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						</script><li class="download macstore"><a onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'downloads', 'downloaded', '15Mac-mdpage');" href="/stabledl/current/Moneydance.dmg" title="Download Moneydance for Mac"></a></li><li class="download other"><a href="/downloads" title="Moneydance Moneydance for all Platforms"></a></li>
        		  <li class="download macstore"><a onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'downloads', 'downloaded', '15Mac-mdpage');" href="/stabledl/current/Moneydance.dmg" title="Download Moneydance for macOS"></a></li>
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<!-- 				  <li class="download purchase"><a onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'purchase', 'click', 'mdpage');" href="/purchase2017">Purchase Moneydance</a></li>				 -->
				  <li class="download" style="text-indent: 0px;">
 			   	<a class="purchase-button" style="text-indent: 0px;" href="">BUY NOW<!--  <span class="paddle-gross" data-product="737440">$49.99</span> --></a>


				<!-- The below text is to be a short description of the product, please note there is 
				enough room for 4 lines of text, after this it will be cut off to retain the look of the design.  -->

				<div id="description">
					 <p>Moneydance is an easy to use and full-featured personal finance app that doesn't compromise your privacy.  With Moneydance, your data is private, encrypted, and never shared.
  					 <!-- Most other financial apps share your data with third-party aggregators or advertizers.   -->
Moneydance makes any financial task easy with online banking and bill payment, account management, budgeting, investment tracking, multi-currency, as well as detailed graphs and reports.



<!--The code below is the product features area.  -->

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<div class="features_white">

<h1 style="font-size: 30pt; margin: 1em auto 1em 3em;">Features</h1>

<h2 id="onlineBanking">Online Banking</h2>

<div class="features_left moneydance">
<p>Moneydance can automatically download transactions and send payments online from hundreds of financial institutions. It learns how to automatically categorize and clean up downloaded transactions.</p>

<div class="img_right moneydance">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/onlinebanking.png"><img src="/images/products/onlinebanking_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance Online Banking"></a>


<div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg features_gray"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_top"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_bottom">

<h2 id="summary">Summary</h2>

<div class="img_left">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/homepage.png"><img src="/images/products/homepage_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance Homepage"></a>

<div class="features_right moneydance">
				<p>This is an overview of your finances. The information shown includes account balances, upcoming and overdue transactions and reminders, and exchange rate information. Clicking on an account or choosing an account from the drop-down account list will take you to the register for that account, where you can enter transactions or reconcile the account against a statement. Clicking on a transaction reminder will display a window where you can automatically record the transaction.</p>


<div class="features_white">

<h2 id="graphing">Graphs &amp; Reports</h2>

<div class="features_left moneydance">
<p>Use the graphing tool to generate visual reports of your income and expenses. Set the graph type, the date range, and any specific settings for the type of graph you desire. Pop-up balloons display more information about the data being graphed as you move the mouse pointer over different regions of the screen. Graphs can also be printed or saved to PNG image files.</p>

<div class="img_right moneydance">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/graph.png"><img src="/images/products/graph_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance Graphs"></a>


<div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg features_gray"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_top"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_bottom">

<h2 id="checkRegister">Account Registers</h2>

<div class="img_left">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/register.png"><img src="/images/products/register_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance Register"></a>

<div class="features_right moneydance">
				<p>The account register is used to enter, edit, and delete transactions in an account. It is visually similar to a paper checkbook register, but the calculation of balances and sorting of transactions is all done automatically. The payee auto-complete feature makes it easier to enter and categorize your transactions.</p>


<div class="features_white">

<h2 id="reminders">Reminders</h2>

<div class="features_left moneydance">
<p>You can set up a payment schedule for single or recurring transactions so you'll never miss a payment.</p>

<div class="img_right moneydance">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/reminders.png"><img src="/images/products/reminders_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance Reminders"></a>


<div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg features_gray"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_top"><div class="yui3-u-1 top-area-bg_bottom">

<h2 id="mobile">Mobile</h2>

<div class="img_left">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/mobile-md.png"><img src="/images/products/mobile-md_thumb.png" alt="Moneydance iOS App"></a>

<div class="features_right moneydance">
				<p>When you're on the go, you can use the Moneydance mobile app to enter or edit transactions and view balances. Changes are synced instantly and securely with your desktop. Available for <a href="">free in the app store</a> for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.  Now also available for your Android device <a href="">free on the Play Store</a>!</p>


<div class="features_white">

<h2 id="investments">Investments</h2>

<div class="features_left moneydance">
<p>Follow your investments and bring your portfolio into focus with support for stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, and more. View the total value of your investment accounts or the performance of individual stocks and mutual funds over time. Stock splits and cost basis computations are a snap, and current prices can be downloaded automatically.</p>

<div class="img_right moneydance">
<a class="zoom_elements" href="/images/products/investments.png"><img src="/images/products/investments_thumb.png" alt="moneydance application"></a>

<div id="md_bottom_buttons">

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						</script><li class="download macstore"><a onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'downloads', 'downloaded', '15Mac-mdpage');" href="/stabledl/current/Moneydance.dmg" title="Download Moneydance for Mac"></a></li><li class="download other"><a href="/downloads" title="Moneydance Moneydance for all Platforms"></a></li>
        		  <li class="download macstore"><a onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'downloads', 'downloaded', '15Mac-mdpage');" href="/stabledl/current/Moneydance.dmg" title="Mac">Download for Mac</a></li>
				  <li class="download other"><a href="/downloads" title="Windows">Download for other Platforms</a></li>
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 			   	<a class="purchase-button" style="text-indent: 0px;" href="">BUY NOW<!--  <span class="paddle-gross" data-product="737440">$49.99</span> --></a>


<div style="width: 80%; margin: auto; text-align: center;">
<p>We offer a <a href="/downloads">free trial</a> of Moneydance, which is fully functional but limited to entering up to 100 manually entered transactions.  We also have a <a href="/refunds">90 day money back guarantee</a> if you're not happy with Moneydance for any reason.</p>



<!-- The Below code includes the review section of the product page, to edit the reviews. please use includes/product_reviews.php  -->

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		to add more reviews, either copy the review div and paste it in below the previous 
		review or create a new slide set. the review set and the individual reviews have been marked "copy" for easy 
		reference. once you have made a copy of the desired review or set, then you can edit the text to your needs.
		The star system has been created so that you can define how many stars each review has left. this ranges from 1 - 5, to edit
		the start rating, simply replace the class "star4" with your desired stars. and you can use star1, star2, star3, star4 and star5.
		The last review in a set of 3 has a class of last, this is to remove the seperator from the right side of it, for every set of 3 
		reviews the last review should have this class.  if you only have 2 reviews on one of the slide sets, then you can also add the 
		class of last to the final slide to remove the seperator also. Sets of 3 reviews should to be used when reviews are available.-->
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<!-- Copy Set --><div id="reviews_set_1" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: block; z-index: 4; opacity: 1;">
<!-- Copy Review--><div class="user_review">
					<h3>"Viable alternative to Quicken"</h3>
					<p class="stars star4">4 Stars</p>
					<p>"Moneydance, well-designed, regularly updated, 
					and well supported, and which seems to have a very satisfied user base—superlatives 
					not often used in conjunction with Quicken, the major player in the Macintosh personal finance market.
					<br>— <a href="">Macworld review</a>
				</div><!-- end of review -->

				<div class="user_review">
					<h3>"A much more solid contender"</h3>
					<p>" a much more solid contender. This program manages to replicate much of Quicken's 
					functionality -- but in some cases a bit more elegantly...On a Windows PC with a moderately new processor 
					it was strikingly fast."
					<br>— <a href="">Washington Post</a> - 
					<i>Challenging the Finance Software Giants</i>

				<div class="user_review last">
					<h3>"Personal finance management made easier"</h3>
					<p>"Moneydance remains privacy- and security-focused, with an architecture based on local storage and a business model that keeps user data away from marketers."
					<br>— <a href=""></a>

				<div class="user_review last">
					<h3>"Boasts a robust set of features"</h3>
					<p>"Moneydance includes features of big-name personal finance programs but with a greater focus on privacy.  ...with its multicurrency mechanism, Moneydance is particularly useful for customers dealing with multiple foreign accounts or cryptocurrency."
					<br>&mdash; <a href=""></a>
<!-- End of set -->
			<div id="reviews_set_2" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none; z-index: 2;">
				<div class="user_review">
					<h3>"The one I'll be sticking with"</h3>
					<p>"The online banking type of person will <i>love</i> Moneydance. It was the first one I reviewed, and 
					it's the one I'll be sticking with... The functionality and usefulness of it is just awesome." 
					<br>— <a href="">The Apple Blog</a>

				<div class="user_review">
					<h3>"Has a lot going for it"</h3>
					<p>"Moneydance...has a lot going for it: Online banking and bill paying are as automatic 
					as they can be, investment information can be imported easily, budgets can be made and tracked, 
					checks can be written and printed, and the list goes on. To top it off, Moneydance has numerous 
					extensions that bring even more functionality to bare, including stock price updaters, debt payoff 
					calculators, and more."
					<br>— <!--<a href="">-->Top Ten Reviews<!--</a>-->

				<div class="user_review last">
					<h3>"Great, solid program"</h3>
					<p>"I've been using Moneydance since release 2, maybe earlier. In any case, for the years that 
					I've been using it, I've never lost data, I've never found ads in the program, runs faster and 
					more reliably than Quicken, easy to understand, support has always been there and is even better 
					now, with feature requests attended to almost on a same day basis. ...Great, solid program, 
					performs as advertised, constantly improving."
					<br>— Bob Crochelt, Alaska USA 
			<div id="reviews_set_3" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none; z-index: 1;">
				<div class="user_review">
					<h3>"Really makes my life easier"</h3>
					<p>"I have used Moneydance for over two years and I can't imagine handling our finances without it. 
					The ability to look at our complete financial status in one window is awesome. Having reminders so 
					that one never pays bills late is worth its price in gold...This app really makes my life easier 
					by saving me time and stress, and when it comes to money, that's a very good thing. I highly recommend Moneydance."
					<br>— Abdon G. 
				<div class="user_review">
					<h3>"Infinitely better"</h3>
					<p>"This is a really great product. Its been completely stable and absolutely intuitive... Its by far the best Mac finance package I've seen and infinitely better than all of the recent product 
					I've seen from Intuit and Microsoft on the PC side. Thanks so much for making it such a great program; you saved 
					me in my migration from the PC to Mac!"
					<br>— Mark Slater

				<div class="user_review last">
					<h3>"Graceful, simple interface"</h3>
					<p>"Thank you for making a clean looking, simple interface to manage my finances and balance my checking account. 
					Quicken has grown so bloated - Moneydance is the graceful, simple interface I fell in love with when Quicken first 
					came out for DOS...Awesome work!"
					<br>— Daniel Juarez

				<div class="user_review last">
					<h3>"Very much the best"</h3>
					<p>"I used Quicken since Day 1 and dropped it for Money when producing an annual "update" obviously became more 
					important than debugging. Leaving WXP for OSX, I looked at several replacements for Money and your's is very much the best."
					<br>&mdash; Ed Campbell, Santa Fe, NM USA

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