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<h3>Blessed Dizanas Quiver, Blood, Blue &amp; Eclipse Moon Armours</h3>
<span class="date-line"> August 26, 2024 22:30:40 <small>|</small> by <a href="" target="_blank">Gretar</a></span>
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<p>We have now added the brand new Blessed Dizanas Quiver!</p>
<p>New Blood Moon Armour, Blue Moon Armour &amp; Eclipse Moon Armour</p>
<p>New Tonalztics of Ralos, Echo Boots, Searing Page &amp; Sunfire Rune!</p>
<p>New Blazing Bulwark, Blazing Blowpipe, Armageddon Weapons &amp; more!</p>
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<h3>Roat Pkz Summer Event</h3>
<span class="date-line"> June 1, 2024 15:00:00 <small>|</small> by <a href="" target="_blank">Gretar</a></span>
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<p>It has finally arrived! We introduce our seasonal Summer Event!</p>
<p>A brand new 2024 Mystic Cards, which are this Summer Event Exclusive!</p>
<p>Swim around in-game with the new Snorkel, which is also a 2024 Exclusive!</p>
<p>New Wyrm of Darkness that spawns in the wilderness every 3 hours!</p>
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<h3>Roat Pkz Easter Event</h3>
<span class="date-line"> March 19, 2024 19:13:42 <small>|</small> by <a href="" target="_blank">Gretar</a></span>
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<p>We introduce our seasonal Easter Event! A huge update!</p>
<p>A brand new one time 2024 Easter Tumeken released from Gold Casket!</p>
<p>Multiple new color of Ankou, such as Lime, Magma, Purple and Pink!</p>
<p>New Super Angry Easter Bird that spawns in the wilderness every 3 hours!</p>
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<li><h3><a href="">OPENING 60M WORTH OF BOXES AND BJ LOO...</a></h3><span class="date-line">September 19, 2024 16:42:29 <small>|</small> by <a href="">Simonrs</a></span></li><li><h3><a href="">Suggestions &amp; Ideas</a></h3><span class="date-line">September 18, 2024 13:44:23 <small>|</small> by <a href="">Ilgaz</a></span></li><li><h3><a href="">#SNF | PK CLAN [PERKS/GIVEAWAYS ACTIVE]</a></h3><span class="date-line">September 17, 2024 12:14:08 <small>|</small> by <a href="">74m</a></span></li><li><h3><a href="">WILDERNESS PLAYERKILLING {500K ::GA}</a></h3><span class="date-line">September 15, 2024 20:07:58 <small>|</small> by <a href="">edgecutter7</a></span></li><li><h3><a href="">Handling Business On Roat-Pkz</a></h3><span class="date-line">September 14, 2024 18:25:28 <small>|</small> by <a href="">Wolf</a></span></li>
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