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<p>Hello little butterfly! This is my little corner in the web to plant my own secret garden. <a href="/public/art.php">I draw</a>. <a href="public/blog.php">I write</a>. <a href="/library">I read</a>. <a href="/public/pages/tech">I code</a>. 
Youโ€™ll find me scattered across the net as <strong><a href="">@imMarisabel</a></strong> or perhaps, you'd like to follow along more closely with my <strong><a href="">RSS feed</a></strong>  where every post, update, and even the simplest bookmark is an invitation to wander through my world. Feel free to leave a note in my guestbookโ€”because every garden flourishes with a bit of company.</p>
<p><strong><em>"Might I,"</em></strong> quavered Mary, <strong><em>"might I have a bit of earth?"</em></strong> 
In her eagerness she did not realize how queer the words would sound and that they were not the ones she had meant to say. Mr. Craven looked quite startled. 
<strong><em>"Earth!"</em></strong> he repeated. <strong><em>"What do you mean?"</em></strong> 
<strong><em>"To plant seeds in, to make things grow, to see them come alive,"</em></strong> Mary faltered.</p>
<p style="text-align:right; font-size:smaller;">The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett [CH.12]</p>
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    Page added: 01 Apr, 2024</p><p style="color: var(--muted) !important;text-align: right;">
    Last modified: 41 days ago</p>



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