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										<h1 data-sr-id="7" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(0) scale(1); opacity: 1;transform: translateY(0) scale(1); opacity: 1;-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.7s cubic-bezier( 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1 ) 0s, opacity 0.7s cubic-bezier( 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1 ) 0s; transition: transform 0.7s cubic-bezier( 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1 ) 0s, opacity 0.7s cubic-bezier( 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1 ) 0s; ">The Ultimate Music Manager and Player</h1>
										<h4>MusicBee makes it easy to manage, find, and play music files on your computer. MusicBee also supports podcasts, web radio stations and SoundCloud integration</h4>
								<div class="hero_img_top">
									<div class="hero_img_wrapper hero_img_topmost_wrap">
										<img src="" data-sr-id="15" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateX(30px) scale(0.9); opacity: 0;transform: translateX(30px) scale(0.9); opacity: 0;">
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									<h4>Get MusicBee, you will never go back. And it's free!</h4>
									<a href="" class="btn btn_wireframe btn_wireframe_yellow">
										<h3>Download Now</h3>
										<p>For Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11</p>
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										<h3>Check out features</h3>
										<p>See the best of MusicBee</p>

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						<div class="hero_text_top text_black">
							<h2 data-sr="enter top">Simple, Powerful, and Fast</h2>
							<h4 data-sr="enter bottom">Play your music the way you want. Turn your computer into a music jukebox. Use auto-tagging to clean up your messy music library. Enjoy a great music experience with MusicBee.</h4>
						<div class="hero_img_top">
							<img src="" data-sr="vFactor 0.2" data-sr-id="16" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateX(30px) scale(0.9); opacity: 0;transform: translateX(30px) scale(0.9); opacity: 0;">

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							<h2 data-sr="move 24px">Sound Quality Matters</h2>
							<h4 data-sr="enter bottom">Whether you play your music on an audiophile setup or on a laptop, MusicBee is designed with features to fulfill all your needs.</h4>

							<ul class="feature_box">
									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-sliders"></i>
											Fine-tune the sound with the 10-band or 15-band Equalizer and DSP effects										</p>
									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-headphones"></i>
										<p>Utilize high-end audio cards with WASAPI and ASIO support</p>
									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-play"></i>
										<p>Listen to music without interruption with gapless playback</p>

									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-bullseye"></i>
											Upmix stereo to 5.1 surround sound, or resample track to lower bitrate										</p>
									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></i>
										<p>Use logarithmic volume scaling or normalize volume streaming</p>
									<div data-sr="vFactor 0.2">
										<p class="feature_ico">
											<i class="fa fa-plug"></i>
										<p>Even better, MusicBee supports some WinAmp plugins to enhance your music</p>
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								<h1 data-sr-id="8" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;">Beautiful Skins</h1>
								<h4>Change the appearance of MusicBee by choosing from the included skins or download more from our Add-on section.<br>Skins are a great way to personalize MusicBee to your liking.<br><br> You can also make your own skin and share it with others.</h4>
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								<h1 data-sr-id="9" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;">Sync with Devices</h1>
								<h4>Sync your music collection with devices you use. MusicBee supports playlist and podcast syncing, even supports audio books with 2 way syncing.<br>Convert formats on the fly if your device does not support certain formats. <br><br>You can also sync your Android and Windows Phone (8.1+) devices.</h4>
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								<h1 data-sr-id="10" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;">Groove Music Support</h1>
								<h4>MusicBee has native support for Groove Music (formerly Xbox Music). You can stream directly from MusicBee or add to your existing playlist, get song recommendations from the vast Groove catalog.<br><br>Want to listen to a song before buy? You can listen to preview. </h4>
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								<h1 data-sr-id="11" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;">, CD Ripping, Tagging tools.... plus more!</h1>
								<h4>MusicBee packs a comprehensive set of features to make your music experience better. <br><br>Yet it is <b>one of the most lightweight player</b> using about 25-70 MB ram* with skins and add-ons, and packs all of these under 10 MB!</h4>
								<p class="disclaimer"><br><br>*Tested with MusicBee 3 with a library of 200 albums, sized around 3GB.</p>
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								<h1 data-sr-id="12" style="; visibility: visible;  -webkit-transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;transform: translateY(-3vw) scale(1.05); opacity: 0;">The Best.... rated by reviewers and users</h1>
								<h4>MusicBee is rated one of the best music managers and players available for Windows. It packs features that will WOW you. <br><br>We have a dedicated thread for users to share their experience or check reviews from trusted sources.<br><br>Start using MusicBee today. You will never go back.</h4>
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							<h4>Get MusicBee and enhance your music experience</h4>
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								<p>For Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11</p>
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				<li>Version 3.5.8698</li>
				<li>For Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11</li>
				<li>Released on October 25, 2023</li>

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