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          <h1>Welcome to <span>1580 Contemporary Indian Restaurant</span></h1>
          <h2>Delivering great food for more than 18 years!</h2>
          <p style="font-size: small;">Redeem 15% Discount on all Delivery &amp; Collection (T&amp;C apply)</p>

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            <a href="./assets/menu/food menu print v2.pdf" class="btn-menu animated fadeInUp scrollto">Our Menu</a>
            <a href="" class="btn-book animated fadeInUp scrollto">Order Online</a>

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            <h2>A Teste of History</h2>
              In 1580, sailor Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the earth in search of something rather precious. His expeditions paid him handsomely. For, he did not just return with sterling silver and glittering gems, but sacks full of exotic spices. A ‘treasure’ so valuable that it helped pay the entire national debt and in return Queen Elizabeth&nbsp;knighted&nbsp;Drake.
              <h2>The New 1580</h2>
              The new 1580 is the passionate result of
              father &amp; son duo, Ram Adhikari and Prajowl
              Adhikari, have for the flavours and cuisine of
              Nepal and North India, perfectly paired with
              warm and charismatic Nepali hospitality
              Executive Chef Ram and his kitchen team will transport you on a culinary journey through Himalays of Nepal, the plains of Terai to the farm lands of Punjab. Whereas Host Praj will be found ensuring that every table is looked after to perfection. With a fantastic Mixology programme you can expect to find a tripple to quench your thirst. Make sure to ask for the house&nbsp;favourites.  


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      <h2>Christmas 2023</h2>
      <p>Have yourself a Merry Little Festival </p>

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              <h3>The Perfect celebration!</h3>
              <p class="fst-italic">
                Our festive menu makes the perfect treat for friends &amp; family near &amp; far. 
                They’ll love the deliciously fresh South Asia menu, the mouth-watering desserts &amp;
                the exotic cocktails that’ll transport them to the beach of Goa to foothills of Himalayas
                – all served up with the energy of&nbsp;the&nbsp;Festival.
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        <div class="section-title">
          <h2>Why Us</h2>
          <p>Why Choose Our Restaurant</p>

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              <img src="./assets/img/bubble rating.svg" class="review" alt="review">
              <h4>Service was amazing as you'd expect from a family run restaurant. Will be coming&nbsp;back&nbsp;for&nbsp;sure!</h4>
              <p>Review by Tripadvisor Traveller 19 Nov&nbsp;2022</p>
              <br>  <br>       

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              <img src="./assets/img/bubble rating.svg" class="review" alt="review">
              <h4>Particularly recommend the momos, Himalayan Venison and the Handi Gosht</h4>
              <p>"Review by Tripadvisor Traveller&nbsp;5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2022" 
              <br>  <br>  <br>      

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              <img src="./assets/img/bubble rating.svg" class="review" alt="review">
              <h4>"We had cocktails with our food which were excellent and a lot better than we were expecting- the restaurant runs a 2 for £12 cocktail&nbsp;offer."</h4>
              <p>Review by Tripadvisor Traveller 32 Oct&nbsp;2022</p>


    </section><!-- End Why Us Section -->

    <!-- ======= Specials Section ======= -->
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        <div class="section-title">
          <p>Check Our Specials</p>

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              <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link active show" data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#tab-1">MOMO MANIA</a>
              <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#tab-2">KHASI KO JHOL</a>
              <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#tab-3">TAWA SALMON FILLET</a>
              <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#tab-4">CHOWMEIN</a>
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                <a class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#tab-5">Royal Thali</a>
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                  <div class="col-lg-8 details order-2 order-lg-1">
                    <p class="fst-italic">Selection of steamed, fried and chilli
                      MoMos, served with special tomato &amp;
                      sesame sauce. This will take you back to                    
                      streets of Lalitpur.</p>
                  <div class="col-lg-4 text-center order-1 order-lg-2">
                    <img src="assets/img/specials-1.png" alt="" class="img-fluid">
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                  <div class="col-lg-8 details order-2 order-lg-1">
                    <p class="fst-italic">Mutton on the bone slow-cooked in tomato
                      based gravy flavoured with fresh blend of
                      Nepalese spices, nutmeg and fresh coriander.
                      A true reflection of Dashain Festival.</p>
                  <div class="col-lg-4 text-center order-1 order-lg-2">
                    <img src="assets/img/Goat-on-the-bone-e1610360240104.jpg" alt="" class="img-fluid">
              <div class="tab-pane" id="tab-3">
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                  <div class="col-lg-8 details order-2 order-lg-1">
                    <p class="fst-italic">Salmon fillet encrusted with a blend of unique
                      pounded spices, cooked on a griddle then served on a
                      bed of sweet potato mash.</p>
                  <div class="col-lg-4 text-center order-1 order-lg-2">
                    <img src="assets/img/specials-3.png" alt="" class="img-fluid">
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                  <div class="col-lg-8 details order-2 order-lg-1">
                    <p class="fst-italic">Stir-fried thick noodles cooked with ginger,
                      garlic, soya sauce, spring onion, green chilly
                      and flavoured with Himalayan spices.</p>
                  <div class="col-lg-4 text-center order-1 order-lg-2">
                    <img src="assets/img/specials-4.png" alt="" class="img-fluid">
              <div class="tab-pane" id="tab-5">
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                  <div class="col-lg-8 details order-2 order-lg-1">
                    <p class="fst-italic">Our chefs prepare and choose the veg dishes for your thali, changing them regularly to keep your tasterained. You then get to choose one of
                      the dishes weather you are meat lover
                      or prefer to keep it all veggie...
                      A great way to enjoy Indian feast
                      gau’le chicken
                      Village style slow-cooked chicken breast
                      with ginger, garlic, onions and tomato
                      nana’s ghost
                      Spicy on the bone lamb curry slow-cooked
                      to perfection, just how grand-pa liked
                      achari baigan
                      Aubergine curry made with tomatoes, onions,
                      garlic and cumin &amp; that pickled twang
                      Jack fruit in a spicy &amp; dry curry</p>
                  <div class="col-lg-4 text-center order-1 order-lg-2">
                    <img src="assets/img/specials-5.png" alt="" class="img-fluid">

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          <p>Special promotions</p>

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                  <br> <br> 
                  <h3>Bottomless Tapas</h3>
                  <p class="fst-italic">
                    Join us at 1580 for an unlimited pour of your favorite draft beers, ciders, and cocktails with our Bottomless Tapas option.
                     Our selection of tap options is constantly rotating, so you can try something new every time you visit.
                      Perfect for a casual dinner out with friends or a celebration, our bottomless taps will keep your glass full and the good times flowing.
                     Don't miss out on this great deal – stop by and see us today for a fun and refreshing dining experience.

                  <h6">Pre-bookings only, Call us now to secure your table.

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                  <br> <br>
                  <h3>Mid-Week Deal (two-course for £16.99)</h3>
                    Join us every Tuesday to Thursday for a delectable deal! Enjoy a fantastic two-course meal and
                     a refreshing drink, all for just £16.99. Savor the flavors and make your midweek special with us. 
                  <h6">Book your table today!
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                  <br> <br> 
                  <h3>Bottomless Tapas</h3>
                  <p class="fst-italic">
                    Join us at 1580 for an unlimited pour of your favorite draft beers, ciders, and cocktails with our Bottomless Tapas option.
                     Our selection of tap options is constantly rotating, so you can try something new every time you visit.
                      Perfect for a casual dinner out with friends or a celebration, our bottomless taps will keep your glass full and the good times flowing.
                     Don't miss out on this great deal – stop by and see us today for a fun and refreshing dining experience.

                  <h6">Pre-bookings only, Call us now to secure your table.

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                  <br> <br>
                  <h3>Mid-Week Deal (two-course for £16.99)</h3>
                    Join us every Tuesday to Thursday for a delectable deal! Enjoy a fantastic two-course meal and
                     a refreshing drink, all for just £16.99. Savor the flavors and make your midweek special with us. 
                  <h6">Book your table today!
            </div><!-- End testimonial item -->
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                  <br> <br> 
                  <h3>Bottomless Tapas</h3>
                  <p class="fst-italic">
                    Join us at 1580 for an unlimited pour of your favorite draft beers, ciders, and cocktails with our Bottomless Tapas option.
                     Our selection of tap options is constantly rotating, so you can try something new every time you visit.
                      Perfect for a casual dinner out with friends or a celebration, our bottomless taps will keep your glass full and the good times flowing.
                     Don't miss out on this great deal – stop by and see us today for a fun and refreshing dining experience.

                  <h6">Pre-bookings only, Call us now to secure your table.

            </div><div class="swiper-slide swiper-slide-duplicate swiper-slide-duplicate-active" data-swiper-slide-index="1" role="group" aria-label="6 / 6">
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                  <img src="assets/img/Offer.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="">
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                  <br> <br>
                  <h3>Mid-Week Deal (two-course for £16.99)</h3>
                    Join us every Tuesday to Thursday for a delectable deal! Enjoy a fantastic two-course meal and
                     a refreshing drink, all for just £16.99. Savor the flavors and make your midweek special with us. 
                  <h6">Book your table today!
          <div class="swiper-pagination swiper-pagination-clickable swiper-pagination-bullets"><span class="swiper-pagination-bullet" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Go to slide 1"></span><span class="swiper-pagination-bullet swiper-pagination-bullet-active" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Go to slide 2"></span></div>
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          <p>Some photos from Our Restaurant</p>

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                <p>710 Chester Rd, Birmingham B23 5TE</p>

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                <h4>Open Hours:</h4>
                  17:00 - 22:30 <br>
                  14:00 - 22:30 <br>
                  14:00 - 21:30

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                710 Chester Rd,<br>
                Birmingham B23 5TE<br>
                <strong>Phone:</strong> +44 (0) 1214394243<br>
                <strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]<br>
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