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                        url: '',
                        type: 'POST',
                        data: {
                            token: token,
                            '_token': "wcHseGXXd9ZQ9rhcpKfrw79E0Jgt6fHTYrWy445n"
                        success: function(response){
                        error: function (err) {
                }).catch(function (error){

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                    vibrate: [200, 100, 200]
                new Notification(title, options);

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        (function($) {
            "use strict"
            var symbol = '$';
            var currency = 'USD';
            var plan;

            $('.investModal').click(function() {
                var modal = $('#investModal');
                plan = $(this).data('plan');
                let fixedAmount = parseFloat(plan.fixed_amount).toFixed(2);
                let minimumAmount = parseFloat(plan.minimum).toFixed(2);
                let maximumAmount = parseFloat(plan.maximum).toFixed(2);
                let interestAmount = parseFloat(plan.interest);

                if (plan.fixed_amount > 0) {
                    modal.find('.investAmountRange').text(`Invest: ${symbol}${fixedAmount}`);
                    modal.find('[name=amount]').attr('readonly', true);
                } else {
                    modal.find('.investAmountRange').text(`Invest: ${symbol}${minimumAmount} - ${symbol}${maximumAmount}`);

                if (plan.interest_type == '1') {
                    modal.find('.interestDetails').html(`<strong> Interest: ${interestAmount}% </strong>`);
                } else {
                    modal.find('.interestDetails').html(`<strong> Interest: ${interestAmount} ${currency}  </strong>`);

                if (plan.lifetime == '0') {
                    modal.find('.interestValidity').html(`<strong>  Every ${plan.time_setting.time} hours for ${plan.repeat_time} times</strong>`);
                } else {
                    modal.find('.interestValidity').html(`<strong>  Every ${plan.time_setting.time} hours for life time </strong>`);

                if (plan.compound_interest == '1') {
                } else {

            $('[name=amount]').on('input', function() {

            $('[name=wallet_type]').change(function() {
                var amount = $('[name=amount]').val();
                if ($(this).val() && $(this).val() != 'deposit_wallet' && $(this).val() != 'interest_wallet' && amount) {
                    var resource = $('select[name=wallet_type] option:selected').data('gateway');
                    var fixed_charge = parseFloat(resource.fixed_charge);
                    var percent_charge = parseFloat(resource.percent_charge);
                    var charge = parseFloat(fixed_charge + (amount * percent_charge / 100)).toFixed(2);
                    if (resource.currency == 'USD') {
                    } else {
                    $('.total').text(parseFloat(charge) + parseFloat(amount));
                } else {

            $('[name=invest_time]').on('change', function() {
                let investTime = $(this).find(':selected').val();
                if (investTime == 'invest_now') {
                } else {

            $('[name=schedule_times]').on('input', function() {
                let text = $(this).val() == 1 ? `After` : `Every`;

            $('[name=compound_interest]').on('input', function() {

            function calculateInterest() {
                let interest = parseFloat(plan.interest);
                let interestType = plan.interest_type; //1: percent, 0: fixed
                let repeatTime = plan.repeat_time;
                let capitalBack = plan.capital_back;
                let investAmount = $('[name=amount]').val() * 1;
                let compoundInterest = $('[name=compound_interest]').val() ?? 0;
                let calculatedInterest = 0;
                let baseInterest = 0;

                if (repeatTime == 0 || investAmount == 0) {
                    return false;
                } else {

                let totalInterest = interest * repeatTime;

                if (interestType == '1') {
                    if (compoundInterest > 0) {
                        let remainingRepeatTime = repeatTime - compoundInterest;
                        let interestRatio = 1 + interest / 100;
                        let compoundCapital = investAmount * Math.pow(interestRatio, compoundInterest);
                        totalInterest = (compoundCapital * interest / 100) * remainingRepeatTime;
                    } else {
                        totalInterest = interest * investAmount / 100 * repeatTime;

                totalInterest = capitalBack ? totalInterest : totalInterest - investAmount;
                $('.calculatedInterest').text(`Total Profit ` + symbol + totalInterest.toFixed(2));

            (function($) {
                "use strict";
                $('.custom-width').each(function(index, value) {
                    $(value).css("max-width", `${$(value).data('custom_width')}%`);
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