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<h2 class="text-center">Welcome to
Supplier Management System
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<p class="text-center">
One Shop for Vendor boarding and transaction payment processing
<p class="text-center">
<li>Vendor on-boarding means vendor registration with PwC</li>
<li>Valid tax invoice with complete GST related details which is required under the GST laws should be uploaded for payment processing.<br>
For example: All tax invoice must contain valid invoice number (should not be more than 16 digits), invoice date, complete address, GST Identification Number (GSTIN) of both the parties, place of supply, description, GST rate and GST detail etc. along with adequate supporting documents.</li>
<li>Invoice details (e.g. invoice no, date, GSTIN, GST amount etc.) submitted on GST portal must be in sync with the copy of invoice uploaded on portal. Any discrepancy or wrong submission may lead to rejection. All such invoices must be uploaded on GST portal within due date as prescribed under the law.</li>
<li>To understand the working principal of the tool please refer the user manual (attached).</li>
<li>Point 2 & 3 mentioned above are not applicable for the vendor other than India.</li>
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