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								<h1><span class="fw-500">Automated order placement</span> for your algorithmic <span class="fw-500">trading strategies</span></h1>
								<h2>Send trading signals via webhook from <a href=";" target="_blank">TradingView</a>, Bot, Python, C# and automatically place orders with multiple brokers like Angle One, Finvasia, Fyers, Upstox, etc.</h2>
								<h3>We offer a web based API bridge for automatic algo trading of your TradingView strategies.</h3>
								<a class="primary-btn view-more-btn position-relative w-50" href="#features">
									<span>Learn More</span>
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						<h2 class="big-heading-title text-center">Features and <span class="fw-800">Benefits</span></h2>
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						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon trade-icon">
								<svg width="45" height="45"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-trade-webhook"></use></svg>
							<h3>Trade from any webhook</h3>
							<p>Any web/HTTP signal or alert can trigger orders and the bridge will execute them 24/7. Our webhook supports the most widely used JSON data format.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon blazingly-icon">
								<svg width="36" height="32"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-order-execution"></use></svg>
							<h3>Blazingly fast order execution</h3>
							<p>Our trading bridge intelligently converts your strategy's webhook signal into the broker's API interface, executing the trade within milliseconds.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon easy-icon">
								<svg width="36" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-setup"></use></svg>
							<h3>Simple and easy to set up</h3>
							<p>You do not need to install any desktop softwares, browser extensions or have VPS servers. Our web platform captures signals and places orders instantaneously.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon respect-icon">
								<svg width="35" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-privacy"></use></svg>
							<h3>We respect your privacy</h3>
							<p>We do not store any strategy or order related data on our system. Signal data is processed on the fly by automated programs to place orders.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon signal-icon">
								<svg width="56" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-signal"></use></svg>
							<h3>Never miss a signal or trade</h3>
							<p>Our web platform has very high network availability to ensure your trade alerts are always processed on time and with accuracy.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon versatile-icon">
								<svg width="40" height="32"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-broker"></use></svg>
							<h3>Versatile multi broker support</h3>
							<p>Instantly integrate and route your custom strategies to single or multiple brokers. Simultaneously trade with multi trading accounts.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon telegram-icon">
								<svg width="41" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-telegram"></use></svg>
							<h3>Telegram Bot integration</h3>
							<p>Receive order notifications on your Telegram account. Easily manage bridge and login to broker API using builtin commands.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon anytime-icon">
								<svg width="33" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-web"></use></svg>
							<h3>Access anytime on web</h3>
							<p>Manage your trading accounts, webhook logs, positions and trades from mobile or desktop browser using our responsive web application.</p>
						<div class="features-box">
							<div class="features-icon webhook-icon">
								<svg width="47" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-webhook-format"></use></svg>
							<h3>Broker independent webhook format</h3>
							<p>Our webhook format being broker agnostic, you do not have to change format for passing signals to different brokers.</p>
	<!-- Features and Benefits end  -->

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					<h2 class="big-heading-title text-center">How It <span class="fw-800">Works</span></h2>
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					<div class="works-box">
						<img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="" loading="lazy" width="50" height="166">
						<div class="work-content">
							<h3>Run strategy on your chosen platform</h3>
							<p>Build and run your strategies on any third party services like TradingView or GoCharting.</p>
				<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
					<div class="works-box">
						<img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="" loading="lazy" width="81" height="170">
						<div class="work-content">
							<h3>Send strategy signals to trading bridge</h3>
							<p>Configure your strategy platform to send alerts to our trading bridge using webhook.</p>
				<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
					<div class="works-box">
						<img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="" loading="lazy" width="71" height="171">
						<div class="work-content">
							<h3>Fulfill your orders automatically</h3>
							<p>Bridge will process incoming signals and place orders with configured brokers using fast API protocol.</p>
	<!-- how-it-work-section end -->

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							<h2 class="big-heading-title text-center">Competitive <span class="fw-800">Pricing</span></h2>
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							<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
								<span class="custom-switch-label">Monthly</span>
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								<span class="custom-switch-label">Yearly</span>
								<div class="discount-label">2 months free</div>
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								<div class="pricing-icon">
									<svg width="30" height="34"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-check"></use></svg>
							<h4 class="price-monthly">₹ 400/<sub>month</sub></h4>
							<h4 class="price-yearly d-none"><del>₹ 4,800</del> ₹ 4,000/<sub>year</sub></h4>
							<div class="mt-3">Suitable for retail traders and investors</div>
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									5 webhooks
								</li> -->
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									5 trading accounts
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									250 orders per day
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									500 notifications per day
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									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									1 month log retention
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									<s>Adjustable plan limits</s>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									Self service support
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									<svg width="30" height="32"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-star"></use></svg>
							<h4 class="price-monthly">₹ 700/<sub>month</sub></h4>
							<h4 class="price-yearly d-none"><del>₹ 8,400</del> ₹ 7,000/<sub>year</sub></h4>
							<div class="mt-3">Suitable for professional and active traders</div>
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									10 webhooks
								</li> -->
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									10 trading accounts
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									500 orders per day
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									1000 notifications per day
								</li> -->
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									1 month log retention
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									<s>Adjustable plan limits</s>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									Email support
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									<svg width="30" height="34"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-premium"></use></svg>
							<h4 class="price-monthly">₹ 1,500/<sub>month</sub></h4>
							<h4 class="price-yearly d-none"><del>₹ 18,000</del> ₹ 15,000/<sub>year</sub></h4>
							<div class="mt-3">Suitable for portfolio managers and investment advisors</div>
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									25 webhooks
								</li> -->
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									25 trading accounts
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									1250 orders per day
								<!-- <li>
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"/></svg>
									2500 notifications per day
								</li> -->
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									2 months log retention
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									Adjustable plan limits
									<svg class="check-circle"><use xlink:href="#svg-check-circle"></use></svg>
									Priority support
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									<svg width="35" height="35"><use xlink:href="#svg-right-arrow"></use></svg>
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							<h2 class="big-heading-title text-center">Frequently Asked <span class="fw-800">Questions</span></h2>
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										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faghHadingOne">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseOne" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="faqCollapseOne">
											Do you provide trading strategies?
										<div id="faqCollapseOne" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="faghHadingOne" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
											<div class="accordion-body">
											No, we do not provide any trading strategies. However, there are many good services and platforms that allow you to create your own or use their pre configured trading strategies.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faghHadingTwo">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseTwo">
											Can I stop automatic trading?
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											<div class="accordion-body">
											Yes, with just a click of a button or sending a command from our Telegram Bot. Once you stop the bridge, processing and execution of all your incoming alerts and signals are stopped immediately and no orders are placed from the trading bridge.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faqHeadingThree">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseThree" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseThree">
											How fast is your trading bridge?
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											<div class="accordion-body">
											Incoming trade signals are processed within 2-3 milliseconds and order placement through broker API usually takes 100 milliseconds on an average. You can find more details in our <a href="/support/bridge-processing-statistics/" target="_blank">bridge processing statistics</a> support article.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faqHeadingFour">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseFour" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseFour">
											What actions or activities do I have to perform during live trading hours?
										<div id="faqCollapseFour" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="faqHeadingFour" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
											<div class="accordion-body">
											You need to login to your respective broker API accounts daily, preferably early in the morning before the market opens. Brokers usually provide API tokens which expire in less than 24 hours or by midnight. Hence regular API login is necessary to keep executing your orders automatically throughout the trading hours.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faqHeadingFive">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseFive" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseFour">
											Can I trigger trades on multiple broker/trading accounts?
										<div id="faqCollapseFive" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="faqHeadingFive" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
											<div class="accordion-body">
											Yes, our incoming webhook can be linked to multiple broker or trading accounts. This allows you to capture a single trade or strategy alert and execute it on multiple brokers or multiple trading accounts.
							<div class="accordion faq-accordion-col">
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faghHadingSix">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseSix" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseSix">
											My broker is not supported, do you plan to add a new broker?
										<div id="faqCollapseSix" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="faghHadingSix" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
											<div class="accordion-body">
											We only add new broker support to our trading bridge after carefully investigating its API robustness and their overall public reviews from various credible sources. We want to ensure that your automatic orders are executed properly on the broker side so as to minimize any strategic losses that might occur due to API unavailability. Please write to our support email to request adding support for the new broker.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faghHadingSeven">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseSeven" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseSeven">
											Which strategy transactions are supported?
										<div id="faqCollapseSeven" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="faghHadingSeven" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
											<div class="accordion-body">
											Apart from conventional buy/sell transactions we also support the following strategy specific types as well.<br><br>
											Long Entry (LE) - Creating a Long Position without having any prior position<br>
											Short Entry (SE) - Creating a Short Position without having any prior position<br>
											Long Exit (LX) - Exit open Long Position<br>
											Short Exit (SX) - Exit open Short Position<br>
											Reverse Long Position (LXSE) - Exit open Long Position and create a new Short Position<br>
											Reverse Short Position (SXLE) - Exit open Short Position and create a new Long Position<br><br>
											Our intelligent bridge uses only one order for reverse transactions (LXSE and SXLE) hence saving you on brokerage cost.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faqHeadingEight">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseEight" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseEight">
											Are my trading signals secured?
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											<div class="accordion-body">
											Yes, your signals or webhooks are completely secured using HTTPS security protocol using SSL certificates. Data transmitted over such secure protocols are encrypted and protected from eavesdroppers. Your signal data cannot be corrupted or modified during network transfer and hence protects against man-in-the-middle attacks.
								<div class="accordion-item">
										<h4 class="accordion-header" id="faqHeadingNine">
											<button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#faqCollapseNine" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqCollapseNine">
											How secure and robust is your web platform running trading bridge?
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											<div class="accordion-body">
											Our web platform is built on industry leading cloud infrastructure provider with high computational power and best in class network connectivity. Systems are monitored round the clock for uptime, availability and security. We take utmost precautions in making our web application secure and impenetrable. We use HTTPS/SSL security protocols throughout our application and force our users to have very secure password authentication.
	<!-- faq section end -->

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							<h2 class="big-heading-title text-center">Supported Indian <span class="fw-800">Brokers</span></h2>
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