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            <h4>Compassion in Action Clackamas County</h4>

        <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 36px; color: #ff0000;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!&nbsp; </span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 36px; color: #ff0000;">OUR WORK IS DONE FOR 2023, OUR VOLUNTEERS ARE NOW ABLE TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH THEIR FAMILIES AFTER SERVING OUR COMMUNITY.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 36px; color: #ff0000;">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 36px; color: #ff0000;">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p style="background: #f8f9fa; line-height: 27pt;">&nbsp;</p>

            <p class="lead">NOTE: If you are a <u>REFERRAL AGENCY</u> or <u>PROVIDE</u> toys and/or food to CIACC clients do <u>NOT register with this site. In that case please contact Ciacc for your log in information.</u> Registering is only for people looking to receive assistance.</p>
            <p class="lead">To RECEIVE services from CiACC you will need to first <a href="/Account/Register">Register</a> with this site, then <a href="/Account/Login">Log In</a> and complete the application steps.</p>
            <!--<p class="lead">If you received services from CiACC last year, you may already have an account. You can <a href="/Account/Login">log in</a> already, or if you have forgotten your password, use the <a href="/Account/Forgot">Forgot your password?</a> link to reset it.</p>-->
            <!--<p> -->
                    Registering for the site is a multi-step process.<br>
                    1) Enter Referring Agency's PIN number<br>
                    2) Verify it's the correct agency<br>
                    3) Enter your account information including:
                            <li>Last Name</li>
                            <li>First Name</li>
                            <li>Phone #</li>
            <p class="lead">Once you create an account you will be logged in and it's time to complete the application steps you will need:            </p>
                        <li>For each person at your address you need:
                                <li>First and last name</li>
                                <li>Date of Birth</li>

            <p class="lead">PLEASE NOTE we now allow only ONE application per address, so all people wanting to receive assistance at an address must be on the application even if multiple families live at the same address.</p>
            <p class="lead">Notice: By submitting information--whether via this website or through a registered agency--the applicant agrees to hold Compassion in Action/Toy &amp; Joy Clackamas County, its officers, directors, agents, donors and volunteers harmless of all liability, losses, damages, costs or expenses arising out of the use of these donations. It is further understood submitting this information does not guarantee a Christmas Food/Toy Distribution. This is determined solely on product availability and first-come first-served basis of completed applications. Compassion in Action Clackamas County/Toy &amp; Joy may share the information provided herein and any images obtained with the clearinghouse partners, Adopt-A-Family and other such agencies for the holiday giving program for marketing materials. Applicants be contacted with availability, pick-up or delivery times and related information for a Christmas Food/Toy Box. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE CONTACT DATA AND NOTIFYING CiACC OF ANY CHANGES WHICH WILL BE USED FOR NOTIFICATION PURPOSES.</p>


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