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				<p style="color: #003146;"><strong style="color: #003146;">Professional Cleaning Services</strong></p>
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					<p>Elite Contract Clean Limited provides commercial and office cleaning services. Our experience in
						this field has allowed us to deliver a high-quality service. We provide unparalleled customer
						service, sustained because we listen to our customers needs.</p>
					<p>The standards of cleanliness of your premises play a vital part in the way your customers may
						perceive your business. We work closely with you to provide an in depth cleaning service which
						will help showcase your business premises to each client that walks through your door. Whether
						you require a daily office clean or a more bespoke service, we offer a tailor made, transparent
						and cost effective cleaning package that will entirely meet the needs of you and your business

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					<h2>Bespoke Cleaning Services</h2>
					<p>Our experienced management team is what makes us stand out from the crowd. We take time to listen to our customers’ requirements to enable us to deliver a bespoke service to meet the ever-changing needs of the workplace.</p>
					<p>Our Contracts Managers &amp; Senior management are always contactable for help and advice.</p>
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					<h2>High Standards</h2>
					<p>We complete joint cleaning audits, at a frequency to suit our clients to show the effectiveness of our work to ensure full customer satisfaction.</p>
					<p>Our management carries out periodic employee assessments to ensure our operatives are maintaining their training and to identify any areas of re-training required. </p>
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					<h2>We Reward Great Work</h2>
					<p>Our company provides regular incentives to our employees which help us maintain excellent standards in areas such as attendance, timekeeping, site management and cleaning standards.</p>
					<p>It is important for us to recognise and reward employees which not only carry out their duties to the required level but progress beyond what is initially expected of them.</p>

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					<h2>Speak To Us Today</h2>
					<p>For more information or to request a free no-obligation cleaning quotation, please contact us.
					<a class="button primary fit" href="/contact" target="blank">Contact Us</a>

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						<h3>High-Quality Workforce</h3>
						<p>See the same employee each clean, well presented and trained to our standards, due to our
							leading employee training programme.</p>
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						<h3>Competitive Prices</h3>
						<p>We research local pricing options to ensure we provide competitive pricing and are happy to
							price match for you.</p>
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						<h3>24/7/365 Contact</h3>
						<p>We provide services at any time of day or night, 365 days per year.</p>
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						<h3>Dedicated Manager</h3>
						<p>We appoint a dedicated Contracts Manager to oversee your contract. Liaise with them at any
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						<h3>More Than Cleaning</h3>
						<p>We add value to our cleaning services by offering a range of supplementary services to aid
							your business operations. </p>
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						<h3>Immediate Start</h3>
						<p>We're proud to be able to deliver same day services. Need a speedy quote? Same-day quotes
							aren't a problem.</p>

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					  <li><a href="/join-us">Join The Team</a></li>
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					  Elite Contract Clean Ltd<br>
					  Princess Works,<br>
					  Markham Lane,<br>
					  Duckmanton, Chesterfield,<br>
					  S44 5HS
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			  <li>©2022 by Elite Contract Clean.</li>
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