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Tecnologias · 9 identificadas

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Tecnologias encontradas no URL verificado, usando definições de código aberto fornecidas pelo Wappalyzer

Analytics · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de Google AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.

CDN · 2 identificados

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Logótipo de CloudflareCloudflareCloudflare is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services.
Logótipo de cdnjscdnjscdnjs is a free distributed JS library delivery service.

E-mail · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de SendgridSendgridSendGrid is a cloud-based email delivery platform for transactional and marketing emails.

Bibliotecas JavaScript · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de jQueryjQueryjQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.

Proxies inversos · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de NginxNginxNginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.

Segurança · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de HSTSHSTSHTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.

Gestores de tags · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app.

Servidores web · 1 identificados

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Logótipo de NginxNginxNginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.