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- b3b6c5aa-9eea-4e1f-a647-acace9573451Concluído
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- https://downloaderto.com/ruwq/
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Ligações · 3 encontradas
As ligações de saída identificadas na página
Hiperligação | Texto |
https://video-download-api.com/ | API |
https://tokinsights.com | |
https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/best-youtube-media-downloader/ | DownloadFirefox Extension |
Variáveis JavaScript · 26 encontradas
Variáveis JavaScript globais carregadas no objeto janela de uma página são variáveis declaradas fora das funções e acessíveis de qualquer parte do código dentro do âmbito atual
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onSubmit | function |
gtag | function |
dataLayer | object |
repeat_download | boolean |
visited_convertr | boolean |
singleResultTemplate | string |
openit | function |
Mensagens de registo da consola · 3 encontradas
Mensagens registadas na consola web
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error | network |
log | other |
log | other |
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<h2 id="how-to-download-youtube-videos-as-1080p-mp4-files">Как скачать видео с YouTube в формате 1080p .MP4</h2>
<p>Преобразование видео с YouTube в файлы MP4 1080p не требует от вас глубоких знаний в области вычислительной техники или редактирования видео. Если вы уже умеете пользоваться Интернетом, вы более чем компетентны, чтобы научиться пользоваться нашей платформой. Благодаря нашему удобному интерфейсу вы сможете конвертировать видео в формат 1080p и загрузить его всего за несколько кликов. Процесс заключается в следующем: </p>
<li>Находясь на YouTube, найдите видео, которое вы хотите конвертировать в формат 1080p. </li>
<li>Скопируйте URL-адрес видео и зайдите на наш сайт. Затем вставьте ссылку в поле URL, которое вы видите выше. </li>
<li>Выберите MP4 1080p в качестве выходного формата. </li>
<li>Нажмите на кнопку Загрузить.
Наш инструмент обработает ваш запрос на конвертацию в считанные секунды. После завершения конвертации видео вы можете скачать его в формате 1080p.<h2 id="convert-youtube-videos-to-1080p-with-any-device">Конвертируйте видео с YouTube в формат 1080p с любого устройства</h2>
Наша платформа работает на всех современных устройствах, которые только можно представить. Вы можете скачать видео с YouTube в формате WAV с помощью нашего инструмента, используя следующее: </li>
<li>Айфоны. </li>
<li>Компьютеры Mac.</li>
<li>Компьютеры с ОС Linux. </li>
<li>ПК с операционной системой Windows. </li>
<li>Amazon Fire. </li>
<li>Телефоны и планшеты Android. </li>
<h2 id="youtube-to-1080p-mp4-faqs">YouTube в MP4 1080p Часто задаваемые вопросы</h2>
<h3 id="what-is-1080p-">Что такое 1080p?</h3>
<p>Хорошо известный как Full HD (возможно, вы помните, как телевизоры в начале 2010-х годов рекламировали Full HD, чтобы продать экраны с максимальным разрешением 1080p), он означает отображение 1080p пикселей по вертикали и 1920 пикселей по горизонтали.</p>
<h3 id="why-convert-download-youtube-videos-to-1080p-">Зачем конвертировать и загружать видео с YouTube в формат 1080p?</h3>
<p>Причина, по которой 1080p - лучший формат, в который можно конвертировать видео, заключается в том, что это стандартное разрешение экранов в наши дни. Каждый телевизор, телефон, планшет и т.д. поддерживает разрешение 1080p и будет лучше оптимизирован для него, чем для других.</p>
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d="M8 21.0002H16C18.8284 21.0002 20.2426 21.0002 21.1213 20.1215C22 19.2429 22 17.8286 22 15.0002V14.0002C22 11.1718 22 9.7576 21.1213 8.8789C20.3529 8.11051 19.175 8.01406 17 8.00195M7 8.00195C4.82497 8.01406 3.64706 8.11051 2.87868 8.87889C2 9.7576 2 11.1718 2 14.0002V15.0002C2 17.8286 2 19.2429 2.87868 20.1215C3.17848 20.4213 3.54062 20.6188 4 20.749"
stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" />
<path d="M12 1V14M12 14L9 10.5M12 14L15 10.5" stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
stroke-linejoin="round" />
const playlistResultTemplate = `
<div class="container">
<div class="result-container">
<div class="result-head">
<div class="top-actions">
<div class="tag-list">
<a href="">Video</a>
<a href="">Playlist</a>
<div class="toggle-list" onclick="collapsePlaylist(event)">
<svg width="11" height="6" viewBox="0 0 11 6" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M10 5.5L5.5 1L1 5.5" stroke="#6C5CE7" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<div class="playlist-title"></div>
<div class="playlist-content">
<div class="list-video">
const checkAdBlocker = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let testAd = document.createElement("img");
testAd.onload = () => {
resolve(false); // No ad blocker detected
testAd.onerror = () => {
resolve(true); // Ad blocker detected
testAd.src = "/ads.js";
const isValidURL = (str) => {
try {
new URL(str);
} catch (_) {
return false;
return true;
function openit() {
if (repeat_download == false) {
var ad_url = "https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/ad/l.php";
repeat_download = true;
} else {
var ad_url =
visited_convertr = true;
if (visited_convertr == true) {
var ad_url = "https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/ad/l.php";
// WIndow open ad_url
window.open(ad_url, "_blank");
const getOS = () => {
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
platform = window.navigator.platform,
macosPlatforms = ["Macintosh", "MacIntel", "MacPPC", "Mac68K"],
windowsPlatforms = ["Win32", "Win64", "Windows", "WinCE"],
iosPlatforms = ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"],
os = null;
if (macosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = "Mac OS";
} else if (iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = "iOS";
} else if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = "Windows";
} else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) {
os = "Android";
} else if (!os && /Linux/.test(platform)) {
os = "Linux";
return os;
.then((isBlocking) => {
if (isBlocking) {
using_adblocker = true;
} else {
using_adblocker = false;
.catch((error) => {
var os = getOS();
var download_count = 0;
var inprogressTimer = null;
function a(url) {
s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = url;
try {
(document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(s);
} catch (e) {}
!(function (e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module
? t(exports)
: "function" == typeof define && define.amd
? define(["exports"], t)
: t(
((e =
"undefined" != typeof globalThis
? globalThis
: e || self).Popper = {})
})(this, function (e) {
"use strict";
function t(e) {
if (null == e) return window;
if ("[object Window]" !== e.toString()) {
var t = e.ownerDocument;
return (t && t.defaultView) || window;
return e;
function n(e) {
return e instanceof t(e).Element || e instanceof Element;
function r(e) {
return e instanceof t(e).HTMLElement || e instanceof HTMLElement;
function o(e) {
return (
"undefined" != typeof ShadowRoot &&
(e instanceof t(e).ShadowRoot || e instanceof ShadowRoot)
var i = Math.max,
a = Math.min,
s = Math.round;
function f() {
var e = navigator.userAgentData;
return null != e && e.brands && Array.isArray(e.brands)
? e.brands
.map(function (e) {
return e.brand + "/" + e.version;
.join(" ")
: navigator.userAgent;
function c() {
return !/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(f());
function p(e, o, i) {
void 0 === o && (o = !1), void 0 === i && (i = !1);
var a = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
f = 1,
p = 1;
o &&
r(e) &&
((f = (e.offsetWidth > 0 && s(a.width) / e.offsetWidth) || 1),
(p = (e.offsetHeight > 0 && s(a.height) / e.offsetHeight) || 1));
var u = (n(e) ? t(e) : window).visualViewport,
l = !c() && i,
d = (a.left + (l && u ? u.offsetLeft : 0)) / f,
h = (a.top + (l && u ? u.offsetTop : 0)) / p,
m = a.width / f,
v = a.height / p;
return {
width: m,
height: v,
top: h,
right: d + m,
bottom: h + v,
left: d,
x: d,
y: h,
function u(e) {
var n = t(e);
return { scrollLeft: n.pageXOffset, scrollTop: n.pageYOffset };
function l(e) {
return e ? (e.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null;
function d(e) {
return (
(n(e) ? e.ownerDocument : e.document) || window.document
function h(e) {
return p(d(e)).left + u(e).scrollLeft;
function m(e) {
return t(e).getComputedStyle(e);
function v(e) {
var t = m(e),
n = t.overflow,
r = t.overflowX,
o = t.overflowY;
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(n + o + r);
function y(e, n, o) {
void 0 === o && (o = !1);
var i,
f = r(n),
c =
r(n) &&
(function (e) {
var t = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
n = s(t.width) / e.offsetWidth || 1,
r = s(t.height) / e.offsetHeight || 1;
return 1 !== n || 1 !== r;
m = d(n),
y = p(e, c, o),
g = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 },
b = { x: 0, y: 0 };
return (
(f || (!f && !o)) &&
(("body" !== l(n) || v(m)) &&
(g =
(i = n) !== t(i) && r(i)
? {
scrollLeft: (a = i).scrollLeft,
scrollTop: a.scrollTop,
: u(i)),
? (((b = p(n, !0)).x += n.clientLeft), (b.y += n.clientTop))
: m && (b.x = h(m))),
x: y.left + g.scrollLeft - b.x,
y: y.top + g.scrollTop - b.y,
width: y.width,
height: y.height,
function g(e) {
var t = p(e),
n = e.offsetWidth,
r = e.offsetHeight;
return (
Math.abs(t.width - n) <= 1 && (n = t.width),
Math.abs(t.height - r) <= 1 && (r = t.height),
{ x: e.offsetLeft, y: e.offsetTop, width: n, height: r }
function b(e) {
return "html" === l(e)
? e
: e.assignedSlot || e.parentNode || (o(e) ? e.host : null) || d(e);
function x(e) {
return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(l(e)) >= 0
? e.ownerDocument.body
: r(e) && v(e)
? e
: x(b(e));
function w(e, n) {
var r;
void 0 === n && (n = []);
var o = x(e),
i = o === (null == (r = e.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : r.body),
a = t(o),
s = i ? [a].concat(a.visualViewport || [], v(o) ? o : []) : o,
f = n.concat(s);
return i ? f : f.concat(w(b(s)));
function O(e) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(l(e)) >= 0;
function j(e) {
return r(e) && "fixed" !== m(e).position ? e.offsetParent : null;
function E(e) {
for (var n = t(e), i = j(e); i && O(i) && "static" === m(i).position; )
i = j(i);
return i &&
("html" === l(i) || ("body" === l(i) && "static" === m(i).position))
? n
: i ||
(function (e) {
var t = /firefox/i.test(f());
if (
/Trident/i.test(f()) &&
r(e) &&
"fixed" === m(e).position
return null;
var n = b(e);
for (
o(n) && (n = n.host);
r(n) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(l(n)) < 0;
) {
var i = m(n);
if (
"none" !== i.transform ||
"none" !== i.perspective ||
"paint" === i.contain ||
-1 !==
["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(
) ||
(t && "filter" === i.willChange) ||
(t && i.filter && "none" !== i.filter)
return n;
n = n.parentNode;
return null;
})(e) ||
var D = "top",
A = "bottom",
L = "right",
P = "left",
M = "auto",
k = [D, A, L, P],
W = "start",
B = "end",
H = "viewport",
T = "popper",
R = k.reduce(function (e, t) {
return e.concat([t + "-" + W, t + "-" + B]);
}, []),
S = [].concat(k, [M]).reduce(function (e, t) {
return e.concat([t, t + "-" + W, t + "-" + B]);
}, []),
V = [
function q(e) {
var t = new Map(),
n = new Set(),
r = [];
function o(e) {
.concat(e.requires || [], e.requiresIfExists || [])
.forEach(function (e) {
if (!n.has(e)) {
var r = t.get(e);
r && o(r);
return (
e.forEach(function (e) {
t.set(e.name, e);
e.forEach(function (e) {
n.has(e.name) || o(e);
function C(e, t) {
var n = t.getRootNode && t.getRootNode();
if (e.contains(t)) return !0;
if (n && o(n)) {
var r = t;
do {
if (r && e.isSameNode(r)) return !0;
r = r.parentNode || r.host;
} while (r);
return !1;
function N(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
left: e.x,
top: e.y,
right: e.x + e.width,
bottom: e.y + e.height,
function I(e, r, o) {
return r === H
? N(
(function (e, n) {
var r = t(e),
o = d(e),
i = r.visualViewport,
a = o.clientWidth,
s = o.clientHeight,
f = 0,
p = 0;
if (i) {
(a = i.width), (s = i.height);
var u = c();
(u || (!u && "fixed" === n)) &&
((f = i.offsetLeft), (p = i.offsetTop));
return { width: a, height: s, x: f + h(e), y: p };
})(e, o)
: n(r)
? (function (e, t) {
var n = p(e, !1, "fixed" === t);
return (
(n.top = n.top + e.clientTop),
(n.left = n.left + e.clientLeft),
(n.bottom = n.top + e.clientHeight),
(n.right = n.left + e.clientWidth),
(n.width = e.clientWidth),
(n.height = e.clientHeight),
(n.x = n.left),
(n.y = n.top),
})(r, o)
: N(
(function (e) {
var t,
n = d(e),
r = u(e),
o = null == (t = e.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : t.body,
a = i(
o ? o.scrollWidth : 0,
o ? o.clientWidth : 0
s = i(
o ? o.scrollHeight : 0,
o ? o.clientHeight : 0
f = -r.scrollLeft + h(e),
c = -r.scrollTop;
return (
"rtl" === m(o || n).direction &&
(f +=
i(n.clientWidth, o ? o.clientWidth : 0) - a),
{ width: a, height: s, x: f, y: c }
function _(e, t, o, s) {
var f =
"clippingParents" === t
? (function (e) {
var t = w(b(e)),
o =
["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(
) >= 0 && r(e)
? E(e)
: e;
return n(o)
? t.filter(function (e) {
return n(e) && C(e, o) && "body" !== l(e);
: [];
: [].concat(t),
c = [].concat(f, [o]),
p = c[0],
u = c.reduce(function (t, n) {
var r = I(e, n, s);
return (
(t.top = i(r.top, t.top)),
(t.right = a(r.right, t.right)),
(t.bottom = a(r.bottom, t.bottom)),
(t.left = i(r.left, t.left)),
}, I(e, p, s));
return (
(u.width = u.right - u.left),
(u.height = u.bottom - u.top),
(u.x = u.left),
(u.y = u.top),
function F(e) {
return e.split("-")[0];
function U(e) {
return e.split("-")[1];
function z(e) {
return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? "x" : "y";
function X(e) {
var t,
n = e.reference,
r = e.element,
o = e.placement,
i = o ? F(o) : null,
a = o ? U(o) : null,
s = n.x + n.width / 2 - r.width / 2,
f = n.y + n.height / 2 - r.height / 2;
switch (i) {
case D:
t = { x: s, y: n.y - r.height };
case A:
t = { x: s, y: n.y + n.height };
case L:
t = { x: n.x + n.width, y: f };
case P:
t = { x: n.x - r.width, y: f };
t = { x: n.x, y: n.y };
var c = i ? z(i) : null;
if (null != c) {
var p = "y" === c ? "height" : "width";
switch (a) {
case W:
t[c] = t[c] - (n[p] / 2 - r[p] / 2);
case B:
t[c] = t[c] + (n[p] / 2 - r[p] / 2);
return t;
function Y(e) {
return Object.assign({}, { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, e);
function G(e, t) {
return t.reduce(function (t, n) {
return (t[n] = e), t;
}, {});
function J(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = {});
var r = t,
o = r.placement,
i = void 0 === o ? e.placement : o,
a = r.strategy,
s = void 0 === a ? e.strategy : a,
f = r.boundary,
c = void 0 === f ? "clippingParents" : f,
u = r.rootBoundary,
l = void 0 === u ? H : u,
h = r.elementContext,
m = void 0 === h ? T : h,
v = r.altBoundary,
y = void 0 !== v && v,
g = r.padding,
b = void 0 === g ? 0 : g,
x = Y("number" != typeof b ? b : G(b, k)),
w = m === T ? "reference" : T,
O = e.rects.popper,
j = e.elements[y ? w : m],
E = _(n(j) ? j : j.contextElement || d(e.elements.popper), c, l, s),
P = p(e.elements.reference),
M = X({
reference: P,
element: O,
strategy: "absolute",
placement: i,
W = N(Object.assign({}, O, M)),
B = m === T ? W : P,
R = {
top: E.top - B.top + x.top,
bottom: B.bottom - E.bottom + x.bottom,
left: E.left - B.left + x.left,
right: B.right - E.right + x.right,
S = e.modifiersData.offset;
if (m === T && S) {
var V = S[i];
Object.keys(R).forEach(function (e) {
var t = [L, A].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
n = [D, A].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? "y" : "x";
R[e] += V[n] * t;
return R;
var K = { placement: "bottom", modifiers: [], strategy: "absolute" };
function Q() {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
t[n] = arguments[n];
return !t.some(function (e) {
return !(e && "function" == typeof e.getBoundingClientRect);
function Z(e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var t = e,
r = t.defaultModifiers,
o = void 0 === r ? [] : r,
i = t.defaultOptions,
a = void 0 === i ? K : i;
return function (e, t, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = a);
var i,
f = {
placement: "bottom",
orderedModifiers: [],
options: Object.assign({}, K, a),
modifiersData: {},
elements: { reference: e, popper: t },
attributes: {},
styles: {},
c = [],
p = !1,
u = {
state: f,
setOptions: function (r) {
var i = "function" == typeof r ? r(f.options) : r;
(f.options = Object.assign({}, a, f.options, i)),
(f.scrollParents = {
reference: n(e)
? w(e)
: e.contextElement
? w(e.contextElement)
: [],
popper: w(t),
var s,
d = (function (e) {
var t = q(e);
return V.reduce(function (e, n) {
return e.concat(
t.filter(function (e) {
return e.phase === n;
}, []);
((s = [].concat(o, f.options.modifiers)),
(p = s.reduce(function (e, t) {
var n = e[t.name];
return (
(e[t.name] = n
? Object.assign({}, n, t, {
options: Object.assign(
data: Object.assign(
: t),
}, {})),
Object.keys(p).map(function (e) {
return p[e];
return (
(f.orderedModifiers = d.filter(function (e) {
return e.enabled;
f.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (e) {
var t = e.name,
n = e.options,
r = void 0 === n ? {} : n,
o = e.effect;
if ("function" == typeof o) {
var i = o({
state: f,
name: t,
instance: u,
options: r,
a = function () {};
c.push(i || a);
forceUpdate: function () {
if (!p) {
var e = f.elements,
t = e.reference,
n = e.popper;
if (Q(t, n)) {
(f.rects = {
reference: y(
"fixed" === f.options.strategy
popper: g(n),
(f.reset = !1),
(f.placement = f.options.placement),
f.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (e) {
return (f.modifiersData[e.name] =
Object.assign({}, e.data));
for (
var r = 0;
r < f.orderedModifiers.length;
if (!0 !== f.reset) {
var o = f.orderedModifiers[r],
i = o.fn,
a = o.options,
s = void 0 === a ? {} : a,
c = o.name;
"function" == typeof i &&
(f =
state: f,
options: s,
name: c,
instance: u,
}) || f);
} else (f.reset = !1), (r = -1);
((i = function () {
return new Promise(function (e) {
u.forceUpdate(), e(f);
function () {
return (
s ||
(s = new Promise(function (e) {
Promise.resolve().then(function () {
(s = void 0), e(i());
destroy: function () {
l(), (p = !0);
if (!Q(e, t)) return u;
function l() {
c.forEach(function (e) {
return e();
(c = []);
return (
u.setOptions(r).then(function (e) {
!p && r.onFirstUpdate && r.onFirstUpdate(e);
var $ = { passive: !0 };
var ee = {
name: "eventListeners",
enabled: !0,
phase: "write",
fn: function () {},
effect: function (e) {
var n = e.state,
r = e.instance,
o = e.options,
i = o.scroll,
a = void 0 === i || i,
s = o.resize,
f = void 0 === s || s,
c = t(n.elements.popper),
p = [].concat(
return (
a &&
p.forEach(function (e) {
e.addEventListener("scroll", r.update, $);
f && c.addEventListener("resize", r.update, $),
function () {
a &&
p.forEach(function (e) {
e.removeEventListener("scroll", r.update, $);
f && c.removeEventListener("resize", r.update, $);
data: {},
var te = {
name: "popperOffsets",
enabled: !0,
phase: "read",
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.name;
t.modifiersData[n] = X({
reference: t.rects.reference,
element: t.rects.popper,
strategy: "absolute",
placement: t.placement,
data: {},
ne = { top: "auto", right: "auto", bottom: "auto", left: "auto" };
function re(e) {
var n,
r = e.popper,
o = e.popperRect,
i = e.placement,
a = e.variation,
f = e.offsets,
c = e.position,
p = e.gpuAcceleration,
u = e.adaptive,
l = e.roundOffsets,
h = e.isFixed,
v = f.x,
y = void 0 === v ? 0 : v,
g = f.y,
b = void 0 === g ? 0 : g,
x = "function" == typeof l ? l({ x: y, y: b }) : { x: y, y: b };
(y = x.x), (b = x.y);
var w = f.hasOwnProperty("x"),
O = f.hasOwnProperty("y"),
j = P,
M = D,
k = window;
if (u) {
var W = E(r),
H = "clientHeight",
T = "clientWidth";
if (
(W === t(r) &&
"static" !== m((W = d(r))).position &&
"absolute" === c &&
((H = "scrollHeight"), (T = "scrollWidth")),
(W = W),
i === D || ((i === P || i === L) && a === B))
(M = A),
(b -=
(h && W === k && k.visualViewport
? k.visualViewport.height
: W[H]) - o.height),
(b *= p ? 1 : -1);
if (i === P || ((i === D || i === A) && a === B))
(j = L),
(y -=
(h && W === k && k.visualViewport
? k.visualViewport.width
: W[T]) - o.width),
(y *= p ? 1 : -1);
var R,
S = Object.assign({ position: c }, u && ne),
V =
!0 === l
? (function (e, t) {
var n = e.x,
r = e.y,
o = t.devicePixelRatio || 1;
return { x: s(n * o) / o || 0, y: s(r * o) / o || 0 };
})({ x: y, y: b }, t(r))
: { x: y, y: b };
return (
(y = V.x),
(b = V.y),
? Object.assign(
(((R = {})[M] = O ? "0" : ""),
(R[j] = w ? "0" : ""),
(R.transform =
(k.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1
? "translate(" + y + "px, " + b + "px)"
: "translate3d(" + y + "px, " + b + "px, 0)"),
: Object.assign(
(((n = {})[M] = O ? b + "px" : ""),
(n[j] = w ? y + "px" : ""),
(n.transform = ""),
var oe = {
name: "computeStyles",
enabled: !0,
phase: "beforeWrite",
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.options,
r = n.gpuAcceleration,
o = void 0 === r || r,
i = n.adaptive,
a = void 0 === i || i,
s = n.roundOffsets,
f = void 0 === s || s,
c = {
placement: F(t.placement),
variation: U(t.placement),
popper: t.elements.popper,
popperRect: t.rects.popper,
gpuAcceleration: o,
isFixed: "fixed" === t.options.strategy,
null != t.modifiersData.popperOffsets &&
(t.styles.popper = Object.assign(
Object.assign({}, c, {
offsets: t.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
position: t.options.strategy,
adaptive: a,
roundOffsets: f,
null != t.modifiersData.arrow &&
(t.styles.arrow = Object.assign(
Object.assign({}, c, {
offsets: t.modifiersData.arrow,
position: "absolute",
adaptive: !1,
roundOffsets: f,
(t.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, t.attributes.popper, {
"data-popper-placement": t.placement,
data: {},
var ie = {
name: "applyStyles",
enabled: !0,
phase: "write",
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state;
Object.keys(t.elements).forEach(function (e) {
var n = t.styles[e] || {},
o = t.attributes[e] || {},
i = t.elements[e];
r(i) &&
l(i) &&
(Object.assign(i.style, n),
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (e) {
var t = o[e];
!1 === t
? i.removeAttribute(e)
: i.setAttribute(e, !0 === t ? "" : t);
effect: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = {
popper: {
position: t.options.strategy,
left: "0",
top: "0",
margin: "0",
arrow: { position: "absolute" },
reference: {},
return (
Object.assign(t.elements.popper.style, n.popper),
(t.styles = n),
t.elements.arrow &&
Object.assign(t.elements.arrow.style, n.arrow),
function () {
Object.keys(t.elements).forEach(function (e) {
var o = t.elements[e],
i = t.attributes[e] || {},
a = Object.keys(
t.styles.hasOwnProperty(e) ? t.styles[e] : n[e]
).reduce(function (e, t) {
return (e[t] = ""), e;
}, {});
r(o) &&
l(o) &&
(Object.assign(o.style, a),
Object.keys(i).forEach(function (e) {
requires: ["computeStyles"],
var ae = {
name: "offset",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.options,
r = e.name,
o = n.offset,
i = void 0 === o ? [0, 0] : o,
a = S.reduce(function (e, n) {
return (
(e[n] = (function (e, t, n) {
var r = F(e),
o = [P, D].indexOf(r) >= 0 ? -1 : 1,
i =
"function" == typeof n
? n(
Object.assign({}, t, {
placement: e,
: n,
a = i[0],
s = i[1];
return (
(a = a || 0),
(s = (s || 0) * o),
[P, L].indexOf(r) >= 0
? { x: s, y: a }
: { x: a, y: s }
})(n, t.rects, i)),
}, {}),
s = a[t.placement],
f = s.x,
c = s.y;
null != t.modifiersData.popperOffsets &&
((t.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += f),
(t.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += c)),
(t.modifiersData[r] = a);
se = { left: "right", right: "left", bottom: "top", top: "bottom" };
function fe(e) {
return e.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (e) {
return se[e];
var ce = { start: "end", end: "start" };
function pe(e) {
return e.replace(/start|end/g, function (e) {
return ce[e];
function ue(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = {});
var n = t,
r = n.placement,
o = n.boundary,
i = n.rootBoundary,
a = n.padding,
s = n.flipVariations,
f = n.allowedAutoPlacements,
c = void 0 === f ? S : f,
p = U(r),
u = p
? s
? R
: R.filter(function (e) {
return U(e) === p;
: k,
l = u.filter(function (e) {
return c.indexOf(e) >= 0;
0 === l.length && (l = u);
var d = l.reduce(function (t, n) {
return (
(t[n] = J(e, {
placement: n,
boundary: o,
rootBoundary: i,
padding: a,
}, {});
return Object.keys(d).sort(function (e, t) {
return d[e] - d[t];
var le = {
name: "flip",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.options,
r = e.name;
if (!t.modifiersData[r]._skip) {
for (
var o = n.mainAxis,
i = void 0 === o || o,
a = n.altAxis,
s = void 0 === a || a,
f = n.fallbackPlacements,
c = n.padding,
p = n.boundary,
u = n.rootBoundary,
l = n.altBoundary,
d = n.flipVariations,
h = void 0 === d || d,
m = n.allowedAutoPlacements,
v = t.options.placement,
y = F(v),
g =
f ||
(y === v || !h
? [fe(v)]
: (function (e) {
if (F(e) === M) return [];
var t = fe(e);
return [pe(e), t, pe(t)];
b = [v].concat(g).reduce(function (e, n) {
return e.concat(
F(n) === M
? ue(t, {
placement: n,
boundary: p,
rootBoundary: u,
padding: c,
flipVariations: h,
allowedAutoPlacements: m,
: n
}, []),
x = t.rects.reference,
w = t.rects.popper,
O = new Map(),
j = !0,
E = b[0],
k = 0;
k < b.length;
) {
var B = b[k],
H = F(B),
T = U(B) === W,
R = [D, A].indexOf(H) >= 0,
S = R ? "width" : "height",
V = J(t, {
placement: B,
boundary: p,
rootBoundary: u,
altBoundary: l,
padding: c,
q = R ? (T ? L : P) : T ? A : D;
x[S] > w[S] && (q = fe(q));
var C = fe(q),
N = [];
if (
(i && N.push(V[H] <= 0),
s && N.push(V[q] <= 0, V[C] <= 0),
N.every(function (e) {
return e;
) {
(E = B), (j = !1);
O.set(B, N);
if (j)
for (
var I = function (e) {
var t = b.find(function (t) {
var n = O.get(t);
if (n)
return n
.slice(0, e)
.every(function (e) {
return e;
if (t) return (E = t), "break";
_ = h ? 3 : 1;
_ > 0;
) {
if ("break" === I(_)) break;
t.placement !== E &&
((t.modifiersData[r]._skip = !0),
(t.placement = E),
(t.reset = !0));
requiresIfExists: ["offset"],
data: { _skip: !1 },
function de(e, t, n) {
return i(e, a(t, n));
var he = {
name: "preventOverflow",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.options,
r = e.name,
o = n.mainAxis,
s = void 0 === o || o,
f = n.altAxis,
c = void 0 !== f && f,
p = n.boundary,
u = n.rootBoundary,
l = n.altBoundary,
d = n.padding,
h = n.tether,
m = void 0 === h || h,
v = n.tetherOffset,
y = void 0 === v ? 0 : v,
b = J(t, {
boundary: p,
rootBoundary: u,
padding: d,
altBoundary: l,
x = F(t.placement),
w = U(t.placement),
O = !w,
j = z(x),
M = "x" === j ? "y" : "x",
k = t.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
B = t.rects.reference,
H = t.rects.popper,
T =
"function" == typeof y
? y(
Object.assign({}, t.rects, {
placement: t.placement,
: y,
R =
"number" == typeof T
? { mainAxis: T, altAxis: T }
: Object.assign({ mainAxis: 0, altAxis: 0 }, T),
S = t.modifiersData.offset
? t.modifiersData.offset[t.placement]
: null,
V = { x: 0, y: 0 };
if (k) {
if (s) {
var q,
C = "y" === j ? D : P,
N = "y" === j ? A : L,
I = "y" === j ? "height" : "width",
_ = k[j],
X = _ + b[C],
Y = _ - b[N],
G = m ? -H[I] / 2 : 0,
K = w === W ? B[I] : H[I],
Q = w === W ? -H[I] : -B[I],
Z = t.elements.arrow,
$ = m && Z ? g(Z) : { width: 0, height: 0 },
ee = t.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"]
? t.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding
: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
te = ee[C],
ne = ee[N],
re = de(0, B[I], $[I]),
oe = O
? B[I] / 2 - G - re - te - R.mainAxis
: K - re - te - R.mainAxis,
ie = O
? -B[I] / 2 + G + re + ne + R.mainAxis
: Q + re + ne + R.mainAxis,
ae = t.elements.arrow && E(t.elements.arrow),
se = ae
? "y" === j
? ae.clientTop || 0
: ae.clientLeft || 0
: 0,
fe = null != (q = null == S ? void 0 : S[j]) ? q : 0,
ce = _ + ie - fe,
pe = de(
m ? a(X, _ + oe - fe - se) : X,
m ? i(Y, ce) : Y
(k[j] = pe), (V[j] = pe - _);
if (c) {
var ue,
le = "x" === j ? D : P,
he = "x" === j ? A : L,
me = k[M],
ve = "y" === M ? "height" : "width",
ye = me + b[le],
ge = me - b[he],
be = -1 !== [D, P].indexOf(x),
xe = null != (ue = null == S ? void 0 : S[M]) ? ue : 0,
we = be ? ye : me - B[ve] - H[ve] - xe + R.altAxis,
Oe = be ? me + B[ve] + H[ve] - xe - R.altAxis : ge,
je =
m && be
? (function (e, t, n) {
var r = de(e, t, n);
return r > n ? n : r;
})(we, me, Oe)
: de(m ? we : ye, me, m ? Oe : ge);
(k[M] = je), (V[M] = je - me);
t.modifiersData[r] = V;
requiresIfExists: ["offset"],
var me = {
name: "arrow",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
fn: function (e) {
var t,
n = e.state,
r = e.name,
o = e.options,
i = n.elements.arrow,
a = n.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
s = F(n.placement),
f = z(s),
c = [P, L].indexOf(s) >= 0 ? "height" : "width";
if (i && a) {
var p = (function (e, t) {
return Y(
"number" !=
typeof (e =
"function" == typeof e
? e(
Object.assign({}, t.rects, {
placement: t.placement,
: e)
? e
: G(e, k)
})(o.padding, n),
u = g(i),
l = "y" === f ? D : P,
d = "y" === f ? A : L,
h =
n.rects.reference[c] +
n.rects.reference[f] -
a[f] -
m = a[f] - n.rects.reference[f],
v = E(i),
y = v
? "y" === f
? v.clientHeight || 0
: v.clientWidth || 0
: 0,
b = h / 2 - m / 2,
x = p[l],
w = y - u[c] - p[d],
O = y / 2 - u[c] / 2 + b,
j = de(x, O, w),
M = f;
n.modifiersData[r] =
(((t = {})[M] = j), (t.centerOffset = j - O), t);
effect: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.options.element,
r = void 0 === n ? "[data-popper-arrow]" : n;
null != r &&
("string" != typeof r ||
(r = t.elements.popper.querySelector(r))) &&
C(t.elements.popper, r) &&
(t.elements.arrow = r);
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"],
function ve(e, t, n) {
return (
void 0 === n && (n = { x: 0, y: 0 }),
top: e.top - t.height - n.y,
right: e.right - t.width + n.x,
bottom: e.bottom - t.height + n.y,
left: e.left - t.width - n.x,
function ye(e) {
return [D, L, A, P].some(function (t) {
return e[t] >= 0;
var ge = {
name: "hide",
enabled: !0,
phase: "main",
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"],
fn: function (e) {
var t = e.state,
n = e.name,
r = t.rects.reference,
o = t.rects.popper,
i = t.modifiersData.preventOverflow,
a = J(t, { elementContext: "reference" }),
s = J(t, { altBoundary: !0 }),
f = ve(a, r),
c = ve(s, o, i),
p = ye(f),
u = ye(c);
(t.modifiersData[n] = {
referenceClippingOffsets: f,
popperEscapeOffsets: c,
isReferenceHidden: p,
hasPopperEscaped: u,
(t.attributes.popper = Object.assign(
"data-popper-reference-hidden": p,
"data-popper-escaped": u,
be = Z({ defaultModifiers: [ee, te, oe, ie] }),
xe = [ee, te, oe, ie, ae, le, he, me, ge],
we = Z({ defaultModifiers: xe });
(e.applyStyles = ie),
(e.arrow = me),
(e.computeStyles = oe),
(e.createPopper = we),
(e.createPopperLite = be),
(e.defaultModifiers = xe),
(e.detectOverflow = J),
(e.eventListeners = ee),
(e.flip = le),
(e.hide = ge),
(e.offset = ae),
(e.popperGenerator = Z),
(e.popperOffsets = te),
(e.preventOverflow = he),
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
const createPopover = (target, popover) => {
if (oldPopper) {
oldPopper = Popper.createPopper(target, popover, {
placement: "bottom-start",
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// if NOT set via local storage previously
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themeSwitcherMobile.addEventListener("click", function () {
// if set via local storage previously
if (localStorage.getItem("color-theme")) {
if (localStorage.getItem("color-theme") === "light") {
localStorage.setItem("color-theme", "dark");
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// if NOT set via local storage previously
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if (qualityList) {
qualityList.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.target.tagName !== "LI") {
qualityItems.forEach((list) => list.classList.remove("active"));
const _currentQualityBtn = document.querySelector(".open-quality");
_currentQualityBtn.querySelector("span").innerHTML = e.target.innerText;
_currentQualityBtn.dataset.quality = e.target.dataset.value;
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var inserted_custom_script = false;
function quicklink() {
var link_now = new URL(window.location.href);
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var copyrighted = [];
var downloaded_formats = [];
const checkCopyright = (url, i, format) => {
"https://loader.to/ajax/copyright.php?url=" +
encodeURIComponent(url) +
"&format=" +
format +
"&randy=" +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
if (data.copyright == 1) {
// Add the format to downloaded_formats array
let obj = {
id: i,
format: format,
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
const fetchProgress = (i, downloadCount) => {
const downloadBox = document.getElementById(
"download-item" + downloadCount
let btnDownload = downloadBox.querySelector(
".section-result .btn-download"
let btnDownloadText = btnDownload.querySelector("span");
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const fetchWithTimeout = (url, options, timeout = 2000) => {
return Promise.race([
fetch(url, options),
new Promise((_, reject) =>
() => reject(new Error("Request timed out")),
fetchWithTimeout("https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/progress.php?id=" + i, {
cache: "no-store",
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) {
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// Handle the specific error case
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data.success === 1 &&
data.download_url === null &&
) {
btnDownloadText.innerHTML = `<span class="error-message">${data.text}</span>`;
return; // Stop polling
if (responseText.toLowerCase() === "downloading") {
let downP = data.progress / 10;
let prevDownP = progressBar.dataset.downp || 0;
let currentDownP = parseFloat(
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progressBar.style.width = currentConvP + "%";
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btnDownloadText.innerText = `Converting ...`;
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progressBar.style.width = "100%";
btnDownloadText.innerHTML = errorText;
return; // Stop polling
if (responseText.toLowerCase() === "finished") {
const hasDownloadUrl = data.download_url != null;
btnDownload.href = hasDownloadUrl
? data.download_url
: "https://www.byclickdownloader.com/?source=loader2&innerpage=error";
btnDownloadText.innerHTML =
hasDownloadUrl && data.download_url.includes("loader.to")
? "Redirection"
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return; // Stop polling
let originTitle = document.title.replace(/\(\d+\)/, "");
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setTimeout(fetchProgress.bind(null, i, downloadCount), 1500);
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// clearInterval(inprogressTimer);
// btnDownload.classList.add("failed");
// btnDownloadText.innerHTML = errorText;
setTimeout(fetchProgress.bind(null, i, downloadCount), 1500);
const loadNext = (limit, id, url) => {
var old_limit = parseInt(limit) - 25;
"https://loader.to/api/ajax/playlistJSON?limit=" +
old_limit +
"&api=dfcb6d76f2f6a9894gjkege8a4ab232222" +
"&url=" +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
var prev_data = data;
"https://loader.to/api/ajax/playlistJSON?limit=" +
limit +
"&api=dfcb6d76f2f6a9894gjkege8a4ab232222" +
"&url=" +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
//if response data is equal to previous data we make "load more" button disabled so this is the end of playlist
if (
Object.keys(data).length !=
) {
//filtering out new data from response
const serialized_Items_Prev = prev_data.map((i) =>
const NewItems = data.filter(
(i) =>
//rendering cards with filtered out data
for (let i = 0; i < NewItems.length; i++) {
let videoData = NewItems[i];
let new_limit = parseInt(limit) + 25;
.getElementById("loadmore_" + url)
"loadNext('" +
new_limit +
"', 'popup_cards_" +
url +
"','" +
url +
} else {
.getElementById("loadmore_" + url)
.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
.getElementById("loadmore_" + url)
.getElementById("loadmore_" + url)
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
// fetch("https://loader.to/ajax/playlist.php?limit=" + limit + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&api=dfcb6d76f2f6a9894gjkege8a4ab232222", {
const parseYtId = (s) => {
let e;
if (s.indexOf("youtube.com/shorts/") > -1) {
e = /\/shorts\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{11})/.exec(s);
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e = /v=([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{11})/.exec(s);
} else if (s.indexOf("youtu.be/") > -1) {
e = /\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{11})/.exec(s);
if (e) {
return e[1];
return null;
const isYouTube = (url) => {
let regex =
return regex.test(url);
const downloadPlaceHolder = document.querySelector(
const downloadResultList = document.querySelector(".section-result-list");
const downloadFromParseYoutubeId = (link, data, format = null) => {
// checkCopyright(link, data.id, format);
let result = document.createElement("div");
result.id = "download-item" + download_count;
result.innerHTML = singleResultTemplate;
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// (function (d, z, s) {
// s.src = "https://" + d + "/401/" + z;
// try {
// (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(s);
// } catch (e) {}
// })("cogaijaimt.net", 8192484, document.createElement("script"));
// inserted_custom_script = true;
// }
// If your script is external, set the src attribute
// let script = document.createElement("script");
// script.type = "text/javascript";
// script.async = true;
// script.src = "//egalitysarking.com/tC8ko5GSNF955/80662"; // Example script URL
// If the script is inline, you can set its content directly
// script.textContent = 'console.log("Script runs here!");'; // Example inline script
// if (!touchDevice) {
// result.appendChild(script); // Append the script to the result div
// }
let videoThumb = result.querySelector(".video-thumb img");
videoThumb.src = data.info.image;
let videoTitle = result.querySelector(".video-title");
videoTitle.innerHTML = data.info.title;
let videoUrl = result.querySelector(".video-url");
let inputLink = document.querySelector(".input-url").value;
videoUrl.innerHTML = `<span>URL:</span> ${inputLink}`;
let tagList = result.querySelector(".tag-list");
tagList.innerHTML = renderTagList(format);
// create result
let btnDownloadConverted = result.querySelector(
".section-result .btn-download"
btnDownloadConverted.className = "btn-download";
download_is_processing = true;
// clearInterval(inprogressTimer);
// inprogressTimer = setInterval(() => fetchProgress(data.id), 750);
fetchProgress(data.id, download_count);
const downloadFromYoutubeId = (data, link, format) => {
dataSize = Object.keys(data).length;
// checkCopyright(link, data.id, format);
//it was needed to write this hack to detect if is it playlist in response or just single video. Original api point gives "is_playlist" flag in response data. But in given /api/ajax/playlistJSON point gives no data about is it playlist or not in response.
if (dataSize > 1) {
// render card playlist
let playlistResult = document.createElement("div");
playlistResult.innerHTML = playlistResultTemplate;
playlistResult.id = "playlist-" + download_count;
playlistResult.className =
"section section-result section-playlist-result active";
let _title = playlistResult.querySelector(".playlist-title");
_title.innerHTML = `Playlist title (${dataSize} videos)`;
let _tagList = playlistResult.querySelector(".tag-list");
let tag = document.createElement("a");
tag.innerHTML = videoQualities[format];
let _resultList = document.querySelector(".section-result-list");
// generate items;
let videoList = playlistResult.querySelector(".list-video");
data.forEach((video, key) => {
let item = document.createElement("div");
item.innerHTML = playlistItemTemplate;
item.className = "video-item";
item.dataset.url = video?.url;
let _img = item.querySelector("img");
let _videoUrl = item.querySelector(".item-url");
let _videoTitle = item.querySelector(".video-title");
let _btnQuality = item.querySelector(".btn-child-quality");
let _counter = item.querySelector(".counter");
_img.src = video?.info?.thumbnail_url || "";
_videoUrl.innerText = video?.url || "";
_videoTitle.innerHTML = video?.info?.title || "";
_btnQuality.dataset.quality = format;
).innerText = `${videoQualities[format]}`;
_counter.innerText = key + 1;
} else {
"https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/download.php?copyright=0&format=" +
format +
"&url=" +
encodeURIComponent(link) +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
let content = atob(data.content);
const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.innerHTML = content;
downloadFromParseYoutubeId(link, data, format);
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
const downloadWithoutDetectId = (data) => {
document.getElementById("placeholder").innerHTML = atob(data.content);
// document.getElementById("card-" + data.id).scrollIntoView({
// behavior: 'smooth',
// block: 'center',
// inline: 'center'
// });
//parsing old card html from response data
let cardHtml = document.createElement("html");
cardHtml.innerHTML = atob(data.content);
//rendering new card dummy
let card_id = data.id;
render_card(card_id, data.repeat_download);
let oldCardTitleLinks = cardHtml.getElementsByTagName("small")[0];
document.getElementById("card-title-links_" + card_id).innerHTML =
document.getElementById("card-title-text_" + card_id).innerHTML =
//inserting new pic
document.getElementById("card-image_" + card_id).src = data.info["image"];
//reset new card download button
let newDownloadButton = document.getElementById(
"card-downloadButton_" + card_id
newDownloadButton.className = "";
newDownloadButton.className =
"text-white w-full cursor-pointer bg-yblue hover:bg-blue-800 focus:outline-none font-semibold rounded-[10px] text-lg px-5 py-4 text-center mr-2 flex items-center justify-center uppercase opacity-50 transition-all pointer-events-none mt-8";
newDownloadButton.href = "#";
newDownloadButton.disabled = true;
.getElementById("download-spinner_" + card_id)
document.getElementById("progressbar_" + card_id).classList.add("bg-yblue");
.getElementById("progressbar_" + card_id)
document.getElementById("progress-text_" + card_id).innerHTML = "Download";
document.getElementById("newcard-" + card_id).classList.remove("hidden");
const renderTagList = (format = null) => {
let quality = format || getQuality();
let tags = [];
if (Object.keys(videoQualities).includes(quality)) {
if (audioQualities.includes(quality)) {
return tags
.map((tag) => `<a href="javascript:void(0);">${tag}</a>`)
const getQuality = () => {
let btnQuality = document.querySelector(".btn-quality");
return btnQuality.dataset.quality || "1080";
const removeAlert = () => {
const alertEl = document.querySelector(".alert");
if (!alertEl) {
const removePlaceHolder = () => {
const placeholder = document.querySelector(
placeholder && placeholder.remove();
const insertPlaceHolder = () => {
const plh = document.createElement("div");
plh.className = "section-result section-single-result--placeholder";
plh.innerHTML = placeholderTemplate;
"window.open('https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/ad/l.php', '_blank');"
const handlePlaylistQualityClick = (e) => {
const group = e.target.closest(".button-playlist-group");
const plTarget = group.querySelector(".btn-child-quality");
const plPopover = document.querySelector(".popover-quality");
const plBtnDownload = group.querySelector(".btn-child-download");
const plBtnQuality = group.querySelector(".btn-child-quality");
createPopover(plTarget, plPopover);
if (plBtnQuality.classList.contains("open-quality")) {
} else {
const hideAllQualityPopover = (exclude) => {
let _qualityList = document.querySelectorAll(".open-quality");
_qualityList &&
_qualityList?.length &&
_qualityList.forEach((_btnQuality) => {
if (exclude && _btnQuality.isEqualNode(exclude)) {
const collapsePlaylist = (evt) => {
let _playlist = evt.target.closest(".section-playlist-result");
if (_playlist.classList.contains("active")) {
} else {
const downloadItemInPlaylist = (evt) => {
let _item = evt.target.closest(".video-item");
if (!_item) {
let _btnQuality = _item.querySelector(".btn-child-quality");
_btnQuality?.dataset?.quality || "720"
const _startDownloadYoutubeLink = (link, format) => {
if (is_youtube_allowed == false) {
alert("Youtube downloading is not allowed");
let encodeYoutubeUrl = encodeURIComponent(
"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + parseYtId(link)
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => downloadFromParseYoutubeId(link, data, format))
.catch((error) => console.error(error))
.finally(() => {
const scrollToElement = (selector) => {
let _el = document.querySelector(selector);
_el &&
block: "center",
behavior: "smooth",
inline: "center",
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
if (btnDownload) {
btnDownload.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {
// a(
// "//absorbedscholarsvolatile.com/a7/08/af/a708afa9c8e3d675b985ad4fc6d5fd70.js"
// );
"window.open('https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/ad/l.php', '_blank');"
btnDownload.disabled = true;
const link = inputLink.value;
const format = mainBtnQuality.dataset.quality || "720";
if (!isValidURL(link)) {
if (link.length == 0) {
alert("Please Insert a Download URL");
if (parseYtId(link) != null) {
_startDownloadYoutubeLink(link, format);
} else if (isYouTube(link)) {
if (is_youtube_allowed == false) {
alert("Youtube downloading is not allowed");
"https://loader.to/api/ajax/playlistJSON?format=" +
format +
"&api=dfcb6d76f2f6a9894gjkege8a4ab232222&limit=25" +
"&url=" +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => downloadFromYoutubeId(data, link, format))
.catch((error) => console.error(error))
.finally(() => {
} else {
"https://p.oceansaver.in/ajax/download.php?format=" +
format +
"&url=" +
encodeURIComponent(link) +
cache: "no-store",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) =>
downloadFromParseYoutubeId(link, data, format)
.catch((error) => console.error(error))
.finally(() => {
if (contactForm) {
const formContact = document.querySelector(".contact-form");
formContact.addEventListener("submit", (evt) => {
var formdata = new FormData();
let domain = window.location.hostname;
formdata.append("website", domain);
var requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
body: formdata,
redirect: "follow",
let alert = document.querySelector(".alert");
if (alert) {
fetch("https://loader.fo/api/contact", requestOptions)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((response) => {
let alertEl = document.createElement("div");
alertEl.innerHTML = alertSuccess;
alertEl.querySelector(".alert-msg").innerHTML =
response?.result?.message ||
response?.message ||
"We will contact you soon!";
.catch((error) => {
let alertEl = document.createElement("div");
alertEl.innerHTML = alertError;
alertEl.querySelector(".alert-msg").innerHTML =
error?.result?.message || "Something went wrong!";
.finally(() => {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });