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	<header class="dates firstdates underlined"><strong>Saturday</strong><span class="sm">, 21. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 51</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="120 Subgenres of EDM">120 Subgenres of EDM</a></h2></header>
	<youtube-vimeo-embed><a href="" title="120 Subgenres of EDM (w/ examples)" style="display:none">120 Subgenres of EDM (w/ examples)</a><iframe title="120 Subgenres of EDM (w/ examples)" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" src="" style="aspect-ratio:16/9;width:100%;" srcdoc="<style>body{background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center center;display:grid;place-items:center;min-height:97dvh;overflow:hidden;}a{display:block;width:96px;height:96px;overflow:hidden;}a:focus{outline:none;}a:focus circle,a:hover circle{fill:#000;}a:focus circle:first-child + circle,a:hover circle:first-child + circle{stroke-dasharray:.4,.4;}a:focus polygon,a:hover polygon{stroke:#fff;stroke-width:.75;}</style><a href=&quot;;fs=1&amp;modestbranding=1&quot;><svg viewBox=&quot;0 0 16 16&quot; width=&quot;96&quot; height=&quot;96&quot; xmlns=&quot;; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.75&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#000&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.25&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7&quot; fill=&quot;#0009&quot;/><polygon points=&quot;12, 8 6, 4.5 6, 11.5&quot; fill=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-linejoin=&quot;round&quot;></polygon></svg>Play</a>"></iframe></youtube-vimeo-embed>
	(<a href="" title="120 Subgenres of EDM (">via</a>)
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-21T11:43:00+01:00">11:43</time> | <a href="" class="log">Music</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Thursday</strong><span class="sm">, 19. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 51</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="The Most Popular Recipes of 2024">The Most Popular Recipes of 2024</a></h2></header>
	<a href="" title="Our Best Recipes of 2024">The Most Popular Recipes of 2024</a> from New York Times Cooking.
<blockquote cite="">
	We’ve published over 1,000 delicious recipes this year. Here are your favorites: microwave chocolate pudding cake, one-pot chicken and rice, peanut butter noodles, taverna salad and more.
	(<a href="" title="Saving this for future reference: the 25 most popular recipes published by NYT Cooking in 2024. Includes a link to the full top 50.">via</a>)
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-19T02:25:37+01:00">02:25</time> | <a href="" class="log">Food</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Tuesday</strong><span class="sm">, 17. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 51</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="How to avoid third-party CSRF cookies when embedding snippets from Opengist">How to avoid third-party CSRF cookies when embedding snippets from Opengist</a></h2></header>
	While <a href="" title="x-log - Switching to self-hosted Opengist">integrating Opengist</a> to serve code snippets in the blog, I discovered that everytime a snippet is loaded a <var>_csrf</var> cookie is set by Opengist.<br>
	This is not very cool, and I've found a way to prevent this using nginx.
	Why is this <var>_csrf</var> cookie not cool on embedded code snippets?<br>
	<li>It is not necessary (as the embedded code snippet does not provide any links/actions to perform on the Opengist instance where CSRF protection would be needed).</li>
	<li>It sets a third-party cookie for everyone visiting the blog.</li>
	<li>It breaks caching of the embedded code snippets on browser side (as the cookie is updated on every request).</li>
	How did I prevent the <var>_csrf</var> cookie with nginx?
	I'm using the following (simplified) nginx reverse proxy config in front of the Opengist docker container.<br>
	It has a conditional <code>if</code> section where the <a href="" title="openresty/headers-more-nginx-module: Set, add, and clear arbitrary output headers in NGINX http servers">headers-more-nginx-module</a> is used to remove the <var>Set-Cookie</var> HTTP header, on the responses for the embedded code snippets.<br>
	The <code>if</code> condition is specific to my username and will need to be adjusted to your setup of course.
</p><pre>server {

	location / {
		if ( $uri ~* ^/x-way/[0-9a-fA-F]+\.js$ ) {
			more_clear_headers "Set-Cookie";

		proxy_set_header Host $host;
		proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
	This is a quite ugly hack.
	I submitted <a href="" title="Skip CSRF for embeds by x-way · Pull Request #402 · thomiceli/opengist">a pull-request for Opengist</a> to exclude the embedded code snippets from the CSRF middleware.<br>
	Let's see where this leads 🤞
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-17T21:49:58+01:00">21:49</time> | <a href="" class="log">Webdesign</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Sunday</strong><span class="sm">, 15. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 50</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Switching to self-hosted Opengist">Switching to self-hosted Opengist</a></h2></header>
	Decided to self-host the handful of code snippets I embedded into the blogposts over time.<br>
	This will be one less dependency on an external service (<a href="" title="Discover gists · GitHub">GitHub Gist</a>) for running this site :-)
	I choose <a href="" title="Opengist">Opengist</a> for hosting my code snippets.<br>
	Although I already run a <a href="" title="GitBucket: A Git platform">GitBucket</a> instance, I decided not to use it for hosting the code snippets of the blog.<br>
	This because in the past I had some performance issues and crashes that were triggered by Bots overloading the Docker container.
	The installation of Opengist went very smooth.<br>
	It does not come with many dependencies and brings it's own SQLite database file (which should be more than enough for the code snippets in the blog).
	I was positively surprised by the MFA and seamless Passkey integration it provides out of the box.<br>
	Also can it be configured to allow embedding/sharing of snippets for everyone while restricting the listing and editing to logged in users only.<br>
	And as an additional security benefit it helps to reduce the complexity of my CSP policy 🔐
	If you're curious to see how the code snippets are rendered, have a look at the blogposts <a href="" title="x-log - DNS packet sniffing with NFLOG and Perl Python">here</a> or <a href="" title="Run your onw DynDNS server">here</a>.
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-15T16:47:48+01:00">16:47</time> | <a href="" class="log">Misc</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Wednesday</strong><span class="sm">, 11. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 50</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="The seven rules of writing consistent git commit messages">The seven rules of writing consistent git commit messages</a></h2></header>
<blockquote cite="">
		<li>Separate subject from body with a blank line</li>
		<li>Limit the subject line to 50 characters (I often break this when there’s no message body)</li>
		<li>Capitalize the subject line</li>
		<li>Do not end the subject line with a period</li>
		<li>Use the imperative mood in the subject line</li>
		<li>Wrap the body at 72 characters</li>
		<li>Use the body to explain what and why vs. how</li>
	(<a href="" title="Write git commit messages properly | Redowan's Reflections">via</a>)
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-11T15:51:58+01:00">15:51</time> | <a href="" class="log">Coding</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Tuesday</strong><span class="sm">, 10. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 50</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="oxipng">oxipng</a></h2></header>
	<a href="" title="shssoichiro/oxipng: Multithreaded PNG optimizer written in Rust">oxipng</a> is a lossless PNG compression optimizer written in Rust.<br>
	On an initial test it seems to perform better than <a href="" title="PNGCRUSH">pngcrush</a>.<br>
	(<a href="" title="Behind the blog | Redowan's Reflections">via</a>)
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-10T19:56:17+01:00">19:56</time> | <a href="" class="log">Webdesign</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Sunday</strong><span class="sm">,  8. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 49</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="New search functionality">New search functionality</a></h2></header>
	I added a client-side search functionality to this static blog.
	Similar to what is explained in <a href="" title="How to Add Search to Your Static Site Generator (Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, Nikola, etc.) • Stephan Miller">this article by Stephan Miller</a>, I added a search functionality to the blog.<br>
	The challenge was to do this while keeping the blog a static generated site.<br>
	Thus the choice to do all of the search client-side in JavaScript.
	The way my current implementation works, is that there is a JSON blob with all the posts ever written in this blog.<br>
	This is loaded to the browser and indexed using <a href="" title="Lunr: A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright">Lunr.js</a>.<br>
	The resulting search index is then used to provide the search functionality.<br>
	It comes with some convenient built-in <a href="" title="Searching : Lunr">search modifiers such as +, - and *</a>.
	To avoid reloading the whole JSON blob for each follow-up query on <a href="" title="x-log - Search">the search page</a>, it intercepts the default form submit action and handles the search client-side.<br>
	Thus re-using the computed search index and saving the additional roundtrips accross the network.
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-08T22:52:20+01:00">22:52</time> | <a href="" class="log">Webdesign</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Friday</strong><span class="sm">,  6. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 49</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="The Earworm Eraser">The Earworm Eraser</a></h2></header>
<blockquote cite="">
	The Earworm Eraser is a 40-second audio track designed specifically to squash earworms — a song on repeat circling around and around in your brain that can't easily be shaken off.
	<youtube-vimeo-embed><a href="" title="The Earworm Eraser – Get catchy songs out of your head | Atlassian" style="display:none">The Earworm Eraser – Get catchy songs out of your head | Atlassian</a><iframe title="The Earworm Eraser – Get catchy songs out of your head | Atlassian" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" src="" style="aspect-ratio:16/9;width:100%;" srcdoc="<style>body{background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center center;display:grid;place-items:center;min-height:97dvh;overflow:hidden;}a{display:block;width:96px;height:96px;overflow:hidden;}a:focus{outline:none;}a:focus circle,a:hover circle{fill:#000;}a:focus circle:first-child + circle,a:hover circle:first-child + circle{stroke-dasharray:.4,.4;}a:focus polygon,a:hover polygon{stroke:#fff;stroke-width:.75;}</style><a href=&quot;;fs=1&amp;modestbranding=1&quot;><svg viewBox=&quot;0 0 16 16&quot; width=&quot;96&quot; height=&quot;96&quot; xmlns=&quot;; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.75&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#000&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.25&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7&quot; fill=&quot;#0009&quot;/><polygon points=&quot;12, 8 6, 4.5 6, 11.5&quot; fill=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-linejoin=&quot;round&quot;></polygon></svg>Play</a>"></iframe></youtube-vimeo-embed>
	(<a href="" title="One Foot Tsunami: The Earworm Eraser">via</a>)
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-06T10:58:28+01:00">10:58</time> | <a href="" class="log">Music</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Picture of Sequoia">Picture of Sequoia</a></h2></header>
	Recreated <a href="" title="x-log - Photo vom Panther">this screenshot</a> from 21 years ago (first Mac) on my new Mac.
	<li><a href="" title="Screenshot of my Mac desktop in 2003">2003</a></li>
	<li><a href="" title="Screenshot of my Mac desktop in 2024">2024</a></li>
	How does 2003 and 2024 compare?<br>
	Nowadays I'm using the regular Apple Mail.<br>
	X11 forwarding still works but is not really used.<br>
	Some Linux host is still around.
	Mac remains the main device though.<br>
	Interestingly Linux still is a Intel device, whereas the Mac one is (again) running on a non-Intel CPU.
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-06T07:19:35+01:00">07:19</time> | <a href="" class="log">Mac</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Tuesday</strong><span class="sm">,  3. December 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 49</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="How to install EncFS on macOS Sequoia">How to install EncFS on macOS Sequoia</a></h2></header>
	How to access my old encrypted files even though <a href="" title="EncFS">EncFS</a> is no longer supported in Homebrew for macOS.
	<li>Start by installing a third-party formula that some nice people maintain: <pre>brew install gromgit/fuse/encfs-mac</pre></li>
	<li>Immediately get disappointed when it fails. Turns out it requires [email protected] which has been deprecated by Homebrew: <pre><span style="color: green">==&gt;</span> <b>Fetching dependencies for gromgit/fuse/encfs-mac: <span style="color: green">[email protected]</span></b>
<span style="color: red">Error:</span> [email protected] has been disabled because it is not supported upstream! It was disabled on 2024-10-24.</pre></li>
	How to install the (no longer supported) [email protected] formula.
	<li>Force the download of the core formula repository: <pre>brew tap --force homebrew/core</pre></li>
	<li>Edit the formula and remove the deprecation enforcement: <pre>brew edit [email protected]</pre> Comment out line 29, so it looks like: <pre>  #disable! date: "2024-10-24", because: :unsupported</pre></li>
	<li>Perform installation of [email protected] from the locally modified formula: <pre>HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install [email protected]</pre></li>
	Now we can install EncFS successfully.
<pre>brew install gromgit/fuse/encfs-mac                    
==&gt; Fetching gromgit/fuse/encfs-mac
==&gt; Downloading
==&gt; Downloading from[...]
==&gt; Installing encfs-mac from gromgit/fuse
==&gt; Pouring encfs-mac-1.9.5.arm64_monterey.bottle.tar.gz
==&gt; Downloading
🍺  /opt/homebrew/Cellar/encfs-mac/1.9.5: 65 files, 2.2MB
==&gt; Running `brew cleanup encfs-mac`...
	If desired, we can now run <kbd>brew untap homebrew/core</kbd> to cleanup the local copy of the formula repository.
	Next step is to enable the (earlier installed) MacFuse kernel extension.<br>
	On macOS Sequoia this is a quite complicated process (needs disabling of multiple security features and some reboots).<br>
	Luckily the people from the MacFuse project have compiled <a href="" title="Getting Started - Enabling support for third party kernel extensions (Apple Silicon Macs)">a nice illustrated guide.</a>
	After this process is completed, we can finally decrypt the EncFS files.
<pre>encfs -v -f ./encrypted-folder ./mountpoint</pre>
	The unencrypted files are available at <var>./mountpoint</var>.<br>
	In my case I copied them to another folder as I no longer intend to use EncFS.
	With the job done, I removed again all the EncFS software and re-enabled the security features of macOS.
<pre>brew uninstall encfs-mac
brew uninstall [email protected]
brew uninstall macfuse</pre>
	Then reboot into the Recovery environment and in the Startup Security Utility set the Security Policy again to Full Security. 🔐
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-12-03T08:58:40+01:00">08:58</time> | <a href="" class="log">Mac</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
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