":{"name":"Hauptsponsor"},"cfp":{"hello":{"submit":"Jedes Jahr suchen wir nach innovativen Themen und frischen Perspektiven, um unsere Konferenz zu bereichern. Könnte dein Beitrag das nächste Highlight sein?","title":"Speaker:in werden: Motivation und Wissen teilen","needs":"","details":"# Teile dein Fachwissen\n\nStell dir vor: Du stehst auf einer unserer fünf Konferenzbühnen und teilst dein Fachwissen mit einem engagierten Publikum aus E-Commerce-Expert:innen.\n\n* Betreibst du **einen erfolgreichen Onlineshop** und kannst eine tolle Story erzählen? \n* Oder bietest du bestimmte Dienstleistungen an und kannst mit einem **aufregenden Case Study** Wellen schlagen? \n* Kannst du dich mit **außerordentlichen Leistungen** in deinem Tätigkeitsbereich rühmen? \n* Kennst du **Tricks**, mit denen der Erfolg garantiert ist?\n\nWenn ja, dann **möchten wir von dir hören**! Nimm an unserem kostenlosen \"Call for Speakers\"-Wettbewerb teil und erhalte die einmalige Chance, deine Einsichten auf unserer Veranstaltung zu teilen. \n\n# Konferenzschwerpunkte: Differenzierung und Innovation\n\nIn einem **Zeitalter des schnellen Wandels und der wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheit** müssen sich Unternehmen steigenden Kosten, Veränderungen im Konsumentenverhalten und einer harten Konkurrenz stellen. Aber gerade **diese Herausforderungen stellen eine Chance dar, innovativ zu sein und sich vom Rest abzuheben**. Im Rahmen unseres Events im Februar 2025 befassen wir uns mit diesen Themen und untersuchen, wie man es in turbulenten Zeiten zu Erfolg bringt. Im Mittelpunkt liegt der Wunsch, unser Publikum mit den nötigen Erkenntnissen und Tools zu versehen, die nicht nur das Überleben, sondern den Erfolg auf einem wettbewerbsintensiven Marktplatz gewährleisten.\n\n# Neuer Auswahlprozess\n\nIn den vergangenen Jahren waren wir von der hohen Anzahl hervorragender Einsendungen überrascht. Dass wir uns nur auf einige wenige Gewinner beschränken mussten, hat dazu geführt, dass viele außergewöhnliche Themen nicht die Aufmerksamkeit erhielten, die sie eigentlich verdient hätten. Um sicherzustellen, dass es die besten Storys und Erlebnisberichte in unser Programm schaffen, **decken wir diesmal 40 % der Inhalte durch Wettbewerbsbeiträge ab**. Unten erfährst du mehr zu unseren neuen Wettbewerbsregeln."},"faq":{"exhibitor-status":{"q":"Muss man Aussteller der EBE 2024 sein, um am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen?","a":"Nein! Wir sind offen für jeden, der seine Insights auf einer der Bühnen bei der E-Commerce Berlin Expo teilen möchte."},"fee":{"a":"Es gibt weder eine Gebühr noch versteckte Kosten – die Teilnahme ist völlig kostenlos. Für die Gewinner:innen entstehen ebenfalls keine Kosten.","q":"Ist die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb kostenpflichtig?"},"submission-limits":{"a":"Du kannst bis zu zwei Beiträge einreichen, es wird jedoch nur ein Beitrag pro Kategorie berücksichtigt. Bitte beachte, dass Stimmen für separate Beiträge nicht zusammengezählt werden.\n","q":"Wie viele Beiträge kann ich einreichen?"},"co-presenter":{"a":"Auf jeden Fall. ;)\nEs gibt nichts Überzeugenderes als einen zufriedenen Kunden/Geschäftspartner, der auf der Bühne mit euch auftritt, glaubt uns!\n","q":"Kann ich einen Kunden von uns auf die Bühne bringen?"},"ranking":{"a":"Auf der Website des Call for Papers findest du eine Rankingliste, die von der Mitte der öffentlichen Abstimmungsphase bis zum Ende des Wettbewerbs verfügbar ist. Sie wird alle 24 Stunden aktualisiert, so dass du deine aktuelle Stimmenzahl und Position im Wettbewerb überprüfen kannst.","q":"Wie erfahre ich, wie mein Vorschlag im Wettbewerb abschneidet?"},"fair-play":{"a":"Für uns ist Fair Play ein Wert, kein Schlagwort.\nUnsere IT-Abteilung wird den Abstimmungsprozess genau verfolgen. Alle verdächtigen Aktivitäten, die auf den Einsatz illegaler Taktiken, Tools, Bots oder den einfachen Kauf von Stimmen hinweisen, werden untersucht. Sollten Beweise für einen Betrug gefunden werden, werden alle mit illegalen Methoden erworbenen Stimmen annulliert. Die Einreichung kann auch ohne die Möglichkeit eines Einspruchs beendet werden.","q":"Was passiert, wenn verdächtige Aktivitäten bei der Stimmabgabe bemerkt werden?"},"stage":{"a":"Jede Präsentation dauert 30 Minuten. Die Zeit ist wie folgt eingeteilt: \n* 20 Minuten für die Präsentation \n* 10 Minuten für die Q\u0026A","q":"Gehen wir davon aus, dass ich gewinne. Wie viel Zeit habe ich für die Präsentation?"},"name":"FAQ","description":"Du hast mehrere Fragen zum Wettbewerb? Hier kommen die klassischen Fragen:","after-win":{"q":" Was passiert, wenn mein Beitrag gewinnt?","a":"Wenn dein Beitrag auf Platz 1 landet, erwartet dich Folgendes:\n\n* Wir setzen uns mit dir in Verbindung, um die Details zu besprechen und ein beidseitiges Einverständnis zu unterzeichnen.\n* Später unterstützt dich unser Team bei der Verfeinerung deines Themas und deiner Folien. Somit ist eine überzeugende Präsentation gewährleistet.\n* Unmittelbar vor dem Event findet ein Nachholgespräch statt, in dem wir alles noch einmal durchgehen und eventuelle Fragen zu beantworten.\n* Sobald die Veranstaltung näher rückt, weisen wir dir ein Zeitfenster zu. Wir bitten dich, den 19. und 20. Februar 2025 freizuhalten.\n* An den Veranstaltungstagen wirst du von unserem Team und unserem Bühnenmoderator unterstützt, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten. \n\nWir freuen uns, dich bei der Vorbereitung deines Vortrags zu unterstützen!"},"language":{"q":"In welchen Sprachen kann ich meinen Beitrag einreichen und auf der Bühne präsentieren?","a":"Du kannst deine Beiträge auf Englisch oder Deutsch verfassen, da unsere Veranstaltung zweisprachig ist.\n\n"},"recordings":{"q":"Werden die Präsentationen online verfügbar sein?","a":"Ja. Die Präsentationen werden aufgezeichnet und auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Diese Inhalte werden einige Zeit nach der Konferenz ins Netz gestellt und sind für alle kostenlos."},"slot-duration":{"q":"Wie sieht es auf der Bühne aus? Wie lang ist die Vortragszeit?","a":"Die Speakers haben 30 Minuten Zeit auf der Bühne, die mit einer großen Bildschirm, einer Live-Vorschau, Mikrofonen, einem Slide-Regler usw. ausgestattet ist."},"non-winners":{"q":"Ist der Gewinn des Call for Papers die einzige Möglichkeit, auf die Bühne zu treten?","a":"Offensichtlich nicht! Wir haben viele Möglichkeiten für Partnerschaften. Außerdem kann und wird der Organisator alle CfP-Einreichungen genauer unter die Lupe nehmen und möglicherweise unabhängig von den Ergebnissen auf einige der Teilnehmer zugehen."},"masterclasses":{"q":"Ich habe auch \"Masterclasses\" auf eurer Website gesehen. Worin bestehen diese?","a":"Masterclasses sind praxisorientierte Sessions für ein kleineres, gezielteres Publikum. Sie können nur von teilnehmenden Ausstellern der EBE gebucht und durchgeführt werden."},"goal":{"q":"Was ist das Ziel des \"Call for Speakers\"-Wettbewerbs?","a":"Das Ziel des Wettbewerbs besteht darin, innovative und relevante Themen zu entdecken und zu präsentieren, die sich mit aktuellen Herausforderungen in der E-Commerce-Branche befassen und bei unserem Publikum Anklang finden. Auch in diesem Jahr stehen unsere Besucher:innen im Mittelpunkt. Deshalb ist es uns wichtig, eure Stimmen zu hören und uns auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Wir suchen nach Inhalten, die neue Perspektiven, umsetzbare Erkenntnisse und praktische Lösungen für unsere Community bieten."},"eligibility":{"q":"Wer kann am Wettbewerb teilnehmen?","a":"Der Wettbewerb steht für alle offen. Wir heißen alle Teilnehmer:innen willkommen, die wertvolle Erkenntnisse mit anderen Menschen teilen möchten. Es gibt keine Voraussetzungen für eine vorherige oder aktuelle Beteiligung an der Veranstaltung."},"criteria":{"q":"Wodurch zeichnet sich ein starker Beitrag aus? Was sind die Auswahlkriterien?","a":"Ein überzeugender Beitrag muss relevant und aktuell sein. Er sollte konkrete Lösungen für konkrete Probleme ebenso wie ein gut durchdachtes Konzept mit einer klaren Haltung und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse bieten. Wir legen Wert auf Inhalte, die sich mit den Herausforderungen der Branche befassen, neue Perspektiven bieten und unser Publikum inspirieren. Denk daran: Wir suchen nach Content mit Mehrwert und keineswegs nach Werbepräsentationen.\n\nAuswahlkriterien und Richtlinien für einen wirkungsvollen Beitrag\n\n* Keine werblichen Inhalte: Eigenwerbung auf ein Minimum beschränken: Konzentriere dich darauf, deinem Publikum einen Mehrwert zu bieten.\n* Relevanz: Dein Beitrag muss zum Thema des Events passen, bei der diesjährigen Auflage dreht sich alles um Differenzierung und Innovation in schwierigen Zeiten.\n* Case Studies: Nutze Beispiele aus der Praxis, um die Alltagstauglichkeit deiner Erkenntnisse unter Beweis zu stellen. Wenn du einen Onlineshop vertrittst, solltest du konkrete Erfahrungen teilen. Dienstleister:innen wird dringend empfohlen, Kund:innen einzuladen, um ihre Glaubwürdigkeit zu erhöhen.\n* Daten und evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse: Nutze Fakten und Forschungsergebnisse, um deine Ansichten zu untermauern. Vorschläge müssen sich auf glaubwürdige Beweise stützen.\n* Innovation und Originalität: Deine Vorschläge sollten originelle Perspektiven bieten, die sich von herkömmlichen Inhalten abheben\n* Klarheit und Organisation: Achte darauf, dass dein Beitrag gut strukturiert ist und du deine Themen und Ziele klar kommunizierst. Ein strukturierter Präsentationsplan kann von Vorteil sein.\n* Fachbereich: Die Kompetenzen der Speakerin bzw. des Speakers müssen mit dem gewählten Thema übereinstimmen. Idealerweise werden Vorträge von C-Level-Führungskräften oder Branchenführer:innen gehalten, um die Bedeutung und Authority des jeweiligen Beitrags zu steigern. "},"case-study":{"q":"Darf ich meinen Vortrag gemeinsam mit einer Kundin bzw. einem Kunden halten?\n","a":"Ja, das darfst du. Insbesondere Dienstleister:innen empfehlen wir, ihren Vortrag zusammen mit Kund:innen zu halten, da dies ihre Glaubwürdigkeit steigert. Für Unternehmen, bei denen es sich nicht um Onlineshops handelt, ist diese Vorgehensweise von großem Vorteil \n\nBitte erwähne sämtliche Mitwirkende in deinem Beitrag, wenn dein Vortrag mehrere Teilnehmer:innen umfasst. Achte darauf, die Verfügbarkeit aller Speaker:innen zu bestätigen."},"selection":{"q":"Wie werden die Finalist:innen und Gewinner:innen bestimmt?\n","a":"So bestimmen wir die Finalist:innen und Gewinner:innen:\n\n* Einreichung von Beiträgen: Wir sammeln alle eingereichten Beiträge.\n* Publikumsabstimmung: In einer öffentlichen Abstimmung wird über die besten Beiträge abgestimmt. Dieser Schritt hilft uns, die beliebtesten und relevantesten Themen zu identifizieren.\n* Auswahl der Top-Beiträge: Anhand der Publikumsabstimmung werden in jeder Kategorie die fünf besten Beiträge ermittelt. Diese gelangen in die Endrunde und werden durch unser Advisory Board aus Branchenexperten eingehend geprüft.\n* Endgültige Entscheidung: Das Advisory Board wählt in jeder Kategorie eine:n Gewinner:in aus und berücksichtigt dabei sowohl die Ergebnisse der Publikumsabstimmung als auch zusätzliche Kriterien.\n* Wildcard-Auswahl: Das Advisory Board prüft alle eingereichten Beiträge und wählt bis zu 20 herausragende Beiträge aus, die zwar nicht die meisten Stimmen erhalten haben, jedoch außergewöhnliche Qualität und Relevanz aufweisen."},"benefits":{"q":"Welche Vorteile erwarten die Gewinner:innen?","a":"Unsere Speaker:innen genießen zahlreiche Vorteile, darunter:\n\n* Strahlend auf der Bühne: Teile deine Erkenntnisse und Erfolge im Rahmen eines 30-minütigen Vortrags auf einer unserer prestigeträchtigen Konferenzbühnen.\n* Erreichen eines globalen Publikums: Präsentiere deine Ideen einer vielfältigen Gruppe von Teilnehmer:innen sowie einem großen Online-Publikum.\n* Eine starke Marke aufbauen: Hebe dein Fachwissen hervor und stärke deine persönliche ebenso wie deine Unternehmensmarke, indem du an einer der führenden E-Commerce-Veranstaltungen Europas teilnimmst.\n* Networking mit Branchenführer:innen: Vernetze dich mit Top-Expert:innen, potenziellen Kund:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen der E-Commerce-Branche, um neue Möglichkeiten zu erschließen.\n* Exklusive Einladungen: Erhalte das ganze Jahr über Zugang zur E-Commerce Germany Awards Gala und zu exklusiven Community-Events. Festige deinen Status als innovatives Mitglied der Branche."},"self-promotion":{"q":"Ich biete ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, die für das Publikum der E-Commerce Berlin Expo relevant ist. Kann ich einen Beitrag zur Förderung einreichen?","a":"Der \"Call for Speakers\"-Wettbewerb strebt nach qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten und nicht nach offensichtlicher Werbung oder Promotion Pitches. Im Fall einer Produkt- oder Service-Werbeaktion bitten wir dich, dich an [email protected] zu wenden, um Partnerschaftsmöglichkeiten zu erkunden.\n"},"speaking-opportunities":{"q":"Gibt es andere Möglichkeiten, aktiv an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen?\n","a":"Ja, wir bieten zusätzliche Vortragsmöglichkeiten wie Meisterkurse für Aussteller und garantierte Vortragsplätze mit Premium-Sponsoring-Paketen. Für weitere Informationen besuchst du am besten unsere Website oder schickst eine E-Mail an [email protected].\n"}},"featured_presenters":"Frühere Gewinner:innen","jury":{"title":"Advisory Board","description":" "},"timeline":{"submissions":{"title":"Unser Wettbewerb ist für Einreichungen offen","description":"Reiche deinen Beitrag bis zum 27. September ein. Bitte sieh dir die Kategorien sowie die FAQs mit Tipps und Hinweisen auf unsere Ansprüche an."},"public-voting":{"title":"Beginn der öffentlichen Abstimmung","description":"Alle Internetuser:innen können über LinkedIn in jeder Kategorie ihre Stimme abgeben. Schlussdatum der Abstimmung ist der 18. Oktober 2024."},"qualification":{"title":"Bekanntgabe der Nominierungen, Abstimmung des Advisory Board","description":"Die Finalist:innen werden bekannt gegeben. Anschließend findet eine Absprache des Advisory Board statt, in der die endgültigen Ergebnisse festgelegt werden."},"jury-voting":{"title":"Jury Voting","description":"Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse - Wahl der Gewinner der jeweiligen Kategorien"},"results":{"title":"Bekanntgabe der Gewinner:innen","description":"Lerne unsere Gewinner:innen kennen!"}},"gallery":{"title":"Event-Highlights"},"categories":{"fintech":{"title":"FinTech","description":"Technologische Innovationen und Dienstleistungen im Finanzsektor, wobei Onlinezahlungen in diesem Bereich eine wichtige Rolle spielen. \n\nHauptbereiche: Zahlungsgateways, mobile Zahlungen, Zahlungsoptimierung, nahtlose Checkout-Erlebnisse, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), Abonnement-Zahlungsmodelle, Kryptowährungszahlungen, Einhaltung von Zahlungsvorschriften, Zahlungsanalyse, Zahlungssicherheit, Betrugsprävention, Strategien zur Optimierung von Transaktionen, Nutzung von Zahlungsanalysen zur Verbesserung von Finanzabläufen und Kundenerlebnissen"},"marketing":{"title":"Marketing","description":"Die neuesten Trends und Techniken im Bereich Marketing, um den Traffic zu steigern und Kunden durch verschiedene Werbemaßnahmen zu gewinnen.\n\nHauptbereiche: SEO Best Practices, Content-Marketing, Influencer-Marketing, Social-Media-Werbung, E-Mail-Marketing, Videomarketing, Conversational Commerce, Unterhaltungsmarketing, Community Commerce, Social Commerce, Live-Streaming, Affiliate-Marketing, PPC-Werbung, digitale Marketinganalysen, Kreation viraler Inhalte, Integration von Marketingkanälen, Messung des Marketing-ROI, Social-Media-Management-Tools, Zukunft im Bereich digitales Marketing, Erforschung der Cookieless World, Einzelhandelsmedien, digitale Strategie, kreative Strategien"},"conversion":{"title":"Analytik und Konvertierung","description":"Daten sind das neue Gold. Diese Kategorie umfasst Business Intelligence, alle Arten von Analysen, Optimierung der Konversionsrate und mehr.  \n\nHauptthemen: Datenanalyse in jeder Form, BI, Konversion, Beibehaltung, usw."},"crossborder":{"title":"Grenzüberschreitende \u0026 Internationale Expansion","description":"Effektive Strategien zur Expansion von E-Commerce-Unternehmen über die Grenzen des Heimatmarktes hinaus.\n\nHauptbereiche: Markteintrittsstrategien, Lokalisierung, Übersetzungsdienste, grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen, globale Zahlungslösungen, lokalisierte Zahlungslösungen, Compliance und Regulierung, grenzüberschreitende Marktplätze, internationaler Kundenservice, Steuerung von Internationalisierungsstrategien, internationaler Versand, weltweite Transportlösungen, grenzüberschreitende Logistik, Skalierung auf globalen Märkten, fortschrittliche globale Wachstumsstrategien, nachhaltiger Erfolg auf internationalen Märkten, internationale E-Commerce-Erfolgsgeschichten"},"logistics":{"title":"Lieferketten \u0026 Logistik","description":"Ganzheitliche Optimierung von Lieferketten- und Logistikprozessen für Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit. Diese Kategorie umfasst Strategien, die jede Phase des Prozesses rationalisieren, vom Versand und Transport bis hin zur Lagerung, Abwicklung und Unterstützung nach dem Kauf.\n\nHauptbereiche: Versand und Transport, Kurierdienste, Logistikaggregatoren und -makler, Paketschließfächer, Zollabfertigung, Lagerhaltung, Lagerautomatisierung, Auftragsverwaltungssysteme, Erfüllung und Optimierung, Lieferkettenstabilität, Lieferkettenplanungssoftware, Retourenlösungen, Retourenmanagement, Verpackungslösungen, Automatisierung in der Logistik, Echtzeitverfolgung, Sichtbarkeitslösungen, Innovationen in der Letzte-Meile-Logistik, nachhaltige Logistik, Robotik in der Logistik, Risikomanagement, Reverse-Logistik, Post-Purchase-Fulfillment, Peer-to-Peer-Versand, optimierte Lagerlogistik, Multi-Carrier-Strategien"},"shopsystems":{"title":"Shopsysteme \u0026 E-Commerce-Software","description":"Die neuesten Erkenntnisse sowie die zukünftige Entwicklung von E-Commerce-Systemen, Shop-Strukturen und Shop-Software. Die Kategorie umfasst sowohl etablierte E-Commerce-Plattformen als auch moderne und flexible Ansätze wie Headless Commerce und API-gesteuerte Lösungen. Dieser Bereich bietet praktische Lösungen für Unternehmen, um Innovationen zu nutzen, wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und ihre bestehenden Systeme zu optimieren.\n\nHauptbereiche: E-Commerce-Plattformen, E-Commerce-Tools, Plattformintegrationen, Headless Commerce, API-gesteuerte Lösungen, Composable Commerce, Produktinformationsmanagement (PIM), Plattformoptimierung, zukünftige Richtungen, digitale Storefront-Lösungen, Plug-in-Integrationen, Contentmanagement-Systeme (CMS), Zahlungsgateways, Bestandsverwaltung, Auftragsverwaltungssysteme (OMS), Tools für die Customer Experience, Marketingautomatisierung, Verkaufsverfolgung, Plattformerweiterungen, E-Commerce-Infrastruktur, digitale Handelslösungen, Onlineshop-Management, Enterprise-Commerce-Software, B2B-E-Commerce Handelslösungen, Marktplatzintegrationen, Software für Einzelhändler:innen, E-Commerce-Technologie, Website-Builder, Warenkorblösungen"},"futuretech":{"title":"FutureTech","description":"Neue Technologien wie AR und VR, Web3, IoT, Blockchain und Quantencomputing sowie ihre potenziellen Auswirkungen auf den E-Commerce. \n\nHauptbereiche: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Web3 im E-Commerce, NFTs, Blockchain, Internet der Dinge (IoT), 5-G-Technologie, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Robotik im Einzelhandel, Quantencomputing, Voice Commerce, Smart Assistants, Smart Stores, vernetzter Einzelhandel, Technologie-Start-ups, Softwareentwicklung, Cloud-Transformation, digitale Transformation im Einzelhandel"},"ai":{"title":"KI im E-Commerce","description":"Praktische Anwendungen von KI in der aktuellen E-Commerce-Landschaft, z. B. die Automatisierung bei der Personalisierung von Erlebnissen, prädiktive Analytik, Kundenservice, dynamische Preisgestaltung, Marketingautomatisierung und mehr.\n\nHauptbereiche: KI-gesteuerte Personalisierung, KI-gestützte Suche, Produktempfehlungen, KI in der Zahlungsabwicklung, KI im Kundenservice, KI-gesteuerte Werbung, Content Creation mit KI, Einfluss der generativen KI auf die Kreativität, KI für dynamische Preisgestaltung, prädiktive Analytik, Chatbots, virtuelle Assistenten, Marketingautomatisierung, maschinelles Lernen zur Betrugserkennung"},"customerjourney":{"title":"Customer Journey","description":"Die Kunst, die Customer Journey zu meistern. Die Bedeutung der Kundenzentrierung, der Aufrechterhaltung der Zufriedenheit und der Sicherstellung, dass Kunden auf der ganzen Strecke nur positive Erfahrungen mit deiner Marke machen. Zu den Schlüsselthemen gehören Omnichannel-Strategien, UX Design, Loyalität und Bindung, die Betreuung nach dem Kauf und das Markenerlebnis.\n\nHauptbereiche: Kundenzentrierung, personalisierte Empfehlungen, gezieltes Marketing, personalisierte Einkaufserlebnisse, Omnichannel-Strategien, Treueprogramme, Bindungsstrategien, Post-Purchase-Betreuung, User Interface Design, Mobile-First-Design, UX Best Practices, emotionales Design, CRM, Conversion Rate Optimierung, Markenerlebnis, Markenkonsistenz auf sämtlichen Kanälen, emotionales Branding, Kundenwahrnehmung und Markentreue, Zugänglichkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und ethische Praktiken, Markenentwicklung, Markenstrategie, Markendifferenzierung, Markenidentität, Marken-Storytelling, Markenpositionierung, Markenreputationsmanagement, Markenformalität, Rebranding, Markenpartnerschaften, Offline-Markenerlebnisse, Community-Aufbau"},"leadership":{"title":"Leadership \u0026 Strategisches Management","description":"Führung von Teams durch Krisen, Wachstumsstrategie, Anpassung an neue Marktbedingungen. Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen für Spitzenleistung, Effizienz und Wachstum.\n\nHauptbereiche: strategische Planung, Wachstumsstrategien, Veränderungsmanagement, organisatorische Transformation, Bewältigung von Krisensituationen, Innovation Leadership, Führungskräfteentwicklung, agile Führung, geschäftliche Resilienz, Entscheidungsfindung, Team Building, Management von Remote-Teams, Krisenmanagement, zukunftssichere Unternehmen, Operational Excellence, Geschäftsprozessoptimierung, Spitzenleistungsstrategien"}}},"callforpapers":{"voting":{"general-rules":{"title":"Votingregeln für den Call for Papers Wettbewerb","description":"* Vorschläge wurden auf 9 Kategorien verteilt. \n* Die öffentliche Abstimmung entscheidet über die besten Beiträge. \n* Jeder Internetnutzer kann in jeder Kategorie eine Stimme abgeben (pro IP-Adresse ist nur eine Stimme erlaubt).\n* Die fünf besten Beiträge jeder Kategorie kommen in die nächste Runde und werden dem Advisory Board vorgestellt. \n* Das Advisory Board wählt dann jeweils einen Gewinner pro Kategorie. \n* NEU: Wildcard Selection – Das Advisory Board kann unabhängig von der Anzahl der Stimmen bis zu 20 herausragende Beiträge auswählen, die auf der Bühne präsentiert werden."},"rules":{"description":"Informationen bzgl. der Datenverarbeitung für das Onlinevoting sind hier zu entnehmen:"}},"list":{"title":"Wen würdest du gerne live auf der E-commerce Berlin Expo Bühne sehen?","description":"Die Abstimmung endet am 18. Oktober 2024 um 16:59 Uhr (Berliner Zeit)"},"opengraph":{"title":"Stimm für die Präsentation %{presentation_title} #ecommberlin","description":"Stimm jetzt ab! %{name} von %{cname2} könnte eine Präsentation halten am 19-20.02.2025. Kostenlose Tickets sind verfügbar!"},"categories":{"title":"Stimme für die besten Konferenzthemen ab "}}," callforpapers":{"voting":{"rules":{"description":"* Das Onlinevoting geht am 1.10.2019 um punkt 13 Uhr los\n* Jeder mit einem LinkedIn-Account hat 6 Stimmen, jeweils eine pro Kategorie \n* Nach dem Ende der Onlineabstimmung werden 6 Präsentationen mit den meisten Stimmen in die Agenda der E-commerce Berlin Expo aufgenommen. \n* Attention! If more than one presentation submitted by the same company wins in more than one category, we will have to choose only one presentation. In this event, in the other category, another company with the second-highest number of votes becomes the winner. * Achtung! Sollte ein Unternehmen in mehreren Kategorien Erfolg haben, muss es sich für einen Vortrag entscheiden. Es rückt automatisch der zweitplatzierte auf, falls das erstplatzierte Unternehmen mehrere Kategorien für sich entschieden hat, und sich für eine Präsentation entscheidet. \n* Das Voting endet am 17.10.2019 um 23:59 Uhr \n","title":"Votingregeln"}}},"awards":{"hero":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2025","description":"Awardszeremonie"},"contestants":{"voting-rules":{"description":"* Es gibt 12 Kategorien - 10 Unternehmen aus jeder Kategorie werden in die nächste Runde befördert (10 Unternehmen mit der höchsten \n   Anzahl von Stimmen).\n* Die Ergebnisse der 1. Runde des E-Commerce Germany Awards-Wettbewerbs werden von Online-Wählern bestimmt - jeder Wähler hat \n   12 Stimmen, eine für jede Kategorie.\n* Um abstimmen zu können, ist ein LinkedIn-Konto erforderlich.\n* Die Abstimmungsphase dauert vom 8. Januar 2024 bis zum 24. Januar 2024, 15:59 Uhr MEZ (3:59 PM)."},"categories":{"title":"Wähle die Kategorie aus um die Teilnehmer aus jedem E-commerce-Bereich zu sehen!"},"list":{"description":"Online-Abstimmung ist beendet. Die ausgewählten Unternehmen gehen in die nächste Runde über.","title":"E-commerce Germany Awards Participants"}},"timeline":{"title":"Important Dates","submissions":{"title":"Offizieller Bewerbungsstart","description":"Meldet euer Unternehmen ab jetzt an. Ein Unternehmen kann maximal in 2 Kategorien teilnehmen."},"public-voting":{"title":"Eröffnung der Onlineabstimmung","description":"Voting takes place on the Contest Website. Each Internet User with a valid LinkedIn account can cast one vote in each category.\\n"},"qualification":{"title":"Runde 1: Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse der Onlineabstimmung","description":"Die Finalisten der jeweiligen Kategorien werden auf der Webseite um 15:00 Uhr CET präsentiert."},"jury-voting":{"title":"Runde 2: Abstimmung der Jury","description":"Ein Team professioneller Juroren wählt die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs aus."},"results":{"title":"Award-Verleihung","description":"Die Gewinner werden während der E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony in Berlin bekannt gegeben"},"verification":{"title":"Ausfüllen der Bewerbungen und Überprüfung","description":"Nach der ersten Einreichung erhalten die Teilnehmer einen Link mit Zugriff auf ihr Profil. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Formular auszufüllen und die Fragen zu beantworten (beachten Sie die Höhepunkte der AGB). Der Veranstalter wird die Einreichungen überprüfen."}},"winners":{"archive":{"title":"GEWINNER DER E-COMMERCE GERMANY AWARDS %{name}","description":""},"details":"Mehr Info","list":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2021","description":"The list of the winners"}},"contestant":{"details":"Mehr Info"},"voting":{"rules":{"description":"You need a LinkedIn account to vote. For information regarding processing voters' personal data read here: "},"cta":"EGA WETTBEWERBSKATEGORIEN"},"contest":{"agreement":{"title":"Regeln für die Teilnehmer"},"legal-data":{"title":"Datenverarbeitung"},"opengraph":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2024 // 21.02.2024","description":"Unsere firma ist nominiert für die E-commerce Germany Awards. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Stimme!"}},"fields":{"project_description":"Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung. Welches Problem löst Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung?","difference":"Bitte beschreiben Sie die Vorteile Ihres Produkts/Ihrer Dienstleistung. Was macht es einzigartig? Wie hebt sich Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung von der Konkurrenz ab?","innovations":"Listen Sie bitte Veränderungen auf, die an dem Produkt/Service vorgenommen worden sind in den letzten 12 Monaten.","company_description":"Product / Service Description","company_website":"Website","email":"E-Mail-Adresse","fname":"Vorname\n","lname":"Nachname\n","cname2":"Markenname","project_name":"Name eures Produkts/eurer Dienstleistung","awards_category":"Wählt eure Kategorie (eine vollständige Beschreibung der Kategorien findet ihr unten)","phone":"Telefonnummer + internationale Vorwahl","website":"ULR der Webseite. Für einen anklickbaren Link geben Sie ihn bitte im folgenden Format an: [URL-Adresse](URL-Adresse)","awards_category_options":{"sales":"Best Sales \u0026 Growth Solution","communication":"Best Communication \u0026 Engagement Solution","expansion":"Best Global Expansion Solution","logistics":"Best Logistics Solution","platform":"Best Platform \u0026 ERP","payment":"Best Payment Solution","analytics":"Best Analytics \u0026 BI Solution","agency":"Best Agency Showcase","security_it":"Best IT and Infrastructural Solution","innovation":"Best Tech Evolution \u0026 Innovation","omnichannel":"Best Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution","customers_experience":"Best Customers Experience Solution","fulfillment_optimization":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution"},"accept":"Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die AGB gelesen habe und akzeptiere (siehe unten)","logotype":"Füge das Firmenlogo mit einem direkten .png- oder .jpg-Link hinzu, nutze einen öffentlichen Cloud-Dienst, nicht Google Drive.","testimonials":"Feedback oder Testimonials von Kunden, die euer Service/ Produkt genutzt haben. (nicht erforderlich)","case_study":"Bitte teilen Sie eine Fallstudie über die Nutzung Ihres Produkts oder Ihrer Dienstleistung durch den Kunden. Teilen Sie die Testimonials oder das Feedback der Benutzer.","confidential":"Gibt es noch etwas was ihr hinzufügen wollt zur eurer Bewerbung?","video":"Teilen Sie ein kurzes (bis zu 1 Minute) Video Ihres Produkts (nicht des Unternehmens!). Youtube/Vimeo ist bevorzugt.","company_address":"Firmenadresse","nip":"TAX ID"},"remaining":{"votes":"Verbleibende Stimmen"},"jury":{"title":"JURYMITGLIEDER","description":"Erfahrene Experten im Bereich E-Commerce sowie Vertreter verschiedener Größen von Geschäften und Marken versammelten sich zu einer neutralen und objektiven Bewertung."},"hello":{"title":"FEIERT EUREN ERFOLG IM E-COMMERCE","submit":"AGB der E-commerce Germany Awards","needs":"","details":"**TEILNAHMEBEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Nur Unternehmer, die Dienstleister in der E-Commerce-Branche sind und deren Dienstleistungen bereits auf dem deutschen Markt verfügbar sind, sind berechtigt, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen.\n* Jedes Unternehmen darf in höchstens **2 Kategorien** teilnehmen. Insgesamt gibt es 12 + 1 Kategorien (die Beschreibung finden Sie unten auf der Website).\n\n**ERFORDERLICHE INFORMATIONEN:**\n\n* Die anfängliche Anfrage erfasst lediglich den Produktnamen, die Unternehmensdaten und die Kontaktdaten der einreichenden Person. Die übrigen Informationen werden in den folgenden Schritten ausgefüllt.\n* Um Stimmen zu sammeln, sollten Teilnehmer das Profil ihrer Lösung oder ihres Produkts ausfüllen. Folgende Informationen werden angefordert: eine prägnante Beschreibung ihres Produkts oder Dienstes einschließlich des Lösungsaspekts; Einblicke in die Vorteile, Einzigartigkeit und neuesten Innovationen des Produkts. Darüber hinaus werden Teilnehmer gebeten, Fallstudien mit Testimonials und/oder Feedback von ihren Kunden zu teilen. Sie können auch ein kurzes Video einreichen, das das Produkt präsentiert.\n* Ein Teilnehmer wird auch gebeten, eine öffentliche URL-Adresse des Firmenlogos bereitzustellen.\n\n\n**STADIEN DES WETTBEWERBS:**\n\n* **Einreichungen:** Teilnehmer reichen ihre Bewerbungen auf der Website des Wettbewerbs ein. Nach einer Weile erhalten sie einen Link zu ihrem Profil mit der Aufforderung, die erforderlichen Informationen zu ihrem Produkt oder Service auszufüllen.\n* **Runde 1:** Öffentliche Abstimmung von Internauten (LinkedIn-Konto erforderlich), um die TOP 10 Einreichungen in jeder Kategorie zu bestimmen. Die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Stimmenzahl in einer bestimmten Kategorie qualifizieren sich für die nächste Runde (maximal 10 Unternehmen pro Kategorie).\n\n* **Runde 2:** Endabstimmung der Jury, um einen Gewinner in jeder der zwölf Kategorien zu wählen.\nBekanntgabe der Gewinner: Im Rahmen der E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party, die am **21. Februar 2024** in Berlin stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Gesamtpunktzahl aus Publikums- und Jury-Voting ausgezeichnet.\n\n**GEBÜHREN:**\n\n* Jede Firma, die sich für den Wettbewerb bewirbt, erklärt sich damit einverstanden, eine Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, falls sie genügend Stimmen erhält, um als einer der Nominierten (TOP 10 Unternehmen) in seiner Kategorie ausgewählt zu werden und somit in die Stufen III und IV des Wettbewerbs aufzusteigen.\n* Der Teilnehmer ist nur verpflichtet, die Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, wenn er als Nominierte(r) (eines der TOP 10 Unternehmen) ausgewählt wird. Unternehmen, die nicht in die nächsten Runden kommen, zahlen keine Gebühr.\n* Der Teilnehmer kann sich nicht weigern, die nächsten Schritte des Wettbewerbs zu betreten und eine Gebühr zu zahlen, nachdem die Online-Abstimmung vorbei ist und die Nominierten bekannt gegeben wurden.\n* Die Gebühr beträgt **400 EUR** für die Einreichung in der ersten Kategorie und (falls zutreffend) 200 EUR in der zweiten Kategorie.\n* Alle Teilnehmer der zweiten Runde erhalten **1 Ticket** für die E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party.\n\n**AUSSTELLER:**\n\n* Aussteller der E-Commerce Berlin Expo nehmen **kostenlos** an beiden Runden teil.\n* Um an den E-Commerce Germany Awards und der Networking-Party teilzunehmen, sind Aussteller verpflichtet, Tickets über ihr Ausstellerpanel vorab zu bestellen.\n\n**BEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Die Bewerbungsphase läuft ab dem **20.11.2023** bis zum **15.12.2023** auf der Website der Awards. \n* Die Bewerbungen können bis zum 07.01.2024 23:59 MEZ bearbeitet werden, bevor das Online-Voting startet.\n* Das Online Voting fängt am **08.01.24** an und endet am **24.01.2024** (15:59) MEZ\n* Die TOP 10 werden am **25.01.2024** um 15 Uhr MEZ bekanntgegeben \n* Das Jury-Voting fängt am 29.01.2024 an. \n* Die Gewinner werden am **21.02.2024** während der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und Networking Party in Berlin bekanntgegeben. \n\nDer Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, eine Bewerbung an dem Wettbewerb oder den Anspruch auf einen Preis zu disqualifizieren, wenn er nach eigenem Ermessen feststellt oder vermutet, dass der Teilnehmer versucht hat, den rechtmäßigen Ablauf des Wettbewerbs durch Betrug, Hacking, Täuschung oder andere betrügerische, täuschende oder unfaire Spielpraktiken zu beeinflussen.\n\nWeitere Informationen über die Datenverarbeitung der Teilnehmerdaten finden Sie [hier](\n\nDen vollständigen Text der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie [hier]("},"register":{"title":"Nehmt am E-Commerce Germany Awards Wettbewerb teil!"},"form":{"intro":"Bitte füllt die folgenden Felder aus","submit":"Bewerbungsformular","success":"Thank you for submitting your entry"},"rules-summary":{"title":"AGB der E-commerce Germany Awards","body":"**TEILNAHMEBEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Nur Unternehmer, die Dienstleister in der E-Commerce-Branche sind und deren Dienstleistungen bereits auf dem deutschen Markt verfügbar sind, sind berechtigt, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen.\n* Jedes Unternehmen darf in höchstens **2 Kategorien** teilnehmen. Insgesamt gibt es 12 + 1 Kategorien (die Beschreibung finden Sie unten auf der Website).\n\n**ERFORDERLICHE INFORMATIONEN:**\n\n* Die anfängliche Anfrage erfasst lediglich den Produktnamen, die Unternehmensdaten und die Kontaktdaten der einreichenden Person. Die übrigen Informationen werden in den folgenden Schritten ausgefüllt.\n* Um Stimmen zu sammeln, sollten Teilnehmer das Profil ihrer Lösung oder ihres Produkts ausfüllen. Folgende Informationen werden angefordert: eine prägnante Beschreibung ihres Produkts oder Dienstes einschließlich des Lösungsaspekts; Einblicke in die Vorteile, Einzigartigkeit und neuesten Innovationen des Produkts. Darüber hinaus werden Teilnehmer gebeten, Fallstudien mit Testimonials und/oder Feedback von ihren Kunden zu teilen. Sie können auch ein kurzes Video einreichen, das das Produkt präsentiert.\n* Ein Teilnehmer wird auch gebeten, eine öffentliche URL-Adresse des Firmenlogos bereitzustellen.\n\n\n**STADIEN DES WETTBEWERBS:**\n\n* **Einreichungen:** Teilnehmer reichen ihre Bewerbungen auf der Website des Wettbewerbs ein. Nach einer Weile erhalten sie einen Link zu ihrem Profil mit der Aufforderung, die erforderlichen Informationen zu ihrem Produkt oder Service auszufüllen.\n* **Runde 1:** Öffentliche Abstimmung von Internauten (LinkedIn-Konto erforderlich), um die TOP 10 Einreichungen in jeder Kategorie zu bestimmen. Die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Stimmenzahl in einer bestimmten Kategorie qualifizieren sich für die nächste Runde (maximal 10 Unternehmen pro Kategorie).\n\n* **Runde 2:** Endabstimmung der Jury, um einen Gewinner in jeder der zwölf Kategorien zu wählen.\nBekanntgabe der Gewinner: Im Rahmen der E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party, die am **21. Februar 2024** in Berlin stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Gesamtpunktzahl aus Publikums- und Jury-Voting ausgezeichnet.\n\n**GEBÜHREN:**\n\n* Jede Firma, die sich für den Wettbewerb bewirbt, erklärt sich damit einverstanden, eine Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, falls sie genügend Stimmen erhält, um als einer der Nominierten (TOP 10 Unternehmen) in seiner Kategorie ausgewählt zu werden und somit in die Stufen III und IV des Wettbewerbs aufzusteigen.\n* Der Teilnehmer ist nur verpflichtet, die Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, wenn er als Nominierte(r) (eines der TOP 10 Unternehmen) ausgewählt wird. Unternehmen, die nicht in die nächsten Runden kommen, zahlen keine Gebühr.\n* Der Teilnehmer kann sich nicht weigern, die nächsten Schritte des Wettbewerbs zu betreten und eine Gebühr zu zahlen, nachdem die Online-Abstimmung vorbei ist und die Nominierten bekannt gegeben wurden.\n* Die Gebühr beträgt **400 EUR** für die Einreichung in der ersten Kategorie und (falls zutreffend) 200 EUR in der zweiten Kategorie.\n* Alle Teilnehmer der zweiten Runde erhalten **1 Ticket** für die E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party.\n\n**AUSSTELLER:**\n\n* Aussteller der E-Commerce Berlin Expo nehmen **kostenlos** an beiden Runden teil.\n* Um an den E-Commerce Germany Awards und der Networking-Party teilzunehmen, sind Aussteller verpflichtet, Tickets über ihr Ausstellerpanel vorab zu bestellen.\n\n**BEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Die Bewerbungsphase läuft ab dem **20.11.2023** bis zum **15.12.2023** auf der Website der Awards. \n* Die Bewerbungen können bis zum 07.01.2024 23:59 MEZ bearbeitet werden, bevor das Online-Voting startet.\n* Das Online Voting fängt am **08.01.24** an und endet am **24.01.2024** (15:59) MEZ\n* Die TOP 10 werden am **25.01.2024** um 15 Uhr MEZ bekanntgegeben \n* Das Jury-Voting fängt am 29.01.2024 an. \n* Die Gewinner werden am **21.02.2024** während der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und Networking Party in Berlin bekanntgegeben. \n\nDer Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, eine Bewerbung an dem Wettbewerb oder den Anspruch auf einen Preis zu disqualifizieren, wenn er nach eigenem Ermessen feststellt oder vermutet, dass der Teilnehmer versucht hat, den rechtmäßigen Ablauf des Wettbewerbs durch Betrug, Hacking, Täuschung oder andere betrügerische, täuschende oder unfaire Spielpraktiken zu beeinflussen.\n\nWeitere Informationen über die Datenverarbeitung der Teilnehmerdaten finden Sie [hier](\n\nDen vollständigen Text der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie [hier]("},"categories":{"title":"Kategorien der E-commerce Germany Awards 2023","description":"Die Awards werden an die Besten der jeweiligen Kategorien verliehen","sales":{"title":"Best Sales \u0026 Growth Solution","description":"Anerkennung herausragender Tools, die den Umsatz und das Geschäftswachstum vorantreiben – diese Kategorie feiert ein breites Spektrum von Lösungen. Von Marketing-Automatisierung bis SEO ehren wir Tools, die den Umsatz steigern, die Kundenbindung verbessern und Verkaufstrichter optimieren. Kriterien für die Auswahl umfassen Innovation, Auswirkungen auf die Umsatzgenerierung, Benutzererfahrung und Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich verändernde Marktdynamiken.\n\n* Anbieter für Marketing-Automatisierung\n* SEA-Tool-Anbieter\n* A/B-Test-Tools\n* Anbieter für Customer Journey Tracking\n* Anbieter von Repricing-Tools\n* CRM-Verkaufsbeschleuniger\n* Werbungssysteme\n* Affiliate-Software und -Systeme\n* Preisvergleichsseiten\n* Tools zur Verbesserung des Verkaufs über soziale Medien\n* Lösungen zur Leadgewinnung\n* Retargeting-Tools\n* Lösungen für Verkaufstrichter\n* Lead-Scoring-Software\n* SEO-Tools\n* Tools \u0026 Plugins"},"communication":{"title":"Best Communication \u0026 Engagement Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Kommunikation und Bindung\" feiern wir innovative Lösungen, die E-Commerce-Unternehmen befähigen, auf sinnvolle Weise mit ihren Kunden in Verbindung zu treten. Diese Tools sind treibende Kräfte hinter personalisierten Erlebnissen, effizientem Kundensupport und wirkungsvollen Kommunikationsstrategien. Von KI-gesteuerten Algorithmen, die Zielgruppen segmentieren und ansprechen, bis hin zu Echtzeit-Chat-Software für sofortige Unterstützung, spielen diese Tools eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Förderung von Kundenbindung und Zufriedenheit. Wir bewerten sie nach ihrer Fähigkeit, Kundeninteraktionen zu verbessern, Marketingbemühungen zu optimieren, wertvolles Feedback zu sammeln und letztendlich eine starke und dauerhafte Bindung zwischen Unternehmen und ihrer Kundschaft zu schaffen.\n\n* KI-gesteuerte Algorithmen zur Segmentierung und Ansprache\n* Personalisierungs-Engines\n* Live-Chat-Software für Echtzeit-Kundensupport und Hilfe\n* Kommunikationsplattformen für direkte Nachrichtenübermittlung\n* E-Mail-Marketingplattformen und Tools für Marketingautomatisierung\n* Ticket-Systeme für den Kundensupport zur Verwaltung und Verfolgung von Kundenanfragen\n* Tools für Kundenfeedback und Umfragen\n* Plattformen für das Management von Bewertungen\n* CRM-Software zur Verwaltung von Kundeninteraktionen, Verfolgung von Kundendaten und Verbesserung der Bindung\n* Plattformen für das Management von sozialen Medien\n* Tools für das Zuhören in sozialen Medien\n* Tools für Abonnementboxen"},"expansion":{"title":"Best Global Expansion Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Internationale Expansion und Globalisierung\" würdigen wir Lösungen, die E-Commerce-Unternehmen befähigen, ihre Horizonte über nationale Grenzen hinweg zu erweitern. Diese Lösungen umfassen die Infrastruktur für grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen, Buchhaltungsdienstleistungen, internationale Logistikdienstleistungen, Mehrwertsteuer- und Steuerlösungen sowie rechtliche und compliance-bezogene Beratung, maßgeschneidert für die globale Bühne. Darüber hinaus können sie Lösungen für Preisgestaltung und Währungskontrolle, Übersetzungsdienste sowie das Fachwissen von Anwaltskanzleien, die auf E-Commerce spezialisiert sind, umfassen. Unsere Bewertungskriterien drehen sich um ihre Fähigkeit, reibungslose internationale Operationen zu erleichtern, rechtliche und regulatorische Compliance sicherzustellen, die Komplexität grenzüberschreitender Transaktionen zu minimieren und insgesamt die globale Marktdurchdringung von E-Commerce-Unternehmen zu verbessern.\n\n* Infrastruktur für grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen\n* Buchhaltungsdienstleistungen\n* Internationale Logistikdienstleistungen\n* Mehrwertsteuer- und Steuerlösungen\n* Rechts- und Compliance-Beratung\n* Lösungen für Preisgestaltung und Währungskontrolle\n* Übersetzungsdienste\n* Beratung von Anwaltskanzleien, die auf E-Commerce spezialisiert sind\n* Mehrwertsteuerdienstleistungen für grenzüberschreitende Verkäufer\n"},"logistics":{"title":"Best Logistics and Shipments Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Logistik- und Versandlösungen\" ehren wir innovative Lösungen, die sich um die komplexe Welt der Logistik und Sendungen drehen. Von der Gewährleistung rechtzeitiger Lieferungen bis zur Optimierung grenzüberschreitender Transaktionen spielen diese Lösungen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Effizienzsteigerung von Lieferketten und der Verbesserung der Kundenerfahrungen. Wir bewerten diese Lösungen hinsichtlich ihrer Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und ihres Einflusses auf die Effizienzverbesserung von Logistikprozessen.\n\n* Versand und Transport\n* Internationaler Versand\n* Containerversand\n* Paketversand\n* Kurierdienste\n* Logistik-Aggregatoren und Makler\n* Paketfächer\n* Abholstationen und weltweite Transportlösungen\n* Zollabfertigung"},"platform":{"title":"Best Platform \u0026 ERP","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Plattform \u0026 ERP\" würdigen wir führende Lösungen der Branche, die Unternehmen mit transformierenden E-Commerce-Plattformen, effizienten ERP-Systemen und skalierbaren Tools ausstatten. Auswahlkriterien umfassen Geschäftsauswirkungen, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Anpassbarkeit, nahtlose Integration, Branchenanpassung, Sicherheit, Kosten-Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Dadurch gewährleisten wir die Anerkennung umfassender Lösungen, die operative Exzellenz neu definieren.\n\n* Bereitstellung von Front-End, Beschreibung:\n* Headless Commerce\n* ERP-Systeme mit E-Commerce-bezogenen Funktionen\n* SaaS-Lösungen/Online-Shop-Plattformen\n* Komponenten, Zubehör, innovative Ladengestaltung, Design\n* E-Commerce-Website-Plugins\n* Lösungen für Kundeninteraktion\n* Organisationssoftware für das Back-End\n* Marktplatzmanagement"},"payment":{"title":"Best Payment Solution","description":"In der Welt der Besten Zahlungslösungen feiern wir wegweisende Angebote, die die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen Transaktionen abwickeln, neu definieren. Von sicheren Zahlungsgateways über innovative Anti-Betrugs-Lösungen bis hin zu zukunftsweisenden Blockchain-Initiativen erkennt diese Kategorie die entscheidende Rolle von Zahlungslösungsanbietern an. Die Bewertungskriterien umfassen Innovation, Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, Anpassungsfähigkeit an alternative Zahlungsmethoden, Auswirkungen auf die Effizienz von Transaktionen und die Fähigkeit, Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Händler sowie Inkasso-Tools bereitzustellen.\n\n* Zahlungsgateways\n* Mobile Zahlungslösungen\n* Anti-Betrugs- und Sicherheitsinnovationen\n* BNPL\n* Blockchain- oder Kryptowährungsinitiativen\n* Zahlungslösungsanbieter\n* Anbieter alternativer Zahlungsmethoden\n* POS-Zahlungen\n* Händlerfinanzierung\n* Anbieter von Inkasso-Tools"},"analytics":{"title":"Best Analytics \u0026 BI Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Analytics/BI-Lösungen\" würdigen wir außergewöhnliche Lösungen, die Unternehmen mit handlungsrelevanten Erkenntnissen befähigen. Diese Kategorie feiert Tools, die tiefe Einblicke bieten, datengetriebene Entscheidungsfindung ermöglichen und greifbare Ergebnisse erzielen. Bewertungskriterien umfassen die Tiefe der bereitgestellten Einblicke, Datenintegrationsfähigkeiten, Auswirkungen auf strategische Entscheidungsfindung, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich entwickelnde Datenquellen und messbare Beiträge zum Unternehmenswachstum.\n\n* Conversion Rate Optimization\n* Eye-Tracking\n* Lösungen für Preisüberwachung\n* Echtzeit-Analytik\n* Voice- und Video-Analytik\n* KI- und Predictive-Modeling\n* Data Analytics-Plattformen\n* Business Intelligence (BI)-Lösungen\n* Software für Datenvisualisierung\n* Machine Learning- und Predictive Analytics-Tools\n* Plattformen für Big Data Analytics\n* Lösungen für Kundenanalytik\n* Tools für Marketinganalytik\n* Webanalytik-Services\n* Datenintegration und ETL (Extrahieren, Transformieren, Laden)-Tools\n* Fortgeschrittene Berichterstattungs- und Dashboard-Software"},"agency":{"title":"Best Agency Showcase","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Agenturpräsentation\" feiern wir Agenturen, die durch ihre transformatorischen Beiträge zur E-Commerce-Landschaft herausragende Leistungen erzielt haben. Diese Kategorie widmet sich der Anerkennung herausragender Agenturleistungen im Bereich der E-Commerce-Strategie und -Umsetzung. Wir laden Agenturen ein, überzeugende Fallstudien einzureichen, die ihre innovativen Lösungen und messbaren Auswirkungen präsentieren, wie den erfolgreichen Start neuer E-Commerce-Initiativen, die Schaffung immersiver Einkaufserlebnisse, die Entwicklung exklusiver Marketingkampagnen zur Steigerung der Kundenbindung, Designinnovationen zur Steigerung der Verkäufe, zur Erweiterung der Kundenbasis, Verbesserung der Sichtbarkeit, Steigerung der SEO-Performance und Durchführung wirkungsvoller Social-Media-Kampagnen. Wir legen Wert auf messbare, realweltliche Auswirkungen und erkennen Agenturen für ihre entscheidende Rolle bei der Erzielung außergewöhnlicher Ergebnisse an, die die Zukunft des E-Commerce gestalten.\n\n* Erfolgreicher Start neuer E-Commerce-Initiativen\n* Schaffung immersiver Einkaufserlebnisse\n* Exklusive Marketingkampagnen zur Steigerung der Kundenbindung\n* Designinnovationen zur Steigerung der Verkäufe\n* Lösungen zur Erweiterung der Kundenbasis\n* Wirkungsvolle Social-Media-Kampagnen\n* Website-Entwicklung\n* Content-Erstellung und -Optimierung\n* Social-Media-Management\n* SEO und SEM\n* Affiliate-Marketing"},"security_it":{"title":"Best Security \u0026 IT Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Sicherheit \u0026 IT\" würdigen wir außergewöhnliche Lösungen, die eine sichere und nahtlose IT-Infrastruktur für E-Commerce-Aktivitäten schaffen. Diese Kategorie umfasst verschiedene Angebote, darunter Cloud-Infrastruktur und Hosting-Dienste, API-Management-Lösungen, Innovationen im Bereich Cybersicherheit, Fortschritte bei der Softwareentwicklung und andere wichtige Komponenten. Außerdem werden herausragende Leistungen in den Bereichen Betrugserkennung, Bonitätsprüfung und Adressverifizierung ausgezeichnet. Die Teilnehmer werden aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeit bewertet, zuverlässige, sichere und innovative E-Commerce-Infrastrukturlösungen zu liefern, die eine sichere Umgebung für digitale Unternehmen gewährleisten.\n\n* Cloud-Infrastruktur und Hosting\n* API-Verwaltung\n* Sicherheitslösungen\n* Softwareentwicklung\n* Andere IT-Lösungen\n* Anbieter von Betrugserkennung\n* Anbieter von Bonitätsprüfungen\n* Anbieter von Adressüberprüfung\n* Hosting-Anbieter\n* Cookie-Management-Lösungen\n* Anbieter von Rechtstexten\n* Buchhaltungs-Middleware\n* Buchhaltungs-Software"},"innovation":{"title":"Best Tech Evolution \u0026 Innovation","description":"In der Kategorie \"Evolution \u0026 Innovation\" feiern wir visionäre Technologielösungen, die nicht nur die digitale Handelslandschaft neu definieren, sondern auch eine bemerkenswerte Anpassungsfähigkeit an die neue Realität zeigen. Diese Kategorie umfasst ein Spektrum zukunftsweisender Technologien, darunter Innovationen im Einzelhandel der Zukunft, Durchbrüche in der künstlichen Intelligenz, Strategien für Headless Commerce, Fortschritte im maschinellen Lernen, Implementierungen von Sprach-Commerce und Nachhaltigkeitslösungen. Wir laden Technologielösungsanbieter ein, die wirkungsvolle Beiträge zum E-Commerce zeigen, das Wachstum vorantreiben, Kundenerlebnisse verbessern und Nachhaltigkeit unterstützen. Bewertungskriterien umfassen die Innovationskraft der Technologielösungen, ihr Potenzial, den E-Commerce neu zu gestalten, messbare Verbesserungen in Geschäftsprozessen und die Schaffung einer umweltbewussten digitalen Wirtschaft."},"omnichannel":{"title":"Best Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Omnichannel \u0026 Integration Solution\" feiern wir E-Commerce-Lösungen, die nahtlos die Verbindung zwischen Online- und Offline-Einkaufserlebnissen herstellen. Von Omnichannel-Strategien, die eine vereinheitlichte Kundenreise ermöglichen, bis hin zu Multichannel-Tools, die individuelle Verkaufsplattformen optimieren, erkennt diese Kategorie die sich entwickelnde Landschaft des modernen Handels an. Diese Lösungen helfen Unternehmen dabei, den Lagerbestand besser zu verwalten, bequeme Click-and-Collect-Services anzubieten und Loyalty-Programme zu entwickeln, die die Kundenzufriedenheit steigern. Unsere Bewertungskriterien umfassen die nahtlose Integration dieser Strategien, ihren Einfluss auf die Verbesserung der Kundenreisen, die Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich wandelnde Anforderungen und die konkreten Verbesserungen im Verkauf.\n\n* Inventarverwaltungssysteme\n* Auftragsabwicklungssoftware\n* Kunden-Datenplattformen (CDPs)\n* Content-Management-Systeme (CMS)\n* Vereinheitlichte Handelsplattformen\n* Cross-Channel-Analysetools\n* Einzelhandels-POS-Systeme\n* Marktplatz-Integrationssoftware\n* Inventaroptimierungslösungen\n* Marketing-Automatisierungsplattformen\n* Customer-Relationship-Management (CRM) Systeme\n* Omnichannel-Einzelhandelssoftware\n* Vereinheitlichte Kundenprofile\n* Inventarsichtbarkeitstools\n* Click-and-Collect-Services\n* Mobile Commerce-Apps\n* Loyalty-Programme und Personalisierungsmaschinen\n* In-Store-Kioske und Digitale Beschilderungen"},"customers_experience":{"0":"Best Customers Experience Solution","title":"Best Customers Experience Solution","description":"In der Kategorie \"Beste Kundenerfahrung\" feiern wir Lösungen, die gemeinsam das Einkaufserlebnis im E-Commerce aufwerten. Diese Tools kombinieren Design, Funktionalität und Zugänglichkeit, um den Kunden ein nahtloses und erfreuliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Sie stellen sicher, dass Websites benutzerfreundlich, zugänglich und mit klaren und ansprechenden Produktinformationen gefüllt sind. Durch Automatisierung und Chatbots verbessern sie Effizienz und Unterstützung, während CRM-Lösungen kundenorientierte Interaktionen fördern. Visuelle und interaktive Funktionen, zusammen mit Sprachübersetzung und kreativer Verpackung, kulminieren in einem Einkaufserlebnis, das nicht nur bequem, sondern auch unvergesslich ist und letztendlich die Kundenzufriedenheit und -loyalität fördert.\n\n* Website-Design und Benutzerfreundlichkeit\n* Lokalisierung und Zugänglichkeit\n* Zugänglichkeit und Klarheit von Informationen\n* Automatisierung für Benutzerfreundlichkeit\n* Auftragsabwicklung und Effizienz\n* Inventarverwaltungssysteme für effiziente Auftragsabwicklung und Lagerverwaltung\n* Produktinformationsmanagement (PIM)\n* Fotos \u0026 Fotos 360, 3D-Modellierung, Videos\n* AR/VR\n* Übersetzung\n* Kreative Verpackung\n* Interaktive Produktkataloge\n* Website-Design-Plattformen und -Dienste\n* Benutzererfahrung (UX) Optimierungstools\n* Automatische Formularausfüll- und Checkout-Funktionen"},"fulfillment_optimization":{"0":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution","title":"Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution","description":"Die Kategorie \"Fulfillment und Optimierung\" feiert Lösungen, die E-Commerce-Unternehmen dazu befähigen, außergewöhnlichen Service zu bieten. Diese Kategorie umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Tools und Dienstleistungen und konzentriert sich darauf, die Auftragsabwicklung, Lagerverwaltung und Kundenzufriedenheit zu verbessern. Diese Lösungen optimieren Betriebsabläufe, reduzieren Kosten und fördern das Wachstum. Wir bewerten sie nach ihrer Fähigkeit, spezifische Geschäftsprozesse im Zusammenhang mit Fulfillment und Optimierung zu verbessern, und steigern letztendlich die Effizienz und Effektivität der E-Commerce-Logistik.\n\n* Warenlagerung und Fulfillment\n* Order Management Systeme, Fulfillment und Optimierung\n* Retourenlösungen\n* Hardware, BI, Beratung\n* Verpackungslösungen\n* Optimierung für Verpackung\n* Produktbeschaffungsagenturen\n* Fulfillment-Dienstleistungen\n* Software für die Planung der Lieferkette\n* KI-unterstützte Vergleichs- und Versandportale"}},"gallery":{"title":"NEHMT AN E-COMMERCE GERMANY AWARDS TEIL!"},"faq":{"categories":{"q":"Wo finde ich die Beschreibung der jeweiligen Kategorien?","a":"Du kannst die Details [hier finden]( Bitte ließ Sie vor der Einreichung der Bewerbung, da unsere Jury die Gewinner anhand der jeweiligen Kriterien der Kategorien wählen wird.\n\n"},"timeline":{"q":"Wie sieht der Zeitplan des Wettbewerbs aus?","a":"Hier sind die wichtigsten Daten: \n1. Bewerbungsphase: 01.12.2022-6.1.2023\n2. Onlinevoting: 09.1.2023-25.1.2023\n3. Bekanntgabe der Onlinevotingergebnisse: 26.1.2023\n4. Juryvoting \u0026 Wahl der Gewinner 30.01.2022-3.02.2023\n5. Bekanntgabe der Gewinner während der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie: 22.02.2023"},"fee":{"q":"Gibt es einen Teilnehmerbeitrag?","a":"Die Teilnahme an den E-commerce Germany Awards ist für die Aussteller der E-commerce Berlin Expo kostenlos. Alle anderen Teilnehmer werden verpflichtet sein einen Teilnehmerbeitrag iHv. 400€ zu leisten - vorausgesetzt - man erreicht die TOP 10 und schafft es somit in die Finalrunde des Wettbewerbs."},"limits":{"q":"Kann ich an dem Wettbewerb in mehr als einer Kategorie teilnehmen?","a":"Ja, man kann sich in zwei Kategorien bewerben. Jedoch müssen das zwei verschiedene Kategorien sein. Bitte beachte, dass mehr als eine Einreichung es schwieriger machen kann zu gewinnen, da die Leute sowohl für die eine als auch die andere Bewerbung abstimmen könnten."},"status":{"q":"Wie kann ich sehen, wie sich meine Bewerbung im Wettbewerb schlägt?","a":"Du wirst das Ranking auf der Website der E-commerce Germany Awards finden. Es wird alle 24 Stunden aktualisiert, so dass ihr nachschauen könnt wie viele Punkte ihr habt und auf welchem Platz ihr seid. Bitte beachte, dass der Zwischenstand in den ersten Woche des Onlinevotings nicht sichtbar sein werden."},"abuse":{"q":"Was passiert, wenn verdächtige Aktivitäten bemerkt werden?","a":"Fairplay ist für uns wichtig und nicht nur ein einfacher Begriff. Unsere IB Abteilung wird das Voting genauestens beobachten. Alle verdächtigen Aktivitäten, sei es durch illegale Taktiken, Tools, Bots oder den Erwerb von Stimmen, werden untersucht. Sollte die Untersuchung zum Ergebnis kommen, dass es sich um einen Betrugsversuch handelt, werden die Stimmen geprüft und - falls nötig - vom Voting entfernt. Weiterhin besteht die Möglichkeit, jene Bewerbungen aus dem Wettbewerb zu entfernen. Unser System reagiert sehr empfindlich auf die Nutzung von unlauteren Methoden und wir möchten darauf aufmerksam machen, dass solch ein Verhalten zum Ausschluss aus dem Wettbewerb führen kann."},"sponsorship":{"q":"Kann man bei dem Event als Sponsor auftreten?","a":"Wir würden uns sehr freuen euer Unternehmen als Sponsor begrüßen zu dürfen. [Hier]( kann man sich einen Überblick über die Sponsoringmöglichkeiten machen. Bei Rückfragen könnt ihr jederzeit unseren Event Manager, Aleksandra Dalemba, unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse kontaktieren: [[email protected]]([email protected])."},"title":"FAQ","name":"About the Awards"},"become_a_juror":{"legend":"Fülle bitte die persönlichen Daten weiter unten aus:"},"about":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards 2025","stats":"Die Awards in Zahlen","body":"Die E-Commerce Germany Awards findet im Jahr 2024 zum 7. Mal statt. Als wir uns 2018 für eine Erweiterung der etablierten Expo-Formel entschieden haben, haben wir die Networking Party einen Tag vor der eigentlichen Veranstaltung eingeführt.\n\nUns war sofort klar, dass ein gemeinsamer Abend mit den Branchenführern für alle Teilnehmer sehr wertvoll sein würde. Seitdem ist sie zu einer erwarteten Tradition für E-Commerce-Profis in ganz Europa geworden, und über 3000 Gäste hatten die Gelegenheit, einen solchen Abend mit uns zu feiern.\n\nDie Party besteht aus zwei Teilen: einer reinen Networking-Party und der E-commerce Germany Awards Ceremony."},"benefits":{"title":"Warum teilnehmen?","description":"Hier ein paar große Vorteile!","celebrate":{"title":"Feiert euren Erfolg!","description":"Zeig, dass du der Beste darin bist sowohl euren Partnern als auch euren Konkurrenten. Promotet euer Brand durch die E-commerce-Industrie. Nimmt an der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie teil und erleben einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Networking und Spaß."},"networking":{"title":"Möglichtkeit zu netzwerken","description":"Die Awards-Zeremonie stellt eine hervorragende Option fürs Netzwerken mit über 400 E-commerce-Experten dar. Neben der Expo bietet sich hier die Möglichkeit, zu netzwerken, das Netzwerk zu erweitern oder vielleicht auch erste Deals abzuschließen."},"confidence":{"title":"Verifizierte Formel und Organisator","description":"2025 werden die E-commerce Germany Awards bereits zum 8. Mal stattfinden. Knapp 1200 Unternehmen haben uns vertraut und an jenem Projekt teilgenommen, als wir 2018 das erste Mal dieses Projekt gestartet haben. Weiterhin hatten über 3000 Besucher die Möglichkeit mit uns zusammen zu feiern während der Awards-Zeremonie."}},"opengraph":{"name":"E-commerce Germany Awards | Berlin | 19.02.2025","description":""},"update":{"title":"Profil des Teilnehmers / der Teilnehmerin","description":"Bitte um Ausfüllung der zusätzlichen Informationen um eure Bewerbung zu promoten.\nBitte beachte, dass das Textfeld maximal 2000 Zeichen annimmt."},"profile":{"project_description":"Produkt- oder Servicebeschreibung","difference":"Unterscheidung von der Konkurrenz","case_study":"Case Study","innovations":"Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsinnovationen","company_website":"Webseite","confidential":"Additional information","testimonials":"Positive feedback \u0026 testimonials","video":"Video"},"ceremony":{"title":"Schau Dir hier die Preisverleihung von 2024 an!"},"sponsor":{"year":"Sponsor %{data}","headline":"Headline Sponsor %{data}","drinkables":"Bar \u0026 Beer Sponsor %{data}","supporting":"Supporting Sponsor %{data}","dj":"DJ-Sponsor 2023","drinkables_dj_food":"Bar \u0026 Beer, Finger Food und DJ Sponsor"},"sponsors":{"list":{"title":"E-commerce Germany Awards Sponsors"},"archive":{"title":"Vormalige Sponsoren"}},"ebereg":{"description":"Jetzt registrieren und Ihr kostenloses Ticket für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo sichern! Erkunden Sie 5 Bühnen mit Präsentationen und treffen Sie 250+ Aussteller!","title":"Passionate about e-commerce? Join us on 22.02.2024!"}},"vips":{"register":{"title":"VIP TICKET - ANMELDUNGSFORMULAR","description":"HOLE DEIN VIP-TICKET"},"benefits":{"title":"Was gibt dir das VIP Ticket?","fastentry":{"title":"Müheloser Eingang","description":"Überspringe die Warteschlangen und genieße den schnellen Eintritt, eine separate Garderobe und exklusive Registrierungsschalter mit dem engagierten Veranstaltungspersonal, das dich unterstützt."},"seats":{"title":"Premium-Sitzplätze","description":"Genieße einen reservierten Platz in der ersten Reihe auf jeder Präsentationsbühne und erlebe Keynotes und Paneldiskussionen aus dem besten Blickwinkel!"},"vipzone":{"title":"VIP-Zone","description":"Profitiere von einem 800 m2 großen Lounge-Bereich, der ausschließlich für VIPs bestimmt ist. Genieße kostenloses Essen, Erfrischungen und mehr."},"badge":{"title":"VIP-Badge","description":"Erhalte einen VIP Badge, der deinen besonderen Status symbolisiert und dir Zugang zu allen exklusiven Vorteilen und Bereichen gewährt."},"video":{"title":"Konferenzaufnahmen","description":"Als VIP-Besucher hast Du vorrangigen Zugang zu allen Aufnahmen aus der Konferenz. Als Teil unserer geschlossenen Community bekommst Du sie, sobald sie veröffentlicht werden."},"networking":{"title":"Top-Networking","description":"Knüpfe Kontakte zu hochkarätigen Gästen, Top-E-Commerce-Shops und Einzelhändlern, die entweder von den Ausstellern oder einem Veranstalter eingeladen wurden oder die sich über Online-Anfragen qualifizieren."},"passes":{"title":"Begrenzte Pässe","description":"Genieße die Exklusivität unserer limitierten VIP-Pässe, die für ein bedeutendes Networking mit den Besten der Branche entwickelt wurden."}},"programme":{"title":"MAXIMIERE DEIN ERLEBNIS: DAS VIP-PROGRAMM","description":"# Die Teilnahme an der E-Commerce Berlin Expo mit Tausenden von Besuchern aus Online-Shops, Einzelhändlern, Herstellern und Großhändlern ist eine wertvolle Chance für dein Geschäftswachstum. Um sicherzustellen, dass du mit den richtigen Partnern und Interessenten in Kontakt kommst, stellen wir dir das VIP-Programm vor."},"apply":{"title":"Vertretest du einen Online-Shop, einen Einzelhändler oder eine Marke und möchtest einen VIP-Pass?"},"rules":{"title":"","description":"Die VIP-Pässe werden Vertretern von Online-Shops, Einzelhändlern und Marken kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Um dich für ein kostenloses VIP-Ticket zu qualifizieren, musst du die folgenden Kriterien erfüllen:\n\n1. Du vertrittst einen Online-Shop, einen Einzelhändler oder eine Marke. \n2. Du hast eine herausragende Position wie C-Level, Direktor, Abteilungsleiter, VP oder eine gleichwertige Position in deinem Unternehmen. \n3. Du verfügst über mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der E-Commerce-Branche. \n4. Du bist bei einem Unternehmen mit einem Mindestensjahresumsatz von 20 Millionen Euro beschäftigt.\n\nWenn du diese Anforderungen erfüllst, laden wir dich ein, dein Interesse an einem kostenlosen VIP-Pass zu melden. Sobald du die Registrierung abgeschlossen hast, werden wir deine VIP-Berechtigung bestätigen. Solltest du Zweifel haben, ob du die Kriterien erfüllst, zögere bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren: [email protected]\n\nFür diejenigen, die die Teilnahmekriterien nicht erfüllen, kostet das VIP-Ticket für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo 599 Euro. Um sich für das VIP-Ticket zu bewerben, fülle bitte das Bewerbungsformular aus. Nach Eingang deiner Bewerbung werden wir deine Anfrage bearbeiten und dich kontaktieren, um die Bestellung abzuschließen."},"form":{"intro":"Wenn du einen Online-Shop, einen Einzelhändler oder eine Marke vertretest, trage bitte deine persönlichen Daten in das folgende Formular ein","submit":"Absenden","success":"Dein Formular ist bei uns angekommen."},"gallery":{"title":"Werde Mitglied unseres exklusiven Netzwerks"},"faq":{"name":"Hier findest du alle nützlichen Antworten","howtobecome":{"q":"Wie kannst du VIP auf der E-Commerce Berlin Expo werden?","a":"Du hast drei Möglichkeiten VIP zu werden:\n1. Einladung von einem Aussteller: Die Aussteller haben Zugang zu einer speziellen VIP-Ticketpool, die sie an wichtige Geschäftspartner weitergeben, die sie auf der Veranstaltung begrüßen möchten. Wenn du eine Partnerschaft mit einem unserer Aussteller hast, empfehlen wir dir, dich mit diesem in Verbindung zu setzen und dich nach der Möglichkeit zu erkundigen, ein VIP-Ticket zu erhalten. \n2. Einladung vom Organizer: Wir selektieren sorgfältig VIP-Einladungen an Einzelpersonen aus Top-E-Commerce-Shops, Einzelhändlern und Unternehmen in Deutschland, um ein dynamisches Networking-Umfeld zu schaffen, das wichtige Teilnehmer mit Branchenführern zusammenbringt. \n3. Online-Anfrage: Fülle das Anmeldeformular aus, und wir werden deine VIP-Fähigkeit nach der Anmeldung prüfen."},"benefits":{"q":"Welche exklusiven Vorteile erhältst du als VIP-Gast während der Veranstaltung?","a":"Als ein VIP-Gast während der E-Commerce Berlin Expo genießt du exklusive Vorteile, darunter mühelosen Zutritt, einen VIP-Ausweis für den Zugang zu allen exklusiven Bereichen, eine eigene VIP-Zone mit kostenlosen Speisen und Erfrischungen, Premium-Sitzplätze in der ersten Reihe bei Präsentationen und erstklassige Networking-Möglichkeiten mit Branchenführern."},"applying":{"q":"Wer ist für einen VIP-Pass berechtigt, und wie kann ich mich dafür bewerben?","a":"Die VIP-Pässe werden Vertretern von Online-Shops, Einzelhändlern und Marken kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Um dich für ein kostenloses VIP-Ticket zu qualifizieren, musst du die folgenden Kriterien erfüllen:\n\n1. Du vertrittst einen Online-Shop, einen Einzelhändler oder eine Marke. \n2. Du hast eine herausragende Position wie C-Level, Direktor, Abteilungsleiter, VP oder eine gleichwertige Position in deinem Unternehmen. \n3. Du verfügst über mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der E-Commerce-Branche. \n4. Du bist bei einem Unternehmen mit einem Mindestensjahresumsatz von 20 Millionen Euro beschäftigt.\n\nWenn du diese Voraussetzungen erfüllst, laden wir dich ein, dein Interesse an einem kostenlosen VIP-Pass zu melden. Sobald du die Anmeldung abgeschlossen hast, werden wir deine VIP-Fähigkeit prüfen."},"deadline":{"q":"Gibt es eine Deadline für die Bewerbung um einen VIP-Pass?","a":"Wir haben die Anzahl der VIP-Tickets bewusst begrenzt, um dein individuelles Erlebnis zu verbessern und ein wirklich sinnvolles Networking zu ermöglichen. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir dir, dich so schnell wie möglich zu bewerben, um dir deinen Platz zu sichern und diese exklusive Gelegenheit zu nutzen."}},"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","email":"E-Mail Adresse (nur professionelle Domänen)","cname2":"Unternehmensname","company_website":"Website des Unternehmens","company_address":"Firmenadresse","nip":"VAT ID","position":"Position","phone":"Mobiltelefonnummer einschließlich Präfix (zum Beispiel +49) ","profile_linkedin":"Linkedin profile URL","participant_type":"Art der Teilnahme - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen","participant_type_options":{"retailer_wholesaler":"Ich bin Retailer / Händler /Großhändler / Ich agiere auf einem Marktplatz","brand_manufacturer":"Ich arbeite für eine Brand / einen Hersteller","service_provider":"Ich arbeite für eine Agentur oder Dienstleister","consultant":"Ich bin Berater","developer":"Ich bin Webmaster / Entwickler","media":"Ich bin aus der Presse / der Medien / Blogger","student":"Ich bin Student / Lehrer / Akademiker"},"company_role_options":{"student":"Student","entry":"Einsteiger (0-2 Jahre)","manager":"Manager (2-5 Jahre)","professional":"Professionell (über 5 Jahre)","head_of_department":"Abteilungsleiter","director":"Direktor","c_level":"C-Level","board_member":"Aufsichtsratsmitglied","other":"Andere"},"location":"Kommst du aus dem Berliner Raum?","location_options":{"no":"Nein","yes":"Ja"},"accept":"Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmst du unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie zu und erklärst dich damit einverstanden, Kommunikation von uns zu erhalten. Du kannst dich jederzeit abmelden.","company_role":"Joblevel - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen"},"invite":{"title":"Neugierig auf den VIP-Status?","subtitle":"Erfahre ob du die Voraussetzungen erfüllst und wie du noch heute mitmachen kannst","button":"MEHR ERFAHREN"}},"juror":{"form":{"title":"Werde ein Jurymitglied","submit":"Bewerbung abschicken","success":"Thank you for your submission","intro":"Bitte die persönlichen Daten in das untenstehende Formular eintragen"},"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","cname2":"Name des Unternehmens","email":"E-Mail-Adresse","position":"Position im Unternehmen","phone":"Telefon + internationale Vorwahl","company_website":"LinkedIn/XING-Profil","participant_type_options":{"ega_participant":"EGA participant","ebe_exhibitor":"E-commerce Berlin Expo exhibitor","ega_sponsor":"EGA sponsor","jury_ambassador":"Jury member/ Ambassador","speaker":"EBE Speaker","media":"Media","association":"Association","other":"Other"},"participant_type":"How are you related to E-commerce Germany Awards?"},"register":{"title":"**TEILNAHMEBEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Nur Unternehmer, die Dienstleister in der E-Commerce-Branche sind und deren Dienstleistungen bereits auf dem deutschen Markt verfügbar sind, sind berechtigt, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen.\n* Jedes Unternehmen darf in höchstens **2 Kategorien** teilnehmen. Insgesamt gibt es 12 + 1 Kategorien (die Beschreibung finden Sie unten auf der Website).\n\n**ERFORDERLICHE INFORMATIONEN:**\n\n* Die anfängliche Anfrage erfasst lediglich den Produktnamen, die Unternehmensdaten und die Kontaktdaten der einreichenden Person. Die übrigen Informationen werden in den folgenden Schritten ausgefüllt.\n* Um Stimmen zu sammeln, sollten Teilnehmer das Profil ihrer Lösung oder ihres Produkts ausfüllen. Folgende Informationen werden angefordert: eine prägnante Beschreibung ihres Produkts oder Dienstes einschließlich des Lösungsaspekts; Einblicke in die Vorteile, Einzigartigkeit und neuesten Innovationen des Produkts. Darüber hinaus werden Teilnehmer gebeten, Fallstudien mit Testimonials und/oder Feedback von ihren Kunden zu teilen. Sie können auch ein kurzes Video einreichen, das das Produkt präsentiert.\n* Ein Teilnehmer wird auch gebeten, eine öffentliche URL-Adresse des Firmenlogos bereitzustellen.\n\n\n**STADIEN DES WETTBEWERBS:**\n\n* **Einreichungen:** Teilnehmer reichen ihre Bewerbungen auf der Website des Wettbewerbs ein. Nach einer Weile erhalten sie einen Link zu ihrem Profil mit der Aufforderung, die erforderlichen Informationen zu ihrem Produkt oder Service auszufüllen.\n* **Runde 1:** Öffentliche Abstimmung von Internauten (LinkedIn-Konto erforderlich), um die TOP 10 Einreichungen in jeder Kategorie zu bestimmen. Die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Stimmenzahl in einer bestimmten Kategorie qualifizieren sich für die nächste Runde (maximal 10 Unternehmen pro Kategorie).\n\n* **Runde 2:** Endabstimmung der Jury, um einen Gewinner in jeder der zwölf Kategorien zu wählen.\nBekanntgabe der Gewinner: Im Rahmen der E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party, die am **21. Februar 2024** in Berlin stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen mit der höchsten Gesamtpunktzahl aus Publikums- und Jury-Voting ausgezeichnet.\n\n**GEBÜHREN:**\n\n* Jede Firma, die sich für den Wettbewerb bewirbt, erklärt sich damit einverstanden, eine Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, falls sie genügend Stimmen erhält, um als einer der Nominierten (TOP 10 Unternehmen) in seiner Kategorie ausgewählt zu werden und somit in die Stufen III und IV des Wettbewerbs aufzusteigen.\n* Der Teilnehmer ist nur verpflichtet, die Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, wenn er als Nominierte(r) (eines der TOP 10 Unternehmen) ausgewählt wird. Unternehmen, die nicht in die nächsten Runden kommen, zahlen keine Gebühr.\n* Der Teilnehmer kann sich nicht weigern, die nächsten Schritte des Wettbewerbs zu betreten und eine Gebühr zu zahlen, nachdem die Online-Abstimmung vorbei ist und die Nominierten bekannt gegeben wurden.\n* Die Gebühr beträgt **400 EUR** für die Einreichung in der ersten Kategorie und (falls zutreffend) 200 EUR in der zweiten Kategorie.\n* Alle Teilnehmer der zweiten Runde erhalten **1 Ticket** für die E-Commerce Germany Awards Ceremony and Networking Party.\n\n**AUSSTELLER:**\n\n* Aussteller der E-Commerce Berlin Expo nehmen **kostenlos** an beiden Runden teil.\n* Um an den E-Commerce Germany Awards und der Networking-Party teilzunehmen, sind Aussteller verpflichtet, Tickets über ihr Ausstellerpanel vorab zu bestellen.\n\n**BEDINGUNGEN:**\n\n* Die Bewerbungsphase läuft ab dem **20.11.2023** bis zum **15.12.2023** auf der Website der Awards. \n* Die Bewerbungen können bis zum 07.01.2024 23:59 MEZ bearbeitet werden, bevor das Online-Voting startet.\n* Das Online Voting fängt am **08.01.24** an und endet am **24.01.2024** (15:59) MEZ\n* Die TOP 10 werden am **25.01.2024** um 15 Uhr MEZ bekanntgegeben \n* Das Jury-Voting fängt am 29.01.2024 an. \n* Die Gewinner werden am **21.02.2024** während der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie und Networking Party in Berlin bekanntgegeben. \n\nDer Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, eine Bewerbung an dem Wettbewerb oder den Anspruch auf einen Preis zu disqualifizieren, wenn er nach eigenem Ermessen feststellt oder vermutet, dass der Teilnehmer versucht hat, den rechtmäßigen Ablauf des Wettbewerbs durch Betrug, Hacking, Täuschung oder andere betrügerische, täuschende oder unfaire Spielpraktiken zu beeinflussen.\n\nWeitere Informationen über die Datenverarbeitung der Teilnehmerdaten finden Sie [hier](\n\nDen vollständigen Text der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie [hier](","description":"Wir würden dich gerne ein bisschen besser kennenlernen und würde mit der Bewerbung fortfahren.\n\nNormalerweise suchen wir nach Jury-Mitgliedern, die:\n* seit Jahren in der Branche tätig sind und als Experten in deren Umfeld wahrgenommen werden\n* in einer Entscheidungsposition arbeitet\n* Besser das deutsche E-commerce kennt als jemand anderes!\n\nFalls das dich anspricht und du gerne Teil der Jury sein möchtest, fülle bitte das Bewerbungsformular aus und wir würden uns schnellstmöglich wieder bei dir melden."}},"contestant":{"register":{"legend":"Fülle bitte die persönlichen Daten weiter unten aus:"}},"party":{"form":{"title":"Würdest du gerne an der E-commerce Germany Awards Zeremonie teilnehmen?","intro":"Fülle bitte die persönlichen Daten weiter unten aus:"},"register":{"title":"Wir freuen uns auf unser Zusammentreffen bei der 5. Ausgabe des E-Commerce Germany Awards! Wir sind zurück in Berlin, um mit der Crème de la Crème der Branche Erfolge im e-commerce zu feiern. Auf unserem Event kannst du sowohl die Top-Entscheider von E-Commerce-Giganten und Innovatoren der Branche als auch die aufstrebende Stars des Marktes treffen.","description":"Wie kann ich teilnehmen?\n\n* Fülle das Formular mit Deinen Kontaktdaten aus.\n* Weitere Details zu der Networking Party und E-Commerce Germany Award Ceremony senden wir bald zu."}},"reset":"Zurück","ecommerce":{"cart":{"item_remove":"Artikel löschen","blocking":"Du hast 3 Minuten Zeit, um die Transaktion abzuschließen. ","add":"In den Warenkorb hinzufügen","button":"Warenkorb","purge_question":"Warenkorb Leeren","dialog":"Buchungsübersicht","empty":"Dein Warenkorb ist leer!"},"finalize":"zum nächsten Schritt gehen","regform":{"title":"Schließe den Registrierungsprozess ab"}},"exhibitor":{"regform":{"legend":"Nach dem Absenden des Formulars beginnen wir mit der Bearbeitung deiner Bestellung. Unsere Account Manager werden sich in Kürze mit einem Vertrag und einer Proforma-Rechnung bei dir melden."},"fields":{"email":"E-mail","fname":"Vorname","lname":"Dein Nachname","phone":"Handynummer","cname":"Name der Firma","nip":"Steuernummer","accept":"Ich habe die Geschäftsbedingungen durchgelesen und akzeptiere sie hiermit","company_address":"Firmenadresse"},"form":{"submit":"Absenden","success":"Vielen Dank für Deine Buchung für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo! Unser Account Manager wird sich in Kürze mit weiteren Informationen und Anweisungen bei Dir melden."},"offer":{"title":"AUSSTELLER- \u0026 SPONSORENANFRAGE"}},"masterclasses":{"form":{"intro":"Fülle das Formular aus, um Dein Interesse an der Buchung einer Masterclass auszudrücken. Unser Team wird sich in Kürze bei Dir melden.","submit":"Bewerbung einreichen","success":"Danke für Deine Bewerbung. Wir werden uns bald mit Dir in Verbindung setzen."},"fields":{"presenter":"Referent","presentation_title":"Masterclass-Titel","email":"E-Mail-Adresse","fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","cname2":"Firmenname","phone":"Mobiltelefonnummer einschließlich Präfix (zum Beispiel +49)","presentation_description":"Description of the presentation","position":"Position in the company","logotype":"Company logo (URL)","bio":"Biogram","avatar":"Presenter's photo (URL)"},"hello":{"details":"# Als Aussteller bietet Dir das Hosting einer Masterclass eine einzigartige Plattform, um Dein Fachwissen einem gezielten Publikum zu präsentieren.\n\n***\n\n# Warum eine Masterclass hosten?\n\n* # Selektivität:\n\nEventbesucher können sich für jede Masterclass bewerben, und Du erhältst normalerweise Hunderte von Bewerbungen - in der Regel 200 oder mehr. Du kannst diese Bewerbungen überprüfen und bis zu 30 Personen auswählen, die am besten Deinem idealen Kundenprofil entsprechen. Diese Teilnehmer werden dann für Deine Session zugelassen.\n\n* # Teilnehmerdaten:\n\nErhalte Zugriff auf vollständige Kontaktdaten Deiner registrierten Teilnehmer, um langfristige Verbindungen aufzubauen und nachzufassen.\n\n* # Erweiterte Reichweite: \n\nInteragiere mit nicht ausgewählten Bewerbern, indem Du ihnen personalisierte Nachrichten und Ressourcen, wie E-Books, sendest.\n\n* # Lead-Generierung:\n\nVerbinde Dich direkt mit den Teilnehmern und fördere Beziehungen, die sich in wertvolle Geschäftsmöglichkeiten verwandeln können.","title":"Hoste Deine Masterclass als Aussteller","submit":"Möchtest Du Deine Sichtbarkeit erhöhen und mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt treten?"},"faq":{"name":"Erfahre mehr über das Masterclass-Format, die Preise und den Buchungsprozess","format":{"q":"Wie ist das Format und die Dauer einer Masterclass-Session?","a":"Jede 35-minütige Session umfasst eine 30-minütige Präsentation und eine 5-minütige Q\u0026A-Runde. Die Sessions finden in einem speziellen Bereich für bis zu 30 Teilnehmer statt und bieten:\n* einen großen TV-Bildschirm mit HDMI-Anschluss,\n* bequeme Sitzgelegenheiten,\n* Mikrofon für den Gastgeber,\n* Kopfhörer für die Teilnehmer.\nDie Sessions können auf Deutsch oder Englisch durchgeführt werden."},"booking":{"q":"Wie kann ich eine Masterclass buchen?","a":"Du kannst eine Masterclass reservieren:\n\n* während des Buchungsprozesses für den Ausstellungsraum durch Nachfrage bei einem Vertriebsmitarbeiter,\n* jederzeit im Laufe des Jahres durch Kontaktaufnahme mit Deinem Account Manager,\n* durch Ausfüllen des Kontaktformulars auf dieser Website.\n\nBitte beachte, dass Masterclass-Slots sehr gefragt sind und das ganze Jahr über nach dem Prinzip „Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst“ an Aussteller vergeben werden."},"cost":{"q":"Was kostet es, eine Masterclass zu hosten, und was passiert nach der Buchung?","a":"Die Preise liegen je nach gewähltem Zeitslot zwischen 2400 und 3000 EUR. Nach der Buchung erhältst Du:\n\n* einen kurzen Vertrag,\n* eine Rechnung, \n* ein kurzes Formular, das innerhalb von 2 Wochen ausgefüllt werden muss, in dem Du Dein vorgeschlagenes Thema und eine kurze Beschreibung mitteilst."},"attendees":{"q":"Wer wird meine Masterclass besuchen?","a":"Du kannst genau auswählen, wer an Deiner Masterclass teilnimmt, indem Du aus dem Pool der Bewerber auswählst, und so stellst sicher, dass Du die relevantesten Teilnehmer für Deine Session hast.\n\nHier ist der detaillierte Prozess zur Auswahl der Teilnehmer:\n\n* Der Veranstalter informiert alle registrierten Teilnehmer über die Eröffnung der Masterclass-Bewerbung und bewirbt das Format.\n* Interessierte Personen werden sich für Deine Masterclass bewerben. Normalerweise erhältst Du Hunderte von Bewerbungen - in der Regel 200 oder mehr.\n* Du überprüfst die Bewerbungen und wählst bis zu 30 Teilnehmer aus, die am besten Deinem idealen Kundenprofil entsprechen, um ein maßgeschneidertes Publikum zu gewährleisten.\n* Nach der Auswahl erhältst Du die vollständigen Kontaktdaten der angenommenen Teilnehmer.\n* Für die nicht ausgewählten Bewerber kannst Du dennoch durch das Senden personalisierter Nachrichten und Ressourcen in Kontakt treten."}},"gallery":{"title":"Entdecke die Highlights der Masterclasses vom letzten Jahr"},"update":{"title":"Masterclass proposal"},"apply":{"title":"MASTERCLASS-BEWERBUNG","description":"# Steigere Dein Branchenwissen und vernetze Dich mit Top-Profis, indem Du Dir einen Platz bei den Masterclasses der E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2025 sicherst. Unsere Sessions bieten eine exklusive Gelegenheit, fortgeschrittene Einblicke und praktische Fähigkeiten von führenden Fachleuten zu erlangen.\n\n# Bewerbungen öffnen im Februar 2025. \n\n***\n\nWarum an einer Masterclass teilnehmen?\n* Exklusiver Zugang:\nEngagiere Dich mit Branchenführern und erhalte tiefgehendes Wissen.\n* Maßgeschneiderte Inhalte:\nSessions, die aktuelle Trends und aufkommende Themen behandeln.\n* Networking-Möglichkeiten: \nVernetze Dich mit gleichgesinnten Profis und erweitere Dein Netzwerk.\n* Praktische Erkenntnisse: \nLerne umsetzbare Strategien und Fähigkeiten, die Du in Deinem Bereich anwenden kannst."},"participants":{"faq":{"name":"FAQ","format":{"q":"Wo werden die Masterclasses stattfinden und wie ist das Format?","a":"Die Masterclasses finden auf dem Gelände der E-Commerce Berlin Expo statt, in einem speziell dafür vorgesehenen Bereich in der Nähe der Besucher-Lounge, hinter Bühne A. Jede 35-minütige Session umfasst eine 30-minütige Präsentation, gefolgt von einer 5-minütigen Q\u0026A-Runde."},"application":{"q":"Wie kann ich mich für eine Masterclass bewerben?","a":"Bewerbungen öffnen im Februar 2025. Die Bewerbung für eine Masterclass ist kostenlos. Sobald die Bewerbungen geöffnet sind, kannst Du Deine Präferenzen für die gewünschten Classes über diese Website einreichen. Bitte beachte, dass eine Bewerbung keinen garantierten Platz sichert, da der Masterclass-Host die Teilnehmer aufgrund der begrenzten Kapazität nach Relevanz auswählt. Wenn Du ausgewählt wirst, erhältst Du eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit weiteren Details."},"selection":{"q":"Wie erfahre ich, ob ich für eine Masterclass ausgewählt wurde?","a":"Wenn Du ausgewählt wirst, erhältst Du eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit allen notwendigen Details zur Masterclass. Überprüfe regelmäßig Deine E-Mails, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Falls Du nicht ausgewählt wirst, erhältst Du eine Benachrichtigung und gegebenenfalls eine personalisierte Nachricht vom Host. Du kannst Dich gerne auch für andere Masterclasses bewerben."},"hosting":{"q":"Ich bin Aussteller und möchte eine Masterclass hosten. Was soll ich tun?","a":"Kontaktiere Deinen zuständigen Account Manager oder besuche für detaillierte Informationen und Unterstützung bei der Buchung Deiner Masterclass."}}},"schedule":{"title":"Masterclass agenda","description":"Die Anmeldungen für die Masterclass sind abgeschlossen, aber du kannst immer noch gerne an den Präsentationen teilnehmen (siehe Zeitplan unten)!"},"public_registration":{"title":"Masterclass-Anmeldungen sind nun geschlossen, du kannst dich aber immer noch als regulärer Besucher anmelden."},"public_schedule":{"title":"Neben den Masterclasses schau Dir auch das Konferenzprogramm an!"}},"ar_vr_3d":"Best Product Content Creation Tool","vipcodes":{"invitation":"%{cname} lädt dich in die VIP Zone ein, wo du Speaker, Aussteller und VIP-Gäste treffen kannst. Registriere dich und bekomme Zugang zur VIP Zone.","lets-start":"Fangen wir hier an!","code-is-expired":"Der VIP-Link ist nicht mehr gültig","status-register":"Your address is not in the database of event participants. Please register and we will assign you VIP status.","status-assigned":"Du hast ein VIP-Upgrade bekommen"},"workshops":{"apply":{"button":"Bewerbung für eine Masterclass","remaining":"Verfügbare Plätze: %{remaining}","awaiting":"Warteliste: %{pipeline}","hello":"Anmeldung für %{title} in %{venue} um %{time}","details":"Du kannst dich für maximal 8 Workshops anmelden - einen in jedem stündlichen Zeitfenster. Um deine Anmeldung abzuschließen, wähle einen Workshop aus und verwende den Button 'Bewerbung Für Eine Masterclass'. Jede Bewerbung wird einzeln vom Referenten geprüft. Nach den ersten 3 Akzeptanzen werden deine verbleibenden Bewerbungen storniert.","lets-start":"Starte hier:","statuses":{"register":"Oh... wir können deine E-Mail unter den Besuchern der Expo nicht finden. Bitte registriere dich als Besucher um fortfahren zu können.","assigned":"You have applied to participate! Please wait for an email with a confirmation.","over_limit":"Du hast dein Bewerbungslimit erreicht! Was bedeutet das? Deine Bewerbung ist noch nicht bestätigt oder du bist bereits Teilnehmer einer Masterclass.","error":"Fehler. Schau nach, ob deine E-Mail richtig eingetragen wurde. Oder hast du dich schon vorher beworben?","exists":"Du hast dich bereits für diese Masterclass beworben."},"closed":"Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar","disabled":"Submissions are closed","sustained":"Bewerbungen vorübergehend pausiert"}},"tickets":{"networking_zone":{"resources":{"upgrades":{"misc":{"networking-zone":"Networking Zone Partnership"}}}}},"ambassador":{"title":"PROGRAMM DER EVENT-BOTSCHAFTER","description":"# Bei der E-Commerce Berlin Expo schätzen wir die Kraft der Community und die wichtige Rolle, die leidenschaftliche Menschen für unseren Erfolg spielen. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr, das Ambassador-Programm vorzustellen, das exklusiv für diejenigen entwickelt wurde, die den Geist unserer Veranstaltung verkörpern. Es ist unsere Art, dein Engagement und deine Hingabe zu würdigen. \n\n# Als geschätzter Botschafter kommst du in den Genuss einer Reihe von Vorteilen:","benefits":{"networking":{"title":"Networking und Exklusive Erlebnisse","description":"Verknüpfe dich mit Branchenführern bei besonderen Veranstaltungen und einzigartigen Erlebnissen. Das nächste Botschaftertreffen ist für den 28. November geplant, und weitere Informationen findest du unter"},"promotion":{"title":"Gesteigerte Promotion und Sichtbarkeit","description":"Erhalte wertvolle Präsenz bei unserer Zielgruppe und erweitere deine Reichweite und Einfluss innerhalb des E-Commerce-Ökosystems"},"involvement":{"title":"Aktive Beteiligung","description":"Spiele eine entscheidende Rolle in verschiedenen EBE-Projekten, in denen deine Expertise und Erkenntnisse sehr geschätzt werden und einen bedeutsamen Einfluss auf die Branche haben"}},"form":{"intro":"Bitte fülle die folgenden Informationen aus, wenn du daran interessiert bist, ein Event-Botschafter für die E-Commerce Berlin Expo zu werden:","submit":"Absenden","success":"Dein Formular ist bei uns angekommen."},"apply":{"title":"BEWERBUNG FÜR DAS EVENT-BOTSCHAFTERPROGRAMM"},"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","email":"E-Mail Adresse (nur professionelle Domänen)","cname2":"Unternehmensname","company_website":"Website des Unternehmens","position":"Position","phone":"Mobiltelefonnummer einschließlich Präfix (zum Beispiel +49)","company_address":"Firmenadresse","profile_linkedin":"Linkedin URL"},"rules":{"title":"Interessierst du dich dafür, ein Teil unseres dynamischen Ambassador-Programms zu werden?","description":"Werde ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2024 und profitiere von exklusiven Vorteilen. Nehme an unserem blühenden Botschafterprogramm teil und trage aktiv zum Erfolg unserer Veranstaltung bei."},"gallery":{"title":"Erfahrungen von Ambassadoren"}},"ambassadors":{"list_all":"LERN DIE EVENT-BOTSCHAFTER KENNEN","list_description":"Diese Personen sind die treibende Kraft hinter dem Wachstum in der E-Commerce-Welt. Lerne sie und ihre unschätzbaren Beiträge zu unserer Veranstaltung kennen."}," visitors":{"fields":{"company_role":"Joblevel - Bitte wähle eine der folgenden Optionen"}}," planner":{"workshops":{"empty":"Keine bestätigten Einreichungen"}},"planner":{"workshops":{"title":"Teilnahme an Masterclass"},"meetups":{"title":"Geplante Treffen mit Ausstellern","empty":"Sie haben derzeit keine geplanten Treffen. Um ein Treffen zu vereinbaren, folgen Sie bitte diesen Schritten:\n1. Überprüfen Sie die Liste der Aussteller (scrollen Sie auf der Seite nach unten).\n2. Besuchen Sie das Profil des Ausstellers.\n3. Wählen Sie 'Meeting anfragen'.\n4. Warten Sie auf die Antwort des Ausstellers."}},"recap":{"video":{"title":"SIEHE DAS AFTERMOVIE VON DEM EVENT","button":"HIER ANSEHEN"}},"exhibitor_offer":{"form":{"intro":"Möchtest du erfahren, wie unser Event Deine Marke aufwerten und Dich mit tausenden potenziellen Kunden verbinden kann? Fülle das Formular aus und Unser Team wird sich mit allen Details bei Dir melden.","submit":"Absenden","success":"Vielen Dank! Unser Team wird sich in Kürze mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen."},"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","email":"E-Mail Adresse (nur professionelle Domänen)","cname2":"Unternehmensname","phone":"Mobiltelefonnummer einschließlich Präfix (zum Beispiel +49)"}},"FRONT GLASS BANNER":{"name":"","text":"","description":""},"about":{"description":"# Tauche ein in die Welt der E-commerce Berlin Expo, wo die Zahlen für sich sprechen. Erlebe, wie unsere Veranstaltung Tausende von Besuchern und Hunderte von Ausstellern anzieht und sich so zum zentralen Treffpunkt für E-Commerce-Profis entwickelt.","title":"Über die Veranstaltung"},"raport_request":{"form":{"intro":"Möchtest du erfahren, wie unser Event Deine Marke aufwerten und Dich mit tausenden potenziellen Kunden verbinden kann? Fülle das Formular aus und Unser Team wird sich mit allen Details bei Dir melden."}},"report_request":{"fields":{"fname":"Vorname","lname":"Nachname","email":"E-Mail Adresse (nur professionelle Domänen)","cname2":"Unternehmensname","phone":"Mobiltelefonnummer einschließlich Präfix (zum Beispiel +49)"},"form":{"submit":"Absenden","success":"Vielen Dank! Unser Team wird sich in Kürze mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.","intro":"Fülle das Formular unten aus, um unseren detaillierten Nachbericht zu erhalten. Darin findest du exklusive Statistiken, wichtige Erkenntnisse und umfassende Analysen zu Besucher-Demografien, Aussteller-Leistungen und vielem mehr. Gib deine Daten ein, und du erhältst den Bericht in Kürze direkt per E-Mail."}},"report":{"request":{"title":"Fordere den vollständigen Nachbericht an"}}," resources":{"awards":{"premium":{"wristbands":{"text":"","description":"","name":""}}}}}},"callforpapers":[{"fname":"Savannah","lname":"Kulp","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Millenials \u0026 marketeers killed UGC. Bring it back.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Hi. I'm Savannah, I'm 24, I am a UGC creator and a UGC consultant. I want to speak up against the unfounded criticism that this format has been receiving.\r\nA year ago UGC was everywhere and was the king or queen of content - the numbers were there to back that claim. One year later, it is pronounced dead. Like everything that marketeers don't know how to handle. This presentation aims at debunking a few myths about UGC, showing how to make it sing and giving marketing organizations a chance at leaning in on this format.\r\n- UGC is still alive and singing... if it is done right\r\n- going cheap on the videos results in them being thrown in the bin... with no effective cost saving\r\n- it takes a creator to brief a creator\r\n- trust the creator to deliver for the platform(s) of choice","presenter":"Savannah Kulp","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236495,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christian","lname":"Grohganz","cname2":"◯˙ weltfern","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Immersive eCommerce: How real-time 3D, AR and AI are revolutionizing the shopping experience","bio":"As a digital expert, speaker and consultant, he specializes in XR, 3D, artificial intelligence, digitalization \u0026 digital transformation, new technologies as well as innovations and future strategies for companies. Extensive and long-standing practical experience with the successful implementation of projects for a large number of well-known national and international companies such as Adidas, Beiersdorf, Bayer, ThyssenKrupp or Montblanc as well as with regard to the development management and establishment of innovative software solutions.","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Displaying products in real-time 3D and combining this presentation with augmented reality creates a completely new online shopping experience and ensures a much higher conversation rate than with classic 2D presentations. Nevertheless, 3D is still a niche in eCommerce. Practical examples and real use cases, such as the creation of a 3D product implementation pipeline for customers like Adidas or the development of the 3D platform augmentable, show how technical hurdles can be overcome and how implementation can be carried out in a resource and cost-efficient manner.","presenter":"Christian Grohganz","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":234746,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Scharlau","cname2":"4SELLERS GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Report: Digitaler Außendienst 2024 – Am Scheideweg zwischen Disruption und Neugestaltung","bio":"Philipp Scharlau ist ein erfahrener Management-Profi mit über 13 Jahren Expertise im E-Commerce und digitalen Lösungen. Mit umfassender Erfahrung im Vertrieb von On-Premise-, SaaS- und PaaS-Produkten leitet er als Head of New Business bei shopware AG strategische Initiativen und Vertriebsteams. Philipp zeichnet sich durch seine Fähigkeit aus, Kundenbeziehungen zu pflegen, Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen und seine Teams zu Höchstleistungen zu führen. Seine Leidenschaft für digitale Transformation und Innovation prägt seine erfolgreiche Karriere in der Führung von Vertriebsprojekten.","position":"Head of Sales \u0026 Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Rolle des Außendienstes steht 2024 an einem kritischen Punkt: Wird er durch Technologie ersetzt oder neu definiert? In diesem Vortrag untersuchen wir die Herausforderungen, denen Außendienstmitarbeiter heute gegenüberstehen, und zeigen, wie digitale Lösungen nicht nur ihre Relevanz sichern, sondern auch völlig neue Potenziale erschließen. Erfahren Sie, warum der digitale Wandel im Außendienst unvermeidlich ist und welche strategischen Schritte Unternehmen jetzt gehen müssen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.","presenter":"Philipp Scharlau","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234751,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Reka","lname":"Bojtor","cname2":"7Learnings","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How AI helps to integrate Price, Marketing and Promotion decisions","bio":"After starting his career as a pricing consultant at A.T. Kearney, 7Learnings co-founder Felix Hoffmann was in charge of the global pricing algorithm at Europe’s top e-commerce – Zalando. There, he gained first-hand expertise in the power of machine learning technology for pricing. With this experience as its foundation, he founded 7Learnings. 7Learnings GmbH is a Berlin-based software company offering retailers a predictive pricing and Marketing optimization.","position":"CEO and Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the fast-paced world of retail, pricing and marketing often work toward the same goal: driving customer demand and maximizing revenue. But when these decisions are made separately, both strategies fall short of their full potential.\r\n\r\nEnter Predictive Marketing and Pricing—a game-changing approach that unites these critical strategies. By leveraging AI, retailers can seamlessly align ad spending and pricing, making data-driven decisions that maximize impact. Discover how top eCommerce companies are already boosting their profits by over 10% with 7Learnings' cutting-edge technology, and unlock new levels of efficiency and profitability for your business.","presenter":"Felix Hoffmann","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":234869,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Laura","lname":"Schramm","cname2":"12 Lessons GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Keep Your Brand Competitive - Continuing Education as the Key to Success","bio":"\n\nI am Laura and I founded 12 Lessons to combine my two passions.\n\nMy first passion is knowledge transfer – during my PhD, I delved deeply into the subject of learning from both a scientific perspective and through direct interaction with students.\n\nMy second passion is the e-commerce industry, which I have come to know and appreciate through numerous projects as a project manager and consultant.\n\nI have achieved significant success in the field of organizational development and knowledge transfer during my PhD. I have also successfully managed and led numerous projects (ERP, shop systems, PIM, and AI) to success as a project manager. Although the establishment of 12 Lessons GmbH is still in its early stages, I would already like to count it as a great success ;)","position":"Founder of 12 Lessons ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Building new skills can also be innovative and fun!\n\nWhat does the employee lifecycle look like, and where can I best develop my employees? How can I ensure that employees actively engage in their training and bring the maximum amount of knowledge back to the company for the money invested?\n\nConclusion: Those who do not continuously invest in further education will fall behind—not only losing talent but also losing ground to the competition.","presenter":"Laura Schramm","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235618,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vicky","lname":"Tsiachri","cname2":" and","avatar":"","presentation_title":"You Are Useless - How AI is Revolutionizing Creativity and Skills","bio":"DAvide Colla is the founder of award winning digital branding agency, 150UP with headquarters in Milan, that boasts a tradition in design and innovation spanning over decades.\n\nHe has been the leading designer in projects for Alessi, Armani, Ferrari, Todd's, Salvatore Ferragamo, Prada and even the tech giant Amazon. His love for design, married with a passion for leading edge technologies, has allowed him to dream and create a future that caters to innovation and fosters to a world of constantly changing user experiences. Nurtured in design hubs all around Europe, apart from his work, he now also teaches aspiring designers, on how to become the future artists of the business world, as a Professor at the IED Istituto Europeo di Design. Through his work and teachings he has set his heart to creating memorable narratives for brands, based on solid foundations that can be shared with the world.\nDAvide Colla, as a multi-talented creative director and entrepreneur, has a clear vision of how a brand’s narrative should be built.His expertise spans across the entire spectrum of creative design, and branding from concept development to execution, helping his clients achieve their goals and dreams for their brand’s influence. DAvide is also the co-founder of Viento Padel, a manufacturing company that creates athletic products ranging from sports pedals to accessories and lifestyle clothing. He and his team are inspired by the passion that unites athletes and makes the game inclusive.","position":"Creative Director, Founder and Professor","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The role of AI in creative industries\r\nHow AI tools are reshaping the way we work and think\r\nReal-world examples of AI's impact on design, marketing, and more\r\nThe importance of adapting and evolving our skills in an AI-driven world\r\nWhether you're a creative professional, a tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of work, this talk offers valuable insights into the intersection of AI and human creativity.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\nEmbracing AI as a collaborator, not a competitor\r\nLeveraging AI to unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency\r\nThe importance of continuous learning and adaptation in a rapidly changing world","presenter":"Davide Colla","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":234742,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carmen Marleen","lname":"Schliesser","cname2":"720Impact, FELICICO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Buliding resilience through networks","bio":"A serial founder since the age of 18, Carmen went on to build two profitable, five-figure ventures in the retail and consulting industry, pushing boundaries despite her first-generation, low-income background. With her company 720Impact, Carmen has consulted over 15 international startups of up to 100 employees during their growth and funding stages, managing six-figure project budgets. Concluding her recent Masters degree at London Business School, she led a 10-week consulting project for Mastercard.\n\nCarmen advocates for equity and diversity as a mentor for African startups at the Westerwelle Foundation, pro bono consulting for female founders, and chair of the Student Philanthropy Council at LBS. Prior to studying as part of the MBA at NYU Stern, her efforts have been recognized through the Lasting Impact Award and the Alumni Council Honors List at LBS, as well as a nomination for the Recent Graduate Award by the University of Westminster.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Networks are an overlooked asset for founders in making their business resilient. To be successful, founders don't require the best idea, strategy, or team, but the best network. Strong and loose relationships are a source of social marketing that can provide access to information, human capital, and even funding. Yet, this resource is widely ignored and hardly ever discussed in the entrepreneurial context.\r\n\r\nThrough the power of networking, I built two five-figure businesses since the age of 18 despite my low-income, first-gen background. Community support further enabled me to study at London Business School with a full scholarship, win various school awards, join the MBA program at NYU Stern  and now become a speaker for entrepreneurship at Stern.","presenter":"Carmen Marleen Schliesser","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":235128,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marta","lname":"Górnicka","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Dream, create, inspire - from a hobby potter to a leading ceramic supplies store in CEE","bio":"Marta Gornicka is a graduate of the University of the Arts in Berlin and University of the Arts in London. She holds a BA in Business- and Social Communication as well as MA in Photography. In her career path she has worked on the impementation and development of numerous digital platforms. In 2020 she decided to try herself in the e-commerce business and created a first online store with pottery supplies. As the business grew, the 2021 the company has changed into a GmbH and Marta has become the Marketing and e-Commerce Dircetor at After three years of fast growth she will prestent key learinings of how to manage an e-commerce business from scratch.","position":"e-Commerce Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":" was founed out of passion for handmade ceramics. The main goal was to make products, that were unavailable in the CEE region, available to pottery enthusiasts at reasonable prices. The company started in late 2021 and I was just about to become a mother. Despite the challenges along the road, the company grew rapidly over the past three years, becoming a one-stop-shop for hobby potters across EU. I want to share the story of how passion can shape our work-life and how difficult it is to stay passionate, with the focus on the challenges every entrepneur has to face when his company starts to grow.","presenter":"Marta Górnicka","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":235398,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marika","lname":"Päiväniemi","cname2":"Academy 4 Pricing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Is your business relying on discounts, or are you building long-term value?","bio":"I have over 20 years of experience in product management, marketing, and sales in both B2B and B2C sectors. As the founder of Academy 4 Pricing, I am committed to pricing strategies that optimize revenue and nurture long-term customer relationships.\n\nThroughout my career, I have simplified complex pricing concepts, creating structures that go beyond numbers to tell stories of value, strengthen competitive positions, and resonate with clients. My extensive experience in pricing strategies includes understanding the balance between achieving revenue goals and enhancing customer loyalty.\n\nThrough Academy 4 Pricing, I offer comprehensive online courses to businesses across all industries to adopt effective, actionable pricing strategies. My core values are knowledge sharing and daring innovation, helping businesses succeed with confidence in their pricing decisions. I invite you to think differently about pricing and explore new strategies for growth and sustainability!","position":"Founder, Pricing Expert","logotype":"\u0026sourceContentType=image%2Fpng\u0026ignoreAspectRatio\u0026resize=160%2B80","presentation_description":"Relying on discounts can create a cycle where customers wait for the next sale rather than pay the regular price. How can you avoid this? Shift the focus towards your brand's unique value. Invest in exceptional customer experiences, personalized offers, and clear product differentiation. Make sure you target sustainable growth instead of relying only on price and discounts!\n\nKey takeaways:\n\n1.\tLearn the risks of frequent discounting and how to maintain pricing integrity while still attracting customers.\n\n2.\tShift customer focus from price to the overall experience and value your brand provides, increasing their willingness to pay more.\n\n3.\tLeverage personalized pricing strategies to offer tailored value to customers while optimizing profitability.\n","presenter":"Marika Päiväniemi","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":235055,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Werner","lname":"Rosenberger","cname2":"Access Austria / WACA","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digitale Barrierefreiheit - Inhalt des European Accessibillity Acts","bio":"Werner Rosenberger ist Projektleiter für das Web Accessibility Certificate WACA – ein Projekt, das gemeinsam mit Access Austria, der JKU-Universität Linz und einem interdisziplinären Beirat entwickelt wurde. Zertifizierungsstelle ist TÜV Austria. Der Kommunikationsexperte führte das Zertifikat zur Marktreife und ist für weitere Projekte rund um das Thema digitale Barrierefreiheit in der HGBS-GmbH zuständig. Er ist der Experte für Web Accessibility aus strategischer Sicht in Österreich und ist in vielen Gremien tätig: Mitglied im WACA-Beirat, im Verein accessible media, in der VÖSI Special Interest Group “Accessibility in ICT” und beim IAAP-DACH. Zertifikate: Certified Web Accessibility Expert (CWAE) und Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (IAAP)\nAufgrund eines Fahrrad-Unfalls vor 18 Jahren ist Rosenberger auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen. Begleitet von einer persönlichen Assistenz kann er jedoch einen normalen Berufsalltag wahrnehmen.\nNoch während seiner Rehabilitationsphase absolvierte er an der Donau-Universität Krems einen praxisbezogenen PR-Lehrgang und darauffolgend ein Masterstudium für Unternehmenskommunikation.\nSoziales und ehrenamtliches Engagement sind dem Rollstuhlfahrer sehr wichtig. Er war unter anderem Mitbegründer eines Vereins, der die Leistungsfähigkeit von Menschen mit Behinderungen aufzeigte, um so die Jobaussichten für diese Personen zu verbessern. Eines der Projekte war das Mentoring-Programm „CEOs on Wheels“, an dem er selbst teilnahm. \nWeitere Stationen seiner beruflichen Laufbahn waren im Marketing des ORF NÖ, in der Kommunikation bei Licht für die Welt, sowie in der Marken- und Digitalagentur gugler.\nWerte und positives Denken prägen seine Lebensphilosophie. Rosenberger ist ein vernetzter Denker und weltoffen, nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist ihm von Bedeutung. In der digitalen Barrierefreiheit sieht er große Chancen für zukunftsfitte Unternehmen.\n","position":"Project Manager WACA","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Im Juni 2025 tritt eine neue gesetzliche Anforderung für Webshops in Europa in Kraft – sie müssen für alle Menschen zugänglich, d.h. barrierefrei nach internationalen Kriterien, sein. Der European Accessibility Act betrifft alle digitalen Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die am europäischen Markt angeboten werden und im speziellen Online-Shops ab 2 Mio € Umsatz. Die Barrierefreiheit von Webshops ist daher ein brandaktuelles Thema und sollte jetzt schon oberste Priorität haben. \r\nAber Web Accessibility beinhaltet auch viele wirtschaftliche Aspekte, die nicht zu unterschätzen sind. Suchmaschinen sind quasi blind und suchen nach relevanten Textbausteinen im Web, Alexa \u0026 Co benötigen auch Hintergrundinfos, um Webshops verstehen und bedienen zu können – Sprichwort Interoperabilität. Bessere Farbkontraste nutzen allen UserInnen. \r\nWas bedeutet aber digitale Barrierefreiheit genau? Was müssen Webshop-Betreiber bis 2025 erfüllen? WACA ist hierzu Experte im deutschsprachigen Raum und kann fundierte Antworten geben. \r\nDas Web Accessibility Certificate WACA macht Barrierefreiheit nach den internationalen W3C-Richtlinien (WCAG) nach außen hin erkennbar. Dieses offizielle Zertifikat der Initiative WACA und der unabhängigen Zertifizierungsstelle TÜV Austria startete 2018 in Österreich und ist für deutsch- und englischsprachige Websites im gesamten europäischen Raum gedacht und wird in Anlehnung an die europäische Norm EN 301 549 ausgestellt. Damit soll die Zugänglichkeit für alle Menschen auf fachlich geprüften Websites gewährleistet, Bemühungen hinsichtlich Barrierefreiheit im Web ausgezeichnet und gesetzliche Bestimmungen erfüllt werden. Natürlich kann mit einem etablierten Zertifikat Awareness geschaffen und die Beschwerdeflut nach Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes verhindert werden. Über 120 zertifizierte Websites im privaten wie im öffentlichen Sektor im deutschsprachigen Raum zeugen für die Etablierung des Zertifikats für digitale Barrierefreiheit am Markt.","presenter":"Werner Rosenberger","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234790,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Wolfgang","lname":"Schmütz","cname2":"AccountOne GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How do I impress my tax advisor?","bio":"As founder and partner of AcccountOne, Wolfgang Schmütz has spent the last eight years working intensively on automation processes for accounting in e-commerce. Wolfgang complements this knowledge with ten years of experience in advising medium-sized companies, particularly in retail.\nHe has an international educational background from Germany and Denmark.","position":"Owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This session will explain how the administration and the collaboration with the tax advisor can be fully automated. Which tools will give you a daily overview and are useful to reduce inquiries from the tax advisor?","presenter":"Wolfgang Schmütz","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234531,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Razvan","lname":"Porojan","cname2":"ActionPoint","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Overcoming Information Loss: Our Journey to a Platform-Agnostic Solution","bio":"Founder and CEO. 20+ years of software development and consultancy career. 15+ years of designing complex solutions. Passionate about AI. Angel Investor.\nFounded Dawn Consulting, an IT consultancy company with clients like ING, HMRC, Capgemini, TCS, HCL, GSK, Roche, VW, Novartis, Credit Suisse, Tech Mahindra, EON, Nestle, Atos etc.\nFounded IT Expert, a software platform that automates the recruitment in the IT field by matching job descriptions with the best CVs in terms of skills.\nFounded ActionPoint, a conversation processing platform that records any meeting or call from any application on any device, extracts relevant information using different templates (Agile, Sales, HR etc.) and saves it in a project based structure that is searchable via a chat interface using RAG. We provide meeting organization in projects to preserve context, attendees and keywords. We save voice fingerprint at project level so the speakers are automatically recognized by AI. We include also chats, emails and related documents. We provide seamless integration with EVERY platform meeting via browser (e.g. Zoom, Teams, Webex, Google Meet, Skype, Telegram, Whatsapp etc.) – inclusive VoIP phone calls (call centers).","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I'm Razvan Porojan, and over the past 20 years as a consultant and leader of three companies, I've repeatedly faced the challenge of forgetting crucial details from business conversations spread across multiple platforms. In this presentation, I'll share my journey of recognizing this pervasive issue and how it led me to develop a platform-agnostic solution that captures and organizes calls and meetings from any application or device.\r\n\r\nBy embracing advancements in AI—from GPT-3 to the latest models—and integrating technologies like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), I aimed to create a tool that ensures no valuable information is lost, regardless of the communication platform used. This experience highlights the importance of innovation and adaptability in addressing common business challenges, especially during challenging times. I'll offer insights into how focusing on practical needs can drive meaningful differentiation and efficiency.\r\n\r\nSpeaker Bio:\r\n\r\nAs a seasoned CEO and consultant with over two decades of experience, I've guided three companies through the evolving landscape of corporate communications. My expertise lies in identifying critical business challenges and leveraging technological advancements  to develop effective, platform-agnostic solutions that enhance organizational efficiency.","presenter":"George-Razvan Porojan","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":27,"id":235139,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Moritz","lname":"Lambrecht","cname2":"Ad Specialist GmbH, MagicGroup","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Influencer Marketing - The Hidden Growth Champion for D2C Brands","bio":"Moritz Lambrecht is co-founder and CEO of adspecialist, a performance media\nmedia agency for e-commerce companies that want to grow fast and\ndata driven.\n\nThe 34-year-old from Königswinter founded the agency in 2019 together with his friend\nBodo Büchsenschütz.\n\nSince then, the agency has experienced strong growth and was recognised\nthis year by Statista and the Financial Times as the Nr. 1 fastest growing\nmarketing company in Germany.\n\nTogether with his team, Lambrecht stands for data-driven growth marketing.\nand manages advertising budgets in the millions. His focus is on the channels of influencer marketing, print marketing, podcast\nadvertising and Direct Response TV.\n","position":"CEO \u0026 Co Founder, CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Many e-com brands are struggling with rising costs for new customers and an oversaturation of already established channels. Especially when paid social reaches its limits, many brands come up against a natural limit to growth. This is exactly where influencer marketing comes into play - the often underestimated ‘hidden growth champion’ that helps you tap into new sources of growth and maximise your sales potential.\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, Moritz Lambrecht, co-founder of adspecialist, and Lars Leenen, founder of MagicHolz, will show you how you can generate millions in sales with the right influencer strategy. They share exclusive insights into their collaboration, where they managed to generate €1 million in additional and highly profitable sales in just six months. You will learn step-by-step which strategies really work, how to make the best use of influencers and avoid mistakes that many other brands make.\r\n\r\nMoritz and Lars show you their tried-and-tested testing roadmap with concrete learnings that will enable you to use influencer marketing as a real growth driver.\r\n\r\nIf you're looking for new ways to boost your growth, don't miss this presentation.","presenter":"Moritz Lambrecht, Lars Leenen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":235943,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Moritz","lname":"Lambrecht","cname2":"Ad Specialist GmbH, Upway DACH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Data driven Media Planning - How E-Com Brands can grow faster and more efficient","bio":"Moritz Lambrecht is co-founder and CEO of adspecialist, a performance media\nmedia agency for e-commerce companies that want to grow fast and\ndata driven.\n\nThe 34-year-old from Königswinter founded the agency in 2019 together with his friend\nBodo Büchsenschütz.\n\nSince then, the agency has experienced strong growth and was recognised\nthis year by Statista and the Financial Times as the Nr. 1 fastest growing\nmarketing company in Germany.\n\nTogether with his team, Lambrecht stands for data-driven growth marketing.\nand manages advertising budgets in the millions. His focus is on the channels of influencer marketing, print marketing, podcast\nadvertising and Direct Response TV.\n","position":"CEO \u0026 Co Founder, Country Manager/ Germany Brand \u0026 Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In e-commerce, a smart, data-driven marketing strategy can make a big difference between success and failure. In this presentation, Moritz Lambrecht, co-founder of the performance media agency adspecialist, will show you how you can make your marketing campaigns more successful through flexible and data-based media planning. Instead of rigid annual budgets, you will learn how to take your marketing campaigns to the next level and maximise your ROI through continuous data analysis and flexibility.\r\n\r\nParticularly exciting: Together with Fabienne Bösch (Country Manager Germany) Moritz gives exclusive insights into his collaboration with the start-up Upway. Upway, which specialises in the sale of refurbished,e-bikes, relies on adspecialist to manage their 7-figure advertising budget in Germany and Benelux. Various channels such as influencer marketing, TV, Podcasts and offline marketing are used. Learn how these flexible approaches help Upway achieve faster, profitable growth - and how you can do the same for your brand!","presenter":"Moritz Lambrecht, Fabienne Bösch","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":47,"id":235944,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nicole","lname":"Pekar","cname2":"ADCELL | Firstlead GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"0% Risiko - 100% Erfolg! Der Effizienz-Booster für Euer Online-Marketing","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"E-Commerce-Unternehmen jeder Größe stehen heute vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen – vom Fachkräftemangel über fehlendes Know-how bis hin zu begrenzten Budgets. In diesem Umfeld wird es immer schwieriger, eine nachhaltige Online-Marketing-Strategie aufzubauen und alle verfügbaren Kanäle des Marketing-Mix effizient zu nutzen.\r\n\r\nIn unserer Präsentation zeigen wir praxisnahe Beispiele (Case Studies) und bewährte Strategien, wie ihr mithilfe von Affiliate Marketing effektiv, risikolos und ROI-optimiert Kanäle wie Editorial Content, Google Shopping oder Social Media Marketing erfolgreich einsetzen könnt.","presenter":"Marcus Seidel","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":236594,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ashish","lname":"Jain","cname2":"AddWebSolution","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Dilute Marketplace Dependency and Drive More Revenue From Your eCom","bio":"CoFounder of a Full Service Digital Agency specializing in delivering eCommerce ROI with human and AI support.\n\nFollows minimalism as life's living principle and care for nature. Try to use same values for our clients.","position":"CoFounder of Digital Service Agency","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus:\r\n-- eCommerce business concerns about marketplaces authoritarian terms and  strengthening their own website/brand to drive more traffic \u0026 sales\r\n\r\nValue:\r\n-- Many business owners struggle to get sales from their website. Their digital investment becomes overhead and fail to deliver the ROI. I want to provide precise steps they need to take to get ROI on their digital investment [based on our extensive eCom experience]","presenter":"Ashish Jain","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":237477,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Böttger","cname2":"adesso SE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"In the jungle of e-commerce: Which commerce system is the right one?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Deciding on the right commerce system is one of the most strategically important tasks for any company that wants to be successful in e-commerce. The choice is huge: from established providers to innovative, AI-based platforms, each option has its own advantages and challenges. But which system best suits your individual requirements?\u000b\r\n\r\nThe focus of this presentation is on showing you how to make this crucial decision in a structured and informed way. Using a specific practical example, you will learn how we helped one of our customers find the optimal solution in terms of functionality, scalability and future viability.\u000b\r\nOur added value: We not only show you how to select the right system, but also how to define and prioritise your requirements precisely. This includes a detailed requirements analysis that not only takes into account current requirements but also future developments, such as the integration of artificial intelligence and automation. We provide practical tools to help you properly assess the scalability, flexibility and innovative capacity of different systems.\r\n\r\nThe most important content at a glance:\u000b\r\n•Conducting a requirements analysis to clearly define specific needs.\r\n•Integrating modern technologies such as AI into commerce systems to optimise processes and improve the customer journey.\r\n•Which factors are really crucial, from cost-benefit considerations to long-term scalability and flexibility of systems.\r\n•Potential mistakes – and how to avoid pitfalls in selection and implementation.\u000b\r\n\r\nThe value: \r\nYou will be able to ask the important questions and set the right priorities to choose a commerce system that not only meets your needs today, but also scales with your growing demands in the future. We help you overcome the uncertainties of the selection process and make an informed, future-proof decision.\u000b\r\n\r\nFind out how to set your company up for success by choosing the right e-commerce system – and be inspired by our real customer example.","presenter":"Sebastian Böttger, Martin Schröder, Kim Wesche","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":75,"id":236429,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Böttger","cname2":"adesso SE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Next-level e-commerce: How AI is revolutionizing e-shop systems - from standard solutions to synergy with DAM \u0026 PIM","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will show how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the e-commerce landscape. Not only will we highlight the standard AI functionalities in leading platforms such as Emporix, Commercetools and SAP Commerce Cloud, but also how companies can leverage the full potential of AI through the use of Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Product Information Management (PIM) systems.\r\n\r\nUsing real-life customer cases, we will demonstrate how these tools can lead to differentiation and innovation in challenging times. We draw on current data and research to illustrate the added value and provide concrete action strategies for your business. Our presentation is aimed at anyone who wants to drive innovation in the world of e-commerce.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe most important content at a glance:\u000b\r\nAI transformation in e-commerce: Focus on Emporix, Commercetools, SAP Commerce Cloud\r\nEnhancements with DAM \u0026 PIM: Maximizing AI potential\r\nReal-world examples: Differentiation and innovation through case studies\r\nData-driven \u0026 future-proof: Efficient, data-powered solutions for e-commerce\r\n\r\nValue: Experience how you can take your store systems to the next level with AI - efficient, data-driven and future-proof.","presenter":"Sebastian Böttger, Martin Schröder, Kim Wesche","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":73,"id":236428,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ina","lname":"Konopka","cname2":"ADFERENCE GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The future of Amazon PPC: AI-powered strategies for maximum revenue","bio":"Dr. Florian Nottorf is co-founder and Managing Director of the ABOUT YOU subsidiary ADFERENCE, THE AdTech specialist for innovative advertising technologies for Amazon PPC. \n\nBefore founding ADFERENCE, Dr. Nottorf, who holds a doctorate in business informatics, researched excellent scientific methods in online marketing. At ADFERENCE, Florian leads a team of around 100 experts.\n\nFlorian is co-host of the weekly leading German Amazon Advertising podcast Vitamin A - Deine Dosis Amazon PPC. The HeroConf community lists Florian as one of the top 25 most influential PPC experts.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI-based automation in PPC campaigns: How machine learning optimizes bidding strategy and budget allocation to increase ROI.\r\n\r\nKeyword research 2.0: Using AI to discover profitable long-tail keywords and avoid ineffective search terms.\r\n\r\nData-driven optimization: Analysis of real case studies to show how data-based decisions can sustainably improve performance.","presenter":"Dr Florian Nottorf","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":71,"id":235790,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carly","lname":"Ostasiewski","cname2":"adjoe","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Leading Digital Brands Are Winning the Consumer Loyalty Game","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The best digital experiences don’t need to be innovative but intuitive – in tune with what consumers want and the spaces they occupy. When you leverage the right experiences, you boost customer retention and loyalty. \r\n\r\nNine in ten businesses are planning to invest in new customer loyalty technology and approaches by 2027 – and many are turning to the mobile gaming population of 2.2 billion to look for answers.  \r\n\r\nMore leading brands are integrating premium mobile gaming experiences to increase their app’s relevance and enhance user connections. Collaborations like Zynga and Maybelline, or Prada Candy Crush, drew immense consumer interest, with 40,000 product samples requested in 24 hours. Germany’s largest loyalty programs have also turned to games for daily brand engagement and loyalty point accrual.\r\n\r\nI’ll be covering more of these insights and answering these questions: How can businesses enhance gamification in a way that a) adds daily value to consumers’ lives b) enhances their product in a completely natural way c) is profitable?","presenter":"Carly Ostasiewski","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":66,"id":236345,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tobias","lname":"Dziuba","cname2":"AdsMasters GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Profitabel Amazon-Werbekampagnen schalten – Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie es geht.","bio":"Tobias Dziuba ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Amazon-Agentur AdsMasters GmbH. Mit über 10 Millionen Euro verwalteten Werbeausgaben pro Jahr berichtet Tobias aus der Praxis, wie Amazon-PPC-Kampagnen optimal aufgesetzt und kontinuierlich optimiert werden können.\n\n\n\n\n","position":"Geschäftsführer ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der Wettbewerb im Amazon-Werbeumfeld nimmt stetig zu, die Werbekosten steigen und die Margen sinken. In unserer Präsentation zeigen wir anhand exemplarischer Optimierungen, wie Amazon-Seller ihre Margen verbessern können.","presenter":"Tobias Dziuba","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236324,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Altenberend","cname2":"adSoul GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leveraging AI to boost the Performance of your Google Shopping Ads","bio":"Delivering exceptional search marketing technology and services for e-commerce companies of all sizes for more than 20 years.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Detailed product data and an optimized product data feed are the foundation for successful Google Shopping campaigns. I will showcase how different parts of your product feed can be optimized and what impact on impressions, clicks and conversions every optimization has. You are going to learn, what you can do TODAY to sustainably improve your performance.","presenter":"Sebastian Altenberend","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":236634,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lara Marie","lname":"Massmann","cname2":"AdStrive","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Google Shopping Strategies \u0026 Campaign Structures That Work in 2025","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In times of extensive automation of Google Ads campaigns, as well as the growth of black-box campaigns such as Performance Max, important control options are no longer available. Therefore, campaign structures are becoming more and more important to drive campaign efficiency. So, what is the best structure? Should it be based on margins or product categories? Does it make sense to create separate campaigns for top sellers? Based on real life examples, we'll go through different options and discuss pros and cons to help you find the right structure for your shop.","presenter":"Lara Marie Massmann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":236722,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Helena","lname":"Rettig","cname2":"Advertace GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Success: How Data-Driven Social Ads Can Skyrocket Your E-Commerce Sales","bio":"Ann-Sophie Sell is CEO of the Hamburg-based performance marketing agency advertace. In over 20 years, she has worked for network agencies such as Jung von Matt and Digitas Pixelpark. And she has big visions for the future: “With advertace, we want to set the benchmark when it comes to making brands grow based on data.”","position":"CEO \u0026 Content Specialist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Harnessing the power of social ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram is a game-changer for acquiring new customers in e-commerce. But how can you truly maximize performance? How do you create winning ads that profitably attract new customers?\n\nIn this insightful talk, Content Specialist Ann-Sophie Sell will reveal the three essential steps to success:\n\n- Leveraging Data and AI: Discover how to use data analysis and AI to gain in-depth insights into your target audience and competition.\n\n- Crafting a Winning Content Strategy: Learn how to convert these insights into a compelling content strategy that drives high-performing social ads.\n\n- Measuring Success Accurately: Understand the importance of accurate performance measurement and how it helps you manage customer acquisition profitably.\n\nJoin us for this session to unlock the power of data-driven social ads and boost your e-commerce sales significantly.","presenter":"Ann-Sophie Sell","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":47,"id":234137,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Dedecek","cname2":"AgentForge.Tech","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of E-commerce is NOW: AI Agents transforming Online Business!","bio":"Michael Dedeck is the founder and CEO of AgentForge.Tech, a company specializing in developing cutting-edge AI agents for e-commerce. With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the challenges facing online businesses, Michael is committed to democratizing AI and making its transformative power accessible to everyone. Under his leadership, AgentForge.Tech has launched AI PromptPro Google Chat™, a groundbreaking AI agent that streamlines content creation and enhances customer engagement. Michael's presentation will explore how AI agents are revolutionizing the e-commerce landscape and empowering businesses to thrive in a competitive market.","position":"AI Entrepreneur | Founder of AgentForge.Tech | Empowering E-commerce with Intelligent Agents","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The e-commerce landscape is evolving rapidly. To stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's competitive market, businesses need to embrace innovative solutions that drive efficiency, enhance customer experience, and unlock new growth opportunities. The future of e-commerce is here, and it's powered by AI Agents.\r\n\r\nAt AgentForge.Tech, we're developing cutting-edge AI agents designed to revolutionize the way e-commerce businesses operate. Our agents are not just tools; they're intelligent partners that can automate tasks, provide valuable insights, and enhance customer interactions.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will showcase the power of AI agents in action, highlighting our flagship product, AI PromptPro Google Chat™, now available in the Google Workspace Marketplace. We'll demonstrate how AI PromptPro can:\r\n\r\nStreamline content creation: Generate high-quality product descriptions, marketing copy, and other essential content quickly and efficiently.\r\n\r\nBoost customer engagement: Craft personalized messages, provide 24/7 support, and proactively address customer needs.\r\n\r\nEnhance productivity: Automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources.\r\n\r\nBeyond AI PromptPro, we'll explore the expanding AgentForge.Tech ecosystem and discuss the future of AI agents in e-commerce, including agents designed for customer service, talent acquisition, and more.","presenter":"Michael Dedecek","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236383,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Frisch","cname2":"Agentur Frisch International Consulting GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Produktsicherheit und Lieferkettengesetz: Herausforderungen und Chancen der Produktsicherheit für Unternehmen","bio":"seit 2005 Berater für den Aussenhandel, insbesondere für den Einkauf aus China.  Seit Jahren spezialisiert auf Produktkonformität. David Frisch ist eine prominente Persönlichkeit in der Welt des Imports aus China, bekannt für seine Fachkenntnisse und sein Engagement für qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Als Geschäftsführer der Agentur Frisch Administration GmbH und Gesellschafter der Agentur Frisch International Consulting GmbH \u0026 Co. KG hat er eine beeindruckende Karriere hinter sich.\n \nGeboren in Berlin, begann David Frisch bereits während seines Wirtschaftsstudiums, das er mit Bravour abschloss, seine Leidenschaft für den internationalen Handel zu entwickeln. Seine frühen beruflichen Erfahrungen führten ihn nach Asien und Europa, wo er für verschiedene Unternehmen im Bereich des internationalen Handels tätig war.\n\nEntschlossen, sein Fachwissen und seine Erfahrung zu nutzen, gründete David Frisch schließlich seine eigenen Unternehmen, die sich auf den Import von Waren aus China spezialisiert haben. Sein Ziel war es, Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen zu beraten und ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten.\n\nSein beeindruckendes Portfolio von Einkaufsprojekten spricht für seine Kompetenz und sein Engagement für Exzellenz. Von der Unterstützung von Start-ups bis hin zur Beratung etablierter Unternehmen hat David Frisch erfolgreich zahlreiche Projekte geleitet und zum Wachstum und Erfolg seiner Kunden beigetragen.\n\n Neben seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit engagiert sich David Frisch auch ehrenamtlich in verschiedenen Organisationen und ist Mitglied in bedeutenden Vereinen und Gremien. Sein Beitrag zur Gemeinschaft spiegelt sein Engagement für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und sein Streben nach positivem Wandel wider.\n\nAls gefragter Experte und Sprecher auf Konferenzen und Messen ist David Frisch eine inspirierende Persönlichkeit, die durch sein Fachwissen und seine Leidenschaft für den Import aus China die Branche bereichert und Innovation fördert.","position":"Berater","logotype":"","presentation_description":". Einführung in die Produktsicherheitsverordnung \r\nDefinition und Ziele: Überblick über die Produktsicherheitsverordnung und ihre Rolle im Verbraucherschutz.\r\nPflichten von Herstellern und Importeuren: Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die Sicherheit von Produkten?\r\n2. Das Lieferkettengesetz (LkSG) und seine Auswirkungen\r\nZiele des Lieferkettengesetzes: Erklärung, wie das Gesetz Unternehmen zur Einhaltung von Menschenrechten und Umweltstandards in der gesamten Lieferkette verpflichtet.\r\nSorgfaltspflichten: Anforderungen an Unternehmen hinsichtlich Risikomanagement, Prävention und Abhilfe in Bezug auf Menschenrechte und Umweltstandards.\r\nBetroffene Unternehmen: Welche Unternehmen sind betroffen, und welche Strafen drohen bei Nichteinhaltung?\r\n3. Schnittstelle zwischen Produktsicherheit und Lieferkettengesetz\r\nVerbindung von Produktsicherheit und sozialer Verantwortung: Wie beeinflusst das Lieferkettengesetz die Produktsicherheitsanforderungen und umgekehrt?\r\nRisikomanagement in der Lieferkette: Ansätze zur Identifizierung und Minimierung von Sicherheitsrisiken in den globalen Lieferketten.\r\n4. Konkrete Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung\r\n\r\n5. Herausforderungen und Best Practices\r\nHerausforderungen für Unternehmen: Welche typischen Schwierigkeiten treten bei der Umsetzung der Regelungen auf?\r\nFallstudien und Best Practices: Erfolgsbeispiele von Unternehmen, die ihre Lieferketten und Produktsicherheitsprozesse effektiv umgestellt haben.\r\n6. Zukunftsausblick und Trends\r\nNeue Entwicklungen und Trends: Wie könnten zukünftige Änderungen im Bereich Produktsicherheit und Lieferkettenrecht aussehen?\r\nTechnologische Innovationen: Rolle von Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Blockchain zur Sicherstellung der Produktsicherheit und Transparenz in der Lieferkette.","presenter":"David Frisch","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234566,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florian","lname":"Althoff","cname2":"AHAG Unternehmensberatung GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Geschäftsprozessoptimierung mit Business Intelligence – 3 Praxisbeispiele","bio":"Florian Althoff, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing., Founder und CEO AHAG Unternehmensberatung. Beruflicher Werdegang:\n95 - 00: Abschluss Diplom- Chemieingenieur FH Münster\n00 – 03: Abschluss Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur FH Bochum\n02  - 03: Controller Fa. Schmitz Tuchfabrik\n03  - 07: Controller Fa. Berker\n07  - 09: Prozessmanagement Fa. Berker\n09  - 11: Strategische Unternehmensentwicklung / Projektleiter Fa. Berker\n11 – 13: Industrial Strategy Manager Hager Group\t\t\t\n13 – heute: Berater AHAG Unternehmensberatung, Schwerpunkt: Implementierung BI-gestützter Optimierungssysteme im Bereich SCM\n\nDaniel Moers, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen M.Sc., Senior Consultant AHAG Unternehmensberatung. Beruflicher Werdegang:\n13 - 17: B.A. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FH Münster)\n17 - 17: M.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FH Münster)\n18 - 19: Masterand - Konzeptionierung und Umsetzung eines Modells zur Berechnung des Customer Lifetime Value im E-Commerce AHAG Unternehmensberatung\n19 - heute: Business Intelligence Consultant AHAG Unternehmensberatung","position":"Founder and CEO / Senior Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Business Intelligence (BI) und automatisierte Analysen helfen, Geschäftsprozesse im E-Commerce zu optimieren. Anhand von drei konkreten Anwendungsfällen (Use Cases) wird veranschaulicht, wie BI-Tools effizient eingesetzt werden können, um Bestandsmanagement, Deckungsbeiträge und Kampagnen zu optimieren. Wir zeigen, wie drei Unternehmen schneller auf Probleme reagieren und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können, die zu einer deutlichen Effizienzsteigerung geführt haben.\n\n3 use cases anhand echter Kunden: \n\nBestandsoptimierung: Langsame und nicht verkaufende Artikel werden identifiziert und in einem 4-Phasen-Prozess abverkauft. Startend mit einem Verkaufspreis von Einkaufspreis (EK) +10%, wird der Preis alle 40 Tage schrittweise gesenkt, wenn der Artikel nicht beginnt sich abzuverkaufen. Wird die Zielreichweite von 12 Monaten erreicht, stoppt der Abverkauf, und der Artikel wird wieder zum regulären Preis angeboten.\n\nDeckungsbeitragsoptimierung: Mithilfe einer detaillierten Deckungsbeitragsrechnung wurden Artikel, Kategorien und Plattformen analysiert, um gezielte Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen und das Portfolio zu optimieren. Die Analyse erfolgt in drei Stufen: Deckungsbeitrag I (Einkaufspreis + variable Kosten), Deckungsbeitrag II (inkl. Marketingkosten) und Deckungsbeitrag III (inkl. fixer Kosten). Durch die Optimierung des Artikelportfolios und der Preise konnte der relative Deckungsbeitrag I um 35 % gesteigert werden. Zusätzlich wurde ein Prozess zur dauerhaften Kontrolle der Deckungsbeiträge eingerichtet.\n\nKampagnenoptimierung: Oft werden Kampagnen nur anhand einfacher Kennzahlen wie Klickrate oder Conversionrate bewertet, was nicht die gesamte Rentabilität abbildet. Durch Integration von Klicks, Impressions und Kosten einzelner Kampagnen in die Deckungsbeitragsrechnung konnten Kampagnen nach der Rentabilität optimiert werden. Der DB II konnte bei diesem Kunden um 38% erhöht werden.\n","presenter":"Florian Althoff / Daniel Moers","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":235792,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florian","lname":"Althoff","cname2":"AHAG Unternehmensberatung GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Controlling im E-Commerce mit KI – Möglichkeiten und praktische Anwendungsfälle","bio":"Florian Althoff, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing., Founder und CEO AHAG Unternehmensberatung. Beruflicher Werdegang:\n95 - 00: Abschluss Diplom- Chemieingenieur FH Münster\n00 – 03: Abschluss Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur FH Bochum\n02  - 03: Controller Fa. Schmitz Tuchfabrik\n03  - 07: Controller Fa. Berker\n07  - 09: Prozessmanagement Fa. Berker\n09  - 11: Strategische Unternehmensentwicklung / Projektleiter Fa. Berker\n11 – 13: Industrial Strategy Manager Hager Group\t\t\t\n13 – heute: Berater AHAG Unternehmensberatung, Schwerpunkt: Implementierung BI-gestützter Optimierungssysteme im Bereich SCM\n\nDaniel Moers, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen M.Sc., Senior Consultant AHAG Unternehmensberatung. Beruflicher Werdegang:\n13 - 17: B.A. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FH Münster)\n17 - 17: M.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (FH Münster)\n18 - 19: Masterand - Konzeptionierung und Umsetzung eines Modells zur Berechnung des Customer Lifetime Value im E-Commerce AHAG Unternehmensberatung\n19 - heute: Business Intelligence Consultant AHAG Unternehmensberatung","position":"Founder and CEO / Senior Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) nimmt eine immer zentralere Rolle in der Geschäftswelt ein und bietet E-Commerce-Unternehmen erhebliche Wettbewerbsvorteile. Im Bereich des Controllings führt der Einsatz von KI zu einer spürbaren Effizienzsteigerung und Optimierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Automatisierte Routineaufgaben, Echtzeitanalysen und fundierte Entscheidungsfindung sind nur einige der klaren Mehrwerte, die durch KI möglich werden.\r\n\r\nIn dieser Präsentation erfahren Sie praxisnah, wie moderne KI-Modelle – wie zum Beispiel ChatGPT – im Controlling eingesetzt werden können, um schnelle und präzise Antworten auf wichtige Fragen zu erhalten. Dazu gehören typische Fragestellungen wie „Welche Artikel sind aktuell kritisch?“. Darüber hinaus zeigt ein KI-System nicht nur, was passiert ist, sondern gibt konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen und beantwortet die Frage: „Welche Aktionen sind jetzt sinnvoll?“.\r\n\r\nWir haben praktische Anwendungsfelder untersucht und zeigen, wie sich anhand umfangreicher Sales-Daten, zum Beispiel in Form einer CSV-Datei, präzise Auswertungen erzeugen und visualisieren lassen. Anhand einer konkreten Beispiel-Datei demonstrieren wir, wie Auswertungsmöglichkeiten zur Deckungsbeitragsoptimierung realisiert werden können, fragen die KI gezielt nach Möglichkeiten zur Warenkorbanalyse oder zeigen, wie das Kaufverhalten anhand vorhandener Geodaten analysiert werden kann. Darüber hinaus verdeutlichen wir, wie die zusätzliche Verwendung externer Datenquellen, wie z.B. Wahlergebnisse, Wetterdaten oder Mietpreise, gezielte Auswertungen zur Kampagnenoptimierung liefert.\r\n\r\nNeben den heutigen Möglichkeiten geben wir einen Ausblick auf künftige Möglichkeiten mit KI im Controlling im E-Commerce. Dazu gehören Themen wie Prompt Engineering, die Bedeutung von sauberen (Roh-)Daten sowie die Integration von soziodemographischen, physiographischen oder geografischen Daten oder verhaltensorientierten Kriterien.","presenter":"Florian Althoff / Daniel Moers","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":235901,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Irina","lname":"Heiligensetzer","cname2":"AI Marketing Matrix GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digitales Marketing der Zukunft schon heute: Wie KI-E-Commerce Digital Marketing neu gestaltet.","bio":"\n07/2024- HEUTE  GESCHÄFTSFÜHRERIN BEI AI MARKETING MATRIX GMBH\n\n09/2019 – 06/2024\tHEAD OF DISPLAY \u0026 PROGRAMMATIC BEI TERRITOTY MEDIA GMBH (BERTELSMANN GRUPPE)\n\n04/2015 –08/2019\tHEAD OF DISPLAY PERFORMANCE BEI AWIN AG (AXEL SPRINGER GROUP)\n\n10/2013 – 03/2015\t\tSR. KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER/ TEAM LEAD BEI DER ADSCALE GMBH (STRÖER DIGITAL GROUP)\n\n\n09/2011 – 09/2013\tHEAD OF DIRECT RESPONSE ANALYSTEN (KAMPAGNEN MANAGEMENT) DACH BEI DER YAHOO GERMANY GMBH\n\n\n08/2009 – 09/2011 DIRECT RESPONSE NETZWERK ANALYST BEI DER YAHOO GERMANY GMBH\n\n\n08/2008 - 08/2009\t\tSENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE BEI DER \nSPECIFIC MEDIA GERMANY GMBH\n\n\n","position":"Geschäftsführerin","logotype":"h","presentation_description":"Marketing Automatisierung war schon seit letzten Jahren das Schlagwort für den E-Commerce Bereich. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Marketing und  der heutigen KI Entwicklung bringt das Digital Marketing auf ein absolut neues vorher unerreichbares Niveau. KI-gesteuerte Personalisierung, KI im Kreativbereich, sowie die  KI gestützte Analytik und Media Auslieferung erlauben den Werbetreibenden enorme Budget Ersparnisse und bis jetzt unbekannte Marketing Effizienz.\n\nDigitales Marketing der Zukunft bietet: \n\nVollautomatisierte der Werbe Ausspielung vs. manueller fehlerbehafteter Aufwand\nAbsolute Flexibilität in der Kundenansprache vs. Versteifung auf Kanäle ohne Spielraum \nBis zu 300% ROI Overall-Steigerung \n\nErfahren Sie, wie man in der Zukunft folgende Herausforderungen umgeht:\n\nEffiziente Audience Planung.\nFlexible kostenlose Werbemittelgestaltung aufgrund der aktuellen Angebote und Interessen ihrer Zielgruppe.\nAnbindung Ihrer internen Buchungssysteme an die Mediaeinkauf mit dem Ziel, die Lagerbestände effizient zu verkaufen.\nNeukundenakquise und Kundenbindungsprogramme","presenter":"Irina Heiligensetzer","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":236201,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olga","lname":"Troeger","cname2":"AIQ(c) Europe i.G","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"Unlocking ROI: The Power of Operational Excellence in AI Implementation\"","bio":"Olga Tröger is a German-Colombian entrepreneur who studied International Economics, Political Science, and International Relations at the Universidad Externado de Colombia in Bogotá and at the Institut de Sciences Politiques de Paris (IEP) respectively. She is also a certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt from SQT Ireland and holds an MBA Essentials degree from the London School of Economics (LSE). \n\nAfter working in Europe and South America, Olga worked for eBay in Berlin for 18 years. There she worked as an operational excellence and efficiency expert, leading teams in Germany and Europe. Her special focus was always on the seamless integration of people and technology, where the customer was always at the center, a principle that shaped her professional career. \n\nSince December 2023, she has been self-employed with her consulting firm for operational excellence, Tröger Peña International Consulting ( Since May 2024 she is also co-founder and second chairwoman of the “EntscheidungsInstitut e.V.”, (  a think tank dedicated to decision-making, decision research, and sovereignty in a VUCA world. There she leads the overall operations strategy plus the Operational Excellence Consortium. She is also co-founder and COO of AIQ© Europe i.G.,  a company that measures the multidimensional readiness of organizations and provides a comprehensive roadmap for the ethical, strategic, and intelligent implementation of AI.","position":"Co-Founder and COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The Road to AI Success should be supported by tailored Operational Excellence Strategies\n\nThe audience will gain a competitive edge by discovering the transformative impact of crafting their own Operational Excellence Strategy to drive AI implementation and innovation and unlock positive ROI, all at their own pace.  \nI  will share invaluable tools, a real-world AI implementation journey example, and strategies for effective change management and adoption in AI education for both technical and non-technical teams. The Audience will learn how to harness the full potential of AIQ(C) - Artificial Intelligence Quotient, developed by my business partner and founder of AIQ(c) Europe i.G. Dr. Anámika Datta, to assess their organization's readiness for AI integration. This is a great opportunity to revolutionize e-commerce's approach to AI and secure its position at the forefront of innovation.","presenter":"Olga Tröger","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":234673,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Harriet","lname":"McNaughton","cname2":"Airship","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mobile-First Strategies for Seamless, Personalised Experiences and Lasting Loyalty","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As consumer behaviour shifts, customers expect seamless, personalised experiences across all channels, and retailers must innovate to stay agile and relevant. In this session, we will explore how brands can embrace these changes by optimising the customer journey through mobile-first strategies. We'll showcase how leveraging automation, personalisation, and cutting-edge technologies can drive customer retention and loyalty.\r\n\r\nThis session will provide actionable insights for brands facing similar challenges, highlighting how to harness technology and customer data to build loyalty and achieve sustainable growth, even in challenging economic times.\r\n\r\nExample use cases from client brands that we will cover:\r\n\r\nUse Case 1: Incentives as a prerequisite for purchase in challenging economic times; cross-promotion using incentives\r\nUse Case 2: Campaigns within apps and inbox channels—demonstrating how inbox strategies can provoke higher app retention \r\nUse Case 3: The power of hyper-personalisation and how it can create tailored experiences that resonate with individual customers\r\nUse Case 4: Gamification as a strategy to engage customers and drive loyalty\r\n\r\nOur research will also include benchmarks across the customer lifecycle, focusing on critical stages such as activation and engagement.","presenter":"Patrick Mareuil","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236713,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Karsten","lname":"Mitzinnek","cname2":"AIspezialisten (  \u0026 KI-Trainingakademie (","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Neuro-KI im E-Commerce: Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in volatilen Märkten","bio":"Aktuell\nKI-Trainingakademie: Gründer \u0026 CEO \nAIspezialisten: Co-Founder \u0026 Managing Director \n\nVorherige Stationen\nseed\u0026speed Ventures: Senior Investment Manager\nMaschmeyer Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft: COO, CMO\ CEO\nMaschmeyer Rürup AG: Generalbevollmächtigter, COO, CMO\nAWD - Finanzdienstleistungen: Direktor e-Business Management, e-Commerce\n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Gliederung des Vortrags:\r\n\r\n1. Der E-Commerce-Boost: Neuro-KI als Gamechanger\r\n- Aktuelle Schmerzpunkte im Online-Handel\r\n- Wie Neuro-KI Ihre Verkaufszahlen verbessern kann\r\n\r\n2. Kundenhirne entschlüsseln\r\n- Personalisierung 2.0: Dem Kunden in den Kopf schauen\r\n- Emotionale Trigger: KI-gestützte Conversion-Optimierung\r\n- Hirngerechte Chatbots: Der neue Superstar im Kundenservice\r\n\r\n3. Vertrauen gewinnen: Ethik und Datenschutz in der Neuro-KI-Ära\r\n- Balance-Akt: Personalisierung vs. Privatsphäre\r\n- Transparenz als Verkaufsturbo: Wie Offenheit Kunden bindet\r\n- Praxis-Guide: So setzen Sie Neuro-KI verantwortungsvoll ein\r\n\r\n4. Kaufknöpfe im Gehirn: Neurowissenschaft trifft E-Commerce\r\n-  Einblick ins Kundenhirn: Was passiert beim Online-Kauf?\r\n- Neuro-Hacks: KI-Modelle, die Kaufimpulse verstärken\r\n- Gehirngerechtes Design: Wie Sie Ihre Website zum Verkaufsmagnet machen\r\n\r\n5. Zukunfts-Booster: Mit Neuro-KI an der Konkurrenz vorbeiziehen\r\n- Kristallkugel 2030: Wohin entwickelt sich E-Commerce?\r\n- Ihr Erfolgsrezept: So heben Sie sich mit Neuro-KI von der Masse ab\r\n- Sofort umsetzbar: 5 Schritte zur erfolgreichen Neuro-KI-Integration\r\n\r\n6. Interaktive Q\u0026A-Runde","presenter":"Karsten Mitzinnek","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235647,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexander","lname":"Karl","cname2":"Alexander Karl Digital Growth Consulting","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Startup-Geist im Mittelstand: So entfesseln Traditionsunternehmen neues Wachstum im E-Commerce","bio":"Ich bin Alexander Karl, Berater und Interim Manager mit einer großen Leidenschaft für E-Commerce und digitales Marketing. Es macht mir einfach Spaß, traditionellen mittelständischen Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, den Sprung in die digitale Zukunft zu schaffen und E-Commerce als neuen Wachstumsmotor zu nutzen.\n\nIn den letzten Jahren hatte ich das Vergnügen, mit tollen Firmen wie der DICTUM GmbH, Jungheinrich AG und EnBW zusammenzuarbeiten. Es begeistert mich immer wieder zu sehen, wie Unternehmen mit datengesteuerten Strategien und praxisnahen Ansätzen interne Hürden überwinden und nachhaltiges Wachstum erreichen.\n\nWas mich antreibt, ist die feste Überzeugung, dass die Kombination aus langjähriger Erfahrung und frischem Innovationsgeist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg im digitalen Zeitalter ist.","position":"Berater und Interim Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der digitale Wandel ist unumgänglich, doch wie kann der traditionelle Mittelstand nicht nur mithalten, sondern auch im E-Commerce durchstarten? Während junge Startups den Online-Markt erobern, stehen etablierte Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, Agilität und Innovation in bestehende Strukturen zu integrieren.\n\nIn meinem Vortrag zeige ich, wie Sie den dynamischen Startup-Spirit in Ihr mittelständisches Unternehmen bringen und E-Commerce als kraftvollen Wachstumsmotor etablieren. Wir beleuchten, wie Vertrieb und E-Commerce Hand in Hand gehen, welches Change Management notwendig ist und welche Strategien tatsächlich zum Erfolg führen.\n\nAnhand von praxisnahen Kunden-Case-Studies demonstriere ich anschaulich, wie der Sprung in die digitale Zukunft gelingt. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie neue Umsatzkanäle erschließen, interne Widerstände überwinden und Ihr Unternehmen fit für die digitale Ära machen.","presenter":"Alexander Karl","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236037,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexandre","lname":"Collin","cname2":"Algolia","avatar":"\u0026id=1d9ny2AAkIHK9JS6Kr9td8MZU1hMwpQmm","presentation_title":"Mastering Search \u0026 Discovery UX: Driving business success through seamless user-experiences","bio":"Passionate about well-crafted user experiences on both web and mobile, Alex has spent the last 10 years at Algolia working with hundreds of customers. This extensive experience in the Search space has made him an expert in building great Search \u0026 Discovery experiences. His expertise also extends to Frontend Developments, and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) best practices, helping customers maximize their impact.\n","position":"Staff SME Business Strategy \u0026 Optimization (Search UX Specialist)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, user expectations are higher than ever, with 88% of customers less likely to return after a poor user experience (hubspot, 2022). Search is the most crucial function, with over 60% of consumers heading straight to the search bar (Google Cloud Retail 2023). \r\n\r\nIn this session, I will share insights from over a decade of experience helping businesses optimize their search UX at Algolia. We’ll cover key elements and key best practices for creating an intuitive \r\n and rewarding Search \u0026 Discovery experience, that not only meets user expectations but also enhances brand perception and drives higher conversion rates. This talk will offer practical advice that e-commerce leaders implement right away.","presenter":"Alexandre Collin","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":146,"id":234594,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sylwia","lname":"Siwek-Nowak","cname2":"Allegro Sp. z o. o.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Discover winning strategies to scale your e-commerce in CEE","bio":"Anna Juda is Group Director of Merchant Success at Allegro. She is a digital media executive with a track record of building and scaling high-growth teams in commerce and media. With 10+ years of experience, Anna has a deep understanding of e-commerce and marketplaces, with a particular focus on strategy, innovation, and international expansion.","position":"Group Director of Merchant Success at Allegro","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ready to boost your international sales and connect with over 20 million active buyers across Central and Eastern Europe? Get insights into Allegro’s journey from a local e-commerce leader to a regional champion. Find out how to leverage Allegro’s tools designed for international expansion, and explore real-world examples and data that can drive your business forward. This isn’t just theory—we’ve lived it, and now we are sharing it with you.","presenter":"Anna Juda","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":141,"id":236378,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lara","lname":"Kersbamer","cname2":"Alma Digital","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Where to start from? Analyzing e-commerce data to get better decisions and drive a sustainable growth","bio":"I work with entrepreneurs and startups to create digital innovation strategies, launch new products or services on the market and define scalable growth strategies. I have a solid experience in economics, big data, business organization and digital marketing and...I am a tech-enthusiast! I can help you analyze your project's data, find the most relevant indicators to monitor progresses and test the most efficient ways to achieve results.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Online sales scenario is constantly changing, si are technologies available for retailers. How do we understand what data we should analyze to understand where growth opportunities lie? That's a tough task if you consider that nowadays we have so many data about traffic, conversions, users' behavior, product placement and so on. A strategy of growth for e-commerces are made of small steps taken in order to fix a checkout problem, optimize customer experience, change product pages. To understand how to prioritize actions on a website or on marketing strategies is also challenging because we are constantly advice that to be successful everything needs to be done at the same time, but this costs a lot to retailers in terms of budgeting. In this speech I will analyze benchmark metrics for e-commerce to help the audience understand if what they see is already satisfying or needs to be taken care of. We will go into checkout conversion rates, product pages add to cart rates, CX and UX a/b testing and traffic growth rates.","presenter":"Lara Kersbamer","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236466,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michał","lname":"Wójcik","cname2":"Alsendo Sp. z o.o.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to transform your Last Mile delivery in a competitive advantage in 2025","bio":"Michał Wójcik is a seasoned e-commerce expert with a proven track record in digital strategy and marketing automation. With extensive experience in leading e-commerce initiatives for companies like Leroy Merlin and Carrefour Polska, he is an expert in maximizing online sales performance and driving omnichannel projects. Michał's expertise lies in crafting tailored e-commerce strategies, optimizing technology solutions, and fostering cross-functional collaboration to achieve business objectives.","position":"Partnership \u0026 Enterprise Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will highlight how Alsendo Group’s solutions support various market segments in growing cross-border sales, implementing new logistics innovations (including courier services), and managing courier operations. We will explore how Alsendo’s advanced technologies and expertise drive efficiency, streamline processes, and enhance customer satisfaction in logistics. Additionally, a case study will be presented to showcase the real-world impact of these solutions, demonstrating how they help businesses overcome logistical challenges, expand internationally, and maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.","presenter":"Michał Wójcik, Natalia Trzewik","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":35,"id":236095,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olivier","lname":"Jolidon","cname2":"Aman Hotels \u0026 Resorts","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Customer Journey in the travel industry","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation explores the various stages a traveler experiences, from initial inspiration to post-trip feedback. It examines key touchpoints such as booking, travel, accommodation, and customer service, highlighting how technology, personalization, and seamless experiences enhance customer satisfaction. The presentation emphasizes the importance of understanding customer behavior and leveraging data to create tailored travel experiences, ultimately driving customer loyalty and business growth.","presenter":"Olivier Jolidon","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235392,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rahil","lname":"Sheth","cname2":"Amazon","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Green and Lean: Transforming Your Supply Chain for Success","bio":"Rahil is an accomplished Program Manager with over six years of experience at Amazon, specializing in supply chain logistics, strategic project management, and operational excellence. With expertise in leading cross-functional teams across Europe and the North America, Rahil has spearheaded initiatives that have delivered significant cost savings, process improvements, and sustainable results.\n\nCertified in Lean Six Sigma and experienced in integrating emerging technologies, Rahil is passionate about optimizing supply chain operations to meet modern challenges. His work has influenced C-level executives and operations leaders, earning a reputation for delivering innovative solutions and enhancing efficiency at scale.\n\nBeyond his professional role, Rahil enjoys coaching and mentoring emerging talent, sharing his knowledge to help others grow in their careers. In his spare time, he stays active by playing tennis, a sport that reinforces his commitment to discipline, teamwork, and continuous improvement.","position":"Program Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s business landscape, sustainability is no longer a choice—it’s a strategic advantage. This session will explore how eCommerce companies can transform their supply chains to be both green and efficient, driving long-term success.\n\nI’ll share how businesses can reduce their carbon footprint by collaborating with suppliers to implement eco-friendly solutions such as electric vehicles, bike deliveries, and sustainable packaging. These changes not only reduce environmental impact but also attract eco-conscious customers, fostering stronger brand loyalty.\n\nAdditionally, I’ll dive into the benefits of partnering with third-party logistics (3PL) providers. By leveraging existing infrastructure, businesses can expand rapidly without heavy capital investments in their own warehousing or logistics systems. This approach enables companies to scale faster, improve delivery times, and minimize operational burdens.\n\nAttendees will walk away with actionable strategies to:\n\n1. Green their supply chain through innovative transportation and packaging solutions,\n2. Seamlessly integrate sustainability into everyday operations,\n3. Leverage 3PL partnerships to reduce costs and accelerate growth.\n\nWhether you're an established player or a growing startup, this session will equip you with the insights needed to build a sustainable, lean, and agile supply chain that drives success in today’s highly competitive eCommerce market.","presenter":"Rahil Sheth","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":116,"id":236541,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jinte","lname":"Burger","cname2":"Amorelie \u0026 Sendcloud","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Box: How Shipping Intelligence Transformed Amorelie's Delivery Experience","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Join us at the E-commerce Berlin Expo for a session on unlocking the potential of Shipping Intelligence, with exclusive insights from Amorelie and Sendcloud.\r\n\r\nSendcloud will lead with an in-depth look into shipping logistics, addressing key topics like market differences, carrier performance, and shifting consumer preferences. Drawing from 12 years of experience, data from 500 million shipments, and insights from 8,000 international consumers, you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of today’s shipping landscape.\r\n\r\nFollowing this, Amorelie, a popular online retailer in the intimate wellness space, will share how they’ve used these insights to reshape their shipping strategy and improve customer service. Discover how they tailored logistics to meet customer expectations, streamlined carrier selection, and enhanced the customer experience with smarter communication and automation.\r\n\r\nThis session offers practical, data-backed tips from both an industry leader and a merchant’s perspective. You’ll leave with fresh ideas to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue. Don’t miss the chance to learn how Shipping Intelligence can refine your shipping strategy and grow your business.","presenter":"Rob van den Boogaard \u0026 Viktoria Danielzok","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":151,"id":236461,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Karl Mattias","lname":"Õige","cname2":"Analytical Alley","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Understanding Incrementality and Causality in Commercial MMM","bio":"Tanel Rebane and Karl Mattias, co-founders of Analytical Alley, set out to fix what’s broken in marketing. Tanel, with his background in quantitative economics, saw the hidden power of MMM—how it could give marketers the clear, actionable insights they’d been missing. Meanwhile, Karl Mattias, a digital media and data expert, was fed up with seeing marketing treated as a necessary evil—just a cost instead of a real engine for growth.\n\nIn 2022, they decided to do something about it. They launched Analytical Alley, a platform that turns raw data into clear, actionable insights. Using advanced modelling and AI-backed analysis, they help businesses make smarter decisions—decisions that not only make sense but also grow profits. And they’re aiming high, promising to boost marketing ROI by 20 to 40%. Bold? Definitely. But that’s exactly what they’re all about.\n","position":"Founders","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Thanks to recent updates in personalised data collection, the accuracy of MTA models has taken a hit. Before that, MTA solutions were a key reason why many of us marketers shifted towards digital marketing instead of what was known as “traditional marketing.”\n\nIn our presentation, we’ll share real-life results from nearly 200 MMM projects, showcasing practical examples of how dynamic and frequently updated MMMs can be integrated into a marketer’s toolkit. We’ll provide proof of how top-funnel channels—both digital and non-digital—deliver high ROI, reveal how SEM is often over-invested, and share other valuable insights from our extensive experience..","presenter":"Karl Mattias Õige \u0026 Tanel Rebane","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":26,"id":236374,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Danielle","lname":"Fitzpatrick Clark","cname2":"Andrew Mellen Inc.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Declutter Your E-commerce: Streamline Operations for Maximum Efficiency","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where differentiation and innovation are key, Andrew Mellen will reveal practical strategies to help e-commerce businesses optimize their operations by eliminating digital clutter and inefficient processes. Through real-life case studies, he will demonstrate how to reclaim time, reduce operational costs, and enhance team productivity. Attendees will leave with actionable insights to implement immediately, ensuring their businesses can thrive in today’s fast-paced, competitive market.","presenter":"Andrew Mellen","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235664,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Toby","lname":"Marks","cname2":"apollon GmbH+Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Accelerating Time-to-Market: How Integrated Systems Drive E-Commerce Success","bio":"Toby Marks is the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) and Managing Director at apollon GmbH \u0026 Co. KG, where he has been shaping the company's sales and marketing strategy since its inception. Known for his positive outlook and natural ability to connect people, Toby has a unique talent for building bridges between business and technology. His passion for IT, combined with his studies in business administration across Stuttgart, Berlin, and Brasília, has provided him with a solid foundation for his role.\n\nWith early experience in IT during his academic journey, Toby has a deep understanding of the digital landscape, enabling him to drive innovative solutions in the realms of Product Information Management (PIM) and Digital Asset Management (DAM). Today, he leads with creativity and customer focus, helping clients navigate the challenges of digital transformation and accelerate their E-commerce strategies.","position":"CCO / Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation will explore how integrated E-commerce systems, specifically the combination of Product Information Management (PIM) and Digital Asset Management (DAM), can drastically reduce time-to-market for businesses. By centralizing and automating the management of product data and marketing assets, companies can streamline workflows, enhance cross-channel consistency, and respond more quickly to market demands. The session will provide actionable insights into real-world challenges that E-commerce teams face and demonstrate how automation and integration lead to more efficient product launches.\n\nAttendees will learn practical strategies to:\n- Automate product updates and content distribution across multiple platforms.\n- Improve marketing agility through centralized asset management.\n- Optimize workflow efficiency, reducing errors and delays in product releases.\n\nThe focus is on providing value through problem-solving, using real-life examples and best practices to illustrate the impact of integrated systems, without promotional bias. This presentation is aimed at E-commerce professionals seeking to enhance their operational efficiency and stay competitive in fast-evolving markets.","presenter":"Toby Marks","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235914,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tizian","lname":"Bonus","cname2":"Appinio \u0026 Zalando","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Solving the growth code for eCommerce and CPG - what can we learn from each other?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"eCommerce and CPG companies alike thrive to effectively grow by taking business decisions based on insights and acting customer centric. While eCommerce companies can rely on a wealth of different data pools from within their company, but have very little insights into the broader marketplace and cross-effects with their competitors, this picture looks reversed in typical CPG companies. As a consequence, these companies have developed strengths in their own right, but also have blind spots - both within as well as outside of the borders of their company. Taking an analytical look into the strengths and weaknesses of each model sheds light on approaches to close the gap and levers to improve effective management strategies to grow the business. We would like to share learnings from our careers in both verticals and demonstrate how we can take the “best of both worlds” to build powerful brands, compelling customer experiences, and develop new products that disrupt.","presenter":"Dr. Tizian Bonus \u0026 Joanna Lindenberg","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":248,"id":236471,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Iwoa","lname":"Berger","cname2":"Asendia Germany","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mission Kaufkraft: Schnell hin da! Der Weg zu mehr Wachstum im europäischen Ausland für deutsche Versandhändler","bio":"Thomas Berger arbeitet seit mehr als 20 Jahren im Bereich Digitale Transformation und eCommerce und verantwortet heute das Marketing, das Produktmanagement und die IT bei Asendia. \nNach der Gründung einer Agentur für mobile Services und App Entwicklung,  war er unter Anderem bei der TUI AG für das Digitale Marketing sowie die Customer Experience verantwortlich., hat als Vice President das Digital Business eines Biotech Unternehmens geleitet und für die Toyota Deutschland den Aufbau von digitalen Marketing und Vertriebskanälen betreut. \nDer studierte Betriebswirt Baujahr 1978 ist Vater von zwei Kindern und verbringt als passionierter Segler jede freie Minute auf dem Wasser. ","position":"Chief E-Commerce Marketing Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wir folgen dem Ruf des Geldes und werfen einen Blick darauf, wie deutsche Versandhändler ihr Geschäft im europäischen Ausland erfolgreich ausbauen können. Dabei liegt unser Fokus auf der Versand- und Retourenabwicklung – entscheidende Bereiche, die maßgeblich den Erfolg im internationalen E-Commerce bestimmen.","presenter":"Thomas Berger","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":26,"id":236306,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexander","lname":"von Berlin","cname2":"asgoodasnew","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Refurbishing the Future: How Marketing Drives Growth in the Pre-Owned Market","bio":"I’m a seasoned executive with more than 20 years of experience in company management, strategy, and M\u0026A, specializing in digital marketing and transformation. Data-driven and analytical, with a tech-savvy twist, I'm passionate about creating vibrant corporate cultures and embracing new work and change management in entrepreneurial settings. My journey includes:\n\n* Founder and Managing Director of Ganesha Dawn GmbH\n* CO-CEO and CMO at asgoodasnew\n* CEO at The Reachgroup GmbH (TRG)\n* Managing Director at SPARWELT GmbH (RTL Mediagroup), Berlin\n* Director of Digital Partner Management and Director of Corporate Development/Strategy at PAYBACK\n* Senior Director of international strategy and corporate development former zanox group, now AWIN\n\nI hold an MBA and a PhD in business administration, with a focus on management, marketing, and financial controlling of new service-oriented business models.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where sustainability is becoming more than just a buzzword, e-commerce is evolving from a model of pure consumption to one that embraces reuse and refurbishment. This presentation will explore how the market for refurbished goods, especially in categories like electronics, is outpacing the growth of traditional retail. Tim Seewöster, CEO of asgoodasnew, will share insights on how refurbished products are not only good for the planet but are also proving to be a profitable segment. He will dive into how strategic marketing can tap into consumer demand for high-quality, pre-owned goods, and why brands must adapt to this shift. Attendees will learn how to position refurbished products as a key player in the future of retail, using innovative marketing techniques that speak to today’s environmentally conscious customers.","presenter":"Dr. Tim Seewöster","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":236082,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gordon","lname":"Knapp","cname2":"Atlas.ti, Cleverbridge","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling Globally, Selling Locally: How ATLAS.ti Accelerated International Growth","bio":"Jörg Hecker:\nAfter 20 years of consulting and executing for one of his clients ATLAS.ti as external COO with his Berlin-based strategy consulting company heckerconsult, the move to ATLAS.ti as CEO came on March 1, 2021. Through his consulting background for well-known corporations such as Daimler Benz, Publicis, Standard and Poors, UBS and many more, as well as his leadership positions in various businesses, he has many years of experience in strategic planning, business and organizational development, finance and international product positioning. He holds a master's degree in economics from the Technical University of Berlin.\n\nTodd Garcia: \nTodd Garcia serves as the Vice President of Global Client Success at Cleverbridge, where he leads a dynamic team in delivering impactful client solutions in over 240 countries and territories. With 15 years of experience in SaaS, ecommerce, and digital transformation, Todd has a proven track record of driving client success strategies at global scale. Todd is passionate about building client-focused partnerships that drive business outcomes and long-term value. He holds a master's degree in business administration from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business.","position":"Jörg Hecker (CEO at ATLAS.ti) and Todd Garcia (VP of Global Client Success, Cleverbridge)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"ATLAS.ti, a Lumivero company, successfully scaled to over 160 countries using a dynamic reseller network. This session dives into how they overcame the complexities of global sales by empowering local resellers while maintaining a seamless, localized checkout experience. Learn how ATLAS.ti tackled challenges in regions like South Africa and Mexico, optimized global pricing, and automated sales operations. \r\n\r\nWhether you're expanding globally or refining your international strategy, this session offers key insights into leveraging a reseller network to boost direct sales, streamline commissions, and ensure a personalized customer experience worldwide.","presenter":"Jörg Hecker, Todd Garcia","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":200,"id":236474,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boyan","lname":"Bonev","cname2":" /","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Retargeting is DEAD. How AI changed the Targeting Landscape","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How did AI kill the conventional Tracking und how Performance Marketing changed forever?\r\n\r\nWe will have a look at practical examples of brands and their change in media buying. The steps that they had to take to adapt to the new environment. The new landscape affected the creative testing, targeting, tracking and campaign structure on Meta, Google, TikTok and every other platform.","presenter":"Boyan Bonev","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":236564,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Radim","lname":"Oulehla","cname2":"Authentica Fulfillment","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How robotics can help e-commerce logistics","bio":"Peter Litavec is head of Authentica Fulfillment, which is part of the Authentica Global group. In 2017, he co-founded Planet Express, which soon reached a turnover of $10 million and became a direct competitor to Shipito. He then decided to leave Planet Express and joined the then nascent Authentica Fulfillment in Brno as a project manager for warehouse system integration. Gradually, he pushed the company's strategy to develop its own software and became the head of the fulfillment division.","position":"Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Small warehouse spaces, labor shortages, efficiency, rapid growth, and more are issues faced by many e-shops. At such times, several options come into play to tackle this challenge. Is automation one of the options? What can it achieve, and what results can it bring? You will find out all this in a lecture by Petr Litavec, who will present real examples of the use of automation and its outcomes.","presenter":"Petr Litavec","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235327,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nadja","lname":"Kurbanova","cname2":"Avery Dennison","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Right package… Wrong vehicle…Why misloads cost millions","bio":"Michael leads Avery Dennison’s global logistics solution team and strategy with the goal to connect Identifications (IDs) along the silos of the supply chain for actionable insights and greater interoperability. He drives global business development within the logistics market and shapes our long-term strategy.\nPrior to this role, Michael led the Global Packaging team as RBIS Apparel's Packaging Director. He brings over a decade of experience serving global clients as a Commercial Director, leading multinational, global teams.\nThroughout his 18-year career, Michael has excelled in developing segment-specific and go-to-market strategies across various industries. He continuously monitors innovation and technological advancements to enhance the value proposition of Avery Dennison's strategies.\n","position":"Senior Director Market Development and Strategy, Logistics","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We will showcase our latest success story in the Last Mile case study, exploring the challenges and solutions in last-mile delivery, with a focus on the implementation of intelligent parcel solutions. We will highlight the inefficiencies of manual processes, particularly misloads, and their significant cost implications. Our case study introduces RFID technology and intelligent labels as a way to bring real-time visibility, accuracy, and efficiency to last-mile operations, emphasizing their potential to reduce mis-sorts, increase productivity, and improve cost savings. It also discusses the scalability and rapid implementation of these solutions, encouraging a shift towards a more digitized and automated last-mile delivery system.","presenter":"Michael Kaufmann","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":149,"id":236139,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Martin","lname":"Sakowski","cname2":"AWS","avatar":"","presentation_title":"MACH: The Blueprint for Composable E-Commerce","bio":"Martin Sakowski is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He supports German enterprise customers on their journey to the cloud. He has a strong background in building digital platforms and serverless stacks. With this experience, he loves to dive deep into architectures and development processes to drive performance, operational efficiency, and increase the speed of innovation.","position":"Senior Solutions Architect","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover why and how retailers should implement composable e-commerce and learn practical strategies for connecting best-of-breed services to create a seamless and innovative shopping experience. This talk explores the benefits of adopting a MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS, and Headless) architecture in retail. It also outlines the usage of generative AI as a pluggable component in this landscape.","presenter":"Martin Sakowski","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":33,"id":234487,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Saim","lname":"Alkan","cname2":"AX Semantics GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Datengetriebene Produktkommunikation. Harte Zahlen für einen kreativen Job? Widerspruch oder Durchbruch?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die \"Hau-Drauf-Mentalität\" der vergangenen Jahre in der Produktkommunikation ist vorbei. Produkttexte werden mit großem Aufwand beschafft oder geschrieben, Kosten und Nutzen stehen jedoch selten unter Beobachtung. Viele Einzelmeinungen, viele Mitwirkende und noch mehr Tools vernebeln die Sicht auf das Wesentliche. Aber das muss nicht so bleiben. Saim Rolf Alkan durchleuchtet in diesem Vortrag, wie wir zukünftig in der Produktkommunikation datengetrieben arbeiten und damit Einfluss auf business relevante Zahlen nehmen. \r\nDein Take-away: Wie du wirksamer Gestalter eurer Produktkommunikation wirst.","presenter":"Saim Rolf Alkan","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":235428,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ben","lname":"Machek","cname2":"Aybee","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Understanding Consumers’ Shopping Behavior \u0026 Preferences on Marketplaces with AI","bio":"Ben is the Co-founder and CEO of Aybee ( Along with two co-founders, he launched Aybee in early 2024 with the mission to create a scalable solution that integrates the voice of the customer into every critical product decision.\n\nBefore founding Aybee, Ben built and led an EU partnerships team at Amazon Business. He began his career in New York, managing software implementation projects for Fortune 100 companies, and co-founded his first venture. ","position":"Co-Founder, CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Marketplaces are a black box for consumer brands. Therefore, it is no surprise that a Harvard study shows that 80% of consumer products fail within 18 months after launch. Brands often need to rely on historical data or trust their gut feeling when launching and optimizing products. \r\n\r\nIn this presentation, we'll highlight the importance and impact of data-driven product development that's closely aligned with consumers.\r\n\r\nWe walk you through a case study featuring one of our customers to showcase the benefits of testing product ideas with real consumers before investing a single dollar in product development. By setting up marketplace simulations with real consumers, brands get unique insights into how their product idea performs, what competitors do better, and how to improve the product/product idea. Extracted and analyszed with the help of AI.\r\n\r\nIf brands shift to a testing mindset and get the right tool, they will be able to improve their product success rate, reduce waste, and boost sales.","presenter":"Ben Machek","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":103,"id":236508,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kolja","lname":"Krüger","cname2":"AZ Direct GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Click2Print: Why postal mailings to e-mail clickers are a conversion machine","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Using two specific use cases, we would like to show you how targeted postal mailings to the clickers of an email campaign can lead to significantly more conversions.  \r\nThis campaign concept brings retargeting and cross-channel together in the simplest possible way. \r\nBased on the Click2Print campaigns of a classic retailer and a large tourism company, we want to show you the 4 essential process steps and clarify\r\n1. for which products/services Click2Print makes sense\r\n2. how the advertising material (email template and card/letter) should be designed \r\n3. which performance values are realistic, and\r\n4. how to implement it quickly and easily.","presenter":"Lars Leiwesmeier, Kolja Krüger","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236397,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tim","lname":"Resl","cname2":"B2Bsellers GmbH und Brangs und Heinrich GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digitalisierung der Verpackungsindustrie: Wie den B2B E-Commerce neu definiert","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Diese Präsentation beleuchtet, wie als Online-Shop für Verpackungsmaterialien den B2B E-Commerce in der Verpackungsbranche erfolgreich neu gestaltet hat. Der Fokus liegt auf der Einführung eines maßgeschneiderten E-Commerce-Systems, das den Beschaffungsprozess für Unternehmen vereinfacht und optimiert. Zudem wird ein praxisnaher Erfahrungsbericht präsentiert, der zeigt, wie Kunden online bestellen und wie das System die Effizienz in der Beschaffung steigert. Die Zuhörer erhalten wertvolle Einblicke in die digitale Transformation der Verpackungsindustrie und die Schlüsselstrategien für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung im B2B-Bereich.","presenter":"Tim Resl + Kilian Zeiler","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":235318,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Patrykowski","cname2":"Backona \u0026 SLT Media","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI-Driven Insights: Shaping the Future of E-commerce \u0026 Marketing Analytics","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this session, we'll dive into how AI is revolutionising the way we analyse customer journeys, track traffic, and predict outcomes. Learn how AI tools can automatically compare your campaigns, identify patterns in user behaviour, and forecast results with unmatched accuracy. Discover how these advanced insights can help optimise your marketing strategy, improve performance, and drive growth in today’s competitive e-commerce landscape.","presenter":"David Patrykowski","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":235121,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Natalie","lname":"Steger","cname2":"BADESOFA Interior Design GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to enter the us market with a niche product","bio":"\n\nYou can find the CV under this link.","position":"Founder and CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"BADESOFA is an e-commerce company from Cologne and has been successfully selling bathtub cushions and other home spa products since 2019. We gained greater recognition in 2021 through our participation in the start-up show “Die Höhle der Löwen”. Since then, we have continued to grow. In terms of product range, number of employees and target markets. In 2023, we successfully launched our products on the US market and achieved more than 6-digit sales in the first year. We are happy to tell you about how-to and not-to-do.","presenter":"Natalie Steger","presentation_category":"crossborder","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":235613,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nikola","lname":"Ilchev","cname2":"Balkan eCommerce Summit","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking the eCommerce Potential of the Balkans: Navigating Market Specifics in an Underserved Region","bio":"Nikola Ilchev is one of the most influential eCommerce people in Bulgaria and Eastern Balkans. He started working on his first eCommerce projects in 2011, and in 2016 he founded eCommerce Academy.\nThe organisation is responsible for more than 100 significant eCommerce events including Balkan eCommerce Summit that gathers people from more than 17 countries, 2 published books and the only niche eCommerce competition in Bulgaria. Nikola has a significant influence in the development of the eCommerce ecosystem in the region.\nHe strongly believes that every business should be digital and strives to provide useful information and contacts to anyone embarking on the eCommerce journey.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The Balkans are emerging as a highly attractive region for many eCommerce businesses. Once considered underdeveloped markets by numerous global brands, the area is now seen as a prime opportunity for expansion. This shift in perception is occurring at a time when Western and Central European markets have become increasingly saturated and largely dominated by powerful online marketplaces. In contrast, the Balkan region offers a range of untapped opportunities. However, companies looking to establish a presence there must be well-versed in the unique aspects and dynamics of each market within the region.\r\n\r\nSuccessfully navigating the Balkan markets requires understanding several key specifics, including:\r\n\r\n- Differences in language and mentality that vary significantly across the region;\r\n- Unique tax systems and legal regulations that could impact business operations;\r\n- Peculiarities in local logistics and delivery of goods to the customer;\r\n- Customer expectations regarding the way of shopping and delivery of goods;\r\n- Local eCommerce platforms and channels that differ from those in more developed regions;\r\n- Variations in advertising platforms and approaches tailored to local consumer behaviour;\r\n- User experience tips and many other important factors.\r\n\r\nThe upcoming presentation will delve into these topics, providing detailed statistics, market data, and insights for each individual market in the Balkans.\r\nAttendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the region’s specific characteristics, challenges, and opportunities, enabling them to make informed decisions for their eCommerce strategies.\r\nThe presentation will be interesting enough for both eCommerce shop and brand owners as well as service providers looking into learning more about markets, where they can provide their services.","presenter":"Nikola Ilchev","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":151,"id":235136,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Axel","lname":"Rimkus","cname2":"Be YS / Large french Insurance Company","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Innovating e-commerce with the EU Identity Wallet","bio":"Axel Rimkus has been working in the IT industry for over 20 years, and is passionate about delivering innovative and secure IT services and technologies to customers across EMEA. His core competencies include international business development, cloud computing, digital identities \u0026 trust solutions, and managed services. \n\nAs a Business Development Executive at be ys, a leading provider of digital trust services he is responsible for the commercial development and customer contracts in Northern Europe. \n\nWith a background in IT and managed services, Axel's achievements include providing digital trust \u0026 outsourcing solutions to large enterprise customers in various sectors, such as manufacturing, financial services, and public sector which provided substantial digital  transformation of the way business was done with customers and end users. \n\nAxel will be joined by other speaker from a pilot customer","position":"Business Development Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus: \r\nThe presentation will outline how the EU Identity Wallet will impact KYC, Customer identification, ID Validation, and customer relations management through a workflow of qualified exchanges. \r\n \r\nThe EU ID Wallet is based on the new European  eIDAS2 regulation, which, as of the end of 2026, obliges businesses in the EU to accept qualified eIDs for customer identification.\r\n \r\nThe EUID Wallet offers Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), which will change the way individuals interact with public and private organisations. SSI enables individuals to self-govern with whom they share data and for how long.\r\n \r\nIn addition to using the EUID Wallet for KYC, contracts can be closed with qualified electronic signatures through the Smartphone Wallet App to secure and accelerate transactions.\r\n \r\nThe presentation explains the basics of the EUID Wallet, foresees a live Demo, and references pilot projects, including an automated KYC project with a large French insurance company, in which the Smartphone ID Wallet App was used to submit identity data and KYC-relevant documents in a customer onboarding process.\r\n\r\nValue offered: \r\n1) Innovation and efficiency gains in the customer onboarding and interaction process. \r\n2) Prepare new national legislation based on the  eIDAS2 regulation decided in March 2024.\r\n3) Effectively combat fraud and identity theft\r\n4) Ensuring your regulatory compliance\r\n5) Real-life customer project presented by the customer","presenter":"Axel Rimkus","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":40,"id":236714,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Betül","lname":"Yönak-Bein","cname2":"bedrop","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Lovebrand im eCommerce \u0026 Offline","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Bei bedrop setzen wir vor allem auf die Nahbarkeit zum Kunden und die Transparenz aller Produkte und Erfahrungen von Kunden und Kundinnen.\r\nMeine Geschichte mit Bienenprodukten prägte nicht nur meine Kindheit, vor allem die Zeit danach bei meiner Neurodermitis. Auf dieser Reise nehme ich unsere §Honeybee`s\" mit. Dies macht uns als Lovebrand nicht nur im Online, sondern auch Offline Markt (z.B. Teleshopping) aus.","presenter":"Betül Yönak-Bein","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234583,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ceren","lname":"Yeltan","cname2":"BeeBI Consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Smart Pricing and Markdown Optimization: AI Solutions for eCommerce Success","bio":"17+ years of experience in building Data Strategies and Data-Driven Solutions across several industries for customers around the globe leveraging Data , AI \u0026 Cloud.\n\nWith his Computer Engineering background, Ali Demiral has deep technical expertise in Software Engineering, Data Warehousing, Data Engineering , Data Lakes, Data Management, Data Program Management, Machine learning and AI applications.\n\nHis strength is on consulting and creating End-to-End SaaS and Data driven solutions, Data Strategy creation, Auto ML \u0026 AI solutions, Agile Transformation and Innovation.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Proposal: Smart Pricing and Markdown Optimization: AI Solutions for eCommerce Success\n\nIn the rapidly evolving eCommerce landscape, businesses must adapt to shifting market dynamics and consumer preferences. Traditional pricing and inventory strategies often lack the flexibility needed to stay competitive. Advanced AI solutions like Price Elasticity (PE) and Markdown Optimization (MDO) provide a robust framework for achieving excellence in pricing and inventory management.\n\nAI-Driven Price Elasticity (PE)\n\nPrice Elasticity uses machine learning to assess customer sensitivity to price changes, creating a comprehensive Price Elasticity Index for each product. This index helps identify optimal price points for maximizing revenue, considering stock levels and market trends for strategic pricing decisions.\n\nStrategic Markdown Optimization (MDO)\n\nMarkdown Optimization uses the Price Elasticity Index to refine discounting strategies, ensuring markdowns are applied effectively. It determines the best products, timing, and discount levels to protect profit margins and minimize overstock losses.\n\nCase Study: Proven Results\n\nA leading sports retailer in North America and Europe successfully implemented AI-powered Markdown Optimization, resulting in an 8.9% revenue increase and a 3.3% reduction in markdown losses. This helped optimize inventory turnover and boost profitability.\n\nKey Benefits\n\nIncreased Revenue: Real-time insights into optimal pricing enhance profitability across key product lines.\nImproved Inventory Management: Strategic markdowns reduce excess inventory and optimize sell-through rates.\nEnhanced Decision-Making: AI-powered forecasts support data-driven decisions aligned with market realities.\n\nConclusion\n\nImplementing AI-powered Price Elasticity and Markdown Optimization empowers businesses to make smarter decisions, optimize pricing and inventory, and achieve long-term success in a competitive market.","presenter":"Ali Demiral","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":49,"id":236011,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dragana","lname":"Popović","cname2":"Beesmaster OU","avatar":"","presentation_title":"A Journey Through 25 Years of Tradition: From B2B Sales to Direct Sales of Beehives in Germany","bio":"Branislav is a graduate economist who completed his undergraduate studies in Banja Luka. Shortly after graduating, he decided to take over the family business, which had been operating for about 15 years but only on a small workshop scale. Leveraging his foreign language skills and business expertise, Branislav set out to bring their high-quality products to the EU market. He succeeded, and over the past 10 years, he has built long-term relationships with many customers across the EU, especially in Germany. During this time, he expanded the business, constructing a 1,000 m² production facility and employing 30 workers. His wife, Dragana, has 10 years of experience in IT and 6 years in eCommerce. A year ago, they combined their knowledge and experience to launch a B2C eCommerce business in Germany, bringing together their expertise and high-quality products for this new venture","position":"CEO and Owners","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Our story is unique as we are the first family-owned company from Bosnia and Herzegovina to successfully register a business in Estonia, enabling us to sell our products within the EU, specifically targeting the German market. We have leveraged the potential of high-quality production and the excellent resources available in Bosnia and Herzegovina to create and implement a complete product line. Our journey highlights the challenges and difficulties we faced operating from Bosnia and Herzegovina while striving to break into the German market. Our experience reflects the perseverance, adaptability, and resourcefulness required to overcome the hurdles of international expansion, while ensuring the superior quality of our products.","presenter":"Branislav and Dragana Popovic","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234608,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Wiebke","lname":"Brinner","cname2":"behamics","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Utilization of AI and Behavioral Science to support Customer's Journey","bio":"Behavioral Scientist helping retailers guide customers behaviors such as CR, AOV, product return rate and more.\n\nResponsible for 60+ global client accounts ranging from mid-size to large public companies from all industries.","position":"Behavioral Scientist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Customers find themselves with an intention on your store but end up behaving differently - what now? \n\nbehamics identified an opportunity to support customers throughout their journey to transform their intention to an action - using Al and behavioral science. \n\n* The presentation will focus on common behavior customers exhibit online and how to best support \nthem. We will walk through real-life examples that underline friction points, explain why customers may struggle and show using data collected from clients where and how to intervene. \n* The key strategy outlined in the presentation is utilizing personalized nudges. Through dynamically displaying these small interventions, stores will see a major improvement in conversion rates as well as a reduction in the returns rate. Nudging can look differently and go beyond simple flags that most stores employ. They increase guidance on platforms and we will see how customers can be encouraged to make more conscious decisions. \n* The presentation will go beyond showing case studies by facilitating innovation and creativity of the listeners and aiding them in reflecting on how customers feel and behave. The aim is to provide expertise on behavioral science by underlining its importance and innovation.\n* Nudging is specifically facilitating during months in which clients may need extra support guiding customer behavior and we would like to show how to unlock this potential.","presenter":"Wiebke Brinner","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236248,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"Oberlechner","cname2":"BehaviorQuant","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Elevating the Customer Journey in Financial Advisory through Behavioral Science and AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the evolving world of financial services and advisory, customer centricity and personalization have never been more crucial. Dr. Thomas Oberlechner’s presentation explores how cutting-edge behavioral science and AI are reshaping the customer journey in financial advisory, delivering highly personalized experiences that drive deeper satisfaction and loyalty. By leveraging behavioral FinTech, financial advisors can now offer tailored recommendations and experiences that go beyond traditional data, transforming customer engagement at every touchpoint.\r\nThese new technologies equip banks and advisors with predictive insights into client behaviors and preferences. This allows them to enhance customer experience by offering personalized advisory services and investment strategies that align with individual client needs. The result is a more personalized and emotionally resonant client journey.\r\nThe session will begin by examining how behavioral science and AI enable a shift toward hyper-personalized financial and wealth advisory and toward customer interactions uniquely tailored to each customer. Using real-life examples from the financial sector, it will demonstrate how these innovations can refine the entire customer journey—from prospects to long-term advisory relationships. This shift in financial advisory places the client at the center, creating seamless customer experiences that are not only tailored to individual needs but also foster trust and long-lasting loyalty.\r\nAttendees will (1) learn how behavioral data can uncover the deep-seated motivations behind client decisions, enabling more personalized and emotionally engaging advisory services, (2) discover how predictive behavioral analytics can enhance every step of the customer journey, from onboarding to retention, and (3) understand how behaviorally informed advisory services can significantly increase client satisfaction and improve retention.","presenter":"Dr. Thomas Oberlechner","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236088,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"Oberlechner","cname2":"BehaviorQuant","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Shaping the Future of Advisory and Asset Management with Behavioral FinTech","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s rapidly changing financial landscape, differentiation and innovation are key to thriving. This presentation by Dr. Thomas Oberlechner delves into how advanced behavioral technology is transforming financial advisory and asset management, offering financial professionals a new competitive edge. By combining behavioral science with cutting-edge AI, we’re entering a new era where financial companies can predict and influence client behavior, investment decisions, and team dynamics like never before.\r\nDeveloped in collaboration with Harvard, MIT, and top financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, the latest behavioral FinTech tools provide real-time, predictive data that financial professionals can immediately apply. These innovations offer a groundbreaking approach to improving fund manager selection, optimizing investment performance, and enhancing client relationships. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights and strategies that go beyond traditional data-driven methods.\r\nThe presentation will begin by exploring the profound effects of behavioral and psychological factors on financial decision-making. It will then demonstrate how behaviorally informed FinTech introduces personalized advisory services and data-driven solutions to refine investment outcomes and improve fund manager selection. By leveraging real-life examples and case studies from leading financial institutions, the session provides practical, results-oriented applications that resonate with today’s financial challenges.\r\nAttendees will gain value in three essential areas: (1) A deep dive into investor psychology and its role in financial decision-making, (2) An insider look at how behavioral science and analytics are reshaping financial advisory, (3) Practical, data-supported strategies for understanding and guiding investor behavior in the evolving FinTech landscape.","presenter":"Dr. Thomas Oberlechner","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236068,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Simon","lname":"Bladt","cname2":"Beilmann Marketing GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-commerce Push Marketing mit Google Ads: Demand Gen und YouTube Ads profitabel meistern","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Insights aus über 84 Millionen € Ad-Spend pro Jahr in Google Ads. \r\nLukas Maria Beilmann redet darüber, wie er für seine Ecommerce Kunden erfolgreich Push Kampagnen über Youtube Ads und Demand Gen schaltet. \r\nDabei hat er konkrete Frameworks \u0026 Cases – ideal für D2C Brands zwischen 5 - 100 Millionen € Jahresumsatz.","presenter":"Lukas Maria Beilmann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":33,"id":236511,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benjamin Wenner","lname":"Wenner","cname2":"Benjamin Wenner","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Click Fraud 2.0: Face new Challanges in the Performance Max Era","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ever feel like your Performance Max campaigns are burning through cash faster than you can say \"click fraud\"? You're not alone. In this eye-opening talk, I'm diving into the sneaky world of Click Fraud 2.0 – the pesky problem that's giving PMax advertisers major headaches. I'll break down how these digital tricksters are farming and exploiting PMax's AI-driven approach across multiple channels. But don't worry, I've got your back! We'll share some nifty tricks to spot these fraudsters, protect your precious ad spend, and keep your campaigns running smoothly. Whether you're a PMax pro or just dipping your toes in, you'll walk away with practical tips to outsmart the fraudsters and keep your ROI healthy.","presenter":"Benjamin Wenner","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":236371,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ewa","lname":"Samek","cname2":"Better Planet,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"Green Commerce: How Purpose-Driven, Sustainable Business Can Transform E-Commerce and the Planet\"","bio":"Ewa, the visionary behind Panda Wanda, has made it her mission to make the world greener, one purchase at a time. \n\nAs the founder of one of Poland's popular ecological e-shops, she made possible to plant nearly 50,000 trees, making a tangible impact on sustainability. Her dedication to responsible business growth has earned Panda Wanda the prestigious E-Gazele Biznesu award for one of the fastest-growing e-shops in the country. Recognised as a leader in eco-conscious e-commerce, Ewa was also nominated for the \"Women in E-commerce Responsible Business\" award, highlighting her commitment to a sustainable future through innovative entrepreneurship.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How inspires a new generation of conscious consumers while thriving in the evolving e-commerce landscape. \r\n\r\n1. Purpose Over Profit: The New Business Model\r\nLearn how a strong mission fosters customer loyalty and creates a lasting emotional connection.\r\nWhy purpose-driven businesses outperform financially and make a greater impact on the world.\r\n2. Sustainable Products: The Future of E-Commerce\r\nWhy vegan, cruelty-free, and ecological products aren’t just trends—they’re the future.\r\nHow offering sustainable goods attracts customers who value transparency and ethics.\r\n3. The Reusable Revolution\r\nThe importance of reducing single-use waste through innovative, reusable products.\r\nHow eco-conscious packaging can reduce environmental impact and boost customer engagement.\r\n4. Empowering Conscious Consumers\r\nHow e-commerce can educate and empower customers to make ethical, eco-friendly choices.\r\nTurning customers into advocates for sustainable living.\r\n5.  Every Purchase Matters\r\nEach sale contributes to a larger movement for environmental progress.\r\nHow collective consumer action can drive global change.","presenter":"Ewa Samek","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236167,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vipul","lname":"Aggarwal","cname2":"BetterCommerce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leveraging PIM for Transforming Operations KPIs for Manufacturers \u0026 Distributors","bio":"Vikram Saxena, founder and CEO of BetterCommerce, is a seasoned technologist with over 26 years of experience in delivering multi-million-dollar projects worldwide. As a self-taught programmer who has been leading a successful IT service company since 2007, Vikram established BetterCommerce in 2016. He identified a significant gap in the market—existing eCommerce platforms were too costly and inflexible for mid-market retailers. In response, he crafted customisable, API-first eCommerce solutions tailored specifically for this segment.\n\nVikram is a strong advocate for Composable Commerce and promotes a LEGO-based approach that allows for enhancements to both front and back-end systems without necessitating complete system overhauls. This approach provides the flexibility and robustness that growing businesses need. Under his leadership, BetterCommerce has pioneered innovative methods to streamline eCommerce, making it simpler and more efficient.\n\nBetterCommerce stands out in the industry because it enables businesses to launch quickly without the need for numerous vendors. The platform empowers retailers to sell more, manage smarter, and enhance customer experiences with a comprehensive, full-stack eCommerce solution.\n\nDrawing on his extensive coding experience and core values, Vikram continues to drive BetterCommerce towards simplifying eCommerce for mid-market retailers and brands, demonstrating a better way to build and run their businesses.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This session delves into the transformative power of Product Information Management (PIM) in enhancing key performance indicators (KPIs) across business and operational departments, particularly for manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers. Participants will gain insights on how PIM optimizes data across platforms, ensuring accuracy and consistency that streamline operations and boost market responsiveness.\r\n \r\nWe will also discuss how effectively implementing PIM can lead to significant reductions in operational costs and marked improvements in customer satisfaction. \r\n \r\nBy showcasing real-world applications, this talk highlights the critical role of PIM in enhancing business KPIs, enabling attendees to deploy PIM strategies that drive substantial growth.","presenter":"Vikram Saxena","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236479,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nedim","lname":"Sabic","cname2":"Bigburg GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How online stores triple their profit and double their retention rates","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Nedim will show you how his Ecommerce SEO agency tripled the profit of online stores multiple times and why SEO in combination with fitting products can double customer retention rates.","presenter":"Nedim Sabic","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":94,"id":237147,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sascha","lname":"Kringel","cname2":"Billie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI vs. AI in E-Commerce: How Artificial Intelligence Protects Against Online Fraud","bio":"Natalia Lyarskaya is VP Data Science \u0026 Risk at Billie, the new standard for B2B payments. She spent the last 16+ years building cutting-edge Data Science, Risk and Fraud capabilities in high growth environments at FinTech companies like ZestMoney, Wonga, and CRIF across various markets and geographies spanning from South Africa to the UK and all the way to India. Natalia is driven by data problems and passionate about the power of science and technology to change our world for the better.","position":"VP Data Science \u0026 Risk","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Pay by invoice is one of the most popular payment methods among online shoppers, as it allows them to order items now and only pay for them weeks later. However, for online retailers, this payment method poses increasing challenges, as invoice purchasing is a common attack vector used by online fraudsters, particularly in the B2B sector.\r\n\r\nModern invoice purchasing solutions, also known as Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL), leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect fraud schemes early on. Simultaneously, criminals are also using AI to circumvent these measures. This creates a competitive landscape: machine vs. machine in the payment sector.\r\n\r\nIn her presentation, Natalia Lyarskaya, VP of Data Science \u0026 Risk at Billie, explains how this AI vs. AI battle unfolds and highlights what online retailers should specifically watch out for.","presenter":"Natalia Lyarskaya","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234556,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Aaron","lname":"Vergara","cname2":"Bitergo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Cloud WMS: Less is More.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"\"Less is more\" is something that can be best understood with analogies: Do you need a Monster truck to go to the supermarket? Do you need an industrial oven to heat your leftover pizza? Do you need a chainsaw to cut your bread? Do you need a robust, yet complex WMS for your fast paced operations?\r\n\r\nIn logistics and supply chain management, selecting the right Warehouse Management System (WMS) is vital for efficiency, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). While large WMS solutions offer extensive features, they can be expensive, complex, and slow to implement. Smaller, faster, and cost-efficient WMS systems are often a better fit for businesses with tighter timelines and limited resources.\r\n\r\nOne of the key advantages of a small WMS is quick implementation. These systems are designed to be set up rapidly, allowing businesses to optimize operations without heavily disrupting daily workflows. Larger WMS systems, on the other hand, can take months to implement, which many smaller businesses can't afford.\r\n\r\nAnother major benefit is cost efficiency. Large WMS platforms come with high upfront costs and ongoing maintenance fees, making them less practical for SMBs with limited budgets. Smaller WMS solutions offer scalable, affordable pricing while providing the necessary tools for managing inventory, tracking orders, and improving workflows without unnecessary complexity.\r\n\r\nWe, in Bitergo, a company recently acquired by DB Schenker, have learnt lessons through success cases and data that developing your own cloud WMS can have positive consequences that go from faster, focused and relevant product development to going live in warehouses within weeks. \r\n\r\nFor SMBs operating in fast-paced environments like e-commerce or retail, a smaller WMS offers the flexibility and speed needed to meet customer demands. \"Less is more\" can be best understood with analogies. Do you need a chainsaw to cut your bread? Do you need a complex WMS for your fast paced operations?","presenter":"Aaron Vergara","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235057,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Pavel","lname":"Weber","cname2":"BlueGhost","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Fitmin Transformed Multi-Market E-commerce with Shoptet Premium: A Hybrid Approach to SaaS and Custom Development","bio":"Pavel Weber is an experienced programmer and the CEO of BlueGhost, a Prague-based software company specializing in custom web applications, ecommerce platforms, intranets, and internet portals. He began his programming journey at the age of 14 and later pursued a PhD in Technical Cybernetics at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. With a vast portfolio of over several hundred web projects, Pavel now leverages his technical expertise as a digital strategy consultant, advising both private and public sector clients on impactful projects. Some of his notable collaborations include work with the National Theatre, Mendel University, and Prague 6. In his free time, he is an active member of the Bořislavka community, helping organize local events, and enjoys exploring new electronic music for relaxation.","position":"CEO BlueGhost, software house","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Explore how Fitmin utilized the innovative Shoptet Premium platform, blending the flexibility of SaaS with the power of custom software development, to expand its e-commerce presence across the Czech, Slovak, and Polish markets. This session delves into the complexities of ERP integration, offering insights into automation, personalized customer experiences, and streamlined operations. Learn how Fitmin's approach increased efficiency, drove customer engagement, and provides a strategic blueprint for scaling e-commerce in competitive markets.\r\n\r\nValue: Discover how to combine the cost-efficiency of SaaS (\"pay as you go\") with the limitless possibilities of custom software to gain a powerful edge in multi-market sales.","presenter":"Pavel Weber","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":26,"id":234792,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jürgen","lname":"Baar","cname2":"BONAGO Incentive Marketing Group GmbH / Daydreams","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Geschenke statt Rabatte - mit zielgruppengerechten Incentive-Kampagnen Warenkörbe erhöhen und Neukunden gewinnen, statt Marge zu verbrennen","bio":"Jürgen Baar verantwortet als Director Consumer Campaigns und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei BONAGO die Entwicklung neuer Incentives sowie die Planung entsprechender Kampagnen bei der BONAGO Incentive Marketing Group. Der Fokus seiner Tätigkeit liegt auf der Konzeption von verkaufsfördernden Maßnahmen für Unternehmen aus Industrie und Handel.\n\nEr hat als Pionier der heutigen Consumer-Promotion Kampagnen nach dem Wegfall der Zugabeverordnung Anfang der 2000er Jahre die ersten Kampagnen mit Zugaben aus dem Freizeit- und Lifestyle Bereich aus London nach Deutschland gebracht und mit namhaften Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen umgesetzt. Anfangs oft argwöhnisch beäugt von Marketeers und Verbraucherschützern. 20 Jahre später gehören Zugaben-Kampagnen längst bei vielen Kunden, wie beispielsweise Douglas, Telekom, Samsung oder Esprit zum Marketing-Mix.","position":"Director Consumer Campaigns","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Im Vortrag werden, anhand von  Beispielen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen, spannende Alternativen zu Rabattkampagnen aufgezeigt. Die Ansätze zeigen, wie Margen geschont werden, Unternehmen aus den Rabattspiralen entkommen können und welchen Einfluss - positiv wie negativ - diese Kampagnen auf das Verhältnis der Kunden zur Marke haben. Und sie bieten konkrete Lösungen an!","presenter":"Jürgen Baar","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":65,"id":234488,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Birgit","lname":"Neitzert","cname2":"borisgloger consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How can short to medium-term IT strategies be combined with a long-term vision?","bio":"As an Agile Coach, Management Consultant, and proud mom of twin girls, Birgit is deeply passionate about driving transformative change towards a more digital, agile, and sustainable future. \nWith over 15 years of experience in IT project and program management, particularly within the Automotive Digital Retail and Remarketing sectors, Birgit has witnessed firsthand the common challenges faced across industries: lack of strategy and prioritization, leadership development hurdles, and ineffective change management practices.\nHer mission is clear: to empower organizations and individuals to embrace change, foster innovation, and unlock their full potential. Through strategic guidance, hands-on coaching, and tailored training programs, Birgit helps teams navigate complex transformations with clarity and confidence.\nCommitment, Openness, Focus, Respect and Courage - These are the agile values and perfectly correspond with Birgit's personality.\nFor her agility is so much more than frameworks, methodologies and tools - it's a mindset. \n\nCarsten Rasche is an expert in scaled agile working. As an organizational psychologist, management coach and professional facilitator, he has successfully shaped several business transformations through participation-oriented processes in various industries. Carsten is Product Owner with a focus on scaling at borisgloger consulting and author of the books “Agile Transformation: The practical guide to change beyond the happy path” and “Scrum Think big - Scrum for really big projects, many teams and many cultures”.\n","position":"Management  and Executive Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Does short to medium-term planning often take on too much importance in day-to-day operations compared to overarching, long-term strategy work? We certainly make this observation frequently in practice. For example, a business unit has to plan major IT updates and system replacement projects for the coming years during budget planning. Driven by its own governance structure, workshops are held with the most important stakeholders in which short and medium-term IT projects and specific implementation strategies are developed. It quickly becomes apparent that most of the relevant systems are rarely only anchored in the company's own area. As a rule, other stakeholders from adjacent areas are required, as well as a more far-reaching vision for the next 5-10 years. Developing a shared vision and strategy creates the basis for making the right decisions for the future with regard to a holistic IT landscape and also giving future topics such as sustainability, AI, etc. a place. \r\n\r\nIn this session, Birgit Neitzert and Carsten Rasche from borisgloger consulting present the structure of a series of workshops to develop an overarching long-term vision and align this with short- and medium-term planning using a case study from the retail and logistics sector. They will share their experiences and good practices and show how this can support companies in developing and implementing their strategies. In addition, space will be created to discuss the challenges faced by the participants in their own contexts and to develop possible solutions.","presenter":"Brigit Neitzert and Carsten Rasche","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":235860,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nitin","lname":"Manchanda","cname2":"Botpresso","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Role of AI and Programmatic SEO in Scaling Content for Global Brands","bio":"Nitin Manchanda is the Founder \u0026 Chief SEO Consultant at Botpresso. With years of experience and in-depth knowledge about the dynamic SEO industry, Nitin has prowess in topics like international SEO, enterprise SEO, AI in SEO, and other technical SEO topics.\n\nNitin is a dynamic speaker who has spoken at multiple international events, including BrightonSEO, SMX, SERPConf, and the International Search Summit. He has also been the host for several of Semrush, SE Ranking and Duda webinars.","position":"Founder and Chief SEO Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an era where global reach and relevance are paramount for brands, leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and programmatic SEO has become essential for scaling content effectively. In this talk, we will explore how AI-powered content strategies and programmatic SEO techniques are revolutionising the way international brands approach content creation, optimisation and distribution.","presenter":"Nitin Manchanda","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":236551,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nitin","lname":"Manchanda","cname2":"Botpresso","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond Borders: Crafting a Winning International SEO Strategy","bio":"Nitin Manchanda is the Founder \u0026 Chief SEO Consultant at Botpresso. With years of experience and in-depth knowledge about the dynamic SEO industry, Nitin has prowess in topics like international SEO, enterprise SEO, AI in SEO, and other technical SEO topics.\n\nNitin is a dynamic speaker who has spoken at multiple international events, including BrightonSEO, SMX, SERPConf, and the International Search Summit. He has also been the host for several of Semrush, SE Ranking and Duda webinars.","position":"Founder and Chief SEO Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we'll explore the critical aspects of international SEO that e-commerce brands must consider when expanding into new markets. Attendees will learn:\r\n\r\n1. Market Research and Evaluation:\r\n\r\n- Assessing market potential and competition\r\n- Understanding local search engine preferences and user behavior\r\n\r\n2. Technical SEO Considerations:\r\n\r\n- Choosing the right domain structure (ccTLDs, subdomains, or subdirectories)\r\n- Implementing hreflang tags for language targeting\r\n- Optimizing site speed for global audiences\r\n\r\n3. Content Localization Strategies:\r\n\r\n- Adapting content for cultural nuances and local preferences\r\n- Keyword research for target markets\r\n- Managing multilingual content effectively\r\n\r\n4. Local Link Building and Authority:\r\n\r\n- Strategies for acquiring local backlinks\r\n- Leveraging local directories and partnerships\r\n\r\n5. Mobile Optimization for Global Markets:\r\n\r\n- Understanding mobile usage patterns in target countries\r\n\r\n6. Measuring and Analyzing International SEO Performance:\r\n\r\n- Setting up country-specific analytics\r\n- Key metrics to track for international success\r\n\r\n7. Compliance and Legal Considerations:\r\n\r\n- Adhering to local SEO guidelines and regulations\r\n- Managing data privacy across borders (e.g., GDPR)\r\n\r\n8. Case Studies:\r\n\r\n- Real-world examples of successful international SEO campaigns\r\n- Lessons learned and best practices\r\n\r\nThis comprehensive approach will provide attendees with actionable insights to evaluate their readiness for international expansion and execute a successful global SEO strategy.","presenter":"Nitin Manchanda","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":236552,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christina","lname":"Elmark","cname2":"Brand Leadership Community","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Enhancing Customer Engagement: How AI Can Create a Stronger, More Human Connection with Your Audience","bio":"\nChristina Pærremand Elmark\neCommerce Expert \u0026 Digital Transformation Leader\n\nChristina Pærremand Elmark is a dynamic leader with over 15 years of experience driving digital transformation and eCommerce growth in global markets. With a strong track record in leadership roles across diverse industries, Christina has become a recognized expert in building and executing innovative digital strategies that enhance customer experiences and deliver substantial revenue growth.\n\nThroughout her career, Christina has successfully navigated complex, multinational environments, managing large cross-functional teams, and fostering collaboration between global headquarters and regional markets. She is highly skilled in building scalable digital ecosystems, leveraging AI, and transforming data into actionable insights to improve business performance.\n\nKnown for her hands-on leadership style, Christina thrives in fast-paced environments and has a passion for empowering teams to push boundaries and embrace innovation. She is a sought-after keynote speaker, contributing her insights on topics such as digital transformation, eCommerce strategy, and customer-centric growth at various international forums, including the Savant eCommerce Nordics and Digital Impact Forum.\n\nChristina’s ability to balance strategy with execution, combined with her deep understanding of the eCommerce landscape, makes her a trusted thought leader in the digital space. At the Berlin Expo, she will share her expertise in driving digital growth and scaling eCommerce for sustainable success.","position":"Head of the eCommerce Section \u0026 Advisory Group Member","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI-Driven Customer Service: Enhancing Human Connection\r\nIn today’s fast-paced digital world, customers expect quick, personalized responses. AI offers more than just speed; it adds emotional intelligence. Imagine an AI-powered bot that understands emotions, preferences, and behavior. It engages in dynamic conversations, reflecting human traits like curiosity and compassion, enhancing customer service rather than replacing it.\r\nFor example, the bot could ask how a customer felt in a dress they bought last week or suggest complementary products, adding a personal touch that elevates the overall experience. This makes AI not just a tool but a partner in delivering a seamless, human-like service.\r\n\r\nPersonalization at Scale: The AI Advantage\r\nOne of the biggest challenges for brands is delivering personalized experiences at scale. Traditional customer service can't engage large audiences meaningfully, but AI can. A 1:1 tailored bot remembers past purchases and anticipates future needs, providing personalized suggestions.\r\nFor instance, a customer who recently bought shoes could receive a follow-up asking about their experience or suggesting matching accessories. These interactions make customers feel valued, even with automation in place.\r\n\r\nRethinking Customer Relationships with AI\r\nTo build stronger relationships, brands must move beyond transactions and consider customers’ emotional needs. AI can deliver personalized, empathetic experiences, making people feel central. A well-designed AI bot could even help customers communicate in ways that reflect a brand's tone and values, reinforcing a positive culture.\r\nThis AI bot isn't just a customer service tool but a brand ambassador, shaping interactions to reflect core values. By prioritizing emotional connection, AI can deepen the relationship between a brand and its audience.","presenter":"christina elmark","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":37,"id":234839,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matthias","lname":"Mader","cname2":"BrandBuff UG (haftungsbeschränkt)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Treasure Chest of Opportunities: Government Funding for Webshop and Online Marketing Projects","bio":"I am Matthias Mader, the CEO \u0026 Founder of BrandBuff, a renowned web design and online marketing agency based in Berlin. Under my leadership, our company helps clients to build successful online presences and optimise their digital marketing.","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The world of e-commerce offers enormous potential - but the financial hurdles, whether for the development of web stores or marketing campaigns, are often high. The good news is that there are attractive state subsidies in Germany that address precisely this issue. This support can help your company to implement web stores efficiently and optimize marketing measures in the long term.\r\n\r\nAs a certified Shopify expert, listed BAFA business consultant and founder of one of the top 3 e-commerce agencies in Germany, awarded by OMR Reviews, Matthias Mader uses real-life examples to show you how you can make targeted use of government subsidies to significantly reduce your development costs and make the most of your marketing budget.\r\n\r\n“If you miss this opportunity, you are wasting valuable financial resources for your growth!” - Matthias Mader","presenter":"Matthias Mader","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":16,"id":234599,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ana Laura","lname":"Zain","cname2":"Breuninger and Pentaleap","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fashion marketplace innovation: how retail media networks can drive revenue and enhance customer experience","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how Breuninger, a leading fashion marketplace, is transforming retail media networks to boost media revenue while improving the customer experience. We will explore strategies to deliver non-intrusive, personalized ads, increasing engagement without compromising conversion rates. Learn how a data-driven, customer-first approach can unlock the full potential of on-site advertising for fashion retailers.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\n· Understand the balance between ad revenue generation and maintaining seamless customer journeys in the fashion sector.\r\n\r\n· See how leveraging AI and data analytics in fashion marketplaces delivers hyper-relevant ads, improving both conversion and customer satisfaction.\r\n\r\n· Learn how fashion brands can expand their influence at the point of sale, maximizing the impact of their ad spend in a competitive marketplace.","presenter":"Daniel Grafe and Emma Helsloot","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":125,"id":236399,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boaz","lname":"Grinvald","cname2":"Bright Data","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Real time eCommerce benchmarking with AI","bio":"Boaz Grinvald is a serial entrepreneur and a successful business leader, with global international experience. \nIn the past decade Mr. Grinvald is focusing on bringing to market advanced, data driven, eCommerce enabling technologies that help brands and retailers win more business online. ","position":"General Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"eCommerce is accelerating the pace of competition. There are more competitors and they can easily roll out new promotions, pricing, products and business schemes. Response time in eCommerce is much more critical then before. \r\nThis is where AI can help. \r\nUnderstanding and responding to threats and opportunities in real time is key to winning online.","presenter":"Boaz Grinvald","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":235045,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boaz","lname":"Grinvald","cname2":"Bright Data","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Strategic planning for growth with AI","bio":"Tech-savvy executive with a proven track record in driving business success through strategic leadership in Data and Customer Experience solutions. For more than 6 years, part of the management team of Bright Data, the world's #1 Web Data platform, serving 20,000 businesses and organizations of all sizes.  Bright Data is the trusted platform for some of the world’s leading companies, transforming web information to structured ready-to-use data, enabling AI/ML models training, offering deep industry insights across retail,  and many other sectors.\n\nCurrently, Roter is spearheading the eCommerce suite of the company, as well as  all partnerships and M\u0026A activities. Earlier, he had served as Bright’s Vice President of EMEA \u0026 APAC, growing revenues 7x.  Roter had worked earlier for large-scale public companies such as NICE Ltd, startups, and SMEs, leading them to substantial growth and success.  ","position":"Chief Corporate Development Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As the world spins faster and competition is global and more fierce, understanding the dynamics of your categories in real time and responding to them becomes critical.\r\nAI offers us with the opportunity to drive intelligence from massive amounts of data while they are current and relevant. \r\nJoin me to see how with AI understanding trends in a category, threats and opportunities becomes as easy as point and click","presenter":"Tamir Roter","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":235048,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boaz","lname":"Grinvald","cname2":"Bright Data","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI driven cross border expansion feasibility testing","bio":"Boaz Grinvald is a serial entrepreneur and a successful business leader, with global international experience. \nIn the past decade Mr. Grinvald is focusing on bringing to market advanced, data driven, eCommerce enabling technologies that help brands and retailers win more business online. ","position":"General Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"With the growth of eCommerce we now have the opportunity to know what is going on in markets that we don't operate in. The data is up there online, and in massive amounts, and this is exactly where AI can help.\r\nWith AI to analyze this data we can know, without selling a single product, what are the sales volumes of a category in a country, who are the leading brands and sellers and what is the trending price tier.\r\nWith this intelligence analyzing opportunities across border is much easier then before, and doesn't require travel, remote personnel or upfront investment in operations.","presenter":"Boaz Grinvald","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":235046,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boaz","lname":"Grinvald","cname2":"Bright Data","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Understanding customer engagement with AI","bio":"Tech-savvy executive with a proven track record in driving business success through strategic leadership in Data and Customer Experience solutions. For more than 6 years, part of the management team of Bright Data, the world's #1 Web Data platform, serving 20,000 businesses and organizations of all sizes.  Bright Data is the trusted platform for some of the world’s leading companies, transforming web information to structured ready-to-use data, enabling AI/ML models training, offering deep industry insights across retail,  and many other sectors.\n\nCurrently, Roter is spearheading the eCommerce suite of the company, as well as  all partnerships and M\u0026A activities. Earlier, he had served as Bright’s Vice President of EMEA \u0026 APAC, growing revenues 7x.  Roter had worked earlier for large-scale public companies such as NICE Ltd, startups, and SMEs, leading them to substantial growth and success.  ","position":"Chief Corporate Development Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Understanding the customer journey in a virtual world requires us to really be able to see a brand through the eyes of consumers as they surf the Web, from early discovery to becoming a customer.\r\nThis requires a horizontal view of the online world, from Social media perception to eCommerce marketplace perception to dedicated review sites perception of the brand for consumers.\r\nIt also requires AI to handle these massive amounts of data points and to create the holistic view needed to take action","presenter":"Tamir Roter","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235047,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andrey","lname":"Bakholdin","cname2":"Brightpick","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Humanoids and Beyond: How Mobile Manipulators Are Redefining Logistics Today","bio":"Jan is the CEO and Co-founder of Brightpick, a company that offers AI robots for warehouses to easily automate every step of their order fulfillment. With over 300 robots deployed and 200 employees globally, Jan has positioned Brightpick as a major disruptor in the warehouse robotics space. He leads the company’s strategy and actively engages in both development and marketing.\n\nBefore co-founding Brightpick, Jan co-founded and led Photoneo, one of the leading 3D vision companies in the world with customers such as General Motors, Volkswagen and Kuka. Prior to that, he was a research engineer at Micro-Epsilon, a leading sensor manufacturer. Jan has filed over 20 patents, ranging from 3D sensing methods to mobile robotics. He earned a PhD in Computer Vision from Comenius University, during which he also did research on computational cameras and optics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).","position":"CEO and Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Mobile manipulation is rapidly emerging as the next frontier in robotics. While humanoids often dominate the conversation, mobile manipulators come in many different forms, each offering unique advantages and some already achieving widespread adoption.\r\n\r\nEcommerce retailers like The Feed are among the few innovation leaders already deploying dozens of these robots to automate their logistics, demonstrating significant ROI and operational efficiency. Despite being in its early stages, these deployments prove that mobile manipulators have the potential to transform the automation landscape, offering greater flexibility, superior performance, and more labor savings than existing technologies.\r\n\r\nThis session will explore the current state of mobile manipulation, showcase successful customer deployments, and discuss how businesses can leverage these cutting-edge systems to revolutionize their operations. Whether you're interested in the technology’s potential or looking for strategies to scale it within your own organization, this keynote will provide a comprehensive view of how mobile manipulators are shaping the future of logistics today.","presenter":"Jan Zizka","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":100,"id":236188,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Max","lname":"Wolke","cname2":"Brite Payments","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Big Gap In German Payments : And How To Fill It","bio":"Max leads the Brite team in DACH. Brite is a leading provider of instant payments powered by open banking with a presence in 26 European markets. Max has over ten years of experience in building new fintech businesses in edtech, retail banking, fraud prevention and now account-to-account payments.","position":"Head of DACH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Online retailers are facing ever higher fees for accepting payments, and with Sofort and Giropay exiting the market, Klarna and PayPal have more pricing power than ever. So what can merchants do to save costs and improve conversion? The answer could be closer to hand than we think.","presenter":"Max Wolke","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":234552,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Davide","lname":"Berardino","cname2":"Bryan","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The new frontiers of post-sales marketing","bio":"Davide brings a unique blend of expertise in Marketing, Psychology, and Technology, with over 15 years of hands-on experience. From his early days as an independent consultant to now leading a thriving Digital Sales Consultancy Firm, Davide has consistently partnered with ambitious brands looking to scale and innovate. His leadership and vision have led to the successful training of hundreds of professionals and the execution of countless digital projects. Working side by side with entrepreneurs, marketing, and sales leaders, he is dedicated to delivering exceptional results, transforming strategies into sustainable growth.","position":"Founder \u0026 Parter","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where acquiring new customers is five to seven times more expensive than retaining existing ones, e-commerce brands must shift their focus from acquisition to retention to thrive. But retention is no longer just about customer service—it's about making it desirable to stay a customer. Post-sales marketing has become the key to creating strong, lasting relationships that turn one-time buyers into lifelong advocates. This shift is not only about cost-efficiency but about building emotional loyalty that transcends traditional transactions.\n\nIn the session I will draw on insights from post-sales marketing strategies, behavioral economics, and  innovative approaches in the different industries (e-commerce, luxury, b2b, pharma...). This session will reveal how brands can elevate their customer relationships to a point where customers aspire to be part of the brand experience. \n\nKey takeaways will include:\n\n- The Economics of Retention vs. Acquisition: Learn why focusing on retention and maximizing customer lifetime value (CLV) significantly reduces acquisition costs while driving profitability.\n- Creating Brand Desire: Techniques to build emotional loyalty, especially in industries like luxury, where customers expect personalized, high-touch experiences.\n- Leveraging Exclusivity and Social Proof: Understand how scarcity, limited access, and social influence can make becoming your customer something aspirational.\n- Post-Sales Opportunities for Luxury Brands: How brands can create lasting relationships that build trust and enhance the overall experience.\n- Tactical Steps to Shift Your Focus: Practical advice for e-commerce brands to implement post-sales strategies, foster retention, and transform customers into brand advocates.\nThis presentation will offer actionable strategies for brands, especially in luxury sectors, to shift their focus from acquisition to creating meaningful, long-term customer relationships that drive growth and build brand loyalty.","presenter":"Davide Berardino","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":40,"id":235857,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Oliver","lname":"Zenglein","cname2":"BSTN, The Boutique Agency, Channable","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wie BSTN Google’s AI durch Automatisierung befähigt - Dynamische Produktfeed Optimierung für Shopping und PMax","bio":"Aniko Fischer is Head of Performance Marketing at BSTN, one of Europe’s go-to destinations for premium sportswear.\nOliver Zenglein is founder and managing director of The Boutique Agency, with 10 years of experience on each of both sides: agency and inhouse ecommerce.\nAlina Kuhnert is SAE at Channable and has vast experience with data feed optimization and automation.","position":"Head of Performance Marketing, Founder, Senior Account Executive","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Kosten und Wettbewerb steigen, Nachfrage steht unter Druck. Unter diesen Voraussetzungen benötigen wir im SEA innovative Ansätze.\r\nWir zeigen im Praxisbeispiel, wie BSTN, der Shop für Premium Streetwear, über Produktdatenanreicherung und Automatisierung den ROAS von Shopping und PMax Kampagnen maximiert. Wir tauchen hands-on ein in die Welt der Feeds und Sub-Feeds, Channable Regeln und dynamische Cluster, um nach Attributen wie Benchmark-Preise, Restbestände, Margenklassen und Topseller auszusteuern.","presenter":"Aniko Fischer, Oliver Zenglein, Alina Kuhnert","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":304,"id":236195,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gaia","lname":"Anticoli","cname2":"buywith","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolutionizing Video Commerce with AI: Boosting Engagement and Conversions","bio":"A passion-driven female entrepreneur and a leader in the Video Commerce space. Adi is the Co-Founder and CEO of buywith - a leading Video Commerce platform working with brands such as Ulta Beauty, Tupperware, Lenovo, Dyson and many others to transform their e-commerce stores into an interactive video experience that converts. Adi is a speaker at events such as VideoCon, ShopTalk and others and a trusted voice in the E-commerce community. \n","position":"CEO and Co-Founder at buywith","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Adi will delve into the transformative impact of AI-driven video commerce on the eCommerce landscape, focusing on how this technology is enhancing customer engagement during livestream events and influencing purchasing behavior. \n\nBy sharing real-world case studies from prominent U.S. and European retail brands, Adi will showcase how AI-generated video snippets from live events and pre recorded videos can be utilized to analyze customer preferences, automate video production at scale, and deliver highly personalized, interactive content.\n\nKey strategies will involve leveraging AI to optimize video content for various stages of the customer journey, leading to significant increases in conversion rates and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Additionally, Adi will emphasize how AI-powered video personalization improves the customer experience by providing authentic, data-driven videos across platforms, equipping brands with deeper insights and more effective methods for engaging their audiences.","presenter":"Adi Ronen","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":212,"id":236114,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gaia","lname":"Anticoli","cname2":"buywith","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Redefining Retail Media: Unlocking the Power of Next-Gen Video Ads","bio":"Yael Kochman is the Chief Marketing Officer at buywith, a leading video commerce platform and creator marketplace. Yael is a retail and commerce innovation expert and marketing leader with over 15 years of extensive experience in marketing and business development. Recognized as among the 100 influential people in retail tech and acknowledged by HubSpot as one of the 59 female marketers to follow, Yael’s remarkable career spans co-founding Re:Tech, an innovation hub for retail tech.","position":"Chief Marketing Officer at buywith","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Yael will delve into the next era of retail media, where video-based ads are emerging as a crucial tool in transforming online retail. As digital consumers increasingly gravitate toward video content, this session will explore how retailers can harness this trend to enrich the shopping experience, increase conversion rates, and unlock new revenue streams. Leveraging the latest in AI-driven technologies, Yael will showcase how short-form, dynamic videos are becoming central to the future of retail media.","presenter":"Yael Kochman","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":125,"id":236116,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raoul","lname":"Schreck","cname2":"Buzzmatic, GIBION AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Automation of E-Commerce SEO-Processes with AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Tired of monkey work? In this session, you'll learn how artificial intelligence can automate numerous SEO processes, putting them on autopilot. From Content-Creation for PDPs and Listing Pages to Product Tagging and Categorization. Discover which tasks can be automated and how you can scale your output from 1 to 1000 without losing quality. Inspirational case studies and workflows await you. Ready to go?","presenter":"Raoul Schreck","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236048,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bronislava V.","lname":"Panchenko","cname2":"BVP Data Security","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Vertrauen ist die neue Währung: Wie der Datenschutz den Erfolg im E-Commerce bestimmt","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In der schnelllebigen digitalen Welt von heute ist Vertrauen die neue Währung. Das Vertrauen der Kunden zu gewinnen und zu erhalten, ist heute schwieriger denn je. Datenschutzfreundliche Praktiken können jetzt das entscheidende Unterscheidungsmerkmal sein, das erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Marken auszeichnet. Es geht nicht mehr nur um die Einhaltung von Vorschriften, sondern darum, den Kunden zu zeigen, dass Unternehmen ihre Daten ebenso wichtig sind wie ihnen selbst.\r\n\r\nIn dieser Präsentation wird aufgezeigt, wie E-Commerce-Unternehmen den Datenschutz in einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verwandeln und langfristiges Kundenvertrauen aufbauen können.\r\n\r\nDie Teilnehmer erhalten umsetzbare Erkenntnisse zum Schutz von Kundendaten und zur Steigerung der Kundenloyalität und -bindung, während sie gleichzeitig in einer sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Gesetzeslandschaft Vorreiter sind.","presenter":"Bronislava V. Panchenko","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236557,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Robin","lname":"Runge","cname2":"by JR GmbH, JR Holding GmbH, Berliner Medimeisterschaften Sport e.V.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Langweilig, aber überlebenswichtig: Finanzen im E-Commerce Business","bio":"Robin Runge studiert stipendiengefördert Humanmedizin an der Charité und bekleidet neben seinem Studium in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen Führungspositionen. Durch seine Arbeit in seiner Position als Vorstand und CFO in einem Verein, welcher seine Projekte unteranderem durch E-Commerce Handel finanziert und durch seiner  Firma, die ebenfalls im E-Commerce tätig ist, verfügt er über ein breites Wissen im Bereich Finanzen im Online-Handel und berät in diesem Themenfeld auch Unternehmen zur Grundlegenden Aufstellung, Optimierung und Effizienzsteigerung.","position":"CEO, CFO","logotype":"\u0026width=500","presentation_description":"In meiner Präsentation soll es um die Finanzen im E-Commerce Bereich gehen. Als häufig verhasstes, aber dennoch essentielles Thema spielen die Finanzen bei allen E-Commerce Unternehmen eine wichtige Rolle. \nIch spreche über optimale Unternehmensformen und auch die Relevanz von gut geführten Finanzen, sowie Tipps und Tricks zur vereinfachten Prozessen rund um Steuer, Kleinunternehmerregelung und co und räume mit allgemein verbreiteten Irrglauben rund um die Finanzen auf. Mein Vortrag richtet sich an Neulinge, sowie bereits etablierte Betreiber im Bereich E-Commerce.","presenter":"Robin Runge","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234655,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Mirzaei","cname2":"byrd","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Your Brand Can Unlock Profit Potential and Improve Delivery Performance","bio":"Graduated from the Vienna University of Economics and Business where she pursued the well-known and highly reputable CEMS Master. She already has gained invaluable experience in the startup scene while she was working as Head of Marketing at foodora. ","position":"Founder \u0026 CCO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, balancing profitability with exceptional customer experience is more challenging than ever. \n\nThis presentation will explore how partnering with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider like byrd can unlock new profit potential while optimizing delivery performance. \n\nUsing real-world case studies, we'll show how e-commerce companies like Refurbed have reduced operational costs and improved last-mile efficiency - all while delivering faster, more reliable service to customers. \n\nWe'll also explore how technology-enabled 3PLs provide scalability and flexibility to help companies achieve a cost-effective logistics set-up. In this presentation, e-commerce companies will learn innovative strategies to leverage 3PLs for both bottom-line growth and exceptional delivery performance to ensure long-term success.","presenter":"Petra Dobrocka","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":56,"id":236258,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Shivany","lname":"Powani","cname2":"C\u0026A GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Influence without Authority","bio":"I am Shivany and I am a Team lead for Program Management at C\u0026A GmbH. I am based out of Berlin and have had a professional career spanning 11 years. I am currently headfirst in a Digital transformation at C\u0026A tech and its an exciting challenge. I am passionate about leadership, and building connections and communities. I am a first time mother of a spirited toddler and I strongly believe that professional ambition and motherhood can coexist. ","position":"Team Lead program Management","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Tips to influence without authority and enhance empathetic leadership skills. Empathy is an underrated leadership quality and it greatly enhances a positive working culture. As a program management leader, much of our job consists of supporting and guiding teams to make better decisions. We are not decision makers, we are facilitators to good decision making. Influencing without authority is a key responsibility and it's a demanding one. Here, you will get tips and tricks from my book to be an empathetic and charismatic leader.","presenter":"Shivany Powani","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":234561,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Elena","lname":"Kelava","cname2":"camel active - Bültel Worldwide Fashion","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"10.001 AI Solution: Lass dir von Tools keine Märchen erzählen | by camel active\"","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In unserer Keynote nehmen wir dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die mittlerweile völlig überfüllte Welt der KI-Tools. Wir zeigen dir, wie du die Vielfalt an Anbietern sinnvoll bewertest und dabei souverän die besten Lösungen herausfilterst. Dazu gibt’s unsere Top 10 AI Tools für die Fashion Branche und exklusive Einblicke in unsere eigenen Fails und Learnings bei der camel active AI Evolution.","presenter":"Christina Skoeries und Elena Kelava","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236531,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christina","lname":"Skoeries","cname2":"camel active - Bültel Worldwide Fashion","avatar":"","presentation_title":"„Warum Max teurer ist als Michael – und sich das trotzdem lohnt“","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In unserer Keynote zeigen wir, wie ein ausbalancierter Marketing-Mix die richtige Verbindung zwischen Bestands- und Neukunden schafft. Wir beleuchten die Customer Journey in ihren entscheidenden Phasen und zeigen, wie datengetriebene Segmentierung und Personas dabei helfen, den maximalen Wert aus jeder Zielgruppe herauszuholen – und warum höhere Kosten bei der richtigen Ansprache ein echter Gewinn sind.","presenter":"Christina Skoeries und Elena Kelava","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236525,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ziga","lname":"Zupanc Luknar","cname2":"Canva Austria GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transform Product Photography: AI for Maximum ROI","bio":"Thomas Mörtl-Zimmerer is a recognized thought leader in visual AI and e-commerce, with extensive experience driving innovation in the retail space. As Head of Sales and Customer Success at by Canva, he leads initiatives that enable businesses to streamline image editing using advanced AI technology. Under his leadership, retail and e-commerce brands worldwide have harnessed AI to enhance their visual workflows, improve engagement, and scale operations efficiently.","position":"       ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s fast-paced e-commerce world, the demand for high-quality product imagery is skyrocketing. But how do brands maintain visual excellence across thousands of SKUs without breaking the bank or losing precious time? Enter AI! \r\n\r\nThis session will show how e-commerce businesses can leverage AI to manage massive volumes of product images while maintaining top-notch quality, helping them stand out in online marketplaces.  Using real-world examples \u0026 business outcomes of AI-powered background removal, batch-editing, and image enhancement technologies, we’ll tackle the big question: Should you invest in custom AI, stick to in-house editing, outsource, or choose a third-party solution? Expect practical insights on the cost and time-saving benefits of each approach!\r\n\r\nLearn how AI can seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms, automating imagery processing without sacrificing quality or increasing costs. Whether you’re a small shop or a fast-growing giant, this session offers strategies to scale visual assets efficiently, boost conversions, and strengthen brand identity.\r\n\r\nOutcomes:\r\n\r\nCost Efficiency \u0026 Speed: Learn how AI slashes manual editing time and cuts costs, making image processing more affordable\r\n\r\nScalability \u0026 Automation: Discover how to scale image management across thousands of SKUs without losing quality or increasing complexity\r\n\r\nVisual Consistency \u0026 Quality: Understand how consistent product imagery boosts brand identity and trust, driving higher conversions\r\n\r\nWhitelabelling \u0026 Workflow Integrations: Explore best practices for integrating AI workflows with Shopify, Magento, Amazon, and other platforms, streamlining image management at scale","presenter":"Thomas Mörtl-Zimmerer","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":26,"id":236433,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Saskia","lname":"Nembach","cname2":"CAPTRON Electronics","avatar":"","presentation_title":"ISAC - The world's  first mobile Pick-by-Light system","bio":"Sebastian Köhler is Head of Business Development \u0026 Sales at CAPTRON Solutions and implements many exciting projects in e-commerce and intralogistics with customers.","position":"Head of Business Development \u0026 Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Find out how you can increase your picking speed without complex installations and onboarding in minutes with the world's first mobile pick-by-light system.","presenter":"Sebastian Köhler","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":236321,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marie","lname":"Speigner","cname2":"cargo-partner,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling Smarter: Proven Strategies to Simplify Global E-Commerce Operations","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This session will share practical insights on how to streamline operations, reduce costs, and boost sales by connecting with the right fulfillment and tech partners, with a particular focus on Europe, the UK, and the USA. \r\n\r\nPatrick and Kacper will explore key issues faced by online sellers, supported by real customer case studies that show clear results:\r\n\r\n1) Simplify Logistics with Local Expertise: \r\nScaling internationally is easier with a reliable network of local experts who understand regional markets, languages, and logistics. Learn how vendors can benefit from integrated solutions that handle everything from warehousing including VAS to last-mile delivery, providing transparency and reducing costs compared to juggling multiple service providers.\r\n\r\n2) Enhance Marketplace Management: \r\nNavigating multiple sales channels can be overwhelming. Discover how specialized e-commerce systems can centralize marketplace management, simplifying tasks like order processing, inventory updates, and price adjustments, allowing for efficiency and even 5x faster marketplace product listing. Real-world examples will show how integrating with platforms like Zalando or AliExpress can drive sales without the hassle of managing each marketplace individually.\r\n\r\n3) Focus on Growth, Not Day-to-Day Logistics: \r\nBy offloading operational tasks to the right partners, businesses like Martom or Handprinted can focus on maximizing sales and customer satisfaction. Learn strategies for streamlining logistics, reducing operational costs, and gaining the transparency needed to make informed decisions.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain practical takeaways and strategies to differentiate their businesses and thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape by leveraging expert partners who can handle the complexities of scaling internationally.","presenter":"Patrick Mariak, Kacper Rozenbaum","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":68,"id":236451,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexandra","lname":"Scherrer","cname2":"Carpathia AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Alps: Navigating the Swiss E-commerce Landscape","bio":"Alexandra Scherrer is Co-Owner and CEO at Carpathia AG, the Swiss competence platform for digital commerce. In her role, she shares knowhow from Carpathia's in-depth market insights, cultivatesan extensive network within the Swiss retail and digital commerce industry and supports large and small companies from various B2C and B2B sectors with strategy development, conception and implementation.","position":"Co-Owner | CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Join us for an in-depth exploration of Switzerland's dynamic e-commerce market. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the key players, emerging trends, and consumer preferences driving online sales in Switzerland. We will uncover the unique challenges and opportunities faced by businesses operating in this market, as well as highlight the factors contributing to its continued growth.","presenter":"Alexandra Scherrer","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236250,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marcel","lname":"Meckes","cname2":"Carrybots GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Conveyors were yesterday: Flexible transport automation from picking to packaging","bio":"Marcel Meckes, 30 years old, holds a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, specializing in IT systems and mobile robotics. He founded his first startup in 2016 and gained three years of experience as a software developer, working as a student alongside his studies and entrepreneurial efforts. He also spent a semester at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Today, Marcel is the Managing Director at Carrybots and a proud father of three children.","position":"Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Challenges for transport automation from picking to packaging:\n\n- Conveyors are space consuming, expensive and not flexible\n\n- Mobile robots are expensive, not fast enough and have a lower availability than conveyors\n\n- Our Solution: A mobile robot solution, that can handle high throughputs while ensuring flexibility, cost-efficiency and a high availabiliy \n\nHere is the proof:","presenter":"Marcel Meckes","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235180,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Martin","lname":"Babry","cname2":"CELUM","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Connected and Composable Digital Product Experiences","bio":"While in his first year at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in the department of\nMedia Technology- and Design, Michael co-founded his first company, one of Austria’s first\ninternet agencies.\nThis first venture transformed into CELUM, virtually the inventor of the modern Digital Asset\nManagement System in 2004. Being the prototype of a bootstrapped scale-up with more than\n130 employees and sustainable growth, CELUM is proud of still being headquartered in Linz,\nAustria,\nCELUM’s Product Content Management, Brand Management and Content Collaboration\nSoftware as a Service enables large marketing, Brand and product teams to build engaging\nexperiences by creating, approving, managing, and using content in every channel and\nunderstand its impact - at scale.\nMichael is a recognised expert in the fields of digital product experiences and new work. He is an\nactive investor in the Austrian startup sector. He is engaged in public policy topics like gender\nequity and sustainability. Michael is an avid sailor and technology enthusiast. He is married, has\nthree children, and lives in Vienna, Austria.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We still live in the age of bad experiences when shopping online. Consumers still can count themselves lucky if they are able to maybe zoom in a little into the single product photo that represents a product - an experience reminiscent of the early 2000s.\nIn a world where 9 out of 10 purchasing decisions are at least influenced digitally, the content that actually is the experience for those products needs to be perfect and to be that, it needs a perfect content supply chain.\nThis content supply chain ultimately will culminate in the seamless, customisable and branded delivery of product content to any digital front-end, regardless who controls it.\nIn his presentation, Michael J. Kräftner, Founder and CEO of CELUM, will explore the reality of the perfect product content supply chain and the possibilities of future composable e-commerce experiences to deliver outstanding and outranking customer experiences on the digital shelf.","presenter":"Michael J. Kräftner","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":96,"id":236486,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian Gross","lname":"Channel Pilot Solutions","cname2":"Channel Pilot Solutions GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Perfekte Produktdaten mit AI – Wie Du spielend leicht zum Top-Seller wirst ","bio":"Carsten verfügt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im E-Commerce, davon 22 Jahre in leitenden Positionen. Seit Mai 2019 ist er Chief Commercial Officer bei Channel Pilot Solutions.\nSeine letzten Stationen waren unter anderem bei der MediaMarktSaturn Holding, bei der Bertelsmann-Tochter arvato mobile und bei Talkline.","position":"Chief Commercial Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die Qualität der Produktdaten über den Erfolg einer Marke entscheiden kann. Besonders Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte auf Marktplätzen, Preisvergleichsportalen und weiteren Kanälen gleichzeitig verkaufen möchten, stehen vor der Herausforderung, ihre Produktdaten optimal aufzubereiten. Genau hier setzt die bahnbrechende KI-Integration von Channel Pilot Pro an: Mit dem Formel Generator entfällt die Notwendigkeit, komplexe Formeln oder technische Skripte zu schreiben. \n\nDie AI übernimmt dabei fast die ganze Arbeit – sei es durch die automatische Erstellung von Produkttiteln aus verschiedenen Attributen, die dynamische Preisgestaltung auf Basis des Wettbewerbs oder CPC-Vergabe auf Markenbasis. \n\nIn diesem Vortrag zeigen wir anhand eines konkreten Use-Cases, wie unser Kunde seine Produktdaten mit nur wenigen Klicks optimieren, massiv Zeit sparen und seinen Umsatz steigern konnte. \n\nWir zeigen all das – und wie führende Marken durch den Einsatz von AI ihre Produktdaten revolutionieren und ihre Sichtbarkeit in einem hochdynamischen Marktumfeld deutlich steigern konnten. Bring auch Du Deine Verkäufe auf das nächste Level! ","presenter":"Carsten Mesecke-von Rheinbaben","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":236711,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stephen","lname":"Meade","cname2":"Channelengine","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Tactics for maximizing profitability on Global Marketplaces","bio":"Dex van Hofwegen has a background in (business) economics. He is currently in charge of ChannelEngine's New Business teams in Europe, Middle East, and South East Asia, to help brands, distributors and retailers connect to 950+ global marketplaces, social commerce, and other DTC channels. Before that, Dex has held multiple sales and e-commerce roles in both start-ups and enterprise companies.","position":"Director of Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Core strategies for sellers\r\nLearn how to choose the marketplace strategy that’s right for your brand—from increasing visibility to maximizing sales or optimizing for profitability.\r\n\r\nWhere is the profit?\r\nGain insights to determine which selling approach can be most lucrative for your products and market conditions.\r\n\r\nTurning unprofitable products into cash cows:\r\nDiscover effective strategies to transform underperforming products into significant revenue generators.\r\n\r\nCalculating minimum price value:\r\nUnderstand critical factors including cost of goods sold, overhead expenses, and desired profit margins to competitively price your products while maintaining healthy profitability.","presenter":"Dex van Hofwegen","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236118,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Johannes","lname":"Mansbart","cname2":" GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI WhatsApp solutions","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Sharing how AI \u0026 WhatsApp can revolutionize mobile user journeys in ecommerce. Top-of-funnel-leadgen via WhatsApp, paired with automated lead-enrichment getting synced with email \u0026 print direct marketing channels, scaling cross-, upsales \u0026 customer success via deeply integrated WhatsApp AI chatbot solutions.","presenter":"Johannes Mansbart","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234668,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"Möllers","cname2":"chatmarks GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mit WhatsApp Marketing die Kundenbindung revolutionieren","bio":"Thomas Möllers ist einer der beiden Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Agentur chatmarks, die sich auf WhatsApp-Marketing spezialisiert hat. Gemeinsam mit seinem Geschäftspartner Christopher Müller gründete er das Unternehmen im Jahr 2022 als erste WhatsApp Marketing Agentur in der DACH-Region.\n\nMöllers und sein Team konzentrieren sich darauf, das volle Potenzial von WhatsApp als Marketingkanal für Unternehmen zu erschließen. Die Agentur bietet maßgeschneiderte Strategien, umfassende Beratung und vollständige Umsetzung von WhatsApp-Marketingmaßnahmen an.\n\nAls Experte für WhatsApp-Marketing teilt Möllers sein Wissen auch in Fachartikeln. So verfasste er beispielsweise einen Gastbeitrag für OMR Reviews zum Thema \"WhatsApp-Kampagnen erstellen und richtig nutzen\". \nDarin erklärt er, wie Unternehmen WhatsApp-Kampagnen effektiv einsetzen können, um die Kommunikation mit Kunden zu verbessern und den Lifetime-Value zu steigern.\n\nZu den Kunden von chatmarks gehören bekannte Marken wie Jack Wolfskin und BLACKROLL.","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Als erste und führende WhatsApp Marketing Agentur mit Learnings aus mehreren Millionen Umsatz über WhatsApp und Kunden wie Jack Wolfskin, PURELEI, BLACKROLL, Medion, Tchibo und weiteren kennen wir das noch junge Feld WhatsApp wie keine andere Agentur.\r\nIn dem Vortrag wollen wir informieren, für wen WhatsApp perfekt ist, worin das große Potenzial steckt und mit welchen Expertentipps die Marken auf WhatsApp durchstarten können.","presenter":"Thomas Möllers","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236197,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vega","lname":"Sims","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Get More from Every Transaction: Payment Optimization for E-commerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As online payments evolve, merchants face increasing pressure to provide seamless, secure experiences for their customers. One of the most overlooked opportunities is payment optimization—a key lever that can significantly increase revenue, reduce customer churn, and improve the overall checkout experience.\r\n\r\nResearch by and Oxford Economics shows that businesses lose between 1.5% and 2.2% of their revenue due to suboptimal payment acceptance. False declines alone cost companies millions, with a $1 billion business potentially losing up to $22 million annually. These figures highlight the importance of optimizing every transaction to avoid unnecessary revenue loss.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we’ll explore:\r\n- The Power of Payment Optimization: Discover why improving acceptance rates and reducing false declines is crucial for businesses to stay competitive in today’s e-commerce landscape.\r\n- Leveraging Technology for Better Payments: Learn how advancements in payment gateways, mobile payments, and authentication technology can streamline processes, reduce friction, and enhance the customer experience.\r\n- Real-World Success Stories: See how top global merchants are using strategies like local acquiring, seamless checkout flows, and dynamic 3D Secure to boost revenue while minimizing fraud.\r\n\r\nWhy This Matters:\r\nWith billions lost annually due to false declines, optimizing payments isn’t just about reducing friction—it’s about maximizing your bottom line. A smooth payment experience not only satisfies customers but also directly impacts profitability. This session will provide actionable insights into how businesses can harness payment performance to increase revenue.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n- Reduce false declines and boost acceptance rates.\r\n- Explore cutting-edge innovations in payment technology.\r\n- Learn strategies to create secure, seamless checkout experiences.\r\n- Use data analytics and machine learning to enhance payment performance.","presenter":"Wilco Slabbekoorn","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236377,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vega","lname":"Sims","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Simplify Global Expansion with Smarter Cross-Border Payments","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As e-commerce businesses expand internationally, they face complex challenges—navigating regulatory landscapes, ensuring compliance, and delivering a seamless, localized customer experience. With 39% of consumers abandoning carts if their preferred payment method isn’t available, optimizing payment performance and localization is crucial.\r\n\r\nThis session explores how merchants can simplify global expansion by optimizing payment strategies. We’ll cover key areas such as payment method selection, regional compliance, and creating consistent customer experiences at scale. The right approach can reduce revenue leakage, boost conversions, and drive growth across borders.\r\n\r\nKey topics include:\r\n- Payment Localization: How to select and integrate local payment methods for a seamless customer experience.\r\n- Optimizing Payment Performance: Tools to reduce false declines, enhance conversion rates, and offer frictionless checkouts.\r\n- Navigating Compliance: Best practices for meeting regulatory standards while minimizing operational burdens.\r\n- Customer Experience at Scale: Balancing localization with high-quality, mobile-first user experiences.\r\n- Using real-world examples and data-driven insights, we’ll show how e-commerce businesses can leverage localized payment solutions to improve satisfaction and thrive in international markets.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n- Learn how to choose the right payment methods for each market and integrate local systems seamlessly.\r\n- Explore strategies to balance customer experience with localization, ensuring mobile-first checkouts.\r\n- Gain insights into navigating complex regulatory requirements while maintaining compliance.\r\n- Discover case studies of businesses that successfully scaled globally through payment optimization.\r\n\r\nWhy This Matters:\r\nFor global success, e-commerce businesses must offer seamless cross-border payments. This session provides the tools and insights businesses need to scale globally and maximize revenue.","presenter":"Wilco Slabbekoorn","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":236379,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anastasiya","lname":"Piatrkouskaya","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Navigating Fintech Growth in Ambiguous Times: Strategies for Thriving Amid Economic Turbulence","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Highlight the current challenges for the merchants and buyers, provide recommendations how to thrive: \r\nprioritise the internal operational efficiency before scaling (dispute, fraud, audit, risk ellimination)","presenter":"Anastasiya Piatrkouskaya","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235578,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Oliver","lname":"cherrypicker","cname2":"cherrypicker","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to pitch better!","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Empfehlungen von der führenden Pitch-Beratung cherrypicker für einen besseren Agentur-Pitch eines E-Commerce-Unternehmens\r\n- Wie bereite ich einen Auswahlprozess vor\r\n- Wie führe ich den besten Pitch durch\r\n- Die meisten Fehler von Kunden\r\n- Die meisten Fehler von Agenturen\r\n- Alternativen zum Pitch\r\n\r\nRecommendations from the leading pitch consultancy cherrypicker for a better agency pitch for eCom companies.\r\n- How to set up a selection process\r\n- How to run the best pitch\r\n- The most mistakes of clients\r\n- The most mistakes of agencies\r\n- Alternatives to a pitch","presenter":"Oliver Klein","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235160,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Danielle","lname":"Clark","cname2":"Chirag Nijjer/Influencer Builder","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Brand Curiosity Model: Driving E-commerce Innovation with Story-Based Marketing","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, storytelling is the key to differentiation. Chirag Nijjer, a leading global brand strategist, will introduce his Brand Curiosity Model, designed to help e-commerce businesses build memorable brands that stand out in challenging times. Using real-world case studies and actionable insights, this session explores how intentional storytelling not only strengthens brand recognition but also drives customer engagement and loyalty. Learn how to simplify your marketing strategies, leverage customer curiosity, and apply Chirag’s framework to boost your e-commerce growth.","presenter":"Chirag Nijjer","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":79,"id":235283,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"","lname":"","cname2":"chop solutions GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Kampagnen-Tracking: Die Top 10 der unerwarteten Quick Wins für Ads, E-Mails, Social Media \u0026 Print","bio":"Joachim Nickel ist Open-Source-Evangelist, Webentwickler und Daten-Liebhaber. Seit über 14 Jahren schlägt sein Herz für Webanalytics mit Matomo – der datenschutzkonformen Alternative für Google Analytics. Das machte ihn zu einem der sichtbarsten Matomo-Evangelisten im deutschsprachigen Raum. Er blickt zurück auf Erfahrung aus über 25 Jahren in der Entwicklung unzähliger Webprojekte und kombiniert Wissen aus Programmierung, SEO, Content, Design sowie der Besucherführung. Er ist Präsident der Contao Association, dem Förderverein für das Open-Source-CMS Contao und aktives Mitglied des CMS Garden zur Förderung aller Open-Source-CMS Lösungen.","position":"Matomo-Evangelist \u0026 Data Scientist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Du hast eine Webseite und nutzt Kampagnentracking, hast aber irgendwie das Gefühl: Da geht noch mehr? Ob du deine Ausgaben für Ads optimieren, Social Media messbar machen, die Effizienz deiner E-Mails überprüfen oder gedruckte Werbung in deine Analytics integrieren möchtest – Joachim Nickel stellt dir zehn Ideen vor, die häufig übersehen werden, aber echte Game-Changer für deine Marketingstrategie sein können. Das Beste an diesem Vortrag: Die Tipps sind schnell umzusetzen und liefern dir sofort bessere Ergebnisse. Also, markiere dir diesen Vortrag orange im Kalender und optimiere sofort dein Wissen. ","presenter":"Joachim Nickel","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236582,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benedikt","lname":"Locker","cname2":"Christian Locker GmbH / Kobolo GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Tradition trifft Innovation: Wie die Modernisierung eines Familienunternehmens die Zukunft sichert","bio":"2022 - heute - Christian Locker GmbH\nNachfolger / Geschäftsleitung\n\n2020 - 2022 - NTS Electronic und Components GmbH - Assistent der Geschäftsleitung\n\n2012 - 2020 - Schaeffler\nVersuchsing. Fahrwerkskomponenten / Gesamtfahrzeugversuch / Motorsport\n\n2012 Dipl. Ing. Mechatronik","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"1. Einleitung:\nKurzer Überblick über das Unternehmen: 6. Generation, seit 1870, Tradition und Wandel.\nHerausforderung der Nachfolge: Balance zwischen Bewahrung und Erneuerung.\n\n2. Herausforderungen der Modernisierung:\nVerantwortungsübernahme: klare Abgrenzung und Verzahnung.\nSchmerzpunktanalyse: Ursachen statt Symptome angehen, Aufbau einer Feedbackkultur.\n\n3. Digitalisierung:\nEinführung von MS Teams: Optimierung der internen Kommunikation, Informationszugang, Beispiel Newsletter und wöchentliche Meetings.\nStrategische Unabhängigkeit: Minimierung der Abhängigkeit von einzelnen Plattformen (z.B. Amazon).\n\n4. Teammanagement:\nAnpassung des Führungsstils, neue Leitlinien und gemeinsame Werte schaffen.\nTransparenz in Entscheidungen und Plänen, um Vertrauen aufzubauen.\n\n5. Erfolge und Erkenntnisse:\nVerbesserung der internen Kommunikation und Teamdynamik.\nKlarheit, Transparenz und Struktur; Handlungsspielraum und Verantwortungen abgeben\n\n6. Fazit und Ausblick:\nWeiterhin Balance zwischen Tradition und Innovation halten.\nKontinuierlicher Wandel als Schlüssel zur Zukunftssicherung.","presenter":"Benedikt Locker","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235745,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"IrIna","lname":"Vasilenko","cname2":"Ciklum","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Commerce Game Changers: How to transform a market in a year","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Transforming markets takes courage, creativity, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Are you ready to take on the challenge? In my speech, I’ll share insights on how we created a solution based on customer needs and fears, transformed the traditional used cars market in one of the Middle East countries, and became a market leader in less than a year. \r\nIn the stage of the idea the market we targeted was a very traditional one, fully offline. \r\nThe revolutionary idea was to transform the market and digitalise the whole flow of selling used cars to customers. Another challenge was to change the local mindset about buying a car fully online, without seeing it, despite it being considered very risky among locals.\r\nWe identified the main blockers and fears when buying a used car and tested the ways to overcome fears and build trust.\r\nAs a result, in six months after launching our MVP, we sold 20,000 pre-owned vehicles for 500 million USD, demonstrating the success of our approach. \r\nI invite you to discover how we overcame challenges, disrupted the traditional used cars market and how these insights can be applied to any business transformation.","presenter":"Irina Vasilenko","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236542,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yifan","lname":"Chen","cname2":"CIRRO E-Commerce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking International Markets for D2C Brands Through Cross-Border Logistics","bio":"Thijs Boots is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in e-commerce, fashion, retail, and logistics. Currently CSO and VP Europe at CIRRO E-Commerce, Thijs began his career with brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, later joining DHL eCommerce, where he honed his logistics expertise. He also contributed to PostNL’s parcel locker solutions before becoming Managing Director at Seven Senders. With a vast network across Europe and deep experience in cross-border e-commerce, Thijs is known for his strategic vision and leadership, consistently driving growth and success in the e-commerce and logistics sectors.","position":"CSO \u0026 VP Europe","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s dynamic e-commerce landscape, Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands are increasingly looking beyond their home markets, aiming for international expansion. The potential rewards—new revenue streams, broader customer bases, and enhanced global brand recognition—are immense. However, entering international markets comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to logistics and fulfillment.\r\n\r\nFor D2C brands, efficient logistics are not just about moving products; they are vital to customer satisfaction and business success. Navigating customs, tariffs, and long-distance shipping can quickly become overwhelming without the right strategy. This is where cross-border logistics and global fulfillment solutions play a critical role, enabling brands to tackle these complexities seamlessly.\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, we’ll explore the key logistics strategies that empower D2C brands to expand globally. We’ll examine the differences between cross-border shipping and global fulfillment, highlight the advantages and challenges of each approach, introduce which approch to select during under different conditions and how to leverage a logistics provider like CIRRO to streamline their global operations and deliver exceptional experiences to customers around the world.","presenter":"Thijs Boots","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":236190,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Behdad","lname":"Jamshidi","cname2":"CJAM Marketing MatchMaker","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Key Insights after meeting over 883+ marketing agencies and partners","bio":"Behdad Jamshidi started CJAM Marketing after realizing that most companies don’t know how to evaluate the value of a marketing agency or assess their own needs. Since every business is different not only in their needs but where they are at in the growth process, it isn’t a one size fits all. \n\nIn the past 5 years, Behdad (or Bee) has met with and assessed 889+ marketing agencies and vetted them down to a lean 100+ preferred partners across all marketing niches. After pairing hundreds of businesses with the right partners, he’s found his skillset lies in the matchmaking process. \n\nFeatured in MarketWatch, Bloomberg, MSN, National Post and the Financial Post, Bee’s unique background in marketing, engineering, consulting, leadership, sales and strategy, has allowed him to serve as the conduit between business owners and the marketing teams they need. ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We know that without having the right partners in the business, businesses struggle to grow.\r\n\r\nAfter having met with over 883+ marketing agencies and partners. The presentation is gear towards giving business owners the tools needed to hire the right marketing partners moving forward.\r\n\r\nKey highlights:\r\n- What mindset is needed to win in marketing\r\n- 5 levels of marketing agencies and partners to watch out for\r\n- Where to find the best marketing partners\r\n- How to get the most out of your marketing relationships.\r\n\r\nIt's been presented to CEOs, COOs, and Marketing leaders who have all found great value in the knowledge shared.","presenter":"Behdad Jamshidi","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234687,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sofiia","lname":"Shvets","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transforming E-commerce Photography with Generative AI: Deep Dive","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Understand the benefits of integrating generative AI into your content flow. Create assets in your brand style","presenter":"Sofiia Shvets","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235212,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Taras","lname":"Talimonchuk","cname2":"Claspo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Reward Dilemma: Balancing Incentives in Gamified Lead Capture Forms for Maximum Engagement","bio":"I’m the Chief Marketing Officer at Claspo, a B2B Martech SaaS platform that helps businesses create fully customizable website pop-ups and forms. With 16 years of experience in marketing, I've spent my career focusing on early-stage startups, helping them scale and overcome key challenges in customer acquisition and engagement. My expertise lies in crafting data-driven marketing strategies, optimizing conversion rates, and implementing scalable acquisition channels. At Claspo, I lead a team dedicated to empowering digital marketers and business owners with innovative tools for lead generation, conversion optimization, and overall marketing performance.","position":"CMO at","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation comprehensively explores how businesses can effectively utilize rewards in gamified forms without compromising lead quality or profitability. It tackles common issues head-on, offering practical strategies and delivering actionable insights for marketers and eCommerce leaders to significantly improve conversions while maintaining long-term value.","presenter":"Taras Talimonchuk","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236049,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tomasz","lname":"Konecki","cname2":"Closer2","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The illusion of choice: how we puppet master your 'decisions'","bio":"A chameleon in the business world. 10+ years of experience, worked in 14 different industries and with 40 different products. My expertise is a blend of marketing insight, sales acumen, and product management know-how. I'm passionate about storytelling and storyboarding.","position":"Head of Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Let's dive into the dark art of digital. We'll rip away the veil of consumer autonomy, revealing how marketers, UX designers, and content creators conspire to choreograph your every click, swipe, and purchase. Attend at your own risk – or do you even have a choice?","presenter":"Tomasz Konecki","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":234590,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kamil","lname":"Szymczak","cname2":"Cloudflight","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Selling by Design: Crafting Hight-Impact Customer Experiences","bio":"I’m a Lead Product Designer with over 10 years of experience, dedicated to crafting innovative and engaging eCommerce experiences. From B2B and B2C platforms to boutique stores and 3D immersive shops, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with a wide range of businesses. As a Baymard Institute-certified expert, I’ve built numerous stores that truly resonate with users, using a tech-agnostic approach to deliver out-of-the-box and composable headless solutions. My goal is always to align user needs, business objectives, and technology to create stores that are not only functional but also delightful and engaging. When I’m not busy designing or optimizing, I’m a proud dad of two, and you can often find me enjoying time at playgrounds in Wrocław, Poland.","position":"Lead Product Designer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Through real-world examples from both B2B and B2C, I’ll show how design can transform User Experience and significantly boost conversion rates (CRO). Attendees will takeaway actionable strategies to optimize their e-commerce platforms, driving customer satisfaction and tangible business growth through innovative design.","presenter":"Kamil Szymczak","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":228,"id":235037,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bartłomiej","lname":"Kotarski","cname2":"Cloudflight","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Global distributed eCommerce architecture","bio":"Bartłomiej Kotarski is a Senior Software Engineer at Cloudflight, specializing in building scalable and efficient software solutions for eCommerce clients. With expertise in Domain-Driven Design and AWS cloud architecture, Bartłomiej ensures that clients' eCommerce products are both reliable and high-performing. Currently, he is collaborating with a variety of eCommerce businesses, focusing on enhancing the efficiency and performance of their softwares.","position":"Senior Software Engineer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Imagine a customer waiting 10 seconds for a product to load on the display page. Then, adding that product to the cart takes another 5 seconds. Finally, when they attempt to place an order, it takes an additional 6 seconds, only to result in an error saying the product is unavailable or the price has changed. Can you imagine the frustration after such an experience? Is your company prepared to lose customers due to technical debt in your eCommerce? \n\n\nThis is a common challenge in global eCommerce platforms. Scaling horizontally and vertically isn’t enough when clients from all over the world expect fast, secure, and up-to-date responses. Fortunately, there are effective solutions to ensure customers don’t face timeouts or errors, and the development process is streamlined toward building a successful eCommerce platform. \n\n\nDuring the presentation, we will focus on:\n- distributed cache with local cache coherence,\n- implementing event-driven architecture,\n- optimizing product images using an image service,\n- conducting load testing before going live.","presenter":"Bartłomiej Kotarski","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":45,"id":236482,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anastasiia","lname":"Dymianyk","cname2":"COAX Software","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Designing sustainable ecommerce experiences","bio":"Serge is a tech enthusiast specializing in retail and e-commerce, combining over 14 years of commercial experience with a strong focus on UX/UI design. As a leader in digital strategy, he empowers businesses to boost profits and elevate customer satisfaction through customer advocacy.\n\nHaving collaborated with over 200 companies, Serge has honed expertise in Customer Experience (CX) enhancement, market analysis, CR optimization, and inventory management. His ability to transform ambiguity into actionable plans enables him to build motivated teams that consistently exceed expectations.\n\nCurrently, Serge is a key member of a rapidly growing software agency with over 80 tech experts.  Passionate about driving growth and innovation, Serge is dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence within his company and creating outstanding software products for clients.","position":"CEO, Co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Most eCommerce UX is focused on one thing – getting users to buy more. Current practices prioritize sales over sustainability, leading to excessive consumption. Should you use it for good or contribute to a cycle of mindless consumption?\r\n\r\nTo answer this question, we will analyze the problems with current eCommerce UX design, explore the concept of sustainable UX, and figure out how to implement circular eCommerce design. \r\n\r\neCommerce sites use persuasive design techniques that push the customer buying impulse to a maximum:\r\n1. Overwhelm site visitors with constant visual motion, pop-ups, and distracting discounts.\r\n2. Confuse customers with complex discount structures (\"30% + 40% + 50% off\").\r\n3. Create a sense of urgency with countdown timers.\r\n4. Leverage the dopamine effect of bargain-hunting with bright, accented promotions and misleading navigation.\r\n\r\nSustainable eCommerce can be your way out of this loop, as it provides unique perks:\r\n1. Brand loyalty. 78% of consumers believe retailers should do more to help them make environmentally-friendly decisions.\r\n2. Alignment with consumer values. 39% of shoppers prioritize budget-friendly options, while 26% are cautious about impulse buying.\r\n3. Respect for a mindful lifestyle. 22% postpone purchases to consider whether a product will be useful in the long run.\r\n\r\nFour principles of a circular eCommerce design include:\r\n1. Design for longevity and reuse. \r\n2. Minimize waste in the user experience.\r\n3. Provide transparent information about the product lifecycle. \r\n4. Encourage responsible consumption. \r\n\r\nToday, I will show you how to implement these principles in real-life examples.","presenter":"Serge Khmelovskyi","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":64,"id":235747,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raj","lname":"Singh","cname2":"Coco Veda and PayPal","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sustainable Cross Border eCommerce: Coco Veda’s Farm to Consumer Journey","bio":"Link to bio\u0026ouid=104588633478583746762\u0026rtpof=true\u0026sd=true \n\nBio \n\nRaj Singh is a purpose-driven advocate for a sustainable future within the evolving digital ecosystem.\nAs a visionary leader and humanitarian, Raj champions partnerships and heart-led leadership to drive environmental and social impact, striving to reduce inequalities.\nWith extensive hands-on experience in Triple Bottom Line sustainability, Raj currently leads Coco Veda, a Singapore-based social enterprise which  is dedicated to creating a scalable farm-to-consumer business model that positively impacts the lives of coconut farmers and the women who craft the products, all while maintaining minimal direct carbon emissions and zero waste. Coco Veda specializes in a wide range of proprietary, handcrafted, coconut-based vegan personal care and wellness products.\n\n","position":"Chief Visionary Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Title: Sustainable Cross-Border eCommerce: Coco Veda’s Farm to Consumer Journey\r\n\r\nCoconut farmers in tropical regions face generational poverty, with limited access to global markets and innovation. Coco Veda addresses this by creating a range of coconut-based, natural, vegan, and halal products. The business model prioritizes a triple bottom line—people, planet, and profit—supporting farmers' livelihoods, empowering women, eliminating water and alcohol from formulations, and operating with zero waste and a negligible carbon footprint.\r\n\r\nCoco Veda’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategy leverages cross-border eCommerce to connect ethical products with global consumers, delivering “farm to consumer impact” at scale. Through collaborations, the brand is expanding its mission to achieve \"farm to consumer to community\" impact through like-minded partnerships.\r\n\r\nA key project involves collaboration with PayPal, utilizing its technology, tools, and global reach to help scale Coco Veda into a seven-figure DTC brand. This partnership emphasizes the role of technology in driving ethical business growth, bridging the gap between purpose-driven brands and conscious consumers.\r\n\r\nCoco Veda’s vision is to lead in cross-border eCommerce, building a sustainable, impact-driven brand that uplifts coconut farming communities and sets the stage for larger opportunities to address inequalities in the coconut sector.","presenter":"Raj Singh","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235290,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Wiebke","lname":"Matzke","cname2":"Codept GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Logistics performance tracking made easy with the Codept Fulfilment Tracker","bio":"As Head of Sales Katharina Grünzig has been successfully managing the sales department at Codept for several years, with a strong focus on e-commerce and fulfilment. Thanks to years of experience in B2B software sales and implementation, as well as substantial expertise in building and managing international companies, she complements the Codept team with the extra edge of scaling know-how and knowledge in building international networks.","position":"Head of Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Did you ever want to know how well your fulfilment services really perform? Codept empowers you to do so. We present our latest Shopify App designed to enhance your e-commerce operations - the Codept Fulfilment Tracker. Merchants get access to multiple statistics about their 3PLs’ performance helping them to compare different fulfilment services. Etailers using the Codept Fulfilment Tracker will notice a performance development of their fulfilment services immediately. Thanks to the in-app metrics the user is able to monitor, identify and prevent delivery delays in the fulfilment and shipping process. Based on historical and real-time data, merchants can enhance their order fulfilment and ensure working with the best fulfilment services for their business. If the 3PLs’ performance does not meet the expectations merchants have the data validation to change services and optimise the fulfilment. Hence, this easy-to-use app empowers online retailers to increase customer satisfaction and maximise on-time delivery. \n","presenter":"Katharina Grünzig","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":235923,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Elisabeth","lname":"Sonnleitner","cname2":"Combeenation GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Crush the competition: Master sales efficiency with configurators","bio":"Walter Burgstaller has decades of in-depth experience in sales management and is characterized by the expansion of new business areas in the industrial and IT sectors. He has been CEO of Combeenation for three years and is driving the company's growth.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Configurators are for transforming your entire sales process. 3D configurators are no longer just a visual aid—they’re a sales powerhouse. With just a click, you can create custom quotes, generate detailed drawings, and seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, whether it’s your online shop, PIM, or ERP. Even dealer management becomes a breeze with integrated portals. But that's just scratching the surface. I will show you how these advanced configurators can automate workflows, streamline operations, and supercharge your sales efficiency like never before.","presenter":"Walter Burgstaller","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236268,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marcus","lname":"Höhne","cname2":"Comercus GmbH, Schuhhaus Hittcher GmbH","avatar":" ;","presentation_title":"Wild ride - building up a middleware from scratch - while the client rides the market","bio":"Alexander Hock:\n2001-2018 Founder\u0026CEO of Shooks GmbH - developed the middleware Qualibet\n2012-2019 CEO ANWR Media GmbH - developed the platform\n2020-2024 Managing Director Comercus GmbH - a lot of e-commerce projects for Zalando for example\nSince 2024 starting a new middleware called IrisOne\n\nMarcus Höhne:\n2006: Highschool Diploma\n2011: Bachelor of arts Economics\n2011-2015: Storemanager @Görtz (shoe retail)\n2015-2017: Storemanager @ Hittcher family owned SMB in shoe retail\n2016-2024: CDO \u0026 Head of E-Commerce @Hittcher - transformed from 0% to ~60% E-Commerce related revenue","position":"CEO, CDO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We want to give an overview about what happened since the start of irisone (middleware build by Comercus GmbH), from two points of view.\r\nWhat are the challenges for the service provider and what does it mean for a retailer to start with a new middleware since day one?","presenter":"Alexander Hock, Marcus Höhne","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":234581,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Joshua","lname":"Balczerowski","cname2":"Comgistics GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Effizienzrevolution im E-Commerce: Wie Du durch smarte Logistik bis zu 30% Kosten sparen kannst.","bio":"IPLS GmbH\nProject Manager\nJuni 2017–Juni 2020\n\nWIS Group \nProjektmanager\nJuni 2020–Nov. 2022 \n\nBalczerowski \u0026 Turwitt GbR\nGeschäftsführer\nMai 2021–Heute\n\nComgistics GmbH \nGeschäftsführer\nAug. 2022–Heute","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ich möchte in der Masterclass kurz und knapp aufzeigen, wie der Seller, mit einfachen Tricks, in der Ecommerce Logistik, kosten spart, um seine Lieferkette so effizient zu gestalten, wie es nur möglich ist. Der Seller soll sich auf sein Kernbusiness konzentrieren - das selling!","presenter":"Joshua Balczerowski","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235449,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anastasia","lname":"Drougka","cname2":"commercetools","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Learn how Product and Product Marketing work together at commercetools to deliver outstanding B2B customer experience","bio":"Anastasia is a Composable Commerce Lead at commercetools. She has over 10 years of experience working in strategic commerce programs across different industries as an eCommerce specialist.","position":"Staff Product Manager (Anastasia Drougka), Senior Product Marketing Manager (Julia Rabkin)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"From breaking down silos to creating cross-functional communication channels, learn how product and product marketing teams can best collaborate to define, design and implement the product’s strategy. Anastasia and Julia will walk the audience through their story on how product and product marketing worked together to launch the core B2B commerce functionality at commercetools.\r\nBy the end of the session, the audience should understand how these roles interact and amplify each other in order to successfully  define and implement the product’s strategy.","presenter":"Anastasia Drougka, Julia Rabkin","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":79,"id":236210,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Oksana","lname":"Chypchyruk","cname2":"Competera","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI Prices Your Customers Trust","bio":"Oksana Chypchyruk specializes in building strategic partnerships within AI-driven retail solutions, particularly in price optimization. Working with companies like Competera, she bridges the gap between technology providers and large consulting and software firms, helping businesses integrate advanced tools to improve performance. Her experience spans collaborating with major players in the retail and tech space, emphasizing innovation and digital transformation.","position":"Head of Partnerships","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Competera revolutionizes retail pricing by leveraging AI to unlock customer-centric strategies. Our platform empowers retailers to:\n1. Uncover deep customer insights to make data-driven pricing decisions.\n2. Gain maximum profitability and customer satisfaction by optimizing pricing strategies.\n3. Streamline pricing processes with automated, intelligent recommendations.\n\nDifferentiators:\n1. Unparalleled Accuracy: Competera empowers businesses to make data-driven pricing decisions with 95+% accuracy based on sales drivers tailored to each retailer.\n2. Enhanced Price Perception: By aligning pricing with customer preferences, Competera helps retailers increase customer satisfaction, retention, customer return rate, and improve overall brand perception.\n3. Boosted Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Optimized pricing strategies powered by Competera’s AI engine drive higher CLTV by encouraging repeat purchases and increasing customer loyalty.\n4. Increased Basket Value: Retailers using Competera can expect significant increase in basket value, directly impacting revenue and profitability.\n5. Improved Inventory Turnover: By optimizing pricing and stock levels, Competera helps retailers reduce costs associated with excess inventory and increase stock turnover.\n6. Team Efficiency Gains: Competera's AI-powered platform reduces the workload of pricing teams by up to 70%, freeing up valuable resources for other strategic initiatives.\n7. Human-in-the-Loop Approach: Competera combines AI's power with human expertise, ensuring optimal pricing decisions while minimizing manual effort.","presenter":"Oksana Chypchyruk","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":235118,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nina","lname":"Ritter","cname2":"Computop","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Livedemo – Überblick im Datenstrom: Wie Transaktionsauswertung den Checkout optimiert","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Payment ist spannend. Erst recht, wenn tiefe Einblicke in die Transaktionsdaten mehr über die Performance der Zahlarten und Finanzpartner verraten. \r\n\r\nMit einem Big Data Tool lässt sich viel über den  eigenen Checkout lernen, Fehler in der Integration oder Schwächen in der Benutzerführung können erkannt und behoben werden. \r\n\r\nWie das geht, zeigen die Payment People mit einer Live-Auswertung aus Millionen von exemplarischen Datensätzen.","presenter":"Henning Brandt","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236915,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Evgeniiy","lname":"Bondarenko","cname2":"Confitech Dienstleistungs GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The First Critical Mistake Made by SaaS Startup CTOs During the Pre-Seed and Seed Phases","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"After receiving funding from investors, building an effective team becomes crucial. However, this can be a challenging task. Many CTOs underestimate the effort involved and spend the first few months acting as recruiters. Instead of focusing on technical tasks, they end up burning valuable time on team setup. We will provide practical tips on how to avoid this common mistake.","presenter":"Evgeniiy Bondarenko","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236504,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Eli","lname":"Finkelshteyn","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Evaluating ROI Claims in AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"With all of the buzz around AI, there are lots of tools that look cool, or do novel things. The issue is that, especially in today's business environment, spending resources to something only because it looks cool likely is not what your company is looking for. For a project to be deemed successful, you have to be able to prove ROI.\r\n\r\nThis talk will delve into how to evaluate claims of ROI from AI, common pitfalls and techniques used by vendors to imply greater ROI than actually exists, and introduce a strategy for evaluating ROI from a new potential project quickly and fully.","presenter":"Eli Finkelshteyn","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":191,"id":235419,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"van Til","cname2":"Contentoo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From Outdated to Outstanding: How To Deliver Quality Content at Scale","bio":"Jeroen Gunter is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Contentoo, a leading platform for connecting companies with freelance content creators. With a journalism background, Jeroen founded Contentoo in 2017 to help businesses access high-quality, scalable content solutions. His experience with publications like Quote Magazine informed his approach to building a service that blends human creativity with technology.\n\nUnder his leadership, Contentoo has grown rapidly, working with top brands across Europe and securing key investments to support expansion. Jeroen is committed to maintaining the balance between AI tools and human creativity, ensuring that clients get personalized, authentic content that stands out. Contentoo now supports thousands of projects for companies looking to scale content efficiently​.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation dives into a use case of a large e-commerce platform. They create B2B content for their customers and the main blog is in English. To increase organic traffic and boost customer acquisition through organic channels, they decided to repurpose existing content and localise content for new and existing markets. \n\nThis is super relevant for large e-commerce businesses, because they heavily rely on content (marketing) for brand building and awareness, organic reach and customer acquisition.\n\nTo do this effectively, you need a content creation setup that manages the writers and translators involved and have an efficient workflow from brief to publication to the CMS.\n\nIf that setup works, you can expand that for multiple markets, adding expert content writers to dedicated markets, keeping overhead to a minimum and ensuring scale without compromising on content quality.\n","presenter":"Jeroen Gunter","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":235600,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Federico","lname":"Oliveri","cname2":"Contentsquare","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Eliminating data silos by uniting data categories: how to master customer journeys with an all-in-one analytics approach","bio":"8 years of Martech and SaaS experience working with leading brands (such as LVMH, Vodafone, Moncler, Carrefour, Estée Lauder, Giorgio Armani, etc.) to unlock actionable insights, driving great CX and increasing revenue.\n\nAn expert in data analysis, performance optimisation, and customer experience with a thought leadership approach that leads Federico to speak at events and conferences across the EMEA region.","position":"Senior Solutions Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Brands and e-commerce professionals are facing key challenges such as macro-economics, data and team silos, visibility in the end-to-end customer journey, improve efficiency and collaboration across teams. \r\n\r\nBut how do we tackle these issues? During this speech, we will cover\r\n\r\n- Data insights and trends covering 43 billion sessions, 30 countries and 3590 websites\r\n- Practical example with success stories from top brands such as Harrods and Easyjet\r\n- Best practices on how to connect data points and goals","presenter":"Federico Oliveri","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":108,"id":236186,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ramiro","lname":"Murguia","cname2":"COPA-DATA","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Lessons Learned from a B2B eCommerce Project: From Ideation to Execution","bio":"- About me? I´m a doer...\n- What does it mean? \n- I am not only an idealist waiting for the stars to align, I don´t usually complain. I like to find a workaround, I believe I´m a visionary implementor, a strategic and operative leader.\n- That sounds too fancy...\n- Then, I´m a doer...","position":"Digital Project Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This talk isn’t sponsored, nor is the company I work for an eCommerce service provider, but it is a genuine talk aimed at sharing the best practices I found that nobody gave me.  My goal is take the audience through the real-world journey of building an eCommerce platform from scratch, particularly within the B2B industry. \r\n\r\nI will cover the challenges we faced, the strategic decisions we made, and the valuable lessons learned along the way. \r\n\r\nI hope I will bring enough value to:\r\n•\teCommerce professionals looking to launch their own B2B platforms,\r\n•\tOnline retailers seeking insights on executing eCommerce strategies in complex B2B environments,\r\n•\tService providers working to support B2B eCommerce businesses.\r\n\r\nKey Highlights of My Talk:\r\n1.\tFrom Idea to Execution: How we turned a complex B2B eCommerce idea into a fully operational platform, balancing internal stakeholder expectations and external demands.\r\n2.\tChallenges in the B2B World.\r\n3.\tLessons Learned Along the Way.\r\n4.\tActionable Takeaways.","presenter":"Ramiro Murguia","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235273,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marjolein","lname":"van der Kolk-Mai","cname2":"CoreMedia","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The best experiences deliver a Human Touch – Learn how AI will help","bio":"Soeren Stamer has over 20 years of experience as a B2B software industry CEO. While at the University of Hamburg, he co-founded CoreMedia with his professors, and subsequently led the company’s global expansion. Through agile leadership and a passion for innovation, Soeren has helped the company navigate decades of industry disruption and growth, from Web 2.0, to SaaS and to AI.\n \nSoeren is an industry thought leader who regularly speaks at international conferences like Digital Marketing World Forum or OMR and an award-winning author who comments on technological developments and trends in trade journals like The Drum or Horizont. With a focus on turning technological innovations into value, he sees significant potential to harness artificial intelligence to help companies merge content and commerce intelligently.\n \nSoeren is also a father of four, and took a two-year parental leave while his wife worked full-time. After a seven year stint in San Francisco, he and his family live in Schleswig-Holstein.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI is key to enhancing the speed, efficiency and accuracy of customer engagements, yet its true potential lies the integration with a human touch. Humanity is something that 64% of consumers feel that brands neglect in eCommerce. Therefore, a shift in AI-utilization is crucial: from viewing AI as a competitor to recognizing its potential to make more accessible and affordable what cannot be replaced by technology: a human touch.   \r\n\r\nEmphasizing on utilizing AI to free up humans from repetitive tasks, this keynote explores how AI allows brands to focus more on valuable interactions, increasing their efficiency and the overall value of the human touch.","presenter":"Sören Stamer","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":234701,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefanie","lname":"Tomaszewicz","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Der Erfolgsfaktor Kundenservice für Startups","bio":"01 / 2024 – HEUTE\nCo - Founder\\nBeratung zu Customer Care Prozessen und Konzepten\nSkalierbare und flexible Customer Care Konzepte nach Maß\nBegleitung Startups bei der Implementierung ihres Customer Support\n\n02/ 2017 – 2024\nProjektleiterin\nHead of Workforce Management\nHead of Community Management\ GmbH\nPersonalführung und Ausbildung von über 500 Mitarbeitern/Freelancern\nProzessmanagement\nEntwicklung und Einhaltung externer und interner KPI\nBudgetierung\nForecasting\nRechnungserstellung\nKonzipierung und Aufbau einer Online-Community\nFluktuationsmanagement\nManagementkreis - Beratung zur strategischen Unternehmensentwicklung\nVorbereitung und Durchführung von erfolgreichem Verkauf der Firma\nErstellung und Implementierung von qualitätssteigernden Maßnahmen\nÜberwachung qualitativer KPI \nErstellung der internen Wissensdatenbank\nCoaching und Training\nErstellung von Trainingskonzepten\n\n07/ 2015 - 02/ 2017\nQuality Manager/Trainer\ GmbH\n\n07/ 2014 - 06/ 2015\nCoach/Trainer\nSky Deutschland Customer Center GmbH\nFachthemenbezogene Produkt-Trainings im stationärem Raum\n\n07/ 2006 - 06/ 2014\nCoach/Trainer\nwalter services GmbH\nProdukt-Training\nKommunikations-Training\nSales-Training","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In meiner Key-Note werde ich beleuchten, warum es für Startups entscheidend ist, von Beginn an in den Kundenservice zu investieren. Durch praxisnahe Beispiele und valide KPIs zeige ich auf, wie ein strategischer Kundenservice zu nachhaltigem Wachstum, finanziellen Vorteilen und einer starken Kundenbindung führen kann.\r\n\r\nEin zentrales Thema ist die finanzielle Perspektive: Frühzeitige Investitionen in den Kundenservice senken Akquisitionskosten, steigern den Umsatz durch Wiederholungskäufe und minimieren das Risiko, Kunden zu verlieren. Außerdem werde ich die Risiken beleuchten, die stark skalierende Startups im Bereich Support oft unterschätzen, und welche konkreten Maßnahmen nötig sind, um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen.\r\n\r\nEin weiterer wichtiger Punkt meiner Key-Note ist die Gefahr, dass viele Startups übereilt und unüberlegt CRM-Systeme oder andere Tools implementieren, ohne eine klare Strategie, die auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Mitarbeitenden und Kunden abgestimmt ist. Hier erläutere ich die damit verbundenen Risiken und gebe praktische Empfehlungen, wie man kostspielige Fehlentscheidungen vermeidet.\r\n\r\nMein Ziel ist es, die Zuhörer zu inspirieren, Kundenservice als Schlüssel zum Erfolg zu sehen – nicht nur als operativen Bereich, sondern als strategischen Hebel für nachhaltiges Wachstum.","presenter":"Stefanie Tomaszewicz","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":23,"id":235922,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kateryna","lname":"Drozd","cname2":"Crassula","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Integrating Merchant Accounts: Expanding E-commerce into a Unified Banking Ecosystem","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Neobanks have the potential to transform the e-commerce space by offering dedicated merchant accounts that allow businesses to receive payments, withdraw funds, and manage their finances within a single ecosystem. This integration creates a seamless flow for merchants, enabling them to handle income, make payments, and securely store funds without leaving the platform. By combining banking services with e-commerce, neobanks provide a comprehensive solution for managing both business and financial needs in one place.","presenter":"Daria Dubinina","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":44,"id":235122,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Heckl","cname2":"creativestyle","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Customer Experience in E-Commerce: Best Practices","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this speaking session, we will explore the critical role of Customer Experience (CX) in the e-commerce landscape. As the publishers of the Customer Experience Report, we have conducted extensive research and analysis, evaluating the top 20 online shops across various industries in every issue. This comprehensive examination provides us with unparalleled insights into the strategies and practices of leading e-commerce platforms.\r\n\r\nThrough our work, we have gathered valuable data and identified key trends that drive successful customer experiences. From seamless website navigation to personalized shopping journeys and effective post-purchase support, we will share real-world examples and best practices that shape the future of CX in the digital space. We'll highlight how top-performing e-commerce businesses meet and exceed customer expectations, delivering not only exceptional products but also memorable interactions at every touchpoint.","presenter":"Benedikt Merl","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236819,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Leon","lname":"Mandigara","cname2":"Creaxioedge Pvt Ltd","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Effective use of email marketing for business groeth","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Email marketing is the process of sending targeted email messages to a list of potential or current customers.\r\n * Benefits:\r\n   * Reach a wide audience: Connect with thousands of people at once.\r\n   * Build relationships: Nurture connections with customers.\r\n   * Drive sales: Convert email subscribers into paying customers.\r\n   * Measure ROI: Track the effectiveness of your campaigns.\r\nSlide 3: Best Practices for Email Marketing\r\n * Opt-in list building: Collect email addresses ethically.\r\n * Segmentation: Divide your list into smaller groups based on interests or demographics.\r\n * Personalization: Tailor emails to individual recipients.\r\n * Mobile optimization: Ensure emails look great on smartphones and tablets.\r\n * Subject line best practices: Write catchy and compelling subject lines.\r\n * Call to action (CTA): Clearly state what you want the recipient to do.","presenter":"Leon Mandigara","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235735,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jorge","lname":"da Silveira","cname2":"Custobar","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to use customers informations for efficient marketing automations","bio":"Jorge da Silveira, is a leading responsible as a Senior Sales \u0026 Partner Manager for Custobar in the DACH region. Custobar is Finnland´s market leader for Marketing Automation und Customer Data Platform. Jorge is round about 16 years now in the e-commerce business and has worked for different e-commerce and payment providers  as a Head of Sales, Salescoach and Business Development Manager such as Klarna, Paysafe Group, Ratepay and other known fintech companies.  ","position":"Senior Sales \u0026 Partner Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The focus is for marketing departments, marketeers to which are looking to have a detailed overview of their customer base and and how to do segmentations so that they can use these informations and their customers behaviors to do effective E-Mail, SMS, Push, Facebook campaigns. The goal is to understand their clients better and what are really their interests on how to use these informations to increase the sales, optimize the conversionrate and the customers satisfaction. Through a Customer Data Platform system with integrated marketing automations  and personalized product recommendations a lot of merchants has the possibilities to turn their existing customers informations into a successful growth for online and offline sales.","presenter":"Jorge da Silveira","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":234476,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Konstantin","lname":"Dranch","cname2":"Custom.MT","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Shopware 5 \u0026 6 Shops in Multiple Languages - with AI or with Humans?","bio":"Konstantin Dranch is a leading expert in the localization and language services industry, with a career spanning over a decade. He is the founder and CEO of Custom.MT, a company focused on machine translation and AI solutions for language services. Konstantin is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of localization technology, AI-driven translation, and innovation within the sector.\n\nAn influential speaker at international industry conferences such as LocWorld and GALA, Konstantin shares his expertise on topics including the future of machine translation, language technology trends, and the evolving role of AI in content localization. His research and insights are widely regarded, and he regularly publishes reports on trends in machine translation, localization technology, and market analysis.","position":"founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This is a case study based on 's international expansion from Austria to Italy. \r\n\r\nThe presentation focus and coverage:\r\n- journey to automating Shopware 5 \u0026 6 multilingual shops\r\n- dealing with various categories of content (snippets, product names, descriptions)\r\n- metrics on language quality levels achieved by various AI systems (ChatGPT, DeepL, customized machine translation) as compared to human translators.\r\n- organizational capabilities needed for a shop to become multilingual\r\n\r\nValue:\r\n- The presentation will be valuable for shop owners and agencies that use Shopware as CMS and plan to expand cross-border with a high number of products in the catalog","presenter":"Konstantin Dranch","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236059,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Karolina","lname":"Szafarz","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From micro-moments to major wins: behavioral case studies in e-commerce growth","bio":"Co-founder and CEO of, a cutting-edge platform for user behavior and experience analytics. She empowers companies to transform user insights into impactful business strategies. Creator of the renowned \"Data-driven Design\" product analytics workshop and the \"Advanced Qualitative Analysis\" masterclass. A TEDx speaker and university lecturer, she has been recognized twice in the prestigious Strong Women in IT report. Named one of the \"50 Most Creative People in Business\" and a proud #mompreneur, she is shaping the future of product analytics and digital innovation.","position":"CEO | co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"E-commerce is full of tiny moments that can make or break a  customer’s journey — and often, these \"micro-moments\" are the deciding factor between completing a purchase or walking away. In this talk, I’ll shed light on how these small but powerful interactions can transform casual browsers into loyal customers. Through relatable, real-world case studies from brands like Sinsay, Reserved, Rossmann, and VWFS, I’ll show how businesses like yours can use behavioral analytics to pinpoint these moments and turn insights into action. You’ll leave with practical, easy-to-apply strategies to improve your customer journey, boost conversions, and create experiences that stick with your users — turning micro-moments into major wins for your business.","presenter":"Paulina Walkowiak","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":235609,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Meera","lname":"Sarma","cname2":"Cystel Limited","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Preparing E-commerce for the Quantum Era: A Practical Approach","bio":"\t\nDR. THOMAS MATHEUS\nCTO\nDr Thomas Matheus is the CTO at Cystel. He has worked in the military, the retail industry, the manufacturing industry, IT consulting and higher education. Thomas has extensive research and consulting experience in supply chain innovation and business analysis. His research interests are in innovation, supply chain management, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.\n\nHe holds a PhD in Supply Chain Innovation in the aerospace industry from The University of Warwick, UK and various MIT xPRO Certificates in quantum computing.","position":"CTO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation explores how e-commerce businesses can prepare for the quantum computing era, drawing insights from a practical case of LNQ's quantum security assessment case study.\r\n\r\nKey Challenges for E-commerce:\r\nData Protection: E-commerce platforms handle sensitive customer data, including payment information and personal details. Quantum computers could potentially break current encryption methods, putting this data at risk\r\n\r\nTransaction Security: The security of online transactions relies heavily on current cryptographic methods. Quantum computers may compromise these systems, threatening the integrity of e-commerce transactions\r\n\r\nSupply Chain Vulnerability: E-commerce businesses often have complex supply chains. Quantum threats could expose vulnerabilities across these networks, affecting inventory management and logistics\r\n\r\nLNQ's Approach Applied to E-commerce:\r\nComprehensive Inventory: E-commerce businesses should catalog all systems using cryptographic technologies, including payment gateways, customer databases, and supply chain management tools\r\n\r\nEducation and Awareness: Implement a quantum threat awareness program for all staff, particularly those handling customer data and managing online transactions\r\n\r\nRisk Assessment: Conduct a Business Impact Assessment to identify critical e-commerce systems and data requiring long-term security\r\n\r\nPrioritization: Create a prioritized list of e-commerce systems for upgrading, focusing on those handling sensitive customer data and financial transactions\r\n\r\n\r\nKey Considerations for E-commerce:\r\nLegacy Systems: Older e-commerce platforms with hardcoded encryption algorithms may be particularly vulnerable and require urgent attention\r\n\r\n\"Record-now-decrypt-later\" Threats: Encrypted e-commerce data captured today could be decrypted by future quantum computers, necessitating early migration to post-quantum cryptography (PQC)","presenter":"Dr. Thomas Matheus","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":234766,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yosra","lname":"Darkow","cname2":"Darkow","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to combine Marketing, Sales and IT?","bio":"- Networking:\nBonding, trust \u0026 commitment\n- Teams:\nTeam building, team development, team leadership\n- Strategy and conception:\nSetting up, implementing and analysing marketing and sales processes\n- Companies:\nBrose, NETFOX AG, Codemotion, Deutsche Bahn Dialog, NEXR Technologies, Zalando","position":"Interim Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation demonstrates how marketing, sales, and IT can be integrated through a \"by people, for people\" approach, where technology acts as a tool to build genuine, deeper connections with customers. In sales, trust is the key to every interaction, and every conversation is a sales talk. We'll explore tools like CRM systems for personalized customer care, marketing automation for authentic communication, and data analytics to truly understand customer needs. Combined with real human interaction, these tools foster stronger collaboration, streamline operations, and create lasting, trust-based customer relationships.","presenter":"Yosra Darkow","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":236176,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gabriella","lname":"Castro","cname2":"Darkroom Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling DTC Success: Inside the Growth Strategies That Drive Revenue and Brand Loyalty","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As CEO of Darkroom, Lucas DiPietrantonio has collaborated with a diverse range of direct-to-consumer brands, helping them navigate the path to significant growth. In this session, he will share insights into the strategies that have supported brands in achieving their growth objectives. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on data-driven marketing techniques, customer retention approaches, and creative strategies that have proven effective across various industries. Through real-world case studies, Lucas will provide practical examples, offering attendees adaptable strategies to enhance their own DTC growth journey.","presenter":"Lucas James DiPietrantonio","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":51,"id":236509,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olga","lname":"Romanova","cname2":"DataArt","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Put AI In Ret-AI-l: Practical learnings of AI adoption in Fashion","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The speech is focused on discussing practical learnings of AI adoption on the example of fashion retailer (trends scouting), eCommerce fashion store (virtual stylist and try on) and sportsfashion (AI demand forecasting) that DataArt delivered to the customers. The main value is to share the learnings from AI adoption and limitations of it so that the audience can assess the experience and apply it to the needs.","presenter":"Olga Romanova","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":237659,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mahavir","lname":"Teraiya","cname2":"Databricks, Amazon Web Services, Zalando","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of E-commerce: Build AI-Powered Self-Service Analytics Platfrom for Global Success","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are you looking to expand your e-commerce business into new markets but unsure how to start? \r\nIn the fast-evolving e-commerce landscape, companies face the challenge of scaling operations globally while delivering personalized, localized experiences. This presentation will showcase how Databricks empowers e-commerce organizations with an AI-driven, self-service data intelligence platform, transforming data into a strategic advantage for international expansion.\r\n\r\nAs businesses grow across borders, they encounter complex data challenges, including diverse customer behaviors, local regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency. We’ll explore how Databricks enables organizations to develop a unified, insight-driven data strategy to address these challenges by:\r\n\r\n\t•\tLeveraging AI and Advanced Analytics: Crafting personalized customer experiences that align with regional preferences, enhancing engagement and retention.\r\n\t•\tStreamlining Global Data Integration: Improving localization efforts to ensure consistent and compliant interactions across various markets.\r\n\t•\tEmpowering Cross-Functional Teams: Providing self-serve, real-time insights that facilitate quicker decision-making and adaptability to local market demands.\r\n\t•\tOptimizing Product Recommendations and Pricing: Using predictive analytics to increase conversions and customer satisfaction in each region.\r\n\r\nThis session is highly relevant for e-commerce brands seeking to overcome operational and data challenges linked to international scaling. Attendees will gain actionable insights and strategies for thriving in competitive global markets.\r\n\r\nCategory: Cross-border \u0026 International Expansion\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\n\t1.\tLearn to personalize experiences using AI.\r\n\t2.\tDiscover efficient global data integration strategies.\r\n\t3.\tUnderstand the benefits of real-time insights.\r\n\t4.\tExplore applications of predictive analytics.","presenter":"Mahavir Teraiya","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236337,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michaela","lname":"Wüst","cname2":"DATEV eG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Corporate Influencer boost brand awareness","bio":"Hello, my name is Michaela, and I have been working at DATEV for almost six years. I started as a Marketing Manager for our B2C products. Now, I support my colleagues and our DATEV members as a Communication Coach in building their social media presence, with a focus on LinkedIn.\n\nAs part of the core team of our corporate influencer program, I am actively shaping the future of decentralized communications at DATEV. We are now an inspiring network of over 330 ambassadors – and growing!","position":"Communication Coach","logotype":"","presentation_description":"More and more companies are discovering the advantages that corporate influencers bring to corporate communications and, consequently, to the company's perception in general. Using the best practice example of DATEV, I will present the success factors for such a program and the added value it creates for the company and the participating employees.","presenter":"Michaela Wüst","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":234519,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"von Criegern","cname2":"DeepCommerce GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"5 real-world AI hacks for your shop that you can implement tomorrow","bio":"Philipp von Criegern is a seasoned e-commerce expert with 25 years of experience in developing and operating complex e-commerce platforms. As a recognised authority on ecommerce technology and architecture, he is a frequent speaker at various international conferences. He has served as CTO and Chief Architect of leading international ecommerce enterprises, including the development of a group-wide ecommerce platform for the Otto Group, Europe's leading online retailer. As a serial entrepreneur, Philipp has developed custom shop platforms and marketplaces, operating more than 300 online shops across various industries. He also consults for aspiring Start Ups and Fortune 500 companies, providing strategic guidance on ecommerce technology solutions.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The speaker has been developing ecommerce systems for some of the biggest European retailers for more than 20 years and has launched and operated hundreds of successful online shops, leveraging AI technology at almost all levels. In this talk, he will share 5 practical quick wins that any online shop owner can apply in their shop very quickly to create real added value.","presenter":"Philipp von Criegern","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235673,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Partha","lname":"Mandal","cname2":"delivery hero","avatar":"","presentation_title":"you talking to me? understanding your customers through LLMs","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI in ecommerce, this is would be a fairly technical talk, talking about how to use LLMs and prompt engineering to understand customer complaints and have a resolution for them","presenter":"Partha Mandal","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234798,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andreea","lname":"Kremm","cname2":"Delticom","avatar":"","presentation_title":"ChatGPT Enterprise Usecases @","bio":"Andreea Kremm, PhD, is a skilled professional with a strong background in research and management. With expertise in sociological research methods and a passion for interdisciplinary collaboration, she has contributed to various projects that bridge academic and applied fields. Dr. Kremm as the CEO of Delticom OE, has experience in leading and managing teams, with a focus on producing impactful insights in both academic and practical settings. She holds advanced degrees and has demonstrated a commitment to innovation, research excellence, and data-driven solutions across diverse domains.\n","position":"CEO OE","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Delticom is the European marketleader in online tyre sales. With it's flagship shop and over 25 years of experience in selling tyres online, it runs over 300 online shops in all 27 EU countries.\r\n\r\nLearn how Delticom uses ChatGPT Enterpise to enhance customer service, increase availablity, accessibility, and reduce operational cost by 25% through, an omnichannel communication platform with automatic translation and a suite of inhouse trained ChatGPT Enterprise instances.","presenter":"Dr. Andreea Kremm","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":264,"id":235005,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lea","lname":"Pahne","cname2":"Demodern","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Tech Innovation Will Revolutionise the E-Commerce Industry","bio":"Lea Pahne is Strategy Lead at Demodern, Germany's most awarded agency for creative technologies and one of Europe's leading innovation agencies. In the course of her work, she forges and translates strategic product plans into concrete execution steps, with a particular focus on innovation. Over the past few years, Pahne has acquired an extensive knowledge of the market and consumer needs – especially in the field of Mixed Reality and other 3D-based solutions. She holds an MBA in International Business and is deputy head of the Technology Lab of the Immersive Experiences focus group at the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V., where she focuses on developing solutions and evaluating new technological approaches.","position":"Strategy Lead","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Over the next decade, e-commerce will transcend traditional online shopping, becoming fully integrated into consumers' lives through technologies like Extended Reality (XR), Spatial Computing, and AI-powered smart devices. As the line between physical and digital commerce blurs, a new era of faster, smarter, and hyper-personalized shopping experiences will emerge. Learn how businesses can leverage these innovations to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace—and explore use cases that are already successful today.","presenter":"Lea Pahne","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":236366,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dirk","lname":"Blößl","cname2":"DEPT®","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Decoding Tech Buzzwords - what really is important for your platform selection","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Tech buzzwords like Composable Architecture, Headless-first, and Cloud-Native are everywhere, but what do they really mean for your business? In this talk, I'll break down these complex terms into simple concepts and explain why they may not be as revolutionary as they sound. You’ll learn how to focus on the real challenges when choosing an e-commerce platform for your business and why expert insight matters more than flashy buzzwords.","presenter":"Dirk Blößl","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235302,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Isabel","lname":"Sebastian","cname2":"DeuSens","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Capturing attention with experiential marketing","bio":"Álvaro is the Co-Founder \u0026 COO of DeuSens, an award-winning studio based in Europe, currently expanding into the North American market. He brings 10 years of experience in the XR industry, creating immersive activations for innovative brands such as McDonald's, L'Oréal, Coca-Cola, Telefónica, Balenciaga, and AUDI.","position":"CoFounder \u0026 COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the age of digital information, DOOH campaigns have become an innovative and dynamic way to leverage experiential marketing and capture the public's attention, driven by their ability to create a WOW effect for users.\r\n\r\nÁlvaro, Cofounder at DeuSens,  will showcase a recent case study of G2A \u0026 DeuSens, where will explore how this campaign not only informed about a new launch of the brand, but also created a memorable experience that fostered an emotional connection between users and the brand. By integrating AR into public spaces, the campaign significantly increased reach , standing out in an urban environment saturated with visual stimuli. \r\n\r\nÁlvaro will highlight the ability of this technology to enhance the urban space and generate a lasting impact on the public, demonstrating its potential for innovative eCommerce marketing.","presenter":"Alvaro Antoñanzas","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":234756,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yvonne","lname":"Richter","cname2":"Deutsche Post AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Print-Mailings: Der rebellische Twist in der digitalen Ära","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Rebellion für mehr Rentabilität: Wir präsentieren Euch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der CMC-Print-Mailing-Studie 2024!\r\nDabei zeigen wir Euch nicht nur die relevantesten KPIs zur Wirksamkeit von Print-Mailings wie CVR, ROAS \u0026 Warenkorb-Uplift, sondern ebenfalls welchen Effekt die zeitliche \u0026 mengenmäßige Verknappung von Gutscheinen auf die Performance von Werbebriefen und Euren Shop hat.\r\nWie beeinflusst die Laufzeit eines Gutscheins das Kaufverhalten eurer Kunden? Und was passiert, wenn sich der Gutscheinwert mit der Zeit verringert – oder nur die ersten 500 Besteller einen Nachlass erhalten?\r\nMeldet Euch an \u0026 profitiert von den spannenden Insights, um Euer Marketing in der rebellischen Zeit zwischen Print \u0026 digital zu revolutionieren!","presenter":"Yvonne Richter","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236980,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michal","lname":"Lichner","cname2":"Dexfinity","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Pre-requisites for a successful expansion abroad, or how to minimize financial risk and maximize potential success!","bio":"20+ years of experience at multiple international companies, locally as well as abroad. Know how gathered in areas of marketing, sales \u0026 business development, through various positions related to marketing communication, product pricing \u0026 development,  sales acquisition \u0026 business development, and strategy \u0026 management. ","position":"CSO, Head of Business Development \u0026 Export Consultancy","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Any serious thoughts about expansion abroad is tightly connected to its preparation. What are the do's and don'ts, what are the pre-requisites for a successful expansion abroad, or how to minimize financial risk and maximize potential success - AKA - I don't know, what I don't know. \r\n\r\nStarting with market prioritization, macro-economic and segment specific market data, through market deep-dive and customers' behavior, up to competition analyses for inspirational purpose. Followed by financial budget readiness, business case preparation, as well as set of go-to-market-, channel- and campaign strategies help to enter a specific market without surprise. \r\n\r\nDexfinity assists more than 100 international clients on 32 different markets, covering €180+ Mio revenue per year. With our clients, we enter 10 new markets each quarter in majority of Ecommerce B2C and LeadGen B2B segments. More at .","presenter":"Michal Lichner","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235300,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ana","lname":"Mineva","cname2":"DGLegacy","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Building Fintech for the Future: How DGLegacy Redefines Legacy Planning and Asset Protection","bio":"Ana is a serial tech entrepreneur and Co-Founder of DGLegacy, the global digital legacy planning and\ninheritance service.\nAs a female entrepreneur, she has spent the past 20 years building digital businesses from ideation to successful exits, gaining expertise in Product, Marketing, Engineering, and Digital development.\nWith an Engineering MSc and an EMBA degree, she is using that experience to shape the industry-leading digital legacy planning and  inheritance app - DGLegacy, paving the way for a brighter future.\nOn a mission to build a better world where people can protect their assets and make sure their families and loved ones are secure, she is grateful and proud to be part of DGLegacy’s team.","position":"CEO and Co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how DGLegacy is reshaping the fintech landscape by addressing a critical but often overlooked aspect of financial security: digital legacy planning.\r\n\r\nLearn from Ana's journey of building a fintech company dedicated to protecting digital assets and ensuring that wealth is seamlessly passed down to loved ones. This session will provide valuable takeaways on leveraging technology to create innovative solutions, improve user experience, and drive meaningful change in the financial industry.\r\n\r\nWhether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or simply interested in the future of fintech, this presentation will offer fresh insights into developing a product that meets modern needs while delivering exceptional value.","presenter":"Ana Mineva","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234999,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Svenja","lname":"Imm","cname2":"DHL Express Germany GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Von lokal zu global: myTheresa \u0026 Büffel Bill – Erfolgsmodelle für internationales Wachstum im digitalen Zeitalter","bio":"With almost 30 years of experience, logistics is part of my DNA. And no two days are the same! That’s what I love about my job and working for the world’s leading logistics company. As Vice President Commercial at DHL Express Germany, I lead a team of over 300 trusted advisors who help our customers cross borders, reach new markets and grow their businesses daily. At DHL, we live an Insanely Customer Centric Culture, which means we always put our customers first and think beyond standard services. ","position":"VP Sales DHL Express Germany","logotype":"","presentation_description":"International ebenso schnell wie national – und das unabhängig von der Unternehmensgröße. Jutta Merk, VP Sales von DHL Express präsentiert zwei inspirierende Kundengeschichten, die eindrucksvoll zeigen, wie ein Premium-Versandpartner den internationalen Erfolg entscheidend prägen kann:\r\n\r\n1.\tmyTheresa: Von einer kleinen Münchener Boutique zur führenden globalen Plattform für Luxusmode. Entdecken Sie, wie sich die Logistik und das Fulfillment im Laufe der Jahre entwickelt haben und welche Rolle die langjährige Partnerschaft mit DHL Express in der Internationalisierung spielt.\r\n\r\n2.\tBüffel Bill: Diese charmante Manufaktur am Bodensee hat sich seit 2016 der Herstellung hochwertiger Büffelprodukte verschrieben, die unter höchsten ethischen Standards produziert werden. Entdecken Sie, warum die Wahl eines Premium-Versandpartners entscheidend für die Kundenloyalität und die Gewinnung neuer Kunden ist, und erfahren Sie, wie DHL Express aktiv die Expansion in Europa unterstützt. Lassen Sie sich von diesen Erfolgsgeschichten inspirieren!\r\n\r\n(Ggf, wird der Vortrag von einem der genannten Kunden auch persönlich als weiterer Speaker ergänzt)","presenter":"Jutta Merk","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236376,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Oliver","lname":"Tomaschewski","cname2":"DiCommerce GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to be successfull on Amazon as a Vendor?","bio":"Oliver Tomaschewski is the CEO of DiCommerce GmbH, a leading consulting company specializing in Amazon and Otto marketplaces. With his team, he has advised over 150 different brands on how to significantly increase their sales organically. He is a sought-after speaker and has delivered engaging presentations at numerous industry conferences and Amazon events, as well as participated in podcasts.\n\nWith over 15 years of corporate experience in various positions, including most recently as Head of E-Commerce at GROHE, he has significantly contributed to the success of the renowned German brand and was able to scale its sales substantially. During this time, he also worked in India and England.\n\nSince 2020, he has been a freelance lecturer at FOM University, teaching in the areas of E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing.","position":"CEO / Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, succeeding as an Amazon vendor requires a strategic approach that balances logistics efficiency, order management, and effective negotiation of terms. My talk, “How to Be Successful on Amazon as a Vendor?”, will focus on the critical aspects of the Amazon Annual Vendor Negotiation (AVN), specifically in logistical setup with the categories Delivery, Order Consolidation, Order Optimization, and Receipt of Goods.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain practical insights into:\r\nDelivery: Which delivery programs are available and how to I meet Amazon’s delivery standards to enhance compliance and satisfaction.\r\nOrder Consolidation: Reducing costs and improving efficiency through smart order consolidation programs\r\nOrder Optimization: Aligning order processes with Amazon's requirements while minimizing stock issues.\r\nReceipt of Goods: Streamlining the receipt process to reduce errors and expedite turnaround.\r\nDrawing from my former experience as Head of E-Commerce at GROHE, as a speaker at the Amazon Sales Kongress and expert roundtables at BAROS, along with my collaborations on podcasts with Merchant Spring and Ahead on Marketplaces, I will provide actionable strategies to optimize your Amazon vendor relationships. Real-life case studies will demonstrate how to implement these tactics to achieve differentiation and profitability.\r\n\r\nWhy Attend?\r\nIn challenging times, this presentation will offer fresh insights to help you stand out on Amazon. Learn how to turn negotiation and logistical challenges into growth opportunities.\r\n\r\nSpeaker Credentials:\r\nAs an experienced e-commerce strategist, I have helped numerous brands enhance their Amazon performance. My deep industry knowledge and collaborations with Amazon and leading e-commerce experts position me as an authority on succeeding in the Amazon vendor landscape.","presenter":"Oliver Tomaschewski","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":42,"id":234646,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Daniel","lname":"Rakus","cname2":"Die SEA-Experten GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=9HTpNJJB-66CP1TpV3TWKB8paxl_OkEQTLlMpXIhR4U","presentation_title":"Online-Shops mit Google Ads profitabel machen und skalieren","bio":"Daniel Rakus ist einer der führenden Google Ads Experten im DACH-Raum mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Google Ads.\nMit seiner 2019 gegründeten Agentur “Die SEA-Experten” hilft er Unternehmen dabei, mit Google Ads online sichtbar zu sein und mehr Umsätze und Anfragen zu generieren. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Bereich E-Commerce und Lead-Generierung.","position":"Gründer \u0026 Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"10+2 Tipps \u0026 Strategien wie man seinen Shop mit sauber aufgesetzten Google Ads Kampagnen zu profitablen Umsätzen bringt.","presenter":"Daniel Rakus","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236936,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dan","lname":"Stefan","cname2":"Digital Artflow SRL.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How are 3D configurators and immersive technologies transforming the e-commerce industry?","bio":"Founder of Digital Artflow, a full-stack agency developing complex web applications such as quote systems, product configurators and integrations. Currently bootstrapping Simplio3D, a product visualization and configurator SaaS platform.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"More advanced product configurators and immersive technologies are blurring the lines between physical and digital retail, creating more engaging, personalized and informed shopping experiences. The presentation will take place in the current context and the early stage of these solutions and their potential in the coming years, evolving together with other areas such as Web3 and AI.","presenter":"Stefan Dan","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":109,"id":234802,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dirk","lname":"Grunewald","cname2":"Digital ConsultingHaus LLC","avatar":"","presentation_title":"There is no “I” in AI without Data – practical use cases for PIM/MDM","bio":"Dirk Peter Grunewald aka The Data Meister is a true global Product Information Management Leader and proud Rotarian. Starting originally in Germany as an engineer, Dirk spent three decades in the data business at places like Heiler, Informatica or General Motors. His mission is to bring the \"I\" into AI with Data Science. Based in Detroit he and his global team make DATA great again.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As a Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer or Wholesaler have you wondered what all the fuzz about AI, ML or ChatGPT means to your daily business and how you can use these techniques to drive greater productivity in PIM/MDM, time to market, and improved conversion rates, revenues, and profit margins? Then, this session is exactly for you. We will also debunk some of the myths and “Fake News” around AI and tell you how to avoid the two big pitfalls impeding the effective use of AI/ML in the business environment of 2025.","presenter":"Dirk Peter Grunewald","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234605,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sang","lname":"Truong","cname2":"Digital Tigers GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"7 Suprising Ads That Sell Unsexy Products: Creative Strategies for Maximum Impact. \"Bringing Sexy back\".","bio":"Sang brings over 15 years of experience in the digital marketing industry, having developed valuable performance insights while spending a combined high eight-figure mio digital marketing budget for multiple clients and marketing projects.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the crowded world of social media, not all products are glamorous. From mundane items to everyday essentials, promoting “unsexy” products can be a challenging task. But what if the key to success lies in creative storytelling? This presentation will demonstrate how to use imaginative ad strategies to transform even the most ordinary products into high-converting heroes.\n\nWe'll explore seven cutting-edge social media ad strategies that make “unsexy” products irresistible. Learn how creativity, compelling visuals, and engaging storytelling can boost conversions and reshape audience perception. From humor-driven campaigns to emotional connections, you'll leave with practical techniques to supercharge your social media ads.\n\nValue: This session focuses on how innovative ads and creativity directly impact engagement and conversion rates, even for less glamorous products. Attendees will gain insights into crafting ads that capture attention, resonate with audiences, and drive meaningful results, helping their brands stand out in competitive markets.\n\nKey Takeaways:\n\n-Creative Storytelling Techniques: How to transform dull products into relatable and desirable offerings through narrative-driven ads.\n-Content Strategies That Work: Practical tips for using video, humor, and emotional appeal to make unsexy products engaging.\n-Proven Examples: Case studies of successful campaigns that turned “unsexy” products into high-converting social media success stories.\n-Maximizing ROI: How to leverage these strategies to improve ad performance and boost return on investment, regardless of product appeal.\n\nWhy It Stands Out: In an era of innovation and differentiation, this presentation offers a fresh and highly relevant perspective for businesses that struggle to market everyday or “boring” products. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights and a creative toolkit they can implement right away to revamp their social media ad strategies.","presenter":"Sang Truong","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":371,"id":235078,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jana","lname":"van den Bos","cname2":"Digitl Cloud GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Beauty of AI - How DOUGLAS is transforming its marketing with Google AI and a customer data platform on Google Cloud","bio":"Jana van den Bos has a strong background in business development, marketing data management \u0026 cloud technologies. After studying Business Management in Rotterdam, Jana joined Omnicom Media Group for 3 years as a consultant and scrum master for a German automotive client. Jana was responsible for implementing a global DWH, utilizing her expertise in data \u0026 project management. In the last years, Jana has focused on the collaboration between Google Cloud and clients, to develop customized cloud solutions in order to achieve the best possible outcomes in the marketing analytics field. Currently, her work is centered around Customer Data Platforms, such as the solution we have showcased with Douglas and Google Cloud at the OMR and DMEXCO.","position":"Project Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Join this masterclass to learn how DOUGLAS built a comprehensive customer data platform that harmonized first-party data in BigQuery and broke down silos from various sources. We'll explore how this unified approach enabled real-time orchestration and activation along the customer journey, creating a 360-degree customer view. Discover how Digitl Cloud, in collaboration with Google Cloud, helped DOUGLAS build a strong data infrastructure, empowering them to deliver personalized, data-driven customer experiences that boost engagement and drive business growth. Additionally, see how we used Google AI to enable use cases such as Replenishment AI to optimize the customer journey and future marketing strategies.","presenter":"Jana van den Bos","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":236354,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jane","lname":"Vyshnova","cname2":"Dinarys Gmbh, Foxteam Digital, Foxtrot UA","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Omnichannel Holy Grail: Foxtrot's Path to Seamless Customer Experiences","bio":"Yevheniia Vyshnova: \n\nVisionary CEO and Founder of Dinarys GmbH, a global digital transformation consulting powerhouse. With over 9 years of experience, I've had the privilege of collaborating with 100+ clients across various retail niches, helping them drive their e-commerce channels to new heights.\n\nMy passion lies in crafting exceptional e-commerce solutions that propel our clients to profitability. I'm committed to marrying technology and business strategy to accelerate essential e-commerce KPIs—think conversion rates, average transaction value, customer retention rates, and digital traffic.\n\nViacheslav Nekhoroshykh: \nResults-driven and customer-focused executive leader with extensive experience in leading digital transformation, technology innovation, and strategic leadership across a wide range of IT functions. Proven track record of overseeing complex projects, optimizing operations, and driving strategic growth initiatives. Adept at aligning IT strategies with overall business objectives, ensuring streamlined operations, and maintaining robust information security standards.\n\nSkilled in information security, risk management, and compliance, fostering a strong operational framework. Recognized for the ability to lead cross-functional teams, promote a collaborative culture, and achieve high-performance results that contribute to organizational success. Consistently noted for enhancing user experiences, boosting operational efficiency, and making substantial contributions to business growth through innovative technology solutions. Strong expertise in driving revenue growth, expanding product offerings, entering new markets, and significantly contributing to the company’s overall financial success.","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder of Dinarys GmbH, CEO @ Foxteam Digital","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Achieving true omnichannel harmony is the ultimate goal for global e-commerce chains. Discover how Dinarys helped Foxtrot create a mobile app that synergizes perfectly with their physical stores and web presence. Walk away with actionable steps to enhance your own omnichannel strategy.\r\n\r\nThese options address key concerns of global e-commerce chain stores, including:\r\n- Balancing global presence with local relevance\r\n- Increasing profitability in a competitive landscape\r\n- Modernizing technology without business interruption\r\n- Expanding into international markets\r\n- Creating seamless omnichannel experiences","presenter":"Yevheniia Vyshnova, Viacheslav Nekhoroshykh","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":44,"id":235771,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Veronika","lname":"Zahradníková","cname2":"Disivo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Pricing: The Unsung Hero of the Marketing Mix","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"On average, online retailers lose 12% of their margins due to pricing mistakes. Don’t let your business be one of them, and establish pricing as a fundamental pillar of your marketing mix. There is no need for complex tools or deep expertise. Uncover the top five pricing mistakes you can fix tomorrow, and through real-life case studies, learn how smarter pricing decisions can lead to higher profits.","presenter":"Petr Blaha","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":236547,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sirko","lname":"Schneppe","cname2":"diva-e","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Vom digitalen Pionier zum Marktführer: Insights aus 30 Jahren E-Commerce","bio":"Sirko Schneppe, Jahrgang 1972, verantwortet als Founder \u0026 CCO die strategische Entwicklung, Digital Consulting, Marketing und Vertrieb von diva-e. Er war 2016 Ideengeber und Mitgründer der Agenturgruppe und ist heute neben CEO Tilman Au einer der führenden Köpfe des Unternehmens. \n\nMit über 800 Mitarbeitern gehört diva-e zu den größten deutschen Digitaldienstleistern. Der studierte Wirtschaftsinformatiker beschäftigte sich während seines Studiums mit dem aufkommenden Internet. Schnell gehörte er zur wachsenden Gemeinschaft der E-Commerce-Experten in Deutschland. \n\nSirko Schneppe gründete 1994 sein erstes Unternehmen und wechselte 1998 als Director Product Management \u0026 Marketing zur Intershop AG. 2003 gründete er mit anderen den E-Commerce-Dienstleister Ageto und machte ihn zum Branchenführer. Sirko Schneppe lebte mehrere Jahre in Nordamerika und verfügt über langjährige internationale Erfahrung im Digital Commerce bei der Entwicklung strategischer Online-Geschäftsmodelle.\n\n","position":"CCO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"E-Commerce-Pionier und Serienunternehmer Sirko Schneppe gibt exklusive Einblicke aus drei Jahrzehnten digitaler Innovation für den Aufbau und die Skalierung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. Als Mitgründer von diva-e und mehrerer erfolgreicher Unternehmen nennt er zentrale Aspekte digitaler Marktführerschaft und warnt vor kritischen Fallstricken.\r\n \r\nSchneppe stellt nachhaltige Erfolgsmodelle vor und gibt einen exklusiven Ausblick auf kommende E-Commerce-Trends - relevant für Start-ups bis hin zu etablierten Unternehmen. Die Teilnehmenden erfahren, worauf es im wettbewerbsorientierten E-Commerce-Umfeld ankommt, lernen praktische Tipps kennen und erfahren, wie sie ihren Erfolg anhand relevanter Metriken und KPIs messbar machen können. Live-Umfragen und eine Q\u0026A-Session fördern den direkten Dialog und ermöglichen kontroverse Diskussionen.\r\n \r\nDie Zuhörer erhalten praktische und sofort umsetzbare Impulse für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation, um digital erfolgreich zu skalieren und sich in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Markt zu behaupten und richtet sich branchenübergreifend an Fachkräfte aller Erfahrungsstufen.\r\n \r\nSirko Schneppe ist gefragter Experte in den Fachmedien und häufig als Speaker bei Events wie der Excite Conference vertreten.","presenter":"Sirko Schneppe","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":236496,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Endre","lname":"Hoffmann","cname2":"Doctor of Self-Worth","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Don’t compete! Create your own monopoly","bio":"I help business owners \u0026 leaders who experience a lack of confidence, self-doubt, feeling exhausted \u0026 working hard. I remove the struggle from their mind so they achieve confidence and peace within. I reconnect them to their authentic leadership \u0026 naturally high self-worth. \n\nAs a result, they enjoy emotional freedom and multiply their impact and results in business and personal life. While working with me, they regain a new self-image and tap into their true genius and purpose. One of my first clients started to call me the Dr of Self-Worth, it has become my brand.\n ","position":"Doctor of Self-Worth","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Business success comes down to 2 key things.\r\nStrategies and mindset. It’s that simple. So many business owners are stuck because they take their business challenges personally.\r\n\r\nI created a 10 step method that create so much clarity and alignment where you can only win.\r\n\r\nUse my roadmap to create a business you love and feel successful about. I give you specific steps to unlock your business growth and to create a unique value proposition where you will not need to compete anymore. \r\n\r\nYou will serve more people. You will be able to run a heart-based business. Remember that building your self-worth and self-confidence is ideally a powerful first step to unlocking your business success so that will be included for you.","presenter":"Endre Hoffmann","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235395,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Miriam","lname":"Vélez Mañas","cname2":"DOOFINDER","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Uncover Hidden Revenue: How AI-Driven Search \u0026 Discovery Can Improve Your Sales","bio":"Anna Atmis is the regional marketing manager for Doofinder in the DACH region. She focuses on refining communication strategies within the German ecosystem. Her experience in the SaaS industry, particularly in the German B2B market, has deepened her understanding of tech and business growth strategies. In german: Anna Atmis ist die regionale Marketingmanagerin für Doofinder in der DACH-Region. Sie konzentriert sich darauf, Kommunikationsstrategien innerhalb des deutschen Ökosystems zu optimieren. Durch ihre Erfahrung in der SaaS-Branche, insbesondere im deutschen B2B-Markt, hat sie ihr Verständnis für Technologie und Strategien zur Unternehmensentwicklung vertieft.","position":"REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In 2025, having amazing products in your eCommerce store is only half the battle. The real challenge is making sure your customers can actually find what they’re looking for and guiding them to new products they’ll love. \r\nIn this session, we’ll show you how AI-powered search and discovery strategies can help you capture additional sales you might not even know you’re missing out on. We’ll also discuss how AI can help businesses shift from passive to active product discovery—predicting what customers want before they know it. \r\nBacked by real customer examples and data, we’ll break down how you can use AI search and discovery tools to reduce search frustration, increase conversions, and get your customers to the right products faster.","presenter":"Anna Deniz Atmis","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":55,"id":236702,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dan","lname":"Ostroff","cname2":"Doogma","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Product Customization - D2C for Major Brands and Specialized Sellers","bio":"Dan Ostroff is a pioneer and thought leader in ecommerce product customization, with over 15 years of experience helping online sellers offer personalized, bundled, and custom products through innovative, interactive experiences. He holds three USA patents in software solutions for product customization and personalization, showcasing his expertise in creating systems that allow customers to design their own unique products.\n\nThroughout his career, Dan has worked with both major brands and specialized sellers, helping them create memorable, user-friendly digital experiences that boost customer engagement and loyalty. His work has helped businesses, from giants like OREO, Wilson, and Thermos to niche sellers, leverage customization to differentiate themselves and drive revenue growth. Dan’s insights on user experience and ecommerce customization make him a trusted advisor for businesses looking to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO - Doogma","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's competitive marketplace, forward-thinking brands are going beyond traditional product offerings to stay ahead. Major companies like OREO, Wilson, and Thermos have recognized this, creating distinct online channels where customers can design their own products—whether it's custom cookies, sports gear, or drinkware. This trend isn’t just for giants; smaller specialized sellers are using similar strategies to add value and increase revenue. Personalized and customizable products are in high demand, and customers are willing to pay a premium when the experience is engaging and interactive.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we will explore examples from a wide range of industries, from custom OREO cookies to fully bespoke yachts, fashion mix-and-match bundling, Print on Demand services, and even custom picture frames. We’ll dive into how a superior digital user experience can set your brand apart and elevate customer loyalty and retention.\r\n\r\nWith over 15 years of experience and three granted patents in the field of ecommerce product customization, Dan Ostroff will share insights and strategies to help you lead the way in personalized offerings, tapping into one of the fastest-growing segments in retail. Whether you're a major brand or a specialized seller, learn how to make customization a powerful differentiator for your business.","presenter":"Dan Ostroff","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":234580,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Roger","lname":"Dooley","cname2":"Dooley Direct","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mind Reading for E-commerce Marketers: AI-Powered Neuromarketing 2.0 Is Here Today","bio":"Roger Dooley is an author and international keynote speaker. He is a recognized expert in the use of brain and behavior research to improve marketing, sales, customer experience, and corporate culture.\n\nDooley is the author of Friction: The Untapped Force That Can Be Your Most Powerful Advantage (McGraw Hill; named a Top 3 Management Book and a Best Business Book by strategy+business) and the best-selling Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing  (John Wiley \u0026 Sons). Brainfluence has been translated into eleven languages. He writes the popular blog Neuromarketing and a column at He hosts the Brainfluence podcast, now with more than 400 episodes.\n\nHe  co-founded College Confidential, the leading college-bound website. The latter business was acquired by a unit of the UK's Daily Mail Group, where Dooley served as Vice President of Digital Marketing after the acquisition.\n\nDooley's work focuses on the practical application of brain and behavioral science to marketing, customer experience, and employee experience. He brings a well-grounded understanding of how business works to every project. He has worked with companies ranging from Fortune 500 firms to entrepreneurial startups to enhance their digital and conventional marketing. He has been named a Top 50 Global Thought Leader on Customer Loyalty and is the top neuromarketing influencer.\nDooley spent years in direct marketing as the co-founder of a successful catalog firm and was director of corporate planning for a Fortune 1000 company.  He has an engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from the University of Tennessee.\n","position":"Author and Keynote Speaker","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Step into the future of customer understanding with groundbreaking advances in neuromarketing. In this eye-opening keynote, renowned neuromarketing thought leader and 'Brainfluence' author Roger Dooley unveils how the convergence of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and behavioral science is revolutionizing e-commerce.\r\nDiscover how AI and mobile technology are democratizing neuromarketing, turning it from a tool only for industry giants into a game-changing asset for businesses of any size. You'll learn:\r\n\r\n - Cutting-edge AI-driven neuromarketing strategies to decode, predict, and ethically influence online consumer behavior\r\n - How smartphones and wearables are turning everyday devices into powerful neuromarketing tools, bringing lab-quality insights to real-world shopping scenarios\r\n - Actionable techniques to harness AI models as your personal 'persuasion scientist,' optimizing every touchpoint of your digital customer journey\r\n\r\nDon't miss this rare opportunity to peek inside the minds of your digital customers and gain a decisive edge in the rapidly-changing world of online retail. Leave armed with strategies to create more engaging, conversion-driven e-commerce experiences that resonate on a subconscious level.\r\nPrepare to redefine your understanding of customer behavior and take your e-commerce strategy to new heights!","presenter":"Roger Dooley","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235332,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Šimon","lname":"Jůn","cname2":"Dotidot","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Break the Silo: How Other Teams Data Can Supercharge Your Marketing","bio":"Chief Product Officer and Enthusiastic Educator\n\nI am passionate about understanding people's problems and solving them with the help of modern technology. My expertise lies in creating, optimizing, and scaling products that matter to customers.\n\nI have extensive experience in product development, strategic planning, and market analysis, allowing me to transform ideas into successful products.\n\nMy ability to adapt quickly to dynamic environments and leverage emerging technologies sets me apart. I thrive on driving positive change, delivering tangible results, optimizing processes, or fostering collaboration across departments.\n\nAs an educator, I enjoy helping designers and teams to reach their full potential. Through one-on-one sessions or organizing engaging meetups, I guide individuals through the intricacies of design, fostering their skills and nurturing their creativity.\n\nIn addition to individual mentoring and team collaborations, I organize UX Monday, Friends of Figma and speak at meetups and conferences to share my passion and expertise with a broader audience. My focus is on topics ranging from product development strategies to UX design principles, and I aim to inspire innovation and drive meaningful change within the industry.","position":"CPO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how data from purchasing, logistics, and customer service can take your marketing to the next level. Learn how companies like Alza, Heureka, and Dr. Max improved campaign performance by integrating insights from multiple departments, such as optimizing product availability data and enhancing customer feedback loops, to achieve more precise targeting and higher ROI.\r\nKey Takeaways: Learn to leverage cross-departmental data for better marketing outcomes, see real-world examples, and understand how collaboration can improve campaign effectiveness and efficiency.","presenter":"Šimon Jůn","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":326,"id":236192,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Petra","lname":"Pacáková","cname2":"Dotidot, Notino","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling Success: How Notino Expanded Across 20 Markets with Precision and Efficiency","bio":"Petra Pacáková, CEO of Dotidot, leads a dynamic company that's transforming digital marketing with an advanced automation solution. Dotidot empowers digital marketers to maximize their advertising impact by automating campaigns across major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Covering everything from feed management to campaign optimization, Dotidot provides a comprehensive solution for performance marketing, helping businesses efficiently manage product ads and precisely target their audiences. Dotidot solution plays an important part in Notino's expansion. \n\nThe beauty online store and retailer Notino now operates in 27 European countries and has expanded into other markets. The company generated over €1 billion in turnover, serving around 24 million customers.","position":"CEO, Digital Ads Specialist, Digital Ads Specialist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Expanding into new markets is challenging, but Notino (a beauty online store and retailer) managed to enter over 20 countries with an optimized and data-driven approach. This session will explore the strategies Notino used to adapt its marketing campaigns to different cultural and consumer behaviors while maintaining a consistent brand identity. Learn how they tailored their marketing messages and product offerings to meet local demands and achieve rapid growth. \n\nKey Takeaways: Discover best practices for scaling your business internationally, from market research and localization to campaign adaptation and performance tracking.","presenter":"Petra Pacáková, Ksenija Palia, Angelika Halamová","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":310,"id":236368,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Armin","lname":"Philippen","cname2":"Droxic","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digital Power of the EU - finest examples of EU collaboration in E-Commerce","bio":"Armin Philippen is known for his involvement in the business and tech sectors, with significant contributions to B2B collaborations between Germany and Bulgaria. He has taken part in forums discussing the integration of Bulgarian companies into the German market, emphasizing challenges such as marketing and sales, which many Bulgarian tech companies face despite their technical expertise. Philippen has also shared insights into the potential of Bulgaria, highlighting the country’s strong work-life balance and cultural value, which he found appealing after relocating there. His career is marked by his focus on fostering international collaborations and reshaping perceptions of business opportunities.\n\nBefore joining Droxic, he held key roles in various prominent organizations. At Apple in Germany, he was responsible for trade marketing and sales. He also contributed to the Strategic Business Development of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in Sofia, Bulgaria. Additionally, he served as Chief Sales Officer at Bianor, a global leader in video streaming technology.\n\nEarlier in his career, he gained extensive experience at CSB International, a Germany-based ERP specialist, where he held multiple positions across its offices in San Diego, CA, Philadelphia, PA, and its headquarters in Geilenkirchen, Germany.\"","position":"Territory Director DACH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Since leaving Apple in 2015, I've spent nearly a decade living in Bulgaria. While much of Western Europe is consumed by the challenges of digital transformation, I've dedicated this time to connecting companies with exceptional talent from Southeast Europe. Often, this process begins by breaking down the unfounded biases that arise when discussing this region.\r\n\r\nFor many years, I've been traveling from conference to conference, advocating for the tremendous potential Southeast Europe holds for digital collaborations. \r\nMy career is filled with success stories, and I'm eager to share these experiences to help drive Europe's digital future forward.","presenter":"Armin Philippen","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":235077,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefan","lname":"Goletzke","cname2":"Duschkraft GmbH / BOXIO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From Rostock to the World: Learnings From Scaling a D2C Brand Through Cross-Border Expansion","bio":"Stefan Goletzke is a co-founder of Duschkraft GmbH, where he has raised over €2.9 million in funding and leads Business Development, Sales, Marketing, and Finance. He holds a Master’s in Service Management from the University of Rostock and has extensive experience in entrepreneurship, having previously built a successful e-commerce business. Currently, he is expanding BOXIO (subsidiary of Duschkraft GmbH), a D2C-brand focused on sustainable camping solutions, to international markets, driving innovation and growth across Europe and the U.S.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this session, I will share how we scaled our D2C E-commerce business from our home market in the first step to the EU and then globally within just a few months. Drawing from our journey at BOXIO, I’ll explore the strategic steps behind cross-border expansion, the challenges of managing country-specific logistics, and the role of localized marketing. Attendees will gain practical insights into creating regional entities, managing international warehouses, and optimizing for global growth while maintaining brand consistency across diverse markets.","presenter":"Stefan Goletzke","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234850,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Max","lname":"Lucas","cname2":"dwc consult GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Die Zukunft von Privacy-Led-Marketing: Wie Server-Side Tagging 40% mehr Daten liefern und gleichzeitig die Privatsphäre der Nutzer schützen kann","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dem Vortrag wird es um die Verwendung von Server-Side-Tagging Technologien im Online-Marketing gehen. Gezeigt werden verschiedene Beispiele aus unserer Praxis, bei denen durch die Einführung eines Server-Side-Tagging-Systems bis zu 40% mehr Daten mit höherer Qualität für Performance-Marketing zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Ebenfalls gehen wir auf die Herausforderungen bei der technischen Implementierung sowie rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen ein.","presenter":"Max Lucas","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236747,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mihai","lname":"Vinatoru","cname2":"DWF Romania","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Harnessing AI \u0026 No-Code Tools For eCommerce SEO: Streamlining Workflows With Google Sheets","bio":"As the co-founder and CEO of DWF, a leading digital marketing agency in Romania, I have over 10 years of experience in SEO, paid media, and data analytics. We have a strong team of 90+ digital marketing professionals who manage campaigns for 300+ brands, delivering high-quality results and customer satisfaction. I am passionate about technology and try to spend as much quality time as possible with my 3 kids. ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how to supercharge your eCommerce SEO efforts using AI and no-code tools integrated with Google Sheets. This presentation will demonstrate practical workflows that combine cutting-edge AI capabilities with the accessibility of spreadsheets, enabling you to streamline your SEO processes, save time, and boost your online visibility. Learn how to leverage these powerful technologies to stay ahead in the competitive eCommerce landscape, even without advanced technical skills.","presenter":"Mihai Vinatoru","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234666,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Markéta","lname":"Pilík","cname2":"Dype s.r.o.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scalable AI driven Back Office for e-comm","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Revolutionize Your Finance Department\r\n\r\nTired of manual data entry and time-consuming financial processes? \r\nIntroducing our AI-powered solution.\r\n\r\nOur innovative platform seamlessly replaces traditional roles like bookkeepers, accountants, and data analysts. By leveraging advanced AI, we extract, analyze, and transform data across your entire organization.\r\n\r\nKey Benefits:\r\n\r\nEnhanced Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks and streamline operations.\r\nImproved Accuracy: Reduce human error and ensure data integrity.\r\nData-Driven Insights: Gain deeper understanding of your business performance.\r\nScalability: Easily adapt to changing business needs.\r\nOur Technology Stack: Python, Java, SQL, Llama, Azure","presenter":"Marián Tomko","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236677,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jerome","lname":"de GUIGNE","cname2":"e-Comas","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Expand Globally : proven strategies to avoid pitfalls and grow sustainably","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Our presentation will uncover our 5 step process we use to support expansion: where (country and marketplace selection)? How (supply chain, and go to market strategy)? Which Products (market compatibility)? Which Prices (profitability focus)? and with what short/mid/long term strategies to grow? \r\nThe presentation will be packed with actionnable insights, frameworks and steps we use in our work everyday, and that have proven successful to expand our own sales in Europe, the Americas and Asia (India and Japan).","presenter":"JEROME DE GUIGNE","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":236548,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tobias","lname":"Dzubilla","cname2":"E-GERRY WEBER Digital GmbH, eClipper GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wie Gerry Weber 10-14% Umsatzwachstum im Performance Marketing mit Multi-Product-Landingpages erzielt","bio":"Christoph Ebel ist ein erfahrener Senior Manager im Bereich E-Commerce und Retail. Derzeit arbeitet er als Team Lead für Online Marketing und Direktmarketing bei der E-GERRY WEBER Digital GmbH. Zuvor hatte er leitende Positionen im Online-Marketing bei verschiedenen Unternehmen, darunter Mister Spex und Hamm-Reno Group, inne. \n\nTobias Dzubilla ist Geschäftsführer und Mitgründer der eClipper GmbH, einem Unternehmen, das auf die Optimierung von Performance-Marketing-Kampagnen spezialisiert ist. Er ist ebenfalls Gründer der Firma OnMaCon, einer Agentur für Marktplatzoptimierungen.  ","position":"Team Lead Online Marketing \u0026 Direktmarketing, CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Gerry Weber suchte nach neuen innovativen Ansätzen, um die Ergebnisse im Performance Marketing signifikant zu verbessern. Das Ziel: Eine Verringerung der Kosten durch die Vermeidung unnötiger Mehrfachklicks und Bouncern. Außerdem sollte durch die Steigerung der Conversion-Rate ein signifikantes Umsatzwachstum generiert werden. Als Testkanäle wurden Google Shopping und Criteo/Retargeting ausgewählt. \r\n\r\neClipper installierte für Gerry Weber optimale Multi-Product-Landingpages für externen Produkttraffic, die als zentrales Tool zur Conversion-Steigerung fungierten.\r\n\r\nDiese speziellen Landingpages begleiten den User optimal durch den Kaufentscheidungsprozess, während ein Relevanz-Algorithmus und ein Performance-Ranking die Produktplatzierungen steuern. Die Lösung war leicht integrierbar und unabhängig vom bestehenden Shopsystem.\r\n\r\nDurch gezielte A/B-Split-Tests konnte die Effizienz des Ansatzes belegt werden: Google Shopping und Criteo reduzierten unnötige Mehrfachklicks und führten zu einer kalkulierten Kosteneinsparung von 5% bzw. 5,5%. Gleichzeitig erzielten wir Umsatzsteigerungen von über 10% bei Google Shopping und sogar 14% bei Criteo.","presenter":"Christoph Ebel, Tobias Dzubilla","presentation_category":"marketing","logotype_cdn":"","votes":30,"id":235918,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benjamin","lname":"Klein","cname2":"easybill GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Die E-Rechnungspflicht ist da - Bedeutung und best practices für Onlinehändler","bio":"Benjamin ist als erster festangestellter Mitarbeiter der easybill GmbH seit über 10 Jahren an Bord und sorgt mehrmals in der Woche für neuen Content auf den easybill Social Media Kanälen und easybill TV.\n\nSpannende Tutorial-Videos und interessante Webinare rund um die Themen Rechnungserstellung, Steuern, E-Commerce und Co. sind seine Fachbereiche.\n\nZusätzlich ist Benjamin auf diversen Messen vor Ort und hält dort spannende Vorträge, derzeit primär zum Thema E-Rechnungspflicht.","position":"Key Account Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Am 01. Januar 2025 tritt die E-Rechnungspflicht in Deutschland in Kraft.\r\n\r\nViele Unternehmen sind jedoch noch unsicher, wie sie die neuen Anforderungen umsetzen sollen. Unser Vortrag bringt Klarheit: Wir zeigen Ihnen, warum die Umstellung auf E-Rechnungen nicht nur gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, sondern auch eine große Chance für Ihr E-Commerce Unternehmen ist.\r\n\r\nUnser Vortrag bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Welt der elektronischen Rechnungen und vermittelt praxisnahe \"Best Practices\", um den Übergang reibungslos und effizient zu gestalten. Sie erfahren, wie Sie die E-Rechnungspflicht nicht nur erfüllen, sondern Ihre internen Abläufe optimieren und die Effizienz Ihres Rechnungswesens steigern.\r\n\r\nDie zentralen Themen:\r\n\r\nWas sind E-Rechnungen und welche Formate gibt es?\r\nWir erklären Ihnen, was E-Rechnungen ausmacht, welche Formate relevant sind, und warum die Zukunft der Rechnungsstellung \"elektronisch\" ist.\r\n\r\nXRechnung vs. ZUGFeRD – was passt für den E-Commerce?\r\nWir erläutern die Unterschiede zwischen den Formaten und geben klare Empfehlungen, welches Format sich im E-Commerce am besten eignet.\r\n\r\nWie verläuft die Einführung der E-Rechnungspflicht?\r\nSie lernen, in welchen Phasen die Pflicht eingeführt wird und welche Anforderungen auf Ihr Unternehmen zukommen.\r\n\r\nEmpfang und Versand von E-Rechnungen leicht gemacht:\r\nAnhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen in easybill zeigen wir, wie Sie E-Rechnungen effizient empfangen und versenden.\r\n\r\nFit für die E-Rechnung in 7 Schritten:\r\nMit unserer Checkliste bereiten Sie Ihr Unternehmen optimal auf die neuen Vorgaben vor.\r\n\r\nSeien Sie der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus und nutzen Sie die Vorteile der E-Rechnungspflicht – wir zeigen Ihnen, wie.","presenter":"Benjamin Klein","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":235076,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hannah","lname":"Raffel-Schmidt","cname2":"EasyTranslate","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolutionising Translations: Combining AI Speed with Human Quality for E-Commerce Success","bio":"I’m Frederik R. Pedersen, CEO and Co-Founder of EasyTranslate and a self-proclaimed industry rebel. What began as a traditional translation agency in 2010 has evolved into a Language Operations platform powered by our HumanAI technology. My passion for challenging industry norms is what fuels my vision to redefine the language services industry by combining the best of AI and humans.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a fast-paced, competitive e-commerce market, balancing speed, cost, and quality is a challenge. EasyTranslate's innovative HumanAI solution redefines translations by combining AI's rapid processing capabilities with the quality assurance of human expertise. This hybrid approach offers an optimal solution for businesses aiming to meet the high demands of scalability and personalization while maintaining premium quality. In this session, we will dive into practical applications of HumanAI in e-commerce, showcasing how it helps businesses enhance localization, speed up time to market, and boost profit margins with real-world data and results.","presenter":"Frederik R. Pedersen","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":235566,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Emmanuel","lname":"Bonnet","cname2":"EB Consulting (formerly DR SMILE)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"200M€ marketing spend in 3 years: Lessons Learned","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation would share war stories from spending 200M€ over 3 years on behalf of a leading healthtech company. Marketing is often seen as a necessary evil in most organizations due to its high cost toll \u0026 its opaque vocabulary.\r\nThe idea is to show that, in hypergrowth phase, embedding marketing with the rest of the organization (breaking down the silo) and within itself can bring the overall organization forward (or not if this isn't done). Examples:\r\n1. establishing a close working collab with finance: speaking the same language by having shared revenue- based planning (rather than marketing KPI based planning) lead to CFO / CEO trust, budget unlock, invoices paid on time, brand invest etc\r\n2. having a clear framework for decision making, part. decisions related to marketing invest, that internal/ external stakeholders understand\r\n3. communicating a simplified marketing framework \u0026 educating stakeholders on the main levers, outlining what is worth focusing on, why, with what impact\r\n4. as a leader, hiring the best people and getting off their way, encouraging curiosity, giving authonomy","presenter":"Emmanuel Bonnet","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236349,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Isabell","lname":"Butterwegge","cname2":"ebay GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"(Not final): Intelligentes Verkaufen auf eBay: Wie KI den eCommerce revolutioniert","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Möglichkeiten der KI Entwicklung auf den eCommerce und die Innovationen bei eBay. Einsatzmöglichkeiten \u0026 Use Cases zur  effizienten Nutzung von KI für eBay Händler*Innen","presenter":"Lisa Haak","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236202,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vivek","lname":"Modi","cname2":"Eberleinkunz","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Amazon Success: Insights from 600 German SMEs on Thriving Without Aggregators or Agencies","bio":"Vivek Modi is a seasoned business strategist and Chief of Staff at Eberlein Kunz, with over a decade of experience working with SMEs across diverse industries including eCommerce, advanced industries, and professional services. Drawing on his consulting experience at renowned firms like Roland Berger and EY, Vivek has a proven track record in helping companies optimize their operations, scale efficiently, and expand internationally.\n\nWith a background in engineering and management consulting, along with hands-on experience in both consulting and industry roles across the globe, Vivek bridges the gap between technology and business, as well as strategy and operations. His work has spanned India, Gabon, the UK, and Germany, offering him a global perspective that enables businesses to scale and thrive in diverse markets. He has also advised major corporations, scale-ups, and private equity clients, guiding them in selecting and scaling SME targets for investment.","position":"Chief of Staff","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Drawing on a decade of data from over 600 German brands, this presentation delves into how businesses in industries such as book publishing, food, skincare, and gardening have scaled to 8- and 9-figure revenues on Amazon—without surrendering their brand to aggregators or depending on agencies. Through case studies and actionable insights, you’ll discover alternative strategies to unlock success on Amazon, minimize inventory risk, and expand internationally, all while maintaining full control over your brand. This talk offers practical solutions tailored to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aiming to optimize their Amazon presence without unnecessary complexity.","presenter":"Vivek Modi","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":30,"id":237126,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alireza","lname":"Mojahedi","cname2":"eBiziner Inc.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Systems approach in e-Commerce","bio":"With nearly 30 years of extensive C-level experience in Business Management and Systems Approach in Leadership, he has demonstrated excellent skills in Business Head, Management and Leadership, Digital Transformation and e-Business and e-Commerce (B2B, B2C, and C2C), Production, SCM, Service Management, Innovation in Business and Services and Quality Management.\n\nHis core competency is his holistic systems approach to the business, team empowerment and his strong background experiences in leadership and general management of the company.","position":"Founder and CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Currently, e-Commerce is no longer a fashionable part of acquiring and displaying the up-to-dateness of the business, but it is an important and mandatory part of the business, and to create more effectiveness, it should be integrated with other systems of the organization in the architecture of the organization.\r\nTopics such as Omni Channel, Click and Brick are only the first steps of it.","presenter":"Alireza Mojahedi Nasab","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":63,"id":235223,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marc","lname":"Schillinger","cname2":"eCollect AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling a receivable management company and sell it to the market leader","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I can present eCollect AG and Payzzter Financial Service and how we have shaped the receivables management industry (invoicing, reminder, collection and payment) on one platform across Europe and sold the company to Intrum AB, Europe's largest credit management company. Also I can demonstrate that we are still a stand-alone company within Intrum and that we take over the whole teh part for Intrum and its 20 countries .. so this seems like a  good sample of corporate acquision in the fintech area.","presenter":"Marc Schillinger","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235105,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gustavs","lname":"Gotauts","cname2":"eCOMHUB","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How I made 1 million in 100 days with my newest online store","bio":"e-commerce entrepreneur \u0026 mentor\n\nI started my e-commerce journey in 2016 by helping a European brand grow from nothing to 220,000 EUR in revenue monthly in less than one year.\n \nAfter that, I wanted to share my experience and founded the biggest e-commerce community in my country (Latvia). That led to cooperation with Google, where I helped educate more than 5,000 people about digital skills. \n\nAfter educating thousands, I understood that most people only do a little with that knowledge. So, I started growing my agency, where we helped online stores increase their revenue. After a few years of running an e-commerce agency, I wanted to get back to my roots and start building my own online brands. That led to the store's launch on 15th January 2024, and after 100 days, we already had 1 million in revenue. With the goal of building this store to 100 million in revenue and sharing every step online, I started building my own online.","position":"founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"On 15th January, I launched an online store in the US, and after 100 days, my revenue was already over 1 million. \r\n\r\nMy store operated entirely from the EU, and many people could repeat my success. So, I would like to share my biggest lessons and mistakes from that road. Hopefully, this will motivate people from Europe to start selling products in the US because there is a huge price gap.","presenter":"Gustavs Gotauts","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":234838,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Irina","lname":"Sabrjanskaja","cname2":"eCommer IRS GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to win with Google Ads in 2025","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's highly competitive e-commerce landscape, running Google Ads is no longer just about generating revenue—it's about optimizing for profit. My presentation will explore the critical shift in mindset required to maximize profitability, rather than focusing solely on top-line growth. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights and best practices, including:\r\n\r\n- The Importance of Profit Optimization: Learn why prioritizing profit over revenue is the key to long-term success and how to implement this strategy in your Google Ads campaigns.\r\n- Demand Gen Campaign Best Practices: Discover the most effective ways to drive results with Google’s Demand Gen campaigns, helping you connect with the right audience at the right time.\r\n- Scaling their Ecom Brand with Performance Max campaigns: I will dive into advanced strategies (Product Bucketing) that can help e-commerce brands  harness the full potential of Google’s Performance Max campaigns to scale efficiently.\r\n- Latest Google Ads Trends: Stay ahead of the curve with the newest updates and trends in the Google Ads ecosystem, ensuring your campaigns remain relevant and competitive in 2025.\r\n- Why You Can’t Trust Google Ads Data and What to Do Instead: Data integrity is a growing challenge. I’ll share alternative strategies to cross-validate and ensure accurate measurement for better decision-making.","presenter":"Irina Sabrjanskaja","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":56,"id":236539,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florian","lname":"Möller","cname2":"Ecommerce Analytics GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wo sind meine Conversions hin?","bio":"Gründer der Ecommerce Analytics GmbH und des Analytics-Clubs. \n\nZu unseren Kunden gehören u.a. Burda, RTL, TUI, Nestlé.\n\n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wie attribuieren Google Analytics 4, Google Ads und Meta Ads ihre Conversions? Warum kommt es zu großen Abweichungen zwischen den Tools? Welche Zahlen sagen die Wahrheit? Was macht der Attribution in 2025 alles das Leben schwer?\r\n\r\nGoogle und Meta haben in den letzten Monaten einige Änderungen an ihren Attributionsmodellen vorgenommen. Hinzu machen DSGVO, Tracking Preventions und Co. eine aussagekräftige Attribution immer schwieriger.\r\n\r\nIn meinem Vortag gebe ich praxisnahe Einblicke inkl. Beispielen und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten.","presenter":"Florian Möller","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235681,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andro","lname":"Kiknadze","cname2":"eCommerce Association Georgia, eCommerce 360","avatar":"","presentation_title":"eCommerce in Caucasus Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan","bio":"I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to briefly introduce myself and share a bit about my experience in the eCommerce and tech industries.\n\nCurrently, I’m the Chief Business Development Officer at Velitech, where I lead business development efforts in the iGaming sector. I’m also the founder and board member of the E-Commerce Association in Georgia, where I’ve been heavily involved in building the local eCommerce ecosystem.\n\nIn addition to my work at Velitech, I founded eCom 360, an eCommerce platform company, which has further deepened my knowledge of the local eCommerce landscape in the Caucasus region. Before this, I was the Business Development Lead at Newage IO, focusing on the DACH and CEE regions, where I successfully launched several enterprise software products and helped grow the company’s presence. I also founded Digital Ads, the largest digital advertising agency in the Caucasus, raising over $3 million and acquiring some of Georgia’s most prominent web platforms.\n\nI’m very familiar with the eCommerce market in the Caucasus and have a deep passion for driving growth through innovative digital solutions. I’d love to explore how we might collaborate or simply exchange insights about the market.","position":"Founder \u0026 Partner eCom360","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unlocking eCommerce Potential in the Caucasus: Insights from Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan; This session will analyze the eCommerce and business software landscape in the Caucasus, highlighting the unique dynamics of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Drawing from my experience as SAP Country Manager for Georgia and founder of a local eCommerce company, I will share key lessons on the regional development of technology adoption and eCommerce infrastructure, offering insights into market potential and practical strategies for expansion in these emerging markets.","presenter":"Andro Kiknadze","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":234717,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rutger","lname":"Post","cname2":"Ecommerce Center Europe, House Of Brands","avatar":"","presentation_title":"PAY on delivery: Benefits for consumers, merchants and carriers!","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"IPAY offers a secure QR code-based payment system that guarantees payments upon delivery, fostering trust between merchants and consumers. Our solution reduces chargebacks, enhances conversion rates, and improves customer satisfaction through seamless transactions. By integrating with existing logistics and payment systems, we minimize setup costs while maximizing return on investment for merchants. We will showcase pilot programs highlighting the benefits of this pay-on-delivery method for consumers, merchants, and carriers, proving its effectiveness as a seamless payment solution for all three parties. Our technology is highly secure and has been successfully utilized in Asia’s leading payment markets for years.\r\n\r\nAt IPAY, we aim to enhance consumer confidence and satisfaction while increasing revenue and reputation for merchants and carriers.\r\n\r\nThe growing demand for after-pay solutions is evident in the rapid expansion of the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) market, driven by rising mistrust of online retailers. However, existing after-pay methods face challenges, including high fees from POS terminals and BNPL companies that often target vulnerable individuals. In response, the EU has introduced regulations to restrict these practices.\r\n\r\nConsumer Benefits:\r\n- Pay only upon delivery.\r\n- Protection against online fraud.\r\n- Seamless transactions using just a phone.\r\n- No risk for lost or damaged parcels.\r\n- Inclusion of local payment options.\r\n\r\nMerchant Benefits:\r\n- Lower costs with flat transaction fees.\r\n- Direct cash retrieval within 24 hours.\r\n- Increased order volume and conversion rates.\r\n\r\nCarrier Benefits:\r\n- Increased margins per order.\r\n- Innovative after-pay solutions for customers.\r\n- No investment or maintenance costs for POS terminals.\r\n\r\nWe will present examples illustrating the mutual benefits for consumers, carriers, and merchants, showcasing our innovative approach.","presenter":"Bryan Hoogkamer, Rutger Post","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":237167,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carina","lname":"McLeod","cname2":"eCommerce Nurse","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why TikTok Shop Should Be Part of Your Online Retail Strategy","bio":"Carina McLeod is passionate about retail.  With over 20 years of experience working in eCommerce and directly with Amazon, she’s an expert on strategic consulting, listing optimisation, translation, marketing, account management, and PPC management. \n\nCarina joined Amazon in 2004, where she specialised in Vendor Management. She swiftly accrued impressive insight into the Amazon eco-sphere, even introducing new categories to the UK marketplace. In 2012, she embarked on an exciting new chapter as an independent consultant, working with brands globally to help them grow and reach their potential on Amazon. In 2017, after many years of consulting, Carina founded and became CEO of eCommerce Nurse – a marketing and consulting Amazon and TikTok focused agency run by a team of ex-Amazonians and Amazon and TikTok experts. \n\nCarina is a passionate, people-orientated leader, an impressive public speaker and an entertaining podcast host – imparting her uniquely specialised knowledge in an informative and highly engaging manner.\n","position":"Founder and CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Livestream and video shopping are shaping the future of online retail, as TikTok's rapid growth and success clearly demonstrate. It's a platform that drives endless demand, where sales are fueled by discovery and engagement.\r\n\r\nFind out why TikTok Shop should be a key part of your online selling strategy and learn best practices to maximize your success on the platform.","presenter":"Carina McLeod","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234768,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefan","lname":"Chiriacescu","cname2":"eCommerce Today Agency, eCommerce Today Apps,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Concept \u0026 Execution: Essential Email Flows 99% of Your Competitors Don't Have","bio":"I’m an entrepreneur with a strong background in building and selling e-commerce businesses in both Europe and the USA. Now, I run a marketing agency and am developing a new software project aimed at helping businesses work better and grow faster.\n\nCredentials:\n- Built and sold e-commerce companies in Europe and the USA.\n- CEO of a marketing agency.\n- CEO of a SaaS Company\n- Helped hundreds of businesses worldwide increase their sales.\n\nI started my marketing agency using the experience I gained from my e-commerce ventures. We focus on creating simple, effective marketing strategies that help businesses grow. We work with clients all over the world, helping them get better at what they do.\n\nIn my public speaking, I focus on giving clear, practical tips that people can use right away to improve their business. I aim to provide useful advice that attendees can immediately apply, not just talk about theories that don’t help in real-life situations.","position":"Co-Founder, CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"EMAIL MARKETING AUTOMATION is the most profitable channel for connecting with customers and boosting sales. In this presentation, I'll highlight the top email automation strategies for eCommerce and demonstrate how to implement the six essential email flows that give companies a HUGE advantage, especially as ad costs soar.\r\n\r\nFOCUS: We’ll figure out which email flows fit best with your business goals and customer interactions. This step is crucial for tailoring your email efforts to meet specific needs, whether it’s welcoming new subscribers, recovering abandoned sessions, or keeping existing customers engaged.\r\n\r\nVALUE: Participants will learn how to use AI to build a strategy and how to build the six essential email flows: welcome series, site abandonment, browse abandonment, cart abandonment, checkout abandonment, and the new customer flow. I will break down each flow to show its strategic importance and how to execute it effectively.\r\n\r\nTAKEAWAYS:\r\n- Understand how to review your current email strategies and pinpoint improvements.\r\n- Learn how to create, test, and refine the six key email flows.\r\n- Discover how automation and AI can personalize your emails to make them more effective.\r\n- Get templates and practical examples to help you start using these strategies right away.\r\n\r\nThis session is perfect for marketers, e-commerce managers, and business owners who want to make the most out of email marketing for better customer relationships and business growth.","presenter":"Stefan Chiriacescu","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":312,"id":234764,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nir","lname":"Zigdon","cname2":"eCommunity \u0026  Ecommerce consultant for government offices in Israel","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Resilience and Innovation in E-commerce: Adapting to Uncertain Times","bio":"Founder \u0026 CEO of eCommunity, Nir Zigdon, is a leading expert in e-commerce with extensive experience consulting for private enterprises and government institutions. As a lecturer at several academic institutions in Israel, he has shared his insights on driving economic growth through digital commerce.\n\nOne of his notable projects was supervising a government-funded initiative to develop e-commerce platforms and digital marketing campaigns for businesses in Israel's periphery. This project became a lifeline for many during the outbreak of war on October 7th, 2024, as the digital stores provided crucial cash flow when physical operations were disrupted.\n\nIn this lecture, Nir will discuss the unique challenges and rapid adaptations made by businesses during the war, sharing critical lessons on sustaining and growing e-commerce even in emergencies and extreme circumstances.","position":"eCommerce expert \u0026 Ecommerce consultant for Israeli government offices","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an ever-changing global landscape, businesses must remain agile and resilient to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities. This session will explore how e-commerce companies can innovate and adapt during uncertain times, leveraging technology and strategic thinking to ensure continuity and growth. Attendees will gain valuable insights into crisis management, operational flexibility, and fostering innovation to thrive in a competitive marketplace, regardless of external circumstances. Join us to learn practical strategies to help your business survive and emerge stronger from any disruption.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis session is designed for e-commerce professionals looking to future-proof their businesses by learning to stay agile and responsive during sudden market disruptions.\r\nDrawing from the Israeli experience, this talk will provide practical, actionable strategies for businesses to apply in times of crisis, with takeaways that are just as relevant to European markets as they are globally.","presenter":"Nir Zigdon","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":52,"id":234642,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paul","lname":"Böhme","cname2":"eCube","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Adapting for Tomorrow – Wie eine Premium Fashion-Brand ihre neue future Proof Architektur implementiert","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Eine deutsche Premium-Fashion Marke ist den mutigen Schritt eines kompletten E-Commerce Replatformings gegangen.\r\n\r\nIn nur 12 Monaten wurden die Shop-Platform, das Frontend, das CMS sowie globale-Vertriebsmethoden nachhaltig neu aufgebaut. Dabei wurde sich am eigenen Best-Fit orientiert und nicht blind Branchenstandards gefolgt. So konnte ein spannender technologischer Mix aufgebaut werden: composable und headless mit commercetools, internationalisiert mit Global-e, dynamisch mit Storyblok und cutting Edge im Frontend mit Svelte.\r\n \r\n\r\nNach nur 7 Monaten bei den Kunden mit einem MVP, noch vorm Black Friday voll gelaunched mit dem neuen Ökosystem - All das Parallel zum Betrieb des Altsystems bis zur endgültigen Ablösung.\r\n\r\neCube als Integrationspartner gibt (TBD: zusammen Speaker 2) einen intimen Einblick darin, welche Evaluationen zu leisten, welche Hürden zu meistern und welches Mindset zu verteidigen sind, um eine solche ‘Kernsanierung’ im Angesicht einer herausfordernden Marktdynamik zu bewältigen und sich damit innovations- und konkurrenzfähig für die Zukunft aufzustellen.","presenter":"Paul Böhme","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":237565,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paul","lname":"Böhme","cname2":"Ecube / Weishäupl","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mit Open Source zum B2B-Shop-Erfolg – Wie Weishäupl das Procurement revolutioniert.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Weishäupl, ein führendes Unternehmen für individuelle Berufsbekleidung, stand vor einer Herausforderung: Ein Großkunde aus der Systemgastronomie fordert einen international operierenden Shop, der mehr können musste als die Marktführer im Out-Of-The-Box-Standard mitbringen. Komplizierte Kundenhierarchien, Katalogverwaltung, Produktverfügbarkeiten kundengerecht abbilden - und das mit einem schlankem Budget… Die Lösung? Ein mutiger Schritt in Richtung Open-Source-Plattform - maßgeschneidert, selbst gehostet auf Basis von Vendure.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n- Zwischen Budgetdruck und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen -\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nIn unserem Vortrag blicken wir auf einige Bausteine unseres Erfolgs und zeigen, wie auch im B2B-Geschäft mit den härtesten Anforderungen kreativ umgegangen werden kann. Trotz begrenzter Bestellmengen haben wir es geschafft, ein E-Procurement-System zu entwickeln, das Kunden in den Mittelpunkt stellt und gleichzeitig die Kosten im Griff behält – ein System, das abbildet, was normalerweise erst in hochpreisigen Enterprise-Lösungen zu finden ist. Wir demonstrieren, wie man mit klugen Entscheidungen und dem Mut zu Open Source ganz eigene Wege beschreiten kann!\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nHerausforderungen:\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n·         geringe Order-Anzahl\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n·         kleineres Budget und Betriebskosten\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n·         herausfordernde Kundenhierarchien\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n·         komplexe Katalogverwalung und Produktverfügbarkeiten\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n·         schlussendlich: B2B Enterprise Anforderungen zum Einsteiger-Budget","presenter":"Ludwig Göbkes, C-Level Executive from Weishäupl","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":237564,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marc","lname":"Sonnemann","cname2":"edding International","avatar":"","presentation_title":"If you can make it there you make it anywhere - Retail Media on Amazon is now a business-essential task","bio":"In tabellarischer Form hier auf LinkedIn zu finden:\n\n","position":"Team Lead Retail Media 3rd-Party E-Commerce","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the past, the topic of Retail Media on Amazon was often outsourced to external service providers. With the expansion to other marketplaces, internal expertise is a key factor for the successful scaling of your own business. We should talk about this.","presenter":"Marc Sonnemann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":235793,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Brendan","lname":"Hughes","cname2":"eDesk \u0026 Sennheiser","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How AI is Supercharging eCommerce Growth with Data-Driven Insights","bio":"Brendan leads the commercial and customer teams at eDesk and, solutions that help eCommerce merchants scale their operations profitably with AI powered solutions such as a multichannel helpdesk, chatbots and dynamic price optimization. He built his first commercial website in 1998 and since then has worked with hundreds of brands and sellers, helping them to be successful in the rapidly evolving world of eCommerce.\n","position":"Chief Commercial Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s fast-paced eCommerce environment, businesses must do more than just keep up - they must outpace their competitors by harnessing the latest technologies. AI is revolutionising how eCommerce brands engage with customers, streamline operations, and drive revenue growth. But what does this look like in real life?\n\nJoin Brendan Hughes, Chief Commercial Officer at eDesk, as he takes you behind the scenes of AI-powered transformations in leading eCommerce brands. Drawing from real-world case studies and hard data from eCommerce brands as diverse as Sennheiser, Pertemba, WaveSpas \u0026 WetSuit Outlet. \n\nThis session will showcase how AI has helped eCommerce businesses:\n\n• Achieve 2X productivity in customer service.\n• Reduce response times by over 60%. \n• Deliver personalised experiences at scale.\n• Automatically resolve up to 70-100% of customer queries.\n• Turn customer service into a key driver of revenue growth.\n\nWhether you’re a seasoned eCommerce professional or a service provider looking to optimise your operations, this session offers actionable insights backed by data that you can implement to supercharge your own business. Discover how AI can be a game-changer for your eCommerce strategy—and hear directly from brands like Sennheiser,, and Superdry about the tangible results they’ve achieved with AI.\n\nKey Takeaways:\n\n• Understand the real-world impact of AI on customer service and productivity.\n• Learn how AI can drive revenue growth while improving customer satisfaction.\n• Gain insights into best practices and key technologies to implement AI.\n• See AI in action, with proven results from real businesses.","presenter":"Brendan Hughes","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235730,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Asad","lname":"Ali","cname2":"eDot Marketing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to Conduct A/B Testing in Amazon PPC","bio":"I am an Amazon PPC expert who has helped Amazon sellers generate $50M+ in revenue via my PPC skills. I have been in the field for 7+ years now, and I am on a mission to help Amazon sellers make more money through Amazon PPC. ","position":"Founder of eDot Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation will focus on helping Amazon sellers utilize the power of A/B split testing and Amazon PPC to take their e-commerce sales to the next level.","presenter":"Asad Ali","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236447,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anna","lname":"Anastasopoulos","cname2":"eFLY Marketplace Services","avatar":"","presentation_title":"In turbulenter Marktlage profitabel wachsen auf Amazon \u0026 Co.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In unsicheren Zeiten ist es entscheidend, als E-Commerce-Unternehmer Rentabilität und Wachstum zu sichern. Unser Vortrag „In turbulenter Marktlage profitabel wachsen auf Amazon \u0026 Co.“ bietet dir praxisnahe Strategien für große Marktplätze wie Amazon.\r\n\r\nDas erwartet dich:\r\nEffektiver Umgang mit steigenden Kosten: Lerne, wie du den steigenden Kosten auf den Marktplätzen entgegen wirken kannst \r\n\r\nStrategische Preis- und Deal-Strategien: Entdecke Methoden zur dynamischen Preisgestaltung und gezielten Rabattaktionen, um deine Verkaufszahlen zu steigern und die Marge zu wahren.\r\n\r\nMarktplatz-Diversifikation: Erfahre, wie du durch Diversifikation neue Umsatzpotenziale erschließt und Risiken minimierst.\r\n\r\n5 Hebel für Wachstum: Hol dir konkrete Tipps für Effizienzsteigerung, innovative Preisstrategien, Produktoptimierung und Compliance-Management.","presenter":"Moritz Heller","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":234836,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yegor","lname":"Yegorov","cname2":"Egorov Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Ecommerce Gamification: collection, interaction and AR","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation delves into the transformative power of gamification in ecommerce, with a specific focus on three key elements: collectible items, user interaction, and augmented reality (AR). It explores how these strategies not only increase customer engagement but also create deeper emotional connections with brands. By implementing gamified features like AR-driven product interactions, ecommerce platforms and brands can enhance the shopping experience, boost retention, and drive higher sales. The presentation highlights how these elements foster a sense of achievement and immersion, helping businesses build long-term loyalty, differentiate from competitors, and create personalized, enjoyable shopping journeys.\r\n\r\nP.S. Speaker can be changed in future, as currently we are discussing the person that will present the topic.","presenter":"Yegor Yegorov","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":236229,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yegor","lname":"Yegorov","cname2":"Egorov Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Gamified Commerce: Online Games as a Sales Engine","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Based on case study of creating a web-based game for a brand campaign. The aim: when completing the needed score in the game, the user receives a discount in the official shop. \r\nThis presentation explores how online games are transforming e-commerce marketing campaigns by acting as powerful sales engines. The focus is on how gamification in strategy boosts customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and encourage repeat purchases and product sales. The value lies in demonstrating how gamified solutions can drive growth and foster deeper connections with customers.","presenter":"Yegor Yegorov","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236521,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Adir","lname":"Zangi","cname2":"Elephant Stock","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The New Marketing Blueprint: From Desire to Loyalty","bio":"Adir Zangi is a digital marketing expert with extensive experience in email marketing, automation, and neuro-marketing. He is the author of the book \"Shivuk al Automat\" (Marketing on Autopilot) and manages a professional community of over 1,000 marketing professionals. With a focus on practical, data-driven strategies, Adir helps businesses optimize their customer engagement through cutting-edge marketing techniques. His innovative approaches to understanding consumer behavior have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry.\n\n","position":"eCom thought leader","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Abstract:\r\nIn the fast-paced world of e-commerce, consumer behavior is increasingly driven by emotional and psychological triggers rather than purely rational decisions. Marketing Symbiosis is a cutting-edge approach that leverages neuro-marketing principles and emotional intelligence to create powerful connections between brands and consumers, leading to deeper loyalty and increased conversions.\r\n\r\nIn this session, Adir Zangi will unveil a new marketing framework built on the Pyramid of Digital Consumer Needs and inspired by the Economy of Desire. By aligning your marketing strategies with consumers' psychological and emotional needs, you can build a brand experience that is not only engaging but also addictive.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\n1. Customer Service Bonding: Learn how to create emotional ties through exceptional service that keeps customers returning.\r\n2. Digital Rapport: Discover how to speak to customers like humans—not just transactions—by fostering authentic, relatable communication.\r\n3. Emotional Impact: Tap into the power of emotions to stimulate dopamine release and drive more meaningful customer interactions.\r\n4. Overcoming Customer Fears: Master the art of eliminating purchasing barriers by implementing trust-building elements such as badges, discounts, and guarantees.\r\n5. The Element of Surprise: Explore how gamification, live interactions, and unique offers can turn casual visitors into loyal, engaged customers.\r\n\r\nLearning Objectives:\r\n\r\n- Understand how dopamine and neural triggers influence online consumer behavior.\r\n- Apply neuro-marketing strategies to build stronger emotional connections with customers.\r\n- Implement trust-building techniques that remove purchase hesitation and boost conversion rates.\r\n- Create a holistic marketing strategy that surprises, engages, and retains customers for the long term.\r\n\r\nDuration: 35 minutes","presenter":"Adir Zangi","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":310,"id":234680,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexandra","lname":"Viehweg","cname2":"elevaty Consulting","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to win B2B Inbound Leads through Personal Branding","bio":"Tim Krasenbrink, a 27-year-old entrepreneur, speaker, content creator, and personal branding coach, has rapidly become a leading voice on LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram. Guided by his motto, “I play to win”, Tim has reshaped how businesses and individuals approach personal branding.\nTim's entrepreneurial spirit sparked early. By 18, he had already explored various ventures, driven by a passion for business and innovation. After launching one of Germany’s first corporate influencer programs at Uniper, Tim founded elevaty in 2020. Since then, elevaty has helped over 700 founders and executives elevate their digital presence and build powerful personal brands. Tim’s impact is broad, mentoring startups in the Scale-Up NRW program and working with a diverse range of clients, from government bodies to corporate leaders.\n\nWith a cross-platform following of over 100,000, Tim creates authentic, community-focused content. His ventures, like Not Vogue and HR Flüsterer, showcase his creative approach to business and branding. At this event, Tim will share actionable strategies to transform personal brands into powerful growth engines, helping businesses attract customers, talent, and investors in today’s digital world.","position":"founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A strong personal brand turns you into a client magnet, drawing in a steady stream of high-quality leads without the chase. Founders and CEOs, it's time to step out from behind your logo and shine as the face of your business—especially on LinkedIn. With a compelling personal brand, you’ll build trust, boost visibility, and create an inbound lead machine that keeps your pipeline full and your business growing.","presenter":"Tim Krasenbrink","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234537,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katrin","lname":"Messerschmidt","cname2":"EMO-LOG GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"KI und Export - Onlinehändler sollten teure Fallen kennen. - So sichert sich Best Secret ab","bio":"Beratung und Praxiserfahrung im Bereich Zollanmeldungen, Einreihungen, zollrechtliche Bewilligung und Zollwert, sind Katrin Messerschmidts Steckenpferde. Bei der EMO-LOG GmbH ist sie als Senior Consultant für die Änderungen im Bereich Zoll verantwortlich. Seit der Gründung im November 2021 übernahm sie ebenfalls die Geschäftsführung der EMO-LOG Customs Consulting GmbH. Als geprüfte Fachreferentin für Zoll und Außenwirtschaft weist sie Zollerfahrung seit Ihrer Ausbildung, die sie 2010 bei der EMO-TRANS absolviert hat, auf.","position":"senior consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Masterclass „KI und Export – Onlinehändler kennt diese   teuren Fallen. So sichert sich Best Secret ab\" ist eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, um die komplexe Beziehung zwischen Künstlicher Intelligenz und Zoll zu verstehen.  Damit die KI als unterstützendes Werkzeug im internationalen Handel eingesetzt werden kann, ist es wichtig zu erkennen, dass KI zwar viele Vorteile bietet, aber nicht die einzige Lösung für alle Herausforderungen im Zollbereich darstellt. Wir bieten dir die  Gelegenheit den Unterschied live zu erleben.  Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Zollabwicklung werden dir erklärt und du erfährst, wie Best Secret diese Herausforderung löst und welche Möglichkeiten sich in der Praxis bewährt haben. Verpasse nicht die Chance, dein Wissen zu erweitern!","presenter":"Katrin Messerschmidt","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":235568,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matthieu","lname":"Daubin","cname2":"Emplifi","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why you need to reinvent your commerce strategy for 2025....and forever","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As we move toward 2025, the landscape of social marketing is undergoing profound changes. Since the turn of the decade, tectonic shifts in consumer behaviour have fundamentally altered how audiences engage with brands. These changes demand a fresh approach to communication strategies if marketers are to capture attention and maintain customer loyalty in an increasingly fragmented digital environment.\r\nSocial media, once the cornerstone of direct interaction between brands and consumers, is no longer as \"social\" as it used to be. Motivations for using these platforms are rapidly evolving, with different generations seeking varied forms of content and connection. Marketers must now navigate these shifting dynamics, focusing on where their audiences are and understanding how to engage them in meaningful ways that drive business impact.\r\nFocus of the presentation: \r\n- The digital landscape has changed beyond recognition since 2020 - and ever brand has to embrace commerce\r\n- Brands must be agile and evolve to meet consumers' expectations\r\n- The way consumers look for answers and inspiration is evolving fast\r\n- Best practice examples","presenter":"Robert Clinton","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236632,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Markus","lname":"Fuchs","cname2":"EPI Company SE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Changing the way Europe pays!","bio":" Markus is responsible for the acceptance market at EPI. He brings in more than 20 years of experience in the payment industry: \nIn 2000 he started his career at the Cologne based payment Startup ClickandBuy which was Germany´s first wallet solution.\nIn 2008 he moved to PayPal where he worked for the next 12 years in various leading positions in sales and BD, until he finally took over the responsibility for the Partner-management in DE, AT, CH.\n \nIn 2021 he entered the eCommerce Software industry where he founded and led the commercial entity of plentysystems, a multichannel provider for eCommerce merchants. \nAfter two years with the company he decided to go back to payments and joined EPI in Summer 2023. \n\nMarkus is responsible for fostering and overseeing direct partnerships with merchants, associations, federations and technical integrators both within Europe and globally. Additionally he has a specific focus on managing relationships within Germany as part of his direct assignment within the Acceptance team.\n\nMarkus graduated from the BUGH Wuppertal in Economics. \n","position":"Director Business Acceptance","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Bank payments oder Account to account payments revolutionieren den Zahlungsverkehr weltweit: Open Banking ist ein Treiber dafür, aber insbesondere bankengestützte Systeme wie UPI in Indien, PIX in Brasilien, aber auch Twint in der Schweiz oder Swish in Schweden laufen den alteingesessenen Playern den Rang ab. \r\nMit Wero startet nun eine europäische Initiative, die diesen Trend für Europa aufgreift: 14 Banken und die 2 größten Zahlungsdienstleister in Europa haben Wero aus der Taufe gehoben. Instant Geld senden von Konto zu Konto geht schon seit Sommer für Privatpersonen; ab Mitte des Jahres wird mit Wero auch im Ecommerce bezahlt werden können. \r\nEinblicke und Ausblicke in den anstehenden Launch.","presenter":"Markus Fuchs","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":58,"id":235935,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ekwy","lname":"Chukwuji","cname2":"Equi Botanics/Byte Of Brilliance","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leveraging AI Agents :  transform conversions and customer interactions","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Leveraging AI for Marketing: Transforming Conversions and Customer Interactions\r\n\r\nFor marketers and business leaders who want to leverage AI to boost website conversions and enhance customer engagement.\r\n\r\nThis session explores the transformative power of AI in modern marketing strategies. \r\nWe'll explore practical applications of AI for increasing website conversions and creating intelligent digital assistants. The talk will also address common resistances to AI adoption while highlighting the immense opportunities it presents for marketing innovation.\r\n\r\nWhat you can expect to learn:\r\n- How AI-powered tools can significantly increase website conversion rates\r\n- Strategies for implementing AI receptionists and assistants to enhance customer interactions\r\n- Overcoming common resistances to AI adoption in marketing teams\r\n- Real-world examples and statistics demonstrating AI's impact on marketing ROI\r\n- Future trends in AI-driven marketing and how to stay ahead of the curve","presenter":"Ekwy Chukwuji","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234517,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"Natkowski","cname2":"eStrategy Consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wo man aktuell noch Wachstum findet – erfolgreiches Verkaufen auf internationalen Marktplätzen","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Aktuell dominieren Krisenstimmung und Kaufenthaltung das Konsumklima in Deutschland. Und die Stimmung trügt nicht: Deutschland ist die größte Volkswirtschaft in Europa und liefert im Jahr 2024 das geringste Wachstum (ca. 0 %) auf dem Kontinent. Viele bekannte, deutsche Handelsmarken sind in den letzten Monaten ins Schlingern oder in die Insolvenz geraten, einige sind vom Markt verschwunden. Selbst beim Blick auf den E-Commerce-Markt steht Deutschland bei der Wachstumsprognose für das Jahr 2024 mit ca. 2,5 % ganz hinten. Der Online-Handel in anderen großen Volkswirtschaften wächst hingegen zweistellig, bspw. in Spanien, Italien, Griechenland oder Polen.\r\n\r\nDer Vortrag gibt einen fundierten Blick in aktuelle volkswirtschaftliche Kennzahlen sowie Wachstumsprognosen für die europäischen Länder. Darauf aufbauend werden relevante Länder (nach Größe und Wachstum) im Detail betrachtet und potentielle Verkaufskanäle (Marktplätze) analysiert und eingeordnet.\r\n\r\nZusätzlich werden im Rahmen des Vortrags die Herausforderungen für grenzüberschreitenden Handel aufgezeigt sowie Lösungen diskutiert. Den Teilnehmern der eCommerce Expo Berlin 2025 sollen somit Chancen für relevante Wachstumsmärkte in Europa aufgezeigt werden. Zugleich werden die Erfolgsfaktoren besprochen, die zu beachten sind, um diese Chancen bzw. Potentiale gewinnbringend zu nutzen.","presenter":"Thomas Natkowski","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236493,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Cliff","lname":"Pfefferkorn","cname2":"eStrategy Consulting GmbH","avatar":"­foto-2023-02-07-um-13.42.33.png","presentation_title":"Mehr als nur Umsatz: Welche Geschäftspotenziale bieten sich Herstellern durch D2C-basierte Geschäftsmodelle?","bio":"Cliff is the founder and managing partner of eStrategy Consulting, a boutique consultancy based in Berlin-Mitte, specializing in Digital Business Innovation, Digital Marketing \u0026 Sales, and Digital Transformation. eStrategy Consulting leads and supports companies and organizations as strategic advisors, concept developers, and implementation managers across all digital innovation topics. This includes clarifying the \"what\" and \"why,\" defining the \"where\" and \"how,\" and making it happen.\n\nCliff himself has over 25 years of international experience in areas such as new business models, omnichannel marketing, e-commerce, data-driven business, operational excellence, digital transformation, and implementation management. His clients include B2C and B2B manufacturers of high-interest products like automobiles, high tech, or consumer electronics, as well as retailers, marketplace and platform operators, logistics companies, financial service providers, and public sector organizations.\n\nHe studied marketing, communications, and business administration in Berlin and London and has worked in Germany, London, and the USA. He lives with his family in Berlin-Mitte.","position":"Managing Partner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Das Aufbauen eigenen E-Commerce und damit das direkte Online-Verkaufen an B2C- und B2B Kunden, sei es über eigene Webshops oder direkte Marktplatzanbindungen, ist weiterhin ein zentrales Thema in den Marketing- und Sales-Abteilungen deutscher Hersteller. \nDas bisher dominierende strategische Interesse von D2C ist das Erzielen zusätzlicher Umsätze, und danach wird der Erfolg der meisten D2C Strategien bislang auch gemessen.\nDiese Sichtweise geht grundsätzlich in eine richtige Richtung. Das strategische Potenzial, das sich Herstellern durch den Aufbau eigenen E-Commerce erschließt, ist allerdings gleichzeitig breiter und tiefer. E-Commerce bietet den Herstellern bspw. Möglichkeiten zur Differenzierung und innovativen Erweiterung ihres Produkt- und Serviceportfolios. Gute D2C Strategien stärken Umsätze nicht nur durch die eigenen Online-Verkäufe, sondern wirken sich auch auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des gesamten Omnichannel Marketing \u0026 Sales Projektportfolios aus. Ebenso schaffen sie neue Erfolgsgrundlagen für die Vertriebstätigkeiten von Händlern oder Distributoren und sind für diese also durchaus mehr als nur eine direkte Konkurrenz. \nErfolgreiche D2C Strategien streben zusätzlich nicht nur nach hohen Umsätzen, sondern auch nach guten Umsatzmargen und legen deshalb den Fokus auch auf das Thema Loyalty und Customer Lifetime Value. Gerade hier hat E-Commerce für Hersteller wirklich disruptive Kraft und schafft neue Möglichkeiten – die es allerdings erfordern, D2C nicht nur als Vertriebskanal, sondern als neues Geschäftsmodell zu verstehen, zu denken und umzusetzen, inkl. aller transformatorischer Herausforderungen.\nZiel des Vortrags ist deshalb, einen umfassenden Blick auf die vielen Geschäftspotenziale zu geben, die holistische, schlaue D2C Strategien für Hersteller bieten, insbesondere für Hersteller von High-Interest Produkten.\n","presenter":"Cliff Pfefferkorn","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236494,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ole","lname":"von Bachmann","cname2":"eStrategy Consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolution durch synthetische Daten: Wie Hersteller ihre D2C- und Omnichannel-Strategien transformieren können","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In der heutigen, von Daten getriebenen Wirtschaft suchen Unternehmen nach innovativen Möglichkeiten, um ihre D2C- (Direct-to-Consumer) und Omnichannel-Strategien voranzutreiben. Die Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Doch um KI-Modelle mit den benötigten Daten zu versorgen, stehen viele Firmen vor Herausforderungen. Synthetische Daten eröffnen hier einen neuen Weg: Sie ermöglichen es, wertvolle Insights zu generieren, ohne auf sensible Kundendaten zurückgreifen zu müssen. Dieses Potenzial, Datenschutzprobleme zu umgehen, macht sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für moderne D2C-Strategien.Im Vortrag wird verständlich erklärt, was synthetische Daten sind und wie sie funktionieren. Der Kern des Vortrags besteht aus spannenden Anwendungsbeispielen, die die transformative Kraft synthetischer Daten illustrieren:\r\n1)\tAutomatisierte Schadenserkennung in der Circular Economy: \r\nIn einer Fallstudie wird präsentiert wie ein Hersteller mithilfe von synthetisch erzeugten Schadensbildern ein KI-Modell trainiert hat, das automatisch Schäden an zurückgesendeten Produkten erkennt und bewertet.\r\n2)\tPersonalisierte Kundenerfahrungen im Omnichannel-Marketing:\r\nHersteller können synthetische Nutzerdaten nutzen, um hyperpersonalisierte Marketingstrategien zu entwickeln. Besonders spannend, hier bietet sich eine erste Chance Kundenverhalten über Online und Offline-Channel zu simulieren. \r\n3)\tVirtuelle Produktentwicklung und Testing: \r\nAußerdem bieten synthetische Daten das Potenzial den Produktentwicklungsprozesse zu revolutionieren. Anstatt zeitaufwändige und kostspielige physische Prototypen zu bauen, können Hersteller virtuelle Tests durchführen und synthetisches Nutzerfeedback generieren. \r\n\r\nDer Vortrag soll praxisnahe Einblicke ermöglichen, die Teilnehmer inspirieren und ein grundlegendes Verständnis mitgeben, wie sie die Potenziale synthetischer Daten nutzen können, um ihre D2C- und Omnichannel-Strategien zu transformieren.","presenter":"Ole von Bachmann","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236499,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kristina","lname":"Mertens","cname2":"everstox","avatar":"","presentation_title":"5 Thesen zum eCommerce 2025: Von SHEIN \u0026 Temu bis Omni-Channel und KI – was zählt wirklich?","bio":"Johannes is one of the three founders of everstox.\n\nAs Co-CEO, Johannes leads various key areas of everstox, in particular the commercial business units. In doing so, he drives the growth and success of our customers and logistics partners alike. \n\nWorking closely with his interdisciplinary teams, Johannes is establishing the new standard in logistics for the e-commerce winners of tomorrow.\n\nJohannes was previously a consultant at BCG and founded space-y, a startup for modern workspaces.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 Co-CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The focus will be on five core topics that are currently shaping the eCommerce and eCommerce logistics landscape. \r\n\r\nFor now, we have chosen the topics SHEIN/Temu, AI Use Cases, Quick Commerce, Multi-/ Omni-Channel Strategies and Platform Solutions.\r\n\r\nJohannes will present five (provocative) theses from his perspective and overview of the eCom industry and its movements.\r\n\r\nDepending on how the industry will evolve in the coming months, we may add or remove more core topics.","presenter":"Johannes Tress","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":52,"id":235668,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kristina","lname":"Mertens","cname2":"everstox","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Swipe, Shop, Repeat: Why Social Commerce is the Next Big Thing","bio":"Kristina has been working in the eCommerce and online marketing space for about 7 years. She is leading the marketing team at Europe's leading eCommerce fulfillment provider – everstox – and hosts a weekly eCommerce podcast called “wieCommerce?”.","position":"Marketing Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I'll explore how social media platforms have the power to turn into strong commerce machines where discovery, engagement, and transactions happen seamlessly. \n\nThis keynote will dive into the key trends driving social commerce, from the rise of shoppable posts and in-app purchases to influencer marketing's role in shaping buying decisions, affiliate marketing techniques and now the rise of TikTok Shops. \n\nAttendees will learn how brands can harness social media's potential to build authentic customer relationships, drive sales, and create a frictionless shopping experience. \n\nWhether you’re a marketer, retailer, or simply curious about the future of commerce, this session will provide actionable insights into why social commerce is transforming the retail landscape and how to leverage it for success.","presenter":"Kristina Mertens","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":236480,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anna","lname":"Podruczna","cname2":"Evisions","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Online expansion to Poland - what you must know","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Presentation will focus on the practical know how about Polish e-commerce and online expansion to that market, including statistics, UX tips and business advices.","presenter":"Anna Podruczna","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":236501,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anastasia","lname":"Zencika","cname2":"Evotym","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Securing Fintech Talent to grow your business","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Behind every successful business there are people who drive it, people who come up with ideas, who plan and strategise, who make plans and stick to them, who over-achieve and make sure the business becomes more and more profitable. \r\n\r\nUnfortunately, when we look for Talent to join our team, most of the times we just try to fill a need, get the person to do the job, and solve the issue at hand. \r\n\r\nI would like to talk about strategic Talent acquisition that would help businesses develop, scale and achieve results. We will cover everything from: what it takes to find the right people, how to test them, develop the team and make sure they stick with your company.","presenter":"Anastasia Zencika","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235015,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stephan","lname":"van den Bremer","cname2":"Exatom","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Understand why shoppers leave your check-out and fix it!","bio":"With more than 20 years of experience in the cross-fields of digital marketing and international business, Stephan co-founded Exatom in the middle of the pandemic. To get rid of the frustration that GA4 and other tools can't tell you why users abandon web forms and check-outs.  Still surprised that not many digital marketers try to solve the friction points where the moment of truth happens. \nStephan holds a master's degree at the University of Groningen and an MBA at the Rotterdam School of Management.","position":"Co-founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Only 2 out of 10 shoppers that enter your check-out, convert successfully. Isn't that frustrating? And GA4 doesn't tell you anything more than that.\r\nThat's why we created Exatom: cookieless, privacy-first experience analytics to help you make your forms and check-out perform better.  Implementation is easy. Put the Exatom tag on your site with a tag manager, get your insights and start improving your check-out.\r\nExatom is trusted by ecommerce brands like Hema, Inno, Veritas, Brooks Running and many more. \r\nWe'll present the Brooks Running case study, where Exatom insights reduced the customer service costs and increased revenue as well.","presenter":"Stephan van den Bremer","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234801,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Danny","lname":"Murawinski","cname2":"Exitbuilt","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Tapping into Purpose: The Why Behind Digital Marketing","bio":"Danny Murawinski is a transformative leader in digital marketing and the Founder \u0026 CEO of Exit Built. With a unique background as a former professional snowboard coach for the U.S. team, Danny brings a wealth of experience in leadership, technology, and marketing. He has held pivotal roles such as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Growth Officer (CGO), and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), where he drove strategic initiatives across diverse industries. His expertise lies in modernizing digital marketing for niche sectors like government contracting and the cleaning industry, helping businesses in these fields leverage advanced strategies to build authentic connections and achieve sustainable growth. \n","position":"CEO \u0026 Owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This keynote explores the crucial role of purpose in shaping impactful digital marketing strategies. It demonstrates how aligning marketing efforts with a company’s core mission and values can create campaigns that resonate deeply with audiences. By tapping into the deeper “why” behind a brand’s existence, businesses can foster authentic connections and inspire action through powerful storytelling. Attendees will gain insights into discovering and defining their organization’s purpose, integrating it into their marketing strategies, and leveraging it to build meaningful relationships with their target audience.","presenter":"Danny Murawinski","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":237366,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lulu","lname":"Wang","cname2":"Expandly","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Don't Let Product Compliance Hold You Back from Global Expansion","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Product compliance is crucial for any business looking to expand globally. Navigating international regulations such as the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), Responsible Person, and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) ensures that your products meet safety standards and legal requirements in different markets. Compliance not only prevents legal issues but also builds consumer trust. Appointing a Responsible Person within the EU is vital for managing product compliance and ensuring accountability. By mastering these compliance requirements, you can confidently expand your reach and succeed in new markets.","presenter":"Andrew Cooper","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":24,"id":236311,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Möller","cname2":"experics digital GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Commerce SEO 2025: Trends und Best Practices für Onlineshops","bio":"Michael Möller ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der experics digital GmbH, einer E-Commerce SEO Beratung aus Lingen (Ems). Gemeinsam mit einem Experten-Team aus SEO-Beratern und Content-Spezialisten unterstützt er etablierte mittelständische Unternehmen durch E-Commerce-SEO und die Ausbildung ihrer Mitarbeiter dabei, den Umsatz ihres Online-Shops signifikant zu steigern.\n\nZuvor war er 3 Jahre für das Digital Marketing von ehorses, Europas führendem Online-Pferdemarkt, verantwortlich und arbeitete 8 Jahre als Team Lead SEO bei einer führenden Performance Marketing Agentur in Osnabrück.\n\nNeben seiner Tätigkeit bei experics organisiert er Online Marketing Meetups, hält Vorträge zum Thema SEO und betreibt diverse eigene Website Projekte.","position":"Geschäftsführer / CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Session tauchen wir ein in aktuelle SEO Trends und Best Practices für Onlineshops in 2025. Wir werfen einen Blick auf den Status Quo der E-Commerce Search in den USA. Welchen Einfluss werden die Google AI Overviews (ehemals Search Generative Experience) und Google Organic Shopping auf die organische Suche haben?\r\n\r\nWelche veränderten Bedingungen kommen auf uns zu und welche Ableitungen können wir schon heute für unsere tägliche SEO Arbeit treffen? Gleichzeitig besprechen wir, welche bewährten SEO Methoden und Best Practices auch 2025 weiterhin Bestand haben werden.\r\n\r\nMichael zeigt Dir, wie Onlineshops zukünftig im Bereich SEO agieren müssen, um unter veränderten Bedingungen wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.","presenter":"Michael Möller","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":35,"id":235009,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hanna","lname":"Driever","cname2":"experics digital GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Messy Middle im E-Commerce: Wie du hilfreichen und  konvertierenden Content für deinen Shop identifizierst und produzierst","bio":"Bei experics digital, einem SEO Experten-Team, betreue ich Online-Shops und Marktplätze und entwickle SEO Strategien für messbar mehr organischen Umsatz. Dabei verfolge ich einen Ansatz, der Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit User Experience und Conversion Rate Optimierung vereint. Schließlich zählen nicht nur Rankings, sondern vor allem die Umsatzentwicklung der Online-Shops. Dabei arbeiten wir nicht nach dem Schema F aus irgendwelchen SEO Lehrbüchern, sondern implementieren SEO Taktiken, die basierend auf jahrelanger Erfahrung wirklich Nutzen bringen. Zudem unterstütze ich Unternehmen dabei, inhouse Expertise aufzubauen, SEO im Online Marketing Mix richtig einzusetzen und so weniger abhängig von bezahlter Werbung zu sein.","position":"SEO Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Viele Online-Shops stehen mit Blick auf die Produktion von Inhalten vor großen Fragen. Müssen diese Textwüsten auf meinen Shop-Kategorien wirklich sein? Welche Themen sind für meine Nutzer wirklich relevant? Wie kann ich meine vorhandenen Ressourcen effektiv einsetzen und Content produzieren, der wirklich auf den Umsatz einzahlt? Das und mehr erklärt dir Hanna anhand des Messy Middle Modells und konkreten Beispielen aus der Praxis.","presenter":"Hanna Driever","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":235337,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katharina","lname":"Knoop","cname2":"exporto GmbH; B + S Logistik; meinemarkenmode","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Internationales Wachstum über Zalando, Amazon und Galaxus: Wie meinemarkenmode mit exporto und B+S Logistik jährlich weit über eine halbe Million Pakete in die Schweiz und nach UK abwickelt","bio":"Julius Komp: \n\n- CEO \u0026 Co-Founder exporto seit Apr. 2020–Heute · 4 Jahre 6 Monate\nKonstanz, Baden-Württemberg \n\n(LinkedIn:\n___________________________________________________________________\n\nThomas Finke: \n\n- Geschäftsbereichsleiter B+S GmbH Logistik und Dienstleistungen\nJan. 2021–Heute \n\n- Vertriebsleiter eCommerce  B+S GmbH Logistik und Dienstleistungen\nApr. 2018–Dez. 2020\n\n\n- Geschäftsführer Merkur Logistics GmbH\n2012–2018 · 6 Jahre2012–2018 · 6 Jahre\n\n- Stellvertretender Geschäftsführer Merkur Logistics GmbH\nMärz 2012–Dez. 2012 \n\n(LinkedIn:\n_____________________________________________________________________\n\nTimo Bethlehem: \n\n- Managing DirectorManaging Director\nApr. 2017–Heute \n\n\n- Global Key Account Manager BASF Colors \u0026 Effects GmbH\nJuli 2016–März 2017 \n\n\n- Global Key Account Manager BASF SE\nMai 2015–Juni 2016\n\n- Category BuyerGlobal Category Buyer\nJuli 2012–Apr. 2015\n\n(LinkedIn:","position":"CEO @ exporto, Geschäftsbereichsleiter @ B + S Logistik, Managing Director @ meinemarkenmode.","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Expansion eines Marktplatz-Geschäftes auf internationaler Ebene stellt Unternehmen vor Herausforderungen. Immer schnellere SLAs und hohe logistische Anforderungen verlangen innovative Lösungen, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Am Beispiel von meinemarkenmode, einem der führenden Fashion-Retailer Europas, zeigen exporto und B+S Logistik, wie ein agiles, hochautomatisiertes Setup es ermöglicht, erfolgreich auf internationalen Marktplätzen zu agieren, und nachhaltiges Wachstum zu erzielen. \r\n\r\nIn unserem Case Study-basierten Vortrag geben wir einen Überblick über die Anforderungen und Herausforderungen, denen Unternehmen beim Verkauf über internationale Marktplätze wie Zalando, Amazon und Galaxus begegnen und zeigen, wie komplexe Zollvorschriften, Brexit-bedingte Handelsbarrieren und hohe Retourenquoten erfolgreich bewältigt werden können.\r\n\r\nAm Praxisbeispiel unseres gemeinsamen Kunden meinemarkenmode beleuchten wir, wie datengestützte Automatisierungen,  innovative Lösungen und starke Partnerschaften zu internationalem Erfolg führen können. Dazu gibt meinemarkenmode einen exklusiven Einblick in  die Strategien und Lösungen, die es ermöglicht haben, den Verkaufsprozess so zu optimieren, dass das Unternehmen heute ganz ohne operativen Aufwand weit über eine halbe Million Pakete jährlich in die Schweiz und nach UK versendet. Darüber hinaus präsentieren wir spannende Insights darüber, wie diese Kooperation eine Steigerung der Customer Experience ermöglicht hat. Die Kunden von meinemarkenmode profitieren von kurzen Lieferzeiten, einfachen Retourenprozessen und schnellen Zollabwicklungen – Faktoren, die für den Ausbau eines erfolgreichen Marktplatzgeschäftes mit glücklichen, internationalen Kunden unerlässlich sind.","presenter":"Julius Komp, Thomas Finke, Timo Bethlehem (oder Vertretung)","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":172,"id":235280,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Roderic","lname":"van Praet d'Amerloo","cname2":"F4E Fulfillment for Europe","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to support SME's \u0026 Start Up's organisations  to overcome European expansion","bio":"Roderic's past roles were COO Sodastream Ltd, COO \u0026 Board member of Havaianas, Alpargatas EUROPE  SLU, General Manager Business development PVS Europe and now acting CEO of F4E Fulfillment for Europe. His role focuses on expanding the company’s global footprint, particularly in areas related to fulfillment and international trade. Based in Luxembourg, Roderic leverages his expertise in managing complex international operations, helping businesses navigate customs and regulatory challenges in Europe. His career reflects a strong emphasis on international business growth and strategic development within the logistics, supply chain (incl. VAT, import/export) and consulting sectors.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder  F4E ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will be focused on the complications for SME's \u0026 START UP's to find the right solution/partner for their European expansion, and how this can be solved with right choices and relatively small adaptations. There will also be mention of the common pitfalls these companies take.","presenter":"Roderic van Praet d'Amerloo","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":80,"id":235431,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bahadir","lname":"Efeoglu","cname2":"Fabrikatör","avatar":"","presentation_title":"No Sh**ts: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Planning for Modern Brands","bio":"Bahadir Efeoglu has built digital products for the last 10 years at companies like ING Bank, Vodafone, Marley Spoon, and LIQID. With firsthand experience on the manufacturing side, Bahadir has a complete vision of the brand's supply chain. He started Fabrikatör as a manufacturing planning solution in 2018, later pivoting to help brands like fashion, lifestyle, and home goods with inventory planning. Meeting 5-10 brands weekly gives him unique insights, which he enjoys sharing, like at his workshop at Merchant Inspiration Talks '24, one of the most loved Shopify conferences.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"\"No Sh**ts: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Planning for Modern Brands\" is a presentation designed for growing Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands aiming to scale their operations without inventory limitations. This format has been successfully presented as a masterclass at a Shopify conference, offering proven value to attendees.\r\nThe session, which could be presented alongside Noah Fichtner, CEO of Dick Johnson (a Berlin-based DTC brand and Fabrikatör customer), will challenge the traditional approach to inventory management. It introduces the concept of 'Bittersweet Success Syndrome' - the paradox of successful campaigns leading to stockouts.\r\nLed by Bahadir Efeoglu, CEO of Fabrikatör, this presentation will provide actionable insights into optimizing inventory management for sustained growth. We'll explore Dick Johnson's journey from spreadsheets to sophisticated inventory planning, demonstrating real-world applications and results.\r\nKey focus areas include:\r\n\r\nThe critical difference between unconstrained demand planning and constrained supply planning\r\nStrategies for collaborative demand forecasting with your marketing team\r\nAvoiding common pitfalls that limit growth potential\r\nLeveraging modern inventory solutions for efficient supply planning\r\n\r\nAttendees will learn how to turn stockouts into opportunities, align demand with supply strategies, and make data-driven decisions. This session is ideal for founders, e-commerce managers, and operations professionals looking to transform their inventory management approach and drive business growth.\r\nJoin us to gain valuable insights that can immediately impact your business, helping you avoid inventory pitfalls and capitalize on every sales opportunity.","presenter":"Bahadir Efeoglu","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":235169,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Maximilian","lname":"Lehmann","cname2":"Fainin GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Launching Rental Businesses for Gen-Z: Leveraging Atomic Networks for E-Commerce Growth","bio":"With my team, I have launched a public sharing-marketplace called \n\nAnd here's where we stand today - after years of dedication and innovation:\n12,000+ usersj\n400+ rental shops\nPartnerships with multiple universities \n\nBut still not being profitable. So I started questioning everything.\n\"What if fainin doesn't make the impact I envisioned?\"\n\nThose doubts still resonate with me today.\n\nI faced my own moments of uncertainty. But then a simple yet powerful idea anchored me:\n\n\"WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO?!\"\nThought by billions of people while the countdown is running. \n\nIt became crystal clear: I want to be a catalyst for change. I want to tackle the big challenges of our time.\n\nAnd the most crucial realization:\nIf I can't drive change in existing systems, I'll build new ones. \n\nThis moment of clarity was the push I needed to fully commit to my mission.\nBut I started establishing sharing communities in companies. And the idea of evolved. \n\nToday, I understand that I was chasing a vision. Sustainability. Community. Innovation.\nToday, I realize that I embody something more. Impact. Connection. Boldness.\nToday, I can proudly say: I've never been more fulfilled.\n\nBecause this journey has empowered me:\n- to inspire a culture of sharing\n- connect with visionary individuals\n- co-found a transformative company\n-l create innovative solutions\n\nWhy? Because I align with my values and beliefs. Because I can authentically be myself.\n\nAnd that is truly remarkable.\n#TeilenIstDasNeueHaben","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Rental models are gaining traction, especially among younger, sustainability-conscious consumers like Gen-Z. In my presentation, I’ll share a case study of how one of our partner shops successfully launched a rental business using fainin’s atomic network strategy. By partnering with universities, the brand “Soundboks” was able to tap into a highly engaged target group—university students—offering flexible rental options that align with Gen-Z's values of access, sustainability, and affordability.\n\nDriven by fainin's partnership model with sustainability departments, the shop utilized fainin’s decentralized approach with multiple partner universities. I'll explain how these networks quickly gain traction within universities, creating a direct pathway to Gen-Z consumers. The shop not only expanded its customer base but also differentiated itself from competitors by offering a model that promotes sharing and resource optimization.\n\nWith a first university-partnership, more than 500 students got in touch with the brand in just the first semester (three months), with over 80% of those rentals coming from Gen-Z customers. Through the practical examples of communication, exclusive partnerships and customer stories, I’ll walk you through the exact steps we took to create a scalable rental model with minimal upfront investment.\nThe talk will provide actionable strategies for e-commerce professionals looking to enter the rental market or optimize their current business. Attendees will gain insights on how to use atomic networks to address specific target groups, build trust, and create a free marketing channel in challenging conditions. This presentation is ideal for any e-commerce business aiming to innovate, differentiate, and engage a younger, more sustainability-driven audience.","presenter":"Maximilian Lehmann","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236535,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marek","lname":"Danko","cname2":"Feed Image Editor technologies","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI-Driven Visual Search: Transforming Product Discovery for Higher Sales","bio":"Marek Danko is the product owner of the Feed Image Editor application. For over 5 years, he has been an expert in image marketing and other AI tools focused on batch image editing.","position":"product owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how AI-powered visual similarity tools are revolutionizing product image searches and boosting sales for e-commerce businesses. This presentation will explore how advanced algorithms identify similar product images, enhancing product discoverability, improving customer experience, and increasing conversion rates. Learn how leveraging visual AI technology can drive cross-selling, reduce returns, and optimize inventory through more intuitive product recommendations.","presenter":"Marek Danko","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":236103,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ksenia","lname":"Shagova","cname2":"FFFACE.ME","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Using AR mirrors and XR for offline to drive fashion, beauty, and FMCG retail sales","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the age of Digital Fashion, Beauty, and the Metaverse, it's crucial to distinguish effective instruments that drive sales from non-scalable hype bubbles. Experience has shown that the so-called Metaverse is not entirely about virtual worlds but about blending real-life experiences and digital content.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis talk covers:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n- analysis of our new cases at the intersection of XR and offline - AR Mirrors for Mugler and Prada and Semi-digital Clothing collection for Bershka\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n- review of concrete outcomes that we received - awareness, audience engagement, and sales growth\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n- the best and proven to be effective XR setups for offline and practical manual for their implementation\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAttendees will also learn essential, immediate action steps to take advantage of XR for offline and receive measurable and substantial sales growth.","presenter":"Polina Klekovkina","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235312,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tristant","lname":"Tare","cname2":"Fiber Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Cross-Border Excellence: The Role of Multilingual BPO Services in International Expansion\"","bio":"With over 16 years in the industry and 6 years of leadership experience in dynamic sales environments, my role as Head of Sales at We Are Fiber has honed my expertise in customer relationship management and team motivation. Previously, as a Project Manager, I successfully implemented change management strategies, ensuring seamless transitions and risk mitigation. Our team's mission at We Are Fiber is to deliver exceptional customer service while fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. My core competencies include leveraging CRM to build strong client relationships and leading teams through transformational change, all while aligning with the organization's vision of growth and excellence.","position":"Head Of Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's interconnected world, expanding your ecommerce business across borders requires more than just a robust logistics strategy ,It demands exceptional customer support in multiple languages. This session will explore how leveraging BPO services  for multilingual support, can drive international growth. Discover strategies to seamlessly integrate diverse language capabilities into your operations, enhance customer experiences, and navigate the complexities of cross-border expansion with confidence and excellence.","presenter":"Tristant Tare","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":234,"id":235505,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nihan","lname":"Gülşen","cname2":"fiCommerce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Navigating Growth and Challenges in MENA Region","bio":"Soner Cesur brings over 25 years of business experience, including more than 13 years in CEO roles. As the former Country CEO of Arvato Bertelsmann and Majorel Turkey, Soner has led large-scale operations, driving strategic growth and innovation in highly competitive markets. In addition to his corporate leadership, he is a successful entrepreneur, having acquired/ founded and scaled businesses. Soner’s entrepreneurial journey includes two highly successful exits, solidifying his reputation for identifying market opportunities and executing profitable strategies.","position":"Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus: The presentation will delve into the key aspects of e-commerce in the MENA region, with a particular emphasis on volumes, KPIs, market players, and consumer behaviors. Special attention will be given to cross-border and local sales opportunities in Türkiye, Saudi Arabia (KSA), the UAE, Egypt, and other MENA countries.\r\n\r\nValue: Attendees will gain insights into the opportunities and challenges of selling in a fast-growing, yet non-mature market. The session will also explore why e-commerce in the region offers significant potential and how businesses can strategically focus on it to drive growth.","presenter":"Soner Cesur","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":172,"id":235615,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Pia","lname":"Lyche","cname2":"Fieldwork","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Challenge The Ordinary","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Josh, a key figure at Fieldwork AS—an awarded brand experience agency that has been challenging the ordinary for over 20 years—has a unique approach to understanding what truly drives meaningful engagement. His mission? To discover what really makes people connect, whether in business or life.\r\n\r\nUnlike typical keynote speakers, Josh has ventured into the most unconventional environments to find answers: from shaking up the status quo in the boardrooms of towering investment banks and reimagining workshops for Big 4 consulting firms to pushing his limits in wild adventures for children's charities—think unicycling down mountains and bicycling across the Atlantic Ocean. Josh doesn't just speak about challenging the ordinary; he lives it, drawing on these extraordinary experiences to offer fresh, actionable insights for today’s business leaders.\r\n\r\nHis keynote is a captivating blend of humour, emotion, and practical advice. Audiences don’t just listen; they experience a shift in perspective, leaving inspired and ready to bring bold, new ways of connecting back to their teams. Get ready to break free from the ordinary and discover how to create meaningful connections like never before.","presenter":"Josh Stinton","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":172,"id":234526,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boris","lname":"von Brevern","cname2":"Fielmann AG / BORIS Consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Die Evolution von Multi- zu Omnichannel - Maximierung der Kundenzufriedenheit","bio":"Stefan Wolk ist Director E-Commerce und Innovation bei Fielmann und verantwortet die stetig wachsenden digitalen Vertriebskanäle des Omnichannel-Anbieters für Augenoptik und Hörakustik. Er hat über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Digitalbusiness und E-Commerce. Er hat in der Vergangenheit unter anderem für die Otto Group gearbeitet und schon mehrmals selbst gegründet - z.B. ein Surf-Startup. Stefan unterrichtet auch seit über 10 Jahren als Dozent an der Hochschule Fresenius im Fach E-Commerce. Er hat selbst einen Master in Betriebswirtschaft im Schwerpunkt Marketing von der Hochschule Wismar. Stefan kommt gebürtig aus Rostock und lebt seit 2003 in Hamburg.\nBoris von Brevern ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der BORIS Consulting GmbH. \nBoris von Brevern ist nicht nur Namensgeber, sondern vor allem auch Mastermind unseres Unternehmens. Seine Zielorientierung, seine Leidenschaft zum Handel und Lebensfreude bilden die Basis für seinen beruflichen Erfolg. Er gilt als Kenner innerhalb seiner Branche und setzt mit seinen Ideen und vor allem seinen Visionen Maßstäbe am Markt. Hierbei hat er immer den Endkunden im Fokus und setzt unmögliche Dinge mit Wissen und viel Herzblut um, denn Customer Value always brings Business Value. Er denkt N2N und verbindet wie mit Zauberhand IT, Operation und Strategie. Hinter jeder unternehmerischen Weiterentwicklung stecken Veränderungsprozesse und BORIS schafft es, die Menschen mitzunehmen, um die Projekte zum Erfolg zu führen.\n„BORIS“ steht darüber hinaus auch für „Buy-Online-Return-In-Store“ und besetzt damit sinnbildlich alle Themen rund um Omnichannel, eCommerce Fulfillment und den Handel.\nZusammen mit seinem Team und Netzwerk ist die BORIS Consulting GmbH Dein Partner im Handel.","position":"Director E-Commerce / CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Fielmann, einer der Top 3 Optiker weltweit und Marktführer in Deutschland, hat sich lange auf das stationäre Geschäft mit über 900 Filialen gestützt. Doch der späte Einstieg in den Online-Markt stellte uns vor eine besondere Herausforderung: zu viele Kunden, zu wenig digitale Services.\r\n\r\nMit der Einführung digitaler Services, einschließlich eines Onlineshops für Korrektionsbrillen, stiegen die Erwartungen der Kunden an nahtlose Omnichannel-Erlebnisse. Sie kauften online und erwarteten flexible Services wie Rückgaben und Umtausch in den Niederlassungen.\r\n\r\nIn unserem Vortrag beleuchten wir, wie wir diese Evolution vorangetrieben haben und die Herausforderungen in Payment und Logistik gemeistert wurden. Ein Highlight: die Einführung eines Retouren-Portals – welche Hürden wir dabei überwinden mussten und welche wertvollen Learnings wir aus diesem Prozess gewonnen haben.\r\n\r\nEchte Insights. Echte Herausforderungen. Ein praxisnaher Use-Case.","presenter":"Stefan Wolk / Boris von Brevern","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":141,"id":234934,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raffaele","lname":"Boiano","cname2":"Fifth Beat","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From transaction to relation: a case study about real estate ecommerce","bio":"Raffaele Boiano is a seasoned UX strategist with extensive experience in user-centered design, digital innovation, and service design. Professor @ Politecnico di Milano, Co-founder of Fifth Beat, he has worked with various global companies to improve their digital products and services. With a passion for human-centered solutions, Raffaele helps organizations align design practices with business goals while enhancing user experiences.\n\nFrancesco Vetica is a highly skilled UX/UI designer and Head of Design with a strong background in product development and user experience. His expertise lies in translating complex problems into intuitive, user-friendly solutions. Francesco has contributed to the success of numerous digital products, focusing on creating seamless and innovative design systems across multiple industries.","position":"Raffaele Boiano - CEO, Francesco Vetica - Partner \u0026 Head of Design","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Real estate isn’t just about selling houses. In today's digital ecosystem, the old-school way of doing product listing especially in real estate is out of time: the traditional transactional approach is rapidly shifting towards a more relationship-centered model.\r\n\r\nIn the world of eCommerce, products are often tangible, easy to compare, and can be shipped with a click. But real estate? It's a different beast entirely ‘cause it’s still pretty unusual to buy or to long rent a house with a full online flow.\r\nOur talk delves into the mapping and transformation of the customer journey within real estate e-commerce, highlighting how industry companies can turn their  business into a customer-centric powerhouse to foster long-term connections with clients. Through the storytelling of an in-depth case study ( - full redesign), we will explore strategies that leverage digital platforms, data analytics, and customer-centric innovations to enhance user experience, improve satisfaction, and build trust. \r\n\r\nAttendees will gain insights into key design activities along the customer journey—from tactic intervention to strategic initiatives—showcasing how real estate businesses can adapt to the digital age by prioritizing relationships over transactions.\r\n\r\nWe’d like an audience of professionals looking to understand the evolving dynamics of digital touchpoints and how to implement a customer-first approach to drive sustainable success.","presenter":"Raffaele Boiano - Francesco Vetica","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":36,"id":236481,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sristhi","lname":"Assudani","cname2":"Finhub","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Innovate \u0026 Thrive: Navigating Banking as a Service","bio":"Sristhi has 18 years of experience as a Technology Sales Leader and an Entrepreneur. She has Deep knowledge and a strong proven track record in domain and technology consulting, business architecture designs and implementation experience of large and complex change programs composing of multi-functional and multi-disciplined teams.\nHer education includes a Computer Engineering Degree from GGSIPU in 2006 and Executive management course from IIM Bangalore in 2011 and DEFi Curriculum from Frankfurt School of Finance \u0026 Management. She is also trained on Fundamental of Payment, SEPA and Transaction Monitoring and AML regulations. \nShe is currently working as the Global COO for Finhub which is fintech providing API based banking solutions,  capabilities for embedded finance and core acquiring and core issuing processing solutions. \nPrior to this she was the Chief Business Office at Mai Labs creating blockchain and metaverse solutions for global landscapes in financial instituion. \nHer blockchain journey started in 2020 as an exploration towards emerging technology in supply chain and Real Estate domains.\n\nPrior to this she worked as a Director for SettleMint, Sristhi helped enterprises in delivering DLT applications across multi- sectors/industries. She has deep functional expertise of Blockchain/Distributed ledger platforms like Hyperledger and Corda.\nShe is a member of Hyperledger India Chapter, Global Blockchain Association, International Token Standardization Association, and IEEE Blockchain Council. She is also empaneled as CBDC expert with Digital Euro Association. Additionally, she also member of World Metaverse council and Chapter President of VR/AR Association.\n\n","position":"Chief Operating Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Simplifying integrations of financial products  through a API based platform .Our current portfolio includes core banking, payments and issuing capabilities. \nFaster Time To Market \nAPI Banking \nEmbedded Finance\nFreedom from Licensing Needs","presenter":"Sristhi Assudani","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":236066,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Filip","lname":"Roose","cname2":"Fit Things (Slimbox)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Give your customers the best unpack experience possible.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Right-sized packaging is not only important to reduce your company's costs and carbon footprint, it's also the only physical touch point with the consumer. Do it right and you will bind your customers to your company. And yes, even for a small or medium sized companies, there is a perfect solution to step into the world of right-sized packaging.","presenter":"Filip Roose","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236580,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kevin ","lname":"van der Eijk ","cname2":"FiveX","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Data-Driven Leadership: Unlocking Profitability Through Strategic Management in E-Commerce","bio":"In 2018, I embarked on my journey into e-commerce while pursuing my studies in Business Engineering. Venturing into selling various products proved fruitful, yet it was here that I uncovered the vast potential residing at the intersection of data and e-commerce. Witnessing the exponential growth of the market, I recognized the burgeoning opportunities to streamline and automate business processes.\n\nDriven by this vision, I am spearheading the establishment of a globally-focused company dedicated to automating e-commerce operations. Firmly believing that automation is paramount for achieving scalability, our mission at FiveX is to empower businesses worldwide.In 2018, I embarked on my journey into e-commerce while pursuing my studies in Business Engineering. Venturing into selling various products proved fruitful, yet it was here that I uncovered the vast potential residing at the intersection of data and e-commerce. Witnessing the exponential growth of the market, I recognized the burgeoning opportunities to streamline and automate business processes. Driven by this vision, I am spearheading the establishment of a globally-focused company dedicated to automating e-commerce operations. Firmly believing that automation is paramount for achieving scalability, our mission at FiveX is to empower businesses worldwide.\n","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO FiveX","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Overview: In today's fast-paced e-commerce landscape, data has become the cornerstone of effective leadership and strategic management. With the rapid rise of retail media and shifting consumer behaviors, companies must leverage data as a key driver for innovation and differentiation. This session will focus on how leaders can integrate data into their strategic management processes to make informed decisions that enhance profitability and sustain growth.\n\nThe presentation will offer real-world examples from global brands like Bosch, Siemens, and HP, demonstrating how corporates are utilizing first-party (1P) data to overcome market challenges and optimize operations. For third-party (3P) sellers, such as Body\u0026Fit and Princess, we will showcase how they harness data to navigate competition and improve customer engagement. Attendees will gain practical insights into how data-driven strategies can unlock new opportunities in both corporate and 3P seller environments.\n\nKey Takeaways:\n\nThe Role of Data in Strategic Leadership: Why data is the highest priority for modern leadership and how it enables more agile, informed decision-making.\n\nCase Studies on Corporate Innovation: How Bosch, Siemens, and HP have integrated 1P data into their leadership strategies to enhance scalability, customer acquisition, and operational efficiency.\n\n3P Sellers and Data: How companies like Body\u0026Fit and Princess use data to address unique challenges, from pricing strategies to competitive positioning.\n\nInnovation Through Data: Innovative ways corporates and 3P sellers use data to unlock new revenue streams and enhance ROI from retail media.\n\nData-Driven Strategic Management: Practical frameworks for leaders to integrate analytics into their strategic management processes for long-term success.\n\nSpeaker Credentials: Presented by Kevin van der Eijk, Founder and CEO of FiveX.\n","presenter":"Kevin van der Eijk ","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":235482,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Konrad","lname":"Holtkamp","cname2":"FLIZpay","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Stop paying fees for payments, with FLIZpay!","bio":"With over a decade of experience in financial services, Konrad has specialised in payments, shaping the accounts and card strategy for a third of German bank accounts and conducting key studies on the European payments market. After starting his career in investment banking at BNP Paribas and Morgan Stanley, he transitioned to management consulting at zeb. These experiences ultimately led him to create FLIZ, driven by his passion for transforming the payments space into a more accessible and efficient market for everyone.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"FLIZ, the mobile payment method that is instant and free of fees for companies, while payers earn cashback on their payments.\n\nMore at","presenter":"Konrad Holtkamp","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":70,"id":234628,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ludmila","lname":"Braun","cname2":"fonlos services GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digitalisierung im Abo","bio":"- Pierre Lässig ist CEO des Berliner Unternehmens fonlos services Gmbh \u0026 Co. KG. \n- fonlos® Tech-as-a-Service ist seit inzwischen über 10 Jahren ein inhabergeführtes, mittelständisches Dienstleistungsunternehmen, tätig in einem absoluten Innovationsmarkt. \n- Aufgrund eines stark servicebasierten Leistungsportfolios sieht sich fonlos® nicht nur als Vermieter von Technik für Geschäftskunden, sondern als Digital-Dienstleister, der \"Technik zum Service macht\". Zu den Unternehmensthemen zählen: Neuste Produkte und Trends, Anwendungsthemen und Insights im Tech-Markt sowie die Circular bzw. Subscription Economy.\n- Das Unternehmen sowie der Gründer kommen aus einem Bereich, der nicht nur im Wandel begriffen und stark umkämpft ist, sondern der vielmehr selbst Teil des Wandels ist. Nicht zuletzt deswegen scheut sich Pierre Lässig nicht davor auch wichtige Themen, so z.B. gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftspolitischer Art anzufassen, es spricht sich dafür aus vielfältige Perspektiven einzubringen und einen offenen Diskurs aufrechtzuerhalten. Mit welchem Hintergrund? Nicht nur um seine Vision am Markt nachhaltig durchzusetzen, sondern für einen auch in Zukunft starken deutschen Mittelstand.\n- Pierre Lässig hat zudem branchenintern unter diversen Zuliefern, OEMs, Channel Partnern, Banken/Finanzinstituten in Deutschland eine gewisse Bekanntheit und +3000 Follower auf Linkedin. Zuletzt sei noch sein Bühnenvortrag über fonlos® im Rahmen des Google Germany / Chromebook Standes auf der diesjährigen DMEA in Berlin genannt - wobei fonlos® als Unternehmen in den letzten Jahren auf zahlreiche offizielle Kooperationen, wie z.B. mit Samsung Neues Lernen oder dem Ideenzug der Deutschen Bahn zurückblickt sowie Konferenzen wie die re:publica in Berlin unterstützt hat.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Welt ist im Wandel. Sie wird vor allem nicht weniger digital. Altes Denken zu hinterfragen, neue Wege und Lösungen zu finden, ist daher heute entscheidend, um auch in der Zukunft noch zu Bestehen. Wollen Betriebe skalierbar sein und sich dauerhaft kosteneffizienter digitalisieren, kommen sie daher nicht umhin zu prüfen, ob es Sinn macht, Technik und IT-Services nach wie vor klassisch einzukaufen oder ob es nicht Teil einer jeden Digitalstrategie sein sollte, in Lösungen statt in Produkten zu denken und den Besitz durch den Nutzen auszutauschen. ","presenter":"Pierre Lässig","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":46,"id":234808,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florine","lname":"Bruns","cname2":"Forte Digital Central Europe","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Checkout: Crafting Shopping Experiences That Keep Customers Coming Back (Without Discounts)","bio":"Joachim Bader is the Managing Partner at Forte Digital Central Europe, a leading digital consultancy. With over 20 years of experience in digital businesses and customer experiences, Bader has been a trusted advisor to major clients like MPREIS and Migros. His extensive career includes leadership roles at renowned firms such as Publicis Sapient, Razorfish, Wunderman, and Telefónica. Bader has guided global brands like Hugo Boss, Nivea, Audi, and Lufthansa through successful digital transformations, solidifying his reputation as a key expert in the digital space.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Why do we keep returning to certain stores, even when they’re neither the most convenient nor the cheapest option? On mobile devices, what makes us tap on specific apps or search for particular stores when countless other options are just a tap away on our screens? \n \nIn this talk, we’ll uncover the secret to creating shopping experiences—especially on mobile devices—that captivate customers and keep them coming back. Not because of discounts, but because they genuinely love the experience. \n\nWe’ll explore the hidden dynamics of the shopping journey: the tension, engagement, and rewards that make certain shopping experiences irresistible. We’ll delve into the emotions and motivations that build true loyalty, drawing parallels to the thrill we feel when watching sports, discovering new places, attending concerts, or visiting museums. \n\nIn today’s retail landscape, it’s not just about selling products—it’s about understanding why something is offered and what keeps customers coming back. \n\nThis talk will be enriched by compelling case studies and insightful data from the worlds of fashion, food, and beyond. \n","presenter":"Joachim Bader","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":98,"id":236530,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Subarna","lname":"Mukherjee","cname2":"Founder - Shop Culture, Ex- Product leader Amazon, Ex-Category Leader Walmart","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Localization Imperative: Customizing for Global Markets Without Losing Brand Identity","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"40% of global consumers abandon a website if it’s not in their native language.\r\n73% of buyers are more likely to purchase when an offering feels personalized.\r\n\r\nAs brands expand globally, the pressure to localize while maintaining a cohesive brand identity is critical. Localization now goes beyond translation—it’s about creating connections, adapting to cultural nuances, and adhering to local regulations.\r\n\r\nIn my last role at Amazon, I led the Customer Experience for EU Expansion, helping brands enter emerging EU economies. Currently, at Shop Culture, I guide brands across Asia, Europe, and the US, to scale internationally. My experience gives me a unique perspective on why localization is critical and how to do it effectively.\r\n\r\nCase Study 1: Expanding a UK Beverage Brand to 9 EU Markets\r\nFor a UK Beverage brand, we adapted product messaging to reflect health trends and consumer preferences in different EU countries. Germany was more focused on sustainability and local sourcing, which required us to emphasize the brand’s eco-friendly packaging and ethical sourcing. Conversely, in France, consumers were more interested in the health benefits, leading us to reframe the marketing around hydration and natural electrolytes.\r\n\r\nCase Study 2: Introducing a French Luxury Brand to the US\r\nWhen expanding a French luxury brand into the US, we realized that the typical \"white glove\" customer service model in France didn’t align with the more casual, tech-driven service expectations in the US. By integrating a conversational customer service chatbot, we improved customer satisfaction by 50% within six months, while still maintaining the brand’s luxury appeal.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n1.\tActionable Localization Strategies: Ways to localize without losing brand identity.\r\n2.\tReal-World Solutions: More Case studies showing how we tailored strategies for successful global scaling.\r\n3.\tAvoiding Pitfalls: Common mistakes brands make and how to navigate cultural, legal, and operational barriers.","presenter":"Subarna Mukherjee","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":210,"id":236540,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Cikanek","cname2":"Freelancer","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Battle for Marketplaces in CEE \u0026 Eastern Europe","bio":"I've spent over 2,700 days helping brands and companies sell on Amazon and other marketplaces like Kaufland, Allegro, eMag, eBay, and Alza. Over the years, I’ve had the chance to chat with more than 2,200 companies about Amazon and how they can succeed there.\n\nAfter 7.5 years of building Expando, I decided to branch out on my own as a freelancer, helping brands make their mark on Amazon. My focus is on getting real results and helping businesses grow.\n\nOh, and if you ever see me around (virtually or in person) and notice a few scars, no worries! I’m not dangerous—I just like to box in my free time, and sometimes it shows.","position":"Freelancer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Amazon rules in the West, but the East is a whole different game. Each country has its own big marketplace like Allegro, Emag, or Kaufland, all trying to be the 'Amazon of the East.' Then you've got specialized players like Decathlon and Zalando jumping in, while local champs like Alza are fighting to hold their ground.","presenter":"David Cikánek","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":24,"id":234832,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Pia","lname":"Linde","cname2":"Frontnow GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How GenAI Boosts Customer Experience for Enterprises - Case Study with Audi","bio":"Marc Funk, Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer von Frontnow, verbindet erfolgreiches Unternehmertum mit tiefer Leidenschaft. Mit Erfahrungen aus der Gründung eines Insurtechs, der Leitung eines führenden Fintech-Unternehmens in Europa und dem Aufbau eines der größten Online-Supermärkte Deutschlands, kennt er die Herausforderungen moderner Unternehmen genau. Im Jahr 2020 gründete er gemeinsam mit Cedric May und Bernhard Lihotzky Frontnow. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Online-Shopping durch den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz dynamischer, individueller und inspirierender zu gestalten und somit das Online-Einkaufs- und Beratungserlebnis neu zu definieren.\n","position":"Gründer \u0026 Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Keynote zeigt Gründer \u0026 MD Marc Funk, wie Generative AI die Customer Experience im Enterprise-Bereich revolutioniert, basierend auf der Zusammenarbeit mit Audi. Erfahren Sie, wie GenAI maßgeschneiderte, automatisierte Erlebnisse schafft, die Kundenerwartungen übertreffen und gleichzeitig die betriebliche Effizienz steigern. Die Case Study mit Audi verdeutlicht, wie führende Unternehmen GenAI erfolgreich integrieren, um höhere Conversion Rates und Bestellwerte zu erzielen, während DSGVO- und IP-Standards eingehalten werden. Diese Keynote richtet sich an Entscheider\r\nim E-Commerce, die innovative Wege suchen, um ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken und die Customer Experience zu optimieren. Abschließend gibt es eine Q\u0026A-Runde, in der Sie wertvolle Einblicke und Tipps für die Implementierung von GenAI in Ihrem Unternehmen erhalten.","presenter":"Marc Funk","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":27,"id":235787,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michał","lname":"Barski","cname2":"Fulfilio","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling Your E-Commerce: How Poland's Fulfillment Powerhouse Can Boost Your German Operations","bio":"Arkadiusz Filipowski is the CEO of Fulfilio, a leading Warsaw-based fulfillment company that specializes in end-to-end logistics solutions for e-commerce businesses across Europe. With over a decade of experience in the logistics and e-commerce sectors, Arkadiusz has been instrumental in driving Fulfilio’s growth from a local operation to an international powerhouse, managing over 10 million shipments per month for over 100 clients worldwide.\n\nUnder his leadership, Fulfilio has expanded its operations to include three state-of-the-art warehouses with a combined area of 48,000 m², with plans to add another 15,000 m² in 2025. Fulfilio serves clients across 62 countries, focusing on helping non-EU businesses enter the European market through tailored logistics, tax management, and fulfillment services.\n\nArkadiusz’s expertise lies in leveraging fulfillment to scale e-commerce operations efficiently, with a focus on cross-border logistics, omnichannel integration, and data-driven optimization. His innovative approach to logistics has positioned Fulfilio as a trusted partner for scaling e-commerce businesses, particularly for companies looking to expand in Germany and across Europe.\n\nArkadiusz is passionate about helping businesses grow through optimized logistics strategies, and he regularly shares his insights at industry events, offering valuable perspectives on how fulfillment can be a powerful growth driver for e-commerce companies.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Why Fulfillment in Poland Makes Sense for German Businesses\n\nLower operational costs without sacrificing quality\nGeographic advantage (close proximity to Germany)\nCross-border logistics efficiency with the EU framework\nFulfilio’s Expertise in Handling Rapid Growth\n\nExperience in scaling operations for e-commerce businesses across Europe\nReal-world examples (case studies) of how businesses increased their market share through strategic logistics.\nOmnichannel Integration and Seamless Customer Experiences\n\nHow Polish fulfillment solutions enhance omnichannel capabilities\nPersonalized, faster delivery options for German customers\nTech-Driven Fulfillment for Scalability\n\nThe role of automation, data analytics, and AI in optimizing fulfillment and reducing delivery times\nTransparency and control for e-commerce managers","presenter":"Arkadiusz Filipowski","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":60,"id":235359,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Veronika","lname":"Maier","cname2":"fulfillmenttools","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mission: Order Impossible - Navigating through the chaos of order fulfillment","bio":"Udo Rauch, Managing Director at fulfillmenttools, a MACH based OMS, is a seasoned Leader in the software industry with over two decades of experience. His journey includes over 12 years at IBM followed by further leadership positions within major commerce technology vendors, including his position as Chief Sales Officer at commercetools. \n\nHe is known for his breadth and depth of expertise in SaaS and commerce, advocating for modern technology principles like composability and cloud infrastructure. His strategic insight and commitment to driving innovation in the digital landscape is recognized \u0026 cherished among his peers.","position":"Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the complex world of omnichannel °fulfillment, mastering the intricacies is essential for success. Making the right decisions at the right time is crucial for optimal performance.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we will speak about: \r\nDeciphering the complexities of optimized order routing decisions\r\nOvercoming obstacles within complex fulfillment networks\r\nMastering the art of omnichannel fulfillment\r\n\r\nAs you navigate the challenging landscape of inventory nodes and customer journey optimization, be prepared for unexpected challenges. Successfully achieving these goals will equip your organization to deliver outstanding fulfillment performance.","presenter":"Udo Rauch","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":25,"id":236526,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Denis","lname":"Luth","cname2":"Fullbrands GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"10 Tipps für Erfolg auf Amazon - vom Topseller für angehende Topseller","bio":"Profil\n\nDenis Luth – fullbrands GmbH\n\nDenis ist geboren und aufgewachsen bei Stuttgart und ist seit 2009 eine feste Größe im E-Commerce. Seit vielen Jahren hat sich Denis und sein Team ausschließlich auf Amazon fokussiert und gehören hier zu den anerkannten Experten auf ihrem Gebiet.\nMit 5 Unternehmen in Deutschland, Ungarn und den USA sowie seinen Marken mit über 10+ Millionen Euro Jahresumsatz gehört er zur internationalen Elite im Bereich Amazon.\nMit seiner Agentur fullbrands hilft er und sein Team, kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen dabei ebenfalls deutlich mehr Erfolg auf Amazon zu erreichen. Die Produktfotos und Listings von fullbrands werden als der Goldstandard im Bereich Amazon Listings bezeichnet. Durch jahrelange Erfahrung im Bereich PPC Werbekampagnen gehören die fullbrands Kampagnen mit zu den stärksten Amazon Werbekampagnen die Millionen Umsätze einspielen.\nDenis ist besonders gerne für Amazon spezifische Events gebucht und tritt regelmäßig auf Events in Podcasts und Communities als Experte zum Thema Amazon auf.\nVon seinen Kunden wird Denis als bodenständig, nahbar und sehr hilfsbereit beschrieben, dem der Erfolg seiner Kunden wirklich am Herzen liegt.\n","position":"Founder and CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ich gebe 10 Tipps für alle Amazon Seller aus meinen über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im Ecommerce mit Spezialisierung auf Amazon und meinen 5 Unternehmen in 3 Ländern auf 2 Kontinenten. Wer schnelles und nachhaltiges Wachstum auf dem größten Marktplatz haben will, der benötigt des gewisse Know-How um wirklich erfolgreich zu sein. 10 wirklich anwendbare Tipps und Quickwins zum Thema Amazon und Unternehmemsaufbau.","presenter":"Denis Luth","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":234492,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mohammad","lname":"Hashemi","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Ecomm platforms are meant to be customized - AI finally makes it cost and time effective","bio":"Mohammad Hashemi is the cofounder and CEO of Gadget, a tech platform that enables ecommerce brands, agencies and app developers to build custom ecommerce software quickly and efficiently. Gadget is backed by Sequoia, Bessemer, along with executives at Shopify, and OpenAI. \n\nPrior to founding Gadget, Mohammad was a product executive at Shopify where he led the company's financial initiatives. During his time there, he was responsible for the creation and growth of many of Shopify's flagship products including, Shopify Payments, the checkout, and Shop Pay (the one-click check now used by hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide). ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A presentation on the growing need for customization when using ecommerce platforms, the challenges in doing so (cost and time), and how AI has turned the equation on its head):\r\n\r\nThe use of ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, Salesforce and others has grown exponentially over the last five years. Rarely are retailers building their own ecommerce solutions from scratch. However, using third party platforms often comes with limitations as the platforms are opinionated and often require you to adhere to those opinions in order to use them. To address this, platforms offer APIs that allow brands to spend time and money taking parts of the ecommerce offering and customizing it. However, building custom applications is incredibly expensive and timeconsuming. Often brands are faced with the choice of compromising on their vision, or eating exhorbant development costs to build the customization they need.\r\n\r\nAI has flipped this equation on its head by automating such a large portion of the custom app development workflow that you can now build customizations on top of popular ecommerce platforms for a fraction of the cost and time. This means brands should re-evaluate their heuristics for when they decide to accept the platform's defaults, vs build their own unique customizations on top. We're now in a golden age of custom app development, and this should allow for brands to benefit from the efficiencies of using ecommerce platforms, while staying true to their unique vision and brand.","presenter":"Mohammad Hashemi","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235276,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mihai","lname":"Popescu","cname2":"Galeria, Esprit, Metro","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why big retailers fail at eCommerce","bio":"Mihai is a full stack digital marketing leader, with a strong background in media and performance marketing. His last role was Head of Digital Marketing at Galeria Kaufhof Karstadt, after the same position at Esprit, the Californian rooted global fashion retailer. Prior to these roles, for the last 10 year he was building and leading marketing teams for ecommerce and travel marketplaces within the Metro, Expedia group and various startups. Currently he is advising companies on improving their marketing tech stack and CX strategies. He’s interested in leveraging 1st party data via customer data platforms and marketing technology. Originally from Bucharest, Romania, he lives in Dusseldorf, Germany and shares common interests with others via professional basketball and the video games industry.","position":"Head of Digital Marketing","logotype":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=CKOTgviJlJC6RsNwdfrmRBXYguPnL3Oo8jFbw0BkMtk","presentation_description":"Large retailers such as Galeria, Esprit and Metro have tried to dominate eCommerce. Some of them were top 10 eshops in Germany for a time, while others are desperately trying to become an eCom unicorn. But why do they struggle and fail? From failed business models to bad strategic decisions on tech, marketing and legal, they crumbled and failed to deliver value in their bottom line. I will expose some of these mistakes and how you can avoid the pitfalls they experienced. This season is for seasoned ecom leaders and D2C newbies alike!","presenter":"Mihai Popescu","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":236413,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Giovanna","lname":"Demopoulos","cname2":"GEEIQ","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Gaming is the next big e-commerce channel for brands.","bio":"Charles Hambro is CEO and Co-Founder of GEEIQ, a London-based data platform, team of experts and insights provider that's fuelling success for brands such as Walmart, L'Oréal, H\u0026M and even Elton John in gaming and virtual worlds. In 2023, Charles was named one of Vogue Business' 100 Innovators for his pioneering role in transitioning gaming platforms into full-funnel marketing channels for brands. Prior to GEEIQ, he co-founded the media publication Gentleman’s Journal.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=2g_lt9-DolkovFs8kfD1bLjH-Hm0r2x23HOp_cnWCik","presentation_description":"With Roblox and Shopify’s new partnership, sellers can engage with 80 million daily active users, many of whom are prime, Gen Z consumers.\r\n\r\nMajor brands, like Walmart and E.l.f. Beauty are already leveraging these tools to sell real-world items in the virtual gaming world…\r\n\r\nBut does this actually build brand loyalty and drive sales amongst ad-averse audiences? How do you measure success in such a new space? What does the future of this opportunity look like and is it just hype?\r\n\r\nCharles Hambro has built virtual and gaming strategies for brands like Gucci, Elton John and LEGO. In this session, he will guide you through the opportunities in this space, focusing on how brands can utilize these virtual platforms to convert digital engagement to loyalty to tangible revenue.\r\n\r\nThis session is perfect for innovative marketing leaders and e-commerce experts looking to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving landscape, where digital experiences translate into real-world impact.","presenter":"Charles Hambro","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":235607,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Danielle","lname":"Eldredge","cname2":"Gelato","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Rethinking Production: Empowering Global Ecommerce with Local, Sustainable Solutions","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's fast-moving ecommerce landscape, businesses face a daunting challenge: how to meet the growing demand for personalized products while balancing sustainability, speed, and cost. This dilemma becomes even more critical as consumers demand more localized solutions that minimize environmental impact. At Gelato, we believe the future of ecommerce lies in rethinking the way the world produces.\r\nImagine reaching a global audience without having to build factories or manage complex supply chains. Thanks to local, on-demand production, this is now possible—and it's smarter, faster, and greener.\r\nIn her presentation, Minna Philipson, Gelato’s Chief Marketing Officer and former executive at Adidas and Pandora, will illustrate how this transformation is already happening, spotlighting real-world examples like Brigz Tattoos. This dynamic ecommerce brand built an $80,000 business in just weeks by leveraging technology to automate operations, connect with global customers, and grow their product range to over 200 designs. The result? Doubling revenue year-over-year, all while supporting local communities.\r\nThrough stories like Brigz Tattoos, Minna will demonstrate how Gelato empowers ecommerce sellers to access a global market while producing locally. This not only slashes distances, emissions, and delivery times but also strengthens local economies. As orders are produced only when sold, we eliminate overproduction and reduce waste, creating a more sustainable and efficient model for businesses of all sizes.\r\nDrawing on her experience in both B2B and B2C sectors, Minna will share insights on how ecommerce businesses can thrive by embracing smarter production methods that not only scale globally but do so sustainably. It’s time to rethink production—for the benefit of people and the planet.","presenter":"Minna Philipson","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236559,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefanie","lname":"Kröber","cname2":"Genie Goals","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Cracking the Code: How to Launch Your E-Commerce Brand Internationally","bio":"In my 10 years of working in PPC/SEA, I’ve helped brands like Calvin Klein, Amara, and Tower London expand internationally. As an Account Director at Genie Goals, a Google International Growth Programme partner, I specialise in driving global growth for top brands.","position":"Account Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are you ready to take your e-commerce brand global but are unsure where to start? In this talk, I’ll guide you through the key steps to successfully launch and localise your brand in new markets.\nI’ll show how to use tools like GA4 and Google Trends to identify the right markets, set realistic KPIs, \u0026 avoid common pitfalls. With real-world examples from homeware \u0026 luxury fashion brands, you'll learn how to secure internal buy-in \u0026 navigate global expansion successfully.\nLaunching in a new market is just the beginning - localising your website is the key to turning global visitors into loyal customers. I’ll cover practical steps beyond translation, like adjusting for local seasons \u0026 optimising product pages with tailored support options \u0026 payment methods. These small, market-specific tweaks can significantly boost conversion rates, \u0026 I’ll provide actionable insights to ensure a seamless user experience.\nBy the end, you'll have a clear roadmap for entering new markets with confidence \u0026 optimising your global presence for success.","presenter":"Stefanie Kröber","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":50,"id":236347,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Omer","lname":"Kamal","cname2":"German Wear GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of the E-commerce is AI. Are we ready?","bio":"Mr. Omer Kamal from Hannover Germany, a highly skilled Business Analyst, Consultant in Business automations and experienced CEO of a German company in Hannover, Germany with more than two decades of extensive work experience with some of the top-notch e-commerce companies like Amazon \u0026 Co. (as a Seller and Vendor), OTTO, PlentyMarkets, Ebay, Kaufland, Yatego, Rakuten, Shopgate and more. With his expertise in various areas such as ERP/CRM-Systems, Google \u0026 Amazon advertisement, SEO optimization, Business Digital Optimization, payment systems, implementations, operations management, retail, logistics \u0026 freight management and more.\n\nMr. Omer Kamal has established himself as a strong business development professional. He holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree focused on Computational Mathematics and Software Engineering. He is experienced in the launch and success of brands as well as product development and logistics from Pakistan.\n\nIn addition to his impressive professional background, Mr. Omer Kamal is also dedicated to a noble cause. He is determined to increase exports from Pakistan to fight poverty and simultaneously spread Quranic enlightenment to help people out with their spiritual, mental, and family issues. With his unique blend of business acumen and social responsibility, Mr. Kamal is making a significant impact in his industry and community.","position":"Owner/Inhaber","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the e-commerce landscape, reshaping how businesses interact with customers. From personalized recommendations and predictive analytics to automated customer service via chatbots, AI is enhancing the online shopping experience. AI-driven tools are helping companies better understand consumer behavior, optimize pricing, and streamline logistics.\n\nHowever, with the rise of AI, challenges remain. Many companies are still grappling with data privacy concerns, the ethical use of AI, and ensuring their systems are scalable to handle increased automation. As AI's influence grows, businesses must ask: Are we prepared for the technological, ethical, and regulatory shifts required to fully harness AI's potential in e-commerce?\n\nThe future is bright, but readiness will depend on how quickly companies can adapt to these advancements.","presenter":"Omer Kamal","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":234617,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefan","lname":"Vorwerk","cname2":"GetAway Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Organic search eruption - How Google's AI course is impacting e-commerce SEO strategies","bio":"As an expert in e-commerce SEO, Stefan worked for 10 years as a consultant follow by his time as Head of SEO at About You. There he was responsible for the SEO strategy of 26 international online stores. \n\nCurrently he is responsible for the multiple travel platforms of the GetAway Group, a member of the Hometogo ecosystem, as a Head of SEO.\n\nSince the end of 2020 he has published the DESI 250 (German E-Commerce Visibility Index of the 250 most visible online stores) and regularly explains which measures make the fastest growing online stores successful in SEO.\n\nThat's why he is a frequent guest at the largest SEO conferences in Germany, in podcasts and also shares his knowledge in online and offline publications.","position":"Head of SEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation I will show the results of my latest DESI 250* study. I will explain how Google has gradually changed the structure of its e-commerce SERPs in the USA and Europe in recent months in order to position itself much closer to conversion and how AI overviews in particular play a decisive role in this.\r\n\r\nI explain how you need to adapt your e-commerce SEO strategy in order to be able to react to the new framework conditions in the best possible way and which specific tactical measures play the biggest role for the most successful stores from the DESI 250.\r\n\r\nAmong other things you can expect the following:\r\n\r\n- We will take a look at the possibilities for optimizing your own shopping feed (aka Google Merchant Center) and how the interlinking of SEA and SEO can help you to be even better positioned.\r\n\r\n- How stores are now optimizing their product detail pages in order to be represented in the various SERP integrations and which best practices the most successful stores use to become and remain visible\r\n\r\n- What technical requirements stores need to meet in terms of website excellence to be considered a relevant and trusted source of AI overviews in Google SERPs\r\n\r\nMy talk is intended to help you translate the right measures into a flexible SEO strategy for e-commerce companies in order to be prepared for the future, because:\r\n\r\nAlthough Google's own positioning may have a negative impact on click-through rates, SEO is a more important acquisition channel for profitability than ever, especially as click-through rates continue to rise.\r\n\r\n\r\n*About the DESI 250: The German E-Commerce Visibility Index (DESI) monitors the development of the SEO performance of the 250 most visible online stores in organic search and thus allows successful strategies to be derived.","presenter":"Stefan Vorwerk","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":25,"id":236325,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sina","lname":"Chakeri","cname2":"Getida","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Amazon Global: Strategies for International Brands on Worldwide Marketplaces","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How can large brands successfully expand internationally through Amazon? This talk would focus on optimizing the supply chain, addressing cultural and language adaptations, and navigating the legal challenges and local competition across different Amazon marketplaces. It would also cover strategies for managing inventory across multiple regions, handling international logistics (like customs and shipping), and ensuring compliance with local regulations.","presenter":"Sina Chakeri","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236322,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raiha","lname":"Buchanan","cname2":"Gigapay","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Global Growth: Mastering Compliance and Tax for Influencer Payments","bio":"Raiha Buchanan is a dynamic tech entrepreneur and Cofounder at Gigapay, specializing in simplifying cross-border creator payouts for businesses scaling their influencer marketing operations. With a deep understanding of influencer marketing's impact on global e-commerce, she helps brands navigate the complexities of tax compliance and employment laws, ensuring smooth scaling without overwhelming operational teams. Raiha’s expertise in fintech and her innovative approach make her a go-to speaker for anyone looking to streamline their influencer payment processes and grow their marketing strategy. ","position":"Co-founder Gigapay ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Influencer marketing is becoming a key channel for global e-commerce brands, driving down CAC and boosting AOV. But with growth comes complexity—navigating local tax, employment laws, and cross-border reporting can turn what should be a scalable channel into an operational nightmare. In this keynote, we’ll unpack the often-overlooked compliance and tax hurdles that come with scaling influencer payments internationally. Discover how to simplify these processes without overwhelming your Finance and Operations team, so you can scale faster, cut costs, and keep your brand on the right side of the law. This session is a must for anyone looking to streamline their influencer payment processes and take their influencer marketing strategy global.","presenter":"Raiha Buchanan","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":236161,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Patrick","lname":"Löffler","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"What's behind benefits that create additional revenue for retailers and e-commerce","bio":"My career started, when I was 17 years old and a member of the German National Snowboarding Team. During my university time, in Munich, Paris and London, I successfully owned an own bar. My master thesis included the creation of a surfing magazine. This was later my first exit. After an 8 year long corporate management career I co-founded in 2010 givve® (PL Gutscheinsysteme GmbH) which we successfully sold in 2018.","position":"Co-Founder ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Tax fringe benefits create sales at retailers and e-commerce. In Germany 50 € are tax free per month per employe. givve alone provides these benefits to 550.000 users at 23.000 clients. givve survived the Wirecard catastrophe and after that the Railsbank drama. Every time zero money was lost for the card holders. The audience will learn lessons from these existential crises.","presenter":"Patrick Löffler","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":34,"id":235274,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Maike","lname":"Schuster","cname2":"givve® \u0026 detailM Gmbh","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digitalstrategie in der B2B Lead Akquise anhand von givve®","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Präsentation geben Adrian von Nostitz (CMO \u0026 CSO, givve®) und Robert Kolloch (CEO, detailM GmbH) einen praxisnahen Einblick in die Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Digitalstrategie für B2B-Lead-Akquise. Sie erfahren, welche Herausforderungen zu Beginn der Zusammenarbeit zwischen givve® und detailM bestanden und wie durch gezielte Maßnahmen der Relaunch 2019/2020 umgesetzt wurde. Zudem werden die eingesetzten Strategien in den Bereichen SEO, SEA und CRO vorgestellt, die die digitale Sichtbarkeit und Conversion maßgeblich verbessert haben. Abschließend erhalten Sie konkrete Ergebnisse und Learnings aus diesem erfolgreichen Projekt.","presenter":"Adrian von Nostitz (CMO \u0026 CSO, givve®) und Robert Kolloch (CEO, detailM GmbH)","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":65,"id":236124,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Markus","lname":"Elbers","cname2":"GK Artificial Intelligence for Retail AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Die 7 Mythen rund um  Dynamic Pricing und deren Widerlegung","bio":"09/2024 - bis heute   Director Sales EMEA GK AIR AG (Mitglied der GK-Software Gruppe / ehemals prudsys AG)\n01/2020 - 08/2024\tSenior Client Solution Executive bei der GK Software SE\n06/2019 - 12/2019  \tKey-Account Manager bei der prudsys AG                          \t (Mitglied der GK-Software Gruppe)\n09/2017 – 05/2019\tSales Manager e-Commerce bei der prudsys AG\n08/2011 – 08/2017 \tTeamleiter Online-Marketing bei der Saxonum GmbH (Tochterunternehmen der KOMSA Gruppe)\n09/2009 – 07/2011 \tE-Mail-Marketing Manager bei der Saxonum GmbH (Tochterunternehmen der KOMSA Gruppe)\n02/2009 – 08/2009 \tPraktikum als E-Mail-Marketing Manager bei der Saxonum GmbH (Tochterunternehmen der KOMSA Gruppe)\n11/2008 – 01/2009\t Praktikum als Eventmanager bei der Saxonum GmbH (Tochterunternehmen der KOMSA Gruppe)\n04/2004 – 12/2009 \tStudium der Angewandten Medienwissenschaften an der Technischen Universität in Ilmenau (Abschluss als Diplom-Medienwissenschaftler) ","position":"Director Sales EMEA","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Intelligente Algorithmen optimieren die Sortimentspreise in Echtzeit und berücksichtigen die komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Pricing-Einflussfaktoren (z. B. Nachfrage, Wettbewerb, Preissensibilität, Wetter). GK AIR Dynamic Pricing ermöglicht eine strategische Preisgestaltung für alle Artikel entsprechend den Unternehmenszielen – Umsatz, Gewinn sowie Frequenz steigern.\r\n\r\nEffizienzsteigerungen durch Prozessautomatisierung an allen Touchpoints und  kosteneffiziente und fehlerfreie Pricing-Workflows sind weitere Vorteile der Lösung. Dabei haben die Händler stets planbare Setup-Kosten und ein garantiert schnellen Go-Live.","presenter":"Markus Elbers","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":235665,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Wenzel","cname2":"GK Software","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"I am Offline\" – The New Luxury: Balancing Automation, AI, and the Human Experience in Retail","bio":"David Wenzel began his career as a Media Manager (Bsc) developing digital online communication strategies to enhance brand visibility.\nWith a background in marketing and product photography, he transitioned into retail as an AI researcher and sales consultant, focusing on data-driven solutions like AI-based Dynamic Pricing and Personalization engines that optimize sales strategies.\nHe believes in the importance of combining practical explanations with thorough research to make complex ideas clearer and approachable.\n\nAs a speaker, David has shared his insights at important events, including the London Retail Technology Show, the #K5 Trade Fair in Berlin and also participated in engaging panel discussions at HSRM and the Data Mining Cup.\n","position":"Media Manager \u0026 Key Account Executive","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Autonomous stores, the concept of Omnichannel, AI-powered shopping carts and immersive pop-up experiences are reshaping the way we shop. Retailers can leverage these technologies to enhance efficiency and security, while transforming the customer experience.\n\nHowever, surrounded by all the AI and automation hype, we often forget to focus on one key element:  THE CUSTOMER\nMany still prefer shopping in physical stores, seeking personal interaction, sensory experiences, and immediate satisfaction.\n\nThe future of retail lies in blending automation, artificial intelligence and the human touch—a combination that boosts profitability, customer loyalty, and engagement. For successful retailers, it’s about more than just adopting new technologies; it's about adapting them to meet diverse customer needs while keeping the offline shopping experience as a luxury.\n\nIn this session, you will learn:\n-\tHow autonomous stores and innovative Checkouts are transforming the shopping behavior and efficiency\n-\tNeuromarketing strategies and experiential pop-ups that drive emotional customer engagement\n-\tHow to balance automation with personal interaction for optimal retail experiences\n-\tKey insights for launching a successful loyalty program\n-\tThe crucial role of AI in fraud detection","presenter":"David Wenzel","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":236109,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tatiana","lname":"Staffaroni","cname2":"Gleen AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI’s Secret Superpower: How It Sells Before You Even Know You’re Buying","bio":"Ashu Dubey is the co-founder and CEO of Gleen, an AI-powered shopping and support concierge transforming eCommerce. With a background as a product leader at LinkedIn, where he launched LinkedIn Events, Ashu brings a deep understanding of scaling customer experiences.\n\nNow, he's on a mission to help the fastest-growing brands deliver personalized shopping guidance and seamless support—without compromising quality. Trusted by fastest-growing brands like Puffy, Tatcha, and Dimo, Gleen sets the standard for effortless customer experience.\n\nBacked by top investors, Ashu is shaping the future of AI in eCommerce, empowering brands to elevate their customer journeys with ease.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"What if your customer support wasn’t just answering questions, but silently driving revenue and saving abandoned carts in the background? AI has evolved into a subtle but powerful tool that does more than troubleshoot—it sells. \r\n\r\nThis presentation will dive into the hidden ways AI now influences purchasing decisions by anticipating customers' needs, offering personalized recommendations, and giving that gentle push just before they click away. \r\n\r\nAI still saves money by automating customer support across every channel, handling repeat questions without missing a beat. But now, it’s learned a new trick: making money. \r\n\r\nKey takeaways from this presentation include:\r\n\r\n- AI’s Role in Revenue Generation: Discover how AI seamlessly integrates into the buying process, making data-driven recommendations that increase order value and reduce the risk of abandoned carts.\r\n- The Power of Personalization: Learn how AI leverages customer data to create hyper-relevant experiences tailored to individual shoppers, turning support into a personalized shopping assistant.\r\n- Effortless Scalability: See how AI can handle customer support across every channel—answering FAQs, resolving repetitive queries, and shifting focus to upselling, all without expanding your support team.\r\n- Optimizing the Post-Purchase Experience: Explore how AI ensures a seamless transition from purchase to support, enhancing customer satisfaction by consistently delivering accurate, timely answers post-sale.\r\n\r\nJoin us to uncover how AI has quietly transformed from a support hero to revenue-driving genius, revolutionizing the entire e-commerce experience.","presenter":"Ashu Dubey","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":49,"id":236244,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mike","lname":"Ivanof","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolutionizing E-commerce in the Context of Global and Regional Integration through Hyper -Localization","bio":"Dr. Mike Ivanof is the President and CEO of - the most innovative ecommerce platform worldwide. He is a Global citizen with a career that spans more than a dozen countries on four continents.  His career combines substantive industry experience in finance and business development, and over a decade in academia.  His academic research interests revolve mainly around Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility","position":"President and CEO  and Associate Professor, University of the Fraser Valley","logotype":"","presentation_description":" Revolutionizing Global E-commerce through Hyper-localization and Trustworthiness\r\nIn today's fast-paced digital economy, e-commerce platforms need to adapt to constantly changing and ever-evolving consumer demands, as well as the increasingly complex and integrated global marketplace. Enter, an innovative and forward-thinking platform that is set to revolutionize online shopping and business operations worldwide. Through its commitment to hyper-localization, seamless connectivity, and a customer-first approach, GlobalBox is creating a more equitable and sustainable global commerce ecosystem.\r\nA Vision for the Future: Democratizing Global E-commerce\r\ is built on a bold vision: to become the \"Google of Commerce\" by enabling businesses and consumers to effortlessly connect, regardless of geographic location. As global e-commerce continues to grow—expected to surpass $5 trillion by 2025— seeks to bridge the gap between local vendors and global customers, ensuring that everyone can participate in the digital economy.\r\nIn a world where online shopping is increasingly important, stands out as a beacon of hope for global integration, a platform that is redefining the e-commerce industry. By focusing on hyper-localization, sustainability, and transparency, GlobalBox is creating a marketplace that benefits everyone—from local vendors, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers to global consumers.\r\nWith its cutting-edge technology, customer-first approach, and commitment to empowering local communities and economies, is not just a platform for the present; it's a vision for the future.","presenter":"Mike Ivanof","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234784,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jens","lname":"Reinemer","cname2":"GLS Germany","avatar":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=pmKtXDhppZ2MNLgkFzWAEAdWNjbTdXB_FRcIg7g-pyQ","presentation_title":"Erfolgreich im E-Commerce:  Die besten Tipps und Tricks für deine Versandabwicklung","bio":"Jens ist ein echter E-Commerce-Enthusiast und K5-Experte. E-Commerce ist nicht nur sein Beruf, sondern auch seine Freizeitbeschäftigung Nr. 1: Während andere ihr Aquarium pflegen, baut Jens Webseiten und analysiert aktuelle Trends im E-Commerce. Jens ist Teil des Partner Managements bei GLS Germany.","position":"Partner Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Jens ist ein echter E-Commerce-Enthusiast und hat die Pflege seines eigenen Aquariums an den Nagel gehängt, um dir die besten Versandtipps und -tricks zu verraten, mit denen du deinen Shop auf die nächste Stufe bringen kannst. Gemeinsam werden wir nicht nur deine Produktseiten und den Checkout aufpeppen, sondern dir auch die eine oder andere coole Automatisierungsidee mit auf den Weg geben.","presenter":"Jens Reinemer","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235967,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hakim","lname":"Aceval","cname2":"GMBapi","avatar":"","presentation_title":"A Forgotten Hero: How Multi-Local SEO can built your reputation and increase shop visits","bio":"VP Sales \u0026 Agency Partnerships with a global scope and a special focus on Germany and France, Hakim has a strong background in SEA Sales (worked 9 years at Google and 2 years at Meta). Hakim's current focus also lies on creating a partner agency network for GMBapi, a Multi-Local SEA start-up based in the Netherlands.\n\nA Japanologist by education, Hakim started as an AdWords Account Manager at Google Dublin in 2007 and left 10 years later as Head of Agencies for the DACH performance agency market in order to start in a similar role at Meta in Dublin.\n\nSince 2020 based in Paris, Hakim gained experience in BizDev, sales and strategy working for a variety of early-stage start-ups.\n\nBesides his role at GMBapi, he also offers C-Level coaching (focused on formulating a compelling vision, mission and strategy and communicating the \"Why\" into their company) and \"Head of Sales as a Service\" work to help early-stage start-ups without the budget to hire a fully-fledged Head of Sales to get started with processes that work and that scale.","position":"VP Sales \u0026 Agency Partnerships","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Any business that also sells goods or services offline is highly likely to collect customer reviews, especially through Google Search and Maps (GBP). Unfortunately, most companies don't have the time and resources to focus on that crucial part of the customer journey, hence risking their reputation and experiencing decreasing footfall. Our solution gives you the ability to manage your reputation with minimal cost and time investment (1 hour/week max), plus equips you with the analytics data to fuel your SEA and Store Visits campaigns.","presenter":"Hakim Aceval","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":236193,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Claudio","lname":"Meidler","cname2":"Google","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How AI is revolutionizing modern E-Commerce Targeting and Sales","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI-powered solutions are transforming the way e-commerce retailers reach their target audience and drive sales. \r\n\r\nBy embracing AI-powered  solutions, e-commerce retailers can gain a competitive edge, drive sustainable growth and maximize their return on investment.\r\n\r\nHere's why AI-powered performance solutions are essential:\r\n\r\n1. Understanding Intent:\r\nAI analyzes data to understand customer intent behind searches and interactions. This allows businesses to deliver relevant content and offers, leading to higher conversions.\r\n\r\n2. Personalized Experiences:\r\nAI tailors experiences to individual customers. By analyzing behavior and preferences, AI recommends products and creates custom offers, fostering loyalty and driving sales.\r\n\r\n3. Predictive Analytics:\r\nAI forecasts future trends. By analyzing data, AI predicts customer behavior and anticipates demand, helping businesses make proactive decisions.\r\n\r\n4. Automated Efficiency:\r\nAI automates marketing and operational tasks. From bidding optimization to customer service, AI streamlines processes, freeing up time and resources.\r\n\r\n5. Continuous Optimization:\r\nAI solutions constantly learn and improve. They analyze data and adjust strategies to maximize performance, ensuring optimal results.\r\n\r\n\r\nBenefits for Businesses:\r\n1. Increased ROI \r\n2. Data-Driven Decision Making \r\n3. Competitive Advantage\r\n\r\nFeature-focused demos possible regarding products such as YouTube / Demand Gen, Performance Max or Broad Match.","presenter":"Claudio Meidler","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":177,"id":236556,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christiane","lname":"Adler","cname2":"Google ","avatar":" und","presentation_title":"Die Zukunft des Cookies? Strategien für erfolgreiches Marketing mit First Party Daten und Google AI","bio":"Christiane ist seit 2015 bei Google und derzeit als Data \u0026 Measurement Lead in Berlin tätig. Sie entwickelt datenzentrierte Strategien mit Fokus auf First-Party-Data und Privacy für Grosskunden, um deren Werbekampagnen mithilfe von Google AI zu optimieren. Zuvor baute sie Googles Commerce Strategie in Südostasien auf und war als Account Strategy Lead für Google Shopping in München tätig. Christiane blickt auf eine langjährige, internationale Karriere in den Bereichen Retail Marketing, Online-to-Offline und Datenanalyse zurück.\n\nRené verfügt über mehr als zwölf Jahre globale Erfahrung, die er in den Google-Niederlassungen in Dublin, London und Hamburg gesammelt hat. In seiner Rolle als Data \u0026 Measurement Solutions Manager unterstützt er seine Kunden dabei, First-Party-Daten erfolgreich zu nutzen, um das Unternehmenswachstum voranzutreiben. Dazu gehört die Stärkung von Kundenbeziehungen sowie die Verbesserung der Werbeperformance und -messung.","position":"Data \u0026 Measurement Lead","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Erfolgreiches Marketing mit weniger Cookies? In dieser Masterclass zeigen wir Euch, wie Ihr Euch optimal für Situationen ohne 3P Cookies vorbereitet. Wir stellen Euch innovative Messmethoden vor, mit denen Ihr Eure Kampagnen effektiv messen und optimieren könnt. Außerdem erfahrt Ihr, wie Ihr die Power Eurer eigenen First-Party-Daten nutzt, um Eure Zielgruppen besser zu verstehen und gezielter anzusprechen. Und wir zeigen Euch, wie Google AI Euch helfen kann, Eure Kampagnen zu optimieren.\n","presenter":"Christiane Adler und Rene Zimmermann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":237563,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yohan","lname":"Loyer","cname2":"Gorgias","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Automation \u0026 AI: how E-commerce brands can turn conversations in conversions in 2025","bio":"Yohan is passionate about Customer Relationship Management and Customer Experience. \nWith almost a decade of experience spent in tech mostly at Salesforce and Gorgias, he found himself helping some of the world's largest brands improve their CRM and Customer Service operations, to turn conversations into conversions.\n\nYohan is now EMEA Partner at Gorgias, the #1 Helpdesk for E-commerce brands, helping E-commerce agencies educate their customers on the importance of great customer experience and customer support to generate more E-commerce revenue. ","position":"Sr. EMEA Partner Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The costs of acquisition and fixed costs keep rising for E-commerce brands. \nImproving customer lifetime value and the # of repeat buyers becomes crucial to grow a brand.\n\nOne of the often underrated aspects of growing a brand is through great customer experience and customer service. \n\nThis presentation will focus on how E-commerce brands can turn customer service into a revenue channel using a combination of automation, self-service, AI, and a mix of best practices proven to increase customer satisfaction, improve the # of repeat buyers, average contract value, and turn conversations into conversion. ","presenter":"Yohan Loyer","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236500,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michal","lname":"Cieciak","cname2":"GPD/MUUN","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"Shaping the Future of Online Shopping: Unlocking the Power of 3D Modeling in E-Commerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, immersive technologies like 3D modeling are transforming the way consumers interact with products online. We will explore how 3D modeling is revolutionizing the shopping experience by providing lifelike product visualizations that enhance customer engagement, reduce return rates, and drive sales. You will learn about the technical advancements behind 3D product models, their integration into digital retail platforms, and how these innovations offer shoppers a more interactive and personalized experience. We will also cover best practices for adopting 3D modeling in online stores, the impact on customer decision-making, and the future trends shaping e-commerce, including augmented and virtual reality. You will gain valuable insights into how 3D modeling can unlock new growth opportunities for businesses, elevate user experience, and lead to the next phase of e-commerce evolution.","presenter":"Łukasz Klimczak","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236462,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Akanksha","lname":"Yadav","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of Content Creation: Replace Physical Photography with AI-powered Digital Twins","bio":"Julius's background has been on the 3D creative side of things. As a kid, he was a huge animal nerd and started designing 3D models of animals as a hobby. At fifteen, he spent half a year in Canada as part of an exchange student program, and delved deeper into 3D, started his first professional projects, shared them online, and received great feedback from the community. \n\nSo, he started working on a prototype that allowed people to build 3D worlds more easily, and published the first version in 2018 while still in school - it became a much bigger success than expected, with over 200k  users. That's how Graswald was born. \n\nThe company today is the culmination of his original vision of making 3D accessible to everyone, and the knowledge that 3D is, in fact, the next generation of media consumption. ","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Online shopping is all about the visuals. \r\n\r\nWhat you see is what you get. \r\n\r\nBut is it though? There is a huge gap between how customers want to experience products online and how companies provide them. This gap, however, can be bridged with ML. \r\n\r\nWe will explore how the e-commerce industry can harness ML technologies to create personalised, interactive product visuals and 3D digital twins that drive customer engagement and prepares businesses to adopt media formats of the future (think VR/AR, VisionPro). \r\n\r\nBy integrating interactive 3D models, virtual try-ons, and AI-generated visuals, e-commerce platforms can offer a more immersive, engaging shopping experience that not only boosts conversion rates, but can also significantly reduce costs and overhead in content production for the brand themselves. \r\n\r\nThis session will provide actionable insights and real-world examples, illustrating how AI-driven visual innovation can become a game-changer for online retailers.","presenter":"Julius Harling","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234564,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Atilla","lname":"Boz","cname2":"great2gether - Shopware agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Shopware 6 Praxisbuch","bio":"Working with shopware +12 years, formerly founder of mp3 download website and online library studied translations turkish/french/german ","position":"founder, shopware agency great2gether","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I would like to present our shopware book which is coming soon. Here you can find all the infos around it:","presenter":"Atilla Boz","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235059,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benjamin","lname":"Dauth","cname2":"Green Convenience","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Nur noch erfolgreiche Erstzustellungen: KI-basierte Optimierung der letzten Meile","bio":"Benjamin Dauth ist Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer von Green Convenience. Nach 16 Jahren in der Logistik machte Benjamin Dauth nebenberuflich seinen Executive MBA and der Frankfurt School of Finance \u0026 Management und studierte nebenberuflich Innovation in Massachusetts USA. In seinem Studium fokussierte er sich auf die Automatisierung der Letzten Meile durch KI. \n\nZusammen mit Deniz Dagtekin, der davor über 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Softwareentwickler und die Unternehmenssysteme der Telekom mitentwickelt hatte, gründete er Green Convenience. Durch die Integration in Routensystemen kann die Green Convenience AI die Anwesenheit von Empfängern an Zustelladressen vorhersagen und Zustellquoten signifikant erhöhen. ","position":"Managing Director \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In der Keynote werde ich exklusive Einblicke der KI Forschung auf der letzten Meile teilen. Zusammen mit dem Research Lab der TU Darmstadt, optimiert Green Convenience die letzte Meile, indem wir sicherstellen, dass der erste Zustellversuch gelingt. Dadurch sparen sich Lieferdienstleister und E-Commerce Unternehmen 45% der Lieferkosten und Emissionen.","presenter":"Benjamin Dauth","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234591,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Janine","lname":"Lampprecht","cname2":"Grenzlotsen GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Seamless Global Expansion: 5 Key Tips for Mastering Customs Clearance in Crossborder E-Commerce","bio":"When people think about customs, they usually don't associate it with anything positive in the E-commerce. The term often conjures images of excessive bureaucracy, unclear regulations, and rising costs. In 2013, Janine Lampprecht founded \"Grenzlotsen\" to change this perception. With her company, she specializes in organizational and personnel development, helping businesses involved in import and export become fit for the digital future. Her clients include leading e-commerce giants like Zalando, as well as renowned brands like Bosch and Birkenstock.\nHowever, Janine Lampprecht’s mission extends beyond her own business. \"I want to bring innovation to customs and global trade processes,\" she explains. \"Through visibility, we can engage in more lobbying at the EU level and highlight the potential impacts of regulatory changes on the e-commerce industry.\" ","position":"CEO Grenzlotsen GmbH ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Many businesses lose money and face significant delays due to poorly organized customs clearance processes. These issues often arise because customs handling is not properly addressed before shipments are dispatched. Remember, the responsibility for accurate customs documentation and compliance lies with you, not your freight forwarder. In this session, we’ll explore 5 essential strategies to streamline customs clearance and avoid costly mistakes in your crossborder e-commerce operations.","presenter":"Janine Lampprecht","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236247,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marcelo","lname":"Schäfer-Buric","cname2":"group24 AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"ERP + API + Dropshipping = Smarter E-Commerce ?","bio":"Marcelo Schäfer-Buric ist ein erfahrener E-Commerce- und Marketingexperte mit einer Leidenschaft für Prozessautomatisierung und Effizienzsteigerung. In seiner Rolle als Head of Sales \u0026 Marketing bei Unternehmen wie der Schmatzepuffer GmbH verantwortete er die strategische Planung und Umsetzung von D2C- und B2B-Shops. Sein Fokus lag auf der Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen, was zu signifikanten Zeit- und Kosteneinsparungen führte. Durch die Integration von API-Lösungen und ERP-Systemen optimierte er Workflows, sodass Mitarbeiter sich auf strategisch wichtigere Aufgaben konzentrieren konnten.\n\nMarcelo verfügt über umfassende Erfahrung in der Führung und Entwicklung von Teams sowie der Implementierung von Marketingstrategien und -konzepten. Projekte wie die Eröffnung eines Stores, einschließlich Omnichannel-Integration, digitale Transformationsprozesse und die Optimierung von Vertriebskanälen belegen seine vielseitige Expertise. \n\nFür ihn ist Automatisierung der Schlüssel zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im E-Commerce. Heute unterstützt er bei der group24 AG Kunden in den Bereichen Prozessautomatisierung und ganzheitliche Datenintegration, um deren Effizienz weiter zu steigern.","position":"Sales \u0026 Marketing Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In der heutigen E-Commerce-Landschaft ist Automatisierung nicht länger nur eine Option, sondern ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsvorteil. In diesem Vortrag erfahren Teilnehmer:innen, wie durch die Integration von ERP-Systemen und APIs nicht nur wiederkehrende manuelle Aufgaben reduziert werden, sondern auch ein völlig neuer Innovationsspielraum eröffnet wird. Anhand eines Kundenprojekts zeigen wir, wie Bestellungen automatisiert vom Onlineshop ins ERP-System übertragen und API-Anfragen zur Bestandsprüfung direkt an Lieferanten gestellt werden. Wenn der Auftrag erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Kunde eine Bestätigung und der gesamte Dropshipping-Prozess wird gestartet. Durch die Kombination dieser Technologien lässt sich eine Zeitersparnis von etwa 20 Minuten pro Bestellung erzielen.\r\n\r\nIn einer Zeit, in der Kunden schnelle und präzise Lieferungen erwarten, wird die Automatisierung des Dropshipping-Prozesses zum Schlüssel für nachhaltigen Erfolg. Die Verknüpfung von ERP-Systemen und APIs ermöglicht es, den Dropshipping-Prozess von der Bestandsprüfung bis zur Auslösung der Bestellung beim Lieferanten vollständig zu automatisieren. Die API-Integration optimiert den Prozess, sodass alles in Echtzeit abgewickelt werden kann. Innerhalb eines Workflows lassen sich im Idealfall weitere Prozesse automatisieren.\r\n\r\nWenn Unternehmen diesen Ansatz für sich adaptieren, arbeiten sie nicht nur effizienter, sondern reduzieren auch die Fehleranfälligkeit bei Bestellungen und reagieren schneller auf Veränderungen im Markt. Diese praxisnahen Einblicke liefern E-Commerce-Unternehmen wertvolle Informationen, wie Workflows intelligent automatisiert und dadurch Innovation in einer zunehmend datengetriebenen Welt vorangetrieben werden könnten.","presenter":"Marcelo Schäfer-Buric","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":41,"id":236270,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Volkan","lname":"Kavsak","cname2":"GS1 Germany GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Der digitale Produktpass (DPP) kommt. Wie der neue Barcode die Produktwelt verändert.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die EU Kommission fodert bereits für erste Produkte den DPP. Es ist eine Frage der Zeit, dass weitere Produktkategorien den digitalen Produktpass benötigen werden. \r\nDer neue Barcode bzw. 2D Code bietet diese Transparenz und darüber hinaus viele weitere Use Cases.","presenter":"Volkan Kavsak","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":235500,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Valeriia","lname":"Soroka","cname2":"GSM Growth Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Facebook ROAS Mastery: Scaling Online Stores for Remarkable Growth","bio":"Anatoliy Labinskiy is an entrepreneur, eCommerce expert, and a holder of 4-time Two Comma Club awards. \nAnatoliy is the founder of GSM Growth, an agency that helps e-commerce entrepreneurs achieve a new level of growth in their businesses. He is also a co-founder of, an AI-powered service that tracks all loss events in advertising campaigns, providing real-time data and insights for informed decision-making and optimized ad spend.\nAdditionally, Anatoliy is the host of the popular Ecom Business Stream Podcast, featuring real-life stories from successful entrepreneurs, executives, investors, and thought leaders, sharing their journeys to success in business.\nWith his remarkable journey, expertise, and commitment to empowering others, Anatoliy Labinskiy is widely recognized as a leading figure in the dynamic world of e-commerce.","position":"Founder of GSM Growth Agency and a co-founder of","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Learn the strategies and tactics behind scaling an online store to significant growth using a unique ROAS campaign strategy on Facebook. Discover the step-by-step process and decision-making involved in testing and optimizing different campaigns, ad groups, and creatives. Find out how dayparting and bid adjustments played a crucial role in achieving impressive profitable results. \nJoin Anatoliy Labinskiy’s session to discover the secrets how to apply it to promote your own business.","presenter":"Anatoliy Labinskiy","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":316,"id":236234,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Valeriia","lname":"Soroka","cname2":"GSM Growth Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI-Powered E-commerce Transformation: Double Your Conversion Overnigh","bio":"Anatoliy Labinskiy is an entrepreneur, eCommerce expert, and a holder of 4-time Two Comma Club awards. \nAnatoliy is the founder of GSM Growth, an agency that helps e-commerce entrepreneurs achieve a new level of growth in their businesses. He is also a co-founder of, an AI-powered service that tracks all loss events in advertising campaigns, providing real-time data and insights for informed decision-making and optimized ad spend.\nAdditionally, Anatoliy is the host of the popular Ecom Business Stream Podcast, featuring real-life stories from successful entrepreneurs, executives, investors, and thought leaders, sharing their journeys to success in business.\nWith his remarkable journey, expertise, and commitment to empowering others, Anatoliy Labinskiy is widely recognized as a leading figure in the dynamic world of e-commerce.","position":"Founder of GSM Growth and a co-founder of","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Learn the proven strategy to double your conversion rate on your e-commerce store overnight. Join Anatoliy Labinskiy’s seminar to discover how AI tools can revolutionize your business. Unlock valuable insights on enhancing product descriptions, creating attention-grabbing headlines, crafting compelling ad copies, and identifying effective marketing angles. Leverage the power of AI to supercharge your workflow and maximize your conversion rate. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your e-commerce business.","presenter":"Anatoliy Labinskiy","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":264,"id":236235,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jutta","lname":"Stienen","cname2":"GUURU Solutions AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Establishing Emotional Connections in eCommerce","bio":"Tonio is the founder and CEO of GUURU. He is convinced that each of us is passionate about something, everyone is a Guuru! That's why he has created a community platform that enables strong brands to differentiate themselves online through the passion and emotions of their community. Online shoppers can connect with enthusiastic customers in real time.\n\nJutta is Head of Marketing at GUURU and is in regular contact with brands that successfully integrate their expert community into their online shop. She is a passionate cyclist herself. As part of the cycling community, she experiences how the exchange of knowledge among like-minded people happens naturally, and she supports brands in transferring this dynamic to their online shops.","position":"Head of Marketing; CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Brands that build emotional connections with their customers today will become tomorrow's market leaders. In a competitive landscape, people don't just buy products—they buy stories, experiences, and emotions. Emotionally engaged customers have a 300% higher lifetime value. But how can brands create memorable and authentic moments in the eCommerce customer journey?\n\nGUURU's Community Advice Solution enables brands to provide genuine insights and foster trust through community-driven authentic live advice,  which elevates the customer experience.\nAs synthetic content and ChatGPT-based advice continue to grow, emotional engagement is becoming the critical differentiator for brands. With 90% of customers considering authenticity as a key factor in choosing the brands they support, brands that offer real, human connection will stand out.\n\nWe'll explore how strong brands like Canyon, Atomic, Jack Wolfskin or Dynafit actively involve their communities—composed of individuals with first-hand product expertise and deep brand affinity—to offer authentic advice. Through live conversations, online shoppers can engage with trusted Guuru-experts and receive genuine, experience-based advice.\n\nWe'll take a look at how meaningful product opinions from these live conversations are extracted and displayed as trusted Community Opinions on product pages. This not only enhances authenticity but also addresses the needs of 77% of consumers who are more likely to purchase from brands that use user-generated content (UGC). By incorporating these authentic opinions into their product pages, brands offer visitors insights that are 100% trustworthy and impossible to fake.\n\nUltimately, the future success of eCommerce lies in how brands make their customers feel. Building emotional connections is not just a strategy—it's the key to unlocking sustainable growth and long-term customer loyalty.","presenter":"Jutta Stienen; Tonio Meier","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":90,"id":236567,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Diana","lname":"Neto","cname2":"H. B. Fuller","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Efficiency: Transforming E-Commerce Fulfillment and the Logistics Chain with Advanced Adhesive Technologies","bio":"With over 11 years of experience in packaging industry, my professional journey has been focused on navigating the intersection of innovation, sustainability, and operational efficiency, particularly within the European market.\nCurrently, as E-Commerce Business Development Manager at H.B. Fuller, I explore how packaging can not only meet the functional demands of e-commerce harsh supply chain but also align with broader sustainability goals and improve overall customer shopping experience. \nDrawing on my background in international account management, I aim to foster discussions around the future of packaging and its role in driving value across the supply chain.","position":"E-Commerce Business Development Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's fast-paced e-commerce landscape, the demand for efficiency, sustainability, and scalability in fulfillment processes has never been higher. \r\n\r\nAs automation continues to reshape supply chains, packaging and adhesive solutions play a pivotal role in driving performance improvements.\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, we will explore how advanced coated adhesive technologies are transforming automated fulfillment processes. From right-sized packaging on-demand to high-speed carton sealing, these innovative solutions not only increase operational efficiency but also enhance product protection, reduce material waste, and support sustainability goals.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain valuable insights into:\r\n•\tEnhancing machine compatibility for faster and safer automated packaging lines.\r\n•\tBoosting durability in packaging to improve shipping outcomes.\r\n•\tOptimizing adhesive performance for various surfaces and applications to maximize throughput.\r\n•\tSupporting sustainable goals by reducing packaging waste.\r\n\r\nThis session will provide both educational insights and innovative strategies designed to support the future of automated e-commerce fulfillment. Whether you are looking to streamline operations or meet sustainability objectives, this presentation will offer actionable strategies to elevate your packaging processes.","presenter":"Diana Neto","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":73,"id":236467,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jan","lname":"Schoenmakers","cname2":"HASE \u0026 IGEL GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to increase ROI in E-Commerce with Analytic AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Everyone is discussing Generative AI. But while GPT \u0026 Co are great for generating content, their impact on the top \u0026 bottom line of e-commerce is debatable. Analytic AI, however, is much better suited to plan and optimize (online) business - and has a proven track record. Drawing on our experience with 200 clients in 7 countries as \"Most Innovative Company worldwide\" (Stevie Awards 2024), I demonstrate with case studies and real-time insights how Analytic AI can be used to plan and optimize the product portfolio, the media mix, targeting \u0026 timing, keep an eye on customer trends and competitors and continuously increase ROI. 100% explainable, GDPR- \u0026 AI-Act compliant and ready for a post-cookie-world.","presenter":"Jan Schoenmakers","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234905,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andrea","lname":"Ilsemann","cname2":"hey circle","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mehrweg-Versand bei Auswahlbestellungen, Food und anderen Cases - Finanzierung der Nachhaltigkeit","bio":"Doris Diebold hatte nach dem Studium der internationalen BWL Management-Rollen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen eines großen deutschen Aviation-Unternehmens inne. Für ihre beiden Kinder will sie ein Vorbild sein. Das bedeutet zwei Dinge für sie: Selbst etwas Erschaffen, unternehmerisch tätig sein. Und einen positiven Impact schaffen. \n\nSie hatte bereits viele Ideen, wozu sie in Unternehmen gründen wollte, aber eine Problem aus ihrem unmittelbaren Lebensumfeld stach besonders heraus: Die Unmengen an Abfall durch Einwegkartons aus dem E-Commerce. Zwar sind 1,5 Millionen Tonnen, die jährlich zusammen kommen, schwer vorstellbar. Sichtbar sind aber die ständig vollen Papiertonnen. Also wagte sie 2019 die Kündigung und verließ ihre Komfortzone. Pünktlich zur Corona-Pandemie. Diese prägende Zeit gab dem E-Commerce nochmals Aufschwung, so das zur Spitzenzeit 4,5 Milliarden Pakete jährlich verschickt wurden – der Bedarf nach einer Mehrweg-Versandverpackung wurde noch deutlicher. \n\nDoris wiederum hatte die Möglichkeit für einen mentalen Reset und gründliche Vorbereitungen. 2021 gründete sie hey circle und holte bald auch den späteren CTO Morris Kurz an Bord. 2022 trat hey circle in den Markt ein. 2023 stellten Doris und Morris die Mehrweg-Versandlösung bei Die Höhle der Löwen vor (und lehnten das Investorenangebot ab). \n\nHeute ist Doris gefragte Speakerin, zuständig für Produktentwicklung, Partnerschaften und Marketing. ","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Knapp 103 Pakete erhält jeder Privathaushalt pro Jahr. In der Regel kommen all diese E-Commerce-Bestellungen im Einweg-Karton, der sofort die Papiertonne füllt – 50 kg Abfall pro Sekunde in Deutschland. Bei dessen Herstellung werden CO2-Emissionen freigesetzt und Ressourcen verbraucht, auch unter Einsatz von Recycling-Papier. \r\n\r\nAllerdings gibt es bereits wiederverwendbare Alternativen zum Einweg-Karton. Mehr als die Hälfte der Kund*innen in Deutschland würden sich freiwillig für Mehrweg statt Einweg entscheiden. (Studie bevh) \r\n\r\nFür Onlinehändler bleibt nur die Frage: Wie finanziert sich Nachhaltigkeit? Was ist mit den Kosten, die beim Rücktransport von leeren Verpackung anfallen?\r\n\r\nDie Lösung: Es gibt viele Cases, wo Onlinehändler durch den Einsatz von Mehrweg-Verpackungen Geld sparen können - nämlich wenn es keine Leer-Retouren gibt oder die Verpackung sehr teuer wäre.\r\n\r\nIT-gestützt können Onlinehändlern heute schon Bestellungen identifizieren, die (teil-)retourniert werden. Das lässt sich oft bei Fashion, Schuhen oder Brillen einsetzen. Der Onlinehändler hat mit der Mehrweg-Verpackung keine zusätzlichen Kosten, kann aber vom Marketing-Effekt profitieren.\r\n\r\nEin zweites Beispiel ist der Versand von gekühlten Waren etwa aus den Bereichen Food und Pharma. Das Kühl- und Isoliermaterial ist teuer und sollte daher wiederverwendet werden. Mit Mehrweg werden Kosten reduziert und die Umwelt entlastet.\r\n\r\nUnd es lohnt sich auch, Kund*innen die Wahl zu lassen: Sie können sich im Checkout zwischen Einweg und Mehrweg-Versand entscheiden und stimmen oft auch geringen Zusatzkosten zu.\r\n\r\nWeitere Insights liefern wir in unserer Präsentation.","presenter":"Doris Diebold","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":234418,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"John","lname":"Eskaros","cname2":"heyworld GmbH - Lufthansa Cargo Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"Sky-High Success: How Modern Crossborder eCommerce is Transforming Air Cargo\"","bio":"\nJohn Eskaros is a seasoned expert in cargo logistics and business development, with a focus on global cross-border eCommerce. Currently, he holds the role of Head of Business Development and Chief of Staff at Heyworld GmbH, a 100% Lufthansa Cargo Group subsidiary based in Frankfurt, Germany. His career spans strategic leadership in express and pharmaceutical logistics, driving innovation in air cargo and logistics management. John holds an MBA in Aviation and Tourism Management and certifications in project management, offering a global approach to optimizing and advancing the air cargo industry.\n","position":"Head of Business Development and Chief of Staff ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We will be pleased to share an in-depth analysis of the impact that modern cross-border eCommerce, particularly driven by major emerging players from China, has had on the air cargo industry. Drawing from our own success story in Frankfurt, we will explore the diverse needs of various customer segments and demonstrate how we successfully transformed the traditional air cargo model to align with the evolving demands of eCommerce. This presentation will highlight the innovative strategies we employed to establish trust with local regulators and customs authorities, drive operational efficiency for high volumes, enhance end-to-end traceability, and most importantly support the rapid commercial expansions of these eCommerce giants.","presenter":"John Eskaros","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236431,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jürgen","lname":"Wolf","cname2":"HOMEBOY - LTT License to Thrill GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"DIE MACHT DER MARKE und DIE KRAFT DER INTUITION.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Von Platon stammt das Zitat: „Diejenigen, die die besten Geschichten erzählen, regieren die Welt!“ Daran hat sich bis heute wenig verändert.\r\n\r\nIch will sie heute mit auf eine kleine Reise durch mein Leben als junger Mann nehmen. Ich will sie entführen in das Reich der INTUITION und in die Entstehungsgeschichte einer ganz neuen Welt.\r\n\r\nWarum gehen Menschen ins Kino oder schauen Netflix? Sie lieben Geschichten. Ob Buch, TV, Kino oder Social Media. Wir sind gierig danach. \r\nÜber die Jahrtausende hat sich das Erzählen von Geschichten als mächtiges Werkzeug erwiesen. \r\n\r\nIn unserer Branche geht es darum Menschen zu begeistern und mit dem Endverbraucher eine emotionale Bindung zu erschaffen.\r\nDiese Kernkompetenz unserer Branche darf nicht verloren gehen. \r\n\r\nWie das Zusammenspiel zwischen Menschen, Trends, Lifestyle und Mode funktioniert, durfte ich schon früh beobachten. \r\nDie Veränderung liegt oft direkt vor unseren Augen.\r\n\r\n1985 hatte ich mich mit meiner ersten T-Shirt Brand gerade selbständig gemacht. X-T´s. \r\nIn diesem Jahr fing ich mit dem Mountainbiken und Motocross an und wurde Teil dieser Szene. \r\n\r\n1988 gründete ich Homeboy. . \r\n\r\n1989 gründete ich die Mountainbike Marke CYCLE CRAFT \r\n\r\n1993 gründete ich dann OBG – ORIGINAL BATTLE GEAR. Damit war OBG die erste echte Action Sport Marke weltweit. \r\n\r\nIch gründete 1996 die Cyber-Pirates AG und machte mich auf die Suche nach Venture Capital. Hatte Glück, weil der Neue Markt gerade geschaffen wurde, kaufte den größten Action Sport Verlag Europas, baute eine Plattform zusammen \r\nVorher haten wir für den Internet Auftritt noch den silbernen Löwen in Cannes gewonnen und den New Media Award in NY. \r\n\r\nZu meiner Person: ich bin der Gründer und Besitzer der Marke HOMEBOY. Mit der Gründung in 1988 ist es die weltweit 2. älteste Streetwear Marke. 1991 habe ich die weltweit erste BAGGY JEANS auf den Markt gebracht. Homeboy ist die ORIGINA BAGGY PANS COMPANY.\r\nich erzähle in dem Vortrag von meinen Stationen im Leben.","presenter":"Jürgen Wolf","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234568,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hannes","lname":"Albrecht","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to use OKR goals to make a better product.","bio":"15 years of professional expertise spanning Marketing, Sales, and various leadership roles, coupled with 15+ years international background in management consulting. He brings a unique blend of strategic insight and operational acumen to the table. With an open mindset and pioneering spirit, Hannes is a firm believer in utilizing OKRs to drive effective strategy execution. He is clearly one of the pioneers of Objectives and Key Results in Europe.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"OKRs in Product \u0026 Development often fail or don't deliver value. Teams tend to set goals around internal achievements or launches although the actual purpose of the team's work should fit the market and customer needs. Learn more about the most common mistakes, how to avoid them and how to shift your team's mindset more towards results and customer needs.","presenter":"Hannes Albrecht","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235338,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Serban","lname":"Murgoci","cname2":"HSNF LTD \u0026 consulting","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Navigating Omnichannel (e)Retail in the UK","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"One of the most significant challenges for brands in the UK is balancing an effective omnichannel strategy that includes Amazon, retail, and direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales. The rise of Amazon’s dominance creates unique challenges, particularly around losing control of the buybox, which directly affects visibility and sales. This can happen due to competitive pricing from third-party sellers or even stock shortages. When competing against aggressive pricing or resellers, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a consistent brand experience across channels.\r\nFurthermore, juggling traditional retail relationships and marketplace presence adds another layer of complexity. Retailers may see Amazon as a threat or competitor, creating friction in brand positioning and commercial agreements. Brands need a carefully crafted approach to manage these dynamics—ensuring that each channel (Amazon, retail, D2C) plays a complementary role rather than cannibalizing one another.\r\n\r\nI can also speak around:\r\n- Leveraging Marketplaces for International Reach\r\n- Choosing the Right Marketplace\r\n-  Marketplace vs. Own D2C Site - more details on this topic below\r\nI can dive deep into the financial models and P\u0026Ls of marketplaces versus independent eCommerce sites, highlighting the importance of a broader omnichannel strategy based on the deep understanding of the financials and customer behaviours. I'll discuss the trade-offs between marketplace convenience and reach and brand control, focusing on how to maintain a strong brand identity, manage marketplace fees, and optimize pricing strategies to sustain healthy profit margins.","presenter":"Serban Murgoci","presentation_category":"ai","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235919,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matteo","lname":"Doveri","cname2":"HT\u0026T Consulting srl","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Turning crisis into opportunity: An Italian company's global expansion","bio":"With over 25 years in the digital landscape, Matteo leads Ht\u0026t Consulting, an agency focused on digital project consulting. He's responsible for client relations and data analysis processes, having supervised, implemented, and managed more than 50 significant ecommerce projects.\nMatteo believes data provides the best support for decision-making. Under his leadership, Ht\u0026t Consulting specializes in digital transformation, offering services such as digital strategy development, UX/UI design, web and mobile app development, e-commerce solutions, and data analysis.\nThe agency's project-oriented approach combines technical expertise with business acumen, helping clients navigate the digital world and achieve tangible results. Matteo's commitment to data-driven strategies and vast ecommerce experience make him a valuable asset for businesses enhancing their digital presence.","position":"Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We want to share a success story with you, a story that shows how even in times of crisis, opportunities are always just around the corner. We'll tell you about an Italian company that, thanks to a well-defined internationalization strategy and expert support, was able to transform from a small local business into a global player.\r\n\r\nBut how was this possible? What were the secret ingredients to this success?\r\nWe will show you exactly what we did, with a real-life example, from creating business intelligence to optimizing flows and logistics, as well as what everyone thinks of as marketing and PPC. And of course, the in-depth study of individual markets with choices that meet the needs of local consumers.\r\n\r\nResults? We'll present those as well!\r\nIn addition to data and graphs, we will show you:\r\nExponential sales growth: Online sales grew significantly, far exceeding initial expectations.\r\nCustomer base expansion: The company acquired thousands of new customers across Europe.\r\nInternational recognition: The brand became increasingly well-known and appreciated globally.\r\nStock market listing: The culmination of an extraordinary growth journey.\r\nWhat does this mean for German companies?\r\nIt means that your company can achieve similar results. By keeping an open mind to new digital business approaches and looking towards other European and global markets.","presenter":"Doveri Matteo","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":44,"id":236460,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olivia","lname":"Marcu-Iordanescu","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Legal Innovation in the Face of Cross-Border Challenges and Increased Regulation","bio":"I am an attorney-at-law known for leading strategic investment projects and corporate portfolios for 16 years. \n\nI specialise in Digital \u0026 Technology law, and have successfully helped launch businesses and managed portfolios in the Sports Betting, Media, Retail, Real Estate and Energy Industries.\n\nI'm passionate about partnering with high-performing multi-preneurs and helping them streamline their legal processes like never before, so they can get the most desired funding for their business.\n\nHigh-Performing Multi-Preneurs have sought my help to:\nStreamline Their Legal Processes To Support Their Business’ Growth.\nGet 8+ Figure Funding.\nMonetize Their Legal Assets.\nOvercome Regulatory \u0026 Compliance Hurdles.\nTimely Accomplish Their Business Projects or KPIs.\nFind The Proper Balance Between Business And Legal.\n\nIn 2022 I founded, an ambitious family owned company offering tailor-made legal services \u0026 solutions for tech and online entrepreneurs.\n\nOur leading online platform was created with speed and efficiency in mind giving easy access to high touch legal solutions  in a record time.\n\nOur services are created to support every ambitious entrepreneur in achieving their goals and dealing powerfully with any challenges in their business.\n\nIntegrity, work ethic and impeccable care for our clients are the most important values behind our business.\n \nI hold an LL.M. in International and European Law from the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam Law School, The Netherlands. ","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"\"Legal Innovation in the Face of Cross-Border Challenges and Increased Regulation\" is a transformative keynote for e-shop owners looking to navigate the complexities of global expansion in today’s fast-evolving legal landscape. As e-commerce expands across borders, businesses face increasing regulatory scrutiny, from consumer protection laws to data privacy. This speech will focus on how legal innovation can help businesses overcome these challenges while staying compliant and competitive in the global marketplace.","presenter":"Olivia Marcu-Iordanescu","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":235282,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marco","lname":"Andersen","cname2":";","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Deploying next-gen AI-Sales Workers in E-commerce (Case Study with","bio":"Marco Andersen is the Co-Founder of, a company that specializes in developing and deploying AI workers for e-commerce businesses. His work focuses on helping companies improve conversion rates and optimize checkout processes through advanced AI solutions. Marco holds an MBA from WHU (Otto Beisheim School of Management) and has prior experience at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and OBI, where he developed a strong background in strategy and digital innovation. His expertise lies in leveraging AI to enhance customer experiences and drive business growth in the digital commerce space.","position":"Geschäftsführer and Co-Founder","logotype":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=CCyhDCP22lAdwqrCNyL_qHUrOggYINfNPcSjctXrulQ","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will explore the deployment of next-generation AI Sales Workers in the e-commerce sector, using as a case study. We will demonstrate how AI agents can significantly enhance customer engagement, streamline the sales process, and drive higher conversion rates. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, achieved a 3x improvement in conversion rates compared to previous solutions, resulting in a more personalized and efficient customer experience. \n\n (bottom right to try out)","presenter":"Marco Andersen","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":234696,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vicky","lname":"Tsiachri","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transforming the way businesses engage with customers through the power of AI and design.","bio":"Raùl Amigo is the main reference of Experience Design in Latin America, Cx Hall of Fame 2021, and Founder of UMUNTU CX DESIGN in Miami, Fl.. Author of the best seller” Beyond Customer Experience”. \n\nHe had a brilliant career in the world of Technology and Telecommunications working for Verizon, Motorola and Nokia, becoming vice president of Nextel at the age of 34. At 38 he founded his first Internet company in the US.\n\nIn 2007, he founded The Omnichannel Agency, a Retail Experience agency throughout Latin America. Integrating it to Omnicom, the world's largest network of advertising and marketing agencies. In 2015, he created a Spin-Off he called UMUNTU CX DESIGN, a Miami-based Experience Design agency, which he currently runs.\n\nAt UMUNTU he works for companies such as Google, Mastercard, Heineken, Abbot Labs, SAP, and Oracle, among many others\n\nAuthor of 6 books.  \"Beyond Customer Experience\" , foreword by Don Peppers, is considered the fundamental masterpiece of CX in Spanish. He wrote the Value Design Chapter in Philip Kotler`s last book “ESSENTIALS OF MODERN MARKETING”. In 2022, he presented his fourth book \"Love by Design\"\n\nProfessor by heart, he teaches in France, Spain, Italy, Latin America and the US for some of the most prestigious powerhouses in the Academic world.\n","position":"CX Designer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation \"Transforming the way businesses engage with customers through the power of AI and design\" focuses on how AI and design can revolutionize customer interactions by making them more personalized, efficient, and engaging. It highlights the value of integrating AI to automate processes and gain insights, while design enhances user experience, creating a seamless and innovative approach to customer engagement that drives satisfaction, loyalty, and a competitive edge in the market.","presenter":"Raul Amigo","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234743,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Abdul","lname":"Ilahi","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Blue Ocean Strategy Learning how to open new markets to capture the customer of tomorrow.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Andi presents this speech and her Blue Ocean Workshops to inspire you to rethink your strategy for today to reach the customer of tomorrow. Using the theory, methods and tools of Blue Ocean Strategy, Andi enables you to see the benefits of creating a new market space not just competing in the current one.","presenter":"Andi Simon","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":237145,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Timur","lname":"Coban","cname2":"iBanFirst S.A.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"2025 – Das Jahr der globalen Veränderungen. Wie bereite ich mich darauf vor?","bio":"Timur Coban verfügt über mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung im Devisenmanagement. In dieser Zeit hat er umfangreiche Kenntnisse in der Analyse und Verwaltung von Währungsrisiken gesammelt. Als Referent teilt er seine Expertise, um komplexe finanzielle Zusammenhänge verständlich zu machen und seinem Publikum wertvolle Einblicke in die Welt des Devisenhandels und Fremdwährungsmanagement  zu vermitteln.","position":"Head of Partnership Management Germany","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Das Jahr 2025 steht im Zeichen tiefgreifender globaler Veränderungen, die in Bereichen wie Wirtschaft, Technologie und geopolitischen Entwicklungen spürbar werden. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen auch Fremdwährungen und Devisen eine entscheidende Rolle. In einer sich wandelnden Weltwirtschaft sollten Unternehmen verstehen, wie Wechselkurse und Devisenstrategien sie beeinflussen können. Wir zeigen auf, welche Trends und Risiken 2025 prägen werden und wie man sich strategisch auf diese Herausforderungen vorbereiten kann.","presenter":"Timur Coban","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":235115,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"MARCELLO","lname":"VALERIO","cname2":"if returns","avatar":"","presentation_title":"iF leverages AI to transform reverse logistics in eCommerce, reducing returns and promoting sustainability","bio":"Education:\nHe holds a strong academic background in Structural and Seismic Engineering, having conducted research at the University of California. Additionally, he has a Master's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Imperial College London.\n\nExperience:\nHe has over six years of experience in strategic consulting, focusing on advanced analytics and product development. At Monitor Deloitte and Altran Consulting, he pioneered the implementation of technological and strategic products. He has advised high-profile retail and consumer companies such as El Corte Inglés, Coca Cola, EROSKI, and DIA, helping them optimize their strategies through data analysis and advanced technology. He specializes in managing large projects related to AI-driven technology platforms, aimed at addressing the challenges of the retail sector. His track record includes more than 40 projects with major retailers and industries in areas such as eCommerce, mergers and acquisitions, and the implementation of advanced technologies like machine learning.\n\nRole in the Project:\nHe leads the development of iF Returns, with the goal of reducing returns in eCommerce and minimizing environmental impact. As Director of Product and Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM), his focus is on building a data-driven platform.","position":"Founder \u0026 COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"iF has developed a platform that leverages AI to solve the pressing issue of the high percentage of merchandise returns in eCommerce. Our software-based solution offers retailers a profitable and sustainable approach to reverse logistics, minimizing the cost of returns, and reducing waste that ends up in landfills. Through our advanced technology, we enable retailers to process eCommerce and Marketplace returns in an efficient and cost-effective manner while enhancing the customer experience through store credit and exchange incentivization.\r\nOur platform offers a robust end-to-end post-purchase solution that integrates high-impact and engaging features to create a unique user experience for brands. We collect and analyze unlimited data and insights to provide retailers with actionable levers to improve revenues and sustain a green post-purchase process. Our AI-powered portal enables brands to connect deeper with their customers and minimize their carbon footprint, making a positive impact on the environment while driving profitability.\r\nWe're growing fast, innovating faster, and are currently growing our Customer Success and operations team across Europe. This high-performance team will detect well-fitted industry clients to deliver a solid return service proposition for their eCommerce around the world.","presenter":"Marcello Valerio","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":235167,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Felix","lname":"von Strachwitz","cname2":"ifok GmbH, ZYRES GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sustainable E-Commerce Architecture: So schafft Nachhaltigkeit im E-Commerce Mehrwert","bio":"Felix von Strachwitz ist ein Stratege mit starkem Fokus auf Wachstum, Differenzierung und Innovation. Er nutzt seine vielseitigen Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Unternehmensmanagement, nachhaltiges Wachstum und digitaler Handel, um maßgeschneiderte, digitale Strategien zu entwickeln, die den Erfolg in verschiedenen Branchen fördern. Seine akademische Laufbahn, darunter ein Master in strategischer und nachhaltiger Unternehmensführung von der Universität Genf, unterstützt ihn dabei. Mit einem tiefen Verständnis dafür, wie digitale Transformation und Unternehmensziele ineinandergreifen, arbeitet Felix eng mit Führungskräften zusammen, um datengetriebene, nachhaltige Lösungen umzusetzen, die langfristiges Wachstum sichern.\n\n\nFelix von Roesgen beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Digitale Verantwortung in Organisationen und Gesellschaft. Ihm ist wichtig, ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Perspektiven zu vereinen und deren Wechselwirkungen zu berücksichtigen. Sein wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund aus dem Bereich Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre, Politikwissenschaft und Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft und Philosophie hilft ihm dabei ebenso wie seine Erfahrungen in Unternehmensberatungen sowie Familien- und Großunternehmen.","position":"Manager Strategy \u0026 Sales (Felix von Strachwitz),  Consultant (Felix von Roesgen)","logotype":"","presentation_description":" \nIm E-Commerce wird Nachhaltigkeit häufig auf die Themen Verpackung und Retourenmanagement reduziert. Zusätzlich werden Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen oft als notwendiges Übel wahrgenommen, das Ressourcen bindet und primär zur Verbesserung des Unternehmensrufs dient. Diese Sichtweise verkennt jedoch das Potenzial, das in einer nachhaltigen Software-Architektur und Customer Experience liegt – es kann als echter Mehrwert und Innovationsmotor fungieren.\n \nFelix von Strachwitz (ZYRES GmbH) und Felix von Roesgen (ifok GmbH) widerlegen diese herkömmlichen Auffassungen und zeigen auf, wie E-Commerce-Unternehmen die Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur bewältigen, sondern auch aktiv gestalten können, um langfristig Unternehmenserfolg zu erzielen. Mithilfe praxisnaher Case Studies und datenbasierter Einblicke demonstrieren sie, wie eine durchdachte Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, die digitale Prozesse und ressourcenschonende Software-Architekturen einschließt, nicht nur der Umwelt zugutekommt, sondern auch die Gesellschaft und das Geschäftsergebnis positiv beeinflusst.\n \nUnternehmen, die auf verantwortungsbewusste Architekturen \u0026 Ansätze setzen, schaffen nicht nur einen Wettbewerbsvorteil, sondern fördern auch langfristige Kundenbindung und positionieren sich als Innovationsführer in einem zunehmend dynamischen Marktumfeld. Durch ihre kombinierte Expertise in den Bereichen E-Commerce, Strategischem Management, Change-Management und Corporate Digital Responsibility zeigen die Referenten praxisnahe Ansätze auf, wie Webshops nachhaltig und verantwortungsbewusst gestaltet werden können, um sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben und zukunftsfähig zu bleiben.","presenter":"Felix von Roesgen, Felix von Strachwitz","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236523,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dr. Markus","lname":"Schönberger","cname2":"iMotions A/S","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Emotion AI improves products, services and workflows in E-Commerce","bio":"After two decades of neuroscience and bioengineering research at LMU München and UC San Diego,  Markus acted as Product Manager for various European biotech companies in the fields of eye tracking and EEG soft- and hardware. At iMotions A/S, he is providing consulting and trainings on multimodal sensor technologies and data mining strategies for academic and commercial users of the platform. Markus is an enthusiastic fan of classic SciFi literature and also provided consulting on screenplays and short stories. ","position":"Senior Customer Success Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Humans use a lot of non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, body language and tone of voice, to communicate their emotions. Digital and physical products, services and workflows can be massively enhanced by using Artificial Emotional Intelligence, or Emotion AI, based on eye tracking and emotion detection from facial and verbal cues. \r\n\r\nBy observing visual attention through metrics like fixations, heat maps, and Areas of Interest, and pairing these with facially or verbally expressed emotions, UX/UI researchers can pinpoint moments of frustration or confusion, or find out which products are triggering customers' interest.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, I present in three use cases how commercial companies in E-Commerce make use of Emotion AI technology to improve their product portfolio, resulting in higher sales numbers and increased customer satisfaction.","presenter":"Dr. Markus Schönberger","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236009,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Antonio","lname":"Blago","cname2":"[email protected]","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Python and AI for SEO and Content Creation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How to implement python automations for lead generation, keyword research, content repurposing with AI and SEO.","presenter":"Antonio Blago","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235952,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carmela","lname":"Lim","cname2":"Infobip","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Innovating Financial Services with Omnichannel Communication and AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Description: \r\n\r\nThis session will demonstrate how financial institutions can revolutionize customer engagement by adopting omnichannel communication strategies and leveraging AI. Key areas of focus will include real-time messaging, security, compliance, and personalization through advanced technology.\r\n\r\nDuring the session, we will share actionable insights and examples of how financial institutions can enhance customer experiences, increase retention, and drive revenue growth through advanced communication technologies. \r\n\r\nKey Points:\r\n\r\n•\tSecurity \u0026 Compliance: Navigating regulatory requirements while maintaining robust security measures.\r\n•\tOmnichannel Strategies: Utilizing multiple channels to create unified, consistent customer experiences.\r\n•\tAI \u0026 Automation: Driving efficiency and personalization using chatbots, predictive analytics, and automated workflows.\r\n\r\nValue: \r\n\r\nAttendees will leave with practical strategies to modernize their communication channels, improve service delivery, increase engagement, and elevate customer trust.","presenter":"Ivan Ostojic","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":80,"id":235932,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carmela","lname":"Lim","cname2":"Infobip","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Elevating Retail through Conversational Commerce – Revolutionizing Customer Experience with GenAI","bio":"Ivan Ostojić has joined Infobip as Chief Business Officer after 10 years at leading global consulting company, McKinsey \u0026 Company, where as a Partner he co-founded and co-led McKinsey´s Global Technology Council and McKinsey´s Innovation \u0026 New Business building (Leap) practices.\n\nHe is responsible for strengthening Infobip’s critical future \u0026 market-shaping functions, such as strategy \u0026 strategic project office, marketing, Go-to-Market \u0026 business model innovation, partnership \u0026 alliances, and strategic M\u0026A. Ivan holds a doctorate in natural sciences from the University of Basel and a master’s degree in management, technology, and economics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. ","position":"Chief Business Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Description:\r\n\r\nMeeting customer needs in this ever-evolving market is more challenging than ever. Customers demand conversational experiences on their terms and app fatigue is a real problem. \r\nThis session aims to explore how conversational commerce is transforming retail by streamlining customer interactions and increasing engagement. This session will demonstrate how conversational AI, RCS Business Messaging, and cutting-edge technologies like GenAI and Network APIs can revolutionize customer experiences. Learn to create engaging journeys, unlock insights, optimize costs, and enhance efficiency by bridging traditional systems with modern solutions.\r\n\r\nKey Points:\r\n\r\n•\tThe impact of conversational AI on customer service and engagement.\r\n•\tReal-world examples of increased sales and customer satisfaction.\r\n•\tStrategies for implementing seamless conversational channels across platforms.\r\n\r\nValue: \r\n\r\nAttendees will gain actionable insights into leveraging conversational commerce to enhance customer loyalty, improve sales funnels, and differentiate their brand in the competitive retail landscape.","presenter":"Ivan Ostojic","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":235931,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Djuradj","lname":"Caranovic","cname2":"Inner Pathways","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI Mastery for E-Commerce Founders: Elevate, Innovate, Dominate","bio":"Meet the digital Dr. Dolittle who's taught AI to speak 'Customer' in over 250 dialects of e-commerce. This algo-alchemist has a Ph.D. in turning 'Beep Boop' into 'Cha-Ching!' and can make neural networks purr like kittens (and sell like wolves). They've seen more data than a database administrator's nightmares and have the uncanny ability to make machine learning models predict trends faster than your aunt shares Facebook posts. Warning: Exposure to their talks may cause spontaneous revenue growth and an irresistible urge to high-five your laptop. If you've ever wondered what happens when you feed an AI energy drinks and sales targets, buckle up – you're about to find out!","position":"Chief AI Strategy Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the high-stakes world of e-commerce, where every decision counts, AI can be your secret weapon. With over 250 AI projects behind me, I’ve seen how these tools can turn daunting challenges into significant opportunities. This session is crafted for e-commerce founders who want to leverage AI to not just survive but thrive.\r\n\r\nHere’s what you’ll gain:\r\n\r\n• Predictive Analytics: Your Crystal Ball for Market Trends\r\nImagine having a tool that helps you foresee market shifts and consumer preferences before they happen. I’ll share how AI has enabled businesses to anticipate trends and seize opportunities with real-world success stories that showcase its transformative power.\r\n\r\n• Hyper-Personalization: Making Every Customer Feel Special\r\nAI doesn’t just automate—it personalizes. Learn how to use AI to create unforgettable, tailored experiences that keep customers coming back. I’ll provide insights from projects where AI-driven personalization turned one-time shoppers into loyal advocates.\r\n\r\n• Real-Time Adaptation: Agile Responses in a Dynamic Market\r\nIn a world that never stops moving, being agile is crucial. Discover how AI can help you adjust pricing and inventory on the fly, ensuring you’re always one step ahead. We’ll explore practical examples where AI’s real-time capabilities gave businesses a competitive edge.\r\n\r\nThis isn’t just theory—it’s about practical strategies drawn from my extensive experience. You’ll leave with actionable insights and a clear plan for using AI to revolutionize your e-commerce approach.","presenter":"Djuradj Caranovic","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234493,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tomasz","lname":"Klajbor","cname2":"INNOKREA","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Reuse before recycle - introducing REcommerce in responsible businesses","bio":"Since 2017, CEO of INNOKREA, a forward-thinking company specializing in tailored IT solutions, from mobile and web applications to advanced backend systems. With a strong portfolio across diverse industries, he is an advocate for green IT and pragmatic approaches to sustainable development in technology. His prior leadership includes heading the IT department of an energy company (2013-2017) and managing IT and projects in the banking sector (2008-2013). He holds a PhD in Teleinformatics from Gdańsk University of Technology and is a recognized author in telecommunications and innovation.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an era where sustainability and innovation are at the forefront of corporate responsibility, businesses are increasingly turning to REcommerce as a means to achieve both environmental and economic goals. REcommerce, short for \"reverse commerce,\" involves the resale, refurbishment, and reuse of previously owned products, with a focus on extending the lifespan of goods. The presentation will explore what REcommerce is, how companies can introduce it into their operations, and the significant benefits it brings, with a special emphasis on reusing old electronics.","presenter":"Tomasz Klajbor","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":235791,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kim","lname":"Baas","cname2":"Insight First BV","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Do you know how long your customers travel to your retail store? How accurate data insights drive your omnichannel growth strategy.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Many of our clients are e-commcerce founded but are now spreading their wings into Retail. But what is the effect of shop openings on online sales in the region? How far do people travel to stores? And what are the best locations to open new shops? Based on a combination of location based sales data, retail shop data and Google's distance \u0026 time open source dataset you can do a lot of great analysis! Determine the catchment area of a new store. Will it activate customers in the region and increase online sales, or will it cannibalise? Does this effect differ the further you get from the store? And how long are customers willing to travel (in distance and in time)? This, crossjoined with your current online sales data provides great insight into where to open new shops. A business case on how we are helping our clients drive omnichannel growth, packed with real-business examples.","presenter":"Kim Baas","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":235056,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Corc","lname":"Uysal","cname2":"Interactive One GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Mail-Marketing ohne eigene Liste: Wie du im E-Commerce rechtssicher mit Fremdadressen profitierst","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In diesem Vortrag erfährst du, wie du im E-Commerce durch Fremdadressen (Standalone-Kampagnen) Neukunden gewinnst und den Umsatz steigerst – ohne eigene E-Mail-Liste. Wir zeigen dir, welche rechtlichen Aspekte zu beachten sind, wie du hochwertige Adressdaten generierst und erfolgreiche Kampagnen aufsetzt. Du lernst, wie du deine Reichweite vergrößerst, rechtliche Risiken minimierst und deinen ROAS optimierst.","presenter":"Corc Uysal \u0026 Felix Ruisinger","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235081,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marta","lname":"Soler","cname2":"INTERDIGITAL Corporación Tecnológica SL","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Do you want unique and original content for your catalog? TURN YOUR ONLINE STORE INTO GOOGLE'S #1","bio":"@martasoler - Since I completed my training as a Telecommunications Engineer specializing in Computer Systems in 1997, I have led hundreds of online projects in a wide variety of sectors, gaining an increasingly comprehensive 360-degree vision.\n\nMy fascination with the communication potential of the internet has led me to specialize in the Conceptualization of Web Pages, Communication Strategies, and their Digitalization.\n\nI love challenges, each with its unique approach, market, peculiarities, and the twists that the internet channel adds... What’s your challenge? Let’s talk at\n\nIn recent years, I’ve been diving deeper into the world of Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence, and Web3. I aim to contribute my professional and personal experience so that we can become freer, more independent, and more self-sufficient.\n\nBecause I want to bring my experience to the great change we are already living through. Join our Discord community! YEL","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"With AI, you can generate unique and original content that is highly attractive because it's tailored to your audience. Whether you have 100 products or 100,000 — for any volume! In your brand's tone and style. And you can generate it quickly, saving both time and money!","presenter":"Marta Soler Carrascosa","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236336,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marino","lname":"Casucci","cname2":"Intergic srl","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fail fast - some best practices for your international expansion","bio":"Experienced leader with a background in fast-growing and early-mover technology companies, specialized in sales and partner management. I'm passionate about helping companies find and execute the right local strategy for their global expansion plans -- result-oriented with a proven track record in sales.\nExtremely skilled at building and maintaining global relationships within a network of professionals at the executive level.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Drawing on 20 years of experience in Tier 1 and 2 SaaS sales within the Italian market and over 500 enterprise B2B clients across retail, luxury, e-commerce, and major brands, Marino Casucci, CEO of Intergic, an Italy-based outsourcing company, highlights the most common mistakes that can cause delays in determining market readiness and identifying the fastest path to gaining market share ahead of competitors.\r\n\r\nIntergic shares best practices and insights from their work with globally recognized clients such as Luxottica, Max Mara, Mediamarket, Calzedonia, Moncler, and many others.","presenter":"Marino Casucci","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":234578,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Meeri","lname":"Savolainen","cname2":"INZMO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Creating a Culture of Innovation: Leadership Strategies for Staying Ahead in E-Commerce","bio":"Meeri is a Founder and CEO of INZMO, a Berlin insurtech building embedded insurance solutions to serve the European insurance industry. The company focuses on non-life insurance solutions (electronics, rental deposits, home contents, bikes, tickets, etc) and launched Germany’s first fully digital rental deposit guarantee service. \n\nINZMO is backed by Swiss insurance giant, Helvetia and has served over 150,000 customers. \n\nMeeri has acquired leadership and management degrees from the Universities of Harvard and Stanford and she was recognized as one of the top 10 women in insurtech to watch.","position":"CEO / Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Attendees would learn how to implement leadership strategies that foster an innovative mindset within their teams. The presentation will discuss how leaders can foster a culture that prioritizes and supports innovation and key traits leaders should embody—such as adaptability, risk-taking, and vision—and the importance of empowering teams to experiment. We will develop strategies for building agile, cross-functional teams that can quickly respond to market changes, trends, and consumer behavior shifts in the e-commerce industry—sharing strategies for ensuring that innovation efforts align with overall business objectives. Emphasis is on the importance of innovation being an ongoing process, not a one-time event and providing frameworks for continuous learning, feedback loops, and keeping pace with industry developments.","presenter":"Meeri Savolainen","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234762,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Meeri","lname":"Savolainen","cname2":"INZMO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Rise of Embedded Finance in E-commerce: Driving Customer Loyalty and Revenue","bio":"Meeri is a Founder and CEO of INZMO, a Berlin insurtech building embedded insurance solutions to serve the European insurance industry.  The company focuses on non-life insurance products (electronics, rental deposits, home contents, bikes, tickets, etc) and launched also Germany’s first fully digital rental deposit guarantee service. \n\nINZMO is backed by Swiss insurance giant Helvetia and has over 150,000 customers. \n\nMeeri has acquired leadership and management degrees from the Universities of Harvard and Stanford and she was recognized as one of the top 10 women in insurtech to watch in 2022.","position":"CEO / Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will discuss how integrating financial services directly into e-commerce platforms—like BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later), micro-loans, or insurance—creates new revenue streams and enhances customer experience, leading to differentiation in the market. Understanding the growing market demand for embedded financial services and how consumer behavior is shifting towards digital and integrated financial solutions.\r\nIncluding data on market size, adoption rates, and forecasted growth to set the stage for the opportunity it presents. Demonstrating how embedded finance offerings like BNPL, loyalty-based financial rewards, and personalized financing options can improve the customer experience. Providing insights on how these services build trust, increase customer satisfaction, and encourage repeat business, ultimately leading to long-term customer loyalty. Exploring how embedded financial services can unlock new revenue streams for e-commerce companies by offering value-added services such as insurance, financing, and premium payment options. Real-life case studies where e-commerce platforms have seen improved conversion rates, larger basket sizes, or reduced cart abandonment by integrating these services.","presenter":"Meeri Savolainen","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234749,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lisa","lname":"Terks","cname2":"IQONIC.AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Schöner Empfehlen: Warum (Beauty) E-Commerce KI braucht","bio":"Martin Pentenrieder, Co-Gründer und Geschäftsführer von IQONIC.AI, ist ein Serial Entrepreneur mit mehr als 15 Jahren Erfahrung. In dieser Zeit hat er mehrere Deep-Tech-Unternehmen gegründet, die in den USA, Europa und China tätig sind – darunter das zweitgrößte Brennstoffzellenunternehmen Europas. Mit der KI für Haut- und Haardiagnostik von IQONIC.AI unterstützt er nun Beauty-Marken, Retailer, Apotheken und Salons dabei, ihre Customer Acquisition Costs zu senken, die Sales Conversion zu erhöhen und ihr Wachstum zu steigern.\nIm Jahr 2021 wurde Martin Pentenrieder in die Forbes \"30 Under 30\"-Liste aufgenommen und mit dem SET Award ausgezeichnet. ","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unternehmen im Bereich Beauty-E-Commerce haben es aufgrund einer geringen Kundenbindung und hoher Akquisitionskosten schwer, im stark umkämpften Markt zu gewinnen. Glücklicherweise kann künstliche Intelligenz Unternehmen und Kunden helfen: Personalisierte Kaufempfehlungen sorgen für einen besseren Überblick über das Sortiment und helfen dabei, das richtige Produkt in den Warenkorb zu legen.\r\n\r\nDoch warum ist der Einsatz von KI für Produktempfehlungen im Beauty-E-Commerce wichtig? Die Eigenschaften von Haut und Haar sind so individuell wie die Anforderungen an Produkte. Die verwirrende Produktvielfalt in diesem Markt macht es jedoch schwer, den Überblick zu behalten. Darunter leiden Vertrauen, Kundenbindung, Loyalität und Umsatz. \r\nGenau hier setzen KI-Lösungen an: KI-basierte Haut- und Haaranalysen ermöglichen es etwa, die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Kunden genau zu analysieren und hochpersonalisierte Empfehlungen auszusprechen. Dass davon nicht nur die Kunden, sondern auch die Unternehmen profitieren, haben wir mit IQONIC.AI bewiesen.","presenter":"Martin Pentenrieder","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":236142,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gareth","lname":"Smith","cname2":"itCraft","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Building a Global eCommerce Strategy: From Value Proposition to Cross-Border Success","bio":"Gareth is an MBA graduate of the Australian Institute of Business, with 25 years' experience in sales and management and a focus on business strategy and business model creation. He uses proven business frameworks to help people create personal life strategies, and helps professional footballers build careers they won't regret as a licensed FIFA football agent. ","position":"Head of Sales, Business Analyst","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus: This presentation will focus on creating a proven business model for international expansion in eCommerce. We’ll discuss how to craft compelling value propositions tailored to diverse markets, structure a scalable business model, and address key business development strategies for global success.\r\n\r\nValue: Attendees will learn how to align their business objectives with market-specific needs. This strategic foundation will lead naturally into future discussions on the technical execution of these models, empowering teams to drive international growth effectively.","presenter":"Gareth Smith","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235451,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jaroslaw","lname":"Szczotka","cname2":"iteo S.A.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How do AI tools help  in achieving sales department goals?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How can we better understand and connect with our customers?\r\nOne effective way is to directly engage with them through phone calls or in-person meetings. By structuring these conversations, you can gather valuable insights into their needs and challenges.\r\nKey questions to ask:\r\nWhat is your biggest challenge?\r\nHow are technology trends impacting your work?\r\nAdditionally, you can conduct a manual analysis of your existing customer portfolio. This involves reviewing past interactions, identifying pain points, and understanding the specific needs of different customer segments.\r\nFinally, consider leveraging AI tools to assist in customer segmentation and understanding. These tools can provide valuable insights and support your sales efforts.","presenter":"Anna Wojtala, Jarosław Szczotka","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236605,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jasmin","lname":"Karatas","cname2":"Jasmin Deniz Karatas","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The New Luxury: Experience – How to Create Meaningful Emotions in a Digital World","bio":"Hey, I’m Jay! I help brands, solopreneurs, and high potentials unlock the power of emotion-based design to create experiences that actually stick – because, let’s face it, emotions are what truly drive people. With a background in entrepreneurship, gaming, and a deep love for all things nerdy, I founded RAW-R to merge Gamification, business growth, and spirituality into something genuinely unique.\n\nFor over a decade, I’ve been pushing the boundaries of how brands engage their audiences through emotionally-driven, smart, and creative experiences. Whether I’m speaking at an event, hosting a workshop, or geeking out over the latest gaming trends, my mission is always the same: to build real emotional connections that lead to lasting impact.\n\nIf you’re ready to go beyond the superficial and craft experiences that truly resonate, I’m your person. Let’s make your next project unforgettable.\n","position":"Founder \u0026 Gamification Expert","logotype":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=EFuU3Czxeay08znjMCmd_-TaufUoIutuWJarhDXGHB4","presentation_description":"Luxury is no longer about owning things. It’s about experiences that resonate. According to the Forbes study \"Der neue Luxus\", what truly counts today is the emotional connection a brand creates. Consumers don’t just want products – they want memories and meaningful interactions.\r\n\r\nSo, how do you craft these powerful emotions in a digital world?\r\n\r\nThe answer: Emotion-Based Design.\r\n\r\nThis is where my approach to Gamification comes in. It's not about adding game mechanics for the sake of it – it's about designing experiences that tap into core human emotions. By understanding how people feel and what drives them, we create interactions that go beyond the surface, fostering real emotional engagement.\r\n\r\nIt’s not about luxury; it’s about crafting moments that matter. The goal is to leave your audience with something far more valuable: a feeling, a connection, a memory that sticks.\r\n\r\nLet’s build those unforgettable experiences together.\r\n\r\nBy focusing on emotions, we can transform the way people interact with your brand in a way that feels natural, engaging, and deeply personal.\r\n\r\nIn my talk, I will introduce you to a new framework for emotion-based design that you can use for your next marketing campaign, product launch, product design, content – or whatever else you can imagine.","presenter":"Jasmin Deniz Karatas","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":75,"id":236463,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Laila","lname":"Schreiber","cname2":"JENTIS","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Garbage in, Garbage out: Mit KI und den richtigen Daten zu maximaler Kampagnen-Performance","bio":"Having entered the industry at a young age, Thomas always kept an eye on the current needs of the market and stayed a step ahead of technological advancements over time. After his role as Head of Web Analytics at e-Dialog, he founded his own web analytics agency, Webrocket GmbH, in 2014. To address the issues observed in online marketing, he developed JENTIS, the most powerful server-side tracking platform.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die technologische Entwicklung im digitalen Marketing geht klar in Richtung KI und Automatisierung – von Predictive Analytics bis hin zu algorithmischen Kampagnen wie Google Ads Performance Max. Doch wie können Marketing-Teams die KI nutzen, um sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben, wenn diese oft ähnliche Entscheidungen für alle trifft?\n\nIn diesem Talk zeigt CEO Thomas Tauchner, wie präzises Tracking entscheidend für den Erfolg KI-gestützter Analysen und Kampagnen ist. Mit vollständigen Daten lassen sich bessere Ergebnisse erzielen. Erfahren Sie anhand konkreter Beispiele, wie Sie in wenigen Schritten das volle Potenzial Ihrer KI-Plattformen ausschöpfen können – für mehr Insights, Wachstum und ROI.","presenter":"Thomas Tauchner","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":37,"id":234532,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Valerii","lname":"Chekalkyn","cname2":"Jetbeep Inc., Jetbeep OÜ","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Autonomous parcel lockers - two ways to go","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Today, parcel lockers are considered to be the most efficient way of last-mile and first-mile delivery. Carriers and locker network operators are looking for ways to optimize locker network CAPEX and OPEX. The best way to do this is to make the lockers autonomous. And there are two approaches to implementing autonomous lockers: Linux-based and microcontroller-based. The presentation will describe in detail the pros and cons of each approach.","presenter":"Valerii Chekalkyn","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236673,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Johnny","lname":"Earle","cname2":"Johnny Cupcakes","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Building Brand Loyalty—The Kind w/ Long Queues \u0026 Permanent Tattoos!","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Top Innovator in Retail by Boston Globe, keynote speaker Johnny Cupcakes shares his unpredictable story on creating The World's First T-shirt Bakery — a food themed T-shirt brand with an ecommerce store + a clothing store on Boston's Newbury Street that looks like a bakery, smells like a bakery, where T-shirts are displayed in refrigerators, packaged in lunch boxes, and pulled out of a secret smoking oven!\r\n\r\nAlthough Johnny does trick hangry people daily with his fakery, 100% of his customers leave with an experience and a story to share.  With thousands of customers having Johnny Cupcakes logos tattooed on their bodies and Johnny being a case study in several branding and business books, Johnny reveals his secret ingredients on Building Brand Loyalty, Inspiring Innovation, and Creating Unique Experiences in retail.  Grab your notebook and buckle up for a fast paced journey into the unknown—you don't want to miss this!","presenter":"Johnny Cupcakes","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234510,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Jung","cname2":"Jung \u0026 Jung Projekt GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Geloopt Geschenkt Geliebt","bio":"*1976\ngelernter Industriekaufmann\nverheiratet, 2 Kinder, \nSelbständig\nOberbürgermeisterkandidat Hagen 2025\n\nVor rd. 6 Jahren Verkauf von Firmenanteilen.\nGründung Jung \u0026 Jung Projekt GmbH \nErfinder und Entwickler von Apps (LOOPS, MOVEYA, HEAVENSBOOK), Spielwaren, Möbelzubehör, Kinderbüchern, etc.\nImmobilienprojekte.\nSeit 5 Jahren Mitgesellschafter und GF der Gräfe \u0026 Jung GmbH. Ein Unternehmen welches Fördergelder für Unternehmen in der HR generiert.\n","position":"Owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Loops ist die shopübergeifende Plattform für das Organisieren von Geschenken.\r\nSocial Media Einflüsse machen Loops zu einem \"Doodel trifft Amazon tifft Insta\"-Erlebnis.\r\n\r\nZiel ist es für User, den oftmals mit vielen WhatsApp, Anrufen, Mails gespickten Weg zum richtigen Geschenk zu nehmen. \r\n\"Erstelle eine List mit Links zu Dingen die du dir wünscht und teile diese\".\r\nImmer das richtige Geschenk!\r\nUnd im Anschluss können die Looper Bilder des Events in die Liste laden.\r\nEine schöne Erinnerung mit Bilden der Feier, etc. und bestenfalls mit den Produkten aus der Liste.\r\n\r\nDies können aber auch Unternehmen und Shops nutzen.\r\nLoops erstellen zu einem Thema und in Social Media mit den Usern teilen.\r\nEbenso können Influencer einen völlig neuen Content aufbauen.\r\n\r\\r\n\r\nKönnt Ihr ja auch schonmal privat vorab nutzen.\r\n;-)","presenter":"Philipp Jung","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235293,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jasper","lname":"Boernsen","cname2":"Justaddsugar GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Content Revolution, powered by GenAI","bio":"How does the future of the marketing and content world look like? This is a question Jasper, as Head of Innovation at Justaddsugar, asks himself on daily basis. Over the past two years, this has particularly been about the influence of GenAI on the work of the full-service social media agency and the symbiosis between GenAI and humans at Justaddsugar.","position":"Head of Innovation","logotype":"","presentation_description":"„It will mean that 95% of what marketers use agencies, strategists, and creative professionals for today will easily, nearly instantly and at almost no cost be handled by the AI […]“ - Sam Altman\r\n\r\nHow do we as a social media agency with deep roots in content production are using GenAI to compliment our physical production? How do we approach the production of product content? We have tested with our customers, here are the results...","presenter":"Jasper Boernsen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":33,"id":234736,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefan","lname":"Heuser","cname2":"JustRelate Group, TAG Heuer","avatar":"","presentation_title":"TAG Heuer x Dartagnan: The power of email marketing as the centerpiece of your performances","bio":"Philipp Kunstmann, Senior Digital Consultant at JustRelate Group. I am a marketing and sales professional with over 16 years of experience in the B2B and luxury consumer goods sectors. Additionally, I am an expert in the digitalization of complex business processes and have extensive experience in implementing related projects. Apart from my professional activities, I enjoy spending time with my family, exploring foreign countries, engaging in gardening, and relishing extensive summer grill evenings with a good glass of wine.\n\nBased in France, Nicolas Guillen is Managing Director and the Chief Revenue Officer at Dartagnan Email Builder - a JustRelate Group company. For many years, Nicolas worked at several digital companies and grew a robust skill set that includes CRM, Email Marketing and more.\nAt JustRelate France, Nicolas :\n1.      Is in charge of revenue sources for JustRelate France\n2.      Coordinate the actions of the sales teams to increase market share in French and international markets\n3.      Strengthen the pillars of retention, loyalty, and customer development\n4.      Collaborate with other members of the management team to implement our development plan and ensure customer satisfaction\nWith his expert knowledge of market needs and trends, Nicolas contributes valuable insights to the industry.\n","position":"Senior Digital Consultant and Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Did you know that effective email marketing can increase the result of your sales and customer retention strategies up to 40 times?\r\nFind out how this works in the masterclass: “TAG Heuer x Dartagnan : The power of email marketing as the centerpiece of your performances.”\r\nThrough the exclusive testimony of its CRM team, learn how Tag Heuer managed to optimize its email production process with Dartagnan and create impactful email campaigns that reflect their brand image.You will also learn about proven strategies and solutions to make your email marketing extremely successful.\r\n\r\nHighlights from the content: \r\n- Benefit from concrete and illustrated examples of Tag Heuer's email marketing strategy\r\n- Maximize your performance and ROI with your email strategy\r\n- Improve and streamline your email production processes\r\n- Improve your brand image with engaging email campaigns.\r\n- Create personalized, interactive and effective emails for a wide range of audiences.","presenter":"Philipp Kunstmann, Nicolas Guillen, Etienne Bateau","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236904,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christoph","lname":"Rottler-Lavoie","cname2":"Kameleoon GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"All Teams, One Goal: Unified Experimentation driving Cross-Team success","bio":"Christoph Rottler is Managing Director DACH at Kameleoon. With more than a decade of experience in A/B testing and personalization, Christoph has conducted hundreds of conversion optimization projects from SEA/SMA to on-page campaigns.\n\nHe not only has a lot of experience in the CRO, but also has solid know-how, which is why he has already appeared on several stages as a speaker. Here he inspired his audience with practical insights and innovative strategies, making it easy for him to win over his listeners.","position":"Managing Director DACH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus:\r\nThis masterclass focuses on how unified experimentation can foster cross-team collaboration, breaking down silos and driving overall business success. It’s designed for all teams aiming to strategically contribute to company growth through collective experimentation.\r\n\r\nValue:\r\nParticipants will learn how to create cross-functional synergies through coordinated experimentation, enhancing communication and driving innovation together. Because experimentation isn't a one-man show — it’s a team sport. The outcome is better-aligned teams, accelerated growth, and measurable success for the entire organization.","presenter":"Christoph Rottler-Lavoie","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":128,"id":235092,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Pavel","lname":"Karpisek","cname2":"Karpi Studio","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Accessibility in practice: How a Serie A startup increased their conversions by enhancing accessibility","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation will explore how a leading Serie A startup significantly boosted its conversions by prioritizing accessibility in its digital products. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, we’ll highlight the specific adjustments made to their platform that not only improved usability for individuals with disabilities but also enhanced the overall user experience for all. You’ll learn how accessibility improvements can drive measurable business outcomes, including increased customer satisfaction, wider market reach, and stronger brand loyalty, ultimately leading to higher conversions.","presenter":"Pavel Karpisek","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235936,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boukare","lname":"Bara","cname2":"Karte für Alle","presentation_title":"Selling by educating","presentation_description":"I ll presentate pedagogisch and educative playing card.You can learn by playing with our cards.You can know very historical important personn with our cards","presenter":"Boukare Bara","presentation_category":"ai","votes":1,"id":236543,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gernot","lname":"Ortoff","cname2":"Kastner \u0026 Öhler | Gigasport","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Profitable Omnichannel Business","bio":" or have a look at Linkedin\n\nnearly 20 years of eCommerce experience ;-)\n","position":"Head of eCommerce \u0026 Online Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Omnichannel | Austria | Profitable | fashion, beauty, home, sports | 150 years of history | fully integrated in the customer journey","presenter":"Gernot Ortoff","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235108,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Cindy","lname":"Georgy","cname2":"Kaufland Global Marketplace","avatar":"","presentation_title":"App, loyalty program and seller vouchers - How Kaufland e-commerce is taking the marketplaces to the next digital level","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Miroslava Biresova, Operational Lead Sales Czech \u0026 Slovak Market at Kaufland e-commerce, talks about how Kaufland marketplaces successfully combine stationary retail and the digital shopping experience with an app and a loyalty program. Sellers can also take advantage of coupons and vouchers to reach more customers at national and international level.","presenter":"Miroslava Biresova","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236126,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bjoern","lname":"Budack","cname2":"KB Kiez Büro GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to launch your online store and not be overwhelmed by day-to-day operations.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"You have a great product, your business plan is in place, you have some capital, marketing is going well and the first orders are rolling in. However, you soon realize how much time, effort and expense the operational processing of your orders takes: Printing labels, folding boxes, picking goods, packing them and taking them to the post office. And last but not least, parcels keep coming back!\r\n What if you could hand over this day-to-day operational business? And also have a place where your goods are stored safely and securely, freeing up space in your living room? And maybe get a little help with Shopify \u0026 Co. too?\r\n\r\nIn my presentation, I will show you how we can support even the smallest and smallest online retailers in fulfillment and beyond.","presenter":"Björn Budack","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":235097,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kilian","lname":"Schmidt","cname2":"Kertos","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Not Privacy again! Automated compliance for customer trust and scaling operations!","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"GDPR, Data Privacy and various other Compliance regulations make every founders life a challenge the #1 compliance platform from Kertos automates repetitive tasks, spares resources in the engineering teams and lets everyone focus on the actual tasks.","presenter":"Kilian Schmidt","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234595,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nenad","lname":"Cetkovic","cname2":"Keyban","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Facing the Digital Product Passport Challenge for Retail and ecommerce with the Web3 technologies","bio":"Co-founder and COO at KEYBAN. Senior executive with extensive experience in various CxO roles within the ecommerce industry across Europe and Asia over the past two decades. Specialized in SaaS and B2B platforms for ecommerce and retail. A web3 and blockchain enthusiast, thriving since 2018 in a world perpetually driven by technological innovation","position":"Chief Operating Officer (COO)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In 2026, the fashion and electronics industries in Europe will face a new regulation: the Digital Product Passport (DPP). This tool provides information about product circularity, the second-hand market, and recycling. While it will add additional costs for selling in Europe, it also presents an opportunity. Brands and retailers could leverage this DPP requirement by integrating Web3 and blockchain technologies. This could create new customer relationships and generate new streams of upsells and revenues. Walkthrough and Quickwins.","presenter":"Nenad Cetkovic","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":33,"id":234614,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Maximo","lname":"Uribarri","cname2":"Keyworld Marketing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI Tools to Supercharge Digital Marketing: Driving Growth and Innovation in E-Commerce","bio":"I’m Máximo Uribarri, founder and CEO of Keyworld Marketing, where I’ve been leading the charge in AI-driven digital marketing since 2019. With over a decade of experience in e-commerce and a deep passion for artificial intelligence, I’ve made it my mission to help businesses harness the power of data to fuel growth and optimize their online presence.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI tools are revolutionizing the way businesses approach marketing. This session will explore cutting-edge AI technologies that empower companies to optimize their digital marketing strategies, from automating customer segmentation and personalizing content to predicting consumer behavior and enhancing campaign performance. Drawing from insights and techniques learned during my PhD in Digital Marketing, I will share practical tools and tricks to drive growth, improve ROI, and foster innovation in e-commerce. Whether you're looking to streamline operations or boost customer engagement, this presentation will equip you with the knowledge to harness AI effectively in your digital marketing efforts","presenter":"Maximo Uribarri","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":234551,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andrius","lname":"Bolsaitis","cname2":"Klix by Citadele","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Rental as an alternative to BNPL","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Renting as an alternative to BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) offers a compelling solution in today’s circular economy, appealing especially to younger generations who prefer access over ownership. By promoting rentals, businesses tap into this shift, fostering stronger customer loyalty with flexible, low monthly payments. Unlike BNPL, renting aligns with sustainability, reducing waste and promoting resource reuse. This model not only lowers financial strain for customers but also provides a competitive edge for businesses by expanding their ecosystem, creating a continuous revenue stream, and keeping customers engaged through repeat rentals and ongoing service relationships.","presenter":"Andrius Bolsaitis","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235068,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Bregulla","cname2":"KNISTR GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Loyalty Programs: Shaping the Future of Retail","bio":"Michael Bregulla - Innovator in Loyalty Programs | Marketing Leader | B2C \u0026 Retail Media Expert\n\nMichael is a seasoned leader shaping the future of customer loyalty in the digital age. As Managing Director at KNISTR, he’s at the forefront of building smart, data-driven loyalty and gift card solutions that help brands like REWE, s.Oliver, and Douglas connect with their customers on a whole new level. KNISTR delivers personalized marketing tools that empower businesses to stay ahead of the competition in today’s fast-paced retail world.\n\nWith over 20 years of experience across CRM, loyalty strategies, and digital commerce, Michael has worked with major global brands, leading game-changing initiatives that bridge the gap between tech, marketing, and customer engagement. Prior to KNISTR, he held senior roles at Ingenico Marketing Solutions, CPP Group, and GE Money, where he developed strategies that transformed customer experience for retailers and financial services alike.\n\nWhat sets Michael apart? His ability to cut through complexity, unite stakeholders, and deliver bold, impactful solutions in the B2C and Retail Media space. Whether it's driving omnichannel engagement or innovating loyalty platforms, Michael’s vision is clear: make customer loyalty a key driver of growth and success in a digital-first world.\n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Retail isn't just about transactions anymore—it's about connections. As omnichannel strategies and personalized customer engagement take center stage, retailers are evolving into full-scale marketing platforms. Through Retail Media, they're offering unique services to brands, from global consumer goods companies to niche artisans.\r\n\r\nLoyalty programs are the game-changers in this shift, turning retailers into personalized marketplaces. This transformation isn't just a trend; it's set to redefine B2C commerce—especially as we face economic challenges ahead.\r\n\r\nJoin me to dive into how loyalty programs are leading this revolution and why they're the future of retail.","presenter":"Michael Bregulla","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":30,"id":236440,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Konrad","lname":"Nicinski","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to expand with a D2C Brand to Poland.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I would like to show our approach on how to enter the Polish market with influencer marketing and more importantly what you need to consider to be successful in this specific market. \r\n\r\nMany factors are important such as: \r\n✅ Shop in the Polish language\r\n✅ Logistics\r\n✅ Local payment methods\r\n✅  A native who has experience \u0026 knows the market \r\n\r\n\r\\r\n\r\nWhy wait to Expand? \r\n\r\nCountry Management | Influencer Marketing","presenter":"Konrad Niciński","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235834,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Odenthal","cname2":" GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"7 Behavioral Economics Strategies to Significantly Boost Your Online Commerce Success","bio":"David Odenthal is a true visionary when it comes to digital transformation. Since 2006, he has been guiding both small and large businesses as an entrepreneur and consultant on their journey to digital excellence. As the founder of **overheat**, the first German mousetracking tool, he set new standards in the behavioral analysis of website visitors. With his platform ****, he focuses on designing marketing processes that deliver measurable success across the entire customer journey.\n\nAs a conversion optimizer and UX guru with heart and soul, his goal has always been: \"Turning visitors into enthusiastic customers and loyal fans.\" Since 2023, David has represented the **Nexi Group** as a Brand Ambassador, continuing to inspire businesses to unlock their full digital potential.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus: This presentation will explore how leveraging principles of behavioral economics can drive significant improvements in online commerce performance by influencing customer decision-making and increasing conversion rates.\r\n\r\nValue: Attendees will gain actionable insights into seven key strategies that can be immediately implemented to optimize user experience, enhance customer engagement, and ultimately boost sales and revenue.\r\n\r\nI prefer the german language, but i can try it in english ;)","presenter":"David Odenthal","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":15,"id":234513,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefanie","lname":"Grimmling","cname2":"konversionsKraft","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Product Discovery How could Product benefit from CRO methods","bio":"Anastasia: I'm an experienced digital strategist with a strong focus on conversion rate optimization and product experimentation. With over 9 years of experience different roles at konversionsKRAFT and die kartenmacherei, I’ve driven impactful e-commerce innovations, optimized customer journeys, and led strategic initiatives for global brands. Passionate about data-driven decision-making, I specialize in A/B testing, mobile optimization, and launching customer-centric products.\n\nStefanie: I’m currently part of the Management Team and a Senior Managing Consultant at konversionsKRAFT, with over 10 years of experience in e-commerce and product management. I specialize in conversion optimization, agile project execution, and product experimentation. My broad experience helps me understand business challenges and work with teams to find fast, effective solutions. I focus on optimizing and scaling experimentation programs, helping businesses grow and achieve visible success.","position":"Lead Consultant Product Experimentation (Anastasia), Member of the Management Team (Stefanie)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In our talk we will highlight the importance of Product Discovery and how CRO methods can benefit product teams in developing better products. It stresses that the focus should not only be on delivery (building the product correctly) but also on discovery (building the right product) to meet customer needs effectively. \nWe have a  case where the lack of inspiration on a website was initially thought to be the problem. However, after discovery, it became clear that inspiration wasn’t the core issue, leading to a new strategic decision to enhance an existing tool.\nWe als address common cognitive biases that can lead teams to make misguided product decisions. By emphasizing Product Discovery, teams can reduce these biases, resulting in more accurate, user-driven solutions. \nWe will provide a guiding path for companies looking to develop products that really truly meet customer needs while minimizing the risk of wasted time, resources, and effort.","presenter":"Stefanie Grimmling \u0026 Anastasia Shvedova","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":236100,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"András (Andy)","lname":"Kobza","cname2":"Konvertify","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Friction in real life and in CRO","bio":"Andy has been active in the Ecommerce space for 11 years, with several successful ecommerce ventures under his belt. \nIn the past years, he has been focusing in helping ecommerce sites remove the barriers to sales and lower friction all over their site. He operates a boutique CRO agency in Budapest, Hungary, focusing on SME clients. Their main expertise is in running full-scale conversion rate optimization projects for clients. He is also a speaker at many conferences and events in the ecommerce and CRO spaces.\n\nIn addition to the above, he is also a board member of Ecommerce Hungary, the local ecommerce association in Hungary. ","position":"Managing Director and Head of Conversion","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I would like to present a talk on friction. We face friction all the time in our everyday lives, some we realize, some we don't (or accept it as a given). The same is true for websites, especially ecommerce sites. My speach highlights the importance of realising friction (through the AIDA framwork, as the barrier between desire and action) as well as the opportunities to overcome them. \r\n\r\nI plan on having a lighthearted speach, with many real-life examples (offline and online) that participants can relate to (and hopefully laugh along with), as well as proven methods to overcome them in our website design and conversion rate optimization programs. \r\n\r\nMy talk should be informative as well as fun, entertaining while providing valuable (and actionable) insights into how site design and consumer pyschology interact.","presenter":"András (Andy) Kobza","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":55,"id":234589,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Krisztian","lname":"Kiraly","cname2":"Konverzio Mester","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Commerce 2025: Die Macht der datengesteuerten Customer Journey entfesseln! Warum sind Daten- und Kundenbindung Plattformen entscheidend?","bio":"Krisztián verfügt über mehr als 20 internationale Zertifikate und mehr als 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung in verschiedenen Bereichen des Online-Marketings. Seine bevorzugten Fachgebiete sind Webanalyse und Conversion-Optimierung. \nEr ist Gründer und Leiter von Konverzio Mester, einer 360-Grad-Online-Marketing-Agentur, deren Team umfassende und durchdachte Online-Marketing-Strategien für ihre Kunden plant und umsetzt.\nUnter Ihren Kunden gibt es auch solchen, deren Umsatz sich dank ihrer Hilfe innerhalb von 3 Jahren verdreifacht hat.\nEr war der fachliche Mentor von Ungarns erster Online-Business-Reality-Show, die unter dem Titel \"E-commerce Revolution\" lief und speziell für Bildungszwecke von Online-Shop-Besitzern entwickelt wurde.\nEr war auch mehrere Jahre hinweg Fach Juror beim Wettbewerb \"Webshop des Jahres\".\nSein Lieblingsmotto lautet: „Datengetriebene Entscheidungen über alles.“","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Personalisierung durch Daten: Verbraucher erwarten maßgeschneiderte Erlebnisse. Datengesteuerte Erkenntnisse ermöglichen personalisierte Angebote, was die Kundenzufriedenheit und -bindung erhöht.\r\n\r\nOmnichannel-Integration: Nahtloses Einkaufen über verschiedene Kanäle (online, mobil, im Laden) ist entscheidend. Eine Kundenbindungsplattform hilft, Kundenreisen zu vereinheitlichen und die Loyalität und den Umsatz zu steigern.\r\n\r\nWachstum des mobilen Einkaufens: Da der mobile Handel voraussichtlich dominieren wird, sorgt die Optimierung für mobile Geräte für ein reibungsloses Kundenerlebnis und verbessert die Konversionsraten.\r\n\r\nSozialer Handel \u0026 Gen Z: Die Generation Z führt den sozialen Handel an. Eine Interaktion mit ihnen auf Plattformen wie Instagram und TikTok, während ihr Verhalten mithilfe von Daten verfolgt wird, ist entscheidend.\r\n\r\nEvolution des Kundendienstes: KI-gesteuerte Chatbots bieten Rund-um-die-Uhr-Support, sorgen für schnelle Lösungen und erhalten die Kundenzufriedenheit.\r\n\r\nDatensicherheit \u0026 Datenschutz: Da Kunden mehr Daten für die Personalisierung teilen, sind robuste Sicherheitsmaßnahmen entscheidend, um das Vertrauen zu bewahren.\r\n\r\nNachhaltigkeit und ethische Praktiken: Daten zeigen eine wachsende Verbrauchernachfrage nach nachhaltigen und ethischen Geschäftspraktiken. Die Interaktion mit Kunden durch Transparenz erhöht die Markenloyalität.\r\n\r\nFlexible Erfüllungsoptionen: Das Angebot von Optionen wie BOPIS (Buy Online, Pick Up In Store) schafft ein hybrides Einkaufserlebnis, das Komfort und Kundenzufriedenheit erhöht.","presenter":"Krisztian Kiraly","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":53,"id":236196,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Natalia","lname":"Ziemba Jankowska","cname2":"Kraftcode","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to allocate marketing budget - Bayesian approach to the rescue","bio":"Data Science and Machine Learning Specialist with nearly six years of experience. Previously focused on Computer Vision, Audio Machine Learning, and the implementation of Large Language Models (LLMs). Now, in Kraft Code I'm dedicated to helping marketing teams optimize budgets and strategies through Media Mix Modeling.","position":"Data Scientist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The EU Cookie Law mandates that websites obtain user consent before placing cookies on their devices, a win for privacy but a challenge for Marketing Specialists. Many professionals, accustomed to relying on last-click attribution to inform their multi-channel strategies, now find themselves navigating uncertain waters. Bayesian Media Mix Modeling offers a robust solution, enabling companies to gain deep insights into the effectiveness of their specific marketing tactics across various channels—such as print, television, and social media. In this session, we will explore how to implement Bayesian Media Mix Modeling effectively, considering the dynamic nature of the advertising landscape and the current lack of comprehensive guidance in the field.","presenter":"Natalia Ziemba-Jankowska","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":41,"id":234623,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carolin","lname":"Langer","cname2":"LaCaTho GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transforming E-Commerce through Local Sustainability and Innovative Customer Engagement","bio":"Carolin, Founder of LaCaTho – My Entrepreneurial Journey\n\nMy entrepreneurial journey began during my dual studies when my parents told me, \"The 800€ you earn now has to be enough.\" But my passion, skiing, was expensive. So, I started cleaning out basements, dismantling cars, and selling everything on eBay to fund my skiing trips. These early sales experiences sparked my interest in entrepreneurship.\n\nThe real turning point for LaCaTho came from my parents’ garden, where a rare, bee-friendly tree – the bee tree – grew. In autumn, its seeds would fall into the vegetable garden and were composted. I had the idea to sell them on eBay, and to my surprise, they sold out quickly. I saw potential. Between finishing my studies and starting my engineering job, I visited botanical gardens, collected seeds, and sold them online.\n\nGrowing up in a rural area with farming and beekeeping in my family gave me a deep connection to nature. My father, a beekeeper, instilled in me a love for bees, and at eight years old, I began cultivating beans. This early passion for nature has stayed with me ever since.\n\nIn January 2020, just three months before the first lockdown, I officially founded LaCaTho, launching everything online. During the pandemic, the business grew rapidly, and today, my team consists of 14 employees. In 2022, I was honored as eBay's Young Entrepreneur of the Year. LaCaTho specializes in regional, bee-friendly seed mixtures that help protect the environment. Today I have a Master of Engineering, work full-time as a Process Architect, traveling worldwide for about six months a year, and continue to lead my company of 14 employees.","position":"Geschäftsführende Gesselschafterin, Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Dear Selection Committee,\r\n\r\nMy name is Carolin, and I am the founder of LaCaTho, an innovative seed company focused on bee-friendly seed mixtures. Our products are designed to protect bumblebees, wild bees, butterflies, and other animals like grasshoppers and lizards. All our seeds come exclusively from local farmers in Germany, ensuring both quality and regional sustainability.\r\n\r\nOur success is reflected in winning the eBay \"Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2022\" award. We had the privilege of presenting our concept to the global eBay team at an employee conference in San Jose. In just four years, we have grown to 14 employees and serve around 30,000 customers annually. By actively listening to customer feedback, particularly at regional markets, we continuously adapt our products and descriptions to better meet customer needs. For example, instead of the standard \"30 seeds\" or \"5g,\" we specify the area in m² that our mixtures cover, providing customers with precise, practical information for their gardens.\r\n\r\nAnother key aspect of our differentiation is our commitment to education. We are the only company in Europe to offer dead bees as teaching materials for schools, aiming to raise awareness about bee-friendliness and pollinator protection. This initiative strengthens customer loyalty and expands our customer journey with a valuable educational component.\r\n\r\nIn a market with few new entrants, we have established ourselves through innovation and a strong focus on customer needs. As traditional retail is being increasingly displaced and customer demands evolve, we aim to demonstrate how targeted product development and communication can lead to sustained success in e-commerce.\r\n\r\nI am excited about the opportunity to share these insights at the conference and contribute to the discussion on creating a successful customer journey.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nCarolin\r\nFounder, LaCaTho","presenter":"Carolin Langer","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235031,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kamal","lname":"Nicholas","cname2":"Laika Communications GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mentorship and development: Cultivating the next generation of PR leeaders","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s fast-paced world of PR and communications, we need strong leaders more than ever. The presentation will focus on the vital role of mentorship in helping the next generation of PR professionals grow and thrive. I'll share practical insights on how experienced team members can support newcomers, ensuring they feel valued and inspired.\r\n\r\nI’ll take a look at straightforward and hands-on strategies for building meaningful mentor-mentee relationships, offering honest feedback, and creating a supportive atmosphere where everyone can learn. The participants will also hear about ways to spot potential leaders within their work environment and how to set up development programs that encourage their growth.\r\n\r\nAdditionally, I could emphasize the importance of diverse mentorship experiences. By mentoring individuals from different backgrounds, we can bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table, making our industry richer and more inclusive.","presenter":"Kamal Nicholas","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234544,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Cristina","lname":"Mantiñán Bello","cname2":"Läker consulting group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI for customs classification optimitation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The unavoidable question from Customs and border agencies will surface regarding the legality of using AI for Classification and Origin Criteria. It's ironic that while Customs frequently highlight misclassification and incorrect application of origin criteria as major issues, they are often reluctant to engage in discussions about AI's role in this area. One of the most sought-after applications of AI in customs is HS classification.\r\n\r\nAI can help expedite the process of determining a 6-digit HS code, reducing the time required by up to 80%, but not only that, it can optimize the tariff where the most conservative rate was previously applied, leading to a significant economic impact on imports. This is especially advantageous for the e-commerce industry, where fast and accurate identification of numerous parcel products is essential","presenter":"Cristina Mantiñán Bello","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236514,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefan","lname":"Westman","cname2":"Lakrids by Bülow \u0026 Voyado","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Sweet Science of Loyalty: Lakrids by Bülow's Approach to Unified Commerce","bio":"Michael Ewald Hansen is a creative digital marketer with a strong background in business development, e-commerce, and marketing. Currently serving as the Chief Digital Officer at Lakrids by Bülow, he leads digital strategy and online marketing, focusing on loyalty and unified commerce. His previous roles include Ecommerce Director at Lakrids, Ecommerce Manager at Kjær \u0026 Sommerfeldt, and Digital Marketing Manager at, where he achieved significant results in social media growth, content marketing, and marketing automation. His expertise spans across online marketing, customer experience, and digital commerce.","position":"Chief Digital Officer, Regional Sales Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Explore how Lakrids by Bülow is mastering the art and science of customer loyalty through a unified commerce strategy and building the world's largest taste panel in \"Lakrids lovers\".\r\n\r\nIn this keynote, Michel Ewald Hansen, Chief Digital Officer at Lakrids by Bülow, will highlight the tools and technologies behind their success and how they are fostering a passionate community of 700 000 members across 40 own brand stores and 1500 wholesale partners globally. Expect to get exclusive insights on how they are bridging the customer journey - both online and offline.","presenter":"Michel Ewald Hansen, Kolja Oswald","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":274,"id":235321,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sahin","lname":"Tezsoy","cname2":"Lampenwelt GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Synergies between Pricing Strategies and Performance Marketing: How to accelerate bottom line impact","bio":"Als Head of Pricing bei der Lampenwelt GmbH trägt Christoph Sternstein die Verantwortung für die Preisstrategie von Europas führendem E-Commerce Pure Player im Bereich Lampen und Leuchten. Gemeinsam mit seinem Team hat er eine maßgeschneiderte Inhouse-Pricing-Engine entwickelt, die die Preise von über 60.000 Produkten automatisiert berechnet und an über 50 B2C-Vertriebskanäle transferiert. Während seines Bachelor- (Wirtschaftswissenschaften B.Sc.) und Masterstudiums (Accounting, Finance, Controlling M.Sc.) sammelte er bereits erste praktische Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Controlling (Adam Opel AG), Wirtschaftsprüfung und Business Development (Deloitte).","position":"Head of Pricing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In diesem Vortrag teilen wir Erfahrungen und Learnings unserer Journey zu einer optimierten Preis- und Performance-Marketing-Strategie bei Lampenwelt. Da viele E-Com Retailer aufgrund ähnlicher Herausforderungen vor denselben Fragestellungen stehen, möchten wir zeigen, wie wir durch die Kombination der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Pricing und Performance Marketing einen daten- und evidenzbasierten Ansatz erarbeitet haben, um das Bottom-Line-Ergebnis nachhaltig zu stärken. Ziel ist es den Zuhörern Einblicke aus der Praxis zu geben und zu verdeutlichen, welche Schlüsselmomente und -erkenntnisse uns auf unserem Weg immer wieder einen Schritt weiter gebracht haben und welche Lösungsansätze zukünftig insbesondere mit Hilfe von AI Strategien sinnvoll erscheinen.","presenter":"Christoph Sternstein","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":235763,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lars","lname":"Funke","cname2":"Lars Funke - Compaytence","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Zukunftssichere Online Payments: Effizienz steigern, Risiken minimieren","bio":"Ich heiße Lars Funke, wurde am 12.04.1980 in Erfurt geboren, bin verheiratet und habe zwei Kinder. Seit Februar 2021 arbeite ich als selbstständiger Berater und Experte für Online-Payment und E-Commerce. In dieser Funktion unterstütze ich B2C-, B2B- und D2C-Unternehmen dabei, ihre Kosten und Conversion-Raten zu optimieren. Zudem schule ich Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen Betrugsprävention, Chargeback- und Dispute-Handling.\n\nZuvor war ich von März 2018 an als VP Sales tätig, wo ich die strategische Ausrichtung des Vertriebs, Kundendienstes und Partnermanagements verantwortete. Von April 2017 bis März 2018 leitete ich bei PAYMILL GmbH den Bereich Client Services. Auch hier war ich für die strategische Ausrichtung und Führung der Teams sowie für die Steuerung externer Dienstleister zuständig. Zwischen 2014 und 2017 übernahm ich die Position des Head of Customer Care bei PAYMILL GmbH, wo ich die Kundenbetreuung sowie die Optimierung von Prozessen und Strukturen verantwortete.\n\nMeine berufliche Laufbahn begann ich 2002 als Customer Service Representative in den Niederlanden, gefolgt von mehreren Führungspositionen bei Sento Europe B.V. und R Systems Europe B.V. bis 2008. Anschließend arbeitete ich bei RTS Elektronik Systeme GmbH als Key Account Manager, wo ich ein europaweites Servicepartner-Netzwerk implementierte.\n\nMein Studium absolvierte ich in den Bereichen Informatik und Mechatronik an der Fernuniversität Hagen und der Technischen Universität Ilmenau. Ergänzend dazu habe ich mich als Internetspezialist an der Fernschule Weber weitergebildet. Ich spreche fließend Deutsch, Englisch und Niederländisch und bringe fundierte Kenntnisse im Projektmanagement, in der Prozessoptimierung sowie in der internationalen Kundenbetreuung mit.","position":"Online Payment Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Online-Zahlungen sind das Herzstück des modernen E-Commerce. Doch während die Automatisierung immense Vorteile bietet, können unerwartete Risiken wie Kontosperrungen oder Einbehalte durch Zahlungsdienstleister schnell zu Umsatzausfällen führen. In diesem Vortrag zeige ich, wie strategische Ansätze helfen, solche Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu vermeiden. Anhand praxisnaher Beispiele und aktueller Daten wird veranschaulicht, wie Unternehmen ihre Zahlungssysteme zukunftssicher gestalten und gleichzeitig effizient wachsen können – ohne böse Überraschungen.","presenter":"Lars Funke","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":236712,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vojtech","lname":"Lambert","cname2":"LCG New Media","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Inovation in brand marketing using multiplicators","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We see daily a lot of digital ads such as banners, videos, etc. The role of marketing is therefore create something exceptional in order to attract the target group. When we talk to generation Z and middle aged people, they need different approach to let the brands stand out. I will show you how using multiplicators in social media can drastically increase brand awareness and push people in the consideration and buying stage and double the numbers in just short campaign. We used multiplicators such as AR campaigns, Reels, UGC or RTB audio campaigns in several campaigns and I will show you the huge impact on sales within selected case studies.","presenter":"Vojtech Lambert","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":236988,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Teea","lname":"Pehar","cname2":"Leadnow GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leadnow - KI-gestützte Effizienz im Influencer-Marketing","bio":"Mein Name ist David, CEO der Leadnow GmbH, und ich bin Experte darin, Unternehmen durch die Automatisierung ihrer Social Media Marketing-Prozesse entscheidend voranzubringen. Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in der Digitalbranche habe ich eine klare Vision: Unternehmen bis zu 95 % ihrer Zeit und Kosten zu ersparen, während sie gleichzeitig ihre Reichweite und Effizienz maximieren. Gemeinsam mit meinem Team haben wir Leadnow zu einem Vorreiter in der Social Media-Automatisierung gemacht und dabei innovative Lösungen entwickelt, die nicht nur Zeit sparen, sondern auch messbare Ergebnisse liefern.\n\nUnser Ansatz kombiniert Technologie, Effizienz und strategisches Denken, um Unternehmen einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass die Zukunft des Social Media Marketings in der intelligenten Automatisierung liegt – und ich sorge dafür, dass Unternehmen diese Zukunft heute schon erleben.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In einem Markt, der sich rasant verändert, sind es die Unternehmen, die mutig auf Innovation setzen, die langfristig erfolgreich sind. Leadnow unterstützt Marken mit einer wegweisenden Automatisierungslösung für Social-Media-Marketing und UGCSourcing, die es ermöglicht, Influencer-Kampagnen effizient zu gestalten und bis zu 95 % an Zeit und Kosten einzusparen.\n\nUnsere Plattform verbindet über 1,4 Millionen Creators mit Marken und bietet dabei ein KI-gestütztes Matching-Tool, das sicherstellt, dass Unternehmen die passenden Influencer für ihre Kampagnen finden. Leadnow übernimmt die komplette Abwicklung, von der Buchung bis zur Auswertung der Ergebnisse, und bietet darüber hinaus präzise Datenanalysen, die es den Marken ermöglichen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. In einer Zeit, in der sich das Konsumentenverhalten ständig ändert, ist diese Art der Automatisierung ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsvorteil.\n\nMit Leadnow können Unternehmen ihre Kampagnen vollständig automatisieren und sich gleichzeitig auf kreative und strategische Aspekte konzentrieren. Unsere KI sorgt dafür, dass das perfekte Matching zwischen Marken und Creators stattfindet, sodass jede Kampagne zielgerichtet und erfolgreich umgesetzt wird. Dies ermöglicht es Marken, flexibel auf die Bedürfnisse des Marktes zu reagieren und gleichzeitig Ressourcen zu schonen.\n\nAuf der E-commerce Berlin 2025 möchten wir unsere Erkenntnisse teilen, wie die Kombination aus Automatisierung und KI-Matching es Marken erlaubt, in einem herausfordernden Umfeld nicht nur zu bestehen, sondern auch neue Standards zu setzen. Leadnow bietet die Werkzeuge, die Marken brauchen, um sich in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Markt klar zu positionieren und ihre Ziele effizient zu erreichen.","presenter":"David Winker","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":236544,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Silvia","lname":"Bardani","cname2":"Leadtech","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Turning failure into an opportunity: insights from a computer vision SaaS startup and the fast-moving world of AI","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Startups and innovation often go hand in hand, but failure is part of the process too. In this talk, I’ll share my experience running a computer vision SaaS startup in the fashion industry. While the startup didn’t succeed, I’ll highlight the key lessons I learned and, more importantly, how those mistakes could be turned into opportunities in today’s fast-paced AI environment. I’ll discuss how, with the rise of generative AI, we could have pivoted and taken a different approach to how we used visual data and engaged customers. I’ll also explore why it's still possible to fail in AI despite its massive growth and how to recognize when it's time to adapt and innovate quickly.\r\n\r\nThis talk will offer practical insights on how to treat failure as a stepping stone rather than a dead end, along with strategies for quickly adapting to rapid technological changes. I’ll share actionable tips on how businesses can incorporate advanced AI technologies in sustainable and innovative ways, and offer advice on how to overcome common challenges in the B2C space. I’ll also dive into how companies can take advantage of the incredible speed of today’s generative AI to find new solutions and stand out in a competitive market.","presenter":"Silvia Bardani","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235527,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hendrik","lname":"Schlosser","cname2":"LEAP Digital Marketing GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Next Level E-Commerce: Wie die besten Onlineshops wie Intersport ihre Profitabilität mit Conversion Optimierung maximieren","bio":"Thomas Gruhle ist ein Digital Marketing- und SEO-Experte der ersten Stunde. 2009, lange vor dem kometenhaften Aufstieg des E-Commerce in Deutschland, gründet er die SEO-Agentur Barketing. 2015 wird durch den Zusammenschluss mit ConversionLift die LEAP Digital Marketing GmbH geboren. Heute vereint die Berliner Agentur ein über 100-köpfiges Team hinter sich.\n\nLEAP stärkt führende E-Commerce Unternehmen und herausragende Startups entlang der gesamten Customer Journey im Onlineshop. Durch datenbasierte Maßnahmen wird nicht nur messbar und nachhaltig der Umsatz gesteigert, sondern Wachstum planbar gemacht und die massive Abhängigkeit von Paid Ads verringert.\n\nSeit 2009 hat LEAP erfolgreich mit über 800 Unternehmen im DACH-Raum zusammengearbeitet. Derzeit vertrauen mehr als 100 der größten E-Commerce Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum auf die Expertise für die Skalierung von organischem Traffic \u0026 Conversions.\n\n","position":"CEO \u0026 Gründer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Umsatz und Conversions steigern, unnötige Kosten vermeiden und Risiken minimieren – all das haben die erfolgreichsten E-Commerce-Unternehmen weltweit gemeinsam.\r\n\r\nDer Schlüssel dieses Erfolgsrezepts: Psychologische, datengetriebene Conversion-Optimierung.\r\n\r\nDenn wer die Bedürfnisse seiner Nutzer*innen WIRKLICH versteht, der weiß auch, wie der eigene Onlineshop mit Blick auf KPIs wie Add2Cart oder Conversions gewinnbringend optimiert werden kann.\r\n\r\nThomas Gruhle, Gründer \u0026 CEO von LEAP, zeigt wie du ein erfolgreiches A/B-Testing in der Praxis umsetzt, welche Herausforderungen es dabei zu meistern gilt und welche Conversion Rate Steigerungen du mit CRO und Personalisierung erreichen kannst.","presenter":"Thomas Gruhle","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":42,"id":236094,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Adrian","lname":"Gmelch","cname2":"Lengow","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Profitabilität \u0026 Imagekontrolle auf Europas Marktplätzen","bio":"Adrian Gmelch is a tech and e-commerce enthusiast. He initially worked for an international PR agency in Paris for large tech companies before joining Lengow's international marketing team as Head of Content.","position":"Head of Content","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wenn in Europa bereits mehr als 40 Prozent des E-Commerce-Umsatzes auf Online-Marktplätzen stattfindet, stellt sich nicht mehr die Frage, ob man dort verkaufen sollte, sondern wie man sich von der dortigen Konkurrenz am besten abhebt. Natürlich um den Umsatz und die Profitabilität zu erhöhen. Aber auch um die Kontrolle über das Image seiner Produkte und Brands zu behalten. Bei diesem Vortrag werden Strategien und Lösungsansätze gegeben.","presenter":"Adrian Gmelch","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":236631,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Uzo","lname":"Okereke","cname2":"LLJR Enteprises","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sales Is Not A ‘Four-Letter’ Word","bio":"Larry Long Jr, CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of LLJR\nEnterprises, serves global audiences with programs that\nmotivate, inspire, and most importantly, TRANSFORM!\nLarry’s unique style (delivery, content, perspective shared)\ncaptivates the crowd, allowing for a true, genuinely\nimpactful connection. He leverages relatable stories and\nshares tangible takeaway actions to support both\nindividuals and organizations to uplevel their Leadership,\nPersonal \u0026 Professional Development, and Motivation.\nHe is the host of the weekly Live Show (LinkedIn, YouTube,\nFacebook, Instagram), the ‘Midweek Midday Motivational\nMinute’ \u0026 Author of ‘JOLT! Get Zapped Into Intentionality:\nRediscover \u0026 Believe in Your Inner Greatness.’\n","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Sales can sometimes have a negative stigma. This presentation will break-down some of the negative connotations around 'Sales'. We will dig in on the fundamentals of Sales from a people-centric perspective and cover areas for improving selling skills and increasing Sales. Plan to walk away with action items to implement and accelerate your business... RIGHT NOW!\r\n\r\nYou will also have the opportunity to ask specific questions to a sales acceleration expert, around any sales-related challenges being faced by your organization.","presenter":"Larry Long jr","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236317,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Claudia","lname":"Beer","cname2":"Locus Robotics","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transforming Warehouse Operations: Scalable, Flexible, and Collaborative Automation for the Future of E-commerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an era where e-commerce businesses face labor shortage, uncertainty in consumer behavior and highly fluctuating volumes, automation has become critical for success. However, traditional automation solutions are often inflexible and difficult to justify in rapidly changing environments. At Locus Robotics, we deliver more than just autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) — we provide a scalable, highly flexible, and low-risk collaborative automation solution that transforms warehouse operations while improving the workplace for employees.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will focus on how Locus Robotics has achieved remarkable success, scaling to over 4 billion units picked across hundreds of sites, and improving the work environment for tens of thousands of employees. Our approach doesn’t replace the human workforce, but enhances it by reducing physical strain and fostering collaboration between workers and robots. This leads to increased productivity and a more engaged workforce.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we’ll share practical case studies on how global enterprises and SMEs are leveraging our technology to overcome challenges and differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Attendees will learn how our solutions seamlessly integrate into both existing and new operations, offering flexibility and the ability to scale effortlessly across multi-site operations. From sports \u0026 outdoor, footwear, music \u0026 entertainment, beauty \u0026 personal care to consumer electronics, our solutions apply across a broad range of e-commerce sectors.\r\n\r\nThrough data-driven insights and lessons from our journey, we will highlight how businesses can navigate the evolving landscape of warehouse automation. Attendees will leave with actionable strategies to optimize their operations while empowering their workforce in a sustainable and innovative way.","presenter":"Denis Niezgoda","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236236,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jennifer","lname":"von Walderdorff","cname2":"Look at the Labels","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Empowering Conscious Consumers: Transparency as the Foundation of Trust","bio":"Jennifer Countess von Walderdorff's life journey is a harmonious blend of corporate excellence, a passion for positive change, and an enduring love for the world of fashion. Her career and contributions have left an indelible mark on both the corporate and philanthropic spheres, reflecting her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE\u0026I) and her vision for a sustainable world.\n\nJennifer is a distinguished and uniquely positioned figure in the world of fashion and beyond. As a Nigerian-British fashion specialist, her heritage brings a rich and diverse cultural perspective to her work. Having married into German nobility, she has cultivated an idiosyncratic and wide-ranging view of the world's economics, bridging continents and cultures in her pursuits. Her expertise in global fashion retail, as well as her passion for sustainability, has led her to write the impactful book, \"Look at the Labels,\" and share her insights as a captivating speaker. Moreover, Jennifer's philanthropic endeavours, combined with her role as a mentor and ambassador for the Deutsche Kleiderstiftung (German Clothing Foundation), reveal a dedication to making a positive impact on society. Her multifaceted journey is an inspiring testament to the power of leadership, diversity, and a purpose-driven approach to global challenges.\n\nWith a foundation in global fashion retail organizations, Jennifer's career has spanned nearly two decades. Her experience in this industry has not only fostered her business acumen but has also given her a solid understanding of the dynamic world of fashion. \n\nAmong her notable achievements is the publication of her book, \"Look at the Labels.\" This insightful work delves into the intricate world of fashion sustainability, shedding light on the importance of ethical fashion choices. \"Look at the Labels\" stands as a testament to Jennifer's commitment to raising awareness about responsible consumer choices and the impact they can have on the planet.","position":"Author \u0026 Managing Director","logotype":"\u0026utm_campaign=designshare\u0026utm_medium=link2\u0026utm_source=sharebutton","presentation_description":"How transparency in sustainability reporting influences customer trust and loyalty. This keynote will explore how consumers today are more discerning and demand clear information about sustainability efforts. It will address how providing verified, real-time insights (like those from sustainability events and expert collaborations) can guide customers through their journey to making more informed, eco-friendly choices on Zalando’s platform.","presenter":"Jennifer von Walderdorff","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236157,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hanni","lname":"Guerra","cname2":"Loqate GBG Plc","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to build a pipeline of over £7m by hosting events for customers, prospects, and partners","bio":"Amanda leads the global demand generation strategy to build pipeline and revenue, acquire new customers, and raise the brand profile.  ","position":"VP Global Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Customer and prospect interaction at networking events has always featured prominently within our international marketing strategy, but Loqate’s marketing team were keen to develop a more dynamic and experiential approach that truly embodies the core values and market positioning of the brand.  \r\n \r\nLoqate works with over 20,000 customers and partners globally, from multi-national companies to smaller businesses to provide more than 3 billion address verifications every month.  \r\n  \r\nAfter assessing a range of potential options, it was clear that the concept of hosting events with current Loqate customers for in-store product customisations was a winner. Personalisation events allow us to reinforce existing customer relationships while building new ones with a select group of guests.  \r\n \r\nOur initial pilot event was held at the Nike House of Innovation in New York in June 2023. After this largely successful event which resulted in around $700k in pipeline opportunities, we hosted customisation events with Nike in London, Adidas in Berlin, and Converse in Boston – as well as with other top retail and designer brands across different countries.   \r\n \r\nA mix of carefully selected customers, prospects and partners are invited personally by our sales team. Guests get to customise a pair of unique sneakers, items of clothing or other products while networking with industry peers. The focus is the personal interaction with our guests and high-quality conversations without pitching our product. We want to take the opportunity to learn more about their business, their challenges and their reason for wanting to meet with us.   \r\n \r\nIn total, we hosted 11 events worldwide with just under 500 guests. The results speak for themselves: over 87% of invited guests attended the events, and we created over £7m in pipeline opportunities - with an ROI of 15:1.","presenter":"Amanda Hill","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":48,"id":235352,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lara-Marie","lname":"Winterhalter","cname2":"Loqate, a GBG solution","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Women’s Best reduced failed deliveries by 50%","bio":"Melanie Soyez leads the new business team for the European market and has been with GBG for over 6 years.","position":"Sales Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"One of the primary challenges businesses face when going global is navigating the intricacies of international data. International addresses vary significantly from country to country, with differences in formatting, language, and postal code systems. This diversity can make it challenging to standardise address input and validation processes, leading to errors, delays, and frustrated customers. \r\n\r\nWomen’s Best, an Austrian brand founded in 2015, has been very successful in its home country and neighboring countries such as Germany and Switzerland. Soon the brand wanted to expand their reach worldwide. One country they wanted to conquer was the United Kingdom.  \r\n\r\nWith so many variations in address formatting and data decay to contend with,  accurately locating and verifying a global customer’s address can be tricky: Women’s Best needed a solution that could capture and verify UK addresses quickly and accurately – something its existing provider wasn’t able to offer. \r\n\r\nNot only is this crucial to reduce the risk of failed or late deliveries, it also significantly improves user experience for UK customers at the online checkout stage. \r\n\r\nAfter researching the market and comparing different solutions, Women’s Best decided to implement Loqate’s address capture tool. \r\n\r\nBy providing a quicker method for customers to populate their address details, the user experience improved and cart abandonment rates were significantly reduced. \r\n\r\nIn addition, getting accurate address data at the point of entry reduces costs by avoiding poor quality data and the cost of missed or late deliveries. \r\n\r\nImplementing Loqate’s address capture software means Women’s Best has been able to greatly improve user experience and respond better to customer behaviour. \r\n\r\nAs a result, its customer support team receives fewer queries with requests for address changes, and delivery issues due to incorrect addresses in the UK have been reduced by over 50%.","presenter":"Melanie Soyez","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":45,"id":235902,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michal","lname":"Barla","cname2":"Luigi's Box","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Buzzword vs Value in E-commerce. What actually works and what is just a hype.","bio":"Michal is a CPO \u0026 Co-Founder of Luigi's Box. He received his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from FIIT STU and has more than 14 years of experience as a researcher in user modeling \u0026 personalization, search, and recommenders. As the person responsible for product developmen at Luigi's Box, he implements innovations into practice.","position":"Co-Founder, CPO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Luigi's Box is a SaaS company providing Search \u0026 Product Discovery services to thousands of e-shops across Europe. In his talk, Michal Barla, CPO \u0026 co-founder of the company, will share his experience of building the search and recommendation engines that actually help with achieving higher conversion rates and more profit.\r\n\r\nNowadays, many new (mostly AI) technologies and innovations are available for merchants to use and they might feel under pressure for not using them. Some of these technologies are really helpful while others are just a hype, which might be eye-catching, but not actually worthy at the moment. Especially if you consider the costs of transforming something from the experimental stage in the Labs to the production environment where reliability, scalability and profitability matters.\r\n\r\nUsing data from the real-life cases, Michal will be spotlighting areas where merchants really need to give focus first and what features are more of \"cherry on top\" or even pure bragging without any practical impact.","presenter":"Michal Barla","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":78,"id":235933,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yunus","lname":"Lüleci","cname2":"LULECCI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Potential IA in E-comm in the Future","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Current AI Working Behind the Scenes: What is the role of AI in our current e-commerce landscape? What are our dreams and expectations for the future? \r\n\r\nLet’s brainstorm:\r\n\r\n1. Interactive AI Assistants (IIA) for Commercial Sale Sites to engage directly with customers on e-commerce platforms, offering real-time assistance and personalized product recommendations.\r\n2. Personalized AI Purchasing Assistants (PIAPA) for Individuals tailored to individual users that understand personal preferences, shopping habits, and offer curated recommendations.\r\n3. Interactions Between IIA and PIAPA\r\nHow do these two AI systems should communicate and work together to enhance both the commercial platform’s success and the user’s experience?","presenter":"Yunus Lüleci","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235776,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Beneke","cname2":"Lyonic GmbH \u0026 Co. KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Commerce-Wachstum meistern: Performance Max, Conversion-Tracking und Google Merchant Center – Ein bewährtes Playbook","bio":"Sebastian Benke ist Gründer und CEO von Lyonic, einer Performance-Marketing-Agentur, die er 2017 ins Leben gerufen hat. Seit der Gründung hat sich Lyonic zu einem Google-Premium-Partner entwickelt und zahlreichen Unternehmen, darunter renommierte Marken wie van Laack, dabei geholfen, ihr Wachstum durch den systematischen Einsatz von Google Ads zu beschleunigen. Mit umfassender Expertise in Google Ads, insbesondere in Performance-Max-Kampagnen, Conversion-Tracking und dem Google Merchant Center, hat sich Sebastian Benke als Experte für datengesteuertes digitales Marketing etabliert.\n\nNeben seiner Arbeit in der Agentur ist Sebastian auch als Speaker aktiv und teilt sein Wissen in Präsentationen, in denen er sein eigenes Playbook für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von Google Ads vorstellt. Sein Fokus liegt darauf, E-Commerce-Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Online-Präsenz zu stärken und ihren Umsatz durch datenbasierte Performance-Marketing-Strategien zu steigern.\n\nSebastian Benkes Agentur, Lyonic, steht für einen datengetriebenen, performanceorientierten Ansatz, der Unternehmen dabei hilft, ihre Marketingziele effizient und messbar zu erreichen.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Präsentation erhältst du praktische Einblicke, wie du diese Tools effektiv einsetzt, um das Potenzial deines Shops voll auszuschöpfen. Erfahre, wie du Performance-Max-Kampagnen, Conversion-Tracking und das Google Merchant Center optimal einsetzt, um messbares Wachstum zu erzielen und wie Unternehmen wie van Laack diese Strategien einsetzen.\n\nPerformance-Max-Kampagnen: Erfolg automatisieren\nPerformance-Max-Kampagnen vereinen alle Google-Netzwerke – darunter Shopping, Suche, Display, \u0026 YouTube. Unser Ansatz legt dabei den Fokus auf:\n-Klar definierte Ziele: Damit deine Kampagnen perfekt auf deine Unternehmensziele abgestimmt sind.\n-Optimierte kreative Assets: So erreichst du smarteres Targeting und sprichst die richtigen Zielgruppen an.\n-Automatisierung und manuelle Kontrolle: Wir zeigen dir, wie du die Balance zwischen beidem findest, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.\n\nConversion-Tracking: datenbasierte Entscheidungen treffen\nMit Conversion-Tracking kannst du Kundenaktionen besser nachvollziehen und die Kampagnenleistung steigern. Dabei geht es um:\n-Genau definierte Conversions: Erfasse die Kennzahlen, die für deinen Erfolg wirklich wichtig sind.\n-Implementierung von Google Tags: Sammle wertvolle Daten, um deine Strategien zu verbessern.\n-Optimiertes Bieten: Nutze die gesammelten Daten, um den ROI deiner Kampagnen zu maximieren.\n\nGoogle Merchant Center: mehr Sichtbarkeit für deine Produkte\nFür produktbasierte Unternehmen ist ein optimiertes Merchant Center essenziell.\n-Produktfeeds optimieren: Wie du mehr Sichtbarkeit für deine Produkte erzielst.\n-Fehlerbehebung: So stellst du sicher, dass deine Produktanzeigen aktiv bleiben.\n-Remarketing und Aktionen: Nutze diese Tools, um deinen Verkauf effektiv anzukurbeln.","presenter":"Sebastian Beneke","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":234946,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nils","lname":"Jessen","cname2":"Mable GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Algorithmuszähmen leicht gemacht","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"POV: Du bist Performance Marketer. Deine Arbeit hat sich die in den letzten Jahren stark verändert. Algorithmen haben einen Großteil deiner Arbeit abgenommen und diese dadurch effizienter gemacht.\r\n90 % deiner Zeit fließt nun in die Produktion, Iteration und Optimierung von Creatives \u0026 Copy.\r\nDu findest das größtenteils gut, allerdings fühlst dich auch manchmal machtlos, denn der Algorithmus spielt den Großteil deiner Ads immer wieder an Bestandskunden aus.\r\n\r\nWährend eines Naps in der Mittagspause träumst du davon, dass du eine Möglichkeit gefunden hast, die volle Kontrolle über die Algorithmen von Meta, Google und TikTok zurückzuerlangen.\r\nDu hast es geschafft, die Algorithmen zu zähmen und sie zu deinen Freunden zu machen.\r\n\r\nDann wachst du auf.\r\nIrgendwie fühlt sich alles wahnsinnig real an.\r\n\r\nDir wird klar, dass dein Traum kein Traum war, sondern Realität.\r\nUnd diese Realität heißt Algorithm Data Optimization (ADO).\r\nMit ADO kannst du die Kontrolle zurückgewinnen und deine Kampagnen auf deine wichtigsten Business-Metriken ausrichten:\r\nDen Anteil an Neukunden oder den CLTV steigern, mehr Subscriptions verkaufen, deine Profimarge erhöhen, Überattribution vermeiden, oder Return Rates senken.\r\n\r\nIn einer Studie mit Meta konnten Nils (CEO \u0026 Co-Founder von und sein Team in 25 A/B-Tests mit 23 Marken die positiven Auswirkungen optimierter Daten beweisen.\r\n\r\nIn Nils’ Vortrag erfährst du, was ADO ist, wie es sich von herkömmlichen Optimierungen unterscheidet und wie du die Kontrolle über die Algorithmen zurückgewinnen kannst.","presenter":"Nils Jessen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":42,"id":236522,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Chimène","lname":"Behrendt","cname2":"MadameHighQuality","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Vom Datenchaos zur intelligenten Logistik: So gelingt der Wandel","bio":"Als Gründerin von MadameHighQuality hat Chimène Behrendt es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Unternehmen durch innovative Technologien zu stärken. Bei der Entwicklung unserer KI-gestützten Jobsuche-Plattform mussten wir uns mit einer ständig wachsenden und sich verändernden Datenlandschaft auseinandersetzen. Die Lösung, die wir dafür entwickelt haben, war eine echte Herausforderung – aber auch ein großer Erfolg. Diese Erfahrungen haben uns gezeigt, wie KI und Automatisierung komplexe Probleme lösen können, selbst wenn die Datenlage unvollständig oder widersprüchlich ist. Bei der E-Commerce Messe Berlin wird Chimène Behrendt zeigen, wie Unternehmen aus dieser Expertise profitieren können, um ihre Supply Chain und Logistik zu optimieren. Von der intelligenten Lagerverwaltung bis zur vorausschauenden Planung – erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch den Einsatz von KI Kosten senken, die Effizienz steigern und Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken können, selbst unter schwierigen Bedingungen.","position":"Founder MadameHighQuality","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der Vortrag beleuchtet den Wandel von der traditionellen Logistik hin zu einer intelligenten, datengetriebenen Supply Chain. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus der Entwicklung unserer KI-basierten Jobsuche-Plattform zeige ich, wie Unternehmen aus dem Datenchaos wertvolle Erkenntnisse gewinnen und diese für die Optimierung ihrer Logistikprozesse nutzen können. Der Mehrwert für E-Commerce-Unternehmen liegt in einer erhöhten Flexibilität, einer besseren Planungssicherheit und einer reduzierten Fehlerrate.","presenter":"Chimène Behrendt","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":27,"id":235110,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hannah","lname":"Nordenstrom","cname2":"Madden Analytics + D2C brand","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Technological innovations and AI in Inventory planning","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How leading D2C brands have reduced overstock, lower working capital, minimize stock-outs, and increase sales in a market downturn.","presenter":"Axel Bukowski","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235780,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"","lname":"","cname2":"made2GROW GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos\" - How Edutainment turns onboardings of new tools into success. And fun ;)","bio":"Sebastian Schäfer, CEO of made2GROW GmbH, has been involved in digital marketing and sales for over 10 years. Tools such as HubSpot are part of his daily work at the agency and with clients. Through his studies as a teacher, he has not only learnt learning concepts in theory, but also applied them in practice. Some say that he has never really lost his teacher genes. Whether that is a positive thing is for others to decide.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective tool adoption is crucial for eCommerce success. But how do we ensure that employees not only learn new tools but actually embrace and excel with them? The answer lies in the power of Edutainment—the fusion of education and entertainment. \r\n\r\nThis presentation explores how Edutainment can transform traditional onboarding processes into engaging, memorable experiences that drive true user adoption. By blending creativity, interactive learning, and fun, companies can enhance training effectiveness, foster a positive change management culture, and ultimately achieve better outcomes. \r\n\r\nAttendees will discover practical strategies for designing Edutainment-based onboarding programs that not only teach but inspire users to retain and apply new knowledge with ease—just like the planets in our solar system with a simple mnemonic. You’ll learn how to leverage gamification, storytelling, and dynamic content to ensure that tool adoption isn’t just another chore.","presenter":"Sebastian Schaefer","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":104,"id":235907,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Fabian","lname":"Nesensohn","cname2":"MAI xpose360","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI \u0026 LLMO in eCommerce SEO - wie SEO sich verändert und wie man für LLMs optimiert","bio":"Fabian studierte an der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten Angewandte Informatik und hat seit über 13 Jahren Erfahrung in den Themen SEO \u0026 Content. Aktuell ist er bei der MAI xpose360 als Head of SEO \u0026 Content tätig und für die Bereich SEO \u0026 Content zuständig. Bei der MAI xpose360 betreut er gemeinsam mit dem Team Kunden in verschiedenen Branchen und ist strategischer Bestandteil des Teams. ","position":"Head of SEO \u0026 CX","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In diesem Vortrag blicken wir auf die Entwicklungen im eCommerce SEO. Neue AI Suchmaschinen, Plattformen, neue Features, Shopping Graph \u0026 LLMs erhalten Einzug und verändern das Suchverhalten. Dazu stellt sich die Frage, wie man SEO in Zukunft betreiben muss. Von Google AIO, Perplexity bis SearchGPT - die Frage ist, wie bleibt man in Zeiten von LLM relevant.  Diese Fragen und wie man erfolgreiches SEO für LLMs als Händler betreibt, möchte ich in diesem Vortrag aufzeigen.","presenter":"Fabian Nesensohn","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":34,"id":237013,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mario","lname":"Eichelmann","cname2":"mail alliance – eine Marke der  mailworXs GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Crossborder E-Commerce vs. Last Mile Germany","bio":"CEO. Manager. Crossborder E-Commerce Specialist.\nRoutiniert und visionär: Eichelmann nimmt CEO-Kurs auf\n\nDer CEO von mail alliance ist kein Neuzugang in der mailworXs GmbH. Seit 2022 ist Mario Eichelmann als Geschäftsführer im Unternehmen und übernimmt seit Mai 2024 die alleinige Geschäftsführung. Seine Berufung zum CEO markiert einen wichtigen Meilenstein der Marke und setzt die Segel auf Erfolgskurs.\n\nEichelmann bringt fundierte Erfahrung in seine neuen Geschäftsführer-Rolle ein und gilt als fokussierter Kopf für die angestrebten Zielsetzungen von mail alliance. Durch intensives Engagement in nationalen und internationalen E-Commerce-Prozessen denkt und handelt Eichelmann routiniert und praxiserprobt. Als Mitglied im beratenden Komitee des Weltpostvereins (UPU) in Bern verfügt er zudem über Weitblick und nachhaltige Entscheidungskompetenzen „outside the box“.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ein Crossover aus deutschlands größtem Netzwerk für private Zustellung aus dem Bereich Brief, Warensendung, Paket mit \u003e 50.000 Zusteller/-innen auf der letzten Meile. Gegründet in 2010 steht mail alliance begleitet die Agenda des Unternehmens den internationalen Wandel im E-Commerce. Crossborder E-Commerce Versandumsätze stellen mittlerweile einen signifikanten Bestandteil auf deutschlands letzter Meile und bieten Chancen für Start-Ups sowie langjährige Akteure auf der letzten Meile, um auf Benchmark und am Puls der Zeit zu agieren.","presenter":"Mario Eichelmann","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235310,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christoph","lname":"Moser","cname2":"mailix by Mayoris","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Interactive Emails: The Key to more Convenience, Engagement and Conversion in eCommerce.","bio":"In a 20 year journey from electronics to martech, Cyrill Gross has gained a deep understanding of technology, processes and users. Combined with the passion for innovation and out of the box thinking this provides the ability to build solutions others don’t think of first hand. One innovative outcome of this mindset are interactive emails that brings an entirely new user experience directly to the inbox, leveraging email from a simple traffic driver to an interactive tool for user engagement.","position":"Product Owner mailix","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Product name, image price and a button: That’s how most ecommerce emails are built nowadays. More of the same. They perform, no doubt. Email is still the backbone of ecommerce marketing. But it has become more and more uniform, almost boring; resulting in decreasing KPI.\r\n\r\nBut mailix can do it better! Interactive features like gamification, category selection, a style configurator or even in-mail shopping experience and exclusive one-click order for limited offers; all right in the inbox. It motivates recipients to engage with the email and keeps them focused on what matters. With improved KPI as a result. We will present a variety of innovative email use cases, including KPI. The will demonstrate how interactive elements can enhance your marketing emails and leverage your conversions. Join us at the conference to learn more about how interactive email marketing can boost your conversions and revenue, and not be boring.","presenter":"Cyrill Gross","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235712,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andrey","lname":"Gadashevich","cname2":"MakeBeCool/CPTN","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Growth-oriented Customer Journey in eCommerce why it's more than a CRO","bio":"For the past 7 years collaborating with eCommerce (Shopify) businesses on their growth strategies \nAcceleration Graduate in Silicon Valley in 2021\nSuccessful exit in 3 startups\n\nCEO of the MakeBeCool \u0026 CPTN Limited\n- MakeBeCool Agency - Strategic Partner for Shopify Development and Growth\nWe are engaged in the development, growth and scaling of eCommerce businesses in the US \u0026 EU\n- CPTN Limited\nWe are focused directly on increasing revenue and simplifying processes for Shopify Merchants by Shopify apps","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The problem is that most eCommerce entrepreneurs or managers think in the category of add-on features, promotions and hacks that improve conversion rates. And most of the growth is embedded in a fundamental understanding of the Customer Journey and the tools that can work together at every step of that journey.\r\nThe value of this presentation is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the entire journey and how to integrate into that journey the various marketing mechanics that impact growth","presenter":"Andrey Gadashevich","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":131,"id":234640,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katarzyna","lname":"Pazgan","cname2":"Mangopay","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Mangopay’s PSP-agnostic modular infrastructure upgraded Maisons du Monde payment system","bio":"Alexis Ammar is the Director of Strategic Sales at Mangopay, a leading provider of modular payment solutions for platforms. Having joined the company’s sales team in 2015, Alexis is responsible for the growth and expansion of Mangopay’s largest international clients. \n\n\nWith expertise in driving complex sales strategies and cultivating strong client relationships, Alexis is experienced in steering high-level commercial development​. Prior to joining Mangopay, he held a number of roles in project management, account management, and partnerships, primarily in the sports and marketing industries. \n\n\nAlexis holds a degree in Commercial Strategy from IUT Nice, and a Masters in Marketing and Communication from Toulouse Business School.\n","position":"Director of Strategic Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will discuss the impact of Mangopay's PSP-agnostic modular infrastructure on Maisons du Monde, a successful marketplace known for its home decor and furniture offerings. \r\n\r\nMaisons du Monde aimed to achieve two primary objectives:\r\n1. Integrate our payout solution while continuing to use their existing system for handling pay-ins.\r\n2. Execute seamless migration of 800 sellers without causing any interruption to marketplace operations.\r\n\r\nWe will outline our strategy for quickly migrating these 800 sellers without disrupting sales on the Maisons du Monde platform and explain how we implemented bespoke payment systems and rules that fit perfectly with Maisons du Monde's operations. \r\n\r\nFurther unfolding the narrative, we’ll demonstrate how we decoupled pay-ins from payouts, which had been previously managed as a single stack by one provider. We'll also show you how Maisons du Monde maintained complete autonomy over their payment strategies, tools, and partner selection, allowing them to optimize performance without interfering with their payout management system through Mangopay. \r\n\r\nAttendees will gain insights into: \r\n- How modularity and personalization of the payments experience can improve business operations and flexibility. \r\n- Why it’s important for platforms to freely choose how they handle money in and out, without being restricted to only one option. \r\n- The benefits of Mangopay’s system in a large-scale e-commerce setting.\r\n\r\nUltimately, we aim to highlight why flexible payment solutions are key in transforming backend processes into strategic assets that drive business growth.","presenter":"Alexis Ammar","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":114,"id":235458,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benjamin","lname":"Dageroth","cname2":"Mapp Digital GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"(Email)-Marketing in the age of personal AI agents","bio":"Benjamin Dageroth is a Product Manager for AI at Mapp and also works as AI Consultant at Berlin-Alley. He has experience as a company founder in various fields, including business intelligence, online commerce, and consulting. Benjamin is also known as the co-author of “Wertschätzung. Ein Praxisbuch” (Appreciation: A Practical Guide) and co-published the “Toolbox für gute Arbeit” (Toolbox for Good Work). He studied business informatics, philosophy and political science and lives in Berlin.","position":"Product Manager for AI at Mapp. AI Trainer at Berlin Alley","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Personal AI Agents are going to come soon - we will have personal assistants who can take care of many things for, they can predigest information, manage our calender, filter and summarize our messages and much more. How will marketing have to change in the face of personal AI agents? What will become important, what will stop working, what will still work? These are my speculations.","presenter":"Benjamin Dageroth","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":43,"id":236204,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marco","lname":"Klawonn","cname2":"Marco Klawonn","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Zukunft Vorhersagen für Einsteiger","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Auf Basis von ökonomischen Daten (Kondratjew-Zyklus-Lange Wellen) und dem Zusammenspiel mit Science Fiction und Wahrscheinlichkeiten werden in dem Vortrag Möglichkeiten der Futurologie aufgezeigt, um eine Vorstellung von der Zukunft in unterschiedlichen Bereichen zu bekommen und daraus Schlüsse für das eigene Handeln zu ziehen. Frei nach dem Motto \"Es ist einfach die Zukunft vorher zu sagen, es zu glauben ist schwer\". Der Vortrag wird auf die jeweiligen Branchen angepasst.","presenter":"Marco Klawonn","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":236240,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marco","lname":"Klawonn","cname2":"Marco Klawonn","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Über Felher und Fehlerkultur","bio":"Marco ist fast ein Entwickler, aber ein Jongleur und jemand, der als Manager und Berater versucht, die Anforderungen von Kunden und Managern zu verstehen. Seit 1996 ist sein Zuhause das WWW und er arbeitet mit PHP, JS, HTML, Magento, Shopware, TYPO3 und deren Teams als Freelancer, Gründer, Entwickler, Designer, User Experience Engineer, Teammanager, Head of Whatever und/oder Scrum Master.","position":"Innovator","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Fehler machen gehört zu Erfolg dazu und eine gute Fehlerkultur hilft dabei. In dem Vortrag zeigt Marco Klawonn anhand der Art wie man jonglieren lernt, daß der Fehler manchmal das besondere ist und hilft in der Geschäftswelt und bei der Einführung von E-Commerce Systemen erfolgreich zu sein. Welche Systeme passen und wie optimiert man sich und die Teams so, daßdas beseitigen der Fehler im E-Commerce Projekt als Teil des Erfolges gesehen werden können\n\nMarco bietet hierbei eine besondere Perspektive, als Strassenkünstler, Geschäftsführer, E- Commerce Berater, Gründer und Jongleur weiss er jeweils wie man die Bälle in der Luft hält.","presenter":"Marco Klawonn","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":236285,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Margaret","lname":"O'Connor","cname2":"Margaret O'Connor Writes LLC","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to Write and Market an Amazon Bestseller","bio":"Margaret O'Connor is a bestselling author, professional ghostwriter, and public speaker. Her works have been published in international academic and literary journals. She was a finalist for the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction with the Bellingham Review. She helps her clients write and market Amazon bestsellers, so they can benefit from the career capital of having written, published, and marketed a book with absolute excellence.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Becoming a bestselling author in your niche is one of the most valuable pieces of career capital you can leverage in marketing and sales. Consultants, CEOs, and experts in their fields ought to have the tools they need to become a bestselling author. As an Amazon bestselling author and professional ghostwriter, I have curated a system to help my clients become bestsellers. This valuable career capital is something anyone can leverage to increase their sales and land more clients in their business.","presenter":"Margaret O'Connor","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235390,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mario","lname":"Truss","cname2":"Mario Truss (personal brand), affiliation with Adobe","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Human-Centered \u0026 Ethical AI: A Guide for Digital Business \u0026 E-Commerce Leaders","bio":"Mario Truss is a consultant at Adobe for analytics, data platforms and AI-driven personalization, who worked with leading Fortune 500 and DAX40 companies. He researches AI in the context of business, specifically how AI and data-driven products can improve customer experiences and efficiency with researcher from Adobe, Stanford University, SAP, and Siemens. He has a BSc in Media Management and currently studies the master in Management Analytics \u0026 AI at University of Mannheim (business school).","position":"AI Researcher \u0026 Consultant @ Adobe","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Due to increasing advancements in AI \u0026 data science and global accessibility, it becomes a competitive advantage to master the adoption of these technologies to drive digital customer experiences. Through this rising usage and access of AI, new risks arise, which require digital leaders to ensure the ethical, safe, and human-centered development of data-intensive AI services and sustainable innovation in e-commerce. This claim is supported by studies showing that companies prioritizing ethical AI build stronger customer trust and avoid costly reputational damage.\r\n\r\nThe major lack of AI understanding inhibits the actionability of major companies, therefore it becomes necessary to know practices that e-commerce leaders and organizations can follow to ensure that their AI/data products/services align with the ethical and human-centered requirements to ensure sustainable usage.  \r\n\r\nMy talk aims to share fact- and research-driven strategies to deal with AI in the context of data privacy, human-centered AI design, accountability, explainability, accessibility, and innovation management. My insights are based on research I conducted with Adobe, Siemens, and Stanford University, where I analyzed the topic from multiple facets as well as from my master studies in AI \u0026 Management at University Mannheim and my work as a consultant on product management, AI \u0026 analytics at Adobe and in my business.\r\n\r\nA few sources of mine are:\r\n\r\n\r\n","presenter":"Mario Truss","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":235616,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Domenico","lname":"Pastore","cname2":"Markeplay srl","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of B2B E-commerce in Manufacturing: Leveraging Technology to Overcome Industry","bio":"Domenico Pastore is a passionate and innovative professional, born on June 5, 1996, in Polla, Italy. He has developed extensive expertise in digital marketing, project management, and data analysis, with a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. His enthusiasm for disruptive technologies drives his approach to solving complex problems, and he describes himself as a curious and multipotential individual.\n\nCurrently serving as CEO and Partner at Markeplay srl, he focuses on strategic partnership and sales. Previously, he was a Marketing and Partnership Manager at ShopNow srl, where he oversaw the creation and optimization of digital marketing strategies and led innovative projects such as Sharop and Markeply.\n\nDomenico holds a Master's degree in Business Markets and Strategies from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Control, and Finance from Università degli Studi di Pavia. His academic journey enabled him to explore corporate innovation, internationalization, and sustainability, providing him with the skills to lead impactful projects.\n\nIn his spare time, he enjoys exploring a wide range of interests, from reading and learning new technologies to playing guitar and stargazing.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The B2B manufacturing industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the demand for greater efficiency, customization, and digitalization. Current challenges include fragmented sales processes, complex product configurations, and a lack of flexible solutions that cater to the sector’s specific needs. To overcome these, manufacturers are turning to customizable, no-code platforms that streamline workflows, enable advanced product configurators, and offer seamless integration with existing systems. These technologies not only solve present inefficiencies but also set the stage for a more agile, scalable, and customer-centric future in B2B commerce. The long-term vision includes fully automated and personalized e-commerce solutions that adapt to evolving market demands, enabling manufacturers to stay competitive and innovative.\r\n\r\nThis session will delve into how such technologies are reshaping the landscape, addressing specific pain points, and what the future holds for the B2B manufacturing sector as digital transformation accelerates.","presenter":"Domenico Pastore","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234582,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Susanne","lname":"Trautmann","cname2":"Marketing Canvas","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Lost in Innovation? Mit dem Marketing Canvas zum Product-Market-Fit","bio":"Susanne Trautmann ist Expertin für das Thema Go-to-Market Strategie und Co-Autorin des \"B2B Marketing Handbuchs\". Sie ist B2B Marketer aus Leidenschaft und hat mit der Praxiserfahrung aus 16+ Jahren B2B Tech Marketing das Marketing Canvas entwickelt - ein Strategiemodell, das den Launch komplexer Produkte und Technologien abkürzt und vereinfacht. Susanne liebt es, ihr Fachwissen zu teilen und begleitet innovative Teams dabei, ihre Launch-Prozesse mit dem Marketing Canvas völlig neu zu denken. Darüber hinaus ist sie Speakerin und Gastdozentin im Masterstudiengang \"Digital Marketing\" an der Hochschule Ansbach.","position":"Go-to-Market Strategist \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Innovation allein garantiert keinen Erfolg am Markt. Was nützt die beste Technologie, wenn sie nicht gesehen, verstanden und eingesetzt wird? Wer nicht kommuniziert, wird früher oder später zum Hidden Champion.\r\n\r\nHier kommt Marketing ins Spiel. Es nämlich geht darum, Innovationen erlebbar zu machen und das Unternehmen und seine internen Experten sichtbar zu positionieren. Marketing darf nicht länger der „Erfüllungsgehilfe“ sein, sondern muss als strategischer Partner verstanden werden: Eine treibende Kraft, die Silos aufbricht, Kollaboration fördert und den Austausch von Wissen und Ideen anregt.\r\n\r\nDas Marketing Canvas knüpft dort an, wo das Business Model Canvas aufhört, und ermöglicht einen bereichsübergreifenden Dialog auf Augenhöhe. Mein Vortrag zeigt anhand praktischer Beispiele, wie Marketer in wenigen Stunden das Erfahrungswissen ihrer Organisation systematisch zusammenfassen und in eine Go-to-Market-Strategie übersetzen können.\r\n\r\n+++\r\nWarum bin ich ein Mehrwert für euch? Nach meiner Präsentation auf der CAMPIXX in diesem Jahr, habe ich dieses schöne Feedback erhalten:\r\n\r\n\"Susanne hat mich absolut umgehauen! Ich saß am Morgen des 2. CAMPIXX Tages ziemlich erschöpft in ihrem Vortrag und habe einfach nur versucht, nicht einzuschlafen (wer schon einmal da war, weiß, wovon ich rede). Sobald Susanne den Mund aufgemacht hat, war ich hellwach und hing nur noch an ihren Lippen.\"\r\n\r\nLaura Perlitz\r\nHead of Online Marketing bei ganztags. GmbH\r\n (Quelle:","presenter":"Susanne Trautmann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236546,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marianna","lname":"Chillau","cname2":"Marlene Live","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The age of Live Community Commerce: How brands are transforming Live Shopping into immersive journeys","bio":"Marianna Chillau is an entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in the world of eCommerce and Digital Marketing. Born in 1987, Marianna is the youngest of three children, raised in a small village in Southern Sardinia in a family of farmers and shepherds.\n\nAfter an Erasmus in Finland, she launched a blog and Facebook page where she discussed topics like fashion and trends, reaching over 100K followers in less than 12 months (without any advertising spend).\n\nIn 2009, she launched her first eCommerce project in the B2C sector. In the following years, she specialized in Digital Marketing as a freelancer for various companies and sectors, including Travel, Fashion, and Pet.\n\nIn 2016, after gaining experience in a start-up as a performance marketing manager, she embarked on her most important adventure with Flyer Tech, a company providing eCommerce solutions, where she serves as CEO and Co-Founder. With Flyer Tech, she launched several SaaS products for lead generation and marketing automation.\n\nIn 2017, along with two other partner companies, Marianna started a new project: 4eCom, a community that connects companies offering digital services in the eCommerce market. In 2020, 4eCom became an association, with Marianna serving as its President.\n\nIn 2021, she launched Marlene, a Live \u0026 Video Commerce solution that allows merchants to create live and interactive videos on their eCommerce sites. It’s not just a technology partner but an all-in-one solution solution that helps merchants build strategic Live Shopping projects and launch impactful experiences that engage, entertain, and drive sales through live streaming. Marlene supports clients through every phase: from strategy development to identifying the most effective formats and content, and even recruiting and training hosts for the live sessions.\n\nIn 2023, she published her book “People-Based Marketing”, in which she introduces a “people-oriented” marketing model for the post-cookie era.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We are on the brink of a new era in digital retail: Live Community Commerce. This disruptive phenomenon is transforming Live Shopping from a sales tool into an immersive and participatory experience, capable of shattering the \"fourth wall of eCommerce”. In our speech, we will explore this innovative trend and the strategies that are reshaping how brands connect with their audiences.\n\nWe will spotlight success stories from leading national and international brands that have harnessed Live Shopping as a powerful channel for Community Commerce. We will showcase the results from companies like Leroy Merlin, Sephora, Carrefour, Atida eFarma, and others across diverse product categories that have successfully adopted this strategy, crafting engaging digital spaces that captivate users through compelling \"Shoppertainment\" experiences.\n\nFurthermore, we will examine Live Shopping in relation to other emerging trends, such as video commerce and social commerce, highlighting both the differences and synergies among these practices. At the same time, we will share practical strategies for integrating Live Shopping into a broader, people-based marketing framework that fosters meaningful, personalized relationships – which are especially effective to prepare for an increasingly post-cookie landscape.\n\nThrough real-world case studies and examples, our aim is to provide actionable insights and guidelines to unlock the full potential of Live Shopping as a Community Commerce tool that prioritizes user engagement and the need for immersive and social experiences. In conclusion, we will demonstrate how Live Shopping can evolve into a true, vibrant digital square, a space where viewers come together to share interactive and collective experiences in real time.","presenter":"Marianna Chillau","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":117,"id":235589,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matthias","lname":"Neidhardt","cname2":"maßarbyte GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Damit Dein Wechsel gelingt! Unsere größten Learnings aus ERP- und Shop-Migrationen.","bio":"Seit 2018 Geschäftsführer der maßarbyte GmbH und seit 2019 Geschäftsführer der Packmonster Fulfillment GmbH. ","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Erfahre, worauf es beim Wechsel deines ERP- und Shopsystems ankommt und welche wichtigen Learnings wir aus Dienstleister- und Händlersicht erzielt haben. Erfahre in einem Vortrag/Interview von Händler und Dienstleister mehr über Fallstricke, die vermieden werden können.","presenter":"Matthias Neidhardt","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235248,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gunnar","lname":"Militz","cname2":"mcanism technology GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From art to science: psychological triggers in affiliate marketing","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How to use psychological principles such as scarcity, authority or social proof to maximize conversions in affiliate marketing.","presenter":"Gunnar Militz","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":235506,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paul","lname":"Krauss","cname2":"MDCT AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"From Hype to Strategy: Exclusive Interview Insights on AI’s Role in eCommerce Success","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In 2023, we began documenting structured one-on-one interviews, leading to the creation of a print magazine focused on AI and eCommerce, in cooperation with AITI (DFKI). We had about 30 interviews and release weekly updates in a free newsletter.\r\n\r\nThis ad-free and cost-free magazine shares valuable insights, aiming to deepen the discourse on AI in eCommerce—without relying on buzzwords. The goal is to provide practical recommendations for strategic AI implementation, based on real-world experiences across different verticals and disciplines.\r\n\r\nWe never presented it as a keynote - maybe we should now. This  presentation highlights that only by combining traditional and generative AI systems can the challenges of commerce be tackled—showing that there are many paths to success.","presenter":"Paul Krauss","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":235680,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Jaschek","cname2":"MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Logistics service offers at MediaMarktSaturn: Immediate delivery in under 90 minutes and maximum flexibility in the store","bio":"Michael Jaschek is Manager - Logistics Sourcing \u0026 Partners at MediaMarktSaturn. The MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group is Europe’s leading retailer of consumer electronics.\n\nMichael is responsible for the procurement of logistics services with a focus on middle and last mile.\n\nHe is also responsible for the implementation of parcel lockers and PUDO as well as the steering of an interdisciplinary Fraud Management working group.\n\nHe previously worked in logistics at AUDI, BMW and Gunvor. He started his professional career at Rhenus Logistics in Germany.\n\nHe holds an MBA in Business Administration with majors Logistics, Business Informatics and Electronic Business.\n\n","position":"Manager Logistics Sourcing \u0026 Partners","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In my presentation, I will introduce MediaMarktSaturn's latest service innovations, which are aimed at improving our customers' shopping experience and responding even more closely to their needs. The focus will be on two outstanding projects: the cooperation with Uber for instant delivery of online orders and the introduction of parcel shops (parcel-drop-off-and-pick up points / PUDO) and parcel locker.\r\n\r\nInstant delivery in cooperation with Uber: One highlight is the introduction of instant delivery, which enables customers to have their online orders delivered to their desired address within 90 minutes. This service is offered in cooperation with Uber and is available in around 200 stores in Germany.\r\n\r\nAdded value for customers:\r\n- speed\r\n- flexibility\r\n- sustainability\r\n- transparency \u0026 security\r\n\r\nParcel shops and locker: In cooperation with the parcel service provider DPD, GLS and Hermes Germany, MediaMarktSaturn has successfully implemented a pilot project that enables customers to conveniently collect and send their parcels in selected stores. This service is available in over 50 stores and has already been used over 150,000 times. The further national roll-out of the parcel shops in over 380 stores is currently being implemented and a pilot project with agnostic parcel lockers will also be launched in selected stores.\r\n\r\nAdded value for customers:\r\n- convenience\r\n- flexibility\r\n- reliability\r\n- scaling\r\n\r\nThanks in part to these innovative service offerings, MediaMarktSaturn was able to further increase customer satisfaction and thus improve its Net Promoter Score to an all-time high of +61 (Q3 2023/24).","presenter":"Michael Jaschek","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":112,"id":236225,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Riqwan","lname":"Thamir","cname2":"Medusa","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Differentiate from your competitors with a customisable platform","bio":"Passionate about growth analytics, ecommerce systems \u0026 personalization. Built several early stage products, being actively involved in getting users from a blank slate to seed \u0026 Series A. Worked on challenging gov. tech sector for 2 years and built pricing tools \u0026 black friday readiness at a big CMS company. ","position":"Sr. Product Engineer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The world of e-commerce is made in a particular mould. Commerce experiences are more often the same, which makes it hard for companies to differentiate themselves in a competitive environment. Differentiating consists of a huge added cost - time, engineering \u0026 management.\r\n\r\nWhat if you could iterate quickly, scale easily and keep your commerce costs low? Open source is your answer. Medusa is your solution.","presenter":"Riqwan Thamir","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236014,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Iryna","lname":"Yaremko","cname2":"Meest International","avatar":"","presentation_title":"What benefits does expanding into Ukraine bring to your company?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This presentation will explore the vast opportunities Ukraine presents as an emerging market in the e-commerce landscape. \r\nAttendees will gain insights into the value of entering this dynamic market, and how it can enhance competitive positioning, drive revenue growth, and offer a gateway to broader regional opportunities. Learn how your company can capitalize on this untapped potential to fuel long-term success in Eastern Europe.","presenter":"Daria Galonza","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":76,"id":236355,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dominik","lname":"Rapacki","cname2":"meetergo,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Redcare Pharmacy (Shop Apotheke) Streamlined Their Customer Journey with meetergo","bio":"Clients like Shop Apotheke®, JobRad®, and Mercedes-Benz® trust meetergo, the #1 appointment booking software. Instant lead qualification and routing while the industry average response time is 24-48 hours. With meetergo, you'll never miss out on hot leads again, knowing that 50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. If your business takes more than 5mins to respond to leads, you're leaving money on the table.\n\nmeetergo enables you to achieve:\n\n\u003e1-minute average response time to new leads\n78% faster than emails or forms\n2-20% increase in inbound conversion rates\n95%+ automation in lead routing and appointment scheduling\n\nmeetergo is THE solution for your lead response inefficiencies. The result is more conversions and higher revenue.\n\nBefore meetergo, I was building an workplace booking app for a Geraman automotive enterprise. The app grew from zero to 20 employees and 2.5 million euros in annual revenue. \n\nI also have a background in professional basketball, where I played in competitive leagues for traditional clubs.\n\nI'm excited that we can accompany each other on our exciting journeys. And possibly meet you - if you see synergies - feel free to book a slot in my meetergo calendar linked in my LinkedIn bio.","position":"CEO/Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, B2B companies face unique challenges in converting leads into loyal customers. This presentation will explore how innovative technologies are transforming the B2B sales process, focusing on streamlining lead qualification, enhancing customer engagement, and optimizing the overall sales journey. We'll showcase how we automated Redcare Pharmacy's (Shop Apotheke) lead qualification and consultation booking process, driving efficiency and improving customer experiences through Meetergo’s intelligent routing and appointment scheduling platform.","presenter":"Dominik Rapacki","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":234534,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Constance","lname":"Belmontet","cname2":"melibo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Effiziente Ticket-Automatisierung in Greyhound: Ein Praxisbeispiel bei Schiesser","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Vorstellung dient einem Praxisvortrag bzgl. der Automatisierung von Kundenanfragen über die Help-Desk Lösung Greyhound. Die von melibo entwickelte AI-Ticket Automation dient dazu Automatisierte Antworten, intelligentes Ticket Routing, KI-basierte Kategorisierung und Antwortvorschläge zu generieren. \r\n\r\nDie Präsentation wird in Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kunden Schiesser entwickelt. Vortragende von Schiesser sind entweder Niklas Straßner ( oder Silke Schmidt (","presenter":"Felix Stelzer","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":25,"id":235534,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Melisa","lname":"Arilla","cname2":"Melisa Natalia","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond Aesthetics: Accessible Graphic Design for Inclusive Audiences","bio":"Melisa Natalia is a graphic designer specialized in visual identity and marketing assets for both print and digital media. She got her degree in Graphic Design in Buenos Aires in 2011 and has since expanded her expertise through various courses in typography, logo design, illustration, screen printing, and calligraphy.\n\nNow based in Berlin, Melisa collaborates with global clients, bringing their visions to life through captivating logos, marketing materials, and presentations. She believes design is about more than aesthetics—it's about communication, storytelling, and creating experiences that resonate with diverse audiences.\n\nHer commitment to both creativity and excellence drives her in every project and every other aspect of her life. ","position":"Graphic Designer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how accessible design can transform your e-commerce platform by ensuring inclusivity for all users. In this talk, we'll break down the barriers to visual communication and explore practical strategies to make your designs friendly for people with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive disabilities. Learn how thoughtful design not only enhances user experience but also expands your audience, helping you connect with a broader market. Together, let's shape a future where digital spaces are accessible to everyone.","presenter":"Melisa Arilla","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":234700,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Polina","lname":"Sergeeva","cname2":"menstruflow GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Bloody Truth: Warum periodenfreundliche Arbeitsplätze die Zukunft sind (Alternative: \"The Bloody Truth: Six Pack oder Periodenschmerzen?\")","bio":"menstruflow GmbH - bis heute \nCo-CEO \u0026 Co-Founder\nApril 2023 - Present (1 Jahr 6 Monate)\n\ncharis/me - bis heute \nCo-CEO \u0026 Co-Founder\nApr. 2022 - Present (2 Jahre 6 Monate)\n\nMoore TK\nSenior Consultant\nOktober 2022 - Juni 2023 (9 Monate)\n\nThe Social Chain AG \nFinance Project Manager\nMai 2022 - September 2022 (5 Monate)\nExecutive Assistant to CFO\nNovember 2021 - April 2022 (6 Monate)\n\nInstagram\nContent Creator\nOktober 2018 - September 2022 (4 Jahre)\n\nWhite Label Project\nDigital Marketing Strategist\nMärz 2021 - Dezember 2021 (10 Monate)\n\nHays AG \n- Key Account Managerin - Contracting Finance\nSeptember 2021 - November 2021 (3 Monate)\n- Account Managerin - Contracting Finance\nJanuar 2021 - August 2021 (8 Monate)\n- Account Managerin - Digital Technology \u0026 Engineering\nFebruar 2020 - Dezember 2020 (11 Monate)\n\nAvaya GmbH \u0026 Co. KG\n- Sales - Healthcare\nOktober 2018 - Februar 2020 (1 Jahr 5 Monate)\n- Betreuung von Kunden im Bereich Kliniken und Krankenhäuser\nProjektmanagement Employer Branding\nAugust 2018 - Januar 2020 (1 Jahr 6 Monate)\n- Duale Studentin (International Business)\nOktober 2015 - September 2018 (3 Jahre)\n- Auslandsphase - Sales Switzerland\nMai 2017 - Juni 2017 (2 Monate)\n\nAusbildung\nDuale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg\nBachelor of Arts - BA, International Business · (2015 - 2018)\nUniversidad Europea\nErasmus Exchange, International Business · (2017 - 2017)\n","position":"Co-CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In meiner Keynote beleuchte ich ein noch viel zu tabuisiertes Thema, das Millionen von Menschen betrifft: die Menstruation. Aktuell fallen bis zu 50% der weiblichen Mitarbeitenden aufgrund von Periodenschmerzen monatlich aus (eigene Umfrage) – eine Zahl, die nicht nur die Ausfallquote und Produktivität, sondern auch die Unternehmenskultur beeinflusst. Daher betrifft die Periode uns alle: Partner*in, Kolleg*innen, Vorgesetzte. In “The Bloody Truth” zeige ich auf, warum periodenfreundliche Arbeitsplätze nicht nur das Wohlbefinden von Mitarbeiterinnen verbessern, sondern auch die Zukunft einer erfolgreichen, inklusiven Unternehmenskultur sind. Ich erkläre, wie Unternehmen mit kleinen Anpassungen große Veränderungen bewirken können – und warum Tampons im Bad der Obstkorb von gestern sind.\r\n\r\nEin besonderes Highlight: Der Period Pain Simulator für Männer. Damit wird das Thema auf eine interaktive und greifbare Weise näher gebracht, um alle Geschlechter für die Herausforderungen der Menstruation zu sensibilisieren.","presenter":"Polina Sergeeva","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":73,"id":235294,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Daniel","lname":"Tng","cname2":"Mentor Media Ltd","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlock Global Markets: Seamless Cross-Border Shipping and Fulfillment Solutions","bio":"Jimmy Ng Bio:\nBringing more than 20 years of experience in a multitude of logistics, supply chain solutions and operations. \nStrong key client management across various industry sectors such as Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, FMCG, Retail and e-Fulfillment operations, Luxury/High Fashion apparels, High-tech, Semiconductor, Automotive, Aviation and Cold Chain.\nSpecialties: Very strong operations, process and project management skills. Strong people management and leadership skills. Customer Relationship Management, International working, Commercial management and Negotiation skills.\n\n\nCecilia Lee Bio: \nBringing more than 15 years of experiences in multitude of logistics, supply chain operations,\nsales and client retention management across varied industry sectors and markets. Strong experiences\nin High-tech logistics, FMCG consumer logistics, Retail and e-Fulfillment operations, Pharmaceutical,\nBeauty \u0026 Fragrance marketing and manufacturing compliance.\nSpecialties: Strong operations, problem-solving and project management skills. Inter-personal\nmanagement and leadership skills. Customer Relationship Management, International working,\nCommercial management and Negotiation skills.","position":"(VP,  Global Sales \u0026 Marketing) \u0026 (Deputy Director, Sale and Marketing)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unlocking  markets and opportunities through Ecommerce\n - B2B, B2C,B2B2C\n \nIdentifying the Ecommerce challenges \n- Focus: Cross Border Shipping and Fulfilment. \n- Going together (leveraging volume and size)\n\nAdopting MM proven solution for Agility; Cost Efficiency \u0026 Value\nService segment:\n- Country of Origin Services\n(Supplier Management, Quality Inspection, Supplier Masking, Consolidation, Order bundling and customisation, Tax Deferment/rebate*, Customs Documentation, Logistics cost sharing)\n\n- Country of Destination Services  \n(Import declaration, Logistics, Bonded \u0026 non-bonded warehousing, Product localisation and Postponement Services , Order management, Last mile fulfillment, Returns management, Payment Management \u0026 e-Payment gateway, Invoicing, Customer service)\n\nMentor Media's eCommerce engagement experience\n - System integration\n - Setup \u0026 Onboarding  process","presenter":"Jimmy Ng, Cecilia Lee","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":60,"id":235968,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hendrik","lname":"Menz","cname2":"menzmedia.communication","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Roblox vs. Shopify - Virtual Commerce for a new generation","bio":"As an experienced marketing expert working in the advertising industry for over 20 years, Hendriks skills are Digital Strategy, Branding and Performance Campaigns, Programmatic Advertising, Content Marketing, Social Media and Branded Entertainment in classical and emerging channels.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Roblox is one of the biggest social gaming platforms with more than 300M users globally, mainly GenZ and Alpha. Retail giant Walmart is already heavily invested in creating shopping solutions for the more than 70M daily active users. Now, with the announcement of a native Shopify integration, the door is wide open for a broad spectrum of small and medium retailers to offer both virtual and physical merchandise across millions of Roblox experiences. \r\nGame-Commerce and Virtual-Commerce solutions will soon disrupt consumer behavior and present unseen challenges to brands and marketeers. This keynote will provide a comprehensive overview of vCommerce opportunities and some predictions for things to expect in Games and further immersive environments.","presenter":"Hendrik Menz","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":236717,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carolina","lname":"Muñoz Galeano","cname2":"Meraki International","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scale Up, Not Out: Breaking Barriers in International E-commerce","bio":"Carolina Muñoz Galeano is a visionary leader with 18 years of experience in international business, specializing in marketing, global expansion, and international negotiation. Throughout her career, she has developed and executed commercial strategies and digital marketing plans across Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia, driving business growth in diverse markets specialized in B2B and B2C. With a strategic focus on opening new markets and building global alliances, Carolina has led international expansion projects, product and service positioning, and the organization of high-impact international events.\n\nCarolina has a remarkable ability to identify key opportunities and maximize performance through digital campaigns and strategic e-commerce, which has been crucial in enhancing the competitiveness of organizations. She excels at leading international teams and executing innovative projects that transform global operations, always with a focus on delivering sustainable and scalable results.","position":"Global Director International Marketing \u0026 Expansion","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's interconnected digital world, the growth potential for e-commerce businesses extends far beyond their domestic markets. However, expanding across borders involves more than simply translating a website. It demands a deep understanding of complex regulations, localized consumer behavior, agile adaptation to logistics challenges, and strategic multi-channel leveraging. My presentation will deliver crucial frameworks that empower businesses of all sizes to boldly scale internationally.\r\n\r\nLeveraging my extensive experience in international business and results-driven approaches, I will provide actionable insights on establishing a global footprint, with a particular focus on SMEs and startups. The session will cover:\r\n\r\n*Market Prioritization: \r\n*Localized Strategies: \r\n*Regulatory and Logistical Mastery\r\n*Tech \u0026 Tools for Cross-Border Efficiency\r\n\r\nThe presentation will provide practical value to the audience. Attendees will gain strategic insights and tangible tools to mitigate the risks of expanding abroad. I will also discuss current trends such as the rise of regional e-commerce marketplaces and the impact of digital trade agreements, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.\r\n\r\nThe aim is to provide entrepreneurs, e-commerce leaders, and stakeholders with the knowledge and confidence needed to successfully expand their businesses into new markets. Through real-world case and data-backed strategies, the goal is to offer a clear roadmap for turning international ambitions into sustainable global growth.","presenter":"Carolina Muñoz Galeano","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":236237,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Radim","lname":"Zhor","cname2":"Mergado","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scale your business with smart expansion and data-rich feed","bio":"Radim Zhoř is a seasoned eCommerce professional with years of experience in the field. He serves as a Business Development Specialist and Head of Support at Mergado Technologies, where he plays a crucial role in promoting the Mergado product management tool. As a key account manager, Radim provides VIP support to top international clients, ensuring the success of their product campaigns. He is also a regular speaker at international events across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).","position":"Head of Support and Business development specialist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, you'll learn how to effectively scale your eCommerce business by identifying the right time for expansion and preparing your business with smart strategies. We'll explore methods like utilizing marketplaces for low-cost testing of new markets, conducting thorough keyword and competitor analysis, and accounting for local market specifics. Emphasizing the importance of data-rich product feeds, you'll discover how enriched data enhances product visibility, boosts advertising performance, and minimizes errors. From optimizing pricing and product descriptions to leveraging tools like Mergado Translate, this session will equip you with actionable insights for sustainable growth.","presenter":"Radim Zhor","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236264,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philip","lname":"Opitz","cname2":"MERKUR eSolution GmbH / Euro Payment Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Cash in Online Payments \u0026 Real Omnichannel - a bridge between eCommerce \u0026 Retail","bio":"Philip Opitz has been working in payments for over 5 years and started his career in this industry at FinTecSystems, now known as TINK. As part of one of the most successful exits in the payment \u0026 fintech scene, Philip now works as Head of Sales at MERKUR eSolutions, the B2B online division of MERKUR AG. Mainly responsible for the expansion of the cash-based eWallet paylado, Philip is responsible for the eCommerce, gaming and entertainment markets. Already at the beginning of his professional career, Philip has proven in various industries how sustainable and innovative payment methods can prevail and how convincing pitches contribute to this. ","position":"Head of Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Have you ever paid online at an eCommerce shop with cash? No? But this will be your future! \n\nMERKUR, as a well-known brand with over 15.000 employees within the gambling industry, achieved the goal to build a bridge between retail- and online business. But how? \n\nTogether with a 100% daughter company (Euro Payment Group, Malta, full bank license in Europe) we developed \"paylado\". paylado is an e-wallet that can be topped up with cash or eMoney (bank transfer). In Germany alone, there are over 33,000 acceptance points where paylado users can digitize cash and then pay online with paylado. \n\nInitially build for the iGaming (gambling) sector, we raised over 60.000 users in Germany in the first year and understood quickly what chances in the whole eCom industry we created. Since paylado is an App for everyone, we started to gain merchants from other industries like Gaming, eCommerce, Dating, Entertainment, Crypto and many more. Together with this mixture of industries we achieved to enable cash-based online payment with a broad scope and on top of this also developed own paylado hardware machines for the retail industry. \n\nSo, in retail, people can now register for paylado and other partner offerings, can directly top-up or withdraw cash from paylado and finally also purchase vouchers with the machines. Benefit for retail? New customers within the stores \u0026 a financial participation model for every transaction or registration made on the hardware. \n\nThus, have you seen cash payments online? Have you heard about hardware for retail that gives a fee for every transaction? Have you ever heard about MERKUR as eCommerce innovator? No \u0026 you want to learn more? We are happy to speak during eCommerce Expo 2025!","presenter":"Philip Opitz","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":71,"id":234523,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"adhyan","lname":"mangal","cname2":"Metadrob","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of E-commerce: Embracing Immersive Experiences","bio":"Adhyan is the visionary founder and CEO of Metadrob, a cutting-edge, no-code platform transforming the retail landscape with immersive 3D virtual showrooms. With a deep-rooted background in tech and e-commerce, he has honed a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic leadership, positioning Metadrob at the forefront of the future of shopping experiences.\n\nUnder Adhyan's leadership, Metadrob was built from the ground up to revolutionize how businesses engage with their customers, offering a seamless bridge between the physical and digital worlds. With a relentless focus on innovation, he has led the company on a mission to empower retailers with tools that enhance ROI, increase customer engagement, and elevate the online shopping experience to new heights.\n\nDriven by an entrepreneurial spirit, Adhyan continues to push the boundaries of e-commerce, with a bold vision to take Metadrob beyond virtual showrooms and into the consumer metaverse. By pioneering new realms of interaction, including multiplayer gaming, live streaming, and immersive events, he is shaping the next generation of online retail, where immersive experiences redefine the way consumers shop and brands engage.","position":"Founder and CEO @Metadrob, Member at Forbes Business Council, Metaverse Council, \u0026 Internet Society","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where the boundaries between digital and physical shopping are dissolving, immersive technologies are redefining the e-commerce landscape. This presentation explores how 3D virtual showrooms and interactive platforms are revolutionizing the way consumers engage with products online.\r\n\r\nAttendees will discover:\r\n\r\nThe Rise of Immersive Technologies: Learn how augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D environments are transforming customer experiences. With 70% of consumers expecting personalized and interactive shopping, embracing these technologies is becoming essential.\r\n\r\nBenefits for Retailers and Consumers: Understand how immersive experiences can increase conversion rates by up to 40% and reduce product returns by 20%, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.\r\n\r\nCreating Accessible Virtual Showrooms: See how platforms like Metadrob are enabling retailers of all sizes to design and launch their own 3D spaces without extensive technical expertise. We'll delve into user-friendly tools that integrate seamlessly with existing e-commerce solutions like Shopify.\r\n\r\nCase Studies and Success Stories: Explore real-world examples of businesses that have successfully implemented immersive experiences, resulting in increased engagement and sales.\r\n\r\nFuture Trends and Strategies: Get insights into upcoming developments in immersive technology and how to position your business at the forefront of this evolution.\r\n\r\nJoin us to uncover how embracing immersive experiences is not just an innovative addition but a strategic necessity for the future of e-commerce. Equip your business with the knowledge and tools to create engaging, interactive, and personalized shopping experiences that meet the evolving expectations of today's consumers.","presenter":"Adhyan Mangal","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":197,"id":234550,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lea","lname":"Sindel","cname2":"Metricool","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Impact Uncovered: How to Measure What Really Matters in B2B Social Media","bio":"Lea Sindel joined the marketing team at Metricool in 2023 and plays a crucial role in the content strategy for the DACH market and the effective realisation of marketing goals. Lea brings her expertise from 5 years of content marketing to ensure that Metricool is not just a tool, but a comprehensive solution to the challenges of social media marketing.","position":"Content Strategy","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How do you know if your B2B social media strategy is truly effective? Are you aware of your content’s real impact? The answer lies in the data. In this talk, I’ll dive into the essential metrics that matter at each stage of the funnel and explore which platforms are most effective for attracting new followers, building communities, and driving sales. Discover how data-driven insights can refine your approach and optimize your social media presence for measurable, tangible business results.","presenter":"Lea Sindel","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":65,"id":236281,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lea","lname":"Sindel","cname2":"Metricool","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of B2B Social Media: 2025’s Hottest Trends and How to Leverage Them","bio":"Lea Sindel joined the marketing team at Metricool in 2023 and plays a crucial role in the content strategy for the DACH market and the effective realisation of marketing goals. Lea brings her expertise from 5 years of content marketing to ensure that Metricool is not just a tool, but a comprehensive solution to the challenges of social media marketing.","position":"Content Strategy","logotype":"","presentation_description":"What are the key findings from our exclusive social media study conducted with Statista? Discover the most important trends shaping the B2B social landscape in 2025, and learn practical strategies to apply these insights in your business. This talk will equip you with the tools to stay ahead of the curve and drive meaningful results in your social media efforts.","presenter":"Lea Sindel","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":63,"id":236277,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Evelyn","lname":"Beier","cname2":"Microsoft Advertising","avatar":"","presentation_title":"You and AI: Transforming creativity and campaign success","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are you confident that you’re building your business for future growth in the era of AI? With rapid changes and constant innovation, it's crucial to stay ahead. AI is at the forefront of this transformation, revolutionizing creativity and driving campaign success. By leveraging AI, businesses can unlock new opportunities, resources, and solutions. Join Stephanie Boedige, Global Agency Director at Microsoft Advertising to discover how AI is reshaping the advertising landscape, why it's more critical than ever, and what Microsoft Advertising is building to drive more conversions and, ultimately, more success for you.","presenter":"Stephanie Boedige","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236217,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dieter","lname":"Fassbender","cname2":"Miele Professional","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Is BtoB a handjob?  Why real and manual labour is important when scaling 7-9 figures for more than 20 markets in 24 months","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How to win while others are playing around with AI and other new shiny objects:\r\n\r\nB2B isn’t a ‘handjob’, it’s craftsmanship:\r\nScaling requires more than automation – real expertise and a hands-on approach are essential to achieving sustainable success. Because a shitty foundation applied to automation and AI scales just the shittynes. \r\n\r\nAlgorithms and automation are valuable – but they don’t replace strategy\r\nThe best software in the world won’t save your business if you don’t manually fine-tune the underlying strategy.\r\n\r\nManual work as a competitive advantage\r\nWhile others rely on fully automated processes, it’s often the manual, tailored solutions that make the critical difference.\r\n\r\nAutomation creates scalability, but not resilience\r\nWithout human creativity and flexibility, no business can withstand long-term challenges across 20+ markets.\r\n\r\nFinesse over button-pushing\r\nScaling means making the right decisions at the right time – no automation can take that off your hands.\r\n\r\nEvery market quirk requires manual labor\r\nLocal specifics demand tailored adjustments – scaling across markets means getting your hands dirty in every one of them.\r\n\r\nScaling isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon\r\nIt’s not just about hitting big numbers quickly, but maintaining them long-term – and that requires ongoing, manual effort.","presenter":"Dieter Fassbender","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236465,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sander","lname":"Merkx","cname2":"Mieloo \u0026 Alexander","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Productivity Improvement in Manufacturing and Warehouse Logistics through RFID Technology: An Overview of RFID Use Cases and Value Drivers","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The growth in labor productivity in the Netherlands is stagnating. Only through the application of technology can productivity increase. In this theater session, Mieloo \u0026 Alexander will demonstrate, using a wide range of use cases, how RFID technology is employed in manufacturing and warehouse logistics processes to enhance efficiency, achieve higher throughput, and improve process quality.","presenter":"Sander Merkx","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235590,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Violeta","lname":"Vasileva","cname2":"Mimic Productions; Mimic Minds","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of Human-AI Avatar Interaction: Advancing Seamless Integration and Co-Creation","bio":"David Bennett, is a pioneer in facial animation and motion capture with over 30 years of experience in XR, AI and digital doubles.  David has 2 provisional patents one in AI and one in robotics. His contributions include notable work on films like Avatar, Tintin and Rise of the Planet of the Apes as well as collaborations with artists like Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Kanye West and companies such as Warner Brothers, Nike, Adidas and more. Currently, he is focused on developing realtime conversational AI avatars with applications across various industries, including education, training, medical care, mobility, well-being. and more. David's innovative work is paving the way for inclusive solutions across new domains, transforming how we interact with and benefit from advanced technologies. ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The talk explores the evolving relationship between humans and generative AI, focusing on the development of real-time conversational lifelike AI avatars for use in education, training, medical care, well-being, mobility and more.\r\nThe goal is to create inclusive and transformative technological solutions. It explores AI's potential to generate new opportunities, transforming our interaction with technology and unlocking innovative solutions across various industries. Featuring David Bennett, CEO of Mimic Productions, a leader in creating lifelike digital characters for various industries, currently focused on building smart avatars. ","presenter":"David Bennett","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235495,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Konrad","lname":"Siwiński","cname2":"Minds \u0026 roses","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Click: Elevating Online Shopping with Offline Experiences.","bio":"Anna Siwińska\n\nQualitative \u0026 Quantitative Researcher | Insigths Seeker\n\nHer diverse background spans client and agency sides, as well as international corporations and startups. Specializes in finance and retail research in Poland and CEE markets.\nIn her spare time, she's a member of a choir, where she experiences firsthand the magic of group synergy.\n\nKonrad Siwiński\n\nSenior Partner | Team Leader\n\nResearcher, social activist, team leader, and academic lecturer. He particularly enjoys large strategic projects that are closely aligned with the daily business of clients. A specialist in the areas of innovation, strategy, and experience building. Head of Research at the think tank Social Impact Alliance for CEE. He teaches Marketing Research at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. In his free time, he trains to run as far as possible, always with music in his ears. You can also spot him at basketball games of Dziki Warszawa.\n","position":"Senior Consultant, Senior Partner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Imagine unwrapping a package. The crinkle of cellophane, the comforting scent of sage, the soft touch of the purple fabric. These sensory details can transform an online purchase into a memorable experience.\n\nAs consumers increasingly prioritize mindfulness and well-being, there’s a growing demand for products and services that engage their senses. How can eCommerce brands meet this demand?\n\nThis presentation will explore:\n1. Sensory Engagement: How online brands can leverage touch, smell, touch, move and sound to create immersive experiences?\n2.  Benefits and Challenges: The potential gains and risks of incorporating offline elements into eCommerce.\n3. Strategic Touchpoints: Ideal opportunities for offline interactions within the customer journey\n\nThrough real-world examples and emerging trends, we will demonstrate how businesses can develop eCommerce through the offline experience.","presenter":"Anna Siwińska, Konrad Siwiński","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":46,"id":236550,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jerzy","lname":"Biernacki","cname2":"Miquido","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Frankenstein Syndrome: How to keep your AI solution under control?","bio":"Jerzy Biernacki, PhD in Computer Science, is the Chief AI Officer at Miquido, where he focuses on leveraging technology—especially artificial intelligence—to solve complex business challenges. Since 2018, he has led the company’s AI initiatives, delivering nearly 40 commercial AI implementations across various industries. In his role, Jerzy not only consults, designs, and supports clients but also educates and drives innovation, with a primary emphasis on using AI to transform businesses. A thought leader in the industry, he frequently shares his expertise at conferences, webinars, podcasts, and across social media, engaging a wide audience.\n\nTogether with his team, Jerzy created AI Kickstarter, a framework designed to streamline the development of production-ready LLM-based solutions. AI Kickstarter includes advanced mechanisms for data protection, access control, and result validation, as well as guardrails, evaluators, testing, and monitoring tools. The framework is ready for deployment on private servers or cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. A growing portion of the framework is available as the open-source drAIve library.","position":"Chief AI Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The Frankenstein Syndrome is a term reflecting the fear that a creation made by humans may turn against its creator. This phenomenon originates from Mary Shelley’s book, “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus,” a title that serves as an intriguing allegory for the current status of artificial intelligence. Today, generative artificial intelligence is almost as revolutionary as the taming of fire, which contributed to civilizational development but can still be a destructive force, especially in unskilled or inappropriate hands.\r\n\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, I will discuss the risks associated with implementing AI solutions, particularly in the context of Large Language Models. I will present the consequences of oversights and errors that can lead to unexpected and undesirable outcomes. The key question I will answer is whether AI systems can be controlled and how to approach this task.","presenter":"Jerzy Biernacki","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":337,"id":234777,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carolin","lname":"Handschuh","cname2":"missforty germany GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Kunden kaufen keine Produkte - sie kaufen Dich","bio":"Carolin Handschuh ist Gründerin der Modemarke missforty germany.\nNach Stationen im Vertrieb bei der Deutschen Post AG und Tchibo GmbH hat Carolin Handschuh sich mit 40 Jahren selbständig gemacht. \n\nGeboren 1979\n- Mutter von 2 erwachsenen Kindern\n- Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau\n- Studium Volkswirtschaftslehre (B.A.econ)\n","position":"CEO missforty germany ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Meine Werbung habe ich mir nicht gekauft: Schaffung von Fans statt Kunden!\nKunden kaufen keine Produkte, sie kaufen die Story dahinter. Genau darüber möchte ich in meinem Vortrag berichten, wie ich fast ohne Werbebudget meine Marke aufgebaut habe. Ich zeige Dir, wie man Kunden zu Fans macht.\nKunden verbinden meine Marke mit meinem Gesicht.\n\nMach dich selber zu Deiner eigenen Marke.\nNutzung der eigenen Geschichte zum Markenaufbau und Reichweitensteigerung.\nErzähle Kunden deine Geschichte und nehme Menschen mit in Dein Leben. ","presenter":"Carolin Handschuh","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":235617,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ahmed","lname":"Kilany","cname2":"Mister Sandman","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transforming Systems in SMEs: From Spreadsheets to a Strategic and Efficient Software Stack","bio":"I am a 26-year-old CTO in Mister Sandman GmbH, a fast-growing startup that specializes in comfort products. With a background in Digital Business and Data Science, my work spans everything from demand forecasting to API connections, from ETL pipelines to IT infrastructure, and I’m proud to have helped the company thrive across 20+ marketplaces.","position":"CTO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s fast-paced e-commerce landscape, many companies still rely on outdated spreadsheets, using them as a crutch instead of adopting dedicated software. When I joined my company, we were in that same situation—new hires even had to pass a spreadsheet test, reflecting our heavy dependence on these limited tools. Excel is the jack of all trades, but master of none.\r\n\r\nI led a transformation that, within a year, replaced all spreadsheet-based processes with tailored software solutions. Reporting expanded from three manual reports to over thirty fully automated ones. Product data was centralized in a PIM system, order transmissions were automated through ERP APIs, and a specialized tool was implemented for review management. Our PIM systems was linked with a tool that utilizes AI for SEO opimisation in our listing texts. This shift boosted operational efficiency and provided a scalable, cost-effective approach to software selection.\r\n\r\nThis change reflects a broader trend: the office software market in Germany is expected to grow at 1.64% annually, reaching $1.41 billion by 2029. Yet, many German companies still rely on spreadsheets, showing the need for innovation.\r\n\r\nChange is challenging, but the rewards are significant. Choosing the wrong tools or failing to implement them correctly can delay benefits for months. The key is not only finding the right solutions but also preparing systematically and guiding teams effectively through the transition.\r\n\r\nI can share insights and strategies for navigating operational change and overcoming common hurdles when adopting new technologies in Ecommerce. Attendees will leave with actionable knowledge to help differentiate and innovate in challenging times and a brand new perspective on change.","presenter":"Ahmed Kilany","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":120,"id":236555,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ahmed","lname":"Kilany","cname2":"Mister Sandman GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Bridging the Gap Between AI Theory and Real-World Applications in Demand Forecasting for SMEs","bio":"I am a 26-year-old CTO in Mister Sandman GmbH, a fast-growing startup that specializes in comfort products. With a background in Digital Business and Data Science, my work spans everything from demand forecasting to API connections, from ETL pipelines to IT infrastructure, and I’m proud to have helped the company thrive across 20+ marketplaces.","position":"CTO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s e-commerce landscape, AI is everywhere. Many companies feel pressured to adopt it, but without a clear strategy and measurable outcomes, these investments risk becoming wasted efforts, widening the gap between AI theory and real-world application.\r\n\r\nAs CTO of Mister Sandman, an omnichannel startup selling comfort products on 20+ marketplaces, my team faced the challenge of applying AI to demand forecasting. With datasets with rows in the billions, we couldn’t rely on off-the-shelf solutions, especially with messy data flowing in.\r\n\r\nA turning point came when we realized the initial investment in machine learning felt like a sunk cost. The effort required before seeing meaningful results felt incredibly overwhelming—how could we justify the time, resources, and risk? —a question that many SMEs likely face with AI implementation.\r\n\r\nWhat made the difference was leveraging innovative solutions: data augmentation, synthetic data generation, incremental learning and retraining in batch. We shifted from struggling with our datasets to mastering them, creating scalable, adaptable models that delivered business-changing insights.\r\n\r\nIn this session, I’ll show how we built scalable models for large datasets; used incremental learning and real-time data to maintain accuracy; handled messy data with augmentation and synthetic data generation; risk assessing ROI by setting measurable success goals.\r\n\r\nBy incorporating a wide range of statistical metrics, we pivoted when needed and after countless stages of trial and error, as well as integrating the smallest factors of demand such as weather forecasts by post code, we were able to bring the predictions accuracy of our models from 30-35% at stage 1 to 96-98% at the most recent stage. The models support key decisions for the future of the company.\r\n\r\nBy the end, you'll gain practical strategies and data-backed insights to overcome AI challenges. I’ll show you how to make AI work for you, even when the path seems tough.","presenter":"Ahmed Kilany","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":61,"id":236554,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Frontzek","cname2":"MiToU GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wenn Hersteller schlafen, Chancen auf Amazon.","bio":"Michael Frontzek ist ein E-Commerce-Enthusiast und Marktplatz-Experte seit 2010. Als Wirtschaftspsychologe und leidenschaftlicher Markenentwickler ist er spezialisiert auf Online-Verkauf und -Strategien. Er ist Geschäftsführer und Gründer der MiToU GmbH, einem Unternehmen mit Fokus auf digitales Marketing, Markenberatung und Unternehmensstrategien. Mit über zehn Jahren Erfahrung bietet Michael tiefgreifendes Wissen in Produktmarketing und Unternehmensberatung. Als Speaker und Berater inspiriert er durch seine Leidenschaft für Produkte und innovative Marktplatz-Strategien, insbesondere auf Plattformen wie Amazon.\n\nZusätzlich liegt sein Fokus auf Managementberatung, Markenaufbau und der strategischen Unternehmensführung.\n","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Viele Unternehmen unterschätzen die Bedeutung von Amazon als Vertriebskanal oder sind aufgrund von veralteten Vertriebsmodellen, internen Strukturen oder Misstrauen gegenüber der Plattform noch nicht aktiv. Häufig liegt der Fokus auf traditionellen Handelspartnern oder dem eigenen Online-Shop, während die Marktplatz-Power von Amazon vernachlässigt wird. \r\nMan sollte hierbei aber sich verdeutlichen das Amazon 60% Marktanteil am deutschen Onlinehandel hat und dieser in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich gewachsen ist.\r\nDie Abwesenheit auf Amazon kann für Marken weitreichende negative Konsequenzen haben. Da immer mehr Kunden ihre Kaufentscheidungen über Amazon treffen, riskieren schlafende Marken, relevante Marktanteile an Wettbewerber oder aggressive Drittanbieter zu verlieren. In dem Vortrag wird aufgezeigt welche Fehler Marken begehen und welche Potenzial für andere dabei übrig bleibt.","presenter":"Michael Frontzek","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":24,"id":236331,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Murillo","lname":"Albanez","cname2":"MJV Innovation","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Emotional commerce journey: how can digital humans pivot consumers engagement?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the age of hyper-personalization, businesses are shifting toward deeper, more meaningful customer interactions. This 20-minute session will explore the growing role of emotional commerce—the integration of emotional intelligence into commerce platforms through the use of AI-powered intelligent assistants.\r\n\r\nThe presentation will focus on how smart assistants and chatbots are evolving beyond transactional tasks to become emotionally aware, capable of recognizing and responding to human emotions in real-time. By leveraging AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, and machine learning, these assistants can tailor conversations, product suggestions, and experiences based on the emotional states of users, creating more empathetic and personalized customer journeys. \r\n\r\nAttendees will gain insights into:\r\n. The concept of emotional commerce and its impact on consumer behavior.\r\n. Current technologies enabling emotional detection and response, such as advanced NLP and affective computing.\r\n. Business applications and use cases from industries like retail, customer service, and e-commerce.\r\n. How emotional AI assistants can enhance brand loyalty, drive conversions, and increase bottom line through emotionally aware interactions.\r\n. Challenges and ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in emotional engagement.","presenter":"Murillo Albanez","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236593,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Saket","lname":"Toshniwal","cname2":"MoEngage","avatar":"","presentation_title":"5 Ways to improve customer journey for faster conversion and lower dropoffs.","bio":"Saket is a MarTech leader who has worked across Product Marketing, Growth, and Product Management in consumer tech companies \u0026 SaaS in Europe. He is the Senior Director of Growth at MoEngage. He was the Head of Product Marketing and CRM for one of the biggest dating app in EU. Saket has fresh and practical content to inspire you and help you to apply in your work.","position":"Senior Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"1. Data-driven the checkout process: Reduce the number of steps required to complete a purchase and make the process as quick and easy for customers as possible. CEP\r\n\r\n2. Optimize website for mobile: More people are shopping on mobile devices and if your website is not optimized for them, you are likely losing customers. CRM\r\n\r\n3. Provide clear and detailed product information: Ensure that customers have all the necessary information to make an informed decision and feel confident in their purchase. \r\n\r\n4. Personalize the shopping experience: Use customer data to provide personalized recommendations and offers. This can help increase conversion rates and reduce drop-offs. \r\n\r\n5. Streamline the navigation: Make it easy for customers to find what they are looking for by having a clear and intuitive navigation structure. \r\n\r\n6. Offer exceptional customer service: Provide fast and helpful customer service to address any questions or concerns customers may have during their journey. This can help build trust and reduce drop-offs.\r\nVideo","presenter":"Saket Toshniwal","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234569,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ryleigh","lname":"Ebron","cname2":"Mojito","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Opportunity for Traditional Brands to Leverage Dynamic NFTs","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, Lauren will explore how traditional brands can harness the power of dynamic NFTs to engage their audiences in innovative ways. Unlike static NFTs, dynamic NFTs evolve over time, responding to external factors such as user interaction, market trends, or real-world events. This creates a unique opportunity for brands to deliver personalized and interactive experiences, building deeper connections with consumers.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will dive into practical use cases, from loyalty programs and digital collectibles to enhancing product authenticity and real-time engagement strategies. By the end of this session, attendees will gain a clear understanding of how dynamic NFTs can expand brand reach, foster stronger customer relationships, and unlock new revenue streams in the Web3 space.","presenter":"Lauren Halstead","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236545,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sven","lname":"Beverst","cname2":"Mollie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mollie GPT – Learnings from implementing a customer and employee faced AI feature","bio":"Ryan Chaves is Head of Machine Learning at Mollie, a leading financial services provider for B2C and B2B companies in Europe. Last year, Ryan Chaves and his team successfully implemented an ML platform at Mollie and have since developed and successfully implemented several ML models that have brought measurable value to both Mollie and its clients. The main focus is currently on the areas of risk and fraud detection and customer satisfaction, including through the development of MollieGPT.  Mollie has been present on the German market since 2019.","position":"Head of Machine Learning","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Mollie is supporting more than 200,000 e-commerce merchants worldwide. In a panel or a keynote, Ryan Chaves, primarily responsible for the development of Mollie GPT, will share his experiences and insights on the following topics:\r\n\r\n- Successes of Implementation of Mollie GPT: MollieGPT is already used by hundreds of internal employees and thousands of customers in four major languages and markets. MollieGPT and other GenAI solutions contribute to an internal efficiency increase of over 30 percent. \r\n- What it means to integrate Generative AI technologies as a Fintech.\r\n- Pragmatic approaches and necessary steps for successful implementation of GenAI solutions.\r\n- Which proprietary AI tools make sense for Fintechs – from both employee and customer perspectives.\r\n\r\n Mollie GPT delivers fast and human-like responses to a variety of inquiries – both for employees and customers. In short, MollieGPT streamlines access to Mollie-relevant information internally and externally through AI, simplifying processes and increasing customer and employee productivity and satisfaction. \r\n\r\nGood to know: AI-based chatbots and information access can be a crucial competitive advantage: A statistic from Userlike shows that 80 percent of respondents have already used a chatbot. The better the results, the higher the likelihood of the original goal: providing information as intuitive and effective as possible. Ryan Chaves can provide firsthand insights here.","presenter":"Ryan Chaves","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":67,"id":236419,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Rohracher","cname2":"Mondi Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"Packaging 4.0: Meeting the demands of tomorrow already today\"","bio":"Nicole Dörner and Ismet Altan bring extensive experience and will share actionable insights backed by data and real-world examples, offering practical, non-promotional solutions to today's eCommerce packaging challenges.","position":"eCommerce Sales Lead","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In eCommerce, packaging now plays a crucial role in customer experience, brand loyalty, and logistics optimisation. With increasing pressures for innovation, economic efficiency, and sustainability, rethinking packaging strategies is vital for staying competitive.\r\n\r\nIn this keynote, Nicole Dörner (Sales Team Lead eCommerce Germany) and Ismet Altan (eCommerce Manager Central Europe) from Mondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging, will explore the future of eCommerce packaging. They will share insights on using innovative materials, automation, sustainability, and personalised packaging to optimise supply chains and enhance customer experiences.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\nConsumer Packaging Expectations – Understand what online shoppers value most in packaging, including eco-friendly materials, unboxing experiences, and easy returns. Preview insights from Mondi's upcoming 2025 eCommerce trend report.\r\n\r\nInnovative Solutions – Explore the latest trends in sustainable materials and intelligent packaging design for both functionality and aesthetics.\r\n\r\nFulfillment Automation – Learn how automated packaging solutions can speed up fulfillment and cut costs.\r\n\r\nSustainability as a Competitive Advantage – Discover how sustainable packaging can reduce environmental impact, meet new regulations, and boost brand reputation.\r\n\r\nCase Studies – Hear real-life examples of brands that have successfully transformed their packaging to meet eCommerce demands, using AI for enhanced customer satisfaction.\r\n\r\nNicole Dörner and Ismet Altan bring extensive experience and will share actionable insights backed by data and real-world examples, offering practical, non-promotional solutions to today's eCommerce packaging challenges.","presenter":"Ismet Altan, Nicole Dörner","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":66,"id":236105,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexandra","lname":"Dimitriu","cname2":"MongoDB","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The role of MOPS in revenue generation and how that role is changing with AI","bio":"Ale Dimitriu: A Data Expert with a Passion for Innovation\n\nWith a diverse background spanning from managing large-scale data infrastructures to running her own business, Ale Dimitriu brings a unique perspective to the world of data. As a Systems Manager at MongoDB, Ale oversees the smooth operation of MongoDB's Marketing Data Infrastructure \u0026 Architecture, ensuring optimal performance and scalability for enterprise-level data storage and analysis.\n\nPrior to joining MongoDB, Ale honed her expertise in extracting meaningful insights from vast datasets as a Lead Digital Data Specialist at Joyn GMBH and as a Google Marketing Platform Consultant at Littledata. Her experience across a variety of industries has equipped her with the ability to translate data into actionable strategies that drive business growth.","position":"Senior Marketing Operations Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As a MOPS architect from MongoDB, I will discuss how MOPS strategies are shifting in response to the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. Attendees will gain valuable insights into:\r\n\r\n- Current MOPS Strategies: Understanding the foundational elements of MOPS and their contribution to revenue generation.\r\n- AI Integration: Exploring how AI technologies are enhancing MOPS capabilities, improving customer targeting, and optimizing marketing campaigns.\r\n- Future Trends: Anticipating how the role of MOPS will continue to evolve as AI becomes increasingly integrated into marketing operations.","presenter":"Alexandra Dimitriu","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234560,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Armin","lname":"Alasti","cname2":"MoonJet \u0026 DefShop","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Facebook Ads sind Geschichte? Wie DefShop 2024 den Social Ads Umsatz mühelos verdoppelte …","bio":"- Gründete MoonJet GmbH mit 18 Jahren, vor knapp 10 Jahren\n- Mit 22 Jahren COO eines 80-köpfigen eCommerce Teams\n- Anerkannt als LinkedIn Top Marketing Voice und Meta Partner\n- Führende DACH-Marken skaliert: DefShop, NORMA, Paul Mitchell, Precon, emmi, SmileSecret und weitere","position":"CEO / CMO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Im Jahr 2024 stellen viele die Frage, ob Meta Ads noch funktionieren. DefShop, einer der größten Streetwear-Händler Europas, beweist mithilfe der Social Ads Agentur MoonJet eindrucksvoll das Gegenteil: +101% Meta-Umsatz \u0026 +32.9% ROAS. \r\n\r\nIn dieser Präsentation erfährst du, exakt über welche 3 strategische Hebel DefShop signifikant skalieren konnte:\r\n\r\n1.) Überlegenes Tracking.\r\n\r\n2.) Performance Creatives im Fließband-Modus.\r\n\r\n3.) Full-Funnel Skalierung.\r\n\r\nSei dabei und entdecke, wie auch dein Online-Shop im neuen Jahr Meta Ads signifikant skalieren kann.","presenter":"Armin Alasti (MoonJet); Matthias Spangenberg (DefShop)","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":237685,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"André","lname":"Jonker","cname2":"Mozart Bett","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Über 100 wertvolle Meta Ads mit nur 30 Minuten Input pro Woche!","bio":"Studiert in Niederlande an der Universität Groningen, International Business\nSelbstständig seit dem 16. Lebensjahr\nFokus auf eCom seit 8 Jahren als CEO einer Performance Agentur\neCommerce Projekte: Mozart Bett, Rollrasen Rudi, Hecken Helge, Holz Harry und diverse kleinere Projekte\n","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Winning Ads am Fließbank.\r\n\r\nWie wäre es, wenn du deine Meta Ads am Fließband produzieren könntest – und das mit minimalem Zeitaufwand? In diesem Vortrag verrate ich, wie wir bei **Mozart Bett** mit AI-Tools Woche für Woche **Winning Ads** erstellen, die genau ins Schwarze treffen. Mit nur **30 Minuten Input pro Woche** produzieren wir über 100 wertvolle Ads, die nicht nur sichtbar sind, sondern performen.\r\n\r\nErfahre aus erster Hand, wie du Kreativität und Effizienz vereinst und deine Ads so einfach optimierst, dass dir mehr Zeit für dein Business bleibt. Als Bonus gibt’s vielleicht sogar eine Sneak Preview zu unserem AB-Testing-Ansatz, mit dem wir die Kampagnen kontinuierlich verbessern. \r\n\r\nVote für mich und entdecke, wie einfach AI deinen Ads-Traum wahr macht!","presenter":"Andre Jonker","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":236400,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anna","lname":"Völkl","cname2":"MSTAGE GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Schnell, schön, sicher: Technische Konzeption und Betrieb sicherer E-Commerce Systeme","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ein Online-Shop muss eine Vielzahl an Anforderungen erfüllen. Händler wollen möglichst viele Kunden gewinnen und Umsatz generieren. Oft stehen Business-Anforderungen über den sicherheitstechnischen Anforderungen. Diese Präsentation zeigt, wie ein Online-Shop nicht nur funktional und leistungsstark, sondern auch stets aktuell und sicher betrieben werden kann. Es wird erläutert, welche Faktoren dabei besonders wichtig sind und worauf gezielt geachtet werden muss.","presenter":"Anna Völkl","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":236262,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rubaiyat","lname":"Sadat","cname2":"Mulytic Labs GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How West meets East to bring the EV revolution","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this dynamic presentation, I will share my entrepreneurial journey of bringing cutting-edge technology from the West and translating it into impactful solutions for the rapidly growing electric vehicle (EV) market in the East. As the founder of Mulytic Energy, a pioneering smart charging company, I have witnessed firsthand how critical innovation and cross-border collaboration are to advancing the EV revolution.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will delve into the challenges and opportunities I encountered while integrating Western high-tech solutions with the unique demands of Eastern markets. I will highlight the role of smart charging infrastructure in accelerating EV adoption, reducing energy strain, and optimizing efficiency, focusing on how Mulytic Energy bridges the gap between advanced technologies and local realities.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain valuable insights into:\r\n\r\n\t•\tKey differences in market needs and technological adaptation between the West and East.\r\n\t•\tHow smart charging can unlock new opportunities in the global EV landscape.\r\n\t•\tThe importance of scalable, adaptable tech solutions to support rapid electrification.\r\n\t•\tLessons learned from navigating cultural, regulatory, and infrastructural hurdles.\r\n\r\nThis session is ideal for entrepreneurs, investors, and tech professionals looking to explore global expansion, market adaptation, and sustainable innovation within the fast-evolving EV sector. Join me to discover how Mulytic Energy is driving the future of electric mobility through smart, scalable solutions designed to meet the needs of tomorrow’s global markets.","presenter":"Dr. Rubaiyat Sadat","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":235720,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ingo","lname":"Kamps","cname2":"Münchner Online Rebels GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"300: This is how commerce content works!","bio":"Ingo Kamps came into contact with online marketing back in 1999 - during his studies - as part of an internship semester at Nintendo. In 2004, he founded his performance marketing company, which has been operating as Munich-based Online Rebels GmbH since 2022. In 2014, the mobile communications company Drillisch Online AG took over various online assets of the company. Münchner Online Rebels has numerous well-known clients and is responsible for the performance marketing of Axel Springer's advertising inventory. He has already taken part in various national and international conferences as a speaker. With “Einstieg in erfolgreiches Mobile Marketing” and “Performance-Marketing (Springer-Gabler-Verlag)” he has also published two books of his own.\n\nChristina Hofer is an experienced online marketing expert with over 14 years of experience in the agency and corporate world. After graduating with a degree in communications, she built up extensive expertise in the areas of performance, content and multichannel marketing. As Managing Director of Munich-based Online Rebels GmbH, she develops innovative and customized online marketing concepts for her clients. She previously worked at Telefónica for six years and was responsible for partner marketing and strategic growth projects as team leader. Her focus is on the development of holistic eCommerce strategies, the development of technical infrastructures and the establishment of sustainable strategic partnerships and online marketing channels.\n","position":"Managing Directors","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Most affiliate business models try to activate customers in the lower funnel. However, the decision as to which product the customer wants to purchase is made earlier - in the mid-funnel. Christina Hofer and Ingo Kamps have conducted and analyzed almost 300 of their own commerce content cases and present the lessons learned in a clear way: What works well, what doesn't work and how should the content be designed to actively influence the customer's purchase decision?\n","presenter":"Christina Hofer \u0026 Ingo Kamps","presentation_category":"marketing","logotype_cdn":"","votes":30,"id":234829,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marius","lname":"Mees","cname2":"mymoria GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Omni-Channel und Digitalisierung im Bestattungswesen: Der moderne Weg des Abschieds","bio":"Professional Experience:\n\nSince 2016: mymoria GmbH, Founder \u0026 CEO\n\nSince 2020: Westerwelle Foundation, Mentor\n\n2012 – 2015: HRS – The Hotel Portal\n\n-Director of Customer Acquisition\n\n-Director Mobile \u0026 New Media\n\n2007 – 2012: YOC AG\n\n-Head of Country Operations Germany\n\n-Head of Sales\n\n-Head of New Business Mobile Marketing\n\n2006 – 2007: Scholz \u0026 Friends Berlin GmbH, Account Management\n\n\nEducation:\n\n2002 – 2006: Hanze University Groningen\n\nBachelor of Business Administration in \"International Business and Management Studies\"\n\n2005: Polytechnic University of Hong Kong\n\nInternational Marketing\n\n\nAwards:\n\nmymoria:\n\n2022: Deutscher Fairness-Preis\n\n2021: Goldener Nagel Art Director’s Club \n\n2019: Anzeige des Jahres BDVZ\n\nYOC:\n\n2012: Cannes Lion Gold \"Mobile Lion\"\n\n2012: Winner of the \"Effective Mobile Marketing Award\"\n\n\n","position":"Gründer \u0026 Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In unserer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt verändern sich die Erwartungen und Bedürfnisse der Verbraucher auch in traditionell geprägten Branchen wie dem Bestattungswesen rapide. Die bestehenden Strukturen können den modernen Anforderungen häufig nicht mehr gerecht werden. \r\n\r\nDie Keynote zeigt, wie digitale Services den Zugang zur Bestattungsplanung erleichtern und Angehörigen Vorteile wie Individualisierung, Kostentransparenz und emotionale Entlastung bieten können. Da jedoch gerade in schwierigen Zeiten persönliche Beratung sehr wichtig ist, wird ein moderner Omni-Channel-Ansatz vorgestellt. Dieser zeigt, wie digitale Lösungen und persönliche Betreuung optimal miteinander verbunden werden, um eine flexible und umfassende Bestattungsplanung zu ermöglichen. \r\n\r\nZum Abschluss gibt die Keynote einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft und beleuchtet, welche Rolle Technologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Virtual Reality (VR) in der weiteren Entwicklung des Bestattungswesens spielen.","presenter":"Björn Wolff","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":123,"id":236456,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matteo","lname":"Cassese","cname2":"myth maker","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Confidence Unleashed: Leaders look for confidence in all the wrong places, let’s fix that","bio":"Matteo Cassese helps leaders thrive in chaos and conflict. He is an executive and founder coach, keynote speaker, and mythmaker. As a queer nerd he brings a unique perspective to leadership development. Matteo’s coaching superpower lies in creating a safe space for vulnerability. He’s researched the use of mythology and storytelling as the operating system for human communication and has coached thousands of professionals at top corporates, startups, and scaleups.","position":"Executive and Founder Coach","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Topics: Leadership, Confidence\r\nRelevancy: Confidence enables differentiation and innovation, experiences and examples in e-commerce will be included\r\nCase Studies: talk is based on thousands of hours of coaching leaders\r\nWho is this for: Executives who must persuade, relate and sell.\r\nBenefits: \r\nDiscover the true source of unwavering confidence, thrive in uncertainty, and inspire others.\r\nTransform your approach to leadership by embracing vulnerability and leveraging emotional intelligence to foster genuine connections.\r\n\r\nDescription: \r\nWhy do we look for confidence in all the wrong places? Why do we focus on what to say rather than why and how we say it? Why do we shy away from self-promotion opportunities? \r\n\r\nI want to explore all the wrong and right ways to find our confidence and then share what I have learned coaching thousands of executives.\r\n\r\nWhat executives call confidence is often just the experience that comes from being exposed to challenges day in and day out. That’s not real confidence. There is a more powerful well of confidence that doesn’t just train you to handle emergencies, it fortifies you to thrive in them.\r\n\r\nDeep confidence goes beyond surface-level displays of assertiveness or charisma. It’s an inner strength that allows leaders to navigate uncertainty, embrace vulnerability, and inspire others through authentic connections.  \r\n\r\nMatteo has looked deeply into the eyes of thousands of executives and founders to discover a simple truth: confidence is not a character trait. It can’t show up on a psychological profile. It has a whole different origin.\r\n\r\nConfidence is a powerful tool that can elevate even the most seasoned executives. Let’s harness that power together and ensure you shine brightly in all your endeavors.","presenter":"Matteo Cassese","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235189,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"a sesh","lname":"aditya","cname2":"naavi network","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unifying language models with knowledge graphs","bio":"Data scientist with expertise in machine learning, deep learning. Background in Quantum Chemistry (PhD from TU Berlin).","position":"founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unifying large language models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs (KGs) can address the shortcomings of LLMs such as lack of factual knowledge, hallucinations and lack of interpretability. Integrating LLMs with knowledge graphs enhances accuracy, contextual understanding, and scalability by leveraging structured, interconnected data.\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, the main aspects which would be discussed\r\n1. KG-enhanced LLMs generation, which incorporate KGs during the pre-training and inference phases of LLMs\r\n2. LLM-augmented KGs, that leverage for KG completion by Entity discovery, Relation extraction, End-to-End KG construction, and Distilling KGs from LLMs\r\n3. Synergized LLMs with KGs, which is bidirectional with focus on knowledge representation and reasoning.","presenter":"A Seshaditya","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235396,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dana","lname":"Nedamaldeen","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Generative AI is Redefining Conversational Commerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In recent years, we’ve seen remarkable strides in conversational commerce, evolving from simple tree-based chatbots and basic quizzes to more sophisticated conversations on platforms like WhatsApp and others. Early solutions often fell short in delivering truly human-like interactions, as the underlying technology was still developing. Now, with the rise of Generative AI, we’re stepping into a new era of product discovery—one that could revolutionize the way we experience ecommerce over the next decade.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis shift sparks some fascinating questions: What does the future hold for traditional search methods? Will search, filter, and compare functions continue to be the default approach for product discovery in ecommerce? And will the familiar interfaces and customer journeys that we know today still dominate the online shopping experience?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt’s an exciting time as ecommerce is poised for significant transformation in the coming years. The possibilities for a more intuitive, engaging, and personalized shopping experience are endless.","presenter":"Dana Nedamaldeen","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":236060,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michał","lname":"Jamry","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Spatial Intelligence and the future of AI in ecommerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI is more than just LLMs, I want to talk about next big thing in AI and its implication on ecommerce (and other businesses)\r\nWorld Labs is a startup founded by prof Fei Fei Li from Stanford - godmother of AI.\r\nTheir goal is creation of Spatial Intelligence (fundation model for 3d). I want to talk about what it is (or what it could be) and how it is going to affect different industries and how to be prepared for it.","presenter":"Michał Jamry","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":236709,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Justin","lname":"Paul","cname2":"Netcore Unbxd","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-commerce Product Discovery In The AI Era","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"​Below is an outline of what I expect to cover as part of this presentation:\r\n\r\n- E-commerce Product Discovery Experience today \r\n            - Current state with traditional approaches \r\n            - Key Challenges \r\n\r\n- How AI is already transforming the E-Commerce Product Discovery Experience \r\n             - Tap into the power of LLMs / SLMs to understand shopper intent \r\n             -  AI Enrichment + Content Generation\r\n             -  Visual/Image Search\r\n             - 1:1 Personalization with Deep Learning Models \r\n             - AI-generated Recommendations \r\n\r\n- Case Studies of top retailers who are leveraging AI \u0026 examples \r\n              - Examples of successful implementations  \r\n              - Business Impact \r\n\r\n- Future of Product Discovery with NextGen AI\r\n              - Conversational Commerce\r\n              - AI-generated PLPs on the fly with Personalized content \u0026 products\r\n              - AI-driven visual merchandising","presenter":"Justin Paul","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234812,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Timo","lname":"Weltner","cname2":"Netformic GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From customers to brand fans through unique user experiences: Nubert's success in the hi-fi market","bio":"As an entrepreneur and digital pioneer, my mission is to lead companies to digital growth and sustainable business success with my 20 years of experience and a team of experts and doers.","position":"CEO NETFORMIC GmbH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a stagnating hi-fi market, Nubert has found a way to assert itself through outstanding user experiences and the loyalty of true brand fans with the help of Netformic. With the integration of augmented reality and a customised shopware solution, Nubert succeeds in bringing its products to life and inspiring customers. \n\nIn this presentation, Timo Weltner (CEO NETFORMIC GmbH) reveals the creative strategies and methods that are catapulting Nubert to the top of the market. Get an insight into the implementation of the latest technologies of the e-commerce scene and learn from real use cases. An inspiring talk for anyone who wants to take their brand to the next level and turn their customers into brand fans.\n","presenter":"Timo Weltner","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235375,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Markus","lname":"Böhm","cname2":"Nexi Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"If your job is to sell, why does Payments matter?","bio":"Nabeel Moosa leads the Strategy team for eCommerce at Nexi. He’s responsible for ensuring Nexi is well positioned across its markets, on top of the latest trends, and on the path to growth, in the most efficient way possible. Prior to this role, he spearheaded the response to PSD2 for Merchant Services, and before Nexi, he was a member of the Corporate Strategy team at Visa Inc.","position":"VP Strategy \u0026 Value Creation ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The eCommerce world is fast-moving, we face a mix of changes across technology, consumer habits, and business models. Payments is an integral part of the eCommerce ecosystem, and increasingly influential to business growth and success across industries. Nexi is a pan-European payments provider, and we put our merchants first when it comes to developing our products. In this presentation we would like to cover all the ways payments plays a central role in supporting merchant/business growth across:\n\n- Driving conversion\n- Entering new markets\n- Creating new business models\n- Generating new revenue streams","presenter":"Nabeel Moosa","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":111,"id":237669,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marie-Therese","lname":"Öchsner","cname2":"nexnet GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Der moderne Reconciliation-Prozess im E-Commerce: Erfolgreiche Steuerung und Überwachung des Cash-Flows für global-skalierbare Lösungen","bio":"Täglich treibt es mich an, das Beste aus bewährten Methoden und modernen Innovationen zu vereinen, um langfristig wertschöpfende Lösungen für unsere Kunden zu entwickeln.\n\nAls Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung und Prokurist bei der nexnet GmbH verantworte ich Vertrieb, Key Account Management und Marketing. Mit einem starken Hintergrund in Wirtschaft und der Unternehmensberatung setze ich auf innovative Strategien, die unsere Kunden aus E-Commerce und anderen Branchen durch digitale Lösungen und Subledger-Management nachhaltig voranbringen.\n\nnexnet GmbH ist führend in digitalen Billing-, Accounting- und Payment-Lösungen und unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, ihre Finanzprozesse vollständig zu digitalisieren. So ermöglichen wir es unseren Kunden, tiefere Einblicke in ihr Geschäft zu gewinnen und flexibel auf Marktveränderungen zu reagieren.","position":"Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Prokurist - Key Account, Marketing \u0026 Vertrieb","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der Reconciliation-Prozess ist ein kritischer, aber oft vernachlässigten Teil der Zahlungsabwicklung im E-Commerce. Wir wollen aufzeigen, wie genaue und schnelle Reconciliation-Prozesse das Vertrauen in Zahlungsströme stärken. Außerdem werden wir auf die Herausforderungen, wie komplexe Zahlungsketten, Währungsumrechnungen und die Einhaltung internationaler Vorschriften eingehen. Und wir erklären, wie automatisierte Lösungen dabei helfen, Effizienz im Debitorenmanagement zu steigern.","presenter":"Ingo Hentschel","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":39,"id":236469,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Frank","lname":"Hahn","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Transformation des E-Commerce mit immersiven Technologien","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Frank Hahn, CEO von NextComm, präsentiert, wie das Unternehmen durch 3D-Produktvisualisierungen, virtuelle Showrooms und Augmented Reality (AR) das E-Commerce-Erlebnis revolutioniert. Diese Technologien stärken die Kundenbindung, steigern die Umsätze und senken Rücksendequoten. 3D-Modelle ermöglichen detaillierte Produktansichten, virtuelle Showrooms erweitern die Verkaufsfläche digital, und AR bietet realistische Produktplatzierungen. Erfolgsbeispiele zeigen das Potenzial dieser Lösungen. NextComm positioniert sich als Innovationsführer im E-Commerce und bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, um Umsatz und Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Besucher sind eingeladen, NextComm auf der Messe zu besuchen und mehr zu erfahren.","presenter":"Frank Hahn","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234536,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rosie","lname":"Bailey","cname2":"Nibble","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to maximise conversion with AI negotiation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"For Digital and Ecommerce Directors aiming to boost conversion rates without sacrificing profit margins.\r\n\r\nDid you know 85% of people prefer negotiating with a chatbot than a human? AI negotiation offers a unique opportunity to personalise experiences and increase engagement.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis session showcases specific real-world examples from both B2B and DTC ecommerce where AI negotiation has been successfully used to avoid over-discounting, optimize pricing, and improve customer engagement for brands like Chubbies, ICONIC, Nectar and Eve Sleep. We'll also discuss the crucial role of maintaining an on-brand experience and fostering emotional connections with your customers through human-centric, ethical AI.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearning Outcomes:\r\n\r\n1.  Discover how brands are using AI negotiation to boost conversion while protecting margins.\r\n\r\n2. Learn strategies for using AI negotiation to clear excess stock, upsell high-ticket items and prevent browse abandonment.\r\n\r\n3. Explore examples of AI negotiation in action across product pages, email marketing and bundling.\r\n\r\n4. Understand the importance of maintaining brand identity and customer connection when deploying AI chatbots.\r\n\r\nAI negotiation is a totally new, human-friendly approach, proven by Nibble, which conducts over 100,000 negotiations monthly for 200+ ecommerce businesses in the Europe and US","presenter":"Rosie Bailey","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":236515,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vlad","lname":"Duda","cname2":"Nomad AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Data, AI, and Revenue: Ecommerce's Winning Formula","bio":"An internet gentleman that builds digital things. A career consisting of startups, corporate tech, and research. Roles such as Software Engineer, DevOps, MLOps, Consultant, and Founder. \n\nWorked at leading Database Startups and eCommerce giant Rakuten in the AI Research segment. When it comes to technology I prefer a pragmatic approach with actionable tools and decisions being created to affect the margin. ","position":"Founder, CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Focus: Journey of a typical eCommerce, current trend of data processing and the massive lack of focus on how data affects your revenue. Will focus on using AI for data feeds construction, optimization, and having a financial insight by examining your customers\n\nValue: Deep dive into data feeds and how siloed data and processes have become, will pivot to AI where the focus is more on Service as a Software and the current platforms are being rebuilt to fit that model. AI has immense value in optimizing processes, but organizations are having difficulty applying it due to platform mindset lock in. We'll deep dive on how you can construct data feeds to better align with shifting customers demands, understand what products to procure, identify who your customers are, and how data feeds are an answer to making your organization an AI enabled eCommerce.\n\nHere is a sample report generation using our tool (Which I'll demo - if possible):\n\nWe also may present a client use case. I have two in mind. One from the CPG side (a luggage brand that was offline first, and scaled to all online channels by working with us). And another an M\u0026A case where the seller used their data to better position themselves to better think of exit options and value. ","presenter":"Vlad Duda","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235388,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sorin","lname":"Manole","cname2":"NordPass","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond passwords: What’s out there to secure our digital identities?","bio":"Sorin is the Head of Product research and development at NordPass, a password manager created by the team behind the leading VPN service provider – NordVPN. Sorin is overseeing the improvement of existing NordPass tools and the creation of new innovative ones, making sure they align with the company’s strategy and meet the users' needs.\n\n\nHaving more than 15 years of experience in tech and product development, he strives to solve old and ongoing problems with new technologies.\n","position":"Head of Product, R\u0026D","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The world has outgrown passwords, and alternative methods of online authentication are steadily replacing the way we secure our digital identities. With AI enabling hackers to run their cyber attacks against businesses and individuals on a much wider scale, password vulnerabilities are now in the spotlight.\r\nDrawing a parallel between online authentication solutions and better familiar technologies, Sorin Manole will walk you through the evolution of our digital identities, and forecast on what’s next.","presenter":"Sorin Manole","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":30,"id":236056,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lotte","lname":"Schjøtt","cname2":"nShift","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Hunkemöller Gains Real Value From Returns","bio":"Luc Altorf is an experienced sales and partnerships leader at nShift, driving strategic growth in the DACH region. With expertise in business development, procurement, and supply chain management, he has successfully scaled teams, expanded markets, and exceeded sales targets. Luc excels in building long-term, high-impact business relationships.","position":"Sales Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Returns are a crucial aspect of e-commerce, but high return rates can significantly impact retailers' profitability. Hunkemöller, Europe’s fastest-growing lingerie specialist, has successfully transformed its returns process, resulting in substantial business benefits. \r\n\r\nDiscover how Hunkemöller has created a seamless return experience for its customers, leading to a notable 15% increase in in-store returns. This shift not only strengthens customer relationships but also opens up new remarketing and repurchase opportunities.\r\n\r\n“We’ve made returns part of a seamless omnichannel customer experience with increased returns control and insights” says Robin Visser, Omni Channel Business Development Manager, Hunkemöller. “What was a historical pain point for the company and our customers has been changed into something that adds real value. And because we’ve added more intelligence to the process, we’re getting much more in the way of consumer touchpoints helping us to constantly improve the service and experience we offer.”\r\n\r\nThe digitization of Hunkemöller's returns process has provided enhanced intelligence, enabling better tracking and customer insights. The improvements extend to warehouse operations, where real-time visibility of order status enhances planning and capacity management. Additionally, the shift from a paper-based to a paperless returns process aligns with Hunkemöller’s sustainability goals.\r\n\r\nJoin us to explore how Hunkemöller has redefined its returns strategy, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency in the process.","presenter":"Luc Altorf","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":236603,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Emilija","lname":"Milevska Velkovski","cname2":"nu3","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Customer Centricity is an established working principle","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's access to data, customer feedback, analytics, etc., customer centricity is an established principle for almost all companies. But is it really? Do companies leverage all the input that they have at hand? \r\nAre there established processes, information pool, resources that enable employees drive decisions that fit customers best? \r\nMany companies certainly do, however, some, still struggle.","presenter":"Emilija Milevska Velkovski","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":236618,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rebecca","lname":"Falkenburg","cname2":"nüchtern (Null Prozent Ventures UG ), Pickware GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Cheers auf Kiez \u0026 Klicks: Die digitale Markenstrategie, die nü zur alkoholfreien Top-Adresse macht","bio":"Isabella Steiner ist Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von nüchtern, dem Onlineshop für alkoholfreie Alternativen.  Ihre Mission: \"Unsere Mission ist es alkoholfrei gesellschaftsfähig zu machen. Und gesellschaftsfähig ist für mich undogmatisch trinken.\" \n","position":"Gründerin","logotype":"","presentation_description":"nüchtern war der weltweit erste Fachhandel, der sich vollständig auf hochwertige und gleichwertige alkoholfreie Alternativen spezialisiert hat. Seit dem Start im Jahr 2020 hat sich nüchtern schnell einen Namen gemacht – unter anderem durch den ersten alkoholfreien Späti Deutschlands. Zeitgleich mit dem Späti ging auch der Onlineshop live, der heute eine breite Auswahl für alle bietet, die Genuss ohne Promille suchen. Bei nüchtern geht es dabei nicht um das Nein zum Alkohol, sondern um das Ja zu Alkoholfrei. \r\n\r\nIm Vortrag teilt Gründerin Isabella Steiner die Herausforderungen, die sie auf diesem Weg gemeistert hat, und ihre wichtigsten Learnings. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf dem Aufbau des Onlineshops sowie der Auswahl der passenden Tools für zentrale Themen wie ERP, Lager- und Versandprozesse. \r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\nErfolgreiche Marktplatzierung: Erfahre, wie nüchtern es geschafft hat, sich als erste Marke vollständig auf alkoholfreie Getränke zu spezialisieren und den Markt zu erobern.\r\n\r\nStart mit Späti und Onlineshop: Gewinne Einblicke, wie nüchtern mit dem parallelen Launch des ersten alkoholfreien Spätis Deutschlands und des Onlineshops den Grundstein für über 200 alkoholfreie Alternativen legte.\r\n\r\nHerausforderungen und Learnings: Isabella Steiner teilt die größten Herausforderungen und wichtigsten Lektionen, die sie während des Wachstums von nüchtern gemeistert hat.\r\n\r\nTool-Auswahl für den Erfolg: Erfahre, welche Tools und Systeme, insbesondere in den Bereichen ERP, Lager und Versand, entscheidend für die Skalierung des Onlineshops waren.\r\n\r\nDie Mission: Alkoholfrei gesellschaftsfähig machen. Erfahre, wie nüchtern Alkoholfreiheit auf eine moderne, offene und undogmatische Weise in die Gesellschaft bringt.","presenter":"Isabella Steiner \u0026 Marvin Schneemann","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":118,"id":236198,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Annia","lname":"Champsaur","cname2":"Numberly","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI Target Optimizer Use case - Artificial Intelligence for hyper-personalization and CRM Performance","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will focus on a use case highlighting AI Target Optimizer, an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that calculates which individuals are most likely to be interested in a given communication/product.\r\n\r\nThe presentation will focus on the application of this algorithm for French fashion brand IKKS, and the associated results. \r\nThe brand wished to optimize the performance of its CRM program while controlling the frequency. The AI Target optimizer algorithm was thus implemented to answer the following goals:\r\n- Optimize the targeting of the emailing campaigns by increasing their relevance\r\n- Increase the conversion rate for single-product email campaigns \r\n- Reduce the frequency of messages to brand contacts\r\n- Find new targets interested in the products highlighted\r\nExcellent results were obtained by comparing the target defined by the algorithm with the one defined based on traditional marketing criteria: \r\n- Target Volume Divided in 3 for the same volume of conversion, i.e. a +200% conversion rate on the campaign \r\n- 40,000 new highly relevant contacts targeted not present in the manually defined target\r\n\r\nThe presentation will also detail the workings of the algorithm: \r\n1. The AI determines the product typology linked to the email to be sent,\r\n2. Based on the consumer's previous purchases, it identifies the trends leading to the purchase of this category,\r\n3. For each individual, the AI evaluates their likelihood of purchasing a given category;\r\nwhile highlighting the benefits of the tool : \r\n- Improve the customer experience, by reducing the frequency to prevent ad fatigue, without compromising the performance thanks to higher quality targeting.\r\n- Increase conversion volume with precise targeting recommendations, aimed at individuals potentially difficult to target with traditional segmentation methods\r\n- Reduce the environmental impact of campaigns by limiting the carbon emissions linked to email dispatches\r\n\r\n(This presentation can also be given in German as needed)","presenter":"Annia Champsaur","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236533,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Annia","lname":"Champsaur","cname2":"Numberly","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Measuring the impact of a CRM program by leveraging retailer data - Analysis of the incremental impact of Lotus France's CRM program via sales at Carrefour","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will focus on a study carried out for Essity, to determine the impact of its Lotus CRM program on the value of its members, by measuring the additional value it generates, and on how Carrefour retailer data was leveraged to build two comparable populations and observe the real incremental impact generated by its CRM actions.\r\n\r\nWe will highlight how this use case met the following objectives: \r\n1. Understand which sources enable the recruitment of the most value-generating members \r\n2. Analyze the incremental value of the CRM program \r\n3. Understand which performance indicators are impacted by the program: average basket, purchase frequency, sales per buyer, etc.\r\n4. Discover the CRM actions that increase sales and value.\r\n\r\nWe will also go over the methodology of the study, based on the matching of two different databases leveraging a cleanroom, and the creation of a control population based on socio-demographic and transactional criteria using Carrefour data.\r\n\r\nFinally, we will share the results of the study: \r\n- 13% average additional value generated by the Lotus CRM program for its members; as high as 32% for the most committed program members\r\n- +9% average shopping basket, +11% number of products per basket, +9% conversion rate\r\n- 10 points more penetration for the toilet paper, tissue and cotton buds category\r\nas well as its implications for the marketing and CRM teams of CPG groups.\r\n\r\n(This presentation can also be given in German if needed)","presenter":"Annia Champsaur","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236538,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Wałczyński","cname2":"OLIMP MARKETPLACE SP. Z O. O.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Grow your sales in CEE through marketplace platforms - practical examples","bio":"Maciej Ciarkowski is a eCommerce strategist with extensive experience in marketplace platforms across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). With a deep understanding of the region's diverse markets, the speaker has successfully helped numerous businesses expand their reach on platforms like eMag, Allegro, and Amazon. Known for blending practical advice with actionable insights, they have a talent for guiding companies through the complexities of scaling in the CEE region. Their hands-on approach and real-world examples make their presentations both engaging and highly relevant for anyone looking to grow their eCommerce presence.","position":"Customer Success Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will explore proven strategies for expanding your sales across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) using popular marketplace platforms. Through real-world examples and practical insights, you'll learn how to harness the power of platforms like eMag, Allegro, Amazon, and others to boost your eCommerce growth. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale, discover actionable tactics that can help you overcome regional challenges and maximize your success in the diverse CEE market.","presenter":"Maciej Ciarkowski","presentation_category":"crossborder","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236699,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sven","lname":"Spöde","cname2":"Oliver Schrott Kommunikation","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI-Driven Self-Improvement: A New Frontier for E-commerce Success","bio":"Sven is a seasoned Cognitive Scientist with over a decade of experience in Digital Marketing and Communications. He currently holds the position of Senior Consultant for Digital Communication at Oliver Schrott Kommunikation, one of Germany's leading PR agencies. In this role, Sven spearheads the development and implementation of AI-driven marketing and communication solutions, helping brands stay at the cutting edge of digital innovation.\n\nBeyond his day job, Sven is the Chief Metaverse Shaker at Metaverse Monday, where he drives discussions and thought leadership around the future of the metaverse and its impact on industries worldwide. He also co-hosts the China Ticker podcast, providing in-depth insights on Chinese market trends, technological advancements, and the country's growing influence in global business.\n\nSven is also in the process of launching his own startup, where he plans to leverage 100% AI-generated content to drive e-commerce sales, pushing the boundaries of AI’s capabilities in the digital commerce space. With his diverse expertise, Sven stands at the intersection of AI, digital transformation, and immersive virtual experiences, constantly exploring new ways to merge technology with human-centric communications.","position":"Senior Consultant Digital Communications @ OSK, Chief Metaverse Shaker, Metaverse Monday","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an increasingly competitive digital marketplace, businesses need innovative strategies to stand out and connect with consumers on a deeper level. This presentation focuses on an enactive approach to self-improvement that leverages AI technology, social engagement, and personalized content to drive measurable e-commerce results. Over the course of three months, I have launched a series of interactive workbooks designed to empower users while simultaneously testing how AI can optimize engagement, enhance marketing efforts, and ultimately boost e-commerce conversions.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain insights into how AI-driven personalization transforms the shopping experience, using real-life case studies to illustrate how these tools can enhance product-market fit, improve customer retention, and drive traffic. By integrating social media trends and AI-generated content into both the product and the marketing strategy, the project explores how self-improvement can be a powerful engine for e-commerce growth.\r\n\r\nKey takeaways include:\r\n\r\nAI in E-commerce: Practical applications of AI-driven personalization to create deeper customer engagement and loyalty, increasing conversion rates.\r\nSocial Engagement: How AI-powered content and social platforms can amplify brand visibility and attract high-quality traffic.\r\nEvidence-Based Results: Data and case studies demonstrating the impact of AI-powered marketing strategies on customer behavior and sales.\r\nInnovation in Product Development: How integrating AI into the product itself can differentiate brands and improve customer satisfaction.\r\nThis presentation will offer fresh perspectives on how AI technologies can be tested and applied in marketing, social media, and product design to win in e-commerce, providing attendees with actionable strategies to navigate and thrive in challenging economic conditions.","presenter":"Sven Spöde","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234670,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olumide","lname":"Gbenro","cname2":"Olumide Gbenro/Leonardo Labs","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI avatars are the future of customer service","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"I will present my AI avatar, Olu AI and I will have a lively conversation discussing the features of conversational avatars that are most beneficial to ECommerce owners. OLU AI will answer questions interactively from the crowd. We recently exhibited a similar demo in London which you can see here on my social media:","presenter":"Olumide Gbenro","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235727,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Norman","lname":"Nielsen","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to scale  with LLMs and automation for unseen expansion speed into +30 markets","bio":"Norman Nielsen is VP Growth at the global travel platform OMIO. He spent 7 years building a global 80+ Growth Marketing Team at Zalando and turning SEO into a success channel at Axel Springers’ Real Estate Portal.\n \nHe is considered a global expert in globalization \u0026 team management and supports sustainable companies with their AI \u0026 Marketing strategies.\n \nNorman sees future e-commerce success in the ability to utilize AI to derive personalized, data-driven, user-centric products - shipped to the international market.","position":"VP Growth","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Scaling business models and marketing go hand in hand with the use of LLMs and automation. Learn how you can achieve consistent growth and scaling using innovations and real case studies from e-commerce. \r\n\r\nThis time with the most innovative conference concept: Interactive large audience presentation!","presenter":"Norman Nielsen","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":146,"id":235209,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Valentin","lname":"Radu","cname2":"OmniConvert","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How To Increase Customer Lifetime Value in eCommerce: 3 stories","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Acquisition costs are rising. \r\nThe competition is getting higher in the eCommerce landscape.\r\nMany companies find that their business model is not that lucrative anymore. \r\nSo, they wake up to the new reality: it's vital to extract more value from the existing customers. \r\nSo, they try to monitor \u0026 improve customer lifetime value. \r\nThe cruel reality is that they don’t have the resources \u0026 know-how to care for all their customers: not all of them are created equal.\r\nAnd here's where's the need for a method that actually helps improve the lifetime value.\r\nAfter more than a decade spent helping companies optimize and improve the CLV, I have created a tested and proven methodology to achieve it:\r\nCVO - customer value optimization.\r\nIn this talk, I will share actionable insights from working with 3 different companies:|\r\n- The 7 dominant numbers in eCommerce,\r\n - The growth eCommerce formula, \r\n- The 5 types of CVO initiatives across the entire customer journey.","presenter":"Valentin Radu","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234827,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bernard","lname":"Meyer","cname2":"Omnisend","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Encouraging Repeat Purchases \u0026 Customer Loyalty in a Challenging Economy: Lessons from Brand Case Studies","bio":"Rytis Lauris is the co-founder and CEO of Omnisend, an email \u0026 SMS marketing automation platform built for ecommerce. His mission is simple: to challenge the idea that great marketing has to be expensive or complicated, and over 125,000 Omnisend customers from more than 130 countries are busting this myth every day.\n\nWith over a decade of experience in digital marketing, ecommerce, and bootstrapping startups, Rytis strongly believes in customer-centricity and has led Omnisend’s growth without any external investments. He’s also a frequent speaker who enjoys sharing hands-on, practical ecommerce and email marketing tips.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s economic climate, building customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases are more crucial—and more challenging—than ever. As customers become more selective with their spending, brands must find innovative ways to keep them engaged, satisfied, and coming back for more. This presentation dives into proven strategies that have helped businesses of all sizes turn first-time buyers into lifelong fans, even in the most unpredictable market conditions.\r\n\r\nDrawing from real-world brand case studies, we’ll explore how savvy marketers use data-driven insights, personalized communication, and omnichannel automation to boost customer retention and drive repeat purchases. Discover how to leverage tools like email, SMS, and web push notifications to create engaging campaigns and automated workflows that nurture relationships at every stage of the customer journey.\r\n\r\nYou'll learn:\r\n\r\n- The key elements that drive customer loyalty and how to implement them in your business.\r\n- Real-life examples of brands that have successfully increased repeat purchases using targeted messaging and smart automation.\r\n- Practical tips on building an effective customer retention strategy that stands up to economic pressures.\r\n\r\nUncover actionable tactics and inspiration that will help your brand thrive in a challenging economy. Whether you’re just starting with email and SMS marketing or looking to refine your approach, this session will equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your customers engaged, happy, and loyal for the long haul.","presenter":"Rytis Lauris","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":123,"id":236249,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bernard","lname":"Meyer","cname2":"Omnisend","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Combining social media and email marketing to engage, convert, and sell: Lessons from real case studies","bio":"Rytis Lauris is the co-founder and CEO of Omnisend, an email \u0026 SMS marketing automation platform built for ecommerce. His mission is simple: to challenge the idea that great marketing has to be expensive or complicated, and over 125,000 Omnisend customers from more than 130 countries are busting this myth every day.\n\nWith over a decade of experience in digital marketing, ecommerce, and bootstrapping startups, Rytis strongly believes in customer-centricity and has led Omnisend’s growth without any external investments. He’s also a frequent speaker who enjoys sharing hands-on, practical ecommerce and email marketing tips.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO of Omnisend","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, the brands that thrive are those that know how to create buzz and drive sales by seamlessly and successfully combining social media and email marketing. This presentation will showcase real-world case studies of brands that have mastered this art, leveraging the power of social media platforms like TikTok alongside strategic email marketing to captivate audiences, convert followers into buyers, and achieve staggering sales results.\r\n\r\nWe'll dive into the strategies behind successful limited-release drops that generate excitement and urgency—techniques that have allowed brands to sell over 400,000 euros worth of merchandise in less than 30 minutes. You’ll learn how these brands use social media to build anticipation and engagement, then drive conversions through well-timed landing pages and personalized email campaigns.\r\n\r\nKey takeaways include:\r\n- How to create a buzz-worthy limited-release drop that captures attention and drives action on social media.\r\n- The role of email marketing in maximizing the impact of social media efforts, turning engagement into measurable sales.\r\n- Real examples of brands that have sold out products within minutes using these tactics, and the actionable steps you can take to replicate their success.\r\n\r\nDiscover how a combined social media and email marketing approach can elevate your brand, create unforgettable shopping experiences, and deliver outstanding sales results. Whether you’re looking to attract new customers or keep your loyal fans coming back for more, this session will equip you with the insights and strategies needed to engage, convert, and sell like never before.","presenter":"Rytis Lauris","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":236255,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kevin","lname":"Bessat","cname2":"OneStock","avatar":"","presentation_title":"OMS is the new black (for retailers)","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"If you still believe that OMS is just about supply chain, you better watch out! Customers are looking for truly unified customer experience and the only way to give them that is through OMS! Forget everything you know about order management and discover why OMS truly is the New Black!","presenter":"Kevin Bessat","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235107,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andrea","lname":"Engemann","cname2":"OnMaCon GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wie der gezielte Einsatz von Performance Marketing zum Erfolg führt","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Kann Bekleidung auf Amazon funktionieren? Und welche Rolle spielt Performance-Marketing dabei? Anhand einer Success Story eines unserer Bekleidungskunden zeige ich, wie der strategische Einsatz von Retail Media den Umsatz und die Markenbekanntheit erheblich gesteigert hat. Erfahrt, welche Herausforderungen wir auf dem Weg gemeistert haben, welche Taktiken besonders effektiv waren und wie sich ein zusätzlicher Absatzkanal in die gesamte Marketingstrategie integriert hat.","presenter":"Andrea Engemann","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235236,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Silvi","lname":"Nunez","cname2":"Optimational","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Best Practices for Multilingual Localization: Ensuring Global Website Success","bio":"Silvi Nuñez, a passionate advocate for translation and marketing, a dedicated Google enthusiast, and a digital nomad at heart. Her journey across diverse cultures fuels her commitment to sharing firsthand insights—from navigating language barriers to unlocking the power of multilingual content. As CEO at Optimational, Silvi supports website and e-commerce managers with SEO localization strategies, guiding them through content translation and strategic planning to reach new audiences.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Navigating international website localization involves more than just translating content; it requires a strategic approach to adapt your site for diverse languages and cultures. This session will reveal effective localization strategies, including the use of AI translation tools to streamline the process. We'll also dive into multilingual SEO practices to ensure your website performs well across global markets. Learn how to overcome common localization challenges, maintain brand consistency, and optimize your site for a seamless global user experience. \r\n\r\nThe audience will:\r\n- Learn best practices for developing a localization plan that maintains brand consistency across global markets.\r\n- Understand how to leverage advanced tools and techniques, including AI translation, to enhance localization efforts.\r\n- Explore practical methods to overcome common challenges and optimize multilingual SEO for better global performance.\r\n- Acquire actionable insights to ensure successful international website expansion and a superior user experience.","presenter":"Silvi Nuñez","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235064,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Silvi","lname":"Nunez","cname2":"Optimational","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Boost Your International Sales: Best Practices for Localizing Your Online Store","bio":"Silvi Nuñez, a passionate advocate for translation and marketing, a dedicated Google enthusiast, and a digital nomad at heart. Her journey across diverse cultures fuels her commitment to sharing firsthand insights—from navigating language barriers to unlocking the power of multilingual content. As CEO at Optimational, Silvi supports website and e-commerce managers with SEO localization strategies, guiding them through content translation and strategic planning to reach new audiences.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This session will guide you through the essentials of eCommerce localization and how to leverage AI as part of your strategy. We’ll cover practical steps and proven strategies to make your website appealing to global audiences, with insights into how AI can enhance various aspects of the localization process. Whether you're new to global markets or looking to refine your approach, this talk will equip you with the tools and insights to succeed. Key Takeaways:\r\n- Understand the basics of eCommerce localization and multilingual SEO.\r\n- Learn how to build an effective localization strategy for your site.\r\n- Discover how AI can be integrated into your localization efforts to improve efficiency.\r\n- Gain practical tips to overcome challenges in international expansion.\r\n- Gain insights to turn your global goals into reality.","presenter":"Silvi Nuñez","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235065,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sven","lname":"Patzig","cname2":"OSZ Handel1","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Future-Proofing Your Workforce: Insights from Teaching Tomorrow’s E-Commerce Leaders","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a world where AI is rapidly transforming e-commerce, understanding how the next generation of employees is using this technology is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive. As an educator in Berlin’s \"Kaufleute im E-Commerce\" state teaching program, I’ve witnessed firsthand how students are using AI to boost productivity and drive innovation. These future employees are integrating it seamlessly into their daily work, setting new standards for efficiency and performance.\r\n\r\nIn this session, I will share key learnings from teaching students who are not only taught to be adept at using AI, but are also redefining workplace dynamics with their approach to technology, collaboration, and leadership—and how businesses can harness this potential to drive growth.\r\n\r\nKey takeaways:\r\n•\tLearn how the next generation of employees is using AI to increase productivity and what this means for your business.\r\n•\tDiscover practical strategies for integrating AI-driven talent into your organization to enhance operational efficiency.\r\n•\tUnderstand the evolving expectations of future employees and how companies can adjust leadership and strategic planning to attract and retain this new wave of AI-proficient talent.\r\n\r\nJoin this session to better prepare your organization for the workforce of tomorrow and learn how AI skills can be a game-changer for your business’s growth and innovation.","presenter":"Sven Patzig","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":76,"id":236239,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anna","lname":"Pešlová","cname2":"OUTFINDO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"New online shopping experience - OUTFINDO Product Guide","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Create a customer centric shopping experience on your website which customers will love. AI researched and expert curated questions, automated pairing of your inventory and 40-60% engagement rate with your customers on product listing page.\r\nThe new generation of guided selling makes it easier than ever before for you to deploy our product guide on your e-shop.","presenter":"Jan Matějů","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":23,"id":236520,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sara","lname":"Piacquadio","cname2":"Packeta eCommerce GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Boost Your Revenue Through Cross-Border Shipping: A Strategic Guide for Online Retailers","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unlock new growth opportunities by mastering international shipping. This presentation will offer actionable strategies for e-commerce businesses to increase revenue by expanding into foreign markets. \r\n\r\nAs a cross border delivery provider for many big ecommerce players in whole Europe for the last 15 years, Packeta gained unique insights and vast logistics experience: learn how to optimize cross-border delivery, manage regulations, and create seamless customer experiences that foster global sales. Discover how you can leverage international logistics as a game-changer in today’s competitive market.","presenter":"Sara Piacquadio","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236279,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Olena","lname":"Pedai","cname2":"Pagebuilder (PGBLDR.COM)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Strategies for aggregating traffic to online stores through multiple AI landing pages","bio":"Result-driven marketing expert and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in strategic marketing and business development. Specializing as a digital marketer \u0026 AdTech CEO since 2011, and e-com marketer since 2017, Olena has provided AD companies for over 90 clients.\u2028The self-made person who has gone from an advertising and marketing strategist to founder of AdTech startups: \n-2023 - PGBLDR.COM AI customer acquisition service\n\u2028- 2020 — info business website builder\n\u2028- 2017 — UAmobile AdTech traffic monetization platform\u2028\n- 2011 — UADIGITALS Annually National conference for the Ukrainian digital advertising market\u2028\n- 2010 — TOP MANAGEMENT  National Business Accelerator, Ukraine\n\u2028- 2009 — CoolSchool -  National education project for the Ukrainian creative market\u2028\n- 2002 — ADDRIVE National edutainment project for the Ukrainian advertising market\nAn advocate of a mentoring style in business development.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation \"Strategies for Aggregating Traffic to Online Stores through Multiple AI Landing Pages\" delves into innovative methods for optimizing e-commerce traffic using AI-driven technologies. The speaker explains how creating multiple dynamic landing pages, tailored to different audience segments, can significantly boost conversion rates and user engagement. By leveraging AI to design and test variations of landing pages, businesses can effectively identify which designs resonate most with specific customer groups. This data-driven approach not only improves customer acquisition but also maximizes marketing efficiency, driving higher sales and growth for online stores. Based on real-life case studies","presenter":"Olena Pedai","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234852,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dragan","lname":"Josifovski","cname2":"Paket","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Finding the Sweet Spot for Sustainable Online Grocery: Achieving the Perfect Blend of Assortment, Price, and Speed","bio":"Dragan Josifovski is the founder and CEO of Paket, the leading online grocery platform in North Macedonia. He graduated from Imperial College London with an MSc in Strategic Marketing. Dragan is dedicated to improving the online shopping experience by using technology to enhance customer service and operational efficiency. Under his leadership, Paket offers a wide range of products at competitive prices with quick delivery, ensuring that it meets the needs of today's consumers.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the rapidly evolving landscape of online grocery shopping, finding the sweet spot between assortment, price positioning, and speed of delivery is crucial for success. As the founder of Paket, I will delve into our journey to achieve product-market fit by striking this balance.\r\n\r\nPaket has embraced a natural supermarket ambiance that mirrors the experience customers expect from traditional supermarkets. Our product assortment is carefully curated, featuring popular brands and competitive pricing that resonates with shoppers seeking both quality and value. However, we recognized that simply matching the traditional supermarket experience wasn’t enough--the modern consumer demands convenience and speed.\r\n\r\nTo meet these expectations, we have developed a model we call \"pure-play online grocer\", which offers relatively quick delivery while maintaining the richness of the supermarket experience. By integrating this approach, we empower our customers to enjoy the convenience of online shopping without sacrificing the authenticity and selection they value.\r\n\r\nIn this session, I will share insights on our strategic approach to balancing these critical factors, the challenges we faced, and the innovative solutions we implemented to achieve a harmonious blend of assortment, pricing, and convenience. I will explain how finding the sweet spot in the online supermarket landscape can drive customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty in an increasingly competitive market.","presenter":"Dragan Josifovski","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236406,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Boris","lname":"Redlich","cname2":"PAQATO GmbH und Lucky Bike GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Potentiale einer effektiven Kundenbindung am Beispiel von Lucky Bike","bio":"Boris is a seasoned e-commerce professional holding a degree in International Business Studies. With a rich background spanning international stints in Chile and the USA, Boris Redlich boasts over 20 years of extensive sales and management expertise. He has held prominent positions at esteemed companies such as General Electric, Siemens AG, and Insight Technology Solutions. Prior to his role at PAQATO, a leading mid-market After Sales Experience Platform, Boris served on the management board of Shopware.","position":"Vice President Sales \u0026 Customer Success","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der After Sales ist der vielleicht größte blinde Fleck des deutschen E-Commerce. Die Potentiale für mehr Umsatz und insbesondere größere Kundenbindung werden oft vernachlässigt. Genau darüber möchte ich zusammen mit Steven Johnstone, E-Commerce Manager von Lucky Bike sprechen und an dem Praxisbeispiel des Händlers aufzeigen, wie es gelingt die Kundenbindung zu erhöhen und die Herausforderungen der customer journey von Search bis Retoure zu meistern und nicht beim Checkout enden zu lassen.","presenter":"Boris Redlich und Steven Johnstone","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":21,"id":234822,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexander","lname":"Schäfer","cname2":"Paragon DACH\u0026CEE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beweise! Print: Der Conversion Rockstar im Marketing Orchester","bio":"Executive Board Member  |  Expert in BPO, Transactional Input \u0026 Output, Direct Marketing \n\nExperienced Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the services industry. Strong entrepreneurship professional skilled in Sales and Management in BPO, Document Services and Direct Marketing.\n","position":"Chief Sales Officer (CSO)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Mindestes 12 Wochen Aufmerksamkeit ohne OptIn! Der Vortrag zeigt Studienergebnisse zur Erfolgsmessung von Direct Mail Kampagnen. Überraschungen garantiert! Das digitale Grundrauschen durchbrechen, den Kanal auch mal wechseln und den Empfänger überraschen. Neukundengewinnung und eCommerce Umsätze im Bestand erhöhen: Der Vortrag zeigt Beispiele und auch die Brücke in die digitale Welt!","presenter":"Alexander Schäfer","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":236144,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lily","lname":"Zhand","cname2":"Pattern","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Think you know everything about your product? Think again.","bio":"Torsten is the Managing Director of Pattern’s European business. He is responsible for revenue and profitability growth of the territory covering all departments of the business in the region (including our two offices in London and Munich and two warehouses in Wroclaw and Northampton). Torsten has considerable expertise in ecommerce and consulting. Prior to joining Pattern, he spent 10 years at Amazon retaining senior positions in category management, and driving strategic programs in which he was responsible for the P\u0026L’s of categories like Home Improvement, Garden \u0026 Outdoors, Baby, and Personal Care Appliances, as well as launching and positioning new and existing brands on the marketplace. Torsten began his career as a consultant for Accenture, developing his skills in data analysis and strategy consulting. He holds an MBA in Technical Business Administration from the University of Stuttgart.","position":"Manager Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How well do you really know your product and competitors? In the world of ecommerce, so much data is collected from every click, purchase, and interaction. But how do we make sense of it all and what it means for your brand? And how can AI help? Pattern's innovative AI-powered approach is changing the game.\r\n\r\nDiscover how you can harness 30 trillion data points and use AI to effectively analyse market share, consumer behavior, and competitor performance, with clear, actionable insights to transform your product strategy - so you can make smarter, data driven decisions and stay ahead of your competition.","presenter":"Torsten Schäfer","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":55,"id":236111,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lily","lname":"Zhang","cname2":"Pattern","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Breaking Borders: Things they don't tell you about taking your brand global","bio":"Torsten is the Managing Director of Pattern’s European business. He is responsible for revenue and profitability growth of the territory covering all departments of the business in the region (including our two offices in London and Munich and two warehouses in Wroclaw and Northampton). Torsten has considerable expertise in ecommerce and consulting. Prior to joining Pattern, he spent 10 years at Amazon retaining senior positions in category management, and driving strategic programs in which he was responsible for the P\u0026L’s of categories like Home Improvement, Garden \u0026 Outdoors, Baby, and Personal Care Appliances, as well as launching and positioning new and existing brands on the marketplace. Torsten began his career as a consultant for Accenture, developing his skills in data analysis and strategy consulting. He holds an MBA in Technical Business Administration from the University of Stuttgart.","position":"Manager Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"International expansion offers incredible growth potential, but it also comes with a unique set of challenges. Thorne, a leading vitamins and supplements brand in the US, faced these hurdles when entering the European market. From complex compliance requirements to navigating unfamiliar marketplaces, we can learn a lot of valuable lessons from Thorne's journey of international dominance. Serious about taking your brand global? This session is for you.","presenter":"Torsten Schäfer","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":54,"id":236113,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Viali","lname":"Munteanu","cname2":"payabl.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why Global Expansion Takes a Local Approach","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Expanding a business into international markets requires more than just entering new regions; it demands a thoughtful, localized approach, especially when it comes to payments. In this session, we will explore how leading global companies are successfully utilising payment solutions to enhance consumer experiences and drive growth across borders. From understanding local market preferences to choosing the right payment technology partners, we’ll cover critical strategies for navigating cross-border payments, global compliance, and scaling internationally. Attendees will gain insights into balancing in-house solutions with outsourced services and how emerging payment technologies are shaping the future of international commerce.","presenter":"Igor Skachkov","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":236720,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Victoria","lname":"Mullovskaya","cname2":"Paymentwall","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking New Horizons: Elevating E-commerce Potential in Emerging Markets","bio":"Honor Gunday\u2028\nCEO and Founder, Paymentwall, FasterPay, and Terminal3\n\nHonor Gunday is a serial entrepreneur in the fintech and tech sectors, having built companies that have processed payments for over 3 billion end users and helped more than 300,000 merchants globally. As the CEO and Founder of Paymentwall Inc., established in 2010, he has led the company in providing a variety of payment solutions, including debit and credit cards, along with over 150 local payment methods like e-wallets, bank transfers, prepaid cards, and cash options, for businesses across more than 200 regions.\n\nIn 2017, Honor launched FasterPay, an e-wallet, payments, and white-label platform. This was followed by the founding of Terminal3, which specializes in payment solutions for the gaming industry.\n\nPreviously, Honor founded OutCubator in 2004, fostering the growth of startups in Seattle and Silicon Valley. His entrepreneurial journey continued in 2007 when he co-founded Rofo, a real estate search platform, serving as Vice President of Product.\n\nHonor holds a B.S. in Technology Management from Stanford University. He is passionate about leveraging technology to enhance financial access and drive growth for businesses around the world.","position":"Founder and CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The European e-commerce market has seen robust growth, valued at approximately $745 billion in 2023, with projections suggesting it will reach $955 billion by 2028. This consistent expansion highlights the need for businesses to explore opportunities beyond Europe.\r\n\r\nFor European companies, particularly in Germany, expanding into e-commerce markets in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America is increasingly seen as a strategic priority. Asia’s e-commerce sector is projected to reach $3.147 billion in 2029, while the Middle East and Latin America are experiencing a rapid YoY e-commerce growth of approximately 30% and 24% respectively for 2024. \r\n\r\nThis presentation will offer a detailed analysis of e-commerce landscapes in Asia, Middle East, and Latin America, focusing on customer behavior, emerging trends, and successful strategies. Case studies from key markets— Korea, Japan, China, Europe and Brazil —will showcase how businesses are driving growth using innovative monetization strategies. Additionally, the session will provide guidance on navigating the unique complexities of these regions and scaling operations globally.\r\n\r\nInsights:\r\n\r\n- Consumer behavior and preferences: Understanding regional consumer behavior is crucial, as preferences differ significantly.\r\n- Emerging trends: Across all regions, social commerce, live-stream shopping, and influencer marketing are on the rise. Growing demand for sustainability in regions like Asia and Latin America and remaining high-demand for cross-border e-commerce and luxury goods in the Middle East.\r\n- Fraud and payment methods: Fraud risks and user behavior vary by region. Understanding these payment preferences and implementing robust fraud detection systems are critical for success.\r\n- Internal statistics on peak seasons: E-commerce peak seasons differ across these regions.  Businesses must tailor their strategies to align with these peak shopping times to optimize inventory and marketing efforts.","presenter":"Honor Gunday","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235921,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Riml","cname2":"Peak Ace AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI-Powered Ad Creation in E-commerce: Boosting Efficiency and Impact","bio":"Julia Riml brings over ten years of experience in performance advertising, with five years leading Peak Ace's Performance Advertising team. In her current role as Director New Business, she drives the development of innovative go-to-market strategies for new products and services. Julia focuses on building and nurturing strategic partnerships to expand the agency's service offerings and foster long-term growth. By anticipating market trends and implementing cutting-edge solutions, she aims to accelerate the agency’s success and deliver impactful results for clients worldwide. Julia also regularly represents Peak Ace at international conferences, contributing to the agency’s global reputation.","position":"Director New Business","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, the demand for high-quality, personalized ad creatives is higher than ever. This session dives into how AI and automation tools can transform creative ad production, helping e-commerce businesses stand out by creating compelling ads faster and more efficiently. Julia will demonstrate how AI can streamline every stage of the ad creation process - from copywriting and localization to automated creative generation - allowing teams to focus more on strategy and innovation, especially during challenging times.\nKey takeaways include:\n•\tA detailed, step-by-step guide to automating your ad creation workflow, reducing production time, and boosting impact across platforms using AI and automation, illustrated through real-life examples.\n•\tActionable tips and best practices on how AI tools can speed up creative asset creation without compromising on quality or creativity—whether for images, videos, or voice.\nThis session equips e-commerce professionals with the strategies and tools needed to stay competitive, providing practical advice for improving efficiency and delivering high-performing ads at scale. \n\n","presenter":"Julia Riml","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":81,"id":236517,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Riml","cname2":"Peak Ace AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling International Ad Creation with AI: Simplifying Cross-Border Campaigns","bio":"Julia Riml brings over ten years of experience in performance advertising, with five years leading Peak Ace's Performance Advertising team. In her current role as Director New Business, she drives the development of innovative go-to-market strategies for new products and services. Julia focuses on building and nurturing strategic partnerships to expand the agency's service offerings and foster long-term growth. By anticipating market trends and implementing cutting-edge solutions, she aims to accelerate the agency’s success and deliver impactful results for clients worldwide. Julia also regularly represents Peak Ace at international conferences, contributing to the agency’s global reputation.","position":"Director New Business","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Expanding into new markets comes with the challenge of producing high-quality, localized ad creatives across multiple languages and regions. In this session, discover how AI and automation tools can streamline the creation of international ad campaigns, enabling e-commerce businesses to efficiently produce localized ads at scale. Julia will demonstrate how AI can automate key aspects of the ad creation process - such as copywriting, localization, and creative generation - to produce ads in multiple languages with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency and relevance across diverse markets.\nKey takeaways include:\n•\tA step-by-step guide to using AI to automate multilingual ad workflows, allowing businesses to create tailored ads in several languages simultaneously, while cutting down production time.\n•\tPractical insights on how AI can enhance cross-border marketing efforts, from localizing ad copy to automating the creation of region-specific banners, videos, and more - without compromising on quality.\nThis session will provide e-commerce professionals with the tools to successfully scale their cross-border campaigns, helping them launch new marketing campaigns faster and more efficiently through AI-driven automation.\n\n","presenter":"Julia Riml","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":77,"id":236518,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dan","lname":"Goldenblatt","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Using AI to reduce shipping costs in e-commerce","bio":"I've been in AI enterprise SaaS sales for nearly a decade. Just under 2 years at Pecan. \nI was born in Canada, grew up in Israel, studied in the UK, worked in Israel and Switzerland and, for the past 9 years I'm based in Berlin. ","position":"Managing Director, EMEA \u0026 APAC","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A UK-based e-commerce jewellery company aimed to leverage AI to predict the likelihood of a customer making an additional purchase within 24 hours of their initial order. By identifying high-potential buyers, they could delay shipment and significantly reduce shipping costs. Without an in-house data science team, they partnered with, enabling their data analyst to develop and deploy a predictive model within just six weeks.\r\n\r\nThe outcome: an average of 70 order consolidations per day, saving approximately £5 per parcel. The company is now exploring further AI-driven use cases, including cross-selling, lifetime value (LTV) prediction, and customer retention.","presenter":"Dan Goldenblatt","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":262,"id":235738,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mate","lname":"Papp","cname2":"PepitaGroup INC","avatar":"","presentation_title":"One Platform, 9 Markets: Unlocking Hidden Opportunities","bio":"As the Chief Growth Officer at Pepita Group Zrt, overseeing both for Hungary and for international markets, I am driving the strategic vision for our Marketplace 3P commercial unit, 1P own stock commercial units, content, and call center departments, while spearheading our international expansion efforts. \nMy role capitalizes on over a decade of experience in the e-commerce and marketplace sectors.\n\nPreviously, I served as the Head of Marketplace \u0026 Content at, where I led the development and execution of strategies that significantly enhanced marketplace operations and content management. \nMy tenure at eMAG as Marketplace Director honed my skills in steering third-party seller strategies, aligning cross-functional teams, and managing P\u0026L responsibilities. \nMy earlier role as Marketplace Manager at eMAG involved directing commercial operations, business development, and overseeing a vast network of sellers and products.\n\nMy expertise encompasses business strategy, marketplace development and project management. With a proven track record in expanding revenue, profitability, and market share, I am committed to driving Pepita Group's growth and international success.","position":"Chief Growth Officer (CGO)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how we are building a unique platform that focuses on markets overlooked by the industry giants! Over the past six years, we have been on a growth journey that aims to exceed €100 million in annual GMV by 2025. Join us to explore how we break boundaries, connect across nine countries, and unlock new opportunities for retailers. Be part of a platform that dares to think differently, targeting untapped markets and setting new standards in e-commerce!","presenter":"Máté Papp","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":95,"id":234707,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Joules","cname2":"Pertemba","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Utilising marketplaces to drive cross-border sales and international expansion","bio":"With almost a decade of experience working in eCommerce; specializing in online marketplaces, Michael's expertise sits at the fore of eCommerce today. Michael leads the marketplace team at Pertemba with responsibility for sourcing and launching new marketplaces to expand on the companies single-service global selling solution, whilst ensuring their 130+ live marketplaces are performing to meet the companies ambitious goals. Prior to joining Pertemba, Michael spent 5 years at fashion retailer Joules with full responsibility for their marketplace strategy and performance, overseeing global expansion and delivering phenomenal growth.","position":"Head Of Marketplaces","logotype":"","presentation_description":"PANEL SESSION (with multiple marketplace sellers)\r\na. How brands/sellers can use marketplaces to grow sales\r\nb. Opportunities in the EU and beyond\r\nc. Emerging trends - social shopping\r\nd. Local expertise and leveraging platform owners knowledge\r\ne. How to set up for success on marketplaces and best practice\r\nf. The future of marketplaces","presenter":"Michael Joules","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234943,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Oliver","lname":"Goerke","cname2":"piazza blu² GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Hyperpersonalization driven by generative AI - Technical Prerequisites and some inspiring Examples","bio":"Oliver is the CEO and founder of piazza blu² GmbH, where he leverages over a decade of experience in the eCommerce sector. With a strong background in digital transformation and tech-driven commerce solutions, he has led numerous successful projects that have redefined online shopping experiences. In addition to his business, Oliver is a passionate photographer, guitarist, and creative thinker, always seeking new ways to integrate creativity into his work.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Generative AI creates a massive boost for the efficiency in  content creation (text, images, videos, audio). We will take a look how these new possibilities can be applied for personalisation to a specific user in different channels. We will take a look a technical prerequisites and enabling factors as well as a number of great and creative examples how generative AI was used for personalization.","presenter":"Oliver Goerke","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":235739,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Robin","lname":"Ochs","cname2":"Picture Instruments - PI GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mastering the challenges of AI image processing","bio":"After studying media technology, the graduate engineer founded his first software company in the audio business, which he led to success together with his partner. He then founded Picture Instruments a good 10 years ago. It all started with a software for the automated background removal of subjects. Our customers have motivated us to continuously expand our system up to our latest AI solutions, which help to automate the production process extensively.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Product photos can come from numerous sources. From different manufacturers or photographed by yourself. In order to gain the trust of customers, a homogeneous appearance is needed in the online store. Clipping using AI is certainly the first step in the right direction, but cannot be applied across the board to every image. Simple tasks, such as correct fitting, can be a challenge depending on the image content and not every subject can simply be cropped (e.g. if the product in a mood image is partially covered by the model's hand). To ensure that automated mass image processing does not end in chaos, there are other AI-supported methods that can be integrated into the process.","presenter":"Robin Ochs","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235498,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lael","lname":"Al-Halawani","cname2":"Pierce AB","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From LLMs to Image Generators - Gen AI in E-Commerce","bio":"AI evangelist, educator, and innovator. I specialize in birding business and tech in AI enterprise solutions. I'm in charge of AI Strategy and all Gen AI Tech within a $600M+ ecommerce enterprise. Python developer, data scientist, fan of the open-source.","position":"AI Products Owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We will explore the current state-of-the-art generative AI models, their capabilities, use cases, and challenges in e-commerce, from the practical, battle-tested perspective of a business owner responsible for AI solutions in a $600M+ enterprise.\r\n\r\nWe'll briefly address the FOMO and assess what these models can actually do, the available solutions—both open-source and proprietary—and at a high level, what’s already worth pursuing and what’s not.\r\n\r\nNext, we’ll dive into specific examples such as automating customer service, improving SEO, generating or enhancing product descriptions, extracting information, creating staff copilots, translating, producing product images, and designing e-commerce-relevant graphics, along with their respective pros and cons.\r\n\r\nWe will also touch on the potential costs of these solutions, both financial and socio-economic, as well as the costs and requirements of training versus utilizing existing models.\r\n\r\nFinally, we’ll conclude with recommendations on staying up to date with rapidly evolving technologies and next steps for those looking to implement these solutions.","presenter":"Lael Al-Halawani","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235101,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Krueger","cname2":"Pimcore","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The software industry is broken - how SaaS pricing models and complicated best of breed tech stacks stop you from growing","bio":"With over 20 years of service in the ecom industry, Philipp has seen his share of technology and projects. He started out as developer, managed technical teams, switched to the business side and ended up deeply involved on the consultancy side. He led several huge projects for mayor retailers across the globe and ended up in strategic go-to-market positions to tell compelling stories rather then technical case studies. His profund technical background still helps him to build bridges between tech and business. \nPhilipp is now heading the global GTM for Pimcore, a digital and data experience platform. ","position":"Vice President Marketing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Let's put some focus on the elephant in the room: The SaaS/Best of Breed/MACH Industry is broken and the victims are the merchants. Do you really need to become a retail tech company in order to be successful? Discover the hidden costs of handling multiple contracts, multiple pricing models, train your teams to different solutions and the very thin layer of added value from \"best in class\" products. \r\nA clear and fresh way to look at the industry and the attempt to understand what efficiency in tech really means and how we got into this mess in the first place. \r\n\r\nCan be held in English or German.","presenter":"Philipp Krueger","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":106,"id":235941,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lars-Olaf","lname":"Scholl","cname2":"PIN AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Postal Services in Germany –  an alternative for eCom KEP delivery?","bio":"As a member of PIN AG's Executive Board, Lars-Olaf Scholl is responsible for the development of new business areas, including digitalization and green parcel logistics. He is also Managing Director of Packator GmbH, a last mile provider for urban sameday and next-day delivery.\nHe started his career at Deutsche Post DHL Consulting, then worked for 12 years in e-Commerce as part of the Otto Group, before he moved back to the Logistics industry, joining PIN AG in 2023. \n","position":"Executive Board Member","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The B2C KEP market in Germany is an oligopol with only very few players: primarily DHL as former state-owned parcel service, followed by Hermes, DPD, and GLS. \r\nWhat is widely unknown is the multitude of alternative postal service providers in Germany, which traditionally focused on delivering letters to mailboxes, but now are increasingly up-grading their services to deliver packages and parcels as-well.\r\nAs these providers are forced to operate extremely cost-efficiently, they are able to offer competitive prices for home delivery. On top, because letters are usually delivered by bicycle, the carbon impact of delivery is already minimal.  \r\neCommerce players who are looking for both cost-efficient and green delivery alternatives are well advised to take a closer look at these players. \r\nAs the market for alternative postal service providers is somewhat confusing prima facie, the presentation will provide an insight and overview of the market with its opportunities and limitations.","presenter":"Lars-Olaf Scholl","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":235361,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hayden","lname":"Huang","cname2":"PingCAP","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unleashing the Future of e-Commerce with AI-Powered Databases","bio":"Hayden Huang (He/Him) is an accomplished global business leader and General Manager (GM) of PingCAP EMEA, the company behind TiDB, a revolutionary open-source database designed for massive data management. Based in Düsseldorf, Germany, Hayden brings over 15 years of leadership experience spanning tech giants like Tencent Cloud, Huawei, Nutanix, and IBM.\n\nKnown for his strategic vision and ability to build high-performance teams from scratch, Hayden has consistently driven business growth across industries like automotive, telecom, gaming, and retail. His track record includes leading multi-million-dollar projects for top German automakers in autonomous driving and connected car solutions, while also spearheading the digital transformation for global retail and FMCG leaders.\n\nHayden expertise lies in cloud computing, AI platforms, and data engineering solutions. He excels at creating synergy between sales, marketing, and partnerships, propelling companies to break through competitive markets with speed and precision. A dynamic team builder with a knack for motivating cross-cultural teams, Hayden embodies modern leadership that focuses on achieving more with less.","position":"General Manager of PingCAP Europe","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unlock the next generation of e-Commerce by integrating AI-driven insights with the flexibility and scalability of TiDB. Empower your business to deliver seamless, real-time customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive smarter decision-making. With AI-enhanced analytics and distributed SQL from TiDB, elevate your e-Commerce infrastructure to handle massive data loads, scale effortlessly, and gain valuable, actionable insights—all with minimal downtime. Stay ahead in the competitive e-Commerce landscape by harnessing the combined power of AI and TiDB for an intelligent, future-proof solution.","presenter":"Hayden Huang","presentation_category":"ai","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236308,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sven","lname":"Beverst","cname2":"Pipedrive","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI in Sales – the (r)evolution of a traditional industry?","bio":"Sean Evers ist als VP of Sales \u0026 Partner bei Pipedrive für die Entwicklung von Vertriebsplänen und -strategien verantwortlich und leitet die Vertriebsteams in der täglichen Arbeit. Sean verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Verkauf, darunter als Head of Global Sales bei Circle UK und VP of Sales bei Sage. ","position":"VP of Sales \u0026 Partners","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Sales departments are a crucial part  of every e-commerce business’ success. For a long time, however, sales representatives have not typically been “digital natives”. Instead, they connected with partners at trade fairs or through company visits, tracked sales in Excel sheets, and some even relied heavily on pen and paper. \r\n\r\nBut this is changing - rapidly! AI is offering sales teams unprecedented possibilities and e-commerce companies that continue to follow the“old but gold” sales approach risk losing market share. In his keynote or on a panel discussion, Sean will address: \r\n\r\n- Which AI-supported tools he personally relies on? Sean will share first-hand examples of tools he uses for time management, lead qualification and more.\r\n- How Sean prepared his sales team for the AI revolution? Spoiler alert: It involved extensive communication about preferred workflows and a solid focus on education. \r\n- Why smaller companies are more likely to experiment with AI tools? A recent study  revealed that sales team from smaller companies are more inclined to embrace AI tools compared to their corporate counterparts. Sean will explain why this presents a major opportunity for smaller companies to leverage the AI boom for revenue growth? \r\n- The evolving role of sales professionals: How does Sean see the typical sales role transforming as AI continues to make an impact?","presenter":"Sean Evers","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":174,"id":235889,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Laura","lname":"Beyer","cname2":"Platoyo / Atalanda GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"13 Learnings für den erfolgreichen Aufbau eines eigenen Online-Marktplatzes","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ein eigener Online-Marktplatzes steht auf der Roadmap vieler Unternehmen. Doch oft scheint die Umsetzung wie ein unüberwindbarer Berg: Technische Hürden, Ressourcenknappheit und unzählige Entscheidungen lassen das Projekt schnell überwältigend wirken. Aber worauf kommt es wirklich an?\r\nIn diesem praxisorientierten Vortrag teilt Roman Heimbold seine Top 13 Learnings aus über einem Jahrzehnt Erfahrung mit erfolgreichen Kundenprojekten im Bereich Online-Marktplätze.\r\n\r\nVon technischen Herausforderungen bis zur perfekten Marketingstrategie – wir konzentrieren uns auf die Punkte, die den Unterschied machen und Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Marktplatzprojekt endlich erfolgreich in die Tat umzusetzen. Statt grauer Theorie erwarten Sie hier sofort anwendbare Tipps und ein offener Raum für Ihre individuellen Fragen.","presenter":"Roman Heimbold","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236697,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Wolf","cname2":"PlayPlay","avatar":"","presentation_title":"More videos, less effort: How to enter the new era of communication","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As marketers and communication experts, we all want to harness the power of video for our social media strategy, corporate comms, campaigns and more. More often than not, though, we struggle to deliver video content quickly and cost-efficient enough—with hardly any or no ROI at all.\r\n\r\nWith the evolution of tech and AI, businesses start to democratise their video production and bring it in-house. They provide their communication teams with tools so easy to use that they create on-brand videos within a couple of minutes only.\r\n\r\nHow do they do this exactly and how does their approach return their investment in a more meaningful way? In this presentation, we’ll look at the potential of in-house video production and the best practices of businesses that are doing it right.","presenter":"Philipp Wolf","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236607,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Luise","lname":"Gottmann","cname2":"Pliant","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Empowering E-Commerce: BitterLiebe's Financial Strategy","bio":"- Since 09. 2022  Chief Commercial Officer at Pliant\n- 2017 - 2022 Senior Manager at Accenture\n- 2011 - 2017 Senior Manager and Project Manager at 4P Consulting GmbH\n- 2009 - 2011 Project Management at Steinbeis Center of Management and Technology \n- 2004 - 2009 Sales Manager at Deutsche Bank","position":"Chief Commercial Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Join us for a presentation that explores BitterLiebe's financial transformation with Pliant and how innovative solutions have supported their growth journey. Founded in Mannheim, BitterLiebe has revolutionised the perception of bitter compounds with a range of health-focused products. Faced with the challenges of manual financial processes, BitterLiebe adopted state-of-the-art financial tools to streamline operations and drive success.\r\n\r\nKey highlights of BitterLiebe's financial strategy include:\r\n\r\n- Streamlined operations: Pliant integration has significantly reduced manual effort and improved data accuracy by automating receipt management and cash flow planning.\r\n\r\n- Growth-driven solutions: The use of virtual credit cards and real-time cash management has enabled accurate expense tracking and improved financial oversight.\r\n\r\n- Increased efficiency: Automated data transfer and seamless tool integrations have streamlined financial processes, allowing BitterLiebe to focus on strategic decision-making and growth.\r\n\r\nDiscover how BitterLiebe's proactive approach to financial management has fueled its scalability, operational efficiency and success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Discover the future of e-commerce finance through BitterLiebe's real-life example of the power of integration and automation to drive business growth.","presenter":"Lukas Gottschick","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":102,"id":234604,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jan","lname":"Saponara-Teotonico","cname2":"PMMG Group GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Empirische Conversion Rate Steigerung // AI combination - Empirical conversion rate increase","bio":"Jan Saponara-Teotonico ist ein erfahrener Manager im Vertrieb von Lösungen im Bereich der generativen KI. Diese Expertise hat er sich in den letzten Jahren bei führenden Anbietern von Content Automation aufgebaut.\n\nMit Leidenschaft übernimmt Jan Verantwortung und gestaltet seine Zukunft nachhaltig. So hat er sich etwa darauf spezialisiert, Partner, Kunden und Kollegen nachhaltig zu begeistern und langfristige Allianzen zu schmieden. Darüber hinaus versteht sich Jan als Generalist oder auch: Intendant. \nSeine umfangreichen Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Branchen haben ihm dafür die nötige Versiertheit verliehen.\nDabei verliert Jan aber nie das Gesamtbild aus den Augen: Die Bedeutung von Kommunikation und das Zusammenspiel im Team sind für ihn ein untrennbarer Teil des Erfolgs.\n\nAktuell ist Jan Saponara-Teotonico als Senior Manager für Innovation \u0026 New Business bei der PMMG Group GmbH tätig. Dort verantwortet er unter anderem die Teamführung und -Entwicklung der strategischen Abteilung, die Geschäftsentwicklung, das Kundenbeziehungsmanagement und das Partnermanagement. Jan ist ein vertrauenswürdiger, empathischer und selbstbewusster Mensch, der mit seinem umfassenden Fachwissen und seiner Fähigkeit, langfristige Beziehungen zu pflegen, überzeugt.","position":"Senior Manager Innovation","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this pitch, I show how to measure demonstrable ROI from combined AI solutions. \r\nChat GPT is omnipresent, but scaling is not possible. Success is not measurable for many. Using a few examples and, if desired, with a customer, we will show how we can create a measurable solution through PIM, content automation and empiricism and how we personally proceed. \r\nThe presentation is prepared for the general public and is not too technical. The presentation will be held in German.","presenter":"Jan Saponara-Teotonico","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235716,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paige","lname":"Tyrrell","cname2":"Prefixbox","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI Search Increases Revenue 45%: a case study","bio":"David is the Chief Sales Officer and a founding member of Prefixbox. With his background as a software engineer, he has a unique understanding of search technology and how retailers can leverage it to increase revenue. He works closely with international retailers on a daily basis and brings a well-rounded picture of industry trends and technological advancements in the E-commerce sector.","position":"Chief Sales Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI search leverages vector search, the latest development in search relevance technology. It is the mathematical representation of language and understands the meaning behind search queries. \n\nPrefixbox A/B tested our AI Search Engine against our optimized Semantic Search Engine (keyword-based) for multiple retailers and have seen a drastic uptick in online revenue, AOV, and conversion rate. \n\nCase study results for an international DIY client:\n+45.3% increase in revenue\n+ 28.4% increase in AOV\n+18.4% increase in transactions\n\nIn our talk, we will explain what AI Search is, case study results (from multiple clients), and practical takeaways for retailers.","presenter":"David Kis","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":236408,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vladeta","lname":"Radovanovic","cname2":"Presta","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Headless solution to hosting multiple and separate Shops on only one Shopify Instance","bio":"Vladeta Radovanović, the founder and CEO of the IT company Presta d.o.o. based in Belgrade, holds a degree in Information Technology from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade. He began his entrepreneurial journey with a small team at Nova Iskra Co-working Space in Belgrade, where the company quickly grew by working with clients from around the world and expanding the business through direct referrals. Today, Vladeta leads a team of 15 at Presta, specializing in the development, design and architecture of online shops, web and mobile applications for clients primarily in the U.S. and Europe. Recently, the company has also become a development partner for three global startups.","position":"General Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Creating and running complex array of headless separate online Shops run by single Shopify instance connected to one Product Information Management system and multiple vendors.","presenter":"Vladeta Radovanovic","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234760,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Constantin","lname":"Hourmouzis","cname2":"PricewaterhouseCoopers","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Synergy unleashed: How AI and CDPs transforming E-commerce","bio":"Constantin Hourmouzis is a Senior Manager at PwC Germany Customer Transformation team. He advises marketing organizations to effectively engage with customers and capitalize on innovation to leverage customer data. He has been managing marketing transformation projects for major international companies with the goal to enable a more efficient customer approach. To achieve this, he uses his expertise to set up the marketing architecture around Customer Data Platforms, shaping marketing organisation and define the data strategy. He is a two times marketing innovation award winner 2020 and 2023 with proven track record leading large scale marketing transformations.","position":"Senior Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how predictive \u0026 GenAI with Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are revolutionizing the way businesses engage with customers. Dive deep into strategies that harness the power of data-driven insights to create personalized, seamless, and impactful customer journeys. Whether you're looking to enhance your current CX approach or stay ahead in a competitive market, this presentation will equip you with the tools and knowledge to elevate your customer experience to new heights.","presenter":"Constantin Hourmouzis","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":237078,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Patrick","lname":"Großmann","cname2":"Primal State Performance GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"In-Sourcing des Fulfillments als Wachstumsstrategie","bio":"Patrick Großmann ist Director of Operations bei der Primal State Performance GmbH, einem führenden Unternehmen in der Lebens- und Nahrungsergänzungsmittelbranche aus Berlin. Zu der erfolgreichsten Marke des Unternehmens gehört Glow25, welche gerade in aller Munde ist. In seiner Position verantwortet er die Bereiche Einkauf, Supply Chain, Produktion, Produkt- und Qualitätsmanagement. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung im internationalen Einkauf und in der Supply Chain bringt Patrick tiefgehendes Fachwissen in den Bereichen Logistikoptimierung, Produktionssteuerung und Qualitätskontrolle mit. Unter seiner Führung setzt Primal State  auf Effizienz und Innovation, um den steigenden Anforderungen im E-Commerce-Markt gerecht zu werden. Jüngst wurde Primal State von der Financial Times zu einem der 100 am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen Europas gewählt.","position":"Director of Operations","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Neben einer klaren Value Proposition, einer hohen Produktqualität und einem ausgeklügelten Communitymanagement gibt es noch einen ganz entscheidenden Faktor, der uns innerhalb von 2 Jahren von der 7-stelligen in die 9-stellige Umsatzliga katapultiert hat: unser vorausschauendes Supply-Chain-Management!\r\n\r\nUm unser rasantes Wachstum bei Primal State / Glow25 weiter voranzutreiben, haben wir uns nun dazu entschieden das Fulfillment unserer Produkte (Lebensmittel/Nahrungsergänzungsmittel) selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und 3PL-Dienstleister nur noch punktuell einzusetzen. Warum wir uns dazu entschieden haben, für welche Unternehmen sich so ein großer Schritt bezahlt macht und was die konkreten Vorteile vom eigenen Versand sind, das erzähle ich gerne in diesem Vortrag.","presenter":"Patrick Großmann","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":59,"id":235536,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jenny","lname":"Fagerström","cname2":"Prime Penguin","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Many-to-many integrations for seamless supply chains","bio":"With over five years of experience in B2B and B2C sales, [Name] has built a reputation for driving business success through both technical expertise and strategic business management. As the founder of Terrawatt, a leading provider in the e-mobility sector, [Name] led the company to become a key player before successfully selling it to ChargeNode in 2022. Their extensive background also includes a solid foundation in mechanical engineering, backed by an MSc in the field, which has been instrumental in developing technical solutions tailored to business growth. Today, he works as a Technical Account Manager for Prime Penguin, in charge of the sales, implementation, and improvement process for enterprise clients in the logistics space.","position":"Technical Account Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Prime Penguin has developed an innovative platform that redefines logistics management by enabling many-to-many integrations between sales platforms, marketplaces, WMS systems, and ERP systems. With our solution, multiple logistics systems can be effortlessly integrated into one interface, allowing businesses to scale their operations, improve delivery precision, and optimize cost efficiency. This talk will delve into the technological breakthroughs that power our solution and illustrate how this model is transforming the logistics sector.\r\n\r\nLogistics is often seen as a bottleneck for companies, especially in times of uncertainty and rapid growth. Prime Penguin’s product offers a fresh approach to this problem by creating an architecture that accommodates any number of logistics partners across geographies. This many-to-many system does not just streamline operations but fundamentally changes how businesses interact with logistics providers. Using real-life case studies, we will demonstrate how our clients have expanded their logistical networks while reducing costs and errors, all through a single, easy-to-manage platform.\r\n\r\nThe implications for the logistics industry are profound. Prime Penguin’s technology allows businesses to rapidly adjust to changing market conditions without the friction that typically comes with scaling logistics operations. This talk will explore how this model can set new standards for flexibility and efficiency, enabling businesses to thrive in challenging times. From automating manual processes to offering real-time data insights, the technology reshapes what’s possible in logistics, driving both innovation and operational excellence.","presenter":"Max Ericsson","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":16,"id":234712,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ralf","lname":"Rehmet","cname2":"Primus International Printing GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Vom Hersteller zum C2M","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Produkte wurden bisher vorproduziert und dann über Shops verkauft. Inzwischen werden nur noch Teile hergestellt und je nach Abverkauf das Layout variiert. Auch das personalisieren über einen Amazon-Shop wurde umgesetzt und dadurch individuelle Produkte ermöglicht.","presenter":"Ralf REHMET","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234571,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alex","lname":"Nigmatulin","cname2":"PRNEWS.IO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Media Presence for an E-commerce Company","bio":"Alex Nigmatulin is a marketing and digital communications expert with over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing, product design, team building, and partner management. As a visionary board member, he spearheaded the expansion of PRNEWS.IO, a robust big data platform into foreign markets, revolutionizing companies’ engagement with new audiences and amplifying their global reach.\n\nAlex has dedicated his career to empowering brands to drive their narratives on transparent and predictable terms. With PRNEWS.IO, he provided a unique opportunity for publishers to focus on their passion – creating exceptional content. Over time, PRNEWS.IO has evolved from a blog with press releases to a global marketplace for sponsored posts and native ads, meeting the growing demand for media coverage in 96 countries worldwide.\n\nAlex firmly believes that only useful advertising will survive, and he strives to ensure that every brand can connect with their audience in meaningful ways.\n\n","position":"CMO, Board Member","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Does your publicist work well? There are various approaches to measuring the effectiveness of your media placements. Some of them should be extinct but are still used by unscrupulous specialists. I will present a working framework called PR Rank. With its help, every company can understand how effective their PR department is","presenter":"Alex Nigmatulin","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236052,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rahil","lname":"Yaqub","cname2":"Pro Ads Marketing GmbH; Bright Shades UG (haftungsbeschränkt)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Google Ads für E-Commerce: So trainieren wir die KI von Google auf reinen Profit statt Umsatz","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"So trainieren wir die KI von Google auf reinen Profit statt Umsatz - Learnings aus über 30 Millionen jährliches Werbebudget","presenter":"Rahil Yaqub","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236027,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Wieczorek","cname2":"Pro3Con GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Wie Sie mit Ihren Produkten in 24 Stunden zu Ihrem OCI 4 Webshop kommen","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In der heutigen digitalen Geschäftswelt ist Schnelligkeit entscheidend. Diese Präsentation vermittelt, wie Unternehmen ihr Produktportfolio innerhalb von nur 24 Stunden in einen OCI 4 oder cXML Webshop überführen können und so Ihren Kunden einen bedeutenden Mehrwert und für sich einen Vorteil verschaffen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einem strukturierten Vorgehen, das eine schnelle und effiziente Umsetzung ermöglicht, ohne komplexe Anpassungen vornehmen zu müssen.\r\n\r\nDer Vortrag behandelt die wichtigsten Schritte, von der Produktdatenerfassung bis zur Shop-Implementierung, und zeigt, wie relevante Produktinformationen präzise in den Webshop integriert werden können. Dabei wird auch auf die nahtlose Anbindung an bestehende ERP-Systeme und die automatisierte Produktdateneinpflege eingegangen.\r\n\r\nIm Fokus stehen Werte wie Schnelligkeit, Effizienz und Flexibilität, die entscheidend sind, um einen sofort einsatzbereiten OCI 4 Webshop zu realisieren. Ob für kleinere Unternehmen oder große Konzerne – diese Herangehensweise ermöglicht eine schnelle und kostengünstige Digitalisierung des Produktangebots.\r\n\r\nDie Teilnehmenden erhalten praxisnahe Einblicke, wie der Aufbau eines professionellen B2B-Webshops in kürzester Zeit gelingen kann.","presenter":"Michael Wieczorek","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":31,"id":236206,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Wieczorek","cname2":"Pro3Con GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Der Kunde möchte einen Simple System oder Ariba Katalog - Kunden Use Case","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Präsentation wird ein realer Use Case beleuchtet: die Integration eines Produktkatalogs in Plattformen wie Simple System oder Ariba. Viele Unternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, ihre Produktdaten schnell und präzise in bestehende Katalogsysteme zu integrieren, um den Einkaufsprozess ihrer Kunden zu optimieren.\r\n\r\nDer Vortrag zeigt, wie Unternehmen ihren Produktkatalog so aufbereiten und strukturieren können, dass er den Anforderungen dieser Plattformen entspricht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die konkreten Schritte zur Erstellung eines vollständigen und benutzerfreundlichen Katalogs – von der Datenpflege über die Formatierung bis hin zur Anbindung an die jeweiligen Systeme.\r\n\r\nWir diskutieren die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren und Fallstricke aus der Praxis, um den Katalog in kürzester Zeit einsatzbereit zu machen. Dabei wird besonders auf die Aspekte Effizienz, Datenqualität und Kompatibilität mit den jeweiligen Plattformen eingegangen. \r\n\r\nDer Use Case vermittelt praxisnahe Einblicke und vermittelt wertvolle Tipps für Unternehmen, die einen einfachen und effizienten Einstieg in die Welt der elektronischen Kataloge suchen. Hier werden Begrifflichkeiten wie UoM, eClass oder Feature Name zum einfachen Alltagsgebrauch gemacht.","presenter":"Michael Wieczorek","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":27,"id":236207,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bernhard","lname":"Moss","cname2":"PROCTY CLEAN GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Start-up in der Tabu-Zone","bio":"Seit 2003 betreut Bernhard Moss mit seiner Agentur 'Schnee auf Moss' Kunden mit Fokus auf Handel und B2B, darunter Waldquelle, Pepsi, IKEA, Mondi und den Nationalpark Donau-Auen. Neben seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit unterrichtete er über 10 Jahre als freier Lektor an der FH Wiener Neustadt. Moss hat an der Universität Wien Publizistik sowie Kommunikations- und Politikwissenschaft studiert, was sein umfassendes Know-how im Bereich Kommunikation und Strategie weiter untermauert. 2020 gründete er das Intimpflege-Start-up ProctyClean®, das eine völlig neue und innovative Produktkategorie für 'Po-bleme' erschließt. Dank einer ausgefeilten Go-to-market-Strategie und einer erfolgreichen Amazon-Strategie sowie umfassendem Know-how wurde das Start-up mehrfach ausgezeichnet.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"ProctyClean® rückt ein bedeutendes und oft übersehenes Thema in den Fokus: die Intimhygiene des Analbereichs. Als weltweit erstes Unternehmen auf diesem Gebiet haben wir eine innovative, patentierte Produktlinie entwickelt, die speziell auf den analen Bereich abgestimmt ist. ProctyClean® ist sozusagen die Zahnbürste für den Po – eine prägnante Metapher für unsere Mission, eine gründliche und effektive Reinigung zu bieten.\r\n\r\nUnsere Reise begann mit der Erkenntnis, dass die herkömmliche Reinigung der Analregion mit Toilettenpapier so effektiv ist wie das Zähneputzen mit einer Serviette. Diese Metapher verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit für spezialisierte Produkte, die über die Standardlösungen hinausgehen. Unsere patentierte Technologie bietet gezielte Unterstützung und Erleichterung für Menschen, die unter Hämorrhoiden und ähnlichen Beschwerden leiden – ein häufiges, aber oft tabuisiertes Problem.\r\n\r\nProctyClean® setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Intimpflege und hat sich mutig den Herausforderungen eines sensiblen Marktes gestellt. Durch kreative Marketingstrategien und unkonventionelle Kampagnen haben wir das Thema aus der Tabuzone geholt und für ein breites Publikum zugänglich gemacht. Unsere innovative Herangehensweise hat es ermöglicht, echte Fortschritte in der Behandlung und Pflege des analen Bereichs zu erzielen und gleichzeitig das öffentliche Bewusstsein für dieses wichtige Thema zu schärfen.\r\n\r\nErleben Sie, wie ProctyClean® die Normen der Intimpflege herausfordert und durch bahnbrechende Innovationen neue Standards setzt. Unsere Reise zeigt eindrucksvoll, wie ein Start-up durch die Verbindung von technologischer Innovation und mutigem Marketing eine bedeutende Veränderung in einem wichtigen Bereich der Gesundheitsversorgung bewirken kann.","presenter":"Bernhard Moss","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":24,"id":234579,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alwin","lname":"Schauer","cname2":"productsup","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Rise of Retail Media and beyond","bio":"Alwin Schauer serves as the Chief Revenue Officer at Productsup where he leads the company's global go-to-market strategy. Overseeing the entire sales and marketing operations, Alwin is responsible for aligning international and cross-departmental teams to drive the company’s long-term success as the leading product-to-consumer (P2C) software company.\n\nAlwin brings over 25 years of experience generating revenue growth for global companies like Salesforce, Software AG, and Basware. From heading up large-scale strategy spanning all North American and European markets to focusing on specific regions like DACH, Alwin has demonstrated an exceptional ability to navigate macro and micro-regional nuances and cultural dynamics.","position":"CRO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Preparing product data for the next generation of performance marketing in regard to fast growing retail media networks and how AdSpend is developing","presenter":"Alwin Schauer","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235440,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Martina","lname":"Nillenstedt","cname2":"Profoto","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How a studio can efficiently integrate video in the studio production.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Join the Profoto team in this video-focused workshop to get insights on how you can integrate video production into your content creation process. Discover best practices for video lighting, directing models, video workflow and utilizing creative templates to produce high-quality content with ease and precision.","presenter":"Matt Brasier","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":236029,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andreas","lname":"Rieger","cname2":"ProxyRiders","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mehr Umsatz durch bessere Analytics Daten","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Mit serverseitigem Tracking erzielt man eine höhere Datenqualität beim Einsatz von Webanalytics. Die Datenerhebung ist zu 100 Prozent datenschutzkonform und als Betreiber behält man die volle Datenkontrolle.  Anhand von Beispielen wollen wir zeigen, wie einfach dieses Setup sein kann und wie man durch geschickte Nutzung der Daten zusätzlichen Umsatz generieren kann.","presenter":"Andreas Rieger","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235193,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michael","lname":"Hoonakker","cname2":"Prycing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scale profits with dynamic pricing and POAS","bio":"Michael Hoonakker, born on December 16, 1996 in Putten, Netherlands, always had a passion for entrepreneurship. After studying Business Administration, he launched his first venture—a webshop selling sanitary products. However, he quickly realized the market was saturated, and his lack of insight into competition, product profitability, and marketing limited his success.\n\nTo address these challenges, Michael founded **Prycing**, a company that helps entrepreneurs gain deeper insights into their operations. Prycing provides tools for analyzing competition, profitability, and marketing strategies. Michael’s personal experience fueled the growth of Prycing into a valuable resource for businesses today.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-founder","logotype":"\u0026v=beta\u0026t=vKpSuLtjVpTwaFmeSaK6AOS4rGkGkHp5DMGQlvLc5Nk","presentation_description":"In the presentation I want to emphasize and substantiate the impact of a good pricing strategy. I will use a number of practical examples to show what is possible with smart software to automatically explore and monitor the market and to switch to it.\n\nThe topics that will be discussed:\n- How do you focus on POAS with pricing data\n- How can you ensure that your profit grows and turnover remains the same by focusing on profitable products\n- How important do customers find the price of a product compared to the value of your company.","presenter":"Michael Hoonakker","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":235170,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Simon","lname":"Tschuertz","cname2":"Psychological AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Filling Shopping Carts with AI: Psychological Nudges That Drive Sales","bio":"Simon Tschürtz is an expert Data Scientist who started his career at Audi in process mining, but his passion for innovation and technology pushed him to pursue a second master’s degree in Data Science in 2016, when the field was still emerging. As the founder of Psychological AI, Simon now focuses on optimizing communication strategies across e-commerce platforms by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and psychology. His AI-driven solutions enhance customer engagement and significantly improve conversion rates by crafting tailored, persuasive messaging that resonates with specific user groups. Through his work, Simon is not only reshaping e-commerce but also redefining how businesses communicate and connect with their audiences.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"E-commerce success is increasingly reliant on personalization. Psychological AI leverages the power of AI to introduce subtle psychological nudges that adapt to different user groups, creating a more personalized shopping experience. Our technology allows stores to either generate new product descriptions or enhance existing ones, learning which psychological cues result in the highest conversion rates. On average, stores see a 50-70% uplift in Add-to-Cart actions. Learn how these insights can transform your approach to user engagement and sales.","presenter":"Simon Tschuertz","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236490,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Adrianne","lname":"Madejski","cname2":"PubMatic GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Shelf: Unveiling the Power of Commerce Media","bio":"Michael Puriz leads PubMatic's fast-growing Commerce Media division in the region and brings a wealth of experience from over 15 years in the media and advertising industry. Previously, he was responsible for strategic partnerships and business development at various German start-ups. Most recently, Puriz served as Strategic Partner Lead - Retail Media, E-Commerce and Portals at Google, where he helped companies across multiple industries maximize their revenue.\nMichael Puriz is responsible for building key relationships with leading retail media in Central and Northern Europe and expanding PubMatic's customer base in Central and Northern Europe.\nHe also plays a key role in leading strategic initiatives that drive PubMatic's growth in Commerce Media and expand the reach of Convert, PubMatic's fully integrated solution for retailers and marketplaces to maximize revenue and utilization.","position":"Director Commerce Media","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Outline: \r\nJoin us for an insightful session titled \"Beyond the Shelf: Unveiling the Power of Commerce Media,\" where we will explore the evolving landscape of retail media and its transformative impact on the digital supply chain. As consumer behavior continues to shift, retailers are increasingly leveraging data-driven strategies to enhance their advertising efforts and improve revenue generation. This session will highlight the significance of retail media for brands and retailers, emphasising its potential to provide targeted visibility, generate insights, and foster customer engagement. Our PubMatic expert, Michael Puriz, will share key insights launching and growing retail media business, overcoming integration challenges, and maximising resource allocation. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how to harness the power of commerce media to achieve substantial ROI and growth in today’s dynamic \r\n\r\n\r\nKey takeaways and why now: \r\n\r\nAttendees will gain practical solutions to common hurdles and learn how commerce media can drive innovation in an increasingly fragmented and inefficient market.  \r\n\r\nKey notes: \r\n\r\n- Commerce media introduction – what it is. \r\n- Landscape – global and EMEA \r\n- Endemic and non-endemic opportunities \r\n- How to create a successful commerce media business and work with media buyers and advertisers. \r\n- Global case-studies, PubMatic works with Instacard, Klarna, Nectar 360 etc, noon…","presenter":"Michael Puriz","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":236004,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anshuli","lname":"Gupta","cname2":"PwC GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Future of Shopping: How AI is Disrupting eCommerce","bio":"Technical manager with passion for the intersection of human connection, eCommerce, and cutting-edge technologies.","position":"Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI tools revolutionizing online shopping experience (chatbots, personalization engines, recommendation algorithms),  ROI for ecommerce business and future predictions.","presenter":"Anshuli Gupta","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235404,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jakub","lname":"Winkler","cname2":"qoliber","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Take Charge: How to Ensure Your Development Agency Delivers Results Without Wasting Time","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ever feel lost in the technical jargon of your development projects? This session is here to help. I’ll teach you the essential “tech” knowledge you need to effectively oversee the development process. Learn how to verify your agency’s work, ensure no time is wasted, and manage your projects with confidence. By understanding the technical aspects, you’ll be better equipped to lead your projects to success, without wasting time on unnecessary complications.","presenter":"Jakub Winkler","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":116,"id":234626,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jakub","lname":"Winkler","cname2":"qoliber","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Top 10 Must-Haves for SEO Success on Your E-commerce Store","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are you an e-commerce store owner looking to boost your SEO? This talk is designed just for you. I’ll cover the top 10 essential elements your store needs for outstanding SEO. You’ll learn what to implement and how to do it effectively, ensuring your site ranks higher in search results. Whether you’re new to SEO or looking to refine your strategy, this session will provide valuable insights to enhance your store’s visibility and attract more customers.","presenter":"Jakub Winkler","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":234625,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Pengg","cname2":"Qorby","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fast-Track to Social Commerce Success  The future of shopping is social and we show you how to get ready now!","bio":"Julia is the CEO and Founder of QORBY, as well as a successful serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in e-commerce. She has redefined both herself and social commerce by seamlessly transforming emotions from social media into conversions. Her mission is to create a platform for relevant D2C brands, empowering creators a share in the success of their favorite brands, while providing customers and followers with a truly unique shopping experience.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Still doing affiliate \u0026 UGC? Then level up your successful creator game with another layer of AI-powered tools to truly unlock Social Commerce! Let´s explore current best practice in social commerce to truly leverage emotion and trust, the two core powers of social media. Let´s keep an eye on your blind spots in social media and find the fastest path to your conversions.\n\nSocial commerce is developing rapidly: new formats, new possibilities - we present the most important developments for you to share with your team colleagues. Learn which 3 steps are necessary to get started successfully.\n\nBecause what is it all about? Social commerce offers new, dynamic opportunities to experience and interact with genuine individuality. Brands that learn to implement this trend early on will have a massive competitive advantage in this double-digit growth market.","presenter":"Julia Pengg","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236242,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Iva","lname":"Kozlovska","cname2":"Qubit Labs","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Hiring Strategies for Building Future-proof Shopify \u0026 Unreal Engineering Teams for e-Commerce","bio":"Iva Kozlovska is the Managing Partner of Qubit Labs, the visionary Founder of Women in Tech (WIT) Ukraine, and a Mentor for founders in startup accelerators.\n\nIva has worked in operations, sales, and project management. She started her career as a recruiter and worked her way up to HR Director before co-founding her own IT company. She has experience working with international clients in IT outstaffing and excels at solving complex challenges across various domains. She also speaks at international technology conferences and authorizes webinars and articles on tech-related topics. \n\nIva runs a company that helps clients from the USA, Europe, and the Middle East build their development teams worldwide.","position":"Managing Partner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Based on our experience building effective Shopify and Unreal teams for e-commerce projects, I would like to share three main strategies for ensuring team success, supported by a successful case example.\r\n\r\n- From game to E-commerce: Сan Unreal developer with game experience work effectively in e-commerce? Effective recruiting and onboarding strategies.\r\n\r\n- Choose the best locations to hire: How do you analyze the market/country to find the top one based on industry growth and talent numbers?\r\n\r\n- Salary expectations: Evaluating Shopify \u0026 Unreal salary trends for 2025 for effective and flexible budgeting","presenter":"Iva Kozlovska","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236733,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yuliya","lname":"Chorna","cname2":"Querplex GmbH Nürnberg","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Boosting Efficiency with MagicTemplates: Transforming SAP Commerce Cloud SmartEdit for Better Content Management","bio":"Yuliya is the Business Development Manager at Querplex GmbH, playing a key role in the creation of a unique solution for SAP Commerce Cloud users seeking a better content creation experience with SmartEdit. She is also responsible for marketing and communication, focusing on building brand awareness, managing social media accounts, and overseeing the company’s website. Through her efforts, Yuliya has successfully strengthened the brand presence of Querplex’s product on the SAP Store, resulting in increased visibility and engagement.\n\nWith a strong background in sales and development, she thrives on communication and innovative strategies to drive customer engagement. In addition to her current role, Yuliya has a track record of creating market demand, having contributed to the success of the standing desk brand StiyStil in Ukraine. Her diverse skill set, including experience in blog and social media marketing, enables her to deliver value across various channels and ensure exceptional customer experiences.","position":"Business Development Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we’ll introduce MagicTemplates, a game-changing add-on for SAP Commerce Cloud SmartEdit users, developed by Querplex. MagicTemplates empowers marketing and content teams to streamline their workflow by simplifying the creation and management of dynamic templates. Attendees will discover how MagicTemplates enhances flexibility, reduces repetitive tasks, and accelerates time-to-market for digital content, leading to improved operational efficiency.\r\n\r\nWe will walk through real-world use cases and live demos, showcasing how businesses can create consistent, personalized user experiences across multiple channels with minimal technical expertise. Join us to explore how MagicTemplates can transform your content creation process, helping your team unlock the full potential of SAP Commerce Cloud.","presenter":"Yuliya Chorna","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":234600,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sandro","lname":"Merkvilishvili","cname2":"QuickComm Solutions","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-commerce 360° - Elevating Every Aspect of Online Retail","bio":"Sandro Merkvilishvili\nChief E-commerce Officer, 2 Nabiji\nCo-Founder \u0026 CEO, QuickComm Solutions\n\nI'm an accomplished leader in the e-commerce space with over a decade of experience driving innovation, operational excellence, and business growth across multiple markets. Currently serving as the Chief E-commerce Officer at 2 Nabiji, Georgia's leading grocery retailer, I have built a robust e-commerce platform from the ground up, integrating web and mobile apps, courier and store-picking tools, and advanced operational systems that support both customer experience and business scalability. Under my leadership, 2 Nabiji has become a dominant player in the region’s online grocery space, with over 200K monthly unique users.\n\nIn addition to my role at 2 Nabiji, I'm the Co-Founder \u0026 CEO of QuickComm Solutions, a full-service e-commerce consulting firm. QuickComm Solutions offers a comprehensive 360-degree approach to e-commerce, providing end-to-end solutions from custom platform development to user-friendly mobile apps, inventory management systems, courier tools, and business analytics. Backed by a team of seasoned professionals, I have successfully helped numerous businesses navigate the complexities of the digital marketplace, driving sustainable growth through tailored strategies and innovative technology.\n\nMy expertise spans across Q-commerce, product development, marketing automation, and customer support systems. My track record of launching large-scale projects, combined with my hands-on experience in building and managing full-scale e-commerce operations. I'm Passionate about helping businesses thrive in the fast-evolving e-commerce landscape and am excited to share my insights and solutions at the E-commerce Berlin Expo. His session will offer practical advice on how businesses can leverage the QuickComm E-commerce 360 solution to optimize operations, enhance customer experience, and achieve long-term success.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO / Chief E-commerce Officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, running a successful online store goes beyond just having a platform—it’s about mastering the full lifecycle, from strategy to execution and beyond. In this session on E-commerce 360°, we’ll showcase a proven approach that has helped businesses transform their digital presence, leveraging deep insights and real-world success stories.\r\n\r\nWith extensive experience in creating and customizing platforms—including web, mobile, courier, and picking apps—we’ve developed a comprehensive solution that adapts to each business's needs. This approach has driven outstanding results for a diverse range of clients. Through one of our pilot projects, we’ll demonstrate how innovative solutions have solved common e-commerce challenges such as logistics optimization, seamless customer experiences, and operational efficiency, backed by compelling data and tangible results.\r\n\r\nIn the Shop Systems \u0026 Software space, we’ve helped companies overcome hurdles, exceed growth expectations, and uncover market hacks that boost performance. Our 360° model emphasizes continuous improvement and scalable systems, enabling businesses to evolve their platforms to meet future demands.\r\n\r\nWhether your company runs a fully in-house system or relies on external partners, we’ll reveal key insights that can enhance any e-commerce operation. Join us to learn how to drive long-term success with cutting-edge software solutions, proven strategies, and real-time case studies that showcase extraordinary achievements.","presenter":"Sandro Merkvilishvili","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235988,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carina","lname":"Glöckner","cname2":"Qwist","avatar":"","presentation_title":"More Customers, Fewer Risks: Financing Offers and Security for Online Retailers","bio":"Matt Colebourne is the CEO of Qwist Group, a company majority owned by Finch Capital, Europe‘s leading growth investor. In his role he focuses on transforming Open Banking technology into a suite of products and services designed to benefit both clients and end consumers. \n\nPrior to Qwist Group, Matt has successfully led the scale-up and growth of several companies, resulting in six successful exits. Most recently, he led the turnaround and sale of Searchmetrics to Conductor to create the leading global enterprise SEO technology company.\n\nBesides that, he has had a long track record of scaling and turnarounds including Doubleclick, sold to Google for 3.2bn, Espotting, Gazemetrix, Integral Solutions and Nivio.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Today, customers expect an extensive mix of payment options at checkout. If they can’t source their preferred payment method, they abandon the purchase. For comprehensive shopping carts and high-priced items, integrated online financing within the shop has become a must-have. For online retailers, on the other hand, it is crucial to know who they are doing business with and whether the information provided during checkout is accurate. If fraud or simple errors are involved, the retailer is left bearing the damage and back-office costs.\r\n\r\nMatt Colebourne, CEO of Qwist, explains why it's worthwhile to think beyond the usual BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) providers when it comes to online financing, and how retailers can automate the minimization of risks in anonymous online trading. He also discusses how to conduct the soon-to-be legally required credit checks without deterring potential customers with complex and lengthy processes.","presenter":"Matt Colebourne","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":100,"id":235659,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katrin","lname":"Pavelka","cname2":"RAJA Deutschland","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Warum die Kreislauf-Versandverpackung Re-ZIP funktioniert und jede Menge CO2 spart...","bio":"Durch seine Erfahrungen im Unternehmensaufbau sowie der Funktion des Einkäufers bei einem namenhaften Energieversorger konnte Fabian Kraft früh das Zusammenspiel von schlanken Prozessen und Effizienz im Bereich der Supply Chain als notwendige und wichtige Säule einer Unternehmung kennenlernen. \n2016 startete er bei RAJA Deutschland in den Bereichen Großkundenvertrieb und Projekteinkauf. Seit 2019 begleitete er als Leiter National Key Accounts verschiedenste Großprojekte von der Angebotserstellung bis zur Umsetzung, war involviert bei der Implementierung und Entwicklung von E-Procurement Lösungen für die Kunden sowie der Analyse von Optimierungspotentialen der Supply Chain im Bereich Verpackungen und Lagerausstattung.  Anfang 2022 übernahm er als Divisional Director die Leitung Purchasing.\nRAJA Deutschland ist als Teil der, seit 1954 tätigen, RAJA-Gruppe europäischer Marktführer im B2B Versandhandel für Verpackungsmaterialien sowie Lager- und Betriebsausstattung. RAJA setzt zur Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen auf eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Lieferanten sowie auf die fachübergreifende Beratungskompetenz hin zum Kunden. Dabei legt RAJA den Fokus auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Verpackungslösungen sowie die Serviceorientierung im gesamten Unternehmen.\n","position":"Divisional Director Purchasing","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Kreislaufverpackungen sind die Zukunft des E-Commerce, nicht nur, weil sie von Gesetzeswegen gefordert werden, sondern auch von immer mehr Kunden befürwortet. RE-ZIP ist die erste wiederversendete Kreislaufverpackung aus Karton und nicht nur dadurch umweltfreundlicher als ähnliche Modelle. Fabian Kraft berichtet über Funktionsweise, technische Daten und das große PLUS im Retourenprozess und was sie euch für die Kundenbindung bringen.","presenter":"Fabian Kraft","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":236434,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"","lname":"","cname2":"RE-ZIP","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Circular packaging - the future of Ecomm packaging","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"","presenter":"Thomas Fugl","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":234570,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vladyslav","lname":"Zhovtenko","cname2":"RedTrack","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Using technology to improve media-buying ROI","bio":"Vladyslav Zhovtenko is the CEO and co-founder of RedTrack, the all-in-one digital marketing analytics and automation platform. He has been an active player in the digital advertising space since 2000, and has held multiple marketing and managing director roles in the industry. Beginning in 2008, Vladyslav worked as an independent consultant and advisor to companies seeking to improve their lead generation and ad tech, helping them create comprehensive digital sales and marketing strategies and establish relevant processes for sustained growth. He co-founded AdxGeeks in 2015, which provided programmatic media-buying solutions through a white-label DSP SaaS program, then co-founded RedTrack in 2018 to make digital marketing analytics \u0026 automation more accessible to SMEs and to help media buyers succeed in the post-cookies era. ","position":"Founder ,  СEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Credibility:\r\nRedTrack is analytics and automation solution serving more them 800 clients generating $2B in revenue. RedTrack team  has build in proprietary ad tracking and conversion attribution solution that later expanded into media buying automation. They are now rapidly implementing AI as productivity booster for our clients. \r\n\r\nOver the years RedTrack team accumulated a lot of insights into most common tracking and automation practices that allow media buyers to increase their ad spend 5-10 time without loosing efficiency. \r\n\r\nRelevancy:\r\nWe believe the future media buying will be powered by tools that combine independent 1st party data, analytic,  automation and AI as productivity tool. \r\n\r\nFocus and value:\r\nWe will share the 3 pillars of such tools: data collection  / analytic and automation as well as share most common usage scenarios as mentioned above. \r\n\r\nSpeaker:\r\nThe topic will be resented by Vladyslav, co-founder and CEO of RedTrack.  He has been an active player in the digital advertising space since 2000, and has held multiple marketing and managing director roles in the industry.","presenter":"Vladyslav Zhovtenko","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235677,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lukas","lname":"Kaufmann","cname2":"Relaxdays GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"ERP Updates with no Headaches ","bio":"Jens is a Managing Director, currently steering the technological course for a thriving mid-sized e-commerce company (relaxdays). With many years of experience in technology and the ecommerce space he continuously drives process optimization and automation to a new level.","position":"Technical Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are you tired of the chaos that comes with ERP updates—disruptions, data loss, and a flood of manual work? In this keynote, we will explore how bidirectional synchronization can transform your ERP update process into a smooth, headache-free experience. Learn how syncing data in real-time between your ERP and other systems can eliminate bottlenecks, prevent errors, and maintain operational continuity. We’ll dive into the technical strategies and best practices that ensure your ERP updates happen seamlessly, with no downtime or business disruption. Whether you’re upgrading or integrating new modules, this session will provide the tools and insights to make every ERP update feel effortless.","presenter":"Jens Habermann","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235562,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Plamen","lname":"Petkov","cname2":"Renewone","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The product description makes 3/4 on the sale","bio":"Mit über 24 Jahren Erfahrung im IT-Vertrieb und einer einzigartigen Expertise im Bereich nachhaltiger IT-Geräte ist Plamen Petkov der Gründer von, einem erfolgreichen Online-Shop für generalüberholte Laptops. Durch sein umfassendes Wissen in der Präsentation von Produkten hat er eine bahnbrechende Methode entwickelt, um den Zustand gebrauchter IT-Geräte für Kunden klarer und verständlicher darzustellen.\n\nSeine Expertise geht jedoch über den IT-Sektor hinaus. Inspiriert von seiner Leidenschaft für MTB-Freizeit-Tourismus, hat Plamen gelernt, die Prinzipien der Produktpräsentation aus beiden Welten zu vereinen, um ein einzigartiges Konzept zu schaffen. Dieses Konzept verbessert das Kundenerlebnis und fördert die Akzeptanz von nachhaltigen Elektroniklösungen.\n\nPlamens Vision ist es, einen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft zu leisten. Seit der Gründung von hat er dazu beigetragen, 52.000 kg Elektroschrott zu vermeiden, indem er über 50.000 Geräte an zufriedene Kunden geliefert hat. Sein Ziel ist es, Elektronik wieder zugänglich und umweltfreundlich zu machen, ohne Kompromisse bei der Qualität oder dem Kundenerlebnis einzugehen.\n\nAuf der Berlin Expo wird er darüber sprechen, wie die richtige Produktbeschreibung und eine optimierte Customer Journey entscheidend sind, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu maximieren. Sein Leitmotiv: „Nachhaltigkeit beginnt damit, dass wir unsere Produkte wertschätzen und sie richtig kommunizieren.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Running an online shop for refurbished IT since five years I understood how important is to provide the correct description on your website because not for everyone like new is “like new” and “very good” is very good. We must use different method using Fotos, pop-ups,  links to improve the customer journey and reduce returns and disappointment.","presenter":"Plamen Petkov","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":235261,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ines","lname":"Maione","cname2":"resonio (powered by clickworker GmbH)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Datengetriebene Entscheidungen: Marktforschung als Schlüssel zum globalen Erfolg im E-Commerce","bio":"Sabrina Voß verfügt über mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Marktforschung und ist eine ausgewiesene Expertin auf ihrem Gebiet. In ihrer Karriere war sie unter anderem als Vertriebsleiterin bei Dynata im Bereich Panel sowie bei Forsta in der DACH-Region für qualitative und quantitative Marktforschung tätig. Ihre tiefgreifenden Fachkenntnisse und ihre Führungspositionen in führenden Unternehmen der Branche machen sie zu einer gefragten Expertin und Rednerin.\n","position":"Director Sales Market Research","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der Vortrag zeigt auf, warum fundierte Marktforschung vor der internationalen Expansion für E-Commerce-Unternehmen unerlässlich ist. Er verdeutlicht, wie Unternehmen mithilfe von Online-Umfragen wertvolle Daten über neue Märkte sammeln können, um kulturelle Unterschiede, Kaufverhalten, Preiserwartungen und bevorzugte Zahlungsmethoden besser zu verstehen.\r\n \r\nInsbesondere wird beleuchtet, wie externe Umfragen dazu beitragen, Risiken zu minimieren und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, bevor kostspielige Markteintrittsstrategien umgesetzt werden. Der Nutzen für E-Commerce-Unternehmen liegt in der genauen Zielgruppenanalyse, der Validierung von Produktstrategien und der Optimierung von Marketingmaßnahmen – alles auf Basis realer Daten aus potenziellen Zielmärkten.\r\n \r\nDer Vortrag bietet praxisnahe Ansätze und zeigt anhand einer Beispielumfrage, wie konkrete Fragestellungen formuliert und ausgewertet werden können. Die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage werden live im Vortrag präsentiert, um den direkten Nutzen solcher Daten für die Planung und Umsetzung internationaler E-Commerce-Strategien aufzuzeigen.\r\nSo erhalten die Teilnehmer konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, wie sie mithilfe von Marktforschung erfolgreich in neue Märkte expandieren können.","presenter":"Sabrina Voß","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235553,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nick","lname":"Koerner","cname2":"RETERNITY","avatar":"","presentation_title":"RETERNITY: Von der Leidenschaft zur Marke – Community-Building, Gen Z-Trends und datengetriebene Strategien","bio":"Serial Entrepreneurs | Gründer von RETERNITY | leidenschaftliche Sportler\n\nTom Schmidt und Lauren Riedel, Gründer von RETERNITY, sind nicht nur Geschäftspartner, sondern auch seit vielen Jahren enge Freunde. Ihre gemeinsame Reise begann schon in ihrer Jugend, als sie zusammen Fußball spielten. In dieser Zeit entwickelten sie Werte wie Disziplin und Teamarbeit, die später zu entscheidenden Bausteinen ihres unternehmerischen Erfolgs wurden. Freundschaft und gegenseitiges Vertrauen führten sie dazu, den gemeinsamen Traum einer eigenen Modemarke zu verwirklichen.\n\nMit 18 Jahren starteten beide ihre unternehmerische Reise und waren seitdem stets von Ehrgeiz getrieben. Als Gründer von RETERNITY, einer der führenden deutschen Modemarken, sowie weiteren erfolgreichen E-Commerce-Unternehmen wie Sacralite, ist es ihr Ziel, kontinuierlich neue Grenzen zu überschreiten. Derzeit expandieren sie RETERNITY weltweit, erkunden neue Märkte und bringen eine innovative Sport- und Loungewear-Marke auf den Markt.\n\nTom ist auf die Produktion spezialisiert und kümmert sich um alle Aspekte der Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung. Dank seiner dreijährigen Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann übernimmt er außerdem die Finanzen des Unternehmens. Lauren, mit einem Abschluss in Marketingmanagement, leitet das Marketing und überwacht die Performance von Werbeanzeigen und Social-Media-Kampagnen gemeinsam mit seinem Team.\n\nDurch jahrelange praktische Erfahrung und einen Bootstrap-Ansatz haben beide gelernt, wie wichtig Widerstandsfähigkeit und Innovation für den Erfolg sind. Ihre Leidenschaft besteht heute darin, dieses Wissen weiterzugeben, anderen beim Wachstum zu helfen und die nächste Generation von Unternehmern zu inspirieren.","position":"CEOs","logotype":"","presentation_description":"1. Ohne Erfahrung zur erfolgreichen Marke:\r\nDer sechsjährige Weg von RETERNITY, der ohne Vorkenntnisse im Modebereich startete und sich aus Leidenschaft zu einer führenden D2C-Marke entwickelt hat​\r\n\r\n2. Community-Building:\r\nAufbau einer aktiven und engagierten Gen Z Community. Einsatz von Social Content Strategien, die auf authentische Interaktion setzen\r\n\r\n3. Verständnis für Gen Z und Social Media Trends:\r\nNutzung der passenden Social Media Plattformen (TikTok, Instagram) und Content, um die junge Zielgruppe anzusprechen und langfristig zu binden​\r\n\r\n4. Datengetriebene Entscheidungen:\r\nWie RETERNITY Kundendaten gezielt einsetzt, um Marketingstrategien zu optimieren und maßgeschneiderte Inhalte zu liefern​\r\n\r\n5. Vom D2C-Start zur Expansion:\r\nRETERNITY erweitert seinen Fokus vom digitalen Direktvertrieb auf den Einzelhandel und setzt weiterhin auf Exklusivität und selektive Partnerschaften mit Breuninger und BSTN.\r\n\r\n6. Erfolgreiche Events und Content-Strategie:\r\nOrganisation von Events und Nutzung von Content-Möglichkeiten vor, während und nach den Veranstaltungen zur Aktivierung der Community​","presenter":"Tom Schmidt und Lauren Riedel","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":234908,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Niels","lname":"Bergmans","cname2":"Returnless","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Impact 5 departments, with an optimized return strategy","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A presentation that dives into the win potential for 5 departments (eCom Manager, Warehouse, CSM, Finance \u0026 awareness/loyalty). The session will be full of valuebombs on the effect and how to get there. No sales pitch, just examples of German and Dutch brands and the solid wins they got after they really optimized their Returns Strategy.","presenter":"Niels Bergmans","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235091,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florence","lname":"Broder","cname2":"Revuze","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Harnessing the Power of AI to Revolutionize Consumer Voice in E-commerce","bio":"Guy Yair recently joined Revuze in May 2024. He is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the technology and software development industry with a consistent track record and result-driven history. Guy served in senior leadership roles for both public and private multi-billion-dollar corporations, leading worldwide operations across industries and professional domains. He brings 25 years of experience in the tech industry, with expertise in digital transformations, customer experience, SaaS, retail, and industrial sectors for both large corporations and startups. Guy obtained an Executive MBA from the Kellogg School of Management from Tel Aviv University. ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As e-commerce rapidly grows, consumer voice has become a key driver of purchases, with 95% of consumers relying on online reviews before buying. The sheer volume of reviews makes it difficult for consumers to sift through thousands of opinions to make informed decisions.\n\nIn this session, Guy Yair, CEO of Revuze, will explore how AI is transforming how businesses leverage consumer reviews. Through AI-powered analysis, companies can now harness review data–the most reliable and trustworthy source– to gain insights and make customer-focused decisions. Leaders like Amazon, TripAdvisor, and Target are pioneering Reviews 2.0—providing consumers with AI-generated summaries that distill thousands of reviews into concise, sentiment-driven insights.\n\nOne leading US home cleaning brand saw the power of AI firsthand. After noticing a dip in sentiment for their citrus-scented products, AI-driven insights revealed that consumers found the scent too overpowering compared to competitors. Using this feedback, the brand reformulated its product to better match consumer preferences. These critical VoC insights would have remained hidden without AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently.\n\nConsumers don't have time to read through countless reviews—they trust AI-driven summaries to provide clear, actionable insights. For e-commerce companies, this isn’t just an advantage, it's essential. With the rising investments in DTC, brands without AI-powered, topic based review summaries and sentiment risk falling behind, reducing engagement rates, increasing bounce rates and losing consumer credibility.\n\nJoin Guy Yair to discover how AI-driven insights and summaries boost consumer trust, drive conversions, and help brands stay competitive in the evolving world of online retail.\n","presenter":"Guy Yair","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":234703,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Joris","lname":"Kalle","cname2":"REWE eCom","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Data driven omnichannel solutions","bio":"Accomplished Marketing \u0026 Design Executive committed to propelling brand visibility through strategic brand messaging, visual appeal, and compelling content. As a forward-looking creative leader and brand strategist, I have a robust track record of initiating compelling and visually appealing product marketing campaigns across a variety of digital and print platforms. I excel at optimising UX/UI designs and crafting effective corporate branding strategies that resonate with audiences and drive engagement. In addition, I have an empathetic leadership style with a natural talent for transforming underperforming teams into top producers. I am seeking to excel in a Digital Marketing leadership position with a rapidly growing organisation.","position":"Team Lead Art Direction","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The focus of the presentation is to show the relationship between customer insights online and at the point-of-sale. We are using webshop data, UX-Lab data, and point-of-sale data to bring customers from the webshop to the point-of-sale and vice versa. We test and develop digital innovations in the markets to understand the most important communication strategy.","presenter":"Joris Kalle","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234859,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jan","lname":"Richard","cname2":"Riverty","avatar":"","presentation_title":"What every ambitious merchant is thinking about: How to integrate payment orchestration to unlock growth potentials","bio":"Jan is a seasoned veteran of the payment industry with 20+ years of experience in payment operations, product management, enterprise account management, business development. In recent years, Jan has worked  as a payment consultant and evangelist for some of the largest online retailers worldwide","position":"VP Products and Growth","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Speaker: \r\nJan Richard – Product \u0026 Growth Marketing Lead - Riverty  \r\nMarko Ivanovic - Head of Payment Product - adidas \r\n\r\n\r\nDescription: \r\n\r\nIn this enlightening speech, we delve into the dynamic world of payment orchestration, particularly its relevance for enterprise merchants. We'll share insights to a global RfI that Riverty has conducted last year to shed light  into the emerging landscape of solution providers, evaluating whether external fintechs provide a suitable orchestration solution for large-scale enterprises. \r\nFurthermore, we'll gain invaluable perspectives from a leading industry player as a the Global Head of Payment Product at adidas shares his firsthand experience of conducting payment orchestration in-house. Prepare to be inspired and informed as we unravel the complexities of payment orchestration, providing key insights for payment and finance professionals alike. \r\n\r\n \r\nKey topics covered in the presentation :\r\n\r\n- Payment Orchestration in a Nutshell:  \r\nA brief introduction to payment orchestration and its importance. \r\n\r\n- Key Insights from Rivertys 2023 Market Research:  \r\nCritical questions, findings and conclusions from the latest market analysis on payment orchestration. \r\n\r\n- Real-World Case Study – Adidas:  \r\nHow payment orchestration improved Adidas' payment infrastructure.","presenter":"Jan Richard","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236254,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ryan","lname":"Vet","cname2":"Ryan Vet","avatar":"","presentation_title":"When Generations Collide  Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workplace","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Dive into the intricate dance of generational dynamics within the \r\nworkplace in this enlightening presentation on leadership across \r\nages. From the Silent Generation to Gen Alpha, this talk unravels the \r\ncomplexities of managing a multi-generational team, highlighting \r\nthe unique challenges and opportunities each cohort presents. Learn \r\nto leverage adaptability and innovation, turning generational \r\ndiversity into a strategic advantage. Gain insights into bridging \r\ncommunication gaps and enhancing collaboration, equipping you \r\nwith the tools to foster a cohesive and productive environment. \r\nTransform generational differences into a catalyst for organizational \r\ngrowth and success.","presenter":"Ryan  Vet","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235205,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ryan","lname":"Vet","cname2":"Ryan Vet","avatar":"","presentation_title":"When Generations Collide  Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workplace","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Dive into the intricate dance of generational dynamics within the \r\nworkplace in this enlightening presentation on leadership across \r\nages. From the Silent Generation to Gen Alpha, this talk unravels the \r\ncomplexities of managing a multi-generational team, highlighting \r\nthe unique challenges and opportunities each cohort presents. Learn \r\nto leverage adaptability and innovation, turning generational \r\ndiversity into a strategic advantage. Gain insights into bridging \r\ncommunication gaps and enhancing collaboration, equipping you \r\nwith the tools to foster a cohesive and productive environment. \r\nTransform generational differences into a catalyst for organizational \r\ngrowth and success.","presenter":"Ryan Christopher Vet","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234512,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ryan","lname":"Vet","cname2":"Ryan Vet","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Creating Experiences  Worth Sharing  Transforming Ordinary Encounters to Extraordinary Moments","bio":"Ryan Vet is a seasoned speaker, entrepreneur, and thought leader, specializing in the intersection of business, leadership, and emerging technologies like AI. With extensive experience in scaling businesses and transforming organizations, he explores the profound impact of AI on the future of work and leadership dynamics.\n","position":"Entrepreneur, Author, International Speaker\"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's experience-driven economy, creating exceptional customer \r\nexperiences is the ultimate key to business growth. Elevate your \r\nbrand by transforming mundane interactions into extraordinary \r\nmoments. This course will guide you through designing, deploying, \r\nand measuring impactful customer experience initiatives. Discover \r\nhow to create magical moments that turn clients into loyal advocates \r\nand drive your business to new heights.","presenter":"Ryan  Vet","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235207,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nino","lname":"Bergfeld","cname2":"Salesforce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Agents eat the world","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The next generation of artificial intelligence  will enable agents: small, autonomous software snippets that can act on behalf of the company but also the consumer. This will mean better experiences for consumers (e.g. they can task their agent to fulfill a goal, e.g. shop an item for a certain price) but also a lot of business value for companies (e.g. deflect calls, reduce Average Ticket handling time, setup automomous voice agents that counsel) which will in turn change the ecommerce (profitability) game.","presenter":"Nino Bergfeld","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":4,"id":234851,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katrin","lname":"Lewandowski","cname2":"SALESmanago/Benhauer Sp. z.o.o.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why every CEO needs a Chief Growth Hacker by their side!","bio":"As an entrepreneur and CEO in the USA, UK and Germany, I have over 20 years of experience in scaling B2B and B2C tech companies from $5M to $100M+ through IPOs and M\u0026A. \n\nI bring deep business expertise in enterprise AI, messaging, marketplaces and online media, and a proven track record of raising $80M with seven exits, including's IPO and $6.8B sale.\n\nI am passionate about partnering with visionary product founders and growth investors to scale businesses using proven methods for international expansion, professionalizing the team, and building a positive culture that creates safety, inclusiveness and maximum productivity.\n\nAs a consultant and founder champion, I can support first time founders through the CEO transition implementing best practices while keeping the essential DNA that is driving business success.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In nowadays' eCommerce landscape where spend-driven growth is unsustainable and unchecked spending only leads to diminishing returns, the Chief Growth Hacker stands out as a vital and necessary addition to the C-suite. A CGH would focus on targeted interventions that drive tangible results, ensuring the business grows efficiently and effectively—by having a distinct eye on growth maximisation at minimal cost. Let's have a closer look at this evolving cross-functional role which is a valuable add-on for every executive team. Teams that usually have recognised the methodology of positioning their company within a Growth Framework.","presenter":"Brian Plackis Cheng","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":137,"id":235704,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mário","lname":"Ferreira","cname2":"Salsa Jeans","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How SALSA JEANS optimized ecommerce distribution in Europe by adapting omnichannel and ship from store strategy","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Year of 2012, Salsa Jeans, a Portuguese Jeanswear retailer, inspired by Wonderbra, launched a model of woman jeans that literally lift the butt.\r\nThe success was tremendous, with thousands of units sold in the first days and weeks. And forecasts revised for millions of units.\r\nOn the other side, supply chain was on stress by this bullwhip effect.\r\nEcommerce was the main bottleneck, as Salsa Jeans had only 1 Distribution Center located in Portugal, and sales coming from all world.\r\nWe decide to quickly implement ship from store strategy and pool of orders. The 250 physical stores were redesigned to be not only pickup points but also expedition points.\r\nSalsa Jeans reduced 50% of international express parcel shipments, replaced by domestic shipments, saved 20% of shipping costs, and avoid tons of CO2 emissions.\r\nWinning strategy, still in use (with many updates) and copied by hundreds of other retailers.","presenter":"Mário Ferreira","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235759,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Giuseppe","lname":"Colucci","cname2":"Sario Marketing GmbH (Textbroker Group: Textbroker, Storylake, Nodestack)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Rank, Inspire, Dominate: Using AI-Driven Content to Outshine Competitors, Inspire Shoppers, and Maximize Conversions in 2025","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The digital landscape is evolving fast, and Google’s reign as the search monopolist is no longer guaranteed. As AI grows at a fast pace and large language models (LLMs) redefine what’s possible, organic search traffic is set to decrease by 50% before 2028 (source: Gartner),  while younger generations rapidly transform their search habits. \r\nE-commerce businesses now stand at a crossroads—facing not just a challenge, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain market shares by adapting faster to the new landscape.\r\nHave you asked yourself whether you are prepared enough to face this historical shift?\r\nIn this session, we'll explore how our Nodestack team is helping brands turn this uncertainty into growth and how our clients, by embracing this change, are reshaping their strategies and gaining market shares. \r\nYou will learn how AI-driven content solutions are transforming product, brand, and category pages into compelling, search-optimized experiences that inspire shoppers, improve rankings, and drive sales across every channel.\r\nYou’ll hear real-life case studies where AI-powered content solutions allowed brands to scale effortlessly, optimizing their workflows and freeing up human creators for more strategic projects. Learn how to stay ahead by embracing AI-driven content to inspire shoppers and maximize conversions.","presenter":"El Hadi Zahri (Managing Director), Giuseppe Colucci (Sr. VP of Growth)","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":234824,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christoph","lname":"Appelkamp","cname2":"Sattler Media Group GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Druck, Konfektionierung und Logistik im eCommerce","bio":"Geschäftsführer, \nSattler Logistic Solutions GmbH\n\n____________________________\nLeiter Vertrieb, \nPRATCH GmbH\n\nLeiter Einzelhandel \u0026 Vertrieb,\nRaiffeisen Westfalen Mitte eG\n\nVerkaufsleiter Region Nord, \nHilti Deutschland AG\n","position":"Geschäftsführer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wir möchten Ihnen zeigen, wie interessant die Kombination aus Druckerzeugnissen, Konfektionierung und Logistik sein kann. Anhand von bekannten Kundenbeispielen werden wir das Thema veranschaulichen.\n\nVon der Kundenkarte bis zur Aktionskonfektionierung, sowie POS oder individualisierte Paketbeiläger auf den Kunden zugeschnitten in Kleinst- oder Millionenauflage für jede Shopgröße preislich attraktiv.","presenter":"Christoph Appelkamp","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234785,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marc","lname":"Weindinger","cname2":"SCHEMA M GmbH, Tracify GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How AI Attribution makes your performance marketing spendings more efficient than ever before.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a wold of complex customer journeys \"Last Click\" is not the the attribution model that leads to the right spending decisions within your Performance Marketing. There are channels and ads that activate users others convert them but most Marketers look at all conversion data from one perspective. \r\n\r\nIn my keynote I will show you based on prominent case studies why using last click attribution leads to massive inefficiencies and how you can use AI to make you marketing spendings more efficient than ever before.","presenter":"Marc Weindinger","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235033,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sandra","lname":"Bielor","cname2":"Schindler \u0026 Hofmann GmbH \u0026 Co. KG /","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to change a webshop infrastructure smoothly during the ongoing business","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How to change the infrastructure, including the e-commerce platform, technology stack, and product information system .... in less than six months, while also optimizing the team and workflows during ongoing operations — What were our priorities before and during the transition? Ensuring business continuity despite challenges such as maintaining visibility, retaining revenue, and focusing on conversion. A practical deep dive into it.","presenter":"Sandra Bielor","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236491,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Franz","lname":"Sauerstein","cname2":"SCHWUNGVOLL eCommerce Marketing Inh. Franz Sauerstein","avatar":"","presentation_title":"3+1 Tabellen für Marketing-Controlling auch ohne Third-Party-Cookies und Attributionssoftware","bio":"Franz ist Sparringspartner für eCommerce-Strategie und eCommerce-Marketing im Bereich Premium-Genussprodukte. Er begleitet Unternehmen, die die schönen Dinge des Lebens verkaufen, von der Analyse der Herausforderungen bis hin zur Lösung und kombiniert dabei Marketing, Strategie, Verkaufspsychologie und Controlling. Wenn Genussmarken mit Purpose profitabel wachsen möchten, aber nicht wissen, wie – Franz zeigt ihnen den Weg und unterstützt sie mit seinem Netzwerk dabei, diesen erfolgreich zu beschreiten.","position":"eCommerce Marketing \u0026 Strategie - Premium-Genussprodukte","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Datenschutz kriegt Zähne: Attribution wird nebulös. Schlaue Agenturen und Unternehmen nutzen das! Entdecke, wie auch ohne Third-Party-Cookies und Blackbox-Attribution ein Marketing-Controlling mittels vier Tabellen entspannt deine Werbung zum Erfolg führt.\n\nDu bekommst die Antwort: Welche Off- und Online-Suchsysteme zahlen wirklich auf den Erfolg ein? Ein Case, Vorlagen und KI zeigen, wie du Ressourcen effizient verteilst.\n\nLerne Chancen kennen und welche Risiken du für Planet und Gesellschaft mitdenken kannst. Für dich: Die Verheiratung von Strategie, Bedarfsgruppen, Suchsysteme, Daten und KI!\n\n3 wichtige thematische Punkte:\n\n1. Einfaches Marketing-Mix-Modelling, um Budgets effzient in Suchsysteme und Bedarfsgenerierung / Bedarfsabschöpfung zu investieren\n2. Analyse von Deckungsbeiträgen über Kundenlaufzeit auf Basis des ersten gekauften Produkts für mehr Fokus und Effizienz\n3. Skalierierungsgrenzen der eigenen Werbung + Unternehmung basierend auf Daten verstehen und Auswirkungen auf Umwelt und Gesellschaft durchdenken\n\nChancen/Vorteile/Gewinne die daraus für eure Besucher entstehen:\n\n✅ Holistische Betrachtung über verschiedene Dimensionen: On- und Offline, Demand Generation und Demand Capture, Bedarfsgruppen, Botschaften, Produkte\n✅ Dateninformiert arbeiten, internes Enablement gegenüber Agenturen, Meta und co und Softwareanbietern\n✅ Welche Suchsysteme und Aktivitäten sind wirklich profitabel, welche verschwenden nur Ressourcen (Muße, Zeit, Geld, Externalitäten)?","presenter":"Franz Sauerstein","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":235882,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jon Arne","lname":"Sæterås","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How AI can improve product images to drive more sales","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The presentation will explain how AI can be used to improve product images to give a better representation of the product without the need of expensive photoshoots and manual photo editing. AI can visualise the product in its right settings to better convey to the customer its value and potential uses. The presentation of the product can even be personalized to resonate better to each individual potential customer.","presenter":"Jon Arne Sæterås","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":235391,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jonathan","lname":"Ross","cname2":"searchHub","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Why site search optimization remains so complex, and how an AI-Search-Add-On efficiently combines all your search technologies.","bio":"Jonathan Ross has straddled the ecommerce cultural divide for over 15 years, articulating niche ecommerce software solutions to varied audiences. Whether pinpointing no-nonsense value or painting the big picture. Now, at searchHub, he has “come home” to his roots in ecommerce onsite search.","position":"Marketing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Imagine you were able to solve all your site search optimization issues without having to replace your current site search technology. Now, imagine going a step further—infusing your existing search with AI features so that your customers could experience the level of precision and relevance typically reserved for organizations with dedicated teams of engineers. This is the promise of searchHub.\n\nOver the years, search technologies have evolved rapidly—from semantic search ten years ago, to recommendation engines, and more recently, vector/AI-powered search. While these tools offer powerful capabilities, without a cohesive strategy or analytics framework, businesses struggle to fully unlock their potential. The result? It becomes difficult to measure success, optimize performance, or link search outcomes to business goals like revenue and conversions.\n\nOur latest research has uncovered that the true value of vector search can be distilled into two key factors:\n\n1. Improving recall: Returning more relevant results for a customer’s search.\n2. Enhancing precision: Re-ranking results to better match customer intent and context.\n\nYet, without a framework to track and compare search performance, most businesses can’t capitalize on these benefits. That’s where **NeuralInfusion** comes in. NeuralInfusion combines a robust search analytics framework with your existing keyword and vector search systems. By tracking which search performs best for specific queries, you can inject the most relevant products into the search results, optimizing both recall and precision.\n\nThe only AI-Add-On for your existing search technology, searchHub has built-in A/B query testing and granular search insights, to help you pinpoint the best-performing search strategy for each query. This means better results for your customers and a more efficient, transparent search process for your business.\n\nWe invite you to explore how to unlock the full potential of both keyword and vector search.","presenter":"Jonathan Ross","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":236076,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Damian","lname":"Zielinski","cname2":"Searchperts Deutschland GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Die 10 teuersten Google Ads-Fehler im E-Commerce und wie du Sie vermeiden kannst","bio":"Damian Zielinski ist Gründer und CEO von Searchperts, einer auf E-Commerce spezialisierten Google Ads Agentur. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung im digitalen Marketing und einem verwalteten Google Ads Budget von über 10 Millionen Euro hat Damian seinen Kunden geholfen, über 90 Millionen Euro Umsatz zu generieren. Als leidenschaftlicher Unternehmer und Performance-Marketing-Experte teilt er praxisnahe Einblicke und zukunftsweisende Strategien, um das volle Potenzial von Online-Marketing-Kampagnen auszuschöpfen. Auf der Berlin Expo bringt Damian seine Expertise in den Bereichen Google Ads, Performance Max und datengetriebene Optimierung mit und zeigt, wie Marken nachhaltiges Wachstum erzielen können.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Hallo E-Com-Expo Team, meine Präsentation “Die 10 häufigsten Google Ads-Fehler im E-Commerce und wie du sie vermeiden kannst” bietet E-Commerce-Unternehmen praxisnahe Einblicke in typische Fehler bei der Verwaltung und Optimierung von Google Ads. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Vermittlung konkreter Handlungsempfehlungen, unterstützt durch reale Fallbeispiele aus unserer Arbeit bei Searchperts, wo wir als Google Premium Partner jährlich über 10 Millionen Euro Google Adspend verwalten. Zu jedem der 10 häufigsten Fehler werden konkrete Cases vorgestellt, die zeigen, wie diese Probleme vermieden und Kampagnen optimiert werden können. Die Präsentation liefert sofort umsetzbare Tipps, die Zuhörerinnen direkt in ihren eigenen Kampagnen anwenden können. Ziel ist es, die Rentabilität zu steigern, indem teure Fehler vermieden werden. Gerade in herausfordernden Zeiten ist Rentabilität auf Google der entscheidende Faktor für langfristigen Erfolg. Unabhängig davon, ob Einsteigerin oder erfahrener Voll-Profi – die Themen sind so aufbereitet, dass sie alle Teilnehmerinnen abholen und einen echten Mehrwert bieten.","presenter":"Damian Zielinski","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":136,"id":235079,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yassin Oliver","lname":"Hankir","cname2":" powered by savedroid FL GmbH","avatar":"\u0026crop=86px%2C0px%2C2201px%2C1704px\u0026webp=1","presentation_title":"Bitcoin: A Game-Changing Strategy for Affluent Customer Acquisition in E-Commerce","bio":"Yassin Oliver is Crypto and FinTech entrepreneur and enthusiast by heart. He is Founder and CEO of Advanced Bitcoin Technologies AG, savedroid AG, savedroid FL GmbH, Co-Host of the Frankfurt FinTech Meetup, and co-founded vaamo, one of the very first German robo-advisors. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Yassin Oliver worked as strategy consultant at McKinsey \u0026 Company, Inc. During his consulting career his focus was on retail and private banking, especially growth strategies, product development and implementation, as well as marketing and distribution in Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Yassin Oliver holds a master in Economics and a Ph.D. in Finance of Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.","position":"CEO","logotype":"[email protected]","presentation_description":"As e-commerce continues to evolve, Bitcoin is emerging not just as a payment method, but as a powerful tool for attracting high-net-worth customers and driving growth. By integrating Bitcoin payments, forward-thinking merchants can stand out from the competition and tap into a thriving, affluent customer base—one that traditional marketing efforts often miss. The Bitcoin community, with its predominantly male, 25-50 demographic, boasting higher-than-average income and education levels, represents an attractive and loyal market segment.\n\nIn this talk, I will demonstrate how accepting Bitcoin not only enhances your brand's innovation appeal but also acts as a magnet for affluent, tech-savvy customers. Moreover, the timing is ideal: Bitcoin's value has surged by over 130% in the past year, and e-commerce Bitcoin transaction volumes are climbing steadily. I will share actionable insights, case studies, and market data to showcase how integrating Bitcoin can unlock new revenue streams and position your business at the forefront of digital commerce innovation.","presenter":"Dr. Yassin Oliver Hankir","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":235898,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lasse","lname":"Klüver","cname2":"self-employed","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Tap into your potential - How to be a better leader by a deeper connection to your self","bio":"In his longstanding history in various business-driven leadership positions, Lasse Klüver experienced the importance and power of seeing the human in every person to create truly successful and robust business relationships.\n\nHarnessing the power of breathwork and deep interpersonal connections, his leadership coaching takes a different angle than most traditional approaches. And that is urgently needed in these demanding times. ","position":"Owner","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In modern business life, it is all to easy to get lost in the everyday clutter and tedious tasks. Discover how harnessing the power of breathwork can bring you closer to your own self, transform your leadership style and in the end result drive exceptional business results. \r\n\r\nThis talk delves into the science behind mindful leadership, exploring how connecting with your inner self through breath can:\r\n\r\n- Reduce stress and improve focus: Learn techniques to manage stress and cultivate a clear, centered mind.\r\n- Enhance decision-making: Discover how mindful breathing can lead to more intuitive and effective decision-making.\r\n- Foster stronger relationships: Explore how breathwork can improve empathy, communication, and team dynamics.\r\n- Boost creativity and innovation: Uncover how mindfulness can spark new ideas and foster a culture of innovation.\r\n\r\nJoin us for an interactive session that will equip you with practical tools to integrate breathwork into your daily leadership practices, leading to greater personal fulfillment and business success.","presenter":"Lasse Klüver","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235742,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mirac","lname":"ISCAN","cname2":"SELLERWAY","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sell in Europe via All Marketplaces","bio":"I have been working in the e-commerce industry since 2018. During this time, I have managed and grown numerous stores in various countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and Europe. I have also provided consultancy services to several large companies on different platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Kaufland, Otto, and Etsy.\n\nMy consultancy services include managing e-commerce stores, devising advertising and marketing strategies, and conducting market research for new product launches. Additionally, I provide platform education to individual businesses and companies to help them manage their stores more efficiently.\n\nIn 2023, my team and I launched a platform called Sellerway, where we provide education and consultancy services. By offering high-quality solutions, we aim to help our clients grow their businesses.\n\nWith a focus on customer satisfaction and results, I use my extensive experience in the e-commerce sector to provide the best possible service to my clients and employers. As someone who is always eager to learn and improve, I can easily adapt to changing market conditions and technological advancements.\n\nAs an expert in the e-commerce industry, I am always ready to provide the best possible service to my customers.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Hello,\r\n\r\nMany companies engaging in or considering e-commerce primarily focus on large marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. In these highly competitive environments, they strive to establish their brand among numerous strong competitors, investing significant effort, time, and money in the process. This is where Sellerway steps in. \r\n\r\nWe support companies in starting to sell on Germany's high-volume marketplaces such as Otto and Kaufland. While sharing the key strategies to achieve high sales on these platforms, we provide full support throughout their journey. We train their teams to become proficient in these marketplaces and assist in resolving any challenges they face. In this context, Sellerway is not just an e-commerce consulting firm but also operates as an e-commerce training company. \r\n\r\nWe take pride in having supported numerous brands with significant sales volumes on Amazon to establish and grow their presence on Otto and Kaufland marketplaces. Additionally, with our IT technologies, we assist brands in increasing sales on their own websites, offering support in site development and advertising management. \r\n\r\nDuring presentations, I aim to highlight the importance of brand-building, the fundamental pillars of branding, and the journey a brand must undertake. By sharing our experiences and discussing the challenges and rewards of this path, I strive to provide valuable insights to the participants.\r\n\r\nBests Regards.","presenter":"Mirac ISCAN","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236362,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nora","lname":"Taubert","cname2":"Seokratie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Overcoming SEO pitfalls in B2B e-commerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Overcoming SEO pitfalls in B2B e-commerce involves addressing common challenges such as long sales cycles, complex decision-making processes, and highly specialized target audiences. Success requires a strategic focus on creating tailored, high-quality content that speaks directly to industry-specific pain points and solutions. Keyword research should emphasize niche terms relevant to B2B buyers, while technical SEO ensures website performance and user experience. Additionally, it’s important to align SEO efforts with broader sales and marketing strategies to drive qualified leads. Consistent monitoring and adaptation are key to navigating the evolving digital landscape in B2B e-commerce.","presenter":"Nora Taubert","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":236764,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nora","lname":"Taubert","cname2":"Seokratie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"eCommerce SEO in 2025: How to Stay Visible in an Ever-Changing Search Landscape","bio":"Nora has over 10 years of experience in SEO. For more than six years, she has been working at the online marketing agency Seokratie GmbH, where she currently serves as Team Lead SEO. In addition to offering online marketing consulting, Nora also produces bi-weekly educational videos on SEO. She has spoken at major events such as SEOkomm, CampiXx, OMT, and Seoday. Her expertise spans key account management, project management, sales strategies, eCommerce SEO, B2B SEO, and usability.","position":"Team Lead SEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"eCommerce SEO is facing new challenges: While users are increasingly turning to 'new' search engines, such as social media platforms, Google is transforming its search engine results pages to resemble an online shop. So, should we just hide and hope for the best? Absolutely not! Keeping the user at the center remains the most effective way to stay ahead and maintain visibility. There’s so much we can focus on: speeding up site performance, prioritizing usability and customer journeys, enhancing product presentation in SERPs with structured data, images, videos, and perfect product descriptions, leveraging category page filters, and much more! SEO expert Nora Taubert isn't afraid to address challenges head-on and demonstrates with best practices how eCommerce SEO can still succeed in 2025.","presenter":"Nora Taubert","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236926,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"John","lname":"Burgess","cname2":"ShineOn","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to expand your product line adn raise AOVs with POD","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How to utilize Print-On-Demand suppliers to expand your shop's product lines and make more money from your customers. Allow your brand to take advantage of viral trends or offer holiday-specific upsells. Find more ways of creating email campaigns that have offerings to get consumers to come back and make a second or third purchase. These are all achievable by taking advantage of Print-On-Demand suppliers and their vast catalogs available to your shop.","presenter":"John Burgess","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234765,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stef","lname":"de Bont","cname2":"Shipcloud GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Returns: Retain, Reduce, Reuse.  How to tackle them and bring sustainability in your return process.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Returns are a burden for e-commerce shop owners. However, they can provide a wealth of opportunities if managed correctly. Learn how to implement the right returns techniques to turn returns into repurchases, reduce the impact of logistics and increase opportunities for resale. Gain insights from leading case studies and quantified data to improve your returns process!","presenter":"Stef de Bont","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":236341,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Francesco","lname":"Tribuni","cname2":"ShippyPro","avatar":"","presentation_title":"International shipping management: strategies and tools to scale cross-border logistics","bio":"I'm since ever a Parcel \u0026 Logistic lover : 20 Years of physical logistic (GLS Italy) and 5 Years of digital logistic (ShippyPro).\n\nAt ShippyPro, my role as Carrier Relations \u0026 Partnerships Director harnesses my expertise in IT solutions and analytical skills to foster robust global partnerships. \nOur collaborative approach has been pivotal in expanding ShippyPro's ecosystem and supporting international growth. Spearheading joint initiatives, I work closely with teams to ensure successful partnership executions and serve as a LinkedIn ambassador for ShippyPro.\n\nPreviously, as International Business Developer and Sales Engineer, I contributed to significant business development and engineered customized shipping solutions to meet diverse customer needs. These experiences have honed my ability to drive growth and deliver customer success in the dynamic world of e-commerce logistics.","position":"Partnership Director \u0026 Carrier Relations","logotype":"","presentation_description":"When it's time to expand globally it's not only a matter of Website, Checkout, ... 50% of this flow is based on Logistic. How to make it faster and easy? Through a MultiCarrier Solution that will connect all Shippers (B2C, D2C, B2B, ...) to all Carriers with ONE only tech stack. Top Market Solutions like WMS, ERP, TMS will get all at once by connecting with our APIs, one control tower for your Carriers, Global as Last Mile ones, so to save millions in Shipping costs and expand to New Markets faster.","presenter":"Francesco Tribuni","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":74,"id":236055,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jesse","lname":"Ketonen","cname2":"Shook Digital Oy Ltd","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Creative ROI: how to build profitable revenue with UGC production at scale","bio":"Jesse Ketonen has 15 years of experience in marketing working with global brands and eCommerce companies. He has founded multiple companies in the marketing space and is now building a next generation AI platform for eCommerce companies to optimize their short-video production at scale.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder at Shook Digital","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Short videos, creators, and UGC will be the cornerstones of every eCommerce marketing strategy in 2025. However, scaling, managing profitability, and measuring the ROI of these efforts seem close to impossible. \r\n\r\nWe will explore how technology, automation, AI and intelligent data-driven workflows can drive efficiency and ROI in modern Creative Production. Through case studies, will discuss how to practically implement test \u0026 learn strategies, measure creative performance, and leverage AI in short video production.\r\n\r\nShook is TikTok's official video production and technology partner. It has worked with hundreds of leading companies to scale their UGC efforts and helps companies build capabilities to manage creator-led productions globally. Jesse Ketonen, the Co-Founder and CEO of Shook, has 15 years of international performance marketing and content strategy experience.","presenter":"Jesse Ketonen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":12,"id":236295,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ralf","lname":"Haberich","cname2":"Shopgate GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How App Knowledge is improving your Customer Journey","bio":"Ralf Haberich is an entrepreneur, author and publisher. As one of the German digital experts for CRM, omnichannel and digital commerce, the economist has decades of experience in various board and management positions.\n\n \n\nHe lives with his family in Germany, passionately supporting the semi-professional cycling-team, which he founded together with his brother in 2014.","position":"CEOEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Apps are a known channel to interact with your audience. Even better, if eCommerce is included. Or the option to send them individual messages via PUSH to increase revenue, reduce warehouse costs and strengthen the personal approach.","presenter":"Ralf Haberich","presentation_category":"customerjourney","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234837,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sabine","lname":"Götz","cname2":"Shopmacher eCommerce GmbH \u0026 Co KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"11 Tipps, wie Sie ein eCommerce-Projekt auf jeden Fall mit Wucht an die Wand fahren","bio":"Please just check my LinkedIn Profile for CV.\nLast CV written in 2008 - seems to be outdated.\nHope this works out for you in the digital era.\n","position":"Lead Consultant \u0026 Board Member","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wir shopmacher werden oft dann zu einem Projekt hinzugezogen, wenn es kurz davor ist, komplett zu scheitern. \r\nEntsprechend gut wissen wir, welche (Fehl-) Entscheidungen immer wieder zum Fast-Projekt-Crash führen. \r\nScheitern ist doof und teuer? Stimmt! \r\nDarum  haben wir 11 Tipps und Beispiele wie man die Projekte garantiert an die Wand fährt.\r\n\r\nIn der Kreativitätstechnik gibt es eine Methode, die heißt “Flipflop-Technik”. Es trägt dem Umstand Rechnung, dass die Psychologie der meisten Menschen im Umgang mit negativen Gedanken kreativer ist als im Umgang mit positiven Gedanken. \r\nDeswegen sammelt man bei der Flipflop-Methode – ganz kreativ – einfach alle Punkte, die dazu beitragen könnten, dass ein Vorhaben misslingt.","presenter":"Sabine Götz","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":236205,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kaspar","lname":"Karik","cname2":"Silva Hunt","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Global Gateways:  Harnessing Estonia's Digital Frontier  for International Business Structures","bio":"Kaspar Karik is dynamic and versatile professional with a diverse range of experiences and skills. He is the Founder and CEO of an e-Residency service provider in Estonia. Kaspar has a technical background but discovered his passion for working with people, leading him into sales, public speaking and leadership.\n \nKaspar co-hosted JCI World Congress opening ceremony attended by over 3000 people. This is where he got his confidence and understanding that he enjoys engaging with large audiences. His involvement in Junior Chamber International (''JCI'' internationally and ''Wirtschaftsjunioren'' in Germany) for over six years, including leadership positions such as National President of JCI Estonia shows his commitment to community service and leadership development.","position":"Co-founder, Board member \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"What to think about when starting your GLOBAL entrepreneurship journey?\r\nWhy and how international structures are used?\r\nWhat is e-Residency? How can it be useful for you?\r\nEstonia's business and tax environment.\r\nSilva Hunt story and how Silva Hunt can help you in your GLOBAL entrepreneurship journey.","presenter":"Kaspar Karik","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":234968,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jochen","lname":"Hildebrandt","cname2":"SIMPI GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond the Sale: Empowering Customers for Lasting Brand Loyalty","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Customer loyalty is often considered a key driver for repeat sales and sustained engagement. However, many brands focus primarily on the initial purchase and neglect the critical post-sale phase, where long-term loyalty is built.\r\n\r\nOnce the transaction is completed, customers are frequently left to navigate product setup and usage on their own, often resorting to social media for help due to insufficient guidance from the seller or the brand.\r\n\r\nThis disconnect undermines customer success, leading to missed opportunities for deeper engagement and brand loyalty.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will demonstrate along an example how brands can close this gap by providing effective product guidance and actionable insights throughout the product’s lifecycle.\r\n\r\nIt will discuss how to enhance the post-sales user experience, stay in control over the consumer connection, and lead to improved customer retention. Key takeaways will include the benefits of lifetime consumer guidance, from lowering support cost to boosting repeat sales, and building long-term loyalty.","presenter":"Jochen Hildebrandt","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235866,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"MICHELE","lname":"BARBAGLI","cname2":"SINTRA DIGITAL BUSINESS","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Omnichannel Retail: From Strategy to Execution How to Integrate Shopify Plus, PIM/DAM, and OMS to Support Omnichannel Execution","bio":"Dynamic Omnichannel Retail Expert | Innovation Enthusiast | POLIMI Digital Innovation Advocate\n\nFrom revolutionizing retail experiences to spearheading digital transformation, I’m all about creating seamless customer journeys that blur the lines between online and offline. With a rich background in Omnichannel Retail, I've honed my expertise in crafting strategies that resonate with today's ever-evolving consumers.\n\nAs an active contributor to the POLIMI Osservatori Digital Innovation Omnichannel Customer Experience, I stay at the cutting edge of innovation, exploring new trends and technologies to elevate customer engagement. My passion lies in not just keeping up with the digital age, but in leading it—combining data-driven insights with creative flair to shape the future of retail.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"With over 20 years of experience, Michele Barbagli, CEO and Co-founder of Sintra Digital Business, has been active in the field of digital transformation, omnichannel, and B2B eCommerce.\r\n\r\nIn his session, Michele will explain how to implement a successful omnichannel retail strategy from start to finish. Discover how Shopify Plus, PIM/DAM, and OMS solutions can be integrated to support seamless omnichannel execution. Learn how to improve customer experiences, increase efficiency, and drive growth with these powerful tools.\r\n\r\nAfter showing best practices for an \"omnichannel transformation path,\" Michele will go through some case histories to show how these strategies have been successful in the real world.","presenter":"MICHELE BARBAGLI","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":62,"id":235484,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Juan","lname":"Ocampo","cname2":"Skyflare GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fighting fraud with AI","bio":"Juan Ocampo has more than twelve years of experience in venture building, most recently as COO of High Rise Ventures, the PropTech venture builder and real estate technology investment company, with which he has invested in more than 20 companies in Europe. Until 2021, he was COO of the Internet of Things start-up RYSTA. Prior to that, he was Chief Operating Officer at KIWI.KI, a successful German PropTech. \n\nRecently Juan founded the cybersecurity startup Skyflare, where the focus is to provide AI-based solutions to protect small and medium sized e-commerce companies against the growing threats of cyber fraud.","position":"Founder \u0026 COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Every visitor in an online shop, regardless whether the visit ends in a transaction or not, generates all kinds of data that describes the behavior of the visitor in a shop. \r\n\r\nBots and humans interact differently with websites, even as bot makers become more sophisticated and increasingly sophisticated and use new techniques to imitate the behavior of real users/humans. So far, there are already some basic ways to examine the behavior and\r\ndetermine whether it is from a real user or a bot/fake/automated user.\r\n\r\n3 years after launch, we have more than 20 million session data that help to keep online shops protected against fraud and cyber attacks.\r\n\r\nOur technology has saved over 600.000 EUR to our customers, increasing their marketing ROI.","presenter":"Juan Ocampo","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234652,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Amelie","lname":"Meyer","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mastering The Mind Game – Konsumentenverhalten mithilfe von Neuromarketing vorhersagen und gestalten","bio":"Joe Butler is the Founder and CEO of Slash.Digital, a digital agency focused on neuroscience-based marketing since January 2016. He studied directly under renowned Stanford professor BJ Fogg, fueling his passion for applying behavior design to marketing. With experience working with global brands like Hugo Boss, Danone, and MCM, Joe combines a deep understanding of how the brain works with practical marketing strategies. His masterclass, “Mastering the Mind Game: Understanding and Designing Consumer Behavior,” offers valuable insights for marketers at all levels and has quickly become a success.","position":"CEO of Slash.Digital","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Why do users click, like, and comment? What drives them? Is it all just coincidence? And what if you could calculate and control this \"coincidence\"? Spoiler: You can! Discover how personality traits from the Big Five model influence decisions and learn how to leverage psychographic insights about your target audience to optimize your online marketing strategies. The team from SLASH.DIGITAL will show you how to use motivators and psychological triggers to predict and shape user behavior. Join us and embark on a unique journey into the depths of the consumer brain!","presenter":"Joe Bulter","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":92,"id":236575,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Brian","lname":"Fink","cname2":"Slize Commerce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking the Power of Digital Commerce: Why It's Outpacing Traditional ERP Solutions","bio":"Brian Fink is the Founder and CEO of Slize Commerce, a company he launched in January 2020 with the mission of creating cutting-edge eCommerce solutions tailored to the industrial segment. With over two decades of experience spanning multiple industries, Brian has become a recognized leader in developing digital commerce strategies for B2B enterprises.\n\nBrian began his career in the steel industry in 1998, completing an apprenticeship with Sanistål in Denmark. Throughout his career in steel trading, he held various roles, managing export and key account responsibilities. His transition into digital services came in 2012 when he joined Ciklum in Ukraine. Over the years, Brian held several key roles before being appointed Vice President of Account Management and Retention at the 4,000-employee firm in 2017.\n\nWith a passion for innovation and a strong foundation in international sales and marketing, Brian combines his deep understanding of industrial operations and digital technologies to drive growth and transformation for his clients.","position":"Founder, CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As the industrial sector moves online, many companies are missing clear opportunities. For years, they’ve been told, \"more ERP is better,\" but Digital Commerce tools are now offering a superior system architecture, easier integration, and purpose-built solutions, all while delivering a better user experience.\r\n\r\nWe'll explore how companies can adopt improved system architectures and provide practical examples showing why Digital Commerce often outperforms ERP.","presenter":"Brian Fink","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":32,"id":234706,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Saul","lname":"Rios Rivero","cname2":"Smarketer GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"WaveMetrics Hybrid Server Side Tagging Technology mit Case Study","bio":"Daniel Tschirschwitz ist Head of Performance Tracking \u0026 IT bei Smarketer, der größten reinen Google \u0026 Microsoft  Ads Agentur in Europa. Neben der Entwicklung vieler technischer Innovationen für die Kunden der Agentur, hat er es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht komplexe IT-Themen in einfache \nBausteine zu zerlegen und verständlich zu erklären. Schon seit seinem ersten Computer \n(Windows 3.1) faszinieren ihn die Funktion und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von IT-Systemen.\n\n\u0026\n\nZacharie Maville ist Senior SEA Growth Consultant bei der größten reinen Google Ads und Microsoft Ads Agentur in DACH - Smarketer. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Suchmaschinenmarketing und E-Commerce berät er Agenturkunden zu ihrer optimalen und individuellen Strategie für mehr Wachstum und Umsatz.","position":"Head of Performance Tracking \u0026 IT \u0026 Senior SEA Growth Consultant","logotype":"","presentation_description":"WaveMetrics Hybrid SST-Technology (WSST) revolutioniert das Tracking im Online-Marketing durch eine zukunftssichere, datenschutzkonforme Technologie, die eine präzise und transparente Datenerfassung ermöglicht. Unser Service sichert die Einhaltung der GDPR und gewährleistet die Rechte der Nutzer, während er Unternehmen unvergleichliche Einblicke in ihre Marketingperformance bietet. Mit WSST können Unternehmen den wahren Wert ihrer Marketinginvestitionen erkennen, die Effektivität ihrer Kampagnen maximieren und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen, die zu höheren Conversion-Raten und gesteigertem ROI führen.","presenter":"Daniel Tschirschwitz \u0026 Zacharie Maville","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":61,"id":234443,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Roman","lname":"Doppler","cname2":"Smarter Ecommerce GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Performance marketing in the age of AI: Effective strategies for greater profitability in ecommerce","bio":"Mike Ryan combines years of retail operations experience with domain expertise in digital marketing. He has spoken at numerous industry conferences, is commonly highlighted as a top industry expert, and has been cited by Search Engine Land, AdExchanger, the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and Business Insider. Hosting the 'Growing Ecommerce' podcast, Mike offers valuable insights and practical tips on performance marketing and ecommerce, captivating over 11,000 followers on LinkedIn.","position":"Head of Ecommerce Insights","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an era where ecommerce faces intense competition and high customer acquisition costs, getting performance marketing right has never been more crucial. However, due to the growing role of AI used by advertising platforms, advertisers rightly feel like they are operating in a black box. This makes it very difficult to gain control of their campaigns and how they can be optimised to meet their business objectives.\r\nThis keynote will shed light on leveraging AI to enhance profitability and ensure sustained growth in the digital marketplace. Join us as we explore the intersection of AI and performance marketing, and uncover how these technologies are reshaping e-commerce profitability. What attendees will learn: \r\n- Recognizing the inherent limitations of AI-driven ad platforms\r\n- Techniques for steering AI towards achieving business goals\r\n- Understanding the role and challenges for PPC and e-commerce managers\r\n- Practical insights from case studies that resulted in higher profitability\r\n- Discover the future of performance marketing in the AI era and learn how to drive profitable ecommerce growth.","presenter":"Mike Ryan","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":33,"id":236340,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alex","lname":"Melen","cname2":"SmartSites","avatar":"","presentation_title":"10x Your Marketing Efficiency with Generative AI","bio":"Alex Melen is an award-winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, best-selling author, and early digital pioneer. He is the co-founder of SmartSites, a digital marketing agency that has grown from a handful of digital visionaries to a team of over four hundred full-time employees, spanning six offices worldwide.\n\nSmartSites has been featured in AdWeek and the Inc. 5000 for numerous consecutive years as one of the fastest-growing digital agencies. SmartSites continues to be America’s top-rated digital marketing agency with a data-driven and customer-centric approach applicable to every industry.\n\nAlex is a sought-after thought leader in the digital space, keynoting almost one-hundred conferences in the span of the last three-decades. He has also been featured in dozens of publications including Business Week’s Top 25 Entrepreneurs, Forbes, Bloomberg, NPR, and more.\n\nAlex immigrated to New York City from Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1992. He founded T35 Hosting in 1997 and graduated from Babson College in 2006. Alex worked to pioneer digital marketing for several Fortune 500 brands before starting SmartSites with his younger brother in 2011.","position":"Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"2025 is set to be the year where the transformative power of generative AI takes center stage, reshaping not just how we work but also how we excel in the digital space. The influence of AI extends seamlessly across everything we do, from routine tasks to the intricate realms of search marketing and social media. In this session you will learn how Generative AI can create efficiencies in every part of your digital marketing – including optimizations your marketing partners need to be making to keep themselves and your campaigns competitive and effective in 2025. Not convinced? This session description was written by ChatGPT in less than 2 seconds.\r\n\r\n1) Learn how to leverage generative AI for SEO, PPC, Social Media and more\r\n2) Discover generative AI capabilities and new AI tools\r\n3) Walk away with an action plan on how to 10x your marketing efficiency","presenter":"Alex Melen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":37,"id":234719,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nikola","lname":"Kozuljevic","cname2":"Smartsupp","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Using AI across the buyer journey - from engaging to conversion ","bio":"With over 15 years in B2B SaaS marketing, Nikola has evolved from writing SEO articles, leading digital marketing teams to being a CMO at Smartsupp leading teams and driving growth through data-driven strategies. His expertise includes crafting strategic initiatives, optimizing customer journeys, and leveraging technology to boost revenue. He is passionate about fostering collaborative environments and adapting to the ever-changing tech landscape.","position":"CMO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Modern AI technologies are transformational. We can use it across the customer journey to increase the chances of conversions and sales for eshops through AI-powered shopping assistants. Such assistance can examine the customer behavior of users exploring product categories (like SUV cars) and then use chatbots to provide support or recommendations on buying a perfect SUV for them. With AI we can directly provide premium customer support and product recommendation at scale, 27/4.","presenter":"Nikola Kozuljevic","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234665,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Georg","lname":"Weidinger","cname2":"SMS Fulfillment Solutions","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Logistik für die E-Commerce Industrie; Entwicklungen und Erwartungen seitens online-shops und Endkunden","bio":"CV summary\n\nGeorge started his postal career 1998 as head of international business development of Austrian Post.\nIn 2002 he was hired by Swiss Post International to set up bilateral projects with Postal Operators.\nIn 2006 he became CEO of SPI Austria.\nAs his ideas of the strategic development did not match with the new organisation of Asendia – the joint venture of Swiss Post and La Poste – he decided to leave in 2012 and built up his own business – SMS Fulfillment Solutions.\nSince then George has been focussing on fulfillment for e-commerce. With warehouses in Austria, Serbia, Spain and France sms offers an extensive value chain for the e-commerce industry.\n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Gesucht – Gefunden – Bestellt – Bezahlt – Erhalten – Top Bewertet\r\n….. so einfach ist es im online-Business!\r\n\r\n\r\nWas muss im Hintergrund passieren, damit die Prozesse reibungslos funktionieren?\r\nEntwicklungen und Erwartungen seitens online-shops und Endkunden / Käufer\r\nFulfillment – make or buy?\r\n\r\n-\tZielgruppe\r\no\tStart-ups und etablierte online shops\r\n\r\n-\tWertschöpfungskette \r\no\tIT-Integration\r\no\tWas müssen online-shops an die Logistikdienstleister liefern – Daten, Daten, Daten!\r\no\tVersandvorbereitung – Datenvorbereitung und -transfer\r\no\tLagerung – Organisation und Effizienz\r\no\tPick \u0026 pack\r\no\tZustellung\r\no\tRetouren\r\n\r\n-\tOptimale Lagerhaltung und -planung\r\n\r\nPräsentation auf EN oder DE möglich","presenter":"Georg Weidinger","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235445,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sabine","lname":"Özmen","cname2":"Smurfit Westrock","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Lass mal die Luft raus - let some air out of the packaging! How to meet the PPWR requirements.","bio":"For us as a manufacturer of paper-based packaging, sustainability is the focus of everything we do. Sustainability is part of our DNA.\nMerle and Sabine work together with their customers on projects to not only optimize the processes in the supply chain and the packaging, but also to support them in meeting legal requirements such as PPWR.\n\nMerle has a degree in Industrial Design Engineering from the University of Twente in the Netherlands and has been supporting our sales teams in projects for 6 years. She is also a speaker for our internal and external workshops and trainings focused on e-commerce business.\n\nSabine has a degree in Media Business Administration and has been working in Sales for Smurfit Westrock for 14 years, where she has been working with European customers with a focus on e-commerce for several years. Her motto is: \"Passion always leads to success.  ","position":"European Lead Account Manager \u0026 Business Development Manager ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Do you actually know how much air you send out every day? We'll say it up front: probably too much! And not only with regard to the environment, but also with regard to the new version of the PPWR, the Paper and Paper Waste Regulation signd by the EU Commission. The PPWR defines the requirements for packaging and packaging waste in Europe. And since this year it has been decided: The requirements for design, reuse and disposal will be tightened significantly. One example: products may then only be sold and transported in packaging with a maximum empty volume of 50 percent.\r\nAt Smurfit Westrock, we are not only packaging experts, but also sustainability experts. Not only do we know what the PPWR entails - we also have the right solutions! Our own unique tools help us to do this. With Perfect Size Parcel, for example, we can calculate exactly how to ship goods safely and with as little void as possible. Our Sustainability Scan, on the other hand, uses a data pool to analyze potential improvements along the supply chain. \r\nOur expertise and our tools bring real added value to e-commerce shipping - and help to find solutions for increased requirements.","presenter":"Sabine Özmen \u0026 Merle van der Ende","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":108,"id":236364,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tomi","lname":"Grönfors","cname2":"Sniffie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI in Pricing: Mastering your e-commerce profitability","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, pricing should be a strategic decision. Whether you're a direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand or a large retailer, pricing is a critical factor that influences every purchase decision, from promotions to base price-setting. As competition intensifies and consumer behaviours shift, staying ahead requires more than guesswork; it demands precision and adaptability.\r\n\r\nThis session dives deep into how AI is transforming pricing strategies in e-commerce, helping businesses unravel the complexities of consumer demand and create data-driven pricing models that drive value. We'll explore simple concepts how AI is transforming pricing in different e-commerce niche.","presenter":"Tomi Grönfors","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235462,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Edvin","lname":"Dizdaric","cname2":"Snocks","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Snocks Sales Department uses AI \u0026 Automation to level up","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"At Snocks, we are leveraging cutting-edge AI agents, automation tools, and GPT-powered assistants to elevate our Sales Department to the next level. These advanced technologies are transforming the way we handle essential sales tasks by automating time-consuming processes and enhancing decision-making with data-driven insights.","presenter":"Edvin Dizdaric","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234823,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Moshe","lname":"Bajayo","cname2":"Sodastream","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Enhancing the Customer Journey with Segmentation Tools: A Case Study of Dynamic Yield on Sodastream Global E-commerce","bio":"Moshe is a Product Growth Manager at Sodastream, where he oversees global e-commerce strategies for the brand, focusing on driving product growth across diverse markets. With a strong background in e-commerce and product development, Moshe leverages his expertise to scale operations and deliver impactful results.\n\nOutside of work, Moshe enjoys surfing and traveling, embracing adventure and exploration in his free time. He also cherishes spending time with his wife, and their daughter.","position":"Ecommerce Growth product manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will explore how Sodastream leverages segmentation tools like Dynamic Yield to optimize the customer journey across its global e-commerce platforms. By tailoring experiences based on real-time user behavior and preferences, Dynamic Yield enables us to create personalized interactions that enhance engagement and drive conversions.\r\n\r\nWe'll break down the key components of customer journey mapping, including awareness, consideration, and post-purchase stages, and demonstrate how segmentation helps identify specific customer needs at each touchpoint. Through practical examples, we’ll show how Dynamic Yield’s AI-driven technology provides the tools to deliver targeted content, product recommendations, and personalized offers that cater to different audience segments, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.\r\n\r\nFinally, we’ll look at measurable outcomes, including conversion rates, average order value, and customer retention, emphasizing the importance of a data-driven approach to e-commerce growth.","presenter":"Moshe Bajayo","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":235058,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Veronica","lname":"Gusberti","cname2":"Soldo(Fintech)  - Ex Mercado Libre (NASDAQ: MELI)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Driving +10K daily app downloads with a zero-investment growth strategy","bio":"Results and metric-driven Customer Marketing Manager with over a decade of experience. Currently specializing in the B2B SaaS space within the fintech industry, with previous achievements in FMCG and Ecommerce sectors.\n\nFluent in English, native in Spanish, and proficient in Portuguese.\n\nAs an engaging conference and event speaker, I leverage my expertise to share industry insights and strategies. Additionally, I indulge my passion for music as a host for Sofar music events, blending public speaking with networking.","position":"Lifecycle Marketing Manager - Revenue Growth","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, I will share how a small, yet strategic change in a web mobile banner led to 10.000 additional daily downloads without any marketing investment. Users with the Mercado Libre app are 70% more frequent buyers than users who don't have the app on their phones. \r\nBy leveraging user behaviour insights, optimising the banner and refining the messaging I was able to unlock significant organic growth. \r\n\r\nAttendees will learn how to identify key optimisation points within the customer journey that impact directly on revenue growth with a customer first approach. \r\n\r\nValue: This is a practical example of a zero-investment strategy based on understanding the customer journey and key data points.","presenter":"Veronica Gusberti","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235098,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Aylin","lname":"Dusing","cname2":"solute Gmbh / ,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Preisvergleich als Boost für Deinen Online-Shop - Warum mit Preisvergleichsmarketing auf der Überholspur ist","bio":"Arvid Becker hat umfangreiche Erfahrung im E-Commerce und Category Management. Er ist seit August 2022 Head of Category Management bei Solarspeicher24. Solarspeicher24 fokussiert sich auf den Onlineverkauf von Photovoltaik-Komponenten und Solaranlagen. Zuvor war er ein Jahr Product Owner E-Commerce bei AKKU SYS. Seine Karriere begann er mit einem 4-jährigen Engagement bei OTTO, zuletzt als Shopmanager für verschiedene Kategorien.\n\nAnnabelle Hoeps verantwortet bei der solute GmbH/ in ihrer Tätigkeit als Head of Sales die Leitung des Vertriebsteams sowie die strategische Ausrichtung im Sales-Bereich. In ihrer aktuellen Rolle ist sie maßgeblich für den Aufbau langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen zuständig und entwickelt neue Vertriebsstrategien, um das Wachstum des Unternehmens voranzutreiben. Zuvor leitete sie als Head of Syndication \u0026 Affiliate Marketing das Team zur Optimierung der internationalen Publisher- und Affiliate-Partnerschaften.\n\nBenjamin Ganter ist seit 2018 Head of Portal Business bei der solute GmbH/ Zuvor war er als Head of Product Development tätig, wo er maßgeblich für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer Produktstrategien verantwortlich war. In seiner aktuellen Rolle leitet er die strategische Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung des gesamten Portals, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern und das Wachstum der Plattform voranzutreiben.","position":"Head of Category Management, Head of Sales, Head of Portal Business","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Möchtest du wissen, wie du deinen Online-Shop auf die Überholspur bringst? Entdecke in unserer Masterclass \"Preisvergleich als Boost für Deinen Online-Shop\" die Erfolgsgeheimnisse von und lerne, warum Preisvergleichsmarketing der Schlüssel zu mehr Wachstum ist.\r\n\r\nIn unserem Vortrag tauchen wir tief in die Welt der aktuellen Konsumtrends im E-Commerce ein und zeigen dir, wie relevant der Preis deiner Produkte für deinen Erfolg ist. Erfahre, wie du Kunden kurz vor der Kaufentscheidung effektiv abholst und wie du preissensible Käufer zielgerichtet akquirierst.\r\n\r\nGlaubst du, dass immer das beste Angebot gewinnt? Wir beleuchten verschiedene Preis- und Preisvergleichsstrategien und zeigen dir, wie du durch Preisregelmäßigkeiten nicht nur Kunden gewinnen, sondern auch langfristig binden kannst. Erhalte wertvolle Tipps für die Aufstellung einer erfolgreichen Preispolitik und wie du dabei entscheidende Faktoren wie Feedmanagement und Datenqualität meisterst.\r\n\r\nAnhand eines inspirierenden Fallbeispiels von präsentieren wir dir, wie eine gut durchdachte Preisstrategie, kombiniert mit einem starken Setup, zum Erfolg führt. Wir verraten dir die wichtigsten KPIs und wie du deren Entwicklung positiv beeinflusst.\r\nSei dabei und lass dich begeistern von den Erfolgsfaktoren, die deinen Online-Shop auf die nächste Stufe heben werden!","presenter":"Arvid Becker, Annabelle Hoeps, Benjamin Ganter","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":139,"id":234963,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Thiel","cname2":"Solution360,","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Zukunft des E-Commerce: KI und Automatisierung als Schlüssel zur Kundenbindung","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Im E-Commerce wird der Wettbewerb immer intensiver – nur wer seine Kunden versteht und gezielt anspricht, kann langfristig erfolgreich sein. Hier kommen KI und Automatisierung ins Spiel: der Gamechanger für deinen Erfolg! In diesem Vortrag erfährst du, wie smarte Tools nicht nur die Kundenbindung stärken, sondern auch deinen Arbeitsalltag massiv erleichtern. Durch automatisierte Prozesse sparst du wertvolle Zeit und steigerst die Effizienz deines gesamten Geschäfts. Exklusiv dazu: eine praxisnahe Case Study, die zeigt, wie innovative Datennutzung das Einkaufserlebnis auf ein neues Level hebt und Umsätze in die Höhe treibt. Mach deinen Shop fit für die Zukunft.","presenter":"Sebastian Thiel, Vicente Pérez Ortín","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":28,"id":236698,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julian","lname":"Abb","cname2":"Sourcing Panda","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Zahlungskonditionen auf +120 Tage bei chinesischen Suppliern","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"- Überblick über die Bedeutung von verlängerten Zahlungskonditionen im internationalen  Handel\r\n   - Warum längere Zahlungsziele (120+ Tage) für Unternehmen vorteilhaft sind\r\n\r\n   - Standard-Zahlungskonditionen (z.B. 30/70, 60 Tage)\r\n   - Einfluss der Verhandlung auf die Zahlungsziele\r\n\r\n   - Risiken für chinesische Lieferanten bei langen Zahlungszielen (Cashflow-Probleme, Vertrauen)\r\n   - Potenzielle Risiken für Käufer (Qualitätsprobleme, Lieferverzögerungen)\r\n\r\n   - Besserer Cashflow und Liquidität\r\n   - Möglichkeit zur Finanzierung von Waren durch längere Zahlungsziele\r\n   - Strategischer Vorteil gegenüber Wettbewerbern\r\n\r\n   - Strategien zur Verhandlung mit chinesischen Lieferanten\r\n   - Bedeutung von Vertrauen und langfristigen Geschäftsbeziehungen\r\n\r\n   - Möglichkeiten zur Absicherung von Lieferanten durch Akkreditive oder Versicherungen\r\n   - Finanzierung durch Factoring oder Banken","presenter":"Julian Abb","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234911,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andreas","lname":"Kaufmann","cname2":"spacedealer GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Algorithmus trifft Überstunden: Wie KI uns endlich pünktlich nach Hause zur Familie lässt","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Einführung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) stellt E-Commerce-Unternehmen und ihre Führungskräfte vor spannende Herausforderungen: Einerseits müssen innovative Technologien wie KI in bestehende Arbeitsprozesse integriert werden, andererseits ist eine klare Strategie notwendig, um die Mitarbeiter Schritt für Schritt mitzunehmen – denn selbst die fortschrittlichsten und \"intelligentesten\" Systeme nützen wenig, wenn das Team nicht dahintersteht. In meinem Vortrag stelle ich unsere Roadmap zur KI-Einführung in unseren Teams vor und zeige, wie wir unsere Mitarbeiter an KI-Technologien herangeführt haben. Die Anschaffung war dabei das kleinste Problem...","presenter":"Andreas Kaufmann","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235912,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Fabian","lname":"Mütherich","cname2":"SPARCK Technologies BV","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fit to Size Packaging // Be ready for the Future","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Presentation of the technical possibilities in relation to the new regulation (PPWR) \r\nWhat challenges do fulfilment companies have to solve and how can technology close this gap?","presenter":"Fabian Mütherich","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236609,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Negin","lname":"Amindarolzarbi","cname2":"Speed Kit","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Zero Milliseconds Loading Time Challenge: Revolutionizing Web Performance","bio":"For the past four years, Thies has been a driving force behind Speed Kit, a tool to accelerate loading times for E-Commerce websites. He helped bringing Speed Kit to more than 100 enterprise clients, improve the shopping experience for 300 million monthly active users by reducing their loading times, which directly enhances UX, SEO rankings, and key performance metrics like bounce rate, add-to-cart rate and conversion rate. Lately Thies is highly involved in their product team to improve Speed Kit even further on their hunt to a web without loading times, which this talk will focus on.","position":"Head of Business Development","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The zero milliseconds loading time challenge is a mission aimed at creating a web without loading times, reducing bounce rates, and increasing conversion rates and revenue. Our AI-powered solutions and modern browser technologies include dynamic HTML caching, predictive preloading, and browser prerendering, to revolutionize web performance.","presenter":"Thies Wrage","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234533,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Pascal","lname":"Schischke","cname2":"Spotler GmbH (former CrossEngage)","avatar":"","presentation_title":"CLV Killer #1 - how the wrong product can cost the customer relationship","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The customer lifetime value depends heavily on the way customers are acquired right at the beginning of the relationship. If you attract the \"wrong\" customers neither will the first order be profitable nor can these customers be retained with a profit.\r\n\r\nIn this session I will show a simple way of finding the products that actually drive as well as they that will sink a ship. Finally, once you understand the value of the first products in a first shopping cart a handful of standard strategies will help increase the profitability significantly.","presenter":"Dr. Björn Goerke","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":236786,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Corey","lname":"Morris","cname2":"Sprii","avatar":"","presentation_title":"10,000 Live Shopping Shows in a Year – What Drives Success and Why?","bio":"Christian Vester is the CEO and Co-Founder of Sprii, the award-winning Live Shopping platform trusted by some of the world’s largest brands and retailers. In 2020, he, along with Co-Founders Nikolai and Rasmus, built Sprii to help their parents’ businesses survive the pandemic. Since then, Sprii has been on a mission to develop advanced video shopping technology that enhances the sales of e-commerce companies and makes the online shopping experience more personal, authentic, and successful.","position":"CEO and Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Live Shopping has quickly emerged as a powerful marketing (and sales) channel across Europe. With 70% of consumers open to this shopping experience, many companies have already embraced it. In fact, 1 in 5 European brands now incorporate Live Shopping into their overall strategy. But what makes Live Shopping so effective, and what does it take to succeed?\r\n\r\nIn his talk, Christian will dive deep into what Live Shopping is and why it works so well. Through inspiring success stories, he will demonstrate how companies have leveraged Live Shopping to their advantage and which strategies have delivered the best results.\r\n\r\nHe will explore concrete case studies (also from Germany), revenue figures, key performance metrics, and real-world results, all while discussing industry best practices.\r\n\r\nBy the end of the session, attendees will gain:\r\n\r\n\t•\tA comprehensive understanding of what Live Shopping is and the potential it holds\r\n\t•\tInsights into impressive success stories and real-world results\r\n\t•\tThe key secrets – dos and don’ts for achieving success\r\n\t•\tKnowledge on how to evaluate and test the potential of Live Shopping for your business","presenter":"Christian Vester","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":308,"id":235619,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Guido","lname":"Jansen","cname2":"Spryker","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Collapse of Traditional Commerce: Why Innovation is No Longer Optional","bio":"Guido is from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and is a cognitive psychologist and usability specialist focused on e-commerce. As of October 2021 he is the Global Business \u0026 Technology Evangelist for the visionary e-commerce platform Spryker.\n‍\nGuido is often invited to speak at international events about persuasion, (trends in) e-commerce, composable commerce and running experimentation programs so we’re happy to have him live at our event!","position":"Global Business \u0026 Technology Evangelist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A presentation roughly based on, talking about the collapse of the primary business activities in the traditional value chain, and the rise of the Commerce 3.0","presenter":"Guido X Jansen","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":6,"id":237005,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Laura","lname":"Oberbüscher","cname2":"squarelovin","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking the Power of Visual Storytelling:  How to Elevate your E-Commerce Strategy with Authentic \"Shop the Look\" Integrations","bio":"Laura Oberbüscher is the Head of Content at squarelovin, with over five years of experience specializing in social media development and content marketing trends. She excels in content creation and strategic consulting, helping clients from diverse industries shape their visual content strategies.\n\nLaura is a seasoned speaker, delivering guest lectures at institutions like Hamburg Media School and NHL Stenden, and presenting at key industry events, including an OMR Masterclass. ","position":"Head of Content","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive ecommerce landscape, visuals play a pivotal role in shaping the customer journey, with \"Shop the Look\" integrations emerging as a powerful conversion driver. \r\n\r\nThis keynote will explore how authentic and engaging visuals foster deeper connections, leading to stronger customer engagement and improved e-commerce KPIs. By leveraging creator collaborations and user-generated content (UGC), brands can tap into the thriving creator economy, setting themselves apart from competitors.\r\n\r\nThe presentation will focus on how these strategies not only boost brand visibility but also enhance conversion rates, average order value, and customer loyalty, creating lasting growth opportunities.","presenter":"Laura Oberbüscher","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":131,"id":236269,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lynn","lname":"Beyrouthy","cname2":"Statista","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scale and profitability in the food delivery market","bio":"Lynn is the Statista Research Expert covering online food delivery markets worldwide. Her industry coverage has spanned specialized in-depth reports, webinar formats and her latest experience as a speaker on the main conference stage at Seamless Europe in September 2024. With years of experience in management consulting, she weaves industry expertise and critical analysis to investigate the latest trends in one of the most dynamic e-commerce industries today. ","position":"Research Expert","logotype":"","presentation_description":"During the pandemic boom, online food delivery companies expanded their user base by offering discounts, promotions and free trials – at a time when investor enthusiasm – and funding – also peaked. However, as growth prospects waned when the pandemic was over and the funding tap was closed, the question of achieving - and maintaining - profitability came to the forefront. How is diversification, technological diffusion, and innovation in food delivery faring against the high barriers to scale in the industry? What are the market forces driving growth and value for companies offering last-mile food delivery logistics? And how does this bring the remaining operators in the market closer to becoming profitable?","presenter":"Lynn Beyrouthy","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":159,"id":236478,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Koen","lname":"van Gelder","cname2":"Statista","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The e-commerce customer journey in 2025 and beyond","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"From product discovery to post-purchase behavior, the entire e-commerce customer journey is undergoing a rapid transformation. We would love to tell the audience what to focus on in designing the customer journey, based on primary survey insights and market KPIs.\r\n\r\n•\tTech-savvy consumers are increasingly looking for convenience, so the e-commerce players that will survive and thrive in 2025 offer an AI-powered personalized shopping experience. E-tailers should instantly present their customers with what they are looking for. \r\n\r\n•\tTheir platforms and storefronts should be optimized for each individual shopper. 92% of business leaders are already investing in AI-driven personalization. \r\n\r\n•\tThe successful e-tailer knows that its website is just one of many sales channels: shoppable ads and in-app social commerce purchases will become more important. Social commerce is forecast to make up 20% of all e-commerce in 2025.\r\n\r\n•\tConvenience is key when it comes to conversion. Our surveys indicate that the leading cart abandonment reasons are a lack of delivery options, unexpected shipping costs, and a lack of payment methods. In addition, there are vast differences between how Gen Z likes to shop, and what Baby Boomers find important when completing an online order.  \r\n\r\n•\tToday’s consumer is at a crossroads when it comes to last-mile delivery. Sustainability and convenience are seldom harmonizable, and the influx of cheap Chinese goods with long delivery times directly counters the notion that the consumer cares about either of these concepts. Is price really all that matters?\r\n\r\nStatista provides the most relevant and trustworthy KPIs, market forecasts, and survey data on all these topics. My team continuously researches all aspects of the customer journey, in virtually all global markets. We would love the opportunity to tell an insightful and relevant data story that allows your audience to make informed e-commerce business decisions. \r\n\r\nWe are looking forward to your response.","presenter":"Koen van Gelder","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235913,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tina","lname":"Heiser","cname2":" Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Steuertipps für Online-Händler","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Steuertipps für Online-Händler und ähnliche Themen, Steueroptimierung, Steuertipps, Steuertipps, Steuertipps, Steuertipps, Steuertipps, Steuertipps,","presenter":"Christian Gebert","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234559,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Felix","lname":"Felix Donoso","cname2":"Straker Europe LTD","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Breaking the language barriers in a worldwide corporation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In global companies, employees speak many different languages, which can make communication difficult. But when language barriers are removed, things change.\r\n\r\nThe launch of the Straker Slack app within IBM has transformed internal communication. With just one click, employees can easily understand content, even if it's not in their native language.\r\n\r\nBy making sure everyone can understand important updates, regardless of the language they speak, companies create a more inclusive and connected workplace.","presenter":"Felix Felix Donoso","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236721,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Daniel","lname":"Höhnke","cname2":"Strix","avatar":"","presentation_title":"New Frontiers: Key Tactics for Testing and Growing Your E-Commerce Business Internationally","bio":"Daniel Höhnke is a recognized expert in growth strategies for E-Commerce, focusing on data-driven commerce, international expansion, and innovative marketing approaches. As the Director of Growth at Strix DE, he leads initiatives that help businesses scale through platforms like Shopify and Shopware, with a keen eye on the evolving landscape of digital commerce. He regularly shares his insights through content on LinkedIn and is also the co-host of one of the largest German-speaking E-Commerce podcasts, E-Commerce Dudes, alongside Tim Schestag. Through the podcast and his live series \"Strix Commerce Talks,\" Daniel provides valuable knowledge on E-Commerce trends, marketing automation, and growth tactics.","position":"Director of Growth","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, businesses looking to scale need to think beyond their home markets. This session explores practical, actionable strategies for entering new international markets by leveraging cutting-edge marketing technology, choosing the right e-commerce platforms, and optimizing fulfilment processes. We’ll dive into real-life examples from successful brands that have tested new regions and emerged as international players. Whether you’re just starting or looking to optimize your existing international operations, this session will provide a tactical roadmap for success.\r\n\r\nKey Points in this Presentation:\r\n\r\nThe Power of a Modern Marketing Tech Stack\r\n\r\n- How the right mix of tools (CDPs, marketing automation, CRM, analytics) can help identify new market opportunities and engage customers globally.\r\n- Examples of how businesses used marketing tech to A/B test market responses before full expansion.\r\n\r\nChoosing the Right E-Commerce Platform for International Growth\r\n\r\n- Exploring platforms like Shopify and Shopware that support multi-language, multi-currency, local content strategies and international tax regulations.\r\n- Case studies of businesses that used scalable platforms to successfully test and launch in new markets.\r\n\r\nFulfilment and Logistics: Overcoming International Challenges\r\n\r\n- How to handle fulfillment and logistics efficiently when scaling internationally—partnering with local providers, using 3PL (third-party logistics), and optimizing supply chains.\r\n- Real-life stories of businesses that faced fulfillment challenges and how they overcame them.\r\n\r\nReal-Life Examples: Testing, Localizing, and Winning in New Markets\r\n\r\n- Sharing examples from companies that conducted small-scale tests in international markets before scaling up.\r\n- Highlight different approaches to localization, including cultural adaptations in marketing and customer service.","presenter":"Daniel Höhnke","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":82,"id":236344,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Martin","lname":"Svarc","cname2":"STRV","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Employ Data Science to boost your business results.","bio":"Strategic leader with a proven track record since 2007 in harnessing technology to drive business growth. Skilled in launching and revitalising commercial strategies and models for various international online products and services. ","position":"Director of Partnerships","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Learn how to leverage real-time data to optimize discount strategies, increase customer engagement, and streamline your marketing spend across all channels. This session focuses on two high-potential strategies: Dynamic Pricing and Omnichannel Marketing, which can significantly boost your sales performance. ","presenter":"Martin Svarc","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":36,"id":235622,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Rogge","cname2":"Styla GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Simplifying Headless to be loved by SMB","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We want to share and highlight, how Styla has created a software-suite that packages all and everything merchants need for a headless build with mind-blowing performance into a simple piece of software, that can be installed, styled and maintained with all it needs in self-service and instantly. We want to make the incredible performance benefits of headless accessible to every merchant and want to show how we worked our way through it to make this happen.","presenter":"Philipp Rogge","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234840,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Timo","lname":"Hagenow","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to own state-of-the-art AI to enhance the shopper's experience ","bio":"Founded  adtech company, exited to German market leader; Co-founded AI innovation lab and exited first spin-off, the e-commerce AI product search \u0026 navigation suite; Co-founded,  enabling enterprises to implement and scale custom AI solutions with their existing databases and infrastructure.  \n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The audience will learn the technical concepts behind the latest AI-driven product search and navigation, as well as what is required to adopt this technology in-house using open-source tools — without the need to build a complex MLOps infrastructure or getting locked-in by SaaS providers.","presenter":"Timo Hagenow","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234799,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Diego","lname":"Mosca","cname2":"Supertext","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Swift and stylish: How to break language barriers sustainably – without sacrificing your brand","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Reaching new markets quickly is essential to any e-commerce player. And language AI provides just the right tools to accelerate your brand’s localization process to the max.\r\n\r\nBut what about that unique tone of voice your marketing team has crafted so meticulously? What about broken layouts and incorrect translations hurting your brand?\r\n\r\nIn this session, we shed led light on how renowned brands like OBI and Karl Lagerfeld build truly sustainable localization processes – fast and cost-efficient, all while preserving their brand’s distinctive style.","presenter":"Diego Mosca","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236472,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Michał","lname":"Suski","cname2":"Surfer SEO","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Topical Authority for E - Commerce - How to outrank marketplaces with content.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Data analysis that we conducted proves that smaller, niche e-commerce websites can outrank big players in Google when they focus on topical authority and focus on leads earlier in the funnel. I will present the data and explain the execution strategy. \r\n\r\nI have spoken in Brighton, Boston, Chiang Mai and many other places, and will deliver.","presenter":"Michał Suski","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235094,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paulina","lname":"Braun","cname2":"SWIT Group","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Managing production waste sustainably and economically","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Sharing first-hand best practices from an FMCG manufacturer on how to reduce waste while improving the sustainability score and reducing costs. \r\nCan be interesting for manufacturers but also for upstream companies (retailers, brands, etc.) who can improve the way in which they outsource the production of their products.","presenter":"Paulina Braun","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235666,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kai","lname":"Oestreicher","cname2":"Synergate GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sales Boost with hyper-personalized AI-Video Campaigns","bio":"International 25y-Experience in Customer Engagement and certified AI Specialist \u0026 Trainer. \nFounder \u0026 CEO of Synergate GmbH  ","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI generated hyper-personalized videos are the most efficient tool in the battle for profitable customers. Being able to address sleeping customers with direct and hyper-personalized offers is the blue ocean move for every e-commerce business. \r\n\r\nUsing hyper-personalized AI Videos in mailing Campaigns is highly effective in turning sleeping customers into profit. Learn how to double open rates or even 5X click rates. Conversion rates go from 1% to up to 6% without any spending on Meta or Google.","presenter":"Kai Oestreicher","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":31,"id":235596,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Katrin","lname":"Meyer","cname2":"Synesty GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Synesty als Single Source of Truth – Smarte Integration von Shopify, Plentymarkets und AWS","bio":"Lebenslauf - Christoph Rüger\nPersönliche Daten\nName: Christoph Rüger\nPosition: Founder, CEO\nFirma: Synesty GmbH\nOrt: Jena\n\nBerufserfahrung\nFounder, CEO\nSynesty GmbH | April 2010 – heute\nEntwicklung eines No-Code/Low-Code-Tools zur Integration und Automatisierung digitaler Prozesse. Fokus auf API-Anbindung und Systemintegration mittels Drag \u0026 Drop.\nSoftware Lead Engineer\nCDC Software | August 2005 – März 2010\nLeitung des Softwareentwicklungs-Teams für Entwicklungsdienstleistungen.\n\nAusbildung\nMaster of Engineering (M.Eng.) Software Engineering for Embedded Systems\nRheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) | 2008–2011\nMasterarbeit: Community Identification in International Weblogs (Graphentheorie, Clustering).\nBachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Medieninformatik\nTechnische Hochschule Brandenburg | 2004–2007\nInternet Business Engineering\nErnst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena | 2002–2004\n\n","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In dieser Präsentation, die eine aufschlussreiche Case Study darstellt, erläutern Synesty-Speaker Christoph Rüger und Tobias Wittkopf von der Partneragentur Vanilla Data, wie Vanilla Data mit Hilfe von Synesty eine anspruchsvolle Integration realisieren konnte. Die gemeinsame Präsentation zeigt, wie Synesty als zentrale Plattform fungiert, um Shopify, Plentymarkets und AWS effektiv zu verbinden und als \"Single Source of Truth\" eine konsistente Datenbasis zu schaffen.\r\n\r\nHerausforderung:\r\nVanilla Data stand vor der Herausforderung, 20.000 Produktkonfigurationen dynamisch aus JSON-Dateien in Shopify zu integrieren und zu verwalten. Dies beinhaltete auch die Überwachung der Datenmengen und die Erkennung möglicher Fehler.\r\n\r\nLösung:\r\nDank Synesty konnte Vanilla Data die Shopify-Kategorien automatisch mittels Product Tags zuordnen, Preise und Bestände in Echtzeit aktualisieren und die komplexen Datenstrukturen effizient verwalten. Zusätzlich wurden Quicksight Dashboards und Amazon Q eingesetzt, um die Datenmengen zu überwachen und Fehler frühzeitig zu erkennen.\r\n\r\nFazit:\r\nDie Präsentation verdeutlicht, wie Vanilla Data mit Unterstützung von Synesty komplexe Geschäftsprozesse optimiert und eine konsistente, aktuelle Produktdarstellung gewährleistet.","presenter":"Tobias Wittkopf \u0026 Christoph Rüger","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":234508,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kai","lname":"Ebert","cname2":"SYZYGY","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Design Systems at Scale","bio":"Dominik Lammer is Executive Creative Director, Management Member and Practice Lead Design at SYZYGY. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the design of digital products and experiences. He and his teams have worked for national and international clients such as Mercedes-AMG, Lufthansa Group Airlines and Die Techniker.\n\nChristian Auth is Executive Creative Director, Management Member and Practice Lead UX at SYZYGY. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the design of digital products and experiences. He and his teams have worked for national and international clients such as Mazda, Lufthansa Group Airlines and Miles \u0026 More. Why is this almost the same as Dominik's? Because we have been working together for a very long time ❤️.","position":"Executive Creative Director, Executive Creative Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Design Systems are nothing new or fancy nowadays. But they are not very common in complex ecosystems. In our presentation we will show how we implemented Design Systems at Scale for companies like Lufthansa in a global, multi-brand environment and which benefits these Design Systems can bring.","presenter":"Christian Auth, Dominik Lammer","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235504,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Catherina","lname":"Mahncke","cname2":"T\u0026Pm","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Winning Through Integration: How integrating media \u0026 creative unlocks success","bio":"As a member of the management team at the international agency group T\u0026Pm, Sarah Mooslechner heads up the Strategy and Social Media departments for Germany. Three things have been constant in the life of this Vienna native: a passion for communication, a relentless curiosity about social structures and individual needs, and a fiery enthusiasm for sports. In her role, she firmly believes that an integrated, holistic approach to media and creative strategy makes a measurable difference in marketing – especially when it fosters trust and creative freedom. Mooslechner is also dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the industry through her work with the agency's internal task force, \"The Collective Germany.\"","position":"Head of Strategy \u0026 Social Media","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Integrating media and creative has become the holy grail of marketing.\r\nEvery brand wants it. Every agency claims to do it.\r\nBut can they really walk the walk?\r\nTrue, cross-disciplinary integration goes beyond the industry-standard collaboration between media and creative.\r\nIt means approaching a brand's entire ecosystem holistically from the outset, ensuring every action is aligned and geared towards a shared goal. Integration isn't a product, it's a process.\r\nAnd it's a process that delivers measurable results, ultimately driving business transformation. In her keynote, Sarah Mooslechner will illustrate how this works in practice with real-world examples.","presenter":"Sarah Mooslechner","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":23,"id":235593,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Louisa","lname":"Lerdo","cname2":"Tabbler","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond Roblox: Join Your Customers in the Mobile Gaming Universe","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"While platforms like Roblox and Fortnite primarily attract younger audiences, mobile games engage a much broader demographic, reaching across all age groups and income levels. This makes them an effective channel for brands aiming to connect with diverse consumer segments.\r\n\r\nIn Germany alone, over 27 million people play mobile games, with 210 million across the EU and 3 billion worldwide. The introduction of a dedicated gaming category at the Cannes Lions in 2023 highlights the growing significance of this medium.\r\n\r\nMobile gaming offers a unique opportunity to engage consumers at every stage of their journey—from awareness to conversion. As the gaming industry continues to grow, brands can set themselves apart by leveraging mobile games to create personalized and engaging experiences.\r\n\r\nThis session will serve as your playbook for mastering brand integration in the gaming space. We will present data-driven insights and share real-world examples of effective collaborations, including our own projects with leading consumer brands like L'Oréal. These case studies will demonstrate how gaming can be used to craft unique brand experiences.\r\n\r\nDiscover how to engage your target audience more meaningfully through mobile gaming, aligning your brand with current trends and evolving consumer behaviors. Your customers are already playing—learn how to connect with them in ways that are both impactful and relevant during this session.","presenter":"Felix Harms, Louisa Lerdo","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":150,"id":236211,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Roee","lname":"Froman","cname2":"Taboola","avatar":"","presentation_title":"GenAI powered eCommerce Ads","bio":"Roee Froman is a dynamic product executive with over a decade of experience leading cross-functional teams and driving business growth. Currently serving as the Director of Product Management at Taboola, Roee specializes in bridging the gap between technology and business, simplifying complex problems, and creating effective processes. His passion for mentoring and teaching, along with his hands-on approach, has allowed him to make a significant impact in the tech industry.\n\nPreviously, Roee co-founded Company Booster, where he helped startups scale by providing product leadership, business strategy consulting, and mentoring. He has also held key roles at Cognyte, TOMIA, and Starhome Mach, contributing to product development and sales strategies on a global scale.\n\nRoee holds a B.Sc. in Bio-Medical Engineering from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, where he majored in Strategic Consulting and Marketing in collaboration with Wharton Business School.\n\nHis diverse skill set includes expertise in key performance indicators, executive leadership, and strategic planning. Roee is also a sought-after mentor and speaker, contributing to programs such as Hafla Ventures and Product League, where he shares his passion for fostering talent and creating business impact.","position":"Product Management Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the presentation, I will share Taboola's experience in embedding GenAI into our commerce and sponsored content customers' ads. While we dynamically generate Ads on the fly, we embed GenAI into the graphics, making the Ads more vivd and appealing.  \nI will cover the use of AI, the tests and campaigns we run and some of the results.\nThe audience will be provided with insights on how to use the GenAI tools in order to uplift the Ads performance and special pointers we've learnt from our experience","presenter":"Roee Froman","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235244,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Benedikt","lname":"Stemmildt","cname2":"TalentFormation, foobar Agency","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolutionizing E-commerce Customer Service: Leveraging AI for Seamless Customer Interactions","bio":"Benedikt is a passionate software architect, full-stack developer, and speaker with an enthusiasm for technology, architecture, and organization. He builds and operates data-driven software with a focus on customer value. He enjoys educating himself and others. He is proud to be a founding member of the Hacker School.\n\nMatthias has more than 20 years of experience in e-commerce technology. He now leads a team of innovators and consultants who use technology and AI to optimize revenue and loyalty for e-commerce businesses. His experience gives him a deep understanding of the technical and strategic challenges of digital commerce and digital services.\nHis mission is to help SMBs and beyond scale and succeed in the competitive online marketplace by creating hyper-personalized customer experiences that increase conversion, retention and engagement. He also helps startups build their technology foundation and solve problems with cutting-edge technologies. He is passionate about technology and consulting, and enjoys coaching and mentoring.","position":"CTMO, Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, customer service has become a critical differentiator. Join us for an engaging session as we explore the transformative power of AI to revolutionize customer interactions. By increasing quality and efficiency, and ensuring 24/7 availability, AI is setting new standards in customer care.\r\n\r\nExplore a practical, real-world example of an online pharmacy's groundbreaking integration of AI-driven solutions. Learn how they successfully automated customer interactions, resulting in significant improvements in service quality and customer satisfaction. This case study provides tangible insights into how a major player is using AI to stay ahead of the competition.\r\n\r\nBacked by the latest research and data, we'll examine how AI implementations have resulted in up to a 30% reduction in response times and a 50% increase in customer satisfaction scores. Discover how the use of AI tools can reduce operational costs by up to 35% while increasing the overall efficiency of customer support teams.\r\n\r\nWe'll showcase innovative AI applications such as sentiment analysis and predictive customer service that anticipate customer needs and proactively resolve issues. You'll also learn about the online pharmacy's unique approach to navigating complex regulatory landscapes, combining compliance with innovation to create a seamless customer experience.\r\n\r\nWhether you're looking to streamline operations or increase customer satisfaction, this presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies to harness the power of AI and propel your e-commerce business into the future.","presenter":"Benedikt Stemmildt, Matthias Dietrich","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":107,"id":234405,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nikolas","lname":"Adamopoulos","cname2":"Talonic GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Data is the new gold. AI Analytics as the Key to Success.","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We explore the fragmented data landscape of e-commerce companies and how manual workflows, primarily in Excel, dominate analytics in the space. Then, we show how AI allows companies to win agency over their data across silos and how to gain multi-stream analytics, generating actionable insights from across sources. Also focussing on unstructured data, like website content, actionable recommendations are placed on how dramatic improvements across conversion rates, product performances and customer retention can be achieved. We will provide practical examples from a high value and success case study of a German apparel e-commerce company.  The speaker is frequently hosted by large conferences and events, most recently by the Tactixx or RigaCOMM.","presenter":"Nikolas Adamopoulos","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234947,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stanislaw","lname":"Buczkowski","cname2":"TantusData","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Start with simple automatization then think AI ","bio":"\nI am a pragmatic realist with a keen focus on business cases, bringing clarity and simplicity to complex technology solutions. With experience working with a diverse range of global clients, from nimble startups to large-scale organizations, I specialize in delivering high-complexity solutions that are both accessible and understandable. As an expert, I believe that true mastery lies in the ability to explain intricate systems in a straightforward, digestible manner—ensuring everyone can harness their full potential.","position":"Project Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"You don't need top-notch AI model in your business\n\nIn a world obsessed with advanced AI, it’s easy to believe that cutting-edge technology is always the answer. But what if the solution to your business challenges could be found with just a few lines of code? \n\nIn this presentation, I will share the story of a project where we began with ambitious plans for extensive AI implementation, only to discover that a simple script generated by ChatGPT solved the problem more effectively.\n\nThis session will challenge the assumption that sophisticated AI is always necessary by highlighting the “low-hanging fruits” of automation — practical solutions that can be achieved with the AI tools already at your disposal.\n\nI will share insights on:\n\n\t•\tIdentifying automation opportunities in e-commerce operations that don’t require complex AI models.\n\t•\tReal-life examples of e-commerce businesses that have achieved significant ROI improvements through simple automation.\n\t•\tBalancing straightforward automation with generative AI to maximize efficiency and returns.\n\nBy focusing on both accessible, immediate solutions and the innovative potential of generative AI, this presentation will provide a fresh perspective on how to navigate and thrive in the AI-driven landscape of e-commerce.\n","presenter":"Stanislaw Buczkowski ","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234632,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nenad","lname":"Orlić","cname2":"Tau Commerce","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How can AI help with on-site SEO of online store","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI already has many uses both in the fields of ecommerce and SEO. Advantages of AI for on-site SEO are not utilized as well as some other applications. Presentation focuses on some example of currently available uses of AI for on-site SEO for online stores and some of the concepts that will probably be available in the near  future.","presenter":"Nenad Orlić","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":235253,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Julia","lname":"Lehmann","cname2":"Taxdoo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Amazon, Zalando \u0026 Co. – Kombiniert eure internationalen Steuerpflichten mit einer sauberen Buchhaltung.","bio":"Jonny Hofberger ist seit Oktober 2023 Director of Sales bei Taxdoo. Der Diplom-Ökonom ist Spezialist für komplizierte E-Commerce-Prozesse und kennt die Herausforderungen von Händlern und Herstellern. Sein Ziel ist E-Commerce auch in der Buchhaltung – einfacher, schneller und übersichtlicher zu machen.","position":"Director of Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Es ist am einfachsten und schnellsten, gemeinsam mit Marktplätzen zu internationalisieren. Aber was mit wenigen Klicks machbar ist, führt durch Umlagerungen ins Ausland schnell zu weitreichenden umsatzsteuerlichen Pflichten, die dann gepaart mit dem OSS schnell zur Steuerfalle werden.\nDeshalb ist es wichtig zu wissen, ab wann solche Pflichten anfangen, was man dabei beachten muss und wie eine saubere Buchhaltung dabei helfen kann, auch langfristig erfolgreich zu bleiben.\n","presenter":"Jonny Hofberger","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":86,"id":236489,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Paulina","lname":"Jeleszuk","cname2":"Tchibo GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"E-Commerce Beyond Borders: Key Insights for Success in Poland","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we'll explore the unique characteristics of the Polish e-commerce market. I’ll share valuable insights on what makes this market different and how understanding these specifics can help you succeed. From local consumer behavior to market trends, you’ll gain the knowledge needed to adapt your e-commerce strategies to Poland’s competitive landscape.","presenter":"Paulina Jeleszuk","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236516,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nicole","lname":"Naumann","cname2":"TeamBank AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Boosting your Conversion Rate - Mehr Umsatz mit der richtigen Payment-Strategie","bio":"Sebastian Rabl ist seit 2017 Key Account Manager für den easyCredit-Ratenkauf der TeamBank AG.\nIn dieser Funktion ist er erster Ansprechpartner für Händler und Partner und für den erfolgreichen Ausbau der Geschäftsbeziehungen zuständig. ","position":"Key Account Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Ein Szenario, welches jeder Händler vermeiden möchte? Ganz klar: Ein voller Warenkorb, aber kein Kaufabschluss! Häufig liegen die Gründe im letzten und vermutlich wichtigsten Schritt: Dem Checkout. Denn hier verbergen sich mehr Tücken, als man auf den ersten Blick vermutet. Wir verraten in unserem Vortrag die drei Hauptursachen, warum Besucherinnen und Besucher den Kauf abbrechen und keine Kundinnen oder Kunden werden. \r\nWir geben praktische Tipps an die Hand, an welchen Stellschrauben zu drehen ist, um den Umsatz anzukurbeln. \r\nDenn, wir als TeamBank legen großen Wert auf die Zufriedenheit unserer Partner und deren Kundinnen und Kunden. So arbeiten wir stetig daran, dass unsere Produkte, wie der easyCredit-Ratenkauf, weiterentwickelt werden und freuen uns, dass wir eine Neuheit bereithalten, die wir erstmalig auf dieser Bühne teilen können.","presenter":"Sebastian Rabl","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":36,"id":235786,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sibilla","lname":"Ponzoni","cname2":"Teavaro","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Marketing Innovation with UTIQ and your own ID-Graph: Unlocking the Future of E-Commerce Personalization and Customer Engagement","bio":"Dr. Dirk Rohweder has over 30 years of leadership experience in telecommunications, consumer goods, and consulting, including roles as CIO of the Paulaner Brewery Group and T-Mobile (UK and Germany). Since 2016, he has been the co-founder and COO of Teavaro, specializing in Marketing Identity Management. His expertise particularly lies in omnichannel targeting and data-driven business models based on customer consent.","position":"COO and Co-Founder Teavaro","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In a highly competitive and rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, brands and retailers need innovative solutions to differentiate themselves and provide personalized experiences to their customers. This presentation will highlight the game-changing potential of UTIQ in and its transformative impact when combined with your own ID-Graph to drive personalization, traffic, and customer loyalty.\r\nUTIQ, developed based on a collaboration between Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, and Telefónica O2, offers a privacy-first approach to digital marketing. It enables e-commerce brands to power advanced personalization without compromising consumer trust. In this session, you will learn how leveraging UTIQ and ID-Graphs together can revolutionize your e-commerce marketing strategy.\r\nThrough real-world examples, we will explore how UTIQ helps brands and retailers:\r\n1.\tPersonalize the E-Commerce Experience: Use ID-Graphs and UTIQ to gather cross-domain data, enabling deep insights into customer behaviours across devices and touchpoints. Personalize your website experience to drive higher conversion rates and deeper customer engagement.\r\n2.\tReach Extension and Retargeting: Maximize the efficiency of your paid media campaigns to extend reach and precision-target your audience. Increase traffic to your site by reaching the right customers with personalized content, and drive retargeting campaigns that encourage visitors to return.\r\n3.\tIncrease Frequency and Average Shopping Basket: Build a solid foundation of loyal customers by creating personalized offers and experiences that encourage higher shopping frequency and increased basket size.","presenter":"Dirk Rohweder","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":98,"id":234901,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jens","lname":"Benecke","cname2":"Tech Well Told GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Nerd stuff overload? How to communicate tech topics like AI in an understandable way...","bio":"In addition to her position as founder of Tech Well Told, Sarah Elßer is also in demand as a speaker and moderator, especially for events like OMR, Digital X, KI Summit Kitzbühel, CMCX or for internal events at companies such as SAP, Volkswagen, Mercedes, EBVl, as well as a TechComm expert in panel talks. As an influencer, she is particularly active on LinkedIn, where she has built up a community of over 18k followers. She has also published a LinkedIn Learning audio course on the topic of tech communication. \n\nAlexander Pessler has been working as a reporter for major radio and TV stations, as well as a writer for various film production companies. After many years of experience in the moving image sector, he focused on working as a writer and filmmaker for companies before founding the communications agency Tech Well Told together with Sarah in 2022. Now, he focuses entirely on the conception and production of content for technology companies. In addition to managing the company, he is responsible for the produced content as the \"Head of Content.”\n","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Shit, we have to do AI! Why? Because everyone is doing it. Because we want to show that we are also at the forefront. Early adopters and so on...\r\n\r\nBut: How do you communicate and convey AI in the company and get everyone on board? Young, old, experienced, inexperienced, keen and zero enthusiasm?\r\n\r\nTech topics like AI are not just about breaking down reservations and fears, but also about empowering and inspiring people to use the technology in everyday life.\r\n\r\nIn this keynote you will learn:\r\nHow to avoid rejection of innovations\r\nWhy people avoid change and how you can still create change\r\nWhat you can specifically communicate about AI\r\nHow you can help mediate between tech nerds and normal people\r\nand much more\r\n\r\nTech Well Told is a communications agency specializing in the tech sector. Amongst their customers there are companies like VODAFONE, TRUMPF, EPOS, MHP, SCHAEFFLER, VOLKSWAGEN, etc.","presenter":"Sarah Elsser \u0026 Alexander Pessler","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":70,"id":236435,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Daniel","lname":"Hinderink","cname2":"TechDivision GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Fear of a Zero-Click Planet: what we will do after AI has solved eCommerce","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We are at the beginning of an arms race for competitive advantage and/or value maximization. AI Vendors will continually compete on the strength of their AI models. Those with better algorithms can gain insights into customer behavior, optimize supply chains, and offer superior personalization. The gap between businesses with advanced AI and those without could grow dramatically. Consumers will use AI to identify the best deals, for deciding when to purchase (based on price drops or availability forecasts) and creating a more empowered consumer base. \r\n\r\nEventually this will result in a zero-click eCommerce world where agents of consumers and vendors interact without human intervention. What will the people on all sides of the eCommerce table probably work on in such a future? \r\n\r\nMy presentation will present visions of the exemplary daily lives of a eCommerce manager, a consumer/buyer, a tech service provider and a product manager to illustrate where we are going - and what we can do today and in the next years to stay relevant.","presenter":"Daniel Hinderink","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235099,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vitalii","lname":"Khyzhniak","cname2":"Teikametrics","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Social Shopping Trend: Shaping the Future of E-commerce","bio":"As the Head of Social Shopping at Teikametrics, I lead a team dedicated to helping brands succeed on TikTok Shop and other social shopping platforms. We specialize in crafting high-performing strategies, managing affiliate partnerships, and leveraging top-tier TikTok creators to engage audiences and drive significant revenue growth. Through innovative, tailored strategies, we ensure brands not only stand out but also thrive in the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape","position":"Head of Social Shopping","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We’ll explore how Social Shopping platforms like TikTok Shop, Hiive, and Flip are revolutionizing the e-commerce landscape, reshaping the behavior and strategies of Amazon sellers. We’ll compare the traditional Marketplace model with the rapidly growing Social Shopping economy, highlighting key differences that are driving growth in the industry. Discover actionable strategies that brands can implement right now to leverage these platforms and drive sustainable business growth in an increasingly social-driven market.","presenter":"Vitalii Khyzhniak","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":17,"id":234895,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kuba","lname":"Krchak","cname2":"TELMA AI","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI in Customer Care - from evolution to revolution","bio":"Kuba is an Executive Director and co-founder of Telma AI as well as co-CEO and co-Founder of The MAMA AI.\n\nFor many years, he has been a leader in the IBM Watson AI R\u0026D Lab in Prague, focusing on various applications of AI for business, most recently leading the global development team for the new Watson AIOps product.\n\nKuba is dedicated to making Telma AI a worldwide success, leveraging his senior leadership skills supported by 20 years of experience with Dialog Systems.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Show a short history of Customer Care through innovation, using specific use-cases how AI is used today in customer care to achieve clear objectives.","presenter":"Kuba Krchak","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":235132,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Alexander","lname":"Roddis","cname2":"Teveo/Ex","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Handling Flashsales around 40 Million Euro a day with psychological safety and trust","bio":"Alexander Luke Roddis is the CTO of TEVEO and the fayn GmbH. Previously, he served as CTO of \"The Quality Group\" (ENS, MoreNutrition), a unicorn company with nearly one billion euros in annual revenue. \nDuring his tenure, Alexander built a robust IT infrastructure that enabled revenue growth from 250 million euros to almost 1 billion euros. He strongly believes in fostering psychological safety and empowering self-organized teams, creating an environment where innovation and success thrive.","position":"CTO - The Quality Group (ESN, MoreNutrition) / CTO - Teveo \u0026 fayn","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A story how we enabled MoreNutrition and ESN Flashsales with a culture of psychological safety and trust. High volatile falsh sales require people that act and decide independently and feel safe intaking decisions.\r\nTop-Down-Management and pressure lead to even faster churn in employees, if applied in such environments.","presenter":"Alexander Roddis","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235100,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Gina","lname":"Sanni","cname2":"tgndata","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leveraging AI-Powered Personalization for E-commerce Success","bio":"Helping global retailers \u0026 brands grow profits with Price Intelligence and Dynamic Pricing.\n\n20 years in Information Technology, E-commerce \u0026 RetailTech. Bootstrapper and overachiever, focused on P\u0026L optimization and data-oriented growth. \n\nRecognized by Fortune as one of the \"40 under 40\" entrepreneurs from Greece for three consecutive years (2020-2021-2022) . ","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an era of overwhelming consumer choices and rapidly evolving market dynamics, e-commerce businesses must go beyond traditional pricing strategies to stand out and thrive. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a powerful solution by enabling personalized experiences that resonate deeply with individual customers.","presenter":"George Koutsoudopoulos","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236272,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lukasz","lname":"Belza","cname2":"ThankU","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Sustainability in eCommerce: Unlocking Opportunities, Navigating Risks, and Building the Future","bio":"Lukasz Belza, 47, is founder and CEO of ThankU, an Impact as a Service platform that enables companies to introduce sustainability into their customer communications without the risk of greenwashing (e.g. post checkout via the ThankU Shopify App). Additionally, he is a self-employed lawyer from Berlin, and has been advising start-ups, scale-ups, and large companies in the field of commercial law for 15 years, including as long-term legal counsel for large eCommerce companies. ","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Key Focus Areas and Value of My Talk:\r\n\r\nConsumer Demand for Sustainability: Gen Z and Millennials are driving demand for transparency and sustainability. I’ll discuss how eCommerce businesses can meet these expectations and tap into the growing market for sustainable products.\r\n\r\nEconomic Benefits: Going green boosts both the planet and profit. Sustainable practices like optimizing delivery routes and using eco-friendly packaging reduce costs and increase profit margins.\r\n\r\nGreenwashing Risks: With regulations like the EU's Green Claims Directive, it’s crucial to avoid greenwashing. I’ll highlight how to ensure environmental claims are accurate and legally compliant.\r\n\r\nPractical Solutions for eCommerce: From electrifying last-mile delivery to reusable packaging, I’ll offer actionable, cost-effective sustainability strategies for eCommerce.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain practical insights on turning sustainability into a competitive advantage while navigating risks. I’ll also share case studies, including our success with the ThankU Shopify App.\r\n\r\nWith four years of experience running the B2B platform ThankU for Business and a background in eCommerce law, I bring a unique perspective. As the 1.5-degree climate target looms and biodiversity declines, sustainable business practices in eCommerce are more urgent than ever.\r\n\r\nThis topic is highly relevant for the future of eCommerce, and I’d be honored to contribute to your event.","presenter":"Lukasz Belza","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235363,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rajeeshwaran","lname":"Moorthy","cname2":"The Digital Economist","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Role of Blockchain and Web3 in Shaping the Future of E-Commerce","bio":"Rajeeshwaran Moorthy is a two-time TEDx speaker, distinguished global speaker, and educator, as well as an Executive Fellow at The Digital Economist, a global impact platform that bridges technology, policy, and economics to drive sustainable development and inclusive growth. With a wealth of experience spanning both academia and corporate leadership, he teaches at leading institutions worldwide, including Hult International Business School, Ashridge, and ESCP Business School, where he imparts cutting-edge knowledge on fintech, strategic foresight, emerging technologies, and the space economy. An alumnus of Oxford University’s prestigious executive strategy program, Rajeeshwaran actively contributes to global discourse on innovation, change management, megatrends, and the future of the space economy through his speaking engagements. His independent perspective, shaped by a deep understanding of global trends and strategic agility, equips organizations and individuals to navigate uncertainty and drive sustainable growth.","position":"Global Speaker \u0026 Educator","logotype":"","presentation_description":"“The Role of Blockchain and Web3 in Shaping the Future of E-Commerce” will explore how decentralized technologies are transforming the e-commerce landscape by enhancing security, transparency, and trust between buyers and sellers. This presentation will focus on the practical applications of blockchain, such as enabling secure transactions, reducing fraud, and providing transparent supply chain management. It will also delve into how Web3 technologies, like decentralized finance (DeFi) and smart contracts, can create new business models, streamline operations, and empower consumers through tokenization and decentralized ownership.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain valuable insights into leveraging these emerging technologies to differentiate their businesses in a competitive market. The session will provide real-world examples, data-driven analysis, and actionable strategies for e-commerce leaders looking to harness blockchain and Web3 to drive innovation, build customer loyalty, and prepare for a more decentralized digital economy.\r\n\r\nThis presentation will be particularly valuable for decision-makers seeking to understand the strategic advantages of adopting blockchain and Web3 and how these technologies can future-proof their businesses against evolving challenges and consumer demands.","presenter":"Rajeeshwaran Moorthy","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":234616,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Samuel","lname":"Scott","cname2":"The Drum","avatar":"","presentation_title":"EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT MARKETING (But Were Afraid to Ask)","bio":"After a career in journalism and years in marketing, Samuel Scott is now a professional keynote marketing speaker and member of Toastmasters International as well as the writer of The Promotion Fix column for The Drum.\n\nHe has Mini-MBAs in marketing and brand management from Marketing Week in London, a Master of Advertising Effectiveness from the World Advertising Research Center (WARC), and certifications from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK (CIM UK) in marcom planning, B2B product management and product marketing, copywriting, and AI tools in marketing.\n\nWebsite -\n\nColumns for The Drum -\n\nOne-Minute Reel -\n\nLinkedIn -\n\nPlease note that Samuel is a professional speaker who charges an all-inclusive fee.","position":"The Promotion Fix columnist","logotype":"","presentation_description":"(This can be a talk or a lengthier workshop. I can also tailor this to specific issues or problems that your industry is facing. The gist: How to sell more stuff!)\n\nAdvertising, communications, and marketing are not the same thing. In fact, they mean very different and important things. In this workshop, Samuel outlines the end-to-end marketing process that has been created in academia and proven in the real world. He introduces the overall approaches that have been developed by the leading people in the field over decades and then adds further context and specific examples from his own career in marketing. This covers research, segmentation, targeting, positioning, funnel analysis, financial objective setting, product management and product marketing, pricing, distribution, and marcom planning. Marketing is a lot more than just “creating content.”","presenter":"Samuel Scott","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236358,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Temel","lname":"Kahyaoglu","cname2":"The Group of Analysts","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The New Normal - Data that actually works","bio":"Temel Kahyaoglu has held various consulting positions since early 2000 and has led The Group of Analysts as founder and CEO since 2010. He invented the term Information Supply Chain Management in 2007 and Market Performance Wheels is his brainchild – DACH's most respected analyst tool alongside Gartner's Magic Quadrant and Forrester's Wave.\n\nWith his private equity firm, The Grand Orchestra Audience, he founded four analyst firms in 2020 aiming to increase transparency in the software market.","position":"Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This session is relevant for companies seeking to transition to a data-driven approach. Here are some key points that should be highlighted to illustrate the benefits and goals of the session:\r\n\r\n1. Traditional Practices: \r\nThe speech explains why traditional methods for developing and using data in companies are no longer sufficient. These old approaches are often not flexible enough to meet the demands of today’s digital world.\r\n\r\n2. New Comprehensive Methodology: \r\nA new, more effective, transparent, and sustainable methodology is presented. This methodology not only overcomes the challenges associated with the transition to a data-driven company but also promises a brighter, more efficient future.\r\n\r\n3. Data Supply Chain: \r\nThe term “Data Supply Chain” is introduced, offering a comprehensive view of the digital value chain within the company. This approach, which considers all aspects from data collection to analysis, ensures a thorough and complete transition to a data-driven company.\r\n\r\n4. Focus on Data Models and Data Processes: \r\nThe session emphasizes data models (how data is organized and structured) and data processes (how data flows and is processed). These two topics are central to the success of a data-driven company.\r\nIn summary, the speech shows participants how to rethink and implement their data strategies from the ground up to reach the forefront of digital transformation.","presenter":"Temel Kahyaoglu","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236492,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jürgen","lname":"Germeys","cname2":"The Guilder","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Revolutionizing Recruitment: Cutting Hiring Time from 3 Months to 3 Weeks","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"This topic directly addresses the pain of lengthy hiring processes and the positive impact of our platform. Pushing for significant transformation and efficiency.\r\n\r\n subtopics :\r\n\r\nThe cost of slow hiring and how it affects businesses.\r\nHow a platform speeds up recruitment. win-win-win","presenter":"Daniel Hrazdiel, Jürgen Germeys","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236464,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Eike","lname":"Maybaum","cname2":"Thede Consulting GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Der digitale Euro – Welche Rolle wird Bargeld im E-Commerce spielen?","bio":"Eike Maybaum ist Managing Partner bei Thede Consulting. Vor seiner Tätigkeit als Berater bei TC blickt er auf 20 Jahre in Management- und Expertenrollen im Automobil- und Finanzdienstleistungssektor zurück. Als erstklassige Strategie- und Managementberatung unterstützt TC Banken, Zahlungsdienstleister sowie Kunden aus Industrie, Dienstleistung und Handel. Mit umfassender Erfahrung zu Geschäftsmodellen, Produkten und Technik im Payment und Banking liefert sein Experten-Team innovative Ideen für Entscheider.","position":"Managing Partner ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Der Payment-Markt erlebt derzeit eine spannende Transformation. Verändertes Kundenverhalten im Umgang mit Zahlungen, neue internationale Zahlungssysteme wie Wero - der neue von europäischen Banken unterstütze Zahlungsdienst - die zunehmende Nutzung von Smartphone basierten Zahlverfahren wie Apple und Google Pay sowie der Trend zu Echtzeitzahlungen treiben diese Entwicklung mit voran. In diesem dynamischen Umfeld plant die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) die Einführung des digitalen Euro als digitale Form des Bargelds. Doch was ist der digitale Euro überhaupt, wozu soll er dienen und welche Rolle spielt digitales Bargeld zukünftig im eCommerce? Ein Überblick und Diskussionsbeitrag.","presenter":"Eike Maybaum","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":26,"id":236742,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ivan","lname":"Šidla","cname2":"TheShop ∞ BajaBee","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling D2C E-commerce Globally with Headless Commerce: The BajaBee Success Story","bio":"Helping e-commerce businesses scale globally • CEO at TheShop ∞ Co-Founder at BajaBee • 20+ years of experience driving innovation, growth, and global expansion in the e-commerce industry","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover how BajaBee, a sustainable household brand, achieved rapid global growth through a headless commerce approach. This session will explore how we leveraged personalization, multi-regional capabilities, and composable architecture to scale seamlessly across borders. Learn actionable strategies for scaling your D2C brand globally while delivering personalized shopping experiences to every customer.","presenter":"Ivan Šidla","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234572,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Armin","lname":"Spitzbarth","cname2":"THIMM Verpackung GmbH +Co.KG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Verpackungen wiederkehrend beeindruckend – re use im eigenen Gewand","bio":"Armin Spitzbarth is an experienced executive in the eCommerce logistics and packaging, currently serving as the Sales Director E-Commerce at THIMM.\nIn his role, he supports online retailers and brands with a team of experts to grow their business with innovate and sustainable packaging solutions.\n\nOne of Armin's significant accomplishments at THIMM has been the implementation of digital print in the market strategy for Ecommerce. This technology allows brand owner and retailers to implement packaging as a communication instrument with no lead time, no MOQ, no additional costs in a sustainable way.\n\nWhen simplicity feels good. It’s THIMM time. \n\n","position":"Director Sales","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Digitaldruck verändert die Art und Weise, wie wir Verpackungen gestalten und produzieren. Mit der Möglichkeit, individuelle Designs ohne Mindestbestellmengen und lange Vorlaufzeiten umzusetzen, bietet der Digitaldruck enorme Flexibilität und Effizienz. Besonders im E-Commerce spielt er eine zentrale Rolle, denn er ermöglicht farbenfrohe, personalisierte Verpackungen, die als starke Markenbotschafter fungieren und die Prozesskette mit individuellen fortlaufenden Codes transparent und nachvollziehbar machen. Farben und Werbung sind entscheidend für den Erfolg im E-Commerce. Sie wecken Emotionen, verstärken Markenbotschaften und beeinflussen die Kaufentscheidungen der Kunden. Mit dem Digitaldruck lassen sich dynamische und saisonale Designs einfach umsetzen – ein echter Gamechanger für kreative Kampagnen. Erleben Sie, wie der Digitaldruck nicht nur Abfall reduziert, sondern auch eine nachhaltige und maßgeschneiderte Produktion ermöglicht. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft der Verpackungsindustrie. Für Sie auch im Ecommerce – innovativ, effizient und umweltbewusst.","presenter":"Armin Spitzbarth","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":36,"id":236681,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Luisa","lname":"Knopf","cname2":"This is Marketing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Power of Branding - From 0 to 5.000 Attendees in 5 Years","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"- Development of a brand identity \r\n- Marketing and communication strategies (choosing the right measures and using them to your advantage) \r\n- The beauty of Branding \u0026 Performance combined \r\n\r\nWhat participants can take away for themselves: \r\n\r\n- How the time spent on branding is worthwhile, but doesn't always have to be expensive. \r\n- How can branding help your performance marketing immensely.","presenter":"Luisa Knopf","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235010,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Steffen","lname":"Papke","cname2":"Thorit GmbH (HubSpot Diamond Partner)","avatar":"  ","presentation_title":"HubSpot CRM with Breeze AI for E-Commerce Businesses","bio":"Vice President Sales \u0026 Partnerships | Thorit GmbH\n\nAs a highly motivated, innovative, and experienced professional, I bring over 30 years of expertise in international business, sales, marketing, and IT to my role as Vice President Sales \u0026 Partnerships at Thorit GmbH, a full-service digital marketing agency. I have a strong background in both B2B and B2C channels, with significant experience in emerging markets and solutions-focused roles. My entrepreneurial spirit and start-up mentality drive me to consistently deliver results, with a \"getting things done\" attitude at the core of my approach.\n\nAt Thorit, I lead strategic growth initiatives for HubSpot and AI-powered marketing automation tools across the DACH region, helping clients navigate digital transformation. My career began at HP, where I held numerous leadership roles across EMEA, launching major product initiatives, optimizing supply chains, and executing integrated go-to-market strategies. With a deep understanding of both technical and commercial aspects, I successfully collaborated with global teams and built strong customer and partner relationships.\n\nMy key strengths, according to Gallup, include Positivity, Ideation, Activator, Maximizer, and Winning Others Over (WOO). These traits empower me to not only lead with vision but also to inspire and engage others along the way.","position":"CEO \u0026 VP Sales \u0026 Partnerships","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Overview\n\nThis presentation will explore the transformative power of HubSpot CRM with integrated AI capabilities, in the realm of e-commerce. We'll delve into how AI-powered features can streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and drive significant growth for online businesses.\n\nKey Topics:\n\nUnderstanding HubSpot CRM: A comprehensive overview of HubSpot's CRM platform and its core functionalities. How HubSpot can centralize customer data and streamline sales, marketing and service processes.\n\nHubSpot CRM with AI: A Powerful Combination: How AI seamlessly integrates into HubSpot's CRM, unlocking new possibilities for e-commerce businesses. Specific examples of AI-powered features, such as content remix, predictive lead scoring, conversational bots, and personalized email marketing. Discussing the benefits of AI-driven automation and its impact on efficiency.\n\nCase Studies: Real-world examples of how e-commerce businesses have leveraged HubSpot CRM with AI to achieve remarkable results.\nAnalyzing the strategies, challenges, and successes of these case studies.\n\nImplementing HubSpot CRM with AI: Practical tips and best practices for implementing HubSpot CRM, addressing common challenges and potential roadblocks.\n\nKey Takeaways:\n\nUnderstanding the value of HubSpot CRM as a centralized platform for e-commerce businesses.\nRecognizing the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency in e-commerce.\nLearning how to effectively combine HubSpot CRM with AI to achieve business goals.\nDiscovering real-world examples of successful AI-powered e-commerce strategies.\n\nFormat:\n\nA mix of presentation, discussions, and interactive elements including live-demo.\nCase studies and real-world examples to illustrate concepts.\nQ\u0026A sessions to address audience questions and concerns.\n\nBy attending this presentation, you will gain valuable insights into how HubSpot CRM with AI can help your e-commerce business thrive in today's competitive market.","presenter":"David Schuh \u0026 Steffen Papke","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":235370,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nele","lname":"Odzuck","cname2":"TikTok","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking true performance","bio":"Coming from a fashion and agency background in London, Nele spearheaded the e-commerce and omni-channel team at TikTok in Germany from 2020 during its early ‘startup’ phase, crafting the foundation of performance advertising and measurement strategies on the platform with our DACH based partners. In 2023 Nele took over the leadership of the retail, marketplaces and e-commerce client solutions teams and since 2024, Nele has been leading the Consumer Goods Client Solutions Team, expanding to a broader spectrum, covering the industries: fashion \u0026 luxury, beauty, healthcare, food \u0026 nutrition and comprehensive retailers.\n\n","position":"Group Director Consumer Goods for Client Solutions","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Leverage the power of TikToks e-commerce solution and the infinite loop combined with our new measurement framework to build you business for the future, secure new revenue stream and unlock true commercial performance","presenter":"Nele Odzuck","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":9,"id":236307,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Bind","lname":"Reka","cname2":" / ex-co founder of","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Building Buyer Connections Through Social Media: Enhancing eCommerce Awareness and Engagement","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the competitive eCommerce landscape, the ability to build meaningful connections with buyers through social media can make or break your brand. This presentation focuses on actionable strategies to help eCommerce businesses leverage social media content to not only increase brand awareness but also create lasting relationships that drive sales.\r\n\r\nAttendees will learn how to:\r\n\r\n\t•\tEnhance Brand Awareness: Discover how storytelling and content strategy can build a memorable brand presence across social platforms.\r\n\t•\tBuild Authentic Buyer Relationships: Explore techniques for fostering trust and loyalty with customers through personalized and consistent engagement.\r\n\t•\tLeverage Social Commerce: Learn how to integrate shoppable content and direct-to-consumer strategies within social platforms to boost conversion rates.\r\n\t•\tOptimize Visual Content: Understand how video, imagery, and user-generated content can dramatically increase engagement and keep buyers coming back.\r\n\r\nBy the end of this session, you’ll gain clear insights and practical tools to transform your social media presence into a powerful engine for eCommerce growth, ensuring that your brand doesn’t just reach buyers—but truly connects with them in a meaningful way.","presenter":"Bind Reka","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":235915,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Marie","lname":"Jeanson","cname2":"trbo GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Kundenerlebnis neu definiert: Wie KI-gestütztes Guided Selling die Customer Journey verändert","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Anforderungen an eine nahtlos personalisierte Customer Journey im E-Commerce steigen rasant. Kunden fordern personalisierte Angebote nicht nur, sie erwarten sie. Unternehmen stehen nun vor der spannenden Herausforderung, nicht nur zu reagieren, sondern proaktiv auf Kundenwünsche einzugehen - und das in Echtzeit!\r\nGerade bei komplexen Produkten kann eine gezielte Personalisierung den entscheidenden Unterschied machen. Doch wie gelingt es Unternehmen, diese Bedürfnisse nicht nur zu antizipieren, sondern auch in Echtzeit zu erfüllen?\r\nDie Antwort liegt in innovativem Guided Selling und KI-gestützter Personalisierung! Mit innovativen Technologien und selbstlernenden Algorithmen können Unternehmen maßgeschneiderte Inhalte und Angebote genau dann liefern, wenn der Kunde sie braucht.\r\nAnna-Katharina Knarr, CCO bei trbo, zeigt, wie selbstlernende Algorithmen nicht nur die Customer Journey optimieren, sondern auch die Conversion Rate und den Customer Lifetime Value nachhaltig steigern. Spannende Praxisbeispiele zeigen, wie der richtige Einsatz von KI die digitale Beratung perfektioniert und Kunden an jedem Touchpoint begeistert.","presenter":"Anna-Katharina Knarr","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":236312,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mario","lname":"Alka","cname2":"tricoma AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Von der Pferdekutsche zur KI: Nutze die Chance, bevor es zu spät ist","bio":"Mario Alka ist ein deutscher Unternehmer und Gründer von der tricoma AG, einem Unternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung von Business- und KI-Software spezialisiert hat. Unter tricoma.AI betreibt er eine eigene Plattform für künstlicher Intelligenz. Privat ist er leidenschaftlicher Griller und Camper und betreibt hierzu auch eigene Onlineshops.\n","position":"CEO, tricoma AG | CEO, Maennerhelden GmbH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Hier würde ich den Werdegang von Pferdekutschen, ersten Maschinen, Autos, Logistikprozesse per LKW, ersten Computern, der Verbreitung des Internets bis zur KI erklären.\r\n\r\nLetztlich geht es um eine Aussage: \"Bei jeder dieser Revolutionen gab es Gegner und viele weigerten sich das einzusetzen. Wer heute auf die Revolutionen verzichten würden, könnte nicht mehr überleben. Genau das ist KI.\"\r\n\r\nAuf KI zu verzichten ist wie:\r\n- Handel, ohne Internet\r\n- Arbeiten, ohne Computer\r\n- Transport, ohne LKWs\r\n- Fortbewegen, ohne Fahrzeug\r\n- Produzieren, ohne Maschineneinsatz\r\n\r\nIch würde dann übergehen das KI kein Prompting sein muss, sondern die Zukunft so aussehen muss, das wir es intuitiv nutzen ohne darüber nachzudenken.","presenter":"Mario Alka","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235740,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Peter","lname":"Laughter","cname2":"True Bearing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Pyramid has Collapsed: Adaptive Leadership for the Age of Disruption","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"“The Pyramid has Collapsed: Reimagining Leadership for the Age of Disruption\" is a timely and transformative talk that addresses the urgent need for new leadership models in today’s rapidly changing world. Peter Laughter’s insights and practical strategies provide leaders with a roadmap to navigate the complexities of modern business, fostering environments where innovation and resilience can thrive. This talk is not just about surviving disruption but about harnessing it to create a better future for organizations and society as a whole. By embracing these principles, leaders will be well-equipped to face the challenges of the modern business landscape and create lasting positive change. This talk is essential for any leader looking to stay ahead of the curve and drive meaningful transformation in their organization.\r\n\r\nThree Takeaways:\r\n\r\n1. Revolutionize Leadership Models: Discover groundbreaking leadership models that transcend the outdated command-and-control approach, equipping you with the tools to drive innovation and adaptability in your organization.\r\n2. Foster Unprecedented Innovation: Learn practical strategies to cultivate a culture of innovation and resilience, empowering your team to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business environment.\r\n3. Future-Proof Your Organization: Gain critical insights into how to navigate and shape the new age of disruption, ensuring your organization not only survives but thrives, securing long-term success and relevance.","presenter":"Peter Laughter","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236524,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nikola","lname":"Tanev","cname2":"True Insights","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Make Them Click: How To Create AI-Boosted Images That Drive Sales","bio":"- Founder and CEO of True Insights Analytics\n- Founder and CEO of New Wave Digital agency\n- Investor in emerging CPGs and startups\n- ex-HP Innovation Lead","position":"Founder @ True Insights Analytics","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As consumer behavior evolves with AI, the shopping experience is being redefined. So, how do you stand out on the digital shelf? What drives clicks? How can you test your visual product performance before investing in ads?\n\nWe’ll focus on these key points:\n\n– Testing eCommerce image quality: Optimize visuals before launching to avoid costly mistakes.\n\n– AI-generated audience testing: Simulate different customer segments with AI to test and refine your visuals before going live.\n\n– Creating visuals that convert: Learn strategies to create compelling images that attract and drive sales.\n\n– Staying ahead of competitors: Use benchmarking to gain an edge in a crowded market.\n","presenter":"Nikola Tanev","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":14,"id":234797,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Timothy","lname":"Becker","cname2":"Turbine Kreuzberg","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digital Darwinism and the Survival of the Fittest Platforms","bio":"Timothy Becker is Director of Business Development \u0026 Digital Transformation Advocate at Turbine Kreuzberg. He supports enterprise-level organizations in their composable commerce endeavors, as well as tailor-made application development. Previously, Timothy launched the agency’s innovation department, facilitated the development and launch of sophisticated commerce platforms, and advised companies in their digital transformation. In prior roles, Timothy has worked for KPMG and the Helmholtz Institute’s Innovation Lab in Berlin.","position":"Director Business Development \u0026 Digital Transformation Advocate","logotype":"","presentation_description":"It’s a jungle out there. Today’s e-commerce platforms are in fierce competition, fighting for customers and revenues. Survival hinges on three evolutionary traits: intelligence, adaptability, and attractiveness. This talk explores how these traits impact success in e-commerce by examining practical use case examples from two decades of building commerce platforms.\r\n\r\nIntelligence is the backbone of informed decision-making. By leveraging clear, harmonized, and structured business data, platforms can enhance efficiency, deepen customer understanding, and ensure compliance. This data-driven approach not only facilitates better decision-making but also automates processes, eliminates data silos, and provides a comprehensive view of customer needs. It also forms the basis for artificial intelligence use cases: AI without high-quality data is like a pool without water – there is nothing for it to function on.\r\n\r\nAdaptability is crucial for maintaining agility in a rapidly evolving market. A modular, composable architecture allows businesses to tailor their platforms to unique needs, ensuring cost-efficiency and customization. This flexibility enables seamless integration of third-party solutions and rapid adoption of innovations like AI, positioning businesses to capitalize on new opportunities.\r\n\r\nAttractiveness focuses on customer centricity and user experience. A seamless, intuitive interface boosts conversions and fosters customer loyalty. By meeting B2C expectations in the B2B space, platforms can enhance customer satisfaction, gather valuable behavioral data, and reduce support costs.\r\n\r\nEmbracing intelligence, adaptability, and attractiveness is a strategic imperative for success in the digital commerce ecosystem. Join me to explore the tools and strategies that ensure your platform not only survives but thrives in today’s digital jungle.","presenter":"Timothy Becker","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":36,"id":236343,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Thomas","lname":"Weber","cname2":"Turbine Kreuzberg","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI in Action: 3 Practical AI Use Cases To Implement in E-Commerce","bio":"Thomas Kühnel is Co-CTO at Turbine Kreuzberg, responsible for the technological advancement of the tech agency. Previously, he worked as a Senior Developer at the e-commerce provider Spryker and as a Solution Architect at Valantic.","position":"Co-CTO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Organizations have invested heavily in preparing for AI—cleaning up data, implementing digital processes, getting access to the right tools, and more. So far, so good. However, the greatest value right now lies in being as pragmatic as possible, implementing practical use cases quickly in order to learn from and build on. \r\n\r\nThis talk explores three impactful AI use cases in e-commerce: product recommendation, semantic search, and product data enrichment. Each case demonstrates how AI can effectively tackle challenges like personalization, search relevance, and data consistency.\r\n\r\nAI-driven product recommendation systems are transformative. By tailoring suggestions to user behavior, they boost conversion rates and enhance customer satisfaction. Businesses can optimize cross-selling and upselling, significantly increasing average order values. Semantic search improves user experience by understanding intent, delivering accurate results, and reducing bounce rates. It’s essential for any e-commerce platform aiming to remain competitive. AI-powered product data enrichment ensures accurate product information, aiding inventory management and speeding up new product launches, providing a clear advantage.\r\n\r\nThe key takeaway is simple: don’t get bogged down in over-preparation. Instead, start with straightforward AI use cases that drive real business value.","presenter":"Thomas Kühnel","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":19,"id":236392,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jürgen","lname":"Germeys","cname2":"Unico s.r.l.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Collaboration Between Academia and Industry to Empower the Next Generation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We discuss the collaborative nature of our solution and its benefits for all parties involved—businesses, universities, and students. \r\n\r\nIt highlights the idea of creating valuable connections that foster real-world experience and innovation.\r\n\r\n subtopics:\r\n\r\nHow partnerships between businesses and academia can drive innovation and growth.\r\n\r\nThe advantages of early talent acquisition for companies.\r\n\r\nThe need for Europe to enhance collaboration on various levels between business and Academia.","presenter":"Jürgen Germeys, Daniel Hrazdiel, Stanislav Kuznetsov, Pavel Kordik","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236473,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Conrad","lname":"Scheibe","cname2":"UNiDAYS","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Keeping up with the GenZians - What UNiDAYS learned about their audience during our Germany expansion","bio":"I am a driven business and people leader with 10+ years of total experience in building and scaling digital products and business models across multiple industries. Since 2024 I lead the German market for UNiDAYS. UNiDAYS is the world’s largest Student Affinity Network, with 20 million verified members in 115 markets and driving more than $5bn GMV in the last 3 years.\n\nPrior to this, I led heycar's eCommerce business with complete P\u0026L responsibility, starting from ideation, fund raising, development to rollout and grew the platform to become largest online shop for cars in Europe.\n\nI gained 3 years of experience in management consulting and digital transformation at Capgemini Invent, where I also led several teams of consultants. I kick-started my career back in 2012 as Junior Product and Pricing Manager at Mercedes-Benz.","position":"Market Development Director Germany ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"1. UNiDAYS overview: The biggest GenZ and student ecom platform worldwide\n- We are the biggest student e-commerce platform with 30Mn members worldwide and more then 1Mn members in Germany\n- We are currently expanding a lot in Germany and therefore learned a lot how the GenZ target group can be reached best\n\n2. Insights in Germany expansion and marketing tactics applied\n- We focus on both: Digital Marketing and out of home activities at Universities\n- We are using key partners to charge our brand and win German members\n\n3. Insights into our audience: Every one wants to have GenZ customers, we have them. Here is what we have learned on:\n- Consumer preferences\n- Category trends in the recent years and months\n- Brand Use cases: How to reach GenZ digitally and physically with partners from different industries ","presenter":"Conrad Scheibe","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236214,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Felix","lname":"Ecke","cname2":"UnitPlus","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Modernes Cash Management: Was Mittelständler von Warren Buffett lernen können","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"A presentation (in German) about what makes Warren Buffetts and Berkshire Hathaways approach to cash management so unique and what German companies, especially SMEs can learn from it.","presenter":"Fabian Mohr","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235319,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Mira","lname":"Mourits","cname2":"Unleashing Your Growth / Edsson","avatar":"","presentation_title":"The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership in Tech","bio":"Mira Mourits is a seasoned executive with over 17 years of experience in sales strategy, go-to-market operations, and leadership development. As the current VP of Sales/GTM Strategy \u0026 Operations at Edsson, Mira plays a pivotal role in aligning leadership, empowering teams, and driving strategic growth through cutting-edge technology and data-driven approaches.\n\nHaving worked in the tech industry since 2010, Mira blends her deep technical expertise with extensive sales experience, positioning her as a trusted advisor to C-level executives. She has a proven track record of helping businesses accelerate their time to market, optimize their operations, and leverage AI for sustained success. During her tenure as Director of Global Sales Leadership Enablement at Snowflake, she led global programs across EMEA, North America, and APAC, improving sales performance and operational alignment across multiple regions.\n\nMira’s passion for innovation and her ability to drive tangible results have made her a key figure in the tech industrie. Known for her actionable insights and ability to lead high-impact programs, she continues to help companies thrive in dynamic, fast-paced environments.","position":"VP GTM/Sales Strategy \u0026 Operations","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Presentation Overview:\nThis talk explores how vulnerability in leadership is becoming a key driver of success in the fast-paced tech industry. Far from being a weakness, vulnerability helps leaders foster trust, authenticity, and innovation. Using real-world examples from top tech companies, I’ll demonstrate how embracing vulnerability leads to stronger collaboration, faster decision-making, and a more innovative culture—critical in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape.\n\nWhy This Topic is Incredibly Valuable for eCommerce Expo 2024:\nIn the context of eCommerce, where businesses are continually pivoting in response to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements, vulnerable leadership enables organizations to stay agile. Leaders who admit challenges, encourage experimentation, and foster transparent communication allow their teams to:\n\n1.Innovate quickly to meet evolving market demands.\n2.Collaborate across functions, breaking silos and enhancing the customer experience.\n3.Build trust and loyalty within their teams, leading to greater employee engagement and retention in a highly competitive tech job market.\n\nBy embedding vulnerability into leadership practices, eCommerce companies can drive cultural transformation that leads to stronger, more resilient organizations. This transformation is vital for companies looking to scale in an industry where speed, adaptability, and innovation are key to staying ahead of competitors.\n\nI look forward to contributing to this event.","presenter":"Mira Mourits","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236801,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lorena","lname":"Schulte","cname2":"uppr GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Performance statt Risiko: Wie Partnership Marketing in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten für messbare Ergebnisse sorgt.","bio":"Marcel Schöne ist Gründer, Inhaber und Managing Director der uppr GmbH, der führenden Agentur für Performance Partnerships. \nEr ist ein unverzichtbarer Experte für Performance Partnerships und Affiliate-Marketing, bekannt u.a. von Auftritten auf dem OMR Festival. \nMarcel blickt zurück auf Stationen u.a. bei Tele2, Simyo und The Reach Group. \nSeit 2015 ist Marcel Taktgeber bei uppr und hilft mit seinem Team den Kunden und Partnern von uppr, nachhaltig Umsatz und Wachstum zu generieren.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In einer Zeit, in der Unternehmen ihre Marketingbudgets kritisch hinterfragen, bietet Partnership Marketing eine attraktive Alternative zu traditionellen Werbemaßnahmen. Dieser Vortrag liefert den TeilnehmerInnen das notwendige Wissen und die praktischen Werkzeuge, um erfolgreiche Partnerschaften aufzubauen und umzusetzen.\r\n\r\nWarum dieser Vortrag relevant ist:\r\n\r\n• Messbarkeit: Im Gegensatz zu vielen Marketingmaßnahmen ermöglicht Partnership Marketing eine präzise Messung des Return on Investment (ROI). Jede Partnerschaft kann klar definierten KPIs zugeordnet werden, was eine transparente Erfolgskontrolle gewährleistet. \r\n\r\n• Risikominimierung: Durch eine klare Vertragsgestaltung und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Partnern lassen sich Risiken minimieren. Unternehmen können ihre Marketingausgaben gezielt auf erfolgreiche Kooperationen konzentrieren.\r\n\r\n• Synergien schaffen: Partnership Marketing ermöglicht es, die Stärken verschiedener Unternehmen zu bündeln und so gemeinsam neue Märkte zu erschließen.\r\n\r\n• Flexibilität: Partnership Marketing ist eine agile Strategie, die sich schnell an veränderte Marktbedingungen anpassen lässt. Unternehmen können kurzfristig neue Partnerschaften eingehen oder bestehende Kooperationen ausbauen.\r\n\r\nZusätzliche Informationen:\r\n\r\n• Praktische Beispiele: Der Vortrag wird durch zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele aus verschiedenen Branchen ergänzt, um die theoretischen Inhalte zu veranschaulichen.\r\n\r\n• Interaktive Elemente: Um die Aufmerksamkeit der TeilnehmerInnen zu erhöhen, werden interaktive Elemente wie Umfragen und Diskussionen eingebaut.\r\n\r\n• Zukunftsperspektiven: Der Vortrag gibt einen Ausblick auf die zukünftige Entwicklung von Partnership Marketing und die Bedeutung von Partnerschaften in der digitalen Wirtschaft.","presenter":"Marcel Schöne","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":11,"id":235154,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Kasia","lname":"Ryniak","cname2":"Upside","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Knowledge Graphs and Generative AI as the Heart of Your Marketing Team","bio":"Rafal Cymerys, Co-founder and CTO, Upside\n\nRafal Cymerys is a strategic technology leader with over a decade of experience in software engineering. As the co-founder and CTO of Upside, an innovative software consulting company, he is at the forefront of digital commerce transformation. \n\nHe leads a team of skilled professionals dedicated to developing digital solutions. Thanks to his expertise, Upside has built successful partnerships with dynamic scale-ups, established brands, and public institutions like the University of Toronto and MIT. Rafal is also an active open-source enthusiast and contributor.\n\n\nKasia Ryniak , CEO and Co-founder, Upside\n\nKasia Ryniak is a business leader with over a decade of experience in the IT industry. As the CEO and co-founder of Upside, an innovative software consulting firm specializing in B2B ecommerce, she is responsible for the company's client-centric approach to digital strategy.\n\nKasia aligns business objectives with technological solutions, working across diverse sectors from scale-ups to established brands. She is committed to quality practices and streamlined software delivery processes, ensuring high-value, efficient solutions for clients.\n","position":"CEO; CTO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Over the years marketing teams in large companies shifted to engineering-driven, with algorithms playing a significant role in converting users and optimizing the marketing spend. Yet, creative teams are still required to produce content - a process that in many cases is time-consuming and repetitive.\r\n\r\nWith the rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, many specialists asked questions: can it really generate good and relevant marketing content? Can it fully understand our offering and brand?\r\n\r\nIn the presentation, we’ll show you techniques for organizing information about products and services in a representation known as Knowledge Graphs - used e.g. by Google to power search - and show how this structure can set a proper context to Generative AI tools. We’ll share examples from real projects, showcasing how our set of tools helped companies launch new campaigns faster, allowing for quicker testing of ideas and innovations.","presenter":"Kasia Ryniak, Rafał Cymerys","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":136,"id":236396,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Tamina","lname":"Steil","cname2":"Userlike","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Ok, Boomer! How Witt Group built a scalable WhatsApp marketing channel to get even closer to their best-ager audience","bio":"Pascal van Opzeeland ist Geschäftsführer von Userlike, einer führenden deutschen All-in-One-Software für KI-basierte Support-Automatisierung, WhatsApp-Marketing und Kunden-Messaging auf allen Kanälen.\n\nÜber 10.000 Unternehmen wie Toyota, Nivea und Targobank vertrauen seit vielen Jahren auf Userlike, um ihre digitale Kundenkommunikation effizienter und kundenfreundlicher zu gestalten.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"By 2030, every second German will be over 50.\r\n\r\nThe baby boomer generation with its high purchasing power offers immense potential as a growth driver for businesses.\r\n\r\nWitt Group, a member of the OTTO Group, specializes in positioning as one of Europe’s leading omni-channel retailers for the 50-plus customer segment.\r\n\r\nTheir brand “ Sieh an!” turned to WhatsApp to meet their audience of price- sensitive customers on their favorite app – while generating more revenue and boosting loyalty.\r\n\r\nIn this session, Pascal van Opzeeland, CEO of Userlike, will share insights from how Sieh an! built up their WhatsApp marketing from zero in no time. Establishing WhatsApp as a convenient, cost-effective channel that fuels customer retention.\r\n\r\nLearn how you can leverage the power of WhatsApp as the most innovative channel that leads the future of marketing!","presenter":"Pascal van Opzeeland","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":111,"id":236710,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Anna","lname":"Suding","cname2":"Valantic CEC","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Accessibility in E-Commerce ","bio":"Anna, a certified International Sales Manager, began her career in the medical industry before joining Tesla in 2017 as a Sr Business Resolutions Partner, focusing on customer and governmental affairs and improving internal processes. In 2020, she moved to OSF Digital to pursue her passion for IT and sales, becoming the Sales Vice President for DACH in 2022. Currently, Anna is the Salesforce Sales Manager at Valantic, a leading consulting and digital agency specializing in digital transformation, e-commerce solutions, and customer experience optimization. Valantic helps companies enhance business processes and customer engagement through innovative and tailored solutions.","position":"Sales Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this enlightening speech, we will explore the critical importance of accessibility in the e-commerce landscape.. As online shopping continues to expand, ensuring that digital platforms are inclusive for all users—especially those with disabilities—is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. We will discuss robust tools and features that empower businesses to create accessible online experiences. Attendees will learn best practices for building inclusive sites, hear success stories from industry leaders who have enhanced usability, and discover the significant economic advantages of reaching a broader customer base. Join us in championing more equitable digital accessibility that empowers everyone to shop with ease and confidence","presenter":"Anna Suding","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":234796,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lena","lname":"Grün","cname2":"Valtech","avatar":"","presentation_title":"  Germany's innovation crisis - How to increase innovative strength with strategic measures","bio":"David Toma is Vice President for Strategy \u0026 Consulting in the DACH region at Valtech, the Experience Innovation Company. With more than two decades of experience in strategy consulting and innovation development, he has shaped his career in leading positions at global consulting firms such as R/GA, EY, and Accenture. In these roles, he has led transformation projects for some of the world's leading companies, focusing on digital innovation, growth strategies, and the realignment of business models. \n\nAt Valtech, Toma is responsible for growth and strategic direction in the DACH region. His goal is to further expand the company's leading position in commerce and experience innovation. He is focused on transforming projects into long-term, value-creating partnerships, and deepening engagement in the core automotive, mobility, and B2B manufacturing industries where he has extensive experience. ","position":"Vice President for Strategy \u0026 Consulting ","logotype":"","presentation_description":"As innovation is the key to global competitiveness, this slide represents a serious threat to Germany's economic future.  \n\nWe offer you a presentation by David Toma, VP of Strategy \u0026 Consulting DACH at Valtech, in the category ‘Leadership and Strategic Management’, in which he can provide deeper insights into the causes of this innovation crisis. He will show why Germany has fallen behind despite strong research and development, and what strategic measures companies can take to increase their innovative strength. He would address the following key points: \n\nCorporate strategies: how companies can become competitive again by focusing more on commercializing innovations, acquiring talent, and cooperating. \n\nGermany's innovation gap: why the country is losing ground despite high investments in research and patents. \n\nThe causes of the decline: a lack of venture capital, insufficient state funding programs, and a shortage of skilled workers in key areas. \n\nCommercialization: the real challenge lies in the commercialization of innovations – the ability to successfully bring groundbreaking ideas to market. ","presenter":"David Toma","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":236267,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Andriy","lname":"Golubinskyy","cname2":"VanOnGo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Building Brand Loyalty with precise delivery leveraging Quantum Computing","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Logistics buzzwords like customer experience, AI, and real-time tracking are now common concepts, yet everyone interprets them differently. But can we go further with an outstanding delivery experience and become even more consumer-centric by reducing delivery time windows from two hours to just 30 minutes? Yes, and quantum computing will play a key role in making this a reality","presenter":"Andriy Golubinskyy","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235039,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dorothy","lname":"Malala","cname2":"Vaultik","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How to elevate the value of your products","bio":"Pietro is a visionary leader driving digital transformation through cutting-edge fintech and martech solutions, with a focus on ReWA. As CEO of Vaultik, he leads the development of innovative digital certificates that seamlessly connect brands and consumers, enhancing product authenticity and lifecycle transparency by blending deep expertise in both luxury and technology. His experience at Meta underscores his commitment to pushing the boundaries of digital innovation. With a strong foundation in digital marketing and strategic investments, Pietro is dedicated to fostering long-term growth through AI-powered solutions, positioning him at the forefront of future-ready digitization in the luxury industry.","position":"CEO and co-founder of Vaultik","logotype":",h_40,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/logo_vaultik_black.png","presentation_description":"In an increasingly competitive and digital-first e-commerce environment, products need to offer more than just quality or design—they need to offer value that transcends the traditional purchase. How can brands make their products stand out, not only in terms of physical attributes but in the emotional, experiential, and trust-based value they bring to customers? How to turn new regulations on Digital Product Passport into a new revenue opportunities for brands?\r\n\r\nIn this session, Vaultik will introduce cutting-edge strategies that help e-commerce brands redefine the value of their products by leveraging innovation, transparency, and technology. From digital product passports to blockchain-enabled authenticity verification, Vaultik is transforming how brands in industries like luxury, fashion, art and sports can enhance their product offerings, increase trust, and foster long-term relationships with their customers.\r\n\r\nKey Takeaways:\r\n\r\n- Building Trust through Transparency\r\n- Creating Emotional Value\r\n- Leveraging Data to Enhance Personalization\r\n- Driving Long-Term Customer Loyalty\r\n- Turning new regulations into new revenue opportunities\r\n\r\nThis session will provide e-commerce leaders with actionable insights on how to differentiate their products in a crowded market, while simultaneously enhancing brand value and customer trust.","presenter":"Pietro Novelli","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":235859,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Dr. Marie-Luise","lname":"Meinhold","cname2":" für nachhaltige Entwicklung eG / Projektgesellschaft AG","avatar":"","presentation_title":"smart contracts - blockchain solutions for the defi world and for sustainable development","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the world of smart contracts, exciting possibilities open up for reshaping the future of insurance. By leveraging decentralized financial systems (DeFi), not only is transparency increased, but costs for all parties involved are also reduced. Imagine your insurance working automatically and handling everything directly, without lengthy processes and bureaucratic hurdles. Claims are recognized and settled in real time — this is not only practical but also saves you time and hassle!\r\n\r\nThis technology protects against lock-in effects and enables flexible actions that cater to your individual needs. As a result, insurance becomes easier to integrate with other financial products in e-commerce, making it more accessible for you. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency — a true win-win situation for everyone involved.\r\n\r\nIn a future where responsibility and profitability go hand in hand, blockchain technology shines through its efficiency, transparency, and audit-proof traceability. By investing in this innovative world, you are not only securing your own protection but also supporting a system that embodies ecological and social values while strengthening the community. Let’s shape the future of insurance together!","presenter":"Dr. Marie-Luise Meinhold","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":236558,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florence","lname":"Noblet","cname2":"Verbolia","avatar":"","presentation_title":"8 Steps to Boost Your SEO Revenue with Long-Tail Keywords","bio":"Pierre-Olivier (aka POD) is the founder and CEO at Verbolia. He was founder/CEO/CTO in various tech startups and scaleups in Europe and Asia, and is now helping large scale ecommerce websites increase their long-tail SEO traffic and Google Shopping ROAS with disruptive technologies.","position":"CEO \u0026 co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Did you know that a long-tail strategy can boost your SEO revenue by up to 30%? In this session, we'll explore how large retailers like Decathlon, Mediamarkt, Galeria, Würth... leverage long-tail traffic to rank over 70% of their pages in the top 10 search results. Backed by real data and insights, we'll break down their approach step by step, offering practical strategies you can apply to your own eCommerce business. Join us to learn how to increase revenue from your SEO efforts with proven, actionable tips!","presenter":"Pierre-Olivier Danhaive","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":20,"id":234803,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Florence","lname":"Noblet","cname2":"Verbolia","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Optimising Product Pages with AI: Boosting ROAS in Google Shopping Campaigns","bio":"Pierre-Olivier (aka POD) is the founder and CEO at Verbolia. He was founder/CEO/CTO in various tech startups and scaleups in Europe and Asia, and is now helping large scale ecommerce websites increase their long-tail SEO traffic and Google Shopping ROAS with disruptive technologies.","position":"CEO \u0026 co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Are your product pages underperforming in Google Shopping campaigns? Join us to explore how AI can transform your strategy. We'll dive into a model that automatically identifies the most effective layout for each product page, boosting conversion rates and increasing ROAS. With real-world examples from brands like Boohoo and Galeria, you'll learn how advanced AI-driven personalisation can drive better performance in your campaigns. In this session, we'll provide actionable tips to turn your product pages into high-conversion tools and help you get the most out of your ad spend.","presenter":"Pierre-Olivier Danhaive","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":16,"id":234804,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Joshua","lname":"Hobson","cname2":"Vervaunt","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Unlocking Growth with AI and Performance Marketing","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In times of economic uncertainty and rapidly shifting consumer behaviour, cutting through the noise to achieve meaningful results and sustained growth has become more challenging than ever. This talk will delve into how AI is transforming performance marketing, from enhanced targeting and bidding to optimising and scaling creative strategies. While some marketers have feared AI will replace their roles, we'll demonstrate how it can instead elevate team skill sets, boost efficiency, and deliver winning results.\r\n\r\nThis session will include actionable tips to implement into your day-to-day performance marketing tactics, how to use AI to scale activity profitably, and how AI for good in the workforce.","presenter":"Bethan Rainford","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":42,"id":236602,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Joshua","lname":"Hobson","cname2":"Vervaunt","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Creating Purpose-Driven Content for Paid Social - The Importance of Creative Diversity","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"We want to create a significantly tangible talk which will allow brands, agencies, and retailers to understand the best practice for paid social creative. We have worked alongside Meta to co-create a whitepaper, where we have taken a number of considerable learnings on the topic of creative diversity. We wish to present these to the audience with real life examples and test results as to how best create content for performance marketing. \r\n\r\nThe session will give the attendees an understanding of how creative has evolved over the last few years with a detailed guide as to best to plan and build content. We will deliver proven test results, working alongside and published with Meta as to how creative diversity can impact results. \r\n\r\nThis session will inform how content informs your structure and audience targeting.","presenter":"Josh Duggan","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":40,"id":236604,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Stefano","lname":"Gasperini","cname2":"Visualais","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Go 3D: How to Make Your Products Pop Without the Usual Headaches","bio":"Stefano, Co-Founder \u0026 CEO of Visualais, leads a tech startup revolutionizing e-commerce with AI-powered 3D renderings created from simple smartphone images. A passionate advocate for solving real-world challenges through technology, Stefano did his PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision at TUM in Munich, where he has published extensively in top research conferences and earned outstanding reviewer awards. As an advisor to a team of PhD students at TUM, he continues to contribute to AI research and innovation. Stefano’s international experience spans Italy, California (USA), and Germany, where he has built a diverse academic and professional background. Prior to co-founding Visualais, he conducted AI research at BMW and Airbus, contributing to numerous patents and publications. His expertise uniquely positions him to bring cutting-edge AI solutions to the e-commerce space.","position":"Co-Founder \u0026 CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, compelling visuals are crucial for capturing customers’ short attention spans and driving conversions. This talk explores the power of visuals in e-commerce and how interactive elements like 3D product visualizations elevate the customer experience, boost engagement and sales, and reduce returns. We’ll uncover the common challenges online shops face when adopting 3D—from cost and complexity to scalability—and introduce a hassle-free, AI-based approach that overcomes these barriers. Drawing on our advanced research and team expertise, grounded in PhDs in cutting-edge AI, we will share real-world case studies, data, and actionable insights to help brands and retailers unlock the full potential of 3D technology and transform their online shopping experience. Whether you’re a retailer looking to enhance product pages or an e-commerce innovator seeking differentiation, this talk presented by our CEO and AI expert offers a fresh perspective on making 3D visuals simple and impactful.","presenter":"Stefano Gasperini","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":72,"id":236074,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Vladimir","lname":"Mitić","cname2":"WAYOO ltd.","avatar":"","presentation_title":"From Data to Decisions: Metrics That Matter in Ecommerce","bio":"As a seasoned Full Funnel \u0026 Customer Journey Marketing Expert, I specialize in crafting comprehensive customer acquisition systems that capture attention and convert it into tangible results.\nWhether your business is e-commerce or B2B lead generation, my tailored approach answers the unique needs of modern businesses seeking growth and sustainability.\n\nAbout me:\n- Expert Vetted \u0026 Top Rated Plus on Upwork.\n- A blend of creativity and analytical prowess to ensure ads attract and convert.\n- A passion for helping businesses grow and a commitment to clear and efficient communication.\n- I work with a limited number of clients, so I can focus and help your business grow.\n\nExpertise:\n- Customer Acquisition: I leverage my experience managing over $2 million in ad spend to build end-to-end customer acquisition strategies.\n- E-Commerce and B2B Lead Generation: Whether you're an e-commerce platform looking to boost sales or a service provider seeking qualified leads.\n- Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions: I create a synergized multi-channel marketing mix that resonates with your target audience.\n- Customized Funnel Design: I craft every funnel, incorporating targeted ads, landing pages and strategic email marketing, to ensure a seamless journey from awareness to conversion.\n- Worked with Diverse Industries: My expertise isn't limited to one sector.\n- Advanced Tracking and Data Utilization.","position":"Owner @ WAYOO - DTC Marketing Agency","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s data-driven world, eCommerce businesses can access more metrics than ever. But with so much information available, how do you avoid analysis paralysis and focus on the metrics that drive business success? \r\n\r\nThis presentation will break down the overwhelming landscape of popular vs. critical metrics and show you how to prioritize data points that lead to actionable insights.\r\n\r\nWe’ll explore:\r\n- Popular Metrics: Understand the most commonly tracked metrics, their pros and cons, and to which outcomes they lead to.\r\n- Essential Metrics: Learn which metrics matter for driving growth, optimizing customer experience, and boosting conversions.\r\n- Analysis Paralysis: Discover how to overcome the common pitfalls of over-analysis by focusing on metrics that align with your business goals.\r\n- Advanced Implementations: Dive into the need for server-side tracking and advanced data implementations to ensure your data remains reliable and compliant with privacy laws like GDPR.\r\n- Data Redaction and Privacy: Learn how to track performance effectively while complying with evolving data privacy regulations.\r\n\r\nIn this session, I want to provide you with the knowledge and tools to make smarter, faster, and more impactful data-driven decisions. \r\nBy understanding which metrics lead to what outcomes and which to prioritize, you’ll learn how to invest your time and resources wisely, ensuring that your efforts lead to meaningful growth for your business.","presenter":"Vladimir Mitić","presentation_category":"marketing","logotype_cdn":"","votes":5,"id":234747,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Rafael","lname":"Oldrini","cname2":"We The Brands_","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Beyond Overstock: Transforming inventory challenges into revenue opportunities","bio":"I'm a seasoned supply chain leader with 18 years of diverse experience across industries like energy, mining, aerospace, pharma, and eCommerce. \n\nI have a passion for building and optimizing operations while developing robust structures that empower eCommerce brands to thrive in any market. \n\nBy leveraging strategies from sourcing to planning, I get you the best products at the best prices,  ensuring that businesses have what they need, when they need it.\n\n Currently focused on eCommerce, I’m dedicated to creating end-to-end solutions that unlock potential and drive success for my brands in the fast-paced world of online retail.","position":"Head of Supply Chain","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today’s eCommerce landscape, excess inventory can cripple your cash flow, disrupt daily operations, erode profitability and turn your long term inventory strategy into a nightmare. \r\n\r\nThis presentation offers actionable insights for navigating these challenges and transforming them into opportunities. \r\n\r\nFrom leveraging bulk sales and liquidators to expanding into new markets and using innovative promotions, let's explore how to free up working capital and make inventory management a driver of growth. Whether you’re exploring B2B, retail chains, considering a brick-and-mortar strategy, or enhancing marketplace visibility, these strategies will show potential for you to turn excess stock into a competitive advantage, even in a market dried out from financing and investment.","presenter":"Rafael Oldrini","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":13,"id":235145,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Lennart","lname":"Brand","cname2":"web-netz GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How Amazon DSP can revolutionize your digital ad strategy approach","bio":"Lennart Brand is experienced in digital marketing and eCommerce with a strong focus retail media.\n\nStarting his career at Paradies GmbH, Lennart played a crucial role in the development of the company's e-commerce department. At Maxentum GmbH, Lennart took on the role of Digital Marketing Manager, leading efforts in Meta Ads, Google SEA, and business development.\n\nCurrently, Lennart is part of webnetz GmbH, where he specializes in Amazon Ads and Amazon DSP. His work includes strategic consulting and data-driven insights to maximize retail media performance.\n\nWith a wealth of experience across digital platforms, Lennart is passionate about driving business growth through effective marketing strategies and data analytics.","position":"Strategic Lead Amazon Ads (Amazon Ads \u0026 Amazon DSP)","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Effective targeting? Yes, please! Learn how Amazon DSP can revolutionize your digital advertising strategy through precise audience targeting and data analysis.","presenter":"Lennart Brand","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":23,"id":234778,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sven","lname":"Jänchen","cname2":"webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Marketing technology under control","bio":"Sven is a seasoned professional with over 17 years of experience in strategy, consulting, and sales management. Currently, he is the Head of Strategy \u0026 Consulting at webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH, where he focuses on enhancing the digital customer experience for B2B companies.\nPreviously, he served as Principal Consultant at webit! from January 2022 to October 2023, and as Principal Sales Specialist at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, overseeing sales operations in Mid- and East Germany. Sven has also been the Chairman of the Working Committee for Technical Sales and Distribution at the VDI Dresdner Bezirksverein e.V. since 2007, facilitating networking among sales professionals.\nHis earlier role as Director of Sales \u0026 Marketing at ubigrate GmbH involved managing direct sales and marketing strategies. With expertise in digital strategy and customer journey creation, Sven is a valuable asset in the consultancy field.","position":"Head of Strategy \u0026 Consulting","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Personalization is the Holy Grail that all marketing departments strive for. What does it take to improve the digital customer experience? How should companies proceed and what opportunities does the increasingly comprehensive marketing technology offer?","presenter":"Sven Jänchen","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":235895,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Miroslav","lname":"Uhlik","cname2":"Webout","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Personalized Videos: The Next Frontier in E-commerce Customer Experience","bio":"Karel Juřička – Co-founder \u0026 CTO of Webout\n\nKarel Juřička is a seasoned technology innovator and the driving force behind Webout's video personalization platform. As a Co-founder and CTO, Karel brings extensive experience from leading development roles, including his work on Kuki, one of the largest IPTV platforms in the Czech Republic, and as a Team Leader at, where he spearheaded the creation of a new television platform. His deep expertise in software development and passion for creating cutting-edge solutions have been pivotal in shaping Webout's unique real-time video personalization technology. Karel's vision is to make personalized video content accessible and effective for businesses of all sizes, setting new standards for customer engagement and digital marketing.\n\nMichal Orsava – Co-founder \u0026 CCO of Webout\n\nMichal Orsava is a renowned creative director, marketer, and entrepreneur known for his innovative approach to video content and viral marketing. As the Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Webout, Michal combines his background in directing and creative storytelling with his expertise in real-time video personalization. He has crafted successful marketing campaigns for major brands like Hyundai,, and CzechTourism, earning over 30 million views on viral videos. Michal also founded the creative agency FILMAGIX, where his work continues to push the boundaries of digital marketing. At Webout, he leverages his creativity to revolutionize how brands communicate, using personalized and interactive video content to foster deeper customer connections and drive sales growth.","position":"CMO \u0026 Co-founder; CTO \u0026 Co-founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In today's digital landscape, where customer attention is more fragmented than ever, personalized videos are transforming the way e-commerce businesses engage their audience. This presentation will explore how dynamic and interactive video content is revolutionizing the customer experience, setting new standards for engagement, retention, and sales. Unlike traditional one-size-fits-all marketing, personalized videos use real-time data to create tailored content that speaks directly to individual viewers, making every interaction unique and relevant.\r\n\r\nFrom personalized product recommendations to interactive shoppable videos, we will delve into real-world examples that demonstrate the power of personalization in driving customer loyalty and boosting conversion rates. Discover how leading brands are leveraging data-driven insights to deliver messages that resonate, creating deeper connections with their customers and setting themselves apart in a crowded market.\r\n\r\nThis session will also address the technological advancements that make real-time video personalization possible, and how these innovations are accessible for companies of all sizes. Attendees will learn best practices for integrating personalized video strategies into their marketing mix, enhancing customer journeys, and ultimately, maximizing ROI. Get ready to explore the next frontier of e-commerce: a world where every video feels like a one-on-one conversation, enhancing brand affinity and driving measurable business results.","presenter":"Michal Orsava; Karel Juřička","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":16,"id":235447,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Adil","lname":"Sbai","cname2":"WeCreate Germany","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Warum Fokus auf Messbarkeit eine Marke killt: Effektivität schlägt Effizienz – und warum selbst Nike \u0026 Adidas daran scheiterten","bio":"Adil Sbai, CEO von WeCreate. Der ehemalige Pokerspieler gründete auch influData, die erste Datenplattform rund um TikTok und ist Autor der TikTok-Bibel. WeCreate managt u.a. Creator wie Herr Anwalt, Levi Penell, Malte Zierden und Nadine Breaty.","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder WeCreate, influData \u0026 9:16","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Insolvenzen von Influencer-getriebenen Marken wie Paul Valentine, Gymtastic und Oceans Apart verdeutlichen häufige Fehler, die Startups machen, darunter eine Überabhängigkeit von kurzfristigen Erfolgen durch Performance-Marketing, schwache Markenbildung und fehlende Produktdifferenzierung.\r\n\r\nDiese Unternehmen konzentrieren sich zu sehr auf schnelle Verkäufe durch Influencer und Werbung, während sie die langfristige Markenentwicklung vernachlässigen. Das macht sie anfällig, wenn der Wettbewerb intensiver wird oder die Werbekosten steigen.\r\n\r\nAber auch größere Unternehmen wie Adidas oder Nike haben im letzten Jahr ähnliche Fehler gemacht. Ich habe ein Video über die Fehler von Nike hier erstellt:\r\n\r\nWichtige Punkte: Branding vs. Performance Marketing: Viele Startups legen zu viel Wert auf kurzfristige Verkäufe, ohne in den langfristigen Markenaufbau zu investieren. Experten wie Les Binet und Byron Sharp betonen die Bedeutung, kurzfristige Verkäufe mit dem Aufbau dauerhafter Kundenloyalität durch Markenbekanntheit in Einklang zu bringen.\r\n\r\nFehlende Produktdifferenzierung: Ohne ein einzigartiges Produktangebot wenden sich Kunden schnell an die Konkurrenz. Sowohl Warren Buffett als auch Donald Miller betonen, dass Verbraucher verstehen und schätzen müssen, was ein Produkt auszeichnet, um langfristig treu zu bleiben.\r\n\r\nEffizienz vs. Effektivität: Startups konzentrieren sich oft auf leicht messbare Ergebnisse des Performance-Marketings, vernachlässigen jedoch die langfristigen Vorteile des Markenaufbaus, der schwieriger zu messen ist, aber für nachhaltiges Wachstum entscheidend ist.\r\n\r\nÜbermäßige Abhängigkeit von Direct-to-Consumer (DTC): Sich ausschließlich auf DTC-Strategien zu verlassen, kann riskant sein, besonders wenn die Werbekosten steigen. Ein vielfältiger Marketingansatz, einschließlich Einzelhandel und PR, hilft, die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Marke zu stärken.","presenter":"Adil Sbai","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235847,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Magnus","lname":"Folten","cname2":"WeCreate Germany GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Mediennutzung der Gen Z \u0026 Y und wie Brands darauf reagieren sollten","bio":"Magnus Folten (M.A. Medien und politische Kommunikation) forschte bereits zu Mediennutzung und -wirkung an der Freien Universität Berlin. Er setzte sich explizit im Bereich Influencer Kommunikation mit der Vermittlung zentraler Botschaften und der Konstruktion von Authentizität auseinander. Dieses Wissen setzt er heute als Managing Director bei WeCreate ein. Dort leitet er die Agentur 9:16 by WeCreate und die 9:16-Strategien der Kunden. Außerdem veranstaltet er Workshops und hält Impulsvorträge.\n","position":"Managing Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Die Generationen Z und Y konsumieren zu 90 % mindestens einmal pro Woche 9:16 Inhalte auf Plattformen wie TikTok und Instagram Reels. Vertikale Videos sind also ein Muss für erfolgreiche Markenkommunikation. Doch dieser Trend stellt nicht nur neue Anforderungen an die Tontalität der Kommunikation, sondern auch an die dahinterliegenden Strukturen. \"Video-first\" bedeutet viel Content, aufwändige Produktion und schnelle Anpassung – eine Herausforderung, die Brands meistern müssen, um relevant zu bleiben.\r\n\r\nMagnus Folten, Managing Director der Agentur 9:16 by WeCreate, forschte zur Mediennutzung der jungen Generationen und erklärt, wie Marken sich zeitgemäß dafür aufstellen.\r\n\r\n","presenter":"Magnus Folten","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":236280,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Laura","lname":"Melzer","cname2":"WILDPLASTIC GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Kollaborativ zirkulär – eCommerce innerhalb planetarer Grenzen \u0026 wie Müll zur Ressource werden kann","bio":"As one of the co-founders and CEO of WILDPLASTIC®, Christian has made it his personal mission to tackle plastic emissions and product circularity. The steward-owned impact company is turning collected waste into products and packaging, empowering the world's informal waste management community. Together with partners like OTTO, Borussia Dortmund, Hermes, NUK, BLUME2000 and many others, WILDPLASTIC® is recovering emitted plastic waste and brings it back into the production cycle. Christian believes that strong alliances are an irresistible force of change. Previously to WILDPLASTIC®, Christian has built partnerships both at Google and at YouTube. He is especially proud about the recognition for WILDPLASTIC's efforts, such as the German packaging award, KfW Award, Public Value Award among others.","position":"CEO \u0026 Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Das Thema Kreislaufwirtschaft ist zwar medial aktuell sehr präsent, aber die Daten zeigen einen alarmierenden Trend: Unser Konsum steigt weiter an und die Müllberge, besonders in Ländern ohne funktionierende Abfallwirtschaft, wachsen stetig. Dieses Wachstum erfordert immer mehr Rohstoffe, doch der Großteil des Kunststoffs, den wir produzieren, wird nicht recycelt und wiederverwendet, sondern gelangt in die Umwelt. Aktuell liegen dort über sieben Milliarden Tonnen, obwohl vieles davon eine Ressource sein kann. \r\n\r\nWie können wir dem Entgegenwirken? Was geschieht mit dem „Müll von gestern” und können wir das ändern? Wie könnte E-Commerce Logistik und Packaging innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen aussehen? Dieser Beitrag bietet einen hoffnungsvollen Ausblick auf die Zukunft und erläutert, warum Kollaboration der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist und warum es viele und nicht eine Lösung braucht, um der Plastikkrise entgegenzuwirken.","presenter":"Christian Sigmund","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":235240,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Matthias","lname":"Kraaz","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling a company fully remotely","bio":"About\nWe connect the worlds data. \n300k data professionals in 134 countries use us to connect their data. We offer connectors to 314 data sources and send data to 16 destinations, including BI tools, spreadsheets, and databases.\n\n---\nAbout me:\nMy background is in B2B software and I have scaled and built several companies around the world.","position":"COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"At we build data pipelines for modern marketers. We do so fully remotely and built a customer base of \u003e2500 mostly ecommerce brands. Goal is to share the journey and tips on being fully remote.","presenter":"Matthias Kraaz","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235112,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Philipp","lname":"Maier","cname2":"Wipro","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Embracing AI in Your Organisation with Innovative Change Management Tactics","bio":"Philipp Maier has a proven track record in delivering successful Change Management \u0026 Training projects in the context of digital transformation for around 20 years. He studied Education and Business \u0026 Organisational Psychology and is not only a change and AI enthusiast but lifetime \"learning-addicted\". Always searching for the missing link between Technology and the “human factor”, he believes that it is time for every organisation to “surf on the wave of digitalisation” instead of hiding from it. He sees an urgent need for long-established companies in the business to re-invent themselves and continuously innovate their processes, tools landscape as well as leadership style and culture. He is a promoter of action-oriented learning and believes in the power of company culture that can make a huge difference when it comes to the resilience and ambitions of large organisations in a volatile business environment.","position":"Senior Manager","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ready to change the way businesses operate, making things faster and smarter. However, moving towards using AI can bring up problems like fear, resistance, and disruptions within an organization. The talk, \"Embracing AI in Your Organisation with Innovative Change Management Tactics,\" looks at how managing change can help make the process of adopting AI smoother and how AI will be crucial specifically in the E-commerce sector.\n\nA Change Management expert from Wipro will lead the session. It will focus on using specific tools and ways of managing change to reduce fear and help everyone in the organization feel more positive about AI. The talk will cover important areas such as creating a Change Network. This means having a group within the organization who understands the AI changes well and can help and support their colleagues.\n\nThe talk will also stress the importance of clear and simple communication to explain the benefits of AI clearly, and how leaders and team managers play a key role in supporting and promoting the use of AI. It will also sharpen your understanding of the endless possibilities of AI specifically in the E-Commerce sector.\n\nThe main focus of this talk is to show how change management strategies can do more than just make introducing AI easier. They can also help create a culture where continuous improvement and being open to change are valued. Attendees will get practical advice on how to involve important people in the organization and use change management to make AI integration and organizational transformation successful.\n\nThis session is for any role in your organization, whether it is an AI enthusiast, a team lead, C-Level, or HR.","presenter":"Philipp Maier","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":54,"id":234940,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Valerio","lname":"Martelli","cname2":"Wisepops","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Top learnings to improve engagement with visitors in digital environment","bio":"I have a track record of success, especially in PrestaShop where I built the full ecosystem of partners (tech vendors, agencies and system integrators) growing +85% this year and becoming the 1st source of revenue for the company.\n\nI've architected from scratch as well as run turnaround strategies. I've built and led multi-cultural teams across different levels and positions (Partnerships, Sales, Tech, Product, Legal, ..).\n\nI look to establish an aligned Go-to-Market strategy that leverages a 'whole product' mindset, working hand-in-hand with my internal partners to drive results.\nAs well as working with great teams, I love sharing experience and knowledge with start-up founders looking to move into new markets and build their Go-To-Market strategy.","position":"Chief revenue officer","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Wisepops solves the problem of inefficient and impersonal online customer engagement by offering a powerful, easy-to-use on-site marketing platform. Our innovation lies in the use of innovative, non-intrusive onsite channels (Notification feed), AI-driven personalization and advanced integration with popular marketing tools (Shopify, Klaviyo, etc). This enables brands to deliver personalized messages in real time, which dynamically adapt to visitor behavior. Our customers measure a 5% uplift in sales when comparing with and without Wisepops.\r\n\r\nOur customers: Asphalte, APC, The FrankieShop, Rouje,, etc.","presenter":"Martelli Valerio","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":91,"id":235721,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Timmy","lname":"Lack","cname2":"Wucato Marketplace GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Effizienzkiller entlarven: Wie digitale Beschaffungsprozesse den Arbeitsalltag optimieren\"","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie die Firma Würth und andere Unternehmen durch die Digitalisierung ihrer Beschaffungsprozesse versteckte Ineffizienzen aufspüren und beseitigen. Anhand praxisnaher Einblicke zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Mitarbeitenden entlasten und an Produktivität gewinnen.","presenter":"Timmy Lack","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235436,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Torsten","lname":"Heinson","cname2":"Wunderknaben Kommunikation GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Dalborgo -  kann man mit nachhaltigem E-Commerce erfolgreich sein","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Vision Dalborgo \r\n- fair erzeugte Produkte aus Sizilien\r\n- Mitbestimmung in der Preisgestaltung\r\n- Transparenz durch Storytelling\r\n- Crowdfarming über eigene landwirtschaftliche Flächen \r\n\r\nWie ging der Aufbau?\r\nWelche Vorbehalte bestehen?\r\nWelche Möglichkeiten zur Expansion?\r\nWelche Chancen?\r\nWelche Risiken?\r\nWeiterer Business Plan","presenter":"Torsten Heinson","presentation_category":"crossborder","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235102,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nicole","lname":"Magelssen","cname2":"","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Navigating Disruption: Strategic Leadership for E-commerce Growth in Challenging Times","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In an industry as fast-paced and competitive as e-commerce, disruption is inevitable. But how can leaders not only survive but thrive in such an environment? This session will explore the strategic leadership practices that enable e-commerce businesses to turn disruption into opportunity. Attendees will learn how to drive growth through innovation, effectively manage teams during times of change, and implement strategies that differentiate their business in a crowded marketplace. By focusing on real-world examples and data-driven insights, this session will equip leaders with the tools they need to lead their organizations to success, even in the most challenging times.","presenter":"Nicole Magelssen","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":234511,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"drs. Coen","lname":"Olde Olthof","cname2":" /","avatar":"","presentation_title":"\"I Couldn’t Care less”: your Brains’ Response to Brands and how AI can help.","bio":"Coen Olde Olthof is the founder of, he brings over 20 years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in advertising, neuromarketing, computer vision and neural networks (AI). A techie turned CMO, he is passionate about leveraging data for science-based brand decisions. He is also the chairman of the I-Com Behaviour Council and an aspiring (but very mediocre) barista.","position":"founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How with the help of Google and YouTube we Turned a Decade of Neuromarketing Data into AI Predictions . \r\n\r\nI will share how (Neuro-Data trained) AI models can help predict what gets noticed. Using\r\nvarious visuals and visual illusions, I will present data showing that, despite marketers best\r\nefforts, many ad components fail to stand out and often go completely unnoticed.\r\n\r\nAs the saying goes,\r\nIt's hard to read the label if you're inside the jar.\r\n\r\nResearch reveals that to effectively communicate a message, ads must stand out in context, ensure the brand is not only viewable but also gets seen, and make the video Ad easy for the visual brain to process. \r\n\r\nThese thresholds must be met before any part of the Ads story, like humour, product claims, or\r\nnarratives, gets across.\r\n\r\nUsing a huge YouTube data set we predict outcome based on brain data. (for Google and Uber but also for travel, banking and telco clients) \r\n\r\nAs a TedX speaker, I will share a highly engaging visual story. Participants will learn something about their brain. And what not to do in creating ads. And they will understand how (gen) AI can help them overcome this. They will be made to think, but also will leave a bit smarter marketer.","presenter":"drs Conrad Olde Olthof","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":8,"id":235129,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Isabel","lname":"Havrda","cname2":"Xentral ERP Software GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Scaling your e-Commerce Business: 5 Tipps for Sustainable Growth","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Benedikt, founder of Xentral ERP knows the e-commerce journey inside and out—not just as a tech expert, but as a former online shop owner who faced the same challenges you do. When he couldn’t find the right software solution for his growing business, he decided to build it himself, coding the ERP system that would become Xentral ERP. In this talk, Benedikt shares his personal experience of scaling an e-commerce business from the ground up, offering a practical framework for navigating each growth stage. Learn how to overcome common pain points, optimize logistics,  finding investors and make smart investments to drive sustainable growth. This session is ideal for any business looking to scale, backed by insights from someone who's been in your shoes.","presenter":"Benedikt Sauter","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":22,"id":236507,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Daniel","lname":"Heinen","cname2":"XIoni GmbH, Bundesblock","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Digital Twins and Digital Productpassport für e-Commerce","bio":"Daniel studied Marketing and Finance and worked several years as a CFP and Managing Consult after his turn to the e-Commerce and data driven industry as an investor an entrepreneur. He is a well known expert in Web3 and Blockchain and serves the German Blockchain Associations for several years now as a board member. ","position":"CEO, Member of the Board","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Unlocking the Future of E-Commerce with Digital Twins and Product Passports: A New Era under the ESPR Regulation\r\n\r\nAs the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of Digital Twins and Digital Product Passports in e-commerce is becoming increasingly critical. With the European Commission’s Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) laying the groundwork, these technologies are set to revolutionize how businesses manage, track, and optimize their products throughout their lifecycle.\r\n\r\nDigital Twins—virtual replicas of physical products—enable real-time monitoring and analysis, offering unparalleled insights into performance, maintenance, and sustainability. Coupled with the Digital Product Passport, a digital record detailing a product’s origin, components, and environmental impact, these tools are key to creating a more transparent and sustainable e-commerce ecosystem.\r\n\r\nFor retailers and consumers alike, the ability to trace products from production to disposal will enhance trust, improve sustainability, and ensure compliance with new regulatory standards. As e-commerce shifts towards a circular economy, adopting Digital Twins and Digital Product Passports will not only boost operational efficiency but also position businesses for future success in a competitive, sustainability-focused market.","presenter":"Daniel Heinen","presentation_category":"futuretech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":3,"id":236075,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Carsten","lname":"Hennig","cname2":"XPLN","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Temu Trends Uncovered: Data-Driven Strategies for Cosmetic Brands to Detect and Capitalize on E-Commerce Trends","bio":"Sebastian Klumpp is CEO of XPLN, the premium provider of comprehensive software solutions for digital shelf analytics and dynamic pricing. With his comprehensive and AI-driven solutions, he supports well-known companies such as Gardena, Galaxus and Lloyd Shoes in making confident decisions and maximizing performance. Sebastian himself is one of the pioneers in online and multichannel retail and digital shelf analytics and he understands the challenges brands and retailers face in e-commerce. He founded his own B2B platform for the hairdressing trade and headed up product data management at the Klingel Group for many years. As a speaker at events and as a podcast guest, Sebastian uses specific use cases to illustrate where revenue is lost in e-commerce and how the use of automation and AI can solve problems and unlock potential. He has a deep understanding of technology and always communicates in an action-oriented way.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In the fast-paced world of hair and beauty, staying ahead of trends is essential to dominating the e-commerce market. This case study delves into how one hairstyling and cosmetics brand leveraged data analytics to anticipate market shifts. By harnessing the power of digital shelf analytics on platforms like Temu, we show how brands can track top sellers across relevant keywords and categories to gain a competitive edge. We dive deeper into data points such as the quantity and quality of ratings and reviews, as well as specific tags to uncover early indicators of emerging trends. Follow our client’s journey to see how analyzing “signals” from the Temu marketplace can empower brands to optimize their offerings, marketing strategies, and product positioning.\r\n\r\nAttendees will gain actionable insights on:\r\n– Data crawling for trend detection: Tapping into the hidden potential of e-commerce data.\r\n– The power of reviews: Understanding consumer sentiment and local preferences to drive strategy.\r\n– From data to action: Turning data into strategic decisions for product development, marketing, and sales.\r\n\r\nWhether you’re an e-commerce veteran or a brand striving to break through, this session is designed to showcase how understanding market trends and consumer behavior can drive better business decisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to turn data into actionable insights that not only drive sales, but position your brand to lead the market!","presenter":"Sebastian Klumpp","presentation_category":"shopsystems","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":116,"id":236401,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Jussi","lname":"Tommola","cname2":"YellowMay","avatar":"","presentation_title":"UX with the right message","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"How you build the right UX and keep the potential customers. The information is the key ingredient to have the right level of engagement to interact with your product.","presenter":"Jussi Tommola","presentation_category":"fintech","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234789,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sergii","lname":"Iurga","cname2":"Yespo","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Retail Omnichannel Marketing - How to Stay in Your Customers’ Spotlight?","bio":"Alex is responsible for the development and implementation of the marketing strategy, promotion of the Yespo customer data platform on the international market.\n\nHe is an author and trainer on business management, business process optimization, marketing, and promotion strategy.\n","position":"Co-founder, COO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"- A radical paradigm shift in how we view customers’ place in marketing communication.\r\n- Why do most businesses still fail at implementing complex strategies?\r\n- Multichannel vs. Omnichannel: The key difference most marketers miss\r\n- The importance of a single customer view in modern data-driven marketing.\r\n- How marketers should adapt their approach to stay ahead of the curve.\r\n- Practical cases of high-performance omnichannel marketing.","presenter":"Alex Danchenko","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":18,"id":235699,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yannik","lname":"Kottusch","cname2":"[email protected]","avatar":"","presentation_title":"B2C CRM: Marketing Automation can only thrive if it's combined with the latest trend: Content Automation","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Over the last decade, 90% of retailers and eCommerce players have found out about the importance of marketing automation. Most of the campaigns have been set up a couple of years ago and never got touched again. This leads to a decrease in performance on these channels, as the customers have cracked the code: If I put something into my basket and abandon it, I'm very likely to get a 10% discount via mail. The rest is irrelevant.\r\n\r\nTime to tackle this with fully automated, real time content that excites customers!\r\n\r\nWe are working with brands like Douglas, Thalia, Sky, Tipico and others on solving the above challenge and I'd like to present their use cases.","presenter":"Yannik Kottusch","presentation_category":"marketing","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":236257,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Huseyin","lname":"Ozel","cname2":"Yopaat BV /","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Predicting the Future: How to Build a Forecasting Model for Your Business Volume, Revenues \u0026 Costs","bio":"The founder of Yopaat BV and the inventor and director of Gésumé, Huseyin Ozel, has his educational background in engineering, management and computing science. Prior to starting Yopaat BV, he worked as chief technologist and C-level consultant at large international firms, focusing on major enterprise accounts across a wide range of sectors. His expertise is focused on business management, enterprise architecture and technology strategy. Since the establishment of Yopaat BV, he has been providing consultancy and project services to corporate clients in the private and public sectors.","position":"Director","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Developing, applying and maintaining a model that helps predict and prepare for the future of a business is crucial while equally cumbersome. Given the fast pace of change in the current economic environment, an adaptable model will help an organization maintain agility. In this session, we will discuss our approach and consequent experiences in the field.","presenter":"Huseyin Ozel","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":10,"id":235044,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Hermann","lname":"Del Campp","cname2":"Zaibr Innovations GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"AI driven Sales in e-commerce: Can bots sell products?","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"An explanatory showcase and rundown about how to use AI sales Bots tosell your products. What you need? How you need to prepare the data? What else you need to think about? What is possible? And what’s not possible?","presenter":"Hermann del Campo","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":1,"id":234767,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raluca","lname":"Bujoreanu","cname2":"Zalando SE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Pushing Boundaries: Crafting the Future with Bold Innovation","bio":"Raluca is a seasoned Product Leader with over 15 years of experience shaping e-commerce and driving digital innovation across Europe. In 2016, Raluca joined Zalando, Europe's largest fashion e-commerce platform, where she built and grew a variety of products and experiences across business models (e.g. Lounge by Zalando), categories (Fashion, Luxury, Beauty, Streetwear), and markets. She currently serves as a Product Lead for Zalando's Luxury emerging business, focusing on leveraging cutting-edge technology to create exceptional digital experiences that solve customer and business challenges. Before her tenure at Zalando, Raluca's career journey included building and scaling products in international and local companies, digital agencies, and co-founding several startups.","position":"Product Lead","logotype":"","presentation_description":"\"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results\"—and the same holds true for innovation. Established products and organizations face unique challenges when it comes to driving meaningful change. What worked in the past may no longer be enough; true success demands a fundamental shift in mindset, ways of working, and execution.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we’ll explore how bold, innovative strategies can break through the limitations of established products and foster long-term growth. You’ll learn how to move beyond incremental improvements by reshaping both your strategic approach and the way your teams execute. We’ll also dive into the puzzle pieces of mindset and collaboration—how shifting attitudes and evolving ways of working are essential for creating transformative customer experiences.\r\n\r\nBy rethinking your approach to strategy, execution, and mindset, you’ll not only disrupt the status quo but also pave the way for innovation, driving lasting impact and sustainable growth.","presenter":"Raluca Bujoreanu","presentation_category":"leadership","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":161,"id":236488,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Raluca","lname":"Bujoreanu","cname2":"Zalando SE","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Your Customers’ Journey Has Changed: Are You Ready to Meet Them Where They Are?","bio":"Raluca is a seasoned Product Leader with over 15 years of experience shaping e-commerce and driving digital innovation across Europe. In 2016, Raluca joined Zalando, Europe's largest fashion e-commerce platform, where she built and grew a variety of products and experiences across business models (e.g. Lounge by Zalando), categories (Fashion, Luxury, Beauty, Streetwear), and markets. She currently serves as a Product Lead for Zalando's Luxury emerging business, focusing on leveraging cutting-edge technology to create exceptional digital experiences that solve customer and business challenges. Before her tenure at Zalando, Raluca's career journey included building and scaling products in international and local companies, digital agencies, and co-founding several startups.","position":"Product Lead","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Imagine a future where every step of the customer journey is driven by technology—and the future is already here. The way customers discover, browse, and shop has been completely transformed by social media, emerging technologies and AI. These aren’t just tools—they’re reshaping how customers think, act, and engage with brands, creating entirely new expectations.\r\n\r\nThe truth? The traditional e-commerce playbook is history, and the customer journey is no longer a predictable, linear path. Today’s consumers demand more: personalized, seamless, and connected experiences, available whenever and wherever they choose.\r\n\r\nLet’s explore how technology is already rewriting the rules of engagement, reshaping the way customers interact today. The future is here—are you ready to meet your customers in this new reality?","presenter":"Raluca Bujoreanu","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":2,"id":236497,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"David","lname":"Geisser","cname2":"ZATAP","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Customer Journey with ZATAP: Immersive Experiences to Connect with Your Customers","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"With ZATAP, customers are one tap away from endless opportunities. ZATAP connects physical products with digital experiences to create a direct-to-customer (D2C) channel.\r\n\r\nBy simply tapping the physical identifier (RFID/NFC Tag, QR Code), embedded in the physical product, customers can join a brand’s community and loyalty program, unlock exclusive interactive experiences and benefits, and verify the authenticity of their product. This personalized and immersive customer journey deepens the brand-customer relationship, enhances the overall customer experience, and ensures ongoing, long-lasting engagement.\r\n\r\nThrough ZATAP Phygital Studio, brands can collect first-party data, create personalized post-purchase activations, protect their brand, and open new revenue streams. This mobile-first experience, created with  ZATAP Phygital Studio, requires no technical effort or implementation from the brand’s perspective and is fully customizable.\r\n\r\nZATAP technology empowers the fans of Clube Atlético Mineiro to interact with the club in a revolutionary and immersive way. By tapping the NFC tag under the club's crest with a smartphone, fans can verify the authenticity of their limited edition Manto da Massa jersey, join the exclusive community of Manto da Massa owners, support their team by checking in at games from all over the world to compete in a fan ranking and receive unique offers from the club and its sponsors. \r\n\r\nKey results of this project include:\r\n\r\n- 120’000 products equipped with ZATAP technology\r\n- 25.8% product interaction rate (tapping rate)\r\n- 15,000 new Clube Atlético Mineiro app downloads and sign-ups\r\n- 9.6% of fans purchased additional products and services from the club and its sponsors\r\n\r\nIn a nutshell, the ZATAP technology helps brands stand out and differentiate from competitors, craft ongoing engaging experiences for their customers, and build loyal communities with the seamless use of innovative technologies.","presenter":"David Geisser","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":7,"id":236213,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Christian","lname":"Ebel","cname2":"Zendesk","avatar":"","presentation_title":"How long until aftersales overtakes sales?","bio":"Highly motivated and result-oriented professional with experience in Sales industry and proven skills of Account Management, E-commerce, sales \u0026 marketing management. My professional background shows a record of outstanding performance in managing key business relationships in the Sales Management industry and driving successful projects from inception to completion. An excellent team player, I have successfully delivered several projects and led teams with diverse background at different levels. \nE-commerce native, born and raised in payment, with experience in scaling a team and laterally managing large groups of stakeholders. I am SaaS evangelist and digital native with a mission to turn customers and partners into fans.","position":"Partner Sales DACH","logotype":"","presentation_description":"It is the year 2026 and aftersales have overtaken classic sales schemes. Companies have understood that winning. a customer is 7 times more expensive than retaining one and they nurture customers to create more than 50% of reveneue in the aftersales proceses by delivering exceptional service but also harmonising reviews, cross selling data, voucher utilization and complaint management. In the forefront one of germanys diy markets who utilises these methods already now and create a real customer lifecycle in the DIY mentality of their customers.","presenter":"Christian Ebel","presentation_category":"customerjourney","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":21,"id":235140,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Nuri","lname":"Jusupow","cname2":"Zenfulfillment GmbH","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Competing Against the Giants: How Your DTC Brand Can Stand Toe to Toe with Amazon, Zalando \u0026 Co","position":"","logotype":"","presentation_description":"-Why do leading marketplaces have such a large market share?\r\n-How do DTC brands perform in comparison?\r\n-What potential arises from this for DTC brands in Germany?\r\n-Quick Wins \u0026 Best Practices\r\n-Competitive advantage through fast 1-day delivery, reliable delivery prediction, and a seamless post-purchase experience\r\n-Testimonials/Input from 2 brands -\u003e Development over the past years. What were the game-changers? (HER ONE, Les Lunes)\r\n-Outlook on the future -\u003e How will consumer demands evolve over the next 10 years?","presenter":"Johannes Humpert, Moritz Weisbrodt, + 2 Customers (TBD)","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235653,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Sebastian","lname":"Herz","cname2":"Zignify Global Product Sourcing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Profit Optimizers to Increase your Margin by between 30-200%","bio":"Sebastian, born in 1985, is the co-founder of Zignify Global Product Sourcing, owns 2 product brands, and is a graduate engineer in electrical engineering / industrial automation. He lived six years in Asia (3 in China), started his Amazon business in 2014, and now runs the probably the only sourcing company in the world that sources not only from China but also from all over the world - together with his better half, Yuliya Blinova. They travelled overland from Singapore to Germany on one motorcycle: 242 days \u0026 38.322km while collecting money for needy children.","position":"CEO \u0026 Co-Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"In this presentation, we will explore some powerful profit optimization techniques that can significantly enhance your margins by 30-200% without selling a single unit more. Discover actionable strategies to streamline operations, reduce costs, and maximize profitability while maintaining your current sales volume.","presenter":"Sebastian Herz","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":34,"id":235377,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Yulia","lname":"Blinova","cname2":"Zignify Global Product Sourcing","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Nearshoring and Options for Optimizing your Sourcing and Supply Chain","bio":"Yulia Blinova (余莉). Founder of Zignify Global Product Sourcing. Co-founder of 2 Amazon brands. She has 19 years of experience in global product sourcing, supply chain, logistics, import/export and e-commerce fields.\n\nPrior to founding Zignify she held the position of Managing Director (Russia) for a German unicorn start up-Flixbus. She consults for BCG, Alibaba, Joop and other organizations who require help with sourcing and supply chain management. When off work, she is a motorcycle chick, traveler and a partner to her better half Sebastian Herz who is a Co-Founder and the only man in Zignify.","position":"Founder","logotype":"","presentation_description":"Discover new strategies for your sourcing and supply chain needs. We'll look into how nearshoring can cut shipping costs, improve communication, and increase flexibility, while also addressing potential challenges like higher labor costs and regulatory hurdles. We’ll also explore effective strategies to optimize your sourcing and supply chain, including supplier diversification, strategic partnerships, and leveraging technology.","presenter":"Yulia Blinova","presentation_category":"logistics","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":29,"id":235106,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Ruslan","lname":"Leteyski","cname2":"Zipchat","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Leveraging AI Agents beyond customer support - Use AI to improve CRO and mine zero party data","bio":"I've built multiple eCom SaaS tools over the years.\n- Checkout X ( Biggest alternative checkout for Shopify )\n- Vanga AI ( Acquired )\n- Zipchat AI ( current endeavor)\n\nI'm currently 100% invested in bringing a new communication medium between brands and customers, based on generative AI.\n\nI believe that each brand will run its own AI, the same way that each brand has its own website, and I'm happy to be at the forefront of innovation in the space.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"AI agents/chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in e-commerce as an effort to improve support experiences and cut down personnel costs, however, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what AI agents can do in e-commerce.\r\n\r\n- AI Agents can convince customers to buy\r\n- AI Agents can upsell \r\n- AI Agents can identify UX problems in your website and report back to you\r\n- AI Agents can use their past interactions to generate creative angles \u0026 keywords\r\n\r\nLike the web, AI agents are becoming an essential communication channel between brands and customers. Let's explore how the world's most innovative brands use AI today and steal their methods!","presenter":"Ruslan Leteyski","presentation_category":"ai","avatar_cdn":"","logotype_cdn":"","votes":0,"id":235141,"domain":"","company_id":0,"event_id":104},{"fname":"Joanna","lname":"Piech","cname2":"Zowie","avatar":"","presentation_title":"Bridging the Gap: Elevating E-commerce Customer Service with AI","bio":"Maja Schaefer is the CEO and Co-Founder of Zowie, an AI-powered customer service automation platform. Before Zowie, she worked as a programmer at companies like IBM and Sabre and was the CEO and Co-Founder of codeheroes, a web development agency. In 2020, she was recognized on Forbes' 30 Under 30.","position":"CEO","logotype":"","presentation_description":"The Gap Between In-Store and Online Shopping Experiences - While physical stores offer personalized assistance and quick support, online shopping often leaves customers with slow responses and poor chatbot interactions.\r\n\r\nThe Power of Customer Service in E-commerce\u2028- Effective customer service can generate significant revenue, as seen in True Classic’s $3 million boost from AI Agent through 24/7 support and proactive sales.\r\n\r\nBoosting Customer Satisfaction with AI\u2028- AI Agent improves both revenue and customer satisfaction, delivering faster, more accurate responses and personalized product recommendations.\r\n\r\nThe Importance of Product Advice on Product Pages (PDP)\u2028 Redirecting customers to contact forms pulls them away from buying, making real-time product guidance directly on product pages essential.\r\n\r\nProactive Conversations: The Key to Conversion\u2028Engaging customers with timely conversations on product pages can significantly increase sales by providing the right information at the right moment.\r\n\r\nIntroducing the Generative AI Agent: The Best Solution for E-commerce Customer Service -  Generative AI Agent enhances service quality, increases revenue, and boosts customer satisfaction, making it the top choice for e-commerce.\r\n\r\nTrue Classic's Success Story with Zowie’s AI Agent\u2028 True Classic achieved $3 million in additional revenue, a 98% CSAT, reduced service costs, and a 30% increase in lifetime value using AI Agent, proving its value for e-commerce businesses.","presenter":"Maja 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