技術 · 已識別 7 項
使用 Wappalyzer 提供的開放原始碼定義,在已掃描的 URL 上找到的技術
Analytics · 已識別 2 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
June | June is a product analytics for subscription businesses. It automatically generates graphs of the metrics users should track by connecting their segment account. | https://june.so | |
Google Analytics | Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. | https://google.com/analytics |
驗證 · 已識別 1 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
Google Sign-in | Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google account. | https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web |
客戶資料平台 · 已識別 1 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
June | June is a product analytics for subscription businesses. It automatically generates graphs of the metrics users should track by connecting their segment account. | https://june.so |
地理位置 · 已識別 1 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
ipify | ipify is a service which provide public IP address API, IP geolocation API, VPN and Proxy detection API products. | https://ipify.org |
PaaS · 已識別 1 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
Vercel | Vercel is a cloud platform for static frontends and serverless functions. | https://vercel.com |
安全性 · 已識別 1 項
圖示 | 名稱 | 描述 | 網站 |
HSTS | HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS. | https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6797#section-6.1 |