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技術 · 已識別 16 項

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A/B Testing · 已識別 1 項

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AB Tasty 標誌AB TastyAB Tasty is a customer experience optimisation company. AB Tasty offers AI-driven experimentation, personalisation, and product optimisation platforms for user testing.https://www.abtasty.com

Analytics · 已識別 3 項

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Linkedin Insight Tag 標誌Linkedin Insight TagLinkedIn Insight Tag is a lightweight JavaScript tag that powers conversion tracking, website audiences, and website demographics.https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/insight-tag
HubSpot Analytics 標誌HubSpot AnalyticsHubSpot is a marketing and sales software that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.https://www.hubspot.com/products/marketing/analytics
Google Analytics 標誌Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.https://google.com/analytics

CDN · 已識別 1 項

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Netlify 標誌NetlifyNetlify providers hosting and server-less backend services for web applications and static websites.https://www.netlify.com/

CMS · 已識別 1 項

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Prismic 標誌PrismicPrismic is a headless CMS for Jamstack.https://prismic.io

JavaScript 架構 · 已識別 2 項

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React 標誌ReactReact is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components.https://reactjs.org
Next.js 標誌Next.jsNext.js is a React framework for developing single page Javascript applications.https://nextjs.org

其他 · 已識別 1 項

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Webpack 標誌WebpackWebpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler.https://webpack.js.org/

PaaS · 已識別 1 項

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Netlify 標誌NetlifyNetlify providers hosting and server-less backend services for web applications and static websites.https://www.netlify.com/

程式設計語言 · 已識別 1 項

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Node.js 標誌Node.jsNode.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.https://nodejs.org

安全性 · 已識別 1 項

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HSTS 標誌HSTSHTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS.https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6797#section-6.1

Static site generator · 已識別 1 項

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Next.js 標誌Next.jsNext.js is a React framework for developing single page Javascript applications.https://nextjs.org

標籤管理器 · 已識別 1 項

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Google Tag Manager 標誌Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app.https://www.google.com/tagmanager

Web 架構 · 已識別 1 項

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Next.js 標誌Next.jsNext.js is a React framework for developing single page Javascript applications.https://nextjs.org

網頁伺服器 · 已識別 1 項

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Next.js 標誌Next.jsNext.js is a React framework for developing single page Javascript applications.https://nextjs.org