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Links · 23 encontrado(s)
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Link | Texto |
https://www.packetlabs.net/posts/239-cybersecurity-statistics-2023/#:~:text=Key%20highlights%20from%20this%20year,first%20half%20of%202022%20alone | 2.2KAvg. daily cyber attacks |
https://www.akamai.com/blog/security-research/newly-observed-domains-discovered-13-million-malicious-domains#:~:text=Its%20baseline%20is%20approximately%2010%2C000%20unique%20new%20malicious%20domains%20per%20day. | 13MMNew malicious domains discovered each month |
https://secureteam.co.uk/articles/solarwinds-and-solarigate-hacks-explained/ | 9MTHSDwell time for Solarigate prior to detection |
https://www.sophos.com/en-us/content/state-of-ransomware | 93%YoY increase in ransomware incidents |
https://fieldeffect.com/blog/real-cost-data-breach | $4.9MMAvg. cost of a data breach (2024) |
https://adamnet.io/securitynow | Steve Gibson, Security Now Podcast. |
https://www.scworld.com/news/sc-award-winners-2024-adamnetworks-best-sase-solution | WINNERBest SASE 2024 |
https://www.softwarereviews.com/awards/data-quadrant-awards-2024-secure-access-service-edge | SASE 2024 |
https://cybersecuritybreakthrough.com/2024-winners | SASE Solution of the Year |
https://www.softwarereviews.com/awards/emotional-footprint-awards-2024-secure-access-service-edge | Customer Sentiment Champion 2024 |
Variáveis JavaScript · 93 encontrada(s)
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<div class="bullet-list-two-title"><strong>ATTACK</strong></div>
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<li class="bullet">Access</li>
<li class="bullet">Evade Detection & Defenses</li>
<li class="bullet"><strong>Exfiltrate Data</strong></li>
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<li class="bullet"><strong>Extortion</strong></li>
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<div class="rewrite-rules">Rewrite the Rules.</div>
<div class="strong-message"><strong>A Failing Philosophy</strong> focuses technologies on Detection & Response - but <strong>by the time Detection is triggered, the damage is already done.</strong> Classified / private data is already exfiltrated for extortion, espionage or theft.
<div class="stat-row">
<a href="https://www.packetlabs.net/posts/239-cybersecurity-statistics-2023/#:~:text=Key%20highlights%20from%20this%20year,first%20half%20of%202022%20alone" target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">2.2<span class="small-text">K</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">Avg. daily cyber attacks</div>
<a href="https://www.akamai.com/blog/security-research/newly-observed-domains-discovered-13-million-malicious-domains#:~:text=Its%20baseline%20is%20approximately%2010%2C000%20unique%20new%20malicious%20domains%20per%20day." target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">13<span class="small-text">MM</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">New malicious domains discovered each month</div>
<a href="https://secureteam.co.uk/articles/solarwinds-and-solarigate-hacks-explained/" target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">9<span class="small-text">MTHS</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">Dwell time for Solarigate prior to detection</div>
<a href="https://www.sophos.com/en-us/content/state-of-ransomware" target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">93<span class="small-text">%</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">YoY increase in ransomware incidents</div>
<a href="https://www.sophos.com/en-us/content/state-of-ransomware" target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">$2.7<span class="small-text">MM</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">Avg. cost of ransomware recovery</div>
<a href="https://fieldeffect.com/blog/real-cost-data-breach" target="_blank" class="stat-link">
<div class="stat">
<div class="strong-stat">$4.9<span class="small-text">MM</span></div>
<div class="stat-caption">Avg. cost of a data breach (2024)</div>
<div class="ai-container">
<div class="ai-overlay-text"><strong>No hype. Just results.</strong></div>
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Conventional security innovation in AI is focused on Detection. We shift the paradigm to focus all compute on verifying good connections only - allowing you to beat detection evasion and neutralize yet unknown threats by default.
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<div class="overlay">
<div class="overlay-text">No matter how proactive you are about your security posture. If you’re using <em>Reactive tools</em> that puts Detection as your first line of defense, your resulting posture will be <em>Reactive</em>. It is time to win. Make the first move.
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<source src="videos/reactive_proactive.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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<div id="promo_four">
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<div class="promo-four-container">
<div class="text-content">
<div class="cred-header">Sculpt the entire Internet to be only what you need it to be.</div>
<div class="cred-subheadings">
<div class="cred-sub-1">
<div>Less is more.</div>
<div class="cred-sub-2">
<div>The industry abandoned Default Deny-All 10 years ago.</div>
<div>We went back to first principles and got it to work.</div>
<div class="cred-sub-3">
<div>Stop trying to play whack-a-mole with the bad guys. Simply assume they're all bad.</div>
<div>Only allow connections to what is needed and verified.</div>
<div class="testimonial-container">
<div class="swiper-container swiper-initialized swiper-horizontal swiper-backface-hidden">
<div class="swiper-wrapper" id="swiper-wrapper-4f89082a22d10bb0e" aria-live="off">
<div class="swiper-slide swiper-slide-active" role="group" aria-label="1 / 3" data-swiper-slide-index="0" style="width: 632px;">
<div class="message-container">
<div class="message">…this solution is not just theory, and I think a surprisingly good idea. It's actually in place and working. And once I'd heard what this group has managed to pull off, that didn't surprise me because it felt like the result of a decade or more of iterating on a concept in order to bring it to maturity.
<div class="author">
<a href="https://adamnet.io/securitynow" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Steve Gibson, Security Now Podcast.
</strong> Episode 946
<div class="swiper-slide swiper-slide-next" role="group" aria-label="2 / 3" data-swiper-slide-index="1" style="width: 632px;">
<div class="message-container">
<div class="message">These ADAMnetworks guys have not only imagined the challenge of keeping an enterprise safe, …they've risen to it. And if I had an enterprise network which I needed to protect today, based upon what I understand now, I don't think I'd want to be without this solution.</div>
<div class="author">
<a href="https://adamnet.io/securitynow" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Steve Gibson, Security Now Podcast.
</strong> Episode 946
<div class="swiper-slide" role="group" aria-label="3 / 3" data-swiper-slide-index="2" style="width: 632px;">
<div class="message-container">
<div class="message">…with adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> we are more secure than ever: I get to sleep
a little bit better at night despite a significant uptick this year in spoofed emails
and various phishing attempts (as well as three deeply concerning spearfishing
attempts, our first ever of this sophistication).
<div class="author">
<strong>Charles Lam.</strong> Associate Director of Enterprise Architecture
<div><strong>Diamond Tours, Inc.</strong></div>
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<div class="case-studies-container">
<div class="case-study-banner">Case Studies</div>
<div class="case-studies">
<a href="pdf/ir-case-study.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="case-study-item">
<img src="images/awards/case-study_1.png" alt="Case Study Image">
<div class="study-caption">adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> vs Ransomeware in OT IR</div>
<a href="pdf/solarigate-vs-ztc.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="case-study-item">
<img src="images/awards/case-study_2.png" alt="Case Study Image">
<div class="study-caption">adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> Immunity Against Solar Winds Breach</div>
<div class="awards">
<a href="https://www.scworld.com/news/sc-award-winners-2024-adamnetworks-best-sase-solution" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="award-item-1">
<img class="enlarged" src="images/awards/award_sc.png" alt="Awards Image">
<div class="award-caption enlarged">WINNER</div>
<div class="award-caption enlarged">Best SASE 2024</div>
<a href="https://www.softwarereviews.com/awards/data-quadrant-awards-2024-secure-access-service-edge" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="award-item-2">
<img src="images/awards/award_1.png" alt="Awards Image">
<div class="award-caption">SASE 2024</div>
<a href="https://cybersecuritybreakthrough.com/2024-winners" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="award-item-4">
<img src="images/awards/award_4.png" alt="Awards Image">
<div class="award-caption">SASE Solution of the Year</div>
<a href="https://www.softwarereviews.com/awards/emotional-footprint-awards-2024-secure-access-service-edge" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="award-item-3">
<img src="images/awards/award_2.png" alt="Awards Image">
<div class="award-caption">Customer Sentiment Champion 2024</div>
<a href="https://www.softwarereviews.com/awards/data-quadrant-awards-2024-secure-access-service-edge#capabilities" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="award-item-5">
<img src="images/awards/award_3.png" alt="Awards Image">
<div class="award-caption-list">
<div class="award-caption">Strategy and Innovation</div>
<div class="award-caption">Service Experience</div>
<div class="award-caption">Contract Negotiation</div>
<div class="award-caption">Conflict Resolution</div>
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<span class="title">DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span></span>
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<div class="col m8 s12" style="text-align: start">
<i>The power of unity.</i>
<strong>DNS intelligence aggregation facilitated by the adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ecosystem.</strong>
<p>How do you access the world’s best threat intelligence? Simple: By combining the world’s top sources of your choice to collaborate in real time.</p>
<div class="col m4 s12 dnsh-image-container" style="text-align: end">
<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/DNSh_hu10251424256506912401.png" data-srcset="
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/img/products/DNSh_hu13308844211220856678.png 200w,
" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
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Home and Small Business
<i class="fal fa-plus spin-500"></i>
<div class="collapsible-product-content">
<h5>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> Home and Professional Packages.</h5>
<p><i>Ideal for Home and Small Business</i>
We understand that not everyone wants the level of protection that a full adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ZTc node provides. It is for that reason that we decided to make it easy and accessible for families and small business owners that would like to apply Security, Privacy, Productivity Enhancement and Content protection at a minimal cost.</p>
<p>Choose from the basic Home package aimed at simplicity and family use, or the Professional package that is geared towards SMB commercial applications.</p>
<p>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> is available as a self installable package for pFsense and ASUS Merlin WRT. The option for buying a pre-installed router for Home or Business use will be offered soon.</p>
<h5>What DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> can do for you and the people you care about.</h5>
<p><strong>Enhanced Security.</strong>
Threat intelligence aggregation. Combine the protection of multiple sources. Block all known malicious domains. No endpoint software installation required. Protect all IoT or any device while connected to your network, regardless of operating system or device type.</p>
<p><strong>Protection against harmful content.</strong>
Enforce Safe Search and Google / YouTube Safe Modes Block any unwanted domain.</p>
<p><strong>Enhanced Privacy.</strong>
Block trackers and ads.</p>
<p><strong>Productivity Enhancement.</strong>
Provide focus in work or school environments by blocking all distractions, social media or entertainment. Set Schedules to limit access to distractions.</p>
<div class="collapsible-product-header">
<i class="fal fa-plus spin-500"></i>
<div class="collapsible-product-content">
<p>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> is an ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> Technology element that functions inside adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>. It allows for using multiple protective DNS resolvers via aggregation. Feedback on which policy or upstream resolver triggered a block is noted in your running log and you can assign custom policies to individual devices or groups of devices.</p>
<p>As part of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ZTc deployment, DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> is used as a DNS intelligence aggregation layer for adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> offering powerful customization. For those not yet ready for the security value of a Zero Trust connected environment, DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> could be used as the primary filtering technology to protect against known threats and harmful content.</p>
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Community Edition
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<h5>The Best Things in Life are Free!</h5>
<p>Best of all, there is a free version of DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> that is aimed at researchers and tech nerds that want to apply it for non-commercial personal use. This way you get to try us out to see if you like us and our products.</p>
<h2>The Power of Unity</h2>
<p>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> allows you to have the following key wins for your network:</p>
<p><strong>Resilience: </strong>Redundant DNS resolution facilitates resilience in the case that an upstream resolver is down.
<p><strong>DNS Intelligence aggregation: </strong>Combine multiple intelligence sources to greatly increase the effective value of your DNS filtering decisions, no matter what your aim with filtering is.
<p><strong>Device Agnostic Protection: </strong>Because adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> functions out of band, protection can be applied to any device connected to your network. No endpoint agent required. IoT and Smart Device friendly.
<p><strong>Visibility: </strong>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> facilitates an internal real time log of all traffic filtering decisions.
<p><strong>Productivity: </strong>Increase productivity and reduce your attack surface by applying schedules.
<p><strong>Privacy: </strong>Block Trackers and third party ads per policy.
<p><strong>Security: </strong>Block all known malware and security threats that use DNS as part of the attack vector. By combining multiple intelligence sources, you greatly increase effectiveness.
<p><strong>Content Protection: </strong>Block all known harmful content destinations and enforce Safe settings on Compatible Search engines (Brave, Google, Bing & Duck Duck Go) + YouTube.
<p><strong>Per device / per group policy assignment: </strong>Assign policies per device and have full visibility to all devices connected to your network.
<p><strong>DynDNS: </strong>Facilitate Dynamic DNS through the adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> muscle.
<h5>Enterprise Application: (Requires an LTP License)</h5>
<p><strong>SIEM integration: </strong>As an enterprise, you can integrate into SIEM to provide a running log of all traffic filtering decisions and enrich the inputs with all DNS requests from your network. Enjoy powerful DNS intelligence analysis with multiple vendors.
<p><strong>AD integration: </strong>Assign policies by AD integration.
<p><strong>Flexible Layers: </strong>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> can operate at layer 3 or layer 2. In deployments where every endpoint is layer2-visible to adam:ONE, additional value is created by real-time device inventory and automated policy assignment on a per-network basis.
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<h2>Policy Enforcement:</h2>
By default, all of our deployments of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> will intercept outbound TCP and UDP traffic destined for port 53. This has the result of enforcing all standard DNS traffic by your established policies. For example, a device could be manually set to and still experience the exact same forced filtering as every other device that is set to obtain DNS servers automatically.
<p>The result of default gateway-based forced DNS is security and convenience without easy circumvention of your policies by an endpoint. The below example shows Google SafeSearch being forced no matter whom you ask.</p>
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<pre id="animated-text1"></pre>
<div class="image-caption-container caption">No matter which DNS resolver is asked to resolve Google, only the forced SafeSearch answer is ever provided. Unsafe Google search is simply not available.</div>
<h2>Choose your instruments</h2>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<th>Protective DNS</th>
<th>DNS Server IPv4</th>
<th>DNS Server IPv6</th>
<th>Blocked Destinations</th>
<th>Blocked Answers</th>
<td>Malware as identified by aggregate vendors</td>
<td>Cisco Umbrella</td>
<td>Selectable Categories to Block
<td>OpenDNS block IP <a href="https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/227986927-What-are-the-Cisco-Umbrella-Block-Page-IP-Addresses-">range</a></td>
<td>Safe for kids under 13, including Safety YouTube</td>
<td>Cloudflare (No Malware)</td>
<td>Malware known to Cloudflare</td>
<td>Cloudflare (No Malware or Adult Content)</td>
<td>Malware and Harmful Content known to Cloudflare</td>
<td>Control D - Malware</td>
<td>Malware by threat intelligence feeds</td>
<td>Control D - Family Friendly</td>
<td>Malware, Ads, Tracking, Adult Content, Drugs</td>
<td>Comodo Secure DNS</td>
<td>Parked and malware domains</td>
<td>DNS Filter*</td>
(and more for alternate profiles)
<td>Adult Content</td>
<td>Selectable categories to block</td>
<div>* requires an account & subscription/license</div>
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<h2>Distributed Sinkholing</h2>
Public Resolvers require dramatically more resource usage if they also offer block pages. Those additional resources pose additional resource exhaustion liabilities on sinkholing web servers. For this reason, DNS providers tend to respond with NXDOMAIN (or or ) thereby reducing their own attack surface. However, the downside to this is that end users are provided no feedback, ie no block page(s). This is where the approach of distributed sinkholing applies. Block pages are served to internal networks, by the device running DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> through adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>.
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="caption">The DNS and Traffic logs facilitated by adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> allows you to view resolution decisions in real time visible to your internal network only.</div>
<p>Distributed sinkholing also has the advantage of being local traffic only, thereby faster and consuming no WAN bandwidth at all. Blocked destinations are also not observable to the ISP.</p>
<h2 style="text-align: center">Use Case Examples</h2>
<div class="example">Example #1:</div>
A SFW experience through CleanBrowsing plus Quad9 threat intelligence protection as well as ad blocking from your own Pi-Hole.
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<div class="image-caption-container caption" style="color: black">
When we're asking ControlD, CleanBrowsing, Umbrella (from the perspective of the DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> device) Only ControlD's ad-blocking service was blocking <a href="ad.doubleclick.net">ad.doubleclick.net</a>. so DNSharmony's decision is to block it, even though others allowed it.
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/UseCase01_s_hu3903072172295745454.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="example">Example #2:</div>
Choose multiple public DNS filters and choose one to be dominant. The dominant wins in the event of different non-blocked answers.
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<pre id="animated-ex2"></pre>
<div class="image-caption-container caption" style="color: black">In this case, they were all permitted, but the reason DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> chose CleanBrowsing is that it's the preferred result when all are allowed. This is because the desire in this policy is to use YouTube Safety mode, offered by CleanBrowsing.</div>
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/UseCase02_s_hu2047651645903128730.png" data-srcset="
/img/products/UseCase02_s_hu2047651645903128730.png 1000w,
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/img/products/UseCase02_s_hu11837783045370261500.png 400w,
/img/products/UseCase02_s_hu7893683477004926623.png 200w,
" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="example">Example #3:</div>
Complimentary threat intelligence, but most importantly, offer end-users a complementary set of intel providers who otherwise don't work together: OpenDNS, Quad9 and even your own RPZs.
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
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<h2>Privacy and Security First</h2>
<p>See our terms of use for details on how your DNS information is anonymized. DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> is also DNSSEC-aware, meaning your DNSSEC queries are honored and remain secured in transit.
(adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ZTc application of DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> includes full compatibility with DoH, DoQ and DoT. )</p>
<div class="dns-harmony-table-wrapper">
<table class="dnsharmony-table">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> Community</td>
<td>US $0/mo</td>
<td>Personal | Non commercial use only</td>
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> Home</td>
<td>US $9.99/mo</td>
<td>Home use only</td>
<tr style="border-bottom: none;">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> Professional</td>
<td>US $99.99/mo</td>
<td>SMB use</td>
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{ question: "./dnscompare.sh ocs.ca", answer:
`Results for ocs.ca:
Cloudflare (query to
CleanBrowsing (query to
PiHole (query to
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<span class="title">adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span></span>
<p>A security ecosystem designed from first-principles on a Zero Trust philosophy.</p>
<p>This <em>True Proactive</em> approach proves to be immune against advanced attacks (such as the Solar Winds breach and Pegasus etc.) by killing attacks BEFORE they were able to execute and BEFORE they were detected by the world’s best current SASE solutions.</p>
<h5 id="key-features">Key Features:</h5>
<ul class="browser-default">
<li>ZTc Practically Implementable.</li>
<li>True Proactive System: Effective protection against unknown threats without the need for detection.</li>
<li>Attack surface reduction to near Zero. (>7000:1)</li>
<li>Kills C2 attack channels.</li>
<li>Eliminate Data Exfiltration vectors.</li>
<li>Mitigate the Human Factor. Phishing & Smishing vectors destroyed.</li>
<li>Shadow IT cleanup simplified. Default Deny All posture of ZTc.</li>
<li>IoT and Control Tech Friendly. No endpoint agent needed.</li>
<li>Circumvention protection.</li>
<li>Encryption Friendly. Privacy & Security maintained.</li>
<li>Distributed Custodial Protection. No centralized proxy.</li>
<li>Decentralized Performance. Centralized Control.</li>
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<p>Yes. Zero Trust is possible on Layer2. And the consequence of this true-proactive technology is a breath of fresh air amidst the fog of legacy reactive systems that only gets you halfway there.</p>
<p>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> is a ZeroTrust connectivity (ZTc) solution made practical by use of AI and stacking additional technologies such as DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> egress control and DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> threat intelligence aggregation.</p>
<p>At the core is a highly optimized DNS caching resolver. It operates in a hybrid Muscle-Brain configuration. While the Muscle is distributed on-premise or in your cloud edge networks, the Brain is centralized. This allows the performance and resilience of decentralized operation, while maintaining the benefit of centralized control. Additionally, custodial protection remains distributed to each node to eliminate the single-point-of-failure risks associated with cloud-only based solutions.</p>
<p>By operating out-of-band, protection is achieved without the need of any endpoint software installed on these assets. This allows for the protection of the myriad of IoT devices and all vulnerable control technologies used in critical infrastructure.</p>
<p>Full Layer2 visibility is achieved and facilitates automated device inventory. Default deny-all treatment for each asset is standard, making a true ZT posture an automatic benefit.</p>
<p>Individual policies with flexible rules can be applied per asset or group on a permanent or scheduled basis, as needed.</p>
<p>Seamless integration with 802.1X facilitates user based authentication and automated policy assignment. Additionally hardware based authentication for devices not compatible with human friendly authentication are used as default, extending your Zero Trust posture even to legacy devices in real-life environments.</p>
<p>Shadow IT is easily eliminated in the ZTc environment of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>. Since all connections are denied by default, only assets and services approved by the security admin will continue to operate.</p>
<p>Multiple adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> elements are stacked in the adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ecosystem to allow immense flexibility to the security admin.</p>
<p>Solving the design failures of legacy DNS based firewalls by implementing Don’t talk to strangers (DTTS)<span class="superscript">®</span>, all leaks by direct IP connections are prevented. This allows for effective ZTc protection by DNS without the need to use any centralized proxies and without the need to break encryption. This is a huge win for security and privacy.</p>
<p>DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> also provides dynamic egress control that prevents circumvention, breaks C2 connections, and eliminates Data Exfiltration channels.</p>
<p>The default deny-all connection posture of ZTc is made practical by automated dynamic allow-listing powered by AI. ZTc Adaptive AI and ZTc Reflex AI provide two flavors to find the perfect balance between UX convenience vs. the hardness of your security posture. It is now practical to reduce your attack surface to Near Zero (7000:1) while maintaining a productive work environment for all your assets.</p>
<p>With ZTc policies of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>, only connections requested by the verified user and verified to be safe are dynamically allowed - all others are denied by default. This practically resolves Human Factor risks by eliminating all phishing vectors. (Including spear phishing and smishing on mobile devices)</p>
<p>With DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span>, security admins can choose to aggregate the Threat Intelligence Sources of their choice at the Muscle. The aggregated result provides both enhanced security, and resilience for mission critical operations in case of an outage with their primary DNS resolver.</p>
<p>Edge Application is flexible: The adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> Muscle can be baked natively into the OS of a device; be deployed at the network edge; live as a node in the cloud; forced onto mobile assets via secured tunnel; or applied at carrier level via dedicated APN. It could also be inserted mid-stream as a bridge device to augment current security frameworks without the need to displace existing infrastructure.</p>
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<span class="title">adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> elements</span>
<p>Build your adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> stack just the way you want it. The adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> caching resolver is a fully customizable technology platform. Multiple modules are combined to build your security stack just the way you want it.</p>
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/dnsharmony_hu2864611030165852310.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="col m8 s12">
<h2>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span></h2>
<strong>The power of unity.</strong><br>
<em>Threat intelligence aggregation facilitated by the adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ecosystem.</em><br>
Net result: The world’s best threat intelligence - by allowing the network admin the power of combining the world’s top threat intelligence sources on demand.
<p>Free or Commercial license. <a href="#dnsharmony">SEE MORE</a></p>
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<div class="col m4 s12">
<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/dtts_hu1249791488790952554.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="col m8 s12">
<h2>Don’t Talk to Strangers (DTTS)<span class="superscript">®</span></h2>
<em>Trap your attackers. Shut them down WITHOUT the need of detection.</em><br>
(European, US and Canadian patents 2020).<br>
<strong>Zero Trust Egress control that denies all outbound IP connections unless verified by an approved DNS lookup.</strong> This bullet proofs DNS based filtering to prevent circumvention by direct IP connections; advanced circumvention tools like Psiphon / TOR; or systemic failure of DNS based filtering by VPNs, DoH and DoT.
<p>The net result is preventing all C2 malware that use direct outbound connections as part of the attack vector from executing. As well as providing immunity against data extortion by preventing exfiltration of data from the protected network.</p>
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/ztc-adaptive_hu16393079575310727242.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="col m8 s12">
<h2>ZTc Adaptive AI Dynamic Allowlisting</h2>
<em>The Phish killer. Minimize your attack surface to near-zero.</em><br>
<strong>ZeroTrust connectivity made practical through use of AI.</strong> The verified asset starts with a default Deny All policy and is presented with a block page to trigger the connection request. An adaptive allow list is dynamically built as the AI verifies the safety of the requested domains. All dependencies for websites are checked against an AI graph. Connection requests are either automatically allowed, denied, or sent for human inspection based on the graph score.
<p>Allowed connections are automatically added to the dynamic allowlist and assets verified to the same node have access to connections from the same list. The same rule could be shared between other subscribed adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> nodes. This dynamic rule can be maintained by AI verification, or collapsed by temporal triggers once the need for access expired.</p>
<p>Primarily used for protecting HVAs with emphasis on mission critical security.</p>
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/ztc-reflex_hu15915422643623772266.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
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<h2>ZTc Reflex AI Dynamic Allowlisting</h2>
<em>Zero Trust for the real world.</em><br>
<strong>Realtime ZeroTrust connectivity decisions based on categorized AI-driven threat intelligence.</strong> The verified asset starts with a default Deny All policy that is dynamically shaped against pre-set domain category decisions as connection requests occur. All DNS requests are checked automatically against the Reflex Decision Engine - which is customizable on a per-device, per-policy basis.
<p>This eliminates the delay associated with ZTc Adaptive AI between connection requests and verification, as decisions are done on a real time reflex basis of the Reflex Policy. Conflict resolutions between overlapping categorizations are also handled by preset preferences for the specific reflex policy.</p>
<p>Primarily used for protecting HVAs with emphasis on fast human experience.</p>
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<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/adam-one-elements_hu7242428599712004359.png" data-srcset="
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="col m8 s12">
<em>Don’t trust. Verify.</em><br>
<strong>User Based Authentication module through integration with 802.1x</strong><br>
All connected assets to adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> are visible through automatic inventory based on hardware identification by default. A default Zero Trust policy assignment automatically places the asset in a quarantine state until verified by the admin and assigned the proper policy.
<p>UBA allows assets to be authenticated by user vs hardware, and allows for policy assignments to automatically apply to the verified user.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col m4 s12">
<img class="lazy slide-right" alt="" data-src="/img/products/adam-go_hu6324994919179457407.png" data-srcset="
/img/products/adam-go_hu6324994919179457407.png 1000w,
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" data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw">
<div class="col m8 s12">
<em>Walk in the Light.</em><br>
<strong>Zero Trust connectivity protection for HVA Mobile devices.</strong> adam:GO™ is a security stack applied to mobile devices by incorporating MDM, Apple ABM and adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> dedicated cloud exit enforced onto the device by encrypted tunnel.
<p>The net result: Immunity to Pegasus Forced Entry* and other APTs are achieved via the ZeroTrust connectivity established through DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> and ZTc Adaptive AI Allowlisting of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> in a dedicated cloud exit. *(This was achieved even before the threat became known).</p>
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<!-- TODO: add product images if available -->
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<img class="lazy slide-right"
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data-sizes="(min-width: 600px) 33vw, 100vw"
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<h2>adam:GO™ Cloud</h2>
<div class="col m4 s12">
<h2>adam:GO™ Base</h2>
<div class="col m4 s12">
<h2>adam:GO™ APN</h2>
</div> -->
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<div class="intro">
<p><strong>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> is a SASE solution based on design from First Principles. It allows for flexible edge deployment that can travel with the device. Amongst a myriad of wins for security admins that want a practical Zero Trust posture, some of the core elements that make it unique are:</strong></p>
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<div class="content">
<ul class="browser-default">
<li>Muscle-Brain Hybrid configuration.</li>
<li>ZTc (Zero Trust connectivity) AI driven dynamic Allowlisting.</li>
<li>Solid Egress Control through patented Don’t Talk to Strangers (DTTS)<span class="superscript">®</span> technology.</li>
<li>Threat Intelligence Aggregation of DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span>.</li>
<p><strong>Re-shape the posture of the entire Internet to Zero Trust for any asset, one connection at a time.</strong></p>
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<strong>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span></strong>
<span>One Pager</span>
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<strong>Zero Trust connectivity</strong>
<span>One Pager</span>
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<h5 id="muscle-brain-hybrid-configuration">Muscle-Brain Hybrid configuration</h5>
<p>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> functions in a hybrid Muscle-Brain configuration. The Muscle is distributed to the network edge and executes decisions on “muscle memory”, while the Brain is a centralized cloud controller that trains the muscle on new instructions.</p>
<p>This allows the performance and resilience of decentralized operation, while maintaining the benefit of centralized control.</p>
<p>Custodial protection remains distributed to each node and thus eliminates the single-point-of-failure and performance bottlenecks associated with cloud-only solutions.</p>
<h5 id="ztc-ai-driven-dynamic-allowlisting">ZTc AI Driven Dynamic Allowlisting</h5>
<p>Stop trying to keep track of what is bad. We all lost that battle years ago. It is time to use threat intelligence proactively by keeping track of what is good.</p>
<p>If the security technology you’re implementing requires detection, it is reactive and you cannot establish a true-proactive security posture. Real Time Detection is not fast enough. You’ve already been breached.</p>
<p>ZTc denies all connections unless 1. Requested by an authenticated asset and 2. Verified as safe to that asset requesting that connection as based on a customized policy.</p>
<h5 id="dttsspan-classsuperscriptspan">DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span></h5>
<p>Don’t Talk to Strangers (DTTS)<span class="superscript">®</span> is a patented technology that solves the fundamental design flaw of TCP/IP (that was not based on principles of security, but optimization). It does so without the need to alter any protocol, by creating an edge that denies all connections to an asset, unless verified by DNS lookup and approved by the policy applied.</p>
<h5 id="dnsharmonyspan-classsuperscriptspan">DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span></h5>
<p>How do you guarantee the best threat intelligence in the world? By aggregating the best with the second, third, fourth, and N-th best of your choice right at the connection edge. With DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> the power of unity is now under your control.</p>
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<h4>White Papers and Vlogs</h4>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/ztc" class="pub" target="_blank">
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<span class="fal fa-play"></span>
<span class="title"> ZeroTrust connectivity Introduction </span>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/go" class="pub" target="_blank">
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<span class="fal fa-play"></span>
<span class="title"> Introduction to adam:GO™ </span>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/solarigate" class="pub" target="_blank">
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<span class="fal fa-play"></span>
<span class="title"> The Solarigate Killer </span>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/telegram" class="pub" target="_blank">
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<span class="fal fa-play"></span>
<span class="title"> The Telegram Problem </span>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/benchmark" class="pub" target="_blank">
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<span class="fal fa-play"></span>
<span class="title"> Benchmarking DNS with adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> </span>
<a href="http://adamnet.io/ztcwhitepaper" class="pub" target="_blank">
<div class="icon">
<span class="title"> ZeroTrust Connectivity with adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> </span>
<a href="https://adamnet.io/IR" class="pub" target="_blank">
<div class="icon">
<span class="title"> Case Study: Ransomware IR </span>
<a href="https://support.adamnet.works/c/adamnetworks-blog/14" class="waves-effect waves-light btn btn-clear" target="_blank">
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<div class="collapsible-body"><div class="scroll-container">
<div class="table-header">
<div class="reactive">
<div class="extra-bold">Enhanced Reactive Posture</div>
DNS intelligence aggregation<br>
DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> element only<br>
Self Managed
<div class="proactive">
<div class="extra-bold">True Proactive Posture</div>
<div class="extra-bold">Zero Trust connectivity (ZTc)</div>
<div class="list-wrapper">
<ul><div class="extra-bold">adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ZTc Full Suite</div>
<li> - Adaptive AI™</li>
<li> - Reflex AI™</li>
<li> - DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span></li>
<li> - DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span></li>
<li> - Encrypted DNS</li>
Licensed Technology Partner (LTP) Managed
<div class="feature-table-wrapper">
<table id="feature-table">
<tr class="six-columns">
<th class="category">Plan</th>
<th>ZTc SMB</th>
<th>ZTc Enterprise</th>
<tr class="three-columns">
<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">Enhanced Reactive</td>
<td colspan="2" class="extra-bold" style="text-align: center">True Proactive</td>
<tr class="three-columns">
<td>Technology Stack Type</td>
<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">Threat Intelligence Aggregation only</td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center">Full ZTc</td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Requires to be managed and monitored</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>MSRP starting at USD</td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>SLA and Monitoring</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i> | Optional</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Requires LTP</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Max Devices / Plan</td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>ADAM Supplied Support Options</td>
<td>- Community Forum</td>
<td>- Community Forum</td>
<ul class="list-wrapper">
<li>- Forum</li>
<li>- Email Best Effort</li>
<ul class="list-wrapper">
<li>- Forum</li>
<li>- Email Priority</li>
<li>- Phone 12/6</li>
<li>- Mission Critical Emergency 24/7</li>
<ul class="list-wrapper">
<li>- Forum</li>
<li>- Email Priority</li>
<li>- Phone 12/6</li>
<li>- Mission Critical Emergency 24/7</li>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>License for Commercial Use</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr><td colspan="7" class="category">Policies</td></tr>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Number of policies</td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Blocklist Type (Reactive)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>ZTc (Default Deny All)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>No Internet</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr><td colspan="7" class="category">Rules / Lists / Resolvers</td></tr>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Blocklist Rules (built-in)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Blocklist Rules (custom)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> (multiple policies) from pre-built options</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> (custom resolvers)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> (Umbrella Integration)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Post Rule Processors</td>
<tr class="three-columns">
<td>DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> Customization</td>
<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">Select from Preset Resolvers only</td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center">Customize Resolvers to include other 3rd party</td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Allowlist Rules</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Authoritative Rules</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Subscription (Central Verified/managed lists)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Subscription LTP Premium Rules</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>AI Dynamic Smart Rules</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Subscribe to user-shared Rules</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Share Rules for Subscription</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Forwarding Rules (including AD integration)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr><td colspan="7" class="category">Technology Features</td></tr>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td>Restricted Enablers</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> Enablers - Preset
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> Enablers - Custom
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Adaptive AI™</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Reflex AI™</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>High Availability</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DynDNS (2my.network)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>MyTools secured</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DNS Encryption (internal DoH, DoT)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>Integrations (SIEM, 802.1X, etc)</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr><td colspan="7" class="category">Hardware</td></tr>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>LTP-supplied hardware</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>If LTP-supplied, must be HA</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>DIY hardware/hypervisor</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>If DIY, must be HA</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>ADAM-supplied hardware</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<tr class="six-columns">
<td>If ADAM-supplied must be HA</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-times fa-lg no"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<tr class="no-border-bottom six-columns">
<td>DIY users Installable</td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td><i class="fal fa-check fa-lg yes"></i></td>
<td>LTP only</td>
<td>LTP only</td>
<div class="table-caption">* Anonymized contribution to the community DNS graph</div>
<div class="table-title">ENTERPRISE | SMB CATEGORIES</div>
<div class="size-table-wrapper">
<th>Small | Medium Business</th>
<th>Number of Endpoints</th>
<td>up to 2500</td>
<th>Number of Endpoints</th>
<td>Up to 5,000</td>
<td>Up to 10,000</td>
<td>Large Enterprise</td>
<td>Up to 50,000</td>
<tr class="no-border-bottom">
<td>Extra Large</td>
<td>Over 50,000</td>
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<img src="/we-protect.png" alt="We Protect People.">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 20px;">
<span style="display: flex; align-items: baseline;">
<div style="font-size: 2em;">Mission:</div>
<div style="font-size: 1em; margin-left: 10px;">What We Do</div>
Because the universe contains nothing more valuable than human hearts, we create and steward technology that protects people and their systems, providing them with a safe and unique version of the internet as they live and interact online.
<span style="display: flex; align-items: baseline;">
<div style="font-size: 2em;">Vision:</div>
<div style="font-size: 1em; margin-left: 10px;">What We See</div>
We see a world where billions of people are empowered to utilize the internet in a safe and productive way, with ADAMnetworks serving as a light for people to exercise dominion over technology as they use its power for good.
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 20px;">
<span style="display: flex; align-items: baseline;">
<div style="font-size: 2em;">Values:</div>
<div style="font-size: 1em; margin-left: 10px;">How we Fulfill the Mission</div>
<div style="margin-top: -10px;">
<strong>Secure in Identity</strong>
We operate like a battery, bringing energy to the team rather than taking from it.
<strong>Professional Competency</strong>
We care deeply about the skill of our craft, and are continually working to grow in it.
We are willing to fight for the highest possible good of our team and clients.
<strong>Burning Desire</strong>
We possess a strong internal motivation which we bring to the work we do in alignment with our vision.
We can be counted on to get things done, diligently working to the point of completion.
We speak the truth in love, not seeking conflict but willing to embrace it, even if it’s uncomfortable to do so.
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Code of Ethics
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<div class="ethics-heading">
<span style="visibility: hidden;">Placeholder</span>
<span style="font-size: 2.2em; text-align: center;">Code of Ethics</span>
<span style="font-size: 0.7em; opacity: .5; font-style: italic;">2024-07-04</span>
ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> carries a deep-held conviction that all the technology we develop should only be used for good. Our primary aim is to protect people and we are committed to only allow our technologies to be used in a way that upholds this objective.
<p>We understand that any technology can be used by different entities with intent that goes against the primary aims of the developer. It is for this reason that we delineate clearly between what our technologies may be used for and what it may not.</p>
<b>Under no circumstances will ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> technologies be used for or be associated with any entity who participates in:</b>
<li>Illegal Purposes: either directly or indirectly as part of any illegal activity or enterprise;</li>
<li>Sexual Content: Production, hosting or distributing Pornography, Child Sexual Abuse or any Sexual Exploitation of any kind;</li>
<li>Violence & Hatred: promotion of terrorism, violence, expressed hatred or any other human rights abuse;</li>
<li>Oppression & Injustice: the technology may not be used to perpetrate injustice, oppression and violation of God-given rights and freedoms;</li>
<li>Harmful Content: the technology may not be used in support of content that could cause harm towards people. E.G.: The promotion of suicide, snuff films (real or synthetic) or any other content that has reasonable grounds to attribute cause of psychological harm;</li>
<li>Slavery & Exploitation: Slavery or any form of injustice involving exploitation of victims by force coercion or addiction.</li>
<li>General Malice: Any entity who’s intent or actions represent reasonable grounds to attribute cause of harm to people.</li>
Within the constraints of all legal and licensing requirements as put forth in other agreements and this document, <b>ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> technologies may be used for:</b>
<li>Protecting people.</li>
<li>Protecting against cyber threats</li>
<li>Protecting systems and infrastructure that people rely on.</li>
<li>Protecting people against harmful online content.</li>
<li>Protecting privacy and blocking illegal surveillance.</li>
<li>Protecting innovation and workplace productivity.</li>
<li>Protecting human rights and freedoms.</li>
ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> reserves the right to apply these standards as it sees fit and, in its sole discretion reserves the right to refuse service or revoke the Licensed Technology Partner status of any reseller that violates this code of ethics.
<p>By adhering to these ethical standards, ADAMnetworks<span class="superscript">®</span> seeks to ensure that our technology remains a positive force, dedicated to the protection of people and their systems as they live and interact online.</p>
<div style="font-style: italic">We protect people.™</div>
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