- ID da verificação
- c8308923-62f5-46a6-9aa2-22be9f5c74eaConcluído
- URL enviado:
- https://1337x-to-search.pages.dev/
- Relatório concluído:
Ligações · 3 encontradas
As ligações de saída identificadas na página
Hiperligação | Texto |
https://telegram.dog/HashHackers | t.me/HashHackers |
https://1337x.to | 1337x.to |
https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org | Web Scraper API |
Variáveis JavaScript · 26 encontradas
Variáveis JavaScript globais carregadas no objeto janela de uma página são variáveis declaradas fora das funções e acessíveis de qualquer parte do código dentro do âmbito atual
Nome | Tipo |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
$ | function |
jQuery | function |
Popper | object |
uidEvent | number |
bootstrap | object |
generateSHA256 | function |
showSpinner | function |
Mensagens de registo da consola · 3 encontradas
Mensagens registadas na consola web
Tipo | Categoria | Registo |
error | network |
info | other |
info | other |
O corpo HTML em bruto da página
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<p class="info text-center"><img src="https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2F1337x.search.zindex.eu.org&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=Daily/All Views&edge_flat=false"></p>
<p class="info text-center">Made with ❤️ by <a href="https://telegram.dog/HashHackers" target="_blank">Hash Hackers</a></p>
<p class="info text-center">This is a mirror of <a href="https://1337x.to" target="_blank">1337x.to</a> and uses <a href="https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org" target="_blank">Web Scraper API</a> to fetch data.</p>
<p class="info text-center">This website is not affiliated with 1337x.to in any way.</p>
<p class="info text-center">If you have any issues, please report them to the developer at <a href="https://telegram.dog/HashHackers" target="_blank">t.me/HashHackers</a></p>
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async function generateSHA256(input) {
console.info('Generating SHA-256 hash for:', input);
// Encode the input as a Uint8Array
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(input);
// Generate the hash using subtle.digest
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data);
// Convert ArrayBuffer to Hex String for easier readability
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
console.info('SHA-256 hash:', hashHex);
return hashHex;
// Function to show spinner
function showSpinner(spinnerId) {
var spinnerCard = document.getElementById(spinnerId);
spinnerCard.style.display = "block";
// Function to hide spinner
function hideSpinner(spinnerId) {
var spinnerCard = document.getElementById(spinnerId);
spinnerCard.style.display = "none";
// handle id= searchButton
document.getElementById('searchInput').addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission
document.getElementById('searchButton').click(); // Manually trigger search button click
document.getElementById('searchButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
var searchQuery = document.getElementById('searchInput').value;
var sortSelect = document.getElementById('sortSelect');
if (searchQuery.trim() !== '') { // Use trim() to remove leading and trailing whitespace
window.location.href = '/?search=' + encodeURIComponent(searchQuery) + '&sort=' + sortSelect.value;
// Keep track of the current page number
var currentPage = 1;
// Flag to check if a request is in progress
var requestInProgress = false;
function openUrl(url) {
window.location.href = url;
async function loadTop100(type = "top-100") {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Construct the initial URL
const baseUrl = "https://1337x.to/";
const pageUrl = `${baseUrl}${type}`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the page URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(pageUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(pageUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : pageUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, 0, type);
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
// Show results and hide spinner
document.getElementById('Top100ResultsBox').style.display = 'block';
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching top 100:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
async function fetchUserUploads(username, type) {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Construct the initial URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${username}-torrents/${currentPage}/`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the page URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, currentPage, type);
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching user uploads:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
async function fetchData() {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Extract search query and sort parameter from URL
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
if (!searchQuery) {
throw new Error('Search query is missing in the URL.');
// Construct the search path based on the sort parameter
let constantForSearch;
if (!sort) {
constantForSearch = `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`;
} else {
const sortMap = {
size_asc: 'size/asc',
size_desc: 'size/desc',
time_asc: 'time/asc',
time_desc: 'time/desc',
seeders_asc: 'seeders/asc',
seeders_desc: 'seeders/desc',
leechers_asc: 'leechers/asc',
leechers_desc: 'leechers/desc',
constantForSearch = `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sortMap[sort]}/${currentPage}`;
// Construct the base URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, currentPage, 'search');
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching search results:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
// Generate item list from the fetched data
// Global scope variable to keep track of whether the event listener is added
let isEventListenerAdded = false;
function generateItemList(data, currentPage, type) {
var itemList = document.getElementById('itemList');
var results = data.result;
if (results['td.coll-1'].length === 0) {
// Show no results message
document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display = 'block';
var listContainer = document.createElement('ul');
listContainer.className = 'list-group';
for (var i = 0; i < results['td.coll-1'].length; i++) {
var listItem = document.createElement('li');
listItem.className = 'text-break list-group-item';
listItem.setAttribute('data-magnet', 'true');
// Extracting size value
var sizeText = results['td.coll-4'][i];
var size = sizeText.substring(0, sizeText.indexOf('B') + 1);
// Get leeches and seeds count
var leeches = parseInt(results['td.coll-3'][i]);
var seeds = parseInt(results['td.coll-2'][i]);
let details;
if (type == 'user') {
var username = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('user');
details = `<small class="d-block">Seeds (<span style="color: ${seeds > 0 ? 'green' : 'inherit'};">${seeds}</span>) Leecher (<span style="color: ${leeches > 0 ? 'red' : 'inherit'};">${leeches}</span>) by <a href="/?user=${username}">${username}</a> ${results['td.coll-5'][i]}</small>`;
} else {
details = `<small class="d-block">Seeds (<span style="color: ${seeds > 0 ? 'green' : 'inherit'};">${seeds}</span>) Leecher (<span style="color: ${leeches > 0 ? 'red' : 'inherit'};">${leeches}</span>) By <a href="/?user=${results['td.coll-5'][i]}">${results['td.coll-5'][i]}</a> on ${results['td.coll-date'][i]}</small>`;
var innerHTML = `
<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
<div style="width: 90%;">
<a style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit;" class="clickable">${results['td.coll-1'][i]} - ${size}</a>
` + details + `
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link bi bi-box-arrow-up-right" onclick="goToSourcePage(${i}, ${currentPage}, '${type}')"></button>
listItem.innerHTML = innerHTML;
// Adding event listener to handle clicking on the list item only once
if (!isEventListenerAdded) {
itemList.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var target = event.target;
if (target.closest('.clickable') && target.closest('li').getAttribute('data-magnet') === 'true') {
// Open magnet link
var index = Array.from(target.closest('ul').children).indexOf(target.closest('li'));
fetchMagnetLink(index, currentPage, type);
isEventListenerAdded = true; // Set to true to prevent further additions
// Check if search query is present in URL and fetch data for the initial page
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
var searchQuery = urlParams.get('search');
var sort = urlParams.get('sort');
var top100_type = urlParams.get('top100');
var user = urlParams.get('user');
if (sort) {
document.getElementById('sortSelect').value = sort;
if (searchQuery !== null && searchQuery !== '') {
// put the query in the search input
document.getElementById('searchInput').value = searchQuery;
} else if (top100_type !== null && top100_type !== '') {
} else if (user !== null && user !== '') {
fetchUserUploads(user, "user");
} else {
// Detect scroll to bottom of the page for pagination
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
// Buffer to start loading more data
var buffer = 100;
// Check if scroll is at the bottom and there are more results to fetch
if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY + buffer) >= document.body.offsetHeight && !requestInProgress && searchQuery !== null && searchQuery !== '' && document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display !== 'block') {
} else if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY + buffer) >= document.body.offsetHeight && !requestInProgress && user !== null && user !== '' && document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display !== 'block') {
fetchUserUploads(user, "user");
async function goToSourcePage(index, currentPage, type) {
try {
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
let url;
// Determine the URL based on type
if (type !== 'search') {
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the `type` URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${type}`;
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL using the cached or original URL
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else if (type === 'search') {
if (!searchQuery) {
throw new Error('Search query is missing in the URL.');
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
let constantForSearch;
if (!sort) {
constantForSearch = `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`;
} else {
const sortMap = {
size_asc: 'size/asc',
size_desc: 'size/desc',
time_asc: 'time/asc',
time_desc: 'time/desc',
seeders_asc: 'seeders/asc',
seeders_desc: 'seeders/desc',
leechers_asc: 'leechers/asc',
leechers_desc: 'leechers/desc',
constantForSearch = `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sortMap[sort]}/${currentPage}`;
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`;
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL using the cached or original URL
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the torrent URL
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
if (!data.result) {
throw new Error('Torrent URL not found in the response.');
const torrentUrl = data.result;
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Open the torrent URL in a new tab
window.open(`https://1337x-to.pages.dev/processor/?path=/${timestamp}/${torrentUrl}`, '_blank');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching torrent URL:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// Function to fetch magnet link based on selected item index
async function fetchMagnetLink(index, currentPage, type) {
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
let url;
let url_1337x
if (type === 'user') {
const username = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('user');
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${username}-torrents/${currentPage}/`;
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${url_1337x}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
} else if (type === 'search') {
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
const constantForSearch = sort === null
? `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`
: `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sort.split('_')[0]}/${sort.split('_')[1]}/${currentPage}`;
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
} else {
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${type}`;
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=https://1337x.to/${type}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
let torrentUrl = data.result;
// Cache URL check
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256("https://1337x.to" + torrentUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
let url_1337x = `https://1337x.to${torrentUrl}`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cache URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
torrentUrl = cacheUrl; // Use the cached URL if found
const fetchMagentfromCacheURL = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${torrentUrl}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
let magnetLink;
if (fetchMagentfromCacheURL.status === 200) {
const data2 = await fetchMagentfromCacheURL.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
if (magnetLink.startsWith('magnet:')) {
} else {
$('#errorMessage').text('Magnet link not found. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} else {
console.log(`Cache not found, something went wrong: ${torrentUrl}`);
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using original URL: ${torrentUrl}`);
// Check CDN if cache is not available
const fileCode = torrentUrl.split('/')[2];
let githubRepoName;
if (fileCode < 2000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-1000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 2000000 && fileCode < 3000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-2000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 3000000 && fileCode < 4000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-3000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 4000000 && fileCode < 5000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-4000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 5000000 && fileCode < 6000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-5000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 6000000 && fileCode < 7000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-6000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 7000000 && fileCode < 8000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-7000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 8000000 && fileCode < 9000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-8000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 9000000 && fileCode < 10000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-9000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 10000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-10000000';
const checkCdn = await fetch(`https://${githubRepoName}.pages.dev/torrent/${fileCode}/?time=${new Date().getTime()}`);
let urlForMagnetRequest;
let magnetLink;
if (checkCdn.status === 200) {
const cdnContent = await checkCdn.text();
if (cdnContent.startsWith('magnet')) {
console.log('Magnet link found in CDN');
magnetLink = cdnContent;
} else {
const creationDate = cdnContent.match(/<meta name="creation_date" content="(\d+)" \/>/)[1];
console.log('Creation date:', creationDate);
if (new Date().getTime() - creationDate > 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
urlForMagnetRequest = `https://${githubRepoName}.pages.dev/torrent/${fileCode}/?time=${new Date().getTime()}`;
const response2 = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${urlForMagnetRequest}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
const data2 = await response2.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
} else {
urlForMagnetRequest = `https://1337x.to${torrentUrl}`;
const response2 = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${urlForMagnetRequest}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
const data2 = await response2.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
if (magnetLink.startsWith('magnet:')) {
} else {
$('#errorMessage').text('Magnet link not found. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// since cacheURL is now av
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching magnet link or torrent URL:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
$('#errorMessage').text('Error fetching magnet link or torrent URL. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// Copy magnet link to clipboard
document.getElementById('copyButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
var magnetLinkInput = document.getElementById('magnetLinkInput');
document.addEventListener('click', function() {
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