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                    Spark your video creativity journey with AI for
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                    feature guidance, clip editing,
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                              Generate images or illustrations
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                              from text in an instant.
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                            <h4 class="mb-0" style="text-transform: capitalize;letter-spacing: -0.36px;line-height: 166%;">AI Sound Effect</h4>
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                              Transform your text into
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                              dynamic sound effects.
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                            <h4 class="mb-0" style="text-transform: capitalize;letter-spacing: -0.36px;line-height: 166%;">Voice Remover</h4>
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                              Remove vocals from
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                              audios in one click and
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                              maintain high-quality
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                          Revolutionize content creation across video,
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                          audio, image, and text, from concept to production.
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                            <h4 class="mb-0" style="text-transform: capitalize;letter-spacing: -0.36px;line-height: 166%;">AI Music Generator</h4>
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                              Generate music by setting a
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                              preferred style and tempo.
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                        Seamlessly convert High-definition
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                        videos with lightning-speed.
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                        Repair videos, photos, or files and
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                        enhance old photos with AI technology.
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                        One-stop PDF solution powered by AI for easy
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                        editing, converting, signing PDFs and more.
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                        Convert text to spokesperson videos
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                        in multiple languages and voices.
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                        Visualize ideas with smart and
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                        stunning diagramming solutions.
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                      <p class="font-size-normal font-weight-bold text-white pt-3 mb-0">Mind map ideas with ease.</p>
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                        Prototyping, flowchart
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                        and mind map all at once.
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                       Solve all your phone management problems
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                        with Dr.Fone one-stop solution.
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                        corrupted videos, photos, and more.
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                        A smart video recorder and editor for
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                        creating professional videos.
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                        Seamlessly convert High-definition
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                        videos with lightning-speed.
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                        Repair videos, photos, or files and
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                        enhance old photos with AI technology.
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                        One-stop PDF solution powered by AI for easy
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                        <h4 class="mb-2">Microsoft Xbox Research team uses Wondershare Filmora for a large group user study</h4>
                        <div class="mb-0 font-size-small"> Over the years I’ve tried lots of video editing products, and it was usually the two extremes – super simple slideshow type software, or Premiere or similar. Once I found Filmora, I was hooked because it was a nice balance of the two. </div>
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                        <h4 class="mb-2">Puma Turkey uses Wondershare EdrawMind to digitize internal processes</h4>
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                        <h4 class="mb-2">Bose Automotive reduces costs by 70% with Wondershare PDFelement</h4>
                        <div class="mb-0 font-size-small"> By switching to Wondershare PDFelement, we have significantly reduced the total cost of ownership and time spent on license management by standardizing on one single PDF solution across our automotive division. </div>
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                        <h4 class="mb-2">LGMS accelerates growth with Wondershare PDFelement</h4>
                        <div class="mb-0 font-size-small"> Before it was too challenging to manage end-user licensing and enable PDF capabilities to all the end-users due to the costs. And PDFelement offered the best features, ease of use, scalability, and a flexible licensing model for LGMS. </div>
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