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    <h2><a href="/rust-polars/">Using Polars in Rust for high-performance data analysis</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">05.11.2024</span> - <span class="ttr">44m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/polars/">polars</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/data/">data</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/analysis/">analysis</a></span>
        <a href="/rust-polars/">
                In this post, we'll build a basic data analysis pipeline using Rust and Polars.
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        <a href="/rust-polars/">read more...</a>
<br><div class="short">
    <h2><a href="/rust-egui/">Building cross-platform GUI apps in Rust using egui</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">06.09.2024</span> - <span class="ttr">57m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/egui/">egui</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/gui/">gui</a></span>
        <a href="/rust-egui/">
                In this post, we'll build a simple cross-platform GUI using Rust and egui.
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        <a href="/rust-egui/">read more...</a>
<br><div class="short">
    <h2><a href="/rust-wgpu/">Leverage Rust and wgpu for effective cross-platform graphics</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">11.06.2024</span> - <span class="ttr">96m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/wgpu/">wgpu</a></span>
        <a href="/rust-wgpu/">
                In this post, we'll check out wgpu and see how we can build a very basic GUI out of triangles using the GPU.
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        <a href="/rust-wgpu/">read more...</a>
<br><div class="short">
    <h2><a href="/rust-ai-chatbot-ollama/">Building a simple AI chatbot using Rust and Ollama</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">08.03.2024</span> - <span class="ttr">9m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/async/">async</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/ai/">ai</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/llm/">llm</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/ollama/">ollama</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/llama2/">llama2</a></span>
        <a href="/rust-ai-chatbot-ollama/">
                In this post, we'll build a simple AI chatbot, leveraging a locally running LLM, using Rust and Ollama.
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        <a href="/rust-ai-chatbot-ollama/">read more...</a>
<br><div class="short">
    <h2><a href="/rust-crdt/">Using CRDTs to build collaborative Rust web applications</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">23.02.2024</span> - <span class="ttr">54m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/crdt/">crdt</a></span>
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                In this post, I’ll show how to build a simple web app leveraging CRDTs for keeping consistent state between all clients.
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    <h2><a href="/rust-capnproto/">Using Cap'n Proto with Rust</a></h2>
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        <span class="date">09.08.2023</span> - <span class="ttr">22m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/capnproto/">capnproto</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/serialization/">serialization</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/rpc/">rpc</a></span>
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                Cap'n Proto is a binary serialization and RPC system optimized for performance. In this article, we'll take a look at how we can use it within Rust.
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    <h2><a href="/typescript-trpc/">Build a full-stack TypeScript app using tRPC and React</a></h2>
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        <span class="date">30.06.2023</span> - <span class="ttr">28m read</span> - <span class="tags">
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                In this post, I’ll show how to use tRPC to build a full-stack TypeScript app.
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    <h2><a href="/rust-webpack-swc/">Writing webpack plugins in Rust using SWC for faster builds</a></h2>
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        <span class="date">21.06.2023</span> - <span class="ttr">17m read</span> - <span class="tags">
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                In this post, I’ll show how to use SWC for writing Webpack plugins in Rust.
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    <h2><a href="/rust-websocket/">How to build a WebSocket server with Rust</a></h2>
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        <span class="date">12.05.2023</span> - <span class="ttr">20m read</span> - <span class="tags">
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                <span><a href="/tags/websocket/">websocket</a></span>
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                In this post, I’ll show how implement a WebSocket server with Rust.
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    <h2><a href="/rust-web-async-warp/">Create an async CRUD web service in Rust with warp</a></h2>
    <div class="datettr">
        <span class="date">09.05.2023</span> - <span class="ttr">32m read</span> - <span class="tags">
                <span><a href="/tags/rust/">rust</a></span>
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                <span><a href="/tags/crud/">crud</a></span>
                <span><a href="/tags/warp/">warp</a></span>
        <a href="/rust-web-async-warp/">
                In this post, I’ll show how to implement an async CRUD Rust web application using Warp.
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