- 掃描 ID:
- 09d6375f-fe3a-488b-8d7f-9c71c53f4b79已完成
- 已提交的 URL:
- https://hashb.in/
- 報告完成時間:
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onbeforetoggle | object |
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LZString | object |
f | undefined |
textarea | object |
urlInput | object |
download | object |
content | object |
processContent | function |
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<title>HashBin is a paste bin that ne</title>
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<div id="tools">
<a href="#" id="share">Share</a> |
<a href="#" id="new">New</a> |
<a href="data:text/plain,HashBin%20is%20a%20paste%20bin%20that%20never%20sees%20the%20contents%20of%20its%20pastes.%0AI%20posit%2C%20that%20it%20should%20be%20immune%20to%20takedown%20notices.%0A%0A-%20Click%20%22New%22%20to%20create%20your%20own%20paste%0A-%20Click%20%22%3F%22%20to%20learn%20more%0A%0A%0A--%0AJordan%20Eldrege%20(%40captbaritone)" id="download" download="hashbin_is_a_paste_bin_that_ne.txt">Download</a> |
<a href="https://github.com/captbaritone/hashb.in" target="_blank">?</a>
<input id="urlInput">
<textarea spellcheck="false" id="t">HashBin is a paste bin that never sees the contents of its pastes.
I posit, that it should be immune to takedown notices.
- Click "New" to create your own paste
- Click "?" to learn more
Jordan Eldrege (@captbaritone)</textarea>
<script language="javascript" src="js/lz-string.min.js"></script>
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function downloadUri() {
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