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기술 · 14개 식별

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Wappalyzer의 오픈 소스 정의에 따라 스캔한 URL에서 확인한 기술

Analytics · 1개 식별

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아이콘이름설명웹 사이트
Cloudflare Browser Insights 로고Cloudflare Browser InsightsCloudflare Browser Insights is a tool that measures the performance of websites from the perspective of users.

CDN · 2개 식별

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cdnjs 로고cdnjscdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.
Cloudflare 로고CloudflareCloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.

JavaScript 프레임워크 · 1개 식별

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Stimulus 로고StimulusA modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.

JavaScript 그래픽 · 1개 식별

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Chart.js 로고Chart.jsChart.js is an open-source JavaScript library that allows you to draw different types of charts by using the HTML5 canvas element.

JavaScript 라이브러리 · 1개 식별

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Modernizr 로고ModernizrModernizr is a JavaScript library that detects the features available in a user's browser.

PaaS · 1개 식별

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Heroku 로고HerokuHeroku is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages.

결제 프로세서 · 1개 식별

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Stripe 로고StripeStripe offers online payment processing for internet businesses as well as fraud prevention, invoicing and subscription management.

프로그래밍 언어 · 1개 식별

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Ruby 로고RubyRuby is an open-source object-oriented programming language.

RUM · 1개 식별

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Cloudflare Browser Insights 로고Cloudflare Browser InsightsCloudflare Browser Insights is a tool that measures the performance of websites from the perspective of users.

보안 · 1개 식별

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HSTS 로고HSTSHTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.

웹 프레임워크 · 1개 식별

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Ruby on Rails 로고Ruby on RailsRuby on Rails is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License.

웹메일 · 2개 식별

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Proton Mail 로고Proton MailProton Mail is the world’s largest secure email service with over 70 million users. Available on Web, iOS, Android, and desktop. Protected by Swiss privacy law.
Apple iCloud Mail 로고Apple iCloud MailApple iCloud Mail is a webmail service provided by Apple, Inc.