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链接 · 找到 27 个
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http://news.mit.edu/ | News |
https://www.mit.edu/updates-from-campus/ | Updates from campus |
http://news.mit.edu/2025/nala-makes-art-world-more-accessible-0116 | Full story |
http://news.mit.edu/2025/nala-makes-art-world-more-accessible-0116 | |
https://www.nala.art/home | NALA |
http://news.mit.edu/2025/study-shows-how-households-can-cut-energy-costs-0113 | A study in Amsterdam shows giving people better data about their energy use, plus some coaching, can help them substantially reduce their consumption and costs. “The range of energy literacy was quite wide from one home to the next,” Joseph Llewellyn says. |
http://news.mit.edu/2025/study-shows-how-households-can-cut-energy-costs-0113 | |
https://www.instagram.com/p/DEzyHgeu-1t/ | Via @mit on Instagram: “Beautiful campus aerial photos from the first snowfall of 2025.” |
https://www.instagram.com/p/DEzyHgeu-1t/ | |
http://news.mit.edu/2025/x-ray-flashes-nearby-supermassive-black-hole-accelerate-mysteriously-0113 | Astronomers observed flashes of X-rays coming from a supermassive black hole at an increasing clip. The source could be a white dwarf teetering at the black hole’s edge. “This would be the closest thing we know of around any black hole,” Megan Masterson says. |
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onbeforetoggle | object |
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google_tag_data | object |
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gtag | function |
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