- ID da verificação
- 59aab476-9454-4ca7-ae02-e83eefab60cfConcluído
- URL enviado:
- https://california-efm.tylertech.cloud/
- Relatório concluído:
Links · 0 encontrado(s)
Os links de saída identificados na página
Variáveis JavaScript · 13 encontrada(s)
Variáveis JavaScript globais carregadas no objeto janela de uma página são variáveis declaradas fora das funções e acessíveis de qualquer lugar no código dentro do escopo atual
Nome | Tipo |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
Silverlight | object |
AgInstall | object |
pageLoaded | function |
onSilverlightError | function |
HandleDeepLink | function |
GetDeepLink | function |
onRedactCommand_Click | function |
Mensagens de registro do console · 1 encontrada(s)
Mensagens registradas no console web
Tipo | Categoria | Log |
error | network |
O corpo HTML bruto da página
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE10"><title>
Odyssey File & Serve
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
#silverlightControlHost {
height: 100%;
<script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.supportedUserAgent.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/AgInstall.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Silverlight.inject = function (params)
new AgInstall.Installer(params);
Silverlight.onGetSilverlight = function ()
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
Silverlight.onRestartRequired = function ()
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
Silverlight.onUpgradeRequired = function ()
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
Silverlight.onInstallRequired = function ()
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
function pageLoaded()
if (Silverlight.supportedUserAgent())
// silverlight is supported, update any installers
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
// silverlight is not supported, tell the installers to report this
for (var i in Silverlight.installControls)
function onSilverlightError(sender, args)
var appSource = "";
if (sender != null && sender != 0)
appSource = sender.getHost().Source;
var errorType = args.ErrorType;
var iErrorCode = args.ErrorCode;
if (errorType == "ImageError" || errorType == "MediaError")
var errMsg = "Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application " + appSource + "\n" ;
errMsg += "Code: "+ iErrorCode + " \n";
errMsg += "Category: " + errorType + " \n";
errMsg += "Message: " + args.ErrorMessage + " \n";
if (errorType == "ParserError")
errMsg += "File: " + args.xamlFile + " \n";
errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n";
else if (errorType == "RuntimeError")
if (args.lineNumber != 0)
errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n";
errMsg += "MethodName: " + args.methodName + " \n";
throw new Error(errMsg);
function HandleDeepLink()
var deepLink = GetDeepLink();
if (deepLink != null)
function GetDeepLink()
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]r=([^&#]*)");
var results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results === null ? null : decodeURIComponent(results[1].rep.lace(/\+/g, " "));
<body onload="pageLoaded()">
<div id="errorLocation" style="font-size: small;color: Gray;"></div>
<div id="silverlightControlHost" style="height: 100%; text-align: center;"><div class="slInstall"><div class="slInstallPopupWide" style="height: 346px; margin-top: -173px;"><div class="slPopupContentWide"><div class="slScreenshotWide"><img src="images/wide/TylerT-bw.png"></div><div class="slTextContentWide"><div class="slHeadlineWide">Odyssey File & Serve</div><div class="slDescription"><p>This Web browser is not compatible with this site. Try using a compatible Web browser.</p></div><img class="slDivider" src="images/wide/divider.png" style="display: none;"><a class="slButtonWide" href="javascript:Silverlight.getSilverlight('5.0.61118.0');" style="display: none;">INSTALL</a></div></div><div class="slPopupTopWide"></div><div class="slPopupLoopWide" style="height: 0px;"></div><div class="slPopupBotWide"></div></div></div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onRedactCommand_Click(url) {
function onRedactFailed() {
alert('Unable to load tcm viewer. The document is not redacted.');
function onRedactWaiting(documentId, nodeId) {
window.open('RedactionRedirect.aspx?did=' + documentId + '&nid=' + nodeId);
source: "ClientBin/Tyler.Attorney.Client.xap?v=2024_6_0_11412",
parentElement: "silverlightControlHost",
id: "OFSSilverlightControl",
initParams: "ClientSiteID=CALPROD,OdysseySiteID=OFS3PROD,ThemeColor=#FF3E528F,Logo=/logos/CALogo.png,HelpBaseURL=https://tylertech.egain.cloud/kb/ca3x/home,HelpLinkText=HELP,ProductName=Odyssey File & Serve,Cache=False",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
background: "white",
version: "5.0.61118.0"
// Contextual UI configuration
// The title of the application
title: "Odyssey File & Serve",
// The path of the image to display
// for optimal results use an image that is 165x124 pixels in size
picture: "images/wide/TylerT-bw.png",
wide: "<p>Odyssey File & Serve is powered by Microsoft Silverlight.</p><p>Click INSTALL below to update your Web browser with Microsoft Silverlight.</p>"
//narrow: "<p>Add custom description and 'installation required' text here.</p>",
//small: "<p>Add custom description and 'installation required' text here.</p>"
wide: "<p>Odyssey File & Serve is powered by Microsoft Silverlight.</p><p>Click INSTALL below to update your Web browser with Microsoft Silverlight.</p>"
//narrow: "<p>Add custom description and 'upgrade required' text here.",
//small: "<p>Add custom description and 'upgrade required' text here.</p>"
// To use the default text for a section, comment out the lines with custom text
wide: "<p>You are almost ready to start using Odyssey File & Serve. Please wait for the installation update to complete.</p>"
//narrow: "<p>Add custom 'Silverlight is installing/upgrading' text here.</p>",
//small: "<p>Add custom 'Silverlight is installing/upgrading' text here.</p>"
wide: "<p>You are almost ready to start using Odyssey File & Serve. Please restart your Web browser to complete the installation.</p>"
//narrow: "<p>Add custom 'Please restart browser' text here.",
//small: "<p>Add custom 'Please restart browser' text here."
wide: "<p>This Web browser is not compatible with this site. Try using a compatible Web browser.</p>"
//narrow: "<p>Add custom 'browser not compatible' text here.</p>",
//small: "<p>Add custom 'browser not compatible' text here.</p>"
buttonLabel: "INSTALL"
</script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/slInstall.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/slInstallWide.css">