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    		<h1 class="">URL SHORTENER</h1>
	    	<p> is fast <a href="" class="ln-run-ref-cl">URL shortener</a> which you can shorten a long link, long url to a short link, short url for free then can share it on social, website and more. is powered by Shorten World
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                                    <h2>More than a free link shortener</h2>
                                    <p>Create short links, QR Codes, and Link-in-bio pages with thousand premium domain names:</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="Shorten URL &amp; Custom alias with shortest domain name">
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                                                <h3>Shorten URL</h3>
                                                <p>Shorten URL &amp; Custom alias with shortest domain name</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-6">
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                                                <img src="" alt="Create &amp; Design your own beautiful Link-in-bio page">
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                                                <h3>Link-in-bio page</h3>
                                                <p>Create &amp; Design your own beautiful Link-in-bio page</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-6">
                                        <div class="media documentation_item">
                                            <div class="icon">
                                                <img src="" alt="Generate free QR Code, design QR Code with your own logo">
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                                                <h3>QR code generator</h3>
                                                <p>Generate free QR Code, design QR Code with your own logo</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="List your domain for rent or rent many domains to shorten link, create bio page">
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                                                <h3>Domain marketplace for rent</h3>
                                                <p>List your domain for rent or rent many domains to shorten link, create bio page</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="Link cloaking (link masking) to hide your destination website to advertising">
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                                                <h3>Link cloaking</h3>
                                                <p>Link cloaking (link masking) to hide your destination website to advertising</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="Retargeting your link with Google analytics or Facebook pixel... Mobile/Location redirect, A/B testing...">
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                                                <h3>Link retargeting</h3>
                                                <p>Retargeting your link with Google analytics or Facebook pixel... Mobile/Location redirect, A/B testing...</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="Manange your URLs by using separate campaigns">
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                                                <h3>Campaign management</h3>
                                                <p>Manange your URLs by using separate campaigns</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-6">
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                                                <img src="" alt="Using team feature to work with many members, departments in your company">
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                                                <h3>Work with Team </h3>
                                                <p>Using team feature to work with many members, departments in your company</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="We are big data company based which can generate you report instantly">
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                                                <h3>Big data analytics</h3>
                                                <p>We are big data company based which can generate you report instantly</p>
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                                                <img src="" alt="Manage your app by our API power, fully API supported with many separate API keys">
                                            <div class="media-body">
                                                <h3>API full support</h3>
                                                <p>Manage your app by our API power, fully API supported with many separate API keys</p>
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                            <article class="get_started" id="getting">
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                                    <h2>What is link shortener?</h2>
	                                A link shortener is a web service or tool that is used to convert a long URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into a shorter and more manageable link. These shortened links are also known as "short URLs" or "shortened URLs." The primary purpose of link shorteners is to make URLs more user-friendly, save space, and make sharing links on the internet easier.
                                <h3 class="c_head">How do link shorteners work?</h3>
                               	<ol class="ordered-list">
                               		<li>Firstly, you provide the long URL that you want to shorten to the link shortening service.</li>
                               		<li>Secondly, the service generates a unique, shorter URL that redirects to the original long URL.</li>
                               		<li>Thirdly, you can then use the shortened link to share the original URL with others.</li>

                                <h4 class="c_head">Link shorteners have several benefits, including:</h4>
                                <ul class="ordered-list">
                               		<li>Improved aesthetics: Shortened links are neater and more visually appealing, making them easier to share in printed materials or on social media platforms with character limits.</li>
                               		<li>Better user experience: Shortened URLs are easier to remember and type, reducing the likelihood of typos.</li>
                               		<li>Tracking and analytics: Many link shortening services offer analytics, allowing users to track the performance of their links, including the number of clicks, geographic location of users, and more.</li>
                               		<li>QR codes: Shortened links are often used in QR codes, making it easier for people to access web content using their mobile devices.</li>
                               		<li>Link cloaking: You can hide your destination URL behind shortened link, so you can pass any advertiser easy (For advertising purpose) </li>

                               	However, it's important to note that there are potential downsides to using link shorteners. Since the original URL is hidden behind the shortened link, users may be hesitant to click on such links due to concerns about where they might lead. There have been cases of malicious actors using link shorteners to disguise harmful or fraudulent URLs.
                               	In recent years, many popular link shortening services have also introduced features to preview the destination URL or to customize the short link, which can help address some of these concerns and enhance the user's trust. You can check the best <a href="" target="_blank">URL Expander</a> tool here
                               	Overall, link shorteners are a handy tool for simplifying and managing URLs, but users should exercise caution and ensure that they are using trusted services, especially when clicking on shortened links from unknown sources.
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                                    <a href="">SHORTEN WORLD</a> is world wide solution to manage links, QR Codes, bio pages for everything you’re promoting. Boost your brand by using thousand premium domain names from our marketplace. Of course you can easy generate massive passive income from your unused domain names for rent on us
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                                    <h2>The 3 best link shorteners of 2024</h2>
	                                The majority of URLs tend to be lengthy and cumbersome, posing a challenge when it comes to online sharing or promoting them on printed materials like flyers or posters. In the past, the Google URL Shortener provided a straightforward and cost-free solution to reduce their length, but it ceased operation in 2019. The positive aspect is that numerous alternative options remain available.
                                <h3 class="c_head">The 3 best link shortener services:</h3>
                                <ol class="ordered-list">
                               		<li><a href="" target="_blank">ShortenWorld</a>: ShortenWorld has long been a popular choice for URL shortening. It offers features like link customization, analytics, and tracking, making it a valuable tool for businesses and individuals. ShortenWorld provides both free and paid plans, with advanced features available in the paid versions.</li>
                               		<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a>: Lnrun is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It allows you to create short links quickly without the need for an account. While it offers fewer advanced features compared to some other services, it's a straightforward option for basic link shortening needs.</li>
                               		<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a>: is a URL shortener that focuses on link branding and customizations. It allows users to create branded short links that match their brand or business. It also offers tracking and analytics features. is particularly popular among marketers and businesses looking to maintain a consistent online presence.</li>

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                                <h4 class="c_head">What makes a great link shortener?</h4>
                                <p>A great link shortener possesses several important qualities and features, which include:</p>
                                <ul class="ordered-list">
                               		<li><strong>Reliability:</strong> It should reliably shorten and redirect URLs without downtime or errors.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Ease of Use:</strong> The service should be user-friendly, allowing users to quickly shorten links without complications.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Customization:</strong> The ability to customize the shortened links is essential for branding and creating memorable links.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Analytics and Tracking:</strong> Providing data on link performance, such as the number of clicks, geographic information about users, and referral sources, is valuable for understanding link engagement.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Security:</strong> It should prioritize user safety by offering protection against malicious use of the shortened links, such as spam or malware distribution.</li>
                               		<li><strong>No Expiry or Limited Expiry Options:</strong> Links should ideally remain active indefinitely, but some services offer limited expiry options for specific use cases.</li>
                               		<li><strong>API Support:</strong> Integration with other tools and services through an API can be beneficial for automation and data sharing.</li>
                               		<li><strong>No Forced Advertising:</strong> Some link shorteners may insert their ads or branding into shortened URLs. A great service should offer customization without forced advertising.</li>
                               		<li><strong>User Account Options:</strong> While many services allow anonymous use, account registration can offer benefits like link management, historical data, and extra features.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Multiple Shortening Options:</strong> Services should offer various link formats, including custom short domains or branded links.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Cost-Effective Plans:</strong> A range of pricing plans, including free and premium options, allows users to choose based on their needs and budget.</li>
                               		<li><strong>QR Code Generation:</strong> The ability to generate QR codes for the shortened URLs is helpful for mobile and print marketing.</li>
                               		<li><strong>API Rate Limits:</strong> For power users and businesses, having adequate API rate limits is crucial to ensure smooth operation.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Privacy and Data Protection:</strong> The service should respect user privacy and have clear data protection policies.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Link Preview:</strong> Some link shorteners offer link preview features to give users an idea of the destination URL before clicking.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Geotargeting:</strong> The option to redirect users to different landing pages based on their geographic location can be a valuable feature.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Customer Support:</strong> Access to responsive customer support can be essential, particularly for business users.</li>
                               		<li><strong>Reporting and Exporting:</strong> The ability to generate reports and export data can be beneficial for in-depth analysis.</li>

                               	<p>The combination of these features can make a link shortener an excellent tool for both personal and business use. The specific requirements may vary based on individual needs and use cases.</p>
                                    <p class="explanation expn-left">
                                    SHORTEN WORLD provides all of those features and even more. The best free <a href="">URL shortener</a> offers Domain marketplace for rent to shorten links, create bio pages...
                                    With us you can earn money from your domain names or rent hundred premium domains to do marketing with confidence 
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                                    <h2>Frequently asked questions</h2>
	                                Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about free link shortener (free url shortener):
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                                                    What is a free link shortener?<i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                A free link shortener is a web-based service that allows you to create shorter versions of long URLs for free. These shortened links are easier to share and manage.
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                                                Most reputable free link shorteners are safe to use. However, be cautious of using lesser-known or untrustworthy services, as they could potentially lead to issues like link breakage or spam.
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                                                    Do I need an account to use a free link shortener? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                It depends on the specific link shortener service. Some allow you to create short links without an account, while others may require you to sign up for an account. At, you can shorten unlimited links without any registration. 
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                                                Link shorteners make long URLs more manageable, improve the appearance of links, and can provide tracking and analytics data about link usage.
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                                                   Can I customize the shortened link's URL?<i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Some link shorteners allow you to customize the shortened URL, creating a more branded and recognizable link. This feature is not always available in all free link shorteners. 
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll6">
                                                   Are there any limitations to using free link shorteners? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Free link shorteners may have limitations on the number of links you can create, the length of time they remain active, or the level of analytics provided. Paid versions of these services often offer more features. 
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                                            <h5 class="mb-0">
                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll7">
                                                   Can I edit or delete a link after it's been created? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Some link shorteners allow you to edit or delete links, while others do not. It depends on the service's features and settings.
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                                            <h5 class="mb-0">
                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll8">
                                                   Do shortened links affect search engine optimization (SEO)? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Using short links does not directly affect SEO, but they may not carry the same SEO benefits as the original, descriptive URLs. Search engines can still index the final destination URL. 
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll9" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll9">
                                                   Is my data safe with free link shorteners? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Reputable link shorteners typically have privacy policies to protect your data. However, it's essential to review their terms and conditions to ensure your data is handled securely. 
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll10" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll10">
                                                   Can I use link shorteners on social media platforms? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Yes, link shorteners are often used on social media platforms to save space and make links more presentable. However, some platforms may have restrictions or guidelines for their use.
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll11" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll11">
                                                   Are there alternatives to free link shorteners? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Yes, there are alternatives, including paid link shorteners, your own website domain, and URL redirect services. These options offer more control and branding opportunities. 
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                                            <h5 class="mb-0">
                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll12" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll12">
                                                   Can I use a free link shortener for commercial purposes? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Some free link shorteners allow commercial use, while others may have restrictions. It's essential to check the terms of service for each service you consider. 
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll13" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll13">
                                                   Do free link shorteners offer analytics and tracking features? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                Many free link shorteners provide basic analytics and tracking data, such as click-through rates and geographic information. More advanced analytics may be available with premium or paid plans. 
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                                            <h5 class="mb-0">
                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll14" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll14">
                                                   What happens if a link shortening service shuts down? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                If a link shortening service shuts down, any links created with that service will likely become inaccessible. It's a good practice to keep backup records of original URLs whenever possible. 
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                                                <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cll15" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="cll15">
                                                   What is the best link shortener (best URL shortener)? <i class="icon_plus"></i><i class="icon_minus-06"></i>
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                                                There are many link shortener out there, but with our experience the best link shortener is <a href="">ShortenWorld</a> which allows you to do so many things like: Link management, Shorten link by so many domain names, Link-in-bio, QR code generator, Link cloaking, Pixel retargeting, A/B testing, Mobile redirect, Export and Import bulk links... And of course the Shorten World Pricing is cheapest in this market. 



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function confirmCreate() {
	buttonUpdating($('#createNewLink'), '<i class="fas fa-sync fa-spin"></i> Shorten Link');
	var myForm = $('form[name=ln_shorten_link]');
	$.post(myForm.attr('action'), myForm.serialize(), function(json) {
		buttonUpdate($('#createNewLink'), '<i class="fa-solid fa-link"></i> Shorten Link');
		if (json.code == 0) {
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				icon: 'las la-check',
	            message: json.message,
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			$('form[name=ln_shorten_link] input[name=url]').val(;
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		} else {
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				messageColor: '#ffffff',
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				icon: 'las la-exclamation',
	            message: json.message,
	            position: "topRight"

$('form[name=ln_shorten_link] input[name=url]').on('input',function(){
	if($('#createNewLink').hasClass('d-none')) {

function copyShortLink() {
	var copyText = document.getElementById("shorten-url");;
	copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
		backgroundColor: '#5cc9a7',
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		iconColor: '#ffffff',
		icon: 'las la-check',
        message: "Copied: " + copyText.value,
        position: "topRight"

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let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
if(searchParams.has('utm_campaign') && searchParams.get('utm_campaign') == 'not_found') {
		backgroundColor: '#f25767',
		messageColor: '#ffffff',
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