- 掃描 ID:
- 671cf6cd-64a8-4492-8f08-6705c0cd2a69已完成
- 已提交的 URL:
- https://spc.tm/aybWk3tN已重新導向
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https://www.spectrum.net/user-preferences/sign-in-security/manage/security-code | your account |
https://www.spectrum.net/support/ | Spectrum Support |
https://www.spectrum.com/policies/your-privacy-rights | Privacy Policy |
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<!-- ==== Heading ==== -->
<td id="HeadingText">
<h1 style="position: relative;">Your New Spectrum Security Code</h1></td>
<!-- === Opening Salutation === -->
<td id="OpeningSalutation" style="position: relative;"><!-- (update the firstName param as needed per the FSD) -->
<p style="position: relative;">Hello <!---->Benjamin,<!----></p>
<td id="td-2" class="td-container">
<p id="p-2" style="">Thank you for becoming a Spectrum customer. Here is your new security code.</p><!----></td><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!---->
<td id=" td-3" class="td-container">
<p class="ht-8"> </p>
<td id="td-3" class="td-container">
<p id="p-3" style=""><b><span style="font-size: 1.25em;">1684</span></b></p><!----></td><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!---->
<td id=" td-5" class="td-container">
<p class="ht-8"> </p>
<td id="td-4" class="td-container">
<p id="p-4" style="position: relative;">You may need this to make important changes to your account or to speak with an agent, so please save this code.</p><!----></td><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!---->
<td id=" td-7" class="td-container">
<p class="ht-8"> </p>
<td class="html-block-hover" id="td-5">
<div id="p-5">
<div class="html-block" id="p-5">
<p>You can personalize your security code at any time by visiting <a class="blue-link" target="_blank" href="https://www.spectrum.net/user-preferences/sign-in-security/manage/security-code">your account</a>.</p>
</tbody><!-- ++++++++++++++ Do Not Modify the Standardized Modules Below This Line ++++++++++++++ --> <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
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<hr width="100%" size="1"><!--<![endif]--></td>
<!-- == Closing Salutation == -->
<td id="ClosingSalutation">
<p>Thank you for being a Spectrum Customer,</p>
<p>Spectrum Support Team</p>
<td id="OverFooterContent"><!--add <p class="ht-8"> </p> to bottom of content if used--></td>
<!-- ===== Footer ===== -->
<td id="Footer">
<p id="FootDNR">Please do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. For more information, please visit <a class="blue-link" href="https://www.spectrum.net/support/" target="_blank">Spectrum Support</a>.</p>
<p class="ht-12"> </p><!---->
<p id="FootSMS">This text was sent to: <!---->(715) 347‑4089<!---->.</p><!---->
<p class="ht-12"> </p>
<p id="FootRights">©2024 Charter Communications. All rights reserved | <a class="blue-link" href="https://www.spectrum.com/policies/your-privacy-rights" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>
<p class="ht-12"> </p>
<p id="FootBy">This message was sent by Charter Communications.</p>
</tr><!-- End Footer -->
<td id="UnderFooterContent"><!--add <p class="ht-8"> </p> to bottom of content if used--></td>
<p class="ht-12"> </p>