- ID da verificação
- 9ddb0340-773f-485d-8c61-cdc4800b2c02Concluído
- URL enviado:
- https://is.gd/GEpsTj
- Relatório concluído:
Links · 1 encontrado(s)
Os links de saída identificados na página
Link | Texto |
http://steamcomumniity.com/gift/activation/id=156339864 | http://steamcomumniity.com/gift/activation/id=156339864 |
Variáveis JavaScript · 4 encontrada(s)
Variáveis JavaScript globais carregadas no objeto janela de uma página são variáveis declaradas fora das funções e acessíveis de qualquer lugar no código dentro do escopo atual
Nome | Tipo |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
load_qrcode | function |
Mensagens de registro do console · 0 encontrada(s)
Mensagens registradas no console web
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<title>is.gd - Shortened URL</title>
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<div id="main"><h4>WARNING: A user has reported this shortened URL to us as being in violation of our terms.</h4><p>We haven't had chance to check it out yet, but we automatically show a preview page for shortened URLs awaiting our investigation. Please proceed with caution, especially if the original URL looks suspicious or if you received it from a suspicious source.</p><br><p>The full original link is shown below. <b>Click the link</b> if you'd like to proceed to the destination shown: -<br><a href="http://steamcomumniity.com/gift/activation/id=156339864" class="biglink">http://steamcomumniity.com/gift/activation/id=156339864</a><br><br></p><p><img id="qrcode" src="/placeholder.gif" alt="QR code"><br><a id="qrlabel" onclick="load_qrcode('https://is.gd/GEpsTj'); return false" href="https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=100x100&choe=UTF-8&chld=H|0&chl=https://is.gd/GEpsTj">Give me this URL as a QR code</a></p><div id="qrmessage">Tip: some QR readers fail to read mixed case URLs properly. We recommend using the lower case option or a lower case custom URL with QR codes.</div></div>
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