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          <p></p><p>A security ecosystem designed from first-principles on a Zero Trust philosophy.</p>
<p>This <em>True Proactive</em> approach proves to be immune against advanced attacks (such as the Solar Winds breach and Pegasus etc.) by killing attacks BEFORE they were able to execute and BEFORE they were detected by the world’s best current SASE solutions.</p>
<h5 id="key-features">Key Features:</h5>
<ul class="browser-default">
  <li>ZTc Practically Implementable.</li>
  <li>True Proactive System: Effective protection against unknown threats without the need for detection.</li>
  <li>Attack surface reduction to near Zero. (&gt;7000:1)</li>
  <li>Kills C2 attack channels.</li>
  <li>Eliminate Data Exfiltration vectors.</li>
  <li>Mitigate the Human Factor. Phishing &amp; Smishing vectors destroyed.</li>
  <li>Shadow IT cleanup simplified. Default Deny All posture of ZTc.</li>
  <li>IoT and Control Tech Friendly. No endpoint agent needed.</li>
  <li>Circumvention protection.</li>
  <li>Encryption Friendly. Privacy &amp; Security maintained.</li>
  <li>Distributed Custodial Protection. No centralized proxy.</li>
  <li>Decentralized Performance. Centralized Control.</li>
<p>Yes. Zero Trust is possible on Layer2. And the consequence of this true-proactive technology is a breath of fresh air amidst the fog of legacy reactive systems that only gets you halfway there.</p>
<p>adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> is a ZeroTrust connectivity (ZTc) solution made practical by use of AI and stacking additional technologies such as DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> egress control and DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span> threat intelligence aggregation.</p>
<p>At the core is a highly optimized DNS caching resolver. It operates in a hybrid Muscle-Brain configuration. While the Muscle is distributed on-premise or in your cloud edge networks, the Brain is centralized. This allows the performance and resilience of decentralized operation, while maintaining the benefit of centralized control. Additionally, custodial protection remains distributed to each node to eliminate the single-point-of-failure risks associated with cloud-only based solutions.</p>
<p>By operating out-of-band, protection is achieved without the need of any endpoint software installed on these assets. This allows for the protection of the myriad of IoT devices and all vulnerable control technologies used in critical infrastructure.</p>
<p>Full Layer2 visibility is achieved and facilitates automated device inventory. Default deny-all treatment for each asset is standard, making a true ZT posture an automatic benefit.</p>
<p>Individual policies with flexible rules can be applied per asset or group on a permanent or scheduled basis, as needed.</p>
<p>Seamless integration with 802.1X facilitates user based authentication and automated policy assignment. Additionally hardware based authentication for devices not compatible with human friendly authentication are used as default, extending your Zero Trust posture even to legacy devices in real-life environments.</p>
<p>Shadow IT is easily eliminated in the ZTc environment of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>. Since all connections are denied by default, only assets and services approved by the security admin will continue to operate.</p>
<p>Multiple adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> elements are stacked in the adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> ecosystem to allow immense flexibility to the security admin.</p>
<p>Solving the design failures of legacy DNS based firewalls by implementing Don’t talk to strangers (DTTS)<span class="superscript">®</span>, all leaks by direct IP connections are prevented. This allows for effective ZTc protection by DNS without the need to use any centralized proxies and without the need to break encryption. This is a huge win for security and privacy.</p>
<p>DTTS<span class="superscript">®</span> also provides dynamic egress control that prevents circumvention, breaks C2 connections, and eliminates Data Exfiltration channels.</p>
<p>The default deny-all connection posture of ZTc is made practical by automated dynamic allow-listing powered by AI. ZTc Adaptive AI and ZTc Reflex AI provide two flavors to find the perfect balance between UX convenience vs. the hardness of your security posture. It is now practical to reduce your attack surface to Near Zero (7000:1) while maintaining a productive work environment for all your assets.</p>
<p>With ZTc policies of adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span>, only connections requested by the verified user and verified to be safe are dynamically allowed - all others are denied by default. This practically resolves Human Factor risks by eliminating all phishing vectors. (Including spear phishing and smishing on mobile devices)</p>
<p>With DNSharmony<span class="superscript">®</span>, security admins can choose to aggregate the Threat Intelligence Sources of their choice at the Muscle. The aggregated result provides both enhanced security, and resilience for mission critical operations in case of an outage with their primary DNS resolver.</p>
<p>Edge Application is flexible: The adam:ONE<span class="superscript">®</span> Muscle can be baked natively into the OS of a device; be deployed at the network edge; live as a node in the cloud; forced onto mobile assets via secured tunnel; or applied at carrier level via dedicated APN. It could also be inserted mid-stream as a bridge device to augment current security frameworks without the need to displace existing infrastructure.</p>

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