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		<p>There is nothing quite like the warmth of nature. It's truly wonderful how we suddenly feel relaxed &amp; calm around it. Enamored by this goodness of real wood, Mikasa Floors curated Mikasa new collection - reflecting the true love for nature and its minutest details. From colours to patterns, it captures nature in its purest form. Making it a real treat connoisseurs of everything real. The Mikasa Mikasa new collection is the epitome of art reflecting a sense of style that is a natural mood lifter.</p>
			<p>It offers 11 new aesthetic colours and 24 new products making it a total offering of 46 products that blend into your interior seamlessly, along with new floor-grade offerings of Classic, Rustic, Millrun, and Feature.</p>
<p>The Mikasa new collection offers two new collections for the exquisite look and feel- Weathered Collection and Arte Collection. </p>
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		<p class="textBox">Sometimes, true beauty is found in imperfection. And that is exactly what Mikasa Floors weathered Collection takes pride in. With unique design and accentuated natural features, this collection is as real as it can get. Its Charm lies in the knots, variation in colors and textures that highlights the real character of the wood. If you like to keep things real, Mikasa Floors Weathered Collection is for you.</p>		
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				   <iframe src=";color=e5e6e7" title="Mikasa Chevron Collection" width="100%" height="215" frameborder="0"></iframe>
				<ul class="productimg">
					<figure><img src="images/oak-muse.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Muse</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-mystic.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Mystic</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-trout.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Trout</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-wilderness.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Wilderness</figcaption>

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			 <h2>ARTE COLLECTION</h2>
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		<p class="textBox">Ageless work of art reflects great craftsmanship. And Mikasa Arte Collection displays the bespoken work of art. Charming, timeworn appeal - each plank is hand scraped or saw cut to produce small grooves and undulations that are reminiscent of a naturally aged floor. With a stunning mix of rich auburn and deep chocolate tones, this extraordinary collection of handcrafted floors is brought to life by man, machine and material combinations. Each board evokes an antique look and captures the feel that it's been loved across the generations. Mikasa Arte Collection is unseen marvel.</p>		
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				 <iframe src=";color=f9f8f8" title="Mikasa Chevron Collection" width="100%" height="215" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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					<figure><img src="images/oak-eolith.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Eolith</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-fosse.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Fosse</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-fossil.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Fossil</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-primeval.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Primeval</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/oak-vintage.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Oak Vintage</figcaption>
					<figure><img src="images/walnut-native.jpg"></figure>
					<figcaption>Walnut Native</figcaption>
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								<img src="images/image21.png" alt="">
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									<h3>AS NATURAL AS IT GETS</h3>
									<p>Mikasa is real wood floors</p>
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											<h3>AS NATURAL AS IT GETS</h3>
											<p>A creation of nature's giving spirit, Mikasa floors are the epitome of authenticity and made for you to enjoy the aesthetic beauty of real wood without any of its drawbacks. By using responsibly sourced real wood, your floors will channel the serene essence of nature throughout your home with each and every plank. </p>
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								<img src="images/image22.png" alt="">
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									<h3>ENGINEERED WOOD FLOORS</h3>
									<p>Designed to provide stability in any climatic condition.</p>
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											<h3>ENGINEERED WOOD FLOORS</h3>
											<p>Mikasa floors consist of 3 layers composed of real hard wood, a stabilizing core and a balancing layer.Put together using the most modern technology, this construction provides solidity and stability to every plank while restrictingthe expansion and contraction of wood and giving your floor resilience to stand the test of time and climate. </p>
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								<img src="images/image23.png" alt="">
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									<h3>Easy to Install</h3>
									<p>Mikasa Floors are easy to install, remove and re-install.</p>
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											<h3>Easy to Install</h3>
											<p>PlankLoc is a revolutionary technology that locks two planks together without using glue, ensuring that the joints that bind the two planks never open up. PlankLoc allows for ease of nstallation, giving a seamless look to your floors that withstands the effects of seasonal change and foot traffic. </p>
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									<p>Fully supported by a warranty of up to 30 years.</p>
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											<p>A meticulous process, from the cut of every corner to the finishing of each plank, Mikasa's plank production ensures that you are always standing on a pristine veneer that is oblivious to the test of time.</p>
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									<h3>Never far from Mikasa</h3>
									<p>The widest network of sales and service outlets in the country.</p>
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											<h3>Never far from Mikasa</h3>
											<p>The widest range of real wood floors produced in India also possesses one of the widest distribution networks. With retail outlets and sales offices strategically located across the country, Mikasa ensures that timeless beauty is never too far from any home, no matter the address. </p>
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								<img src="images/image26.png" alt="">
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									<h3>KEEPING IT CLEAN</h3>
									<p>With Mikasa, maintenance isn't a chore.</p>
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											<h3>KEEPING IT CLEAN</h3>
											<p>Boasting strong surfaces that lasts for years, Mikasa ensures that maintaining your floors takesanything but effort. A vacuum cleaner, mop or a broom are all that you need to retain your floor's gleaming new sheen.</p>
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									<h3>SPOILT FOR CHOICE</h3>
									<p>Choose from a vast portfolio of flooring decor</p>
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											<h3>SPOILT FOR CHOICE</h3>
											<p>Truly a symphony of shades, surfaces and textures, Mikasa's portfolio offers the largest variety of real wood floors alongwith matching accessories. Every plank and accessory is stained or smoked to perfectly integrate into, and serve to illuminate, the artistic vision you hold for your venue.</p>
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			 <h2>Visualize your space with Mikasa Room Visualizer</h2>
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		<p class="textBox">For a better visual experience, we have also incorporated the Mikasa Visualizer that visualizes your imagination beforehand. With this tool, you can experience a vast range of Mikasa Floors in your room space. You just have to upload your room picture or select the room on Mikasa visualizer and pick the one that fits rights to your living space.</p>	
			<div class="text-center mt50"> <a target="_blank" class="form-button" href="">EXPLORE NOW</a>		</div>
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  <div class="footer-left"> Greenlam Industries Limited
    2nd Floor, West Wing, Worldmark 1,
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