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링크 · 9개 결과
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링크 | 텍스트 |
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=919073361569&text=Hello! I have a query. Could you please assist me. | |
https://www.cityam.com/tipping-law-to-come-into-effect-this-october-amid-fears-it-will-pile-further-pressure-on-hospitality/ | Tipping law to come into effect this October amid fears it will pile further pressure on hospitality |
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/oxford-hotel-chain-boosts-team-160000022.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAB3ZsRfb719WQLWYMqmcke-QDhThYkfpBKkUyapYeJHAgb9oQcMBcqBrS-s1xAgQL6kACMflxV2MOSJp60UoZPbLB4HaDNDKPIAQStP8qSqTUB1oZt0gnWqKJ8EVdYAiyoN1ye7F1_BmNBE5XoCE5BciYOi0_hXC5l26XzSXiy5i | Oxford hotel chain boosts team with new appointment |
https://www.hospitalitynet.org/podcast/4121651.html | The Journey of Hotel Innovation and Reputation Management |
https://www.globaldata.com/newsletter/details/shr-grows-global-advisory-board-for-hospitality-industry_64063/?newsletterdate=2024-04-26&hubspotcategory=gd-travel-tourism-prospects-daily&utm_source=ns_website&utm_content=other_daily_news_articles&utm_medium=top_navigation&utm_campaign=type2_travel-and-tourism | SHR grows Global Advisory Board for hospitality industry |
https://echat.elink.in/ | Register Now |
https://examinationservices.nic.in/examsys23/root/home.aspx?enc=WPJ5WSCVWOMNiXoyyomJgMmiaxk7bpHel+qBp/HcpNBlOcc5Mf+/xyZFs/HaMVff | Register Now |
https://apps.aima.in/UGAT2024/ | Register Now |
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100044454428697 |
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