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<h1 class="mx-auto mb-14 text-white md:max-w-[28ch]"><p>Advancing the power of data to improve the social and economic lives of all people</p></h1>
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Building community
<div class="max-w-prose col-span-6 md:col-span-4 text-left">The Event Fund program funds inclusive events to grow and strengthen data science communities.</div>
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Building sustainably
<div class="max-w-prose col-span-6 md:col-span-4 text-left">The Digital Infrastructure Incubator focuses on the skills and practices needed for sustainable, open technology. We work with teams developing project governance and community engagement.</div>
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Building together
<div class="max-w-prose col-span-6 md:col-span-4 text-left">The Fiscal Sponsorship Program leverages our financial, operational, and strategic expertise, enabling our partners to focus on their core work.</div>
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Announcing the New Cohort of Event Fund!
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Angela Okune, PhD
On Apr 16, 2024
<div class="hidden lg:block text-sm tracking-tight mb-8"><p>Code for Science &amp; Society is excited to announce the fourth cohort of Event Fund!</p></div>
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Launch of Landscape Report on Climate Sensitive Infectious Disease Communities of Practice
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Angela Okune, PhD
On Mar 27, 2024
<div class="hidden lg:block text-sm tracking-tight mb-8"><p>In 2023,&nbsp;the programs team at Code for Science &amp; Society has engaged open source communities of practice developing modeling tools for Climate Sensitive Infectious Diseases (CSID). We are excited to share a landscaping report produced from this engagement.</p></div>
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UPDATED: Return to a 5 day schedule in September/An update on the CS&amp;S 4-day workweek trial
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Dorothy Dubrule
On Nov 15, 2023
<div class="hidden lg:block text-sm tracking-tight mb-8"><p>As a part of our commitment to fiscal sponsorship service, we will return to a 5 day schedule on Sept 3, 2024. A longer post on this and other changes will follow.</p></div>
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