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<path d="M30.7,79.4L0.4,109.7l88.2,88.2l31.1-31.1L70.8,118c-4.6-4.6-10.5-10.4-5.9-15c4.7-4.7,10.6,1.2,15.2,5.7 l48.8,48.8l31-31l-48.8-48.8c-4.6-4.6-10.5-10.5-5.9-15.1c4.7-4.7,10.6,1.2,15.2,5.8l48.8,48.8l31-31l-58.7-58.7 c-16.9-16.9-38.2-24.3-54-8.6c-10.2,10.2-10.5,22-3.4,36.6l-0.7,0.7c-13.4-7.7-26-7.1-35.5,2.3C39.6,67,37.6,81,44.5,93.2l-1,1 L30.7,79.4L30.7,79.4L30.7,79.4z"></path>
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<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarToggler">
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<div class="main-navbar">
<!-- Main Event / Delegate / Speaker Invertation -->
<!-- ngIf: (isShowMainEvent || isShowDelegate || isShowDelegateSales || isShowSpeakerInvitation) && (!(isShowSponsor || isShowSponsorSales || isShowMedia || isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials)) -->
<!-- End Main Event / Delegate / Speaker Invertation -->
<!-- Sponsor -->
<!-- ngIf: (isShowSponsor || isShowSponsorSales) && (!(isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials)) -->
<!-- End Sponsor -->
<!-- Meida -->
<!-- ngIf: (isShowMedia) && (!(isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials)) -->
<!-- End Media -->
<!-- Breadcrumb -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials --><ul class="navbar-nav navbar-nav-breadcrumb ng-scope" ng-if="isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials">
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li class="breadcrumb-item">
<!-- ngIf: (isShowMainEvent && isShowProgramme) || (isShowMainEvent && isShowNews) || (isShowMainEvent && isShowNewsArticle) || (isShowMainEvent && isShowAgenda) || (isShowMainEvent && isShowEnquire) || (!(isShowDelegate || isShowDelegateSales || isShowSponsor || isShowSponsorSales || isShowSpeakerInvitation || isShowMedia)) -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowDelegate --><a ng-if="isShowDelegate" href="/conferences/ppmpharma/delegate" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Home</a><!-- end ngIf: isShowDelegate -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowDelegateSales && !isShowSlidSalesPerson -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowSlidSalesPerson -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowSponsor -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowSponsorSales -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowSpeakerInvitation -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowMedia -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowAgenda -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowProgramme --><li ng-if="isShowProgramme" class="breadcrumb-item active ng-scope" aria-current="page"><p class="ng-binding">Programme</p></li><!-- end ngIf: isShowProgramme -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowEnquire -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowTestimonials -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowNews && !isShowNewsArticle -->
<!-- News Article -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowNewsArticle && !isShowNews -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowNewsArticle && !isShowNews -->
<!-- End News Article -->
</ul><!-- end ngIf: isShowAgenda || isShowProgramme || isShowEnquire || isShowNews || isShowNewsArticle || isShowTestimonials -->
<!-- End Breadcrumb -->
<!-- End Main Nabvar -->
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<!-- End Container Fluid -->
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<!-- End Header -->
<!-- Body -->
<div class="event-hero event-hero-image" ng-class="{'event-hero-image' : model.HeroSectionLayoutOption == null || model.HeroSectionLayoutOption == '' || model.HeroSectionLayoutOption == 'Image', 'event-hero-video' : model.HeroSectionLayoutOption == 'Video'}">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/EventHeader')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/EventHeader'))"></div>
<div class="section-overlay" style="background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"></div>
<!-- Image -->
<div class="event-poster section-position" style="background-image: url('https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/EventPoster-0.2982615550517844.jpg');"></div>
<!-- End Image -->
<!-- Video -->
<!-- ngIf: model.HeroSectionLayoutOption == 'Video' -->
<!-- End Video -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<!-- ngIf: model.EventEditionNumber.length > 0 --><p ng-if="model.EventEditionNumber.length > 0" class="edition-number ng-binding ng-scope">26th Edition</p><!-- end ngIf: model.EventEditionNumber.length > 0 -->
<h1 class="event-title ng-binding">Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma</h1>
<p class="event-sub-title ng-binding">Drive continuous value delivery through efficient processes and alignment of portfolio management with strategic objectives</p>
<!-- Event CTA -->
<!-- ngIf: !isShowProgramme -->
<!-- End Event CTA -->
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/EventInformation')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/EventInformation'))"></div>
<!-- Event Information -->
<div class="event-information">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div id="countdown" class="d-none">
<span id="countdownDate" style="display:none;" class="ng-binding">2025, 01, 27</span>
<p class="ng-binding">Event starts in: <span id="countdown-days"></span> days</p>
<!-- Event Details -->
<ul class="event-details">
<!-- ngIf: (model.EventStartDate == '' || model.EventStartDate == null) && (model.EventEndDate == '' || model.EventEndDate == null) -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventStartDate.length > 0 && model.EventEndDate.length > 0 && model.Language != 'German' --><p ng-if="model.EventStartDate.length > 0 && model.EventEndDate.length > 0 && model.Language != 'German'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27 January - 29 January 2025</p><!-- end ngIf: model.EventStartDate.length > 0 && model.EventEndDate.length > 0 && model.Language != 'German' -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventStartDate.length > 0 && model.EventEndDate.length > 0 && model.Language == 'German' -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueName.length > 0 --><li ng-if="model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueName.length > 0" class="ng-scope">
<p class="ng-binding">Radisson Blu Hotel</p>
</li><!-- end ngIf: model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: (model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0) || (model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0) --><li ng-if="(model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0) || (model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0)" class="ng-scope">
<p class="ng-binding">Frankfurt<!-- ngIf: model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0 && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0 --><span ng-if="model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0 && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0" class="ng-scope">‚ </span><!-- end ngIf: model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0 && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0 -->Germany</p>
</li><!-- end ngIf: (model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressRegion.length > 0) || (model.EventType != 'Virtual' && model.VenueAddressCountry.length > 0) -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventType == 'Virtual' || model.EventType == 'Blended' -->
<!-- End Event Details -->
<!-- Workshop Details -->
<!-- End Workshop Details -->
<!-- End Event Information -->
<!-- Content Blocks -->
<div class="content-block-container">
<!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length > 0 || model.SIPastSpeakers.length > 0 --><div class="content-block ng-scope" id="Speakers" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length > 0 || model.SIPastSpeakers.length > 0">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/Speakers')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/Speakers'))"></div>
<!-- Content Container -->
<div class="content-container">
<!-- Main Event / Delegate and Sponsor -->
<!-- ngIf: !isShowSpeakerInvitation --><div class="container-fluid ng-scope" ng-if="!isShowSpeakerInvitation">
<!-- Content Title -->
<div class="content-title content-margin content-grid row">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><h2 ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Speakers Include</h2><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 -->
<h2 ng-show="model.SpeakersInclude.length <= 7" ng-hide="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" class="ng-binding ng-hide">Past Speakers Include</h2>
<!-- End Content Title -->
<!-- List of People -->
<div class="list-of-people content-margin content-grid row">
<div class="row">
<!-- Speakers Include -->
<!-- ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg" alt="Riccardo Mariani, Chiesi Group, Italy - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Riccardo Mariani</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Vice President Global R&D Project & Portfolio Management</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Chiesi Group, Italy</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.9297392997633029.jpg" alt="Isabelle Lemoine, Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.9297392997633029.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Isabelle Lemoine</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Head of Global Program Management Oncology</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--325-0.2478383488321767.jpg" alt="Quiterie Savary De Beauregard, MedinCell, France - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--325-0.2478383488321767.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Quiterie Savary De Beauregard</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Head of Global Health Development</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">MedinCell, France</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.5828435160085652.jpg" alt="Sandra Hirschberg, Bicycle Therapeutics, UK - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.5828435160085652.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Sandra Hirschberg</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Head of Program Management</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Bicycle Therapeutics, UK</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.33607215455211237.jpg" alt="Matthew Kokkonen, Captario, Sweden - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.33607215455211237.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Matthew Kokkonen</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">VP of Operations</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Captario, Sweden</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-71168-0.9285927802192464.jpg" alt="Edouard Ledent, GSK, Belgium - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-71168-0.9285927802192464.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Edouard Ledent</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Director - R&D Strategy & Portfolio - Decision Sciences</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">GSK, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135513-0.3057374511470179.jpg" alt="Anastasiia Karnaukhova, Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135513-0.3057374511470179.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Anastasiia Karnaukhova</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Head of Global Program Management N&I, Fertility, CM&E & Global Health</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.08908974464543973.jpg" alt="Panos Karelis, Intelligencia AI, Greece - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.08908974464543973.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Panos Karelis</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Director of Customer Experience & Insights</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Intelligencia AI, Greece</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135336-0.174781772551019.jpg" alt="Joanna Ashton, Novartis, Switzerland - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135336-0.174781772551019.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Joanna Ashton</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Global Head Program Management and Portfolio Excellence</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Novartis, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-136516-0.7575543020095501.jpg" alt="Linda Dean, Johnson & Johnson, USA - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-136516-0.7575543020095501.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Linda Dean</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Director, Portfolio Modelling and Strategic Initiatives</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Johnson & Johnson, USA</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.44584598866352265.jpg" alt="Magali Musarella, Roche, Switzerland - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.44584598866352265.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Magali Musarella</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Strategy and Portfolio Manager</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Roche, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg" alt="Reinhold Roessler, Sanofi, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Global Project Manager R&D</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.24845774611452454.jpg" alt="Planisware, - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.24845774611452454.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Planisware</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg" alt="Sofie Franckx, Zoetis, Belgium - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139968-0.4704775043138678.jpg" alt="Rupert Stuffer, cplace, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139968-0.4704775043138678.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Rupert Stuffer</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">CEO</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.5635190362524474.jpg" alt="Tobias Lieb, cplace, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.5635190362524474.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Tobias Lieb</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Partner Manager & Alliances</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--316-0.05398015089309971.jpg" alt="Mónica Barreto, AstraZeneca, Portugal - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--316-0.05398015089309971.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Mónica Barreto</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">GBS Project Management Director</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">AstraZeneca, Portugal</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139967-0.22952141003992876.jpg" alt="Alexander Zorn, Le Bihan, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139967-0.22952141003992876.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Alexander Zorn</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">COO</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Le Bihan, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8904498495879556.jpg" alt="Martin Lorenz, Sanofi, Germany - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8904498495879556.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Martin Lorenz</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Global Project Manager</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' --><!-- ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ng-scope" ng-if="model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8" ng-repeat="speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder'">
<div class="person-content" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(speaker)">
<!-- Person Photo Container -->
<div class="person-photo-container">
<!-- ngIf: !speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><img class="person-photo ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0" ng-src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--334-0.29411246063185725.jpg" alt="David Yu, Former Santen Pharmaceutical, Switzerland - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" src="https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--334-0.29411246063185725.jpg"><!-- end ngIf: speaker.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Photo Container -->
<!-- Person Details -->
<div class="person-details">
<p class="title text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">David Yu</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 --><div class="job-title-container ng-scope" ng-if="speaker.JobTitle.length > 0">
<p class="ng-binding">Head of Portfolio Strategy EMEA</p>
<!-- ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="speaker.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Former Santen Pharmaceutical, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: speaker.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: speaker.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: speaker.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- End Person Details -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length >= 8 --><!-- end ngRepeat: speaker in model.SpeakersInclude | orderBy : 'SortOrder' -->
<!-- End Speakers Include -->
<!-- Past Speakers -->
<!-- ngRepeat: speaker in model.SIPastSpeakers | orderBy : 'SortOrder' -->
<!-- End Past Speakers -->
<!-- End List of People -->
<!-- Event CTA -->
<!-- ngIf: (isShowMainEvent && model.HideViewAgendaMainEventLink == 'No' && !isShowProgramme) || (isShowDelegate && model.HideViewAgendaDelegateLink == 'No' && !isShowProgramme) || (isShowDelegateSales && model.HideViewAgendaDelegateSalesLink == 'No' && !isShowProgramme) || (isShowSponsor && model.HideViewAgendaSponsorLink == 'No' && !isShowProgramme) || (isShowSponsorSales && model.HideViewAgendaSponsorSalesLink == 'No' && !isShowProgramme) -->
<!-- End Event CTA -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: !isShowSpeakerInvitation -->
<!-- End Main Event / Delegate and Sponsor -->
<!-- Speaker Invitation -->
<!-- ngIf: isShowSpeakerInvitation -->
<!-- End Speaker Invitation -->
<!-- End Content Container -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.SpeakersInclude.length > 0 || model.SIPastSpeakers.length > 0 -->
<!-- Agenda -->
<div class="content-block">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/Agenda')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/Agenda'))"></div>
<!-- Content Container -->
<div class="content-container">
<!-- Container Fluid -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<!-- Content Title -->
<div class="content-title content-margin content-grid row">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<h2 class="ng-binding">Agenda</h2>
<!-- End Content Title -->
<!-- Agenda Container -->
<div class="agenda-container content-margin">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<!-- ngIf: model.PreWorkshopSessions.length > 0 --><div class="agenda-day-container ng-scope" ng-if="model.PreWorkshopSessions.length > 0" id="preWorkshop">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/AgendaTimes/PreWorkshop')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/AgendaTimes/PreWorkshop'))"></div>
<p class="agenda-day-title text-event-colour ng-binding">Pre Workshop</p>
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope" ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 27.1.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 1.27.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.PreWorkshopSessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- Sessions -->
<ul class="agenda-day-sessions">
<!-- ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">13:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">1:30 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Registration and Coffee</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">13:50</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">1:50 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Workshop Leader Opening Address</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--334-0.29411246063185725.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">David Yu</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Portfolio Strategy EMEA</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Former Santen Pharmaceutical, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">14:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">2:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' --><img src="/conferences/assets/imgs/sessionIcons/session-masterclass-workshop.svg" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop'" alt="Materclass / Workshop - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope"><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Workshop</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Translating Portfolio Strategy to Financial Value</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Is the value of the portfolio reflected in the company's valuation? Theoretical vs real value</li><li>Evaluate the methods of stress testing the portfolio by industry to understand the value of the portfolio and the probability the portfolio will meet the market's expected financial objectives</li><li>Explore the maximum resources limit for a company and the optimum resource allocation strategy for a company to maximise shareholder returns</li><li>Landscape a therapeutic area to better value the assets in that therapeutic area?</li><li>What factors affect the value of an asset, and how do you value those assets considering those factors?</li><li>What part does portfolio strategy play in developing a corporate strategy that will maximise returns for the firm?</li><li>Explore the principals for maximising returns from building a portfolio from external licensing and or internal development</li><li>Establish the parameters for building the most value enhancing portfolio from a platform technology</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">17:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">5:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Closing Remarks and End of the Workshop</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderPreWorkshopSessions() -->
<!-- End Sessions -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.PreWorkshopSessions.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventDay1Sessions.length > 0 --><div class="agenda-day-container ng-scope" ng-if="model.EventDay1Sessions.length > 0" id="dayOne">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/AgendaTimes/Day1')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/AgendaTimes/Day1'))"></div>
<p class="agenda-day-title text-event-colour ng-binding">Day 1</p>
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope" ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 28.1.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 1.28.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay1Sessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- Sessions -->
<ul class="agenda-day-sessions">
<!-- ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">08:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">8:30 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Registration and Coffee</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">08:50</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">8:50 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Opening Address from the Chair</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Riccardo Mariani</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Vice President Global R&D Project & Portfolio Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Chiesi Group, Italy</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' --><div class="agenda-item thematic-header ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header'">
<div class="session-content">
<p><b class="ng-binding">PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY</b></p>
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">09:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">9:00 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Achieving Alignment and Impact: Creating Fit-for-Purpose Team Architecture for Strategic Success</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Align Strategy, Stakeholders and Projects</li><li>Design and empower self-managed teams with laser-focus purpose</li><li>Discover how strategy, portfolio and project management play a pivotal role in identifying and catalysing opportunities within a R&D organisation</li></ul><div><br></div></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.44584598866352265.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Magali Musarella</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Strategy and Portfolio Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Roche, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.44584598866352265.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Magali Musarella</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Strategy and Portfolio Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Roche, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--19-0.44584598866352265.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Magali Musarella</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Strategy and Portfolio Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Roche, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">09:45</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">9:45 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Elevating Global Project Management to Maximise Impact of GPT Evolution</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>An interconnected teams of Teams to effectively bring new medicines to patients</li><li>Evolve Project Management roles and skills to accelerate pipeline delivery</li><li>Streamlined Processes and Effective Communication</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.9297392997633029.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Isabelle Lemoine</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management Oncology</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.9297392997633029.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Isabelle Lemoine</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management Oncology</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.9297392997633029.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Isabelle Lemoine</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management Oncology</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">10:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">10:30 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Coffee and Networking Break</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">11:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">11:00 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Medicines for Global Health Unmet Medical Needs: Integration in Early Opportunity Selection Process</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Understand the concept of Global Health Equity and its business potential</li><li>Integrate Global Health assessment criteria in a current process of early opportunity selection</li><li>Manage Global Health specific Target Product Profile (TPP) requirements</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--325-0.2478383488321767.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Quiterie Savary De Beauregard</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Health Development</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">MedinCell, France</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--325-0.2478383488321767.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Quiterie Savary De Beauregard</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Health Development</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">MedinCell, France</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--325-0.2478383488321767.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Quiterie Savary De Beauregard</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Health Development</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">MedinCell, France</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">11:45</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">11:45 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Show-and-Tell: Real Challenges With Real Applications of Data, AI and Insights in Portfolio Strategy to Drive Value</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><div><em>As pharma companies increasingly adopt AI strategies and market solutions, the need to identify real challenges and realize value from AI-driven initiatives has taken the spotlight. In this presentation, Intelligencia AI will highlight the real applications and value realized by combining their data, AI, and insights to optimize portfolio strategy and better inform decision-making. Various customer success stories highlighting the challenges, the needs met, and the impact on the business will be showcased.</em></div></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.08908974464543973.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Panos Karelis</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director of Customer Experience & Insights</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Intelligencia AI, Greece</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.08908974464543973.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Panos Karelis</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director of Customer Experience & Insights</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Intelligencia AI, Greece</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.08908974464543973.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Panos Karelis</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director of Customer Experience & Insights</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Intelligencia AI, Greece</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">12:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">12:30 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Lunch</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">14:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">2:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding"></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><div>Captario is a leading provider of pharmaceutical portfolio and project decision support. Captario’s combination of technology and professional services helps organizations in portfolio management and advanced project analysis.</div></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.33607215455211237.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Matthew Kokkonen</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">VP of Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Captario, Sweden</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.33607215455211237.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Matthew Kokkonen</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">VP of Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Captario, Sweden</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.33607215455211237.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Matthew Kokkonen</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">VP of Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Captario, Sweden</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">14:45</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">2:45 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Incorporating Sustainability into Portfolio Management Processes and Decisions: Driving Long-Term Value through Innovation</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><div><em>In today's rapidly evolving world, project and portfolio managers are uniquely positioned to drive meaningful change. We will explore how integrating sustainability frameworks into PPM processes can enhance stakeholder engagement and deliver long-term value.</em><br> </div><ul><li><strong>Why Sustainability Matters</strong>: The critical role of project management in balancing environmental, social, and economic impacts.</li><li><strong>Framework for Integration</strong>: Practical insights into embedding sustainability in portfolio management</li><li><strong>Lessons Learned</strong>: Challenges, successes, and actionable takeaways for applying sustainable practices in your portfolio</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">15:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">3:30 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Coffee and Networking Break</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">16:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">4:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' --><img src="/conferences/assets/imgs/sessionIcons/session-panel-discussion.svg" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'" alt="Panel Discussion - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope"><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Panel Discussion</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Promote Strategic Leadership for Portfolio Optimisation and Value Maximisation</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Optimise portfolio value through a strong emphasis on core value drivers and asset life cycle management</li><li>Enhance organisational capabilities and drive resource optimisation</li><li>Ensure broad cross-functional engagement to effectively drive strategy and deliver impactful outcomes</li></ul><div><br></div></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Riccardo Mariani</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Vice President Global R&D Project & Portfolio Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Chiesi Group, Italy</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Riccardo Mariani</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Vice President Global R&D Project & Portfolio Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Chiesi Group, Italy</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.04835579424424008.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Riccardo Mariani</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Vice President Global R&D Project & Portfolio Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Chiesi Group, Italy</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">17:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">5:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Closing Remarks and End of Day One</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay1() -->
<!-- End Sessions -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.EventDay1Sessions.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventDay2Sessions.length > 0 --><div class="agenda-day-container ng-scope" ng-if="model.EventDay2Sessions.length > 0" id="dayTwo">
<div in-view="($inview && logMe('/AgendaTimes/Day2')) || (!$inview && deLogMe('/AgendaTimes/Day2'))"></div>
<p class="agenda-day-title text-event-colour ng-binding">Day 2</p>
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope" ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 29.1.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1 --><p class="agenda-day-date ng-binding ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" ng-repeat="date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i><i class="fa fa-minus"></i> 1.29.2025</p><!-- end ngRepeat: date in model.EventDay2Sessions | limitTo : 1 -->
<!-- Sessions -->
<ul class="agenda-day-sessions">
<!-- ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">08:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">8:30 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Registration and Coffee</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">08:50</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">8:50 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Opening Address from the Chair</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' --><div class="agenda-item thematic-header ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header'">
<div class="session-content">
<p><b class="ng-binding">GOVERNANCE AND DECISION-MAKING PROCESS</b></p>
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">09:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">9:00 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Support the Development and Implementation of a New Decision Framework</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Establish an efficient decision framework for use across all governance board</li><li>Simplify operational processes to enhance productivity</li><li>Increase transparency in decision-making processes across the organisation</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-136516-0.7575543020095501.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Linda Dean</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director, Portfolio Modelling and Strategic Initiatives</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Johnson & Johnson, USA</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-136516-0.7575543020095501.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Linda Dean</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director, Portfolio Modelling and Strategic Initiatives</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Johnson & Johnson, USA</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-136516-0.7575543020095501.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Linda Dean</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director, Portfolio Modelling and Strategic Initiatives</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Johnson & Johnson, USA</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">09:42</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">9:42 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Enhance Portfolio and Decision Analysis for Therapeutic Areas</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Facilitate decision analysis with project teams to frame and evaluate investment options within therapeutic areas</li><li>Coordinate valuation and prioritisation processes to determine strategic focus and resource allocation for these therapeutic areas</li><li>Boost portfolio governance, long-range planning, and business development efforts to align with organisational goals</li><li>Spearhead the development and adoption of advanced tools to enhance analytical capabilities and decision-making processes</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-71168-0.9285927802192464.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Edouard Ledent</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director - R&D Strategy & Portfolio - Decision Sciences</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">GSK, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-71168-0.9285927802192464.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Edouard Ledent</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director - R&D Strategy & Portfolio - Decision Sciences</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">GSK, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-71168-0.9285927802192464.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Edouard Ledent</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director - R&D Strategy & Portfolio - Decision Sciences</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">GSK, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">10:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">10:30 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Coffee and Networking Break</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">11:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">11:00 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Driving Research and Early Development Portfolio Execution in a large, highly matrixed organisation, navigating the Research, Development and Commercial continuum</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><div>In a large, highly matrixed organization, driving the Research and Early Development portfolio execution to align with strategy involves several critical elements. These include building Global Program Management (GPM) capabilities with an enterprise view, conducting thorough pipeline reviews and prioritisations, defining, implementing, and measuring mechanisms to assess pipeline performance and ensuring early alignment with the partner Development and Commercial organisations.</div></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135336-0.174781772551019.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Joanna Ashton</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Head Program Management and Portfolio Excellence</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Novartis, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135336-0.174781772551019.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Joanna Ashton</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Head Program Management and Portfolio Excellence</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Novartis, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135336-0.174781772551019.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Joanna Ashton</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Head Program Management and Portfolio Excellence</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Novartis, Switzerland</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' --><div class="agenda-item thematic-header ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header'">
<div class="session-content">
<p><b class="ng-binding">PROJECT AND OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE</b></p>
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">11:45</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">11:45 AM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">The Modern PPM for Pharma: Innovating Project and Portfolio Management for a Transforming Industry</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><div>We will explore the evolving landscape of Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) within the pharmaceutical sector, emphasising actionable strategies and value-driven solutions that cater to the industry's unique challenges and opportunities. Key topics include:</div><ul><li>Resource Management: Optimising for Agility and Scalability</li><li>Harnessing AI to Drive Innovation and Decision-Making</li><li>Adapting PPM Practices for a Rapidly Changing Industry</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.5635190362524474.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Tobias Lieb</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Partner Manager & Alliances</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139967-0.22952141003992876.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Alexander Zorn</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">COO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Le Bihan, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139968-0.4704775043138678.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Rupert Stuffer</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">CEO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.5635190362524474.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Tobias Lieb</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Partner Manager & Alliances</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139967-0.22952141003992876.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Alexander Zorn</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">COO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Le Bihan, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139968-0.4704775043138678.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Rupert Stuffer</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">CEO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--10-0.5635190362524474.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Tobias Lieb</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Partner Manager & Alliances</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139967-0.22952141003992876.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Alexander Zorn</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">COO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Le Bihan, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-139968-0.4704775043138678.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Rupert Stuffer</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">CEO</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">cplace, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">12:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">12:30 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Lunch</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">14:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">2:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Establish a Multidisciplinary Project and Portfolio Management Team</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Define plan management and risk mitigation process</li><li>Leverage oversight and performance optimisation</li><li>Integrate diverse expertise to drive successful project and portfolio outcomes</li><li>Prepare and manage governance interactions, and define metrics to measure project performance</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8904498495879556.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Martin Lorenz</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8904498495879556.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Martin Lorenz</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8904498495879556.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Martin Lorenz</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">14:45</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">2:45 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Case Study</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Addressing and Resolving Challenges to Maintain High Levels of Customer Satisfaction in Outsourced Projects</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Approach to identifying and understanding the specific needs and expectations of customers</li><li>Implement effective risk management strategies to ensure project stability and success</li><li>Establish robust communication and collaboration frameworks to enhance relationship-building between internal teams and outsourcing partners</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--316-0.05398015089309971.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Mónica Barreto</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">GBS Project Management Director</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">AstraZeneca, Portugal</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--316-0.05398015089309971.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Mónica Barreto</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">GBS Project Management Director</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">AstraZeneca, Portugal</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--316-0.05398015089309971.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Mónica Barreto</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">GBS Project Management Director</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">AstraZeneca, Portugal</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' --><div class="agenda-item event-item ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">15:30</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">3:30 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === 'Refresh Me' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader === '121 Meetings' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' --><p ng-if="agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Coffee and Networking Break</p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionHeader !== 'Refresh Me' && agendaItem.SessionHeader !== '121 Meetings' -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' --><div class="agenda-item agenda-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">16:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">4:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<div class="session-type">
<!-- Session Icons -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' --><img src="/conferences/assets/imgs/sessionIcons/session-panel-discussion.svg" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'" alt="Panel Discussion - Strategic Project & Portfolio Management for Pharma, marcus evans Conferences" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope"><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Site Tour' -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' -->
<!-- End of Session Icons -->
<p><b class="ng-binding">Panel Discussion</b></p>
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header ng-binding">Improve R&D Projects Strategy and Management</p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 --><p class="CMS-textarea session-info ng-binding ng-scope" ng-bind-html="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0"><ul><li>Encourage framework development and strategy contribution</li><li>Explore the role of AI in optimising project planning and execution</li><li>Drive portfolio Management and operational excellence</li></ul></p><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-hide="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="row participants-list ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135513-0.3057374511470179.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Anastasiia Karnaukhova</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management N&I, Fertility, CM&E & Global Health</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.5828435160085652.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sandra Hirschberg</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Program Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Bicycle Therapeutics, UK</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope ng-hide" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Facilitated by</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Against</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135513-0.3057374511470179.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Anastasiia Karnaukhova</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management N&I, Fertility, CM&E & Global Health</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.5828435160085652.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sandra Hirschberg</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Program Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Bicycle Therapeutics, UK</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Conference Debate -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="session-participants ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0" ng-show="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion'">
<div class="row participants-list">
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panel Moderated By</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Facilitators">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-134352-0.399723246738229.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Reinhold Roessler</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Global Project Manager R&D</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Sanofi, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Facilitators -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 --><div class="col-md-6 ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.Participants.length > 0">
<p class="debate-label"><b class="ng-binding">Panelists</b></p>
<!-- ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.8012100335774845.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sofie Franckx</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Director Portfolio Strategy and Operations</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Zoetis, Belgium</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo-135513-0.3057374511470179.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Anastasiia Karnaukhova</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Global Program Management N&I, Fertility, CM&E & Global Health</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Merck Healthcare KGaA, Germany</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants --><div class="debate-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in agendaItem.Participants">
<!-- Facilitators / Participants Container -->
<div class="participants-container" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speakerProfile" ng-click="displayPersonModal(person)">
<div class="participants-photo-container">
<!-- Placeholder Image -->
<!-- ngIf: !person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Placeholder Image -->
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 --><div class="participants-photo ng-scope" style="background-image: url(https://www.marcusevans.com/cmscontent/2146/photos/Photo--1-0.5828435160085652.jpg);" ng-if="person.PhotoFileName.length > 0"></div><!-- end ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Profile Image -->
<div class="participants-details">
<!-- ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 --><p class="text-event-colour ng-scope" ng-if="person.Name.length > 0"><b class="ng-binding">Sandra Hirschberg</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.Name.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.JobTitle.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Head of Program Management</p><!-- end ngIf: person.JobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 --><p ng-if="person.CompanyName.length > 0" class="ng-scope"><b class="ng-binding">Bicycle Therapeutics, UK</b></p><!-- end ngIf: person.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerJobTitle.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: person.FormerCompany.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants Container -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: person in agendaItem.Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants For Panel Discussion -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() --><li class="agenda-sessions ng-scope" ng-repeat="timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2()">
<!-- ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems --><div class="agenda-item-container ng-scope" ng-repeat="agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems">
<!-- Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Break Session' -->
<!-- End of Event Agenda Item -->
<!-- Thematic Header -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Thematic Header' -->
<!-- End of Thematic Header -->
<!-- Standard Session -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' --><div class="agenda-item standard-session ng-scope" ng-if="agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session'">
<div class="session-times">
<time ng-hide="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding">17:00</time>
<time ng-show="model.Region === 'Americas' || model.Region === 'North America' || model.Region === 'Latin America'" class="ng-binding ng-hide">5:00 PM</time>
<div class="session-content">
<!-- Session Details -->
<div class="session-details">
<p class="session-header"><b class="ng-binding">Closing Remarks and End of the Conference</b></p>
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionDetailsText.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Session Details -->
<!-- Facilitators / Participants -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.Facilitators.length > 0 || agendaItem.Participants.length > 0 -->
<!-- End of Facilitators / Participants -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Standard Session' -->
<!-- End of Standard Session -->
<!-- Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Case Study' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Panel Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Keynote' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Conference Debate' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Roundtable' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Masterclass' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Workshop' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Joint Discussion' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Fireside Chat' || agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Demonstration and Group Activity' -->
<!-- End of Session Agenda Items -->
<!-- Stream Block -->
<!-- ngIf: agendaItem.SessionTypeKey === 'Stream Block' -->
<!-- End of Stream Block -->
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: agendaItem in timeSlot.SubAgendaItems -->
</li><!-- end ngRepeat: timeSlot in renderAgendaDay2() -->
<!-- End Sessions -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.EventDay2Sessions.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: model.EventDay3Sessions.length > 0 -->
<!-- ngIf: model.PostWorkshopSessions.length > 0 -->
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<!-- ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonDelegate | limitTo : 1 --><!-- ngIf: isShowDelegate && !isShowSlidSalesPerson --><div class="contact-person ng-scope" ng-repeat="person in model.EventContactPersonDelegate | limitTo : 1" ng-if="isShowDelegate && !isShowSlidSalesPerson">
<div class="contact-person-container">
<!-- ngIf: person.PhotoFileName.length > 0 -->
<div class="contact-person-info">
<p class="text-event-colour"><b class="ng-binding">Ola Samuelsson</b></p>
<p class="sub-body ng-binding">European Research & Marketing Director</p>
<a class="sub-body" href="tel:0044 203 002 3276"><b class="ng-binding">0044 203 002 3276</b></a>
<a class="sub-body" href="mailto:[email protected]"><b class="ng-binding">[email protected]</b></a>
</div><!-- end ngIf: isShowDelegate && !isShowSlidSalesPerson --><!-- end ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonDelegate | limitTo : 1 -->
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<!-- ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonDelegateSales | limitTo : 1 --><!-- ngIf: (isShowDelegateSales && !isShowSlidSalesPerson) --><!-- end ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonDelegateSales | limitTo : 1 -->
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<!-- ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonSponsor | limitTo : 1 --><!-- ngIf: (isShowSponsor && !isShowSlidSalesPerson) --><!-- end ngRepeat: person in model.EventContactPersonSponsor | limitTo : 1 -->
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<title>marcusevans 40th Year Celebration</title>
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