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By engaging with users, regulators, supervisory bodies and other interested or relying parties the consortium can address actual issues. [<a href="/about/">learn more…</a>]</p><h2 id="public-key-infrastructure">Public Key Infrastructure <a class="header-link" href="#public-key-infrastructure"><svg width="16" height="16" fill="currentcolor" class="bi bi-link-45deg" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.715 6.542 3.343 7.914a3 3 0 104.243 4.243l1.828-1.829A3 3 0 008.586 5.5L8 6.086a1.001 1.001.0 00-.154.199 2 2 0 01.861 3.337L6.88 11.45A2 2 0 114.05 8.62l.793-.792a4.018 4.018.0 01-.128-1.287z"></path><path d="M6.586 4.672A3 3 0 007.414 9.5l.775-.776a2 2 0 01-.896-3.346L9.12 3.55a2 2 0 012.83 2.83l-.793.792c. 1.287l1.372-1.372A3 3 0 008.414 2.844L6.586 4.672z"></path></svg></a></h2><p>Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) defines the foundation for most modern security systems and provides <strong>Confidentiality</strong>, <strong>Integrity</strong>, <strong>Authenticity</strong> and <strong>Non-repudiation</strong>. It relies on public key cryptography, a universally accepted asymmetric technology that enables entities to securely communicate using an insecure transport or media, reliably link the data to the signatory and protects the integrity of the data while proving guarantees about the existence of the data at the time of signature creation.</p></div><div class="col-lg-5 order-lg-2 pb-4"><p><strong><a href="" title="Third Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference: Join us in Austin, Texas!">Third Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference: Join us in Austin, Texas!</a></strong><br><small class="d-inline-block text-secondary text-truncate overflow-hidden" style="max-width:95%">October 22, 2024 by
<a href="/members/digitorus/#paul-van-brouwershaven" title="Founder and CEO at Digitorus" data-pagefind-filter="author">Paul van Brouwershaven</a>
(<a href="" title="Digitorus is a software development and consultancy company specialized in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Digital Signatures, and Trustworthy Systems (TWS) that require a high level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability." target="_blank">Digitorus</a>)
<a href="/members/entrust/#paul-van-brouwershaven" title="Director, Technology Compliance at Entrust" data-pagefind-filter="author">Paul van Brouwershaven</a>
(<a href="" title="Entrust is dedicated to securing identities, data, and transactions around the globe" target="_blank">Entrust</a>)
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Austin</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Conference</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Post-Quantum Cryptography</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">PQC</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Texas</a></small><br>Join us on January 15 and 16, 2025, at the Thompson Conference Center, University of Texas, Austin for the third Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference. Explore the future of cryptography with industry leaders, technical experts, and decision-makers from across the globe.</p><p><strong><a href="" title="On the Drawbacks of Post-Quantum Cryptography in TLS">On the Drawbacks of Post-Quantum Cryptography in TLS</a></strong><br><small class="d-inline-block text-secondary text-truncate overflow-hidden" style="max-width:95%">September 27, 2024 by
<a href="/members/harica/#dimitris-zacharopoulos" title="Head of IT Security Department at HARICA" data-pagefind-filter="author">Dimitris Zacharopoulos</a>
(<a href="" title="HARICA is the Hellenic Academic &amp; Research Institutions Certification Authority. It participates in all major Global 'ROOT CA' Trust Programs, and operates as a 'Trust Anchor' in widely used Application Software and Operating Systems." target="_blank">HARICA</a>)
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Post-Quantum Cryptography</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">PQC</a>
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">TLS</a></small><br>Ongoing efforts to deploy PQ/hybrid KEMs as drop-in replacements for current mechanisms are well-tested and crucial for protecting information and identity in the near future. On the other hand, PQ signatures remain an unsolved problem - at least in terms of being drop-in replacements for ECC/RSA.</p><p><strong><a href="" title="A list of cryptographic devices that includes support for remote key attestations">A list of cryptographic devices that includes support for remote key attestations</a></strong><br><small class="d-inline-block text-secondary text-truncate overflow-hidden" style="max-width:95%">March 22, 2024 by
<a href="/members/keyfactor/#tomas-gustavsson" title="Chief PKI Officer at Keyfactor" data-pagefind-filter="author">Tomas Gustavsson</a>
(<a href="" title="Keyfactor develops products for PKI, digital signatures and cryptography" target="_blank">Keyfactor</a>)
<a href="" class="badge bg-secondary" data-pagefind-filter="tag">Remote Key Attestation</a></small><br>The PKI Consortium is managing a a list of cryptographic devices that includes support for remote key attestations, without endorsing their implementation or quality.</p><a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" href="/blog/" title="PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium) Blog">More on the PKI Consortium blog</a><div class="mt-4 text-center"><small>We thank our <a href="/sponsors/">sponsors</a> for their ongoing support of the PKI Consortium</small><div class="sponsors"><a href="" title="Keyfactor is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:240px;height:80px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="Keyfactor is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Keyfactor is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="HID Global is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:240px;height:80px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="HID Global is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="HID Global is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="Entrust is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:240px;height:80px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="Entrust is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Entrust is a Platinum sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="Noreg is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:120px;height:40px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="Noreg is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Noreg is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="Sectigo is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:120px;height:40px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="Sectigo is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Sectigo is a Silver sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="TrustAsia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:60px;height:20px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="TrustAsia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TrustAsia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="">
</a><a href="" title="Ascertia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:60px;height:20px" class="sponsor-logo" alt="Ascertia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Ascertia is a Bronze sponsor for the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src=""></a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pt-4"><div class="container"><div id="rssfeedcarousel" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel"><a class="carousel-control-prev" style="width:20px" href="#rssfeedcarousel" role="button" data-bs-slide="prev"><span class="visually-hidden">Previous</span></a><div class="col carousel-inner"><div class="carousel-item active"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Company Overview With its innovative software for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and automation solutions, this company is one of the market’s best providers of industrial automation solutions. The company has established quite an impressive regional presence offering solutions for automating processes even in the most complicated industrial settings. As a leading technology company, the following […]" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">How Encryption Consulting aided a Tech Firm with CodeSign Secure in their growth</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Company Overview With its innovative software for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and automation solutions, this company is one of the market’s best providers of industrial automation solutions. The company has established quite an impressive regional presence offering solutions for automating processes even in the most complicated industrial settings. As a leading technology company, the following […]</span>
<small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 28, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title=" Digital business is evolving and enterprises need more than just a great product or service to stay competitive. Speed, security and seamless user experience have become critical success factors, especially for businesses in the e-commerce and digital sectors.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">How to grow your digital business with SigningHub</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Digital business is evolving and enterprises need more than just a great product or service to stay competitive. Speed, security and seamless user experience have become critical success factors, especially for businesses in the e-commerce and digital sectors.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 27, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="A high-tech manufacturing firm realizes $3.5 million in annual cost savings through automation of its machine identity security program using Venafi CLM and PKI.
The post Venafi Machine Identity Security Case Study: High Tech Manufacturing Firm first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Venafi Machine Identity Security Case Study: High Tech Manufacturing Firm</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">A high-tech manufacturing firm realizes $3.5 million in annual cost savings through automation of its machine identity security program using Venafi CLM and PKI.
The post Venafi Machine Identity Security Case Study: High Tech Manufacturing Firm first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Monday November 25, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="National insurer automates its certificate lifecycle with Accutive Security’s support and realizes significantly reduced outages and cost savings.
The post Certificate Automation Case Study: National Insurance Company first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Certificate Automation Case Study: National Insurance Company</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">National insurer automates its certificate lifecycle with Accutive Security’s support and realizes significantly reduced outages and cost savings.
The post Certificate Automation Case Study: National Insurance Company first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Monday November 25, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Organizations managing sensitive data know that securing encryption keys and ensuring regulatory compliance are non-negotiable. For this, Thales HSM (Hardware Security Module)&nbsp;is often the go-to solution. However, integrating this robust technology into your existing infrastructure can be complex. The challenge isn’t just choosing the right HSM; it’s figuring out how to integrate it efficiently without […]
The post 5 Powerful Integrations with Thales HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">5 Powerful Integrations with Thales HSMs (Hardware Security Modules)</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Organizations managing sensitive data know that securing encryption keys and ensuring regulatory compliance are non-negotiable. For this, Thales HSM (Hardware Security Module)&nbsp;is often the go-to solution. However, integrating this robust technology into your existing infrastructure can be complex. The challenge isn’t just choosing the right HSM; it’s figuring out how to integrate it efficiently without […]
The post 5 Powerful Integrations with Thales HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Sunday November 24, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="At CYBERWARCON 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence analysts will share research and insights on North Korean and Chinese threat actors representing years of threat actor tracking, infrastructure monitoring and disruption, and their attack tooling. The post Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">At CYBERWARCON 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence analysts will share research and insights on North Korean and Chinese threat actors representing years of threat actor tracking, infrastructure monitoring and disruption, and their attack tooling. The post Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Friday November 22, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Managing digital certificates might sound simple, but for most organizations, it’s anything but. For cryptography and IT teams handling hundreds of certificates, staying ahead of expirations, maintaining security, and meeting compliance demands are constant challenges. Here’s an in-depth look at why having robust certificate lifecycle management processes is essential, the obstacles organizations face, and how […]
The post Navigating Certificate Lifecycle Management first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Navigating Certificate Lifecycle Management</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Managing digital certificates might sound simple, but for most organizations, it’s anything but. For cryptography and IT teams handling hundreds of certificates, staying ahead of expirations, maintaining security, and meeting compliance demands are constant challenges. Here’s an in-depth look at why having robust certificate lifecycle management processes is essential, the obstacles organizations face, and how […]
The post Navigating Certificate Lifecycle Management first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 21, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Company Overview  We successfully conducted our encryption assessment for one of our clients, a Fortune 500 organization in the finance sector. The organization’s portfolio consisted of several banks and ATMs spread across the nation, and they had a specialization in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and saving accounts. The US-based bank was founded decades ago […]" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">The success story of how we helped a leading financial US institution with our encryption assessment</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Company Overview  We successfully conducted our encryption assessment for one of our clients, a Fortune 500 organization in the finance sector. The organization’s portfolio consisted of several banks and ATMs spread across the nation, and they had a specialization in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and saving accounts. The US-based bank was founded decades ago […]</span>
<small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 21, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="ADM Data Masking Platform [Solution Brief] Learn how ADM Data Masking Platform tackles the toughest challenges in data management, compliance, and security—all while keeping your DevOps agile and efficient. 📘 What’s Inside? Key capabilities of ADM for managing sensitive data. How ADM anonymizes PII across large, scattered data sets. How easily ADM handles advanced data […]
The post ADM Data Masking Platform [Solution Brief] first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">ADM Data Masking Platform [Solution Brief]</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">ADM Data Masking Platform [Solution Brief] Learn how ADM Data Masking Platform tackles the toughest challenges in data management, compliance, and security—all while keeping your DevOps agile and efficient. 📘 What’s Inside? Key capabilities of ADM for managing sensitive data. How ADM anonymizes PII across large, scattered data sets. How easily ADM handles advanced data […]
The post ADM Data Masking Platform [Solution Brief] first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 21, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="For IT teams, managing certificates can feel like a relentless cycle of tracking expiration dates, renewing certificates, and monitoring CA chains. Without automation, it’s easy to miss renewals, leading to costly outages and downtime. As your organization scales, manually managing hundreds—or even thousands—of certificates quickly becomes unsustainable. With the imminent shortening of certificate validity periods […]
The post How to Move from Manual to Certificate Automation with ACME first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">How to Move from Manual to Certificate Automation with ACME</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">For IT teams, managing certificates can feel like a relentless cycle of tracking expiration dates, renewing certificates, and monitoring CA chains. Without automation, it’s easy to miss renewals, leading to costly outages and downtime. As your organization scales, manually managing hundreds—or even thousands—of certificates quickly becomes unsustainable. With the imminent shortening of certificate validity periods […]
The post How to Move from Manual to Certificate Automation with ACME first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 20, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Company delivers advances in AI and posture management, unprecedented bug bounty program, and updates on its Secure Future Initiative.
The post AI innovations for a more secure future unveiled at Microsoft Ignite appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">AI innovations for a more secure future unveiled at Microsoft Ignite</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Company delivers advances in AI and posture management, unprecedented bug bounty program, and updates on its Secure Future Initiative.
The post AI innovations for a more secure future unveiled at Microsoft Ignite appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Tuesday November 19, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title=" MSC Trustgate is a licensed Certification Authority (CA) based in Malaysia, providing extensive PKI solutions to customers since 1999.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">MSC Trustgate's SigningHub case study | Blog | Ascertia</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">MSC Trustgate is a licensed Certification Authority (CA) based in Malaysia, providing extensive PKI solutions to customers since 1999.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Tuesday November 19, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Choosing the right data masking tools can be overwhelming with many options available in the market. Gartner Peer Insights lists over 20 vendors in the data masking category alone, and making sense of these reviews to make an informed decision can be challenging. In this guide, we simplify the process by examining the top data […]
The post Data Masking Tools Gartner (Updated 2024): Comparing top-rated data masking tools first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Data Masking Tools Gartner (Updated 2024): Comparing top-rated data masking tools</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Choosing the right data masking tools can be overwhelming with many options available in the market. Gartner Peer Insights lists over 20 vendors in the data masking category alone, and making sense of these reviews to make an informed decision can be challenging. In this guide, we simplify the process by examining the top data […]
The post Data Masking Tools Gartner (Updated 2024): Comparing top-rated data masking tools first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Sunday November 17, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="The post Microsoft ADCS Vulnerability – CVE-2024-49019 Escalation of Privilege appeared first on PKI Solutions.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Microsoft ADCS Vulnerability – CVE-2024-49019 Escalation of Privilege</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">The post Microsoft ADCS Vulnerability – CVE-2024-49019 Escalation of Privilege appeared first on PKI Solutions.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 14, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href=";utm_medium=rss&amp;utm_campaign=2939" target="_blank" title="Jana Krimpe – Founder and CEO of B.EST Solutions deeply honored to have participated in the recent visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alongside Estonia’s Minister of Economy and Industry, H.E. Erkki Keldo, and H.E. Ambassador Maria Belovas. This mission highlighted the immense potential for collaboration between Estonia and Saudi Arabia KSA across various […]" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Establishment of the Saudi-Estonian Business Council and participation in BibanGlobal</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Jana Krimpe – Founder and CEO of B.EST Solutions deeply honored to have participated in the recent visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alongside Estonia’s Minister of Economy and Industry, H.E. Erkki Keldo, and H.E. Ambassador Maria Belovas. This mission highlighted the immense potential for collaboration between Estonia and Saudi Arabia KSA across various […]</span>
<small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 14, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="84% of surveyed organizations want to feel more confident about managing and discovering data input into AI apps and tools.
The post Microsoft Data Security Index annual report&nbsp;highlights evolving generative AI security needs appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Microsoft Data Security Index annual report&nbsp;highlights evolving generative AI security needs</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">84% of surveyed organizations want to feel more confident about managing and discovering data input into AI apps and tools.
The post Microsoft Data Security Index annual report&nbsp;highlights evolving generative AI security needs appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 13, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="What is the meaning of Group Policy auto-enrollment? In an Active Directory environment, you can leverage Group Policy to streamline the enrollment process for your domain-joined devices, which means that you can use Group Policy to automatically enroll devices into a management system like Mobile Device Management (MDM), such as Microsoft Intune. This is beneficial […]" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Configure Group Policy to Auto-enroll Windows devices</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">What is the meaning of Group Policy auto-enrollment? In an Active Directory environment, you can leverage Group Policy to streamline the enrollment process for your domain-joined devices, which means that you can use Group Policy to automatically enroll devices into a management system like Mobile Device Management (MDM), such as Microsoft Intune. This is beneficial […]</span>
<small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 13, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title=" In 2020, Google enforced a maximum certificate lifetime of 398 days (13 months) for Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates. However, this time span leaves a lengthy window for an attacker to potentially compromise a certificate and exploit it.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Short life certificate and lifecycle management | Blog | Ascertia</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">In 2020, Google enforced a maximum certificate lifetime of 398 days (13 months) for Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates. However, this time span leaves a lengthy window for an attacker to potentially compromise a certificate and exploit it.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 13, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="
Strengthen your SecOps with seamlessly integrated, powerful, AI-driven analytics without having to rip and replace your current infrastructure.
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" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Ditch the Data Lake Drama: A Modern SIEM Approach</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Strengthen your SecOps with seamlessly integrated, powerful, AI-driven analytics without having to rip and replace your current infrastructure.
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</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Tuesday November 12, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="The Navy implementation scored a 100 percent success rate, meeting DoD requirements on all 91 Target-Level activities tested.​
The post DoD Zero Trust Strategy proves security benchmark years ahead of schedule with Microsoft collaboration appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">DoD Zero Trust Strategy proves security benchmark years ahead of schedule with Microsoft collaboration</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">The Navy implementation scored a 100 percent success rate, meeting DoD requirements on all 91 Target-Level activities tested.​
The post DoD Zero Trust Strategy proves security benchmark years ahead of schedule with Microsoft collaboration appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Monday November 11, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="The post PKI Insights Recap – Is Your PKI Healthy? The Essential Guide to Comprehensive Assessments appeared first on PKI Solutions.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">PKI Insights Recap – Is Your PKI Healthy? The Essential Guide to Comprehensive Assessments</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">The post PKI Insights Recap – Is Your PKI Healthy? The Essential Guide to Comprehensive Assessments appeared first on PKI Solutions.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 7, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="The technology landscape is undergoing a massive transformation, and AI is at the center of this change.
The post More value, less risk: How to implement generative AI across the organization securely and responsibly appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">More value, less risk: How to implement generative AI across the organization securely and responsibly</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">The technology landscape is undergoing a massive transformation, and AI is at the center of this change.
The post More value, less risk: How to implement generative AI across the organization securely and responsibly appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Thursday November 7, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="In today’s data-driven landscape, sensitive information—like PII (Personally Identifiable Information), PHI (Protected Health Information), and PCI (Payment Card Information)—sprawls across enterprise systems. For data teams, keeping tabs on this data has become a formidable task. Sensitive data discovery, the process of locating, classifying, and securing this information, is no longer optional. But with sensitive data […]
The post Sensitive Data Discovery for Enterprises: Turning Data Chaos into Compliance first appeared on Accutive Security.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">Sensitive Data Discovery for Enterprises: Turning Data Chaos into Compliance</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">In today’s data-driven landscape, sensitive information—like PII (Personally Identifiable Information), PHI (Protected Health Information), and PCI (Payment Card Information)—sprawls across enterprise systems. For data teams, keeping tabs on this data has become a formidable task. Sensitive data discovery, the process of locating, classifying, and securing this information, is no longer optional. But with sensitive data […]
The post Sensitive Data Discovery for Enterprises: Turning Data Chaos into Compliance first appeared on Accutive Security.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 6, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title="​As part of Microsoft’s ongoing efforts to support security modernization and the Zero Trust principles, we’ve launched Zero Trust Workshop, an online self-service resource. Read our latest blog post for details. ​
The post ​​Zero Trust Workshop: Advance your knowledge with an online resource appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">​​Zero Trust Workshop: Advance your knowledge with an online resource</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">​As part of Microsoft’s ongoing efforts to support security modernization and the Zero Trust principles, we’ve launched Zero Trust Workshop, an online self-service resource. Read our latest blog post for details. ​
The post ​​Zero Trust Workshop: Advance your knowledge with an online resource appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 6, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="carousel-item"><div class="card"><div class="row g-0"><div class="col"><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title"><a href="" target="_blank" title=" Trust service providers (TSPs)must offer secure, scalable and compliant solutions to meet the rising demand for remote digital transactions. Qualified Remote Signing (QRS) has become a crucial tool in ensuring the integrity of digital signatures, especially for organisations bound by strict regulatory frameworks like eIDAS.
" class="text-truncate text-nowrap">7 reasons why TSPs should leverage qualified remote signing</a></h5><p class="card-text"><span class="d-inline-block text-truncate" style="max-width:98%">Trust service providers (TSPs)must offer secure, scalable and compliant solutions to meet the rising demand for remote digital transactions. Qualified Remote Signing (QRS) has become a crucial tool in ensuring the integrity of digital signatures, especially for organisations bound by strict regulatory frameworks like eIDAS.
</span><small class="py-2 text-muted float-end">Published on Wednesday November 6, 2024 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></small></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><a class="carousel-control-next" style="width:20px" href="#rssfeedcarousel" role="button" data-bs-slide="next"><span class="visually-hidden">Next</span></a></div></div></div></main><div data-pagefind-ignore="all"><div class="container members text-nowrap overflow-hidden my-4 text-center"><div class="banner"><a href="" title="The QRL Foundation, Supporting open-source post-quantum blockchain development - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="The QRL Foundation, Supporting open-source post-quantum blockchain development - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="The QRL Foundation, Supporting open-source post-quantum blockchain development - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="EVERTRUST - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="EVERTRUST - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="EVERTRUST - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Relief Validation LTD, Empowering businesses with seamless e-signature solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Relief Validation LTD, Empowering businesses with seamless e-signature solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Relief Validation LTD, Empowering businesses with seamless e-signature solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
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</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Second Factor, A Higher Level of Trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="NITDA, The Nigerian Public Key Infrastructure Organization - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Garantir, Garantir is a leading cybersecurity vendor based in San Diego, California - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Garantir, Garantir is a leading cybersecurity vendor based in San Diego, California - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Garantir, Garantir is a leading cybersecurity vendor based in San Diego, California - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="CertiPath, Helping organizations achieve ubiquitous trust online - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="CertiPath, Helping organizations achieve ubiquitous trust online - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="CertiPath, Helping organizations achieve ubiquitous trust online - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Dohatec New Media - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="B.EST Solutions, Mobile-ID based on eSIM, SIM and PKI technologies - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="B.EST Solutions, Mobile-ID based on eSIM, SIM and PKI technologies - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="B.EST Solutions, Mobile-ID based on eSIM, SIM and PKI technologies - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="MTG AG, Enterprise Resource Security - Mastering Cryptographic Key Lifecycles - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="E-Tugra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="E-Tugra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="E-Tugra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="HID Global, Empowering Access Everywhere - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="HID Global, Empowering Access Everywhere - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="HID Global, Empowering Access Everywhere - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cyber Security Specialist in Brazil - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Nationwide, We focus on customers and value people - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Backdoor Global, Inc., Your Trusted Technology Partner - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Backdoor Global, Inc., Your Trusted Technology Partner - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Backdoor Global, Inc., Your Trusted Technology Partner - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="TrustAsia, Build Trust Everywhere in the Digital World - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TrustAsia, Build Trust Everywhere in the Digital World - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TrustAsia, Build Trust Everywhere in the Digital World - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Datil - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Datil - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Datil - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Thales, Building a future we can all trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Thales, Building a future we can all trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Thales, Building a future we can all trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Sunnic, A secure cyberspace built on the foundation of trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Sunnic, A secure cyberspace built on the foundation of trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Sunnic, A secure cyberspace built on the foundation of trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="PKI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="PKI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="PKI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="IdenTrust, part of HID Global - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Trans Sped, The first trusted service provider in Romania - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Trans Sped, The first trusted service provider in Romania - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Trans Sped, The first trusted service provider in Romania - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Firma.Digital, Digital experience with 100% human quality - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Firma.Digital, Digital experience with 100% human quality - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Firma.Digital, Digital experience with 100% human quality - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Trustgate Digital, Trust, Be Trusted in the Digital World - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cloud Security Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Cryptas, We protect identities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Cryptas, We protect identities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Cryptas, We protect identities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Keyfactor, The machine and IoT identity platform for modern enterprises - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Keyfactor, The machine and IoT identity platform for modern enterprises - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Keyfactor, The machine and IoT identity platform for modern enterprises - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="SwissSign AG - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="ANTIC - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="GRC PATH - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Fidelity International - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Fidelity International - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Fidelity International - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="inDenova - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="NENA, The 9-1-1 Association - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="eMudhra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="eMudhra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="eMudhra - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
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</a><a href="" title="InfoSec Global, Discover, Inventory, &amp; Control Cryptography - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="InfoSec Global, Discover, Inventory, &amp; Control Cryptography - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="InfoSec Global, Discover, Inventory, &amp; Control Cryptography - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="I-314, Solving complex problems through mathemathical thinking - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="AIE IO - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Fortanix, Look. Know. Further. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Fortanix, Look. Know. Further. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Fortanix, Look. Know. Further. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Qrypt - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Qrypt - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Qrypt - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="VikingCloud, Providing real-time access to an organizatio’s cyber risk landscape and compliance posture. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="VikingCloud, Providing real-time access to an organizatio’s cyber risk landscape and compliance posture. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="VikingCloud, Providing real-time access to an organizatio’s cyber risk landscape and compliance posture. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Digitorus, Specialist in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Digital Signatures, and Trustworthy Systems (TWS) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Digitorus, Specialist in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Digital Signatures, and Trustworthy Systems (TWS) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Digitorus, Specialist in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Digital Signatures, and Trustworthy Systems (TWS) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
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</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="ITRUZZ - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Quantag IT Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Quantag IT Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Quantag IT Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="QNu Inc - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="QNu Inc - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="QNu Inc - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="SAVIS TECHNOLOGY GROUP, Shaping Digital Future Together - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bangla Phone Limited - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Citi - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Citi - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Citi - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Federal Public Key Infrastructure (FPKI), US FPKI - General Services Administraton (GSA) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Federal Public Key Infrastructure (FPKI), US FPKI - General Services Administraton (GSA) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Federal Public Key Infrastructure (FPKI), US FPKI - General Services Administraton (GSA) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Technology source - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Resquant, Stay secure in the era of quantum computers - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Resquant, Stay secure in the era of quantum computers - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Resquant, Stay secure in the era of quantum computers - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="TSP Security Management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TSP Security Management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TSP Security Management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Encryption Consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Encryption Consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Encryption Consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="NOTARchiv, Qualified Trust Service Provider in Hungary - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="DāSTOR - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Zeva, Empowering Security, Protection Privacry, Enabling Transparency - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Zeva, Empowering Security, Protection Privacry, Enabling Transparency - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Zeva, Empowering Security, Protection Privacry, Enabling Transparency - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Bloombase, Intelligent Storage Firewall - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Bloombase, Intelligent Storage Firewall - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Bloombase, Intelligent Storage Firewall - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Lawtrust, Information Security Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Lawtrust, Information Security Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Lawtrust, Information Security Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Compumatica secure networks - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="NG Sign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="NG Sign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="NG Sign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="CGI - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Logius, Public Key Infrastructure for the Dutch government - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Logius, Public Key Infrastructure for the Dutch government - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Logius, Public Key Infrastructure for the Dutch government - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Commlink Info Tech Ltd. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Buypass, We bring you a safer digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Buypass, We bring you a safer digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Buypass, We bring you a safer digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Credit Suisse, We build lasting value by serving our clients with care and entrepreneurial spirit - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Credit Suisse, We build lasting value by serving our clients with care and entrepreneurial spirit - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Credit Suisse, We build lasting value by serving our clients with care and entrepreneurial spirit - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Information Security Corporation (ISC), Develops and markets cutting-edge PKI-based security solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Information Security Corporation (ISC), Develops and markets cutting-edge PKI-based security solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Information Security Corporation (ISC), Develops and markets cutting-edge PKI-based security solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="University of York, In limine sapientiae - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="University of York, In limine sapientiae - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="University of York, In limine sapientiae - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="AppViewX, Automate certificate lifecycle management with AppViewX for efficiency, security, and compliance! - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Sectigo, Over 20 Years of Established Leadership - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Sectigo, Over 20 Years of Established Leadership - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Sectigo, Over 20 Years of Established Leadership - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Litmus Logic, Create forward looking security stategies that work - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Common Crypto Authority - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Eval, Eval, security is value. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Eval, Eval, security is value. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Eval, Eval, security is value. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Firmaprofesional, We innovate to create secure and efficient transaction environments - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Firmaprofesional, We innovate to create secure and efficient transaction environments - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Firmaprofesional, We innovate to create secure and efficient transaction environments - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Airbus, We make it fly - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Airbus, We make it fly - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Airbus, We make it fly - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Baker Tilly, Now, for tomorrow - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Baker Tilly, Now, for tomorrow - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Baker Tilly, Now, for tomorrow - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Crypto4A, Easy to use, easy to deploy, easy to sustain cybersecurity foundations - today and tomorrow. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Crypto4A, Easy to use, easy to deploy, easy to sustain cybersecurity foundations - today and tomorrow. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Crypto4A, Easy to use, easy to deploy, easy to sustain cybersecurity foundations - today and tomorrow. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="GE Research, Building a world that works - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="GE Research, Building a world that works - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="GE Research, Building a world that works - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="UAB Indeed Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="UAB Indeed Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="UAB Indeed Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Magicard - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Magicard - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Magicard - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Fox Crypto B.V., For a more secure society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Fox Crypto B.V., For a more secure society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Fox Crypto B.V., For a more secure society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="SEALWeb, Securing transactions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="SEALWeb, Securing transactions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="SEALWeb, Securing transactions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="CertiSur, Specialists in User Authentication, SSL Certificates, Digital and Biometric Signature - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="COEIA, Center of Excellence in Information Assurance at King Saud University - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Deloitte-India - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title=", Trust is what we do - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt=", Trust is what we do - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title=", Trust is what we do - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="8 Unlimited GmbH - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="ZenithTec Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="amseymour consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Special Telecommunications Service - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Special Telecommunications Service - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Special Telecommunications Service - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="TD, Be the better bank - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TD, Be the better bank - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TD, Be the better bank - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Sefira, for a paperless future - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Sefira, for a paperless future - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Sefira, for a paperless future - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Pos Digicert, Embracing our stakeholders with electronic identity and security services through the creation of seamless customer experience in digital trust ecosystem - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Lex Persona - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Lex Persona - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Lex Persona - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Dutch Ministry of Defence, Protecting what we value - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Dutch Ministry of Defence, Protecting what we value - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Dutch Ministry of Defence, Protecting what we value - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Landis+Gyr, Inc. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Landis+Gyr, Inc. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Landis+Gyr, Inc. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Algerian Government Electronic Certification Authority, Autorité Gouvernementale de Certification Electronique - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Algerian Government Electronic Certification Authority, Autorité Gouvernementale de Certification Electronique - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Algerian Government Electronic Certification Authority, Autorité Gouvernementale de Certification Electronique - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="i4p informatics, Developer of applied cryptography solutions with 100+ years of man experience - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="i4p informatics, Developer of applied cryptography solutions with 100+ years of man experience - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="i4p informatics, Developer of applied cryptography solutions with 100+ years of man experience - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs &amp; Port Security (ICP) - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Wells Fargo - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Wells Fargo - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Wells Fargo - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="TÜV TRUST IT, Your Partner for effective Information Security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TÜV TRUST IT, Your Partner for effective Information Security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TÜV TRUST IT, Your Partner for effective Information Security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="01 Communique, Tomorrow's Cyber Security, Today - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="01 Communique, Tomorrow's Cyber Security, Today - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="01 Communique, Tomorrow's Cyber Security, Today - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bull sas - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Noreg, More than 20 years in PKI - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Noreg, More than 20 years in PKI - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Noreg, More than 20 years in PKI - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) fall under the US Department of Defense - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Nexus Group (IN Groupe), Nexus Group secures society by enabling trusted identities for people and things - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Nexus Group (IN Groupe), Nexus Group secures society by enabling trusted identities for people and things - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Nexus Group (IN Groupe), Nexus Group secures society by enabling trusted identities for people and things - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="CREAPLUS - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="CREAPLUS - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="CREAPLUS - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Codegic, Facilitating Enterprise Trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Codegic, Facilitating Enterprise Trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Codegic, Facilitating Enterprise Trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Cleverbase, Securely e-sign your documents - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Cleverbase, Securely e-sign your documents - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Cleverbase, Securely e-sign your documents - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Visa - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Visa - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Visa - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="VIAVI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="VIAVI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="VIAVI Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="DIGISIGN.ID, We delivered Digital Signature, Digital Certification, Dekstop Signing, and Mobile Application for companies. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="DIGISIGN.ID, We delivered Digital Signature, Digital Certification, Dekstop Signing, and Mobile Application for companies. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="DIGISIGN.ID, We delivered Digital Signature, Digital Certification, Dekstop Signing, and Mobile Application for companies. - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Viasat, We enable a world of possibilities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Viasat, We enable a world of possibilities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Viasat, We enable a world of possibilities - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="DirectTrust, Instilling Trust in Exchange - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="DirectTrust, Instilling Trust in Exchange - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="DirectTrust, Instilling Trust in Exchange - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Dell Technologies, With Dell Technologies, your business is always ready to move forward - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Dell Technologies, With Dell Technologies, your business is always ready to move forward - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Dell Technologies, With Dell Technologies, your business is always ready to move forward - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Camerfirma, Qualified Trust Service Provider: Digital Identity / Digital Signature / PSD2 Compliance - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Camerfirma, Qualified Trust Service Provider: Digital Identity / Digital Signature / PSD2 Compliance - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Camerfirma, Qualified Trust Service Provider: Digital Identity / Digital Signature / PSD2 Compliance - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="CDAC, India Centre for Development of Advanced Computing - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="CDAC, India Centre for Development of Advanced Computing - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="CDAC, India Centre for Development of Advanced Computing - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="ComSign, Israel’s oldest and largest CA with over 20 years of experience in PKI solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="ComSign, Israel’s oldest and largest CA with over 20 years of experience in PKI solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="ComSign, Israel’s oldest and largest CA with over 20 years of experience in PKI solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Soluti Negócios Inteligentes Ltda - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Real Random, Make a safer Internet by providing true randomness for real security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Real Random, Make a safer Internet by providing true randomness for real security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Real Random, Make a safer Internet by providing true randomness for real security - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="DAVID GROUP, Improvise Global Cyber Stability - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="DAVID GROUP, Improvise Global Cyber Stability - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="DAVID GROUP, Improvise Global Cyber Stability - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Nimbus - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Nimbus - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Nimbus - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Unsung Limited - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research, Innovation for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research, Innovation for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research, Innovation for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="IBM - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="IBM - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="IBM - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Sixscape Communications, Cryptographic Authentication &amp; Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Sixscape Communications, Cryptographic Authentication &amp; Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Sixscape Communications, Cryptographic Authentication &amp; Identity - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Slandala Company, Security Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="TrustSEC, A Polish company established by the hands of Security experts - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TrustSEC, A Polish company established by the hands of Security experts - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TrustSEC, A Polish company established by the hands of Security experts - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Tilaka Nusa Teknologi, Your Digital ID and Certificate Trusted Partner - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="Ascertia, Identity Proven, Trust Delivered - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Ascertia, Identity Proven, Trust Delivered - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Ascertia, Identity Proven, Trust Delivered - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Data-Warehouse - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Data-Warehouse - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Data-Warehouse - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="GlobalSign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="GlobalSign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="GlobalSign - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Entrust, Securing a world in motion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Entrust, Securing a world in motion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Entrust, Securing a world in motion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Microsec, Digital legally binding &amp; user friendly solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Microsec, Digital legally binding &amp; user friendly solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Microsec, Digital legally binding &amp; user friendly solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Information Network Security Administration of Ethiopia, Realize national capability that ensures information superiority - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Turkcell, Connect to Life with Turkcell - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Turkcell, Connect to Life with Turkcell - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Turkcell, Connect to Life with Turkcell - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Accutive, The Auth + Crypto Products and Services Company - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Accutive, The Auth + Crypto Products and Services Company - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Accutive, The Auth + Crypto Products and Services Company - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="D-Trust, Paving the way for social and economic progress - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="D-Trust, Paving the way for social and economic progress - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="D-Trust, Paving the way for social and economic progress - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Carillon Information Security, We build trust - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" title="TRUSTZONE, Encrypt, Authenticate, Automate™ - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TRUSTZONE, Encrypt, Authenticate, Automate™ - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TRUSTZONE, Encrypt, Authenticate, Automate™ - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Keytalk, CA Independent Certificate implementation, distribution and management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Keytalk, CA Independent Certificate implementation, distribution and management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Keytalk, CA Independent Certificate implementation, distribution and management - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="SmartCrypto, Affordable crypto solutions to Africa and the one Billion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="SmartCrypto, Affordable crypto solutions to Africa and the one Billion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="SmartCrypto, Affordable crypto solutions to Africa and the one Billion - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Microsoft - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Microsoft - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Microsoft - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="KIR, Your trustworthy partner in building a secure digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="KIR, Your trustworthy partner in building a secure digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="KIR, Your trustworthy partner in building a secure digital world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="HARICA, Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="HARICA, Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="HARICA, Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="3Key Company, security | data intelligence | consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="3Key Company, security | data intelligence | consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="3Key Company, security | data intelligence | consulting - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="TrustWrx, Threat-Immune Security for IoT - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TrustWrx, Threat-Immune Security for IoT - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TrustWrx, Threat-Immune Security for IoT - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="ECAC, Electronic Certification Accreditation Council - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="ECAC, Electronic Certification Accreditation Council - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="ECAC, Electronic Certification Accreditation Council - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, We are at the heart of technology - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, We are at the heart of technology - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, We are at the heart of technology - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Utimaco, Creating Trust in the Digital Society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Utimaco, Creating Trust in the Digital Society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Utimaco, Creating Trust in the Digital Society - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="ITIDA, Egypt Information Technology Industry Development Agency - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bosch, Invented for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Bosch, Invented for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Bosch, Invented for life - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="DB Systel, The digital partner of Deutsche Bahn - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="DB Systel, The digital partner of Deutsche Bahn - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="DB Systel, The digital partner of Deutsche Bahn - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Quantinuum, Accelerate quantum computing and use its power to positively transform the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Quantinuum, Accelerate quantum computing and use its power to positively transform the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Quantinuum, Accelerate quantum computing and use its power to positively transform the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="ANF Autoridad de Certificación, R + D + i, the only way to excellence - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="ANF Autoridad de Certificación, R + D + i, the only way to excellence - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="ANF Autoridad de Certificación, R + D + i, the only way to excellence - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="pQCee, Be Quantum Ready - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="pQCee, Be Quantum Ready - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="pQCee, Be Quantum Ready - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="Izenpe, Qualified Trusted Service Provider in the Basque Country - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="Izenpe, Qualified Trusted Service Provider in the Basque Country - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="Izenpe, Qualified Trusted Service Provider in the Basque Country - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Quantum Gateway Solutions - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="ZoTrus Technology, Make Zero Trust Zero Threshold - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="ZoTrus Technology, Make Zero Trust Zero Threshold - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="ZoTrus Technology, Make Zero Trust Zero Threshold - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy">
</a><a href="" title="CALM, Providing high quality and secure solutions for organizations around the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)"><img class="member-logo" alt="CALM, Providing high quality and secure solutions for organizations around the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" title="CALM, Providing high quality and secure solutions for organizations around the world - A member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)" src="" loading="lazy"></a></div></div><div id="participate" class="py-3 bg-success"><div class="container">Participate in our <a href="" target="_blank">community</a> discussions and/or <a href="/join/">join</a> the consortium</div></div><footer class="bg-dark"><div class="container fw-light text-light opacity-50"><a href="" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-light align-top float-end m-3">Improve this page</a><div class="pt-3 pb-5"><a href="" target="_blank" class="linkArea px-1" title="Twitter"><svg width="16" height="16" fill="currentcolor" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M5.026 15c6.038.0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334.0-.14.0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685.0 0016 3.542a6.658 6.658.0 01-1.889.518 3.301 3.301.0 001.447-1.817 6.533 6.533.0 01-2.087.793A3.286 3.286.0 007.875 6.03 9.325 9.325.0 011.108 2.601a3.289 3.289.0 001.018 4.382A3.323 3.323.0 01.64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288.0 002.632 3.218 3.203 3.203.0 01-.865.115 3.23 3.23.0 01-.614-.057 3.283 3.283.0 003.067 2.277A6.588 6.588.0 01.78 13.58 6.32 6.32.0 010 13.535 9.344 9.344.0 005.026 15z"></path></svg>
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